Ninja Sphere app (Go) for Twitter, by Lindsay Ward
- Use the config in Labs (ninjasphere.local) to set your username (screen name) + authentication details, which you can generate via Twitter - see: Twitter auth tokens help
- Then create and save tweets or direct messages, which will be given numbers (1, 2...).
- To make a direct message, enter the recipient's Twitter handle in the "To" field.
- To make a public tweet, leave the "To" field blank.
When the app is running, the spheramid shows either:
- a red X over an @ symbol means that the authentication details are invalid and the API can't be setup properly - fix this in Labs (you don't need to restart the app)
- a red "NO" over the Twitter bird means no tweets have been stored - create some in Labs
- a yellow number over the bird shows the current tweet (with "TWT") or direct message (with "DM").
When the spheramid shows a numbered tweet:
- tap the right or left side to select the next/previous tweet
- double tap to send that tweet
When you send a tweet you will see either a green tick for success or a red X for failure.
The tweets/messages have a number appended that increases with each use so that Twitter doesn't reject them as duplicates.
To run/test from a Mac, build with go build .
then use the command (replace XXX with your Sphere serial number):
DEBUG=* ./app-twitter --mqtt.port=1883 --serial=XXX
- need to implement some channels so it can be used by Ninja for notifications... and stuff
- maybe make scrolling text to show the stored tweet names instead of just number
- maybe support multiple Twitter accounts (let me know if this would be useful for anyone)
- maybe implement Sign in with Twitter (Web) instead of copying keys/tokens - see: