Documentation ΒΆ
Index ΒΆ
- Constants
- Variables
- func IsExitCodeError(err error) bool
- func IsMisconfigError(err error) bool
- func IsParsingError(err error) bool
- func IsUnknownError(err error) bool
- func MustInstall(ctx context.Context, opts *InstallOptions)
- type Command
- func (c *Command) AbortOnError() *Command
- func (c *Command) AbortOnUnavailableFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) AddHeaders(fieldvalue string) *Command
- func (c *Command) AgeLimit(years int) *Command
- func (c *Command) AllFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) AllSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) AllowDynamicMPD() *Command
- func (c *Command) ApListMSO() *Command
- func (c *Command) ApMSO(mso string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ApPassword(password string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ApUsername(username string) *Command
- func (c *Command) AudioFormat(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) AudioMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) AudioQuality(quality string) *Command
- func (c *Command) AutoNumberSize(number int) *Command
- func (c *Command) AutoNumberStart(number int) *Command
- func (c *Command) BatchFile(file string) *Command
- func (c *Command) BidiWorkaround() *Command
- func (c *Command) BreakMatchFilters(filter string) *Command
- func (c *Command) BreakOnExisting() *Command
- func (c *Command) BreakOnReject() *Command
- func (c *Command) BreakPerInput() *Command
- func (c *Command) BufferSize(size string) *Command
- func (c *Command) CNVerificationProxy(url string) *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) CacheDir(dir string) *Command
- func (c *Command) CallHome() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) CheckAllFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) CheckFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) CleanInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) ClientCertificate(certfile string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ClientCertificateKey(keyfile string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ClientCertificatePassword(password string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Clone() *Command
- func (c *Command) Color(policy string) *Command
- func (c *Command) CompatOptions(opts string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ConcatPlaylist(policy ConcatPlaylistOption) *Command
- func (c *Command) ConcurrentFragments(n int) *Command
- func (c *Command) ConfigLocations(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ConsoleTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) Continue() *Command
- func (c *Command) ConvertSubs(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ConvertThumbnails(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Cookies(file string) *Command
- func (c *Command) CookiesFromBrowser(browser string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Date(date string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DateAfter(date string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DateBefore(date string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DefaultSearch(prefix string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DownloadArchive(file string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DownloadSections(regex string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Downloader(name string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DownloaderArgs(nameargs string) *Command
- func (c *Command) DumpJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) DumpPages() *Command
- func (c *Command) DumpSingleJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) DumpUserAgent(ctx context.Context) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) EmbedChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) EmbedInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) EmbedMetadata() *Command
- func (c *Command) EmbedSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) EmbedThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) EnableFileURLs() *Command
- func (c *Command) Encoding(encoding string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Exec(cmd string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ExecBeforeDownload(cmd string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ExtractAudio() *Command
- func (c *Command) ExtractorArgs(ieKeyargs string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ExtractorDescriptions(ctx context.Context) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) ExtractorRetries(retries string) *Command
- func (c *Command) FFmpegLocation(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) FileAccessRetries(retries string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Fixup(policy FixupOption) *Command
- func (c *Command) FlatPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceGenericExtractor() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceIPv4() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceIPv6() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceKeyframesAtCuts() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) ForceWriteArchive() *Command
- func (c *Command) Format(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) FormatSort(sortorder string) *Command
- func (c *Command) FormatSortForce() *Command
- func (c *Command) FragmentRetries(retries string) *Command
- func (c *Command) GeoBypass() *Command
- func (c *Command) GeoBypassCountry(code string) *Command
- func (c *Command) GeoBypassIPBlock(ipBlock string) *Command
- func (c *Command) GeoVerificationProxy(url string) *Command
- func (c *Command) GetDescription() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetDuration() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetFilename() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetID() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) GetURL() *Command
- func (c *Command) HLSPreferFFmpeg() *Command
- func (c *Command) HLSPreferNative() *Command
- func (c *Command) HLSSplitDiscontinuity() *Command
- func (c *Command) HLSUseMPEGTS() *Command
- func (c *Command) HTTPChunkSize(size string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ID() *Command
- func (c *Command) IgnoreConfig() *Command
- func (c *Command) IgnoreDynamicMPD() *Command
- func (c *Command) IgnoreErrors() *Command
- func (c *Command) IgnoreNoFormatsError() *Command
- func (c *Command) Impersonate(client string) *Command
- func (c *Command) IncludeAds() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) KeepFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) KeepVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) LazyPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) LegacyServerConnect() *Command
- func (c *Command) LimitRate(rate string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ListExtractors(ctx context.Context) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) ListFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) ListFormatsAsTable() *Command
- func (c *Command) ListFormatsOld() *Command
- func (c *Command) ListImpersonateTargets() *Command
- func (c *Command) ListSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) ListThumbnails() *Command
- func (c *Command) LiveFromStart() *Command
- func (c *Command) LoadInfoJSON(file string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MarkWatched() *Command
- func (c *Command) MatchFilters(filter string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MatchTitle(regex string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MaxDownloads(number int) *Command
- func (c *Command) MaxFileSize(size string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MaxSleepInterval(seconds float64) *Command
- func (c *Command) MaxViews(count int) *Command
- func (c *Command) MergeOutputFormat(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MetadataFromTitle(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MinFileSize(size string) *Command
- func (c *Command) MinViews(count int) *Command
- func (c *Command) Mtime() *Command
- func (c *Command) Netrc() *Command
- func (c *Command) NetrcCmd(netrcCmd string) *Command
- func (c *Command) NetrcLocation(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Newline() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoAbortOnError() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoAudioMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoBatchFile() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoBreakMatchFilters() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoBreakOnExisting() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoBreakPerInput() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCacheDir() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCallHome() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoCheckCertificates() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCheckFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCleanInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoColors() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoConfigLocations() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoContinue() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCookies() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoCookiesFromBrowser() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoDownloadArchive() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoEmbedChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoEmbedInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoEmbedMetadata() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoEmbedSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoEmbedThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoExec() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoExecBeforeDownload() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoFlatPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoForceKeyframesAtCuts() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoForceOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoFormatSortForce() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoGeoBypass() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoHLSSplitDiscontinuity() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoHLSUseMPEGTS() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoIgnoreNoFormatsError() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoIncludeAds() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoKeepFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoKeepVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoLazyPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoLiveFromStart() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoMarkWatched() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoMatchFilters() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoMtime() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoPart() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoPlaylistReverse() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoPostOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoPreferFreeFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoProgress() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoQuiet() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoRemoveChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoResizeBuffer() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoRestrictFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoSimulate() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoSplitChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoSponskrub() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoSponskrubCut() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoSponskrubForce() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoSponsorblock() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoUpdate() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoVideoMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWaitForVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWarnings() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWindowsFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteAnnotations() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) NoWriteAutoSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteComments() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteDescription() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWritePlaylistMetafiles() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) NoWriteThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) Output(template string) *Command
- func (c *Command) OutputNaPlaceholder(text string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ParseMetadata(fromto string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Part() *Command
- func (c *Command) Password(password string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Paths(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PlaylistEnd(number int) *Command
- func (c *Command) PlaylistItems(itemSpec string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PlaylistRandom() *Command
- func (c *Command) PlaylistReverse() *Command
- func (c *Command) PlaylistStart(number int) *Command
- func (c *Command) PluginDirs(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PostOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) PostProcessorArgs(nameargs string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PreferAVConv() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) PreferFFmpeg() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) PreferFreeFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) PreferInsecure() *Command
- func (c *Command) Print(template string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PrintJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) PrintToFile(template, file string) *Command
- func (c *Command) PrintTraffic() *Command
- func (c *Command) Progress() *Command
- func (c *Command) ProgressDelta(seconds float64) *Command
- func (c *Command) ProgressFunc(frequency time.Duration, fn ProgressCallbackFunc) *Command
- func (c *Command) ProgressTemplate(template string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Proxy(url string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Quiet() *Command
- func (c *Command) RecodeVideo(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Referer(url string) *Command
- func (c *Command) RejectTitle(regex string) *Command
- func (c *Command) RemoveChapters(regex string) *Command
- func (c *Command) RemuxVideo(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ReplaceInMetadata(fields, regex, replace string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ResizeBuffer() *Command
- func (c *Command) RestrictFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) Retries(retries string) *Command
- func (c *Command) RetrySleep(expr string) *Command
- func (c *Command) RmCacheDir() *Command
- func (c *Command) Run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) SetEnvVar(key, value string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetExecutable(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetWorkDir(path string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Simulate() *Command
- func (c *Command) SkipDownload() *Command
- func (c *Command) SkipPlaylistAfterErrors(n int) *Command
- func (c *Command) SkipUnavailableFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) SleepInterval(seconds float64) *Command
- func (c *Command) SleepRequests(seconds float64) *Command
- func (c *Command) SleepSubtitles(seconds int) *Command
- func (c *Command) SocketTimeout(seconds float64) *Command
- func (c *Command) SourceAddress(ip string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SplitChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) Sponskrub() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) SponskrubArgs(args string) *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) SponskrubCut() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) SponskrubForce() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) SponskrubLocation(path string) *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) SponsorblockAPI(url string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SponsorblockChapterTitle(template string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SponsorblockMark(cats string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SponsorblockRemove(cats string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SubFormat(format string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SubLangs(langs string) *Command
- func (c *Command) ThrottledRate(rate string) *Command
- func (c *Command) TrimFilenames(length int) *Command
- func (c *Command) TwoFactor(twofactor string) *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAbortOnError() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAbortOnUnavailableFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAddHeaders() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAgeLimit() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAllFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAllSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAllowDynamicMPD() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetApListMSO() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetApMSO() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetApPassword() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetApUsername() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAudioFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAudioMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAudioQuality() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAutoNumberSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetAutoNumberStart() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBatchFile() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBidiWorkaround() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBreakMatchFilters() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBreakOnExisting() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBreakOnReject() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBreakPerInput() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetBufferSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCNVerificationProxy() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetCacheDir() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCallHome() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetCheckAllFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCheckCertificates() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCheckFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCleanInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetClientCertificate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetClientCertificateKey() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetClientCertificatePassword() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetColor() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetColors() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCompatOptions() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConcatPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConcurrentFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConfigLocations() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConsoleTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetContinue() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConvertSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetConvertThumbnails() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCookies() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetCookiesFromBrowser() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDateAfter() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDateBefore() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDefaultSearch() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDownloadArchive() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDownloadSections() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDownloader() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDownloaderArgs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDumpJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDumpPages() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetDumpSingleJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEmbedChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEmbedInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEmbedMetadata() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEmbedSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEmbedThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEnableFileURLs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetEncoding() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetExec() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetExecBeforeDownload() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetExtractAudio() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetExtractorArgs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetExtractorRetries() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFFmpegLocation() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFileAccessRetries() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFixup() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFlatPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceGenericExtractor() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceIPv4() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceIPv6() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceKeyframesAtCuts() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetForceWriteArchive() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFormatSort() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFormatSortForce() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetFragmentRetries() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGeoBypass() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGeoBypassCountry() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGeoBypassIPBlock() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGeoVerificationProxy() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetDescription() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetDuration() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetFilename() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetID() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetGetURL() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetHLSPreferFFmpeg() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetHLSPreferNative() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetHLSSplitDiscontinuity() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetHLSUseMPEGTS() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetHTTPChunkSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetID() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetIgnoreConfig() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetIgnoreDynamicMPD() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetIgnoreErrors() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetIgnoreNoFormatsError() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetImpersonate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetIncludeAds() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetKeepFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetKeepVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetLazyPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetLegacyServerConnect() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetLimitRate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListFormatsAsTable() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListFormatsOld() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListImpersonateTargets() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetListThumbnails() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetLiveFromStart() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetLoadInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMarkWatched() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMatchFilters() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMatchTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMaxDownloads() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMaxFileSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMaxSleepInterval() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMaxViews() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMergeOutputFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMetadataFromTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMinFileSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMinViews() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetMtime() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetNetrc() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetNetrcCmd() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetNetrcLocation() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetNewline() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetOutput() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetOutputNaPlaceholder() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetParseMetadata() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPart() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPassword() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPaths() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylistEnd() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylistItems() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylistRandom() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylistReverse() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPlaylistStart() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPluginDirs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPostOverwrites() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPostProcessorArgs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPreferAVConv() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetPreferFFmpeg() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetPreferFreeFormats() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPreferInsecure() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPrint() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPrintJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPrintToFile() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetPrintTraffic() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetProgress() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetProgressDelta() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetProgressFunc() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetProgressTemplate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetProxy() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetQuiet() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRecodeVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetReferer() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRejectTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRemoveChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRemuxVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetReplaceInMetadata() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetResizeBuffer() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRestrictFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRetries() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRetrySleep() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetRmCacheDir() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSimulate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSkipDownload() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSkipPlaylistAfterErrors() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSkipUnavailableFragments() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSleepInterval() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSleepRequests() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSleepSubtitles() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSocketTimeout() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSourceAddress() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSplitChapters() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponskrub() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponskrubArgs() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponskrubCut() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponskrubForce() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponskrubLocation() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponsorblock() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponsorblockAPI() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponsorblockChapterTitle() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponsorblockMark() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSponsorblockRemove() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSubFormat() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetSubLangs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetThrottledRate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetTrimFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetTwoFactor() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetUpdate() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetUseExtractors() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetUsePostProcessor() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetUserAgent() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetUsername() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetVerbose() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetVideoMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetVideoPassword() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWaitForVideo() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWarnings() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWindowsFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteAllThumbnails() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteAnnotations() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteAutoSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteComments() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteDescription() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteDesktopLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWritePages() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWritePlaylistMetafiles() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteURLLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetWriteWeblocLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetXFF() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetXattrSetFileSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetXattrs() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetYoutubeIncludeDashManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetYoutubeIncludeHLSManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetYoutubeSkipDashManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) UnsetYoutubeSkipHLSManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) Update(ctx context.Context) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) UpdateTo(ctx context.Context, value string) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) UseExtractors(names string) *Command
- func (c *Command) UsePostProcessor(name string) *Command
- func (c *Command) UserAgent(ua string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Username(username string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Verbose() *Command
- func (c *Command) Version(ctx context.Context) (*Result, error)
- func (c *Command) VideoMultistreams() *Command
- func (c *Command) VideoPassword(password string) *Command
- func (c *Command) WaitForVideo(min string) *Command
- func (c *Command) WindowsFilenames() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteAllThumbnails() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteAnnotations() *Commanddeprecated
- func (c *Command) WriteAutoSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteComments() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteDescription() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteDesktopLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteInfoJSON() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) WritePages() *Command
- func (c *Command) WritePlaylistMetafiles() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteSubs() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteThumbnail() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteURLLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) WriteWeblocLink() *Command
- func (c *Command) XFF(value string) *Command
- func (c *Command) XattrSetFileSize() *Command
- func (c *Command) Xattrs() *Command
- func (c *Command) YesPlaylist() *Command
- func (c *Command) YoutubeIncludeDashManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) YoutubeIncludeHLSManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) YoutubeSkipDashManifest() *Command
- func (c *Command) YoutubeSkipHLSManifest() *Command
- type ConcatPlaylistOption
- type ErrExitCode
- type ErrMisconfig
- type ErrParsing
- type ErrUnknown
- type ExtractedAvailability
- type ExtractedChapterData
- type ExtractedFormat
- type ExtractedFragment
- type ExtractedHeatmapData
- type ExtractedInfo
- type ExtractedLiveStatus
- type ExtractedSubtitle
- type ExtractedThumbnail
- type ExtractedType
- type ExtractedVersion
- type ExtractedVideoComment
- type Extractor
- type FixupOption
- type Flag
- type InstallOptions
- type ProgressCallbackFunc
- type ProgressStatus
- type ProgressUpdate
- type ResolvedInstall
- type Result
- type ResultLog
Constants ΒΆ
const ( // Channel of yt-dlp that go-ytdlp was generated with. Channel = "stable" // Version of yt-dlp that go-ytdlp was generated with. Version = "2024.12.23" )
Variables ΒΆ
var SupportedExtractors = []*Extractor{}/* 1845 elements not displayed */
Functions ΒΆ
func IsExitCodeError ΒΆ
IsExitCodeError returns true when the exit code of the yt-dlp process is non-zero.
func IsMisconfigError ΒΆ
IsMisconfigError returns true when the yt-dlp executable is not found, or is not configured properly.
func IsParsingError ΒΆ
IsParsingError returns true when the yt-dlp process fails due to an invalid flag or argument, possibly due to a version mismatch or go-ytdlp bug.
func IsUnknownError ΒΆ
IsUnknownError returns true when the error is unknown according to go-ytdlp.
func MustInstall ΒΆ
func MustInstall(ctx context.Context, opts *InstallOptions)
MustInstall is the same as Install, but will panic if an error occurs (essentially ensuring yt-dlp is installed, before continuing), and doesn't return any results.
Types ΒΆ
type Command ΒΆ
type Command struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func New ΒΆ
func New() *Command
New is the recommended way to return a new yt-dlp command builder. Once all flags are set, you can call [Run] to invoke yt-dlp with the necessary args, or the independent execution method (e.g. Version).
func (*Command) AbortOnError ΒΆ
Abort downloading of further videos if an error occurs
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAbortOnError, for unsetting the flag.
- AbortOnError maps to cli flags: --abort-on-error/--no-ignore-errors.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) AbortOnUnavailableFragments ΒΆ
Abort download if a fragment is unavailable
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAbortOnUnavailableFragments, for unsetting the flag.
- AbortOnUnavailableFragments maps to cli flags: --abort-on-unavailable-fragments/--no-skip-unavailable-fragments.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) AddHeaders ΒΆ
Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, separated by a colon ":". You can use this option multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAddHeaders, for unsetting the flag.
- AddHeaders maps to cli flags: --add-headers=FIELD:VALUE.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) AgeLimit ΒΆ
Download only videos suitable for the given age
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAgeLimit, for unsetting the flag.
- AgeLimit maps to cli flags: --age-limit=YEARS.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) AllFormats ΒΆ
AllFormats sets the "all-formats" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAllFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- AllFormats maps to cli flags: --all-formats (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) AllSubs ΒΆ
AllSubs sets the "all-subs" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAllSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- AllSubs maps to cli flags: --all-subs (hidden).
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) AllowDynamicMPD ΒΆ
Process dynamic DASH manifests (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAllowDynamicMPD, for unsetting the flag.
- AllowDynamicMPD maps to cli flags: --allow-dynamic-mpd/--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) ApListMSO ΒΆ
List all supported multiple-system operators
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetApListMSO, for unsetting the flag.
- ApListMSO maps to cli flags: --ap-list-mso.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) ApMSO ΒΆ
Adobe Pass multiple-system operator (TV provider) identifier, use --ap-list-mso for a list of available MSOs
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetApMSO, for unsetting the flag.
- ApMSO maps to cli flags: --ap-mso=MSO.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) ApPassword ΒΆ
Multiple-system operator account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetApPassword, for unsetting the flag.
- ApPassword maps to cli flags: --ap-password=PASSWORD.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) ApUsername ΒΆ
Multiple-system operator account login
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetApUsername, for unsetting the flag.
- ApUsername maps to cli flags: --ap-username=USERNAME.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) AudioFormat ΒΆ
Format to convert the audio to when -x is used. (currently supported: best (default), aac, alac, flac, m4a, mp3, opus, vorbis, wav). You can specify multiple rules using similar syntax as --remux-video
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAudioFormat, for unsetting the flag.
- AudioFormat maps to cli flags: --audio-format=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) AudioMultistreams ΒΆ
Allow multiple audio streams to be merged into a single file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAudioMultistreams, for unsetting the flag.
- AudioMultistreams maps to cli flags: --audio-multistreams.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) AudioQuality ΒΆ
Specify ffmpeg audio quality to use when converting the audio with -x. Insert a value between 0 (best) and 10 (worst) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default 5)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAudioQuality, for unsetting the flag.
- AudioQuality maps to cli flags: --audio-quality=QUALITY.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) AutoNumberSize ΒΆ
AutoNumberSize sets the "autonumber-size" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAutoNumberSize, for unsetting the flag.
- AutoNumberSize maps to cli flags: --autonumber-size=NUMBER (hidden).
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) AutoNumberStart ΒΆ
AutoNumberStart sets the "autonumber-start" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAutoNumberStart, for unsetting the flag.
- AutoNumberStart maps to cli flags: --autonumber-start=NUMBER (hidden).
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) BatchFile ΒΆ
File containing URLs to download ("-" for stdin), one URL per line. Lines starting with "#", ";" or "]" are considered as comments and ignored
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBatchFile, for unsetting the flag.
- BatchFile maps to cli flags: -a/--batch-file=FILE.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) BidiWorkaround ΒΆ
Work around terminals that lack bidirectional text support. Requires bidiv or fribidi executable in PATH
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBidiWorkaround, for unsetting the flag.
- BidiWorkaround maps to cli flags: --bidi-workaround.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) BreakMatchFilters ΒΆ
Same as "--match-filters" but stops the download process when a video is rejected
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakMatchFilters, for unsetting the flag.
- BreakMatchFilters maps to cli flags: --break-match-filters=FILTER.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) BreakOnExisting ΒΆ
Stop the download process when encountering a file that is in the archive supplied with the --download-archive option
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakOnExisting, for unsetting the flag.
- BreakOnExisting maps to cli flags: --break-on-existing.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) BreakOnReject ΒΆ
BreakOnReject sets the "break-on-reject" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakOnReject, for unsetting the flag.
- BreakOnReject maps to cli flags: --break-on-reject (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) BreakPerInput ΒΆ
Alters --max-downloads, --break-on-existing, --break-match-filters, and autonumber to reset per input URL
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakPerInput, for unsetting the flag.
- BreakPerInput maps to cli flags: --break-per-input.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) BufferSize ΒΆ
Size of download buffer, e.g. 1024 or 16K (default is 1024)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBufferSize, for unsetting the flag.
- BufferSize maps to cli flags: --buffer-size=SIZE.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) CNVerificationProxy
CNVerificationProxy sets the "cn-verification-proxy" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCNVerificationProxy, for unsetting the flag.
- CNVerificationProxy maps to cli flags: --cn-verification-proxy=URL (hidden).
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
Deprecated: Use Command.GeoVerificationProxy instead.
func (*Command) CacheDir ΒΆ
Location in the filesystem where yt-dlp can store some downloaded information (such as client ids and signatures) permanently. By default ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/yt-dlp
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCacheDir, for unsetting the flag.
- CacheDir maps to cli flags: --cache-dir=DIR.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) CallHome
CallHome sets the "call-home" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCallHome, for unsetting the flag.
- CallHome maps to cli flags: -C/--call-home (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
Deprecated: Not implemented.
func (*Command) CheckAllFormats ΒΆ
Check all formats for whether they are actually downloadable
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCheckAllFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- CheckAllFormats maps to cli flags: --check-all-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) CheckFormats ΒΆ
Make sure formats are selected only from those that are actually downloadable
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCheckFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- CheckFormats maps to cli flags: --check-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) CleanInfoJSON ΒΆ
Remove some internal metadata such as filenames from the infojson (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCleanInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- CleanInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --clean-info-json/--clean-infojson.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) ClientCertificate ΒΆ
Path to client certificate file in PEM format. May include the private key
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetClientCertificate, for unsetting the flag.
- ClientCertificate maps to cli flags: --client-certificate=CERTFILE.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) ClientCertificateKey ΒΆ
Path to private key file for client certificate
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetClientCertificateKey, for unsetting the flag.
- ClientCertificateKey maps to cli flags: --client-certificate-key=KEYFILE.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) ClientCertificatePassword ΒΆ
Password for client certificate private key, if encrypted. If not provided, and the key is encrypted, yt-dlp will ask interactively
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetClientCertificatePassword, for unsetting the flag.
- ClientCertificatePassword maps to cli flags: --client-certificate-password=PASSWORD.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) Clone ΒΆ
Clone returns a copy of the command, with all flags, env vars, executable, and working directory copied over.
func (*Command) Color ΒΆ
Whether to emit color codes in output, optionally prefixed by the STREAM (stdout or stderr) to apply the setting to. Can be one of "always", "auto" (default), "never", or "no_color" (use non color terminal sequences). Use "auto-tty" or "no_color-tty" to decide based on terminal support only. Can be used multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetColor, for unsetting the flag.
- Color maps to cli flags: --color=[STREAM:]POLICY.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) CompatOptions ΒΆ
Options that can help keep compatibility with youtube-dl or youtube-dlc configurations by reverting some of the changes made in yt-dlp. See "Differences in default behavior" for details
- Compatibility Options:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCompatOptions, for unsetting the flag.
- CompatOptions maps to cli flags: --compat-options=OPTS.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ConcatPlaylist ΒΆ
func (c *Command) ConcatPlaylist(policy ConcatPlaylistOption) *Command
Concatenate videos in a playlist. One of "never", "always", or "multi_video" (default; only when the videos form a single show). All the video files must have the same codecs and number of streams to be concatenable. The "pl_video:" prefix can be used with "--paths" and "--output" to set the output filename for the concatenated files. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConcatPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- ConcatPlaylist maps to cli flags: --concat-playlist=POLICY.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ConcurrentFragments ΒΆ
Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConcurrentFragments, for unsetting the flag.
- ConcurrentFragments maps to cli flags: -N/--concurrent-fragments=N.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) ConfigLocations ΒΆ
Location of the main configuration file; either the path to the config or its containing directory ("-" for stdin). Can be used multiple times and inside other configuration files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConfigLocations, for unsetting the flag.
- ConfigLocations maps to cli flags: --config-locations=PATH.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ConsoleTitle ΒΆ
Display progress in console titlebar
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConsoleTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- ConsoleTitle maps to cli flags: --console-title.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Continue ΒΆ
Resume partially downloaded files/fragments (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetContinue, for unsetting the flag.
- Continue maps to cli flags: -c/--continue.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) ConvertSubs ΒΆ
Convert the subtitles to another format (currently supported: ass, lrc, srt, vtt). Use "--convert-subs none" to disable conversion (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConvertSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- ConvertSubs maps to cli flags: --convert-subs/--convert-sub/--convert-subtitles=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ConvertThumbnails ΒΆ
Convert the thumbnails to another format (currently supported: jpg, png, webp). You can specify multiple rules using similar syntax as "--remux-video". Use "--convert-thumbnails none" to disable conversion (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConvertThumbnails, for unsetting the flag.
- ConvertThumbnails maps to cli flags: --convert-thumbnails=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) Cookies ΒΆ
Netscape formatted file to read cookies from and dump cookie jar in
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCookies, for unsetting the flag.
- Cookies maps to cli flags: --cookies=FILE.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) CookiesFromBrowser ΒΆ
The name of the browser to load cookies from. Currently supported browsers are: brave, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, safari, vivaldi, whale. Optionally, the KEYRING used for decrypting Chromium cookies on Linux, the name/path of the PROFILE to load cookies from, and the CONTAINER name (if Firefox) ("none" for no container) can be given with their respective separators. By default, all containers of the most recently accessed profile are used. Currently supported keyrings are: basictext, gnomekeyring, kwallet, kwallet5, kwallet6
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCookiesFromBrowser, for unsetting the flag.
- CookiesFromBrowser maps to cli flags: --cookies-from-browser=BROWSER[+KEYRING][:PROFILE][::CONTAINER].
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) Date ΒΆ
Download only videos uploaded on this date. The date can be "YYYYMMDD" or in the format [now|today|yesterday][-N[day|week|month|year]]. E.g. "--date today-2weeks" downloads only videos uploaded on the same day two weeks ago
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDate, for unsetting the flag.
- Date maps to cli flags: --date=DATE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) DateAfter ΒΆ
Download only videos uploaded on or after this date. The date formats accepted are the same as --date
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDateAfter, for unsetting the flag.
- DateAfter maps to cli flags: --dateafter=DATE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) DateBefore ΒΆ
Download only videos uploaded on or before this date. The date formats accepted are the same as --date
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDateBefore, for unsetting the flag.
- DateBefore maps to cli flags: --datebefore=DATE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) DefaultSearch ΒΆ
Use this prefix for unqualified URLs. E.g. "gvsearch2:python" downloads two videos from google videos for the search term "python". Use the value "auto" to let yt-dlp guess ("auto_warning" to emit a warning when guessing). "error" just throws an error. The default value "fixup_error" repairs broken URLs, but emits an error if this is not possible instead of searching
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDefaultSearch, for unsetting the flag.
- DefaultSearch maps to cli flags: --default-search=PREFIX.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) DownloadArchive ΒΆ
Download only videos not listed in the archive file. Record the IDs of all downloaded videos in it
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDownloadArchive, for unsetting the flag.
- DownloadArchive maps to cli flags: --download-archive=FILE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) DownloadSections ΒΆ
Download only chapters that match the regular expression. A "*" prefix denotes time-range instead of chapter. Negative timestamps are calculated from the end. "*from-url" can be used to download between the "start_time" and "end_time" extracted from the URL. Needs ffmpeg. This option can be used multiple times to download multiple sections, e.g. --download-sections "*10:15-inf" --download-sections "intro"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDownloadSections, for unsetting the flag.
- DownloadSections maps to cli flags: --download-sections=REGEX.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) Downloader ΒΆ
Name or path of the external downloader to use (optionally) prefixed by the protocols (http, ftp, m3u8, dash, rstp, rtmp, mms) to use it for. Currently supports native, aria2c, avconv, axel, curl, ffmpeg, httpie, wget. You can use this option multiple times to set different downloaders for different protocols. E.g. --downloader aria2c --downloader "dash,m3u8:native" will use aria2c for http/ftp downloads, and the native downloader for dash/m3u8 downloads
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDownloader, for unsetting the flag.
- Downloader maps to cli flags: --downloader/--external-downloader=[PROTO:]NAME.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) DownloaderArgs ΒΆ
Give these arguments to the external downloader. Specify the downloader name and the arguments separated by a colon ":". For ffmpeg, arguments can be passed to different positions using the same syntax as --postprocessor-args. You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different downloaders
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDownloaderArgs, for unsetting the flag.
- DownloaderArgs maps to cli flags: --downloader-args/--external-downloader-args=NAME:ARGS.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) DumpJSON ΒΆ
Quiet, but print JSON information for each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for a description of available keys
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDumpJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- DumpJSON maps to cli flags: -j/--dump-json.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) DumpPages ΒΆ
Print downloaded pages encoded using base64 to debug problems (very verbose)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDumpPages, for unsetting the flag.
- DumpPages maps to cli flags: --dump-pages/--dump-intermediate-pages.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) DumpSingleJSON ΒΆ
Quiet, but print JSON information for each URL or infojson passed. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. If the URL refers to a playlist, the whole playlist information is dumped in a single line
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDumpSingleJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- DumpSingleJSON maps to cli flags: -J/--dump-single-json.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) DumpUserAgent ΒΆ
Display the current user-agent and exit
Additional information:
- DumpUserAgent maps to cli flags: --dump-user-agent.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) EmbedChapters ΒΆ
Add chapter markers to the video file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- EmbedChapters maps to cli flags: --embed-chapters/--add-chapters.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) EmbedInfoJSON ΒΆ
Embed the infojson as an attachment to mkv/mka video files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- EmbedInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --embed-info-json.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) EmbedMetadata ΒΆ
Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless --no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedMetadata, for unsetting the flag.
- EmbedMetadata maps to cli flags: --embed-metadata/--add-metadata.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) EmbedSubs ΒΆ
Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- EmbedSubs maps to cli flags: --embed-subs.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) EmbedThumbnail ΒΆ
Embed thumbnail in the video as cover art
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedThumbnail, for unsetting the flag.
- EmbedThumbnail maps to cli flags: --embed-thumbnail.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) EnableFileURLs ΒΆ
Enable file:// URLs. This is disabled by default for security reasons.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEnableFileURLs, for unsetting the flag.
- EnableFileURLs maps to cli flags: --enable-file-urls.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) Encoding ΒΆ
Force the specified encoding (experimental)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEncoding, for unsetting the flag.
- Encoding maps to cli flags: --encoding=ENCODING.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) Exec ΒΆ
Execute a command, optionally prefixed with when to execute it, separated by a ":". Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor (default: after_move). The same syntax as the output template can be used to pass any field as arguments to the command. If no fields are passed, %(filepath,_filename|)q is appended to the end of the command. This option can be used multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExec, for unsetting the flag.
- Exec maps to cli flags: --exec=[WHEN:]CMD.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ExecBeforeDownload ΒΆ
ExecBeforeDownload sets the "exec-before-download" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExecBeforeDownload, for unsetting the flag.
- ExecBeforeDownload maps to cli flags: --exec-before-download=CMD (hidden).
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ExtractAudio ΒΆ
Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg and ffprobe)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExtractAudio, for unsetting the flag.
- ExtractAudio maps to cli flags: -x/--extract-audio.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ExtractorArgs ΒΆ
Pass ARGS arguments to the IE_KEY extractor. See "EXTRACTOR ARGUMENTS" for details. You can use this option multiple times to give arguments for different extractors
- Extractor Arguments:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExtractorArgs, for unsetting the flag.
- ExtractorArgs maps to cli flags: --extractor-args=IE_KEY:ARGS.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) ExtractorDescriptions ΒΆ
Output descriptions of all supported extractors and exit
Additional information:
- ExtractorDescriptions maps to cli flags: --extractor-descriptions.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ExtractorRetries ΒΆ
Number of retries for known extractor errors (default is 3), or "infinite"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExtractorRetries, for unsetting the flag.
