Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllowEvents(conn *Conn, mode uint8, time Timestamp)
- func BoolToUint8(b bool) uint8
- func ChangeActivePointerGrab(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor, time Timestamp, eventMask uint16)
- func ChangeGC(conn *Conn, gc GContext, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32)
- func ChangeHosts(conn *Conn, mode, family uint8, address string)
- func ChangeProperty(conn *Conn, mode uint8, window Window, property, type0 Atom, format uint8, ...)
- func ChangeSaveSet(conn *Conn, mode uint8, window Window)
- func ChangeWindowAttributes(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32)
- func CirculateWindow(conn *Conn, direction uint8, window Window)
- func ClearArea(conn *Conn, exposures bool, window Window, x, y int16, width, height uint16)
- func ClientMessageDataRead(r *Reader, v *ClientMessageData) int
- func CloseFont(conn *Conn, font Font)
- func ConfigureWindow(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint16, valueList []uint32)
- func ConvertSelection(conn *Conn, requestor Window, selection, target, property Atom, time Timestamp)
- func CopyArea(conn *Conn, srcDrawable, dstDrawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...)
- func CopyGC(conn *Conn, srcGC, dstGC GContext, valueMask uint32)
- func CopyPlane(conn *Conn, srcDrawable, dstDrawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...)
- func CreateGC(conn *Conn, cid GContext, drawable Drawable, valueMask uint32, ...)
- func CreatePixmap(conn *Conn, depth uint8, pid Pixmap, drawable Drawable, width, height uint16)
- func CreateWindow(conn *Conn, depth uint8, wid, parent Window, x, y int16, ...)
- func DeleteProperty(conn *Conn, window Window, property Atom)
- func DestroySubwindows(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func DestroyWindow(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) error
- func FillPoly(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, shape uint8, coordinateMode uint8, ...)
- func ForceScreenSaver(conn *Conn, mode uint8)
- func FreeCursor(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor)
- func FreeGC(conn *Conn, gc GContext)
- func FreePixmap(conn *Conn, pixmap Pixmap)
- func Get16(buf []byte) uint16
- func Get32(buf []byte) uint32
- func Get64(buf []byte) uint64
- func GrabButton(conn *Conn, ownerEvents bool, grabWindow Window, eventMask uint16, ...)
- func GrabKey(conn *Conn, ownerEvents bool, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16, key Keycode, ...)
- func GrabServer(conn *Conn)
- func KillClient(conn *Conn, resource uint32)
- func MapSubwindows(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func MapWindow(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func NoOperation(conn *Conn, n int)
- func OpenFont(conn *Conn, fid Font, name string)
- func Pad(e int) int
- func PolyArc(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc)
- func PolyFillArc(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc)
- func PolyFillRectangle(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle)
- func PolyLine(conn *Conn, coordinateMode uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...)
- func PolyPoint(conn *Conn, coordinateMode uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...)
- func PolyRectangle(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle)
- func PolySegment(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, segments []Segment)
- func PopCount(mask0 int) int
- func Put16(buf []byte, v uint16)
- func Put32(buf []byte, v uint32)
- func Put64(buf []byte, v uint64)
- func PutImage(conn *Conn, format uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, width, height uint16, ...)
- func ReadStr(r *Reader) (string, error)
- func ReparentWindow(conn *Conn, window, parent Window, x, y int16)
- func SendEvent(conn *Conn, propagate bool, destination Window, eventMask uint32, event []byte)
- func SetClipRectangles(conn *Conn, ordering uint8, gc GContext, clipXOrigin, clipYOrigin int16, ...)
- func SetDashes(conn *Conn, gc GContext, dashOffset uint16, dashes []uint8)
- func SetFontPath(conn *Conn, paths []string)
- func SetInputFocus(conn *Conn, revertTo uint8, focus Window, time Timestamp)
- func SetScreenSaver(conn *Conn, timeout, interval int16, preferBlanking, allowExposures uint8)
- func SetSelectionOwner(conn *Conn, owner Window, selection Atom, time Timestamp)
- func SizeIn4bWithPad(length int) int
- func Sprintf(format string, v ...interface{}) string
- func StringsJoin(ss []string, sep string) string
- func TruncateStr(s string, n int) string
- func Uint8ToBool(v uint8) bool
- func UngrabButton(conn *Conn, button uint8, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16)
- func UngrabKey(conn *Conn, key Keycode, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16)
- func UngrabKeyboard(conn *Conn, time Timestamp)
- func UngrabPointer(conn *Conn, time Timestamp)
- func UngrabServer(conn *Conn)
- func UnmapSubwindows(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func UnmapWindow(conn *Conn, window Window)
- func WarpPointer(conn *Conn, srcWindow, dstWindow Window, srcX, srcY int16, ...)
- func WriteClientMessageEvent(w *Writer, v *ClientMessageEvent)
- func WriteRectangle(b *FixedSizeBuf, v Rectangle)
- func WriteSelectionNotifyEvent(w *Writer, v *SelectionNotifyEvent)
- type AllocColorCellsCookie
- type AllocColorCookie
- type AllocColorPlanesCookie
- type AllocNamedColorCookie
- type Arc
- type Atom
- type AtomCache
- type Bool32
- type Button
- type ButtonEvent
- type ButtonPressEvent
- type ButtonReleaseEvent
- type CharInfo
- type CirculateEvent
- type CirculateNotifyEvent
- type CirculateRequestEvent
- type ClientMessageData
- type ClientMessageEvent
- type Colormap
- type ColormapNotifyEvent
- type ConfigureNotifyEvent
- type ConfigureRequestEvent
- type Conn
- func (c *Conn) AddEventChan(eventChan chan<- GenericEvent)
- func (c *Conn) AllocID() (uint32, error)
- func (c *Conn) Close()
- func (c *Conn) Flush() (err error)
- func (c *Conn) FreeID(rid uint32) error
- func (c *Conn) GetAtom(name string) (Atom, error)
- func (c *Conn) GetAtomCache() (ac *AtomCache)
- func (c *Conn) GetAtomExisting(name string) (Atom, error)
- func (c *Conn) GetAtomName(atom Atom) (string, error)
- func (c *Conn) GetDefaultScreen() *Screen
- func (c *Conn) GetExtensionData(ext *Extension) *QueryExtensionReply
- func (c *Conn) GetSetup() *Setup
- func (c *Conn) IDUsedCount() int
- func (c *Conn) MakeAndAddEventChan(bufSize int) chan GenericEvent
- func (c *Conn) NewError(data []byte) *Error
- func (c *Conn) PrefetchExtensionData(ext *Extension)
- func (c *Conn) RemoveEventChan(eventChan chan<- GenericEvent)
- func (c *Conn) SendRequest(flags uint, req *ProtocolRequest) SeqNum
- func (c *Conn) SendSync()
- func (c *Conn) SetAtomCache(ac *AtomCache)
- func (c *Conn) SetErrorCallback(fn func(err *Error))
- func (c *Conn) WaitForReply(request SeqNum) (replyBuf []byte, err error)
- type CreateNotifyEvent
- type Cursor
- type Depth
- type DestroyNotifyEvent
- type Drawable
- type EnterNotifyEvent
- type Error
- type ExposeEvent
- type Extension
- type FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Bytes() []byte
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) End()
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write1b(v uint8) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write2b(v uint16) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write4b(v uint32) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write8b(v uint64) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteBool(v bool) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteBytes(p []byte) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WritePad(n int) *FixedSizeBuf
- func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteString(s string) *FixedSizeBuf
- type FocusEvent
- type FocusInEvent
