Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BankQuerier(bankKeeper types.BankViewKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.BankQuery) ([]byte, error)
- func BuildContractAddress(codeID, instanceID uint64) sdk.AccAddress
- func ContractFromPortID(portID string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
- func ConvertSdkCoinToWasmCoin(coin sdk.Coin) wasmvmtypes.Coin
- func ConvertSdkCoinsToWasmCoins(coins []sdk.Coin) wasmvmtypes.Coins
- func ConvertWasmCoinToSdkCoin(coin wasmvmtypes.Coin) (sdk.Coin, error)
- func ConvertWasmCoinsToSdkCoins(coins []wasmvmtypes.Coin) (sdk.Coins, error)
- func ConvertWasmIBCTimeoutHeightToCosmosHeight(ibcTimeoutBlock *wasmvmtypes.IBCTimeoutBlock) ibcclienttypes.Height
- func CustomQuerierImpl(queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter) func(ctx sdk.Context, querierJson json.RawMessage) ([]byte, error)
- func EncodeBankMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.BankMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func EncodeDistributionMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.DistributionMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func EncodeGovMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.GovMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func EncodeIBCMsg(portSource types.ICS20TransferPortSource) ...
- func EncodeStakingMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StakingMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func EncodeWasmMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, keeper *Keeper) *types.GenesisState
- func FuzzAbsoluteTxPosition(m *types.AbsoluteTxPosition, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzAccessConfig(m *types.AccessConfig, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzAccessType(m *types.AccessType, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzAddr(m *sdk.AccAddress, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzAddrString(m *string, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzContractCodeHistory(m *types.ContractCodeHistoryEntry, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzContractInfo(m *types.ContractInfo, c fuzz.Continue)
- func FuzzStateModel(m *types.Model, c fuzz.Continue)
- func IBCQuerier(wasm contractMetaDataSource, channelKeeper types.ChannelKeeper) ...
- func InitGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, keeper *Keeper, data types.GenesisState, ...) ([]abci.ValidatorUpdate, error)
- func MakeEncodingConfig(_ testing.TB) wasmappparams.EncodingConfig
- func MakeTestCodec(t testing.TB) codec.Codec
- func NewLegacyQuerier(keeper types.ViewKeeper, gasLimit sdk.Gas) sdk.Querier
- func NewMsgServerImpl(k types.ContractOpsKeeper) types.MsgServer
- func NewWasmProposalHandler(k decoratedKeeper, enabledProposalTypes []types.ProposalType) govtypes.Handler
- func NewWasmProposalHandlerX(k types.ContractOpsKeeper, enabledProposalTypes []types.ProposalType) govtypes.Handler
- func NoCustomMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg json.RawMessage) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
- func NopMetricsProvider() func() *Metrics
- func PortIDForContract(addr sdk.AccAddress) string
- func PrometheusMetricsProvider(namespace string, labelsAndValues ...string) func() *Metrics
- func RandomAccountAddress(_ testing.TB) sdk.AccAddress
- func RandomBech32AccountAddress(t testing.TB) string
- func StakingQuerier(keeper types.StakingKeeper, distKeeper types.DistributionKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StakingQuery) ([]byte, error)
- func StargateQuerier(queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StargateQuery) ([]byte, error)
- func StoreReflectContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) uint64
- func TestHandler(k types.ContractOpsKeeper) sdk.Handler
- func WasmQuerier(k wasmQueryKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.WasmQuery) ([]byte, error)
- type AuthorizationPolicy
- type BankCoinTransferrer
- func (c BankCoinTransferrer) AddToInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress)
- func (c BankCoinTransferrer) DeleteFromInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress)
- func (c BankCoinTransferrer) TransferCoins(parentCtx sdk.Context, fromAddr sdk.AccAddress, toAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- type BankEncoder
- type BurnerExampleInitMsg
- type CoinTransferrer
- type CountTXDecorator
- type CustomEncoder
- type CustomQuerier
- type DefaultAuthorizationPolicy
- func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode(config types.AccessConfig, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract(config types.AccessConfig, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract(admin, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus() bool
- type DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler
- type DistributionEncoder
- type ExampleContract
- func StoreBurnerExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
- func StoreExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, wasmFile string) ExampleContract
- func StoreHackatomExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
- func StoreIBCReflectContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
- func StoreRandomContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, mock types.WasmerEngine) ExampleContract
- func StoreRandomContractWithAccessConfig(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, mock types.WasmerEngine, ...) ExampleContract
- type ExampleContractInstance
- type GRPCQueryRouter
- type GasMultiplier
- type GasRegister
- type GovAuthorizationPolicy
- func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode(types.AccessConfig, sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract(types.AccessConfig, sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract(sdk.AccAddress, sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus() bool
- type GrpcQuerier
- func (q GrpcQuerier) AllContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QueryAllContractStateRequest) (*types.QueryAllContractStateResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) Code(c context.Context, req *types.QueryCodeRequest) (*types.QueryCodeResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) Codes(c context.Context, req *types.QueryCodesRequest) (*types.QueryCodesResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractHistory(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractHistoryRequest) (*types.QueryContractHistoryResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractInfo(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractInfoRequest) (*types.QueryContractInfoResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractsByCode(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractsByCodeRequest) (*types.QueryContractsByCodeResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) PinnedCodes(c context.Context, req *types.QueryPinnedCodesRequest) (*types.QueryPinnedCodesResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) RawContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QueryRawContractStateRequest) (*types.QueryRawContractStateResponse, error)
- func (q GrpcQuerier) SmartContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QuerySmartContractStateRequest) (rsp *types.QuerySmartContractStateResponse, err error)
- type HackatomExampleInitMsg
- type HackatomExampleInstance
- type IBCEncoder
- type IBCRawPacketHandler
- type IBCReflectExampleInstance
- type IBCReflectInitMsg
- type Keeper
- func (k Keeper) AuthenticateCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) bool
- func (k Keeper) ClaimCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) error
- func (k Keeper) GetByteCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func (k Keeper) GetCodeInfo(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) *types.CodeInfo
- func (k Keeper) GetContractHistory(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress) []types.ContractCodeHistoryEntry
- func (k Keeper) GetContractInfo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress) *types.ContractInfo
- func (k Keeper) GetParams(ctx sdk.Context) types.Params
- func (k Keeper) HasContractInfo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress) bool
- func (k Keeper) InitializePinnedCodes(ctx sdk.Context) error
- func (k Keeper) IsPinnedCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) bool
- func (k Keeper) IterateCodeInfos(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(uint64, types.CodeInfo) bool)
- func (k Keeper) IterateContractInfo(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(sdk.AccAddress, types.ContractInfo) bool)
- func (k Keeper) IterateContractState(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, ...)
- func (k Keeper) IterateContractsByCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, cb func(address sdk.AccAddress) bool)
- func (k Keeper) Logger(ctx sdk.Context) log.Logger
- func (k Keeper) OnAckPacket(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCPacketAckMsg) error
- func (k Keeper) OnCloseChannel(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) OnConnectChannel(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) OnOpenChannel(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) OnRecvPacket(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func (k Keeper) OnTimeoutPacket(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (k Keeper) PeekAutoIncrementID(ctx sdk.Context, lastIDKey []byte) uint64
- func (k Keeper) QueryGasLimit() sdk.Gas
- func (k Keeper) QueryRaw(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, key []byte) []byte
- func (k Keeper) QuerySmart(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, req []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (k Keeper) Sudo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type LimitSimulationGasDecorator
- type MessageDispatcher
- type MessageEncoders
- type MessageHandlerChain
- type MessageHandlerFunc
- type MessageRouter
- type Messenger
- type Metrics
- type MetricsProvider
- type Migrator
- type MultipliedGasMeter
- type Option
- func WithCoinTransferrer(x CoinTransferrer) Option
- func WithGasRegister(x WasmGasRegister) Option
- func WithMaxQueryStackSize(m uint32) Option
- func WithMessageEncoders(x *MessageEncoders) Option
- func WithMessageHandler(x Messenger) Option
- func WithMessageHandlerDecorator(d func(old Messenger) Messenger) Option
- func WithQueryHandler(x WasmVMQueryHandler) Option
- func WithQueryHandlerDecorator(d func(old WasmVMQueryHandler) WasmVMQueryHandler) Option
- func WithQueryPlugins(x *QueryPlugins) Option
- func WithVMCacheMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) Option
- func WithVMMetrics(provider MetricsProvider) Option
- func WithWasmEngine(x types.WasmerEngine) Option
- type PermissionedKeeper
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) ClearContractAdmin(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) Create(ctx sdk.Context, creator sdk.AccAddress, wasmCode []byte, ...) (codeID uint64, err error)
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) Execute(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) Instantiate(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, creator, admin sdk.AccAddress, initMsg []byte, ...) (sdk.AccAddress, []byte, error)
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) Migrate(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) PinCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) SetAccessConfig(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, config types.AccessConfig) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) SetContractInfoExtension(ctx sdk.Context, contract sdk.AccAddress, extra types.ContractInfoExtension) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) Sudo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) UnpinCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractAdmin(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (p PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractStatus(ctx sdk.Context, contract sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, ...) error
- type QueryHandler
- type QueryPlugins
- type SDKMessageHandler
- type StakingEncoder
- type StargateEncoder
- type TestFaucet
- type TestKeepers
- type ValidatorSetSource
- type WasmEncoder
- type WasmGasRegister
- type WasmGasRegisterConfig
- type WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector
- type WasmVMQueryHandler
- type WasmVMQueryHandlerFn
- type WasmVMResponseHandler
Constants ¶
const ( // DefaultEventAttributeDataCost is how much SDK gas is charged *per byte* for attribute data in events. // This is used with len(key) + len(value) DefaultEventAttributeDataCost uint64 = 1 // DefaultContractMessageDataCost is how much SDK gas is charged *per byte* of the message that goes to the contract // This is used with len(msg). Note that the message is deserialized in the receiving contract and this is charged // with wasm gas already. The derserialization of results is also charged in wasmvm. I am unsure if we need to add // additional costs here. // Note: also used for error fields on reply, and data on reply. Maybe these should be pulled out to a different (non-zero) field DefaultContractMessageDataCost uint64 = 0 // DefaultPerAttributeCost is how much SDK gas we charge per attribute count. DefaultPerAttributeCost uint64 = 10 // DefaultPerCustomEventCost is how much SDK gas we charge per event count. DefaultPerCustomEventCost uint64 = 20 // DefaultEventAttributeDataFreeTier number of bytes of total attribute data we do not charge. DefaultEventAttributeDataFreeTier = 100 )
const ( QueryListContractByCode = "list-contracts-by-code" QueryGetContract = "contract-info" QueryGetContractState = "contract-state" QueryGetCode = "code" QueryListCode = "list-code" QueryContractHistory = "contract-history" )
const ( QueryMethodContractStateSmart = "smart" QueryMethodContractStateAll = "all" QueryMethodContractStateRaw = "raw" )
const (
// DefaultDeserializationCostPerByte The formular should be `len(data) * deserializationCostPerByte`
DefaultDeserializationCostPerByte = 1
const (
MetricsSubsystem = "wasm"
Variables ¶
var ModelFuzzers = []interface{}{FuzzAddr, FuzzAddrString, FuzzAbsoluteTxPosition, FuzzContractInfo, FuzzStateModel, FuzzAccessType, FuzzAccessConfig, FuzzContractCodeHistory}
var ModuleBasics = module.NewBasicManager( auth.AppModuleBasic{}, bank.AppModuleBasic{}, capability.AppModuleBasic{}, staking.AppModuleBasic{}, mint.AppModuleBasic{}, distribution.AppModuleBasic{}, gov.NewAppModuleBasic( paramsclient.ProposalHandler, distrclient.ProposalHandler, upgradeclient.ProposalHandler, ), params.AppModuleBasic{}, crisis.AppModuleBasic{}, slashing.AppModuleBasic{}, ibc.AppModuleBasic{}, upgrade.AppModuleBasic{}, evidence.AppModuleBasic{}, transfer.AppModuleBasic{}, )
var TestingStakeParams = stakingtypes.Params{
UnbondingTime: 100,
MaxValidators: 10,
MaxEntries: 10,
HistoricalEntries: 10,
BondDenom: "stake",
Functions ¶
func BankQuerier ¶
func BankQuerier(bankKeeper types.BankViewKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.BankQuery) ([]byte, error)
func BuildContractAddress ¶ added in v0.45.0
func BuildContractAddress(codeID, instanceID uint64) sdk.AccAddress
BuildContractAddress builds an sdk account address for a contract.
func ContractFromPortID ¶
func ContractFromPortID(portID string) (sdk.AccAddress, error)
func ConvertSdkCoinToWasmCoin ¶ added in v0.46.0
func ConvertSdkCoinToWasmCoin(coin sdk.Coin) wasmvmtypes.Coin
ConvertSdkCoinToWasmCoin covert sdk type to wasmvm coin type
func ConvertSdkCoinsToWasmCoins ¶ added in v0.46.0
func ConvertSdkCoinsToWasmCoins(coins []sdk.Coin) wasmvmtypes.Coins
ConvertSdkCoinsToWasmCoins covert sdk type to wasmvm coins type
func ConvertWasmCoinToSdkCoin ¶ added in v0.46.0
func ConvertWasmCoinToSdkCoin(coin wasmvmtypes.Coin) (sdk.Coin, error)
ConvertWasmCoinToSdkCoin converts a wasm vm type coin to sdk type coin
func ConvertWasmCoinsToSdkCoins ¶ added in v0.46.0
func ConvertWasmCoinsToSdkCoins(coins []wasmvmtypes.Coin) (sdk.Coins, error)
ConvertWasmCoinsToSdkCoins converts the wasm vm type coins to sdk type coins
func ConvertWasmIBCTimeoutHeightToCosmosHeight ¶ added in v0.46.0
func ConvertWasmIBCTimeoutHeightToCosmosHeight(ibcTimeoutBlock *wasmvmtypes.IBCTimeoutBlock) ibcclienttypes.Height
ConvertWasmIBCTimeoutHeightToCosmosHeight converts a wasmvm type ibc timeout height to ibc module type height
func CustomQuerierImpl ¶
func CustomQuerierImpl(queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter) func(ctx sdk.Context, querierJson json.RawMessage) ([]byte, error)
func EncodeBankMsg ¶
func EncodeBankMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.BankMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeDistributionMsg ¶
func EncodeDistributionMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.DistributionMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeGovMsg ¶ added in v0.45.0
func EncodeGovMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.GovMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeIBCMsg ¶
func EncodeIBCMsg(portSource types.ICS20TransferPortSource) func(ctx sdk.Context, sender sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg *wasmvmtypes.IBCMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeStakingMsg ¶
func EncodeStakingMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StakingMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeWasmMsg ¶
func EncodeWasmMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func ExportGenesis ¶
func ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, keeper *Keeper) *types.GenesisState
ExportGenesis returns a GenesisState for a given context and keeper.
func FuzzAbsoluteTxPosition ¶
func FuzzAbsoluteTxPosition(m *types.AbsoluteTxPosition, c fuzz.Continue)
func FuzzAccessConfig ¶
func FuzzAccessConfig(m *types.AccessConfig, c fuzz.Continue)
func FuzzAccessType ¶
func FuzzAccessType(m *types.AccessType, c fuzz.Continue)
func FuzzAddrString ¶
func FuzzContractCodeHistory ¶
func FuzzContractCodeHistory(m *types.ContractCodeHistoryEntry, c fuzz.Continue)
func FuzzContractInfo ¶
func FuzzContractInfo(m *types.ContractInfo, c fuzz.Continue)
func IBCQuerier ¶
func IBCQuerier(wasm contractMetaDataSource, channelKeeper types.ChannelKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request *wasmvmtypes.IBCQuery) ([]byte, error)
func InitGenesis ¶
func InitGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, keeper *Keeper, data types.GenesisState, stakingKeeper ValidatorSetSource, msgHandler sdk.Handler) ([]abci.ValidatorUpdate, error)
InitGenesis sets supply information for genesis.
CONTRACT: all types of accounts must have been already initialized/created
func MakeEncodingConfig ¶
func MakeEncodingConfig(_ testing.TB) wasmappparams.EncodingConfig
func NewLegacyQuerier ¶
NewLegacyQuerier creates a new querier
func NewMsgServerImpl ¶
func NewMsgServerImpl(k types.ContractOpsKeeper) types.MsgServer
func NewWasmProposalHandler ¶
func NewWasmProposalHandler(k decoratedKeeper, enabledProposalTypes []types.ProposalType) govtypes.Handler
NewWasmProposalHandler creates a new governance Handler for wasm proposals
func NewWasmProposalHandlerX ¶
func NewWasmProposalHandlerX(k types.ContractOpsKeeper, enabledProposalTypes []types.ProposalType) govtypes.Handler
NewWasmProposalHandlerX creates a new governance Handler for wasm proposals
func NoCustomMsg ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NoCustomMsg(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg json.RawMessage) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func NopMetricsProvider ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NopMetricsProvider() func() *Metrics
NopMetricsProvider returns NopMetrics for each store
func PortIDForContract ¶
func PortIDForContract(addr sdk.AccAddress) string
func PrometheusMetricsProvider ¶ added in v0.45.0
PrometheusMetricsProvider returns PrometheusMetrics for each store
func RandomAccountAddress ¶
func RandomAccountAddress(_ testing.TB) sdk.AccAddress
func StakingQuerier ¶
func StakingQuerier(keeper types.StakingKeeper, distKeeper types.DistributionKeeper) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StakingQuery) ([]byte, error)
func StargateQuerier ¶
func StargateQuerier(queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter) func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StargateQuery) ([]byte, error)
func StoreReflectContract ¶
func TestHandler ¶
func TestHandler(k types.ContractOpsKeeper) sdk.Handler
TestHandler returns a wasm handler for tests (to avoid circular imports)
func WasmQuerier ¶
Types ¶
type AuthorizationPolicy ¶
type AuthorizationPolicy interface { CanCreateCode(c types.AccessConfig, creator sdk.AccAddress) bool CanInstantiateContract(c types.AccessConfig, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool CanModifyContract(admin, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool CanUpdateContractStatus() bool }
type BankCoinTransferrer ¶
type BankCoinTransferrer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BankCoinTransferrer replicates the cosmos-sdk behaviour as in lbm-sdk's x/bank/keeper/msg_server.go Send (
func NewBankCoinTransferrer ¶
func NewBankCoinTransferrer(keeper types.BankKeeper) BankCoinTransferrer
func (BankCoinTransferrer) AddToInactiveAddr ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (c BankCoinTransferrer) AddToInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress)
func (BankCoinTransferrer) DeleteFromInactiveAddr ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (c BankCoinTransferrer) DeleteFromInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress)
func (BankCoinTransferrer) TransferCoins ¶
func (c BankCoinTransferrer) TransferCoins(parentCtx sdk.Context, fromAddr sdk.AccAddress, toAddr sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) error
TransferCoins transfers coins from source to destination account when coin send was enabled for them and the recipient is not in the blocked address list.
type BankEncoder ¶
type BankEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.BankMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type BurnerExampleInitMsg ¶
type BurnerExampleInitMsg struct {
Payout sdk.AccAddress `json:"payout"`
type CoinTransferrer ¶
type CoinTransferrer interface { // TransferCoins sends the coin amounts from the source to the destination with rules applied. TransferCoins(ctx sdk.Context, fromAddr sdk.AccAddress, toAddr sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coins) error AddToInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) DeleteFromInactiveAddr(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) }
type CountTXDecorator ¶ added in v0.46.0
type CountTXDecorator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CountTXDecorator ante handler to count the tx position in a block.
func NewCountTXDecorator ¶ added in v0.46.0
func NewCountTXDecorator(storeKey sdk.StoreKey) *CountTXDecorator
NewCountTXDecorator constructor
func (CountTXDecorator) AnteHandle ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (a CountTXDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulate bool, next sdk.AnteHandler) (sdk.Context, error)
AnteHandle handler stores a tx counter with current height encoded in the store to let the app handle global rollback behavior instead of keeping state in the handler itself. The ante handler passes the counter value via sdk.Context upstream. See `types.TXCounter(ctx)` to read the value. Simulations don't get a tx counter value assigned.
type CustomEncoder ¶
type CustomEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg json.RawMessage) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type CustomQuerier ¶
type DefaultAuthorizationPolicy ¶
type DefaultAuthorizationPolicy struct { }
func (DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode ¶
func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode(config types.AccessConfig, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract ¶
func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract(config types.AccessConfig, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract ¶
func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract(admin, actor sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus ¶
func (p DefaultAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus() bool
type DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler ¶
type DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler default implementation that first dispatches submessage then normal messages. The Submessage execution may include an success/failure response handling by the contract that can overwrite the original
func NewDefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler ¶
func NewDefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler(md msgDispatcher) *DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler
func (DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler) Handle ¶
func (h DefaultWasmVMContractResponseHandler) Handle(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ibcPort string, messages []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg, origRspData []byte) ([]byte, error)
Handle processes the data returned by a contract invocation.
type DistributionEncoder ¶
type DistributionEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.DistributionMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type ExampleContract ¶
type ExampleContract struct { InitialAmount sdk.Coins Creator crypto.PrivKey CreatorAddr sdk.AccAddress CodeID uint64 }
func StoreBurnerExampleContract ¶
func StoreBurnerExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
func StoreExampleContract ¶
func StoreExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, wasmFile string) ExampleContract
func StoreHackatomExampleContract ¶
func StoreHackatomExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
func StoreIBCReflectContract ¶
func StoreIBCReflectContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) ExampleContract
func StoreRandomContract ¶
func StoreRandomContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, mock types.WasmerEngine) ExampleContract
StoreRandomContract sets the mock wasmerEngine in keeper and calls store
func StoreRandomContractWithAccessConfig ¶ added in v0.46.0
func StoreRandomContractWithAccessConfig( t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, mock types.WasmerEngine, cfg *types.AccessConfig) ExampleContract
type ExampleContractInstance ¶
type ExampleContractInstance struct { ExampleContract Contract sdk.AccAddress }
func SeedNewContractInstance ¶
func SeedNewContractInstance(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers, mock types.WasmerEngine) ExampleContractInstance
SeedNewContractInstance sets the mock wasmerEngine in keeper and calls store + instantiate to init the contract's metadata
type GRPCQueryRouter ¶
type GRPCQueryRouter interface {
Route(path string) baseapp.GRPCQueryHandler
type GasMultiplier ¶ added in v0.45.0
type GasMultiplier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGasMultiplier ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewGasMultiplier(multiplier uint64) GasMultiplier
func (GasMultiplier) FromWasmVMGas ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (m GasMultiplier) FromWasmVMGas(source uint64) sdk.Gas
FromWasmVMGas converts to SDK gas unit
func (GasMultiplier) ToWasmVMGas ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (m GasMultiplier) ToWasmVMGas(source storetypes.Gas) uint64
ToWasmVMGas convert to wasmVM contract runtime gas unit
type GasRegister ¶ added in v0.45.0
type GasRegister interface { // NewContractInstanceCosts costs to crate a new contract instance from code // EventCosts costs to persist an event EventCosts(attrs []wasmvmtypes.EventAttribute, events wasmvmtypes.Events) sdk.Gas }
GasRegister abstract source for gas costs
type GovAuthorizationPolicy ¶
type GovAuthorizationPolicy struct { }
GovAuthorizationPolicy is for the gov handler(proposal_handler.go) authorities
func (GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode ¶
func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanCreateCode(types.AccessConfig, sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract ¶
func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanInstantiateContract(types.AccessConfig, sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract ¶
func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanModifyContract(sdk.AccAddress, sdk.AccAddress) bool
func (GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus ¶
func (p GovAuthorizationPolicy) CanUpdateContractStatus() bool
type GrpcQuerier ¶
type GrpcQuerier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGrpcQuerier ¶
func NewGrpcQuerier(cdc codec.Codec, storeKey sdk.StoreKey, keeper types.ViewKeeper, queryGasLimit sdk.Gas) *GrpcQuerier
NewGrpcQuerier constructor
func (GrpcQuerier) AllContractState ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) AllContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QueryAllContractStateRequest) (*types.QueryAllContractStateResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) Code ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) Code(c context.Context, req *types.QueryCodeRequest) (*types.QueryCodeResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) Codes ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) Codes(c context.Context, req *types.QueryCodesRequest) (*types.QueryCodesResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) ContractHistory ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractHistory(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractHistoryRequest) (*types.QueryContractHistoryResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) ContractInfo ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractInfo(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractInfoRequest) (*types.QueryContractInfoResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) ContractsByCode ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) ContractsByCode(c context.Context, req *types.QueryContractsByCodeRequest) (*types.QueryContractsByCodeResponse, error)
ContractsByCode lists all smart contracts for a code id
func (GrpcQuerier) PinnedCodes ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (q GrpcQuerier) PinnedCodes(c context.Context, req *types.QueryPinnedCodesRequest) (*types.QueryPinnedCodesResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) RawContractState ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) RawContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QueryRawContractStateRequest) (*types.QueryRawContractStateResponse, error)
func (GrpcQuerier) SmartContractState ¶
func (q GrpcQuerier) SmartContractState(c context.Context, req *types.QuerySmartContractStateRequest) (rsp *types.QuerySmartContractStateResponse, err error)
type HackatomExampleInitMsg ¶
type HackatomExampleInitMsg struct { Verifier sdk.AccAddress `json:"verifier"` Beneficiary sdk.AccAddress `json:"beneficiary"` }
type HackatomExampleInstance ¶
type HackatomExampleInstance struct { ExampleContract Contract sdk.AccAddress Verifier crypto.PrivKey VerifierAddr sdk.AccAddress Beneficiary crypto.PrivKey BeneficiaryAddr sdk.AccAddress }
func InstantiateHackatomExampleContract ¶
func InstantiateHackatomExampleContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) HackatomExampleInstance
InstantiateHackatomExampleContract load and instantiate the "./testdata/hackatom.wasm" contract
type IBCEncoder ¶
type IBCEncoder func(ctx sdk.Context, sender sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg *wasmvmtypes.IBCMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type IBCRawPacketHandler ¶
type IBCRawPacketHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IBCRawPacketHandler handels IBC.SendPacket messages which are published to an IBC channel.
func NewIBCRawPacketHandler ¶
func NewIBCRawPacketHandler(chk types.ChannelKeeper, cak types.CapabilityKeeper) IBCRawPacketHandler
func (IBCRawPacketHandler) DispatchMsg ¶
func (h IBCRawPacketHandler) DispatchMsg(ctx sdk.Context, _ sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) (events []sdk.Event, data [][]byte, err error)
DispatchMsg publishes a raw IBC packet onto the channel.
type IBCReflectExampleInstance ¶
type IBCReflectExampleInstance struct { Contract sdk.AccAddress Admin sdk.AccAddress CodeID uint64 ReflectCodeID uint64 }
func InstantiateIBCReflectContract ¶
func InstantiateIBCReflectContract(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, keepers TestKeepers) IBCReflectExampleInstance
InstantiateIBCReflectContract load and instantiate the "./testdata/ibc_reflect.wasm" contract
type IBCReflectInitMsg ¶
type IBCReflectInitMsg struct {
ReflectCodeID uint64 `json:"reflect_code_id"`
type Keeper ¶
type Keeper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keeper will have a reference to Wasmer with it's own data directory.
func NewKeeper ¶
func NewKeeper( cdc codec.Codec, storeKey sdk.StoreKey, paramSpace paramtypes.Subspace, accountKeeper authkeeper.AccountKeeper, bankKeeper types.BankKeeper, stakingKeeper types.StakingKeeper, distKeeper types.DistributionKeeper, channelKeeper types.ChannelKeeper, portKeeper types.PortKeeper, capabilityKeeper types.CapabilityKeeper, portSource types.ICS20TransferPortSource, router MessageRouter, queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter, homeDir string, wasmConfig types.WasmConfig, supportedFeatures string, customEncoders *MessageEncoders, customPlugins *QueryPlugins, opts ...Option, ) Keeper
NewKeeper creates a new contract Keeper instance If customEncoders is non-nil, we can use this to override some of the message handler, especially custom
func (Keeper) AuthenticateCapability ¶
func (k Keeper) AuthenticateCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) bool
AuthenticateCapability wraps the scopedKeeper's AuthenticateCapability function
func (Keeper) ClaimCapability ¶
func (k Keeper) ClaimCapability(ctx sdk.Context, cap *capabilitytypes.Capability, name string) error
ClaimCapability allows the transfer module to claim a capability that IBC module passes to it
func (Keeper) GetByteCode ¶
func (Keeper) GetCodeInfo ¶
func (Keeper) GetContractHistory ¶
func (k Keeper) GetContractHistory(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress) []types.ContractCodeHistoryEntry
func (Keeper) GetContractInfo ¶
func (k Keeper) GetContractInfo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress) *types.ContractInfo
func (Keeper) HasContractInfo ¶
func (Keeper) InitializePinnedCodes ¶
InitializePinnedCodes updates wasmvm to pin to cache all contracts marked as pinned
func (Keeper) IsPinnedCode ¶
IsPinnedCode returns true when codeID is pinned in wasmvm cache
func (Keeper) IterateCodeInfos ¶
func (Keeper) IterateContractInfo ¶
func (k Keeper) IterateContractInfo(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(sdk.AccAddress, types.ContractInfo) bool)
func (Keeper) IterateContractState ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (k Keeper) IterateContractState(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, cb func(key, value []byte) bool)
IterateContractState iterates through all elements of the key value store for the given contract address and passes them to the provided callback function. The callback method can return true to abort early.
func (Keeper) IterateContractsByCode ¶
func (k Keeper) IterateContractsByCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, cb func(address sdk.AccAddress) bool)
IterateContractsByCode iterates over all contracts with given codeID ASC on code update time.
func (Keeper) OnAckPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnAckPacket( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCPacketAckMsg, ) error
OnAckPacket calls the contract to handle the "acknowledgement" data which can contain success or failure of a packet acknowledgement written on the receiving chain for example. This is application level data and fully owned by the contract. The use of the standard acknowledgement envelope is recommended:
On application errors the contract can revert an operation like returning tokens as in ibc-transfer.
For more information see:
func (Keeper) OnCloseChannel ¶
func (k Keeper) OnCloseChannel( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCChannelCloseMsg, ) error
OnCloseChannel calls the contract to let it know the IBC channel is closed. Calling modules MAY atomically execute appropriate application logic in conjunction with calling chanCloseConfirm.
Once closed, channels cannot be reopened and identifiers cannot be reused. Identifier reuse is prevented because we want to prevent potential replay of previously sent packets See
func (Keeper) OnConnectChannel ¶
func (k Keeper) OnConnectChannel( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCChannelConnectMsg, ) error
OnConnectChannel calls the contract to let it know the IBC channel was established. In the IBC protocol this is either the `Channel Open Ack` event on the initiating chain or `Channel Open Confirm` on the counterparty chain.
There is an open issue with the [cosmos-sdk]( that the counterparty channelID is empty on the initiating chain See
func (Keeper) OnOpenChannel ¶
func (k Keeper) OnOpenChannel( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCChannelOpenMsg, ) error
OnOpenChannel calls the contract to participate in the IBC channel handshake step. In the IBC protocol this is either the `Channel Open Init` event on the initiating chain or `Channel Open Try` on the counterparty chain. Protocol version and channel ordering should be verified for example. See
func (Keeper) OnRecvPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnRecvPacket( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCPacketReceiveMsg, ) ([]byte, error)
OnRecvPacket calls the contract to process the incoming IBC packet. The contract fully owns the data processing and returns the acknowledgement data for the chain level. This allows custom applications and protocols on top of IBC. Although it is recommended to use the standard acknowledgement envelope defined in
For more information see:
func (Keeper) OnTimeoutPacket ¶
func (k Keeper) OnTimeoutPacket( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, msg wasmvmtypes.IBCPacketTimeoutMsg, ) error
OnTimeoutPacket calls the contract to let it know the packet was never received on the destination chain within the timeout boundaries. The contract should handle this on the application level and undo the original operation
func (Keeper) PeekAutoIncrementID ¶ added in v0.46.0
PeekAutoIncrementID reads the current value without incrementing it.
func (Keeper) QueryGasLimit ¶
QueryGasLimit returns the gas limit for smart queries.
func (Keeper) QueryRaw ¶
QueryRaw returns the contract's state for give key. Returns `nil` when key is `nil`.
func (Keeper) QuerySmart ¶
func (k Keeper) QuerySmart(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, req []byte) ([]byte, error)
QuerySmart queries the smart contract itself.
func (Keeper) Sudo ¶
Sudo allows priviledged access to a contract. This can never be called by an external tx, but only by another native Go module directly, or on-chain governance (if sudo proposals are enabled). Thus, the keeper doesn't place any access controls on it, that is the responsibility or the app developer (who passes the wasm.Keeper in app.go)
type LimitSimulationGasDecorator ¶ added in v0.46.0
type LimitSimulationGasDecorator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LimitSimulationGasDecorator ante decorator to limit gas in simulation calls
func NewLimitSimulationGasDecorator ¶ added in v0.46.0
func NewLimitSimulationGasDecorator(gasLimit *sdk.Gas) *LimitSimulationGasDecorator
NewLimitSimulationGasDecorator constructor accepts nil value to fallback to block gas limit.
func (LimitSimulationGasDecorator) AnteHandle ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (d LimitSimulationGasDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulate bool, next sdk.AnteHandler) (sdk.Context, error)
AnteHandle that limits the maximum gas available in simulations only. A custom max value can be configured and will be applied when set. The value should not exceed the max block gas limit. Different values on nodes are not consensus breaking as they affect only simulations but may have effect on client user experience.
When no custom value is set then the max block gas is used as default limit.
type MessageDispatcher ¶
type MessageDispatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MessageDispatcher coordinates message sending and submessage reply/ state commits
func NewMessageDispatcher ¶
func NewMessageDispatcher(messenger Messenger, keeper replyer) *MessageDispatcher
NewMessageDispatcher constructor
func (MessageDispatcher) DispatchMessages ¶
func (d MessageDispatcher) DispatchMessages(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ibcPort string, msgs []wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) error
DispatchMessages sends all messages.
func (MessageDispatcher) DispatchSubmessages ¶
func (d MessageDispatcher) DispatchSubmessages(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ibcPort string, msgs []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg) ([]byte, error)
DispatchSubmessages builds a sandbox to execute these messages and returns the execution result to the contract that dispatched them, both on success as well as failure
type MessageEncoders ¶
type MessageEncoders struct { Bank func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.BankMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Custom func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg json.RawMessage) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Distribution func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.DistributionMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) IBC func(ctx sdk.Context, sender sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg *wasmvmtypes.IBCMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Staking func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StakingMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Stargate func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StargateMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Wasm func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) Gov func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.GovMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) }
func DefaultEncoders ¶
func DefaultEncoders(unpacker codectypes.AnyUnpacker, portSource types.ICS20TransferPortSource) MessageEncoders
func (MessageEncoders) Encode ¶
func (e MessageEncoders) Encode(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func (MessageEncoders) Merge ¶
func (e MessageEncoders) Merge(o *MessageEncoders) MessageEncoders
type MessageHandlerChain ¶
type MessageHandlerChain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MessageHandlerChain defines a chain of handlers that are called one by one until it can be handled.
func NewMessageHandlerChain ¶
func NewMessageHandlerChain(first Messenger, others ...Messenger) *MessageHandlerChain
func (MessageHandlerChain) DispatchMsg ¶
func (m MessageHandlerChain) DispatchMsg(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) ([]sdk.Event, [][]byte, error)
DispatchMsg dispatch message and calls chained handlers one after another in order to find the right one to process given message. If a handler cannot process given message (returns ErrUnknownMsg), its result is ignored and the next handler is executed.
type MessageHandlerFunc ¶
type MessageHandlerFunc func(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) (events []sdk.Event, data [][]byte, err error)
MessageHandlerFunc is a helper to construct a function based message handler.
func NewBurnCoinMessageHandler ¶
func NewBurnCoinMessageHandler(burner types.Burner) MessageHandlerFunc
NewBurnCoinMessageHandler handles wasmvm.BurnMsg messages
func (MessageHandlerFunc) DispatchMsg ¶
func (m MessageHandlerFunc) DispatchMsg(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) (events []sdk.Event, data [][]byte, err error)
DispatchMsg delegates dispatching of provided message into the MessageHandlerFunc.
type MessageRouter ¶ added in v0.46.0
type MessageRouter interface {
Handler(msg sdk.Msg) baseapp.MsgServiceHandler
MessageRouter ADR 031 request type routing
type Messenger ¶
type Messenger interface { // DispatchMsg encodes the wasmVM message and dispatches it. DispatchMsg(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) (events []sdk.Event, data [][]byte, err error) }
Messenger is an extension point for custom wasmd message handling
func NewDefaultMessageHandler ¶
func NewDefaultMessageHandler( router MessageRouter, channelKeeper types.ChannelKeeper, capabilityKeeper types.CapabilityKeeper, bankKeeper types.Burner, unpacker codectypes.AnyUnpacker, portSource types.ICS20TransferPortSource, customEncoders ...*MessageEncoders, ) Messenger
type Metrics ¶ added in v0.45.0
type Metrics struct { InstantiateElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram ExecuteElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram MigrateElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram SudoElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram QuerySmartElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram QueryRawElapsedTimes metrics.Histogram }
func PrometheusMetrics ¶ added in v0.45.0
type MetricsProvider ¶ added in v0.45.0
type MetricsProvider func() *Metrics
type Migrator ¶ added in v0.45.0
type Migrator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Migrator is a struct for handling in-place store migrations.
func NewMigrator ¶ added in v0.45.0
NewMigrator returns a new Migrator.
type MultipliedGasMeter ¶
type MultipliedGasMeter struct { GasMultiplier GasMultiplier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MultipliedGasMeter wraps the GasMeter from context and multiplies all reads by out defined multiplier
func NewMultipliedGasMeter ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewMultipliedGasMeter(originalMeter sdk.GasMeter, m GasMultiplier) MultipliedGasMeter
func (MultipliedGasMeter) GasConsumed ¶
func (m MultipliedGasMeter) GasConsumed() sdk.Gas
type Option ¶
type Option interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Option is an extension point to instantiate keeper with non default values
func WithCoinTransferrer ¶
func WithCoinTransferrer(x CoinTransferrer) Option
WithCoinTransferrer is an optional constructor parameter to set a custom coin transferrer
func WithGasRegister ¶ added in v0.45.0
func WithGasRegister(x WasmGasRegister) Option
WithGasRegister set a new gas register to implement custom gas costs. When the "gas multiplier" for wasmvm gas conversion is modified inside the new register, make sure to also use `WithApiCosts` option for non default values
func WithMaxQueryStackSize ¶ added in v0.46.0
WithMaxQueryStackSize overwrites the default limit for maximum query stacks
func WithMessageEncoders ¶
func WithMessageEncoders(x *MessageEncoders) Option
WithMessageEncoders is an optional constructor parameter to pass custom message encoder to the default wasm message handler. This option expects the `DefaultMessageHandler` set and should not be combined with Option `WithMessageHandler` or `WithMessageHandlerDecorator`.
func WithMessageHandler ¶
WithMessageHandler is an optional constructor parameter to set a custom handler for wasmVM messages. This option should not be combined with Option `WithMessageEncoders` or `WithMessageHandlerDecorator`
func WithMessageHandlerDecorator ¶ added in v0.45.0
WithMessageHandlerDecorator is an optional constructor parameter to decorate the wasm handler for wasmVM messages. This option should not be combined with Option `WithMessageEncoders` or `WithMessageHandler`
func WithQueryHandler ¶
func WithQueryHandler(x WasmVMQueryHandler) Option
WithQueryHandler is an optional constructor parameter to set custom query handler for wasmVM requests. This option should not be combined with Option `WithQueryPlugins` or `WithQueryHandlerDecorator`
func WithQueryHandlerDecorator ¶ added in v0.45.0
func WithQueryHandlerDecorator(d func(old WasmVMQueryHandler) WasmVMQueryHandler) Option
WithQueryHandlerDecorator is an optional constructor parameter to decorate the default wasm query handler for wasmVM requests. This option should not be combined with Option `WithQueryPlugins` or `WithQueryHandler`
func WithQueryPlugins ¶
func WithQueryPlugins(x *QueryPlugins) Option
WithQueryPlugins is an optional constructor parameter to pass custom query plugins for wasmVM requests. This option expects the default `QueryHandler` set an should not be combined with Option `WithQueryHandler` or `WithQueryHandlerDecorator`.
func WithVMCacheMetrics ¶
func WithVMCacheMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) Option
func WithVMMetrics ¶ added in v0.45.0
func WithVMMetrics(provider MetricsProvider) Option
func WithWasmEngine ¶
func WithWasmEngine(x types.WasmerEngine) Option
WithWasmEngine is an optional constructor parameter to replace the default wasmVM engine with the given one.
type PermissionedKeeper ¶
type PermissionedKeeper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDefaultPermissionKeeper ¶
func NewDefaultPermissionKeeper(nested decoratedKeeper) *PermissionedKeeper
func NewGovPermissionKeeper ¶
func NewGovPermissionKeeper(nested decoratedKeeper) *PermissionedKeeper
func NewPermissionedKeeper ¶
func NewPermissionedKeeper(nested decoratedKeeper, authZPolicy AuthorizationPolicy) *PermissionedKeeper
func (PermissionedKeeper) ClearContractAdmin ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) ClearContractAdmin(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress) error
func (PermissionedKeeper) Create ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) Create(ctx sdk.Context, creator sdk.AccAddress, wasmCode []byte, instantiateAccess *types.AccessConfig) (codeID uint64, err error)
func (PermissionedKeeper) Execute ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) Execute(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, msg []byte, coins sdk.Coins) ([]byte, error)
func (PermissionedKeeper) Instantiate ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) Instantiate(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, creator, admin sdk.AccAddress, initMsg []byte, label string, deposit sdk.Coins) (sdk.AccAddress, []byte, error)
func (PermissionedKeeper) Migrate ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) Migrate(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, newCodeID uint64, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (PermissionedKeeper) PinCode ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) PinCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) error
func (PermissionedKeeper) SetAccessConfig ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (p PermissionedKeeper) SetAccessConfig(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64, config types.AccessConfig) error
SetAccessConfig updates the access config of a code id.
func (PermissionedKeeper) SetContractInfoExtension ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) SetContractInfoExtension(ctx sdk.Context, contract sdk.AccAddress, extra types.ContractInfoExtension) error
SetExtraContractAttributes updates the extra attributes that can be stored with the contract info
func (PermissionedKeeper) Sudo ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (p PermissionedKeeper) Sudo(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
func (PermissionedKeeper) UnpinCode ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) UnpinCode(ctx sdk.Context, codeID uint64) error
func (PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractAdmin ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractAdmin(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddress sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, newAdmin sdk.AccAddress) error
func (PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractStatus ¶
func (p PermissionedKeeper) UpdateContractStatus(ctx sdk.Context, contract sdk.AccAddress, caller sdk.AccAddress, status types.ContractStatus) error
type QueryHandler ¶
type QueryHandler struct { Ctx sdk.Context Plugins WasmVMQueryHandler Caller sdk.AccAddress GasMultiplier GasMultiplier }
func NewQueryHandler ¶
func NewQueryHandler(ctx sdk.Context, vmQueryHandler WasmVMQueryHandler, caller sdk.AccAddress, gasMultiplier GasMultiplier) QueryHandler
func (QueryHandler) GasConsumed ¶
func (q QueryHandler) GasConsumed() uint64
func (QueryHandler) Query ¶
func (q QueryHandler) Query(request wasmvmtypes.QueryRequest, gasLimit uint64) ([]byte, error)
type QueryPlugins ¶
type QueryPlugins struct { Bank func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.BankQuery) ([]byte, error) Custom CustomQuerier IBC func(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request *wasmvmtypes.IBCQuery) ([]byte, error) Staking func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StakingQuery) ([]byte, error) Stargate func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.StargateQuery) ([]byte, error) Wasm func(ctx sdk.Context, request *wasmvmtypes.WasmQuery) ([]byte, error) }
func DefaultQueryPlugins ¶
func DefaultQueryPlugins( bank types.BankViewKeeper, staking types.StakingKeeper, distKeeper types.DistributionKeeper, channelKeeper types.ChannelKeeper, queryRouter GRPCQueryRouter, wasm wasmQueryKeeper, ) QueryPlugins
func (QueryPlugins) HandleQuery ¶
func (e QueryPlugins) HandleQuery(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request wasmvmtypes.QueryRequest) ([]byte, error)
HandleQuery executes the requested query
func (QueryPlugins) Merge ¶
func (e QueryPlugins) Merge(o *QueryPlugins) QueryPlugins
type SDKMessageHandler ¶
type SDKMessageHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SDKMessageHandler can handles messages that can be encoded into sdk.Message types and routed.
func NewSDKMessageHandler ¶
func NewSDKMessageHandler(router MessageRouter, encoders msgEncoder) SDKMessageHandler
func (SDKMessageHandler) DispatchMsg ¶
func (h SDKMessageHandler) DispatchMsg(ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, contractIBCPortID string, msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg) (events []sdk.Event, data [][]byte, err error)
type StakingEncoder ¶
type StakingEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StakingMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type StargateEncoder ¶
type StargateEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.StargateMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
func EncodeStargateMsg ¶
func EncodeStargateMsg(unpacker codectypes.AnyUnpacker) StargateEncoder
type TestFaucet ¶ added in v0.46.0
type TestFaucet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTestFaucet ¶ added in v0.46.0
func NewTestFaucet(t testing.TB, ctx sdk.Context, bankKeeper bankkeeper.Keeper, minterModuleName string, initialAmount ...sdk.Coin) *TestFaucet
func (*TestFaucet) Fund ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (f *TestFaucet) Fund(parentCtx sdk.Context, receiver sdk.AccAddress, amounts ...sdk.Coin)
func (*TestFaucet) Mint ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (f *TestFaucet) Mint(parentCtx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, amounts ...sdk.Coin)
func (*TestFaucet) NewFundedAccount ¶ added in v0.46.0
func (f *TestFaucet) NewFundedAccount(ctx sdk.Context, amounts ...sdk.Coin) sdk.AccAddress
type TestKeepers ¶
type TestKeepers struct { AccountKeeper authkeeper.AccountKeeper StakingKeeper stakingkeeper.Keeper DistKeeper distributionkeeper.Keeper BankKeeper bankkeeper.Keeper GovKeeper govkeeper.Keeper ContractKeeper types.ContractOpsKeeper WasmKeeper *Keeper IBCKeeper *ibckeeper.Keeper Router *baseapp.Router EncodingConfig wasmappparams.EncodingConfig Faucet *TestFaucet MultiStore sdk.CommitMultiStore }
func CreateDefaultTestInput ¶
func CreateDefaultTestInput(t testing.TB) (sdk.Context, TestKeepers)
CreateDefaultTestInput common settings for CreateTestInput
func CreateTestInput ¶
func CreateTestInput(t testing.TB, isCheckTx bool, supportedFeatures string, encoders *MessageEncoders, queriers *QueryPlugins, opts ...Option) (sdk.Context, TestKeepers)
CreateTestInput encoders can be nil to accept the defaults, or set it to override some of the message handlers (like default)
type ValidatorSetSource ¶
type ValidatorSetSource interface {
ApplyAndReturnValidatorSetUpdates(sdk.Context) (updates []abci.ValidatorUpdate, err error)
ValidatorSetSource is a subset of the staking keeper
type WasmEncoder ¶
type WasmEncoder func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error)
type WasmGasRegister ¶ added in v0.45.0
type WasmGasRegister struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WasmGasRegister implements GasRegister interface
func NewDefaultWasmGasRegister ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewDefaultWasmGasRegister() WasmGasRegister
NewDefaultWasmGasRegister creates instance with default values
func NewWasmGasRegister ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewWasmGasRegister(c WasmGasRegisterConfig) WasmGasRegister
NewWasmGasRegister constructor
func (WasmGasRegister) EventCosts ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (g WasmGasRegister) EventCosts(attrs []wasmvmtypes.EventAttribute, events wasmvmtypes.Events) sdk.Gas
EventCosts costs to persist an event
type WasmGasRegisterConfig ¶ added in v0.45.0
type WasmGasRegisterConfig struct { // EventPerAttributeCost is how much SDK gas is charged *per byte* for attribute data in events. // This is used with len(key) + len(value) EventPerAttributeCost sdk.Gas // EventAttributeDataCost is how much SDK gas is charged *per byte* for attribute data in events. // This is used with len(key) + len(value) EventAttributeDataCost sdk.Gas // EventAttributeDataFreeTier number of bytes of total attribute data that is free of charge EventAttributeDataFreeTier uint64 // ContractMessageDataCost SDK gas charged *per byte* of the message that goes to the contract // This is used with len(msg) ContractMessageDataCost sdk.Gas // CustomEventCost cost per custom event CustomEventCost uint64 }
WasmGasRegisterConfig config type
func DefaultGasRegisterConfig ¶ added in v0.45.0
func DefaultGasRegisterConfig() WasmGasRegisterConfig
DefaultGasRegisterConfig default values
type WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector ¶ added in v0.45.0
type WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector struct { CacheHitsDescr *prometheus.Desc CacheMissesDescr *prometheus.Desc CacheElementsDescr *prometheus.Desc CacheSizeDescr *prometheus.Desc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector custom metrics collector to be used with Prometheus
func NewWasmVMCacheMetricsCollector ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewWasmVMCacheMetricsCollector(s metricSource) *WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector
NewWasmVMCacheMetricsCollector constructor
func (*WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Collect ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (p *WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Collect(c chan<- prometheus.Metric)
Collect is called by the Prometheus registry when collecting metrics.
func (*WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Describe ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (p *WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Describe(descs chan<- *prometheus.Desc)
Describe sends the super-set of all possible descriptors of metrics
func (*WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Register ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (p *WasmVMCacheMetricsCollector) Register(r prometheus.Registerer)
Register registers all metrics
type WasmVMQueryHandler ¶
type WasmVMQueryHandler interface { // HandleQuery executes the requested query HandleQuery(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request wasmvmtypes.QueryRequest) ([]byte, error) }
WasmVMQueryHandler is an extension point for custom query handler implementations
type WasmVMQueryHandlerFn ¶ added in v0.45.0
type WasmVMQueryHandlerFn func(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request wasmvmtypes.QueryRequest) ([]byte, error)
WasmVMQueryHandlerFn is a helper to construct a function based query handler.
func (WasmVMQueryHandlerFn) HandleQuery ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (w WasmVMQueryHandlerFn) HandleQuery(ctx sdk.Context, caller sdk.AccAddress, request wasmvmtypes.QueryRequest) ([]byte, error)
HandleQuery delegates call into wrapped WasmVMQueryHandlerFn
type WasmVMResponseHandler ¶
type WasmVMResponseHandler interface { // Handle processes the data returned by a contract invocation. Handle( ctx sdk.Context, contractAddr sdk.AccAddress, ibcPort string, messages []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg, origRspData []byte, ) ([]byte, error) }
WasmVMResponseHandler is an extension point to handles the response data returned by a contract call.
Source Files
- ante.go
- api.go
- authz_policy.go
- contract_keeper.go
- events.go
- gas_register.go
- genesis.go
- handler_plugin.go
- handler_plugin_encoders.go
- ibc.go
- keeper.go
- legacy_querier.go
- metrics.go
- migrations.go
- msg_dispatcher.go
- msg_server.go
- options.go
- proposal_handler.go
- querier.go
- query_plugins.go
- relay.go
- snapshotter.go
- test_common.go
- test_fuzz.go