Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func FromProtoIceServers(iceservers []*livekit.ICEServer) []webrtc.ICEServer
- func FromProtoSessionDescription(sd *livekit.SessionDescription) webrtc.SessionDescription
- func FromProtoTrickle(trickle *livekit.TrickleRequest) webrtc.ICECandidateInit
- func ReaderTrackWithFrameDuration(duration time.Duration) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
- func ReaderTrackWithMime(mime string) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
- func ReaderTrackWithOnWriteComplete(f func()) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
- func ReaderTrackWithRTCPHandler(f func(rtcp.Packet)) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
- func SetLogger(l protoLogger.Logger)
- func ToHttpURL(url string) string
- func ToProtoSessionDescription(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) *livekit.SessionDescription
- func ToProtoTrickle(candidateInit webrtc.ICECandidateInit, target livekit.SignalTarget) *livekit.TrickleRequest
- func ToWebsocketURL(url string) string
- type AudioSampleProvider
- type BaseSampleProvider
- type ConnectInfo
- type ConnectOption
- type ConnectParams
- type EgressClient
- func (c *EgressClient) ListEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListEgressRequest) (*livekit.ListEgressResponse, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) StartRoomCompositeEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomCompositeEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) StartTrackCompositeEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.TrackCompositeEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) StartTrackEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.TrackEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) StartWebEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.WebEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) StopEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.StopEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) UpdateLayout(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateLayoutRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- func (c *EgressClient) UpdateStream(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateStreamRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
- type IngressClient
- func (c *IngressClient) CreateIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.CreateIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
- func (c *IngressClient) DeleteIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.DeleteIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
- func (c *IngressClient) ListIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.ListIngressRequest) (*livekit.ListIngressResponse, error)
- func (c *IngressClient) UpdateIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.UpdateIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
- type LocalParticipant
- func (p *LocalParticipant) AudioLevel() float32
- func (p *LocalParticipant) GetPublisherPeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
- func (p *LocalParticipant) GetSubscriberPeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
- func (p *LocalParticipant) GetTrack(source livekit.TrackSource) TrackPublication
- func (p *LocalParticipant) Identity() string
- func (p *LocalParticipant) IsCameraEnabled() bool
- func (p *LocalParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled() bool
- func (p *LocalParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled() bool
- func (p *LocalParticipant) IsSpeaking() bool
- func (p *LocalParticipant) Metadata() string
- func (p *LocalParticipant) Name() string
- func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishData(data []byte, kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind, destinationSids []string) error
- func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishSimulcastTrack(tracks []*LocalSampleTrack, opts *TrackPublicationOptions) (*LocalTrackPublication, error)
- func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishTrack(track webrtc.TrackLocal, opts *TrackPublicationOptions) (*LocalTrackPublication, error)
- func (p *LocalParticipant) SID() string
- func (p *LocalParticipant) Tracks() []TrackPublication
- func (p *LocalParticipant) UnpublishTrack(sid string) error
- type LocalSampleTrack
- func NewLocalFileTrack(file string, options ...ReaderSampleProviderOption) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
- func NewLocalReaderTrack(in io.ReadCloser, mime string, options ...ReaderSampleProviderOption) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
- func NewLocalSampleTrack(c webrtc.RTPCodecCapability, opts ...LocalSampleTrackOptions) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Bind(t webrtc.TrackLocalContext) (webrtc.RTPCodecParameters, error)
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Codec() webrtc.RTPCodecCapability
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) ID() string
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) IsBound() bool
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Kind() webrtc.RTPCodecType
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) OnBind(f func())
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) OnUnbind(f func())
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) RID() string
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) SetTransceiver(transceiver *webrtc.RTPTransceiver)
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) StartWrite(provider SampleProvider, onComplete func()) error
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) StreamID() string
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Unbind(t webrtc.TrackLocalContext) error
- func (s *LocalSampleTrack) WriteSample(sample media.Sample, opts *SampleWriteOptions) error
- type LocalSampleTrackOptions
- type LocalTrackPublication
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) GetSimulcastTrack(quality livekit.VideoQuality) *LocalSampleTrack
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) IsMuted() bool
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) IsSubscribed() bool
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) Kind() TrackKind
