Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 - 2023 UnionTech Software Technology Co., Ltd.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 - 2023 UnionTech Software Technology Co., Ltd.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Index ¶
- type Application
- type Control
- type Matcher
- type MockApplication
- type MockControl
- type MockInterfaceApplication
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationMenu(flags dbus.Flags) (string, string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationType(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectDesktopFileUpdated(cb func(desktop_file string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectSupportedMimeTypesChanged(cb func(dnd_mimes []string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowAdded(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowRemoved(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) DesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) FocusableChild(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationMenu(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoFocusableChild(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoShowStubs(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoSupportedMimeTypes(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoXids(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ShowStubs(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) SupportedMimeTypes(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) Xids(flags dbus.Flags) ([]uint32, error)
- type MockInterfaceControl
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) CreateLocalDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, application string) error
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoCreateLocalDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, application string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoInsertDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_path string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoOmNomNomDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_path string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoQuit(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoRegisterApplicationForPid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, application string, pid int32) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) InsertDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_path string) error
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) OmNomNomDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_path string) error
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) Quit(flags dbus.Flags) error
- func (v *MockInterfaceControl) RegisterApplicationForPid(flags dbus.Flags, application string, pid int32) error
- type MockInterfaceMatcher
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveApplication(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveWindow(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationForXid(flags dbus.Flags, xid uint32) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveApplicationChanged(cb func(old_app string, new_app string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveWindowChanged(cb func(old_win string, new_win string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectRunningApplicationsChanged(cb func(opened_desktop_files []string, closed_desktop_files []string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectStackingOrderChanged(cb func()) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewClosed(cb func(path string, type0 string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewOpened(cb func(path string, type0 string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveWindow(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationForXid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, xid uint32) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoPathForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRegisterFavorites(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, favorites []string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplications(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplicationsDesktopFiles(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoTabPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowStackForMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, monitor_id int32) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoXidsForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) PathForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RegisterFavorites(flags dbus.Flags, favorites []string) error
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplications(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplicationsDesktopFiles(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) TabPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowStackForMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, monitor_id int32) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) XidsForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) ([]uint32, error)
- type MockInterfaceView
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Active() proxy.PropBool
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Children(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectActiveChanged(cb func(is_active bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildAdded(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildRemoved(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectClosed(cb func()) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectNameChanged(cb func(old_name string, new_name string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectRunningChanged(cb func(is_running bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectUrgentChanged(cb func(is_urgent bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectUserVisibleChanged(cb func(user_visible bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoChildren(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIcon(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsActive(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsUrgent(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoName(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoParents(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoUserVisible(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoViewType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Icon(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsActive(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsRunning(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsUrgent(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Name(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Parents(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropIcon() proxy.PropString
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropName() proxy.PropString
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropUserVisible() proxy.PropBool
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Running() proxy.PropBool
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Starting() proxy.PropBool
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) Urgent() proxy.PropBool
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) UserVisible(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceView) ViewType(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- type MockInterfaceWindow
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMaximizedChanged(cb func(old int32, new int32)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMonitorChanged(cb func(old int32, new int32)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GetPid(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GetXid(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetPid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetXid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoMaximized(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoTransient(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoWindowType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoXprop(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, xprop string) *dbus.Call
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Maximized(flags dbus.Flags) (int32, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Monitor(flags dbus.Flags) (int32, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Transient(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) WindowType(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
- func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Xprop(flags dbus.Flags, xprop string) (string, error)
- type MockMatcher
- type MockWindow
- type Window
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Application ¶
type Application interface { Application() application // interface org.ayatana.bamf.application View() view // interface org.ayatana.bamf.view proxy.Object }
func NewApplication ¶
func NewApplication(conn *dbus.Conn, path dbus.ObjectPath) (Application, error)
type Control ¶
func NewControl ¶
func NewControl(conn *dbus.Conn) Control
type Matcher ¶
func NewMatcher ¶
func NewMatcher(conn *dbus.Conn) Matcher
type MockApplication ¶
type MockApplication struct { MockInterfaceApplication // interface org.ayatana.bamf.application MockInterfaceView // interface org.ayatana.bamf.view proxy.MockObject }
type MockControl ¶
type MockControl struct { MockInterfaceControl // interface org.ayatana.bamf.control proxy.MockObject }
type MockInterfaceApplication ¶
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationMenu ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationMenu(flags dbus.Flags) (string, string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ApplicationType(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectDesktopFileUpdated ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectDesktopFileUpdated(cb func(desktop_file string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectSupportedMimeTypesChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectSupportedMimeTypesChanged(cb func(dnd_mimes []string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowAdded ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowAdded(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowRemoved ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ConnectWindowRemoved(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) DesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) DesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) FocusableChild ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) FocusableChild(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationMenu ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationMenu(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoApplicationType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoFocusableChild ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoFocusableChild(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoShowStubs ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoShowStubs(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoSupportedMimeTypes ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoSupportedMimeTypes(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) GoXids ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) GoXids(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) ShowStubs ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) ShowStubs(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) SupportedMimeTypes ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) SupportedMimeTypes(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceApplication) Xids ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceApplication) Xids(flags dbus.Flags) ([]uint32, error)
type MockInterfaceControl ¶
func (*MockInterfaceControl) CreateLocalDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) CreateLocalDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, application string) error
func (*MockInterfaceControl) GoCreateLocalDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoCreateLocalDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, application string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceControl) GoInsertDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoInsertDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_path string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceControl) GoOmNomNomDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoOmNomNomDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_path string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceControl) GoQuit ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoQuit(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceControl) GoRegisterApplicationForPid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) GoRegisterApplicationForPid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, application string, pid int32) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceControl) InsertDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) InsertDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_path string) error
func (*MockInterfaceControl) OmNomNomDesktopFile ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) OmNomNomDesktopFile(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_path string) error
func (*MockInterfaceControl) Quit ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) Quit(flags dbus.Flags) error
func (*MockInterfaceControl) RegisterApplicationForPid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceControl) RegisterApplicationForPid(flags dbus.Flags, application string, pid int32) error
type MockInterfaceMatcher ¶
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveApplication(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveWindow ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ActiveWindow(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationForXid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationForXid(flags dbus.Flags, xid uint32) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationIsRunning ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ApplicationPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveApplicationChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveApplicationChanged(cb func(old_app string, new_app string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveWindowChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectActiveWindowChanged(cb func(old_win string, new_win string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectRunningApplicationsChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectRunningApplicationsChanged(cb func(opened_desktop_files []string, closed_desktop_files []string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectStackingOrderChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectStackingOrderChanged(cb func()) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewClosed ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewClosed(cb func(path string, type0 string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewOpened ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) ConnectViewOpened(cb func(path string, type0 string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveWindow ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoActiveWindow(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationForXid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationForXid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, xid uint32) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationIsRunning ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoApplicationPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoPathForApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoPathForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRegisterFavorites ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRegisterFavorites(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, favorites []string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplications ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplications(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplicationsDesktopFiles ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoRunningApplicationsDesktopFiles(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoTabPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoTabPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowPaths(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowStackForMonitor ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoWindowStackForMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, monitor_id int32) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) GoXidsForApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) GoXidsForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, desktop_file string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) PathForApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) PathForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) RegisterFavorites ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RegisterFavorites(flags dbus.Flags, favorites []string) error
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplications ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplications(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplicationsDesktopFiles ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) RunningApplicationsDesktopFiles(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) TabPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) TabPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowPaths ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowPaths(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowStackForMonitor ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) WindowStackForMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, monitor_id int32) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceMatcher) XidsForApplication ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceMatcher) XidsForApplication(flags dbus.Flags, desktop_file string) ([]uint32, error)
type MockInterfaceView ¶
func (*MockInterfaceView) Active ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Active() proxy.PropBool
func (*MockInterfaceView) Children ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Children(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectActiveChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectActiveChanged(cb func(is_active bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildAdded ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildAdded(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildRemoved ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectChildRemoved(cb func(path string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectClosed ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectClosed(cb func()) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectNameChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectNameChanged(cb func(old_name string, new_name string)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectRunningChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectRunningChanged(cb func(is_running bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectUrgentChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectUrgentChanged(cb func(is_urgent bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ConnectUserVisibleChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ConnectUserVisibleChanged(cb func(user_visible bool)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoChildren ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoChildren(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoIcon ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIcon(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoIsActive ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsActive(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoIsRunning ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsRunning(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoIsUrgent ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoIsUrgent(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoName ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoName(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoParents ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoParents(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoUserVisible ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoUserVisible(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) GoViewType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) GoViewType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceView) Icon ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Icon(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) IsActive ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsActive(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) IsRunning ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsRunning(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) IsUrgent ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) IsUrgent(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) Name ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Name(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) Parents ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Parents(flags dbus.Flags) ([]string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) PropIcon ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropIcon() proxy.PropString
func (*MockInterfaceView) PropName ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropName() proxy.PropString
func (*MockInterfaceView) PropUserVisible ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) PropUserVisible() proxy.PropBool
func (*MockInterfaceView) Running ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Running() proxy.PropBool
func (*MockInterfaceView) Starting ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Starting() proxy.PropBool
func (*MockInterfaceView) Urgent ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) Urgent() proxy.PropBool
func (*MockInterfaceView) UserVisible ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) UserVisible(flags dbus.Flags) (bool, error)
func (*MockInterfaceView) ViewType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceView) ViewType(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
type MockInterfaceWindow ¶
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMaximizedChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMaximizedChanged(cb func(old int32, new int32)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMonitorChanged ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) ConnectMonitorChanged(cb func(old int32, new int32)) (dbusutil.SignalHandlerId, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GetPid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GetPid(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GetXid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GetXid(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetPid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetPid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetXid ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoGetXid(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoMaximized ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoMaximized(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoMonitor ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoMonitor(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoTransient ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoTransient(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoWindowType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoWindowType(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) GoXprop ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) GoXprop(flags dbus.Flags, ch chan *dbus.Call, xprop string) *dbus.Call
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) Maximized ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Maximized(flags dbus.Flags) (int32, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) Monitor ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Monitor(flags dbus.Flags) (int32, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) Transient ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) Transient(flags dbus.Flags) (string, error)
func (*MockInterfaceWindow) WindowType ¶
func (v *MockInterfaceWindow) WindowType(flags dbus.Flags) (uint32, error)
type MockMatcher ¶
type MockMatcher struct { MockInterfaceMatcher // interface org.ayatana.bamf.matcher proxy.MockObject }
type MockWindow ¶
type MockWindow struct { MockInterfaceWindow // interface org.ayatana.bamf.window MockInterfaceView // interface org.ayatana.bamf.view proxy.MockObject }
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