About this project
This is GoLang base structure. It works as a good starting point to create a GoLang app from scratch in seconds.
How to use it?
- The best and easiest way to install this project is using the go-base-installer Installer.
Hexagonal architecture implemented.
Gin pre-installed.
Env tool pre-installed
Criteria pattern implemented
Repository pattern implemented (InMemory and Mongodb)
Some dev tools.
Golang V1.19.5
VsCode pre-installed
Useful commands
You can execute any command using makefile, the following command described below are available.
- make init
- make start
- make stop
- make img-build
- make in
- make test
- make fmt
- make test
- make show-cover
- make lint
- make build
- make lint-prepare
Work with Visual Studio Code and the container
- First of all you have to open a remote window and then attach to running container (you have to take into account, you will be able work only when your container will be up and running, make start)
- If is the first time that you work on this mode you going to have to install for sure a visual studio code plugin for golang into the container
- Set a sanitization layer
- Implement event pattern
- Take a look on make commands like lint-prepare and lint (make a intallation and it's not necesary)
Mongo manager
Configurate .vscode to debug
- We have created a launch.json file in order to help you with VScode's configuration
Good practices
- The recommended way to organize a Go file is to start with:
- package declaration
- import statements
- constants
- variables
- types
- functions
- interfaces