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) MimeType() string
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) Name() string
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) OnRttUpdate(cb func(uint32))
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) SID() string
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) SetMuted(muted bool)
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) Source() livekit.TrackSource
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) Track() Track
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) TrackInfo() *livekit.TrackInfo
- func (p *LocalTrackPublication) TrackLocal() webrtc.TrackLocal
- type NullSampleProvider
- type PCTransport
- func (t *PCTransport) AddICECandidate(candidate webrtc.ICECandidateInit) error
- func (t *PCTransport) Close() error
- func (t *PCTransport) IsConnected() bool
- func (t *PCTransport) Negotiate()
- func (t *PCTransport) OnRemoteDescriptionSettled(f func() error)
- func (t *PCTransport) PeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
- func (t *PCTransport) SetRTT(rtt uint32)
- func (t *PCTransport) SetRemoteDescription(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
- type PLIWriter
- type Participant
- type ParticipantCallback
- type PubCallback
- type RTCEngine
- func (e *RTCEngine) Close()
- func (e *RTCEngine) GetDataChannel(kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind) *webrtc.DataChannel
- func (e *RTCEngine) GetDataChannelSub(kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind) *webrtc.DataChannel
- func (e *RTCEngine) IsConnected() bool
- func (e *RTCEngine) Join(url string, token string, params *ConnectParams) (*livekit.JoinResponse, error)
- func (e *RTCEngine) TrackPublishedChan() <-chan *livekit.TrackPublishedResponse
- type ReaderSampleProvider
- type ReaderSampleProviderOption
- type RemoteParticipant
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) AudioLevel() float32
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) GetTrack(source livekit.TrackSource) TrackPublication
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) Identity() string
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsCameraEnabled() bool
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled() bool
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled() bool
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsSpeaking() bool
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) Metadata() string
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) Name() string
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) SID() string
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) Tracks() []TrackPublication
- func (p *RemoteParticipant) WritePLI(ssrc webrtc.SSRC)
- type RemoteTrackPublication
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) IsEnabled() bool
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) IsMuted() bool
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) IsSubscribed() bool
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Kind() TrackKind
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) MimeType() string
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Name() string
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) OnRTCP(cb func(rtcp.Packet))
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Receiver() *webrtc.RTPReceiver
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SID() string
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetSubscribed(subscribed bool) error
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetVideoDimensions(width uint32, height uint32)
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Source() livekit.TrackSource
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Track() Track
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) TrackInfo() *livekit.TrackInfo
- func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) TrackRemote() *webrtc.TrackRemote
- type Room
- func (r *Room) ActiveSpeakers() []Participant
- func (r *Room) Disconnect()
- func (r *Room) GetParticipant(sid string) *RemoteParticipant
- func (r *Room) GetParticipants() []*RemoteParticipant
- func (r *Room) Join(url string, info ConnectInfo, opts ...ConnectOption) error
- func (r *Room) JoinWithToken(url, token string, opts ...ConnectOption) error
- func (r *Room) Metadata() string
- func (r *Room) Name() string
- func (r *Room) SID() string
- func (r *Room) ServerInfo() *livekit.ServerInfo
- func (r *Room) Simulate(scenario SimulateScenario)
- type RoomCallback
- type RoomServiceClient
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) CreateRoom(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.CreateRoomRequest) (*livekit.Room, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) CreateToken() *auth.AccessToken
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) DeleteRoom(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.DeleteRoomRequest) (*livekit.DeleteRoomResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) GetParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomParticipantIdentity) (*livekit.ParticipantInfo, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) ListParticipants(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListParticipantsRequest) (*livekit.ListParticipantsResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) ListRooms(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListRoomsRequest) (*livekit.ListRoomsResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) MutePublishedTrack(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.MuteRoomTrackRequest) (*livekit.MuteRoomTrackResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) RemoveParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomParticipantIdentity) (*livekit.RemoveParticipantResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) SendData(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.SendDataRequest) (*livekit.SendDataResponse, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateParticipantRequest) (*livekit.ParticipantInfo, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateRoomMetadata(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateRoomMetadataRequest) (*livekit.Room, error)
- func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateSubscriptionsRequest) (*livekit.UpdateSubscriptionsResponse, error)
- type SampleProvider
- type SampleWriteOptions
- type SignalClient
- func (c *SignalClient) Close()
- func (c *SignalClient) IsStarted() bool
- func (c *SignalClient) Join(urlPrefix string, token string, params *ConnectParams) (*livekit.JoinResponse, error)
- func (c *SignalClient) SendAnswer(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendICECandidate(candidate webrtc.ICECandidateInit, target livekit.SignalTarget) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendLeave() error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendMuteTrack(sid string, muted bool) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendOffer(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendRequest(req *livekit.SignalRequest) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendSyncState(state *livekit.SyncState) error
- func (c *SignalClient) SendUpdateTrackSettings(settings *livekit.UpdateTrackSettings) error
- func (c *SignalClient) Start()
- type SimulateScenario
- type SimulcastTrack
- type Track
- type TrackKind
- type TrackPubCallback
- type TrackPublication
- type TrackPublicationOptions
Constants ¶
const PROTOCOL = 8
const Version = "1.0.9"
Variables ¶
var ( ErrURLNotProvided = errors.New("URL was not provided") ErrConnectionTimeout = errors.New("could not connect after timeout") ErrTrackPublishTimeout = errors.New("timed out publishing track") ErrCannotDetermineMime = errors.New("cannot determine mimetype from file extension") ErrUnsupportedFileType = errors.New("ReaderSampleProvider does not support this mime type") ErrUnsupportedSimulcastKind = errors.New("simulcast is only supported for video") ErrInvalidSimulcastTrack = errors.New("simulcast track was not initiated correctly") ErrCannotFindTrack = errors.New("could not find the track") ErrInvalidParameter = errors.New("invalid parameter") ErrCannotConnectSignal = errors.New("could not establish signal connection") )
Functions ¶
func FromProtoIceServers ¶
func FromProtoSessionDescription ¶
func FromProtoSessionDescription(sd *livekit.SessionDescription) webrtc.SessionDescription
func FromProtoTrickle ¶
func FromProtoTrickle(trickle *livekit.TrickleRequest) webrtc.ICECandidateInit
func ReaderTrackWithFrameDuration ¶ added in v0.10.1
func ReaderTrackWithFrameDuration(duration time.Duration) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
func ReaderTrackWithMime ¶ added in v0.10.1
func ReaderTrackWithMime(mime string) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
func ReaderTrackWithOnWriteComplete ¶ added in v0.10.1
func ReaderTrackWithOnWriteComplete(f func()) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
func ReaderTrackWithRTCPHandler ¶ added in v0.10.5
func ReaderTrackWithRTCPHandler(f func(rtcp.Packet)) func(provider *ReaderSampleProvider)
func SetLogger ¶
func SetLogger(l protoLogger.Logger)
SetLogger overrides default logger. To use a [logr]( compatible logger, pass in SetLogger(logger.LogRLogger(logRLogger))
func ToProtoSessionDescription ¶
func ToProtoSessionDescription(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) *livekit.SessionDescription
func ToProtoTrickle ¶
func ToProtoTrickle(candidateInit webrtc.ICECandidateInit, target livekit.SignalTarget) *livekit.TrickleRequest
func ToWebsocketURL ¶ added in v0.10.0
Types ¶
type AudioSampleProvider ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AudioSampleProvider interface { SampleProvider CurrentAudioLevel() uint8 }
type BaseSampleProvider ¶ added in v0.9.0
type BaseSampleProvider struct { }
BaseSampleProvider provides empty implementations for OnBind and OnUnbind
func (*BaseSampleProvider) OnBind ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *BaseSampleProvider) OnBind() error
func (*BaseSampleProvider) OnUnbind ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *BaseSampleProvider) OnUnbind() error
type ConnectInfo ¶
type ConnectOption ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ConnectOption func(*ConnectParams)
func WithAutoSubscribe ¶ added in v0.6.1
func WithAutoSubscribe(val bool) ConnectOption
type ConnectParams ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ConnectParams struct { AutoSubscribe bool Reconnect bool Callback *RoomCallback }
type EgressClient ¶ added in v0.9.0
type EgressClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEgressClient ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewEgressClient(url string, apiKey string, secretKey string) *EgressClient
func (*EgressClient) ListEgress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *EgressClient) ListEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListEgressRequest) (*livekit.ListEgressResponse, error)
func (*EgressClient) StartRoomCompositeEgress ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (c *EgressClient) StartRoomCompositeEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomCompositeEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) StartTrackCompositeEgress ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (c *EgressClient) StartTrackCompositeEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.TrackCompositeEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) StartTrackEgress ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (c *EgressClient) StartTrackEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.TrackEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) StartWebEgress ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (c *EgressClient) StartWebEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.WebEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) StopEgress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *EgressClient) StopEgress(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.StopEgressRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) UpdateLayout ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *EgressClient) UpdateLayout(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateLayoutRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
