
package module
v0.8.0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 17, 2024 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 34 Imported by: 2


HCL Funcs

This library is a facade that combines all built-in functions provided by HashiCorp Packer and some functions from HashiCorp Terraform.

All copied functions are copied from Terraform and Packer's latest MPL 2.0 license version, all referenced functions are based on MPL 2.0 or MIT license.

Goroutine-local env function

env function is different than the Packer version, we provided a goroutine-local cache so the caller can set different environment variables for different goroutines, this is very handy when you allow users to set different environment variables for a specified HCL block, like this example. Please check out this unit test for details.



Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/datetime.go

Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/sensitive.go



This section is empty.


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var AllTrueFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "list",
			Type: cty.List(cty.Bool),
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		result := cty.True
		for it := args[0].ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
			_, v := it.Element()
			if !v.IsKnown() {
				return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), nil
			if v.IsNull() {
				return cty.False, nil
			result = result.And(v)
			if result.False() {
				return cty.False, nil
		return result, nil

AllTrueFunc constructs a function that returns true if all elements of the list are true. If the list is empty, return true.

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var AnyTrueFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "list",
			Type: cty.List(cty.Bool),
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		result := cty.False
		var hasUnknown bool
		for it := args[0].ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
			_, v := it.Element()
			if !v.IsKnown() {
				hasUnknown = true
			if v.IsNull() {
			result = result.Or(v)
			if result.True() {
				return cty.True, nil
		if hasUnknown {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), nil
		return result, nil

AnyTrueFunc constructs a function that returns true if any element of the list is true. If the list is empty, return false.

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var CidrContainsFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "containing_prefix",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "contained_ip_or_prefix",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		prefix := args[0].AsString()
		addr := args[1].AsString()

		_, containing, err := ipaddr.ParseCIDR(prefix)
		if err != nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), err

		startIP := ipaddr.ParseIP(addr)
		var endIP ipaddr.IP

		if startIP == nil {
			_, contained, err := ipaddr.ParseCIDR(addr)

			if err != nil {
				return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), fmt.Errorf("invalid IP address or prefix: %s", addr)

			startIP, endIP = cidr.AddressRange(contained)

		if (startIP.To4() == nil) != (containing.IP.To4() == nil) {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), fmt.Errorf("address family mismatch: %s vs. %s", prefix, addr)

		result := containing.Contains(startIP)

		if endIP != nil {
			result = result && containing.Contains(endIP)

		return cty.BoolVal(result), nil

CidrContainsFunc constructs a function that checks whether a given IP address is within a given IP network address prefix.

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var ComplimentFunction = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Description: "Return the compliment of list1 and all otherLists.",
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "list1",
			Description:      "the first list, will return all elements that in this list but not in any of other lists.",
			Type:             cty.Set(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
			AllowDynamicType: true,
	VarParam: &function.Parameter{
		Name:             "otherList",
		Description:      "other_list",
		Type:             cty.Set(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
		AllowDynamicType: true,
	Type:         setOperationReturnType,
	RefineResult: refineNonNull,
	Impl: setOperationImpl(func(s1, s2 cty.ValueSet) cty.ValueSet {
		return s1.Subtract(s2)
	}, false),
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var ConsulFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "key",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		key := args[0].AsString()
		val, err := commontpl.Consul(key)

		return cty.StringVal(val), err

ConsulFunc constructs a function that retrieves KV secrets from HC vault

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var EndsWithFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "str",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "suffix",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		str := args[0].AsString()
		suffix := args[1].AsString()

		if strings.HasSuffix(str, suffix) {
			return cty.True, nil

		return cty.False, nil

EndsWithFunc constructs a function that checks if a string ends with a specific suffix using strings.HasSuffix Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/string.go

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var EnvFunction = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Description: "Read environment variable, return empty string if the variable is not set.",
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:         "key",
			Description:  "Environment variable name",
			Type:         cty.String,
			AllowUnknown: true,
			AllowMarked:  true,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: func(builder *cty.RefinementBuilder) *cty.RefinementBuilder {
		return builder.NotNull()
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		key := args[0]
		if !key.IsKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), nil
		envKey := key.AsString()
		localEnv := GoroutineLocalEnv.Get()
		if localEnv != nil {
			if env, ok := localEnv[envKey]; ok {
				return cty.StringVal(env), nil
		env := os.Getenv(envKey)
		return cty.StringVal(env), nil
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var GoroutineLocalEnv = routine.NewThreadLocal[map[string]string]()
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var IndexFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "list",
			Type: cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			Name: "value",
			Type: cty.DynamicPseudoType,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.Number),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		if !(args[0].Type().IsListType() || args[0].Type().IsTupleType()) {
			return cty.NilVal, errors.New("argument must be a list or tuple")

		if !args[0].IsKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), nil

		if args[0].LengthInt() == 0 {
			return cty.NilVal, errors.New("cannot search an empty list")

		for it := args[0].ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
			i, v := it.Element()
			eq, err := stdlib.Equal(v, args[1])
			if err != nil {
				return cty.NilVal, err
			if !eq.IsKnown() {
				return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), nil
			if eq.True() {
				return i, nil
		return cty.NilVal, errors.New("item not found")


IndexFunc constructs a function that finds the element index for a given value in a list.

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var InitTime time.Time

InitTime is the UTC time when this package was initialized. It is used as the timestamp for all configuration templates so that they match for a single build.

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var IsSensitiveFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "value",
			Type:             cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			AllowUnknown:     true,
			AllowNull:        true,
			AllowMarked:      true,
			AllowDynamicType: true,
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
		return cty.Bool, nil
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		return cty.BoolVal(args[0].HasMark(marks.Sensitive)), nil

IsSensitiveFunc returns whether or not the value is sensitive.

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var LegacyIsotimeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{},
	VarParam: &function.Parameter{
		Name: "format",
		Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		if len(args) > 1 {
			return cty.StringVal(""), fmt.Errorf("too many values, 1 needed: %v", args)
		} else if len(args) == 0 {
			return cty.StringVal(InitTime.Format(time.RFC3339)), nil
		format := args[0].AsString()
		return cty.StringVal(InitTime.Format(format)), nil

LegacyIsotimeFunc constructs a function that returns a string representation of the current date and time using golang's datetime formatting.

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var LegacyStrftimeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{},
	VarParam: &function.Parameter{
		Name: "format",
		Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		if len(args) > 1 {
			return cty.StringVal(""), fmt.Errorf("too many values, 1 needed: %v", args)
		} else if len(args) == 0 {
			return cty.StringVal(InitTime.Format(time.RFC3339)), nil
		format := args[0].AsString()
		return cty.StringVal(strftime.Format(format, InitTime)), nil

LegacyStrftimeFunc constructs a function that returns a string representation of the current date and time using golang's strftime datetime formatting.

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var LengthFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "value",
			Type:             cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			AllowDynamicType: true,
			AllowUnknown:     true,
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
		collTy := args[0].Type()
		switch {
		case collTy == cty.String || collTy.IsTupleType() || collTy.IsObjectType() || collTy.IsListType() || collTy.IsMapType() || collTy.IsSetType() || collTy == cty.DynamicPseudoType:
			return cty.Number, nil
			return cty.Number, errors.New("argument must be a string, a collection type, or a structural type")
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		coll := args[0]
		collTy := args[0].Type()
		switch {
		case collTy == cty.DynamicPseudoType:
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), nil
		case collTy.IsTupleType():
			l := len(collTy.TupleElementTypes())
			return cty.NumberIntVal(int64(l)), nil
		case collTy.IsObjectType():
			l := len(collTy.AttributeTypes())
			return cty.NumberIntVal(int64(l)), nil
		case collTy == cty.String:

			return stdlib.Strlen(coll)
		case collTy.IsListType() || collTy.IsSetType() || collTy.IsMapType():
			return coll.Length(), nil

			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), errors.New("impossible value type for length(...)")
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var MatchkeysFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "values",
			Type: cty.List(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
			Name: "keys",
			Type: cty.List(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
			Name: "searchset",
			Type: cty.List(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
		ty, _ := convert.UnifyUnsafe([]cty.Type{args[1].Type(), args[2].Type()})
		if ty == cty.NilType {
			return cty.NilType, errors.New("keys and searchset must be of the same type")

		return args[0].Type(), nil
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		if !args[0].IsKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.List(retType.ElementType())), nil

		if args[0].LengthInt() != args[1].LengthInt() {
			return cty.ListValEmpty(retType.ElementType()), errors.New("length of keys and values should be equal")

		output := make([]cty.Value, 0)
		values := args[0]

		ty, _ := convert.UnifyUnsafe([]cty.Type{args[1].Type(), args[2].Type()})
		keys, _ := convert.Convert(args[1], ty)
		searchset, _ := convert.Convert(args[2], ty)

		if searchset.LengthInt() == 0 {
			return cty.ListValEmpty(retType.ElementType()), nil

		if !values.IsWhollyKnown() || !keys.IsWhollyKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(retType), nil

		i := 0
		for it := keys.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
			_, key := it.Element()
			for iter := searchset.ElementIterator(); iter.Next(); {
				_, search := iter.Element()
				eq, err := stdlib.Equal(key, search)
				if err != nil {
					return cty.NilVal, err
				if !eq.IsKnown() {
					return cty.ListValEmpty(retType.ElementType()), nil
				if eq.True() {
					v := values.Index(cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i)))
					output = append(output, v)

		if len(output) == 0 {
			return cty.ListValEmpty(retType.ElementType()), nil
		return cty.ListVal(output), nil

MatchkeysFunc constructs a function that constructs a new list by taking a subset of elements from one list whose indexes match the corresponding indexes of values in another list. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/collection.go

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var NonsensitiveFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "value",
			Type:             cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			AllowUnknown:     true,
			AllowNull:        true,
			AllowMarked:      true,
			AllowDynamicType: true,
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {

		return args[0].Type(), nil
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		v, m := args[0].Unmark()
		delete(m, marks.Sensitive)
		return v.WithMarks(m), nil

NonsensitiveFunc takes a sensitive value and returns the same value without the sensitive marking, effectively exposing the value.

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var SensitiveFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "value",
			Type:             cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			AllowUnknown:     true,
			AllowNull:        true,
			AllowMarked:      true,
			AllowDynamicType: true,
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {

		return args[0].Type(), nil
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		val, _ := args[0].Unmark()
		return val.Mark(marks.Sensitive), nil

SensitiveFunc returns a value identical to its argument except that OpenTofu will consider it to be sensitive.

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var StartsWithFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:         "str",
			Type:         cty.String,
			AllowUnknown: true,
			Name: "prefix",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		prefix := args[1].AsString()

		if !args[0].IsKnown() {

			if prefix == "" {

				return cty.True, nil
			if knownPrefix := args[0].Range().StringPrefix(); knownPrefix != "" {
				if strings.HasPrefix(knownPrefix, prefix) {
					return cty.True, nil
				if len(knownPrefix) >= len(prefix) {

					return cty.False, nil
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Bool), nil

		str := args[0].AsString()

		if strings.HasPrefix(str, prefix) {
			return cty.True, nil

		return cty.False, nil

StartsWithFunc constructs a function that checks if a string starts with a specific prefix using strings.HasPrefix Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/string.go

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var StrContainsFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "str",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "substr",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.Bool),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		str := args[0].AsString()
		substr := args[1].AsString()

		if strings.Contains(str, substr) {
			return cty.True, nil

		return cty.False, nil

StrContainsFunc searches a given string for another given substring, if found the function returns true, otherwise returns false. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/string.go

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var SumFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "list",
			Type: cty.DynamicPseudoType,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.Number),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {

		if !args[0].CanIterateElements() {
			return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "cannot sum noniterable")

		if args[0].LengthInt() == 0 {
			return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "cannot sum an empty list")

		arg := args[0].AsValueSlice()
		ty := args[0].Type()

		if !ty.IsListType() && !ty.IsSetType() && !ty.IsTupleType() {
			return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, fmt.Sprintf("argument must be list, set, or tuple. Received %s", ty.FriendlyName()))

		if !args[0].IsWhollyKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number), nil

		defer func() {
			if r := recover(); r != nil {
				if _, ok := r.(big.ErrNaN); ok {
					ret = cty.NilVal
					err = fmt.Errorf("can't compute sum of opposing infinities")
				} else {


		s := arg[0]
		if s.IsNull() {
			return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "argument must be list, set, or tuple of number values")
		s, err = convert.Convert(s, cty.Number)
		if err != nil {
			return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "argument must be list, set, or tuple of number values")
		for _, v := range arg[1:] {
			if v.IsNull() {
				return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "argument must be list, set, or tuple of number values")
			v, err = convert.Convert(v, cty.Number)
			if err != nil {
				return cty.NilVal, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "argument must be list, set, or tuple of number values")
			s = s.Add(v)

		return s, nil

SumFunc constructs a function that returns the sum of all numbers provided in a list Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/collection.go

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var TextDecodeBase64Func = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "source",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "encoding",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		encoding, err := ianaindex.IANA.Encoding(args[1].AsString())
		if err != nil || encoding == nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(1, "%q is not a supported IANA encoding name or alias in this OpenTofu version", args[1].AsString())

		encName, err := ianaindex.IANA.Name(encoding)
		if err != nil {
			encName = args[1].AsString()

		s := args[0].AsString()
		sDec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s)
		if err != nil {
			switch err := err.(type) {
			case base64.CorruptInputError:
				return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(0, "the given value is has an invalid base64 symbol at offset %d", int(err))
				return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(0, "invalid source string: %w", err)


		decoder := encoding.NewDecoder()
		decoded, err := decoder.Bytes(sDec)
		if err != nil || bytes.ContainsRune(decoded, '�') {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(0, "the given string contains symbols that are not defined for %s", encName)

		return cty.StringVal(string(decoded)), nil

TextDecodeBase64Func constructs a function that decodes a base64 sequence to a target encoding. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/encoding.go

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var TextEncodeBase64Func = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "string",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "encoding",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		encoding, err := ianaindex.IANA.Encoding(args[1].AsString())
		if err != nil || encoding == nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(1, "%q is not a supported IANA encoding name or alias in this OpenTofu version", args[1].AsString())

		encName, err := ianaindex.IANA.Name(encoding)
		if err != nil {
			encName = args[1].AsString()

		encoder := encoding.NewEncoder()
		encodedInput, err := encoder.Bytes([]byte(args[0].AsString()))
		if err != nil {

			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgErrorf(0, "the given string contains characters that cannot be represented in %s", encName)

		return cty.StringVal(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(encodedInput)), nil

TextEncodeBase64Func constructs a function that encodes a string to a target encoding and then to a base64 sequence. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/encoding.go

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var TimeCmpFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "timestamp_a",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "timestamp_b",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.Number),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		tsA, err := parseTimestamp(args[0].AsString())
		if err != nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgError(0, err)
		tsB, err := parseTimestamp(args[1].AsString())
		if err != nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), function.NewArgError(1, err)

		switch {
		case tsA.Equal(tsB):
			return cty.NumberIntVal(0), nil
		case tsA.Before(tsB):
			return cty.NumberIntVal(-1), nil

			return cty.NumberIntVal(1), nil

TimeCmpFunc is a function that compares two timestamps.

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var TimestampFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{},
	Type:   function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		return cty.StringVal(time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)), nil

TimestampFunc constructs a function that returns a string representation of the current date and time.

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var TransposeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "values",
			Type: cty.Map(cty.List(cty.String)),
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.Map(cty.List(cty.String))),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		inputMap := args[0]
		if !inputMap.IsWhollyKnown() {
			return cty.UnknownVal(retType), nil

		outputMap := make(map[string]cty.Value)
		tmpMap := make(map[string][]string)

		for it := inputMap.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
			inKey, inVal := it.Element()
			for iter := inVal.ElementIterator(); iter.Next(); {
				_, val := iter.Element()
				if !val.Type().Equals(cty.String) {
					return cty.MapValEmpty(cty.List(cty.String)), errors.New("input must be a map of lists of strings")

				outKey := val.AsString()
				if _, ok := tmpMap[outKey]; !ok {
					tmpMap[outKey] = make([]string, 0)
				outVal := tmpMap[outKey]
				outVal = append(outVal, inKey.AsString())
				tmpMap[outKey] = outVal

		for outKey, outVal := range tmpMap {
			values := make([]cty.Value, 0)
			for _, v := range outVal {
				values = append(values, cty.StringVal(v))
			outputMap[outKey] = cty.ListVal(values)

		if len(outputMap) == 0 {
			return cty.MapValEmpty(cty.List(cty.String)), nil

		return cty.MapVal(outputMap), nil

TransposeFunc constructs a function that takes a map of lists of strings and swaps the keys and values to produce a new map of lists of strings. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/collection.go

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var TypeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name:             "value",
			Type:             cty.DynamicPseudoType,
			AllowDynamicType: true,
			AllowUnknown:     true,
			AllowNull:        true,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(TypeType),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		givenType := args[0].Type()
		return cty.CapsuleVal(TypeType, &givenType).Mark(TypeType), nil

TypeFunc returns an encapsulated value containing its argument's type. This value is marked to allow us to limit the use of this function at the moment to only a few supported use cases.

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var TypeType = cty.Capsule("type", reflect.TypeOf(cty.Type{}))
View Source
var URLDecodeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "str",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		query, err := url.QueryUnescape(args[0].AsString())
		if err != nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), fmt.Errorf("failed to decode URL '%s': %v", query, err)

		return cty.StringVal(query), nil

URLDecodeFunc constructs a function that applies URL decoding to a given encoded string. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/encoding.go

View Source
var URLEncodeFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "str",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		return cty.StringVal(url.QueryEscape(args[0].AsString())), nil

URLEncodeFunc constructs a function that applies URL encoding to a given string. Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/encoding.go

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var UUIDFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params:       []function.Parameter{},
	Type:         function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	RefineResult: refineNotNull,
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (ret cty.Value, err error) {
		result, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
		if err != nil {
			return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), err
		return cty.StringVal(result), nil

Copy from https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu/blob/v1.7.1/internal/lang/funcs/crypto.go

View Source
var VaultFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "path",
			Type: cty.String,
			Name: "key",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		path := args[0].AsString()
		key := args[1].AsString()

		val, err := commontpl.Vault(path, key)

		return cty.StringVal(val), err

VaultFunc constructs a function that retrieves KV secrets from HC vault

View Source
var YAML2JsonFunc = function.New(&function.Spec{
	Params: []function.Parameter{
			Name: "src",
			Type: cty.String,
	Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
		if !args[0].IsKnown() {
			return cty.DynamicPseudoType, nil
		if args[0].IsNull() {
			return cty.NilType, function.NewArgErrorf(0, "YAML source code cannot be null")
		return cty.String, nil
	Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
		json, err := yaml2json.Convert([]byte(args[0].AsString()))
		if err != nil {
			return cty.NilVal, err
		return cty.StringVal(string(json)), nil


func Functions added in v0.2.0

func Functions(baseDir string) map[string]function.Function

func MakeToFunc

func MakeToFunc(wantTy cty.Type) function.Function

func Type

func Type(input []cty.Value) (cty.Value, error)


This section is empty.


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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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