- ExtractorRetries maps to cli flags: --extractor-retries=RETRIES.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) FFmpegLocation ΒΆ
Location of the ffmpeg binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFFmpegLocation, for unsetting the flag.
- FFmpegLocation maps to cli flags: --ffmpeg-location/--avconv-location=PATH.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) FileAccessRetries ΒΆ
Number of times to retry on file access error (default is 3), or "infinite"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFileAccessRetries, for unsetting the flag.
- FileAccessRetries maps to cli flags: --file-access-retries=RETRIES.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) Fixup ΒΆ
func (c *Command) Fixup(policy FixupOption) *Command
Automatically correct known faults of the file. One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), detect_or_warn (the default; fix the file if we can, warn otherwise), force (try fixing even if the file already exists)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFixup, for unsetting the flag.
- Fixup maps to cli flags: --fixup=POLICY.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) FlatPlaylist ΒΆ
Do not extract a playlist's URL result entries; some entry metadata may be missing and downloading may be bypassed
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFlatPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- FlatPlaylist maps to cli flags: --flat-playlist.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ForceGenericExtractor ΒΆ
ForceGenericExtractor sets the "force-generic-extractor" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceGenericExtractor, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceGenericExtractor maps to cli flags: --force-generic-extractor (hidden).
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ForceIPv4 ΒΆ
Make all connections via IPv4
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceIPv4, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceIPv4 maps to cli flags: -4/--force-ipv4.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) ForceIPv6 ΒΆ
Make all connections via IPv6
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceIPv6, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceIPv6 maps to cli flags: -6/--force-ipv6.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) ForceKeyframesAtCuts ΒΆ
Force keyframes at cuts when downloading/splitting/removing sections. This is slow due to needing a re-encode, but the resulting video may have fewer artifacts around the cuts
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceKeyframesAtCuts, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceKeyframesAtCuts maps to cli flags: --force-keyframes-at-cuts.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ForceOverwrites ΒΆ
Overwrite all video and metadata files. This option includes --no-continue
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceOverwrites, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceOverwrites maps to cli flags: --force-overwrites/--yes-overwrites.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) ForceWriteArchive ΒΆ
Force download archive entries to be written as far as no errors occur, even if -s or another simulation option is used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceWriteArchive, for unsetting the flag.
- ForceWriteArchive maps to cli flags: --force-write-archive/--force-write-download-archive/--force-download-archive.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Format ΒΆ
Video format code, see "FORMAT SELECTION" for more details
- Format Selection:
- Filter Formatting:
- Format Selection Examples:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFormat, for unsetting the flag.
- Format maps to cli flags: -f/--format=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) FormatSort ΒΆ
Sort the formats by the fields given, see "Sorting Formats" for more details
- Sorting Formats:
- Format Selection Examples:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFormatSort, for unsetting the flag.
- FormatSort maps to cli flags: -S/--format-sort=SORTORDER.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) FormatSortForce ΒΆ
Force user specified sort order to have precedence over all fields, see "Sorting Formats" for more details
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFormatSortForce, for unsetting the flag.
- FormatSortForce maps to cli flags: --format-sort-force/--S-force=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) FragmentRetries ΒΆ
Number of retries for a fragment (default is 10), or "infinite" (DASH, hlsnative and ISM)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFragmentRetries, for unsetting the flag.
- FragmentRetries maps to cli flags: --fragment-retries=RETRIES.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) GeoBypass ΒΆ
GeoBypass sets the "geo-bypass" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGeoBypass, for unsetting the flag.
- GeoBypass maps to cli flags: --geo-bypass (hidden).
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) GeoBypassCountry ΒΆ
GeoBypassCountry sets the "geo-bypass-country" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGeoBypassCountry, for unsetting the flag.
- GeoBypassCountry maps to cli flags: --geo-bypass-country=CODE (hidden).
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) GeoBypassIPBlock ΒΆ
GeoBypassIPBlock sets the "geo-bypass-ip-block" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGeoBypassIPBlock, for unsetting the flag.
- GeoBypassIPBlock maps to cli flags: --geo-bypass-ip-block=IP_BLOCK (hidden).
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) GeoVerificationProxy ΒΆ
Use this proxy to verify the IP address for some geo-restricted sites. The default proxy specified by --proxy (or none, if the option is not present) is used for the actual downloading
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGeoVerificationProxy, for unsetting the flag.
- GeoVerificationProxy maps to cli flags: --geo-verification-proxy=URL.
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) GetDescription ΒΆ
GetDescription sets the "get-description" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetDescription, for unsetting the flag.
- GetDescription maps to cli flags: --get-description (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetDuration ΒΆ
GetDuration sets the "get-duration" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetDuration, for unsetting the flag.
- GetDuration maps to cli flags: --get-duration (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetFilename ΒΆ
GetFilename sets the "get-filename" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetFilename, for unsetting the flag.
- GetFilename maps to cli flags: --get-filename (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetFormat ΒΆ
GetFormat sets the "get-format" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetFormat, for unsetting the flag.
- GetFormat maps to cli flags: --get-format (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetID ΒΆ
GetID sets the "get-id" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetID, for unsetting the flag.
- GetID maps to cli flags: --get-id (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetThumbnail ΒΆ
GetThumbnail sets the "get-thumbnail" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetThumbnail, for unsetting the flag.
- GetThumbnail maps to cli flags: --get-thumbnail (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetTitle ΒΆ
GetTitle sets the "get-title" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- GetTitle maps to cli flags: -e/--get-title (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) GetURL ΒΆ
GetURL sets the "get-url" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGetURL, for unsetting the flag.
- GetURL maps to cli flags: -g/--get-url (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) HLSPreferFFmpeg ΒΆ
HLSPreferFFmpeg sets the "hls-prefer-ffmpeg" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSPreferFFmpeg, for unsetting the flag.
- HLSPreferFFmpeg maps to cli flags: --hls-prefer-ffmpeg (hidden).
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) HLSPreferNative ΒΆ
HLSPreferNative sets the "hls-prefer-native" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSPreferNative, for unsetting the flag.
- HLSPreferNative maps to cli flags: --hls-prefer-native (hidden).
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) HLSSplitDiscontinuity ΒΆ
Split HLS playlists to different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSSplitDiscontinuity, for unsetting the flag.
- HLSSplitDiscontinuity maps to cli flags: --hls-split-discontinuity.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) HLSUseMPEGTS ΒΆ
Use the mpegts container for HLS videos; allowing some players to play the video while downloading, and reducing the chance of file corruption if download is interrupted. This is enabled by default for live streams
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSUseMPEGTS, for unsetting the flag.
- HLSUseMPEGTS maps to cli flags: --hls-use-mpegts.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) HTTPChunkSize ΒΆ
Size of a chunk for chunk-based HTTP downloading, e.g. 10485760 or 10M (default is disabled). May be useful for bypassing bandwidth throttling imposed by a webserver (experimental)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHTTPChunkSize, for unsetting the flag.
- HTTPChunkSize maps to cli flags: --http-chunk-size=SIZE.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) ID ΒΆ
ID sets the "id" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetID, for unsetting the flag.
- ID maps to cli flags: --id (hidden).
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) IgnoreConfig ΒΆ
Don't load any more configuration files except those given to --config-locations. For backward compatibility, if this option is found inside the system configuration file, the user configuration is not loaded.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIgnoreConfig, for unsetting the flag.
- IgnoreConfig maps to cli flags: --ignore-config/--no-config.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) IgnoreDynamicMPD ΒΆ
Do not process dynamic DASH manifests
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIgnoreDynamicMPD, for unsetting the flag.
- IgnoreDynamicMPD maps to cli flags: --ignore-dynamic-mpd/--no-allow-dynamic-mpd.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) IgnoreErrors ΒΆ
Ignore download and postprocessing errors. The download will be considered successful even if the postprocessing fails
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIgnoreErrors, for unsetting the flag.
- IgnoreErrors maps to cli flags: -i/--ignore-errors.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) IgnoreNoFormatsError ΒΆ
Ignore "No video formats" error. Useful for extracting metadata even if the videos are not actually available for download (experimental)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIgnoreNoFormatsError, for unsetting the flag.
- IgnoreNoFormatsError maps to cli flags: --ignore-no-formats-error.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Impersonate ΒΆ
Client to impersonate for requests. E.g. chrome, chrome-110, chrome:windows-10. Pass --impersonate="" to impersonate any client. Note that forcing impersonation for all requests may have a detrimental impact on download speed and stability
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetImpersonate, for unsetting the flag.
- Impersonate maps to cli flags: --impersonate=CLIENT[:OS].
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) IncludeAds
IncludeAds sets the "include-ads" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIncludeAds, for unsetting the flag.
- IncludeAds maps to cli flags: --include-ads (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
Deprecated: No longer supported.
func (*Command) KeepFragments ΒΆ
Keep downloaded fragments on disk after downloading is finished
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetKeepFragments, for unsetting the flag.
- KeepFragments maps to cli flags: --keep-fragments.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) KeepVideo ΒΆ
Keep the intermediate video file on disk after post-processing
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetKeepVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- KeepVideo maps to cli flags: -k/--keep-video.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) LazyPlaylist ΒΆ
Process entries in the playlist as they are received. This disables n_entries, --playlist-random and --playlist-reverse
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLazyPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- LazyPlaylist maps to cli flags: --lazy-playlist.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) LegacyServerConnect ΒΆ
Explicitly allow HTTPS connection to servers that do not support RFC 5746 secure renegotiation
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLegacyServerConnect, for unsetting the flag.
- LegacyServerConnect maps to cli flags: --legacy-server-connect.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) LimitRate ΒΆ
Maximum download rate in bytes per second, e.g. 50K or 4.2M
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLimitRate, for unsetting the flag.
- LimitRate maps to cli flags: -r/--limit-rate/--rate-limit=RATE.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) ListExtractors ΒΆ
List all supported extractors and exit
Additional information:
- ListExtractors maps to cli flags: --list-extractors.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) ListFormats ΒΆ
List available formats of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- ListFormats maps to cli flags: -F/--list-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) ListFormatsAsTable ΒΆ
ListFormatsAsTable sets the "list-formats-as-table" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListFormatsAsTable, for unsetting the flag.
- ListFormatsAsTable maps to cli flags: --list-formats-as-table (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) ListFormatsOld ΒΆ
ListFormatsOld sets the "list-formats-old" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListFormatsOld, for unsetting the flag.
- ListFormatsOld maps to cli flags: --list-formats-old/--no-list-formats-as-table (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) ListImpersonateTargets ΒΆ
List available clients to impersonate.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListImpersonateTargets, for unsetting the flag.
- ListImpersonateTargets maps to cli flags: --list-impersonate-targets.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) ListSubs ΒΆ
List available subtitles of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- ListSubs maps to cli flags: --list-subs.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) ListThumbnails ΒΆ
List available thumbnails of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetListThumbnails, for unsetting the flag.
- ListThumbnails maps to cli flags: --list-thumbnails.
- From option group: "Thumbnail"
func (*Command) LiveFromStart ΒΆ
Download livestreams from the start. Currently only supported for YouTube (Experimental)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLiveFromStart, for unsetting the flag.
- LiveFromStart maps to cli flags: --live-from-start.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) LoadInfoJSON ΒΆ
JSON file containing the video information (created with the "--write-info-json" option)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLoadInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- LoadInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --load-info-json/--load-info=FILE.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) MarkWatched ΒΆ
Mark videos watched (even with --simulate)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMarkWatched, for unsetting the flag.
- MarkWatched maps to cli flags: --mark-watched.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) MatchFilters ΒΆ
Generic video filter. Any "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" field can be compared with a number or a string using the operators defined in "Filtering Formats". You can also simply specify a field to match if the field is present, use "!field" to check if the field is not present, and "&" to check multiple conditions. Use a "\" to escape "&" or quotes if needed. If used multiple times, the filter matches if at least one of the conditions is met. E.g. --match-filters !is_live --match-filters "like_count>?100 & description~='(?i)\bcats \& dogs\b'" matches only videos that are not live OR those that have a like count more than 100 (or the like field is not available) and also has a description that contains the phrase "cats & dogs" (caseless). Use "--match-filters -" to interactively ask whether to download each video
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMatchFilters, for unsetting the flag.
- MatchFilters maps to cli flags: --match-filters=FILTER.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MatchTitle ΒΆ
MatchTitle sets the "match-title" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMatchTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- MatchTitle maps to cli flags: --match-title=REGEX (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MaxDownloads ΒΆ
Abort after downloading NUMBER files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMaxDownloads, for unsetting the flag.
- MaxDownloads maps to cli flags: --max-downloads=NUMBER.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MaxFileSize ΒΆ
Abort download if filesize is larger than SIZE, e.g. 50k or 44.6M
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMaxFileSize, for unsetting the flag.
- MaxFileSize maps to cli flags: --max-filesize=SIZE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MaxSleepInterval ΒΆ
Maximum number of seconds to sleep. Can only be used along with --min-sleep-interval
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMaxSleepInterval, for unsetting the flag.
- MaxSleepInterval maps to cli flags: --max-sleep-interval=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) MaxViews ΒΆ
MaxViews sets the "max-views" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMaxViews, for unsetting the flag.
- MaxViews maps to cli flags: --max-views=COUNT (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MergeOutputFormat ΒΆ
Containers that may be used when merging formats, separated by "/", e.g. "mp4/mkv". Ignored if no merge is required. (currently supported: avi, flv, mkv, mov, mp4, webm)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMergeOutputFormat, for unsetting the flag.
- MergeOutputFormat maps to cli flags: --merge-output-format=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) MetadataFromTitle ΒΆ
MetadataFromTitle sets the "metadata-from-title" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMetadataFromTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- MetadataFromTitle maps to cli flags: --metadata-from-title=FORMAT (hidden).
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) MinFileSize ΒΆ
Abort download if filesize is smaller than SIZE, e.g. 50k or 44.6M
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMinFileSize, for unsetting the flag.
- MinFileSize maps to cli flags: --min-filesize=SIZE.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) MinViews ΒΆ
MinViews sets the "min-views" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMinViews, for unsetting the flag.
- MinViews maps to cli flags: --min-views=COUNT (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) Mtime ΒΆ
Use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMtime, for unsetting the flag.
- Mtime maps to cli flags: --mtime.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) Netrc ΒΆ
Use .netrc authentication data
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetNetrc, for unsetting the flag.
- Netrc maps to cli flags: -n/--netrc.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) NetrcCmd ΒΆ
Command to execute to get the credentials for an extractor.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetNetrcCmd, for unsetting the flag.
- NetrcCmd maps to cli flags: --netrc-cmd=NETRC_CMD.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) NetrcLocation ΒΆ
Location of .netrc authentication data; either the path or its containing directory. Defaults to ~/.netrc
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetNetrcLocation, for unsetting the flag.
- NetrcLocation maps to cli flags: --netrc-location=PATH.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) Newline ΒΆ
Output progress bar as new lines
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetNewline, for unsetting the flag.
- Newline maps to cli flags: --newline.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoAbortOnError ΒΆ
Continue with next video on download errors; e.g. to skip unavailable videos in a playlist (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAbortOnError, for unsetting the flag.
- NoAbortOnError maps to cli flags: --no-abort-on-error.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoAudioMultistreams ΒΆ
Only one audio stream is downloaded for each output file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetAudioMultistreams, for unsetting the flag.
- NoAudioMultistreams maps to cli flags: --no-audio-multistreams.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) NoBatchFile ΒΆ
Do not read URLs from batch file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBatchFile, for unsetting the flag.
- NoBatchFile maps to cli flags: --no-batch-file.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoBreakMatchFilters ΒΆ
Do not use any --break-match-filters (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakMatchFilters, for unsetting the flag.
- NoBreakMatchFilters maps to cli flags: --no-break-match-filters.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoBreakOnExisting ΒΆ
Do not stop the download process when encountering a file that is in the archive (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakOnExisting, for unsetting the flag.
- NoBreakOnExisting maps to cli flags: --no-break-on-existing.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoBreakPerInput ΒΆ
--break-on-existing and similar options terminates the entire download queue
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetBreakPerInput, for unsetting the flag.
- NoBreakPerInput maps to cli flags: --no-break-per-input.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoCacheDir ΒΆ
Disable filesystem caching
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCacheDir, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCacheDir maps to cli flags: --no-cache-dir.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoCallHome
NoCallHome sets the "no-call-home" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCallHome, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCallHome maps to cli flags: --no-call-home (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
Deprecated: This flag is now default in yt-dlp.
func (*Command) NoCheckCertificates ΒΆ
Suppress HTTPS certificate validation
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCheckCertificates, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCheckCertificates maps to cli flags: --no-check-certificates.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) NoCheckFormats ΒΆ
Do not check that the formats are actually downloadable
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCheckFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCheckFormats maps to cli flags: --no-check-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) NoCleanInfoJSON ΒΆ
Write all fields to the infojson
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCleanInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCleanInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --no-clean-info-json/--no-clean-infojson.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoColors ΒΆ
NoColors sets the "no-colors" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetColors, for unsetting the flag.
- NoColors maps to cli flags: --no-colors/--no-colours (hidden).
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoConfigLocations ΒΆ
Do not load any custom configuration files (default). When given inside a configuration file, ignore all previous --config-locations defined in the current file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetConfigLocations, for unsetting the flag.
- NoConfigLocations maps to cli flags: --no-config-locations.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoContinue ΒΆ
Do not resume partially downloaded fragments. If the file is not fragmented, restart download of the entire file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetContinue, for unsetting the flag.
- NoContinue maps to cli flags: --no-continue.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoCookies ΒΆ
Do not read/dump cookies from/to file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCookies, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCookies maps to cli flags: --no-cookies=FILE.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoCookiesFromBrowser ΒΆ
Do not load cookies from browser (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetCookiesFromBrowser, for unsetting the flag.
- NoCookiesFromBrowser maps to cli flags: --no-cookies-from-browser.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoDownloadArchive ΒΆ
Do not use archive file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetDownloadArchive, for unsetting the flag.
- NoDownloadArchive maps to cli flags: --no-download-archive.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoEmbedChapters ΒΆ
Do not add chapter markers (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- NoEmbedChapters maps to cli flags: --no-embed-chapters/--no-add-chapters.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoEmbedInfoJSON ΒΆ
Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- NoEmbedInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --no-embed-info-json.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoEmbedMetadata ΒΆ
Do not add metadata to file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedMetadata, for unsetting the flag.
- NoEmbedMetadata maps to cli flags: --no-embed-metadata/--no-add-metadata.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoEmbedSubs ΒΆ
Do not embed subtitles (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- NoEmbedSubs maps to cli flags: --no-embed-subs.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoEmbedThumbnail ΒΆ
Do not embed thumbnail (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetEmbedThumbnail, for unsetting the flag.
- NoEmbedThumbnail maps to cli flags: --no-embed-thumbnail.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoExec ΒΆ
Remove any previously defined --exec
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExec, for unsetting the flag.
- NoExec maps to cli flags: --no-exec.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoExecBeforeDownload ΒΆ
NoExecBeforeDownload sets the "no-exec-before-download" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetExecBeforeDownload, for unsetting the flag.
- NoExecBeforeDownload maps to cli flags: --no-exec-before-download (hidden).
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoFlatPlaylist ΒΆ
Fully extract the videos of a playlist (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFlatPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- NoFlatPlaylist maps to cli flags: --no-flat-playlist.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoForceKeyframesAtCuts ΒΆ
Do not force keyframes around the chapters when cutting/splitting (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceKeyframesAtCuts, for unsetting the flag.
- NoForceKeyframesAtCuts maps to cli flags: --no-force-keyframes-at-cuts.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoForceOverwrites ΒΆ
Do not overwrite the video, but overwrite related files (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetForceOverwrites, for unsetting the flag.
- NoForceOverwrites maps to cli flags: --no-force-overwrites.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoFormatSortForce ΒΆ
Some fields have precedence over the user specified sort order (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetFormatSortForce, for unsetting the flag.
- NoFormatSortForce maps to cli flags: --no-format-sort-force=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) NoGeoBypass ΒΆ
NoGeoBypass sets the "no-geo-bypass" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetGeoBypass, for unsetting the flag.
- NoGeoBypass maps to cli flags: --no-geo-bypass (hidden).
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) NoHLSSplitDiscontinuity ΒΆ
Do not split HLS playlists into different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSSplitDiscontinuity, for unsetting the flag.
- NoHLSSplitDiscontinuity maps to cli flags: --no-hls-split-discontinuity.
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) NoHLSUseMPEGTS ΒΆ
Do not use the mpegts container for HLS videos. This is default when not downloading live streams
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetHLSUseMPEGTS, for unsetting the flag.
- NoHLSUseMPEGTS maps to cli flags: --no-hls-use-mpegts.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) NoIgnoreNoFormatsError ΒΆ
Throw error when no downloadable video formats are found (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIgnoreNoFormatsError, for unsetting the flag.
- NoIgnoreNoFormatsError maps to cli flags: --no-ignore-no-formats-error.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoIncludeAds
NoIncludeAds sets the "no-include-ads" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetIncludeAds, for unsetting the flag.
- NoIncludeAds maps to cli flags: --no-include-ads (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
Deprecated: This flag is now default in yt-dlp.
func (*Command) NoKeepFragments ΒΆ
Delete downloaded fragments after downloading is finished (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetKeepFragments, for unsetting the flag.
- NoKeepFragments maps to cli flags: --no-keep-fragments.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) NoKeepVideo ΒΆ
Delete the intermediate video file after post-processing (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetKeepVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- NoKeepVideo maps to cli flags: --no-keep-video.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoLazyPlaylist ΒΆ
Process videos in the playlist only after the entire playlist is parsed (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLazyPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- NoLazyPlaylist maps to cli flags: --no-lazy-playlist.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) NoLiveFromStart ΒΆ
Download livestreams from the current time (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetLiveFromStart, for unsetting the flag.
- NoLiveFromStart maps to cli flags: --no-live-from-start.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoMarkWatched ΒΆ
Do not mark videos watched (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMarkWatched, for unsetting the flag.
- NoMarkWatched maps to cli flags: --no-mark-watched.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoMatchFilters ΒΆ
Do not use any --match-filters (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMatchFilters, for unsetting the flag.
- NoMatchFilters maps to cli flags: --no-match-filters.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoMtime ΒΆ
Do not use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetMtime, for unsetting the flag.
- NoMtime maps to cli flags: --no-mtime.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoOverwrites ΒΆ
Do not overwrite any files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetOverwrites, for unsetting the flag.
- NoOverwrites maps to cli flags: -w/--no-overwrites.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoPart ΒΆ
Do not use .part files - write directly into output file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPart, for unsetting the flag.
- NoPart maps to cli flags: --no-part.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoPlaylist ΒΆ
Download only the video, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- NoPlaylist maps to cli flags: --no-playlist.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) NoPlaylistReverse ΒΆ
NoPlaylistReverse sets the "no-playlist-reverse" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistReverse, for unsetting the flag.
- NoPlaylistReverse maps to cli flags: --no-playlist-reverse (hidden).
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) NoPostOverwrites ΒΆ
Do not overwrite post-processed files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPostOverwrites, for unsetting the flag.
- NoPostOverwrites maps to cli flags: --no-post-overwrites.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoPreferFreeFormats ΒΆ
Don't give any special preference to free containers (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPreferFreeFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- NoPreferFreeFormats maps to cli flags: --no-prefer-free-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) NoProgress ΒΆ
Do not print progress bar
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetProgress, for unsetting the flag.
- NoProgress maps to cli flags: --no-progress.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoQuiet ΒΆ
Deactivate quiet mode. (Default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetQuiet, for unsetting the flag.
- NoQuiet maps to cli flags: --no-quiet.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoRemoveChapters ΒΆ
Do not remove any chapters from the file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRemoveChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- NoRemoveChapters maps to cli flags: --no-remove-chapters.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoResizeBuffer ΒΆ
Do not automatically adjust the buffer size
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetResizeBuffer, for unsetting the flag.
- NoResizeBuffer maps to cli flags: --no-resize-buffer.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) NoRestrictFilenames ΒΆ
Allow Unicode characters, "&" and spaces in filenames (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRestrictFilenames, for unsetting the flag.
- NoRestrictFilenames maps to cli flags: --no-restrict-filenames.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoSimulate ΒΆ
Download the video even if printing/listing options are used
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSimulate, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSimulate maps to cli flags: --no-simulate.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoSplitChapters ΒΆ
Do not split video based on chapters (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSplitChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSplitChapters maps to cli flags: --no-split-chapters/--no-split-tracks.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) NoSponskrub
NoSponskrub sets the "no-sponskrub" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrub, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSponskrub maps to cli flags: --no-sponskrub (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: Use Command.NoSponsorblock instead.
func (*Command) NoSponskrubCut
NoSponskrubCut sets the "no-sponskrub-cut" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubCut, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSponskrubCut maps to cli flags: --no-sponskrub-cut (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: Use Command.SponsorblockRemove with "-all" as an argument.
func (*Command) NoSponskrubForce
NoSponskrubForce sets the "no-sponskrub-force" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubForce, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSponskrubForce maps to cli flags: --no-sponskrub-force (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) NoSponsorblock ΒΆ
Disable both --sponsorblock-mark and --sponsorblock-remove
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponsorblock, for unsetting the flag.
- NoSponsorblock maps to cli flags: --no-sponsorblock.
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
func (*Command) NoUpdate ΒΆ
Do not check for updates (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetUpdate, for unsetting the flag.
- NoUpdate maps to cli flags: --no-update.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoVideoMultistreams ΒΆ
Only one video stream is downloaded for each output file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetVideoMultistreams, for unsetting the flag.
- NoVideoMultistreams maps to cli flags: --no-video-multistreams.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) NoWaitForVideo ΒΆ
Do not wait for scheduled streams (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWaitForVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWaitForVideo maps to cli flags: --no-wait-for-video.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) NoWarnings ΒΆ
Ignore warnings
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWarnings, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWarnings maps to cli flags: --no-warnings.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) NoWindowsFilenames ΒΆ
Sanitize filenames only minimally
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWindowsFilenames, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWindowsFilenames maps to cli flags: --no-windows-filenames.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoWriteAnnotations
NoWriteAnnotations sets the "no-write-annotations" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteAnnotations, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteAnnotations maps to cli flags: --no-write-annotations (hidden).
- From option group: "Filesystem"
Deprecated: This flag is now default in yt-dlp.
func (*Command) NoWriteAutoSubs ΒΆ
Do not write auto-generated subtitles (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteAutoSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteAutoSubs maps to cli flags: --no-write-auto-subs/--no-write-automatic-subs.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) NoWriteComments ΒΆ
Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteComments, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteComments maps to cli flags: --no-write-comments/--no-get-comments.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoWriteDescription ΒΆ
Do not write video description (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteDescription, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteDescription maps to cli flags: --no-write-description.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoWriteInfoJSON ΒΆ
Do not write video metadata (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --no-write-info-json.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoWritePlaylistMetafiles ΒΆ
Do not write playlist metadata when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWritePlaylistMetafiles, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWritePlaylistMetafiles maps to cli flags: --no-write-playlist-metafiles.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) NoWriteSubs ΒΆ
Do not write subtitle file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteSubs maps to cli flags: --no-write-subs/--no-write-srt.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) NoWriteThumbnail ΒΆ
Do not write thumbnail image to disk (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteThumbnail, for unsetting the flag.
- NoWriteThumbnail maps to cli flags: --no-write-thumbnail.
- From option group: "Thumbnail"
func (*Command) Output ΒΆ
Output filename template; see "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetOutput, for unsetting the flag.
- Output maps to cli flags: -o/--output=[TYPES:]TEMPLATE.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) OutputNaPlaceholder ΒΆ
Placeholder for unavailable fields in --output (default: "NA")
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetOutputNaPlaceholder, for unsetting the flag.
- OutputNaPlaceholder maps to cli flags: --output-na-placeholder=TEXT.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) ParseMetadata ΒΆ
Parse additional metadata like title/artist from other fields; see "MODIFYING METADATA" for details. Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor (default: pre_process)
- Modifying Metadata:
- Modifying Metadata Examples:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetParseMetadata, for unsetting the flag.
- ParseMetadata maps to cli flags: --parse-metadata=[WHEN:]FROM:TO.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) Part ΒΆ
Use .part files instead of writing directly into output file (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPart, for unsetting the flag.
- Part maps to cli flags: --part.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) Password ΒΆ
Account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPassword, for unsetting the flag.
- Password maps to cli flags: -p/--password=PASSWORD.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) Paths ΒΆ
The paths where the files should be downloaded. Specify the type of file and the path separated by a colon ":". All the same TYPES as --output are supported. Additionally, you can also provide "home" (default) and "temp" paths. All intermediary files are first downloaded to the temp path and then the final files are moved over to the home path after download is finished. This option is ignored if --output is an absolute path
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPaths, for unsetting the flag.
- Paths maps to cli flags: -P/--paths=[TYPES:]PATH.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) PlaylistEnd ΒΆ
PlaylistEnd sets the "playlist-end" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistEnd, for unsetting the flag.
- PlaylistEnd maps to cli flags: --playlist-end=NUMBER (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) PlaylistItems ΒΆ
Comma separated playlist_index of the items to download. You can specify a range using "[START]:[STOP][:STEP]". For backward compatibility, START-STOP is also supported. Use negative indices to count from the right and negative STEP to download in reverse order. E.g. "-I 1:3,7,-5::2" used on a playlist of size 15 will download the items at index 1,2,3,7,11,13,15
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistItems, for unsetting the flag.
- PlaylistItems maps to cli flags: -I/--playlist-items=ITEM_SPEC.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) PlaylistRandom ΒΆ
Download playlist videos in random order
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistRandom, for unsetting the flag.
- PlaylistRandom maps to cli flags: --playlist-random.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) PlaylistReverse ΒΆ
PlaylistReverse sets the "playlist-reverse" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistReverse, for unsetting the flag.
- PlaylistReverse maps to cli flags: --playlist-reverse (hidden).
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) PlaylistStart ΒΆ
PlaylistStart sets the "playlist-start" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylistStart, for unsetting the flag.
- PlaylistStart maps to cli flags: --playlist-start=NUMBER (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) PluginDirs ΒΆ
Path to an additional directory to search for plugins. This option can be used multiple times to add multiple directories. Note that this currently only works for extractor plugins; postprocessor plugins can only be loaded from the default plugin directories
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPluginDirs, for unsetting the flag.
- PluginDirs maps to cli flags: --plugin-dirs=PATH.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) PostOverwrites ΒΆ
Overwrite post-processed files (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPostOverwrites, for unsetting the flag.
- PostOverwrites maps to cli flags: --post-overwrites.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) PostProcessorArgs ΒΆ
Give these arguments to the postprocessors. Specify the postprocessor/executable name and the arguments separated by a colon ":" to give the argument to the specified postprocessor/executable. Supported PP are: Merger, ModifyChapters, SplitChapters, ExtractAudio, VideoRemuxer, VideoConvertor, Metadata, EmbedSubtitle, EmbedThumbnail, SubtitlesConvertor, ThumbnailsConvertor, FixupStretched, FixupM4a, FixupM3u8, FixupTimestamp and FixupDuration. The supported executables are: AtomicParsley, FFmpeg and FFprobe. You can also specify "PP+EXE:ARGS" to give the arguments to the specified executable only when being used by the specified postprocessor. Additionally, for ffmpeg/ffprobe, "_i"/"_o" can be appended to the prefix optionally followed by a number to pass the argument before the specified input/output file, e.g. --ppa "Merger+ffmpeg_i1:-v quiet". You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different postprocessors.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPostProcessorArgs, for unsetting the flag.
- PostProcessorArgs maps to cli flags: --postprocessor-args/--ppa=NAME:ARGS.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) PreferAVConv
PreferAVConv sets the "prefer-avconv" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPreferAVConv, for unsetting the flag.
- PreferAVConv maps to cli flags: --prefer-avconv/--no-prefer-ffmpeg (hidden).
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
Deprecated: avconv is not officially supported by yt-dlp.
func (*Command) PreferFFmpeg
PreferFFmpeg sets the "prefer-ffmpeg" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPreferFFmpeg, for unsetting the flag.
- PreferFFmpeg maps to cli flags: --prefer-ffmpeg/--no-prefer-avconv (hidden).
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
Deprecated: This flag is now default in yt-dlp.
func (*Command) PreferFreeFormats ΒΆ
Prefer video formats with free containers over non-free ones of the same quality. Use with "-S ext" to strictly prefer free containers irrespective of quality
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPreferFreeFormats, for unsetting the flag.
- PreferFreeFormats maps to cli flags: --prefer-free-formats.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) PreferInsecure ΒΆ
Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video (Currently supported only for YouTube)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPreferInsecure, for unsetting the flag.
- PreferInsecure maps to cli flags: --prefer-insecure/--prefer-unsecure.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) Print ΒΆ
Field name or output template to print to screen, optionally prefixed with when to print it, separated by a ":". Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor (default: video). Implies --quiet. Implies --simulate unless --no-simulate or later stages of WHEN are used. This option can be used multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPrint, for unsetting the flag.
- Print maps to cli flags: -O/--print=[WHEN:]TEMPLATE.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) PrintJSON ΒΆ
PrintJSON sets the "print-json" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPrintJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- PrintJSON maps to cli flags: --print-json (hidden).
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) PrintToFile ΒΆ
Append given template to the file. The values of WHEN and TEMPLATE are the same as that of --print. FILE uses the same syntax as the output template. This option can be used multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPrintToFile, for unsetting the flag.
- PrintToFile maps to cli flags: --print-to-file=[WHEN:]TEMPLATE FILE.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) PrintTraffic ΒΆ
Display sent and read HTTP traffic
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPrintTraffic, for unsetting the flag.
- PrintTraffic maps to cli flags: --print-traffic/--dump-headers.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Progress ΒΆ
Show progress bar, even if in quiet mode
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetProgress, for unsetting the flag.
- Progress maps to cli flags: --progress.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) ProgressDelta ΒΆ
Time between progress output (default: 0)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetProgressDelta, for unsetting the flag.
- ProgressDelta maps to cli flags: --progress-delta=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) ProgressFunc ΒΆ
func (c *Command) ProgressFunc(frequency time.Duration, fn ProgressCallbackFunc) *Command
ProgressFunc can be used to register a callback function that will be called when yt-dlp sends progress updates. The callback function will be called with any information that yt-dlp is able to provide, including sending separate updates for each file, playlist, etc that may be downloaded.
- See Command.UnsetProgressFunc, for unsetting the progress function.
func (*Command) ProgressTemplate ΒΆ
Template for progress outputs, optionally prefixed with one of "download:" (default), "download-title:" (the console title), "postprocess:", or "postprocess-title:". The video's fields are accessible under the "info" key and the progress attributes are accessible under "progress" key. E.g. --console-title --progress-template "download-title:%("
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetProgressTemplate, for unsetting the flag.
- ProgressTemplate maps to cli flags: --progress-template=[TYPES:]TEMPLATE.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Proxy ΒΆ
Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy. To enable SOCKS proxy, specify a proper scheme, e.g. socks5://user:pass@ Pass in an empty string (--proxy "") for direct connection
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetProxy, for unsetting the flag.
- Proxy maps to cli flags: --proxy=URL.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) Quiet ΒΆ
Activate quiet mode. If used with --verbose, print the log to stderr
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetQuiet, for unsetting the flag.
- Quiet maps to cli flags: -q/--quiet.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) RecodeVideo ΒΆ
Re-encode the video into another format if necessary. The syntax and supported formats are the same as --remux-video
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRecodeVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- RecodeVideo maps to cli flags: --recode-video=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) Referer ΒΆ
Referer sets the "referer" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetReferer, for unsetting the flag.
- Referer maps to cli flags: --referer=URL (hidden).
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) RejectTitle ΒΆ
RejectTitle sets the "reject-title" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRejectTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- RejectTitle maps to cli flags: --reject-title=REGEX (hidden).
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) RemoveChapters ΒΆ
Remove chapters whose title matches the given regular expression. The syntax is the same as --download-sections. This option can be used multiple times
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRemoveChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- RemoveChapters maps to cli flags: --remove-chapters=REGEX.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) RemuxVideo ΒΆ
Remux the video into another container if necessary (currently supported: avi, flv, gif, mkv, mov, mp4, webm, aac, aiff, alac, flac, m4a, mka, mp3, ogg, opus, vorbis, wav). If the target container does not support the video/audio codec, remuxing will fail. You can specify multiple rules; e.g. "aac>m4a/mov>mp4/mkv" will remux aac to m4a, mov to mp4 and anything else to mkv
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRemuxVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- RemuxVideo maps to cli flags: --remux-video=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ReplaceInMetadata ΒΆ
Replace text in a metadata field using the given regex. This option can be used multiple times. Supported values of "WHEN" are the same as that of --use-postprocessor (default: pre_process)
- Modifying Metadata:
- Modifying Metadata Examples:
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetReplaceInMetadata, for unsetting the flag.
- ReplaceInMetadata maps to cli flags: --replace-in-metadata=[WHEN:]FIELDS REGEX REPLACE.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) ResizeBuffer ΒΆ
The buffer size is automatically resized from an initial value of --buffer-size (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetResizeBuffer, for unsetting the flag.
- ResizeBuffer maps to cli flags: --resize-buffer.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) RestrictFilenames ΒΆ
Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters, and avoid "&" and spaces in filenames
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRestrictFilenames, for unsetting the flag.
- RestrictFilenames maps to cli flags: --restrict-filenames.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) Retries ΒΆ
Number of retries (default is 10), or "infinite"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRetries, for unsetting the flag.
- Retries maps to cli flags: -R/--retries=RETRIES.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) RetrySleep ΒΆ
Time to sleep between retries in seconds (optionally) prefixed by the type of retry (http (default), fragment, file_access, extractor) to apply the sleep to. EXPR can be a number, linear=START[:END[:STEP=1]] or exp=START[:END[:BASE=2]]. This option can be used multiple times to set the sleep for the different retry types, e.g. --retry-sleep linear=1::2 --retry-sleep fragment:exp=1:20
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRetrySleep, for unsetting the flag.
- RetrySleep maps to cli flags: --retry-sleep=[TYPE:]EXPR.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) RmCacheDir ΒΆ
Delete all filesystem cache files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetRmCacheDir, for unsetting the flag.
- RmCacheDir maps to cli flags: --rm-cache-dir.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) Run ΒΆ
Run invokes yt-dlp with the provided arguments (and any flags previously set), and returns the results (stdout/stderr, exit code, etc). args should be the URLs that would normally be passed in to yt-dlp.
func (*Command) SetEnvVar ΒΆ
SetEnvVar sets an environment variable for the command. If value is empty, it will be removed.
func (*Command) SetExecutable ΒΆ
SetExecutable sets the executable path to yt-dlp for the command.
func (*Command) SetWorkDir ΒΆ
SetWorkDir sets the working directory for the command. Defaults to current working directory.
func (*Command) Simulate ΒΆ
Do not download the video and do not write anything to disk
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSimulate, for unsetting the flag.
- Simulate maps to cli flags: -s/--simulate.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) SkipDownload ΒΆ
Do not download the video but write all related files
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSkipDownload, for unsetting the flag.
- SkipDownload maps to cli flags: --skip-download/--no-download.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) SkipPlaylistAfterErrors ΒΆ
Number of allowed failures until the rest of the playlist is skipped
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSkipPlaylistAfterErrors, for unsetting the flag.
- SkipPlaylistAfterErrors maps to cli flags: --skip-playlist-after-errors=N.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) SkipUnavailableFragments ΒΆ
Skip unavailable fragments for DASH, hlsnative and ISM downloads (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSkipUnavailableFragments, for unsetting the flag.
- SkipUnavailableFragments maps to cli flags: --skip-unavailable-fragments/--no-abort-on-unavailable-fragments.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) SleepInterval ΒΆ
Number of seconds to sleep before each download. This is the minimum time to sleep when used along with --max-sleep-interval
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSleepInterval, for unsetting the flag.
- SleepInterval maps to cli flags: --sleep-interval/--min-sleep-interval=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) SleepRequests ΒΆ
Number of seconds to sleep between requests during data extraction
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSleepRequests, for unsetting the flag.
- SleepRequests maps to cli flags: --sleep-requests=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) SleepSubtitles ΒΆ
Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSleepSubtitles, for unsetting the flag.
- SleepSubtitles maps to cli flags: --sleep-subtitles=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) SocketTimeout ΒΆ
Time to wait before giving up, in seconds
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSocketTimeout, for unsetting the flag.
- SocketTimeout maps to cli flags: --socket-timeout=SECONDS.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) SourceAddress ΒΆ
Client-side IP address to bind to
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSourceAddress, for unsetting the flag.
- SourceAddress maps to cli flags: --source-address=IP.
- From option group: "Network"
func (*Command) SplitChapters ΒΆ
Split video into multiple files based on internal chapters. The "chapter:" prefix can be used with "--paths" and "--output" to set the output filename for the split files. See "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" for details
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSplitChapters, for unsetting the flag.
- SplitChapters maps to cli flags: --split-chapters/--split-tracks.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) Sponskrub
Sponskrub sets the "sponskrub" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrub, for unsetting the flag.
- Sponskrub maps to cli flags: --sponskrub (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: Use Command.SponsorblockMark with "all" as an argument.
func (*Command) SponskrubArgs
SponskrubArgs sets the "sponskrub-args" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubArgs, for unsetting the flag.
- SponskrubArgs maps to cli flags: --sponskrub-args=ARGS (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) SponskrubCut
SponskrubCut sets the "sponskrub-cut" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubCut, for unsetting the flag.
- SponskrubCut maps to cli flags: --sponskrub-cut (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: Use Command.SponsorblockRemove with "all" as an argument.
func (*Command) SponskrubForce
SponskrubForce sets the "sponskrub-force" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubForce, for unsetting the flag.
- SponskrubForce maps to cli flags: --sponskrub-force (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) SponskrubLocation
SponskrubLocation sets the "sponskrub-location" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponskrubLocation, for unsetting the flag.
- SponskrubLocation maps to cli flags: --sponskrub-location=PATH (hidden).
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) SponsorblockAPI ΒΆ
SponsorBlock API location, defaults to
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponsorblockAPI, for unsetting the flag.
- SponsorblockAPI maps to cli flags: --sponsorblock-api=URL.
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
func (*Command) SponsorblockChapterTitle ΒΆ
An output template for the title of the SponsorBlock chapters created by --sponsorblock-mark. The only available fields are start_time, end_time, category, categories, name, category_names. Defaults to "[SponsorBlock]: %(category_names)l"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponsorblockChapterTitle, for unsetting the flag.
- SponsorblockChapterTitle maps to cli flags: --sponsorblock-chapter-title=TEMPLATE.
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
func (*Command) SponsorblockMark ΒΆ
SponsorBlock categories to create chapters for, separated by commas. Available categories are sponsor, intro, outro, selfpromo, preview, filler, interaction, music_offtopic, poi_highlight, chapter, all and default (=all). You can prefix the category with a "-" to exclude it. See [1] for descriptions of the categories. E.g. --sponsorblock-mark all,-preview [1]
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponsorblockMark, for unsetting the flag.
- SponsorblockMark maps to cli flags: --sponsorblock-mark=CATS.
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
func (*Command) SponsorblockRemove ΒΆ
SponsorBlock categories to be removed from the video file, separated by commas. If a category is present in both mark and remove, remove takes precedence. The syntax and available categories are the same as for --sponsorblock-mark except that "default" refers to "all,-filler" and poi_highlight, chapter are not available
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSponsorblockRemove, for unsetting the flag.
- SponsorblockRemove maps to cli flags: --sponsorblock-remove=CATS.
- From option group: "SponsorBlock"
func (*Command) SubFormat ΒΆ
Subtitle format; accepts formats preference separated by "/", e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSubFormat, for unsetting the flag.
- SubFormat maps to cli flags: --sub-format=FORMAT.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) SubLangs ΒΆ
Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g. --sub-langs "en.*,ja" (where "en.*" is a regex pattern that matches "en" followed by 0 or more of any character). You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetSubLangs, for unsetting the flag.
- SubLangs maps to cli flags: --sub-langs/--srt-langs=LANGS.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) ThrottledRate ΒΆ
Minimum download rate in bytes per second below which throttling is assumed and the video data is re-extracted, e.g. 100K
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetThrottledRate, for unsetting the flag.
- ThrottledRate maps to cli flags: --throttled-rate=RATE.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) TrimFilenames ΒΆ
Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetTrimFilenames, for unsetting the flag.
- TrimFilenames maps to cli flags: --trim-filenames/--trim-file-names=LENGTH.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) TwoFactor ΒΆ
Two-factor authentication code
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetTwoFactor, for unsetting the flag.
- TwoFactor maps to cli flags: -2/--twofactor=TWOFACTOR.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) UnsetAbortOnError ΒΆ
UnsetAbortOnError unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAbortOnUnavailableFragments ΒΆ
UnsetAbortOnUnavailableFragments unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAddHeaders ΒΆ
UnsetAddHeaders unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAgeLimit ΒΆ
UnsetAgeLimit unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAllFormats ΒΆ
UnsetAllFormats unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAllSubs ΒΆ
UnsetAllSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAllowDynamicMPD ΒΆ
UnsetAllowDynamicMPD unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetApListMSO ΒΆ
UnsetApListMSO unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetApMSO ΒΆ
UnsetApMSO unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetApPassword ΒΆ
UnsetApPassword unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetApUsername ΒΆ
UnsetApUsername unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAudioFormat ΒΆ
UnsetAudioFormat unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAudioMultistreams ΒΆ
UnsetAudioMultistreams unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAudioQuality ΒΆ
UnsetAudioQuality unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAutoNumberSize ΒΆ
UnsetAutoNumberSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetAutoNumberStart ΒΆ
UnsetAutoNumberStart unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBatchFile ΒΆ
UnsetBatchFile unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBidiWorkaround ΒΆ
UnsetBidiWorkaround unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBreakMatchFilters ΒΆ
UnsetBreakMatchFilters unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBreakOnExisting ΒΆ
UnsetBreakOnExisting unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBreakOnReject ΒΆ
UnsetBreakOnReject unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBreakPerInput ΒΆ
UnsetBreakPerInput unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetBufferSize ΒΆ
UnsetBufferSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCNVerificationProxy
UnsetCNVerificationProxy unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: Use Command.GeoVerificationProxy instead.
func (*Command) UnsetCacheDir ΒΆ
UnsetCacheDir unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCallHome
UnsetCallHome unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: Not implemented.
func (*Command) UnsetCheckAllFormats ΒΆ
UnsetCheckAllFormats unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCheckCertificates ΒΆ
UnsetCheckCertificates unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCheckFormats ΒΆ
UnsetCheckFormats unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCleanInfoJSON ΒΆ
UnsetCleanInfoJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetClientCertificate ΒΆ
UnsetClientCertificate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetClientCertificateKey ΒΆ
UnsetClientCertificateKey unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetClientCertificatePassword ΒΆ
UnsetClientCertificatePassword unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetColor ΒΆ
UnsetColor unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetColors ΒΆ
UnsetColors unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCompatOptions ΒΆ
UnsetCompatOptions unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConcatPlaylist ΒΆ
UnsetConcatPlaylist unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConcurrentFragments ΒΆ
UnsetConcurrentFragments unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConfigLocations ΒΆ
UnsetConfigLocations unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConsoleTitle ΒΆ
UnsetConsoleTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetContinue ΒΆ
UnsetContinue unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConvertSubs ΒΆ
UnsetConvertSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetConvertThumbnails ΒΆ
UnsetConvertThumbnails unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCookies ΒΆ
UnsetCookies unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetCookiesFromBrowser ΒΆ
UnsetCookiesFromBrowser unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDateAfter ΒΆ
UnsetDateAfter unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDateBefore ΒΆ
UnsetDateBefore unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDefaultSearch ΒΆ
UnsetDefaultSearch unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDownloadArchive ΒΆ
UnsetDownloadArchive unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDownloadSections ΒΆ
UnsetDownloadSections unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDownloader ΒΆ
UnsetDownloader unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDownloaderArgs ΒΆ
UnsetDownloaderArgs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDumpJSON ΒΆ
UnsetDumpJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDumpPages ΒΆ
UnsetDumpPages unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetDumpSingleJSON ΒΆ
UnsetDumpSingleJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEmbedChapters ΒΆ
UnsetEmbedChapters unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEmbedInfoJSON ΒΆ
UnsetEmbedInfoJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEmbedMetadata ΒΆ
UnsetEmbedMetadata unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEmbedSubs ΒΆ
UnsetEmbedSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEmbedThumbnail ΒΆ
UnsetEmbedThumbnail unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEnableFileURLs ΒΆ
UnsetEnableFileURLs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetEncoding ΒΆ
UnsetEncoding unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetExecBeforeDownload ΒΆ
UnsetExecBeforeDownload unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetExtractAudio ΒΆ
UnsetExtractAudio unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetExtractorArgs ΒΆ
UnsetExtractorArgs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetExtractorRetries ΒΆ
UnsetExtractorRetries unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFFmpegLocation ΒΆ
UnsetFFmpegLocation unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFileAccessRetries ΒΆ
UnsetFileAccessRetries unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFixup ΒΆ
UnsetFixup unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFlatPlaylist ΒΆ
UnsetFlatPlaylist unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceGenericExtractor ΒΆ
UnsetForceGenericExtractor unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceIPv4 ΒΆ
UnsetForceIPv4 unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceIPv6 ΒΆ
UnsetForceIPv6 unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceKeyframesAtCuts ΒΆ
UnsetForceKeyframesAtCuts unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceOverwrites ΒΆ
UnsetForceOverwrites unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetForceWriteArchive ΒΆ
UnsetForceWriteArchive unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFormat ΒΆ
UnsetFormat unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFormatSort ΒΆ
UnsetFormatSort unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFormatSortForce ΒΆ
UnsetFormatSortForce unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetFragmentRetries ΒΆ
UnsetFragmentRetries unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGeoBypass ΒΆ
UnsetGeoBypass unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGeoBypassCountry ΒΆ
UnsetGeoBypassCountry unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGeoBypassIPBlock ΒΆ
UnsetGeoBypassIPBlock unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGeoVerificationProxy ΒΆ
UnsetGeoVerificationProxy unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetDescription ΒΆ
UnsetGetDescription unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetDuration ΒΆ
UnsetGetDuration unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetFilename ΒΆ
UnsetGetFilename unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetFormat ΒΆ
UnsetGetFormat unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetID ΒΆ
UnsetGetID unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetThumbnail ΒΆ
UnsetGetThumbnail unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetTitle ΒΆ
UnsetGetTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetGetURL ΒΆ
UnsetGetURL unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetHLSPreferFFmpeg ΒΆ
UnsetHLSPreferFFmpeg unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetHLSPreferNative ΒΆ
UnsetHLSPreferNative unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetHLSSplitDiscontinuity ΒΆ
UnsetHLSSplitDiscontinuity unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetHLSUseMPEGTS ΒΆ
UnsetHLSUseMPEGTS unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetHTTPChunkSize ΒΆ
UnsetHTTPChunkSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetIgnoreConfig ΒΆ
UnsetIgnoreConfig unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetIgnoreDynamicMPD ΒΆ
UnsetIgnoreDynamicMPD unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetIgnoreErrors ΒΆ
UnsetIgnoreErrors unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetIgnoreNoFormatsError ΒΆ
UnsetIgnoreNoFormatsError unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetImpersonate ΒΆ
UnsetImpersonate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetIncludeAds
UnsetIncludeAds unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: No longer supported.
