It is a service that keeps a config for traefic in the RAM (map type of the map[service_name]service_config
and updates the routing table of the traefic by sending this map directly to the traefic.
Each service announces in its config section cop
in which it prescribes certain values,
this section becomes service_config
in the already mentioned map.
The name of the service turns into the key (service_name
) for this service in the config map.
The cop
section in the service config looks like a trace. way:
disabled: false
endpoint: http://cop # endpoint of traefik_cop service
upstream: http://marketplace # where to route traffic to requests
service_name: the name of the service for that map in the cop and, accordingly, under this name the traffic will know this service
service_port: 80
service_prefix: /integrations/marketplace # this is the most interesting.
#According to this prefix, the cop will form a rule according to which traffic will determine that it needs to route the request to this service.
#In case service_prefix is passed, the traffic will route all requests that came to the endpoint /integrations/marketplace/...
#(for another service, obviously, a different prefix) to http://marketplace (that is, the service’s upstream address, by which in the cluster/docker composite you can reach the service)
Prefixes are not transmitted in the horizon and api because all the connectors
go to their endpoints without any prefixes and therefore the cop explicitly compiles for them a set of rules for routing requests, which it then sends to traefic.