Gojay code generator
This package provides a command line tool to generate gojay's marshaling and unmarshing interface implementation for struct, slice and map types.
Get started
go install github.com/francoispqt/gojay/gojay
Generate code
Basic command
The basic command is straightforward and easy to use:
gojay github.com/some/package TypeA,TypeB,TypeC output.go
If you just want to the output to stdout, omit the third parameter.
Using flags
- p package to parse, relative path to $GOPATH/src
- s file/dir to path, can be a relative or absolute path
- t types to generate (comma separated)
- o output file (relative or absolute path)
- Specific types in a go package, to stdout:
gojay -p github.com/francoispqt/gojay/gojay/tests -t A,B,StrSlice
- Specific types in a go package, write to a file:
gojay -p github.com/francoispqt/gojay/gojay/tests -t A,B,StrSlice -o output.go
- Specific types in a go file, to stdout:
gojay -s somegofile.go -t SomeType
You can add tags to your structs to control:
- the JSON key
- skip a struct field only for unmarshaling
- skip a struct field only for marshaling
- skip a struct field
- the use of omit empty methods for marshaling
type A struct {
Str string `gojay:"string"`
StrOmitEmpty string `gojay:"string,omitempty"`
SkipUnmarshal string `gojay:"skipUnmarshal,-u"`
SkipMarshal string `gojay:"skipMarshal,-m"`
Skip string `gojay:"-"`