Overview ¶
Package placement is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- func Validate(p Placement) error
- type ActiveStagedPlacement
- type ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- type Algorithm
- type ByIDAscending
- type DeploymentOptions
- type DeploymentPlanner
- type DoneFn
- type Instance
- type InstanceSelector
- type Instances
- type MockActiveStagedPlacement
- type MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder
- type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) EXPECT() *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsAddedFn() OnPlacementsAddedFn
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsRemovedFn() OnPlacementsRemovedFn
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn(value OnPlacementsAddedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn(value OnPlacementsRemovedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsAddedFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsRemovedFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockAlgorithm
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) AddInstances(p Placement, instances []Instance) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) AddReplica(p Placement) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) EXPECT() *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) InitialPlacement(instances []Instance, shards []uint32, rf int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) IsCompatibleWith(p Placement) error
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) MarkAllShardsAvailable(p Placement) (Placement, bool, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) MarkShardsAvailable(p Placement, instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) RemoveInstances(p Placement, leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockAlgorithm) ReplaceInstances(p Placement, leavingInstanecIDs []string, addingInstances []Instance) (Placement, error)
- type MockAlgorithmMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddInstances(p, instances interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddReplica(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) InitialPlacement(instances, shards, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) IsCompatibleWith(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable(p, instanceID interface{}, shardIDs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) RemoveInstances(p, leavingInstanceIDs interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances(p, leavingInstanecIDs, addingInstances interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockDeploymentOptions
- type MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder
- type MockDeploymentPlanner
- type MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder
- type MockInstance
- func (m *MockInstance) Clone() Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) EXPECT() *MockInstanceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockInstance) Endpoint() string
- func (m *MockInstance) Hostname() string
- func (m *MockInstance) ID() string
- func (m *MockInstance) IsAvailable() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) IsInitializing() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) IsLeaving() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) IsolationGroup() string
- func (m *MockInstance) Port() uint32
- func (m *MockInstance) Proto() (*placementpb.Instance, error)
- func (m *MockInstance) SetEndpoint(ip string) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetHostname(value string) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetID(id string) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetIsolationGroup(r string) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetPort(value uint32) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetShardSetID(value uint32) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetShards(s shard.Shards) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetWeight(w uint32) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) SetZone(z string) Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) ShardSetID() uint32
- func (m *MockInstance) Shards() shard.Shards
- func (m *MockInstance) String() string
- func (m *MockInstance) Weight() uint32
- func (m *MockInstance) Zone() string
- type MockInstanceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Clone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Endpoint() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Hostname() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsAvailable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsInitializing() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsLeaving() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsolationGroup() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Port() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetEndpoint(ip interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHostname(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetID(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetIsolationGroup(r interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetPort(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShardSetID(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShards(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetWeight(w interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetZone(z interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) ShardSetID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Weight() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Zone() *gomock.Call
- type MockInstanceSelector
- func (m *MockInstanceSelector) EXPECT() *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder
- func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectAddingInstances(candidates []Instance, p Placement) ([]Instance, error)
- func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectInitialInstances(candidates []Instance, rf int) ([]Instance, error)
- func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectReplaceInstances(candidates []Instance, leavingInstanceIDs []string, p Placement) ([]Instance, error)
- type MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectAddingInstances(candidates, p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectInitialInstances(candidates, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectReplaceInstances(candidates, leavingInstanceIDs, p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockOptions
- func (m *MockOptions) AddAllCandidates() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) AllowAllZones() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) AllowPartialReplace() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) Dryrun() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockOptions) InstanceSelector() InstanceSelector
- func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) IsMirrored() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) IsShardCutoffFn() ShardValidateFn
- func (m *MockOptions) IsShardCutoverFn() ShardValidateFn
- func (m *MockOptions) IsSharded() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) IsStaged() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) NowFn() clock.NowFn
- func (m *MockOptions) PlacementCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
- func (m *MockOptions) SetAddAllCandidates(addAllCandidates bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetAllowAllZones(allowAllZones bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetAllowPartialReplace(allowPartialReplace bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDryrun(d bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetInstanceSelector(s InstanceSelector) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(iopts instrument.Options) Options
- func (m_2 *MockOptions) SetIsMirrored(m bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoffFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoverFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIsSharded(sharded bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIsStaged(v bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetNowFn(fn clock.NowFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetShardCutoffNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetShardCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetShardStateMode(value ShardStateMode) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetValidZone(z string) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate(fn ValidateFn) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) ShardCutoffNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
- func (m *MockOptions) ShardCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
- func (m *MockOptions) ShardStateMode() ShardStateMode
- func (m *MockOptions) ValidZone() string
- func (m *MockOptions) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate() ValidateFn
- type MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AddAllCandidates() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowAllZones() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowPartialReplace() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Dryrun() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstanceSelector() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsMirrored() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoffFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoverFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsSharded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsStaged() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NowFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PlacementCutoverNanosFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAddAllCandidates(addAllCandidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowAllZones(allowAllZones interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowPartialReplace(allowPartialReplace interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDryrun(d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstanceSelector(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(iopts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored(m interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoffFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoverFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsSharded(sharded interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsStaged(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNowFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoffNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoverNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardStateMode(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidZone(z interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoffNanosFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoverNanosFn() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardStateMode() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidZone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate() *gomock.Call
- type MockPlacement
- func (m *MockPlacement) Clone() Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) CutoverNanos() int64
- func (m *MockPlacement) EXPECT() *MockPlacementMockRecorder
- func (m *MockPlacement) Instance(id string) (Instance, bool)
- func (m *MockPlacement) Instances() []Instance
- func (m *MockPlacement) InstancesForShard(shard uint32) []Instance
- func (m *MockPlacement) IsMirrored() bool
- func (m *MockPlacement) IsSharded() bool
- func (m *MockPlacement) MaxShardSetID() uint32
- func (m *MockPlacement) NumInstances() int
- func (m *MockPlacement) NumShards() int
- func (m *MockPlacement) Proto() (*placementpb.Placement, error)
- func (m *MockPlacement) ReplicaFactor() int
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetCutoverNanos(cutoverNanos int64) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetInstances(instances []Instance) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetIsMirrored(v bool) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetIsSharded(v bool) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetMaxShardSetID(value uint32) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetReplicaFactor(rf int) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetShards(s []uint32) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) SetVersion(v int) Placement
- func (m *MockPlacement) Shards() []uint32
- func (m *MockPlacement) String() string
- func (m *MockPlacement) Version() int
- type MockPlacementMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Clone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) CutoverNanos() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instance(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instances() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) InstancesForShard(shard interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsMirrored() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsSharded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) MaxShardSetID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumInstances() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumShards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) ReplicaFactor() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetCutoverNanos(cutoverNanos interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetInstances(instances interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsSharded(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetMaxShardSetID(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetReplicaFactor(rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetShards(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
- type MockService
- func (m *MockService) AddInstances(candidates []Instance) (Placement, []Instance, error)
- func (m *MockService) AddReplica() (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) BuildInitialPlacement(instances []Instance, numShards, rf int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) CheckAndSet(p Placement, version int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) CheckAndSetProto(p proto.Message, version int) (int, error)
- func (m *MockService) Delete() error
- func (m *MockService) EXPECT() *MockServiceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockService) MarkAllShardsAvailable() (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) MarkInstanceAvailable(instanceID string) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) MarkShardsAvailable(instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) Placement() (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) PlacementForVersion(version int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) Proto() (proto.Message, int, error)
- func (m *MockService) RemoveInstances(leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) ReplaceInstances(leavingInstanceIDs []string, candidates []Instance) (Placement, []Instance, error)
- func (m *MockService) Set(p Placement) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) SetIfNotExist(p Placement) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockService) SetProto(p proto.Message) (int, error)
- func (m *MockService) Watch() (Watch, error)
- type MockServiceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) AddInstances(candidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) AddReplica() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) BuildInitialPlacement(instances, numShards, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSet(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Delete() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkInstanceAvailable(instanceID interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable(instanceID interface{}, shardIDs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Placement() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) RemoveInstances(leavingInstanceIDs interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances(leavingInstanceIDs, candidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Set(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) SetProto(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Watch() *gomock.Call
- type MockStagedPlacement
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacement(timeNanos int64) ActiveStagedPlacement
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) EXPECT() *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Placements() Placements
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Proto() (*placementpb.PlacementSnapshots, error)
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(opts ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacement
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetPlacements(placements []Placement) StagedPlacement
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetVersion(version int) StagedPlacement
- func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Version() int
- type MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacement(timeNanos interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Placements() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetPlacements(placements interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
- type MockStagedPlacementWatcher
- type MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder
- type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) EXPECT() *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InitWatchTimeout() time.Duration
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(value ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInitWatchTimeout(value time.Duration) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementKey(value string) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementStore(store kv.Store) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementKey() string
- func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementStore() kv.Store
- type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InitWatchTimeout() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInitWatchTimeout(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementKey(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementStore(store interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementKey() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementStore() *gomock.Call
- type MockStorage
- func (m *MockStorage) CheckAndSet(p Placement, version int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) CheckAndSetProto(p proto.Message, version int) (int, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) Delete() error
- func (m *MockStorage) EXPECT() *MockStorageMockRecorder
- func (m *MockStorage) Placement() (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) PlacementForVersion(version int) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) Proto() (proto.Message, int, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) Set(p Placement) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) SetIfNotExist(p Placement) (Placement, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) SetProto(p proto.Message) (int, error)
- func (m *MockStorage) Watch() (Watch, error)
- type MockStorageMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSet(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Delete() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Placement() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Set(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetProto(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Watch() *gomock.Call
- type MockWatch
- type MockWatchMockRecorder
- type OnPlacementsAddedFn
- type OnPlacementsRemovedFn
- type Options
- type Placement
- type Placements
- type Service
- type ShardStateMode
- type ShardValidateFn
- type StagedPlacement
- type StagedPlacementWatcher
- type StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
- type Storage
- type TimeNanosFn
- type ValidateFn
- type Watch
- type WatcherConfiguration
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Validate ¶
Validate validates a placement to ensure: - The shards on each instance are in valid state. - The total number of shards match rf * num_shards_per_replica. - Each shard shows up rf times. - There is one Initializing shard for each Leaving shard. - The instances with same shard_set_id owns the same shards.
Types ¶
type ActiveStagedPlacement ¶
type ActiveStagedPlacement interface { // ActivePlacement returns the currently active placement for a given time, the callback // function when the caller is done using the placement, and any errors encountered. ActivePlacement() (Placement, DoneFn, error) // Close closes the active staged placement. Close() error }
ActiveStagedPlacement describes active staged placement.
type ActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
type ActiveStagedPlacementOptions interface { // SetClockOptions sets the clock options. SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions // ClockOptions returns the clock options. ClockOptions() clock.Options // SetOnPlacementsAddedFn sets the callback function for adding placement. SetOnPlacementsAddedFn(value OnPlacementsAddedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions // OnPlacementsAddedFn returns the callback function for adding placement. OnPlacementsAddedFn() OnPlacementsAddedFn // SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn sets the callback function for removing placement. SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn(value OnPlacementsRemovedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions // OnPlacementsRemovedFn returns the callback function for removing placement. OnPlacementsRemovedFn() OnPlacementsRemovedFn }
ActiveStagedPlacementOptions provide a set of options for active staged placement.
func NewActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func NewActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
NewActiveStagedPlacementOptions create a new set of active staged placement options.
type Algorithm ¶
type Algorithm interface { // InitPlacement initialize a sharding placement with given replica factor. InitialPlacement(instances []Instance, shards []uint32, rf int) (Placement, error) // AddReplica up the replica factor by 1 in the placement. AddReplica(p Placement) (Placement, error) // AddInstances adds a list of instance to the placement. AddInstances(p Placement, instances []Instance) (Placement, error) // RemoveInstances removes a list of instances from the placement. RemoveInstances(p Placement, leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error) // ReplaceInstance replace a list of instances with new instances. ReplaceInstances( p Placement, leavingInstanecIDs []string, addingInstances []Instance, ) (Placement, error) // IsCompatibleWith checks whether the algorithm could be applied to given placement. IsCompatibleWith(p Placement) error // MarkShardsAvailable marks given shards as available. MarkShardsAvailable(p Placement, instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error) // MarkAllShardsAvailable marks shard states as available where applicable. MarkAllShardsAvailable(p Placement) (Placement, bool, error) }
Algorithm places shards on instances.
type ByIDAscending ¶
type ByIDAscending []Instance
ByIDAscending sorts Instance by ID ascending
func (ByIDAscending) Len ¶
func (s ByIDAscending) Len() int
func (ByIDAscending) Less ¶
func (s ByIDAscending) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByIDAscending) Swap ¶
func (s ByIDAscending) Swap(i, j int)
type DeploymentOptions ¶
type DeploymentOptions interface { // MaxStepSize limits the number of instances to be deployed in one step MaxStepSize() int SetMaxStepSize(stepSize int) DeploymentOptions }
DeploymentOptions provides options for DeploymentPlanner
func NewDeploymentOptions ¶
func NewDeploymentOptions() DeploymentOptions
NewDeploymentOptions returns a default DeploymentOptions
type DeploymentPlanner ¶
type DeploymentPlanner interface { // DeploymentSteps returns the deployment steps DeploymentSteps(p Placement) [][]Instance }
DeploymentPlanner generates deployment steps for a placement
type Instance ¶
type Instance interface { // String is for debugging. String() string // ID is the id of the instance. ID() string // SetID sets the id of the instance. SetID(id string) Instance // IsolationGroup is the isolation group of the instance, // which usually but not necessarily refers to the rack of the instance. IsolationGroup() string // SetIsolationGroup sets the isolation group of the instance. SetIsolationGroup(r string) Instance // Zone is the zone of the instance. Zone() string // SetZone sets the zone of the instance. SetZone(z string) Instance // Weight is the weight of the instance. Weight() uint32 // SetWeight sets the weight of the instance. SetWeight(w uint32) Instance // Endpoint is the endpoint of the instance. Endpoint() string // SetEndpoint sets the endpoint of the instance. SetEndpoint(ip string) Instance // Shards returns the shards owned by the instance. Shards() shard.Shards // SetShards sets the shards owned by the instance. SetShards(s shard.Shards) Instance // ShardSetID returns the shard set id. ShardSetID() uint32 // SetShardSetID sets the shard set id. SetShardSetID(value uint32) Instance // Hostname returns the hostname of the instance. Hostname() string // SetHostname sets the hostname of the instance. SetHostname(value string) Instance // Port returns the port of the instance. Port() uint32 // SetPort sets the port of the instance. SetPort(value uint32) Instance // Proto returns the proto representation for the Instance. Proto() (*placementpb.Instance, error) // IsLeaving returns whether the instance contains only leaving shards. IsLeaving() bool // IsInitializing returns whether the instance contains only initializing shards. IsInitializing() bool // IsAvailable returns whether the instance contains only available shards. IsAvailable() bool // Clone returns a clone of the Instance. Clone() Instance }
Instance represents an instance in a placement.
func NewEmptyInstance ¶
NewEmptyInstance returns a Instance with some basic properties but no shards assigned
func NewInstanceFromProto ¶
func NewInstanceFromProto(instance *placementpb.Instance) (Instance, error)
NewInstanceFromProto creates a new placement instance from proto.