- type FocusOutEvent
- type Font
- type FontProp
- type Fontable
- type Format
- type GContext
- type GeGenericEvent
- type GenericEvent
- type GenericReply
- type GetAtomNameCookie
- type GetAtomNameReply
- type GetFontPathCookie
- type GetFontPathReply
- type GetGeometryCookie
- type GetGeometryReply
- type GetImageCookie
- type GetImageReply
- type GetInputFocusCookie
- type GetInputFocusReply
- type GetKeyboardControlCookie
- type GetKeyboardMappingCookie
- type GetKeyboardMappingReply
- type GetModifierMappingCookie
- type GetMotionEventsCookie
- type GetMotionEventsReply
- type GetPointerControlCookie
- type GetPointerMappingCookie
- type GetPropertyCookie
- type GetPropertyReply
- type GetScreenSaverCookie
- type GetScreenSaverReply
- type GetSelectionOwnerCookie
- type GetSelectionOwnerReply
- type GetWindowAttributesCookie
- type GetWindowAttributesReply
- type GrabKeyboardCookie
- type GrabKeyboardReply
- type GrabPointerCookie
- type GrabPointerReply
- type GraphicsExposureEvent
- type GravityNotifyEvent
- type InternAtomCookie
- type InternAtomReply
- type KeyEvent
- type KeyPressEvent
- type KeyReleaseEvent
- type Keycode
- type Keycode32
- type KeymapNotifyEvent
- type Keysym
- type LeaveNotifyEvent
- type ListExtensionsCookie
- type ListExtensionsReply
- type ListFontsCookie
- type ListFontsReply
- type ListFontsWithInfoCookie
- type ListFontsWithInfoReply
- type ListHostsCookie
- type ListInstalledColormapsCookie
- type ListPropertiesCookie
- type ListPropertiesReply
- type LookupColorCookie
- type MapNotifyEvent
- type MapRequestEvent
- type MappingNotifyEvent
- type MotionNotifyEvent
- type NoExposureEvent
- type PendingReply
- type Pixmap
- type Point
- type PointerWindowEvent
- type PropertyNotifyEvent
- type ProtocolRequest
- type QueryBestSizeCookie
- type QueryColorsCookie
- type QueryExtensionCookie
- type QueryExtensionReply
- type QueryFontCookie
- type QueryFontReply
- type QueryKeymapCookie
- type QueryKeymapReply
- type QueryPointerCookie
- type QueryPointerReply
- type QueryTextExtentsCookie
- type QueryTreeCookie
- type QueryTreeReply
- type ReadErrorFunc
- type Reader
- func (r *Reader) MustReadBytes(n int) []byte
- func (r *Reader) Pos() int
- func (r *Reader) Read1b() uint8
- func (r *Reader) Read2b() uint16
- func (r *Reader) Read4b() uint32
- func (r *Reader) ReadBool() bool
- func (r *Reader) ReadBytes(n int) ([]byte, error)
- func (r *Reader) ReadBytesWithPad(n int) ([]byte, error)
- func (r *Reader) ReadEventHeader() (data uint8, seq uint16)
- func (r *Reader) ReadNulTermStr() string
- func (r *Reader) ReadPad(n int)
- func (r *Reader) ReadReplyHeader() (data uint8, length uint32)
- func (r *Reader) ReadStrWithPad(n int) (string, error)
- func (r *Reader) ReadString(n int) (string, error)
- func (r *Reader) RemainAtLeast(n int) bool
- func (r *Reader) RemainAtLeast4b(n int) bool
- func (r *Reader) Reset()
- type Rectangle
- type ReparentNotifyEvent
- type ReplyReader
- type RequestBody
- type RequestHeader
- type ResizeRequestEvent
- type Screen
- type Segment
- type SelectionClearEvent
- type SelectionNotifyEvent
- type SelectionRequestEvent
- type SeqNum
- type SetModifierMappingCookie
- type SetPointerMappingCookie
- type Setup
- type Str
- type TimeCoord
- type Timestamp
- type TranslateCoordinatesCookie
- type TranslateCoordinatesReply
- type UnmapNotifyEvent
- type VisibilityNotifyEvent
- type VisualID
- type VisualType
- type VoidCookie
- func AllowEventsChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func ChangeActivePointerGrabChecked(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor, time Timestamp, eventMask uint16) VoidCookie
- func ChangeGCChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
- func ChangeHostsChecked(conn *Conn, mode, family uint8, address string) VoidCookie
- func ChangePropertyChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8, window Window, property, type0 Atom, format uint8, ...) VoidCookie
- func ChangeSaveSetChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8, window Window) VoidCookie
- func ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
- func CirculateWindowChecked(conn *Conn, direction uint8, window Window) VoidCookie
- func ClearAreaChecked(conn *Conn, exposures bool, window Window, x, y int16, width, height uint16) VoidCookie
- func CloseFontChecked(conn *Conn, font Font) VoidCookie
- func ConfigureWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint16, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
- func ConvertSelectionChecked(conn *Conn, requestor Window, selection, target, property Atom, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func CopyAreaChecked(conn *Conn, srcDrawable, dstDrawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...) VoidCookie
- func CopyGCChecked(conn *Conn, srcGC, dstGC GContext, valueMask uint32) VoidCookie
- func CopyPlaneChecked(conn *Conn, srcDrawable, dstDrawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...) VoidCookie
- func CreateGCChecked(conn *Conn, cid GContext, drawable Drawable, valueMask uint32, ...) VoidCookie
- func CreatePixmapChecked(conn *Conn, depth uint8, pid Pixmap, drawable Drawable, width, height uint16) VoidCookie
- func CreateWindowChecked(conn *Conn, depth uint8, wid, parent Window, x, y int16, ...) VoidCookie
- func DeletePropertyChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, property Atom) VoidCookie
- func DestroySubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func DestroyWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func FillPolyChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, shape uint8, coordinateMode uint8, ...) VoidCookie
- func ForceScreenSaverChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8) VoidCookie
- func FreeCursorChecked(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor) VoidCookie
- func FreeGCChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext) VoidCookie
- func FreePixmapChecked(conn *Conn, pixmap Pixmap) VoidCookie
- func GrabButtonChecked(conn *Conn, ownerEvents bool, grabWindow Window, eventMask uint16, ...) VoidCookie
- func GrabKeyChecked(conn *Conn, ownerEvents bool, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16, key Keycode, ...) VoidCookie
- func GrabServerChecked(conn *Conn) VoidCookie
- func KillClientChecked(conn *Conn, resource uint32) VoidCookie
- func MapSubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func MapWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func NoOperationChecked(conn *Conn, n int) VoidCookie
- func OpenFontChecked(conn *Conn, fid Font, name string) VoidCookie
- func PolyArcChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc) VoidCookie
- func PolyFillArcChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc) VoidCookie
- func PolyFillRectangleChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle) VoidCookie
- func PolyLineChecked(conn *Conn, coordinateMode uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...) VoidCookie
- func PolyPointChecked(conn *Conn, coordinateMode uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, ...) VoidCookie
- func PolyRectangleChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle) VoidCookie
- func PolySegmentChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, segments []Segment) VoidCookie
- func PutImageChecked(conn *Conn, format uint8, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, width, height uint16, ...) VoidCookie
- func ReparentWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window, parent Window, x, y int16) VoidCookie
- func SendEventChecked(conn *Conn, propagate bool, destination Window, eventMask uint32, event []byte) VoidCookie
- func SetClipRectanglesChecked(conn *Conn, ordering uint8, gc GContext, clipXOrigin, clipYOrigin int16, ...) VoidCookie
- func SetDashesChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext, dashOffset uint16, dashes []uint8) VoidCookie
- func SetFontPathChecked(conn *Conn, paths []string) VoidCookie
- func SetInputFocusChecked(conn *Conn, revertTo uint8, focus Window, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func SetScreenSaverChecked(conn *Conn, timeout, interval int16, preferBlanking, allowExposures uint8) VoidCookie
- func SetSelectionOwnerChecked(conn *Conn, owner Window, selection Atom, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func UngrabButtonChecked(conn *Conn, button uint8, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16) VoidCookie
- func UngrabKeyChecked(conn *Conn, key Keycode, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16) VoidCookie
- func UngrabKeyboardChecked(conn *Conn, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func UngrabPointerChecked(conn *Conn, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
- func UngrabServerChecked(conn *Conn) VoidCookie
- func UnmapSubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func UnmapWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
- func WarpPointerChecked(conn *Conn, srcWindow, dstWindow Window, srcX, srcY int16, ...) VoidCookie
- type Window
- type Writer
- func (w *Writer) Bytes() []byte
- func (w *Writer) Reset()
- func (w *Writer) Write1b(v uint8)
- func (w *Writer) Write2b(v uint16)
- func (w *Writer) Write4b(v uint32)
- func (w *Writer) Write8b(v uint64)
- func (w *Writer) WriteBytes(p []byte)
- func (w *Writer) WriteNBytes(n int, p []byte)
- func (w *Writer) WritePad(n int)
- func (w *Writer) WriteString(s string)
Constants ¶
const ( ResponseTypeError = 0 ResponseTypeReply = 1 )
const ( RequestChecked = 1 << 0 RequestRaw = 1 << 1 // ? RequestDiscardReply = 1 << 2 RequestReplyFds = 1 << 3 // ? )
enum xcb_send_request_flags_t { XCB_REQUEST_CHECKED = 1 << 0, XCB_REQUEST_RAW = 1 << 1, XCB_REQUEST_DISCARD_REPLY = 1 << 2, XCB_REQUEST_REPLY_FDS = 1 << 3 };
const ( // None is the universal null resource or null atom parameter value for many core X requests None = 0 // CurrentTime can be used in most requests that take an Timestamp CurrentTime = 0 // NoSymbol fills in unused entries in Keysym tables NoSymbol = 0 // CopyFromParent can be used for many CreateWindow parameters */ CopyFromParent = 0 True = 1 False = 0 )
const ( VisualClassStaticGray = 0 VisualClassGrayScale = 1 VisualClassStaticColor = 2 VisualClassPseudoColor = 3 VisualClassTrueColor = 4 VisualClassDirectColor = 5 )
enum VisualClass
const ( EventMaskNoEvent = 0 EventMaskKeyPress = 1 EventMaskKeyRelease = 2 EventMaskButtonPress = 4 EventMaskButtonRelease = 8 EventMaskEnterWindow = 16 EventMaskLeaveWindow = 32 EventMaskPointerMotion = 64 EventMaskPointerMotionHint = 128 EventMaskButton1Motion = 256 EventMaskButton2Motion = 512 EventMaskButton3Motion = 1024 EventMaskButton4Motion = 2048 EventMaskButton5Motion = 4096 EventMaskButtonMotion = 8192 EventMaskKeymapState = 16384 EventMaskExposure = 32768 EventMaskVisibilityChange = 65536 EventMaskStructureNotify = 131072 EventMaskResizeRedirect = 262144 EventMaskSubstructureNotify = 524288 EventMaskSubstructureRedirect = 1048576 EventMaskFocusChange = 2097152 EventMaskPropertyChange = 4194304 EventMaskColorMapChange = 8388608 EventMaskOwnerGrabButton = 16777216 )
enum EventMask
const ( BackingStoreNotUseful = 0 BackingStoreWhenMapped = 1 BackingStoreAlways = 2 )
enum BackingStore
const ( ImageOrderLSBFirst = 0 ImageOrderMSBFirst = 1 )
enum ImageOrder
const ( ModMaskShift = 1 ModMaskLock = 2 ModMaskControl = 4 ModMask1 = 8 ModMask2 = 16 ModMask3 = 32 ModMask4 = 64 ModMask5 = 128 ModMaskAny = 32768 )
enum ModMask
const ( KeyButMaskShift = 1 KeyButMaskLock = 2 KeyButMaskControl = 4 KeyButMaskMod1 = 8 KeyButMaskMod2 = 16 KeyButMaskMod3 = 32 KeyButMaskMod4 = 64 KeyButMaskMod5 = 128 KeyButMaskButton1 = 256 KeyButMaskButton2 = 512 KeyButMaskButton3 = 1024 KeyButMaskButton4 = 2048 KeyButMaskButton5 = 4096 )
enum KeyButMask
const ( ButtonMask1 = 256 ButtonMask2 = 512 ButtonMask3 = 1024 ButtonMask4 = 2048 ButtonMask5 = 4096 ButtonMaskAny = 32768 )
enum ButtonMask
const ( MotionNormal = 0 MotionHint = 1 )
enum Motion
const ( NotifyDetailAncestor = 0 NotifyDetailVirtual = 1 NotifyDetailInferior = 2 NotifyDetailNonlinear = 3 NotifyDetailNonlinearVirtual = 4 NotifyDetailPointer = 5 NotifyDetailPointerRoot = 6 NotifyDetailNone = 7 )
enum NotifyDetail
const ( NotifyModeNormal = 0 NotifyModeGrab = 1 NotifyModeUngrab = 2 NotifyModeWhileGrabbed = 3 )
enum NotifyMode
const ( VisibilityUnobscured = 0 VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1 VisibilityFullyObscured = 2 )
enum Visibility
const ( PlaceOnTop = 0 PlaceOnBottom = 1 )
enum Place
const ( PropertyNewValue = 0 PropertyDelete = 1 )
enum Property
const ( AtomNone = 0 AtomAny = 0 AtomPrimary = 1 AtomSecondary = 2 AtomArc = 3 AtomAtom = 4 AtomBitmap = 5 AtomCardinal = 6 AtomColormap = 7 AtomCursor = 8 AtomCutBuffer0 = 9 AtomCutBuffer1 = 10 AtomCutBuffer2 = 11 AtomCutBuffer3 = 12 AtomCutBuffer4 = 13 AtomCutBuffer5 = 14 AtomCutBuffer6 = 15 AtomCutBuffer7 = 16 AtomDrawable = 17 AtomFont = 18 AtomInteger = 19 AtomPixmap = 20 AtomPoint = 21 AtomRectangle = 22 AtomResourceManager = 23 AtomRGBColorMap = 24 AtomRGBBestMap = 25 AtomRGBBlueMap = 26 AtomRGBDefaultMap = 27 AtomRGBGrayMap = 28 AtomRGBGreenMap = 29 AtomRGBRedMap = 30 AtomString = 31 AtomVisualID = 32 AtomWindow = 33 AtomWMCommand = 34 AtomWMHints = 35 AtomWMClientMachine = 36 AtomWMIconName = 37 AtomWMIconSize = 38 AtomWMName = 39 AtomWMNormalHints = 40 AtomWMSizeHints = 41 AtomWMZoomHints = 42 AtomMinSpace = 43 AtomNormSpace = 44 AtomMaxSpace = 45 AtomEndSpace = 46 AtomSuperscriptX = 47 AtomSuperscriptY = 48 AtomSubscriptX = 49 AtomSubscriptY = 50 AtomUnderlinePosition = 51 AtomUnderlineThickness = 52 AtomStrikeoutAscent = 53 AtomStrikeoutDescent = 54 AtomItalicAngle = 55 AtomXHeight = 56 AtomQuadWidth = 57 AtomWeight = 58 AtomPointSize = 59 AtomResolution = 60 AtomCopyright = 61 AtomNotice = 62 AtomFontName = 63 AtomFamilyName = 64 AtomFullName = 65 AtomCapHeight = 66 AtomWMClass = 67 AtomWMTransientFor = 68 )
enum Atom
const ( ColormapStateUninstalled = 0 ColormapStateInstalled = 1 )
enum ColormapState
const ( MappingModifier = 0 MappingKeyboard = 1 MappingPointer = 2 )
enum Mapping
const ( WindowClassCopyFromParent = 0 WindowClassInputOutput = 1 WindowClassInputOnly = 2 )
enum WindowClass
const ( CWBackPixmap = 1 CWBackPixel = 2 CWBorderPixmap = 4 CWBorderPixel = 8 CWBitGravity = 16 CWWinGravity = 32 CWBackingStore = 64 CWBackingPlanes = 128 CWBackingPixel = 256 CWOverrideRedirect = 512 CWSaveUnder = 1024 CWEventMask = 2048 CWDontPropagate = 4096 CWColormap = 8192 CWCursor = 16384 )
enum CW
const ( BackPixmapNone = 0 BackPixmapParentRelative = 1 )
enum BackPixmap
const ( GravityBitForget = 0 GravityWinUnmap = 0 GravityNorthWest = 1 GravityNorth = 2 GravityNorthEast = 3 GravityWest = 4 GravityCenter = 5 GravityEast = 6 GravitySouthWest = 7 GravitySouth = 8 GravitySouthEast = 9 GravityStatic = 10 )
enum Gravity
const ( MapStateUnmapped = 0 MapStateUnviewable = 1 MapStateViewable = 2 )
enum MapState
const ( SetModeInsert = 0 SetModeDelete = 1 )
enum SetMode
const ( ConfigWindowX = 1 ConfigWindowY = 2 ConfigWindowWidth = 4 ConfigWindowHeight = 8 ConfigWindowBorderWidth = 16 ConfigWindowSibling = 32 ConfigWindowStackMode = 64 )
enum ConfigWindow
const ( StackModeAbove = 0 StackModeBelow = 1 StackModeTopIf = 2 StackModeBottomIf = 3 StackModeOpposite = 4 )
enum StackMode
const ( CirculateRaiseLowest = 0 CirculateLowerHighest = 1 )
enum Circulate
const ( PropModeReplace = 0 PropModePrepend = 1 PropModeAppend = 2 )
enum PropMode
const ( SendEventDestPointerWindow = 0 SendEventDestItemFocus = 1 )
enum SendEventDest
const ( GrabModeSync = 0 GrabModeAsync = 1 )
enum GrabMode
const ( GrabStatusSuccess = 0 GrabStatusAlreadyGrabbed = 1 GrabStatusInvalidTime = 2 GrabStatusNotViewable = 3 GrabStatusFrozen = 4 )
enum GrabStatus
const ( ButtonIndexAny = 0 ButtonIndex1 = 1 ButtonIndex2 = 2 ButtonIndex3 = 3 ButtonIndex4 = 4 ButtonIndex5 = 5 )
enum ButtonIndex
const ( AllowAsyncPointer = 0 AllowSyncPointer = 1 AllowReplayPointer = 2 AllowAsyncKeyboard = 3 AllowSyncKeyboard = 4 AllowReplayKeyboard = 5 AllowAsyncBoth = 6 AllowSyncBoth = 7 )
enum Allow
const ( InputFocusNone = 0 InputFocusPointerRoot = 1 InputFocusParent = 2 InputFocusFollowKeyboard = 3 )
enum InputFocus
const ( FontDrawLeftToRight = 0 FontDrawRightToLeft = 1 )
enum FontDraw
const ( GCFunction = 1 GCPlaneMask = 2 GCForeground = 4 GCBackground = 8 GCLineWidth = 16 GCLineStyle = 32 GCCapStyle = 64 GCJoinStyle = 128 GCFillStyle = 256 GCFillRule = 512 GCTile = 1024 GCStipple = 2048 GCTileStippleOriginX = 4096 GCTileStippleOriginY = 8192 GCFont = 16384 GCSubwindowMode = 32768 GCGraphicsExposures = 65536 GCClipOriginX = 131072 GCClipOriginY = 262144 GCClipMask = 524288 GCDashOffset = 1048576 GCDashList = 2097152 GCArcMode = 4194304 )
enum GC
const ( GXClear = 0 GXAnd = 1 GXAndReverse = 2 GXCopy = 3 GXAndInverted = 4 GXNoop = 5 GXXor = 6 GXOr = 7 GXNor = 8 GXEquiv = 9 GXInvert = 10 GXOrReverse = 11 GXCopyInverted = 12 GXOrInverted = 13 GXNand = 14 GXSet = 15 )
enum GX
const ( LineStyleSolid = 0 LineStyleOnOffDash = 1 LineStyleDoubleDash = 2 )
enum LineStyle
const ( CapStyleNotLast = 0 CapStyleButt = 1 CapStyleRound = 2 CapStyleProjecting = 3 )
enum CapStyle
const ( JoinStyleMiter = 0 JoinStyleRound = 1 JoinStyleBevel = 2 )
enum JoinStyle
const ( FillStyleSolid = 0 FillStyleTiled = 1 FillStyleStippled = 2 FillStyleOpaqueStippled = 3 )
enum FillStyle
const ( FillRuleEvenOdd = 0 FillRuleWinding = 1 )
enum FillRule
const ( SubwindowModeClipByChildren = 0 SubwindowModeIncludeInferiors = 1 )
enum SubwindowMode
const ( ArcModeChord = 0 ArcModePieSlice = 1 )
enum ArcMode
const ( ClipOrderingUnsorted = 0 ClipOrderingYSorted = 1 ClipOrderingYXSorted = 2 ClipOrderingYXBanded = 3 )
enum ClipOrdering
const ( CoordModeOrigin = 0 CoordModePrevious = 1 )
enum CoordMode
const ( PolyShapeComplex = 0 PolyShapeNonconvex = 1 PolyShapeConvex = 2 )
enum PolyShape
const ( ImageFormatXYBitmap = 0 ImageFormatXYPixmap = 1 ImageFormatZPixmap = 2 )
enum ImageFormat
const ( ColormapAllocNone = 0 ColormapAllocAll = 1 )
enum ColormapAlloc
const ( ColorFlagRed = 1 ColorFlagGreen = 2 ColorFlagBlue = 4 )
enum ColorFlag
const ( QueryShapeOfLargestCursor = 0 QueryShapeOfFastestTile = 1 QueryShapeOfFastestStipple = 2 )
enum QueryShapeOf
const ( KBKeyClickPercent = 1 KBBellPercent = 2 KBBellPitch = 4 KBBellDuration = 8 KBLed = 16 KBLedMode = 32 KBKey = 64 KBAutoRepeatMode = 128 )
enum KB
const ( LedModeOff = 0 LedModeOn = 1 )
enum LedMode
const ( AutoRepeatModeOff = 0 AutoRepeatModeOn = 1 AutoRepeatModeDefault = 2 )
enum AutoRepeatMode
const ( BlankingNotPreferred = 0 BlankingPreferred = 1 BlankingDefault = 2 )
enum Blanking
const ( ExposuresNotAllowed = 0 ExposuresAllowed = 1 ExposuresDefault = 2 )
enum Exposures
const ( HostModeInsert = 0 HostModeDelete = 1 )
enum HostMode
const ( FamilyInternet = 0 FamilyDECnet = 1 FamilyChaos = 2 FamilyServerInterpreted = 5 FamilyInternet6 = 6 )
enum Family
const ( AccessControlDisable = 0 AccessControlEnable = 1 )
enum AccessControl
const ( CloseDownDestroyAll = 0 CloseDownRetainPermanent = 1 CloseDownRetainTemporary = 2 )
enum CloseDown
const ( ScreenSaverReset = 0 ScreenSaverActive = 1 )
enum ScreenSaver
const ( MappingStatusSuccess = 0 MappingStatusBusy = 1 MappingStatusFailure = 2 )
enum MappingStatus
const ( MapIndexShift = 0 MapIndexLock = 1 MapIndexControl = 2 MapIndex1 = 3 MapIndex2 = 4 MapIndex3 = 5 MapIndex4 = 6 MapIndex5 = 7 )
enum MapIndex
const AccessErrorCode = 10
const AllocColorCellsOpcode = 86
const AllocColorOpcode = 84
const AllocColorPlanesOpcode = 87
const AllocErrorCode = 11
const AllocNamedColorOpcode = 85
const AllowEventsOpcode = 35
const AtomErrorCode = 5
const BellOpcode = 104
const ButtonPressEventCode = 4
const ButtonReleaseEventCode = 5
const ChangeActivePointerGrabOpcode = 30
const ChangeGCOpcode = 56
const ChangeHostsOpcode = 109
const ChangeKeyboardControlOpcode = 102
const ChangeKeyboardMappingOpcode = 100
const ChangePointerControlOpcode = 105
const ChangePropertyOpcode = 18
const ChangeSaveSetOpcode = 6
const ChangeWindowAttributesOpcode = 2
const CirculateNotifyEventCode = 26
const CirculateRequestEventCode = 27
const CirculateWindowOpcode = 13
const ClearAreaOpcode = 61
const ClientMessageEventCode = 33
const CloseFontOpcode = 46
const ColormapErrorCode = 12
const (
ColormapNone = 0
enum Colormap
const ColormapNotifyEventCode = 32
const ConfigureNotifyEventCode = 22
const ConfigureRequestEventCode = 23
const ConfigureWindowOpcode = 12
const ConvertSelectionOpcode = 24
const CopyAreaOpcode = 62
const CopyColormapAndFreeOpcode = 80
const CopyGCOpcode = 57
const CopyPlaneOpcode = 63
const CreateColormapOpcode = 78
const CreateCursorOpcode = 93
const CreateGCOpcode = 55
const CreateGlyphCursorOpcode = 94
const CreateNotifyEventCode = 16
const CreatePixmapOpcode = 53
const CreateWindowOpcode = 1
const CursorErrorCode = 6
const (
CursorNone = 0
enum Cursor
const DeletePropertyOpcode = 19
const DestroyNotifyEventCode = 17
const DestroySubwindowsOpcode = 5
const DestroyWindowOpcode = 4
const DrawableErrorCode = 9
const EnterNotifyEventCode = 7
const ExposeEventCode = 12
const FillPolyOpcode = 69
const FocusInEventCode = 9
const FocusOutEventCode = 10
const FontErrorCode = 7
const (
FontNone = 0
enum Font
const ForceScreenSaverOpcode = 115
const FreeColormapOpcode = 79
const FreeColorsOpcode = 88
const FreeCursorOpcode = 95
const FreeGCOpcode = 60
const FreePixmapOpcode = 54
const GContextErrorCode = 13
const GeGenericEventCode = 35
const GetAtomNameOpcode = 17
const GetFontPathOpcode = 52
const GetGeometryOpcode = 14
const GetImageOpcode = 73
const GetInputFocusOpcode = 43
const GetKeyboardControlOpcode = 103
const GetKeyboardMappingOpcode = 101
const GetModifierMappingOpcode = 119
const GetMotionEventsOpcode = 39
const GetPointerControlOpcode = 106
const GetPointerMappingOpcode = 117
const GetPropertyOpcode = 20
const (
GetPropertyTypeAny = 0
enum GetPropertyType
const GetScreenSaverOpcode = 108
const GetSelectionOwnerOpcode = 23
const GetWindowAttributesOpcode = 3
const (
GrabAny = 0
enum Grab
const GrabButtonOpcode = 28
const GrabKeyOpcode = 33
const GrabKeyboardOpcode = 31
const GrabPointerOpcode = 26
const GrabServerOpcode = 36
const GraphicsExposureEventCode = 13
const GravityNotifyEventCode = 24
const IdChoiceErrorCode = 14
const ImageText16Opcode = 77
const ImageText8Opcode = 76
const ImplementationErrorCode = 17
const InstallColormapOpcode = 81
const InternAtomOpcode = 16
const KeyPressEventCode = 2
const KeyReleaseEventCode = 3
const KeymapNotifyEventCode = 11
const (
KillAllTemporary = 0
enum Kill
const KillClientOpcode = 113
const LeaveNotifyEventCode = 8
const LengthErrorCode = 16
const ListExtensionsOpcode = 99
const ListFontsOpcode = 49
const ListFontsWithInfoOpcode = 50
const ListHostsOpcode = 110
const ListInstalledColormapsOpcode = 83
const ListPropertiesOpcode = 21
const LookupColorOpcode = 92
const MapNotifyEventCode = 19
const MapRequestEventCode = 20
const MapSubwindowsOpcode = 9
const MapWindowOpcode = 8
const MappingNotifyEventCode = 34
const MatchErrorCode = 8
const MotionNotifyEventCode = 6
const NameErrorCode = 15
const NoExposureEventCode = 14
const NoOperationOpcode = 127
const OpenFontOpcode = 45
const PixmapErrorCode = 4
const (
PixmapNone = 0
enum Pixmap
const PolyArcOpcode = 68
const PolyFillArcOpcode = 71
const PolyFillRectangleOpcode = 70
const PolyLineOpcode = 65
const PolyPointOpcode = 64
const PolyRectangleOpcode = 67
const PolySegmentOpcode = 66
const PolyText16Opcode = 75
const PolyText8Opcode = 74
const PropertyNotifyEventCode = 28
const PutImageOpcode = 72
const QueryBestSizeOpcode = 97
const QueryColorsOpcode = 91
const QueryExtensionOpcode = 98
const QueryFontOpcode = 47
const QueryKeymapOpcode = 44
const QueryPointerOpcode = 38
const QueryTextExtentsOpcode = 48
const QueryTreeOpcode = 15
const RecolorCursorOpcode = 96
const ReparentNotifyEventCode = 21
const ReparentWindowOpcode = 7
const RequestErrorCode = 1
const ResizeRequestEventCode = 25
const RotatePropertiesOpcode = 114
const SelectionClearEventCode = 29
const SelectionNotifyEventCode = 31
const SelectionRequestEventCode = 30
const SendEventOpcode = 25
const SetAccessControlOpcode = 111
const SetClipRectanglesOpcode = 59
const SetCloseDownModeOpcode = 112
const SetDashesOpcode = 58
const SetFontPathOpcode = 51
const SetInputFocusOpcode = 42
const SetModifierMappingOpcode = 118
const SetPointerMappingOpcode = 116
const SetScreenSaverOpcode = 107
const SetSelectionOwnerOpcode = 22
const StoreColorsOpcode = 89
const StoreNamedColorOpcode = 90
const (
TimeCurrentTime = 0
enum Time
const TranslateCoordinatesOpcode = 40
const UngrabButtonOpcode = 29
const UngrabKeyOpcode = 34
const UngrabKeyboardOpcode = 32
const UngrabPointerOpcode = 27
const UngrabServerOpcode = 37
const UninstallColormapOpcode = 82
const UnmapNotifyEventCode = 18
const UnmapSubwindowsOpcode = 11
const UnmapWindowOpcode = 10
const ValueErrorCode = 2
const VisibilityNotifyEventCode = 15
const WarpPointerOpcode = 41
const WindowErrorCode = 3
const (
WindowNone = 0
enum Window
Variables ¶
var ErrDataLenShort = errors.New("data length is short")
var Logger *log.Logger
Functions ¶
func AllowEvents ¶
func BoolToUint8 ¶
func ChangeActivePointerGrab ¶
func ChangeHosts ¶
func ChangeProperty ¶
func ChangeSaveSet ¶
func ChangeWindowAttributes ¶
func CirculateWindow ¶
func ClientMessageDataRead ¶
func ClientMessageDataRead(r *Reader, v *ClientMessageData) int
func ConfigureWindow ¶
func ConvertSelection ¶
func CreatePixmap ¶
func CreateWindow ¶
func DeleteProperty ¶
func DestroySubwindows ¶
func DestroyWindow ¶
func Errorf ¶
Errorf is just a wrapper for fmt.Errorf. Exists for the same reason that 'stringsJoin' and 'sprintf' exists.
func ForceScreenSaver ¶
func FreeCursor ¶
func FreePixmap ¶
func GrabButton ¶
func GrabServer ¶
func GrabServer(conn *Conn)
func KillClient ¶
func MapSubwindows ¶
func NoOperation ¶
func PolyFillRectangle ¶
func PolyRectangle ¶
func ReparentWindow ¶
func SetClipRectangles ¶
func SetFontPath ¶
func SetScreenSaver ¶
func SetSelectionOwner ¶
func SizeIn4bWithPad ¶
func StringsJoin ¶
StringsJoin is an alias to strings.Join. It allows us to avoid having to import 'strings' in each of the generated Go files.
func TruncateStr ¶
func Uint8ToBool ¶
func UngrabButton ¶
func UngrabKeyboard ¶
func UngrabPointer ¶
func UngrabServer ¶
func UngrabServer(conn *Conn)
func UnmapSubwindows ¶
func UnmapWindow ¶
func WarpPointer ¶
func WriteClientMessageEvent ¶
func WriteClientMessageEvent(w *Writer, v *ClientMessageEvent)
func WriteRectangle ¶
func WriteRectangle(b *FixedSizeBuf, v Rectangle)
func WriteSelectionNotifyEvent ¶
func WriteSelectionNotifyEvent(w *Writer, v *SelectionNotifyEvent)
Types ¶
type AllocColorCellsCookie ¶
type AllocColorCellsCookie SeqNum
type AllocColorCookie ¶
type AllocColorCookie SeqNum
type AllocColorPlanesCookie ¶
type AllocColorPlanesCookie SeqNum
type AllocNamedColorCookie ¶
type AllocNamedColorCookie SeqNum
type AtomCache ¶
type AtomCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAtomCache ¶
func NewAtomCache() *AtomCache
type ButtonEvent ¶
type ButtonPressEvent ¶
type ButtonPressEvent struct {
func NewButtonPressEvent ¶
func NewButtonPressEvent(data []byte) (*ButtonPressEvent, error)
type ButtonReleaseEvent ¶
type ButtonReleaseEvent struct {
func NewButtonReleaseEvent ¶
func NewButtonReleaseEvent(data []byte) (*ButtonReleaseEvent, error)
type CharInfo ¶
type CharInfo struct { LeftSideBearing int16 RightSideBearing int16 CharacterWidth int16 Ascent int16 Descent int16 Attributes uint16 }
size: 3 * 4b
type CirculateEvent ¶
type CirculateNotifyEvent ¶
type CirculateNotifyEvent struct {
func NewCirculateNotifyEvent ¶
func NewCirculateNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*CirculateNotifyEvent, error)
type CirculateRequestEvent ¶
type CirculateRequestEvent struct {
func NewCirculateRequestEvent ¶
func NewCirculateRequestEvent(data []byte) (*CirculateRequestEvent, error)
type ClientMessageData ¶
type ClientMessageData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ClientMessageData) GetData16 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) GetData16() []uint16
func (*ClientMessageData) GetData32 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) GetData32() []uint32
func (*ClientMessageData) GetData8 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) GetData8() []byte
func (*ClientMessageData) SetData16 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) SetData16(p *[10]uint16)
func (*ClientMessageData) SetData32 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) SetData32(p *[5]uint32)
func (*ClientMessageData) SetData8 ¶
func (v *ClientMessageData) SetData8(p *[20]byte)
type ClientMessageEvent ¶
type ClientMessageEvent struct { Format uint8 Sequence uint16 Window Window Type Atom Data ClientMessageData }
func NewClientMessageEvent ¶
func NewClientMessageEvent(data []byte) (*ClientMessageEvent, error)
type ColormapNotifyEvent ¶
type ColormapNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Window Window Colormap Colormap New bool State uint8 }
func NewColormapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewColormapNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*ColormapNotifyEvent, error)
type ConfigureNotifyEvent ¶
type ConfigureNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Event Window Window Window AboveSibling Window X int16 Y int16 Width uint16 Height uint16 BorderWidth uint16 OverrideRedirect bool }
func NewConfigureNotifyEvent ¶
func NewConfigureNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*ConfigureNotifyEvent, error)
type ConfigureRequestEvent ¶
type ConfigureRequestEvent struct { StackMode uint8 Sequence uint16 Parent Window Window Window Sibling Window X int16 Y int16 Width uint16 Height uint16 BorderWidth uint16 ValueMask uint16 }
func NewConfigureRequestEvent ¶
func NewConfigureRequestEvent(data []byte) (*ConfigureRequestEvent, error)
type Conn ¶
func NewConnDisplay ¶
func (*Conn) AddEventChan ¶
func (c *Conn) AddEventChan(eventChan chan<- GenericEvent)
func (*Conn) GetAtomCache ¶
func (*Conn) GetDefaultScreen ¶
func (*Conn) GetExtensionData ¶
func (c *Conn) GetExtensionData(ext *Extension) *QueryExtensionReply
func (*Conn) IDUsedCount ¶
func (*Conn) MakeAndAddEventChan ¶
func (c *Conn) MakeAndAddEventChan(bufSize int) chan GenericEvent
func (*Conn) PrefetchExtensionData ¶
func (*Conn) RemoveEventChan ¶
func (c *Conn) RemoveEventChan(eventChan chan<- GenericEvent)
func (*Conn) SendRequest ¶
func (c *Conn) SendRequest(flags uint, req *ProtocolRequest) SeqNum
return sequence id
func (*Conn) SetAtomCache ¶
func (*Conn) SetErrorCallback ¶
type CreateNotifyEvent ¶
type CreateNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Parent Window Window Window X int16 Y int16 Width uint16 Height uint16 BorderWidth uint16 OverrideRedirect bool }
func NewCreateNotifyEvent ¶
func NewCreateNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*CreateNotifyEvent, error)
type Depth ¶
type Depth struct { Depth uint8 Visuals []VisualType }
type DestroyNotifyEvent ¶
func NewDestroyNotifyEvent ¶
func NewDestroyNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*DestroyNotifyEvent, error)
type EnterNotifyEvent ¶
type EnterNotifyEvent struct {
func NewEnterNotifyEvent ¶
func NewEnterNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*EnterNotifyEvent, error)
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Code uint8 // ErrorCode Sequence uint16 // Sequence number ResourceID uint32 // Resource ID for requests with side effects only MinorCode uint16 // Minor opcode of the failed request MajorCode uint8 // Major opcode of the failed request // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ExposeEvent ¶
type ExposeEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Window Window X uint16 Y uint16 Width uint16 Height uint16 Count uint16 }
func NewExposeEvent ¶
func NewExposeEvent(data []byte) (*ExposeEvent, error)
type Extension ¶
type Extension struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type FixedSizeBuf ¶
type FixedSizeBuf struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFixedSizeBuf ¶
func NewFixedSizeBuf(size int) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) Bytes ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Bytes() []byte
func (*FixedSizeBuf) End ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) End()
func (*FixedSizeBuf) Write1b ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write1b(v uint8) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) Write2b ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write2b(v uint16) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) Write4b ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write4b(v uint32) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) Write8b ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) Write8b(v uint64) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) WriteBool ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteBool(v bool) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) WriteBytes ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteBytes(p []byte) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) WritePad ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WritePad(n int) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*FixedSizeBuf) WriteString ¶
func (b *FixedSizeBuf) WriteString(s string) *FixedSizeBuf
type FocusInEvent ¶
type FocusInEvent struct {
func NewFocusInEvent ¶
func NewFocusInEvent(data []byte) (*FocusInEvent, error)
type FocusOutEvent ¶
type FocusOutEvent struct {
func NewFocusOutEvent ¶
func NewFocusOutEvent(data []byte) (*FocusOutEvent, error)
type GeGenericEvent ¶
type GeGenericEvent struct { Extension uint8 Sequence uint16 Length uint32 EventType uint16 Data []byte }
func NewGeGenericEvent ¶
func NewGeGenericEvent(data []byte) (*GeGenericEvent, error)
type GenericEvent ¶
type GenericEvent []byte
func (GenericEvent) GetEventCode ¶
func (ge GenericEvent) GetEventCode() uint8
func (GenericEvent) Real ¶
func (ge GenericEvent) Real() bool
func (GenericEvent) String ¶
func (ge GenericEvent) String() string
type GenericReply ¶
type GenericReply struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGenericReply ¶
func NewGenericReply(buf []byte) *GenericReply
type GetAtomNameCookie ¶
type GetAtomNameCookie SeqNum
func GetAtomName ¶
func GetAtomName(conn *Conn, atom Atom) GetAtomNameCookie
func (GetAtomNameCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetAtomNameCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetAtomNameReply, error)
type GetAtomNameReply ¶
type GetAtomNameReply struct {
Name string
type GetFontPathCookie ¶
type GetFontPathCookie SeqNum
func GetFontPath ¶
func GetFontPath(conn *Conn) GetFontPathCookie
func (GetFontPathCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetFontPathCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetFontPathReply, error)
type GetFontPathReply ¶
type GetFontPathReply struct {
Paths []string
type GetGeometryCookie ¶
type GetGeometryCookie SeqNum
func GetGeometry ¶
func GetGeometry(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable) GetGeometryCookie
func (GetGeometryCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetGeometryCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetGeometryReply, error)
type GetGeometryReply ¶
type GetImageCookie ¶
type GetImageCookie SeqNum
func (GetImageCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetImageCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetImageReply, error)
type GetImageReply ¶
type GetInputFocusCookie ¶
type GetInputFocusCookie SeqNum
func GetInputFocus ¶
func GetInputFocus(conn *Conn) GetInputFocusCookie
func (GetInputFocusCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetInputFocusCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetInputFocusReply, error)
type GetInputFocusReply ¶
type GetKeyboardControlCookie ¶
type GetKeyboardControlCookie SeqNum
type GetKeyboardMappingCookie ¶
type GetKeyboardMappingCookie SeqNum
func GetKeyboardMapping ¶
func GetKeyboardMapping(conn *Conn, firstKeycode Keycode, count uint8) GetKeyboardMappingCookie
func (GetKeyboardMappingCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetKeyboardMappingCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetKeyboardMappingReply, error)
type GetKeyboardMappingReply ¶
type GetModifierMappingCookie ¶
type GetModifierMappingCookie SeqNum
type GetMotionEventsCookie ¶
type GetMotionEventsCookie SeqNum
func GetMotionEvents ¶
func GetMotionEvents(conn *Conn, window Window, start, stop Timestamp) GetMotionEventsCookie
func (GetMotionEventsCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetMotionEventsCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetMotionEventsReply, error)
type GetMotionEventsReply ¶
type GetMotionEventsReply struct {
Events []TimeCoord
type GetPointerControlCookie ¶
type GetPointerControlCookie SeqNum
type GetPointerMappingCookie ¶
type GetPointerMappingCookie SeqNum
type GetPropertyCookie ¶
type GetPropertyCookie SeqNum
func GetProperty ¶
func (GetPropertyCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetPropertyCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetPropertyReply, error)
type GetPropertyReply ¶
type GetScreenSaverCookie ¶
type GetScreenSaverCookie SeqNum
func GetScreenSaver ¶
func GetScreenSaver(conn *Conn) GetScreenSaverCookie
func (GetScreenSaverCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetScreenSaverCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetScreenSaverReply, error)
type GetScreenSaverReply ¶
type GetSelectionOwnerCookie ¶
type GetSelectionOwnerCookie SeqNum
func GetSelectionOwner ¶
func GetSelectionOwner(conn *Conn, selection Atom) GetSelectionOwnerCookie
func (GetSelectionOwnerCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetSelectionOwnerCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetSelectionOwnerReply, error)
type GetSelectionOwnerReply ¶
type GetSelectionOwnerReply struct {
Owner Window
type GetWindowAttributesCookie ¶
type GetWindowAttributesCookie SeqNum
func GetWindowAttributes ¶
func GetWindowAttributes(conn *Conn, window Window) GetWindowAttributesCookie
func (GetWindowAttributesCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GetWindowAttributesCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GetWindowAttributesReply, error)
type GetWindowAttributesReply ¶
type GetWindowAttributesReply struct { BackingStore uint8 Visual VisualID Class uint16 BitGravity uint8 WinGravity uint8 BackingPlanes uint32 BackingPixel uint32 SaveUnder bool MapIsInstalled bool MapState uint8 OverrideRedirect bool Colormap Colormap AllEventMasks uint32 YourEventMask uint32 DoNotPropagateMask uint16 }
type GrabKeyboardCookie ¶
type GrabKeyboardCookie SeqNum
func GrabKeyboard ¶
func (GrabKeyboardCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GrabKeyboardCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GrabKeyboardReply, error)
type GrabKeyboardReply ¶
type GrabKeyboardReply struct {
Status uint8
type GrabPointerCookie ¶
type GrabPointerCookie SeqNum
func GrabPointer ¶
func (GrabPointerCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie GrabPointerCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*GrabPointerReply, error)
type GrabPointerReply ¶
type GrabPointerReply struct {
Status uint8
type GraphicsExposureEvent ¶
type GraphicsExposureEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Drawable Drawable X uint16 Y uint16 Width uint16 Height uint16 MinorOpcode uint16 Count uint16 MajorOpcode uint8 }
