
v1.7.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 30, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 0



Package bilibili b站相关API



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const (
	// TURL bilibili动态前缀
	TURL = ""
	// LiveURL bilibili直播前缀
	LiveURL = ""
	// DynamicDetailURL 当前动态信息,一个card
	DynamicDetailURL = ""
	// MemberCardURL 个人信息
	MemberCardURL = ""
	// ArticleInfoURL 查看专栏信息
	ArticleInfoURL = ""
	// CVURL b站专栏前缀
	CVURL = ""
	// LiveRoomInfoURL 查看直播间信息
	LiveRoomInfoURL = ""
	// LURL b站直播间前缀
	LURL = ""
	// VideoInfoURL 查看视频信息
	VideoInfoURL = ""
	// VURL 视频网址前缀
	VURL = ""
	// SearchUserURL 查找b站用户
	SearchUserURL = ""
	// VtbDetailURL 查找vtb信息
	VtbDetailURL = ""
	// MedalWallURL 查找牌子
	MedalWallURL = ""
	// SpaceHistoryURL 历史动态信息,一共12个card
	SpaceHistoryURL = ""
	// LiveListURL 获得直播状态
	LiveListURL = ""
	// DanmakuAPI 弹幕网获得用户弹幕api
	DanmakuAPI = ""
	// DanmakuURL 弹幕网链接
	DanmakuURL = ""
	// AllGuardURL 查询所有舰长,提督,总督
	AllGuardURL = ""
	// VideoSummaryURL AI视频总结
	VideoSummaryURL = ""
	// NavURL 导航URL
	NavURL = ""


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var (
	// ErrAPINeedCookie ...
	ErrAPINeedCookie = errors.New("api need cookie")


func GetRealURL

func GetRealURL(url string) (realurl string, err error)

GetRealURL 获取跳转后的链接

func HumanNum

func HumanNum(res int) string

HumanNum 格式化人数


type Card

type Card struct {
	Item struct {
		Content     string `json:"content"`
		UploadTime  int    `json:"upload_time"`
		Description string `json:"description"`
		Pictures    []struct {
			ImgSrc string `json:"img_src"`
		} `json:"pictures"`
		Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
		Cover     struct {
			Default string `json:"default"`
		} `json:"cover"`
		OrigType int `json:"orig_type"`
	} `json:"item"`
	AID             any      `json:"aid"`
	BvID            any      `json:"bvid"`
	Dynamic         any      `json:"dynamic"`
	CID             int      `json:"cid"`
	Pic             string   `json:"pic"`
	Title           string   `json:"title"`
	ID              int      `json:"id"`
	Summary         string   `json:"summary"`
	ImageUrls       []string `json:"image_urls"`
	OriginImageUrls []string `json:"origin_image_urls"`
	Sketch          struct {
		Title     string `json:"title"`
		DescText  string `json:"desc_text"`
		CoverURL  string `json:"cover_url"`
		TargetURL string `json:"target_url"`
	} `json:"sketch"`
	Stat struct {
		Aid      int `json:"aid"`
		View     int `json:"view"`
		Danmaku  int `json:"danmaku"`
		Reply    int `json:"reply"`
		Favorite int `json:"favorite"`
		Coin     int `json:"coin"`
		Share    int `json:"share"`
		Like     int `json:"like"`
	} `json:"stat"`
	Stats struct {
		Aid      int `json:"aid"`
		View     int `json:"view"`
		Danmaku  int `json:"danmaku"`
		Reply    int `json:"reply"`
		Favorite int `json:"favorite"`
		Coin     int `json:"coin"`
		Share    int `json:"share"`
		Like     int `json:"like"`
	} `json:"stats"`
	Owner struct {
		Name    string `json:"name"`
		Pubdate int    `json:"pubdate"`
		Mid     int    `json:"mid"`
	} `json:"owner"`
	Cover        string `json:"cover"`
	ShortID      any    `json:"short_id"`
	LivePlayInfo struct {
		ParentAreaName string `json:"parent_area_name"`
		AreaName       string `json:"area_name"`
		Cover          string `json:"cover"`
		Link           string `json:"link"`
		Online         int    `json:"online"`
		RoomID         int    `json:"room_id"`
		LiveStatus     int    `json:"live_status"`
		WatchedShow    string `json:"watched_show"`
		Title          string `json:"title"`
	} `json:"live_play_info"`
	Intro      string `json:"intro"`
	Schema     string `json:"schema"`
	Author     any    `json:"author"`
	AuthorName string `json:"author_name"`
	PlayCnt    int    `json:"play_cnt"`
	ReplyCnt   int    `json:"reply_cnt"`
	TypeInfo   string `json:"type_info"`
	User       struct {
		Name  string `json:"name"`
		Uname string `json:"uname"`
	} `json:"user"`
	Desc          string `json:"desc"`
	ShareSubtitle string `json:"share_subtitle"`
	ShortLink     string `json:"short_link"`
	PublishTime   int    `json:"publish_time"`
	BannerURL     string `json:"banner_url"`
	Ctime         int    `json:"ctime"`
	Vest          struct {
		Content string `json:"content"`
	} `json:"vest"`
	Upper   string `json:"upper"`
	Origin  string `json:"origin"`
	Pubdate int    `json:"pubdate"`
	Rights  struct {
		IsCooperation int `json:"is_cooperation"`
	} `json:"rights"`
	Staff []struct {
		Title    string `json:"title"`
		Name     string `json:"name"`
		Follower int    `json:"follower"`
	} `json:"staff"`