type InstanceSelector ¶
type InstanceSelector interface { // SelectInitialInstances selects instances for the initial placement. SelectInitialInstances( candidates []Instance, rf int, ) ([]Instance, error) // SelectAddingInstances selects instances to be added to the placement. SelectAddingInstances( candidates []Instance, p Placement, ) ([]Instance, error) // SelectReplaceInstances selects instances to replace existing instances in the placement. SelectReplaceInstances( candidates []Instance, leavingInstanceIDs []string, p Placement, ) ([]Instance, error) }
InstanceSelector selects valid instances for the placement change.
type Instances ¶
type Instances []Instance
Instances is a slice of instances that can produce a debug string.
type MockActiveStagedPlacement ¶
type MockActiveStagedPlacement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockActiveStagedPlacement is a mock of ActiveStagedPlacement interface
func NewMockActiveStagedPlacement ¶
func NewMockActiveStagedPlacement(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockActiveStagedPlacement
NewMockActiveStagedPlacement creates a new mock instance
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacement) ActivePlacement ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacement) ActivePlacement() (Placement, DoneFn, error)
ActivePlacement mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacement) Close ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacement) Close() error
Close mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacement) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacement) EXPECT() *MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder ¶
type MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockActiveStagedPlacement
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActivePlacement ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActivePlacement() *gomock.Call
ActivePlacement indicates an expected call of ActivePlacement
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions is a mock of ActiveStagedPlacementOptions interface
func NewMockActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func NewMockActiveStagedPlacementOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions
NewMockActiveStagedPlacementOptions creates a new mock instance
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) ClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
ClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) EXPECT() *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsAddedFn ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsAddedFn() OnPlacementsAddedFn
OnPlacementsAddedFn mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsRemovedFn ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) OnPlacementsRemovedFn() OnPlacementsRemovedFn
OnPlacementsRemovedFn mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
SetClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn(value OnPlacementsAddedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
SetOnPlacementsAddedFn mocks base method
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn ¶
func (m *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn(value OnPlacementsRemovedFn) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn mocks base method
type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockActiveStagedPlacementOptions
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
ClockOptions indicates an expected call of ClockOptions
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsAddedFn ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsAddedFn() *gomock.Call
OnPlacementsAddedFn indicates an expected call of OnPlacementsAddedFn
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsRemovedFn ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) OnPlacementsRemovedFn() *gomock.Call
OnPlacementsRemovedFn indicates an expected call of OnPlacementsRemovedFn
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetClockOptions indicates an expected call of SetClockOptions
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsAddedFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetOnPlacementsAddedFn indicates an expected call of SetOnPlacementsAddedFn
func (*MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn ¶
func (mr *MockActiveStagedPlacementOptionsMockRecorder) SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn indicates an expected call of SetOnPlacementsRemovedFn
type MockAlgorithm ¶
type MockAlgorithm struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAlgorithm is a mock of Algorithm interface
func NewMockAlgorithm ¶
func NewMockAlgorithm(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAlgorithm
NewMockAlgorithm creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAlgorithm) AddInstances ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) AddInstances(p Placement, instances []Instance) (Placement, error)
AddInstances mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) AddReplica ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) AddReplica(p Placement) (Placement, error)
AddReplica mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) EXPECT() *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAlgorithm) InitialPlacement ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) InitialPlacement(instances []Instance, shards []uint32, rf int) (Placement, error)
InitialPlacement mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) IsCompatibleWith ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) IsCompatibleWith(p Placement) error
IsCompatibleWith mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) MarkAllShardsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) MarkAllShardsAvailable(p Placement) (Placement, bool, error)
MarkAllShardsAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) MarkShardsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) MarkShardsAvailable(p Placement, instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error)
MarkShardsAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) RemoveInstances ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) RemoveInstances(p Placement, leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error)
RemoveInstances mocks base method
func (*MockAlgorithm) ReplaceInstances ¶
func (m *MockAlgorithm) ReplaceInstances(p Placement, leavingInstanecIDs []string, addingInstances []Instance) (Placement, error)
ReplaceInstances mocks base method
type MockAlgorithmMockRecorder ¶
type MockAlgorithmMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAlgorithmMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAlgorithm
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddInstances ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddInstances(p, instances interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddInstances indicates an expected call of AddInstances
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddReplica ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) AddReplica(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddReplica indicates an expected call of AddReplica
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) InitialPlacement ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) InitialPlacement(instances, shards, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
InitialPlacement indicates an expected call of InitialPlacement
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) IsCompatibleWith ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) IsCompatibleWith(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsCompatibleWith indicates an expected call of IsCompatibleWith
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
MarkAllShardsAvailable indicates an expected call of MarkAllShardsAvailable
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable(p, instanceID interface{}, shardIDs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MarkShardsAvailable indicates an expected call of MarkShardsAvailable
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) RemoveInstances ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) RemoveInstances(p, leavingInstanceIDs interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveInstances indicates an expected call of RemoveInstances
func (*MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances ¶
func (mr *MockAlgorithmMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances(p, leavingInstanecIDs, addingInstances interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReplaceInstances indicates an expected call of ReplaceInstances
type MockDeploymentOptions ¶
type MockDeploymentOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDeploymentOptions is a mock of DeploymentOptions interface
func NewMockDeploymentOptions ¶
func NewMockDeploymentOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockDeploymentOptions
NewMockDeploymentOptions creates a new mock instance
func (*MockDeploymentOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockDeploymentOptions) EXPECT() *MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockDeploymentOptions) MaxStepSize ¶
func (m *MockDeploymentOptions) MaxStepSize() int
MaxStepSize mocks base method
func (*MockDeploymentOptions) SetMaxStepSize ¶
func (m *MockDeploymentOptions) SetMaxStepSize(stepSize int) DeploymentOptions
SetMaxStepSize mocks base method
type MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockDeploymentOptions
func (*MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder) MaxStepSize ¶
func (mr *MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder) MaxStepSize() *gomock.Call
MaxStepSize indicates an expected call of MaxStepSize
func (*MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder) SetMaxStepSize ¶
func (mr *MockDeploymentOptionsMockRecorder) SetMaxStepSize(stepSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMaxStepSize indicates an expected call of SetMaxStepSize
type MockDeploymentPlanner ¶
type MockDeploymentPlanner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDeploymentPlanner is a mock of DeploymentPlanner interface
func NewMockDeploymentPlanner ¶
func NewMockDeploymentPlanner(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockDeploymentPlanner
NewMockDeploymentPlanner creates a new mock instance
func (*MockDeploymentPlanner) DeploymentSteps ¶
func (m *MockDeploymentPlanner) DeploymentSteps(p Placement) [][]Instance
DeploymentSteps mocks base method
func (*MockDeploymentPlanner) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockDeploymentPlanner) EXPECT() *MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder ¶
type MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockDeploymentPlanner
func (*MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder) DeploymentSteps ¶
func (mr *MockDeploymentPlannerMockRecorder) DeploymentSteps(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
DeploymentSteps indicates an expected call of DeploymentSteps
type MockInstance ¶
type MockInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstance is a mock of Instance interface
func NewMockInstance ¶
func NewMockInstance(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockInstance
NewMockInstance creates a new mock instance
func (*MockInstance) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockInstance) EXPECT() *MockInstanceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockInstance) IsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsAvailable() bool
IsAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) IsInitializing ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsInitializing() bool
IsInitializing mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) IsLeaving ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsLeaving() bool
IsLeaving mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) IsolationGroup ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsolationGroup() string
IsolationGroup mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) Proto ¶
func (m *MockInstance) Proto() (*placementpb.Instance, error)
Proto mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetEndpoint ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetEndpoint(ip string) Instance
SetEndpoint mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetHostname ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetHostname(value string) Instance
SetHostname mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetID ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetID(id string) Instance
SetID mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetIsolationGroup ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetIsolationGroup(r string) Instance
SetIsolationGroup mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetPort ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetPort(value uint32) Instance
SetPort mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetShardSetID ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetShardSetID(value uint32) Instance
SetShardSetID mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetShards ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetShards(s shard.Shards) Instance
SetShards mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetWeight ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetWeight(w uint32) Instance
SetWeight mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) SetZone ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetZone(z string) Instance
SetZone mocks base method
func (*MockInstance) ShardSetID ¶
func (m *MockInstance) ShardSetID() uint32
ShardSetID mocks base method
type MockInstanceMockRecorder ¶
type MockInstanceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstanceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockInstance
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Clone ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Clone() *gomock.Call
Clone indicates an expected call of Clone
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Endpoint ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Endpoint() *gomock.Call
Endpoint indicates an expected call of Endpoint
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Hostname ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Hostname() *gomock.Call
Hostname indicates an expected call of Hostname
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsAvailable() *gomock.Call
IsAvailable indicates an expected call of IsAvailable
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsInitializing ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsInitializing() *gomock.Call
IsInitializing indicates an expected call of IsInitializing
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsLeaving ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsLeaving() *gomock.Call
IsLeaving indicates an expected call of IsLeaving
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsolationGroup ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsolationGroup() *gomock.Call
IsolationGroup indicates an expected call of IsolationGroup
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Port ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Port() *gomock.Call
Port indicates an expected call of Port
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Proto ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
Proto indicates an expected call of Proto
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetEndpoint ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetEndpoint(ip interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEndpoint indicates an expected call of SetEndpoint
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHostname ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHostname(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetHostname indicates an expected call of SetHostname
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetID ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetID(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetID indicates an expected call of SetID
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetIsolationGroup ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetIsolationGroup(r interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsolationGroup indicates an expected call of SetIsolationGroup
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetPort ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetPort(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPort indicates an expected call of SetPort
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShardSetID ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShardSetID(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShardSetID indicates an expected call of SetShardSetID
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShards ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetShards(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShards indicates an expected call of SetShards
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetWeight ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetWeight(w interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetWeight indicates an expected call of SetWeight
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetZone ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetZone(z interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetZone indicates an expected call of SetZone
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) ShardSetID ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) ShardSetID() *gomock.Call
ShardSetID indicates an expected call of ShardSetID
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) String ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
String indicates an expected call of String
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Weight ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Weight() *gomock.Call
Weight indicates an expected call of Weight
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) Zone ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) Zone() *gomock.Call
Zone indicates an expected call of Zone
type MockInstanceSelector ¶
type MockInstanceSelector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstanceSelector is a mock of InstanceSelector interface
func NewMockInstanceSelector ¶
func NewMockInstanceSelector(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockInstanceSelector
NewMockInstanceSelector creates a new mock instance
func (*MockInstanceSelector) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockInstanceSelector) EXPECT() *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockInstanceSelector) SelectAddingInstances ¶
func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectAddingInstances(candidates []Instance, p Placement) ([]Instance, error)
SelectAddingInstances mocks base method
func (*MockInstanceSelector) SelectInitialInstances ¶
func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectInitialInstances(candidates []Instance, rf int) ([]Instance, error)
SelectInitialInstances mocks base method
func (*MockInstanceSelector) SelectReplaceInstances ¶
func (m *MockInstanceSelector) SelectReplaceInstances(candidates []Instance, leavingInstanceIDs []string, p Placement) ([]Instance, error)
SelectReplaceInstances mocks base method
type MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder ¶
type MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockInstanceSelector
func (*MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectAddingInstances ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectAddingInstances(candidates, p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SelectAddingInstances indicates an expected call of SelectAddingInstances
func (*MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectInitialInstances ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectInitialInstances(candidates, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
SelectInitialInstances indicates an expected call of SelectInitialInstances
func (*MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectReplaceInstances ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceSelectorMockRecorder) SelectReplaceInstances(candidates, leavingInstanceIDs, p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SelectReplaceInstances indicates an expected call of SelectReplaceInstances
type MockOptions ¶
type MockOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptions is a mock of Options interface
func NewMockOptions ¶
func NewMockOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOptions
NewMockOptions creates a new mock instance
func (*MockOptions) AddAllCandidates ¶
func (m *MockOptions) AddAllCandidates() bool
AddAllCandidates mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) AllowAllZones ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (m *MockOptions) AllowAllZones() bool
AllowAllZones mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) AllowPartialReplace ¶
func (m *MockOptions) AllowPartialReplace() bool
AllowPartialReplace mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockOptions) InstanceSelector ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) InstanceSelector() InstanceSelector
InstanceSelector mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
InstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) IsMirrored ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IsMirrored() bool
IsMirrored mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) IsShardCutoffFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IsShardCutoffFn() ShardValidateFn
IsShardCutoffFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) IsShardCutoverFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IsShardCutoverFn() ShardValidateFn
IsShardCutoverFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) PlacementCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) PlacementCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
PlacementCutoverNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetAddAllCandidates ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetAddAllCandidates(addAllCandidates bool) Options
SetAddAllCandidates mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetAllowAllZones ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (m *MockOptions) SetAllowAllZones(allowAllZones bool) Options
SetAllowAllZones mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetAllowPartialReplace ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetAllowPartialReplace(allowPartialReplace bool) Options
SetAllowPartialReplace mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetDryrun ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDryrun(d bool) Options
SetDryrun mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetInstanceSelector ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (m *MockOptions) SetInstanceSelector(s InstanceSelector) Options
SetInstanceSelector mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(iopts instrument.Options) Options
SetInstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIsMirrored ¶
func (m_2 *MockOptions) SetIsMirrored(m bool) Options
SetIsMirrored mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoffFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoffFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options
SetIsShardCutoffFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoverFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIsShardCutoverFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options
SetIsShardCutoverFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIsSharded ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIsSharded(sharded bool) Options
SetIsSharded mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIsStaged ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIsStaged(v bool) Options
SetIsStaged mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetNowFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetNowFn(fn clock.NowFn) Options
SetNowFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetShardCutoffNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetShardCutoffNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
SetShardCutoffNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetShardCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetShardCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options
SetShardCutoverNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetShardStateMode ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetShardStateMode(value ShardStateMode) Options
SetShardStateMode mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetValidZone ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetValidZone(z string) Options
SetValidZone mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate(fn ValidateFn) Options
SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ShardCutoffNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ShardCutoffNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
ShardCutoffNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ShardCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ShardCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn
ShardCutoverNanosFn mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ShardStateMode ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ShardStateMode() ShardStateMode
ShardStateMode mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ValidZone ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ValidZone() string
ValidZone mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate() ValidateFn
ValidateFnBeforeUpdate mocks base method
type MockOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) AddAllCandidates ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AddAllCandidates() *gomock.Call
AddAllCandidates indicates an expected call of AddAllCandidates
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowAllZones ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowAllZones() *gomock.Call
AllowAllZones indicates an expected call of AllowAllZones
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowPartialReplace ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) AllowPartialReplace() *gomock.Call
AllowPartialReplace indicates an expected call of AllowPartialReplace
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) Dryrun ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Dryrun() *gomock.Call
Dryrun indicates an expected call of Dryrun
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstanceSelector ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstanceSelector() *gomock.Call
InstanceSelector indicates an expected call of InstanceSelector
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
InstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of InstrumentOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsMirrored ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsMirrored() *gomock.Call
IsMirrored indicates an expected call of IsMirrored
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoffFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoffFn() *gomock.Call
IsShardCutoffFn indicates an expected call of IsShardCutoffFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoverFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsShardCutoverFn() *gomock.Call
IsShardCutoverFn indicates an expected call of IsShardCutoverFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsSharded ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsSharded() *gomock.Call
IsSharded indicates an expected call of IsSharded
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsStaged ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IsStaged() *gomock.Call
IsStaged indicates an expected call of IsStaged
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) NowFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NowFn() *gomock.Call
NowFn indicates an expected call of NowFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) PlacementCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PlacementCutoverNanosFn() *gomock.Call
PlacementCutoverNanosFn indicates an expected call of PlacementCutoverNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAddAllCandidates ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAddAllCandidates(addAllCandidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAddAllCandidates indicates an expected call of SetAddAllCandidates
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowAllZones ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowAllZones(allowAllZones interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAllowAllZones indicates an expected call of SetAllowAllZones
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowPartialReplace ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetAllowPartialReplace(allowPartialReplace interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAllowPartialReplace indicates an expected call of SetAllowPartialReplace
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDryrun ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDryrun(d interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDryrun indicates an expected call of SetDryrun
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstanceSelector ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstanceSelector(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstanceSelector indicates an expected call of SetInstanceSelector
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(iopts interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of SetInstrumentOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored(m interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsMirrored indicates an expected call of SetIsMirrored
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoffFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoffFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsShardCutoffFn indicates an expected call of SetIsShardCutoffFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoverFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsShardCutoverFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsShardCutoverFn indicates an expected call of SetIsShardCutoverFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsSharded ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsSharded(sharded interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsSharded indicates an expected call of SetIsSharded
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsStaged ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIsStaged(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsStaged indicates an expected call of SetIsStaged
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNowFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNowFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNowFn indicates an expected call of SetNowFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn indicates an expected call of SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoffNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoffNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShardCutoffNanosFn indicates an expected call of SetShardCutoffNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardCutoverNanosFn(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShardCutoverNanosFn indicates an expected call of SetShardCutoverNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardStateMode ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetShardStateMode(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShardStateMode indicates an expected call of SetShardStateMode
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidZone ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidZone(z interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetValidZone indicates an expected call of SetValidZone
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate(fn interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate indicates an expected call of SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoffNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoffNanosFn() *gomock.Call
ShardCutoffNanosFn indicates an expected call of ShardCutoffNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoverNanosFn ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardCutoverNanosFn() *gomock.Call
ShardCutoverNanosFn indicates an expected call of ShardCutoverNanosFn
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardStateMode ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ShardStateMode() *gomock.Call
ShardStateMode indicates an expected call of ShardStateMode
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidZone ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidZone() *gomock.Call
ValidZone indicates an expected call of ValidZone
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ValidateFnBeforeUpdate() *gomock.Call
ValidateFnBeforeUpdate indicates an expected call of ValidateFnBeforeUpdate
type MockPlacement ¶
type MockPlacement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockPlacement is a mock of Placement interface
func NewMockPlacement ¶
func NewMockPlacement(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockPlacement
NewMockPlacement creates a new mock instance
func (*MockPlacement) CutoverNanos ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) CutoverNanos() int64
CutoverNanos mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) EXPECT() *MockPlacementMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockPlacement) Instance ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) Instance(id string) (Instance, bool)
Instance mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) Instances ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) Instances() []Instance
Instances mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) InstancesForShard ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) InstancesForShard(shard uint32) []Instance
InstancesForShard mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) IsMirrored ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) IsMirrored() bool
IsMirrored mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) IsSharded ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) IsSharded() bool
IsSharded mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) MaxShardSetID ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) MaxShardSetID() uint32
MaxShardSetID mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) NumInstances ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) NumInstances() int
NumInstances mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) NumShards ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) NumShards() int
NumShards mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) Proto ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) Proto() (*placementpb.Placement, error)
Proto mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) ReplicaFactor ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) ReplicaFactor() int
ReplicaFactor mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetCutoverNanos ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetCutoverNanos(cutoverNanos int64) Placement
SetCutoverNanos mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetInstances ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetInstances(instances []Instance) Placement
SetInstances mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetIsMirrored ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetIsMirrored(v bool) Placement
SetIsMirrored mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetIsSharded ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetIsSharded(v bool) Placement
SetIsSharded mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetMaxShardSetID ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetMaxShardSetID(value uint32) Placement
SetMaxShardSetID mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetReplicaFactor ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetReplicaFactor(rf int) Placement
SetReplicaFactor mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetShards ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetShards(s []uint32) Placement
SetShards mocks base method
func (*MockPlacement) SetVersion ¶
func (m *MockPlacement) SetVersion(v int) Placement
SetVersion mocks base method
type MockPlacementMockRecorder ¶
type MockPlacementMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockPlacementMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockPlacement
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Clone ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Clone() *gomock.Call
Clone indicates an expected call of Clone
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) CutoverNanos ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) CutoverNanos() *gomock.Call
CutoverNanos indicates an expected call of CutoverNanos
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instance ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instance(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
Instance indicates an expected call of Instance
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instances ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Instances() *gomock.Call
Instances indicates an expected call of Instances
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) InstancesForShard ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) InstancesForShard(shard interface{}) *gomock.Call
InstancesForShard indicates an expected call of InstancesForShard
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsMirrored ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsMirrored() *gomock.Call
IsMirrored indicates an expected call of IsMirrored
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsSharded ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) IsSharded() *gomock.Call
IsSharded indicates an expected call of IsSharded
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) MaxShardSetID ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) MaxShardSetID() *gomock.Call
MaxShardSetID indicates an expected call of MaxShardSetID
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumInstances ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumInstances() *gomock.Call
NumInstances indicates an expected call of NumInstances
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumShards ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) NumShards() *gomock.Call
NumShards indicates an expected call of NumShards
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Proto ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
Proto indicates an expected call of Proto
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) ReplicaFactor ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) ReplicaFactor() *gomock.Call
ReplicaFactor indicates an expected call of ReplicaFactor
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetCutoverNanos ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetCutoverNanos(cutoverNanos interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCutoverNanos indicates an expected call of SetCutoverNanos
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetInstances ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetInstances(instances interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstances indicates an expected call of SetInstances
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsMirrored(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsMirrored indicates an expected call of SetIsMirrored
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsSharded ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetIsSharded(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIsSharded indicates an expected call of SetIsSharded
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetMaxShardSetID ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetMaxShardSetID(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMaxShardSetID indicates an expected call of SetMaxShardSetID
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetReplicaFactor ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetReplicaFactor(rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetReplicaFactor indicates an expected call of SetReplicaFactor
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetShards ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetShards(s interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetShards indicates an expected call of SetShards
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion(v interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetVersion indicates an expected call of SetVersion
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) String ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) String() *gomock.Call
String indicates an expected call of String
func (*MockPlacementMockRecorder) Version ¶
func (mr *MockPlacementMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
Version indicates an expected call of Version
type MockService ¶
type MockService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockService is a mock of Service interface
func NewMockService ¶
func NewMockService(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockService
NewMockService creates a new mock instance
func (*MockService) AddInstances ¶
func (m *MockService) AddInstances(candidates []Instance) (Placement, []Instance, error)
AddInstances mocks base method
func (*MockService) AddReplica ¶
func (m *MockService) AddReplica() (Placement, error)
AddReplica mocks base method
func (*MockService) BuildInitialPlacement ¶
func (m *MockService) BuildInitialPlacement(instances []Instance, numShards, rf int) (Placement, error)
BuildInitialPlacement mocks base method
func (*MockService) CheckAndSet ¶
func (m *MockService) CheckAndSet(p Placement, version int) (Placement, error)
CheckAndSet mocks base method
func (*MockService) CheckAndSetProto ¶
CheckAndSetProto mocks base method
func (*MockService) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockService) EXPECT() *MockServiceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockService) MarkAllShardsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockService) MarkAllShardsAvailable() (Placement, error)
MarkAllShardsAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockService) MarkInstanceAvailable ¶
func (m *MockService) MarkInstanceAvailable(instanceID string) (Placement, error)
MarkInstanceAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockService) MarkShardsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockService) MarkShardsAvailable(instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error)
MarkShardsAvailable mocks base method
func (*MockService) Placement ¶
func (m *MockService) Placement() (Placement, error)
Placement mocks base method
func (*MockService) PlacementForVersion ¶
func (m *MockService) PlacementForVersion(version int) (Placement, error)
PlacementForVersion mocks base method
func (*MockService) Proto ¶
func (m *MockService) Proto() (proto.Message, int, error)
Proto mocks base method
func (*MockService) RemoveInstances ¶
func (m *MockService) RemoveInstances(leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error)
RemoveInstances mocks base method
func (*MockService) ReplaceInstances ¶
func (m *MockService) ReplaceInstances(leavingInstanceIDs []string, candidates []Instance) (Placement, []Instance, error)
ReplaceInstances mocks base method
func (*MockService) Set ¶
func (m *MockService) Set(p Placement) (Placement, error)
Set mocks base method
func (*MockService) SetIfNotExist ¶
func (m *MockService) SetIfNotExist(p Placement) (Placement, error)
SetIfNotExist mocks base method
type MockServiceMockRecorder ¶
type MockServiceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServiceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockService
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) AddInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) AddInstances(candidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddInstances indicates an expected call of AddInstances
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) AddReplica ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) AddReplica() *gomock.Call
AddReplica indicates an expected call of AddReplica
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) BuildInitialPlacement ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) BuildInitialPlacement(instances, numShards, rf interface{}) *gomock.Call
BuildInitialPlacement indicates an expected call of BuildInitialPlacement
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSet ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSet(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckAndSet indicates an expected call of CheckAndSet
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckAndSetProto indicates an expected call of CheckAndSetProto
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) Delete ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Delete() *gomock.Call
Delete indicates an expected call of Delete
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkAllShardsAvailable() *gomock.Call
MarkAllShardsAvailable indicates an expected call of MarkAllShardsAvailable
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkInstanceAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkInstanceAvailable(instanceID interface{}) *gomock.Call
MarkInstanceAvailable indicates an expected call of MarkInstanceAvailable
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) MarkShardsAvailable(instanceID interface{}, shardIDs ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
MarkShardsAvailable indicates an expected call of MarkShardsAvailable
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) Placement ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Placement() *gomock.Call
Placement indicates an expected call of Placement
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
PlacementForVersion indicates an expected call of PlacementForVersion
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) Proto ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
Proto indicates an expected call of Proto
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) RemoveInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) RemoveInstances(leavingInstanceIDs interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveInstances indicates an expected call of RemoveInstances
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) ReplaceInstances(leavingInstanceIDs, candidates interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReplaceInstances indicates an expected call of ReplaceInstances
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) Set ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Set(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIfNotExist indicates an expected call of SetIfNotExist
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) SetProto ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) SetProto(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetProto indicates an expected call of SetProto
func (*MockServiceMockRecorder) Watch ¶
func (mr *MockServiceMockRecorder) Watch() *gomock.Call
Watch indicates an expected call of Watch
type MockStagedPlacement ¶
type MockStagedPlacement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacement is a mock of StagedPlacement interface
func NewMockStagedPlacement ¶
func NewMockStagedPlacement(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStagedPlacement
NewMockStagedPlacement creates a new mock instance
func (*MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacement ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacement(timeNanos int64) ActiveStagedPlacement
ActiveStagedPlacement mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
ActiveStagedPlacementOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) EXPECT() *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockStagedPlacement) Placements ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Placements() Placements
Placements mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) Proto ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Proto() (*placementpb.PlacementSnapshots, error)
Proto mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(opts ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacement
SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) SetPlacements ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetPlacements(placements []Placement) StagedPlacement
SetPlacements mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) SetVersion ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) SetVersion(version int) StagedPlacement
SetVersion mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacement) Version ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacement) Version() int
Version mocks base method
type MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder ¶
type MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStagedPlacement
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacement ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacement(timeNanos interface{}) *gomock.Call
ActiveStagedPlacement indicates an expected call of ActiveStagedPlacement
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() *gomock.Call
ActiveStagedPlacementOptions indicates an expected call of ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Placements ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Placements() *gomock.Call
Placements indicates an expected call of Placements
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Proto ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
Proto indicates an expected call of Proto
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions indicates an expected call of SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetPlacements ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetPlacements(placements interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPlacements indicates an expected call of SetPlacements
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) SetVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetVersion indicates an expected call of SetVersion
func (*MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Version ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
Version indicates an expected call of Version
type MockStagedPlacementWatcher ¶
type MockStagedPlacementWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacementWatcher is a mock of StagedPlacementWatcher interface
func NewMockStagedPlacementWatcher ¶
func NewMockStagedPlacementWatcher(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStagedPlacementWatcher
NewMockStagedPlacementWatcher creates a new mock instance
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcher) ActiveStagedPlacement ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcher) ActiveStagedPlacement() (ActiveStagedPlacement, DoneFn, error)
ActiveStagedPlacement mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcher) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcher) EXPECT() *MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcher) Unwatch ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcher) Unwatch() error
Unwatch mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcher) Watch ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcher) Watch() error
Watch mocks base method
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder ¶
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStagedPlacementWatcher
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacement ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacement() *gomock.Call
ActiveStagedPlacement indicates an expected call of ActiveStagedPlacement
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) Unwatch ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) Unwatch() *gomock.Call
Unwatch indicates an expected call of Unwatch
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) Watch ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherMockRecorder) Watch() *gomock.Call
Watch indicates an expected call of Watch
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions ¶
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions is a mock of StagedPlacementWatcherOptions interface
func NewMockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions ¶
func NewMockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions
NewMockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions creates a new mock instance
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
ActiveStagedPlacementOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
ClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) EXPECT() *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InitWatchTimeout ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InitWatchTimeout() time.Duration
InitWatchTimeout mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
InstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(value ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInitWatchTimeout ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInitWatchTimeout(value time.Duration) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetInitWatchTimeout mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetInstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementKey ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementKey(value string) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetStagedPlacementKey mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementStore ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) SetStagedPlacementStore(store kv.Store) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
SetStagedPlacementStore mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementKey ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementKey() string
StagedPlacementKey mocks base method
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementStore ¶
func (m *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementStore() kv.Store
StagedPlacementStore mocks base method
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() *gomock.Call
ActiveStagedPlacementOptions indicates an expected call of ActiveStagedPlacementOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
ClockOptions indicates an expected call of ClockOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InitWatchTimeout ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InitWatchTimeout() *gomock.Call
InitWatchTimeout indicates an expected call of InitWatchTimeout
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
InstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of InstrumentOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions indicates an expected call of SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetClockOptions indicates an expected call of SetClockOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInitWatchTimeout ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInitWatchTimeout(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInitWatchTimeout indicates an expected call of SetInitWatchTimeout
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of SetInstrumentOptions
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementKey ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementKey(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetStagedPlacementKey indicates an expected call of SetStagedPlacementKey
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementStore ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) SetStagedPlacementStore(store interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetStagedPlacementStore indicates an expected call of SetStagedPlacementStore
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementKey ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementKey() *gomock.Call
StagedPlacementKey indicates an expected call of StagedPlacementKey
func (*MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementStore ¶
func (mr *MockStagedPlacementWatcherOptionsMockRecorder) StagedPlacementStore() *gomock.Call
StagedPlacementStore indicates an expected call of StagedPlacementStore
type MockStorage ¶
type MockStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStorage is a mock of Storage interface
func NewMockStorage ¶
func NewMockStorage(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStorage
NewMockStorage creates a new mock instance
func (*MockStorage) CheckAndSet ¶
func (m *MockStorage) CheckAndSet(p Placement, version int) (Placement, error)
CheckAndSet mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) CheckAndSetProto ¶
CheckAndSetProto mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockStorage) EXPECT() *MockStorageMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockStorage) Placement ¶
func (m *MockStorage) Placement() (Placement, error)
Placement mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) PlacementForVersion ¶
func (m *MockStorage) PlacementForVersion(version int) (Placement, error)
PlacementForVersion mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) Proto ¶
func (m *MockStorage) Proto() (proto.Message, int, error)
Proto mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) Set ¶
func (m *MockStorage) Set(p Placement) (Placement, error)
Set mocks base method
func (*MockStorage) SetIfNotExist ¶
func (m *MockStorage) SetIfNotExist(p Placement) (Placement, error)
SetIfNotExist mocks base method
type MockStorageMockRecorder ¶
type MockStorageMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStorageMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStorage
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSet ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSet(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckAndSet indicates an expected call of CheckAndSet
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) CheckAndSetProto(p, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckAndSetProto indicates an expected call of CheckAndSetProto
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Delete ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Delete() *gomock.Call
Delete indicates an expected call of Delete
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Placement ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Placement() *gomock.Call
Placement indicates an expected call of Placement
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) PlacementForVersion(version interface{}) *gomock.Call
PlacementForVersion indicates an expected call of PlacementForVersion
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Proto ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Proto() *gomock.Call
Proto indicates an expected call of Proto
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Set ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Set(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
Set indicates an expected call of Set
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetIfNotExist(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIfNotExist indicates an expected call of SetIfNotExist
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) SetProto ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) SetProto(p interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetProto indicates an expected call of SetProto
func (*MockStorageMockRecorder) Watch ¶
func (mr *MockStorageMockRecorder) Watch() *gomock.Call
Watch indicates an expected call of Watch
type MockWatch ¶
type MockWatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockWatch is a mock of Watch interface
func NewMockWatch ¶
func NewMockWatch(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockWatch
NewMockWatch creates a new mock instance
func (*MockWatch) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockWatch) EXPECT() *MockWatchMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockWatchMockRecorder ¶
type MockWatchMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockWatchMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockWatch
func (*MockWatchMockRecorder) C ¶
func (mr *MockWatchMockRecorder) C() *gomock.Call
C indicates an expected call of C
func (*MockWatchMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockWatchMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockWatchMockRecorder) Get ¶
func (mr *MockWatchMockRecorder) Get() *gomock.Call
Get indicates an expected call of Get
type OnPlacementsAddedFn ¶
type OnPlacementsAddedFn func(placements []Placement)
OnPlacementsAddedFn is called when placements are added.
type OnPlacementsRemovedFn ¶
type OnPlacementsRemovedFn func(placements []Placement)
OnPlacementsRemovedFn is called when placements are removed.
type Options ¶
type Options interface { // AllowPartialReplace allows shards from the leaving instance to be // placed on instances other than the new instances in a replace operation AllowPartialReplace() bool // SetAllowPartialReplace sets AllowPartialReplace. SetAllowPartialReplace(allowPartialReplace bool) Options // AllowAllZones will enable the placement to contain hosts that // are not contained within the same zone of the actual placement. This is // needed for services that require cross zone communication. AllowAllZones() bool // SetAllowAllZones sets AllowAllZones. SetAllowAllZones(allowAllZones bool) Options // AddAllCandidates determines whether the placement will attempt to add all // candidates when adding instances or just a single one. AddAllCandidates() bool // SetAddAllCandidates sets AddAllCandidates. SetAddAllCandidates(addAllCandidates bool) Options // InstanceSelector defines the strategy used to select new instances from a list of // candidates when adding or replacing nodes in the placement. The default is determined // by IsMirrored(); false => selector.NewNonMirroredSelector, true => NewPortMirroredSelector. InstanceSelector() InstanceSelector // SetInstanceSelector -- see InstanceSelector. SetInstanceSelector(s InstanceSelector) Options // IsSharded describes whether a placement needs to be sharded, // when set to false, no specific shards will be assigned to any instance. IsSharded() bool // SetIsSharded sets IsSharded. SetIsSharded(sharded bool) Options // ShardStateMode describes the mode to manage shard state in the placement. ShardStateMode() ShardStateMode // SetShardStateMode sets ShardStateMode. SetShardStateMode(value ShardStateMode) Options // Dryrun will try to perform the placement operation but will not persist the final result. Dryrun() bool // SetDryrun sets whether the Dryrun value. SetDryrun(d bool) Options // IsMirrored returns whether the shard distribution should be mirrored // to support master/slave model. IsMirrored() bool // SetIsMirrored sets IsMirrored. SetIsMirrored(m bool) Options // IsStaged returns whether the placement should keep all the snapshots. IsStaged() bool // SetIsStaged sets whether the placement should keep all the snapshots. SetIsStaged(v bool) Options // InstrumentOptions is the options for instrument. InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options // SetInstrumentOptions sets the instrument options. SetInstrumentOptions(iopts instrument.Options) Options // ValidZone returns the zone that added instances must be in in order // to be added to a placement. ValidZone() string // SetValidZone sets the zone that added instances must be in in order to // be added to a placement. By default the valid zone will be the zone of // instances already in a placement, however if a placement is empty then // it is necessary to specify the valid zone when adding the first // instance. SetValidZone(z string) Options // PlacementCutoverNanosFn returns the TimeNanosFn for placement cutover time. PlacementCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn // SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn sets the TimeNanosFn for placement cutover time. SetPlacementCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options // ShardCutoverNanosFn returns the TimeNanosFn for shard cutover time. ShardCutoverNanosFn() TimeNanosFn // SetShardCutoverNanosFn sets the TimeNanosFn for shard cutover time. SetShardCutoverNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options // ShardCutoffNanosFn returns the TimeNanosFn for shard cutoff time. ShardCutoffNanosFn() TimeNanosFn // SetShardCutoffNanosFn sets the TimeNanosFn for shard cutoff time. SetShardCutoffNanosFn(fn TimeNanosFn) Options // IsShardCutoverFn returns the validation function for shard cutover. IsShardCutoverFn() ShardValidateFn // SetIsShardCutoverFn sets the validation function for shard cutover. SetIsShardCutoverFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options // IsShardCutoffFn returns the validation function for shard cutoff. IsShardCutoffFn() ShardValidateFn // SetIsShardCutoffFn sets the validation function for shard cutoff. SetIsShardCutoffFn(fn ShardValidateFn) Options // ValidateFnBeforeUpdate returns the validate function to be applied before // a placement update. ValidateFnBeforeUpdate() ValidateFn // SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate sets the validate function to be applied before // a placement update. SetValidateFnBeforeUpdate(fn ValidateFn) Options // NowFn returns the function to get time now. NowFn() clock.NowFn // SetNowFn sets the function to get time now. SetNowFn(fn clock.NowFn) Options }
Options is the interface for placement options.
type Placement ¶
type Placement interface { // InstancesForShard returns the instances for a given shard id. InstancesForShard(shard uint32) []Instance // Instances returns all instances in the placement Instances() []Instance // SetInstances sets the instances SetInstances(instances []Instance) Placement // NumInstances returns the number of instances in the placement NumInstances() int // Instance returns the instance for the requested id Instance(id string) (Instance, bool) // ReplicaFactor returns the replica factor in the placement ReplicaFactor() int // SetReplicaFactor sets the ReplicaFactor SetReplicaFactor(rf int) Placement // Shards returns all the unique shard ids for a replica Shards() []uint32 // SetShards sets the unique shard ids for a replica SetShards(s []uint32) Placement // ShardsLen returns the number of shards in a replica NumShards() int // IsSharded() returns whether this placement is sharded IsSharded() bool // SetIsSharded() sets IsSharded SetIsSharded(v bool) Placement // CutoverNanos returns the cutover time in nanoseconds. CutoverNanos() int64 // SetCutoverNanos sets the cutover time in nanoseconds. SetCutoverNanos(cutoverNanos int64) Placement // IsMirrored() returns whether the placement is mirrored. IsMirrored() bool // SetIsMirrored() sets IsMirrored. SetIsMirrored(v bool) Placement // MaxShardSetID returns the maximum shard set id used before to guarantee unique // shard set id generations across placement changes. MaxShardSetID() uint32 // SetMaxShardSetID sets the maximum shard set id used before to guarantee unique // shard set id generations across placement changes. SetMaxShardSetID(value uint32) Placement // String returns a description of the placement String() string // Version() returns the version of the placement retreived from the // backing MVCC store. Version() int // SetVersion() sets the version of the placement object. Since version // is determined by the backing MVCC store, calling this method has no // effect in terms of the updated ServicePlacement that is written back // to the MVCC store. SetVersion(v int) Placement // Proto returns the proto representation for the Placement. Proto() (*placementpb.Placement, error) // Clone returns a clone of the Placement. Clone() Placement }
Placement describes how instances are placed.
func NewPlacementFromProto ¶
func NewPlacementFromProto(p *placementpb.Placement) (Placement, error)
NewPlacementFromProto creates a new placement from proto.
type Placements ¶
type Placements []Placement
Placements represents a list of placements.
func NewPlacementsFromProto ¶
func NewPlacementsFromProto(p *placementpb.PlacementSnapshots) (Placements, error)
NewPlacementsFromProto creates a list of placements from proto.
func (Placements) ActiveIndex ¶
func (placements Placements) ActiveIndex(timeNanos int64) int
ActiveIndex finds the index of the last placement whose cutover time is no later than timeNanos (a.k.a. the active placement). Assuming the cutover times of the placements are sorted in ascending order (i.e., earliest time first).
func (Placements) Proto ¶
func (placements Placements) Proto() (*placementpb.PlacementSnapshots, error)
Proto converts a list of Placement to a proto.
type Service ¶
type Service interface { Storage // BuildInitialPlacement initialize a placement. BuildInitialPlacement(instances []Instance, numShards int, rf int) (Placement, error) // AddReplica up the replica factor by 1 in the placement. AddReplica() (Placement, error) // AddInstances adds instances from the candidate list to the placement. AddInstances(candidates []Instance) (newPlacement Placement, addedInstances []Instance, err error) // RemoveInstances removes instances from the placement. RemoveInstances(leavingInstanceIDs []string) (Placement, error) // ReplaceInstances picks instances from the candidate list to replace instances in current placement. ReplaceInstances( leavingInstanceIDs []string, candidates []Instance, ) ( newPlacement Placement, usedInstances []Instance, err error, ) // MarkShardsAvailable marks given shards as available. MarkShardsAvailable(instanceID string, shardIDs ...uint32) (Placement, error) // MarkInstanceAvailable marks all the shards on a given instance as available. MarkInstanceAvailable(instanceID string) (Placement, error) // MarkAllShardsAvailable marks shard states as available where applicable. MarkAllShardsAvailable() (Placement, error) }
Service handles the placement related operations for registered services all write or update operations will persist the generated placement before returning success.
type ShardStateMode ¶
type ShardStateMode int
ShardStateMode describes the way to manage shard state in the placement.
const ( // StableShardStateOnly means the placement should only keep stable shard state. StableShardStateOnly ShardStateMode = iota // IncludeTransitionalShardStates means the placement will include transitional shard states. IncludeTransitionalShardStates )
type ShardValidateFn ¶
ShardValidateFn validates the shard.
type StagedPlacement ¶
type StagedPlacement interface { // ActiveStagedPlacement returns the active staged placement for a given time. ActiveStagedPlacement(timeNanos int64) ActiveStagedPlacement // Version returns the version of the staged placement. Version() int // SetVersion sets the version of the staged placement. SetVersion(version int) StagedPlacement // Placements return the placements in the staged placement. Placements() Placements // SetPlacements sets the placements in the staged placement. SetPlacements(placements []Placement) StagedPlacement // ActiveStagedPlacementOptions returns the active staged placement options. ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions // SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions sets the active staged placement options. SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(opts ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacement // Proto returns the proto representation for the StagedPlacement. Proto() (*placementpb.PlacementSnapshots, error) }
StagedPlacement describes a series of placements applied in staged fashion.
func NewStagedPlacement ¶
func NewStagedPlacement() StagedPlacement
NewStagedPlacement creates an empty staged placement.
func NewStagedPlacementFromProto ¶
func NewStagedPlacementFromProto( version int, p *placementpb.PlacementSnapshots, opts ActiveStagedPlacementOptions, ) (StagedPlacement, error)
NewStagedPlacementFromProto creates a new staged placement from proto.
type StagedPlacementWatcher ¶
type StagedPlacementWatcher interface { // Watch starts watching the updates. Watch() error // ActiveStagedPlacement returns the currently active staged placement, the // callback function when the caller is done using the active staged placement, // and any errors encountered. ActiveStagedPlacement() (ActiveStagedPlacement, DoneFn, error) // Unwatch stops watching the updates. Unwatch() error }
StagedPlacementWatcher watches for updates to staged placement.
func NewStagedPlacementWatcher ¶
func NewStagedPlacementWatcher(opts StagedPlacementWatcherOptions) StagedPlacementWatcher
NewStagedPlacementWatcher creates a new staged placement watcher.
type StagedPlacementWatcherOptions ¶
type StagedPlacementWatcherOptions interface { // SetClockOptions sets the clock options. SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // ClockOptions returns the clock options. ClockOptions() clock.Options // SetInstrumentOptions sets the instrument options. SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // InstrumentOptions returns the instrument options. InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options // SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions sets the active staged placement options. SetActiveStagedPlacementOptions(value ActiveStagedPlacementOptions) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // ActiveStagedPlacementOptions returns the active staged placement options. ActiveStagedPlacementOptions() ActiveStagedPlacementOptions // SetStagedPlacementKey sets the kv key to watch for staged placement. SetStagedPlacementKey(value string) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // StagedPlacementKey returns the kv key to watch for staged placement. StagedPlacementKey() string // SetStagedPlacementStore sets the staged placement store. SetStagedPlacementStore(store kv.Store) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // StagedPlacementStore returns the staged placement store. StagedPlacementStore() kv.Store // SetInitWatchTimeout sets the initial watch timeout. SetInitWatchTimeout(value time.Duration) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions // InitWatchTimeout returns the initial watch timeout. InitWatchTimeout() time.Duration }
StagedPlacementWatcherOptions provide a set of staged placement watcher options.
func NewStagedPlacementWatcherOptions ¶
func NewStagedPlacementWatcherOptions() StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
NewStagedPlacementWatcherOptions create a new set of topology options.
type Storage ¶
type Storage interface { // Set writes a placement. Set(p Placement) (Placement, error) // CheckAndSet writes a placement if the current version // matches the expected version. CheckAndSet(p Placement, version int) (Placement, error) // SetIfNotExist writes a placement. SetIfNotExist(p Placement) (Placement, error) // Placement reads placement. Placement() (Placement, error) // Watch returns a watch for the placement updates. Watch() (Watch, error) // Delete deletes the placement. Delete() error // SetProto sets the proto as the placement. SetProto(p proto.Message) (int, error) // CheckAndSetProto writes a proto if the current version // matches the expected version. CheckAndSetProto(p proto.Message, version int) (int, error) // Proto returns the placement proto. Proto() (proto.Message, int, error) // PlacementForVersion returns the placement of a specific version. PlacementForVersion(version int) (Placement, error) }
Storage provides read and write access to placement.
type TimeNanosFn ¶
type TimeNanosFn func() int64
TimeNanosFn returns the time in the format of Unix nanoseconds.
type Watch ¶
type Watch interface { // C returns the notification channel. C() <-chan struct{} // Get returns the latest version of the placement. Get() (Placement, error) // Close stops watching for placement updates. Close() }
Watch watches for updates of a placement.
type WatcherConfiguration ¶
type WatcherConfiguration struct { // Placement key. Key string `yaml:"key" validate:"nonzero"` // Initial watch timeout. InitWatchTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"initWatchTimeout"` }
WatcherConfiguration contains placement watcher configuration.
func (*WatcherConfiguration) NewOptions ¶
func (c *WatcherConfiguration) NewOptions( store kv.Store, instrumentOpts instrument.Options, ) StagedPlacementWatcherOptions
NewOptions creates a placement watcher option.