dcrstakepool is a web application which coordinates generating 1-of-2 multisig
addresses on a pool of dcrwallet servers
so users can purchase proof-of-stake tickets
on the Decred network and have the pool of wallet servers
vote on their behalf when the ticket is selected.

- It is highly recommended to use 3 dcrd+dcrwallet+stakepoold nodes for
production use on mainnet.
- The architecture is subject to change in the future to lessen the dependence
on dcrwallet and MySQL.
1.1.1 Release Notes
- dcrd has a new agenda and the vote version in dcrwallet has been
incremented to v5 on mainnet.
- stakepoold
- The ticket list is now maintained by doing an initial GetTicket RPC
call and then substracts/adds tickets by processing SpentAndMissed/New
ticket notifications from dcrwallet. This approach is much faster than
the old method of calling StakePoolUserInfo for each user.
- Bug fixes to the above commit and to accommodate changes in dcrwallet.
- Status page
- StatusUnauthorized error is now thrown rather than a generic one when
accessing the page as a non-admin.
- Updated to use new design.
- Synced dcrwallet walletinfo field list.
- Tickets page
- Performance was greatly improved by skipping display of historic tickets.
- Handles users that have only low fee/invalid tickets properly.
- Expired tickets are now separated from missed.
- General markup improvements.
- Removed mention of creating a voting account as it has been deprecated.
- Instructions were further clarified and updated to strongly recommend the
use of Decrediton/Paymetheus.
- Fragments of invalid markup were fixed.
1.1.1 Upgrade Guide
- Announce maintenance and shut down dcrstakepool.
- Perform upgrades on each dcrd+dcrwallet+stakepoold voting cluster one at a
- Stop stakepoold, dcrwallet, and dcrd.
- Upgrade dcrd, dcrwallet to 1.1.0 release binaries or git. If compiling from
source, Go 1.9 is recommended to pick up improvements to the Golang runtime.
- Restart dcrd, dcrwallet.
- Upgrade stakepoold.
- Start stakepoold.
- Upgrade and start dcrstakepool. If you are maintaining a fork, note that
you need to update the dcrd/chaincfg dependency to a revision that contains
the new agenda.
- dcrstakepool will reset the votebits for all users to 1 when it detects the
new vote version via stakepoold.
- Announce maintenance complete after verifying functionality. If possible,
also announce that a new voting agenda is available and users must login
to set their preferences for the new agenda.
- Go 1.8.3 or newer.
- Nginx or other web server to proxy to dcrstakepool
Linux/BSD/MacOSX/POSIX - Build from Source
Building or updating from source requires the following build dependencies:
Go 1.8.3 or newer
Installation instructions can be found here: http://golang.org/doc/install.
It is recommended to add $GOPATH/bin
to your PATH
at this point.
Glide is used to manage project dependencies and provide reproducible builds.
To install:
go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide
Unfortunately, the use of glide
prevents a handy tool such as go get
automatically downloading, building, and installing the source in a single
command. Instead, the latest project and dependency sources must be first
obtained manually with git
and glide
, and then go
is used to build and
install the project.
- Run the following command to obtain the dcrstakepool code and all dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/decred/dcrstakepool $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool
$ glide install
- Assuming you have done the below configuration, build and run dcrstakepool:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool
$ go build
$ ./dcrstakepool
- Build stakepoold and copy it to your voting nodes:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool/backend/stakepoold
$ go build
To update an existing source tree, pull the latest changes and install the
matching dependencies:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool
$ git pull
$ glide install
$ go build
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool/backend/stakepoold
$ go build
These instructions assume you are familiar with dcrd/dcrwallet.
Create basic dcrd/dcrwallet/dcrctl config files with usernames, passwords, rpclisten, and network set appropriately within them or run example commands with additional flags as necessary
Build/install dcrd and dcrwallet from latest master
Run dcrd instances and let them fully sync
Stake pool fees/cold wallet
- Setup a new wallet for receiving payment for stake pool fees. This should be completely separate from the stake pool infrastructure.
$ dcrwallet --create
$ dcrwallet
- Get the master pubkey for the account you wish to use. This will be needed to configure dcrwallet and dcrstakepool.
$ dcrctl --wallet createnewaccount teststakepoolfees
$ dcrctl --wallet getmasterpubkey teststakepoolfees
- Mark 10000 addresses in use for the account so the wallet will recognize transactions to those addresses. Fees from UserId 1 will go to address 1, UserId 2 to address 2, and so on.
$ dcrctl --wallet accountsyncaddressindex teststakepoolfees 0 10000
Stake pool voting wallets
- Create the wallets. All wallets should have the same seed. Backup the seed for disaster recovery!
$ dcrwallet --create
- Start a properly configured dcrwallet and unlock it. See sample-dcrwallet.conf.
$ dcrwallet
- Get the master pubkey from the default account. This will be used for votingwalletextpub in dcrstakepool.conf.
$ dcrctl --wallet getmasterpubkey default
Install, configure, and start MySQL
Add stakepool user and create the stakepool database
$ mysql -uroot -ppassword
MySQL> CREATE USER 'stakepool'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Nginx/web server
- Adapt sample-nginx.conf or setup a different web server in a proxy configuration
- Create the .dcrstakepool directory and copy dcrwallet certs to it
$ mkdir ~/.dcrstakepool
$ cd ~/.dcrstakepool
$ scp walletserver1:~/.dcrwallet/rpc.cert wallet1.cert
$ scp walletserver2:~/.dcrwallet/rpc.cert wallet2.cert
- Copy sample config and edit appropriately
$ cp -p sample-dcrstakepool.conf dcrstakepool.conf
The easiest way to run the stakepool code is to run it directly from the root of
the source tree:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/decred/dcrstakepool
$ go build
$ ./dcrstakepool
If you wish to run dcrstakepool from a different directory you will need to change publicpath and templatepath
from their relative paths to an absolute path.
If you are modifying templates, sending the USR1 signal to the dcrstakepool process will trigger a template reload.
dcrstakepool will connect to the database or error out if it cannot do so
dcrstakepool will create the stakepool.Users table automatically if it doesn't exist
dcrstakepool attempts to connect to all of the wallet servers on startup or error out if it cannot do so
dcrstakepool takes a user's pubkey, validates it, calls getnewaddress on all the wallet servers, then createmultisig, and finally importscript. If any of these RPCs fail or returns inconsistent results, the RPC client built-in to dcrstakepool will shut down and will not operate until it has been restarted. Wallets should be verified to be in sync before restarting.
User API Tokens have an issuer field set to baseURL from the configuration file.
Changing the baseURL requires all API Tokens to be re-generated.
Adding Invalid Tickets
If a user pays an incorrect fee you may add their tickets like so (requires dcrd running with txindex=1):
dcrctl --wallet stakepooluserinfo "MultiSigAddress" | grep -Pzo '(?<="invalid": \[)[^\]]*' | tr -d , | xargs -Itickethash dcrctl --wallet getrawtransaction tickethash | xargs -Itickethex dcrctl --wallet addticket "tickethex"
Backups, monitoring, security considerations
MySQL should be backed up often and regularly (probably at least hourly). Backups should be transferred off-site. If using binary backups, do a test restore. For .sql files, verify visually.
A monitoring system with alerting should be pointed at dcrstakepool and tested/verified to be operating properly. There is a hidden /status page which throws 500 if the RPC client is shutdown. If your monitoring system supports it, add additional points of verification such as: checking that the /stats page loads and has expected information in it, create a test account and setup automated login testing, etc.
Wallets should never be used for anything else (they should always have a balance of 0)
Disaster Recovery
Always keep at least one wallet voting while performing maintenance / restoration!
- In the case of a total failure of a wallet server:
- Restore the failed wallet(s) from seed
- Restart the dcrstakepool process to allow automatic syncing to occur.
- irc.freenode.net
- channel #decred
Issue Tracker
The integrated github issue tracker
is used for this project.
dcrstakepool is licensed under the copyfree ISC License.
Version History
- 1.1.0 - Architecture change.
- Per-ticket votebits were removed in favor of per-user voting preferences.
A voting page was added and the API upgraded to v2 to support getting and
setting user voting preferences.
- Addresses from the wallet servers which are needed for generating the 1-of-2
multisig ticket address are now derived from the new votingwalletextpub
config option. This removes the need to call getnewaddress on each wallet.
- An experimental daemon (stakepoold) that votes according to user preference
is available for testing on testnet. This daemon is not for use on mainnet
at this time.
- 1.0.0 - Major changes/improvements.
- API is now at v1 status. API Tokens are generated for all users with a
verified email address when upgrading. Tokens are generated for new
users on demand when visiting the Settings page which displays their token.
Authenticated users may use the API to submit a public key address and to
retrieve ticket purchasing information. The stake pool's stats are also
available through the API without authentication.
- 0.0.4 - Major changes/improvements.
- config.toml is no longer required as the options in that file have been
migrated to dcrstakepool.conf.
- Automatic syncing of scripts, tickets, and vote bits is now performed at
startup. Syncing of vote bits is a long process and can be skipped with the
SkipVoteBitsSync flag/configuration value.
- Temporary wallet connectivity errors are now handled much more gracefully.
- A preliminary v0.1 API was added.
- 0.0.3 - More expected/basic web application functionality added.
- SMTPHost now defaults to an empty string so a stake pool can be used for
development or testing purposes without a configured mail server. The
contents of the emails are sent through the logger so links can still be
- Upon sign up, users now have an email sent with a validation link.
They will not be able to sign in until they verify.
- New settings page that allows users to change their email address/password.
- Bug fix to HeightRegistered migration for users who signed up but never
submitted an address would not be able to login.
- 0.0.2 - Minor improvements/feature addition
- The importscript RPC is now called with the current block height at the
time of user registration. Previously, importscript triggered a rescan
for transactions from the genesis block. Since the user just registered,
there won't be any transactions present. A new HeightRegistered column
is automatically added to the Users table. A default value of 15346 is
used for existing users who already had a multisigscript generated.
This can be adjusted to a more reasonable value for you pool by running
the following MySQL query:
UPDATE Users SET HeightRegistered = NEWVALUE WHERE HeightRegistered = 15346;
- Users may now reset their password by specifying an email address and
clicking a link that they will receive via email. You will need to
add a proper configuration for your mail server for it to work properly.
The various SMTP options can be seen in sample-dcrstakepool.conf.
- User instructions on the address and ticket pages were updated.
- SpentBy link added to the voted tickets display.
- 0.0.1 - Initial release for mainnet operations