func NewGraphicsExposureEvent ¶
func NewGraphicsExposureEvent(data []byte) (*GraphicsExposureEvent, error)
type GravityNotifyEvent ¶
func NewGravityNotifyEvent ¶
func NewGravityNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*GravityNotifyEvent, error)
type InternAtomCookie ¶
type InternAtomCookie SeqNum
func InternAtom ¶
func InternAtom(conn *Conn, onlyIfExists bool, name string) InternAtomCookie
func (InternAtomCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie InternAtomCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*InternAtomReply, error)
type InternAtomReply ¶
type InternAtomReply struct {
Atom Atom
type KeyPressEvent ¶
type KeyPressEvent struct {
func NewKeyPressEvent ¶
func NewKeyPressEvent(data []byte) (*KeyPressEvent, error)
type KeyReleaseEvent ¶
type KeyReleaseEvent struct {
func NewKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func NewKeyReleaseEvent(data []byte) (*KeyReleaseEvent, error)
type KeymapNotifyEvent ¶
type KeymapNotifyEvent struct {
Keys []byte
func NewKeymapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewKeymapNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*KeymapNotifyEvent, error)
type LeaveNotifyEvent ¶
type LeaveNotifyEvent struct {
func NewLeaveNotifyEvent ¶
func NewLeaveNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*LeaveNotifyEvent, error)
type ListExtensionsCookie ¶
type ListExtensionsCookie SeqNum
func ListExtensions ¶
func ListExtensions(conn *Conn) ListExtensionsCookie
func (ListExtensionsCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie ListExtensionsCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*ListExtensionsReply, error)
type ListExtensionsReply ¶
type ListExtensionsReply struct {
Names []string
type ListFontsCookie ¶
type ListFontsCookie SeqNum
func (ListFontsCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie ListFontsCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*ListFontsReply, error)
type ListFontsReply ¶
type ListFontsReply struct {
Names []string
type ListFontsWithInfoCookie ¶
type ListFontsWithInfoCookie SeqNum
func ListFontsWithInfo ¶
func ListFontsWithInfo(conn *Conn, maxNames uint16, pattern string) ListFontsWithInfoCookie
func (ListFontsWithInfoCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie ListFontsWithInfoCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*ListFontsWithInfoReply, error)
type ListFontsWithInfoReply ¶
type ListFontsWithInfoReply struct { LastReply bool MinBounds CharInfo MaxBounds CharInfo MinCharOrByte2 uint16 MaxCharOrByte2 uint16 DefaultChar uint16 PropertiesLen uint16 DrawDirection uint8 MinByte1 uint8 MaxByte1 uint8 AllCharsExist bool FontAscent int16 FontDescent int16 RepliesHint uint32 Properties []FontProp Name string }
type ListHostsCookie ¶
type ListHostsCookie SeqNum
type ListInstalledColormapsCookie ¶
type ListInstalledColormapsCookie SeqNum
type ListPropertiesCookie ¶
type ListPropertiesCookie SeqNum
func ListProperties ¶
func ListProperties(conn *Conn, window Window) ListPropertiesCookie
func (ListPropertiesCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie ListPropertiesCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*ListPropertiesReply, error)
type ListPropertiesReply ¶
type ListPropertiesReply struct {
Atoms []Atom
type LookupColorCookie ¶
type LookupColorCookie SeqNum
type MapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewMapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewMapNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*MapNotifyEvent, error)
type MapRequestEvent ¶
func NewMapRequestEvent ¶
func NewMapRequestEvent(data []byte) (*MapRequestEvent, error)
type MappingNotifyEvent ¶
func NewMappingNotifyEvent ¶
func NewMappingNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*MappingNotifyEvent, error)
type MotionNotifyEvent ¶
type MotionNotifyEvent struct { Detail uint8 Sequence uint16 Time Timestamp Root Window Event Window Child Window RootX int16 RootY int16 EventX int16 EventY int16 State uint16 SameScreen bool }
func NewMotionNotifyEvent ¶
func NewMotionNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*MotionNotifyEvent, error)
type NoExposureEvent ¶
type NoExposureEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Drawable Drawable MinorOpcode uint16 MajorOpcode uint8 }
func NewNoExposureEvent ¶
func NewNoExposureEvent(data []byte) (*NoExposureEvent, error)
type PendingReply ¶
type PendingReply struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PointerWindowEvent ¶
type PropertyNotifyEvent ¶
type PropertyNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Window Window Atom Atom Time Timestamp State uint8 }
func NewPropertyNotifyEvent ¶
func NewPropertyNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*PropertyNotifyEvent, error)
type ProtocolRequest ¶
type ProtocolRequest struct { Ext *Extension NoReply bool Header RequestHeader Body RequestBody }
type QueryBestSizeCookie ¶
type QueryBestSizeCookie SeqNum
type QueryColorsCookie ¶
type QueryColorsCookie SeqNum
type QueryExtensionCookie ¶
type QueryExtensionCookie SeqNum
func QueryExtension ¶
func QueryExtension(conn *Conn, name string) QueryExtensionCookie
func (QueryExtensionCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie QueryExtensionCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*QueryExtensionReply, error)
type QueryExtensionReply ¶
type QueryFontCookie ¶
type QueryFontCookie SeqNum
func QueryFont ¶
func QueryFont(conn *Conn, font Fontable) QueryFontCookie
func (QueryFontCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie QueryFontCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*QueryFontReply, error)
type QueryFontReply ¶
type QueryFontReply struct { MinBounds CharInfo MaxBounds CharInfo MinCharOrByte2 uint16 MaxCharOrByte2 uint16 DefaultChar uint16 PropertiesLen uint16 DrawDirection uint8 MinByte1 uint8 MaxByte1 uint8 AllCharsExist bool FontAscent int16 FontDescent int16 CharInfosLen uint32 Properties []FontProp CharInfos []CharInfo }
type QueryKeymapCookie ¶
type QueryKeymapCookie SeqNum
func QueryKeymap ¶
func QueryKeymap(conn *Conn) QueryKeymapCookie
func (QueryKeymapCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie QueryKeymapCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*QueryKeymapReply, error)
type QueryKeymapReply ¶
type QueryKeymapReply struct {
Keys []byte
type QueryPointerCookie ¶
type QueryPointerCookie SeqNum
func QueryPointer ¶
func QueryPointer(conn *Conn, window Window) QueryPointerCookie
func (QueryPointerCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie QueryPointerCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*QueryPointerReply, error)
type QueryPointerReply ¶
type QueryTextExtentsCookie ¶
type QueryTextExtentsCookie SeqNum
type QueryTreeCookie ¶
type QueryTreeCookie SeqNum
func QueryTree ¶
func QueryTree(conn *Conn, window Window) QueryTreeCookie
func (QueryTreeCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie QueryTreeCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*QueryTreeReply, error)
type QueryTreeReply ¶
type ReadErrorFunc ¶
type Reader ¶
type Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewReaderFromData ¶
func (*Reader) MustReadBytes ¶
func (*Reader) ReadEventHeader ¶
func (*Reader) ReadNulTermStr ¶
func (*Reader) ReadReplyHeader ¶
func (*Reader) RemainAtLeast ¶
func (*Reader) RemainAtLeast4b ¶
type ReparentNotifyEvent ¶
type ReparentNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Event Window Window Window Parent Window X int16 Y int16 OverrideRedirect bool }
func NewReparentNotifyEvent ¶
func NewReparentNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*ReparentNotifyEvent, error)
type ReplyReader ¶
type ReplyReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RequestBody ¶
type RequestBody [][]byte
func (*RequestBody) AddBlock ¶
func (rb *RequestBody) AddBlock(n int) *FixedSizeBuf
func (*RequestBody) AddBytes ¶
func (rb *RequestBody) AddBytes(data []byte)
type RequestHeader ¶
type ResizeRequestEvent ¶
func NewResizeRequestEvent ¶
func NewResizeRequestEvent(data []byte) (*ResizeRequestEvent, error)
type Screen ¶
type Screen struct { Root Window DefaultColorMap Colormap WhitePixel uint32 BlackPixel uint32 CurrentInputMask uint32 WidthInPixels uint16 HeightInPixels uint16 WidthInMillimeters uint16 HeightInMillimeters uint16 MinInstalledMaps uint16 MaxInstalledMaps uint16 RootVisual VisualID BackingStores uint8 SaveUnders bool RootDepth uint8 AllowedDepths []Depth }
type SelectionClearEvent ¶
func NewSelectionClearEvent ¶
func NewSelectionClearEvent(data []byte) (*SelectionClearEvent, error)
type SelectionNotifyEvent ¶
type SelectionNotifyEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Time Timestamp Requestor Window Selection Atom Target Atom Property Atom }
func NewSelectionNotifyEvent ¶
func NewSelectionNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*SelectionNotifyEvent, error)
type SelectionRequestEvent ¶
type SelectionRequestEvent struct { Sequence uint16 Time Timestamp Owner Window Requestor Window Selection Atom Target Atom Property Atom }
func NewSelectionRequestEvent ¶
func NewSelectionRequestEvent(data []byte) (*SelectionRequestEvent, error)
type SetModifierMappingCookie ¶
type SetModifierMappingCookie SeqNum
type SetPointerMappingCookie ¶
type SetPointerMappingCookie SeqNum
type Setup ¶
type Setup struct { ProtocolMajorVersion uint16 ProtocolMinorVersion uint16 ReleaseNumber uint32 ResourceIdBase uint32 ResourceIdMask uint32 MonitorBufferSize uint32 MaximumRequestLength uint16 ImageByteOrder uint8 BitmapFormatBitOrder uint8 BitmapFormatScanlineUint uint8 BitmapFormatScanlinePad uint8 MinKeycode Keycode MaxKeycode Keycode Vendor string PixmapFormats []Format Roots []Screen }
type TranslateCoordinatesCookie ¶
type TranslateCoordinatesCookie SeqNum
func TranslateCoordinates ¶
func TranslateCoordinates(conn *Conn, srcWindow, dstWindow Window, srcX, srcY int16) TranslateCoordinatesCookie
func (TranslateCoordinatesCookie) Reply ¶
func (cookie TranslateCoordinatesCookie) Reply(conn *Conn) (*TranslateCoordinatesReply, error)
type UnmapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewUnmapNotifyEvent ¶
func NewUnmapNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*UnmapNotifyEvent, error)
type VisibilityNotifyEvent ¶
func NewVisibilityNotifyEvent ¶
func NewVisibilityNotifyEvent(data []byte) (*VisibilityNotifyEvent, error)
type VisualType ¶
type VisualType struct { Id VisualID Class uint8 BitsPerRGBValue uint8 ColorMapEntries uint16 RedMask uint32 GreenMask uint32 BlueMask uint32 }
size: 6 * 4b
type VoidCookie ¶
type VoidCookie SeqNum
func AllowEventsChecked ¶
func AllowEventsChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func ChangeActivePointerGrabChecked ¶
func ChangeActivePointerGrabChecked(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor, time Timestamp, eventMask uint16) VoidCookie
func ChangeGCChecked ¶
func ChangeGCChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
func ChangeHostsChecked ¶
func ChangeHostsChecked(conn *Conn, mode, family uint8, address string) VoidCookie
func ChangePropertyChecked ¶
func ChangeSaveSetChecked ¶
func ChangeSaveSetChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8, window Window) VoidCookie
func ChangeWindowAttributesChecked ¶
func ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint32, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
func CirculateWindowChecked ¶
func CirculateWindowChecked(conn *Conn, direction uint8, window Window) VoidCookie
func ClearAreaChecked ¶
func CloseFontChecked ¶
func CloseFontChecked(conn *Conn, font Font) VoidCookie
func ConfigureWindowChecked ¶
func ConfigureWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, valueMask uint16, valueList []uint32) VoidCookie
func ConvertSelectionChecked ¶
func ConvertSelectionChecked(conn *Conn, requestor Window, selection, target, property Atom, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func CopyAreaChecked ¶
func CopyGCChecked ¶
func CopyGCChecked(conn *Conn, srcGC, dstGC GContext, valueMask uint32) VoidCookie
func CopyPlaneChecked ¶
func CreateGCChecked ¶
func CreatePixmapChecked ¶
func CreateWindowChecked ¶
func DeletePropertyChecked ¶
func DeletePropertyChecked(conn *Conn, window Window, property Atom) VoidCookie
func DestroySubwindowsChecked ¶
func DestroySubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func DestroyWindowChecked ¶
func DestroyWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func FillPolyChecked ¶
func ForceScreenSaverChecked ¶
func ForceScreenSaverChecked(conn *Conn, mode uint8) VoidCookie
func FreeCursorChecked ¶
func FreeCursorChecked(conn *Conn, cursor Cursor) VoidCookie
func FreeGCChecked ¶
func FreeGCChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext) VoidCookie
func FreePixmapChecked ¶
func FreePixmapChecked(conn *Conn, pixmap Pixmap) VoidCookie
func GrabButtonChecked ¶
func GrabKeyChecked ¶
func GrabServerChecked ¶
func GrabServerChecked(conn *Conn) VoidCookie
func KillClientChecked ¶
func KillClientChecked(conn *Conn, resource uint32) VoidCookie
func MapSubwindowsChecked ¶
func MapSubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func MapWindowChecked ¶
func MapWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func NoOperationChecked ¶
func NoOperationChecked(conn *Conn, n int) VoidCookie
func OpenFontChecked ¶
func OpenFontChecked(conn *Conn, fid Font, name string) VoidCookie
func PolyArcChecked ¶
func PolyArcChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc) VoidCookie
func PolyFillArcChecked ¶
func PolyFillArcChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, arcs []Arc) VoidCookie
func PolyFillRectangleChecked ¶
func PolyFillRectangleChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle) VoidCookie
func PolyLineChecked ¶
func PolyPointChecked ¶
func PolyRectangleChecked ¶
func PolyRectangleChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, rectangles []Rectangle) VoidCookie
func PolySegmentChecked ¶
func PolySegmentChecked(conn *Conn, drawable Drawable, gc GContext, segments []Segment) VoidCookie
func PutImageChecked ¶
func ReparentWindowChecked ¶
func ReparentWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window, parent Window, x, y int16) VoidCookie
func SendEventChecked ¶
func SetDashesChecked ¶
func SetDashesChecked(conn *Conn, gc GContext, dashOffset uint16, dashes []uint8) VoidCookie
func SetFontPathChecked ¶
func SetFontPathChecked(conn *Conn, paths []string) VoidCookie
func SetInputFocusChecked ¶
func SetInputFocusChecked(conn *Conn, revertTo uint8, focus Window, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func SetScreenSaverChecked ¶
func SetScreenSaverChecked(conn *Conn, timeout, interval int16, preferBlanking, allowExposures uint8) VoidCookie
func SetSelectionOwnerChecked ¶
func SetSelectionOwnerChecked(conn *Conn, owner Window, selection Atom, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func UngrabButtonChecked ¶
func UngrabButtonChecked(conn *Conn, button uint8, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16) VoidCookie
func UngrabKeyChecked ¶
func UngrabKeyChecked(conn *Conn, key Keycode, grabWindow Window, modifiers uint16) VoidCookie
func UngrabKeyboardChecked ¶
func UngrabKeyboardChecked(conn *Conn, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func UngrabPointerChecked ¶
func UngrabPointerChecked(conn *Conn, time Timestamp) VoidCookie
func UngrabServerChecked ¶
func UngrabServerChecked(conn *Conn) VoidCookie
func UnmapSubwindowsChecked ¶
func UnmapSubwindowsChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func UnmapWindowChecked ¶
func UnmapWindowChecked(conn *Conn, window Window) VoidCookie
func WarpPointerChecked ¶
func (VoidCookie) Check ¶
func (cookie VoidCookie) Check(c *Conn) error
type Writer ¶
type Writer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields