Index ¶
- Constants
- func Bool(v bool) *bool
- func CheckResponse(r *http.Response) error
- func NewJiraError(resp *Response, httpError error) error
- func WithActive(active bool) userSearchF
- func WithInactive(inactive bool) userSearchF
- func WithMaxResults(maxResults int) userSearchF
- func WithQueryOptions(options interface{}) func(*http.Request) error
- func WithStartAt(startAt int) userSearchF
- type Actor
- type ActorUser
- type AddWorklogQueryOptions
- type AffectsVersion
- type Attachment
- type AuthenticationService
- func (s *AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookie(username, password string) (bool, error)deprecated
- func (s *AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookieWithContext(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (bool, error)deprecated
- func (s *AuthenticationService) Authenticated() bool
- func (s *AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUser() (*Session, error)
- func (s *AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUserWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Session, error)
- func (s *AuthenticationService) Logout() errordeprecated
- func (s *AuthenticationService) LogoutWithContext(ctx context.Context) errordeprecated
- func (s *AuthenticationService) SetBasicAuth(username, password string)deprecated
- type AvatarUrls
- type BasicAuthTransport
- type Board
- type BoardConfiguration
- type BoardConfigurationColumn
- type BoardConfigurationColumnConfig
- type BoardConfigurationColumnStatus
- type BoardConfigurationFilter
- type BoardConfigurationLocation
- type BoardConfigurationSubQuery
- type BoardListOptions
- type BoardService
- func (s *BoardService) CreateBoard(board *Board) (*Board, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) CreateBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, board *Board) (*Board, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) DeleteBoard(boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) DeleteBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllBoards(opt *BoardListOptions) (*BoardsList, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllBoardsWithContext(ctx context.Context, opt *BoardListOptions) (*BoardsList, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprints(boardID string) ([]Sprint, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID string) ([]Sprint, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptions(boardID int, options *GetAllSprintsOptions) (*SprintsList, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int, options *GetAllSprintsOptions) (*SprintsList, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetBoard(boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetBoardConfiguration(boardID int) (*BoardConfiguration, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetBoardConfigurationWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*BoardConfiguration, *Response, error)
- func (s *BoardService) GetBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
- type BoardsList
- type Changelog
- type ChangelogHistory
- type ChangelogItems
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Do(req *http.Request, v interface{}) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client) GetBaseURL() url.URL
- func (c *Client) NewMultiPartRequest(method, urlStr string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) NewMultiPartRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) NewRawRequest(method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) NewRawRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) NewRequest(method, urlStr string, body interface{}) (*http.Request, error)
- func (c *Client) NewRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, body interface{}) (*http.Request, error)
- type Comment
- type CommentVisibility
- type Comments
- type Component
- type ComponentService
- type CookieAuthTransport
- type CreateComponentOptions
- type CreateMetaInfo
- type CreateTransitionPayload
- type Custom10209
- type Custom10211
- type CustomFields
- type Date
- type EditMetaInfo
- type EntityProperty
- type Epic
- type Error
- type Field
- type FieldSchema
- type FieldService
- type Filter
- type FilterSearchOptions
- type FilterService
- func (fs *FilterService) Get(filterID int) (*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetFavouriteList() ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetFavouriteListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetList() ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetMyFilters(opts *GetMyFiltersQueryOptions) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetMyFiltersWithContext(ctx context.Context, opts *GetMyFiltersQueryOptions) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, filterID int) (*Filter, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) Search(opt *FilterSearchOptions) (*FiltersList, *Response, error)
- func (fs *FilterService) SearchWithContext(ctx context.Context, opt *FilterSearchOptions) (*FiltersList, *Response, error)
- type FiltersList
- type FiltersListItem
- type FixVersion
- type GetAllSprintsOptions
- type GetMyFiltersQueryOptions
- type GetQueryOptions
- type GetWorklogsQueryOptions
- type Group
- type GroupMember
- type GroupSearchOptions
- type GroupService
- func (s *GroupService) Add(groupname string, username string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) AddWithContext(ctx context.Context, groupname string, username string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) Get(name string) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) GetWithOptions(name string, options *GroupSearchOptions) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) GetWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string, options *GroupSearchOptions) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) Remove(groupname string, username string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *GroupService) RemoveWithContext(ctx context.Context, groupname string, username string) (*Response, error)
- type Holder
- type Issue
- type IssueFields
- type IssueLink
- type IssueLinkType
- type IssueLinkTypeService
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Create(linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Delete(ID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) DeleteWithContext(ctx context.Context, ID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Get(ID string) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetList() ([]IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, ID string) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Update(linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
- type IssueRenderedFields
- type IssueService
- func (s *IssueService) AddComment(issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddLink(issueLink *IssueLink) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddLinkWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueLink *IssueLink) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddRemoteLink(issueID string, remotelink *RemoteLink) (*RemoteLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddRemoteLinkWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, remotelink *RemoteLink) (*RemoteLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddWatcher(issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddWatcherWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddWorklogRecord(issueID string, record *WorklogRecord, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) AddWorklogRecordWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, record *WorklogRecord, ...) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) Create(issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) Delete(issueID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteAttachment(attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteComment(issueID, commentID string) error
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID, commentID string) error
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteLink(linkID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteLinkWithContext(ctx context.Context, linkID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DeleteWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DoTransition(ticketID, transitionID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithContext(ctx context.Context, ticketID, transitionID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayload(ticketID, payload interface{}) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayloadWithContext(ctx context.Context, ticketID, payload interface{}) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DownloadAttachment(attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) DownloadAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) Get(issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMeta(projectkeys string) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectkeys string) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptions(options *GetQueryOptions) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *GetQueryOptions) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCustomFields(issueID string) (CustomFields, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetCustomFieldsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string) (CustomFields, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetEditMeta(issue *Issue) (*EditMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetEditMetaWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*EditMetaInfo, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetRemoteLinks(id string) (*[]RemoteLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetRemoteLinksWithContext(ctx context.Context, id string) (*[]RemoteLink, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetTransitions(id string) ([]Transition, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetTransitionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]Transition, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetWatchers(issueID string) (*[]User, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetWatchersWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string) (*[]User, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetWorklogs(issueID string, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*Worklog, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) GetWorklogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*Worklog, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) PostAttachment(issueID string, r io.Reader, attachmentName string) (*[]Attachment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) PostAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, r io.Reader, attachmentName string) (*[]Attachment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) RemoveWatcher(issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) RemoveWatcherWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) Search(jql string, options *SearchOptions) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) SearchPages(jql string, options *SearchOptions, f func(Issue) error) error
- func (s *IssueService) SearchPagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, jql string, options *SearchOptions, f func(Issue) error) error
- func (s *IssueService) SearchWithContext(ctx context.Context, jql string, options *SearchOptions) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) Update(issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateAssignee(issueID string, assignee *User) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateAssigneeWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, assignee *User) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateComment(issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateIssue(jiraID string, data map[string]interface{}) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateIssueWithContext(ctx context.Context, jiraID string, data map[string]interface{}) (*Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithOptions(issue *Issue, opts *UpdateQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue, opts *UpdateQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecord(issueID, worklogID string, record *WorklogRecord, ...) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
- func (s *IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecordWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID, worklogID string, record *WorklogRecord, ...) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
- type IssueType
- type IssuesInSprintResult
- type IssuesWrapper
- type JWTAuthTransport
- type MetaIssueType
- type MetaProject
- type Option
- type Organization
- type OrganizationCreationDTO
- type OrganizationService
- func (s *OrganizationService) AddUsers(organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) AddUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) CreateOrganization(name string) (*Organization, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) CreateOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Organization, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteOrganization(organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) DeletePropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizations(start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetOrganization(organizationID int) (*Organization, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*Organization, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeys(organizationID int) (*PropertyKeys, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeysWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*PropertyKeys, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*EntityProperty, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*EntityProperty, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetUsers(organizationID int, start int, limit int) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) GetUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, start int, limit int) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) RemoveUsers(organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) RemoveUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) SetProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *OrganizationService) SetPropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
- type OrganizationUsersDTO
- type PagedDTO
- type Parent
- type Permission
- type PermissionScheme
- type PermissionSchemeService
- func (s *PermissionSchemeService) Get(schemeID int) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetList() (*PermissionSchemes, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*PermissionSchemes, *Response, error)
- func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, schemeID int) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
- type PermissionSchemes
- type Priority
- type PriorityService
- type Progress
- type Project
- type ProjectCategory
- type ProjectComponent
- type ProjectList
- type ProjectService
- func (s *ProjectService) Get(projectID string) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) GetList() (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) GetPermissionScheme(projectID string) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) GetPermissionSchemeWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectID string) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectID string) (*Project, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) ListWithOptions(options *GetQueryOptions) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) ListWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *GetQueryOptions) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
- type PropertyKey
- type PropertyKeys
- type RemoteLink
- type RemoteLinkApplication
- type RemoteLinkIcon
- type RemoteLinkObject
- type RemoteLinkStatus
- type Resolution
- type ResolutionService
- type Response
- type Role
- type RoleService
- func (s *RoleService) Get(roleID int) (*Role, *Response, error)
- func (s *RoleService) GetList() (*[]Role, *Response, error)
- func (s *RoleService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*[]Role, *Response, error)
- func (s *RoleService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, roleID int) (*Role, *Response, error)
- type SearchOptions
- type SelfLink
- type ServiceDeskOrganizationDTO
- type ServiceDeskService
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) AddOrganization(serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) AddOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizations(serviceDeskID int, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganization(serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- func (s *ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
- type Session
- type Sprint
- type SprintService
- func (s *SprintService) GetIssue(issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SprintService) GetIssueWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SprintService) GetIssuesForSprint(sprintID int) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SprintService) GetIssuesForSprintWithContext(ctx context.Context, sprintID int) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
- func (s *SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprint(sprintID int, issueIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprintWithContext(ctx context.Context, sprintID int, issueIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- type SprintsList
- type Status
- type StatusCategory
- type StatusCategoryService
- type StatusService
- type Subtasks
- type Time
- type TimeTracking
- type Transition
- type TransitionField
- type TransitionPayload
- type TransitionPayloadFields
- type UpdateQueryOptions
- type User
- type UserGroup
- type UserService
- func (s *UserService) Create(user *User) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, user *User) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) Delete(accountId string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) DeleteWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) Find(property string, tweaks ...userSearchF) ([]User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) FindWithContext(ctx context.Context, property string, tweaks ...userSearchF) ([]User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) Get(accountId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetByAccountID(accountID string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetByAccountIDWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetGroups(accountId string) (*[]UserGroup, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*[]UserGroup, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetSelf() (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetSelfWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- type Version
- type VersionService
- func (s *VersionService) Create(version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
- func (s *VersionService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
- func (s *VersionService) Get(versionID int) (*Version, *Response, error)
- func (s *VersionService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, versionID int) (*Version, *Response, error)
- func (s *VersionService) Update(version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
- func (s *VersionService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
- type Watcher
- type Watches
- type Worklog
- type WorklogRecord
Constants ¶
const ( StatusCategoryComplete = "done" StatusCategoryInProgress = "indeterminate" StatusCategoryToDo = "new" StatusCategoryUndefined = "undefined" )
These constants are the keys of the default Jira status categories
const (
// AssigneeAutomatic represents the value of the "Assignee: Automatic" of Jira
AssigneeAutomatic = "-1"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Bool ¶ added in v1.16.0
Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func CheckResponse ¶
CheckResponse checks the API response for errors, and returns them if present. A response is considered an error if it has a status code outside the 200 range. The caller is responsible to analyze the response body. The body can contain JSON (if the error is intended) or xml (sometimes Jira just failes).
