When you have a website or websites and you want to get visitors feedback, you can have a small button at the right bottom of any page and when a visitor clicks on it, a modal or a form shows up. This form can contain any kind of information you want your website's visitors to send you. Like email, subject and a message. In this application I have chosen to only get the subject and a description of the feedback, but before the user submits the form some javascript code will get the operating system and also the browser name and its version and also set the website uid. After clicking on submit button a request is sent to feedback endpoint. Request's payload then gets saved and a thank you message is shown to the user.
I had some time and I wanted to build a simple service application. I only built the backend using Golang.
I didn't write any unit nor integration tests.
Getting Started
To run this application you need to install these three tools
Go 1.16
Install all application dependencies inside go.mod file
Update .env file REDIS_ADDR with your redis address
Executing program
There are two steps to run the application. First open project directory inside a terminal then:
Run Task Queue server
go run main.go -wroker
Run gofiber web server
go run main.go
Version History
Initial Release
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Libraries and tools used to build this application