
v0.0.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 7, 2020 License: MIT


The official Go client library for interacting with the Tangle

Developer documentation portal

Auto-generated docs Discord StackExchange MIT license Supported IRI API endpoints Code quality Build status

AboutPrerequisitesInstallationGetting startedAPI referenceExamplesSupporting the projectJoining the discussion


This is the official Go client library, which allows you to do the following:

  • Create transactions
  • Read transactions
  • Sign transactions
  • Generate addresses

This is beta software, so there may be performance and stability issues. Please report any issues in our issue tracker.


To install the IOTA Go client library and its dependencies, we recommend that you use vgo modules (since Go 1.11) to manage dependencies in your project.


To download the IOTA Go client library and its dependencies, do the following:

  1. In any directory outside of GOPATH, initiate your project:

    $ go mod init <your-module-path>

Note: Change the placeholder to your chosen path such as

  1. Download the library:

    $ go get

This command downloads the latest version of the IOTA Go client library and writes the version into the go.mod file (vgo is go get agnostic).

Getting started

After you've downloaded the library, you can connect to an IRI node to send transactions to it and interact with the ledger. An extended guide can be found on our documentation portal, we strongly recommend you to go here for starting off. A quick starting tutorial is shown below.

  1. To connect to a local IRI node, do the following:

    package main
    import (
        . ""
    var endpoint = "<node-url>"
    func main() {
    	// compose a new API instance
    	api, err := ComposeAPI(HTTPClientSettings{URI: endpoint})
    	nodeInfo, err := api.GetNodeInfo()
    	fmt.Println("latest milestone index:", nodeInfo.LatestMilestoneIndex)
    func must(err error) {
    	if err != nil {

API reference

For details on all available API methods, see the API folder.


We have a list of test cases in the examples directory that you can use as a reference when developing apps with IOTA.

Here's how you could send a zero-value transaction, using the library. For the guide, see the documentation portal.

var node = ""

// Define a seed and an address.
// These do not need to belong to anyone or have IOTA tokens.
// They must only contain a maximum of 81 trytes
// or 90 trytes with a valid checksum

// Define a message to send.
// This message must include only ASCII characters.
var data = "{'message' : 'Hello world'}"

const minimumWeightMagnitude = 9
const depth = 3

func main() {
    // compose a new API instance, we provide no PoW function so this uses remote PoW
    api, err := ComposeAPI(HTTPClientSettings{URI: node})

    // Convert the message to trytes
    message, err := converter.ASCIIToTrytes(data)

    // Define a zero-value transaction object
    // that sends the message to the address
    transfers := bundle.Transfers{
            Address: address,
            Value: 0,
            Message: message,
    // Use the default options
    prepTransferOpts := PrepareTransfersOptions{}

    trytes, err := api.PrepareTransfers(seed, transfers, prepTransferOpts)
    // Create a bundle from the `transfers` object
    // and send the transaction to the node
    myBundle, err := api.SendTrytes(trytes, depth, minimumWeightMagnitude)

    fmt.Println("Bundle hash: " + myBundle[0].Bundle)

func must(err error) {
    if err != nil {

Native code and PoW

If the library is compiled with CGO enabled, certain functions such as Curl's transform() method will run native C code for increased speed.

Certain PoW implementations are enabled if the correct flags are passed while compiling your program:

  • pow_avx for AVX based PoW
  • pow_sse for SSE based PoW
  • pow_c128 for C int128 based using PoW
  • pow_arm_c128 for ARM64 int128 C based PoW
  • pow_c for C based PoW

If you want to use local PoW, make sure you define LocalProofOfWorkFunc in your provider settings such as HTTPClientSettings.

Supporting the project

We thank everyone for their contributions. In order for your pull requests to be accepted, they must fulfill the following criteria:

  • You must write tests for your additions with Ginkgo
  • You must write example code that desribes the parameters and the functionality of your additions
  • Your pull request must pass the continuous integration configuration

See the contributing guidelines for more information.

Writing tests with Ginkgo

Before your pull requests can be accepted, you must test your code in Ginkgo.

  1. Download Ginkgo:

    $ go get
    $ go get
  2. If you've written a new package, generate a corresponding test-suite file:

    $ cd <dir-of-your-package>
    $ ginkgo bootstrap
  3. Generate a new testing file:

    $ ginkgo generate <package-name>

After creating a testing file, you'll have following two files:

  • _suite_test.go
  • _test.go

Note: You can use the existing tests as a reference on how to write Ginkgo tests or you can read the documentation.

  1. Run your tests:

    $ go test -v
    === RUN   TestAddress
    Running Suite: Address Suite
    Random Seed: 1542616006
    Will run 11 of 11 specs
    Ran 11 of 11 Specs in 0.261 seconds
    SUCCESS! -- 11 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
    --- PASS: TestAddress (0.26s)
    ok	0.264s

Writing documentation and example code

While gives a good enough documentation of the package already, the IOTA Foundation's documentation portal needs additional information, such as parameter description, examples and so on.

  1. If non existent, add a .examples directory in your newly created package

  2. Create a new file with the following convention: <package-name>_examples_test.go inside the .examples directory

  3. Write examples in the following schema:

// i req: s, The ASCII string to convert to Trytes.
// o: Trytes, The Trytes representation of the input ASCII string.
// o: error, Returned for non ASCII string inputs.
func ExampleASCIIToTrytes() {
	trytes, err := converter.ASCIIToTrytes("IOTA")
	if err != nil {
		// handle error
	fmt.Println(trytes) // output: "SBYBCCKB"
Symbol Description
i req Describes a parameter to the function.
i Describes an optional parameter to the function.
o Describes a return value of the function.


  • For parameters: <symbol>: <parameter_name>, <description>.
  • For return values: <symbol>: <type>, <description>.
  • Example function: Example<OriginFunctionName>

Joining the discussion

If you want to get involved in the community, need help with getting setup, have any issues related with the library or just want to discuss blockchain, distributed ledgers, and IoT with other people, feel free to join our Discord.


Path Synopsis
Package address provides primitives for generating and validating addresses (with and without checksum).
Package address provides primitives for generating and validating addresses (with and without checksum).
Package api provides an API object for interacting with IRI nodes.
Package api provides an API object for interacting with IRI nodes.
Package bundle provides primitives to create and validate bundles.
Package bundle provides primitives to create and validate bundles.
Package checksum provides functions for adding/removing checksums from supplied Trytes.
Package checksum provides functions for adding/removing checksums from supplied Trytes.
Package consts contains constants used throughout the entire library and errors.
Package consts contains constants used throughout the entire library and errors.
Package converter provides functions for ASCII to Trytes conversion (and vice-versa).
Package converter provides functions for ASCII to Trytes conversion (and vice-versa).
Package curl implements the Curl hashing function.
Package curl implements the Curl hashing function.
Package bct implements the BCT Curl hashing function computing multiple Curl hashes in parallel.
Package bct implements the BCT Curl hashing function computing multiple Curl hashes in parallel.
Package curl implements the Curl hashing function.
Package curl implements the Curl hashing function.
Package ascii implements a ternary encoding ASCII strings.
Package ascii implements a ternary encoding ASCII strings.
Package b1t6 implements the b1t6 encoding encoding which uses a group of 6 trits to encode each byte.
Package b1t6 implements the b1t6 encoding encoding which uses a group of 6 trits to encode each byte.
Package t5b1 implements the t5b1 encoding encoding which uses one byte to represent each 5-trit group.
Package t5b1 implements the t5b1 encoding encoding which uses one byte to represent each 5-trit group.
Package guards provides validation functions which are used throughout the entire library.
Package guards provides validation functions which are used throughout the entire library.
Package validators leverages package guards to provide easy to use validation functions.
Package validators leverages package guards to provide easy to use validation functions.
Package kerl implements the Kerl hashing function.
Package kerl implements the Kerl hashing function.
Package bigint contains a very lightweight and high-performance implementation of unsigned multi-precision integers.
Package bigint contains a very lightweight and high-performance implementation of unsigned multi-precision integers.
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 fixed-output-length hash functions and the SHAKE variable-output-length hash functions defined by FIPS-202.
Package mam provides functions for creating Masked Authentication Messaging messages Package mam provides functions for creating Masked Authentication Messaging messages
Package mam provides functions for creating Masked Authentication Messaging messages Package mam provides functions for creating Masked Authentication Messaging messages
Package merkle provides functions for creating and validating MAM compatible Merkle trees.
Package merkle provides functions for creating and validating MAM compatible Merkle trees.
Package signing provides implements the signing scheme used in MAM.
Package signing provides implements the signing scheme used in MAM.
Package merkle provides functions and types to deal with the creation and storage of Merkle trees, using the secure SHAKE256 KDF implemented in the signing/key package: thus not being affected by the the infamous M-Bug.
Package merkle provides functions and types to deal with the creation and storage of Merkle trees, using the secure SHAKE256 KDF implemented in the signing/key package: thus not being affected by the the infamous M-Bug.
Package multisig provides functionality for creating multisig bundles.
Package multisig provides functionality for creating multisig bundles.
Package pow provides Proof-of-Work implementations.
Package pow provides Proof-of-Work implementations.
Package signing provides functions for creating and validating essential cryptographic components in IOTA, such as subseeds, keys, digests and signatures.
Package signing provides functions for creating and validating essential cryptographic components in IOTA, such as subseeds, keys, digests and signatures.
Package key provides functions to derive private keys from the provided entropy, e.g.
Package key provides functions to derive private keys from the provided entropy, e.g.
Package sponge provides an interface for the sponge functions in IOTA.
Package sponge provides an interface for the sponge functions in IOTA.
Package transaction provides functions for parsing transactions, extracting JSON data from them, conversions and validation.
Package transaction provides functions for parsing transactions, extracting JSON data from them, conversions and validation.
Package trinary provides functions for validating and converting Trits and Trytes.
Package trinary provides functions for validating and converting Trits and Trytes.
Package units provides functions for converting different units of IOTAs.
Package units provides functions for converting different units of IOTAs.

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