Card 卡片结构体

func GetArticleInfo

func GetArticleInfo(id string) (card Card, err error)

GetArticleInfo 用id查专栏信息

func GetVideoInfo

func GetVideoInfo(id string) (card Card, err error)

GetVideoInfo 用av或bv查视频信息

func LoadCardDetail

func LoadCardDetail(str string) (card Card, err error)

LoadCardDetail 加载卡片

type CookieConfig

type CookieConfig struct {
	BilibiliCookie string `json:"bilibili_cookie"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CookieConfig 配置结构体

func NewCookieConfig

func NewCookieConfig(file string) *CookieConfig

NewCookieConfig ...

func (*CookieConfig) Load

func (cfg *CookieConfig) Load() (cookie string, err error)

Load ...

func (*CookieConfig) Save

func (cfg *CookieConfig) Save() (err error)

Save ...

func (*CookieConfig) Set

func (cfg *CookieConfig) Set(cookie string) (err error)

Set ...

type Danmakusuki

type Danmakusuki struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`
	Data    struct {
		Total    int  `json:"total"`
		PageNum  int  `json:"pageNum"`
		PageSize int  `json:"pageSize"`
		HasMore  bool `json:"hasMore"`
		Data     struct {
			Records []struct {
				Channel struct {
					UID                  int           `json:"uId"`
					UName                string        `json:"uName"`
					RoomID               int           `json:"roomId"`
					FaceURL              string        `json:"faceUrl"`
					FrameURL             string        `json:"frameUrl"`
					IsLiving             bool          `json:"isLiving"`
					Title                string        `json:"title"`
					Tags                 []interface{} `json:"tags"`
					LastLiveDate         int64         `json:"lastLiveDate"`
					LastLiveDanmakuCount int           `json:"lastLiveDanmakuCount"`
					TotalDanmakuCount    int           `json:"totalDanmakuCount"`
					TotalIncome          float64       `json:"totalIncome"`
					TotalLiveCount       int           `json:"totalLiveCount"`
					TotalLiveSecond      int           `json:"totalLiveSecond"`
					AddDate              string        `json:"addDate"`
					CommentCount         int           `json:"commentCount"`
					LastLiveIncome       float64       `json:"lastLiveIncome"`
				} `json:"channel"`
				Live struct {
					LiveID           string  `json:"liveId"`
					IsFinish         bool    `json:"isFinish"`
					IsFull           bool    `json:"isFull"`
					ParentArea       string  `json:"parentArea"`
					Area             string  `json:"area"`
					CoverURL         string  `json:"coverUrl"`
					DanmakusCount    int     `json:"danmakusCount"`
					StartDate        int64   `json:"startDate"`
					StopDate         int64   `json:"stopDate"`
					Title            string  `json:"title"`
					TotalIncome      float64 `json:"totalIncome"`
					WatchCount       int     `json:"watchCount"`
					LikeCount        int     `json:"likeCount"`
					PayCount         int     `json:"payCount"`
					InteractionCount int     `json:"interactionCount"`
					MaxOnlineCount   int     `json:"maxOnlineCount"`
				} `json:"live"`
				Danmakus []struct {
					UID      int     `json:"uId"`
					UName    string  `json:"uName"`
					Type     int64   `json:"type"`
					SendDate int64   `json:"sendDate"`
					Message  string  `json:"message"`
					Price    float64 `json:"price"`
				} `json:"danmakus"`
			} `json:"records"`
		} `json:"data"`
	} `json:"data"`

Danmakusuki 弹幕网结构体

type Desc

type Desc struct {
	Type         int    `json:"type"`
	DynamicIDStr string `json:"dynamic_id_str"`
	OrigType     int    `json:"orig_type"`
	Timestamp    int    `json:"timestamp"`
	Origin       struct {
		DynamicIDStr string `json:"dynamic_id_str"`
	} `json:"origin"`
	UserProfile struct {
		Info struct {
			Uname string `json:"uname"`
		} `json:"info"`
	} `json:"user_profile"`

Desc 描述结构体

type DynamicCard

type DynamicCard struct {
	Desc      Desc   `json:"desc"`
	Card      string `json:"card"`
	Extension struct {
		VoteCfg struct {
			VoteID  int    `json:"vote_id"`
			Desc    string `json:"desc"`
			JoinNum int    `json:"join_num"`
		} `json:"vote_cfg"`
		Vote string `json:"vote"`
	} `json:"extension"`

DynamicCard 总动态结构体,包括desc,card

func GetDynamicDetail

func GetDynamicDetail(cookiecfg *CookieConfig, dynamicIDStr string) (card DynamicCard, err error)

GetDynamicDetail 用动态id查动态信息

func LoadDynamicDetail

func LoadDynamicDetail(str string) (card DynamicCard, err error)

LoadDynamicDetail 加载动态卡片

type GuardUser

type GuardUser struct {
	Uname string    `json:"uname"`
	Face  string    `json:"face"`
	Mid   int64     `json:"mid"`
	Dd    [][]int64 `json:"dd"`

GuardUser dd用户

func GetAllGuard

func GetAllGuard(mid string) (guardUser GuardUser, err error)

GetAllGuard 查询mid的上舰信息

type Medal

type Medal struct {
	Uname     string `json:"target_name"`
	MedalInfo `json:"medal_info"`

Medal ...

func GetMedalWall

func GetMedalWall(cookiecfg *CookieConfig, uid string) (result []Medal, err error)

GetMedalWall 用b站uid获得牌子

type MedalData

type MedalData struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`
	Data    struct {
		List []Medal `json:"list"`
	} `json:"data"`

MedalData 牌子接口返回结构体

type MedalInfo

type MedalInfo struct {
	Mid              int64  `json:"target_id"`
	MedalName        string `json:"medal_name"`
	Level            int64  `json:"level"`
	MedalColorStart  int64  `json:"medal_color_start"`
	MedalColorEnd    int64  `json:"medal_color_end"`
	MedalColorBorder int64  `json:"medal_color_border"`

MedalInfo b站牌子信息

type MedalSorter

type MedalSorter []Medal

MedalSorter ...

func (MedalSorter) Len

func (m MedalSorter) Len() int

Len ...

