This docker-compose file will setup the following environment:
1 M3Comparator node that acts as remote gRPC storage. Provides randomized data based on the incoming query's start time.
1 M3Query node that connects to the M3Comparator instance, using it as remote storage. Serves queries and remote reads.
1 Prometheus node that has no scrape settings set, connecting to M3Query instance as a remote_read endpoint.
(optionally) 1 Grafana node with pre-configured graphs corresponding to the queries run by the test.
Queries are generated from queries.json, then run against both the Prometheus and M3Query instances, then results are compared.
Use make docker-compatibility-test from the base folder to run the comparator tests.
Use CI=FALSE make docker-compatibility-test from the base folder to run the comparator tests, brings up a Grafana instance and does not perform teardown, allowing manual inspection of query differences.
Use Grafana by navigating to http://localhost:3000 and using admin for both the username and password. The dashboard should already be populated and working, it should be named Dashboard <git-reference>.