Httpsql is a http server to provides a simple way of monitoring SQL databases via a http request by predefined queries.
How to build app
- Download and install Golang
- Download dependencies
go get -v -d ./
- Build application
go build -ldflags="-s -w"
Also you can download binary.
How to use
Before continue you must create config.json
in app folder. Below is an example:
{ "port": "9000", "databases": { "demo": { "driver": "mysql", "dns": "myuser@tcp(", "metrics": ["now", "count", "minmax", "getbyid"] }, "demo2": { "driver": "postgres", "dns": "host= user=home password=password dbname=mydb2 sslmode=disable", "metrics": ["count", "minmax"] } }, "metrics": { "now": { "query": "select now()", "description": "Params: none. Returns current date and time." }, "count": { "query": "select count(1) as count from #table", "description": "Params: table. Returns row count of table." }, "minmax": { "query": "select min(#column) min, max(#column) max from #table", "description": "Params: table, column. Returns max and min value." }, "getbyid": { "query": "select * from #table where id = $id", "description": "Params: table, id. Returns row with requested id." } } }
The following links will be available for this configuration:
returns all database aliases:demo
returns all available metrics for databasedemo
and their description/demo/now
date and time/demo/count?table=orders
returns row count formydb.orders
returns minimal and maximumprice
returns order detail with id =10
returns customer count inmydb2.customers
In query #param
defines a url parameter param
that value will be substituted directly into the query. To avoid sql injections, all characters except a-Z0-9_.$
will be removed from value and length is limited to 64 characters. $param
defines a placeholder parameter and can contains any symbols.
Request result is json
or text
(csv). By default data format defines by http Accept
header. You can lock format by adding json
or text
to requested url e.g. /demo2/count?table=customers&text
One permanent connection is used for each database. If necessary, the connection will be restored. |
Supported databases
DBMS | Driver | Dns example |
MySQL | mysql | myuser@tcp( |
PosgreSQL | postgres | host= user=home password=password dbname=mydb sslmode=disable |
MSSQL | mssql | sqlserver://username:password@host/instance?param1=value¶m2=value sqlserver://username:password@host:port?param1=value¶m2=value |
ADODB | adodb | Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=my.mdb; |
ODBC | odbc | Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=ORACLE8i7;Persist Security Info=False;Trusted_Connection=Yes |
ClickHouse | clickhouse | tcp:// |
Firebird | firebirdsql | user:password@servername/foo/bar.fdb |
SQLite3 | sqlite3 | D:/aaa/bbb/mydb.sqlite |
Notice: most databases require additional configuration for remote connections
You can add other drivers but some of them requires additional software.
There is no documentation for this package.