
package module
v0.0.0-...-c389da5 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jan 12, 2021 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 29 Imported by: 1,988


About Walk

Walk is a "Windows Application Library Kit" for the Go Programming Language.

Its primarily useful for Desktop GUI development, but there is some more stuff.


Make sure you have a working Go installation.
See [Getting Started](http://golang.org/doc/install.html)

##### Note
Walk currently requires Go 1.11.x or later.

##### To Install
Now run `go get github.com/lxn/walk`

Using Walk

The preferred way to create GUIs with Walk is to use its declarative sub package,
as illustrated in this small example:

##### `test.go`

package main

import (
	. "github.com/lxn/walk/declarative"

func main() {
	var inTE, outTE *walk.TextEdit

		Title:   "SCREAMO",
		MinSize: Size{600, 400},
		Layout:  VBox{},
		Children: []Widget{
				Children: []Widget{
					TextEdit{AssignTo: &inTE},
					TextEdit{AssignTo: &outTE, ReadOnly: true},
				Text: "SCREAM",
				OnClicked: func() {

##### Create Manifest `test.manifest`

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
    <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="SomeFunkyNameHere" type="win32"/>
            <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"/>
    <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
            <dpiAwareness xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2016/WindowsSettings">PerMonitorV2, PerMonitor</dpiAwareness>
            <dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">True</dpiAware>

Then either compile the manifest using the [rsrc tool](https://github.com/akavel/rsrc), like this:

	go get github.com/akavel/rsrc
	rsrc -manifest test.manifest -o rsrc.syso

or rename the `test.manifest` file to `test.exe.manifest` and distribute it with the application instead.

##### Build app

In the directory containing `test.go` run

	go build
To get rid of the cmd window, instead run

	go build -ldflags="-H windowsgui"

##### Run app
##### Sample Output (Windows 7)

![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/lUrgE2Q.png)

##### More Examples
There are some [examples](examples) that should get you started.

Application Manifest Files
Walk requires Common Controls 6. This means that you must put an appropriate
application manifest file either next to your executable or embedded as a

You can copy one of the application manifest files that come with the examples.

To embed a manifest file as a resource, you can use the [rsrc tool](https://github.com/akavel/rsrc).

IMPORTANT: If you don't embed a manifest as a resource, then you should not launch
your executable before the manifest file is in place.
If you do anyway, the program will not run properly. And worse, Windows will not
recognize a manifest file, you later drop next to the executable. To fix this,
rebuild your executable and only launch it with a manifest file in place.

CGo Optimizations

The usual default message loop includes calls to win32 API functions, which incurs a decent amount
of runtime overhead coming from Go. As an alternative to this, you may compile Walk using an
optional C implementation of the main message loop, by passing the `walk_use_cgo` build tag:

   go build -tags walk_use_cgo


Rendered for windows/amd64



View Source
const (
	NoOrientation Orientation = 0
	Horizontal                = 1 << 0
	Vertical                  = 1 << 1
View Source
const (
	DlgCmdNone     = 0
	DlgCmdOK       = win.IDOK
	DlgCmdCancel   = win.IDCANCEL
	DlgCmdAbort    = win.IDABORT
	DlgCmdRetry    = win.IDRETRY
	DlgCmdIgnore   = win.IDIGNORE
	DlgCmdYes      = win.IDYES
	DlgCmdNo       = win.IDNO
	DlgCmdClose    = win.IDCLOSE
	DlgCmdHelp     = win.IDHELP
	DlgCmdTryAgain = win.IDTRYAGAIN
	DlgCmdContinue = win.IDCONTINUE
	DlgCmdTimeout  = win.IDTIMEOUT
View Source
const (
	EllipsisNone EllipsisMode = 0
	EllipsisEnd               = EllipsisMode(win.SS_ENDELLIPSIS)
	EllipsisPath              = EllipsisMode(win.SS_PATHELLIPSIS)


View Source
var (
	ErrPropertyReadOnly       = errors.New("read-only property")
	ErrPropertyNotValidatable = errors.New("property not validatable")
View Source
var (
	ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid type")


func AltDown

func AltDown() bool

func AppDataPath

func AppDataPath() (string, error)

func AppendToWalkInit

func AppendToWalkInit(fn func())

func CommonAppDataPath

func CommonAppDataPath() (string, error)

func ControlDown

func ControlDown() bool

func DriveNames

func DriveNames() ([]string, error)

func FormatFloat

func FormatFloat(f float64, prec int) string

func FormatFloatGrouped

func FormatFloatGrouped(f float64, prec int) string

func InitWidget

func InitWidget(widget Widget, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error

InitWidget initializes a Widget.

func InitWindow

func InitWindow(window, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error

InitWindow initializes a window.

Widgets should be initialized using InitWidget instead.

func InitWrapperWindow

func InitWrapperWindow(window Window) error

InitWrapperWindow initializes a window that wraps (embeds) another window.

Calling this method is necessary, if you want to be able to override the WndProc method of the embedded window. The embedded window should only be used as inseparable part of the wrapper window to avoid undefined behavior.

func IntFrom96DPI

func IntFrom96DPI(value, dpi int) int

IntFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.

func IntTo96DPI

func IntTo96DPI(value, dpi int) int

IntTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.

func LocalAppDataPath

func LocalAppDataPath() (string, error)

func LogErrors

func LogErrors() bool

func MouseWheelEventDelta

func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int

func MouseWheelEventKeyState

func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int

func MsgBox

func MsgBox(owner Form, title, message string, style MsgBoxStyle) int

func MustRegisterWindowClass

func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string)

MustRegisterWindowClass registers the specified window class.

MustRegisterWindowClass must be called once for every window type that is not based on any system provided control, before calling InitChildWidget or InitWidget. Calling MustRegisterWindowClass twice with the same className results in a panic.

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithStyle

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithStyle(className string, style uint32)

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtr

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtr(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr)

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtrAndStyle

func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtrAndStyle(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr, style uint32)

func PanicOnError

func PanicOnError() bool

func ParseFloat

func ParseFloat(s string) (float64, error)

func PersonalPath

func PersonalPath() (string, error)

func RegistryKeyString

func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error)

func RegistryKeyUint32

func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error)

func SetLogErrors

func SetLogErrors(v bool)

func SetPanicOnError

func SetPanicOnError(v bool)

func SetTranslationFunc

func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction)

func SetWindowFont

func SetWindowFont(hwnd win.HWND, font *Font)

func ShiftDown

func ShiftDown() bool

func SystemPath

func SystemPath() (string, error)


type AccRole

type AccRole int32

AccRole enum defines the role of the window/control in UI.

const (
	AccRoleTitlebar           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR
	AccRoleMenubar            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR
	AccRoleScrollbar          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR
	AccRoleGrip               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP
	AccRoleSound              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND
	AccRoleCursor             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR
	AccRoleCaret              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET
	AccRoleAlert              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT
	AccRoleWindow             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW
	AccRoleClient             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT
	AccRoleMenuPopup          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP
	AccRoleMenuItem           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM
	AccRoleTooltip            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP
	AccRoleApplication        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION
	AccRoleDocument           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT
	AccRolePane               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE
	AccRoleChart              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART
	AccRoleDialog             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG
	AccRoleBorder             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER
	AccRoleGrouping           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING
	AccRoleSeparator          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR
	AccRoleToolbar            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR
	AccRoleStatusbar          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR
	AccRoleTable              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE
	AccRoleColumnHeader       AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER
	AccRoleRowHeader          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER
	AccRoleColumn             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN
	AccRoleRow                AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW
	AccRoleCell               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL
	AccRoleLink               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK
	AccRoleHelpBalloon        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON
	AccRoleCharacter          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER
	AccRoleList               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST
	AccRoleListItem           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM
	AccRoleOutline            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE
	AccRoleOutlineItem        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM
	AccRolePagetab            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB
	AccRolePropertyPage       AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE
	AccRoleIndicator          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR
	AccRoleGraphic            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC
	AccRoleStatictext         AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT
	AccRoleText               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT
	AccRolePushbutton         AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON
	AccRoleCheckbutton        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON
	AccRoleRadiobutton        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_RADIOBUTTON
	AccRoleCombobox           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX
	AccRoleDroplist           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST
	AccRoleProgressbar        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR
	AccRoleDial               AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL
	AccRoleHotkeyfield        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD
	AccRoleSlider             AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER
	AccRoleSpinbutton         AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON
	AccRoleDiagram            AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM
	AccRoleAnimation          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION
	AccRoleEquation           AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION
	AccRoleButtonDropdown     AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN
	AccRoleButtonMenu         AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU
	AccRoleButtonDropdownGrid AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID
	AccRoleWhitespace         AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE
	AccRolePageTabList        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST
	AccRoleClock              AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK
	AccRoleSplitButton        AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON
	AccRoleIPAddress          AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS
	AccRoleOutlineButton      AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON

Window/control system roles

type AccState

type AccState int32

AccState enum defines the state of the window/control

const (
	AccStateNormal          AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL
	AccStateUnavailable     AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE
	AccStateSelected        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED
	AccStateFocused         AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED
	AccStatePressed         AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED
	AccStateChecked         AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED
	AccStateMixed           AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED
	AccStateIndeterminate   AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INDETERMINATE
	AccStateReadonly        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY
	AccStateHotTracked      AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED
	AccStateDefault         AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT
	AccStateExpanded        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED
	AccStateCollapsed       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED
	AccStateBusy            AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY
	AccStateFloating        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING
	AccStateMarqueed        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED
	AccStateAnimated        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED
	AccStateInvisible       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE
	AccStateOffscreen       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN
	AccStateSizeable        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SIZEABLE
	AccStateMoveable        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MOVEABLE
	AccStateSelfVoicing     AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING
	AccStateFocusable       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE
	AccStateSelectable      AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE
	AccStateLinked          AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_LINKED
	AccStateTraversed       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_TRAVERSED
	AccStateMultiselectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE
	AccStateExtselectable   AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE
	AccStateAlertLow        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW
	AccStateAlertMedium     AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM
	AccStateAlertHigh       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH
	AccStateProtected       AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED
	AccStateHasPopup        AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP
	AccStateValid           AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_VALID

Window/control states

type Accessibility

type Accessibility struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Accessibility provides basic Dynamic Annotation of windows and controls.

func (*Accessibility) SetAccelerator

func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error

SetAccelerator sets window accelerator name using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetDefaultAction

func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error

SetDefaultAction sets window default action using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetDescription

func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error

SetDescription sets window description using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetHelp

func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error

SetHelp sets window help using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetName

func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error

SetName sets window name using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetRole

func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error

SetRole sets window role using Dynamic Annotation. The role must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.

func (*Accessibility) SetRoleMap

func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error

SetRoleMap sets window role map using Dynamic Annotation. The role map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.

func (*Accessibility) SetState

func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error

SetState sets window state using Dynamic Annotation.

func (*Accessibility) SetStateMap

func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error

SetStateMap sets window state map using Dynamic Annotation. The state map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.

func (*Accessibility) SetValueMap

func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error

SetValueMap sets window value map using Dynamic Annotation. The value map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.

type Action

type Action struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAction

func NewAction() *Action

func NewMenuAction

func NewMenuAction(menu *Menu) *Action

func NewSeparatorAction

func NewSeparatorAction() *Action

func (*Action) Checkable

func (a *Action) Checkable() bool

func (*Action) Checked

func (a *Action) Checked() bool

func (*Action) CheckedCondition

func (a *Action) CheckedCondition() Condition

func (*Action) Default

func (a *Action) Default() bool

func (*Action) DefaultCondition

func (a *Action) DefaultCondition() Condition

func (*Action) Enabled

func (a *Action) Enabled() bool

func (*Action) EnabledCondition

func (a *Action) EnabledCondition() Condition

func (*Action) Exclusive

func (a *Action) Exclusive() bool

func (*Action) Image

func (a *Action) Image() Image

func (*Action) IsSeparator

func (a *Action) IsSeparator() bool

func (*Action) Menu

func (a *Action) Menu() *Menu

func (*Action) SetCheckable

func (a *Action) SetCheckable(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetChecked

func (a *Action) SetChecked(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetCheckedCondition

func (a *Action) SetCheckedCondition(c Condition)

func (*Action) SetDefault

func (a *Action) SetDefault(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetDefaultCondition

func (a *Action) SetDefaultCondition(c Condition)

func (*Action) SetEnabled

func (a *Action) SetEnabled(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetEnabledCondition

func (a *Action) SetEnabledCondition(c Condition)

func (*Action) SetExclusive

func (a *Action) SetExclusive(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetImage

func (a *Action) SetImage(value Image) (err error)

func (*Action) SetShortcut

func (a *Action) SetShortcut(shortcut Shortcut) (err error)

func (*Action) SetText

func (a *Action) SetText(value string) (err error)

func (*Action) SetToolTip

func (a *Action) SetToolTip(value string) (err error)

func (*Action) SetVisible

func (a *Action) SetVisible(value bool) (err error)

func (*Action) SetVisibleCondition

func (a *Action) SetVisibleCondition(c Condition)

func (*Action) Shortcut

func (a *Action) Shortcut() Shortcut

func (*Action) Text

func (a *Action) Text() string

func (*Action) ToolTip

func (a *Action) ToolTip() string

func (*Action) Triggered

func (a *Action) Triggered() *Event

func (*Action) Visible

func (a *Action) Visible() bool

func (*Action) VisibleCondition

func (a *Action) VisibleCondition() Condition

type ActionList

type ActionList struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ActionList) Add

func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error

func (*ActionList) AddMenu

func (l *ActionList) AddMenu(menu *Menu) (*Action, error)

