Redis Data Transfer
This Go program allows you to transfer data between two Redis instances. I created to use to solve a real problem I had to migrate data from some ElasticCache instances on AWS to other instances on MemoryStore on GCP.
Usage example locally
- Build the binary
go build
- Run it
$ redis-cli keys "*"
(empty array)
$ ./redis-data-transfer -old -new localhost:6379
2023/07/25 13:04:25 Starting the Redis data transfer application...
100% |███████████████████████████████████████████████| (10000/10000, 469 it/s)
2023/07/25 13:04:50 Data transfer completed successfully.
2023/07/25 13:04:50 Number of keys in the old Redis database: 10000
2023/07/25 13:04:50 Number of keys in the new Redis database: 10000
$ redis-cli keys "*"
1) "key2657"
2) "key8365"
3) "key6011"
4) "key4759"
5) "key9559"
Usage example inside Kubernetes
1. Build the image and send it to your registry (docker build, docker push)
2. Replace the fields: image, -old and -new inside job.yaml
3. kubectl apply -f job.yaml
4. kubectl logs -f job/redis-data-transfer-job
2023/07/26 12:47:54 Starting the Redis data transfer application...
100% |██████████████████████████████████| (310406/310406, 1641 it/s)
2023/07/26 12:51:05 Data transfer completed successfully.
2023/07/26 12:51:05 Number of keys in the old Redis database: 310406
2023/07/26 12:51:05 Number of keys in the new Redis database: 310406
- You need to have network connectivity between the two instances you want to transfer data, you have options like creating a tunnel if they are in the cloud and if you want to run locally. You can run inside a Kubernetes cluster if the cluster has connectivy with both instance and there is a lot of others options you can try.
- Based on my tests the performance is around 2k transfer per second, to achieve it you need a good internet connection if running locally.
- I transfered 310k keys in 3 minutes between one instance on AWS and another on GCP, they had Peering connection established between them.