is an experimental compile-to-Go language. Its syntax and semantics are
basically identical to Go's, but with more builtin functions for manipulating
generic containers (slices, arrays, maps). This is accomplished by forking
Go's type-checker, running it on the .ply
file, and using the resolved types
to generate specific versions of the generic function. For example, given the
following Ply code:
m1 := map[int]int{1: 1}
m2 := map[int]int{2: 2}
m3 := merge(m1, m2)
is a generic function. After type-checking, the Ply compiler knows the
types of m1
and m2
, so it can generate a specific function for these types:
func mergeintint(m1, m2 map[int]int) map[int]int {
m3 := make(map[int]int)
for k, v := range m1 {
m3[k] = v
for k, v := range m2 {
m3[k] = v
return m3
is then substituted for merge
in the relevant expression, and
the modified source can then be passed to the Go compiler.
A similar approach is used to implement generic methods:
xs := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20}
b := xs.filter(func(x int) bool { return x > 3 }).
morph(func(x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 }).
fold(func(x, y bool) bool { return x && y })
In the above, b
is true because all the integers in xs
greater than 3 are
even. To compile this, xs
is wrapped in a new type that has a filter
method. Then, that call is wrapped in a new type that has a morph
and so on.
Note that in most cases, Ply can combine these method chains into a single
"pipeline" that does not allocate any intermediate slices. Without
pipelining, filter
would allocate a slice and pass it to morph
, which
would allocate another slice and pass it to fold
. But Ply is able to merge
these methods into a single transformation that does not require allocations,
the same way a (good) human programmer would write it.
First, install the Ply compiler:
go get
The ply
command behaves similarly to the go
command. In fact, you can run
any go
subcommand through ply
, including build
, run
, install
, and
even test
When you run ply run test.ply
, ply
parses test.ply
and generates a
file containing the specific implementations of any generics
used in test.ply
. It then rewrites test.ply
as a standard Go file,
, that calls those implementations. Finally, go run
is invoked
on ply-test.go
and ply-impls.go
Supported Functions and Methods
Builtins: enum
, max
, merge
, min
, not
, zip
- Planned:
Methods: all
, any
, contains
, drop
, dropWhile
, elems
, filter
, foreach
, keys
, morph
, reverse
, sort
, take
, takeWhile
, toMap
, toSet
, uniq
- Planned:
All functions and methods are documented in the ply
Supported Optimizations
In many cases we can reduce allocations when using Ply functions and methods. The Ply compiler will automatically apply these optimizations when it is safe to do so. However, all optimizations have trade-offs. If performance is important, you should always read the docstring of each method in order to understand what optimizations may be applied. Depending on your use case, it may be necessary to write your own implementation to squeeze out maximum performance.
Pipelining means chaining together multiple Ply functions and/or methods. Currently only method chaining is supported. For example:
xs := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20}
b := xs.filter(func(x int) bool { return x > 3 }).
morph(func(x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 }).
fold(func(acc, x bool) bool { return acc && x })
As written, this chain requires allocating a new slice for the filter
and a
new slice for the morph
. But if we were writing this transformation by hand,
we could optimize it like so:
b := true
for _, x := range xs {
if x > 3 {
b = b && (x % 2 == 0)
(A good rule of thumb is that, for most chains, only the allocations in the
final method are required. fold
doesn't require any allocations, but if the
chain stopped at morph
, then of course we would still need to allocate
memory in order to return the morphed slice.)
Ply is able to perform the above optimization automatically. The bodies of
, morph
, and fold
are combined into a single method, pipe
, and
the callsite is rewritten to supply the arguments of each chained function:
xs := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20}
b := filtermorphfold(xs).pipe(
func(x int) bool { return x > 3 },
func(x int) bool { return x % 2 == 0 },
func(x, y bool) bool { return x && y })
However, not all methods can be pipelined. reverse
is a good example. If
is the first method in the chain, then we can eliminate an
allocation by reversing the order in which we iterate through the slice. We
can also eliminate an allocation if reverse
is the last method in the chain,
since we can reverse the result in-place. But what do we do if reverse
is in
the middle? Consider this chain:
Since we don't know what takeWhile
will return, there is no way to pass its
reversed elements to morph
without allocating an intermediate slice. So we
resort to a less-efficient form, splitting the chain into takeWhile(even)
and reverse().morph(square)
, each of which will perform an allocation.
Fortunately, it is usually possible to reorder the chain such that reverse
is the first or last method. In the above, we know that morph
doesn't affect
the length or order of the slice, so we can move reverse
to the end and the
result will be the same. Ply can't perform this reordering automatically
though: methods may have side effects that the programmer is relying upon.
Side effects are also problematic because pipelining can change the number of times a function is called. For example, in this expression:
[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20}.morph(fn).take(3)
Without pipelining, fn
is called on every element of the slice. But with
pipelining, it is only called 3 times. So the best practice is to avoid side
effects in functions passed to morph
, filter
, etc.
Lastly, it's worth pointing out that pipelining cannot eliminate any allocations performed inside function arguments. For example, in this chain:
myEnum := func(n int) []int {
r := make([]int, n)
for i := range r {
r[i] = i
return r
concat := func(x, y []int) []int { return append(x, y...) }
list := xs.morph(myEnum).fold(concat)
A handwritten version of this chain could eliminate the allocations performed
by myEnum
, but there is no way to do so programmatically.
Parallelization (planned):
Functor operations like morph
can be trivially parallelized, but this
optimization should not be applied automatically. For small lists, the
overhead is probably not worth it. More importantly, if the function has side
effects, parallelizing may cause a race condition. So this optimization must
be specifically requested by the caller via separate identifiers, e.g.
, pfilter
, etc.
Reassignment (planned):
It is a common pattern to reassign the result of a transformation to the original variable, for example when filtering or reversing a slice. In such cases, we would like to reuse the existing slice's memory instead of allocating a new one. At one time, Ply did this automatically (by detecting reassignment), but the feature was later removed because it is not provably safe. If the underlying slice memory is referenced by a different variable, then silently performing this optimization would affect that memory as well, which is surprising behavior.
However, this optimization remains important. It is directly in line with
Ply's goal of generating code that is as good as the hand-written version. We
just need a different approach; probably a more explicit one. This could take
the form of separate identifiers (e.g. rfilter
), similar to parallelization.
But this leads to an unfortunate bifurcation: what if you want both
reassignment and parallelization? So now we need four different forms:
standard, parallel, reassigned, and parallel reassigned, each with its own
identifier. More identifiers means more burden on the programmer, so I'm
hesistant to implement this approach until I've given it more thought.
Compile-time evaluation:
A few functions (currently just max
and min
) can be evaluated at compile
time if their arguments are also known at compile time. This is similar to how
the builtin len
and cap
functions work:
len([3]int) // known at compile-time; compiles to 3
max(1, min(2, 3)) // known at compile time; compiles to 2
In theory, it is also possible to perform compile-time evaluation on certain literals. For example:
[]int{1, 2, 3}.contains(3) // compile to true?
We could even go further and support arbitrary compile-time execution. But that seems a little dangerous. At best, it's useful for things like computing a large table instead of including it in the source. But I don't think that single case warrants such a powerful feature.
Function hoisting (planned):
currently returns a function that wraps its argument. Instead, not
could generate a new top-level function definition, and replace the callsite
wholesale. For example, given these definitions:
even := func(i int) bool { return i % 2 == 0 }
odd := not(even)
The compiled code currently looks like this:
func not_int(fn func(int) bool) func(int) bool {
return func(i int) bool {
return !fn(i)
even := func(i int) bool { return i % 2 == 0 }
odd := not_int(even)
But we could improve upon this by generating a top-level not_even
func not_even(i int) bool {
return !even(i)
even := func(i int) bool { return i % 2 == 0 }
odd := not_even
This is non-trivial, though, because even
is not in the top-level scope; we
would need to hoist its definition into the function body of not_even
Alternatively, we could simply not consider local functions for this
optimization -- but we'd still need a way to distinguish global functions from
local functions.
The motivation for this optimization is that the Go compiler is more likely to inline top-level functions (AFAIK). Eliminating the overhead of a function call could be significant when, say, filtering a large slice. Benchmarks are needed to confirm that this would actually result in a significant speedup.
Why wouldn't you just use [existing generics solution]?
There are basically two options: runtime generics (via reflection) and
compile-time generics (via codegen). They both suck for different reasons:
reflection is slow, and codegen is cumbersome. Ply is an attempt at making
codegen suck a bit less. You don't need to grapple with magic annotations or
custom types; you can just start using filter
and fold
as though Go had
always supported them.
What are the downsides of this approach?
The most obvious is that it's less flexible; you can only use the functions
and methods that Ply provides. Another annoyance is that since they behave
like builtins, you can't pass them around as first-class values. Fortunately
this is a pretty rare thing to do, and it's possible to work around it in most
cases. (For example, you can wrap the call in a func
Generating a specific implementation of every generic function call produces
very fast code, at the cost of slower compilation, larger binaries, and less
helpful error messages. Your build process will also be more complicated,
though hopefully not as complicated as writing template code and using go generate
. The fact of the matter is that there is no silver bullet: every
implementation of generics has its downsides. Do your research before deciding
whether Ply is the right approach for your project.
What if I want to define my own generic functions?
Sorry, that's not in the cards. The purpose of Ply is to make polymorphism as painless as possible. Supporting custom generics would mean defining some kind of template syntax, and that adds a lot of complexity to the language. Restricting the set of generic functions also allows the Ply compiler to apply deep optimizations, such as pipelining.
I understand that this is a controversial position, and Ply's set of functions may not suit everyone's needs. My rationale is that by adding a small set of new functions, Go can be made much more productive without becoming any harder to parse (by computer or by human). If you have suggestions for new functions, open an issue and I'll consider adding them.
What about generic data structures?
Go seems pretty productive without them. Slices and maps are sufficient for
the vast majority of programs. Adding new generic data structures would
complicate Go's syntax (do we overload make
for our new RedBlackTree
type?) and I really want to avoid that. Go's simplicity is one of its biggest
How does Ply interact with the existing Go toolchain?
One nice thing about Ply is that because it has the same syntax as Go, many
tools built for Go will "just work" with Ply. For example, you can run gofmt
and golint
on .ply
files. Other tools (like go vet
) are pickier about
their input filenames ending in .go
, but will work if you rename your .ply
files. Lastly, tools that require type information will fail, because Go's
type-checker does not understand Ply builtins.
One current deficiency is that Ply will not automatically compile imported
files. So you can't write pure-Ply packages (yet).
Will you add support for feature X?
Open an issue and I will gladly consider it.
There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package ply is a pseudo-package that documents the builtin functions and methods added by the Ply compiler.
Package ply is a pseudo-package that documents the builtin functions and methods added by the Ply compiler. |
Package importer provides access to export data importers.
Package importer provides access to export data importers. |
Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files.
Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files. |
Package gcimporter implements Import for gc-generated object files.
Package gcimporter implements Import for gc-generated object files. |
Package types declares the data types and implements the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages.
Package types declares the data types and implements the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages. |