
v2.2.23 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 15, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 23 Imported by: 0




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const (
	TFAStatusMandatory = "mandatory" // TFAStatusMandatory for mandatory TFA for all users.
	TFAStatusOptional  = "optional"  // TFAStatusOptional for TFA that can be enabled/disabled for particular user.
	TFAStatusDisabled  = "disabled"  // TFAStatusDisabled is when the app does not support TFA.
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const (
	TokenPayloadServiceNone   = "none"   // TokenPayloadServiceNone no service is used
	TokenPayloadServicePlugin = "plugin" // TokenPayloadServicePlugin user local identifo plugin with specific name to retreive token payload
	TokenPayloadServiceHttp   = "http"   // TokenPayloadServiceHttp use external service to get token paylad
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const (
	// ErrorInternal represents internal server error, used to mask real internal problem.
	ErrorInternal = Error("internal error")
	// ErrorNotFound is a general not found error.
	ErrorNotFound = Error("not found")
	// ErrorWrongDataFormat is for corrupted request data.
	ErrorWrongDataFormat = Error("wrong data format")
	// ErrorUserExists is for unwanted user entry presense.
	ErrorUserExists = Error("User already exists")
	// ErrorNotImplemented is for features that are not implemented yet.
	ErrorNotImplemented = Error("Not implemented")

	// ErrorPasswordShouldHave6Letters is for failed password strength check.
	ErrorPasswordShouldHave6Letters = Error("Password should have at least six letters")
	// ErrorPasswordNoUppercase is for failed password strength check.
	ErrorPasswordNoUppercase = Error("Password should have at least one uppercase symbol")
	// ErrorPasswordWrongSymbols is for failed password strength check.
	ErrorPasswordWrongSymbols = Error("Password contains wrong symbols")
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const (
	// SessionStorageMem means to store sessions in memory.
	SessionStorageMem = "memory"
	// SessionStorageRedis means to store sessions in Redis.
	SessionStorageRedis = "redis"
	// SessionStorageDynamoDB means to store sessions in DynamoDB.
	SessionStorageDynamoDB = "dynamo"
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const (
	// KeyStorageTypeLocal is for storing keys locally.
	KeyStorageTypeLocal = "local"
	// KeyStorageTypeS3 is for storing keys in the S3 bucket.
	KeyStorageTypeS3 = "s3"
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const (
	// EmailServiceMailgun is a Mailgun service.
	EmailServiceMailgun = "mailgun"
	// EmailServiceAWS is an AWS SES service.
	EmailServiceAWS = "ses"
	// EmailServiceMock is an email service mock.
	EmailServiceMock = "mock"
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const (
	TokenTypeInvite     = "invite"      // TokenTypeInvite is an invite token type value.
	TokenTypeReset      = "reset"       // TokenTypeReset is an reset token type value.
	TokenTypeWebCookie  = "web-cookie"  // TokenTypeWebCookie is a web-cookie token type value.
	TokenTypeAccess     = "access"      // TokenTypeAccess is an access token type.
	TokenTypeRefresh    = "refresh"     // TokenTypeRefresh is a refresh token type.
	TokenTypeTFAPreauth = "2fa-preauth" // TokenTypeTFAPreauth is an 2fa preauth token type.
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const AppleFilesDefaultPath string = "./apple"
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const (
	// OfflineScope is a scope value to request refresh token.
	OfflineScope = "offline"
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const PrivateKeyName = "private.pem"

Key names.

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const (

	// RouteMobileRegionUAE is a regional UAE RouteMobileR platform.
	RouteMobileRegionUAE = "uae"


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var (
	// ErrWrongSignatureAlgorithm is for unsupported signature algorithm.
	ErrWrongSignatureAlgorithm = errors.New("Unsupported signature algorithm")
	// ErrEmptyToken is when token is empty.
	ErrEmptyToken = errors.New("Token is empty")
	// ErrTokenInvalid is when token is invalid.
	ErrTokenInvalid = errors.New("Token is invalid")
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var (
	// EmailRegexp is a regexp which all valid emails must match.
	EmailRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$`)
	// PhoneRegexp is a regexp which all valid phone numbers must match.
	PhoneRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\+][0-9]{9,15}$`)
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var AppleFilenames = AppleFiles{
	DeveloperDomainAssociation: "apple-developer-domain-association.txt",
	AppSiteAssociation:         "apple-app-site-association",

AppleFilenames are names of the files related to Apple services.

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var DefaultCors = cors.Options{AllowedHeaders: []string{"*", "x-identifo-clientid"}, AllowedMethods: []string{"HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"}, AllowCredentials: true}
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var DefaultServerSettings = ServerSettings{
	LoginWebApp:    FileStorageSettings{Type: FileStorageTypeNone},
	EmailTemplates: FileStorageSettings{Type: FileStorageTypeNone},

Default Server Settings settings

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var ErrSessionNotFound = errors.New("Session not found. ")

ErrSessionNotFound is when session not found.

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var ErrUserNotFound = errors.New("User not found. ")

ErrUserNotFound is when user not found.