func (*ActionList) At

func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action

func (*ActionList) Clear

func (l *ActionList) Clear() error

func (*ActionList) Contains

func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool

func (*ActionList) Index

func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int

func (*ActionList) Insert

func (l *ActionList) Insert(index int, action *Action) error

func (*ActionList) InsertMenu

func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error)

func (*ActionList) Len

func (l *ActionList) Len() int

func (*ActionList) Remove

func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error

func (*ActionList) RemoveAt

func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error

type Alignment1D

type Alignment1D uint
const (
	AlignDefault Alignment1D = iota

type Alignment2D

type Alignment2D uint
const (
	AlignHVDefault Alignment2D = iota

type Application

type Application struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func App

func App() *Application

func (*Application) ActiveForm

func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form

ActiveForm returns the currently active form for the caller's thread. It returns nil if no form is active or the caller's thread does not have any windows associated with it. It should be called from within synchronized functions.

func (*Application) Exit

func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int)

func (*Application) ExitCode

func (app *Application) ExitCode() int

func (*Application) OrganizationName

func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string

func (*Application) Panicking

func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent

func (*Application) ProductName

func (app *Application) ProductName() string

func (*Application) SetOrganizationName

func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string)

func (*Application) SetProductName

func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string)

func (*Application) SetSettings

func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings)

func (*Application) Settings

func (app *Application) Settings() Settings

type ApplyDPIer

type ApplyDPIer interface {
	ApplyDPI(dpi int)

type ApplyFonter

type ApplyFonter interface {
	ApplyFont(font *Font)

type ApplySysColorser

type ApplySysColorser interface {

type BindingValueProvider

type BindingValueProvider interface {
	BindingValue(index int) interface{}

BindingValueProvider is the interface that a model must implement to support data binding with widgets like ComboBox.

type Bitmap

type Bitmap struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func BitmapFrom

func BitmapFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

func NewBitmap deprecated

func NewBitmap(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmap creates an opaque bitmap with given size in 1/96" units at screen DPI.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapForDPI.

func NewBitmapForDPI

func NewBitmapForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapForDPI creates an opaque bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.

func NewBitmapFromFile deprecated

func NewBitmapFromFile(filePath string) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromFile creates new bitmap from a bitmap file at 96dpi.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapFromFileForDPI.

func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI

func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI(filePath string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromFileForDPI creates new bitmap from a bitmap file at given DPI.

func NewBitmapFromIcon deprecated

func NewBitmapFromIcon(icon *Icon, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromIcon creates a new bitmap with given size in native pixels and 96dpi and paints the icon on it.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapFromIconForDPI.

func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI

func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI(icon *Icon, size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromIconForDPI creates a new bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI and paints the icon on it.

func NewBitmapFromImage deprecated

func NewBitmapFromImage(im image.Image) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromImage creates a Bitmap from image.Image at 96dpi.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapFromImageForDPI.

func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI

func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromImageForDPI creates a Bitmap from image.Image at given DPI.

func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize

func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromImageWithSize creates a bitmap with given size in native units and paints the image on it streched.

func NewBitmapFromResource deprecated

func NewBitmapFromResource(name string) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromResource creates a Bitmap at 96dpi from resource by name.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI.

func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI

func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by name.

func NewBitmapFromResourceId deprecated

func NewBitmapFromResourceId(id int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromResourceId creates a Bitmap at 96dpi from resource by ID.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI.

func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI

func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI(id int, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by ID.

func NewBitmapFromWindow

func NewBitmapFromWindow(window Window) (*Bitmap, error)

func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels deprecated

func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels creates a transparent bitmap with given size in 1/96" units at screen DPI.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI.

func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI

func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)

NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI creates a transparent bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.

func (*Bitmap) Dispose

func (bmp *Bitmap) Dispose()

func (*Bitmap) Size

func (bmp *Bitmap) Size() Size

Size returns bitmap size in 1/96" units.

func (*Bitmap) ToImage

func (bmp *Bitmap) ToImage() (*image.RGBA, error)

type BitmapBrush

type BitmapBrush struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBitmapBrush

func NewBitmapBrush(bitmap *Bitmap) (*BitmapBrush, error)

func (*BitmapBrush) Bitmap

func (b *BitmapBrush) Bitmap() *Bitmap

func (*BitmapBrush) Dispose

func (bb *BitmapBrush) Dispose()

type BorderGlowEffect

type BorderGlowEffect struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBorderGlowEffect

func NewBorderGlowEffect(color Color) (*BorderGlowEffect, error)

func (*BorderGlowEffect) Dispose

func (wgeb *BorderGlowEffect) Dispose()

func (*BorderGlowEffect) Draw

func (bge *BorderGlowEffect) Draw(widget Widget, canvas *Canvas) error

type BoxLayout

type BoxLayout struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHBoxLayout

func NewHBoxLayout() *BoxLayout

func NewVBoxLayout

func NewVBoxLayout() *BoxLayout

func (*BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem

func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem

func (*BoxLayout) Orientation

func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation

func (*BoxLayout) SetOrientation

func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error

func (*BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor

func (l *BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error

func (*BoxLayout) StretchFactor

func (l *BoxLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int

type Brush

type Brush interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func NullBrush

func NullBrush() Brush

type Button

type Button struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Button) ApplyDPI

func (b *Button) ApplyDPI(dpi int)

func (*Button) Checked

func (b *Button) Checked() bool

func (*Button) CheckedChanged

func (b *Button) CheckedChanged() *Event

func (*Button) Clicked

func (b *Button) Clicked() *Event

func (*Button) CreateLayoutItem

func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem

func (*Button) Image

func (b *Button) Image() Image

func (*Button) ImageChanged

func (b *Button) ImageChanged() *Event

func (*Button) Persistent

func (b *Button) Persistent() bool

func (*Button) RestoreState

func (b *Button) RestoreState() error

func (*Button) SaveState

func (b *Button) SaveState() error

func (*Button) SetChecked

func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool)

func (*Button) SetImage

func (b *Button) SetImage(image Image) error

func (*Button) SetPersistent

func (b *Button) SetPersistent(value bool)

func (*Button) SetText

func (b *Button) SetText(value string) error

func (*Button) Text

func (b *Button) Text() string

func (*Button) WndProc

func (b *Button) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr

type CancelEvent

type CancelEvent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CancelEvent) Attach

func (e *CancelEvent) Attach(handler CancelEventHandler) int

func (*CancelEvent) Detach

func (e *CancelEvent) Detach(handle int)

func (*CancelEvent) Once

func (e *CancelEvent) Once(handler CancelEventHandler)

type CancelEventHandler

type CancelEventHandler func(canceled *bool)

type CancelEventPublisher

type CancelEventPublisher struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CancelEventPublisher) Event

func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Event() *CancelEvent

func (*CancelEventPublisher) Publish

func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool)

type Canvas

type Canvas struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCanvasFromImage

func NewCanvasFromImage(image Image) (*Canvas, error)

func (*Canvas) Bounds

func (c *Canvas) Bounds() Rectangle

func (*Canvas) BoundsPixels

func (c *Canvas) BoundsPixels() Rectangle

func (*Canvas) DPI

func (c *Canvas) DPI() int

func (*Canvas) Dispose

func (c *Canvas) Dispose()

func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPart

func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPart(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle) error

DrawBitmapPart draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error

DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity draws bitmap at given location in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error

DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error

DrawBitmapWithOpacity draws bitmap with opacity at given location in 1/96" units stretched.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error

DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap with opacity at given location in native pixels stretched.

func (*Canvas) DrawEllipse deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipse(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawEllipse draws an ellipse in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawEllipsePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawEllipsePixels draws an ellipse in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawImage deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawImage(image Image, location Point) error

DrawImage draws image at given location (upper left) in 1/96" units unstretched.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawImagePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawImagePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawImagePixels(image Image, location Point) error

DrawImagePixels draws image at given location (upper left) in native pixels unstretched.

func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretched deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretched(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawImageStretched draws image at given location in 1/96" units stretched.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawImageStretchedPixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawImageStretchedPixels draws image at given location in native pixels stretched.

func (*Canvas) DrawLine deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawLine(pen Pen, from, to Point) error

DrawLine draws a line between two points in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawLinePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawLinePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawLinePixels(pen Pen, from, to Point) error

DrawLinePixels draws a line between two points in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawPolyline deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawPolyline(pen Pen, points []Point) error

DrawLine draws a line between given points in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawLinePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels(pen Pen, points []Point) error

DrawPolylinePixels draws a line between given points in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawRectangle deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawRectangle draws a rectangle in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawRectanglePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error

DrawRectanglePixels draws a rectangle in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error

DrawRoundedRectangle draws a rounded rectangle in 1/96" units. sizeCorrection parameter is in native pixels.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawRoundedRectanglePixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error

DrawRoundedRectanglePixels draws a rounded rectangle in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawText deprecated

func (c *Canvas) DrawText(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error

DrawText draws text at given location in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use DrawTextPixels.

func (*Canvas) DrawTextPixels

func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error

DrawTextPixels draws text at given location in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) FillEllipse deprecated

func (c *Canvas) FillEllipse(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error

FillEllipse draws a filled ellipse in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use FillEllipsePixels.

func (*Canvas) FillEllipsePixels

func (c *Canvas) FillEllipsePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error

FillEllipsePixels draws a filled in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) FillRectangle deprecated

func (c *Canvas) FillRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error

FillRectangle draws a filled rectangle in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use FillRectanglePixels.

