kubernetes-traffic-manager is a traffic management tools for kubernetes, it implements envoy ( control plane data api to support:
- Ingress gateway
- Weighted load balancing
- Tracing
- Fault Injection
- Circuit breaker
- Runtime metrics
helm install --name kubernetes-traffic-manager helm/kubernetes-traffic-manager
or install with kubernetes-traffic-monitor
helm install --set monitor.enabled=true --name kubernetes-traffic-manager helm/kubernetes-traffic-manager
Note that for helm 3.0, --name is not needed
Ingress gateway
# deploy sample application
kubectl apply -f
# deploy k8s ingress resource
kubectl apply -f samples/ingress.yaml
# wait awhile then run
INGRESS_HOST=`kubectl get svc traffic-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'`
# if it is empty, try
INGRESS_HOST=`kubectl get svc traffic-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'`
#access productpage service
curl ${INGRESS_HOST}/productpage
#access review service
curl -v ${INGRESS_HOST}/reviews/0
#access promethues service
curl ${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/label/__name__/values
Ingress gateway with TLS
This example will use certificate generated by Let's Encrypt.
Ensure your traffic-ingress service has a public loadbalancer ip(${INGRESS_HOST}), and you need to apply a hostname for the ip, when the host is ready:
mkdir certbot
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/certbot:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges http -d (your host name)
The command will show message like following:
Create a file containing just this data:
And make it available on your web server at this URL:
http://(your host name)/.well-known/acme-challenge/jLpYJvXE4mP32AgP42O4Ws-iT7_Z9St2pOjdlbqhkhA
Open another terminal, change value of RESPONSE_BODY in samples/http-text-response.yaml to the displayed data(in above example, jLpYJvXE4mP32AgP42O4Ws...).
kubctl apply -f samples/http-text-response.yaml
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: https-ingress
- host: (your host name)
- path: /.well-known/acme-challenge/jLpYJvXE4mP32AgP42O4Ws-iT7_Z9St2pOjdlbqhkhA
serviceName: http-text-response
servicePort: 8080
Note that you need to change host and path value to the value in your cerbot output.
After running above commands, switch to cerbot terminal, press ENTER to let command conntinue, cerbot will generate the tls secrets to file. Then run follwing command:
kubectl create secret tls ingressgateway-certs --key certbot/live/(your host name)/privkey.pem --cert certbot/live/(your host name)/fullchain.pem
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: https-ingress
- hosts:
- (your host name)
secretName: ingressgateway-certs
- host: (your host name)
- path: /productpage
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080
Now open browser and browse https://(your host name)/productpage
Runtime metrics
# generate traffic
curl -v ${INGRESS_HOST}/reviews/0
# query runtime metrics
curl ${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/label/__name__/values |jq
curl -G http://${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/query --data-urlencode "query=envoy_cluster_outbound_upstream_rq_completed{instance='(Ingress PodIP):8900', envoy_cluster_name='9080|default|reviews'}"|jq
Load Balancing
Resource | Labels | Default | Description |
Service | | "" | cookie hash policy |
Service | traffic.hash.cookie.ttl | 0 | generate cookie with ttl (seconds) |
Service | | "" | http header name for hash policy |
Pod, Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet | traffic.endpoint.weight | 100 | weight value for related pods [0-128] |
# Default lb policy is ROUND_ROBIN
kubectl label deployment reviews-v1 traffic.endpoint.weight=100
kubectl label deployment reviews-v2 traffic.endpoint.weight=10
kubectl label deployment reviews-v3 traffic.endpoint.weight=0
# The value should be 2, since reviews-v3 has weight 0
curl -G http://${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/query --data-urlencode "query=envoy_cluster_outbound_membership_total{envoy_cluster_name='9080|default|reviews'}"|jq
# Use cookie hash policy
kubectl label svc reviews
kubectl label svc reviews"mycookie"
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.hash.cookie.ttl="100000"
kubectl label deployment reviews-v3 traffic.endpoint.weight=20
curl -v http://${INGRESS_HOST}/reviews/0
# The http response should contains set-cookie, for example:
# set-cookie: mycookie="3acd918773ba09c5"; Max-Age=100; HttpOnly
#following request should always send to same review pod, it should always contain "ratings" or always be without "ratings"
curl -v -H "Cookie: mycookie=3acd918773ba09c5" http://${INGRESS_HOST}/reviews/0
kubectl delete -f
Enable envoy
When user label a pod or deployment with "traffic.envoy.enabled=true", the related pods' traffic will be managed. Runtime metrics and load balancing will be applied like traffic from ingress pod.
By default, all envoy enabled pods' outcoming traffic will be blocked. You need to add traffic.port.(port number)=(protocol) labels for service or pod to unblock traffic on certain port. The protocol can be http or tcp or direct(bypass envoy loadbalacing)
kubectl apply -f
#unblock reviews service traffic
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.port.9080=http
#enable envoy for zipkin pod
kubectl label deployment traffic-zipkin traffic.envoy.enabled=true
#lb policy configuration on reviews sevice should be applied
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-bqdvm -- curl http://reviews:9080/reviews/0
# runtime metrics
curl -G http://${INGRESS_HOST}/api/v1/query --data-urlencode "query=envoy_cluster_outbound_upstream_rq_completed{instance='(traffic-zipkin PodIP):8900', envoy_cluster_name='9080|default|reviews'}"|jq
service in ingress configuration will be automatically annotated(not labeled) with http protocol, so no need to unblock them.
Fault Injection
Resource | Labels | Default | Description |
Pod, Service | traffic.fault.delay.time | 0 | delay time in nanoseconds |
Pod, Service | traffic.fault.delay.percentage | 0 | percentage of requests to be delayed for time |
Pod, Service | traffic.fault.abort.status | 0 | abort with http status |
Pod, Service | traffic.fault.abort.percentage | 0 | percentage of requests to be aborted |
Pod, Service | traffic.rate.limit | 0 | rate limit number in Kbps on each client |
Ingress does not support Fault Injection
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.delay.time=3000
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.delay.percentage=100
# should delay 3 seconds
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-bqdvm -- curl http://reviews:9080/reviews/0
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.abort.status=505
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.abort.percentage=100
# should delay 3 seconds and return http 505
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-bqdvm -- curl -v http://reviews:9080/reviews/0
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.abort.percentage-
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.abort.status-
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.delay.percentage-
kubectl label svc reviews traffic.fault.delay.time-
# should return normal
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-bqdvm -- curl -v http://reviews:9080/reviews/0
kubectl delete -f
Resource | Labels | Default | Description |
Pod, Service | traffic.tracing.enabled | false | enable tracing for requests to or from envoy enabled pods of this service |
Pod, Service | traffic.tracing.sampling | 100 | percentage of tracing sampling (float) |
kubectl label deployment traffic-zipkin traffic.envoy.enabled=false --overwrite
kubectl apply -f
kubectl label svc productpage details ratings reviews traffic.port.9080=http
kubectl label deployment productpage-v1 details-v1 ratings-v1 reviews-v1 reviews-v2 reviews-v3 traffic.envoy.enabled=true
kubectl label svc productpage details ratings reviews traffic.tracing.enabled=true
# sampling rate 50%
kubectl label svc productpage details ratings reviews traffic.tracing.sampling=50
#repeat following command 10 times
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-bqdvm -- curl -v http://productpage:9080:/productpage
# show traceId, number of returned traceId should be around 5
kubectl exec traffic-zipkin-694c7884d5-x4pn9 curl http://localhost:9411/api/v2/traces?limit=100 | python3 -c "import sys, json; print([x[0]['traceId'] for x in json.load(sys.stdin)])"
Like Istio, Applications need to propagate appropriate HTTP headers, reference:
Check running envoy proxy instances on each node
Find envoy manager on target node
kubectl get pod -o wide
traffic-envoy-manager-6f7nw 1/1 Running 0 9m (node ip) (targert node name)
Check running envoy proxy instances
shell> kubectl exec traffic-envoy-manager-6f7nw ./envoy-tools
ID |Pod |Namespace |Status |State |
-- |--- |--------- |------ |----- |
86e56e0dc8e6a734fdb547aab60d9720117231742a32bdeaabc7dea6316a2f7b |reviews-v3-5df889bcff-xdrwb |default |Up Less than a second |running |
a55a9126aef6f402e71c6c9ee61c3c0674aef8b71aeb40334fc1154695d80410 |reviews-v2-7ff5966b99-krw9s |default |Up 1 second |running |
shell> kubectl exec traffic-envoy-manager-6f7nw -- ./envoy-tools -id (prefix of the envoy id) -log
Check envoy configuration
kubectl exec traffic-control-89778f5d8-nmvrn -- ./envoy-config --nodeId reviews-v3-5df889bcff-f2hgh.default
node id is pod name and pod namespace, ingress node id is traffic-ingress.
Circuit Breaker
Resource | Labels | Default | Description |
Service | traffic.retries.max | 0 | max retries number |
Service | traffic.connection.max | 0 | max number of connection |
Service | traffic.request.max-pending | 0 | max pending requests |
Service | traffic.request.max | 0 | max requests |
Other Configuration Labels
Resource | Labels | Default | Description |
Pod, Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet | traffic.envoy.enabled | false | whether to enable envoy docker for related pods |
Pod, Service | traffic.port.(port number) | None | protocol for the port on service (http, tcp, direct) |
Pod, Service | traffic.request.timeout | 0 | timeout in nanoseconds |
Pod, Service | traffic.retries.5xx | 0 | number of retries for 5xx error |
Pod, Service | traffic.retries.connect-failure | 0 | number of retries for connect failure |
Pod, Service | traffic.retries.gateway-error | 0 | number of retries for gateway error |
Service | traffic.connection.timeout | 60 * 1e9 | timeout in nanoseconds |
Note that all the service label configuration requires client pod's envoy enabled.
Responsible to start/stop envoy container for traffic-control
When a pod is envoy enabled, envoy-manager will start a envoy docker instance:
- Envoy docker git repo:
- The docker instance will share corresponding pod's network(docker container network mode).
- The iptable config of the pod network will be changed to redirect all outcoming traffic to envoy container listen port.
- The pod will be annotated with traffic.envoy.proxy=(docker id)
When user label the service with "traffic.envoy.enabled=false"
- the docker instance will be deleted
- the iptable config will be restored
- the pod will be annotated with traffic.envoy.proxy=""
traffic-control is a control plane implementation of envoy proxy (