func (*Command) UnsetKeepFragments ΒΆ
UnsetKeepFragments unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetKeepVideo ΒΆ
UnsetKeepVideo unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetLazyPlaylist ΒΆ
UnsetLazyPlaylist unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetLegacyServerConnect ΒΆ
UnsetLegacyServerConnect unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetLimitRate ΒΆ
UnsetLimitRate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListFormats ΒΆ
UnsetListFormats unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListFormatsAsTable ΒΆ
UnsetListFormatsAsTable unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListFormatsOld ΒΆ
UnsetListFormatsOld unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListImpersonateTargets ΒΆ
UnsetListImpersonateTargets unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListSubs ΒΆ
UnsetListSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetListThumbnails ΒΆ
UnsetListThumbnails unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetLiveFromStart ΒΆ
UnsetLiveFromStart unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetLoadInfoJSON ΒΆ
UnsetLoadInfoJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMarkWatched ΒΆ
UnsetMarkWatched unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMatchFilters ΒΆ
UnsetMatchFilters unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMatchTitle ΒΆ
UnsetMatchTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMaxDownloads ΒΆ
UnsetMaxDownloads unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMaxFileSize ΒΆ
UnsetMaxFileSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMaxSleepInterval ΒΆ
UnsetMaxSleepInterval unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMaxViews ΒΆ
UnsetMaxViews unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMergeOutputFormat ΒΆ
UnsetMergeOutputFormat unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMetadataFromTitle ΒΆ
UnsetMetadataFromTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMinFileSize ΒΆ
UnsetMinFileSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMinViews ΒΆ
UnsetMinViews unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetMtime ΒΆ
UnsetMtime unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetNetrc ΒΆ
UnsetNetrc unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetNetrcCmd ΒΆ
UnsetNetrcCmd unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetNetrcLocation ΒΆ
UnsetNetrcLocation unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetNewline ΒΆ
UnsetNewline unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetOutput ΒΆ
UnsetOutput unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetOutputNaPlaceholder ΒΆ
UnsetOutputNaPlaceholder unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetOverwrites ΒΆ
UnsetOverwrites unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetParseMetadata ΒΆ
UnsetParseMetadata unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPassword ΒΆ
UnsetPassword unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPaths ΒΆ
UnsetPaths unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylist ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylist unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylistEnd ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylistEnd unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylistItems ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylistItems unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylistRandom ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylistRandom unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylistReverse ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylistReverse unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPlaylistStart ΒΆ
UnsetPlaylistStart unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPluginDirs ΒΆ
UnsetPluginDirs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPostOverwrites ΒΆ
UnsetPostOverwrites unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPostProcessorArgs ΒΆ
UnsetPostProcessorArgs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPreferAVConv
UnsetPreferAVConv unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: avconv is not officially supported by yt-dlp.
func (*Command) UnsetPreferFFmpeg
UnsetPreferFFmpeg unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: This flag is now default in yt-dlp.
func (*Command) UnsetPreferFreeFormats ΒΆ
UnsetPreferFreeFormats unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPreferInsecure ΒΆ
UnsetPreferInsecure unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPrint ΒΆ
UnsetPrint unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPrintJSON ΒΆ
UnsetPrintJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPrintToFile ΒΆ
UnsetPrintToFile unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetPrintTraffic ΒΆ
UnsetPrintTraffic unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetProgress ΒΆ
UnsetProgress unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetProgressDelta ΒΆ
UnsetProgressDelta unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetProgressFunc ΒΆ
UnsetProgressFunc can be used to unset the progress function that was previously set with Command.ProgressFunc.
func (*Command) UnsetProgressTemplate ΒΆ
UnsetProgressTemplate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetProxy ΒΆ
UnsetProxy unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetQuiet ΒΆ
UnsetQuiet unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRecodeVideo ΒΆ
UnsetRecodeVideo unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetReferer ΒΆ
UnsetReferer unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRejectTitle ΒΆ
UnsetRejectTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRemoveChapters ΒΆ
UnsetRemoveChapters unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRemuxVideo ΒΆ
UnsetRemuxVideo unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetReplaceInMetadata ΒΆ
UnsetReplaceInMetadata unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetResizeBuffer ΒΆ
UnsetResizeBuffer unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRestrictFilenames ΒΆ
UnsetRestrictFilenames unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRetries ΒΆ
UnsetRetries unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRetrySleep ΒΆ
UnsetRetrySleep unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetRmCacheDir ΒΆ
UnsetRmCacheDir unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSimulate ΒΆ
UnsetSimulate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSkipDownload ΒΆ
UnsetSkipDownload unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSkipPlaylistAfterErrors ΒΆ
UnsetSkipPlaylistAfterErrors unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSkipUnavailableFragments ΒΆ
UnsetSkipUnavailableFragments unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSleepInterval ΒΆ
UnsetSleepInterval unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSleepRequests ΒΆ
UnsetSleepRequests unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSleepSubtitles ΒΆ
UnsetSleepSubtitles unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSocketTimeout ΒΆ
UnsetSocketTimeout unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSourceAddress ΒΆ
UnsetSourceAddress unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSplitChapters ΒΆ
UnsetSplitChapters unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSponskrub
UnsetSponskrub unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: Use Command.SponsorblockMark with "all" as an argument.
func (*Command) UnsetSponskrubArgs
UnsetSponskrubArgs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) UnsetSponskrubCut
UnsetSponskrubCut unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: Use Command.SponsorblockRemove with "all" as an argument.
func (*Command) UnsetSponskrubForce
UnsetSponskrubForce unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) UnsetSponskrubLocation
UnsetSponskrubLocation unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: No longer applicable.
func (*Command) UnsetSponsorblock ΒΆ
UnsetSponsorblock unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSponsorblockAPI ΒΆ
UnsetSponsorblockAPI unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSponsorblockChapterTitle ΒΆ
UnsetSponsorblockChapterTitle unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSponsorblockMark ΒΆ
UnsetSponsorblockMark unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSponsorblockRemove ΒΆ
UnsetSponsorblockRemove unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSubFormat ΒΆ
UnsetSubFormat unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetSubLangs ΒΆ
UnsetSubLangs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetThrottledRate ΒΆ
UnsetThrottledRate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetTrimFilenames ΒΆ
UnsetTrimFilenames unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetTwoFactor ΒΆ
UnsetTwoFactor unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetUpdate ΒΆ
UnsetUpdate unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetUseExtractors ΒΆ
UnsetUseExtractors unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetUsePostProcessor ΒΆ
UnsetUsePostProcessor unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetUserAgent ΒΆ
UnsetUserAgent unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetUsername ΒΆ
UnsetUsername unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetVerbose ΒΆ
UnsetVerbose unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetVideoMultistreams ΒΆ
UnsetVideoMultistreams unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetVideoPassword ΒΆ
UnsetVideoPassword unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWaitForVideo ΒΆ
UnsetWaitForVideo unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWarnings ΒΆ
UnsetWarnings unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWindowsFilenames ΒΆ
UnsetWindowsFilenames unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteAllThumbnails ΒΆ
UnsetWriteAllThumbnails unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteAnnotations
UnsetWriteAnnotations unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
Deprecated: No supported site has annotations now.
func (*Command) UnsetWriteAutoSubs ΒΆ
UnsetWriteAutoSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteComments ΒΆ
UnsetWriteComments unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteDescription ΒΆ
UnsetWriteDescription unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteDesktopLink ΒΆ
UnsetWriteDesktopLink unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteInfoJSON ΒΆ
UnsetWriteInfoJSON unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteLink ΒΆ
UnsetWriteLink unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWritePages ΒΆ
UnsetWritePages unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWritePlaylistMetafiles ΒΆ
UnsetWritePlaylistMetafiles unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteSubs ΒΆ
UnsetWriteSubs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteThumbnail ΒΆ
UnsetWriteThumbnail unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteURLLink ΒΆ
UnsetWriteURLLink unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetWriteWeblocLink ΒΆ
UnsetWriteWeblocLink unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetXattrSetFileSize ΒΆ
UnsetXattrSetFileSize unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetXattrs ΒΆ
UnsetXattrs unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetYoutubeIncludeDashManifest ΒΆ
UnsetYoutubeIncludeDashManifest unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetYoutubeIncludeHLSManifest ΒΆ
UnsetYoutubeIncludeHLSManifest unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetYoutubeSkipDashManifest ΒΆ
UnsetYoutubeSkipDashManifest unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) UnsetYoutubeSkipHLSManifest ΒΆ
UnsetYoutubeSkipHLSManifest unsets any flags that were previously set by one of:
func (*Command) Update ΒΆ
Check if updates are available. You cannot update when running from source code; Use git to pull the latest changes
Additional information:
- Update maps to cli flags: -U/--update.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) UpdateTo ΒΆ
Upgrade/downgrade to a specific version. CHANNEL can be a repository as well. CHANNEL and TAG default to "stable" and "latest" respectively if omitted; See "UPDATE" for details. Supported channels: stable, nightly, master
Additional information:
- UpdateTo maps to cli flags: --update-to=[CHANNEL]@[TAG].
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) UseExtractors ΒΆ
Extractor names to use separated by commas. You can also use regexes, "all", "default" and "end" (end URL matching); e.g. --ies "holodex.*,end,youtube". Prefix the name with a "-" to exclude it, e.g. --ies default,-generic. Use --list-extractors for a list of extractor names.
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetUseExtractors, for unsetting the flag.
- UseExtractors maps to cli flags: --use-extractors/--ies=NAMES.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) UsePostProcessor ΒΆ
The (case-sensitive) name of plugin postprocessors to be enabled, and (optionally) arguments to be passed to it, separated by a colon ":". ARGS are a semicolon ";" delimited list of NAME=VALUE. The "when" argument determines when the postprocessor is invoked. It can be one of "pre_process" (after video extraction), "after_filter" (after video passes filter), "video" (after --format; before --print/--output), "before_dl" (before each video download), "post_process" (after each video download; default), "after_move" (after moving the video file to its final location), "after_video" (after downloading and processing all formats of a video), or "playlist" (at end of playlist). This option can be used multiple times to add different postprocessors
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetUsePostProcessor, for unsetting the flag.
- UsePostProcessor maps to cli flags: --use-postprocessor=NAME[:ARGS].
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) UserAgent ΒΆ
UserAgent sets the "user-agent" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetUserAgent, for unsetting the flag.
- UserAgent maps to cli flags: --user-agent=UA (hidden).
- From option group: "Workarounds"
func (*Command) Username ΒΆ
Login with this account ID
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetUsername, for unsetting the flag.
- Username maps to cli flags: -u/--username=USERNAME.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) Verbose ΒΆ
Print various debugging information
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetVerbose, for unsetting the flag.
- Verbose maps to cli flags: -v/--verbose.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) Version ΒΆ
Print program version and exit
Additional information:
- Version maps to cli flags: --version.
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) VideoMultistreams ΒΆ
Allow multiple video streams to be merged into a single file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetVideoMultistreams, for unsetting the flag.
- VideoMultistreams maps to cli flags: --video-multistreams.
- From option group: "Video Format"
func (*Command) VideoPassword ΒΆ
Video-specific password
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetVideoPassword, for unsetting the flag.
- VideoPassword maps to cli flags: --video-password=PASSWORD.
- From option group: "Authentication"
func (*Command) WaitForVideo ΒΆ
Wait for scheduled streams to become available. Pass the minimum number of seconds (or range) to wait between retries
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWaitForVideo, for unsetting the flag.
- WaitForVideo maps to cli flags: --wait-for-video=MIN[-MAX].
- From option group: "General"
func (*Command) WindowsFilenames ΒΆ
Force filenames to be Windows-compatible
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWindowsFilenames, for unsetting the flag.
- WindowsFilenames maps to cli flags: --windows-filenames.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) WriteAllThumbnails ΒΆ
Write all thumbnail image formats to disk
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteAllThumbnails, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteAllThumbnails maps to cli flags: --write-all-thumbnails.
- From option group: "Thumbnail"
func (*Command) WriteAnnotations
WriteAnnotations sets the "write-annotations" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteAnnotations, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteAnnotations maps to cli flags: --write-annotations (hidden).
- From option group: "Filesystem"
Deprecated: No supported site has annotations now.
func (*Command) WriteAutoSubs ΒΆ
Write automatically generated subtitle file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteAutoSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteAutoSubs maps to cli flags: --write-auto-subs/--write-automatic-subs.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) WriteComments ΒΆ
Retrieve video comments to be placed in the infojson. The comments are fetched even without this option if the extraction is known to be quick
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteComments, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteComments maps to cli flags: --write-comments/--get-comments.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) WriteDescription ΒΆ
Write video description to a .description file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteDescription, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteDescription maps to cli flags: --write-description.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) WriteDesktopLink ΒΆ
Write a .desktop Linux internet shortcut
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteDesktopLink, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteDesktopLink maps to cli flags: --write-desktop-link.
- From option group: "Internet Shortcut"
func (*Command) WriteInfoJSON ΒΆ
Write video metadata to a .info.json file (this may contain personal information)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteInfoJSON, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteInfoJSON maps to cli flags: --write-info-json.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) WriteLink ΒΆ
Write an internet shortcut file, depending on the current platform (.url, .webloc or .desktop). The URL may be cached by the OS
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteLink, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteLink maps to cli flags: --write-link.
- From option group: "Internet Shortcut"
func (*Command) WritePages ΒΆ
Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWritePages, for unsetting the flag.
- WritePages maps to cli flags: --write-pages.
- From option group: "Verbosity Simulation"
func (*Command) WritePlaylistMetafiles ΒΆ
Write playlist metadata in addition to the video metadata when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc. (default)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWritePlaylistMetafiles, for unsetting the flag.
- WritePlaylistMetafiles maps to cli flags: --write-playlist-metafiles.
- From option group: "Filesystem"
func (*Command) WriteSubs ΒΆ
Write subtitle file
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteSubs, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteSubs maps to cli flags: --write-subs/--write-srt.
- From option group: "Subtitle"
func (*Command) WriteThumbnail ΒΆ
Write thumbnail image to disk
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteThumbnail, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteThumbnail maps to cli flags: --write-thumbnail.
- From option group: "Thumbnail"
func (*Command) WriteURLLink ΒΆ
Write a .url Windows internet shortcut. The OS caches the URL based on the file path
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteURLLink, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteURLLink maps to cli flags: --write-url-link.
- From option group: "Internet Shortcut"
func (*Command) WriteWeblocLink ΒΆ
Write a .webloc macOS internet shortcut
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetWriteWeblocLink, for unsetting the flag.
- WriteWeblocLink maps to cli flags: --write-webloc-link.
- From option group: "Internet Shortcut"
func (*Command) XFF ΒΆ
How to fake X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to try bypassing geographic restriction. One of "default" (only when known to be useful), "never", an IP block in CIDR notation, or a two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetXFF, for unsetting the flag.
- XFF maps to cli flags: --xff=VALUE.
- From option group: "Geo-restriction"
func (*Command) XattrSetFileSize ΒΆ
Set file xattribute ytdl.filesize with expected file size
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetXattrSetFileSize, for unsetting the flag.
- XattrSetFileSize maps to cli flags: --xattr-set-filesize.
- From option group: "Download"
func (*Command) Xattrs ΒΆ
Write metadata to the video file's xattrs (using Dublin Core and XDG standards)
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetXattrs, for unsetting the flag.
- Xattrs maps to cli flags: --xattrs/--xattr.
- From option group: "Post-Processing"
func (*Command) YesPlaylist ΒΆ
Download the playlist, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetPlaylist, for unsetting the flag.
- YesPlaylist maps to cli flags: --yes-playlist.
- From option group: "Video Selection"
func (*Command) YoutubeIncludeDashManifest ΒΆ
YoutubeIncludeDashManifest sets the "youtube-include-dash-manifest" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetYoutubeIncludeDashManifest, for unsetting the flag.
- YoutubeIncludeDashManifest maps to cli flags: --youtube-include-dash-manifest/--no-youtube-skip-dash-manifest (hidden).
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) YoutubeIncludeHLSManifest ΒΆ
YoutubeIncludeHLSManifest sets the "youtube-include-hls-manifest" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetYoutubeIncludeHLSManifest, for unsetting the flag.
- YoutubeIncludeHLSManifest maps to cli flags: --youtube-include-hls-manifest/--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest (hidden).
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) YoutubeSkipDashManifest ΒΆ
YoutubeSkipDashManifest sets the "youtube-skip-dash-manifest" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetYoutubeSkipDashManifest, for unsetting the flag.
- YoutubeSkipDashManifest maps to cli flags: --youtube-skip-dash-manifest/--no-youtube-include-dash-manifest (hidden).
- From option group: "Extractor"
func (*Command) YoutubeSkipHLSManifest ΒΆ
YoutubeSkipHLSManifest sets the "youtube-skip-hls-manifest" flag (no description specified).
Additional information:
- See Command.UnsetYoutubeSkipHLSManifest, for unsetting the flag.
- YoutubeSkipHLSManifest maps to cli flags: --youtube-skip-hls-manifest/--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest (hidden).
- From option group: "Extractor"
type ConcatPlaylistOption ΒΆ
type ConcatPlaylistOption string
ConcatPlaylistOption are parameter types for [ConcatPlaylist].
var ( ConcatPlaylistNever ConcatPlaylistOption = "never" ConcatPlaylistAlways ConcatPlaylistOption = "always" ConcatPlaylistMultiVideo ConcatPlaylistOption = "multi_video" )
type ErrExitCode ΒΆ
type ErrExitCode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrExitCode is returned when the exit code of the yt-dlp process is non-zero.
func (*ErrExitCode) Error ΒΆ
func (e *ErrExitCode) Error() string
func (*ErrExitCode) Unwrap ΒΆ
func (e *ErrExitCode) Unwrap() error
type ErrMisconfig ΒΆ
type ErrMisconfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrMisconfig is returned when the yt-dlp executable is not found, or is not configured properly.
func (*ErrMisconfig) Error ΒΆ
func (e *ErrMisconfig) Error() string
func (*ErrMisconfig) Unwrap ΒΆ
func (e *ErrMisconfig) Unwrap() error
type ErrParsing ΒΆ
type ErrParsing struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrParsing is returned when the yt-dlp process fails due to an invalid flag or argument, possibly due to a version mismatch or go-ytdlp bug.
func (*ErrParsing) Error ΒΆ
func (e *ErrParsing) Error() string
func (*ErrParsing) Unwrap ΒΆ
func (e *ErrParsing) Unwrap() error
type ErrUnknown ΒΆ
type ErrUnknown struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrUnknown is returned when the error is unknown according to go-ytdlp.
func (*ErrUnknown) Error ΒΆ
func (e *ErrUnknown) Error() string
func (*ErrUnknown) Unwrap ΒΆ
func (e *ErrUnknown) Unwrap() error
type ExtractedAvailability ΒΆ
type ExtractedAvailability string
const ( ExtractedAvailabilityPrivate ExtractedAvailability = "private" ExtractedAvailabilityPremiumOnly ExtractedAvailability = "premium_only" ExtractedAvailabilitySubscriberOnly ExtractedAvailability = "subscriber_only" ExtractedAvailabilityNeedsAuth ExtractedAvailability = "needs_auth" ExtractedAvailabilityUnlisted ExtractedAvailability = "unlisted" ExtractedAvailabilityPublic ExtractedAvailability = "public" )
type ExtractedChapterData ΒΆ
type ExtractedFormat ΒΆ
type ExtractedFormat struct { // URL is the mandatory URL representing the media: // - plain file media: HTTP URL of this file. // - RTMP: RTMP URL. // - HLS: URL of the M3U8 media playlist. // - HDS: URL of the F4M manifest. // - DASH: // - HTTP URL to plain file media (in case of // unfragmented media) // - URL of the MPD manifest or base URL // representing the media if MPD manifest // is parsed from a string (in case of // fragmented media) // - MSS: URL of the ISM manifest. URL string `json:"url"` // RequestData to send in POST request to the URL. RequestData *string `json:"request_data,omitempty"` // ManifestURL is the URL of the manifest file in case of fragmented media: // - HLS: URL of the M3U8 master playlist. // - HDS: URL of the F4M manifest. // - DASH: URL of the MPD manifest. // - MSS: URL of the ISM manifest. ManifestURL *string `json:"manifest_url,omitempty"` // Extension is the video filename extension. Will be calculated from URL if missing. Extension *string `json:"ext,omitempty"` // A human-readable description of the format ("mp4 container with h264/opus"). // Calculated from the format_id, width, height. and format_note fields if missing. Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // FormatID is a short description of the format ("mp4_h264_opus" or "19"). // Technically optional, but strongly recommended. FormatID *string `json:"format_id,omitempty"` // FormatNote is additional info about the format ("3D" or "DASH video"). FormatNote *string `json:"format_note,omitempty"` // Width of the video, if known. Width *float64 `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the video, if known. Height *float64 `json:"height,omitempty"` // AspectRatio is the aspect ratio of the video, if known. Automatically calculated // from width and height (e.g. 1.78, which would be 16:9). AspectRatio *float64 `json:"aspect_ratio,omitempty"` // Resolution is the textual description of width and height. Automatically // calculated from width and height. Resolution *string `json:"resolution,omitempty"` // TBR is the average bitrate of audio and video in KBit/s. TBR *float64 `json:"tbr,omitempty"` // ABR is the average audio bitrate in KBit/s. ABR *float64 `json:"abr,omitempty"` // ACodev is the name of the audio codec in use. ACodec *string `json:"acodec,omitempty"` // ASR is the audio sampling rate in Hertz. ASR *float64 `json:"asr,omitempty"` // AudioChannels contains the number of audio channels. AudioChannels *float64 `json:"audio_channels,omitempty"` // Average video bitrate in KBit/s. VBR *float64 `json:"vbr,omitempty"` // FPS is the framerate per second. FPS *float64 `json:"fps,omitempty"` // VCodev is the name of the video codec in use. VCodec *string `json:"vcodec,omitempty"` // Container is the name of the container format. Container *string `json:"container,omitempty"` // FileSize is the number of bytes, if known in advance. FileSize *int `json:"filesize,omitempty"` // FileSizeApprox is an estimate for the number of bytes. FileSizeApprox *int `json:"filesize_approx,omitempty"` // PlayerURL is the SWF Player URL (used for rtmpdump). PlayerURL *string `json:"player_url,omitempty"` // Protocol is the protocol that will be used for the actual download, // lower-case. One of "http", "https" or one of the protocols defined in // yt-dlp's downloader.PROTOCOL_MAP. Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` // FragmentBaseURL is the base URL for fragments. Each fragment's path value // (if present) will be relative to this URL. FragmentBaseURL *string `json:"fragment_base_url,omitempty"` // Fragments is a list of fragments of a fragmented media. Each fragment entry // must contain either an url or a path. If an url is present it should be // considered by a client. Otherwise both path and [ExtractedFormat.FragmentBaseURL] // must be present. Fragments []*ExtractedFragment `json:"fragments,omitempty"` // IsFromStart is true if it's a live format that can be downloaded from the start. IsFromStart *bool `json:"is_from_start,omitempty"` // Preference is the order number of this format. If this field is present, // the formats get sorted by this field, regardless of all other values. // - -1 for default (order by other properties). // - -2 or smaller for less than default. // - < -1000 to hide the format (if there is another one which is strictly better) Preference *int `json:"preference,omitempty"` // SourcePreference is the order number for this video source (quality takes // higher priority) // - -1 for default (order by other properties). // - -2 or smaller for less than default. SourcePreference *int `json:"source_preference,omitempty"` // Language is the language code, e.g. "de" or "en-US". Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // LanguagePreference is the order number of this language, based off a few factors. // Is this in the language mentioned in the URL? // - 10 if it's what the URL is about. // - -1 for default (don't know). // - -10 otherwise, other values reserved for now. LanguagePreference *int `json:"language_preference,omitempty"` // Quality is the order number of the video quality of this format, irrespective // of the file format. // - -1 for default (order by other properties). // - -2 or smaller for less than default. Quality *float64 `json:"quality,omitempty"` // HTTPHeaders are additional HTTP headers to be sent with the request. HTTPHeaders map[string]string `json:"http_headers,omitempty"` // StretchRatio if given and not 1, indicates that the video's pixels are not // square. "width:height" ratio as float. StretchedRatio *float64 `json:"stretched_ratio,omitempty"` // NoResume is true if the download for this format cannot be resumed (HTTP or RTMP). NoResume *bool `json:"no_resume,omitempty"` // HasDRM is true if the format is DRM-protected and cannot be downloaded. // 'maybe' if the format may have DRM and has to be tested before download. HasDRM any `json:"has_drm,omitempty"` // ExtraParamToSegmentURL is a query string to append to each fragment's URL, // or to update each existing query string with. Only applied by the native // HLS/DASH downloaders. ExtraParamToSegmentURL *string `json:"extra_param_to_segment_url,omitempty"` // Rows is the number of rows in each storyboard fragment, as an integer. Rows *int `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Columns is the number of columns in each storyboard fragment, as an integer. Columns *int `json:"columns,omitempty"` // PageURL is the URL of the page containing the video. PageURL *string `json:"page_url,omitempty"` // App is the application to play this stream. App *string `json:"app,omitempty"` // PlayPath is the play path for this stream. PlayPath *string `json:"play_path,omitempty"` // TCURL is the TC URL for this stream. TCURL *string `json:"tc_url,omitempty"` // FlashVersion is the flash version for this stream. FlashVersion *string `json:"flash_version,omitempty"` // RTMPLive is true if this is a live stream. RTMPLive *bool `json:"rtmp_live,omitempty"` // RTMPConn is the RTMP connection for this stream. RTMPConn *string `json:"rtmp_conn,omitempty"` // RTMPProtocol is the RTMP protocol for this stream. RTMPProtocol *string `json:"rtmp_protocol,omitempty"` // RTMPRealTime is true if this is a real-time stream. RTMPRealTime *bool `json:"rtmp_real_time,omitempty"` }
ExtractedFormat is format information returned by yt-dlp.
Some intentionally excluded fields:
- request_data (think this is internal).
- manifest_stream_number (internal use only).
- hls_aes (no sample data to use to understand format).
- downloader_options (internal use only).
type ExtractedFragment ΒΆ
type ExtractedFragment struct { // URL of the fragment. URL string `json:"url"` // Path of the fragment, relative to [ExtractedFormat.FragmentBaseURL]. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Duration of the fragment in seconds. Duration float64 `json:"duration"` // Filesize of the fragment in bytes. FileSize *int `json:"filesize,omitempty"` }
type ExtractedHeatmapData ΒΆ
type ExtractedHeatmapData struct { // StartTime of the data point in seconds. StartTime *float64 `json:"start_time,omitempty"` // EndTime of the data point in seconds. EndTime *float64 `json:"end_time,omitempty"` // Value is the normalized value of the data point (float between 0 and 1). Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type ExtractedInfo ΒΆ
type ExtractedInfo struct { // ExtractedFormat fields which can also be returned for ExtractedInfo. *ExtractedFormat // Type is the type of the video or returned result. Type ExtractedType `json:"_type"` // Version information is sometimes returned in the result. Version *ExtractedVersion `json:"_version,omitempty"` // ID is the video identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Title contains the video title, unescaped. Set to an empty string if video // has no title as opposed to nil which signifies that the extractor failed // to obtain a title. Title *string `json:"title"` // Formats contains a list of each format available, ordered from worst to best // quality. Formats []*ExtractedFormat `json:"formats"` RequestedFormats []*ExtractedFormat `json:"requested_formats,omitempty"` // URL is the final video URL. URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Filename is the video filename. This is not set when simulation is requested/ // enabled. Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"` // AltFilename is an alternative filename for the video. This maps to "_filename". // See [ExtractedInfo.Filename] for more info. AltFilename *string `json:"_filename,omitempty"` // Extension is the video filename extension. Extension string `json:"ext"` // Format is the video format. Defaults to [ExtractorInfo.Extension] (used for get-format functionality). Format string `json:"format"` // PlayerURL is the SWF Player URL (used for rtmpdump). PlayerURL *string `json:"player_url,omitempty"` // Direct is true if a direct video file was given (must only be set by GenericIE). Direct *bool `json:"direct,omitempty"` // AltTitle is a secondary title of the video. AltTitle *string `json:"alt_title,omitempty"` // DisplayID is an alternative identifier for the video, not necessarily unique, // but available before title. Typically, id is something like "4234987", // title "Dancing naked mole rats", and display_id "dancing-naked-mole-rats". DisplayID *string `json:"display_id,omitempty"` // Thumbnails is a list of thumbnails for the video. Thumbnails []*ExtractedThumbnail `json:"thumbnails,omitempty"` // Thumbnail is a full URL to a video thumbnail image. Thumbnail *string `json:"thumbnail,omitempty"` // Description contains the full video description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Uploader contains the full name of the video uploader. Uploader *string `json:"uploader,omitempty"` // License contains the license name the video is licensed under. License *string `json:"license,omitempty"` // Creator contains the creator of the video. Creator *string `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Timestamp contains the UNIX timestamp of the moment the video was uploaded. Timestamp *float64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // UploadDate contains the video upload date in UTC (YYYYMMDD). If not explicitly // set, calculated from Timestamp. UploadDate *string `json:"upload_date,omitempty"` // ReleaseTimestamp contains the UNIX timestamp of the moment the video was // released. If it is not clear whether to use Timestamp or this, use the former. ReleaseTimestamp *float64 `json:"release_timestamp,omitempty"` // ReleaseDate contains the date (YYYYMMDD) when the video was released in UTC. // If not explicitly set, calculated from ReleaseTimestamp. ReleaseDate *string `json:"release_date,omitempty"` // ModifiedTimestamp contains the UNIX timestamp of the moment the video was // last modified. ModifiedTimestamp *float64 `json:"modified_timestamp,omitempty"` // ModifiedDate contains the date (YYYYMMDD) when the video was last modified // in UTC. If not explicitly set, calculated from ModifiedTimestamp. ModifiedDate *string `json:"modified_date,omitempty"` // UploaderID contains the nickname or id of the video uploader. UploaderID *string `json:"uploader_id,omitempty"` // UploaderURL contains the full URL to a personal webpage of the video uploader. UploaderURL *string `json:"uploader_url,omitempty"` // Channel contains the full name of the channel the video is uploaded on. // Note that channel fields may or may not repeat uploader fields. This depends // on a particular extractor. Channel *string `json:"channel,omitempty"` // ChannelID contains the id of the channel. ChannelID *string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` // ChannelURL contains the full URL to a channel webpage. ChannelURL *string `json:"channel_url,omitempty"` // ChannelFollowerCount contains the number of followers of the channel. ChannelFollowerCount *float64 `json:"channel_follower_count,omitempty"` // ChannelIsVerified is true if the channel is verified on the platform. ChannelIsVerified *bool `json:"channel_is_verified,omitempty"` // Location contains the physical location where the video was filmed. Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` // Subtitles contains the available subtitles, where the key is the language // code, and the value is a list of subtitle formats. Subtitles map[string][]*ExtractedSubtitle `json:"subtitles,omitempty"` RequestedSubtitles map[string][]*ExtractedSubtitle `json:"requested_subtitles,omitempty"` // AutomaticCaptions contains the automatically generated captions instead of // normal subtitles. AutomaticCaptions map[string][]*ExtractedSubtitle `json:"automatic_captions,omitempty"` // Duration contains the length of the video in seconds. Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // ViewCount contains how many users have watched the video on the platform. ViewCount *float64 `json:"view_count,omitempty"` // ConcurrentViewCount contains how many users are currently watching the video // on the platform. ConcurrentViewCount *float64 `json:"concurrent_view_count,omitempty"` // LikeCount contains the number of positive ratings of the video. LikeCount *float64 `json:"like_count,omitempty"` // DislikeCount contains the number of negative ratings of the video. DislikeCount *float64 `json:"dislike_count,omitempty"` // RepostCount contains the number of reposts of the video. RepostCount *float64 `json:"repost_count,omitempty"` // AverageRating contains the average rating give by users, the scale used // depends on the webpage. AverageRating *float64 `json:"average_rating,omitempty"` // CommentCount contains the number of comments on the video. CommentCount *float64 `json:"comment_count,omitempty"` // Comments contains a list of comments. Comments []*ExtractedVideoComment `json:"comments,omitempty"` // AgeLimit contains the age restriction for the video (years). AgeLimit *float64 `json:"age_limit,omitempty"` // WebpageURL contains the URL to the video webpage, if given to yt-dlp it // should allow to get the same result again. (It will be set by YoutubeDL if // it's missing) WebpageURL *string `json:"webpage_url,omitempty"` // Categories contains a list of categories that the video falls in, for example // ["Sports", "Berlin"]. Categories []string `json:"categories,omitempty"` // Tags contains a list of tags assigned to the video, e.g. ["sweden", "pop music"]. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Cast contains a list of the video cast. Cast []string `json:"cast,omitempty"` // IsLive is true, false, or nil (=unknown). Whether this video is a live stream // that goes on instead of a fixed-length video. IsLive *bool `json:"is_live,omitempty"` // WasLive is true, false, or nil (=unknown). Whether this video was originally // a live stream. WasLive *bool `json:"was_live,omitempty"` // LiveStatus is nil (=unknown), 'is_live', 'is_upcoming', 'was_live', 'not_live', // or 'post_live' (was live, but VOD is not yet processed). If absent, automatically // set from IsLive, WasLive. LiveStatus *ExtractedLiveStatus `json:"live_status,omitempty"` // StartTime is the time in seconds where the reproduction should start, as // specified in the URL. StartTime *float64 `json:"start_time,omitempty"` // EndTime is the time in seconds where the reproduction should end, as // specified in the URL. EndTime *float64 `json:"end_time,omitempty"` // Chapters is a list of chapters. Chapters []*ExtractedChapterData `json:"chapters,omitempty"` // Heatmap is a list of heatmap data points. Heatmap []*ExtractedHeatmapData `json:"heatmap,omitempty"` // PlayableInEmbed is whether this video is allowed to play in embedded players // on other sites. Can be true (=always allowed), false (=never allowed), nil // (=unknown), or a string specifying the criteria for embedability; e.g. // 'whitelist'. PlayableInEmbed any `json:"playable_in_embed,omitempty"` // Availability is under what condition the video is available. Availability *ExtractedAvailability `json:"availability,omitempty"` // Chapter is the name or title of the chapter the video belongs to. Chapter *string `json:"chapter,omitempty"` // ChapterNumber is the number of the chapter the video belongs to. ChapterNumber *float64 `json:"chapter_number,omitempty"` // ChapterID is the ID of the chapter the video belongs to. ChapterID *string `json:"chapter_id,omitempty"` // Playlist is the name or id of the playlist that contains the video. Playlist *string `json:"playlist,omitempty"` // PlaylistIndex is the index of the video in the playlist. PlaylistIndex *int `json:"playlist_index,omitempty"` // PlaylistID is the playlist identifier. PlaylistID *string `json:"playlist_id,omitempty"` // PlaylistTitle is the playlist title. PlaylistTitle *string `json:"playlist_title,omitempty"` // PlaylistUploader is the full name of the playlist uploader. PlaylistUploader *string `json:"playlist_uploader,omitempty"` // PlaylistUploaderID is the nickname or id of the playlist uploader. PlaylistUploaderID *string `json:"playlist_uploader_id,omitempty"` // PlaylistCount is auto-generated by yt-dlp. It is the total number of videos // in the playlist. PlaylistCount *int `json:"playlist_count,omitempty"` // Series is the title of the series or programme the video episode belongs to. Series *string `json:"series,omitempty"` // SeriesID is the ID of the series or programme the video episode belongs to. SeriesID *string `json:"series_id,omitempty"` // Season is the title of the season the video episode belongs to. Season *string `json:"season,omitempty"` // SeasonNumber is the number of the season the video episode belongs to. SeasonNumber *float64 `json:"season_number,omitempty"` // SeasonID is the ID of the season the video episode belongs to. SeasonID *string `json:"season_id,omitempty"` // Episode is the title of the video episode. Unlike mandatory video title field, // this field should denote the exact title of the video episode without any // kind of decoration. Episode *string `json:"episode,omitempty"` // EpisodeNumber is the number of the video episode within a season. EpisodeNumber *float64 `json:"episode_number,omitempty"` // EpisodeID is the ID of the video episode. EpisodeID *string `json:"episode_id,omitempty"` // Track is the title of the track. Track *string `json:"track,omitempty"` // TrackNumber is the number of the track within an album or a disc. TrackNumber *float64 `json:"track_number,omitempty"` // TrackID is the ID of the track (useful in case of custom indexing, e.g. 6.iii). TrackID *string `json:"track_id,omitempty"` // Artist is the artist(s) of the track. Artist *string `json:"artist,omitempty"` // Genre is the genre(s) of the track. Genre *string `json:"genre,omitempty"` // Album is the title of the album the track belongs to. Album *string `json:"album,omitempty"` // AlbumType is the type of the album (e.g. "Demo", "Full-length", "Split", "Compilation", etc). AlbumType *string `json:"album_type,omitempty"` // AlbumArtist is the list of all artists appeared on the album (e.g. // "Ash Borer / Fell Voices" or "Various Artists", useful for splits // and compilations). AlbumArtist *string `json:"album_artist,omitempty"` // DiscNumber is the number of the disc or other physical medium the track belongs to. DiscNumber *float64 `json:"disc_number,omitempty"` // ReleaseYear is the year (YYYY) when the album was released. ReleaseYear *int `json:"release_year,omitempty"` // Composer is the composer of the piece. Composer *string `json:"composer,omitempty"` // SectionStart is the start time of the section in seconds. SectionStart *float64 `json:"section_start,omitempty"` // SectionEnd is the end time of the section in seconds. SectionEnd *float64 `json:"section_end,omitempty"` // Rows is the number of rows in each storyboard fragment, as an integer. Rows *int `json:"rows,omitempty"` // Columns is the number of columns in each storyboard fragment, as an integer. Columns *int `json:"columns,omitempty"` // Extractor is the name of the extractor. Extractor *string `json:"extractor,omitempty"` // ExtractorKey is the key name of the extractor. ExtractorKey *string `json:"extractor_key,omitempty"` // WebpageURLBasename is the basename of [ExtractedInfo.WebpageURL]. WebpageURLBasename *string `json:"webpage_url_basename,omitempty"` // WebpageURLDomain is the domain name of [ExtractedInfo.WebpageURL]. WebpageURLDomain *string `json:"webpage_url_domain,omitempty"` // Autonumber is a five-digit number that will be increased with each download, // starting at zero. Autonumber float64 `json:"autonumber"` // Epoch is the unix epoch when creating the file. Epoch *float64 `json:"epoch,omitempty"` // Playlist entries if _type is playlist Entries []*ExtractedInfo `json:"entries"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParseExtractedInfo ΒΆ
func ParseExtractedInfo(msg *json.RawMessage) (info *ExtractedInfo, err error)
ParseExtractedInfo parses the extracted info from msg. ParseExtractedInfo will also clean the returned results to remove some ytdlp-isims, such as "none" for some string fields.
type ExtractedLiveStatus ΒΆ
type ExtractedLiveStatus string
const ( ExtractedLiveStatusIsLive ExtractedLiveStatus = "is_live" ExtractedLiveStatusIsUpcoming ExtractedLiveStatus = "is_upcoming" ExtractedLiveStatusWasLive ExtractedLiveStatus = "was_live" ExtractedLiveStatusNotLive ExtractedLiveStatus = "not_live" ExtractedLiveStatusPostLive ExtractedLiveStatus = "post_live" // Was live, but VOD is not yet processed. )
type ExtractedSubtitle ΒΆ
type ExtractedSubtitle struct { // URL of the subtitle file. URL string `json:"url"` // Data contains the subtitle file contents. Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // Name or description of the subtitle. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // HTTPHeaders are additional HTTP headers to be sent with the request. HTTPHeaders map[string]string `json:"http_headers,omitempty"` }
type ExtractedThumbnail ΒΆ
type ExtractedThumbnail struct { // ID is the thumbnail format ID ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // URL of the thumbnail. URL string `json:"url"` // Preference is the quality ordering of the image. Preference *int `json:"preference,omitempty"` // Width of the thumbnail. Width *int `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height of the thumbnail. Height *int `json:"height,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Resolution is the textual description of width and height as "WIDTHxHEIGHT". Resolution *string `json:"resolution,omitempty"` // FileSize is the number of bytes, if known in advance. FileSize *int `json:"filesize,omitempty"` // HTTPHeaders are additional HTTP headers to be sent with the request. HTTPHeaders map[string]string `json:"http_headers,omitempty"` }
type ExtractedType ΒΆ
type ExtractedType string
const ( ExtractedTypeAny ExtractedType = "any" ExtractedTypeSingle ExtractedType = "single" ExtractedTypePlaylist ExtractedType = "playlist" ExtractedTypeMultiVideo ExtractedType = "multi_video" ExtractedTypeURL ExtractedType = "url" ExtractedTypeURLTransparent ExtractedType = "url_transparent" )
type ExtractedVersion ΒΆ
type ExtractedVersion struct { // CurrentGitHead is the git commit hash of the yt-dlp install that returned // this data. CurrentGitHead *string `json:"current_git_head,omitempty"` // ReleaseGitHead is the git commit hash of the currently available yt-dlp // release. ReleaseGitHead *string `json:"release_git_head,omitempty"` // Repository is the name of the repository where yt-dlp is hosted. Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Version is the version number of the yt-dlp install that returned this data. Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
type ExtractedVideoComment ΒΆ
type ExtractedVideoComment struct { // Author is the human-readable name of the comment author. Author *string `json:"author,omitempty"` // AuthorID is the user ID of the comment author. AuthorID *string `json:"author_id,omitempty"` // AuthorThumbnail is the thumbnail of the comment author. AuthorThumbnail *string `json:"author_thumbnail,omitempty"` // AuthorURL is the URL to the comment author's page. AuthorURL *string `json:"author_url,omitempty"` // AuthorIsVerified is true if the author is verified on the platform. AuthorIsVerified *bool `json:"author_is_verified,omitempty"` // AuthorIsUploader is true if the comment is made by the video uploader. AuthorIsUploader *bool `json:"author_is_uploader,omitempty"` // ID is the comment ID. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // HTML is the comment as HTML. HTML *string `json:"html,omitempty"` // Text is the plain text of the comment. Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Timestamp is the UNIX timestamp of comment. Timestamp *float64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Parent is the ID of the comment this one is replying to. Set to "root" to // indicate that this is a comment to the original video. Parent *string `json:"parent,omitempty"` // LikeCount is the number of positive ratings of the comment. LikeCount *float64 `json:"like_count,omitempty"` // DislikeCount is the number of negative ratings of the comment. DislikeCount *float64 `json:"dislike_count,omitempty"` // IsFavorited is true if the comment is marked as favorite by the video uploader. IsFavorited *bool `json:"is_favorited,omitempty"` // IsPinned is true if the comment is pinned to the top of the comments. IsPinned *bool `json:"is_pinned,omitempty"` }
type Extractor ΒΆ
type Extractor struct { // Name of the extractor. Name string `json:"name"` // Description of the extractor. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // AgeLimit of the extractor. AgeLimit int `json:"age_limit,omitempty"` }
Extractor contains information about a specific yt-dlp extractor. Extractors are used to extract information from a specific URL, and subsequently download the video/audio.
type FixupOption ΒΆ
type FixupOption string
FixupOption are parameter types for [Fixup].
var ( FixupNever FixupOption = "never" FixupIgnore FixupOption = "ignore" FixupWarn FixupOption = "warn" FixupDetectOrWarn FixupOption = "detect_or_warn" FixupForce FixupOption = "force" )
type Flag ΒΆ
type InstallOptions ΒΆ
type InstallOptions struct { // DisableDownload is a simple toggle to never allow downloading, which would // be the same as never calling [Install] or [MustInstall] in the first place. DisableDownload bool // DisableChecksum disables checksum verification when downloading. DisableChecksum bool // AllowVersionMismatch allows mismatched versions to be used and installed. // This will only be used when the yt-dlp executable is resolved outside of // go-ytdlp's cache. // // AllowVersionMismatch is ignored if DisableDownload is true. AllowVersionMismatch bool // DownloadURL is the exact url to the binary location to download (and store). // Leave empty to use GitHub + auto-detected os/arch. DownloadURL string }
InstallOptions are configuration options for installing yt-dlp dynamically (when it's not already installed).
type ProgressCallbackFunc ΒΆ
type ProgressCallbackFunc func(update ProgressUpdate)
ProgressCallbackFunc is a callback function that is called when (if) we receive progress updates from yt-dlp.
type ProgressStatus ΒΆ
type ProgressStatus string
ProgressStatus is the status of the download progress.
const ( ProgressStatusStarting ProgressStatus = "starting" ProgressStatusDownloading ProgressStatus = "downloading" ProgressStatusPostProcessing ProgressStatus = "post_processing" ProgressStatusError ProgressStatus = "error" ProgressStatusFinished ProgressStatus = "finished" )
func (ProgressStatus) IsCompletedType ΒΆ
func (s ProgressStatus) IsCompletedType() bool
type ProgressUpdate ΒΆ
type ProgressUpdate struct { Info *ExtractedInfo `json:"info"` // Status is the current status of the download. Status ProgressStatus `json:"status"` // TotalBytes is the total number of bytes in the download. If yt-dlp is unable // to determine the total bytes, this will be 0. TotalBytes int `json:"total_bytes"` // DownloadedBytes is the number of bytes that have been downloaded so far. DownloadedBytes int `json:"downloaded_bytes"` // FragmentIndex is the index of the current fragment being downloaded. FragmentIndex int `json:"fragment_index,omitempty"` // FragmentCount is the total number of fragments in the download. FragmentCount int `json:"fragment_count,omitempty"` // Filename is the filename of the video being downloaded, if available. Note that // this is not necessarily the same as the destination file, as post-processing // may merge multiple files into one. Filename string `json:"filename"` // Started is the time the download started. Started time.Time `json:"started"` // Finished is the time the download finished. If the download is still in progress, // this will be zero. You can validate with IsZero(). Finished time.Time `json:"finished,omitempty"` }
ProgressUpdate is a point-in-time snapshot of the download progress.
func (*ProgressUpdate) Duration ΒΆ
func (p *ProgressUpdate) Duration() time.Duration
Duration returns the duration of the download. If the download is still in progress, it will return the time since the download started.
func (*ProgressUpdate) ETA ΒΆ
func (p *ProgressUpdate) ETA() time.Duration
ETA returns the estimated time until the download is complete. If the download is complete, or hasn't started yet, it will return 0.
func (*ProgressUpdate) Percent ΒΆ
func (p *ProgressUpdate) Percent() float64
Percent returns the percentage of the download that has been completed. If yt-dlp is unable to determine the total bytes, it will return 0.
func (*ProgressUpdate) PercentString ΒΆ
func (p *ProgressUpdate) PercentString() string
PercentString is like Percent, but returns a string representation of the percentage.
type ResolvedInstall ΒΆ
type ResolvedInstall struct { Executable string // Path to the yt-dlp executable. Version string // Version of yt-dlp that was resolved. If [InstallOptions.AllowVersionMismatch] is specified, this will be empty. FromCache bool // Whether the executable was resolved from the cache. Downloaded bool // Whether the executable was downloaded during this invocation. }
ResolvedInstall is the found yt-dlp executable.
func Install ΒΆ
func Install(ctx context.Context, opts *InstallOptions) (*ResolvedInstall, error)
Install will check to see if yt-dlp is installed (if it's the right version), and if not, will download it from GitHub. If yt-dlp is already installed, it will check to see if the version matches (unless disabled with [AllowVersionMismatch]), and if not, will download the same version that go-ytdlp (the version you are using) was built with.
Note: If Install is not called, go-ytdlp WILL NOT DOWNLOAD yt-dlp. Only use this function if you want to ensure yt-dlp is installed, and are ok with it being downloaded.
type Result ΒΆ
type Result struct { // Executable is the path to the yt-dlp executable that was invoked. Executable string `json:"executable"` // Args are the arguments that were passed to yt-dlp, excluding the executable. Args []string `json:"args"` // ExitCode is the exit code of the yt-dlp process. ExitCode int `json:"exit_code"` // Stdout is the stdout of the yt-dlp process, with trailing newlines removed. Stdout string `json:"stdout"` // Stderr is the stderr of the yt-dlp process, with trailing newlines removed. Stderr string `json:"stderr"` // OutputLogs are the stdout/stderr logs, sorted by timestamp, and any JSON // parsed (if configured with [Command.PrintJson]). OutputLogs []*ResultLog `json:"output_logs"` }
Result contains the yt-dlp execution results, including stdout/stderr, exit code, and any output logs. Note that output logs should already be pre-processed via [Result.OutputLogs], which will be sorted by timestamp, and any JSON parsed (if configured with [Command.PrintJson] or similar).
func (*Result) GetExtractedInfo ΒΆ
func (r *Result) GetExtractedInfo() (info []*ExtractedInfo, err error)
GetExtractedInfo returns the extracted info from the yt-dlp output logs. Note that this will only return info if yt-dlp was invoked with [Command.PrintJson] or similar.