CN-infra examples
The examples folder contains several executable examples (built from their
respective main.go
files) used to illustrate the cn-infra functionality.
While most of the examples show a very simple use case, they still need to
connect to ETCD and/or Kafka. Therefore, you need to have running instances
of Etcd and Kafka to which the examples can connect.
Examples with the suffix _lib
demonstrate the usage of CN-Infra APIs in
generic Go programs. You can simply import the CN-Infra library where the
API is declared into your program and starting using the API.
Examples with the suffix _plugin
demonstrate the usage of CN-Infra APIs
within the context of plugins. Plugins are the basic building blocks of any
given CN-Infra application. The CNB-Infra plugin framework provides plugin
initialization and graceful shutdown and supports uniform dependency
injection mechanism to manage dependencies between plugins.
Current examples:
- cassandra lib shows how to use the Cassandra data
broker API
to access the Cassandra database,
- datasync plugin showcases the data synchronization
APIs of the datasync package on an example plugin,
- etcdv3 lib shows how to use the ETCD data broker API
to write data into ETCD and catch this change as an event by the watcher,
- flags plugin registers flags and shows their
runtime values in an example plugin,
- kafka lib shows how to use the Kafka messaging library
on set of individual tools (producer, sync and async consumer),
- kafka plugin (non-clustered)
contains a simple plugin which registers a Kafka consumer and sends a test
- kafka plugin (clustered) contains
a simple plugin which registers a Kafka consumer watching on specific
partition/offset and sends a test notification to partition in Kafka cluster
- logs lib shows how to use the logger library and switch
between the log levels,
- logs plugin showcases how to ue the logger library in a
simple plugin,
- redis lib contains several examples that use the Redis data
broker API,
- model show how to define a custom data model using Protocol
Buffers and how to integrate it into the application,
- simple-agent showcases an approach how a set of plugins
can be turned into an application.
How to run an example
1. Start ETCD server on localhost
sudo docker run -p 2379:2379 --name etcd --rm \ /usr/local/bin/etcd \
-advertise-client-urls \
2. Start Kafka
sudo docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --name kafka --rm \
--env ADVERTISED_HOST= --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka
3. Start the desired example
Each example can be started now from its directory.
go run main.go \
--etcdv3-config=/opt/vnf-agent/dev/etcd.conf \