func NewJiraError ¶ added in v1.1.0
NewJiraError creates a new jira Error
func WithActive ¶ added in v1.6.0
func WithActive(active bool) userSearchF
WithActive sets the active users lookup
func WithInactive ¶ added in v1.6.0
func WithInactive(inactive bool) userSearchF
WithInactive sets the inactive users lookup
func WithMaxResults ¶ added in v1.6.0
func WithMaxResults(maxResults int) userSearchF
WithMaxResults sets the max results to return
func WithQueryOptions ¶ added in v1.16.0
Applies query options to http request. This helper is meant to be used with all "QueryOptions" structs.
func WithStartAt ¶ added in v1.6.0
func WithStartAt(startAt int) userSearchF
WithStartAt set the start pager
Types ¶
type Actor ¶ added in v1.8.0
type Actor struct { ID int `json:"id" structs:"id"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName" structs:"displayName"` Type string `json:"type" structs:"type"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatarUrl" structs:"avatarUrl"` ActorUser *ActorUser `json:"actorUser" structs:"actoruser"` }
Actor represents a Jira actor
type ActorUser ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ActorUser struct {
AccountID string `json:"accountId" structs:"accountId"`
ActorUser contains the account id of the actor/user
type AddWorklogQueryOptions ¶ added in v1.16.0
type AddWorklogQueryOptions struct { NotifyUsers bool `url:"notifyUsers,omitempty"` AdjustEstimate string `url:"adjustEstimate,omitempty"` NewEstimate string `url:"newEstimate,omitempty"` ReduceBy string `url:"reduceBy,omitempty"` Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` OverrideEditableFlag bool `url:"overrideEditableFlag,omitempty"` }
type AffectsVersion ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AffectsVersion Version
AffectsVersion represents a software release which is affected by an issue.
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Filename string `json:"filename,omitempty" structs:"filename,omitempty"` Author *User `json:"author,omitempty" structs:"author,omitempty"` Created string `json:"created,omitempty" structs:"created,omitempty"` Size int `json:"size,omitempty" structs:"size,omitempty"` MimeType string `json:"mimeType,omitempty" structs:"mimeType,omitempty"` Content string `json:"content,omitempty" structs:"content,omitempty"` Thumbnail string `json:"thumbnail,omitempty" structs:"thumbnail,omitempty"` }
Attachment represents a Jira attachment
type AuthenticationService ¶
type AuthenticationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuthenticationService handles authentication for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookie
func (s *AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookie(username, password string) (bool, error)
AcquireSessionCookie wraps AcquireSessionCookieWithContext using the background context.
Deprecated: Use CookieAuthTransport instead
func (*AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookieWithContext
added in
func (s *AuthenticationService) AcquireSessionCookieWithContext(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (bool, error)
AcquireSessionCookieWithContext creates a new session for a user in Jira. Once a session has been successfully created it can be used to access any of Jira's remote APIs and also the web UI by passing the appropriate HTTP Cookie header. The header will by automatically applied to every API request. Note that it is generally preferrable to use HTTP BASIC authentication with the REST API. However, this resource may be used to mimic the behaviour of Jira's log-in page (e.g. to display log-in errors to a user).
Jira API docs:
Deprecated: Use CookieAuthTransport instead
func (*AuthenticationService) Authenticated ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) Authenticated() bool
Authenticated reports if the current Client has authentication details for Jira
func (*AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUser ¶
func (s *AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUser() (*Session, error)
GetCurrentUser wraps GetCurrentUserWithContext using the background context.
func (*AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUserWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *AuthenticationService) GetCurrentUserWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Session, error)
GetCurrentUserWithContext gets the details of the current user.
Jira API docs:
func (*AuthenticationService) Logout
func (s *AuthenticationService) Logout() error
Logout wraps LogoutWithContext using the background context.
Deprecated: Use CookieAuthTransport to create base client. Logging out is as simple as not using the client anymore
func (*AuthenticationService) LogoutWithContext
added in
func (s *AuthenticationService) LogoutWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
LogoutWithContext logs out the current user that has been authenticated and the session in the client is destroyed.
Jira API docs:
Deprecated: Use CookieAuthTransport to create base client. Logging out is as simple as not using the client anymore
func (*AuthenticationService) SetBasicAuth
func (s *AuthenticationService) SetBasicAuth(username, password string)
SetBasicAuth sets username and password for the basic auth against the Jira instance.
Deprecated: Use BasicAuthTransport instead
type AvatarUrls ¶
type AvatarUrls struct { Four8X48 string `json:"48x48,omitempty" structs:"48x48,omitempty"` Two4X24 string `json:"24x24,omitempty" structs:"24x24,omitempty"` One6X16 string `json:"16x16,omitempty" structs:"16x16,omitempty"` Three2X32 string `json:"32x32,omitempty" structs:"32x32,omitempty"` }
AvatarUrls represents different dimensions of avatars / images
type BasicAuthTransport ¶ added in v1.1.0
type BasicAuthTransport struct { Username string Password string // Transport is the underlying HTTP transport to use when making requests. // It will default to http.DefaultTransport if nil. Transport http.RoundTripper }
BasicAuthTransport is an http.RoundTripper that authenticates all requests using HTTP Basic Authentication with the provided username and password.
func (*BasicAuthTransport) Client ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *BasicAuthTransport) Client() *http.Client
Client returns an *http.Client that makes requests that are authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication. This is a nice little bit of sugar so we can just get the client instead of creating the client in the calling code. If it's necessary to send more information on client init, the calling code can always skip this and set the transport itself.
type Board ¶
type Board struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitemtpy"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty" structs:"type,omitempty"` FilterID int `json:"filterId,omitempty" structs:"filterId,omitempty"` }
Board represents a Jira agile board
type BoardConfiguration ¶ added in v1.16.0
type BoardConfiguration struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Self string `json:"self"` Location BoardConfigurationLocation `json:"location"` Filter BoardConfigurationFilter `json:"filter"` SubQuery BoardConfigurationSubQuery `json:"subQuery"` ColumnConfig BoardConfigurationColumnConfig `json:"columnConfig"` }
BoardConfiguration represents a boardConfiguration of a jira board
type BoardConfigurationColumn ¶ added in v1.16.0
type BoardConfigurationColumn struct { Name string `json:"name"` Status []BoardConfigurationColumnStatus `json:"statuses"` }
BoardConfigurationColumn lists the name of the board with the statuses that maps to a particular column
type BoardConfigurationColumnConfig ¶ added in v1.16.0
type BoardConfigurationColumnConfig struct { Columns []BoardConfigurationColumn `json:"columns"` ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"` }
BoardConfigurationColumnConfig lists the columns for a given board in the order defined in the column configuration with constrainttype (none, issueCount, issueCountExclSubs)
type BoardConfigurationColumnStatus ¶ added in v1.16.0
BoardConfigurationColumnStatus represents a status in the column configuration
type BoardConfigurationFilter ¶ added in v1.16.0
BoardConfigurationFilter reference to the filter used by the given board.
type BoardConfigurationLocation ¶ added in v1.16.0
type BoardConfigurationLocation struct { Type string `json:"type"` Key string `json:"key"` ID string `json:"id"` Self string `json:"self"` Name string `json:"name"` }
BoardConfigurationLocation reference to the container that the board is located in
type BoardConfigurationSubQuery ¶ added in v1.16.0
type BoardConfigurationSubQuery struct {
Query string `json:"query"`
BoardConfigurationSubQuery (Kanban only) - JQL subquery used by the given board.
type BoardListOptions ¶
type BoardListOptions struct { // BoardType filters results to boards of the specified type. // Valid values: scrum, kanban. BoardType string `url:"type,omitempty"` // Name filters results to boards that match or partially match the specified name. Name string `url:"name,omitempty"` // ProjectKeyOrID filters results to boards that are relevant to a project. // Relevance meaning that the JQL filter defined in board contains a reference to a project. ProjectKeyOrID string `url:"projectKeyOrId,omitempty"` SearchOptions }
BoardListOptions specifies the optional parameters to the BoardService.GetList
type BoardService ¶
type BoardService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BoardService handles Agile Boards for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*BoardService) CreateBoard ¶
func (s *BoardService) CreateBoard(board *Board) (*Board, *Response, error)
CreateBoard wraps CreateBoardWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) CreateBoardWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) CreateBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, board *Board) (*Board, *Response, error)
CreateBoardWithContext creates a new board. Board name, type and filter Id is required. name - Must be less than 255 characters. type - Valid values: scrum, kanban filterId - Id of a filter that the user has permissions to view. Note, if the user does not have the 'Create shared objects' permission and tries to create a shared board, a private board will be created instead (remember that board sharing depends on the filter sharing).
Jira API docs:
func (*BoardService) DeleteBoard ¶
func (s *BoardService) DeleteBoard(boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
DeleteBoard wraps DeleteBoardWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) DeleteBoardWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) DeleteBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
DeleteBoardWithContext will delete an agile board.
Jira API docs:
func (*BoardService) GetAllBoards ¶
func (s *BoardService) GetAllBoards(opt *BoardListOptions) (*BoardsList, *Response, error)
GetAllBoards wraps GetAllBoardsWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) GetAllBoardsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetAllBoardsWithContext(ctx context.Context, opt *BoardListOptions) (*BoardsList, *Response, error)
GetAllBoardsWithContext will returns all boards. This only includes boards that the user has permission to view.
Jira API docs:
func (*BoardService) GetAllSprints ¶
func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprints(boardID string) ([]Sprint, *Response, error)
GetAllSprints wraps GetAllSprintsWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID string) ([]Sprint, *Response, error)
GetAllSprintsWithContext will return all sprints from a board, for a given board Id. This only includes sprints that the user has permission to view.
Jira API docs:{boardId}/sprint
func (*BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptions ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptions(boardID int, options *GetAllSprintsOptions) (*SprintsList, *Response, error)
GetAllSprintsWithOptions wraps GetAllSprintsWithOptionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetAllSprintsWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int, options *GetAllSprintsOptions) (*SprintsList, *Response, error)
GetAllSprintsWithOptionsWithContext will return sprints from a board, for a given board Id and filtering options This only includes sprints that the user has permission to view.
Jira API docs:{boardId}/sprint
func (*BoardService) GetBoard ¶
func (s *BoardService) GetBoard(boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
GetBoard wraps GetBoardWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) GetBoardConfiguration ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetBoardConfiguration(boardID int) (*BoardConfiguration, *Response, error)
GetBoardConfiguration wraps GetBoardConfigurationWithContext using the background context.
func (*BoardService) GetBoardConfigurationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetBoardConfigurationWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*BoardConfiguration, *Response, error)
GetBoardConfigurationWithContext will return a board configuration for a given board Id Jira API docs:
func (*BoardService) GetBoardWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *BoardService) GetBoardWithContext(ctx context.Context, boardID int) (*Board, *Response, error)
GetBoardWithContext will returns the board for the given boardID. This board will only be returned if the user has permission to view it.
