Load Simulator
When building developing your own blockchain using subnet-evm
, you may want to analyze how your fee parameterization behaves and/or how many resources your VM uses under different load patterns. For this reason, we developed cmd/simulator
. cmd/simulator
lets you drive arbitrary load across any number of [endpoints] with a user-specified keys
directory (insecure) timeout
, workers
, max-fee-cap
, and max-tip-cap
Building the Load Simulator
To build the load simulator, navigate to the base of the simulator directory:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/luxdefi/subnet-evm/cmd/simulator
Build the simulator:
go build -o ./simulator main/*.go
To confirm that you built successfully, run the simulator and print the version:
./simulator --version
This should give the following output:
To run the load simulator, you must first start an EVM based network. The load simulator works on both the C-Chain and Subnet-EVM, so we will start a single node network and run the load simulator on the C-Chain.
To start a single node network, follow the instructions from the Luxd README to build from source.
Once you've built Luxd, open the Luxd directory in a separate terminal window and run a single node non-staking network with the following command:
./build/node --sybil-protection-enabled=false --network-id=local
The staking-enabled flag is only for local testing. Disabling staking serves two functions explicitly for testing purposes:
- Ignore stake weight on the P-Chain and count each connected peer as having a stake weight of 1
- Automatically opts in to validate every Subnet
Once you have Luxd running locally, it will be running an HTTP Server on the default port 9650
. This means that the RPC Endpoint for the C-Chain will be and ws:// for WebSocket connections.
Now, we can run the simulator command to simulate some load on the local C-Chain for 30s:
./simulator --timeout=1m --workers=1 --max-fee-cap=300 --max-tip-cap=10 --txs-per-worker=50
Command Line Flags
To see all of the command line flag options, run
./simulator --help