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var FederatedProviders = map[string]FederatedProvider{
	"facebook": {Name: "Facebook", New: func(params map[string]string, redirectURL string, scopes ...string) (*facebook.Provider, error) {
		return facebook.New(params["ClientId"], params["Secret"], redirectURL, scopes...), nil
	}, Params: []string{"ClientId", "Secret"}},
	"google": {Name: "Google", New: func(params map[string]string, redirectURL string, scopes ...string) (*google.Provider, error) {
		return google.New(params["ClientId"], params["Secret"], redirectURL, scopes...), nil
	}, Params: []string{"ClientId", "Secret"}},
	"apple": {Name: "Apple", New: func(params map[string]string, redirectURL string, scopes ...string) (*apple.Provider, error) {
		jwt.TimeFunc = func() time.Time {
			return time.Now().Add(time.Second * 10)

		secret, err := apple.MakeSecret(apple.SecretParams{
			PKCS8PrivateKey: params["PKCS8PrivateKey"],
			TeamId:          params["TeamId"],
			KeyId:           params["KeyId"],
			ClientId:        params["ClientId"],
			Iat:             int(time.Now().Unix()),

			Exp: int(time.Now().Unix()) + 10*60,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return apple.New(params["ClientId"], *secret, redirectURL, nil, scopes...), nil
	}, Params: []string{"ClientId", "PKCS8PrivateKey,textarea", "TeamId", "KeyId"}},

StrToTokenSignAlg maps string token service algorithm names to values.


func AllEmailTemplatesFileNames

func AllEmailTemplatesFileNames() []string

func MergeScopes

func MergeScopes(allowed, def, requested []string) []string

we have three sets of scopes allowed - the list of scopes allowed for app def - default list of scopes for the new user requested - requested list of scopes for new user

func NewTokenWithClaims

func NewTokenWithClaims(method jwt.SigningMethod, kid string, claims jwt.Claims) *jwt.Token

NewTokenWithClaims generates new JWT token with claims and keyID.

func PasswordHash

func PasswordHash(pwd string) string

PasswordHash creates hash with salt for password.

func RandomPassword

func RandomPassword(length int) string

RandomPassword creates random password

func ReqestedScopesApply

func ReqestedScopesApply(user, requested []string) []string

merge two sets of scopes for requested scope we have three sets of scopes user - the list of scopes user has requested - requested list of scopes for key

func SliceContains

func SliceContains(s []string, e string) bool

func SliceIntersect

func SliceIntersect(a, b []string) []string

simple intersection of two slices, with complexity: O(n^2) there is better algorithms around, this one is simple and scopes are usually 1-3 items in it

func StrongPswd

func StrongPswd(pswd string) error

StrongPswd validates password


type AdminAccountSettings

type AdminAccountSettings struct {
	LoginEnvName    string `yaml:"loginEnvName" json:"login_env_name"`
	PasswordEnvName string `yaml:"passwordEnvName" json:"password_env_name"`

AdminAccountSettings are names of environment variables that store admin credentials.

type AdminPanelSettings

type AdminPanelSettings struct {
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled" yaml:"enabled"`

func (*AdminPanelSettings) Validate

func (kss *AdminPanelSettings) Validate() error

type AppData

type AppData struct {
	ID           string    `bson:"_id" json:"id"` // TODO: use string?
	Secret       string    `bson:"secret" json:"secret"`
	Active       bool      `bson:"active" json:"active"`
	Name         string    `bson:"name" json:"name"`
	Description  string    `bson:"description" json:"description"`
	Scopes       []string  `bson:"scopes" json:"scopes"`   // Scopes is the list of all allowed scopes. If it's empty, no limitations (opaque scope).
	Offline      bool      `bson:"offline" json:"offline"` // Offline is a boolean value that indicates whether on not the app supports refresh tokens. Do not use refresh tokens with apps that does not have secure storage.
	Type         AppType   `bson:"type" json:"type"`
	RedirectURLs []string  `bson:"redirect_urls" json:"redirect_urls"` // RedirectURLs is the list of allowed urls where user will be redirected after successfull login. Useful not only for web apps, mobile and desktop apps could use custom scheme for that.
	TFAStatus    TFAStatus `bson:"tfa_status" json:"tfa_status"`
	DebugTFACode string    `bson:"debug_tfa_code" json:"debug_tfa_code"`

	// Authorization
	AuthzWay       AuthorizationWay `bson:"authorization_way" json:"authorization_way"`
	AuthzModel     string           `bson:"authorization_model" json:"authorization_model"`
	AuthzPolicy    string           `bson:"authorization_policy" json:"authorization_policy"`
	RolesWhitelist []string         `bson:"roles_whitelist" json:"roles_whitelist"`
	RolesBlacklist []string         `bson:"roles_blacklist" json:"roles_blacklist"`

	// Token settings
	TokenLifespan                     int64                                `bson:"token_lifespan" json:"token_lifespan"`                 // TokenLifespan is a token lifespan in seconds, if 0 - default one is used.
	InviteTokenLifespan               int64                                `bson:"invite_token_lifespan" json:"invite_token_lifespan"`   // InviteTokenLifespan a inviteToken lifespan in seconds, if 0 - default one is used.
	RefreshTokenLifespan              int64                                `bson:"refresh_token_lifespan" json:"refresh_token_lifespan"` // RefreshTokenLifespan is a refreshToken lifespan in seconds, if 0 - default one is used.
	TokenPayload                      []string                             `bson:"token_payload" json:"token_payload"`                   // Payload is a list of fields that are included in token. If it's empty, there are no fields in payload.
	TokenPayloadService               TokenPayloadServiceType              `json:"token_payload_service" bson:"token_payload_service"`
	TokenPayloadServicePluginSettings TokenPayloadServicePluginSettings    `json:"token_payload_service_plugin_settings" bson:"token_payload_service_plugin_settings"`
	TokenPayloadServiceHttpSettings   TokenPayloadServiceHttpSettings      `json:"token_payload_service_http_settings" bson:"token_payload_service_http_settings"`
	FederatedProviders                map[string]FederatedProviderSettings `json:"federated_login_settings" bson:"federated_login_settings"`

	// registration settings
	RegistrationForbidden        bool     `bson:"registration_forbidden" json:"registration_forbidden"`
	AnonymousRegistrationAllowed bool     `bson:"anonymous_registration_allowed" json:"anonymous_registration_allowed"`
	NewUserDefaultRole           string   `bson:"new_user_default_role" json:"new_user_default_role"`
	NewUserDefaultScopes         []string `bson:"new_user_default_scopes" json:"new_user_default_scopes"`

AppData represents Application data information.

func AppDataFromJSON

func AppDataFromJSON(d []byte) (AppData, error)

AppDataFromJSON unmarshal AppData from JSON string

func (AppData) Sanitized

func (a AppData) Sanitized() AppData

type AppStorage

type AppStorage interface {
	AppByID(id string) (AppData, error)
	ActiveAppByID(appID string) (AppData, error)
	CreateApp(app AppData) (AppData, error)
	DisableApp(app AppData) error
	UpdateApp(appID string, newApp AppData) (AppData, error)
	FetchApps(filterString string, skip, limit int) ([]AppData, int, error)
	DeleteApp(id string) error
	ImportJSON(data []byte) error
	TestDatabaseConnection() error

AppStorage is an abstract representation of applications data storage.

type AppType

type AppType string

AppType is a type of application.

const (
	Web     AppType = "web"     // Web is a web app.
	Android AppType = "android" // Android is an Android app.
	IOS     AppType = "ios"     // IOS is an iOS app.
	Desktop AppType = "desktop" // Desktop is a desktop app.

type AppleFiles

type AppleFiles struct {
	DeveloperDomainAssociation string `yaml:"developerDomainAssociation" json:"developer_domain_association"`
	AppSiteAssociation         string `yaml:"appSiteAssociation" json:"app_site_association"`

AppleFiles holds together static files needed for supporting Apple services.

type AuthorizationWay

type AuthorizationWay string

AuthorizationWay is a way of authorization supported by the application.

const (
	NoAuthz        AuthorizationWay = "no authorization" // NoAuthz is when the app does not require any authorization.
	Internal       AuthorizationWay = "internal"         // Internal is for embedded authorization rules.
	RolesWhitelist AuthorizationWay = "whitelist"        // RolesWhitelist is the list of roles allowed to register and login into the application.
	RolesBlacklist AuthorizationWay = "blacklist"        // RolesBlacklist is the list of roles forbidden to register and login into the application.
	External       AuthorizationWay = "external"         // External is for external authorization service.

type BoltDBDatabaseSettings

type BoltDBDatabaseSettings struct {
	Path string `yaml:"path" json:"path"`

type Claims

type Claims struct {
	Payload map[string]interface{} `json:"payload,omitempty"`
	Scopes  string                 `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	Type    string                 `json:"type,omitempty"`
	KeyID   string                 `json:"kid,omitempty"` // optional keyID

Claims is an extended claims structure.

type ConfigStorageSettings

type ConfigStorageSettings struct {
	Type      ConfigStorageType         `json:"type"`
	RawString string                    `json:"raw_string"`
	S3        *S3StorageSettings        `json:"s3"`
	File      *LocalFileStorageSettings `json:"file"`
	Etcd      *EtcdStorageSettings      `json:"etcd"`

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromString

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromString(config string) (ConfigStorageSettings, error)

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromStringFile

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromStringFile(config string) (ConfigStorageSettings, error)

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromStringS3

func ConfigStorageSettingsFromStringS3(config string) (ConfigStorageSettings, error)

func (*ConfigStorageSettings) Validate

func (css *ConfigStorageSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates configuration storage settings.

type ConfigStorageType

type ConfigStorageType string

ConfigStorageType describes type of configuration storage.

const (
	// ConfigStorageTypeEtcd is an etcd storage.
	// TODO: etcd not supported now
	// ConfigStorageTypeEtcd ConfigStorageType = "etcd"
	// ConfigurationStorageTypeS3 is an AWS S3 storage.
	ConfigStorageTypeS3 ConfigStorageType = "s3"
	// ConfigurationStorageTypeFile is a config file.
	ConfigStorageTypeFile ConfigStorageType = "file"

type ConfigurationStorage

type ConfigurationStorage interface {
	WriteConfig(ServerSettings) error
	LoadServerSettings(forceReload bool) (ServerSettings, error)
	GetUpdateChan() chan interface{}

	// ForceReloadOnWriteConfig function returns the bool
	// if true - after WriteConfig we need to force reload server to apply the changes
	// if false - we don't need force reload server, because the watcher will reload the server instantly
	// for example S3 storage uses 1  mins polling, and to apply  new changes instantly we need to force restart the server
	// for file storage we don't need to force reload it. The file watcher will notify about file change instantly
	ForceReloadOnWriteConfig() bool

ConfigurationStorage stores server configuration.

type ConfigurationWatcher

type ConfigurationWatcher interface {
	IsWatching() bool
	WatchChan() <-chan bool
	ErrorChan() <-chan error

ConfigurationWatcher is a server configuration watcher.

type ConnectionTester

type ConnectionTester interface {
	Connect() error

type ContextKey

type ContextKey int

ContextKey enumerates all context keys

const (
	//AppDataContextKey context key to keep requested app data
	AppDataContextKey ContextKey = iota + 1
	//TokenContextKey bearer token context key
	//TokenRawContextKey bearer token context key in raw format

type DatabaseSettings

type DatabaseSettings struct {
	Type   DatabaseType           `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	BoltDB BoltDBDatabaseSettings `yaml:"boltdb" json:"boltdb"`
	Mongo  MongodDatabaseSettings `yaml:"mongo" json:"mongo"`
	Dynamo DynamoDatabaseSettings `yaml:"dynamo" json:"dynamo"`
	Plugin PluginSettings         `yaml:"plugin" json:"plugin"`
	GRPC   GRPCSettings           `yaml:"grpc" json:"grpc"`

DatabaseSettings holds together all settings applicable to a particular database.

func (*DatabaseSettings) Validate

func (dbs *DatabaseSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates database settings.

type DatabaseType

type DatabaseType string

DatabaseType is a type of database.

const (
	DBTypeBoltDB   DatabaseType = "boltdb" // DBTypeBoltDB is for BoltDB.
	DBTypeMongoDB  DatabaseType = "mongo"  // DBTypeMongoDB is for MongoDB.
	DBTypeDynamoDB DatabaseType = "dynamo" // DBTypeDynamoDB is for DynamoDB.
	DBTypeFake     DatabaseType = "fake"   // DBTypeFake is for in-memory storage.
	DBTypePlugin   DatabaseType = "plugin" // DBTypePlugin is used for hashicorp/go-plugin.
	DBTypeGRPC     DatabaseType = "grpc"   // DBTypeGRPC is used for pure grpc.

type DynamoDBSessionStorageSettings

type DynamoDBSessionStorageSettings struct{}

type DynamoDatabaseSettings

type DynamoDatabaseSettings struct {
	Region   string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`
	Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`

type EmailData

type EmailData struct {
	User User
	Data interface{}

type EmailService

type EmailService interface {
	SendTemplateEmail(emailType EmailTemplateType, subject string, recipient string, data EmailData) error

EmailService manages sending emails.

type EmailServiceSettings

type EmailServiceSettings struct {
	Type    EmailServiceType            `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Mailgun MailgunEmailServiceSettings `yaml:"mailgun" json:"mailgun"`
	SES     SESEmailServiceSettings     `yaml:"ses" json:"ses"`

EmailServiceSettings holds together settings for the email service.

func (*EmailServiceSettings) Validate

func (ess *EmailServiceSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates email service settings.

type EmailServiceType

type EmailServiceType string

EmailServiceType - how to send email to clients.

type EmailTemplateType

type EmailTemplateType string
const (
	EmailTemplateTypeInvite        EmailTemplateType = "invite-email"
	EmailTemplateTypeResetPassword EmailTemplateType = "reset-password-email"
	EmailTemplateTypeTFAWithCode   EmailTemplateType = "tfa-code-email"

	DefaultTemplateExtention = "html"

func (EmailTemplateType) FileName

func (t EmailTemplateType) FileName() string

func (EmailTemplateType) String

func (t EmailTemplateType) String() string

type EmailTransport

type EmailTransport interface {
	SendMessage(subject, body, recipient string) error
	SendHTML(subject, html, recipient string) error

type Error

type Error string

Error - domain level error type

func (Error) Error

func (e Error) Error() string

Error - implementation of std.Error protocol

type EtcdStorageSettings

type EtcdStorageSettings struct {
	Endpoints []string `json:"endpoints" yaml:"endpoints"`
	Key       string   `json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	Username  string   `json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	Password  string   `json:"password" yaml:"password"`

type FederatedProvider

type FederatedProvider struct {
	New           interface{} `bson:"-" json:"-"`
	Name          string      `bson:"string,omitempty" json:"string,omitempty"`
	DefaultScopes []string    `bson:"default_scopes,omitempty" json:"default_scopes,omitempty"`
	Params        []string    `bson:"params,omitempty" json:"params,omitempty"`

type FederatedProviderSettings

type FederatedProviderSettings struct {
	Params map[string]string `bson:"params,omitempty" json:"params,omitempty"`
	Scopes []string          `bson:"scopes,omitempty" json:"scopes,omitempty"`

type FederatedSession

type FederatedSession struct {
	ProviderSession string
	CallbackUrl     string
	RedirectUrl     string
	AppId           string
	ProviderName    string
	Scopes          []string

Session stores data during the auth process with Google.

func UnmarshalFederatedSession

func UnmarshalFederatedSession(data string) (*FederatedSession, error)

UnmarshalSession will unmarshal a JSON string into a session.

func (FederatedSession) Marshal

func (s FederatedSession) Marshal() string

Marshal the session into a string

func (FederatedSession) String

func (s FederatedSession) String() string

type FileStorageLocal

type FileStorageLocal struct {
	FolderPath string `yaml:"folder" json:"folder"`

type FileStorageS3

type FileStorageS3 struct {
	Region   string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`
	Bucket   string `yaml:"bucket" json:"bucket"`
	Folder   string `yaml:"folder" json:"folder"`
	Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`

type FileStorageSettings

type FileStorageSettings struct {
	Type  FileStorageType  `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Local FileStorageLocal `yaml:"local,omitempty" json:"local,omitempty"`
	S3    FileStorageS3    `yaml:"s3,omitempty" json:"s3,omitempty"`

func (*FileStorageSettings) Validate

func (sfs *FileStorageSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates login web app settings

type FileStorageType

type FileStorageType string
const (
	FileStorageTypeNone    FileStorageType = "none"
	FileStorageTypeDefault FileStorageType = "default"
	FileStorageTypeLocal   FileStorageType = "local"
	FileStorageTypeS3      FileStorageType = "s3"

type GRPCSettings added in v2.2.14

type GRPCSettings struct {
	Address string `yaml:"address" json:"address"`

type GeneralServerSettings

type GeneralServerSettings struct {
	Host            string   `yaml:"host" json:"host"`
	Port            string   `yaml:"port" json:"port"`
	Issuer          string   `yaml:"issuer" json:"issuer"`
	SupportedScopes []string `yaml:"supported_scopes" json:"supported_scopes"`

GeneralServerSettings are general server settings.

func (*GeneralServerSettings) Validate

func (gss *GeneralServerSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates general services settings.

type Invite

type Invite struct {
	ID        string    `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
	AppID     string    `json:"appId" bson:"appId"`
	Token     string    `json:"token" bson:"token"`
	Archived  bool      `json:"archived" bson:"archived"`
	Email     string    `json:"email" bson:"email"`
	Role      string    `json:"role" bson:"role"`
	CreatedBy string    `json:"createdBy" bson:"createdBy"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt" bson:"createdAt"`
	ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt" bson:"expiresAt"`

Invite is a representation of the invite model. Token field is required for proper working.

func (Invite) Validate

func (i Invite) Validate() error

Validate validates the Invite model.

type InviteStorage

type InviteStorage interface {
	Save(email, inviteToken, role, appID, createdBy string, expiresAt time.Time) error
	GetByEmail(email string) (Invite, error)
	GetByID(id string) (Invite, error)
	GetAll(withArchived bool, skip, limit int) ([]Invite, int, error)
	ArchiveAllByEmail(email string) error
	ArchiveByID(id string) error

InviteStorage is a storage for invites.

type JWTKeys

type JWTKeys struct {
	Public  interface{}
	Private interface{}

JWTKeys are keys used for signing and verifying JSON web tokens.

type JWToken

type JWToken struct {
	JWT *jwt.Token
	New bool

JWToken represents JWT token.

func (*JWToken) Audience

func (t *JWToken) Audience() string

Audience standard token claim

func (*JWToken) ExpiresAt

func (t *JWToken) ExpiresAt() time.Time

ExpiresAt standard token claim

func (*JWToken) ID

func (t *JWToken) ID() string

ID standard token claim

func (*JWToken) IssuedAt

func (t *JWToken) IssuedAt() time.Time

IssuedAt standard token claim

func (*JWToken) Issuer

func (t *JWToken) Issuer() string

Issuer standard token claim

func (*JWToken) NotBefore

func (t *JWToken) NotBefore() time.Time

NotBefore standard token claim

func (*JWToken) Payload

func (t *JWToken) Payload() map[string]interface{}

Payload returns token payload.

func (*JWToken) Scopes

func (t *JWToken) Scopes() string

Scopes standard token claim

func (*JWToken) Subject

func (t *JWToken) Subject() string

Subject standard token claim

func (*JWToken) Type

func (t *JWToken) Type() string

Type returns token type.

func (*JWToken) UserID

func (t *JWToken) UserID() string

UserID returns user ID.

func (*JWToken) Validate

func (t *JWToken) Validate() error

Validate validates token data. Returns nil if all data is valid.

type KeyStorage

type KeyStorage interface {
	ReplaceKey(keyPEM []byte) error
	LoadPrivateKey() (interface{}, error)

KeyStorage stores keys used for signing and verifying JWT tokens.

type KeyStorageFileSettings

type KeyStorageFileSettings struct {
	PrivateKeyPath string `json:"private_key_path" yaml:"private_key_path"`

type KeyStorageSettings

type KeyStorageSettings struct {
	Type KeyStorageType         `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	S3   S3KeyStorageSettings   `yaml:"s3" json:"s3"`
	File KeyStorageFileSettings `yaml:"file" json:"file"`

KeyStorageSettings are settings for the key storage.

func (*KeyStorageSettings) Validate

func (kss *KeyStorageSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates key storage settings.

type KeyStorageType

type KeyStorageType string

KeyStorageType is a type of the key storage.

type LocalFileStorageSettings

type LocalFileStorageSettings struct {
	// just a file name
	FileName string `yaml:"file_name" json:"file_name" bson:"file_name"`

type LoggerSettings

type LoggerSettings struct {
	DumpRequest bool `yaml:"dumpRequest" json:"dumpRequest"`

type LoginSettings

type LoginSettings struct {
	LoginWith            LoginWith `yaml:"loginWith" json:"login_with"`
	TFAType              TFAType   `yaml:"tfaType" json:"tfa_type"`
	TFAResendTimeout     int       `yaml:"tfaResendTimeout" json:"tfa_resend_timeout"`
	AllowRegisterMissing bool      `yaml:"allowRegisterMissing" json:"allow_register_missing"`

LoginSettings are settings of login.

type LoginWith

type LoginWith struct {
	Username  bool `yaml:"username" json:"username"`
	Phone     bool `yaml:"phone" json:"phone"`
	Email     bool `yaml:"email" json:"email"`
	Federated bool `yaml:"federated" json:"federated"`

LoginWith is a type for configuring supported login ways.

type MailgunEmailServiceSettings

type MailgunEmailServiceSettings struct {
	Domain     string `yaml:"domain" json:"domain"`
	PrivateKey string `yaml:"privateKey" json:"private_key"`
	PublicKey  string `yaml:"publicKey" json:"public_key"`
	Sender     string `yaml:"sender" json:"sender"`

type MongodDatabaseSettings

type MongodDatabaseSettings struct {
	ConnectionString string `yaml:"connection" json:"connection"`
	DatabaseName     string `yaml:"database" json:"database"`

type NexmoServiceSettings

type NexmoServiceSettings struct {
	// Nexmo related config.
	APIKey    string `yaml:"apiKey" json:"api_key"`
	APISecret string `yaml:"apiSecret" json:"api_secret"`

type OriginCheckFunc

type OriginCheckFunc func(r *http.Request, origin string) bool

type OriginChecker

type OriginChecker interface {
	AddCheck(f OriginCheckFunc)
	CheckOrigin(r *http.Request, origin string) bool
	Update() error

type PluginSettings added in v2.2.14

type PluginSettings struct {
	Cmd    string            `yaml:"cmd" json:"cmd"`
	Params map[string]string `yaml:"params" json:"params"`

type RedisDatabaseSettings

type RedisDatabaseSettings struct {
	// host:port address.
	Address string `yaml:"address" json:"address"`
	// Optional password. Must match the password specified in the
	// requirepass server configuration option.
	Password string `yaml:"password" json:"password"`
	// Database to be selected after connecting to the server.
	DB int `yaml:"db" json:"db"`
	// Cluster - if true will connect to redis cluster, address can be comma separated list of addresses.
	Cluster bool `yaml:"cluster" json:"cluster"`
	// Prefix for redis keys
	Prefix string `yaml:"prefix" json:"prefix"`

RedisDatabaseSettings redis storage settings

type RouteMobileServiceSettings

type RouteMobileServiceSettings struct {
	// RouteMobile related config.
	Username string `yaml:"username" json:"username"`
	Password string `yaml:"password" json:"password"`
	Source   string `yaml:"source" json:"source"`
	Region   string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`

type Router

type Router interface {
	ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

Router handles all incoming http requests.

type S3KeyStorageSettings

type S3KeyStorageSettings struct {
	Region        string `yaml:"region" json:"region,omitempty" bson:"region"`
	Bucket        string `yaml:"bucket" json:"bucket,omitempty" bson:"bucket"`
	PrivateKeyKey string `yaml:"private_key_key" json:"private_key_key" bson:"private_key_key"`

type S3StorageSettings

type S3StorageSettings struct {
	Region   string `yaml:"region" json:"region" bson:"region"`
	Bucket   string `yaml:"bucket" json:"bucket" bson:"bucket"`
	Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint" bson:"endpoint"`
	Key      string `yaml:"key" json:"key" bson:"key"`

type SESEmailServiceSettings

type SESEmailServiceSettings struct {
	Region string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`
	Sender string `yaml:"sender" json:"sender"`

type SMSService

type SMSService interface {
	SendSMS(recipient, message string) error

SMSService is an SMS sending service.

type SMSServiceSettings

type SMSServiceSettings struct {
	Type        SMSServiceType             `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Twilio      TwilioServiceSettings      `yaml:"twilio" json:"twilio"`
	Nexmo       NexmoServiceSettings       `yaml:"nexmo" json:"nexmo"`
	Routemobile RouteMobileServiceSettings `yaml:"routemobile" json:"routemobile"`

SMSServiceSettings holds together settings for SMS service.

func (*SMSServiceSettings) Validate

func (sss *SMSServiceSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates SMS service settings.

type SMSServiceType

type SMSServiceType string

SMSServiceType - service for sending sms messages.

const (
	SMSServiceTwilio      SMSServiceType = "twilio"      // SMSServiceTwilio is a Twilio SMS service.
	SMSServiceNexmo       SMSServiceType = "nexmo"       // SMSServiceNexmo is a Nexmo SMS service.
	SMSServiceRouteMobile SMSServiceType = "routemobile" // SMSServiceRouteMobile is a RouteMobile SMS service.
	SMSServiceMock        SMSServiceType = "mock"        // SMSServiceMock is an SMS service mock.

type Server

type Server interface {
	Router() Router
	Storages() ServerStorageCollection
	Services() ServerServices
	Settings() ServerSettings

Server holds together all dependencies.

type ServerServices

type ServerServices struct {
	SMS     SMSService
	Email   EmailService
	Token   TokenService
	Session SessionService

type ServerSettings

type ServerSettings struct {
	General        GeneralServerSettings  `yaml:"general" json:"general"`
	AdminAccount   AdminAccountSettings   `yaml:"adminAccount" json:"admin_account"`
	Storage        StorageSettings        `yaml:"storage" json:"storage"`
	SessionStorage SessionStorageSettings `yaml:"sessionStorage" json:"session_storage"`
	Services       ServicesSettings       `yaml:"services" json:"external_services"`
	Login          LoginSettings          `yaml:"login" json:"login"`
	KeyStorage     KeyStorageSettings     `yaml:"keyStorage" json:"key_storage"`
	Config         ConfigStorageSettings  `yaml:"-" json:"config"`
	Logger         LoggerSettings         `yaml:"logger" json:"logger"`
	AdminPanel     AdminPanelSettings     `yaml:"adminPanel" json:"admin_panel"`
	LoginWebApp    FileStorageSettings    `yaml:"loginWebApp" json:"login_web_app"`
	EmailTemplates FileStorageSettings    `yaml:"emailTemplaits" json:"email_templaits"`

ServerSettings are server settings.

func (ServerSettings) GetPort

func (ss ServerSettings) GetPort() string

GetPort returns port on which host listens to incoming connections.

func (*ServerSettings) RewriteDefaults

func (ss *ServerSettings) RewriteDefaults()

Check server settings and apply changes if needed

func (*ServerSettings) Validate

func (ss *ServerSettings) Validate(rewriteDefaults bool) error

Validate makes sure that all crucial fields are set.

type ServerStorageCollection

type ServerStorageCollection struct {
	App          AppStorage
	User         UserStorage
	Token        TokenStorage
	Blocklist    TokenBlacklist
	Invite       InviteStorage
	Verification VerificationCodeStorage
	Config       ConfigurationStorage
	Session      SessionStorage
	Key          KeyStorage
	LoginAppFS   fs.FS
	AdminPanelFS fs.FS

ServerStorageCollection holds the full collections of server storage components

type ServicesSettings

type ServicesSettings struct {
	Email EmailServiceSettings `yaml:"email" json:"email_service"`
	SMS   SMSServiceSettings   `yaml:"sms" json:"sms_service"`

ServicesSettings are settings for external services.

func (*ServicesSettings) Validate

func (ess *ServicesSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates external services settings.

type Session

type Session struct {
	ID             string `json:"id"`
	ExpirationTime int64  `json:"expiration_time"`

Session is a session.

type SessionDuration

type SessionDuration struct {

SessionDuration wraps time.Duration to implement custom yaml and json encoding and decoding.

func (SessionDuration) MarshalJSON

func (sd SessionDuration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller.

func (SessionDuration) MarshalYAML

func (sd SessionDuration) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)

MarshalYAML implements yaml.Marshaller.

func (*SessionDuration) UnmarshalJSON

func (sd *SessionDuration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller.

func (*SessionDuration) UnmarshalYAML

func (sd *SessionDuration) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

UnmarshalYAML implements yaml Unmarshaller.

type SessionManager

type SessionManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SessionManager is a default session service.

func (*SessionManager) NewSession

func (sm *SessionManager) NewSession() (Session, error)

NewSession creates new session and returns it.

func (*SessionManager) ProlongSession

func (sm *SessionManager) ProlongSession(sessionID string) error

ProlongSession prolongs session duration.

func (*SessionManager) SessionDurationSeconds

func (sm *SessionManager) SessionDurationSeconds() int

SessionDurationSeconds returns session duration in seconds.

type SessionService

type SessionService interface {
	NewSession() (Session, error)
	SessionDurationSeconds() int
	ProlongSession(sessionID string) error

SessionService manages sessions.

func NewSessionManager

func NewSessionManager(sessionDuration SessionDuration, sessionStorage SessionStorage) SessionService

NewSessionManager creates new session manager and returns it.

type SessionStorage

type SessionStorage interface {
	GetSession(id string) (Session, error)
	InsertSession(session Session) error
	DeleteSession(id string) error
	ProlongSession(id string, newDuration SessionDuration) error

SessionStorage is an interface for session storage.

type SessionStorageSettings

type SessionStorageSettings struct {
	Type            SessionStorageType     `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	SessionDuration SessionDuration        `yaml:"sessionDuration" json:"session_duration"`
	Redis           RedisDatabaseSettings  `yaml:"redis" json:"redis"`
	Dynamo          DynamoDatabaseSettings `yaml:"dynamo" json:"dynamo"`

SessionStorageSettings holds together session storage settings.

func (*SessionStorageSettings) Validate

func (sss *SessionStorageSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates admin session storage settings.

type SessionStorageType

type SessionStorageType string

SessionStorageType - where to store admin sessions.

type StandardTokenClaims

type StandardTokenClaims interface {
	Audience() string
	ExpiresAt() time.Time
	ID() string
	IssuedAt() time.Time
	Issuer() string
	NotBefore() time.Time
	Subject() string

StandardTokenClaims structured version of Claims Section, as referenced at

type StorageSettings

type StorageSettings struct {
	AppStorage              DatabaseSettings `yaml:"appStorage" json:"app_storage"`
	UserStorage             DatabaseSettings `yaml:"userStorage" json:"user_storage"`
	TokenStorage            DatabaseSettings `yaml:"tokenStorage" json:"token_storage"`
	TokenBlacklist          DatabaseSettings `yaml:"tokenBlacklist" json:"token_blacklist"`
	VerificationCodeStorage DatabaseSettings `yaml:"verificationCodeStorage" json:"verification_code_storage"`
	InviteStorage           DatabaseSettings `yaml:"inviteStorage" json:"invite_storage"`

StorageSettings holds together storage settings for different services.

func (*StorageSettings) Validate

func (ss *StorageSettings) Validate() error

Validate validates storage settings.

type TFAInfo

type TFAInfo struct {
	IsEnabled     bool      `json:"is_enabled" bson:"is_enabled"`
	HOTPCounter   int       `json:"hotp_counter" bson:"hotp_counter"`
	HOTPExpiredAt time.Time `json:"hotp_expired_at" bson:"hotp_expired_at"`
	Email         string    `json:"email" bson:"email"`
	Phone         string    `json:"phone" bson:"phone"`
	Secret        string    `json:"secret" bson:"secret"`

TFAInfo encapsulates two-factor authentication user info.

type TFAStatus

type TFAStatus string

TFAStatus is how the app supports two-factor authentication.

type TFAType

type TFAType string

TFAType is a type of two-factor authentication for apps that support it.

const (
	TFATypeApp   TFAType = "app"   // TFATypeApp is an app (like Google Authenticator).
	TFATypeSMS   TFAType = "sms"   // TFATypeSMS is an SMS.
	TFATypeEmail TFAType = "email" // TFATypeEmail is an email.

type TemplateStorage

type TemplateStorage interface {
	Template(name string) (*template.Template, error)

type TestConnection

type TestConnection struct {
	Type        TestType             `json:"type"`
	Database    *DatabaseSettings    `json:"database,omitempty"`
	KeyStorage  *KeyStorageSettings  `json:"key_storage,omitempty"`
	FileStorage *FileStorageSettings `json:"file_storage,omitempty"`

type TestType

type TestType string

TestType is a test type

const (
	TTDatabase             TestType = "database"
	TTKeyStorage           TestType = "key_storage"
	TTSPAFileStorage       TestType = "spa_file_storage"
	TTEmailTemplateStorage TestType = "email_template_file_storage"

type Token

type Token interface {
	Validate() error
	UserID() string
	Type() string
	Scopes() string
	Payload() map[string]interface{}

Token is an abstract application token.

type TokenBlacklist

type TokenBlacklist interface {
	IsBlacklisted(token string) bool
	Add(token string) error

TokenBlacklist is a storage for blacklisted tokens.

type TokenPayloadProvider

type TokenPayloadProvider interface {
	TokenPayloadForApp(appId, appName, userId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

TokenPayloadProvider provides additional user payload to include to the token

type TokenPayloadServiceHttpSettings

type TokenPayloadServiceHttpSettings struct {
	URL    string `json:"url,omitempty" bson:"url,omitempty"`
	Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty" bson:"secret,omitempty"`

TokenPayloadServiceHttpSettings settings for token payload service

type TokenPayloadServicePluginSettings

type TokenPayloadServicePluginSettings struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name,omitempty"`

TokenPayloadServicePluginSettings settings for token payload service

type TokenPayloadServiceType

type TokenPayloadServiceType string

TokenPayloadServiceType service to allow fetch additional data to include to access token

type TokenService

type TokenService interface {
	NewAccessToken(u User, scopes []string, app AppData, requireTFA bool, tokenPayload map[string]interface{}) (Token, error)
	NewRefreshToken(u User, scopes []string, app AppData) (Token, error)
	RefreshAccessToken(token Token) (Token, error)
	NewInviteToken(email, role string) (Token, error)
	NewResetToken(userID string) (Token, error)
	NewWebCookieToken(u User) (Token, error)
	Parse(string) (Token, error)
	String(Token) (string, error)
	Issuer() string
	Algorithm() string
	WebCookieTokenLifespan() int64

	// keys management
	// replace the old private key with a new one
	SetPrivateKey(key interface{})
	PrivateKey() interface{}
	// not using crypto.PublicKey here to avoid dependencies
	PublicKey() interface{}
	KeyID() string

TokenService is an abstract token manager.

type TokenSignatureAlgorithm

type TokenSignatureAlgorithm int

TokenSignatureAlgorithm is a signing algorithm used by the token service. For now, we only support ES256 and RS256.

const (
	// TokenSignatureAlgorithmES256 is a ES256 signature.
	TokenSignatureAlgorithmES256 TokenSignatureAlgorithm = iota + 1
	// TokenSignatureAlgorithmRS256 is a RS256 signature.
	// TokenSignatureAlgorithmError indicates invalid or unsupported algorithm

func (TokenSignatureAlgorithm) MarshalJSON

func (alg TokenSignatureAlgorithm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaller.

func (TokenSignatureAlgorithm) MarshalYAML

func (alg TokenSignatureAlgorithm) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)

MarshalYAML implements yaml.Marshaller.

func (TokenSignatureAlgorithm) String

func (alg TokenSignatureAlgorithm) String() string

String implements Stringer.

func (*TokenSignatureAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON

func (alg *TokenSignatureAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaller.

func (*TokenSignatureAlgorithm) UnmarshalYAML

func (alg *TokenSignatureAlgorithm) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

UnmarshalYAML implements yaml.Unmarshaller.

type TokenStorage

type TokenStorage interface {
	SaveToken(token string) error
	HasToken(token string) bool
	DeleteToken(token string) error

TokenStorage is a storage for issued refresh tokens.

type TwilioServiceSettings

type TwilioServiceSettings struct {
	// Twilio related config.
	AccountSid string `yaml:"accountSid" json:"account_sid"`
	AuthToken  string `yaml:"authToken" json:"auth_token"`
	ServiceSid string `yaml:"serviceSid" json:"service_sid"`

type User

type User struct {
	ID              string   `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
	Username        string   `json:"username" bson:"username"`
	Email           string   `json:"email" bson:"email"`
	FullName        string   `json:"full_name" bson:"full_name"`
	Phone           string   `json:"phone" bson:"phone"`
	Pswd            string   `json:"pswd" bson:"pswd"`
	Active          bool     `json:"active" bson:"active"`
	TFAInfo         TFAInfo  `json:"tfa_info" bson:"tfa_info"`
	NumOfLogins     int      `json:"num_of_logins" bson:"num_of_logins"`
	LatestLoginTime int64    `json:"latest_login_time" bson:"latest_login_time"`
	AccessRole      string   `json:"access_role" bson:"access_role"`
	Anonymous       bool     `json:"anonymous" bson:"anonymous"`
	FederatedIDs    []string `json:"federated_ids" bson:"federated_i_ds"`
	Scopes          []string `json:"scopes" bson:"scopes"`

User is an abstract representation of the user in auth layer. Everything can be User, we do not depend on any particular implementation.

func UserFromJSON

func UserFromJSON(d []byte) (User, error)

UserFromJSON deserialize user data from JSON.

func (*User) AddFederatedId

func (u *User) AddFederatedId(provider string, id string) string

func (User) Deanonimized

func (u User) Deanonimized() User

Deanonimized returns model with all fields set for deanonimized user

func (User) Sanitized

func (u User) Sanitized() User

Sanitized returns data structure without sensitive information

func (User) SanitizedTFA

func (u User) SanitizedTFA() User

SanitizedTFA returns data structure with masked sensitive data

type UserStorage

type UserStorage interface {
	UserByPhone(phone string) (User, error)
	AddUserWithPassword(user User, password, role string, isAnonymous bool) (User, error)
	UserByID(id string) (User, error)
	UserByEmail(email string) (User, error)
	UserByUsername(username string) (User, error)
	UserByFederatedID(provider string, id string) (User, error)
	AddUserWithFederatedID(user User, provider string, id, role string) (User, error)
	UpdateUser(userID string, newUser User) (User, error)
	ResetPassword(id, password string) error
	CheckPassword(id, password string) error
	DeleteUser(id string) error
	FetchUsers(search string, skip, limit int) ([]User, int, error)
	UpdateLoginMetadata(userID string)

	// push device tokens
	AttachDeviceToken(userID, token string) error
	DetachDeviceToken(token string) error
	AllDeviceTokens(userID string) ([]string, error)

	// import data
	ImportJSON(data []byte) error


UserStorage is an abstract user storage.

type VerificationCodeStorage

type VerificationCodeStorage interface {
	IsVerificationCodeFound(phone, code string) (bool, error)
	CreateVerificationCode(phone, code string) error

VerificationCodeStorage stores verification codes linked to the phone number.

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