func (*Canvas) FillRectanglePixels

func (c *Canvas) FillRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error

FillRectanglePixels draws a filled rectangle in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle deprecated

func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error

FillRoundedRectangle draws a filled rounded rectangle in 1/96" units. sizeCorrection parameter is in native pixels.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use FillRoundedRectanglePixels.

func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels

func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error

FillRoundedRectanglePixels draws a filled rounded rectangle in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectangle deprecated

func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error

GradientFillRectangle draws a gradient filled rectangle in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use GradientFillRectanglePixels.

func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels

func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error

GradientFillRectanglePixels draws a gradient filled rectangle in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) HDC

func (c *Canvas) HDC() win.HDC

func (*Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels

func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error)

MeasureAndModifyTextPixels measures text size and also supports modification of the text which occurs if it does not fit into the specified bounds.

Input and output bounds are in native pixels.

func (*Canvas) MeasureText deprecated

func (c *Canvas) MeasureText(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)

MeasureText measures text size. Input and output bounds are in 1/96" units.

Deprecated: Newer applications should use MeasureTextPixels.

func (*Canvas) MeasureTextPixels

func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)

MeasureTextPixels measures text size. Input and output bounds are in native pixels.

type CaseMode

type CaseMode uint32
const (
	CaseModeMixed CaseMode = iota

type CellStyle

type CellStyle struct {
	BackgroundColor Color
	TextColor       Color
	Font            *Font

	// Image is the image to display in the cell.
	// Supported types are *walk.Bitmap, *walk.Icon and string. A string will be
	// interpreted as a file path and the icon associated with the file will be
	// used. It is not supported to use strings together with the other options
	// in the same model instance.
	Image interface{}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CellStyle carries information about the display style of a cell in a tabular widget like TableView.

func (*CellStyle) Bounds

func (cs *CellStyle) Bounds() Rectangle

func (*CellStyle) BoundsPixels

func (cs *CellStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle

func (*CellStyle) Canvas

func (cs *CellStyle) Canvas() *Canvas

func (*CellStyle) Col

func (cs *CellStyle) Col() int

func (*CellStyle) Row

func (cs *CellStyle) Row() int

type CellStyler

type CellStyler interface {
	// StyleCell is called for each cell to pick up cell style information.
	StyleCell(style *CellStyle)

CellStyler is the interface that must be implemented to provide a tabular widget like TableView with cell display style information.

type CheckBox

type CheckBox struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCheckBox

func NewCheckBox(parent Container) (*CheckBox, error)

func (*CheckBox) CheckState

func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState

func (*CheckBox) CheckStateChanged

func (cb *CheckBox) CheckStateChanged() *Event

func (*CheckBox) RestoreState

func (cb *CheckBox) RestoreState() error

func (*CheckBox) SaveState

func (cb *CheckBox) SaveState() error

func (*CheckBox) SetCheckState

func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState)

func (*CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide

func (cb *CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error

func (*CheckBox) SetTristate

func (cb *CheckBox) SetTristate(tristate bool) error

func (*CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide

func (cb *CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide() bool

func (*CheckBox) Tristate

func (cb *CheckBox) Tristate() bool

func (*CheckBox) WndProc

func (cb *CheckBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr

type CheckState

type CheckState int
const (
	CheckUnchecked     CheckState = win.BST_UNCHECKED
	CheckChecked       CheckState = win.BST_CHECKED
	CheckIndeterminate CheckState = win.BST_INDETERMINATE

type ClipboardService

type ClipboardService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClipboardService provides access to the system clipboard.

func Clipboard

func Clipboard() *ClipboardService

Clipboard returns an object that provides access to the system clipboard.

func (*ClipboardService) Clear

func (c *ClipboardService) Clear() error

Clear clears the contents of the clipboard.

func (*ClipboardService) ContainsText

func (c *ClipboardService) ContainsText() (available bool, err error)

ContainsText returns whether the clipboard currently contains text data.

func (*ClipboardService) ContentsChanged

func (c *ClipboardService) ContentsChanged() *Event

ContentsChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling clipboard content changes.

func (*ClipboardService) SetText

func (c *ClipboardService) SetText(s string) error

SetText sets the current text data of the clipboard.

func (*ClipboardService) Text

func (c *ClipboardService) Text() (text string, err error)

Text returns the current text data of the clipboard.

type CloseEvent

type CloseEvent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloseEvent) Attach

func (e *CloseEvent) Attach(handler CloseEventHandler) int

func (*CloseEvent) Detach

func (e *CloseEvent) Detach(handle int)

func (*CloseEvent) Once

func (e *CloseEvent) Once(handler CloseEventHandler)

type CloseEventHandler

type CloseEventHandler func(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)

type CloseEventPublisher

type CloseEventPublisher struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CloseEventPublisher) Event

func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Event() *CloseEvent

func (*CloseEventPublisher) Publish

func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)

type CloseReason

type CloseReason byte
const (
	CloseReasonUnknown CloseReason = iota

type Color

type Color uint32

func RGB

func RGB(r, g, b byte) Color

func (Color) B

func (c Color) B() byte

func (Color) G

func (c Color) G() byte

func (Color) R

func (c Color) R() byte

type ComboBox

type ComboBox struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewComboBox

func NewComboBox(parent Container) (*ComboBox, error)

func NewDropDownBox

func NewDropDownBox(parent Container) (*ComboBox, error)

func (*ComboBox) BindingMember

func (cb *ComboBox) BindingMember() string

BindingMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.

This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.

func (*ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem

func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem

func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndex

func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndex() int

func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged

func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event

func (*ComboBox) DisplayMember

func (cb *ComboBox) DisplayMember() string

DisplayMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.

This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.

func (*ComboBox) Editable

func (cb *ComboBox) Editable() bool

func (*ComboBox) EditingFinished

func (cb *ComboBox) EditingFinished() *Event

func (*ComboBox) Format

func (cb *ComboBox) Format() string

func (*ComboBox) MaxLength

func (cb *ComboBox) MaxLength() int

func (*ComboBox) Model

func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{}

Model returns the model of the ComboBox.

func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize

func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize() bool

func (*ComboBox) Persistent

func (cb *ComboBox) Persistent() bool

func (*ComboBox) Precision

func (cb *ComboBox) Precision() int

func (*ComboBox) RestoreState

func (cb *ComboBox) RestoreState() error

func (*ComboBox) SaveState

func (cb *ComboBox) SaveState() error

func (*ComboBox) SetBindingMember

func (cb *ComboBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error

SetBindingMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.

This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.

For a model consisting of items of type S, data source field of type T and bindingMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:

A field		Foo T
A method	func (s S) Foo() T
A method	func (s S) Foo() (T, error)

If bindingMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.

func (*ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex

func (cb *ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error

func (*ComboBox) SetDisplayMember

func (cb *ComboBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error

SetDisplayMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.

This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.

For a model consisting of items of type S, the type of the specified member T and displayMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:

A field		Foo T
A method	func (s S) Foo() T
A method	func (s S) Foo() (T, error)

If displayMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.

func (*ComboBox) SetFormat

func (cb *ComboBox) SetFormat(value string)

func (*ComboBox) SetMaxLength

func (cb *ComboBox) SetMaxLength(value int)

func (*ComboBox) SetModel

func (cb *ComboBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error

SetModel sets the model of the ComboBox.

It is required that mdl either implements walk.ListModel or walk.ReflectListModel or be a slice of pointers to struct or a []string.

func (*ComboBox) SetPersistent

func (cb *ComboBox) SetPersistent(value bool)

func (*ComboBox) SetPrecision

func (cb *ComboBox) SetPrecision(value int)

func (*ComboBox) SetText

func (cb *ComboBox) SetText(value string) error

func (*ComboBox) SetTextSelection

func (cb *ComboBox) SetTextSelection(start, end int)

func (*ComboBox) Text

func (cb *ComboBox) Text() string

func (*ComboBox) TextChanged

func (cb *ComboBox) TextChanged() *Event

func (*ComboBox) TextSelection

func (cb *ComboBox) TextSelection() (start, end int)

func (*ComboBox) WndProc

func (cb *ComboBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr

type Composite

type Composite struct {

func NewComposite

func NewComposite(parent Container) (*Composite, error)

func NewCompositeWithStyle

func NewCompositeWithStyle(parent Window, style uint32) (*Composite, error)

type Condition

type Condition interface {
	Satisfied() bool

func NewAllCondition

func NewAllCondition(items ...Condition) Condition

func NewAnyCondition

func NewAnyCondition(items ...Condition) Condition

func NewNegatedCondition

func NewNegatedCondition(other Condition) Condition

type Container

type Container interface {
	AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
	Children() *WidgetList
	Layout() Layout
	SetLayout(value Layout) error
	DataBinder() *DataBinder
	SetDataBinder(dbm *DataBinder)

type ContainerBase

type ContainerBase struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ContainerBase) ApplyDPI

func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)

func (*ContainerBase) ApplySysColors

func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors()

func (*ContainerBase) AsContainerBase

func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase

func (*ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase

func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase

func (*ContainerBase) Children

func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList

func (*ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem

func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem

func (*ContainerBase) DataBinder

func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder

func (*ContainerBase) Layout

func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout

func (*ContainerBase) NextChildID

func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32

func (*ContainerBase) Persistent

func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool

func (*ContainerBase) RestoreState

func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error

func (*ContainerBase) SaveState

func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error

func (*ContainerBase) SetDataBinder

func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)

func (*ContainerBase) SetLayout

func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error

func (*ContainerBase) SetPersistent

func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool)

func (*ContainerBase) WndProc

func (cb *ContainerBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr

type ContainerLayoutItem

type ContainerLayoutItem interface {
	AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase

	// MinSizeEffectiveForChild returns minimum effective size for a child in native pixels.
	MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size

	PerformLayout() []LayoutResultItem
	Children() []LayoutItem
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer

func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer(container Container) ContainerLayoutItem

func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext

func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext(container Container, ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem

type ContainerLayoutItemBase

type ContainerLayoutItemBase struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase

func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase

func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children

func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem

func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth

func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool

func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild

func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size

func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren

func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem)

type CosmeticPen

type CosmeticPen struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCosmeticPen

func NewCosmeticPen(style PenStyle, color Color) (*CosmeticPen, error)

func (*CosmeticPen) Color

func (p *CosmeticPen) Color() Color

func (*CosmeticPen) Dispose

func (p *CosmeticPen) Dispose()

func (*CosmeticPen) Style

func (p *CosmeticPen) Style() PenStyle

func (*CosmeticPen) Width

func (p *CosmeticPen) Width() int

type Cursor

type Cursor interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func CursorAppStarting

func CursorAppStarting() Cursor

func CursorArrow

func CursorArrow() Cursor

func CursorCross

func CursorCross() Cursor

func CursorHand

func CursorHand() Cursor

func CursorHelp

func CursorHelp() Cursor

func CursorIBeam

func CursorIBeam() Cursor

func CursorIcon

func CursorIcon() Cursor

func CursorNo

func CursorNo() Cursor

func CursorSize

func CursorSize() Cursor

func CursorSizeAll

func CursorSizeAll() Cursor

func CursorSizeNESW

func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor

func CursorSizeNS

func CursorSizeNS() Cursor

func CursorSizeNWSE

func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor

func CursorSizeWE

func CursorSizeWE() Cursor

func CursorUpArrow

func CursorUpArrow() Cursor

func CursorWait

func CursorWait() Cursor

func NewCursorFromImage

func NewCursorFromImage(im image.Image, hotspot image.Point) (Cursor, error)

type CustomWidget

type CustomWidget struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCustomWidget deprecated

func NewCustomWidget(parent Container, style uint, paint PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)

NewCustomWidget creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.

Deprecated: PaintFunc is taking updateBounds parameter at 96dpi for backward compatibility with clients. On high-DPI displays this is too sparse and may incur a thin unpainted edge around control due to rounding errors. Newer applications should use NewCustomWidgetPixels.

func NewCustomWidgetPixels

func NewCustomWidgetPixels(parent Container, style uint, paintPixels PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)

NewCustomWidgetPixels creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.

func (*CustomWidget) ClearsBackground

func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool

deprecated, use PaintMode

func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem

func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem

func (*CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize

func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool

func (*CustomWidget) PaintMode

func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode

func (*CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground

func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool)

deprecated, use SetPaintMode

func (*CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize

func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool)

func (*CustomWidget) SetPaintMode

func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode)

func (*CustomWidget) WndProc

func (cw *CustomWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr

type DataBinder

type DataBinder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDataBinder

func NewDataBinder() *DataBinder

func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmit

func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool

func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay

func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration

func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended

func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool

func (*DataBinder) BoundWidgets

func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget

func (*DataBinder) CanSubmit

func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool

func (*DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged

func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event

func (*DataBinder) DataSource

func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{}

func (*DataBinder) DataSourceChanged

func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event

func (*DataBinder) Dirty

func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool

func (*DataBinder) ErrorPresenter

func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter

func (*DataBinder) Expression

func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression

func (*DataBinder) Reset

func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error

func (*DataBinder) ResetFinished

func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event

func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit

func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool)

func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay

func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration)

func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended

func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool)

func (*DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets

func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget)

func (*DataBinder) SetDataSource

func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error

func (*DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter

func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter)

func (*DataBinder) Submit

func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error

func (*DataBinder) Submitted

func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event

type DataField

type DataField interface {
	CanSet() bool
	Get() interface{}
	Set(interface{}) error
	Zero() interface{}

type DateEdit

type DateEdit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDateEdit

func NewDateEdit(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error)

func NewDateEditWithNoneOption

func NewDateEditWithNoneOption(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error)

func (*DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem

func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext)