Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ContainsTag(existingTags []*Tag, tag *Tag) bool
- func GetDashboardFolderUrl(isFolder bool, uid string, slug string) string
- func GetDashboardUrl(uid string, slug string) string
- func GetFolderUrl(folderUid string, slug string) string
- func GetFullDashboardUrl(uid string, slug string) string
- func IsKnownDataSourcePlugin(dsType string) bool
- func JoinTagPairs(tags []*Tag) []string
- func SlugifyTitle(title string) string
- type AddApiKeyCommand
- type AddDataSourceCommand
- type AddOrgUserCommand
- type AddTeamMemberCommand
- type Address
- type AdminStats
- type Alert
- type AlertListItemDTO
- type AlertNotification
- type AlertNotificationState
- type AlertNotificationStateType
- type AlertSeverityType
- type AlertStateInfoDTO
- type AlertStateType
- type AlertingClusterInfo
- type ApiKey
- type ApiKeyDTO
- type ChangeUserPasswordCommand
- type CreateAlertNotificationCommand
- type CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand
- type CreateFolderCommand
- type CreateLoginAttemptCommand
- type CreateOrgCommand
- type CreatePlaylistCommand
- type CreateTeamCommand
- type CreateTempUserCommand
- type CreateUserCommand
- type Dashboard
- func (dash *Dashboard) GenerateUrl() string
- func (d *Dashboard) GetDashboardIdForSavePermissionCheck() int64
- func (dash *Dashboard) GetString(prop string, defaultValue string) string
- func (dash *Dashboard) GetTags() []string
- func (dash *Dashboard) GetUrl() string
- func (d *Dashboard) SetId(id int64)
- func (d *Dashboard) SetUid(uid string)
- func (d *Dashboard) SetVersion(version int)
- func (dash *Dashboard) UpdateSlug()
- type DashboardAcl
- type DashboardAclInfoDTO
- type DashboardPermissionForUser
- type DashboardProvisioning
- type DashboardRef
- type DashboardSnapshot
- type DashboardSnapshotDTO
- type DashboardSnapshots
- type DashboardSnapshotsList
- type DashboardTagCloudItem
- type DashboardVersion
- type DashboardVersionDTO
- type DashboardVersionMeta
- type DataSource
- type DataSourceAccessStats
- type DataSourceStats
- type DatasourcesPermissionFilterQuery
- type DeleteAlertNotificationCommand
- type DeleteApiKeyCommand
- type DeleteAuthInfoCommand
- type DeleteDashboardCommand
- type DeleteDashboardSnapshotCommand
- type DeleteDataSourceByIdCommand
- type DeleteDataSourceByNameCommand
- type DeleteExpiredSnapshotsCommand
- type DeleteExpiredVersionsCommand
- type DeleteOldLoginAttemptsCommand
- type DeleteOrgCommand
- type DeletePlaylistCommand
- type DeleteTeamCommand
- type DeleteUserCommand
- type DsAccess
- type DsPermissionType
- type ExecutionErrorOption
- type ExternalUserInfo
- type Folder
- type GetAdminStatsQuery
- type GetAlertByIdQuery
- type GetAlertNotificationsQuery
- type GetAlertNotificationsToSendQuery
- type GetAlertNotifierUsageStatsQuery
- type GetAlertStatesForDashboardQuery
- type GetAlertsQuery
- type GetAllAlertNotificationsQuery
- type GetAllAlertsQuery
- type GetAllDataSourcesQuery
- type GetApiKeyByIdQuery
- type GetApiKeyByNameQuery
- type GetApiKeysQuery
- type GetAuthInfoQuery
- type GetDBHealthQuery
- type GetDashboardAclInfoListQuery
- type GetDashboardPermissionsForUserQuery
- type GetDashboardQuery
- type GetDashboardRefByIdQuery
- type GetDashboardSlugByIdQuery
- type GetDashboardSnapshotQuery
- type GetDashboardSnapshotsQuery
- type GetDashboardTagsQuery
- type GetDashboardVersionQuery
- type GetDashboardVersionsQuery
- type GetDashboardsByPluginIdQuery
- type GetDashboardsBySlugQuery
- type GetDashboardsQuery
- type GetDataSourceAccessStatsQuery
- type GetDataSourceByIdQuery
- type GetDataSourceByNameQuery
- type GetDataSourceStatsQuery
- type GetDataSourcesQuery
- type GetGlobalQuotaByTargetQuery
- type GetOrCreateNotificationStateQuery
- type GetOrgByIdQuery
- type GetOrgByNameQuery
- type GetOrgQuotaByTargetQuery
- type GetOrgQuotasQuery
- type GetOrgUsersQuery
- type GetPlaylistByIdQuery
- type GetPlaylistItemsByIdQuery
- type GetPlaylistsQuery
- type GetPluginSettingByIdQuery
- type GetPluginSettingsQuery
- type GetPreferencesQuery
- type GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery
- type GetProvisionedDashboardDataQuery
- type GetSignedInUserQuery
- type GetSystemStatsQuery
- type GetSystemUserCountStatsQuery
- type GetTeamByIdQuery
- type GetTeamMembersQuery
- type GetTeamsByUserQuery
- type GetTempUserByCodeQuery
- type GetTempUsersQuery
- type GetUserByAuthInfoQuery
- type GetUserByEmailQuery
- type GetUserByIdQuery
- type GetUserByLoginQuery
- type GetUserLoginAttemptCountQuery
- type GetUserOrgListQuery
- type GetUserProfileQuery
- type GetUserQuotaByTargetQuery
- type GetUserQuotasQuery
- type GetUserStarsQuery
- type GlobalQuotaDTO
- type HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery
- type HeartBeat
- type HeartBeatCommand
- type HelpFlags1
- type HomeDashboard
- type InsertSqlTestDataCommand
- type IsDashboardProvisionedQuery
- type IsStarredByUserQuery
- type LoginAttempt
- type LoginUserQuery
- type NoDataOption
- type NotifierUsageStats
- type OAuthType
- type Org
- type OrgDTO
- type OrgDetailsDTO
- type OrgQuotaDTO
- type OrgUser
- type OrgUserDTO
- type Password
- type PauseAlertCommand
- type PauseAllAlertCommand
- type PermissionType
- type Playlist
- type PlaylistDTO
- type PlaylistDashboard
- type PlaylistDashboards
- type PlaylistItem
- type PlaylistItemDTO
- type Playlists
- type PluginSetting
- type PluginSettingInfoDTO
- type PluginStateChangedEvent
- type Preferences
- type Quota
- type QuotaScope
- type RemoveOrgUserCommand
- type RemoveTeamMemberCommand
- type ReqContext
- func (ctx *ReqContext) Handle(status int, title string, err error)
- func (ctx *ReqContext) HasHelpFlag(flag HelpFlags1) bool
- func (ctx *ReqContext) HasUserRole(role RoleType) bool
- func (ctx *ReqContext) IsApiRequest() bool
- func (ctx *ReqContext) JsonApiErr(status int, message string, err error)
- func (ctx *ReqContext) JsonOK(message string)
- func (ctx *ReqContext) TimeRequest(timer prometheus.Summary)
- type RoleType
- type SaveAlertsCommand
- type SaveDashboardCommand
- type SavePreferencesCommand
- type SaveProvisionedDashboardCommand
- type SearchHit
- type SearchOrgsQuery
- type SearchTeamQueryResult
- type SearchTeamsQuery
- type SearchUserQueryResult
- type SearchUsersQuery
- type SendEmailCommand
- type SendEmailCommandSync
- type SendResetPasswordEmailCommand
- type SendWebhookSync
- type SetAlertNotificationStateToCompleteCommand
- type SetAlertNotificationStateToPendingCommand
- type SetAlertStateCommand
- type SetAuthInfoCommand
- type SetUserHelpFlagCommand
- type SetUsingOrgCommand
- type SignedInUser
- type SqlTestData
- type Star
- type StarDashboardCommand
- type StreamInfo
- type StreamList
- type StreamManager
- type StreamPacket
- type StreamSeries
- type SyncTeamsCommand
- type SystemStats
- type SystemUserCountStats
- type Tag
- type Team
- type TeamDTO
- type TeamMember
- type TeamMemberDTO
- type TempUser
- type TempUserDTO
- type TempUserStatus
- type TimePoint
- type TimeSeriesPoints
- type UnstarDashboardCommand
- type UpdateAlertNotificationCommand
- type UpdateApiKeyCommand
- type UpdateDashboardAclCommand
- type UpdateDashboardAlertsCommand
- type UpdateDataSourceCommand
- type UpdateFolderCommand
- type UpdateOrgAddressCommand
- type UpdateOrgCommand
- type UpdateOrgQuotaCmd
- type UpdateOrgUserCommand
- type UpdatePlaylistCommand
- type UpdatePluginDashboardError
- type UpdatePluginSettingCmd
- type UpdatePluginSettingVersionCmd
- type UpdateTeamCommand
- type UpdateTempUserStatusCommand
- type UpdateTempUserWithEmailSentCommand
- type UpdateUserCommand
- type UpdateUserLastSeenAtCommand
- type UpdateUserPermissionsCommand
- type UpdateUserQuotaCmd
- type UpsertUserCommand
- type User
- type UserAuth
- type UserIdDTO
- type UserOrgDTO
- type UserProfileDTO
- type UserQuotaDTO
- type UserSearchHitDTO
- type ValidateDashboardAlertsCommand
- type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveCommand
- type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveResult
- type ValidateResetPasswordCodeQuery
Constants ¶
const ( DS_GRAPHITE = "graphite" DS_INFLUXDB = "influxdb" DS_INFLUXDB_08 = "influxdb_08" DS_ES = "elasticsearch" DS_OPENTSDB = "opentsdb" DS_CLOUDWATCH = "cloudwatch" DS_KAIROSDB = "kairosdb" DS_PROMETHEUS = "prometheus" DS_POSTGRES = "postgres" DS_MYSQL = "mysql" DS_MSSQL = "mssql" DS_ACCESS_DIRECT = "direct" DS_ACCESS_PROXY = "proxy" DS_STACKDRIVER = "stackdriver" )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrCannotChangeStateOnPausedAlert = fmt.Errorf("Cannot change state on pause alert") ErrRequiresNewState = fmt.Errorf("update alert state requires a new state.") )
var ( ErrNotificationFrequencyNotFound = errors.New("Notification frequency not specified") ErrAlertNotificationStateNotFound = errors.New("alert notification state not found") ErrAlertNotificationStateVersionConflict = errors.New("alert notification state update version conflict") ErrAlertNotificationStateAlreadyExist = errors.New("alert notification state already exists.") )
var ( AlertNotificationStatePending = AlertNotificationStateType("pending") AlertNotificationStateCompleted = AlertNotificationStateType("completed") AlertNotificationStateUnknown = AlertNotificationStateType("unknown") )
var ( ErrDashboardAclInfoMissing = errors.New("User id and team id cannot both be empty for a dashboard permission.") ErrDashboardPermissionDashboardEmpty = errors.New("Dashboard Id must be greater than zero for a dashboard permission.") ErrFolderAclInfoMissing = errors.New("User id and team id cannot both be empty for a folder permission.") ErrFolderPermissionFolderEmpty = errors.New("Folder Id must be greater than zero for a folder permission.") )
Typed errors
var ( ErrDashboardVersionNotFound = errors.New("Dashboard version not found") ErrNoVersionsForDashboardId = errors.New("No dashboard versions found for the given DashboardId") )
var ( ErrDashboardNotFound = errors.New("Dashboard not found") ErrDashboardFolderNotFound = errors.New("Folder not found") ErrDashboardSnapshotNotFound = errors.New("Dashboard snapshot not found") ErrDashboardWithSameUIDExists = errors.New("A dashboard with the same uid already exists") ErrDashboardWithSameNameInFolderExists = errors.New("A dashboard with the same name in the folder already exists") ErrDashboardVersionMismatch = errors.New("The dashboard has been changed by someone else") ErrDashboardTitleEmpty = errors.New("Dashboard title cannot be empty") ErrDashboardFolderCannotHaveParent = errors.New("A Dashboard Folder cannot be added to another folder") ErrDashboardsWithSameSlugExists = errors.New("Multiple dashboards with the same slug exists") ErrDashboardFailedGenerateUniqueUid = errors.New("Failed to generate unique dashboard id") ErrDashboardTypeMismatch = errors.New("Dashboard cannot be changed to a folder") ErrDashboardFolderWithSameNameAsDashboard = errors.New("Folder name cannot be the same as one of its dashboards") ErrDashboardWithSameNameAsFolder = errors.New("Dashboard name cannot be the same as folder") ErrDashboardFolderNameExists = errors.New("A folder with that name already exists") ErrDashboardUpdateAccessDenied = errors.New("Access denied to save dashboard") ErrDashboardInvalidUid = errors.New("uid contains illegal characters") ErrDashboardUidToLong = errors.New("uid to long. max 40 characters") ErrDashboardCannotSaveProvisionedDashboard = errors.New("Cannot save provisioned dashboard") RootFolderName = "General" )
Typed errors
var ( DashTypeJson = "file" DashTypeDB = "db" DashTypeScript = "script" DashTypeSnapshot = "snapshot" )
var ( ErrDataSourceNotFound = errors.New("Data source not found") ErrDataSourceNameExists = errors.New("Data source with same name already exists") ErrDataSourceUpdatingOldVersion = errors.New("Trying to update old version of datasource") ErrDatasourceIsReadOnly = errors.New("Data source is readonly. Can only be updated from configuration.") ErrDataSourceAccessDenied = errors.New("Data source access denied") )
var ( ErrFolderNotFound = errors.New("Folder not found") ErrFolderVersionMismatch = errors.New("The folder has been changed by someone else") ErrFolderTitleEmpty = errors.New("Folder title cannot be empty") ErrFolderWithSameUIDExists = errors.New("A folder/dashboard with the same uid already exists") ErrFolderSameNameExists = errors.New("A folder or dashboard in the general folder with the same name already exists") ErrFolderFailedGenerateUniqueUid = errors.New("Failed to generate unique folder id") ErrFolderAccessDenied = errors.New("Access denied to folder") )
Typed errors
var ( ErrOrgNotFound = errors.New("Organization not found") ErrOrgNameTaken = errors.New("Organization name is taken") )
Typed errors
var ( ErrInvalidRoleType = errors.New("Invalid role type") ErrLastOrgAdmin = errors.New("Cannot remove last organization admin") ErrOrgUserNotFound = errors.New("Cannot find the organization user") ErrOrgUserAlreadyAdded = errors.New("User is already added to organization") )
Typed errors
var ( ErrPlaylistNotFound = errors.New("Playlist not found") ErrPlaylistWithSameNameExists = errors.New("A playlist with the same name already exists") )
Typed errors
var ( ErrTeamNotFound = errors.New("Team not found") ErrTeamNameTaken = errors.New("Team name is taken") ErrTeamMemberNotFound = errors.New("Team member not found") )
Typed errors
var ErrCommandValidationFailed = errors.New("Command missing required fields")
var ErrInvalidApiKey = errors.New("Invalid API Key")
var ErrInvalidEmailCode = errors.New("Invalid or expired email code")
var ErrInvalidQuotaTarget = errors.New("Invalid quota target")
var (
ErrPluginSettingNotFound = errors.New("Plugin setting not found")
var (
ErrPreferencesNotFound = errors.New("Preferences not found")
Typed errors
var ErrSmtpNotEnabled = errors.New("SMTP not configured, check your grafana.ini config file's [smtp] section.")
var (
ErrTeamMemberAlreadyAdded = errors.New("User is already added to this team")
Typed errors
var (
ErrTempUserNotFound = errors.New("User not found")
Typed errors
var (
ErrUserNotFound = errors.New("User not found")
Typed errors
Functions ¶
func ContainsTag ¶
func GetDashboardFolderUrl ¶
GetDashboardFolderUrl return the html url for a folder if it's folder, otherwise for a dashboard
func GetDashboardUrl ¶
GetDashboardUrl return the html url for a dashboard
func GetFolderUrl ¶
GetFolderUrl return the html url for a folder
func GetFullDashboardUrl ¶
GetFullDashboardUrl return the full url for a dashboard
func IsKnownDataSourcePlugin ¶
func JoinTagPairs ¶
func SlugifyTitle ¶
Types ¶
type AddApiKeyCommand ¶
type AddApiKeyCommand struct { Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Role RoleType `json:"role" binding:"Required"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Key string `json:"-"` Result *ApiKey `json:"-"` }
--------------------- COMMANDS
type AddDataSourceCommand ¶
type AddDataSourceCommand struct { Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Type string `json:"type" binding:"Required"` Access DsAccess `json:"access" binding:"Required"` Url string `json:"url"` Password string `json:"password"` Database string `json:"database"` User string `json:"user"` BasicAuth bool `json:"basicAuth"` BasicAuthUser string `json:"basicAuthUser"` BasicAuthPassword string `json:"basicAuthPassword"` WithCredentials bool `json:"withCredentials"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"` JsonData *simplejson.Json `json:"jsonData"` SecureJsonData map[string]string `json:"secureJsonData"` ReadOnly bool `json:"readOnly"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Result *DataSource }
Also acts as api DTO
type AddOrgUserCommand ¶
type AddTeamMemberCommand ¶
type AdminStats ¶
type AdminStats struct { Users int `json:"users"` Orgs int `json:"orgs"` Dashboards int `json:"dashboards"` Snapshots int `json:"snapshots"` Tags int `json:"tags"` Datasources int `json:"datasources"` Playlists int `json:"playlists"` Stars int `json:"stars"` Alerts int `json:"alerts"` ActiveUsers int `json:"activeUsers"` }
type Alert ¶
type Alert struct { Id int64 Version int64 OrgId int64 DashboardId int64 PanelId int64 Name string Message string Severity string //Unused State AlertStateType Handler int64 //Unused Silenced bool ExecutionError string Frequency int64 For time.Duration EvalData *simplejson.Json NewStateDate time.Time StateChanges int64 Created time.Time Updated time.Time Settings *simplejson.Json }
func (*Alert) ContainsUpdates ¶
func (*Alert) ShouldUpdateState ¶
func (alert *Alert) ShouldUpdateState(newState AlertStateType) bool
func (*Alert) ValidToSave ¶
type AlertListItemDTO ¶
type AlertListItemDTO struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` DashboardId int64 `json:"dashboardId"` DashboardUid string `json:"dashboardUid"` DashboardSlug string `json:"dashboardSlug"` PanelId int64 `json:"panelId"` Name string `json:"name"` State AlertStateType `json:"state"` NewStateDate time.Time `json:"newStateDate"` EvalDate time.Time `json:"evalDate"` EvalData *simplejson.Json `json:"evalData"` ExecutionError string `json:"executionError"` Url string `json:"url"` }
type AlertNotification ¶
type AlertNotification struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Name string `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` SendReminder bool `json:"sendReminder"` DisableResolveMessage bool `json:"disableResolveMessage"` Frequency time.Duration `json:"frequency"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"` Settings *simplejson.Json `json:"settings"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Updated time.Time `json:"updated"` }
type AlertNotificationState ¶
type AlertNotificationStateType ¶
type AlertNotificationStateType string
type AlertSeverityType ¶
type AlertSeverityType string
type AlertStateInfoDTO ¶
type AlertStateType ¶
type AlertStateType string
const ( AlertStateNoData AlertStateType = "no_data" AlertStatePaused AlertStateType = "paused" AlertStateAlerting AlertStateType = "alerting" AlertStateOK AlertStateType = "ok" AlertStatePending AlertStateType = "pending" AlertStateUnknown AlertStateType = "unknown" )
func (AlertStateType) IsValid ¶
func (s AlertStateType) IsValid() bool
type AlertingClusterInfo ¶
type CreateAlertNotificationCommand ¶
type CreateAlertNotificationCommand struct { Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Type string `json:"type" binding:"Required"` SendReminder bool `json:"sendReminder"` DisableResolveMessage bool `json:"disableResolveMessage"` Frequency string `json:"frequency"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"` Settings *simplejson.Json `json:"settings"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Result *AlertNotification }
type CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand ¶
type CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand struct { Dashboard *simplejson.Json `json:"dashboard" binding:"Required"` Name string `json:"name"` Expires int64 `json:"expires"` // these are passed when storing an external snapshot ref External bool `json:"external"` Key string `json:"key"` DeleteKey string `json:"deleteKey"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` UserId int64 `json:"-"` Result *DashboardSnapshot }
type CreateFolderCommand ¶
type CreateFolderCommand struct { Uid string `json:"uid"` Title string `json:"title"` Result *Folder }
func (*CreateFolderCommand) GetDashboardModel ¶
func (cmd *CreateFolderCommand) GetDashboardModel(orgId int64, userId int64) *Dashboard
GetDashboardModel turns the command into the saveable model
type CreateLoginAttemptCommand ¶
type CreateLoginAttemptCommand struct { Username string IpAddress string Result LoginAttempt }
type CreateOrgCommand ¶
type CreatePlaylistCommand ¶
type CreatePlaylistCommand struct { Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Interval string `json:"interval"` Items []PlaylistItemDTO `json:"items"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Result *Playlist }
type CreateTeamCommand ¶
type CreateTempUserCommand ¶
type CreateUserCommand ¶
type Dashboard ¶
type Dashboard struct { Id int64 Uid string Slug string OrgId int64 GnetId int64 Version int PluginId string Created time.Time Updated time.Time UpdatedBy int64 CreatedBy int64 FolderId int64 IsFolder bool HasAcl bool Title string Data *simplejson.Json }
Dashboard model
func NewDashboardFolder ¶
NewDashboardFolder creates a new dashboard folder
func NewDashboardFromJson ¶
func NewDashboardFromJson(data *simplejson.Json) *Dashboard
func (*Dashboard) GenerateUrl ¶
Return the html url for a dashboard
func (*Dashboard) GetDashboardIdForSavePermissionCheck ¶
GetDashboardIdForSavePermissionCheck return the dashboard id to be used for checking permission of dashboard
func (*Dashboard) GetUrl ¶
GetUrl return the html url for a folder if it's folder, otherwise for a dashboard
func (*Dashboard) SetVersion ¶
type DashboardAcl ¶
type DashboardAcl struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 DashboardId int64 UserId int64 TeamId int64 Role *RoleType // pointer to be nullable Permission PermissionType Created time.Time Updated time.Time }
Dashboard ACL model
type DashboardAclInfoDTO ¶
type DashboardAclInfoDTO struct { OrgId int64 `json:"-"` DashboardId int64 `json:"dashboardId,omitempty"` FolderId int64 `json:"folderId,omitempty"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Updated time.Time `json:"updated"` UserId int64 `json:"userId"` UserLogin string `json:"userLogin"` UserEmail string `json:"userEmail"` UserAvatarUrl string `json:"userAvatarUrl"` TeamId int64 `json:"teamId"` TeamEmail string `json:"teamEmail"` TeamAvatarUrl string `json:"teamAvatarUrl"` Team string `json:"team"` Role *RoleType `json:"role,omitempty"` Permission PermissionType `json:"permission"` PermissionName string `json:"permissionName"` Uid string `json:"uid"` Title string `json:"title"` Slug string `json:"slug"` IsFolder bool `json:"isFolder"` Url string `json:"url"` Inherited bool `json:"inherited"` }
func (*DashboardAclInfoDTO) IsDuplicateOf ¶
func (dto *DashboardAclInfoDTO) IsDuplicateOf(other *DashboardAclInfoDTO) bool
IsDuplicateOf returns true if other item has same role, same user or same team
type DashboardPermissionForUser ¶
type DashboardPermissionForUser struct { DashboardId int64 `json:"dashboardId"` Permission PermissionType `json:"permission"` PermissionName string `json:"permissionName"` }
type DashboardProvisioning ¶
type DashboardRef ¶
type DashboardSnapshot ¶
type DashboardSnapshot struct { Id int64 Name string Key string DeleteKey string OrgId int64 UserId int64 External bool ExternalUrl string Expires time.Time Created time.Time Updated time.Time Dashboard *simplejson.Json }
DashboardSnapshot model
type DashboardSnapshotDTO ¶
type DashboardSnapshotDTO struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Key string `json:"key"` OrgId int64 `json:"orgId"` UserId int64 `json:"userId"` External bool `json:"external"` ExternalUrl string `json:"externalUrl"` Expires time.Time `json:"expires"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Updated time.Time `json:"updated"` }
DashboardSnapshotDTO without dashboard map
type DashboardSnapshots ¶
type DashboardSnapshots []*DashboardSnapshot
type DashboardSnapshotsList ¶
type DashboardSnapshotsList []*DashboardSnapshotDTO
type DashboardTagCloudItem ¶
type DashboardVersion ¶
type DashboardVersion struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` DashboardId int64 `json:"dashboardId"` ParentVersion int `json:"parentVersion"` RestoredFrom int `json:"restoredFrom"` Version int `json:"version"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` CreatedBy int64 `json:"createdBy"` Message string `json:"message"` Data *simplejson.Json `json:"data"` }
A DashboardVersion represents the comparable data in a dashboard, allowing diffs of the dashboard to be performed.
type DashboardVersionDTO ¶
type DashboardVersionDTO struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` DashboardId int64 `json:"dashboardId"` ParentVersion int `json:"parentVersion"` RestoredFrom int `json:"restoredFrom"` Version int `json:"version"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"` Message string `json:"message"` }
DashboardVersionDTO represents a dashboard version, without the dashboard map.
type DashboardVersionMeta ¶
type DashboardVersionMeta struct { DashboardVersion CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"` }
DashboardVersionMeta extends the dashboard version model with the names associated with the UserIds, overriding the field with the same name from the DashboardVersion model.
type DataSource ¶
type DataSource struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 Version int Name string Type string Access DsAccess Url string Password string User string Database string BasicAuth bool BasicAuthUser string BasicAuthPassword string WithCredentials bool IsDefault bool JsonData *simplejson.Json SecureJsonData securejsondata.SecureJsonData ReadOnly bool Created time.Time Updated time.Time }
func (*DataSource) GetHttpClient ¶
func (ds *DataSource) GetHttpClient() (*http.Client, error)
func (*DataSource) GetHttpTransport ¶
func (ds *DataSource) GetHttpTransport() (*http.Transport, error)
type DataSourceAccessStats ¶
type DataSourceStats ¶
type DatasourcesPermissionFilterQuery ¶
type DatasourcesPermissionFilterQuery struct { User *SignedInUser Datasources []*DataSource Result []*DataSource }
type DeleteApiKeyCommand ¶
type DeleteAuthInfoCommand ¶
type DeleteAuthInfoCommand struct {
UserAuth *UserAuth
type DeleteDashboardCommand ¶
type DeleteDashboardSnapshotCommand ¶
type DeleteDashboardSnapshotCommand struct {
DeleteKey string `json:"-"`
type DeleteExpiredSnapshotsCommand ¶
type DeleteExpiredSnapshotsCommand struct {
DeletedRows int64
type DeleteExpiredVersionsCommand ¶
type DeleteExpiredVersionsCommand struct {
DeletedRows int64
type DeleteOrgCommand ¶
type DeleteOrgCommand struct {
Id int64
type DeletePlaylistCommand ¶
type DeleteTeamCommand ¶
type DeleteUserCommand ¶
type DeleteUserCommand struct {
UserId int64
type DsPermissionType ¶
type DsPermissionType int
const ( DsPermissionNoAccess DsPermissionType = iota DsPermissionQuery )
func (DsPermissionType) String ¶
func (p DsPermissionType) String() string
type ExecutionErrorOption ¶
type ExecutionErrorOption string
const ( ExecutionErrorSetAlerting ExecutionErrorOption = "alerting" ExecutionErrorKeepState ExecutionErrorOption = "keep_state" )
func (ExecutionErrorOption) IsValid ¶
func (s ExecutionErrorOption) IsValid() bool
func (ExecutionErrorOption) ToAlertState ¶
func (s ExecutionErrorOption) ToAlertState() AlertStateType
type ExternalUserInfo ¶
type GetAdminStatsQuery ¶
type GetAdminStatsQuery struct {
Result *AdminStats
type GetAlertByIdQuery ¶
type GetAlertNotificationsQuery ¶
type GetAlertNotificationsQuery struct { Name string Id int64 OrgId int64 Result *AlertNotification }
type GetAlertNotificationsToSendQuery ¶
type GetAlertNotificationsToSendQuery struct { Ids []int64 OrgId int64 Result []*AlertNotification }
type GetAlertNotifierUsageStatsQuery ¶
type GetAlertNotifierUsageStatsQuery struct {
Result []*NotifierUsageStats
type GetAlertStatesForDashboardQuery ¶
type GetAlertStatesForDashboardQuery struct { OrgId int64 DashboardId int64 Result []*AlertStateInfoDTO }
type GetAlertsQuery ¶
type GetAlertsQuery struct { OrgId int64 State []string DashboardIDs []int64 PanelId int64 Limit int64 Query string User *SignedInUser Result []*AlertListItemDTO }
type GetAllAlertNotificationsQuery ¶
type GetAllAlertNotificationsQuery struct { OrgId int64 Result []*AlertNotification }
type GetAllAlertsQuery ¶
type GetAllAlertsQuery struct {
Result []*Alert
type GetAllDataSourcesQuery ¶
type GetAllDataSourcesQuery struct {
Result []*DataSource
type GetApiKeyByIdQuery ¶
type GetApiKeyByNameQuery ¶
type GetApiKeysQuery ¶
type GetAuthInfoQuery ¶
type GetDBHealthQuery ¶
type GetDBHealthQuery struct{}
type GetDashboardAclInfoListQuery ¶
type GetDashboardAclInfoListQuery struct { DashboardId int64 OrgId int64 Result []*DashboardAclInfoDTO }
type GetDashboardPermissionsForUserQuery ¶
type GetDashboardPermissionsForUserQuery struct { DashboardIds []int64 OrgId int64 UserId int64 OrgRole RoleType Result []*DashboardPermissionForUser }
type GetDashboardQuery ¶
type GetDashboardRefByIdQuery ¶
type GetDashboardRefByIdQuery struct { Id int64 Result *DashboardRef }
type GetDashboardSnapshotQuery ¶
type GetDashboardSnapshotQuery struct { Key string DeleteKey string Result *DashboardSnapshot }
type GetDashboardSnapshotsQuery ¶
type GetDashboardSnapshotsQuery struct { Name string Limit int OrgId int64 SignedInUser *SignedInUser Result DashboardSnapshotsList }
type GetDashboardTagsQuery ¶
type GetDashboardTagsQuery struct { OrgId int64 Result []*DashboardTagCloudItem }
type GetDashboardVersionQuery ¶
type GetDashboardVersionQuery struct { DashboardId int64 OrgId int64 Version int Result *DashboardVersion }
type GetDashboardVersionsQuery ¶
type GetDashboardVersionsQuery struct { DashboardId int64 OrgId int64 Limit int Start int Result []*DashboardVersionDTO }
type GetDashboardsQuery ¶
type GetDataSourceAccessStatsQuery ¶
type GetDataSourceAccessStatsQuery struct {
Result []*DataSourceAccessStats
type GetDataSourceByIdQuery ¶
type GetDataSourceByIdQuery struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 Result *DataSource }
type GetDataSourceByNameQuery ¶
type GetDataSourceByNameQuery struct { Name string OrgId int64 Result *DataSource }
type GetDataSourceStatsQuery ¶
type GetDataSourceStatsQuery struct {
Result []*DataSourceStats
type GetDataSourcesQuery ¶
type GetDataSourcesQuery struct { OrgId int64 User *SignedInUser Result []*DataSource }
type GetGlobalQuotaByTargetQuery ¶
type GetGlobalQuotaByTargetQuery struct { Target string Default int64 Result *GlobalQuotaDTO }
type GetOrCreateNotificationStateQuery ¶
type GetOrCreateNotificationStateQuery struct { OrgId int64 AlertId int64 NotifierId int64 Result *AlertNotificationState }
type GetOrgByIdQuery ¶
type GetOrgByNameQuery ¶
type GetOrgQuotaByTargetQuery ¶
type GetOrgQuotaByTargetQuery struct { Target string OrgId int64 Default int64 Result *OrgQuotaDTO }
type GetOrgQuotasQuery ¶
type GetOrgQuotasQuery struct { OrgId int64 Result []*OrgQuotaDTO }
type GetOrgUsersQuery ¶
type GetOrgUsersQuery struct { OrgId int64 Query string Limit int Result []*OrgUserDTO }
type GetPlaylistByIdQuery ¶
type GetPlaylistItemsByIdQuery ¶
type GetPlaylistItemsByIdQuery struct { PlaylistId int64 Result *[]PlaylistItem }
type GetPlaylistsQuery ¶
type GetPluginSettingByIdQuery ¶
type GetPluginSettingByIdQuery struct { PluginId string OrgId int64 Result *PluginSetting }
type GetPluginSettingsQuery ¶
type GetPluginSettingsQuery struct { OrgId int64 Result []*PluginSettingInfoDTO }
--------------------- QUERIES
type GetPreferencesQuery ¶
type GetPreferencesQuery struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 UserId int64 TeamId int64 Result *Preferences }
type GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery ¶
type GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery struct { User *SignedInUser Result *Preferences }
type GetProvisionedDashboardDataQuery ¶
type GetProvisionedDashboardDataQuery struct { Name string Result []*DashboardProvisioning }
type GetSignedInUserQuery ¶
type GetSignedInUserQuery struct { UserId int64 Login string Email string OrgId int64 Result *SignedInUser }
type GetSystemStatsQuery ¶
type GetSystemStatsQuery struct {
Result *SystemStats
type GetSystemUserCountStatsQuery ¶
type GetSystemUserCountStatsQuery struct {
Result *SystemUserCountStats
type GetTeamByIdQuery ¶
type GetTeamMembersQuery ¶
type GetTeamMembersQuery struct { OrgId int64 TeamId int64 UserId int64 External bool Result []*TeamMemberDTO }
type GetTeamsByUserQuery ¶
type GetTempUserByCodeQuery ¶
type GetTempUserByCodeQuery struct { Code string Result *TempUserDTO }
type GetTempUsersQuery ¶
type GetTempUsersQuery struct { OrgId int64 Email string Status TempUserStatus Result []*TempUserDTO }
type GetUserByAuthInfoQuery ¶
type GetUserByEmailQuery ¶
type GetUserByIdQuery ¶
type GetUserByLoginQuery ¶
type GetUserOrgListQuery ¶
type GetUserOrgListQuery struct { UserId int64 Result []*UserOrgDTO }
type GetUserProfileQuery ¶
type GetUserProfileQuery struct { UserId int64 Result UserProfileDTO }
type GetUserQuotaByTargetQuery ¶
type GetUserQuotaByTargetQuery struct { Target string UserId int64 Default int64 Result *UserQuotaDTO }
type GetUserQuotasQuery ¶
type GetUserQuotasQuery struct { UserId int64 Result []*UserQuotaDTO }
type GetUserStarsQuery ¶
type GlobalQuotaDTO ¶
type HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery ¶
type HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery struct { SignedInUser *SignedInUser Result bool }
type HeartBeatCommand ¶
type HeartBeatCommand struct { ServerId string Result AlertingClusterInfo }
type HelpFlags1 ¶
type HelpFlags1 uint64
const ( HelpFlagGettingStartedPanelDismissed HelpFlags1 = 1 << iota HelpFlagDashboardHelp1 )
func (*HelpFlags1) AddFlag ¶
func (f *HelpFlags1) AddFlag(flag HelpFlags1)
func (*HelpFlags1) ClearFlag ¶
func (f *HelpFlags1) ClearFlag(flag HelpFlags1)
func (HelpFlags1) HasFlag ¶
func (f HelpFlags1) HasFlag(flag HelpFlags1) bool
func (*HelpFlags1) ToggleFlag ¶
func (f *HelpFlags1) ToggleFlag(flag HelpFlags1)
type HomeDashboard ¶
type InsertSqlTestDataCommand ¶
type InsertSqlTestDataCommand struct { }
type IsStarredByUserQuery ¶
type LoginAttempt ¶
type LoginUserQuery ¶
type LoginUserQuery struct { ReqContext *ReqContext Username string Password string User *User IpAddress string }
type NoDataOption ¶
type NoDataOption string
const ( NoDataSetOK NoDataOption = "ok" NoDataSetNoData NoDataOption = "no_data" NoDataKeepState NoDataOption = "keep_state" NoDataSetAlerting NoDataOption = "alerting" )
func (NoDataOption) IsValid ¶
func (s NoDataOption) IsValid() bool
func (NoDataOption) ToAlertState ¶
func (s NoDataOption) ToAlertState() AlertStateType
type NotifierUsageStats ¶
type OrgDetailsDTO ¶
type OrgQuotaDTO ¶
type OrgUserDTO ¶
type PauseAlertCommand ¶
type PauseAllAlertCommand ¶
type PermissionType ¶
type PermissionType int
func (PermissionType) String ¶
func (p PermissionType) String() string
type Playlist ¶
type Playlist struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Interval string `json:"interval"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` }
Playlist model
type PlaylistDTO ¶
type PlaylistDTO struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Interval string `json:"interval"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Items []PlaylistItemDTO `json:"items"` }
type PlaylistDashboard ¶
type PlaylistDashboard struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Slug string `json:"slug"` Title string `json:"title"` }
func (PlaylistDashboard) TableName ¶
func (this PlaylistDashboard) TableName() string
type PlaylistDashboards ¶
type PlaylistDashboards []*PlaylistDashboard
type PlaylistItem ¶
type PlaylistItemDTO ¶
type PluginSetting ¶
type PluginSettingInfoDTO ¶
type PluginStateChangedEvent ¶
type Preferences ¶
type QuotaScope ¶
func GetQuotaScopes ¶
func GetQuotaScopes(target string) ([]QuotaScope, error)
type RemoveOrgUserCommand ¶
type RemoveTeamMemberCommand ¶
type ReqContext ¶
type ReqContext struct { *macaron.Context *SignedInUser Session session.SessionStore IsSignedIn bool IsRenderCall bool AllowAnonymous bool SkipCache bool Logger log.Logger }
func (*ReqContext) Handle ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) Handle(status int, title string, err error)
Handle handles and logs error by given status.
func (*ReqContext) HasHelpFlag ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) HasHelpFlag(flag HelpFlags1) bool
func (*ReqContext) HasUserRole ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) HasUserRole(role RoleType) bool
func (*ReqContext) IsApiRequest ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) IsApiRequest() bool
func (*ReqContext) JsonApiErr ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) JsonApiErr(status int, message string, err error)
func (*ReqContext) JsonOK ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) JsonOK(message string)
func (*ReqContext) TimeRequest ¶
func (ctx *ReqContext) TimeRequest(timer prometheus.Summary)
type SaveAlertsCommand ¶
type SaveDashboardCommand ¶
type SaveDashboardCommand struct { Dashboard *simplejson.Json `json:"dashboard" binding:"Required"` UserId int64 `json:"userId"` Overwrite bool `json:"overwrite"` Message string `json:"message"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` RestoredFrom int `json:"-"` PluginId string `json:"-"` FolderId int64 `json:"folderId"` IsFolder bool `json:"isFolder"` UpdatedAt time.Time Result *Dashboard }
func (*SaveDashboardCommand) GetDashboardModel ¶
func (cmd *SaveDashboardCommand) GetDashboardModel() *Dashboard
GetDashboardModel turns the command into the saveable model
type SavePreferencesCommand ¶
type SavePreferencesCommand struct { UserId int64 OrgId int64 TeamId int64 HomeDashboardId int64 `json:"homeDashboardId"` Timezone string `json:"timezone"` Theme string `json:"theme"` }
--------------------- COMMANDS
type SaveProvisionedDashboardCommand ¶
type SaveProvisionedDashboardCommand struct { DashboardCmd *SaveDashboardCommand DashboardProvisioning *DashboardProvisioning Result *Dashboard }
type SearchOrgsQuery ¶
type SearchTeamQueryResult ¶
type SearchTeamsQuery ¶
type SearchUserQueryResult ¶
type SearchUserQueryResult struct { TotalCount int64 `json:"totalCount"` Users []*UserSearchHitDTO `json:"users"` Page int `json:"page"` PerPage int `json:"perPage"` }
type SearchUsersQuery ¶
type SearchUsersQuery struct { OrgId int64 Query string Page int Limit int Result SearchUserQueryResult }
type SendEmailCommand ¶
type SendEmailCommandSync ¶
type SendEmailCommandSync struct {
type SendResetPasswordEmailCommand ¶
type SendResetPasswordEmailCommand struct {
User *User
type SendWebhookSync ¶
type SetAlertStateCommand ¶
type SetAlertStateCommand struct { AlertId int64 OrgId int64 State AlertStateType Error string EvalData *simplejson.Json Result Alert }
type SetAuthInfoCommand ¶
type SetUserHelpFlagCommand ¶
type SetUserHelpFlagCommand struct { HelpFlags1 HelpFlags1 UserId int64 }
type SetUsingOrgCommand ¶
type SignedInUser ¶
type SignedInUser struct { UserId int64 OrgId int64 OrgName string OrgRole RoleType Login string Name string Email string ApiKeyId int64 OrgCount int IsGrafanaAdmin bool IsAnonymous bool HelpFlags1 HelpFlags1 LastSeenAt time.Time Teams []int64 }
func (*SignedInUser) HasRole ¶
func (user *SignedInUser) HasRole(role RoleType) bool
func (*SignedInUser) NameOrFallback ¶
func (u *SignedInUser) NameOrFallback() string
func (*SignedInUser) ShouldUpdateLastSeenAt ¶
func (u *SignedInUser) ShouldUpdateLastSeenAt() bool
type SqlTestData ¶
type StarDashboardCommand ¶
type StreamInfo ¶
type StreamInfo struct {
Name string
type StreamList ¶
type StreamList []*StreamInfo
type StreamManager ¶
type StreamManager interface { GetStreamList() StreamList Push(data *StreamPacket) }
type StreamPacket ¶
type StreamPacket struct { Stream string `json:"stream"` Series []StreamSeries `json:"series"` }
type StreamSeries ¶
type StreamSeries struct { Name string `json:"name"` Points TimeSeriesPoints `json:"points"` }
type SyncTeamsCommand ¶
type SyncTeamsCommand struct { ExternalUser *ExternalUserInfo User *User }
type SystemStats ¶
type SystemUserCountStats ¶
type SystemUserCountStats struct {
Count int64
type Tag ¶
func ParseTagPairs ¶
type Team ¶
type Team struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` OrgId int64 `json:"orgId"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Updated time.Time `json:"updated"` }
Team model
type TeamMember ¶
type TeamMember struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 TeamId int64 UserId int64 External bool Created time.Time Updated time.Time }
TeamMember model
type TeamMemberDTO ¶
type TempUser ¶
type TempUser struct { Id int64 OrgId int64 Version int Email string Name string Role RoleType InvitedByUserId int64 Status TempUserStatus EmailSent bool EmailSentOn time.Time Code string RemoteAddr string Created time.Time Updated time.Time }
TempUser holds data for org invites and unconfirmed sign ups
type TempUserDTO ¶
type TempUserDTO struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` OrgId int64 `json:"orgId"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Role RoleType `json:"role"` InvitedByLogin string `json:"invitedByLogin"` InvitedByEmail string `json:"invitedByEmail"` InvitedByName string `json:"invitedByName"` Code string `json:"code"` Status TempUserStatus `json:"status"` Url string `json:"url"` EmailSent bool `json:"emailSent"` EmailSentOn time.Time `json:"emailSentOn"` Created time.Time `json:"createdOn"` }
type TempUserStatus ¶
type TempUserStatus string
const ( TmpUserSignUpStarted TempUserStatus = "SignUpStarted" TmpUserInvitePending TempUserStatus = "InvitePending" TmpUserCompleted TempUserStatus = "Completed" TmpUserRevoked TempUserStatus = "Revoked" )
type TimeSeriesPoints ¶
type TimeSeriesPoints []TimePoint
type UnstarDashboardCommand ¶
type UpdateAlertNotificationCommand ¶
type UpdateAlertNotificationCommand struct { Id int64 `json:"id" binding:"Required"` Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Type string `json:"type" binding:"Required"` SendReminder bool `json:"sendReminder"` DisableResolveMessage bool `json:"disableResolveMessage"` Frequency string `json:"frequency"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"` Settings *simplejson.Json `json:"settings" binding:"Required"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Result *AlertNotification }
type UpdateApiKeyCommand ¶
type UpdateDashboardAclCommand ¶
type UpdateDashboardAclCommand struct { DashboardId int64 Items []*DashboardAcl }
type UpdateDashboardAlertsCommand ¶
type UpdateDashboardAlertsCommand struct { OrgId int64 Dashboard *Dashboard User *SignedInUser }
type UpdateDataSourceCommand ¶
type UpdateDataSourceCommand struct { Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Type string `json:"type" binding:"Required"` Access DsAccess `json:"access" binding:"Required"` Url string `json:"url"` Password string `json:"password"` User string `json:"user"` Database string `json:"database"` BasicAuth bool `json:"basicAuth"` BasicAuthUser string `json:"basicAuthUser"` BasicAuthPassword string `json:"basicAuthPassword"` WithCredentials bool `json:"withCredentials"` IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"` JsonData *simplejson.Json `json:"jsonData"` SecureJsonData map[string]string `json:"secureJsonData"` Version int `json:"version"` ReadOnly bool `json:"readOnly"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Id int64 `json:"-"` Result *DataSource }
Also acts as api DTO
type UpdateFolderCommand ¶
type UpdateFolderCommand struct { Uid string `json:"uid"` Title string `json:"title"` Version int `json:"version"` Overwrite bool `json:"overwrite"` Result *Folder }
func (*UpdateFolderCommand) UpdateDashboardModel ¶
func (cmd *UpdateFolderCommand) UpdateDashboardModel(dashFolder *Dashboard, orgId int64, userId int64)
UpdateDashboardModel updates an existing model from command into model for update
type UpdateOrgAddressCommand ¶
type UpdateOrgCommand ¶
type UpdateOrgQuotaCmd ¶
type UpdateOrgUserCommand ¶
type UpdatePlaylistCommand ¶
type UpdatePlaylistCommand struct { OrgId int64 `json:"-"` Id int64 `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name" binding:"Required"` Interval string `json:"interval"` Items []PlaylistItemDTO `json:"items"` Result *PlaylistDTO }
type UpdatePluginDashboardError ¶
type UpdatePluginDashboardError struct {
PluginId string
func (UpdatePluginDashboardError) Error ¶
func (d UpdatePluginDashboardError) Error() string
type UpdatePluginSettingCmd ¶
type UpdatePluginSettingCmd struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` JsonData map[string]interface{} `json:"jsonData"` SecureJsonData map[string]string `json:"secureJsonData"` PluginVersion string `json:"version"` PluginId string `json:"-"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` }
Also acts as api DTO
func (*UpdatePluginSettingCmd) GetEncryptedJsonData ¶
func (cmd *UpdatePluginSettingCmd) GetEncryptedJsonData() securejsondata.SecureJsonData
type UpdatePluginSettingVersionCmd ¶
type UpdatePluginSettingVersionCmd struct { PluginVersion string PluginId string `json:"-"` OrgId int64 `json:"-"` }
specific command, will only update version
type UpdateTeamCommand ¶
type UpdateTempUserStatusCommand ¶
type UpdateTempUserStatusCommand struct { Code string Status TempUserStatus }
type UpdateTempUserWithEmailSentCommand ¶
type UpdateTempUserWithEmailSentCommand struct {
Code string
type UpdateUserCommand ¶
type UpdateUserLastSeenAtCommand ¶
type UpdateUserLastSeenAtCommand struct {
UserId int64
type UpdateUserQuotaCmd ¶
type UpsertUserCommand ¶
type UpsertUserCommand struct { ReqContext *ReqContext ExternalUser *ExternalUserInfo SignupAllowed bool Result *User }
type User ¶
type User struct { Id int64 Version int Email string Name string Login string Password string Salt string Rands string Company string EmailVerified bool Theme string HelpFlags1 HelpFlags1 IsAdmin bool OrgId int64 Created time.Time Updated time.Time LastSeenAt time.Time }
func (*User) NameOrFallback ¶
type UserOrgDTO ¶
type UserProfileDTO ¶
type UserQuotaDTO ¶
type UserSearchHitDTO ¶
type ValidateDashboardAlertsCommand ¶
type ValidateDashboardAlertsCommand struct { UserId int64 OrgId int64 Dashboard *Dashboard User *SignedInUser }
type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveCommand ¶
type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveCommand struct { OrgId int64 Dashboard *Dashboard Overwrite bool Result *ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveResult }
type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveResult ¶
type ValidateDashboardBeforeSaveResult struct {
IsParentFolderChanged bool
Source Files
- address.go
- alert.go
- alert_notifications.go
- apikey.go
- context.go
- dashboard_acl.go
- dashboard_snapshot.go
- dashboard_version.go
- dashboards.go
- datasource.go
- datasource_cache.go
- folders.go
- health.go
- helpflags.go
- home_dashboard.go
- login_attempt.go
- models.go
- notifications.go
- org.go
- org_user.go
- playlist.go
- plugin_settings.go
- preferences.go
- quotas.go
- search.go
- star.go
- stats.go
- streams.go
- tags.go
- team.go
- team_member.go
- temp_user.go
- test_data.go
- user.go
- user_auth.go