Traffic-Monitor is a network sniffer program deployed on each node to collect traffic statistic information bewteen k8s pods. Currently only http traffic can be captured.
The captured traffic statistic information will be stored in build-in traffic-prometheus service.
Deploy traffic monitor
git clone
helm install --set monitor.enabled=true --name kubernetes-traffic-manager helm/kubernetes-traffic-manager
Deploy sample application
kubectl apply -f
Generate traffic
kubectl apply -f deploy/ingress.yaml
INGRESS_HOST=`kubectl get svc traffic-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'`
while true; do curl http://${INGRESS_HOST}/productpage; sleep 1;done
Get traffic from promethues
curl ${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/query?query=requests_total|jq
Show traffic by vizceral
kubectl apply -f deploy/vizceral.yaml
browse http://${INGRESS_HOST}/static/index.html