A simple OpenWeather InfluxDB writer developed in Go.
Installation and usage
$ mkdir /opt/openweather-influxdb-writer
$ cd /opt/openweather-influxdb-writer
$ wget{tag}/openweather-influxdb-writer_{tag}_{os}_{arch}.tar.gz &&{tag}/.env.example
$ tar -xzf openweather-influxdb-writer_{tag}_{os}_{arch}.tar.gz
$ mv .env.example .env
$ vim .env
$ chmod +x openweather-influxdb-writer
$ crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
*/15 * * * * cd /opt/openweather-influxdb-writer && ./openweather-influxdb-writer
How to obtain geolocation data
You can use OpenWeather's geocoding API to get your city's geolocation data.{city name},{state code},{country code}&limit={limit}&appid={API key}
MQTT InfluxDB bridge
I've also developed a program to write weather data from MQTT devices to InfluxDB. Take a look at it in case you are interested.