func (*EgressClient) UpdateStream ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *EgressClient) UpdateStream(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateStreamRequest) (*livekit.EgressInfo, error)
type IngressClient ¶ added in v0.10.5
type IngressClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIngressClient ¶ added in v0.10.5
func NewIngressClient(url string, apiKey string, secretKey string) *IngressClient
func (*IngressClient) CreateIngress ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (c *IngressClient) CreateIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.CreateIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
func (*IngressClient) DeleteIngress ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (c *IngressClient) DeleteIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.DeleteIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
func (*IngressClient) ListIngress ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (c *IngressClient) ListIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.ListIngressRequest) (*livekit.ListIngressResponse, error)
func (*IngressClient) UpdateIngress ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (c *IngressClient) UpdateIngress(ctx context.Context, in *livekit.UpdateIngressRequest) (*livekit.IngressInfo, error)
type LocalParticipant ¶
type LocalParticipant struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LocalParticipant) AudioLevel ¶
func (p *LocalParticipant) AudioLevel() float32
func (*LocalParticipant) GetPublisherPeerConnection ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) GetPublisherPeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
GetPublisherPeerConnection is a power-user API that gives access to the underlying publisher peer connection local tracks are published to server via this PeerConnection
func (*LocalParticipant) GetSubscriberPeerConnection ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) GetSubscriberPeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
GetSubscriberPeerConnection is a power-user API that gives access to the underlying subscriber peer connection subscribed tracks are received using this PeerConnection
func (*LocalParticipant) GetTrack ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) GetTrack(source livekit.TrackSource) TrackPublication
func (*LocalParticipant) IsCameraEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) IsCameraEnabled() bool
func (*LocalParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled() bool
func (*LocalParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled() bool
func (*LocalParticipant) IsSpeaking ¶
func (p *LocalParticipant) IsSpeaking() bool
func (*LocalParticipant) PublishData ¶ added in v0.5.12
func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishData(data []byte, kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind, destinationSids []string) error
func (*LocalParticipant) PublishSimulcastTrack ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishSimulcastTrack(tracks []*LocalSampleTrack, opts *TrackPublicationOptions) (*LocalTrackPublication, error)
PublishSimulcastTrack publishes up to three layers to the server
func (*LocalParticipant) PublishTrack ¶
func (p *LocalParticipant) PublishTrack(track webrtc.TrackLocal, opts *TrackPublicationOptions) (*LocalTrackPublication, error)
func (*LocalParticipant) Tracks ¶
func (p *LocalParticipant) Tracks() []TrackPublication
func (*LocalParticipant) UnpublishTrack ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (p *LocalParticipant) UnpublishTrack(sid string) error
type LocalSampleTrack ¶
type LocalSampleTrack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LocalSampleTrack is a local track that simplifies writing samples. It handles timing and publishing of things, so as long as a SampleProvider is provided, the class takes care of publishing tracks at the right frequency This extends webrtc.TrackLocalStaticSample, and adds the ability to write RTP extensions
func NewLocalFileTrack ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewLocalFileTrack(file string, options ...ReaderSampleProviderOption) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
NewLocalFileTrack creates an *os.File reader for NewLocalReaderTrack
func NewLocalReaderTrack ¶ added in v0.10.1
func NewLocalReaderTrack(in io.ReadCloser, mime string, options ...ReaderSampleProviderOption) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
NewLocalReaderTrack uses io.ReadCloser interface to adapt to various ingress types - mime: has to be one of webrtc.MimeType... (e.g. webrtc.MimeTypeOpus)
func NewLocalSampleTrack ¶
func NewLocalSampleTrack(c webrtc.RTPCodecCapability, opts ...LocalSampleTrackOptions) (*LocalSampleTrack, error)
func (*LocalSampleTrack) Bind ¶
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Bind(t webrtc.TrackLocalContext) (webrtc.RTPCodecParameters, error)
Bind is an interface for TrackLocal, not for external consumption
func (*LocalSampleTrack) Codec ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Codec() webrtc.RTPCodecCapability
Codec gets the Codec of the track
func (*LocalSampleTrack) ID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) ID() string
ID is the unique identifier for this Track. This should be unique for the stream, but doesn't have to globally unique. A common example would be 'audio' or 'video' and StreamID would be 'desktop' or 'webcam'
func (*LocalSampleTrack) IsBound ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) IsBound() bool
func (*LocalSampleTrack) Kind ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Kind() webrtc.RTPCodecType
Kind controls if this TrackLocal is audio or video
func (*LocalSampleTrack) OnBind ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) OnBind(f func())
OnBind sets a callback to be called when the track has been negotiated for publishing and bound to a peer connection
func (*LocalSampleTrack) OnUnbind ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) OnUnbind(f func())
OnUnbind sets a callback to be called after the track is removed from a peer connection
func (*LocalSampleTrack) RID ¶ added in v0.8.4
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) RID() string
RID is the RTP stream identifier.
func (*LocalSampleTrack) SetTransceiver ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) SetTransceiver(transceiver *webrtc.RTPTransceiver)
func (*LocalSampleTrack) StartWrite ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) StartWrite(provider SampleProvider, onComplete func()) error
func (*LocalSampleTrack) StreamID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) StreamID() string
StreamID is the group this track belongs too. This must be unique
func (*LocalSampleTrack) Unbind ¶
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) Unbind(t webrtc.TrackLocalContext) error
Unbind is an interface for TrackLocal, not for external consumption
func (*LocalSampleTrack) WriteSample ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *LocalSampleTrack) WriteSample(sample media.Sample, opts *SampleWriteOptions) error
type LocalSampleTrackOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
type LocalSampleTrackOptions func(s *LocalSampleTrack)
func WithRTCPHandler ¶ added in v0.9.0
func WithRTCPHandler(cb func(rtcp.Packet)) LocalSampleTrackOptions
func WithSimulcast ¶ added in v0.9.0
func WithSimulcast(simulcastID string, layer *livekit.VideoLayer) LocalSampleTrackOptions
WithSimulcast marks the current track for simulcasting. In order to use simulcast, simulcastID must be identical across all layers
type LocalTrackPublication ¶
type LocalTrackPublication struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalTrackPublication ¶ added in v0.10.3
func NewLocalTrackPublication(kind TrackKind, track Track, name string, client *SignalClient) *LocalTrackPublication
func (*LocalTrackPublication) GetSimulcastTrack ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) GetSimulcastTrack(quality livekit.VideoQuality) *LocalSampleTrack
func (*LocalTrackPublication) IsSubscribed ¶
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) IsSubscribed() bool
func (*LocalTrackPublication) MimeType ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) MimeType() string
func (*LocalTrackPublication) OnRttUpdate ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) OnRttUpdate(cb func(uint32))
func (*LocalTrackPublication) SetMuted ¶
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) SetMuted(muted bool)
func (*LocalTrackPublication) Source ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) Source() livekit.TrackSource
func (*LocalTrackPublication) TrackLocal ¶
func (p *LocalTrackPublication) TrackLocal() webrtc.TrackLocal
type NullSampleProvider ¶
type NullSampleProvider struct { BaseSampleProvider BytesPerSample uint32 SampleDuration time.Duration }
NullSampleProvider is a media provider that provides null packets, it could meet a certain bitrate, if desired
func NewNullSampleProvider ¶
func NewNullSampleProvider(bitrate uint32) *NullSampleProvider
func (*NullSampleProvider) NextSample ¶
func (p *NullSampleProvider) NextSample() (media.Sample, error)
type PCTransport ¶
type PCTransport struct { OnOffer func(description webrtc.SessionDescription) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PCTransport is a wrapper around PeerConnection, with some helper methods
func NewPCTransport ¶
func NewPCTransport(configuration webrtc.Configuration) (*PCTransport, error)
func (*PCTransport) AddICECandidate ¶
func (t *PCTransport) AddICECandidate(candidate webrtc.ICECandidateInit) error
func (*PCTransport) Close ¶
func (t *PCTransport) Close() error
func (*PCTransport) IsConnected ¶
func (t *PCTransport) IsConnected() bool
func (*PCTransport) Negotiate ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *PCTransport) Negotiate()
func (*PCTransport) OnRemoteDescriptionSettled ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (t *PCTransport) OnRemoteDescriptionSettled(f func() error)
func (*PCTransport) PeerConnection ¶
func (t *PCTransport) PeerConnection() *webrtc.PeerConnection
func (*PCTransport) SetRTT ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PCTransport) SetRTT(rtt uint32)
func (*PCTransport) SetRemoteDescription ¶
func (t *PCTransport) SetRemoteDescription(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
type Participant ¶
type Participant interface { SID() string Identity() string Name() string IsSpeaking() bool AudioLevel() float32 Tracks() []TrackPublication IsCameraEnabled() bool IsMicrophoneEnabled() bool Metadata() string GetTrack(source livekit.TrackSource) TrackPublication // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ParticipantCallback ¶
type ParticipantCallback struct { // for all participants OnTrackMuted func(pub TrackPublication, p Participant) OnTrackUnmuted func(pub TrackPublication, p Participant) OnMetadataChanged func(oldMetadata string, p Participant) OnIsSpeakingChanged func(p Participant) OnConnectionQualityChanged func(update *livekit.ConnectionQualityInfo, p Participant) // for remote participants OnTrackSubscribed func(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, publication *RemoteTrackPublication, rp *RemoteParticipant) OnTrackUnsubscribed func(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, publication *RemoteTrackPublication, rp *RemoteParticipant) OnTrackSubscriptionFailed func(sid string, rp *RemoteParticipant) OnTrackPublished func(publication *RemoteTrackPublication, rp *RemoteParticipant) OnTrackUnpublished func(publication *RemoteTrackPublication, rp *RemoteParticipant) OnDataReceived func(data []byte, rp *RemoteParticipant) }
func NewParticipantCallback ¶
func NewParticipantCallback() *ParticipantCallback
func (*ParticipantCallback) Merge ¶ added in v0.10.3
func (cb *ParticipantCallback) Merge(other *ParticipantCallback)
type PubCallback ¶
type PubCallback func(pub TrackPublication, participant *RemoteParticipant)
type RTCEngine ¶
type RTCEngine struct { JoinTimeout time.Duration // callbacks OnDisconnected func() OnMediaTrack func(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, receiver *webrtc.RTPReceiver) OnParticipantUpdate func([]*livekit.ParticipantInfo) OnActiveSpeakersChanged func([]*livekit.SpeakerInfo) OnSpeakersChanged func([]*livekit.SpeakerInfo) OnDataReceived func(userPacket *livekit.UserPacket) OnConnectionQuality func([]*livekit.ConnectionQualityInfo) OnRoomUpdate func(room *livekit.Room) OnRestarting func() OnRestarted func(*livekit.JoinResponse) OnResuming func() OnResumed func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRTCEngine ¶
func NewRTCEngine() *RTCEngine
func (*RTCEngine) GetDataChannel ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (e *RTCEngine) GetDataChannel(kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind) *webrtc.DataChannel
func (*RTCEngine) GetDataChannelSub ¶ added in v0.10.5
func (e *RTCEngine) GetDataChannelSub(kind livekit.DataPacket_Kind) *webrtc.DataChannel
func (*RTCEngine) IsConnected ¶
func (*RTCEngine) Join ¶
func (e *RTCEngine) Join(url string, token string, params *ConnectParams) (*livekit.JoinResponse, error)
func (*RTCEngine) TrackPublishedChan ¶
func (e *RTCEngine) TrackPublishedChan() <-chan *livekit.TrackPublishedResponse
type ReaderSampleProvider ¶ added in v0.10.1
type ReaderSampleProvider struct { // Configuration Mime string FrameDuration time.Duration OnWriteComplete func() AudioLevel uint8 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ReaderSampleProvider provides samples by reading from an io.ReadCloser implementation
func (*ReaderSampleProvider) CurrentAudioLevel ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (p *ReaderSampleProvider) CurrentAudioLevel() uint8
func (*ReaderSampleProvider) NextSample ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (p *ReaderSampleProvider) NextSample() (media.Sample, error)
func (*ReaderSampleProvider) OnBind ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (p *ReaderSampleProvider) OnBind() error
func (*ReaderSampleProvider) OnUnbind ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (p *ReaderSampleProvider) OnUnbind() error
type ReaderSampleProviderOption ¶ added in v0.10.1
type ReaderSampleProviderOption func(*ReaderSampleProvider)
type RemoteParticipant ¶
type RemoteParticipant struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RemoteParticipant) AudioLevel ¶
func (p *RemoteParticipant) AudioLevel() float32
func (*RemoteParticipant) GetTrack ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *RemoteParticipant) GetTrack(source livekit.TrackSource) TrackPublication
func (*RemoteParticipant) IsCameraEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsCameraEnabled() bool
func (*RemoteParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsMicrophoneEnabled() bool
func (*RemoteParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsScreenShareEnabled() bool
func (*RemoteParticipant) IsSpeaking ¶
func (p *RemoteParticipant) IsSpeaking() bool
func (*RemoteParticipant) Tracks ¶
func (p *RemoteParticipant) Tracks() []TrackPublication
func (*RemoteParticipant) WritePLI ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteParticipant) WritePLI(ssrc webrtc.SSRC)
type RemoteTrackPublication ¶
type RemoteTrackPublication struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) IsEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) IsEnabled() bool
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) IsSubscribed ¶
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) IsSubscribed() bool
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) MimeType ¶ added in v0.8.2
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) MimeType() string
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) OnRTCP ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) OnRTCP(cb func(rtcp.Packet))
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) Receiver ¶
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Receiver() *webrtc.RTPReceiver
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) SetEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) SetSubscribed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetSubscribed(subscribed bool) error
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) SetVideoDimensions ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) SetVideoDimensions(width uint32, height uint32)
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) Source ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) Source() livekit.TrackSource
func (*RemoteTrackPublication) TrackRemote ¶
func (p *RemoteTrackPublication) TrackRemote() *webrtc.TrackRemote
type Room ¶
type Room struct { LocalParticipant *LocalParticipant // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ConnectToRoom ¶
func ConnectToRoom(url string, info ConnectInfo, callback *RoomCallback, opts ...ConnectOption) (*Room, error)
ConnectToRoom creates and joins the room
func ConnectToRoomWithToken ¶
func ConnectToRoomWithToken(url, token string, callback *RoomCallback, opts ...ConnectOption) (*Room, error)
ConnectToRoomWithToken creates and joins the room
func CreateRoom ¶ added in v0.9.0
func CreateRoom(callback *RoomCallback) *Room
CreateRoom can be used to update callbacks before calling Join
func (*Room) ActiveSpeakers ¶
func (r *Room) ActiveSpeakers() []Participant
func (*Room) Disconnect ¶
func (r *Room) Disconnect()
func (*Room) GetParticipant ¶
func (r *Room) GetParticipant(sid string) *RemoteParticipant
func (*Room) GetParticipants ¶
func (r *Room) GetParticipants() []*RemoteParticipant
func (*Room) Join ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (r *Room) Join(url string, info ConnectInfo, opts ...ConnectOption) error
Join - joins the room as with default permissions
func (*Room) JoinWithToken ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (r *Room) JoinWithToken(url, token string, opts ...ConnectOption) error
JoinWithToken - customize participant options by generating your own token
func (*Room) ServerInfo ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (r *Room) ServerInfo() *livekit.ServerInfo
func (*Room) Simulate ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (r *Room) Simulate(scenario SimulateScenario)
type RoomCallback ¶
type RoomCallback struct { OnDisconnected func() OnParticipantConnected func(*RemoteParticipant) OnParticipantDisconnected func(*RemoteParticipant) OnActiveSpeakersChanged func([]Participant) OnRoomMetadataChanged func(metadata string) OnReconnecting func() OnReconnected func() // participant events are sent to the room as well ParticipantCallback }
func NewRoomCallback ¶
func NewRoomCallback() *RoomCallback
func (*RoomCallback) Merge ¶ added in v0.10.3
func (cb *RoomCallback) Merge(other *RoomCallback)
type RoomServiceClient ¶
type RoomServiceClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRoomServiceClient ¶
func NewRoomServiceClient(url string, apiKey string, secretKey string) *RoomServiceClient
func (*RoomServiceClient) CreateRoom ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) CreateRoom(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.CreateRoomRequest) (*livekit.Room, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) CreateToken ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) CreateToken() *auth.AccessToken
func (*RoomServiceClient) DeleteRoom ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) DeleteRoom(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.DeleteRoomRequest) (*livekit.DeleteRoomResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) GetParticipant ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) GetParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomParticipantIdentity) (*livekit.ParticipantInfo, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) ListParticipants ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) ListParticipants(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListParticipantsRequest) (*livekit.ListParticipantsResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) ListRooms ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) ListRooms(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.ListRoomsRequest) (*livekit.ListRoomsResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) MutePublishedTrack ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) MutePublishedTrack(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.MuteRoomTrackRequest) (*livekit.MuteRoomTrackResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) RemoveParticipant ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) RemoveParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.RoomParticipantIdentity) (*livekit.RemoveParticipantResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) SendData ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (c *RoomServiceClient) SendData(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.SendDataRequest) (*livekit.SendDataResponse, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) UpdateParticipant ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateParticipant(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateParticipantRequest) (*livekit.ParticipantInfo, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) UpdateRoomMetadata ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateRoomMetadata(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateRoomMetadataRequest) (*livekit.Room, error)
func (*RoomServiceClient) UpdateSubscriptions ¶
func (c *RoomServiceClient) UpdateSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, req *livekit.UpdateSubscriptionsRequest) (*livekit.UpdateSubscriptionsResponse, error)
type SampleProvider ¶
type SampleWriteOptions ¶ added in v0.7.0
type SampleWriteOptions struct {
AudioLevel *uint8
type SignalClient ¶
type SignalClient struct { OnClose func() OnAnswer func(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) OnOffer func(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) OnTrickle func(init webrtc.ICECandidateInit, target livekit.SignalTarget) OnParticipantUpdate func([]*livekit.ParticipantInfo) OnLocalTrackPublished func(response *livekit.TrackPublishedResponse) OnSpeakersChanged func([]*livekit.SpeakerInfo) OnConnectionQuality func([]*livekit.ConnectionQualityInfo) OnRoomUpdate func(room *livekit.Room) OnTrackMuted func(request *livekit.MuteTrackRequest) OnLocalTrackUnpublished func(response *livekit.TrackUnpublishedResponse) OnTokenRefresh func(refreshToken string) OnLeave func(*livekit.LeaveRequest) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSignalClient ¶
func NewSignalClient() *SignalClient
func (*SignalClient) Close ¶
func (c *SignalClient) Close()
func (*SignalClient) IsStarted ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (c *SignalClient) IsStarted() bool
func (*SignalClient) Join ¶
func (c *SignalClient) Join(urlPrefix string, token string, params *ConnectParams) (*livekit.JoinResponse, error)
func (*SignalClient) SendAnswer ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendAnswer(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
func (*SignalClient) SendICECandidate ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendICECandidate(candidate webrtc.ICECandidateInit, target livekit.SignalTarget) error
func (*SignalClient) SendLeave ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendLeave() error
func (*SignalClient) SendMuteTrack ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendMuteTrack(sid string, muted bool) error
func (*SignalClient) SendOffer ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendOffer(sd webrtc.SessionDescription) error
func (*SignalClient) SendRequest ¶
func (c *SignalClient) SendRequest(req *livekit.SignalRequest) error
func (*SignalClient) SendSyncState ¶ added in v0.10.2
func (c *SignalClient) SendSyncState(state *livekit.SyncState) error
func (*SignalClient) SendUpdateTrackSettings ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *SignalClient) SendUpdateTrackSettings(settings *livekit.UpdateTrackSettings) error
func (*SignalClient) Start ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (c *SignalClient) Start()
type SimulateScenario ¶ added in v0.10.2
type SimulateScenario int
const ( SimulateSignalReconnect SimulateScenario = iota SimulateForceTCP SimulateForceTLS SimulateSpeakerUpdate SimulateSpeakerUpdateInterval = 5 )
type SimulcastTrack ¶ added in v0.9.0
type SimulcastTrack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSimulcastTrack ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewSimulcastTrack(trackLocal webrtc.TrackLocal, videoLayer *livekit.VideoLayer) *SimulcastTrack
func (*SimulcastTrack) Quality ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *SimulcastTrack) Quality() livekit.VideoQuality
func (*SimulcastTrack) TrackLocal ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *SimulcastTrack) TrackLocal() webrtc.TrackLocal
func (*SimulcastTrack) VideoLayer ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *SimulcastTrack) VideoLayer() *livekit.VideoLayer
type TrackKind ¶
type TrackKind string
func KindFromRTPType ¶
func KindFromRTPType(rt webrtc.RTPCodecType) TrackKind
type TrackPubCallback ¶
type TrackPubCallback func(track Track, pub TrackPublication, participant *RemoteParticipant)
type TrackPublication ¶
type TrackPublication interface { Name() string SID() string Source() livekit.TrackSource Kind() TrackKind MimeType() string IsMuted() bool IsSubscribed() bool TrackInfo() *livekit.TrackInfo // Track is either a webrtc.TrackLocal or webrtc.TrackRemote Track() Track // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type TrackPublicationOptions ¶
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package samplebuilder builds media frames from RTP packets.
Package samplebuilder builds media frames from RTP packets. |