Jira API docs:
type BoardsList ¶
type BoardsList struct { MaxResults int `json:"maxResults" structs:"maxResults"` StartAt int `json:"startAt" structs:"startAt"` Total int `json:"total" structs:"total"` IsLast bool `json:"isLast" structs:"isLast"` Values []Board `json:"values" structs:"values"` }
BoardsList reflects a list of agile boards
type Changelog ¶
type Changelog struct {
Histories []ChangelogHistory `json:"histories,omitempty"`
Changelog reflects the change log of an issue
type ChangelogHistory ¶
type ChangelogHistory struct { Id string `json:"id" structs:"id"` Author User `json:"author" structs:"author"` Created string `json:"created" structs:"created"` Items []ChangelogItems `json:"items" structs:"items"` }
ChangelogHistory reflects one single changelog history entry
func (ChangelogHistory) CreatedTime ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (c ChangelogHistory) CreatedTime() (time.Time, error)
type ChangelogItems ¶
type ChangelogItems struct { Field string `json:"field" structs:"field"` FieldType string `json:"fieldtype" structs:"fieldtype"` From interface{} `json:"from" structs:"from"` FromString string `json:"fromString" structs:"fromString"` To interface{} `json:"to" structs:"to"` ToString string `json:"toString" structs:"toString"` }
ChangelogItems reflects one single changelog item of a history item
type Client ¶
type Client struct { // Services used for talking to different parts of the Jira API. Authentication *AuthenticationService Issue *IssueService Project *ProjectService Board *BoardService Sprint *SprintService User *UserService Group *GroupService Version *VersionService Priority *PriorityService Field *FieldService Component *ComponentService Resolution *ResolutionService StatusCategory *StatusCategoryService Filter *FilterService Role *RoleService PermissionScheme *PermissionSchemeService Status *StatusService IssueLinkType *IssueLinkTypeService Organization *OrganizationService ServiceDesk *ServiceDeskService // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Client manages communication with the Jira API.
func NewClient ¶
NewClient returns a new Jira API client. If a nil httpClient is provided, http.DefaultClient will be used. To use API methods which require authentication you can follow the preferred solution and provide an http.Client that will perform the authentication for you with OAuth and HTTP Basic (such as that provided by the library). As an alternative you can use Session Cookie based authentication provided by this package as well. See baseURL is the HTTP endpoint of your Jira instance and should always be specified with a trailing slash.
func (*Client) Do ¶
Do sends an API request and returns the API response. The API response is JSON decoded and stored in the value pointed to by v, or returned as an error if an API error has occurred.
func (*Client) GetBaseURL ¶
GetBaseURL will return you the Base URL. This is the same URL as in the NewClient constructor
func (*Client) NewMultiPartRequest ¶
func (c *Client) NewMultiPartRequest(method, urlStr string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Request, error)
NewMultiPartRequest wraps NewMultiPartRequestWithContext using the background context.
func (*Client) NewMultiPartRequestWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (c *Client) NewMultiPartRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Request, error)
NewMultiPartRequestWithContext creates an API request including a multi-part file. A relative URL can be provided in urlStr, in which case it is resolved relative to the baseURL of the Client. If specified, the value pointed to by buf is a multipart form.
func (*Client) NewRawRequest ¶
NewRawRequest wraps NewRawRequestWithContext using the background context.
func (*Client) NewRawRequestWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (c *Client) NewRawRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) (*http.Request, error)
NewRawRequestWithContext creates an API request. A relative URL can be provided in urlStr, in which case it is resolved relative to the baseURL of the Client. Allows using an optional native io.Reader for sourcing the request body.
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
NewRequest wraps NewRequestWithContext using the background context.
func (*Client) NewRequestWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (c *Client) NewRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, method, urlStr string, body interface{}) (*http.Request, error)
NewRequestWithContext creates an API request. A relative URL can be provided in urlStr, in which case it is resolved relative to the baseURL of the Client. If specified, the value pointed to by body is JSON encoded and included as the request body.
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Author User `json:"author,omitempty" structs:"author,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty" structs:"body,omitempty"` UpdateAuthor User `json:"updateAuthor,omitempty" structs:"updateAuthor,omitempty"` Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty" structs:"updated,omitempty"` Created string `json:"created,omitempty" structs:"created,omitempty"` Visibility CommentVisibility `json:"visibility,omitempty" structs:"visibility,omitempty"` }
Comment represents a comment by a person to an issue in Jira.
type CommentVisibility ¶
type CommentVisibility struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty" structs:"type,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty" structs:"value,omitempty"` }
CommentVisibility represents he visibility of a comment. E.g. Type could be "role" and Value "Administrators"
type Comments ¶
type Comments struct {
Comments []*Comment `json:"comments,omitempty" structs:"comments,omitempty"`
Comments represents a list of Comment.
type Component ¶
type Component struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` }
Component represents a "component" of a Jira issue. Components can be user defined in every Jira instance.
type ComponentService ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ComponentService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ComponentService handles components for the Jira instance / API.// Jira API docs:
func (*ComponentService) Create ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *ComponentService) Create(options *CreateComponentOptions) (*ProjectComponent, *Response, error)
Create wraps CreateWithContext using the background context.
func (*ComponentService) CreateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ComponentService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *CreateComponentOptions) (*ProjectComponent, *Response, error)
CreateWithContext creates a new Jira component based on the given options.
type CookieAuthTransport ¶ added in v1.1.0
type CookieAuthTransport struct { Username string Password string AuthURL string // SessionObject is the authenticated cookie string.s // It's passed in each call to prove the client is authenticated. SessionObject []*http.Cookie // Transport is the underlying HTTP transport to use when making requests. // It will default to http.DefaultTransport if nil. Transport http.RoundTripper }
CookieAuthTransport is an http.RoundTripper that authenticates all requests using Jira's cookie-based authentication.
Note that it is generally preferable to use HTTP BASIC authentication with the REST API. However, this resource may be used to mimic the behaviour of Jira's log-in page (e.g. to display log-in errors to a user).
Jira API docs:
func (*CookieAuthTransport) Client ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *CookieAuthTransport) Client() *http.Client
Client returns an *http.Client that makes requests that are authenticated using cookie authentication
type CreateComponentOptions ¶ added in v1.5.0
type CreateComponentOptions struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` Lead *User `json:"lead,omitempty" structs:"lead,omitempty"` LeadUserName string `json:"leadUserName,omitempty" structs:"leadUserName,omitempty"` AssigneeType string `json:"assigneeType,omitempty" structs:"assigneeType,omitempty"` Assignee *User `json:"assignee,omitempty" structs:"assignee,omitempty"` Project string `json:"project,omitempty" structs:"project,omitempty"` ProjectID int `json:"projectId,omitempty" structs:"projectId,omitempty"` }
CreateComponentOptions are passed to the ComponentService.Create function to create a new Jira component
type CreateMetaInfo ¶
type CreateMetaInfo struct { Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty"` Projects []*MetaProject `json:"projects,omitempty"` }
CreateMetaInfo contains information about fields and their attributed to create a ticket.
func (*CreateMetaInfo) GetProjectWithKey ¶
func (m *CreateMetaInfo) GetProjectWithKey(key string) *MetaProject
GetProjectWithKey returns a project with "name" from the meta information received. If not found, this returns nil. The comparison of the name is case insensitive.
func (*CreateMetaInfo) GetProjectWithName ¶
func (m *CreateMetaInfo) GetProjectWithName(name string) *MetaProject
GetProjectWithName returns a project with "name" from the meta information received. If not found, this returns nil. The comparison of the name is case insensitive.
type CreateTransitionPayload ¶
type CreateTransitionPayload struct { Transition TransitionPayload `json:"transition" structs:"transition"` Fields TransitionPayloadFields `json:"fields" structs:"fields"` }
CreateTransitionPayload is used for creating new issue transitions
type Custom10209 ¶ added in v1.19.0
type Custom10209 struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty" structs:"value,omitempty"` }
custom item
type Custom10211 ¶ added in v1.19.0
type Custom10211 struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty" structs:"value,omitempty"` }
custom item
type CustomFields ¶
CustomFields represents custom fields of Jira This can heavily differ between Jira instances
type Date ¶ added in v1.1.0
Date represents the Date definition of Jira as a time.Time of go
func (Date) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
MarshalJSON will transform the Date object into a short date string as Jira expects during the creation of a Jira request
func (*Date) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
UnmarshalJSON will transform the Jira date into a time.Time during the transformation of the Jira JSON response
type EditMetaInfo ¶ added in v1.16.0
type EditMetaInfo struct {
Fields tcontainer.MarshalMap `json:"fields,omitempty"`
EditMetaInfo contains information about fields and their attributed to edit a ticket.
type EntityProperty ¶ added in v1.16.0
type EntityProperty struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` }
type Epic ¶
type Epic struct { ID int `json:"id" structs:"id"` Key string `json:"key" structs:"key"` Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` Summary string `json:"summary" structs:"summary"` Done bool `json:"done" structs:"done"` }
Epic represents the epic to which an issue is associated Not that this struct does not process the returned "color" value
type Error ¶ added in v1.1.0
type Error struct { HTTPError error ErrorMessages []string `json:"errorMessages"` Errors map[string]string `json:"errors"` }
Error message from Jira See
type Field ¶ added in v1.4.0
type Field struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Custom bool `json:"custom,omitempty" structs:"custom,omitempty"` Searchable bool `json:"searchable,omitempty" structs:"searchable,omitempty"` ClauseNames []string `json:"clauseNames,omitempty" structs:"clauseNames,omitempty"` Schema FieldSchema `json:"schema,omitempty" structs:"schema,omitempty"` }
Field represents a field of a Jira issue.
type FieldSchema ¶ added in v1.4.0
type FieldSchema struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty" structs:"type,omitempty"` Items string `json:"items,omitempty" structs:"items,omitempty"` Custom string `json:"custom,omitempty" structs:"custom,omitempty"` System string `json:"system,omitempty" structs:"system,omitempty"` CustomID int64 `json:"customId,omitempty" structs:"customId,omitempty"` }
FieldSchema represents a schema of a Jira field. Documentation:
type FieldService ¶ added in v1.4.0
type FieldService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FieldService handles fields for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*FieldService) GetList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *FieldService) GetList() ([]Field, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*FieldService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetListWithContext gets all fields from Jira
Jira API docs:
type Filter ¶ added in v1.6.0
type Filter struct { Self string `json:"self"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Owner User `json:"owner"` Jql string `json:"jql"` ViewURL string `json:"viewUrl"` SearchURL string `json:"searchUrl"` Favourite bool `json:"favourite"` FavouritedCount int `json:"favouritedCount"` Subscriptions struct { Size int `json:"size"` Items []interface{} `json:"items"` MaxResults int `json:"max-results"` StartIndex int `json:"start-index"` EndIndex int `json:"end-index"` } `json:"subscriptions"` }
Filter represents a Filter in Jira
type FilterSearchOptions ¶ added in v1.16.0
type FilterSearchOptions struct { // String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with name. FilterName string `url:"filterName,omitempty"` // User account ID used to return filters with the matching owner.accountId. This parameter cannot be used with owner. AccountID string `url:"accountId,omitempty"` // Group name used to returns filters that are shared with a group that matches GroupName string `url:"groupname,omitempty"` // Project ID used to returns filters that are shared with a project that matches // Format: int64 ProjectID int64 `url:"projectId,omitempty"` // Orders the results using one of these filter properties. // - `description` Orders by filter `description`. Note that this ordering works independently of whether the expand to display the description field is in use. // - `favourite_count` Orders by `favouritedCount`. // - `is_favourite` Orders by `favourite`. // - `id` Orders by filter `id`. // - `name` Orders by filter `name`. // - `owner` Orders by `owner.accountId`. // // Default: `name` // // Valid values: id, name, description, owner, favorite_count, is_favorite, -id, -name, -description, -owner, -favorite_count, -is_favorite OrderBy string `url:"orderBy,omitempty"` // The index of the first item to return in a page of results (page offset). // Default: 0, Format: int64 StartAt int64 `url:"startAt,omitempty"` // The maximum number of items to return per page. The maximum is 100. // Default: 50, Format: int32 MaxResults int32 `url:"maxResults,omitempty"` // Use expand to include additional information about filter in the response. This parameter accepts multiple values separated by a comma: // - description Returns the description of the filter. // - favourite Returns an indicator of whether the user has set the filter as a favorite. // - favouritedCount Returns a count of how many users have set this filter as a favorite. // - jql Returns the JQL query that the filter uses. // - owner Returns the owner of the filter. // - searchUrl Returns a URL to perform the filter's JQL query. // - sharePermissions Returns the share permissions defined for the filter. // - subscriptions Returns the users that are subscribed to the filter. // - viewUrl Returns a URL to view the filter. Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` }
FilterSearchOptions specifies the optional parameters for the Search method
type FilterService ¶ added in v1.6.0
type FilterService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FilterService handles fields for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*FilterService) Get ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (fs *FilterService) Get(filterID int) (*Filter, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*FilterService) GetFavouriteList ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetFavouriteList() ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
GetFavouriteList wraps GetFavouriteListWithContext using the background context.
