
package module
v2.0.9 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Dec 29, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 1


Go API Reference Latest Release

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gobalt v2

(cobalt api v10.0.0+)

This is the version 2 of the gobalt library, intended for interecting with cobalt recent version (v10.0.0 and up). If you're upgrading from v1, note that there some breaking changes.

This version IS NOT compatible with cobalt previous version (v7.15 and lower), use the v1 version if you want to use the older api, it will be maintained until 31/December/2024.

Gobalt provides a way to communicate with cobalt.tools using Go. To use it in your projects, simply run this command:

go get -u github.com/lostdusty/gobalt/v2


First, make sure you call gobalt.CreateDefaultSettings() to create the Settings struct with default values, then set an url.

//Creates a Settings struct with default values, and save it to downloadMedia variable.
downloadMedia := gobalt.CreateDefaultSettings()

//Sets the URL, you MUST set one before downloading the media.
downloadMedia.Url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"

//After changing the url, Do() will make the necessary requests to cobalt to download your media
destination, err := gobalt.Do(downloadMedia)
if err != nil {
    //Handle errors here

//Prints out the url from cobalt to download the requested media.
//Output example: https://us4-co.wuk.sh/api/stream?t=wTn-71aaWAcV2RBejNFNV&e=1711777798864&h=fMtwwtW8AUmtTLB24DGjJJjrq1EJDBFaCDoDuZpX0pA&s=_YVZhz8fnzBBKKo7UZmGWOqfe4wWwH5P1azdgBqwf-I&i=6tGZqAXbW08_6KmAiLevZA


Server info

You can query information about any cobalt server by using CobaltServerInfo(apiurl). This will return a ServerInfo struct with this info.

Example code:

server, err := gobalt.CobaltServerInfo(gobalt.CobaltApi)
if err != nil {
	 //Handle the error here
fmt.Printf("Downloading from %v!\n", server.URL)
//Output: Downloading from https://us4-co.wuk.sh/!

Use/Query other cobalt instances

Using GetCobaltInstances() fetches a community maintaned list of third-party cobalt instances ran by the community, except for *-co.wuk.sh, none of them are "official" cobalt instances. Use them if you can't download from the main instance for whatever reason.


cobalt, err := gobalt.GetCobaltInstances()
if err != nil { 
    //Handle errors here
fmt.Printf("Found %v online cobalt servers: ", len(cobalt))
for _, value := range cobalt {
	fmt.Printf("%v, ", value.URL)
/* Output: 
* Found 8 online cobalt servers: co.wuk.sh, cobalt-api.hyper.lol, cobalt.api.timelessnesses.me, api-dl.cgm.rs, cobalt.synzr.space, capi.oak.li, co.tskau.team, api.co.rooot.gay




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const (
	Audio downloadMode = "audio" //Download only the audio.
	Auto  downloadMode = "auto"  //Auto mode, audio + video (if video is present).
	Mute  downloadMode = "mute"  //Downloads only the video, no audio.
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const (
	H264 videoCodecs = "h264" //Default codec that is supported everywhere. Recommended for social media/phones, but tops up at 1080p.
	AV1  videoCodecs = "av1"  //Recent codec, supports 8K/HDR. Generally less supported by media players, social media, etc.
	VP9  videoCodecs = "vp9"  //Best quality codec with higher bitrate (preserve most detail), goes up to 4K and supports HDR.
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const (
	Best audioCodec = "best" //When "best" format is selected, you get audio the way it is on service's side. it's not re-encoded.
	Opus audioCodec = "opus" //Re-encodes the audio using Opus codec. It's a lossy codec with low complexity. Works in Android 10+, Windows 10 1809+, MacOS High Sierra/iOS 17+.
	Ogg  audioCodec = "ogg"  //Re-encodes to ogg, an older lossy audio codec. Should work everywhere.
	Wav  audioCodec = "wav"  //Re-encodes to wav, an even older format. Good compatibility for older systems, like Windows 98. Tops up at 4GiB.
	MP3  audioCodec = "mp3"  //Re-encodes to mp3, the format used basically everywhere. Lossy audio, but generally good player/social media support. Can degrade quality as time passes.
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const (
	Classic pattern = "classic" //Looks like this: youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_1920x1080_h264.mp4 | audio: youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_audio.mp3
	Basic   pattern = "basic"   //Looks like: Video Title (1080p, h264).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio Author.mp3
	Nerdy   pattern = "nerdy"   //Looks like this: Video Title (1080p, h264, youtube, yPYZpwSpKmA).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio Author (soundcloud, 1242868615).mp3
	Pretty  pattern = "pretty"  //Looks like: Video Title (1080p, h264, youtube).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio Author (soundcloud).mp3


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var (
	CobaltApi = "https://cobalt-api.kwiatekmiki.com" //Override this value to use your own cobalt instance. See https://instances.cobalt.best for alternatives from the main instance.
	Client    = http.Client{
		Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
	} //This allows you to modify the HTTP Client used in requests. This Client will be re-used.

	ApiKey = os.Getenv("COBALT_API_KEY") //Some instances need an API key to work, set it here. Default is from environment variable `COBALT_API_KEY`.
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var (
	// Map machine-readable error codes to human-readable error messages.
	ErrDescriptions = map[string]string{
		"error.api.auth.key.invalid":          "no api key was provided, please provide an api key to use this server",
		"error.api.auth.jwt.missing":          "this server supports API keys, but you didn't provide one",
		"error.api.auth.jwt.invalid":          "the api key you provided is invalid",
		"error.api.auth.turnstile.missing":    "this instance uses turnstile",
		"error.api.auth.turnstile.invalid":    "the turnstile token you provided is invalid",
		"error.api.rate_exceeded":             "you are making too many requests! try again later",
		"error.api.capacity":                  "this cobalt server can't process your request right now",
		"error.api.generic":                   "something went wrong on the server side, try again, and if it still doesn't work, contact the server owner",
		"error.api.unknown_response":          "the server returned an unknown response",
		"error.api.service.unsupported":       "this cobalt server doesn't support the service you're trying to use",
		"error.api.service.disabled":          "the service you're trying to download is disabled on this server",
		"error.api.link.invalid":              "the link you provided is invalid, is this a valid link?",
		"error.api.link.unsupported":          "the link you provided is supported, but cobalt couldn't recognize it, is your link correct?",
		"error.api.fetch.fail":                "an unknown error occurred while fetching the media, does this link works?",
		"error.api.fetch.critical":            "the service you're trying to download is returning something unexpected, try again later",
		"error.api.fetch.empty":               "the service you're trying to download is returning an empty response, try again later",
		"error.api.fetch.rate":                "the cobalt server got rate-limited by the service you're trying to download, try again later",
		"error.api.content.too_long":          "the media you're trying to download is too long, try downloading a shorter video",
		"error.api.content.video.unavailable": "either the video you're trying to download is region-locked, or the service is blocking cobalt",
		"error.api.content.video.live":        "the video you're trying to download is live, and cobalt can't download live videos",
		"error.api.content.video.age":         "the video you're trying to download is age-restricted, and cobalt can't download age-restricted videos",
		"error.api.content.video.private":     "the video you're trying to download is private, make sure it's public or unlisted",
		"error.api.content.video.region":      "the video you're trying to download is region restricted",
		"error.api.youtube.codec":             "try using a different codec, this video doesn't have the codec you're trying to download",
		"error.api.youtube.decipher":          "cobalt couldn't decipher the video, try again later",
		"error.api.youtube.login":             "youtube marked the processing server as a bot, tell the owner to check cookies",
		"error.api.youtube.token_expired":     "the youtube token expired, try again in a few seconds, but if it still doesn't work, tell the instance owner about this error",
		"error.api.youtube.no_hls_streams":    "the video you're trying to download doesn't have any HLS streams, try other settings",
		"error.net.failed":                    "unable to connect to the cobalt server, check your internet connection, the server status, and try again",
		"error.net.generic":                   "an unknown error occurred while connecting to the cobalt server.",
		"error.net.invalid_response":          "the cobalt server returned an invalid response, try again later",


func ResolveError added in v2.0.9

func ResolveError(code error) string

ResolveError(error) returns a human-readable error message from the error code.


type CobaltGitInformation

type CobaltGitInformation struct {
	Branch string `json:"branch"` //Git branch the cobalt instance is using.
	Commit string `json:"commit"` //Git commit the cobalt instance is using.
	Remote string `json:"remote"` //Git repository name used by the cobalt instance.

This is ServerInfo.Git struct, it contains informtions about the git commit (from cobalt) the server is using.

type CobaltInstance

type CobaltInstance []struct {
	API      string       `json:"api"`
	Branch   string       `json:"branch"`
	Commit   string       `json:"commit"`
	Cors     bool         `json:"cors"`
	Frontend string       `json:"frontend"`
	Name     string       `json:"name"`
	Nodomain bool         `json:"nodomain"`
	Online   OnlineStatus `json:"online"`
	Protocol string       `json:"protocol"`
	Score    int          `json:"score"`
	//Services EnabledServices `json:"services"`
	Trust   int    `json:"trust"`
	Version string `json:"version"`

CobaltInstance is a struct that contains information about a cobalt instance.

func GetCobaltInstances

func GetCobaltInstances() (CobaltInstance, error)

GetCobaltInstances makes a request to instances.cobalt.best and returns a list of all online cobalt instances.

type CobaltResponse

type CobaltResponse struct {
	Status string `json:"status"` //4 possible status. Error = Something went wrong, see CobaltResponse.Error.Code | Tunnel or Redirect = Everything is right. | Picker = Multiple media, see CobaltResponse.Picker.
	Picker *[]struct {
		Type  string `json:"type"`  //Type of the media, either photo, video or gif
		URL   string `json:"url"`   //Url to download.
		Thumb string `json:"thumb"` //Media preview url, optional.
	} `json:"picker"`
	URL      string     `json:"url"`      //Returns the download link. If the status is picker this field will be empty. Direct link to a file or a link to cobalt's live render.
	Filename string     `json:"filename"` //Various text, mostly used for errors.
	Error    *Error     `json:"error"`    //Error information, may be <NIL> if theres no error.
	Server   ServerInfo //Server information, see ServerInfo struct.

Cobalt response to your request

func Run

func Run(options Settings) (*CobaltResponse, error)

Run(gobalt.Settings) sends the request to the provided cobalt api and returns the server response (gobalt.CobaltResponse) and error, use this to download something AFTER setting your desired configuration. Use ErrDescriptions to get a human-readable error message from the error code.

type CobaltServerInformation

type CobaltServerInformation struct {
	Version       string   `json:"version"`       //Cobalt version running.
	URL           string   `json:"url"`           //Backend URL of the cobalt server.
	StartTime     string   `json:"startTime"`     //Time when the server started in Unix miliseconds.
	DurationLimit int      `json:"durationLimit"` //Maximum media lenght you can download in seconds. 10800 seconds = 3 hours.
	Services      []string `json:"services"`      //List of configured/enabled services on the instance.

This is ServerInfo.Cobalt struct, it contains information about the cobalt backend running on the server.

type Context

type Context struct {
	Service string `json:"service"`         //What service failed.
	Limit   int    `json:"limit,omitempty"` //Number providing the ratelimit maximum number of requests, or maximum downloadable video duration

type EnabledServices added in v2.0.6

type EnabledServices struct {
	Bilibili      bool   `json:"bilibili"`
	BilibiliTv    bool   `json:"bilibili_tv"`
	Bluesky       bool   `json:"bluesky"`
	Dailymotion   bool   `json:"dailymotion"`
	Facebook      bool   `json:"facebook"`
	Instagram     bool   `json:"instagram"`
	Loom          bool   `json:"loom"`
	Odnoklassniki bool   `json:"odnoklassniki"`
	Pinterest     bool   `json:"pinterest"`
	Reddit        bool   `json:"reddit"`
	Rutube        bool   `json:"rutube"`
	Snapchat      bool   `json:"snapchat"`
	Soundcloud    bool   `json:"soundcloud"`
	Streamable    bool   `json:"streamable"`
	Tiktok        bool   `json:"tiktok"`
	Tumblr        bool   `json:"tumblr"`
	Twitch        bool   `json:"twitch"`
	Twitter       bool   `json:"twitter"`
	Vimeo         bool   `json:"vimeo"`
	Vine          bool   `json:"vine"`
	Vk            bool   `json:"vk"`
	Youtube       string `json:"youtube"`
	YoutubeMusic  string `json:"youtube_music"`
	YoutubeShorts string `json:"youtube_shorts"`

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code    string  `json:"code"`    // Machine-readable error code explaining the failure reason.
	Context Context `json:"context"` //(optional) container for providing more context.

type MediaInfo deprecated

type MediaInfo struct {
	Size uint   //Media size in bytes.
	Name string //Media name.
	Type string //Mime type of the media.

Deprecated: Cobalt response returns the file name and size.

func ProcessMedia

func ProcessMedia(url string) (*MediaInfo, error)

ProcessMedia(url) attempts to fetch the file size, mime type and name. Deprecated: Cobalt response returns the file name and size.

type OnlineStatus added in v2.0.6

type OnlineStatus struct {
	API      bool `json:"api"`
	Frontend bool `json:"frontend"`

type Playlist added in v2.0.2

type Playlist []string

This slice will contain urls of Youtube videos

func GetYoutubePlaylist added in v2.0.2

func GetYoutubePlaylist(playlist string) (Playlist, error)

Function GetYoutubePlaylist(string) gets an Youtube playlist has parameter, and returns a slice []Playlist with the urls of the playlist.

type ServerInfo

type ServerInfo struct {
	Cobalt CobaltServerInformation `json:"cobalt"`
	Git    CobaltGitInformation    `json:"git"`

ServerInfo is the struct used in the function CobaltServerInfo(). It contains two sub-structs: Cobalt and Git

func CobaltServerInfo

func CobaltServerInfo(api string) (*ServerInfo, error)

CobaltServerInfo(api) gets the server information and returns ServerInfo struct.

This function is called before Run() to check if the cobalt server used is reachable. If you can't contact the main server, try using another instance using GetCobaltinstances().

type Settings

type Settings struct {
	Url                   string       `json:"url"`                   //Any URL from bilibili.com, instagram, pinterest, reddit, rutube, soundcloud, streamable, tiktok, tumblr, twitch clips, twitter/x, vimeo, vine archive, vk or youtube (as long it's configured on the instance).
	Mode                  downloadMode `json:"downloadMode"`          //Mode to download the videos, either Auto, Audio or Mute. Default: Auto
	Proxy                 bool         `json:"alwaysProxy"`           //Tunnel downloaded file thru cobalt, bypassing potential restrictions and protecting your identity and privacy. Default: false
	AudioBitrate          int          `json:"audioBitrate,string"`   //Audio Bitrate settings. Values: 320Kbps, 256Kbps, 128Kbps, 96Kbps, 64Kbps or 8Kbps. Default: 128
	AudioFormat           audioCodec   `json:"audioFormat"`           //"Best", .mp3, .opus, .ogg or .wav. If not specified will default to "Best".
	FilenameStyle         pattern      `json:"filenameStyle"`         //"Classic", "Basic", "Pretty" or "Nerdy". Default is "Basic".
	DisableMetadata       bool         `json:"disableMetadata"`       //Don't include file metadata. Default: false
	TikTokH265            bool         `json:"tiktokH265"`            //Allows downloading TikTok videos in 1080p at cost of compatibility. Default: false
	TikTokFullAudio       bool         `json:"tiktokFullAudio"`       //Enables download of original sound used in a TikTok video. Default: false
	TwitterConvertGif     bool         `json:"twitterGif"`            //Changes whether twitter gifs should be converted to .gif (Twitter gifs are usually looping .mp4s). Default: true
	VideoQuality          int          `json:"videoQuality,string"`   //144p to 2160p (4K), if not specified will default to 1080p.
	YoutubeDubbedAudio    bool         `json:"youtubeDubBrowserLang"` //Downloads the YouTube dubbed audio according to the value set in YoutubeDubbedLanguage (and if present). Default is English (US). Follows the ISO 639-1 standard.
	YoutubeDubbedLanguage string       `json:"youtubeDubLang"`        //Language code to download the dubbed audio, Default is "en".
	YoutubeHLS            bool         `json:"youtubeHLS"`            //Enables downloading YouTube videos using HLS streams. (Less prone to fail) Default: true
	YoutubeVideoFormat    videoCodecs  `json:"youtubeVideoCodec"`     //Which video format to download from YouTube, see videoCodecs type for details.

Struct Settings contains changable options that you can change before download. An URL MUST be set before calling gobalt.Run(Settings).

func CreateDefaultSettings

func CreateDefaultSettings() Settings

This function creates the Settings struct with these default values:

  • Url: "" (empty)
  • YoutubeVideoFormat: `H264`
  • VideoQuality: `1080`
  • AudioFormat: `Best`
  • AudioBitrate: `128`
  • FilenameStyle: `Basic`
  • TwitterConvertGif: `true`
  • Mode: `Auto`

You MUST set an url before calling Run().

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL