
v0.5.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 5, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0



Package forge groups the methods used to forge the Kubernetes object definitions for the reflection logic.



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const (
	// EventSuccessfulReflection -> the reason for the event when the reflection completes successfully.
	EventSuccessfulReflection = "SuccessfulReflection"

	// EventFailedReflection -> the reason for the event when the reflection fails.
	EventFailedReflection = "FailedReflection"

	// EventFailedDeletion -> the reason for the event when the deletion of an object fails.
	EventFailedDeletion = "FailedDeletion"

	// EventReflectionDisabled -> the reason for the event when reflection is disabled for the given namespace.
	EventReflectionDisabled = "ReflectionDisabled"
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const (
	// LiqoOriginClusterIDKey is the key of a label identifying the origin cluster of a reflected resource.
	LiqoOriginClusterIDKey = ""
	// LiqoDestinationClusterIDKey is the key of a label identifying the destination cluster of a reflected resource.
	LiqoDestinationClusterIDKey = ""
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const (
	// PodOffloadingBackOffReason -> the reason assigned to pods rejected by the virtual kubelet before offloading has started.
	PodOffloadingBackOffReason = "OffloadingBackOff"
	// PodOffloadingAbortedReason -> the reason assigned to pods rejected by the virtual kubelet after offloading has started.
	PodOffloadingAbortedReason = "OffloadingAborted"

	// ServiceAccountVolumeName is the prefix name that will be added to volumes that mount ServiceAccount secrets.
	// This constant is taken from kubernetes/kubernetes (plugin/pkg/admission/serviceaccount/admission.go).
	ServiceAccountVolumeName = "kube-api-access-"
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const EndpointSliceManagedBy = ""

EndpointSliceManagedBy -> The manager associated with the reflected EndpointSlices.

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const ReflectionFieldManager = ""

ReflectionFieldManager -> The name associated with the fields modified by virtual kubelet reflection.

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const RootCAConfigMapName = "kube-root-ca.crt"

RootCAConfigMapName is the name of the configmap containing the root CA.


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var (
	// LocalCluster -> the cluster identity associated with the local cluster.
	LocalCluster discoveryv1alpha1.ClusterIdentity
	// RemoteCluster -> the cluster identity associated with the remote cluster.
	RemoteCluster discoveryv1alpha1.ClusterIdentity

	// LiqoNodeName -> the name of the node associated with the current virtual-kubelet.
	LiqoNodeName string
	// LiqoNodeIP -> the local IP of the node associated with the current virtual-kubelet.
	LiqoNodeIP string
	// StartTime -> the instant in time the forging logic has been started.
	StartTime time.Time

	// KubernetesServicePort -> the port of the kubernetes.default service.
	KubernetesServicePort string


func ApplyOptions added in v0.3.1

func ApplyOptions() metav1.ApplyOptions

ApplyOptions returns the apply options configured for object reflection.

func EndpointSliceLabels added in v0.3.1

func EndpointSliceLabels() labels.Set

EndpointSliceLabels returns the labels assigned to the reflected EndpointSlices.

func EndpointToBeReflected added in v0.3.1

func EndpointToBeReflected(endpoint *discoveryv1beta1.Endpoint) bool

EndpointToBeReflected filters out the endpoints targeting pods already running on the remote cluster.

func EventFailedDeletionMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventFailedDeletionMsg(err error) string

EventFailedDeletionMsg returns the message for the event when the deletion of a local object fails.

func EventFailedLabelsUpdateMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventFailedLabelsUpdateMsg(err error) string

EventFailedLabelsUpdateMsg returns the message for the event when it is impossible to update the labels of a local object.

func EventFailedReflectionAlreadyExistsMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventFailedReflectionAlreadyExistsMsg() string

EventFailedReflectionAlreadyExistsMsg returns the message for the event when the reflection has been aborted because the remote object already exists.

func EventFailedReflectionMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventFailedReflectionMsg(err error) string

EventFailedReflectionMsg returns the message for the event when the outgoing reflection fails due to an error.

func EventFailedStatusReflectionMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventFailedStatusReflectionMsg(err error) string

EventFailedStatusReflectionMsg returns the message for the event when the incoming reflection fails due to an error.

func EventReflectionDisabledErrorMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventReflectionDisabledErrorMsg(namespace string, err error) string

EventReflectionDisabledErrorMsg returns the message for the event when reflection is disabled for the given namespace, and an error occurs.

func EventReflectionDisabledMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventReflectionDisabledMsg(namespace string) string

EventReflectionDisabledMsg returns the message for the event when reflection is disabled for the given namespace.

func EventSAReflectionDisabledMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventSAReflectionDisabledMsg() string

EventSAReflectionDisabledMsg returns the message for the event when service account reflection is disabled.

func EventSuccessfulReflectionMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventSuccessfulReflectionMsg() string

EventSuccessfulReflectionMsg returns the message for the event when the outgoing reflection completes successfully.

func EventSuccessfulStatusReflectionMsg added in v0.5.0

func EventSuccessfulStatusReflectionMsg() string

EventSuccessfulStatusReflectionMsg returns the message for the event when the incoming reflection completes successfully.

func FilterIngressAnnotations added in v0.5.0

func FilterIngressAnnotations(local map[string]string) map[string]string

FilterIngressAnnotations filters the ingress annotations to be reflected, removing the ingress class annotation.

func Init added in v0.3.2

func Init(localCluster, remoteCluster discoveryv1alpha1.ClusterIdentity, nodeName, nodeIP string)

Init initializes the forging logic.

func IsEndpointSliceManagedByReflection added in v0.3.1

func IsEndpointSliceManagedByReflection(obj metav1.Object) bool

IsEndpointSliceManagedByReflection returns whether the EndpointSlice is managed by the reflection logic.

func IsReflected added in v0.3.1

func IsReflected(obj metav1.Object) bool

IsReflected returns whether the current object has been reflected from the local to the remote cluster.

func LocalConfigMapName added in v0.5.0

func LocalConfigMapName(remote string) string

LocalConfigMapName returns the local configmap name corresponding to a remote one, accounting for the root CA.

func LocalContainerStats added in v0.3.2

func LocalContainerStats(metrics *metricsv1beta1.ContainerMetrics, start, now metav1.Time) statsv1alpha1.ContainerStats

LocalContainerStats forges the metric stats for a container of a local pod.

func LocalContainersStats added in v0.3.2

func LocalContainersStats(metrics []metricsv1beta1.ContainerMetrics, start, now metav1.Time) []statsv1alpha1.ContainerStats

LocalContainersStats forges the metric stats for the containers of a local pod.

func LocalNodeStats added in v0.3.2

func LocalNodeStats(pods []statsv1alpha1.PodStats) *statsv1alpha1.Summary

LocalNodeStats forges the summary stats for the node managed by the virtual kubelet.

func LocalPod added in v0.3.2

func LocalPod(local, remote *corev1.Pod, translator PodIPTranslator, restarts int32) *corev1.Pod

LocalPod forges the object meta and status of the local pod, given the remote one.

func LocalPodOffloadedLabel added in v0.4.0

func LocalPodOffloadedLabel(local *corev1.Pod) (*corev1apply.PodApplyConfiguration, bool)

LocalPodOffloadedLabel forges the apply patch to add the appropriate label to the offloaded pod.

func LocalPodStats added in v0.3.2

func LocalPodStats(pod *corev1.Pod, metrics *metricsv1beta1.PodMetrics) statsv1alpha1.PodStats

LocalPodStats forges the metric stats for a local pod managed by the virtual kubelet.

func LocalPodStatus added in v0.3.2

func LocalPodStatus(remote *corev1.PodStatus, translator PodIPTranslator, restarts int32) corev1.PodStatus

LocalPodStatus forges the status of the local pod, given the remote one.

func LocalRejectedPod added in v0.3.2

func LocalRejectedPod(local *corev1.Pod, phase corev1.PodPhase, reason string) *corev1.Pod

LocalRejectedPod forges the status of a local rejected pod.

func LocalRejectedPodStatus added in v0.3.2

func LocalRejectedPodStatus(local *corev1.PodStatus, phase corev1.PodPhase, reason string) corev1.PodStatus

LocalRejectedPodStatus forges the status of the local rejected pod.

func ReflectedLabelSelector added in v0.3.1

func ReflectedLabelSelector() labels.Selector

ReflectedLabelSelector returns a label selector matching the objects reflected from the local to the remote cluster.

func ReflectionLabels added in v0.3.1

func ReflectionLabels() labels.Set

ReflectionLabels returns the labels assigned to the objects reflected from the local to the remote cluster.

func RemoteConfigMap added in v0.3.2

func RemoteConfigMap(local *corev1.ConfigMap, targetNamespace string) *corev1apply.ConfigMapApplyConfiguration

RemoteConfigMap forges the apply patch for the reflected configmap, given the local one.

func RemoteConfigMapName added in v0.5.0

func RemoteConfigMapName(local string) string

RemoteConfigMapName forges the name for the reflected configmap, remapping the one of the root CA to prevent collisions.

func RemoteContainerEnvVariables added in v0.5.0

func RemoteContainerEnvVariables(envs []corev1.EnvVar, saName string) []corev1.EnvVar

RemoteContainerEnvVariables forges the environment variables to enable offloaded containers to contact back the local API server, instead of the remote one. In addition, it also hardcodes the service account name in case it was retrieved from the pod spec, as it is not reflected remotely.

func RemoteContainers added in v0.4.0

func RemoteContainers(containers []corev1.Container, enableAPIServerSupport bool, saName string) []corev1.Container

RemoteContainers forges the containers for a reflected pod, appropriately adding the environment variables to enable the offloaded containers to contact back the local API server, instead of the remote one.

func RemoteEndpointSlice added in v0.3.1

func RemoteEndpointSlice(local *discoveryv1beta1.EndpointSlice, targetNamespace string,
	translator EndpointTranslator) *discoveryv1beta1apply.EndpointSliceApplyConfiguration

RemoteEndpointSlice forges the apply patch for the reflected endpointslice, given the local one.

func RemoteEndpointSliceEndpoints added in v0.3.1

func RemoteEndpointSliceEndpoints(locals []discoveryv1beta1.Endpoint,
	translator EndpointTranslator) []*discoveryv1beta1apply.EndpointApplyConfiguration

RemoteEndpointSliceEndpoints forges the apply patch for the endpoints of the reflected endpointslice, given the local ones.

func RemoteEndpointSlicePorts added in v0.3.1

RemoteEndpointSlicePorts forges the apply patch for the ports of the reflected endpointslice, given the local ones.

func RemoteHostAliases added in v0.5.0

func RemoteHostAliases(aliases []corev1.HostAlias, enableAPIServerSupport bool, retriever KubernetesServiceIPGetter) []corev1.HostAlias

RemoteHostAliases forges the host aliases to override the IP address associated with the kubernetes.default service to enable offloaded containers to contact back the local API server, instead of the remote one.

func RemoteIngress added in v0.5.0

func RemoteIngress(local *netv1.Ingress, targetNamespace string) *netv1apply.IngressApplyConfiguration

RemoteIngress forges the apply patch for the reflected ingress, given the local one.

func RemoteIngressBackend added in v0.5.0

RemoteIngressBackend forges the apply patch for the backend of the reflected ingress, given the local one.

func RemoteIngressHTTP added in v0.5.0

RemoteIngressHTTP forges the apply patch for the HTTPIngressRuleValue of the reflected ingress, given the local one.

func RemoteIngressPaths added in v0.5.0

RemoteIngressPaths forges the apply patch for the paths of the reflected ingress, given the local ones.

func RemoteIngressRules added in v0.5.0

func RemoteIngressRules(local []netv1.IngressRule) []*netv1apply.IngressRuleApplyConfiguration

RemoteIngressRules forges the apply patch for the rules of the reflected ingress, given the local ones.

func RemoteIngressService added in v0.5.0

RemoteIngressService forges the apply patch for the service of the reflected ingress, given the local one.

func RemoteIngressSpec added in v0.5.0

func RemoteIngressSpec(local *netv1.IngressSpec) *netv1apply.IngressSpecApplyConfiguration

RemoteIngressSpec forges the apply patch for the specs of the reflected ingress, given the local one. It expects the local object to be a deepcopy, as it is mutated.

func RemoteIngressTLS added in v0.5.0

func RemoteIngressTLS(local []netv1.IngressTLS) []*netv1apply.IngressTLSApplyConfiguration

RemoteIngressTLS forges the apply patch for the TLS configs of the reflected ingress, given the local ones.

func RemoteKind added in v0.3.1

func RemoteKind(kind string) string

RemoteKind prepends "Remote" to a kind name, to identify remote objects.

func RemoteObjectMeta added in v0.3.2

func RemoteObjectMeta(local, remote *metav1.ObjectMeta) metav1.ObjectMeta

RemoteObjectMeta merges the remote and local ObjectMeta for a reflected object.

func RemoteObjectReference added in v0.3.1

RemoteObjectReference forges the apply patch for a reflected RemoteObjectReference.

func RemotePodSpec added in v0.3.2

func RemotePodSpec(local, remote *corev1.PodSpec, enableAPIServerSupport bool,
	saSecretRetriever SASecretRetriever, kubernetesServiceIPRetriever KubernetesServiceIPGetter) corev1.PodSpec

RemotePodSpec forges the specs of the reflected pod specs, given the local ones. It expects the local and remote objects to be deepcopies, as they are mutated.

func RemoteSecret added in v0.3.2

func RemoteSecret(local *corev1.Secret, targetNamespace string) *corev1apply.SecretApplyConfiguration

RemoteSecret forges the apply patch for the reflected secret, given the local one.

func RemoteService added in v0.3.1

func RemoteService(local *corev1.Service, targetNamespace string) *corev1apply.ServiceApplyConfiguration

RemoteService forges the apply patch for the reflected service, given the local one.

func RemoteServicePorts added in v0.3.1

func RemoteServicePorts(locals []corev1.ServicePort, forceRemoteNodePort bool) []*corev1apply.ServicePortApplyConfiguration

RemoteServicePorts forges the apply patch for the ports of the reflected service, given the local ones.

func RemoteServiceSpec added in v0.3.1

func RemoteServiceSpec(local *corev1.ServiceSpec, forceRemoteNodePort bool) *corev1apply.ServiceSpecApplyConfiguration

RemoteServiceSpec forges the apply patch for the specs of the reflected service, given the local ones. It expects the local object to be a deepcopy, as it is mutated.

func RemoteShadowPod added in v0.3.2

func RemoteShadowPod(local *corev1.Pod, remote *vkv1alpha1.ShadowPod, targetNamespace string, enableAPIServerSupport bool,
	saSecretRetriever SASecretRetriever, kubernetesServiceIPRetriever KubernetesServiceIPGetter) *vkv1alpha1.ShadowPod

RemoteShadowPod forges the reflected shadowpod, given the local one.

func RemoteTolerations added in v0.3.2

func RemoteTolerations(inputTolerations []corev1.Toleration) []corev1.Toleration

RemoteTolerations forges the tolerations for a reflected pod.

func RemoteTypedLocalObjectReference added in v0.5.0

RemoteTypedLocalObjectReference forges the apply patch for a reflected TypedLocalObjectReference.

func RemoteVolumes added in v0.4.0

func RemoteVolumes(volumes []corev1.Volume, enableAPIServerSupport bool, saSecretRetriever func() string) []corev1.Volume

RemoteVolumes forges the volumes for a reflected pod, appropriately modifying the one related to the service account.

func SumContainerStats added in v0.3.2

func SumContainerStats(stats []statsv1alpha1.ContainerStats, retriever func(statsv1alpha1.ContainerStats) uint64) *uint64

SumContainerStats returns the sum of the container stats, given a metric retriever.

func SumPodStats added in v0.3.2

func SumPodStats(stats []statsv1alpha1.PodStats, retriever func(statsv1alpha1.PodStats) uint64) *uint64

SumPodStats returns the sum of the pod stats, given a metric retriever.


type EndpointTranslator added in v0.3.1

type EndpointTranslator func([]string) []string

EndpointTranslator defines the function to translate between local and remote endpoint addresses.

type KubernetesServiceIPGetter added in v0.5.0

type KubernetesServiceIPGetter func() string

KubernetesServiceIPGetter defines the function to get the remapped IP associated with the local kubernetes.default service.

type PodIPTranslator added in v0.3.2

type PodIPTranslator func(string) string

PodIPTranslator defines the function to translate between remote and local IP addresses.

type SASecretRetriever added in v0.5.0

type SASecretRetriever func(string) string

SASecretRetriever defines the function to retrieve the secret associated with a given service account.

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