Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AltDown() bool
- func AppDataPath() (string, error)
- func AppendToWalkInit(fn func())
- func CommonAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func ControlDown() bool
- func DriveNames() ([]string, error)
- func FormatFloat(f float64, prec int) string
- func FormatFloatGrouped(f float64, prec int) string
- func InitWidget(widget Widget, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error
- func InitWindow(window, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error
- func InitWrapperWindow(window Window) error
- func IntFrom96DPI(value, dpi int) int
- func IntTo96DPI(value, dpi int) int
- func LocalAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func LogErrors() bool
- func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int
- func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int
- func MsgBox(owner Form, title, message string, style MsgBoxStyle) int
- func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithStyle(className string, style uint32)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtr(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtrAndStyle(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr, style uint32)
- func PanicOnError() bool
- func ParseFloat(s string) (float64, error)
- func PersonalPath() (string, error)
- func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error)
- func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error)
- func SetLogErrors(v bool)
- func SetPanicOnError(v bool)
- func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction)
- func SetWindowFont(hwnd win.HWND, font *Font)
- func ShiftDown() bool
- func SystemPath() (string, error)
- type AccRole
- type AccState
- type Accessibility
- func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error
- type Action
- func (a *Action) Checkable() bool
- func (a *Action) Checked() bool
- func (a *Action) CheckedCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Default() bool
- func (a *Action) DefaultCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Enabled() bool
- func (a *Action) EnabledCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Exclusive() bool
- func (a *Action) Image() Image
- func (a *Action) IsSeparator() bool
- func (a *Action) Menu() *Menu
- func (a *Action) SetCheckable(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetChecked(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetCheckedCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetDefault(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetDefaultCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetEnabled(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetEnabledCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetExclusive(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetImage(value Image) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetShortcut(shortcut Shortcut) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetText(value string) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetToolTip(value string) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetVisible(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetVisibleCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) Shortcut() Shortcut
- func (a *Action) Text() string
- func (a *Action) ToolTip() string
- func (a *Action) Triggered() *Event
- func (a *Action) Visible() bool
- func (a *Action) VisibleCondition() Condition
- type ActionList
- func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) AddMenu(menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
- func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action
- func (l *ActionList) Clear() error
- func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool
- func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int
- func (l *ActionList) Insert(index int, action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
- func (l *ActionList) Len() int
- func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type Alignment1D
- type Alignment2D
- type Application
- func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form
- func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int)
- func (app *Application) ExitCode() int
- func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string
- func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent
- func (app *Application) ProductName() string
- func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string)
- func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string)
- func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings)
- func (app *Application) Settings() Settings
- type ApplyDPIer
- type ApplyFonter
- type ApplySysColorser
- type BindingValueProvider
- type Bitmap
- func BitmapFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmap(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromFile(filePath string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI(filePath string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromIcon(icon *Icon, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI(icon *Icon, size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromImage(im image.Image) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromResource(name string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromResourceId(id int) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI(id int, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromWindow(window Window) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- type BitmapBrush
- type BorderGlowEffect
- type BoxLayout
- func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
- func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation
- func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error
- func (l *BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error
- func (l *BoxLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int
- type Brush
- type Button
- func (b *Button) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (b *Button) Checked() bool
- func (b *Button) CheckedChanged() *Event
- func (b *Button) Clicked() *Event
- func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (b *Button) Image() Image
- func (b *Button) ImageChanged() *Event
- func (b *Button) Persistent() bool
- func (b *Button) RestoreState() error
- func (b *Button) SaveState() error
- func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (b *Button) SetImage(image Image) error
- func (b *Button) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (b *Button) SetText(value string) error
- func (b *Button) Text() string
- func (b *Button) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type CancelEvent
- type CancelEventHandler
- type CancelEventPublisher
- type Canvas
- func (c *Canvas) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (c *Canvas) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (c *Canvas) DPI() int
- func (c *Canvas) Dispose()
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPart(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipse(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImage(image Image, location Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImagePixels(image Image, location Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretched(image Image, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawLine(pen Pen, from, to Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawLinePixels(pen Pen, from, to Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawPolyline(pen Pen, points []Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels(pen Pen, points []Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawText(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillEllipse(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillEllipsePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error
- func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) HDC() win.HDC
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error)
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureText(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)deprecated
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)
- type CaseMode
- type CellStyle
- type CellStyler
- type CheckBox
- func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState
- func (cb *CheckBox) CheckStateChanged() *Event
- func (cb *CheckBox) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SaveState() error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState)
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetTristate(tristate bool) error
- func (cb *CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide() bool
- func (cb *CheckBox) Tristate() bool
- func (cb *CheckBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type CheckState
- type ClipboardService
- type CloseEvent
- type CloseEventHandler
- type CloseEventPublisher
- type CloseReason
- type Color
- type ComboBox
- func (cb *ComboBox) BindingMember() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndex() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) DisplayMember() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) Editable() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) EditingFinished() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) Format() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) MaxLength() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{}
- func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) Persistent() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) Precision() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SaveState() error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetFormat(value string)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetPrecision(value int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetText(value string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) Text() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) TextChanged() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Composite
- type Condition
- type Container
- type ContainerBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList
- func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout
- func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool
- func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ContainerLayoutItem
- type ContainerLayoutItemBase
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem)
- type CosmeticPen
- type Cursor
- func CursorAppStarting() Cursor
- func CursorArrow() Cursor
- func CursorCross() Cursor
- func CursorHand() Cursor
- func CursorHelp() Cursor
- func CursorIBeam() Cursor
- func CursorIcon() Cursor
- func CursorNo() Cursor
- func CursorSize() Cursor
- func CursorSizeAll() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNS() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor
- func CursorSizeWE() Cursor
- func CursorUpArrow() Cursor
- func CursorWait() Cursor
- func NewCursorFromImage(im image.Image, hotspot image.Point) (Cursor, error)
- type CustomWidget
- func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool
- func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool
- func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type DataBinder
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget
- func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{}
- func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter
- func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression
- func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error
- func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error
- func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter)
- func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error
- func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event
- type DataField
- type DateEdit
- func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (de *DateEdit) Date() time.Time
- func (de *DateEdit) DateChanged() *Event
- func (de *DateEdit) Format() string
- func (*DateEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (de *DateEdit) Range() (min, max time.Time)
- func (de *DateEdit) SetDate(date time.Time) error
- func (de *DateEdit) SetFormat(format string) error
- func (de *DateEdit) SetRange(min, max time.Time) error
- func (de *DateEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type DateLabel
- func (s *DateLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (dl *DateLabel) Date() time.Time
- func (s *DateLabel) Dispose()
- func (dl *DateLabel) Format() string
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetDate(date time.Time) error
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetFormat(format string) error