func (*FilterService) GetFavouriteListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetFavouriteListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
GetFavouriteListWithContext retrieves the user's favourited filters from Jira
func (*FilterService) GetList ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetList() ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*FilterService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetListWithContext retrieves all filters from Jira
func (*FilterService) GetMyFilters ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetMyFilters(opts *GetMyFiltersQueryOptions) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
GetMyFilters wraps GetMyFiltersWithContext using the background context.
func (*FilterService) GetMyFiltersWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetMyFiltersWithContext(ctx context.Context, opts *GetMyFiltersQueryOptions) ([]*Filter, *Response, error)
GetMyFiltersWithContext retrieves the my Filters.
func (*FilterService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, filterID int) (*Filter, *Response, error)
GetWithContext retrieves a single Filter from Jira
func (*FilterService) Search ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) Search(opt *FilterSearchOptions) (*FiltersList, *Response, error)
Search wraps SearchWithContext using the background context.
func (*FilterService) SearchWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (fs *FilterService) SearchWithContext(ctx context.Context, opt *FilterSearchOptions) (*FiltersList, *Response, error)
SearchWithContext will search for filter according to the search options
Jira API docs:
type FiltersList ¶ added in v1.16.0
type FiltersList struct { MaxResults int `json:"maxResults" structs:"maxResults"` StartAt int `json:"startAt" structs:"startAt"` Total int `json:"total" structs:"total"` IsLast bool `json:"isLast" structs:"isLast"` Values []FiltersListItem `json:"values" structs:"values"` }
FiltersList reflects a list of filters
type FiltersListItem ¶ added in v1.16.0
type FiltersListItem struct { Self string `json:"self"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Owner User `json:"owner"` Jql string `json:"jql"` ViewURL string `json:"viewUrl"` SearchURL string `json:"searchUrl"` Favourite bool `json:"favourite"` FavouritedCount int `json:"favouritedCount"` Subscriptions []struct { ID int `json:"id"` User User `json:"user"` } `json:"subscriptions"` }
FiltersListItem represents a Filter of FiltersList in Jira
type FixVersion ¶
type FixVersion struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` Archived *bool `json:"archived,omitempty" structs:"archived,omitempty"` Released *bool `json:"released,omitempty" structs:"released,omitempty"` ReleaseDate string `json:"releaseDate,omitempty" structs:"releaseDate,omitempty"` UserReleaseDate string `json:"userReleaseDate,omitempty" structs:"userReleaseDate,omitempty"` ProjectID int `json:"projectId,omitempty" structs:"projectId,omitempty"` // Unlike other IDs, this is returned as a number StartDate string `json:"startDate,omitempty" structs:"startDate,omitempty"` }
FixVersion represents a software release in which an issue is fixed.
type GetAllSprintsOptions ¶ added in v1.4.0
type GetAllSprintsOptions struct { // State filters results to sprints in the specified states, comma-separate list State string `url:"state,omitempty"` SearchOptions }
GetAllSprintsOptions specifies the optional parameters to the BoardService.GetList
type GetMyFiltersQueryOptions ¶ added in v1.16.0
type GetMyFiltersQueryOptions struct { IncludeFavourites bool `url:"includeFavourites,omitempty"` Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` }
GetMyFiltersQueryOptions specifies the optional parameters for the Get My Filters method
type GetQueryOptions ¶
type GetQueryOptions struct { // Fields is the list of fields to return for the issue. By default, all fields are returned. Fields string `url:"fields,omitempty"` Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` // Properties is the list of properties to return for the issue. By default no properties are returned. Properties string `url:"properties,omitempty"` // FieldsByKeys if true then fields in issues will be referenced by keys instead of ids FieldsByKeys bool `url:"fieldsByKeys,omitempty"` UpdateHistory bool `url:"updateHistory,omitempty"` ProjectKeys string `url:"projectKeys,omitempty"` }
GetQueryOptions specifies the optional parameters for the Get Issue methods
type GetWorklogsQueryOptions ¶ added in v1.16.0
type GetWorklogsQueryOptions struct { StartAt int64 `url:"startAt,omitempty"` MaxResults int32 `url:"maxResults,omitempty"` StartedAfter int64 `url:"startedAfter,omitempty"` Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` }
GetWorklogsQueryOptions specifies the optional parameters for the Get Worklogs method
type Group ¶ added in v1.1.0
type Group struct { ID string `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` Properties groupProperties `json:"properties"` AdditionalProperties bool `json:"additionalProperties"` }
Group represents a Jira group
type GroupMember ¶
type GroupMember struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` AccountID string `json:"accountId,omitempty"` EmailAddress string `json:"emailAddress,omitempty"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"` TimeZone string `json:"timeZone,omitempty"` AccountType string `json:"accountType,omitempty"` }
GroupMember reflects a single member of a group
type GroupSearchOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
GroupSearchOptions specifies the optional parameters for the Get Group methods
type GroupService ¶
type GroupService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupService handles Groups for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*GroupService) AddWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *GroupService) AddWithContext(ctx context.Context, groupname string, username string) (*Group, *Response, error)
AddWithContext adds user to group
Jira API docs:
func (*GroupService) Get ¶
func (s *GroupService) Get(name string) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*GroupService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *GroupService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
GetWithContext returns a paginated list of users who are members of the specified group and its subgroups. Users in the page are ordered by user names. User of this resource is required to have sysadmin or admin permissions.
Jira API docs:
WARNING: This API only returns the first page of group members
func (*GroupService) GetWithOptions ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *GroupService) GetWithOptions(name string, options *GroupSearchOptions) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
GetWithOptions wraps GetWithOptionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*GroupService) GetWithOptionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *GroupService) GetWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string, options *GroupSearchOptions) ([]GroupMember, *Response, error)
GetWithOptionsWithContext returns a paginated list of members of the specified group and its subgroups. Users in the page are ordered by user names. User of this resource is required to have sysadmin or admin permissions.
Jira API docs:
func (*GroupService) Remove ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *GroupService) Remove(groupname string, username string) (*Response, error)
Remove wraps RemoveWithContext using the background context.
func (*GroupService) RemoveWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *GroupService) RemoveWithContext(ctx context.Context, groupname string, username string) (*Response, error)
RemoveWithContext removes user from group
Jira API docs:
type Issue ¶
type Issue struct { Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty" structs:"expand,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key,omitempty"` Fields *IssueFields `json:"fields,omitempty" structs:"fields,omitempty"` RenderedFields *IssueRenderedFields `json:"renderedFields,omitempty" structs:"renderedFields,omitempty"` Changelog *Changelog `json:"changelog,omitempty" structs:"changelog,omitempty"` Transitions []Transition `json:"transitions,omitempty" structs:"transitions,omitempty"` Names map[string]string `json:"names,omitempty" structs:"names,omitempty"` }
Issue represents a Jira issue.
func InitIssueWithMetaAndFields ¶
func InitIssueWithMetaAndFields(metaProject *MetaProject, metaIssuetype *MetaIssueType, fieldsConfig map[string]string) (*Issue, error)
InitIssueWithMetaAndFields returns Issue with with values from fieldsConfig properly set.
- metaProject should contain metaInformation about the project where the issue should be created.
- metaIssuetype is the MetaInformation about the Issuetype that needs to be created.
- fieldsConfig is a key->value pair where key represents the name of the field as seen in the UI And value is the string value for that particular key.
Note: This method doesn't verify that the fieldsConfig is complete with mandatory fields. The fieldsConfig is
supposed to be already verified with MetaIssueType.CheckCompleteAndAvailable. It will however return error if the key is not found. All values will be packed into Unknowns. This is much convenient. If the struct fields needs to be configured as well, marshalling and unmarshalling will set the proper fields.
type IssueFields ¶
type IssueFields struct { // TODO Missing fields // * "workratio": -1, // * "lastViewed": null, // * "environment": null, Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty" structs:"expand,omitempty"` Type IssueType `json:"issuetype,omitempty" structs:"issuetype,omitempty"` Project Project `json:"project,omitempty" structs:"project,omitempty"` Resolution *Resolution `json:"resolution,omitempty" structs:"resolution,omitempty"` Priority *Priority `json:"priority,omitempty" structs:"priority,omitempty"` Resolutiondate Time `json:"resolutiondate,omitempty" structs:"resolutiondate,omitempty"` Created Time `json:"created,omitempty" structs:"created,omitempty"` Duedate Date `json:"duedate,omitempty" structs:"duedate,omitempty"` Watches *Watches `json:"watches,omitempty" structs:"watches,omitempty"` Assignee *User `json:"assignee,omitempty" structs:"assignee,omitempty"` Updated Time `json:"updated,omitempty" structs:"updated,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty" structs:"summary,omitempty"` Customfield_10208 string `json:"customfield_10208,omitempty" structs:"customfield_10208,omitempty"` Creator *User `json:"Creator,omitempty" structs:"Creator,omitempty"` Reporter *User `json:"reporter,omitempty" structs:"reporter,omitempty"` Components []*Component `json:"components,omitempty" structs:"components,omitempty"` Status *Status `json:"status,omitempty" structs:"status,omitempty"` Progress *Progress `json:"progress,omitempty" structs:"progress,omitempty"` AggregateProgress *Progress `json:"aggregateprogress,omitempty" structs:"aggregateprogress,omitempty"` TimeTracking *TimeTracking `json:"timetracking,omitempty" structs:"timetracking,omitempty"` TimeSpent int `json:"timespent,omitempty" structs:"timespent,omitempty"` TimeEstimate int `json:"timeestimate,omitempty" structs:"timeestimate,omitempty"` TimeOriginalEstimate int `json:"timeoriginalestimate,omitempty" structs:"timeoriginalestimate,omitempty"` Worklog *Worklog `json:"worklog,omitempty" structs:"worklog,omitempty"` IssueLinks []*IssueLink `json:"issuelinks,omitempty" structs:"issuelinks,omitempty"` Comments *Comments `json:"comment,omitempty" structs:"comment,omitempty"` FixVersions []*FixVersion `json:"fixVersions,omitempty" structs:"fixVersions,omitempty"` AffectsVersions []*AffectsVersion `json:"versions,omitempty" structs:"versions,omitempty"` Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty" structs:"labels,omitempty"` Subtasks []*Subtasks `json:"subtasks,omitempty" structs:"subtasks,omitempty"` Attachments []*Attachment `json:"attachment,omitempty" structs:"attachment,omitempty"` Epic *Epic `json:"epic,omitempty" structs:"epic,omitempty"` Sprint *Sprint `json:"sprint,omitempty" structs:"sprint,omitempty"` Parent *Parent `json:"parent,omitempty" structs:"parent,omitempty"` AggregateTimeOriginalEstimate int `json:"aggregatetimeoriginalestimate,omitempty" structs:"aggregatetimeoriginalestimate,omitempty"` AggregateTimeSpent int `json:"aggregatetimespent,omitempty" structs:"aggregatetimespent,omitempty"` AggregateTimeEstimate int `json:"aggregatetimeestimate,omitempty" structs:"aggregatetimeestimate,omitempty"` Unknowns tcontainer.MarshalMap // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IssueFields represents single fields of a Jira issue. Every Jira issue has several fields attached.
func (*IssueFields) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i *IssueFields) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshal function for the IssueFields structs. It handles Jira custom fields and maps those from / to "Unknowns" key.
func (*IssueFields) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *IssueFields) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshal function for the IssueFields structs. It handles Jira custom fields and maps those from / to "Unknowns" key.
type IssueLink ¶
type IssueLink struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Type IssueLinkType `json:"type" structs:"type"` OutwardIssue *Issue `json:"outwardIssue" structs:"outwardIssue"` InwardIssue *Issue `json:"inwardIssue" structs:"inwardIssue"` Comment *Comment `json:"comment,omitempty" structs:"comment,omitempty"` }
IssueLink represents a link between two issues in Jira.
type IssueLinkType ¶
type IssueLinkType struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` Inward string `json:"inward" structs:"inward"` Outward string `json:"outward" structs:"outward"` }
IssueLinkType represents a type of a link between to issues in Jira. Typical issue link types are "Related to", "Duplicate", "Is blocked by", etc.
type IssueLinkTypeService ¶ added in v1.16.0
type IssueLinkTypeService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueLinkTypeService handles issue link types for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) Create ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Create(linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
Create wraps CreateWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) CreateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
CreateWithContext creates an issue link type in Jira.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) Delete ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Delete(ID string) (*Response, error)
Delete wraps DeleteWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) DeleteWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
DeleteWithContext deletes an issue link type based on provided ID.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) Get ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Get(ID string) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) GetList ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetList() ([]IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
GetListWithContext gets all of the issue link types from Jira.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, ID string) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
GetWithContext gets info of a specific issue link type from Jira.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) Update ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) Update(linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
Update wraps UpdateWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueLinkTypeService) UpdateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueLinkTypeService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, linkType *IssueLinkType) (*IssueLinkType, *Response, error)
UpdateWithContext updates an issue link type. The issue is found by key.
Jira API docs:
type IssueRenderedFields ¶ added in v1.4.0
type IssueRenderedFields struct { // TODO Missing fields // * "aggregatetimespent": null, // * "workratio": -1, // * "lastViewed": null, // * "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate": null, // * "aggregatetimeestimate": null, // * "environment": null, Resolutiondate string `json:"resolutiondate,omitempty" structs:"resolutiondate,omitempty"` Created string `json:"created,omitempty" structs:"created,omitempty"` Duedate string `json:"duedate,omitempty" structs:"duedate,omitempty"` Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty" structs:"updated,omitempty"` Comments *Comments `json:"comment,omitempty" structs:"comment,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` }
IssueRenderedFields represents rendered fields of a Jira issue. Not all IssueFields are rendered.
type IssueService ¶
type IssueService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueService handles Issues for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) AddComment ¶
AddComment wraps AddCommentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) AddCommentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
AddCommentWithContext adds a new comment to issueID.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) AddLink ¶
func (s *IssueService) AddLink(issueLink *IssueLink) (*Response, error)
AddLink wraps AddLinkWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) AddLinkWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddLinkWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueLink *IssueLink) (*Response, error)
AddLinkWithContext adds a link between two issues.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) AddRemoteLink ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddRemoteLink(issueID string, remotelink *RemoteLink) (*RemoteLink, *Response, error)
AddRemoteLink wraps AddRemoteLinkWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) AddRemoteLinkWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddRemoteLinkWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, remotelink *RemoteLink) (*RemoteLink, *Response, error)
AddRemoteLinkWithContext adds a remote link to issueID.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) AddWatcher ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) AddWatcher(issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
AddWatcher wraps AddWatcherWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) AddWatcherWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddWatcherWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
AddWatcherWithContext adds watcher to the given issue
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) AddWorklogRecord ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) AddWorklogRecord(issueID string, record *WorklogRecord, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
AddWorklogRecord wraps AddWorklogRecordWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) AddWorklogRecordWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) AddWorklogRecordWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, record *WorklogRecord, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
AddWorklogRecordWithContext adds a new worklog record to issueID.
func (*IssueService) Create ¶
func (s *IssueService) Create(issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
Create wraps CreateWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) CreateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
CreateWithContext creates an issue or a sub-task from a JSON representation. Creating a sub-task is similar to creating a regular issue, with two important differences: The issueType field must correspond to a sub-task issue type and you must provide a parent field in the issue create request containing the id or key of the parent issue.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) Delete ¶
func (s *IssueService) Delete(issueID string) (*Response, error)
Delete wraps DeleteWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DeleteAttachment ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DeleteAttachment(attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
DeleteAttachment wraps DeleteAttachmentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DeleteAttachmentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DeleteAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
DeleteAttachmentWithContext deletes an attachment of a given attachmentID
func (*IssueService) DeleteComment ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (s *IssueService) DeleteComment(issueID, commentID string) error
DeleteComment wraps DeleteCommentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DeleteCommentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DeleteCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID, commentID string) error
DeleteCommentWithContext Deletes a comment from an issueID.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) DeleteLink ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DeleteLink(linkID string) (*Response, error)
DeleteLink wraps DeleteLinkWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DeleteLinkWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
DeleteLinkWithContext deletes a link of a given linkID
func (*IssueService) DeleteWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
DeleteWithContext will delete a specified issue.
func (*IssueService) DoTransition ¶
func (s *IssueService) DoTransition(ticketID, transitionID string) (*Response, error)
DoTransition wraps DoTransitionWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DoTransitionWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithContext(ctx context.Context, ticketID, transitionID string) (*Response, error)
DoTransitionWithContext performs a transition on an issue. When performing the transition you can update or set other issue fields.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayload ¶
func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayload(ticketID, payload interface{}) (*Response, error)
DoTransitionWithPayload wraps DoTransitionWithPayloadWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayloadWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DoTransitionWithPayloadWithContext(ctx context.Context, ticketID, payload interface{}) (*Response, error)
DoTransitionWithPayloadWithContext performs a transition on an issue using any payload. When performing the transition you can update or set other issue fields.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) DownloadAttachment ¶
func (s *IssueService) DownloadAttachment(attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
DownloadAttachment wraps DownloadAttachmentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) DownloadAttachmentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) DownloadAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, attachmentID string) (*Response, error)
DownloadAttachmentWithContext returns a Response of an attachment for a given attachmentID. The attachment is in the Response.Body of the response. This is an io.ReadCloser. The caller should close the resp.Body.
func (*IssueService) Get ¶
func (s *IssueService) Get(issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetCreateMeta ¶
func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMeta(projectkeys string) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetCreateMeta wraps GetCreateMetaWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectkeys string) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetCreateMetaWithContext makes the api call to get the meta information required to create a ticket
func (*IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptions(options *GetQueryOptions) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetCreateMetaWithOptions wraps GetCreateMetaWithOptionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetCreateMetaWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *GetQueryOptions) (*CreateMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetCreateMetaWithOptionsWithContext makes the api call to get the meta information without requiring to have a projectKey
func (*IssueService) GetCustomFields ¶
func (s *IssueService) GetCustomFields(issueID string) (CustomFields, *Response, error)
GetCustomFields wraps GetCustomFieldsWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetCustomFieldsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetCustomFieldsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string) (CustomFields, *Response, error)
GetCustomFieldsWithContext returns a map of customfield_* keys with string values
func (*IssueService) GetEditMeta ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetEditMeta(issue *Issue) (*EditMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetEditMeta wraps GetEditMetaWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetEditMetaWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetEditMetaWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*EditMetaInfo, *Response, error)
GetEditMetaWithContext makes the api call to get the edit meta information for an issue
func (*IssueService) GetRemoteLinks ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetRemoteLinks(id string) (*[]RemoteLink, *Response, error)
GetRemoteLinks wraps GetRemoteLinksWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetRemoteLinksWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetRemoteLinksWithContext(ctx context.Context, id string) (*[]RemoteLink, *Response, error)
GetRemoteLinksWithContext gets remote issue links on the issue.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) GetTransitions ¶
func (s *IssueService) GetTransitions(id string) ([]Transition, *Response, error)
GetTransitions wraps GetTransitionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetTransitionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetTransitionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]Transition, *Response, error)
GetTransitionsWithContext gets a list of the transitions possible for this issue by the current user, along with fields that are required and their types.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) GetWatchers ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) GetWatchers(issueID string) (*[]User, *Response, error)
GetWatchers wraps GetWatchersWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetWatchersWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetWatchersWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string) (*[]User, *Response, error)
GetWatchersWithContext wil return all the users watching/observing the given issue
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
GetWithContext returns a full representation of the issue for the given issue key. Jira will attempt to identify the issue by the issueIdOrKey path parameter. This can be an issue id, or an issue key. If the issue cannot be found via an exact match, Jira will also look for the issue in a case-insensitive way, or by looking to see if the issue was moved.
The given options will be appended to the query string ¶
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) GetWorklogs ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) GetWorklogs(issueID string, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*Worklog, *Response, error)
GetWorklogs wraps GetWorklogsWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) GetWorklogsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) GetWorklogsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*Worklog, *Response, error)
GetWorklogsWithContext gets all the worklogs for an issue. This method is especially important if you need to read all the worklogs, not just the first page.{issueIdOrKey}/worklog-getIssueWorklog
func (*IssueService) PostAttachment ¶
func (s *IssueService) PostAttachment(issueID string, r io.Reader, attachmentName string) (*[]Attachment, *Response, error)
PostAttachment wraps PostAttachmentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) PostAttachmentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) PostAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, r io.Reader, attachmentName string) (*[]Attachment, *Response, error)
PostAttachmentWithContext uploads r (io.Reader) as an attachment to a given issueID
func (*IssueService) RemoveWatcher ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) RemoveWatcher(issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
RemoveWatcher wraps RemoveWatcherWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) RemoveWatcherWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) RemoveWatcherWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, userName string) (*Response, error)
RemoveWatcherWithContext removes given user from given issue
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) Search ¶
func (s *IssueService) Search(jql string, options *SearchOptions) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
Search wraps SearchWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) SearchPages ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *IssueService) SearchPages(jql string, options *SearchOptions, f func(Issue) error) error
SearchPages wraps SearchPagesWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) SearchPagesWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) SearchPagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, jql string, options *SearchOptions, f func(Issue) error) error
SearchPagesWithContext will get issues from all pages in a search
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) SearchWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) SearchWithContext(ctx context.Context, jql string, options *SearchOptions) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
SearchWithContext will search for tickets according to the jql
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) Update ¶
func (s *IssueService) Update(issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
Update wraps UpdateWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateAssignee ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateAssignee(issueID string, assignee *User) (*Response, error)
UpdateAssignee wraps UpdateAssigneeWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateAssigneeWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateAssigneeWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, assignee *User) (*Response, error)
UpdateAssigneeWithContext updates the user assigned to work on the given issue
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) UpdateComment ¶ added in v1.1.0
UpdateComment wraps UpdateCommentWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateCommentWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateCommentWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, comment *Comment) (*Comment, *Response, error)
UpdateCommentWithContext updates the body of a comment, identified by comment.ID, on the issueID.
Jira API docs:{issueIdOrKey}/comment-updateComment
func (*IssueService) UpdateIssue ¶
func (s *IssueService) UpdateIssue(jiraID string, data map[string]interface{}) (*Response, error)
UpdateIssue wraps UpdateIssueWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateIssueWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateIssueWithContext(ctx context.Context, jiraID string, data map[string]interface{}) (*Response, error)
UpdateIssueWithContext updates an issue from a JSON representation. The issue is found by key.
func (*IssueService) UpdateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue) (*Issue, *Response, error)
UpdateWithContext updates an issue from a JSON representation. The issue is found by key.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) UpdateWithOptions ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithOptions(issue *Issue, opts *UpdateQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
UpdateWithOptions wraps UpdateWithOptionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateWithOptionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, issue *Issue, opts *UpdateQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
UpdateWithOptionsWithContext updates an issue from a JSON representation, while also specifying query params. The issue is found by key.
Jira API docs:
func (*IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecord ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecord(issueID, worklogID string, record *WorklogRecord, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
UpdateWorklogRecord wraps UpdateWorklogRecordWithContext using the background context.
func (*IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecordWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *IssueService) UpdateWorklogRecordWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID, worklogID string, record *WorklogRecord, options ...func(*http.Request) error) (*WorklogRecord, *Response, error)
UpdateWorklogRecordWithContext updates a worklog record.
type IssueType ¶
type IssueType struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` IconURL string `json:"iconUrl,omitempty" structs:"iconUrl,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Subtask bool `json:"subtask,omitempty" structs:"subtask,omitempty"` AvatarID int `json:"avatarId,omitempty" structs:"avatarId,omitempty"` }
IssueType represents a type of a Jira issue. Typical types are "Request", "Bug", "Story", ...
type IssuesInSprintResult ¶
type IssuesInSprintResult struct {
Issues []Issue `json:"issues"`
IssuesInSprintResult represents a wrapper struct for search result
type IssuesWrapper ¶
type IssuesWrapper struct {
Issues []string `json:"issues"`
IssuesWrapper represents a wrapper struct for moving issues to sprint
type JWTAuthTransport ¶ added in v1.16.0
type JWTAuthTransport struct { Secret []byte Issuer string // Transport is the underlying HTTP transport to use when making requests. // It will default to http.DefaultTransport if nil. Transport http.RoundTripper }
JWTAuthTransport is an http.RoundTripper that authenticates all requests using Jira's JWT based authentication.
NOTE: this form of auth should be used by add-ons installed from the Atlassian marketplace.
Jira docs: Examples in other languages:
func (*JWTAuthTransport) Client ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (t *JWTAuthTransport) Client() *http.Client
type MetaIssueType ¶
type MetaIssueType struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` IconUrl string `json:"iconurl,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Subtasks bool `json:"subtask,omitempty"` Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty"` Fields tcontainer.MarshalMap `json:"fields,omitempty"` }
MetaIssueType represents the different issue types a project has.
Note: Fields is interface because this is an object which can have arbitraty keys related to customfields. It is not possible to expect these for a general way. This will be returning a map. Further processing must be done depending on what is required.
func (*MetaIssueType) CheckCompleteAndAvailable ¶
func (t *MetaIssueType) CheckCompleteAndAvailable(config map[string]string) (bool, error)
CheckCompleteAndAvailable checks if the given fields satisfies the mandatory field required to create a issue for the given type And also if the given fields are available.
func (*MetaIssueType) GetAllFields ¶
func (t *MetaIssueType) GetAllFields() (map[string]string, error)
GetAllFields returns a map of all the fields for an IssueType. This includes all required and not required. The key of the returned map is what you see in the form and the value is how it is representated in the jira schema.
func (*MetaIssueType) GetMandatoryFields ¶
func (t *MetaIssueType) GetMandatoryFields() (map[string]string, error)
GetMandatoryFields returns a map of all the required fields from the MetaIssueTypes. if a field returned by the api was:
"customfield_10806": { "required": true, "schema": { "type": "any", "custom": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link", "customId": 10806 }, "name": "Epic Link", "hasDefaultValue": false, "operations": [ "set" ] }
the returned map would have "Epic Link" as the key and "customfield_10806" as value. This choice has been made so that the it is easier to generate the create api request later.
type MetaProject ¶
type MetaProject struct { Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // omitted avatarUrls IssueTypes []*MetaIssueType `json:"issuetypes,omitempty"` }
MetaProject is the meta information about a project returned from createmeta api
func (*MetaProject) GetIssueTypeWithName ¶
func (p *MetaProject) GetIssueTypeWithName(name string) *MetaIssueType
GetIssueTypeWithName returns an IssueType with name from a given MetaProject. If not found, this returns nil. The comparison of the name is case insensitive
type Option ¶
type Option struct {
Value string `json:"value" structs:"value"`
Option represents an option value in a SelectList or MultiSelect custom issue field
type Organization ¶ added in v1.16.0
type Organization struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Links *SelfLink `json:"_links,omitempty" structs:"_links,omitempty"` }
Organization contains Organization data
type OrganizationCreationDTO ¶ added in v1.16.0
type OrganizationCreationDTO struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"`
OrganizationCreationDTO is DTO for creat organization API
type OrganizationService ¶ added in v1.16.0
type OrganizationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationService handles Organizations for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*OrganizationService) AddUsers ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) AddUsers(organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
AddUsers wraps AddUsersWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) AddUsersWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) AddUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
AddUsersWithContext adds users to an organization.
func (*OrganizationService) CreateOrganization ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) CreateOrganization(name string) (*Organization, *Response, error)
CreateOrganization wraps CreateOrganizationWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) CreateOrganizationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) CreateOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Organization, *Response, error)
CreateOrganizationWithContext creates an organization by passing the name of the organization.
Jira API docs:
func (*OrganizationService) DeleteOrganization ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteOrganization(organizationID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteOrganization wraps DeleteOrganizationWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) DeleteOrganizationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
DeleteOrganizationWithContext deletes an organization. Note that the organization is deleted regardless of other associations it may have. For example, associations with service desks.
func (*OrganizationService) DeleteProperty ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) DeleteProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
DeleteProperty wraps DeletePropertyWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) DeletePropertyWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) DeletePropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
DeletePropertyWithContext removes a property from an organization.
func (*OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizations ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizations(start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetAllOrganizations wraps GetAllOrganizationsWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizationsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetAllOrganizationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetAllOrganizationsWithContext returns a list of organizations in the Jira Service Management instance. Use this method when you want to present a list of organizations or want to locate an organization by name.
Jira API docs:
func (*OrganizationService) GetOrganization ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetOrganization(organizationID int) (*Organization, *Response, error)
GetOrganization wraps GetOrganizationWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) GetOrganizationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*Organization, *Response, error)
GetOrganizationWithContext returns details of an organization. Use this method to get organization details whenever your application component is passed an organization ID but needs to display other organization details.
func (*OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeys ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeys(organizationID int) (*PropertyKeys, *Response, error)
GetPropertiesKeys wraps GetPropertiesKeysWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeysWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertiesKeysWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int) (*PropertyKeys, *Response, error)
GetPropertiesKeysWithContext returns the keys of all properties for an organization. Use this resource when you need to find out what additional properties items have been added to an organization.
func (*OrganizationService) GetProperty ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*EntityProperty, *Response, error)
GetProperty wraps GetPropertyWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) GetPropertyWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetPropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*EntityProperty, *Response, error)
GetPropertyWithContext returns the value of a property from an organization. Use this method to obtain the JSON content for an organization's property.
func (*OrganizationService) GetUsers ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetUsers(organizationID int, start int, limit int) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetUsers wraps GetUsersWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) GetUsersWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) GetUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, start int, limit int) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetUsersWithContext returns all the users associated with an organization. Use this method where you want to provide a list of users for an organization or determine if a user is associated with an organization.
func (*OrganizationService) RemoveUsers ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) RemoveUsers(organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
RemoveUsers wraps RemoveUsersWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) RemoveUsersWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) RemoveUsersWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, users OrganizationUsersDTO) (*Response, error)
RemoveUsersWithContext removes users from an organization.
func (*OrganizationService) SetProperty ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) SetProperty(organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
SetProperty wraps SetPropertyWithContext using the background context.
func (*OrganizationService) SetPropertyWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *OrganizationService) SetPropertyWithContext(ctx context.Context, organizationID int, propertyKey string) (*Response, error)
SetPropertyWithContext sets the value of a property for an organization. Use this resource to store custom data against an organization.
type OrganizationUsersDTO ¶ added in v1.16.0
type OrganizationUsersDTO struct {
AccountIds []string `json:"accountIds,omitempty" structs:"accountIds,omitempty"`
OrganizationUsersDTO contains organization user ids
type PagedDTO ¶ added in v1.16.0
type PagedDTO struct { Size int `json:"size,omitempty" structs:"size,omitempty"` Start int `json:"start,omitempty" structs:"start,omitempty"` Limit int `limit:"size,omitempty" structs:"limit,omitempty"` IsLastPage bool `json:"isLastPage,omitempty" structs:"isLastPage,omitempty"` Values []interface{} `values:"isLastPage,omitempty" structs:"values,omitempty"` Expands []string `json:"_expands,omitempty" structs:"_expands,omitempty"` }
PagedDTO is response of a paged list
type Parent ¶
type Parent struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key"` }
Parent represents the parent of a Jira issue, to be used with subtask issue types.
type Permission ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PermissionScheme ¶ added in v1.3.0
type PermissionScheme struct { Expand string `json:"expand" structs:"expand,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID int `json:"id" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description,omitempty"` Permissions []Permission `json:"permissions" structs:"permissions,omitempty"` }
PermissionScheme represents the permission scheme for the project
type PermissionSchemeService ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PermissionSchemeService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PermissionSchemeService handles permissionschemes for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*PermissionSchemeService) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (s *PermissionSchemeService) Get(schemeID int) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*PermissionSchemeService) GetList ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetList() (*PermissionSchemes, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*PermissionSchemeService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*PermissionSchemes, *Response, error)
GetListWithContext returns a list of all permission schemes
Jira API docs:
func (*PermissionSchemeService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *PermissionSchemeService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, schemeID int) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
GetWithContext returns a full representation of the permission scheme for the schemeID
Jira API docs:
type PermissionSchemes ¶ added in v1.8.0
type PermissionSchemes struct {
PermissionSchemes []PermissionScheme `json:"permissionSchemes" structs:"permissionSchemes"`
type Priority ¶
type Priority struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` IconURL string `json:"iconUrl,omitempty" structs:"iconUrl,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` StatusColor string `json:"statusColor,omitempty" structs:"statusColor,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` }
Priority represents a priority of a Jira issue. Typical types are "Normal", "Moderate", "Urgent", ...
type PriorityService ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PriorityService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PriorityService handles priorities for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*PriorityService) GetList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PriorityService) GetList() ([]Priority, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*PriorityService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetListWithContext gets all priorities from Jira
Jira API docs:
type Progress ¶
type Progress struct { Progress int `json:"progress" structs:"progress"` Total int `json:"total" structs:"total"` Percent int `json:"percent" structs:"percent"` }
Progress represents the progress of a Jira issue.
type Project ¶
type Project struct { Expand string `json:"expand,omitempty" structs:"expand,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` Lead User `json:"lead,omitempty" structs:"lead,omitempty"` Components []ProjectComponent `json:"components,omitempty" structs:"components,omitempty"` IssueTypes []IssueType `json:"issueTypes,omitempty" structs:"issueTypes,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty" structs:"url,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty" structs:"email,omitempty"` AssigneeType string `json:"assigneeType,omitempty" structs:"assigneeType,omitempty"` Versions []Version `json:"versions,omitempty" structs:"versions,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Roles map[string]string `json:"roles,omitempty" structs:"roles,omitempty"` AvatarUrls AvatarUrls `json:"avatarUrls,omitempty" structs:"avatarUrls,omitempty"` ProjectCategory ProjectCategory `json:"projectCategory,omitempty" structs:"projectCategory,omitempty"` }
Project represents a Jira Project.
type ProjectCategory ¶
type ProjectCategory struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description,omitempty"` }
ProjectCategory represents a single project category
type ProjectComponent ¶
type ProjectComponent struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description,omitempty"` Lead User `json:"lead,omitempty" structs:"lead,omitempty"` AssigneeType string `json:"assigneeType" structs:"assigneeType,omitempty"` Assignee User `json:"assignee" structs:"assignee,omitempty"` RealAssigneeType string `json:"realAssigneeType" structs:"realAssigneeType,omitempty"` RealAssignee User `json:"realAssignee" structs:"realAssignee,omitempty"` IsAssigneeTypeValid bool `json:"isAssigneeTypeValid" structs:"isAssigneeTypeValid,omitempty"` Project string `json:"project" structs:"project,omitempty"` ProjectID int `json:"projectId" structs:"projectId,omitempty"` }
ProjectComponent represents a single component of a project
type ProjectList ¶
type ProjectList []struct { Expand string `json:"expand" structs:"expand"` Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"` Key string `json:"key" structs:"key"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` AvatarUrls AvatarUrls `json:"avatarUrls" structs:"avatarUrls"` ProjectTypeKey string `json:"projectTypeKey" structs:"projectTypeKey"` ProjectCategory ProjectCategory `json:"projectCategory,omitempty" structs:"projectsCategory,omitempty"` IssueTypes []IssueType `json:"issueTypes,omitempty" structs:"issueTypes,omitempty"` }
ProjectList represent a list of Projects
type ProjectService ¶
type ProjectService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectService handles projects for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*ProjectService) Get ¶
func (s *ProjectService) Get(projectID string) (*Project, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*ProjectService) GetList ¶
func (s *ProjectService) GetList() (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*ProjectService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ProjectService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
GetListWithContext gets all projects form Jira
Jira API docs:
func (*ProjectService) GetPermissionScheme ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *ProjectService) GetPermissionScheme(projectID string) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
GetPermissionScheme wraps GetPermissionSchemeWithContext using the background context.
func (*ProjectService) GetPermissionSchemeWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ProjectService) GetPermissionSchemeWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectID string) (*PermissionScheme, *Response, error)
GetPermissionSchemeWithContext returns a full representation of the permission scheme for the project Jira will attempt to identify the project by the projectIdOrKey path parameter. This can be an project id, or an project key.
Jira API docs:
func (*ProjectService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ProjectService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, projectID string) (*Project, *Response, error)
GetWithContext returns a full representation of the project for the given issue key. Jira will attempt to identify the project by the projectIdOrKey path parameter. This can be an project id, or an project key.
Jira API docs:
func (*ProjectService) ListWithOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *ProjectService) ListWithOptions(options *GetQueryOptions) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
ListWithOptions wraps ListWithOptionsWithContext using the background context.
func (*ProjectService) ListWithOptionsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ProjectService) ListWithOptionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, options *GetQueryOptions) (*ProjectList, *Response, error)
ListWithOptionsWithContext gets all projects form Jira with optional query params, like &GetQueryOptions{Expand: "issueTypes"} to get a list of all projects and their supported issuetypes
Jira API docs:
type PropertyKey ¶ added in v1.16.0
type PropertyKey struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key,omitempty"` }
PropertyKey contains Property key details.
type PropertyKeys ¶ added in v1.16.0
type PropertyKeys struct {
Keys []PropertyKey `json:"keys,omitempty" structs:"keys,omitempty"`
PropertyKeys contains an array of PropertyKey
type RemoteLink ¶ added in v1.16.0
type RemoteLink struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` GlobalID string `json:"globalId,omitempty" structs:"globalId,omitempty"` Application *RemoteLinkApplication `json:"application,omitempty" structs:"application,omitempty"` Relationship string `json:"relationship,omitempty" structs:"relationship,omitempty"` Object *RemoteLinkObject `json:"object,omitempty" structs:"object,omitempty"` }
RemoteLink represents remote links which linked to issues
type RemoteLinkApplication ¶ added in v1.16.0
type RemoteLinkApplication struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty" structs:"type,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` }
RemoteLinkApplication represents remote links application
type RemoteLinkIcon ¶ added in v1.16.0
type RemoteLinkIcon struct { Url16x16 string `json:"url16x16,omitempty" structs:"url16x16,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty" structs:"title,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link,omitempty" structs:"link,omitempty"` }
RemoteLinkIcon represents icon displayed next to link
type RemoteLinkObject ¶ added in v1.16.0
type RemoteLinkObject struct { URL string `json:"url,omitempty" structs:"url,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty" structs:"title,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty" structs:"summary,omitempty"` Icon *RemoteLinkIcon `json:"icon,omitempty" structs:"icon,omitempty"` Status *RemoteLinkStatus `json:"status,omitempty" structs:"status,omitempty"` }
RemoteLinkObject represents remote link object itself
type RemoteLinkStatus ¶ added in v1.16.0
type RemoteLinkStatus struct { Resolved bool `json:"resolved,omitempty" structs:"resolved,omitempty"` Icon *RemoteLinkIcon `json:"icon,omitempty" structs:"icon,omitempty"` }
RemoteLinkStatus if the link is a resolvable object (issue, epic) - the structure represent its status
type Resolution ¶
type Resolution struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` }
Resolution represents a resolution of a Jira issue. Typical types are "Fixed", "Suspended", "Won't Fix", ...
type ResolutionService ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ResolutionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResolutionService handles resolutions for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*ResolutionService) GetList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *ResolutionService) GetList() ([]Resolution, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*ResolutionService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ResolutionService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]Resolution, *Response, error)
GetListWithContext gets all resolutions from Jira
Jira API docs:
type Response ¶
Response represents Jira API response. It wraps http.Response returned from API and provides information about paging.
type Role ¶ added in v1.8.0
type Role struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` ID int `json:"id" structs:"id"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description"` Actors []*Actor `json:"actors" structs:"actors"` }
Role represents a Jira product role
type RoleService ¶ added in v1.8.0
type RoleService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RoleService handles roles for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*RoleService) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (s *RoleService) Get(roleID int) (*Role, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*RoleService) GetList ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (s *RoleService) GetList() (*[]Role, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*RoleService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetListWithContext returns a list of all available project roles
Jira API docs:
func (*RoleService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetWithContext retreives a single Role from Jira
Jira API docs:
type SearchOptions ¶
type SearchOptions struct { // StartAt: The starting index of the returned projects. Base index: 0. StartAt int `url:"startAt,omitempty"` // MaxResults: The maximum number of projects to return per page. Default: 50. MaxResults int `url:"maxResults,omitempty"` // Expand: Expand specific sections in the returned issues Expand string `url:"expand,omitempty"` Fields []string // ValidateQuery: The validateQuery param offers control over whether to validate and how strictly to treat the validation. Default: strict. ValidateQuery string `url:"validateQuery,omitempty"` }
SearchOptions specifies the optional parameters to various List methods that support pagination. Pagination is used for the Jira REST APIs to conserve server resources and limit response size for resources that return potentially large collection of items. A request to a pages API will result in a values array wrapped in a JSON object with some paging metadata Default Pagination options
type SelfLink ¶ added in v1.16.0
type SelfLink struct {
Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"`
SelfLink Stores REST API URL to the organization.
type ServiceDeskOrganizationDTO ¶ added in v1.16.0
type ServiceDeskOrganizationDTO struct {
OrganizationID int `json:"organizationId,omitempty" structs:"organizationId,omitempty"`
ServiceDeskOrganizationDTO is a DTO for ServiceDesk organizations
type ServiceDeskService ¶ added in v1.16.0
type ServiceDeskService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceDeskService handles ServiceDesk for the Jira instance / API.
func (*ServiceDeskService) AddOrganization ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) AddOrganization(serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
AddOrganization wraps AddOrganizationWithContext using the background context.
func (*ServiceDeskService) AddOrganizationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) AddOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
AddOrganizationWithContext adds an organization to a service desk. If the organization ID is already associated with the service desk, no change is made and the resource returns a 204 success code.
func (*ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizations ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizations(serviceDeskID int, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetOrganizations wraps GetOrganizationsWithContext using the background context.
func (*ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizationsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) GetOrganizationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, start int, limit int, accountID string) (*PagedDTO, *Response, error)
GetOrganizationsWithContext returns a list of all organizations associated with a service desk.
func (*ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganization ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganization(serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
RemoveOrganization wraps RemoveOrganizationWithContext using the background context.
func (*ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganizationWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *ServiceDeskService) RemoveOrganizationWithContext(ctx context.Context, serviceDeskID int, organizationID int) (*Response, error)
RemoveOrganizationWithContext removes an organization from a service desk. If the organization ID does not match an organization associated with the service desk, no change is made and the resource returns a 204 success code.
type Session ¶
type Session struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Session struct { Name string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` } `json:"session,omitempty"` LoginInfo struct { FailedLoginCount int `json:"failedLoginCount"` LoginCount int `json:"loginCount"` LastFailedLoginTime string `json:"lastFailedLoginTime"` PreviousLoginTime string `json:"previousLoginTime"` } `json:"loginInfo"` Cookies []*http.Cookie }
Session represents a Session JSON response by the Jira API.
type Sprint ¶
type Sprint struct { ID int `json:"id" structs:"id"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` CompleteDate *time.Time `json:"completeDate" structs:"completeDate"` EndDate *time.Time `json:"endDate" structs:"endDate"` StartDate *time.Time `json:"startDate" structs:"startDate"` OriginBoardID int `json:"originBoardId" structs:"originBoardId"` Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` State string `json:"state" structs:"state"` }
Sprint represents a sprint on Jira agile board
type SprintService ¶
type SprintService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SprintService handles sprints in Jira Agile API. See
func (*SprintService) GetIssue ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *SprintService) GetIssue(issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssue wraps GetIssueWithContext using the background context.
func (*SprintService) GetIssueWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *SprintService) GetIssueWithContext(ctx context.Context, issueID string, options *GetQueryOptions) (*Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssueWithContext returns a full representation of the issue for the given issue key. Jira will attempt to identify the issue by the issueIdOrKey path parameter. This can be an issue id, or an issue key. If the issue cannot be found via an exact match, Jira will also look for the issue in a case-insensitive way, or by looking to see if the issue was moved.
The given options will be appended to the query string ¶
Jira API docs:
TODO: create agile service for holding all agile apis' implementation
func (*SprintService) GetIssuesForSprint ¶
func (s *SprintService) GetIssuesForSprint(sprintID int) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssuesForSprint wraps GetIssuesForSprintWithContext using the background context.
func (*SprintService) GetIssuesForSprintWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *SprintService) GetIssuesForSprintWithContext(ctx context.Context, sprintID int) ([]Issue, *Response, error)
GetIssuesForSprintWithContext returns all issues in a sprint, for a given sprint Id. This only includes issues that the user has permission to view. By default, the returned issues are ordered by rank.
Jira API Docs:
func (*SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprint ¶
func (s *SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprint(sprintID int, issueIDs []string) (*Response, error)
MoveIssuesToSprint wraps MoveIssuesToSprintWithContext using the background context.
func (*SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprintWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *SprintService) MoveIssuesToSprintWithContext(ctx context.Context, sprintID int, issueIDs []string) (*Response, error)
MoveIssuesToSprintWithContext moves issues to a sprint, for a given sprint Id. Issues can only be moved to open or active sprints. The maximum number of issues that can be moved in one operation is 50.
Jira API docs:
type SprintsList ¶ added in v1.4.0
type SprintsList struct { MaxResults int `json:"maxResults" structs:"maxResults"` StartAt int `json:"startAt" structs:"startAt"` Total int `json:"total" structs:"total"` IsLast bool `json:"isLast" structs:"isLast"` Values []Sprint `json:"values" structs:"values"` }
SprintsList reflects a list of agile sprints
type Status ¶
type Status struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` Description string `json:"description" structs:"description"` IconURL string `json:"iconUrl" structs:"iconUrl"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"` StatusCategory StatusCategory `json:"statusCategory" structs:"statusCategory"` }
Status represents the current status of a Jira issue. Typical status are "Open", "In Progress", "Closed", ... Status can be user defined in every Jira instance.
type StatusCategory ¶
type StatusCategory struct { Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` ID int `json:"id" structs:"id"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` Key string `json:"key" structs:"key"` ColorName string `json:"colorName" structs:"colorName"` }
StatusCategory represents the category a status belongs to. Those categories can be user defined in every Jira instance.
type StatusCategoryService ¶ added in v1.4.0
type StatusCategoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatusCategoryService handles status categories for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*StatusCategoryService) GetList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *StatusCategoryService) GetList() ([]StatusCategory, *Response, error)
GetList wraps GetListWithContext using the background context.
func (*StatusCategoryService) GetListWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *StatusCategoryService) GetListWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]StatusCategory, *Response, error)
GetListWithContext gets all status categories from Jira
Jira API docs:
type StatusService ¶ added in v1.16.0
type StatusService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatusService handles staties for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*StatusService) GetAllStatuses ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *StatusService) GetAllStatuses() ([]Status, *Response, error)
GetAllStatuses wraps GetAllStatusesWithContext using the background context.
func (*StatusService) GetAllStatusesWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetAllStatusesWithContext returns a list of all statuses associated with workflows.
Jira API docs:
type Subtasks ¶
type Subtasks struct { ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"` Key string `json:"key" structs:"key"` Self string `json:"self" structs:"self"` Fields IssueFields `json:"fields" structs:"fields"` }
Subtasks represents all issues of a parent issue.
type Time ¶
Time represents the Time definition of Jira as a time.Time of go
func (Time) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.7.0
MarshalJSON will transform the time.Time into a Jira time during the creation of a Jira request
func (*Time) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON will transform the Jira time into a time.Time during the transformation of the Jira JSON response
type TimeTracking ¶
type TimeTracking struct { OriginalEstimate string `json:"originalEstimate,omitempty" structs:"originalEstimate,omitempty"` RemainingEstimate string `json:"remainingEstimate,omitempty" structs:"remainingEstimate,omitempty"` TimeSpent string `json:"timeSpent,omitempty" structs:"timeSpent,omitempty"` OriginalEstimateSeconds int `json:"originalEstimateSeconds,omitempty" structs:"originalEstimateSeconds,omitempty"` RemainingEstimateSeconds int `json:"remainingEstimateSeconds,omitempty" structs:"remainingEstimateSeconds,omitempty"` TimeSpentSeconds int `json:"timeSpentSeconds,omitempty" structs:"timeSpentSeconds,omitempty"` }
TimeTracking represents the timetracking fields of a Jira issue.
type Transition ¶
type Transition struct { ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"` Name string `json:"name" structs:"name"` To Status `json:"to" structs:"status"` Fields map[string]TransitionField `json:"fields" structs:"fields"` }
Transition represents an issue transition in Jira
type TransitionField ¶
type TransitionField struct {
Required bool `json:"required" structs:"required"`
TransitionField represents the value of one Transition
type TransitionPayload ¶
type TransitionPayload struct {
ID string `json:"id" structs:"id"`
TransitionPayload represents the request payload of Transition calls like DoTransition
type TransitionPayloadFields ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TransitionPayloadFields struct {
Resolution *Resolution `json:"resolution,omitempty" structs:"resolution,omitempty"`
TransitionPayloadFields represents the fields that can be set when executing a transition
type UpdateQueryOptions ¶ added in v1.7.0
type UpdateQueryOptions struct { NotifyUsers bool `url:"notifyUsers,omitempty"` OverrideScreenSecurity bool `url:"overrideScreenSecurity,omitempty"` OverrideEditableFlag bool `url:"overrideEditableFlag,omitempty"` }
UpdateQueryOptions specifies the optional parameters to the Edit issue
type User ¶
type User struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` AccountID string `json:"accountId,omitempty" structs:"accountId,omitempty"` AccountType string `json:"accountType,omitempty" structs:"accountType,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty" structs:"key,omitempty"` Password string `json:"-"` EmailAddress string `json:"emailAddress,omitempty" structs:"emailAddress,omitempty"` AvatarUrls AvatarUrls `json:"avatarUrls,omitempty" structs:"avatarUrls,omitempty"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty" structs:"displayName,omitempty"` Active bool `json:"active,omitempty" structs:"active,omitempty"` TimeZone string `json:"timeZone,omitempty" structs:"timeZone,omitempty"` Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty" structs:"locale,omitempty"` ApplicationKeys []string `json:"applicationKeys,omitempty" structs:"applicationKeys,omitempty"` }
User represents a Jira user.
type UserGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type UserGroup struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` }
UserGroup represents the group list
type UserService ¶
type UserService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UserService handles users for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) Create ¶
func (s *UserService) Create(user *User) (*User, *Response, error)
Create wraps CreateWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) CreateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
CreateWithContext creates an user in Jira.
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) Delete ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (s *UserService) Delete(accountId string) (*Response, error)
Delete wraps DeleteWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) DeleteWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
DeleteWithContext deletes an user from Jira. Returns http.StatusNoContent on success.
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) Find ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *UserService) Find(property string, tweaks ...userSearchF) ([]User, *Response, error)
Find wraps FindWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) FindWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *UserService) FindWithContext(ctx context.Context, property string, tweaks ...userSearchF) ([]User, *Response, error)
FindWithContext searches for user info from Jira: It can find users by email or display name using the query parameter
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) Get ¶
func (s *UserService) Get(accountId string) (*User, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) GetByAccountID ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *UserService) GetByAccountID(accountID string) (*User, *Response, error)
GetByAccountID wraps GetByAccountIDWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) GetByAccountIDWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *UserService) GetByAccountIDWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*User, *Response, error)
GetByAccountIDWithContext gets user info from Jira Searching by another parameter that is not accountId is deprecated, but this method is kept for backwards compatibility Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) GetGroups ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *UserService) GetGroups(accountId string) (*[]UserGroup, *Response, error)
GetGroups wraps GetGroupsWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) GetGroupsWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *UserService) GetGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*[]UserGroup, *Response, error)
GetGroupsWithContext returns the groups which the user belongs to
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) GetSelf ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (s *UserService) GetSelf() (*User, *Response, error)
GetSelf wraps GetSelfWithContext using the background context.
func (*UserService) GetSelfWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
GetSelfWithContext information about the current logged-in user
Jira API docs:
func (*UserService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *UserService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, accountId string) (*User, *Response, error)
GetWithContext gets user info from Jira using its Account Id
Jira API docs:
type Version ¶
type Version struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" structs:"description,omitempty"` Archived *bool `json:"archived,omitempty" structs:"archived,omitempty"` Released *bool `json:"released,omitempty" structs:"released,omitempty"` ReleaseDate string `json:"releaseDate,omitempty" structs:"releaseDate,omitempty"` UserReleaseDate string `json:"userReleaseDate,omitempty" structs:"userReleaseDate,omitempty"` ProjectID int `json:"projectId,omitempty" structs:"projectId,omitempty"` // Unlike other IDs, this is returned as a number StartDate string `json:"startDate,omitempty" structs:"startDate,omitempty"` }
Version represents a single release version of a project
type VersionService ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VersionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VersionService handles Versions for the Jira instance / API.
Jira API docs:
func (*VersionService) Create ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *VersionService) Create(version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
Create wraps CreateWithContext using the background context.
func (*VersionService) CreateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *VersionService) CreateWithContext(ctx context.Context, version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
CreateWithContext creates a version in Jira.
Jira API docs:
func (*VersionService) Get ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *VersionService) Get(versionID int) (*Version, *Response, error)
Get wraps GetWithContext using the background context.
func (*VersionService) GetWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *VersionService) GetWithContext(ctx context.Context, versionID int) (*Version, *Response, error)
GetWithContext gets version info from Jira
Jira API docs:
func (*VersionService) Update ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *VersionService) Update(version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
Update wraps UpdateWithContext using the background context.
func (*VersionService) UpdateWithContext ¶ added in v1.16.0
func (s *VersionService) UpdateWithContext(ctx context.Context, version *Version) (*Version, *Response, error)
UpdateWithContext updates a version from a JSON representation.
Jira API docs:
type Watcher ¶ added in v1.1.0
type Watcher struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty" structs:"name,omitempty"` AccountID string `json:"accountId,omitempty" structs:"accountId,omitempty"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty" structs:"displayName,omitempty"` Active bool `json:"active,omitempty" structs:"active,omitempty"` }
Watcher represents a simplified user that "observes" the issue
type Watches ¶
type Watches struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` WatchCount int `json:"watchCount,omitempty" structs:"watchCount,omitempty"` IsWatching bool `json:"isWatching,omitempty" structs:"isWatching,omitempty"` Watchers []*Watcher `json:"watchers,omitempty" structs:"watchers,omitempty"` }
Watches represents a type of how many and which user are "observing" a Jira issue to track the status / updates.
type Worklog ¶
type Worklog struct { StartAt int `json:"startAt" structs:"startAt"` MaxResults int `json:"maxResults" structs:"maxResults"` Total int `json:"total" structs:"total"` Worklogs []WorklogRecord `json:"worklogs" structs:"worklogs"` }
Worklog represents the work log of a Jira issue. One Worklog contains zero or n WorklogRecords Jira Wiki:
type WorklogRecord ¶
type WorklogRecord struct { Self string `json:"self,omitempty" structs:"self,omitempty"` Author *User `json:"author,omitempty" structs:"author,omitempty"` UpdateAuthor *User `json:"updateAuthor,omitempty" structs:"updateAuthor,omitempty"` Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty" structs:"comment,omitempty"` Created *Time `json:"created,omitempty" structs:"created,omitempty"` Updated *Time `json:"updated,omitempty" structs:"updated,omitempty"` Started *Time `json:"started,omitempty" structs:"started,omitempty"` TimeSpent string `json:"timeSpent,omitempty" structs:"timeSpent,omitempty"` TimeSpentSeconds int `json:"timeSpentSeconds,omitempty" structs:"timeSpentSeconds,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty" structs:"id,omitempty"` IssueID string `json:"issueId,omitempty" structs:"issueId,omitempty"` Properties []EntityProperty `json:"properties,omitempty"` }
WorklogRecord represents one entry of a Worklog
Source Files
- authentication.go
- board.go
- component.go
- error.go
- field.go
- filter.go
- group.go
- issue.go
- issuelinktype.go
- jira.go
- metaissue.go
- organization.go
- permissionscheme.go
- priority.go
- project.go
- request_context.go
- resolution.go
- role.go
- servicedesk.go
- sprint.go
- status.go
- statuscategory.go
- types.go
- user.go
- version.go