
v0.0.0-...-47db54f Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 10, 2017 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// Class 00 - Successful Completion
	CodeSuccessfulCompletionError = "00000"
	// Class 01 - Warning
	CodeWarningError                                 = "01000"
	CodeWarningDynamicResultSetsReturnedError        = "0100C"
	CodeWarningImplicitZeroBitPaddingError           = "01008"
	CodeWarningNullValueEliminatedInSetFunctionError = "01003"
	CodeWarningPrivilegeNotGrantedError              = "01007"
	CodeWarningPrivilegeNotRevokedError              = "01006"
	CodeWarningStringDataRightTruncationError        = "01004"
	CodeWarningDeprecatedFeatureError                = "01P01"
	// Class 02 - No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)
	CodeNoDataError                                = "02000"
	CodeNoAdditionalDynamicResultSetsReturnedError = "02001"
	// Class 03 - SQL Statement Not Yet Complete
	CodeSQLStatementNotYetCompleteError = "03000"
	// Class 08 - Connection Exception
	CodeConnectionExceptionError                           = "08000"
	CodeConnectionDoesNotExistError                        = "08003"
	CodeConnectionFailureError                             = "08006"
	CodeSQLclientUnableToEstablishSQLconnectionError       = "08001"
	CodeSQLserverRejectedEstablishmentOfSQLconnectionError = "08004"
	CodeTransactionResolutionUnknownError                  = "08007"
	CodeProtocolViolationError                             = "08P01"
	// Class 09 - Triggered Action Exception
	CodeTriggeredActionExceptionError = "09000"
	// Class 0A - Feature Not Supported
	CodeFeatureNotSupportedError = "0A000"
	// Class 0B - Invalid Transaction Initiation
	CodeInvalidTransactionInitiationError = "0B000"
	// Class 0F - Locator Exception
	CodeLocatorExceptionError            = "0F000"
	CodeInvalidLocatorSpecificationError = "0F001"
	// Class 0L - Invalid Grantor
	CodeInvalidGrantorError        = "0L000"
	CodeInvalidGrantOperationError = "0LP01"
	// Class 0P - Invalid Role Specification
	CodeInvalidRoleSpecificationError = "0P000"
	// Class 0Z - Diagnostics Exception
	CodeDiagnosticsExceptionError                           = "0Z000"
	CodeStackedDiagnosticsAccessedWithoutActiveHandlerError = "0Z002"
	// Class 20 - Case Not Found
	CodeCaseNotFoundError = "20000"
	// Class 21 - Cardinality Violation
	CodeCardinalityViolationError = "21000"
	// Class 22 - Data Exception
	CodeDataExceptionError                         = "22000"
	CodeArraySubscriptError                        = "2202E"
	CodeCharacterNotInRepertoireError              = "22021"
	CodeDatetimeFieldOverflowError                 = "22008"
	CodeDivisionByZeroError                        = "22012"
	CodeErrorInAssignmentError                     = "22005"
	CodeEscapeCharacterConflictError               = "2200B"
	CodeIndicatorOverflowError                     = "22022"
	CodeIntervalFieldOverflowError                 = "22015"
	CodeInvalidArgumentForLogarithmError           = "2201E"
	CodeInvalidArgumentForNtileFunctionError       = "22014"
	CodeInvalidArgumentForNthValueFunctionError    = "22016"
	CodeInvalidArgumentForPowerFunctionError       = "2201F"
	CodeInvalidArgumentForWidthBucketFunctionError = "2201G"
	CodeInvalidCharacterValueForCastError          = "22018"
	CodeInvalidDatetimeFormatError                 = "22007"
	CodeInvalidEscapeCharacterError                = "22019"
	CodeInvalidEscapeOctetError                    = "2200D"
	CodeInvalidEscapeSequenceError                 = "22025"
	CodeNonstandardUseOfEscapeCharacterError       = "22P06"
	CodeInvalidIndicatorParameterValueError        = "22010"
	CodeInvalidParameterValueError                 = "22023"
	CodeInvalidRegularExpressionError              = "2201B"
	CodeInvalidRowCountInLimitClauseError          = "2201W"
	CodeInvalidRowCountInResultOffsetClauseError   = "2201X"
	CodeInvalidTimeZoneDisplacementValueError      = "22009"
	CodeInvalidUseOfEscapeCharacterError           = "2200C"
	CodeMostSpecificTypeMismatchError              = "2200G"
	CodeNullValueNotAllowedError                   = "22004"
	CodeNullValueNoIndicatorParameterError         = "22002"
	CodeNumericValueOutOfRangeError                = "22003"
	CodeStringDataLengthMismatchError              = "22026"
	CodeStringDataRightTruncationError             = "22001"
	CodeSubstringError                             = "22011"
	CodeTrimError                                  = "22027"
	CodeUnterminatedCStringError                   = "22024"
	CodeZeroLengthCharacterStringError             = "2200F"
	CodeFloatingPointExceptionError                = "22P01"
	CodeInvalidTextRepresentationError             = "22P02"
	CodeInvalidBinaryRepresentationError           = "22P03"
	CodeBadCopyFileFormatError                     = "22P04"
	CodeUntranslatableCharacterError               = "22P05"
	CodeNotAnXMLDocumentError                      = "2200L"
	CodeInvalidXMLDocumentError                    = "2200M"
	CodeInvalidXMLContentError                     = "2200N"
	CodeInvalidXMLCommentError                     = "2200S"
	CodeInvalidXMLProcessingInstructionError       = "2200T"
	// Class 23 - Integrity Constraint Violation
	CodeIntegrityConstraintViolationError = "23000"
	CodeRestrictViolationError            = "23001"
	CodeNotNullViolationError             = "23502"
	CodeForeignKeyViolationError          = "23503"
	CodeUniqueViolationError              = "23505"
	CodeCheckViolationError               = "23514"
	CodeExclusionViolationError           = "23P01"
	// Class 24 - Invalid Cursor State
	CodeInvalidCursorStateError = "24000"
	// Class 25 - Invalid Transaction State
	CodeInvalidTransactionStateError                         = "25000"
	CodeActiveSQLTransactionError                            = "25001"
	CodeBranchTransactionAlreadyActiveError                  = "25002"
	CodeHeldCursorRequiresSameIsolationLevelError            = "25008"
	CodeInappropriateAccessModeForBranchTransactionError     = "25003"
	CodeInappropriateIsolationLevelForBranchTransactionError = "25004"
	CodeNoActiveSQLTransactionForBranchTransactionError      = "25005"
	CodeReadOnlySQLTransactionError                          = "25006"
	CodeSchemaAndDataStatementMixingNotSupportedError        = "25007"
	CodeNoActiveSQLTransactionError                          = "25P01"
	CodeInFailedSQLTransactionError                          = "25P02"
	// Class 26 - Invalid SQL Statement Name
	CodeInvalidSQLStatementNameError = "26000"
	// Class 27 - Triggered Data Change Violation
	CodeTriggeredDataChangeViolationError = "27000"
	// Class 28 - Invalid Authorization Specification
	CodeInvalidAuthorizationSpecificationError = "28000"
	CodeInvalidPasswordError                   = "28P01"
	// Class 2B - Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist
	CodeDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExistError = "2B000"
	CodeDependentObjectsStillExistError              = "2BP01"
	// Class 2D - Invalid Transaction Termination
	CodeInvalidTransactionTerminationError = "2D000"
	// Class 2F - SQL Routine Exception
	CodeSQLRoutineExceptionError                               = "2F000"
	CodeRoutineExceptionFunctionExecutedNoReturnStatementError = "2F005"
	CodeRoutineExceptionModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedError      = "2F002"
	CodeRoutineExceptionProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedError   = "2F003"
	CodeRoutineExceptionReadingSQLDataNotPermittedError        = "2F004"
	// Class 34 - Invalid Cursor Name
	CodeInvalidCursorNameError = "34000"
	// Class 38 - External Routine Exception
	CodeExternalRoutineExceptionError                       = "38000"
	CodeExternalRoutineContainingSQLNotPermittedError       = "38001"
	CodeExternalRoutineModifyingSQLDataNotPermittedError    = "38002"
	CodeExternalRoutineProhibitedSQLStatementAttemptedError = "38003"
	CodeExternalRoutineReadingSQLDataNotPermittedError      = "38004"
	// Class 39 - External Routine Invocation Exception
	CodeExternalRoutineInvocationExceptionError     = "39000"
	CodeExternalRoutineInvalidSQLstateReturnedError = "39001"
	CodeExternalRoutineNullValueNotAllowedError     = "39004"
	CodeExternalRoutineTriggerProtocolViolatedError = "39P01"
	CodeExternalRoutineSrfProtocolViolatedError     = "39P02"
	// Class 3B - Savepoint Exception
	CodeSavepointExceptionError            = "3B000"
	CodeInvalidSavepointSpecificationError = "3B001"
	// Class 3D - Invalid Catalog Name
	CodeInvalidCatalogNameError = "3D000"
	// Class 3F - Invalid Schema Name
	CodeInvalidSchemaNameError = "3F000"
	// Class 40 - Transaction Rollback
	CodeTransactionRollbackError                     = "40000"
	CodeTransactionIntegrityConstraintViolationError = "40002"
	CodeSerializationFailureError                    = "40001"
	CodeStatementCompletionUnknownError              = "40003"
	CodeDeadlockDetectedError                        = "40P01"
	// Class 42 - Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
	CodeSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolationError   = "42000"
	CodeSyntaxError                             = "42601"
	CodeInsufficientPrivilegeError              = "42501"
	CodeCannotCoerceError                       = "42846"
	CodeGroupingError                           = "42803"
	CodeWindowingError                          = "42P20"
	CodeInvalidRecursionError                   = "42P19"
	CodeInvalidForeignKeyError                  = "42830"
	CodeInvalidNameError                        = "42602"
	CodeNameTooLongError                        = "42622"
	CodeReservedNameError                       = "42939"
	CodeDatatypeMismatchError                   = "42804"
	CodeIndeterminateDatatypeError              = "42P18"
	CodeCollationMismatchError                  = "42P21"
	CodeIndeterminateCollationError             = "42P22"
	CodeWrongObjectTypeError                    = "42809"
	CodeUndefinedColumnError                    = "42703"
	CodeUndefinedFunctionError                  = "42883"
	CodeUndefinedTableError                     = "42P01"
	CodeUndefinedParameterError                 = "42P02"
	CodeUndefinedObjectError                    = "42704"
	CodeDuplicateColumnError                    = "42701"
	CodeDuplicateCursorError                    = "42P03"
	CodeDuplicateDatabaseError                  = "42P04"
	CodeDuplicateFunctionError                  = "42723"
	CodeDuplicatePreparedStatementError         = "42P05"
	CodeDuplicateSchemaError                    = "42P06"
	CodeDuplicateRelationError                  = "42P07"
	CodeDuplicateAliasError                     = "42712"
	CodeDuplicateObjectError                    = "42710"
	CodeAmbiguousColumnError                    = "42702"
	CodeAmbiguousFunctionError                  = "42725"
	CodeAmbiguousParameterError                 = "42P08"
	CodeAmbiguousAliasError                     = "42P09"
	CodeInvalidColumnReferenceError             = "42P10"
	CodeInvalidColumnDefinitionError            = "42611"
	CodeInvalidCursorDefinitionError            = "42P11"
	CodeInvalidDatabaseDefinitionError          = "42P12"
	CodeInvalidFunctionDefinitionError          = "42P13"
	CodeInvalidPreparedStatementDefinitionError = "42P14"
	CodeInvalidSchemaDefinitionError            = "42P15"
	CodeInvalidTableDefinitionError             = "42P16"
	CodeInvalidObjectDefinitionError            = "42P17"
	// Class 44 - WITH CHECK OPTION Violation
	CodeWithCheckOptionViolationError = "44000"
	// Class 53 - Insufficient Resources
	CodeInsufficientResourcesError      = "53000"
	CodeDiskFullError                   = "53100"
	CodeOutOfMemoryError                = "53200"
	CodeTooManyConnectionsError         = "53300"
	CodeConfigurationLimitExceededError = "53400"
	// Class 54 - Program Limit Exceeded
	CodeProgramLimitExceededError = "54000"
	CodeStatementTooComplexError  = "54001"
	CodeTooManyColumnsError       = "54011"
	CodeTooManyArgumentsError     = "54023"
	// Class 55 - Object Not In Prerequisite State
	CodeObjectNotInPrerequisiteStateError = "55000"
	CodeObjectInUseError                  = "55006"
	CodeCantChangeRuntimeParamError       = "55P02"
	CodeLockNotAvailableError             = "55P03"
	// Class 57 - Operator Intervention
	CodeOperatorInterventionError = "57000"
	CodeQueryCanceledError        = "57014"
	CodeAdminShutdownError        = "57P01"
	CodeCrashShutdownError        = "57P02"
	CodeCannotConnectNowError     = "57P03"
	CodeDatabaseDroppedError      = "57P04"
	// Class 58 - System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)
	CodeSystemError        = "58000"
	CodeIoError            = "58030"
	CodeUndefinedFileError = "58P01"
	CodeDuplicateFileError = "58P02"
	// Class F0 - Configuration File Error
	CodeConfigFileError     = "F0000"
	CodeLockFileExistsError = "F0001"
	// Class HV - Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)
	CodeFdwError                                  = "HV000"
	CodeFdwColumnNameNotFoundError                = "HV005"
	CodeFdwDynamicParameterValueNeededError       = "HV002"
	CodeFdwFunctionSequenceError                  = "HV010"
	CodeFdwInconsistentDescriptorInformationError = "HV021"
	CodeFdwInvalidAttributeValueError             = "HV024"
	CodeFdwInvalidColumnNameError                 = "HV007"
	CodeFdwInvalidColumnNumberError               = "HV008"
	CodeFdwInvalidDataTypeError                   = "HV004"
	CodeFdwInvalidDataTypeDescriptorsError        = "HV006"
	CodeFdwInvalidDescriptorFieldIdentifierError  = "HV091"
	CodeFdwInvalidHandleError                     = "HV00B"
	CodeFdwInvalidOptionIndexError                = "HV00C"
	CodeFdwInvalidOptionNameError                 = "HV00D"
	CodeFdwInvalidStringLengthOrBufferLengthError = "HV090"
	CodeFdwInvalidStringFormatError               = "HV00A"
	CodeFdwInvalidUseOfNullPointerError           = "HV009"
	CodeFdwTooManyHandlesError                    = "HV014"
	CodeFdwOutOfMemoryError                       = "HV001"
	CodeFdwNoSchemasError                         = "HV00P"
	CodeFdwOptionNameNotFoundError                = "HV00J"
	CodeFdwReplyHandleError                       = "HV00K"
	CodeFdwSchemaNotFoundError                    = "HV00Q"
	CodeFdwTableNotFoundError                     = "HV00R"
	CodeFdwUnableToCreateExecutionError           = "HV00L"
	CodeFdwUnableToCreateReplyError               = "HV00M"
	CodeFdwUnableToEstablishConnectionError       = "HV00N"
	// Class P0 - PL/pgSQL Error
	CodePLpgSQLError        = "P0000"
	CodeRaiseExceptionError = "P0001"
	CodeNoDataFoundError    = "P0002"
	CodeTooManyRowsError    = "P0003"
	// Class XX - Internal Error
	CodeInternalError       = "XX000"
	CodeDataCorruptedError  = "XX001"
	CodeIndexCorruptedError = "XX002"

PG error codes from: Specifically, errcodes.txt is copied from from Postgres' src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt.

The error definitions were generated using the script, with a bit of manual tweaking performed afterwards.


This section is empty.


func Detail

func Detail(err error) (string, bool)

Detail returns the detail message of the error, if possible.

If a detail was never annotated onto the error, no detail will be returned and a "found" flag will be returned as false.

func Hint

func Hint(err error) (string, bool)

Hint returns the hint message of the error, if possible.

If a hint was never annotated onto the error, no hint will be returned and a "found" flag will be returned as false.

func PGCode

func PGCode(err error) (string, bool)

PGCode returns the Postgres error code of the error, if possible.

If a code was never annotated onto the error, no code will be returned and a "found" flag will be returned as false.

func WithDetail

func WithDetail(err error, detail string) error

WithDetail annotates err with a detail message. If err is nil, WithDetail returns nil.

func WithHint

func WithHint(err error, hint string) error

WithHint annotates err with a hint for users to resolve the issue in the future. If err is nil, WithHint returns nil.

func WithPGCode

func WithPGCode(err error, code string) error

WithPGCode annotates err with a Postgres error code. If err is nil, WithPGCode returns nil.

func WithSourceContext

func WithSourceContext(err error, depth int) error

WithSourceContext annotates err with contextual information about the caller at the requested depth. If err is nil, WithSourceContext returns nil.


type SrcCtx

type SrcCtx struct {
	File     string
	Line     int
	Function string

SrcCtx contains contextual information about the source of an error.

func SourceContext

func SourceContext(err error) (SrcCtx, bool)

SourceContext returns contextual information about the source of an error, if possible.

If contextual information was never annotated onto the error, no SrcCtx will be returned and a "found" flag will be returned as false.

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