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *DateLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (dl *DateLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *DateLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (s *DateLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type DelegateCondition
- type Dialog
- func (dlg *Dialog) Accept()
- func (dlg *Dialog) Cancel()
- func (dlg *Dialog) CancelButton() *PushButton
- func (dlg *Dialog) Close(result int)
- func (dlg *Dialog) DefaultButton() *PushButton
- func (dlg *Dialog) Result() int
- func (dlg *Dialog) Run() int
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetCancelButton(button *PushButton) error
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetDefaultButton(button *PushButton) error
- func (dlg *Dialog) Show()
- func (dlg *Dialog) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Disposable
- type Disposables
- type DrawTextFormat
- type DropFilesEvent
- type DropFilesEventHandler
- type DropFilesEventPublisher
- type DropShadowEffect
- type EllipsisMode
- type Error
- type ErrorEvent
- type ErrorEventHandler
- type ErrorEventPublisher
- type ErrorPresenter
- type Event
- type EventHandler
- type EventPublisher
- type Expression
- type ExtractableIcon
- type FileDialog
- type FlowLayout
- type Font
- type FontMemResource
- type FontStyle
- type Form
- type FormBase
- func (fb *FormBase) Activate() error
- func (fb *FormBase) Activating() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (fb *FormBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (fb *FormBase) AsFormBase() *FormBase
- func (fb *FormBase) Background() Brush
- func (fb *FormBase) Children() *WidgetList
- func (fb *FormBase) Close() error
- func (fb *FormBase) Closing() *CloseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (fb *FormBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (fb *FormBase) Deactivating() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Dispose()
- func (fb *FormBase) Hide()
- func (fb *FormBase) Icon() Image
- func (fb *FormBase) IconChanged() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Layout() Layout
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) Owner() Form
- func (fb *FormBase) Persistent() bool
- func (fb *FormBase) ProgressIndicator() *ProgressIndicator
- func (fb *FormBase) RestoreState() error
- func (fb *FormBase) RightToLeftLayout() bool
- func (fb *FormBase) Run() int
- func (fb *FormBase) SaveState() error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetBackground(background Brush)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetContextMenu(contextMenu *Menu)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetIcon(icon Image) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetOwner(value Form) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetRightToLeftLayout(rtl bool) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetSuspended(suspended bool)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetTitle(value string) error
- func (fb *FormBase) Show()
- func (fb *FormBase) Starting() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Title() string
- func (fb *FormBase) TitleChanged() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type GeometricPen
- type Geometry
- type GradientBrush
- type GradientComposite
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Color1() Color
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Color2() Color
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Dispose()
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor1(c Color) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor2(c Color) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetVertical(vertical bool) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Vertical() bool
- func (gc *GradientComposite) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type GradientStop
- type GradientTriangle
- type GradientVertex
- type GridLayout
- func (l *GridLayout) ColumnStretchFactor(column int) int
- func (l *GridLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
- func (l *GridLayout) Range(widget Widget) (r Rectangle, ok bool)
- func (l *GridLayout) RowStretchFactor(row int) int
- func (l *GridLayout) SetColumnStretchFactor(column, factor int) error
- func (l *GridLayout) SetRange(widget Widget, r Rectangle) error
- func (l *GridLayout) SetRowStretchFactor(row, factor int) error
- type GroupBox
- func (gb *GroupBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (gb *GroupBox) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (gb *GroupBox) Checkable() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) Checked() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) CheckedChanged() *Event
- func (gb *GroupBox) Children() *WidgetList
- func (gb *GroupBox) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (gb *GroupBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (gb *GroupBox) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (gb *GroupBox) Layout() Layout
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) Persistent() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) RestoreState() error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SaveState() error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetCheckable(checkable bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetTitle(title string) error
- func (gb *GroupBox) Title() string
- func (gb *GroupBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type HasChilder
- type HatchBrush
- type HatchStyle
- type HeightForWidther
- type IDProvider
- type Icon
- func IconApplication() *Icon
- func IconError() *Icon
- func IconFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Icon, error)
- func IconInformation() *Icon
- func IconQuestion() *Icon
- func IconShield() *Icon
- func IconWarning() *Icon
- func IconWinLogo() *Icon
- func NewIconExtractedFromFile(filePath string, index, _ int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconExtractedFromFileWithSize(filePath string, index, size int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromBitmap(bmp *Bitmap) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromFile(filePath string) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromFileWithSize(filePath string, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromHICON(hIcon win.HICON) (ic *Icon, err error)deprecated
- func NewIconFromHICONForDPI(hIcon win.HICON, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromImage(im image.Image) (ic *Icon, err error)deprecated
- func NewIconFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResource(name string) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceId(id int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceIdWithSize(id int, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceWithSize(name string, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromSysDLL(dllBaseName string, index int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize(dllBaseName string, index, size int) (*Icon, error)
- type IconCache
- type IdealSizer
- type Image
- type ImageList
- func (il *ImageList) Add(bitmap, maskBitmap *Bitmap) (int, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddIcon(icon *Icon) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddImage(image interface{}) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddMasked(bitmap *Bitmap) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) Dispose()
- func (il *ImageList) DrawPixels(canvas *Canvas, index int, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (il *ImageList) Handle() win.HIMAGELIST
- func (il *ImageList) MaskColor() Color
- type ImageProvider
- type ImageView
- func (iv *ImageView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (iv *ImageView) Image() Image
- func (iv *ImageView) ImageChanged() *Event
- func (iv *ImageView) Margin() int
- func (iv *ImageView) MarginChanged() *Event
- func (iv *ImageView) Mode() ImageViewMode
- func (iv *ImageView) SetImage(image Image) error
- func (iv *ImageView) SetMargin(margin int) error
- func (iv *ImageView) SetMode(mode ImageViewMode)
- type ImageViewMode
- type Imager
- type IniFileSettings
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) ExpireDuration() time.Duration
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) FilePath() string
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Get(key string) (string, bool)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Load() error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Portable() bool
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Put(key, value string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) PutExpiring(key, value string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Remove(key string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Save() error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetExpireDuration(expireDuration time.Duration)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetPortable(portable bool)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Timestamp(key string) (time.Time, bool)
- type IntEvent
- type IntEventHandler
- type IntEventPublisher
- type IntRangeEvent
- type IntRangeEventHandler
- type IntRangeEventPublisher
- type ItemChecker
- type Key
- type KeyEvent
- type KeyEventHandler
- type KeyEventPublisher
- type Label
- func (s *Label) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *Label) Dispose()
- func (l *Label) EllipsisMode() EllipsisMode
- func (l *Label) SetEllipsisMode(mode EllipsisMode) error
- func (l *Label) SetText(text string) error
- func (l *Label) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *Label) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (l *Label) Text() string
- func (l *Label) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *Label) TextColor() Color
- func (s *Label) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type Layout
- type LayoutBase
- func (l *LayoutBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
- func (l *LayoutBase) Container() Container
- func (l *LayoutBase) Margins() Margins
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetContainer(value Container)
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetMargins(value Margins) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetSpacing(value int) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) Spacing() int
- type LayoutContext
- type LayoutFlags
- type LayoutItem
- type LayoutItemBase
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) AsLayoutItemBase() *LayoutItemBase
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Context() *LayoutContext
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Geometry() *Geometry
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Handle() win.HWND
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Parent() ContainerLayoutItem
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Visible() bool
- type LayoutResult
- type LayoutResultItem
- type LineEdit
- func (le *LineEdit) CaseMode() CaseMode
- func (le *LineEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (le *LineEdit) CueBanner() string
- func (le *LineEdit) EditingFinished() *Event
- func (le *LineEdit) MaxLength() int
- func (*LineEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) PasswordMode() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) SetCaseMode(mode CaseMode) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetCueBanner(value string) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetPasswordMode(value bool)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetText(value string) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (le *LineEdit) Text() string
- func (le *LineEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (le *LineEdit) TextChanged() *Event
- func (le *LineEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (le *LineEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (le *LineEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type LinkLabel
- type LinkLabelLink
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Focused() (bool, error)
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Id() string
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Index() int
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetEnabled(enabled bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetFocused(focused bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetVisited(visited bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) URL() string
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Visited() (bool, error)
- type LinkLabelLinkEvent
- type LinkLabelLinkEventHandler
- type LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher
- type ListBox
- func (lb *ListBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (lb *ListBox) ApplySysColors()
- func (lb *ListBox) BindingMember() string
- func (lb *ListBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndex() int
- func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) DisplayMember() string
- func (lb *ListBox) EnsureItemVisible(index int)
- func (lb *ListBox) Format() string
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemStyler() ListItemStyler
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemVisible(index int) bool
- func (*ListBox) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
- func (lb *ListBox) Model() interface{}
- func (lb *ListBox) Precision() int
- func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexes() []int
- func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetFormat(value string)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetItemStyler(styler ListItemStyler)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetPrecision(value int)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int)
- func (lb *ListBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ListItemStyle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Canvas() *Canvas
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawBackground() error
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawText(text string, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Index() int
- type ListItemStyler
- type ListModel
- type ListModelBase
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemChanged() *IntEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsReset() *Event
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemChanged(index int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsInserted(from, to int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsRemoved(from, to int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsReset()
- type MainWindow
- func (mw *MainWindow) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (mw *MainWindow) Fullscreen() bool
- func (mw *MainWindow) Menu() *Menu
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) error
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetToolBar(tb *ToolBar)
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (mw *MainWindow) StatusBar() *StatusBar
- func (mw *MainWindow) ToolBar() *ToolBar
- func (mw *MainWindow) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type MainWindowCfg
- type Margins
- type Menu
- type Metafile
- type MinSizeForSizer
- type MinSizer
- type Modifiers
- type MouseButton
- type MouseEvent
- type MouseEventHandler
- type MouseEventPublisher
- type MsgBoxStyle
- type MutableCondition
- type NotifyIcon
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) DPI() int
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Dispose() error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Icon() Image
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MessageClicked() *Event
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetIcon(icon Image) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetToolTip(toolTip string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetVisible(visible bool) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowCustom(title, info string, icon Image) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowError(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowInfo(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowMessage(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowWarning(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ToolTip() string
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Visible() bool
- type NumberEdit
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Background() Brush
- func (ne *NumberEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Decimals() int
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Increment() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) MaxValue() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) MinValue() float64
- func (*NumberEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Prefix() string
- func (ne *NumberEdit) PrefixChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetBackground(bg Brush)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetFocus() error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetIncrement(increment float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetPrefix(prefix string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetRange(min, max float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSpinButtonsVisible(visible bool) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetToolTipText(s string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SpinButtonsVisible() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Suffix() string
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SuffixChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (ne *NumberEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Value() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) ValueChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type NumberLabel
- func (s *NumberLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Decimals() int
- func (s *NumberLabel) Dispose()
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *NumberLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Suffix() string
- func (nl *NumberLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *NumberLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Value() float64
- func (s *NumberLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type Orientation
- type PIState
- type PaintFunc
- type PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImage(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImagePixels(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
- type PaintMode
- type Pen
- type PenStyle
- type Persistable
- type Point
- type Populator
- type ProgressBar
- func (pb *ProgressBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MarqueeMode() bool
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MaxValue() int
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MinValue() int
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMarqueeMode(marqueeMode bool) error
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRange(min, max int)
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int)
- func (pb *ProgressBar) Value() int
- type ProgressIndicator
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Completed() uint32
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetCompleted(completed uint32) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetOverlayIcon(icon *Icon, description string) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetState(state PIState) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetTotal(total uint32)
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) State() PIState
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Total() uint32
- type Property
- func NewBoolProperty(get func() bool, set func(b bool) error, changed *Event) Property
- func NewProperty(get func() interface{}, set func(v interface{}) error, changed *Event) Property
- func NewReadOnlyBoolProperty(get func() bool, changed *Event) Property
- func NewReadOnlyProperty(get func() interface{}, changed *Event) Property
- type PushButton
- type RadioButton
- func (rb *RadioButton) Group() *RadioButtonGroup
- func (rb *RadioButton) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error
- func (rb *RadioButton) SetValue(value interface{})
- func (rb *RadioButton) TextOnLeftSide() bool
- func (rb *RadioButton) Value() interface{}
- func (rb *RadioButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type RadioButtonGroup
- type RangeValidator
- type Rectangle
- func (r Rectangle) Bottom() int
- func (r Rectangle) IsZero() bool
- func (r Rectangle) Left() int
- func (r Rectangle) Location() Point
- func (r Rectangle) Right() int
- func (r *Rectangle) SetLocation(p Point) Rectangle
- func (r *Rectangle) SetSize(s Size) Rectangle
- func (r Rectangle) Size() Size
- func (r Rectangle) Top() int
- type ReflectListModel
- type ReflectListModelBase
- type ReflectTableModel
- type ReflectTableModelBase
- type RegexpValidator
- type RegistryKey
- type ResourceManager
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Bitmap(name string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func (rm *ResourceManager) BitmapForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Icon(name string) (*Icon, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Image(name string) (Image, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) RootDirPath() string
- func (rm *ResourceManager) SetRootDirPath(rootDirPath string) error
- type ScrollView
- func (sv *ScrollView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (sv *ScrollView) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (sv *ScrollView) Children() *WidgetList
- func (sv *ScrollView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (sv *ScrollView) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (sv *ScrollView) Layout() Layout
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) Name() string
- func (sv *ScrollView) Persistent() bool
- func (sv *ScrollView) RestoreState() error
- func (sv *ScrollView) SaveState() error
- func (sv *ScrollView) Scrollbars() (horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetName(name string)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetScrollbars(horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Separator
- type Settings
- type Shortcut
- type Size
- type Slider
- func (sl *Slider) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (sl *Slider) LineSize() int
- func (sl *Slider) MaxValue() int
- func (sl *Slider) MinValue() int
- func (*Slider) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (sl *Slider) PageSize() int
- func (sl *Slider) Persistent() bool
- func (sl *Slider) RestoreState() error
- func (sl *Slider) SaveState() error
- func (sl *Slider) SetLineSize(lineSize int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (sl *Slider) SetRange(min, max int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetTracking(tracking bool)
- func (sl *Slider) SetValue(value int)
- func (sl *Slider) Tracking() bool
- func (sl *Slider) Value() int
- func (sl *Slider) ValueChanged() *Event
- func (sl *Slider) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type SliderCfg
- type SolidColorBrush
- type SortOrder
- type SortedReflectTableModelBase
- type Sorter
- type SorterBase
- type Spacer
- func NewHSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewHSpacerFixed(parent Container, width int) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewSpacerWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *SpacerCfg) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewVSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewVSpacerFixed(parent Container, height int) (*Spacer, error)
- type SpacerCfg
- type SplitButton
- type Splitter
- func (s *Splitter) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *Splitter) Fixed(widget Widget) bool
- func (s *Splitter) HandleWidth() int
- func (s *Splitter) Orientation() Orientation
- func (s *Splitter) Persistent() bool
- func (s *Splitter) RestoreState() error
- func (s *Splitter) SaveState() error
- func (s *Splitter) SetFixed(widget Widget, fixed bool) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetHandleWidth(value int) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (s *Splitter) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type StatusBar
- type StatusBarItem
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Clicked() *Event
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Icon() *Icon
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetIcon(icon *Icon) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetText(text string) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetToolTipText(toolTipText string) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Text() string
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) ToolTipText() string
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Width() int
- type StatusBarItemList
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Add(item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) At(index int) *StatusBarItem
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Clear() error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Contains(item *StatusBarItem) bool
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Index(item *StatusBarItem) int
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Insert(index int, item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Len() int
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Remove(item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type StringEvent
- type StringEventHandler
- type StringEventPublisher
- type SystemColor
- type SystemColorBrush
- type TabPage
- type TabPageList
- func (l *TabPageList) Add(item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) At(index int) *TabPage
- func (l *TabPageList) Clear() error
- func (l *TabPageList) Contains(item *TabPage) bool
- func (l *TabPageList) Index(item *TabPage) int
- func (l *TabPageList) Insert(index int, item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) Len() int
- func (l *TabPageList) Remove(item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type TabWidget
- func (tw *TabWidget) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tw *TabWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndex() int
- func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (tw *TabWidget) Dispose()
- func (tw *TabWidget) Pages() *TabPageList
- func (tw *TabWidget) Persistent() bool
- func (tw *TabWidget) RestoreState() error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SaveState() error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (tw *TabWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type TableModel
- type TableModelBase
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowChanged(row int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsChanged(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsInserted(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsRemoved(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsReset()
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowChanged() *IntEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsReset() *Event
- type TableView
- func (tv *TableView) AlternatingRowBG() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tv *TableView) ApplySysColors()
- func (tv *TableView) CellStyler() CellStyler
- func (tv *TableView) CheckBoxes() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnClicked() *IntEvent
- func (tv *TableView) Columns() *TableViewColumnList
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnsOrderable() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnsSizable() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (*TableView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndex() int
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentItemChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) Dispose()
- func (tv *TableView) EnsureItemVisible(index int)
- func (tv *TableView) Focused() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Gridlines() bool
- func (tv *TableView) HeaderHidden() bool
- func (tv *TableView) IgnoreNowhere() bool
- func (tv *TableView) IndexAt(x, y int) int
- func (tv *TableView) Invalidate() error
- func (tv *TableView) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) ItemChecker() ItemChecker
- func (tv *TableView) ItemCountChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) ItemStateChangedEventDelay() int
- func (tv *TableView) ItemVisible(index int) bool
- func (tv *TableView) LastColumnStretched() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Model() interface{}
- func (tv *TableView) MultiSelection() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Persistent() bool
- func (tv *TableView) RestoreState() error
- func (tv *TableView) RestoringCurrentItemOnReset() bool
- func (tv *TableView) RowsPerPage() int
- func (tv *TableView) SaveState() error
- func (tv *TableView) ScrollbarOrientation() Orientation
- func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexes() []int
- func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) SelectionHiddenWithoutFocus() bool
- func (tv *TableView) SetAlternatingRowBG(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetCellStyler(styler CellStyler)
- func (tv *TableView) SetCheckBoxes(checkBoxes bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsOrderable(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsSizable(b bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetGridlines(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetHeaderHidden(hidden bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetIgnoreNowhere(value bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetItemChecker(itemChecker ItemChecker)
- func (tv *TableView) SetItemStateChangedEventDelay(delay int)
- func (tv *TableView) SetLastColumnStretched(value bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetMultiSelection(multiSel bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetRestoringCurrentItemOnReset(restoring bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetScrollbarOrientation(orientation Orientation)
- func (tv *TableView) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetSelectionHiddenWithoutFocus(hidden bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SortableByHeaderClick() bool
- func (tv *TableView) StretchLastColumn() error
- func (tv *TableView) TableModel() TableModel
- func (tv *TableView) UpdateItem(index int) error
- func (tv *TableView) VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder() []*TableViewColumn
- func (tv *TableView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type TableViewCfg
- type TableViewColumn
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Alignment() Alignment1D
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMember() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMemberEffective() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Format() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) FormatFunc() func(value interface{}) string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Frozen() bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) LessFunc() func(i, j int) bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Name() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Precision() int
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetDataMember(dataMember string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormat(format string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormatFunc(formatFunc func(value interface{}) string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFrozen(frozen bool) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetLessFunc(lessFunc func(i, j int) bool)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetName(name string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetPrecision(precision int) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitle(title string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitleOverride(titleOverride string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetVisible(visible bool) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetWidth(width int) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Title() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleEffective() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleOverride() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Visible() bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Width() int
- type TableViewColumnList
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Add(item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) At(index int) *TableViewColumn
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) ByName(name string) *TableViewColumn
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Clear() error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Contains(item *TableViewColumn) bool
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Index(item *TableViewColumn) int
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Insert(index int, item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Len() int
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Remove(item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type TextEdit
- func (te *TextEdit) AppendText(value string)
- func (te *TextEdit) CompactHeight() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (te *TextEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (te *TextEdit) MaxLength() int
- func (*TextEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ReplaceSelectedText(text string, canUndo bool)
- func (te *TextEdit) ScrollToCaret()
- func (te *TextEdit) SetCompactHeight(enabled bool)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (te *TextEdit) SetText(text string) (err error)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (te *TextEdit) Text() string
- func (te *TextEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (te *TextEdit) TextChanged() *Event
- func (te *TextEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (te *TextEdit) TextLength() int
- func (te *TextEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (te *TextEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type TextLabel
- func (tl *TextLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *TextLabel) Dispose()
- func (tl *TextLabel) SetText(text string) error
- func (tl *TextLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (s *TextLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (tl *TextLabel) Text() string
- func (tl *TextLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment2D
- func (s *TextLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (s *TextLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type ToolBar
- func (tb *ToolBar) Actions() *ActionList
- func (tb *ToolBar) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tb *ToolBar) ButtonStyle() ToolBarButtonStyle
- func (tb *ToolBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tb *ToolBar) DefaultButtonWidth() int
- func (tb *ToolBar) Dispose()
- func (tb *ToolBar) ImageList() *ImageList
- func (tb *ToolBar) MaxTextRows() int
- func (tb *ToolBar) Orientation() Orientation
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetDefaultButtonWidth(width int) error
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetImageList(value *ImageList)
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetMaxTextRows(maxTextRows int) error
- func (tb *ToolBar) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ToolBarButtonStyle
- type ToolButton
- type ToolTip
- func (tt *ToolTip) AddTool(tool Widget) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) RemoveTool(tool Widget) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetErrorTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetInfoTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetText(tool Widget, text string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetWarningTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) Text(tool Widget) string
- func (tt *ToolTip) Title() string
- type ToolTipErrorPresenter
- type TranslationFunction
- type TreeItem
- type TreeItemEvent
- type TreeItemEventHandler
- type TreeItemEventPublisher
- type TreeModel
- type TreeModelBase
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemChanged() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemInserted() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemRemoved() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemsReset() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) LazyPopulation() bool
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemChanged(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemInserted(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemRemoved(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemsReset(parent TreeItem)
- type TreeView
- func (tv *TreeView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tv *TreeView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItem() TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItemChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TreeView) Dispose()
- func (tv *TreeView) EnsureVisible(item TreeItem) error
- func (tv *TreeView) Expanded(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) ExpandedChanged() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemAt(x, y int) TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemHeight() int
- func (tv *TreeView) Model() TreeModel
- func (*TreeView) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (tv *TreeView) SetBackground(bg Brush)
- func (tv *TreeView) SetCurrentItem(item TreeItem) error
- func (tv *TreeView) SetExpanded(item TreeItem, expanded bool) error
- func (tv *TreeView) SetItemHeight(height int)
- func (tv *TreeView) SetModel(model TreeModel) error
- func (tv *TreeView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ValidationError
- type Validator
- type WebView
- func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoBack() bool
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoBackChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoForward() bool
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoForwardChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (wv *WebView) Dispose()
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentCompleted() *StringEvent
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitle() string
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Downloaded() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Downloading() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) IsTheaterMode() bool
- func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Navigated() *StringEvent
- func (wv *WebView) NavigatedError() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
- func (wv *WebView) Navigating() *WebViewNavigatingEvent
- func (wv *WebView) NewWindow() *WebViewNewWindowEvent
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressMax() int32
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressValue() int32
- func (wv *WebView) Quitting() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Refresh() error
- func (wv *WebView) SetNativeContextMenuEnabled(value bool)
- func (wv *WebView) SetShortcutsEnabled(value bool)
- func (wv *WebView) SetURL(url string) error
- func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) StatusText() string
- func (wv *WebView) StatusTextChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) TheaterModeChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) URL() (url string, err error)
- func (wv *WebView) URLChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) WindowClosing() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent
- func (wv *WebView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) StatusCode() int32
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) TargetFrameName() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Url() string
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher
- type WebViewNavigatingEvent
- type WebViewNavigatingEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Flags() int32
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Headers() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) PostData() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) TargetFrameName() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Url() string
- type WebViewNavigatingEventHandler
- type WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher
- type WebViewNewWindowEvent
- type WebViewNewWindowEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Flags() uint32
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Url() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) UrlContext() string
- type WebViewNewWindowEventHandler
- type WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher
- type WebViewWindowClosingEvent
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventData
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher
- type Widget
- type WidgetBase
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
- func (wb *WidgetBase) AlwaysConsumeSpace() bool
- func (wb *WidgetBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WidgetBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WidgetBase) BringToTop() error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Dispose()
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Enabled() bool
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Font() *Font
- func (wb *WidgetBase) ForEachAncestor(f func(window Window) bool)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) GraphicsEffects() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList
- func (wb *WidgetBase) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
- func (wb *WidgetBase) MinSizeHint() Size
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Parent() Container
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlwaysConsumeSpace(b bool) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) (err error)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetParent(parent Container) (err error)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetToolTipText(s string) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SizeHint() Size
- func (wb *WidgetBase) ToolTipText() string
- type WidgetGraphicsEffect
- type WidgetGraphicsEffectList
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Add(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) At(index int) WidgetGraphicsEffect
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Clear() error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Contains(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) bool
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Index(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) int
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Insert(index int, effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Len() int
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Remove(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type WidgetList
- func (l *WidgetList) Add(item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) At(index int) Widget
- func (l *WidgetList) Clear() error
- func (l *WidgetList) Contains(item Widget) bool
- func (l *WidgetList) Index(item Widget) int
- func (l *WidgetList) Insert(index int, item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) Len() int
- func (l *WidgetList) Remove(item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type Window
- type WindowBase
- func (wb *WindowBase) Accessibility() *Accessibility
- func (wb *WindowBase) AddDisposable(d Disposable)
- func (wb *WindowBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (wb *WindowBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (wb *WindowBase) AsWindowBase() *WindowBase
- func (wb *WindowBase) Background() Brush
- func (wb *WindowBase) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) BringToTop() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) CreateCanvas() (*Canvas, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Cursor() Cursor
- func (wb *WindowBase) DPI() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Dispose()
- func (wb *WindowBase) Disposing() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) DoubleBuffering() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) DropFiles() *DropFilesEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) Enabled() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) Focused() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) FocusedChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) Font() *Font
- func (wb *WindowBase) ForEachDescendant(f func(widget Widget) bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Form() Form
- func (wb *WindowBase) Handle() win.HWND
- func (wb *WindowBase) Height() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) HeightPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) IntFrom96DPI(value int) int
- func (wb *WindowBase) IntTo96DPI(value int) int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Invalidate() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) IsDisposed() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyDown() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyPress() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyUp() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsFrom96DPI(value Margins) Margins
- func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsTo96DPI(value Margins) Margins
- func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSize() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MinSize() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MinSizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseWheel() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MustRegisterProperty(name string, property Property)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Name() string
- func (wb *WindowBase) PointFrom96DPI(value Point) Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) PointTo96DPI(value Point) Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) Property(name string) Property
- func (wb *WindowBase) ReadState() (string, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleFrom96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleTo96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) RequestLayout()
- func (wb *WindowBase) RestoreState() (err error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) RightToLeftReading() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) SaveState() (err error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Screenshot() (*image.RGBA, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SendMessage(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBackground(background Brush)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBounds(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSize(value Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSizePixels(value Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetContextMenu(value *Menu)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetCursor(value Cursor)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetDoubleBuffering(enabled bool) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetFocus() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetFont(font *Font)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeight(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeightPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSizePixels(min, max Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetName(name string)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetRightToLeftReading(rtl bool) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSize(size Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSizePixels(size Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidth(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidthPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetX(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetXPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetY(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetYPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) ShortcutActions() *ActionList
- func (wb *WindowBase) Size() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeFrom96DPI(value Size) Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeTo96DPI(value Size) Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) Suspended() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) Synchronize(f func())
- func (wb *WindowBase) Visible() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) VisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) Width() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) WidthPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- func (wb *WindowBase) WriteState(state string) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) X() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) XPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Y() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) YPixels() int
- type WindowGroup
- func (g *WindowGroup) ActiveForm() Form
- func (g *WindowGroup) Add(delta int)
- func (g *WindowGroup) CreateToolTip() (*ToolTip, error)
- func (g *WindowGroup) Done()
- func (g *WindowGroup) Refs() int
- func (g *WindowGroup) RunSynchronized()
- func (g *WindowGroup) SetActiveForm(form Form)
- func (g *WindowGroup) Synchronize(f func())
- func (g *WindowGroup) ThreadID() uint32
- func (g *WindowGroup) ToolTip() *ToolTip
Constants ¶
const ( NoOrientation Orientation = 0 Horizontal = 1 << 0 Vertical = 1 << 1 )
const ( DlgCmdNone = 0 DlgCmdOK = win.IDOK DlgCmdCancel = win.IDCANCEL DlgCmdAbort = win.IDABORT DlgCmdRetry = win.IDRETRY DlgCmdIgnore = win.IDIGNORE DlgCmdYes = win.IDYES DlgCmdNo = win.IDNO DlgCmdClose = win.IDCLOSE DlgCmdHelp = win.IDHELP DlgCmdTryAgain = win.IDTRYAGAIN DlgCmdContinue = win.IDCONTINUE DlgCmdTimeout = win.IDTIMEOUT )
const ( EllipsisNone EllipsisMode = 0 EllipsisEnd = EllipsisMode(win.SS_ENDELLIPSIS) EllipsisPath = EllipsisMode(win.SS_PATHELLIPSIS) )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrPropertyReadOnly = errors.New("read-only property") ErrPropertyNotValidatable = errors.New("property not validatable") )
var (
ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid type")
Functions ¶
func AppDataPath ¶
func AppendToWalkInit ¶
func AppendToWalkInit(fn func())
func CommonAppDataPath ¶
func ControlDown ¶
func ControlDown() bool
func DriveNames ¶
func FormatFloat ¶
func FormatFloatGrouped ¶
func InitWidget ¶
InitWidget initializes a Widget.
func InitWindow ¶
InitWindow initializes a window.
Widgets should be initialized using InitWidget instead.
func InitWrapperWindow ¶
InitWrapperWindow initializes a window that wraps (embeds) another window.
Calling this method is necessary, if you want to be able to override the WndProc method of the embedded window. The embedded window should only be used as inseparable part of the wrapper window to avoid undefined behavior.
func IntFrom96DPI ¶
IntFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func IntTo96DPI ¶
IntTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func LocalAppDataPath ¶
func MouseWheelEventDelta ¶
func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int
func MouseWheelEventKeyState ¶
func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int
func MustRegisterWindowClass ¶
func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string)
MustRegisterWindowClass registers the specified window class.
MustRegisterWindowClass must be called once for every window type that is not based on any system provided control, before calling InitChildWidget or InitWidget. Calling MustRegisterWindowClass twice with the same className results in a panic.
func PanicOnError ¶
func PanicOnError() bool
func ParseFloat ¶
func PersonalPath ¶
func RegistryKeyString ¶
func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error)
func RegistryKeyUint32 ¶
func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error)
func SetLogErrors ¶
func SetLogErrors(v bool)
func SetPanicOnError ¶
func SetPanicOnError(v bool)
func SetTranslationFunc ¶
func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction)
func SetWindowFont ¶
func SystemPath ¶
Types ¶
type AccRole ¶
type AccRole int32
AccRole enum defines the role of the window/control in UI.
const ( AccRoleTitlebar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR AccRoleMenubar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR AccRoleScrollbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR AccRoleGrip AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP AccRoleSound AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND AccRoleCursor AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR AccRoleCaret AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET AccRoleAlert AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT AccRoleWindow AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW AccRoleClient AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT AccRoleMenuPopup AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP AccRoleMenuItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM AccRoleTooltip AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP AccRoleApplication AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION AccRoleDocument AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT AccRolePane AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE AccRoleChart AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART AccRoleDialog AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG AccRoleBorder AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER AccRoleGrouping AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING AccRoleSeparator AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR AccRoleToolbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR AccRoleStatusbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR AccRoleTable AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE AccRoleColumnHeader AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER AccRoleRowHeader AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER AccRoleColumn AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN AccRoleRow AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW AccRoleCell AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL AccRoleLink AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK AccRoleHelpBalloon AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON AccRoleCharacter AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER AccRoleList AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST AccRoleListItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM AccRoleOutline AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE AccRoleOutlineItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM AccRolePagetab AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB AccRolePropertyPage AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE AccRoleIndicator AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR AccRoleGraphic AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC AccRoleStatictext AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT AccRoleText AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT AccRoleCombobox AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX AccRoleDroplist AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST AccRoleProgressbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR AccRoleDial AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL AccRoleHotkeyfield AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD AccRoleSlider AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER AccRoleDiagram AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM AccRoleAnimation AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION AccRoleEquation AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION AccRoleButtonDropdown AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN AccRoleButtonMenu AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU AccRoleButtonDropdownGrid AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID AccRoleWhitespace AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE AccRolePageTabList AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST AccRoleClock AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK AccRoleSplitButton AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON AccRoleIPAddress AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS AccRoleOutlineButton AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON )
Window/control system roles
type AccState ¶
type AccState int32
AccState enum defines the state of the window/control
const ( AccStateNormal AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL AccStateSelected AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED AccStateFocused AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED AccStatePressed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED AccStateChecked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED AccStateMixed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED AccStateIndeterminate AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INDETERMINATE AccStateReadonly AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY AccStateHotTracked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED AccStateDefault AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT AccStateExpanded AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED AccStateCollapsed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED AccStateBusy AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY AccStateFloating AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING AccStateMarqueed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED AccStateAnimated AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED AccStateInvisible AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE AccStateOffscreen AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN AccStateSizeable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SIZEABLE AccStateMoveable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MOVEABLE AccStateSelfVoicing AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING AccStateFocusable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE AccStateSelectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE AccStateLinked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_LINKED AccStateTraversed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_TRAVERSED AccStateMultiselectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE AccStateExtselectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE AccStateAlertLow AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW AccStateAlertMedium AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM AccStateAlertHigh AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH AccStateProtected AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED AccStateHasPopup AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP AccStateValid AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_VALID )
Window/control states
type Accessibility ¶
type Accessibility struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Accessibility provides basic Dynamic Annotation of windows and controls.
func (*Accessibility) SetAccelerator ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error
SetAccelerator sets window accelerator name using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetDefaultAction ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error
SetDefaultAction sets window default action using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetDescription ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error
SetDescription sets window description using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetHelp ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error
SetHelp sets window help using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetName ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error
SetName sets window name using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetRole ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error
SetRole sets window role using Dynamic Annotation. The role must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetRoleMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error
SetRoleMap sets window role map using Dynamic Annotation. The role map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetState ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error
SetState sets window state using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetStateMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error
SetStateMap sets window state map using Dynamic Annotation. The state map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetValueMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error
SetValueMap sets window value map using Dynamic Annotation. The value map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
type Action ¶
type Action struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMenuAction ¶
func NewSeparatorAction ¶
func NewSeparatorAction() *Action
func (*Action) CheckedCondition ¶
func (*Action) DefaultCondition ¶
func (*Action) EnabledCondition ¶
func (*Action) IsSeparator ¶
func (*Action) SetCheckable ¶
func (*Action) SetChecked ¶
func (*Action) SetCheckedCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetDefault ¶
func (*Action) SetDefaultCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetEnabled ¶
func (*Action) SetEnabledCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetExclusive ¶
func (*Action) SetShortcut ¶
func (*Action) SetToolTip ¶
func (*Action) SetVisible ¶
func (*Action) SetVisibleCondition ¶
func (*Action) VisibleCondition ¶
type ActionList ¶
type ActionList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ActionList) Add ¶
func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error
func (*ActionList) At ¶
func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action
func (*ActionList) Clear ¶
func (l *ActionList) Clear() error
func (*ActionList) Contains ¶
func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool
func (*ActionList) Index ¶
func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int
func (*ActionList) InsertMenu ¶
func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
func (*ActionList) Len ¶
func (l *ActionList) Len() int
func (*ActionList) Remove ¶
func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error
func (*ActionList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type Alignment1D ¶
type Alignment1D uint
const ( AlignDefault Alignment1D = iota AlignNear AlignCenter AlignFar )
type Alignment2D ¶
type Alignment2D uint
const ( AlignHVDefault Alignment2D = iota AlignHNearVNear AlignHCenterVNear AlignHFarVNear AlignHNearVCenter AlignHCenterVCenter AlignHFarVCenter AlignHNearVFar AlignHCenterVFar AlignHFarVFar )
type Application ¶
type Application struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func App ¶
func App() *Application
func (*Application) ActiveForm ¶
func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form
ActiveForm returns the currently active form for the caller's thread. It returns nil if no form is active or the caller's thread does not have any windows associated with it. It should be called from within synchronized functions.
func (*Application) Exit ¶
func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int)
func (*Application) ExitCode ¶
func (app *Application) ExitCode() int
func (*Application) OrganizationName ¶
func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string
func (*Application) Panicking ¶
func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent
func (*Application) ProductName ¶
func (app *Application) ProductName() string
func (*Application) SetOrganizationName ¶
func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string)
func (*Application) SetProductName ¶
func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string)
func (*Application) SetSettings ¶
func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings)
func (*Application) Settings ¶
func (app *Application) Settings() Settings
type ApplyDPIer ¶
type ApplyDPIer interface {
ApplyDPI(dpi int)
type ApplyFonter ¶
type ApplyFonter interface {
ApplyFont(font *Font)
type ApplySysColorser ¶
type ApplySysColorser interface {
type BindingValueProvider ¶
type BindingValueProvider interface {
BindingValue(index int) interface{}
BindingValueProvider is the interface that a model must implement to support data binding with widgets like ComboBox.
type Bitmap ¶
type Bitmap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func BitmapFrom ¶
func NewBitmapForDPI ¶
NewBitmapForDPI creates an opaque bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.
func NewBitmapFromFile
func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromFileForDPI creates new bitmap from a bitmap file at given DPI.
func NewBitmapFromIcon
func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromIconForDPI creates a new bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI and paints the icon on it.
func NewBitmapFromImage
func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromImageForDPI creates a Bitmap from image.Image at given DPI.
func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize ¶
NewBitmapFromImageWithSize creates a bitmap with given size in native units and paints the image on it streched.
func NewBitmapFromResource
func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by name.
func NewBitmapFromResourceId
func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by ID.
func NewBitmapFromWindow ¶
func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels
func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI ¶
NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI creates a transparent bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.
type BitmapBrush ¶
type BitmapBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBitmapBrush ¶
func NewBitmapBrush(bitmap *Bitmap) (*BitmapBrush, error)
func (*BitmapBrush) Bitmap ¶
func (b *BitmapBrush) Bitmap() *Bitmap
type BorderGlowEffect ¶
type BorderGlowEffect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBorderGlowEffect ¶
func NewBorderGlowEffect(color Color) (*BorderGlowEffect, error)
type BoxLayout ¶
type BoxLayout struct { LayoutBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHBoxLayout ¶
func NewHBoxLayout() *BoxLayout
func NewVBoxLayout ¶
func NewVBoxLayout() *BoxLayout
func (*BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
func (*BoxLayout) Orientation ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation
func (*BoxLayout) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error
func (*BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor ¶
func (*BoxLayout) StretchFactor ¶
type Button ¶
type Button struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) CheckedChanged ¶
func (*Button) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*Button) ImageChanged ¶
func (*Button) Persistent ¶
func (*Button) RestoreState ¶
func (*Button) SetChecked ¶
func (*Button) SetPersistent ¶
type CancelEvent ¶
type CancelEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Attach(handler CancelEventHandler) int
func (*CancelEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*CancelEvent) Once ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Once(handler CancelEventHandler)
type CancelEventHandler ¶
type CancelEventHandler func(canceled *bool)
type CancelEventPublisher ¶
type CancelEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Event() *CancelEvent
func (*CancelEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool)
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCanvasFromImage ¶
func (*Canvas) BoundsPixels ¶
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPart ¶
DrawBitmapPart draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error
DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels ¶
DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap with opacity at given location in native pixels stretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawEllipse
func (*Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels ¶
DrawEllipsePixels draws an ellipse in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawImagePixels ¶
DrawImagePixels draws image at given location (upper left) in native pixels unstretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretched
func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels ¶
DrawImageStretchedPixels draws image at given location in native pixels stretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawLinePixels ¶
DrawLinePixels draws a line between two points in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawPolyline
func (*Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels ¶
DrawPolylinePixels draws a line between given points in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawRectangle
func (*Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels ¶
DrawRectanglePixels draws a rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle
func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels ¶
DrawRoundedRectanglePixels draws a rounded rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
DrawTextPixels draws text at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillEllipse
func (*Canvas) FillEllipsePixels ¶
FillEllipsePixels draws a filled in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillRectangle
func (*Canvas) FillRectanglePixels ¶
FillRectanglePixels draws a filled rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle
func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels ¶
FillRoundedRectanglePixels draws a filled rounded rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectangle
func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
GradientFillRectangle draws a gradient filled rectangle in 1/96" units.
Deprecated: Newer applications should use GradientFillRectanglePixels.
func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
GradientFillRectanglePixels draws a gradient filled rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error)
MeasureAndModifyTextPixels measures text size and also supports modification of the text which occurs if it does not fit into the specified bounds.
Input and output bounds are in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) MeasureText
func (*Canvas) MeasureTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)
MeasureTextPixels measures text size. Input and output bounds are in native pixels.
type CellStyle ¶
type CellStyle struct { BackgroundColor Color TextColor Color Font *Font // Image is the image to display in the cell. // // Supported types are *walk.Bitmap, *walk.Icon and string. A string will be // interpreted as a file path and the icon associated with the file will be // used. It is not supported to use strings together with the other options // in the same model instance. Image interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CellStyle carries information about the display style of a cell in a tabular widget like TableView.
func (*CellStyle) BoundsPixels ¶
type CellStyler ¶
type CellStyler interface { // StyleCell is called for each cell to pick up cell style information. StyleCell(style *CellStyle) }
CellStyler is the interface that must be implemented to provide a tabular widget like TableView with cell display style information.
type CheckBox ¶
type CheckBox struct { Button // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCheckBox ¶
func (*CheckBox) CheckState ¶
func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState
func (*CheckBox) CheckStateChanged ¶
func (*CheckBox) RestoreState ¶
func (*CheckBox) SetCheckState ¶
func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState)
func (*CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide ¶
func (*CheckBox) SetTristate ¶
func (*CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide ¶
type CheckState ¶
type CheckState int
const ( CheckUnchecked CheckState = win.BST_UNCHECKED CheckChecked CheckState = win.BST_CHECKED CheckIndeterminate CheckState = win.BST_INDETERMINATE )
type ClipboardService ¶
type ClipboardService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClipboardService provides access to the system clipboard.
func Clipboard ¶
func Clipboard() *ClipboardService
Clipboard returns an object that provides access to the system clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) Clear ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) Clear() error
Clear clears the contents of the clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) ContainsText ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) ContainsText() (available bool, err error)
ContainsText returns whether the clipboard currently contains text data.
func (*ClipboardService) ContentsChanged ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) ContentsChanged() *Event
ContentsChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling clipboard content changes.
func (*ClipboardService) SetText ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) SetText(s string) error
SetText sets the current text data of the clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) Text ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) Text() (text string, err error)
Text returns the current text data of the clipboard.
type CloseEvent ¶
type CloseEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloseEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Attach(handler CloseEventHandler) int
func (*CloseEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*CloseEvent) Once ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Once(handler CloseEventHandler)
type CloseEventHandler ¶
type CloseEventHandler func(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)
type CloseEventPublisher ¶
type CloseEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloseEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Event() *CloseEvent
func (*CloseEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)
type CloseReason ¶
type CloseReason byte
const ( CloseReasonUnknown CloseReason = iota CloseReasonUser )
type ComboBox ¶
type ComboBox struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewComboBox ¶
func NewDropDownBox ¶
func (*ComboBox) BindingMember ¶
BindingMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged ¶
func (*ComboBox) DisplayMember ¶
DisplayMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ComboBox) EditingFinished ¶
func (*ComboBox) Model ¶
func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{}
Model returns the model of the ComboBox.
func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*ComboBox) Persistent ¶
func (*ComboBox) RestoreState ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetBindingMember ¶
SetBindingMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, data source field of type T and bindingMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If bindingMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetDisplayMember ¶
SetDisplayMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, the type of the specified member T and displayMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If displayMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ComboBox) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetModel ¶
SetModel sets the model of the ComboBox.
It is required that mdl either implements walk.ListModel or walk.ReflectListModel or be a slice of pointers to struct or a []string.
func (*ComboBox) SetPersistent ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetPrecision ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetTextSelection ¶
func (*ComboBox) TextChanged ¶
func (*ComboBox) TextSelection ¶
type Condition ¶
type Condition interface { Expression Satisfied() bool }
func NewAllCondition ¶
func NewAnyCondition ¶
func NewNegatedCondition ¶
type Container ¶
type Container interface { Window AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase Children() *WidgetList Layout() Layout SetLayout(value Layout) error DataBinder() *DataBinder SetDataBinder(dbm *DataBinder) }
type ContainerBase ¶
type ContainerBase struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerBase) ApplyDPI ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
func (*ContainerBase) ApplySysColors ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors()
func (*ContainerBase) AsContainerBase ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
func (*ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
func (*ContainerBase) Children ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList
func (*ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ContainerBase) DataBinder ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*ContainerBase) Layout ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout
func (*ContainerBase) NextChildID ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32
func (*ContainerBase) Persistent ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool
func (*ContainerBase) RestoreState ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error
func (*ContainerBase) SaveState ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error
func (*ContainerBase) SetDataBinder ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
func (*ContainerBase) SetLayout ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
func (*ContainerBase) SetPersistent ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
type ContainerLayoutItem ¶
type ContainerLayoutItem interface { LayoutItem MinSizer MinSizeForSizer HeightForWidther AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase // MinSizeEffectiveForChild returns minimum effective size for a child in native pixels. MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size PerformLayout() []LayoutResultItem Children() []LayoutItem // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer ¶
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer(container Container) ContainerLayoutItem
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext ¶
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext(container Container, ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
type ContainerLayoutItemBase ¶
type ContainerLayoutItemBase struct { LayoutItemBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem)
type CosmeticPen ¶
type CosmeticPen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCosmeticPen ¶
func NewCosmeticPen(style PenStyle, color Color) (*CosmeticPen, error)
func (*CosmeticPen) Color ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Color() Color
func (*CosmeticPen) Dispose ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Dispose()
func (*CosmeticPen) Style ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Style() PenStyle
func (*CosmeticPen) Width ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Width() int
type Cursor ¶
type Cursor interface { Dispose() // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func CursorAppStarting ¶
func CursorAppStarting() Cursor
func CursorArrow ¶
func CursorArrow() Cursor
func CursorCross ¶
func CursorCross() Cursor
func CursorHand ¶
func CursorHand() Cursor
func CursorHelp ¶
func CursorHelp() Cursor
func CursorIBeam ¶
func CursorIBeam() Cursor
func CursorIcon ¶
func CursorIcon() Cursor
func CursorSize ¶
func CursorSize() Cursor
func CursorSizeAll ¶
func CursorSizeAll() Cursor
func CursorSizeNESW ¶
func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor
func CursorSizeNS ¶
func CursorSizeNS() Cursor
func CursorSizeNWSE ¶
func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor
func CursorSizeWE ¶
func CursorSizeWE() Cursor
func CursorUpArrow ¶
func CursorUpArrow() Cursor
func CursorWait ¶
func CursorWait() Cursor
type CustomWidget ¶
type CustomWidget struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCustomWidget
func NewCustomWidget(parent Container, style uint, paint PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)
NewCustomWidget creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.
Deprecated: PaintFunc is taking updateBounds parameter at 96dpi for backward compatibility with clients. On high-DPI displays this is too sparse and may incur a thin unpainted edge around control due to rounding errors. Newer applications should use NewCustomWidgetPixels.
func NewCustomWidgetPixels ¶
func NewCustomWidgetPixels(parent Container, style uint, paintPixels PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)
NewCustomWidgetPixels creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.
func (*CustomWidget) ClearsBackground ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool
deprecated, use PaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool
func (*CustomWidget) PaintMode ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool)
deprecated, use SetPaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool)
func (*CustomWidget) SetPaintMode ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode)
type DataBinder ¶
type DataBinder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDataBinder ¶
func NewDataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool
func (*DataBinder) BoundWidgets ¶
func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget
func (*DataBinder) CanSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool
func (*DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged ¶
func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event
func (*DataBinder) DataSource ¶
func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{}
func (*DataBinder) DataSourceChanged ¶
func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event
func (*DataBinder) Dirty ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool
func (*DataBinder) ErrorPresenter ¶
func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter
func (*DataBinder) Expression ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression
func (*DataBinder) Reset ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error
func (*DataBinder) ResetFinished ¶
func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool)
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration)
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool)
func (*DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget)
func (*DataBinder) SetDataSource ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error
func (*DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter)
func (*DataBinder) Submit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error
func (*DataBinder) Submitted ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event
type DateEdit ¶
type DateEdit struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDateEdit ¶
func (*DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext)