A challenge to create a RESTAPI API service.
The service is bundle with 2 components
- The goapi server
- A redis that acts as its query store
To run it locally
- Run
docker compose up -d
To Check the support api documentation
- Open your browser and navigate to
To deploy to a k8s cluster
- Run the following command to deploy
helm upgrade --install goapi ./charts/goapi \
--namespace goapi \
--create-namespace \
-f helm/goapi/values.yaml
To run a local test as you code
- Run
make test
. This will target the 'test' target of the Dockerfile which perform simple go testing. It's compliant with rancher desktop, so it will replace docker
with nerdctl
- Install Rancher Desktop on your machine
- Deploy the helm chart to your k3s running on your machine
Accessing the Application
- You can reach out to the application by entering
, or
- curl
➜ ~ curl goapi.localdev.me