A simple cli to manage your time entries on Clockify from terminal
List time entries from a day
List in progress entry
Report time entries using a date range
Inform date range as parameters
"auto filter" for last month
"auto filter" for this month
Start a new time entry
Using a GitHub issue
Using a Trello card
Cloning last time entry
Ask input interactively
Stop the last entry
List workspace projects
Link a Clockify Project with Github:Issues repository
Link a Clockify Project with Trello board
List Clockify Workspaces
List Clockify Workspaces Users
List Clockify Tags
Edit time entry
Configuration management
Initialize configuration
Update individual configuration
Show current configuration
Allow to integrate with Clockify through terminal
clockify-cli [command]
Available Commands:
clone Copy a time entry and starts it (use "last" to copy the last one)
config Manages configuration file parameters
edit Edit a time entry, use id "current" to apply to time entry in progress
gendocs Generate Markdown documentation for the clockify-cli.
help Help about any command
in Create a new time entry and starts it (will close time entries not closed)
log List the entries from a specific day
manual Creates a new completed time entry (does not stop on-going time entries)
me Show the user info
out Stops the last time entry
project List projects from a workspace
report List all time entries in the date ranges and with more data (format date as 2016-01-02)
tags List tags of workspace
workspaces List user's workspaces
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.clockify-cli.yaml)
--debug show debug log (defaults to env $CLOCKIFY_DEBUG)
-h, --help help for clockify-cli
-i, --interactive show interactive log (defaults to env $CLOCKIFY_INTERACTIVE)
-t, --token string clockify's token (defaults to env $CLOCKIFY_TOKEN)
Can be generated here: https://clockify.me/user/settings#generateApiKeyBtn
-u, --user-id string user id from the token (defaults to env $CLOCKIFY_USER_ID)
-w, --workspace string workspace to be used (defaults to env $CLOCKIFY_WORKSPACE)
Use "clockify-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.