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DISCOv2 is a reimplementation of the DISCO parts of
collectd-mlab, written in Go. It
differs a bit from DISCO, but fundamentally they are the same in that they
both probe a switch for various traffic metrics every 10s and then
periodically write the results to a file in JSON format. Pusher will upload
those files to GCS where they will be processed and parsed into BigQuery.
DISCOv2 supports the following flags:
: the IP and TCP port to listen to for
Prometheus metricis requests.
: the path to a YAML-formatted file defining which metrics to
scrape. See file metrics.yaml in this repo for an example.
: the interval at which collected metrics are converted to
JSON and written to disk.
: the name or IP of the switch to collect metrics from.
DISCOv2 requires that an environment variable named DISCO_COMMUNITY
is set
and contains the SNMP community sting to use when polling the switch.
Unlike DISCO, in addition to collecting switch metrics every 10s and writing
out data files, DISCOv2 includes a Prometheus exporter which will expose the
metrics it has collected. This makes DISCOv2 something like the
snmp_exporter, but far less
general purpose.