Lino Blockchain Command
This cmd directory contains two command line tool: lino and linocli. lino is used to luanch the Lino Blockchain node. linocli can be used to interact with Lino Blockchain.
Launch Blockchain
Generate genesis file
$ ./lino init
Start generate block as a validator
$ ./lino start
Launch Client
Transfer coin to a user
$ ./linocli transfer --sender=<username> --receiver=<receiver> --amount=1 --chain-id=<chain id> --sequence=<sender's sequence number>
Register an account
$ ./linocli register --referrer=<username> --user=<new user> --amount=1 --chain-id=<chain id> --sequence=<sender's sequence number>
Follow & Unfollow
$ ./linocli follow --follower=<me> --followee=<other> --is-follow=true --sequence= --chain-id=<chain id> --sequence=<sender's sequence number>
$ ./linocli follow --follower=<me> --followee=<other> --is-follow=false --sequence= --chain-id=<chain id> --sequence=<sender's sequence number>
Query Account
Check Bank
$ ./linocli username XXXXXXXX
List all keys
$ ./linocli keys list