
command module
v0.8.0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 30, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


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Easiest status monitoring service to check something service is dead or alive.


Good at

  • Make a status page for temporary usage.

    You can start it via one command! And, stop via just Ctrl-C!

  • Make a status page for a minimal system.

    Single binary server, single log file, there is no database!

Not good at

  • Complex customization, extension.

    There is a few extension way, but extensibility is not the goal of this project.

  • Investigate more detail.

    This is just for check dead or alive.

Quick start

  1. Download latest version from release page.

  2. Extract downloaded package and put to somewhere that registered to PATH.

  3. Run the server with target URLs (and schedule if need) as arguments.

$ ayd https://your-service.example.com ping:another-host.example.com
  1. Check your status page.

Usage detail

Status page and endpoints

Ayd has these pages/endpoints.

path description
/status.html Human friendly status page in HTML.
/status.txt Human friendly status page in plain text.
You can use /status.txt?charset=unicode and /status.txt?charset=ascii for specify charset.
/status.json Machine readable status page in JSON format.
/log.tsv Raw log file in TSV format.
You can change period via since and until query in RFC3339 format like /log.tsv?since=2000-01-01T00:00:00Z&until=2001-01-01T00:00:00Z.
And you can filter records by target URL using target query like /log.tsv?target=http://example.com
/metrics Minimal status page for use by Prometheus.
/healthz Health status page for checking status of Ayd itself.

Target URL

Ayd demands URL as targets. Please see below what you can use as a scheme (protocol).

http: / https:

Fetch HTTP(S) page and check status code is 2xx or not.

You can use GET, HEAD, POST, and OPTIONS method by specifying like http-post://... or https-head://.... The default method is GET.

Ayd will Follow redirect maximum 10 times.

HTTP will timeout in 10 minutes and report as failure.


  • http://example.com
  • https://example.com
  • http-head://example.com/path/to/somewhere
  • https-options://example.com/abc?def=ghi

Send ICMP echo request (a.k.a. ping command) and check the server is connected or not.

Ayd sends 3 packets in 1 second and expects all packets to return.

In Linux or MacOS, Ayd use non-privileged ICMP in default. So, you can use ping even if rootless. But this way is not work on some platforms for instance docker container. Please set yes to AYD_PRIVILEGED environment variable to use privileged ICMP.

Ping will timeout in 10 seconds and report as failure.


  • ping:example.com
  • ping:

Connect to TCP and check the service listening or not.

tcp:// will select IPv4 or IPv6 automatically. You can use tcp4:// or tcp6:// to choose IP protocol version.

TCP will timeout in 10 seconds and report as failure.


  • tcp://example.com:3309
  • tcp4://
  • tcp6://[::1]:3309

Resolve hostname via DNS and check the host exists or not.

You can specify record type as a type query. Supported type is A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, and TXT.

DNS will timeout in 10 seconds and report as failure.


  • dns:example.com
  • dns:example.com?type=AAAA

Execute external command and check return code is 0 or not.

The command's stdout and stderr will be captured as a message of the status check record. You should keep output as short as possible because Ayd is not good at record a long message.

You can specify the first argument as the fragment of URL like below.


Above target URL works the same as the below command in the shell.

$ /path/to/command this-is-argument

And, you can specify environment arguments as the query of URL like below.


Above target URL works the same as the below command in the shell.

$ export something=foobar
$ export hello=world
$ /path/to/command

Exec will timeout in 1 hour and report as failure.


  • exec:./check.exe
  • exec:/usr/local/bin/check.sh
Extra report output for exec

In exec, you can set latency of service, and status of service with the output of the command. Please write output like below.

hello world

This output is reporting latency is 123.456ms, status is FAILURE, and message is hello world.

  • ::latency::: Reports the latency of service in milliseconds.
  • ::status::: Reports the status of service in healthy, failure, aborted, or unknown.

Ayd uses the last value if found multiple reports in single output.


This is a special scheme for load targets from a file. Load each line in the file as a target URL and check all targets.

Source file is looks like below.

# servers

# services

# you can also read another file

The line that starts with # will ignore as a comment.


  • source:./targets.txt
  • source:/path/to/targets.txt

Plugin is a executable file named like ayd-xxx-probe, and installed to the PATH directory.

You can use plugin via like xxx: scheme after installed it if plugin name is ayd-xxx-probe. Of course, you can change executable file name to change scheme name.

If you want to make your own plugin please read make plugin section.

Plugin will timeout in maximum 1 hour and report as failure.


In default, Ayd will check targets every 5 minutes.

You can place the timing specification before the target specification like below if you want.

$ ayd 10m https://your-service.example.com 1h https://another-service.example.com

The above command will check your-service.example.com every 10 minutes, and check another-service.example.com every 1 hour.

You can also use the Cron style spec as a timing spec like below.

$ ayd '*/5  6-21 * *'     https://your-service.example.com \
      '*/10 *    * * 1-5' https://another-service.example.com

The above command will check your-service.example.com every 5 minutes from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m, and check another-service.example.com every 10 minutes from monday to friday.

 ┌─────── minute (0 - 59)
 │ ┌────── hour (0 - 23)
 │ │ ┌───── day of the month (1 - 31)
 │ │ │ ┌──── month (1 - 12)
 │ │ │ │ ┌─── [optional] day of the week (0 - 6 (sunday - saturday))
 │ │ │ │ │
'* * * * *'

Log file

Logfile of Ayd is TSV (Tab Separated Values) format. The log has these columns.

  1. Timestamp in RFC3339 format like 2001-02-30T16:05:06+00:00.

  2. Status of the record that HEALTHY, FAILURE, UNKNOWN, or ABORTED.

    • HEALTHY means service seems working well.

    • FAILURE means service seems failure or stopped. You should do something to the target system because the target may be broken if received this status.

    • UNKNOWN means Ayd is failed to status checking. For example, not found test script, failed to resolve service name, etc. You should check the target system, other systems like DNS, or Ayd settings because maybe something worse happened if received this status.

    • ABORTED means Ayd terminated during status checking. For example, Ayd reports this when terminated Ayd with Ctrl-C. You do not have to action about this status because it happens by your operation. (might be you have to check Ayd settings if you do not know why caused this)

  3. Latency of the service in milliseconds.

    Some probes like ping: reports average latency, and other probes reports total value..

  4. Target URL.

    This URL is the same to passed one as argument, but normalized. For example, ping:somehost?hello=world to be ping:somehost because ping: does not use query values.

  5. The detail of status, the reason for failure, or the output of the executed script.

For example, log lines look like below.

2001-02-30T16:00:00+09:00	FAILURE	0.544	http://localhost	Get "http://localhost": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused
2001-02-30T16:05:00+09:00	UNKNOWN	0.000	tcp:somehost:1234	lookup somehost on no such host
2001-02-30T16:10:00+09:00	HEALTHY	0.375	ping:anotherhost	rtt(min/avg/max)=0.31/0.38/0.47 send/rcv=4/4

Ayd will save the log file in the current directory in default. You can change this with -o option like below.

$ ayd -o /path/to/ayd.log ping:example.com

There is no feature to log rotate. Please consider using the log rotation tool if you have a plan to use it for a long time. (Ayd can handle the huge log, but it is not easy to investigate the huge log when trouble)

Please use -o - option for disable writing log file if you don't use log file. This is not recommended for production use because Ayd can't restore last status when restore. But, this is may useful for use Ayd as a parts of script file.


Ayd can kick a URL when a target status checks failure. You may want to use exec, HTTP, or plugin for alerting. (Even you can use ping, DNS, etc as alerting. but... it's useless in almost all cases)

Ayd will kick alert at the timing that incident caused, resolved, or message changed.

You can specify alert URL like below.

$ ayd -a https://alert.example.com/alert https://target.example.com

In the above example, Ayd access https://alert.example/alert with the below queries when https://target.example.com down.

query name example description
ayd_caused_at 2001-02-03T16:05:06+09:00 The time of the first incident detected
ayd_status FAILURE, UNKNOWN, HEALTHY The status of target checking
ayd_target https://target.example.com The alerting target URL
ayd_message The message of the incident

Alert plugin receives these as arguments. Please see Alert plugin section if you want make your own plugin.

e-mail (SMTP)

If you want to send an email via SMTP as an alert, you can use ayd-mailto-alert plugin.

The screenshot of Ayd alert in email. You can see service status, target URL, and reason to failure. And there is button to open Status Page.

This plugin can use like below.

$ export SMTP_SERVER=smtp.example.com:465 SMTP_USERNAME=your-name SMTP_PASSWORD=your-password
$ export AYD_URL="http://ayd-external-url.example.com"

$ ayd -a mailto:your-email@example.com https://target.example.com

Please see more information in the readme of ayd-mailto-alert.


You can send an alert to Slack via ayd-slack-alert plugin.

The screenshot of Ayd alert in the Slack. You can see service status, target URL, and reason to failure. And there is button to open Status Page.

This plugin can use like below.

$ export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/......"
$ export AYD_URL="http://ayd-external-url.example.com"

$ ayd -a slack: https://target.example.com

Please see more information in the readme of ayd-slack-alert.


Use docker

You can use docker image for execute Ayd. This image includes ayd, and alert plugin for email and slack.

$ docker run --restart=always -v /var/log/ayd:/var/log/ayd macrat/ayd http://your-target.example.com

Of course, you can also use docker-compose or Kubernetes, etc. Please see ayd-docker repository for more information about this contianer image.


If you using systemd, it is easy to daemonize Ayd.

Please put ayd command to /usr/local/bin/ayd (you can use another place if you want), and write a setting like below to /etc/systemd/system/ayd.service.

Description=Ayd status monitoring server
After=network.target remote-fs.target

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ayd -o /var/log/ayd.log \
#   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ please change target


And then, you can enable this service.

# reload config
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# start service
$ sudo systemctl start ayd

# enable auto start when boot system
$ sudo systemctl enable ayd

Make plugin

Plugins in Ayd is a executable file named like ayd-xxx-probe or ayd-xxx-alert, and installed to the PATH directory.

Ayd looks for ayd-xxx-probe as target URL or ayd-xxx-alert as alert URL, if URL have xxx:. You can change scheme via changing xxx, but you can't use URL schemes that ayd, alert, and the scheme that is supported by Ayd itself.

The output of the plugin will parsed the same way to log file.

The differences from plugin to exec: are below.

exec: plugin
scheme of URL exec: only anything
executable file place anywhere only in the PATH directory
set argument and environment variable in URL can can not
receive raw target URL can not can
record about multiple targets like as source can not can
Probe plugin

Probe plugin receives target URL as the first argument of the command.

For example, target URL foobar:your-target is means like below command.

ayd-foobar-probe "foobar:your-target"
Alert plugin

Alert plugin receives the URL of alert, and 2nd or after arguments is the same as log file order but without latency.

For example, alert URL foobar:your-alert is means like below command.

ayd-foobar-alert                \
    "foobar:your-alert"         \
    "2001-02-30T16:05:06+09:00" \
    "FAILURE"                   \
    "1.234"                     \
    "ping:your-target"          \
    "this is message of the record"

The output of the probe plugin will parsed the same way to log file, but all target URL will add alert: prefix and won't not show in status page.

Other options

Change listen port

You can change the HTTP server listen port with -p option. In default, Ayd uses port 9000.

One-shot mode

If you want to use Ayd in a script, you may use -1 option. Ayd will check status just once and exit when passed -1 option.

Exit status code is 0 if all targets are healthy. If some targets are unhealthy, the status code will 1. And, if your arguments are wrong (or can't resolve hostnames, or exec scripts not found), the status code will 2.


FOSSA Status


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Ayd plugin library
Ayd plugin library

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL