Postman documentation generator
Postman documentation generator is a tool for generating models from the structures in source files and adding them to postman collection schema.
Download and install
go get
For example, if we have a struct type called User
type User struct {
// Unique identifier of the user
ID string `json:"id"`
// Email of the user
Email string `json:"email"`
HashPassword string `json:"-"`
// Status of the user account
IsActive bool `json:"is_active"`
// Time of user creation
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
run the command below in the same directory
postman-doc-generator -struct=User
it will create the model using Markdown syntax
### User
Parameter | Type | Description
--------- | ---- | -----------
id | string | Unique identifier of the user
email | string | Email of the user
is_active | bool | Status of the user account
created_at | Time | Time of user creation
and put it into the file postman_collection.json.
Typically this process would be run using go generate, like this:
//go:generate postman-doc-generator -struct=User
With no arguments, it processes the package in the current directory. Otherwise, the flag -source accepts the name of directory with Go source files that belong to a single Go package.
The -struct flag accepts a comma-separated list of structs for generating multiple structs at once.
The -output flag accepts a path to the postman schema file. By default, it is postman_collection.json.
Copyright (c) MadAppGang. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.