func (MedalSorter) Less

func (m MedalSorter) Less(i, j int) bool

Less ...

func (MedalSorter) Swap

func (m MedalSorter) Swap(i, j int)

Swap ...

type MemberCard

type MemberCard struct {
	Mid        string  `json:"mid"`
	Name       string  `json:"name"`
	Sex        string  `json:"sex"`
	Face       string  `json:"face"`
	Coins      float64 `json:"coins"`
	Regtime    int64   `json:"regtime"`
	Birthday   string  `json:"birthday"`
	Sign       string  `json:"sign"`
	Attentions []int64 `json:"attentions"`
	Fans       int     `json:"fans"`
	Friend     int     `json:"friend"`
	Attention  int     `json:"attention"`
	LevelInfo  struct {
		CurrentLevel int `json:"current_level"`
	} `json:"level_info"`

MemberCard 个人信息卡片

func GetMemberCard

func GetMemberCard(uid any) (result MemberCard, err error)

GetMemberCard 获取b站个人详情

type RoomCard

type RoomCard struct {
	RoomInfo struct {
		RoomID         int    `json:"room_id"`
		ShortID        int    `json:"short_id"`
		Title          string `json:"title"`
		LiveStatus     int    `json:"live_status"`
		AreaName       string `json:"area_name"`
		ParentAreaName string `json:"parent_area_name"`
		Keyframe       string `json:"keyframe"`
		Online         int    `json:"online"`
	} `json:"room_info"`
	AnchorInfo struct {
		BaseInfo struct {
			Uname string `json:"uname"`
		} `json:"base_info"`
	} `json:"anchor_info"`

RoomCard 直播间卡片

func GetLiveRoomInfo

func GetLiveRoomInfo(roomID string) (card RoomCard, err error)

GetLiveRoomInfo 用直播间id查直播间信息

type SearchData

type SearchData struct {
	Data struct {
		NumResults int            `json:"numResults"`
		Result     []SearchResult `json:"result"`
	} `json:"data"`

SearchData 查找b站用户总结构体

type SearchResult

type SearchResult struct {
	Mid    int64  `json:"mid"`
	Uname  string `json:"uname"`
	Gender int64  `json:"gender"`
	Usign  string `json:"usign"`
	Level  int64  `json:"level"`

SearchResult 查找b站用户结果

func SearchUser

func SearchUser(cookiecfg *CookieConfig, keyword string) (r []SearchResult, err error)

SearchUser 查找b站用户

type VideoSummary

type VideoSummary struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`
	TTL     int    `json:"ttl"`
	Data    struct {
		Code        int `json:"code"`
		ModelResult struct {
			ResultType int    `json:"result_type"`
			Summary    string `json:"summary"`
			Outline    []struct {
				Title       string `json:"title"`
				PartOutline []struct {
					Timestamp int    `json:"timestamp"`
					Content   string `json:"content"`
				} `json:"part_outline"`
				Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"`
			} `json:"outline"`
		} `json:"model_result"`
		Stid       string `json:"stid"`
		Status     int    `json:"status"`
		LikeNum    int    `json:"like_num"`
		DislikeNum int    `json:"dislike_num"`
	} `json:"data"`

VideoSummary AI视频总结结构体

func GetVideoSummary

func GetVideoSummary(cookiecfg *CookieConfig, id string) (videoSummary VideoSummary, err error)

GetVideoSummary 用av或bv查看AI视频总结

type Vote

type Vote struct {
	ChoiceCnt int    `json:"choice_cnt"`
	Desc      string `json:"desc"`
	Endtime   int    `json:"endtime"`
	JoinNum   int    `json:"join_num"`
	Options   []struct {
		Idx    int    `json:"idx"`
		Desc   string `json:"desc"`
		ImgURL string `json:"img_url"`
	} `json:"options"`

Vote 投票结构体

type VtbDetail

type VtbDetail struct {
	Mid      int    `json:"mid"`
	Uname    string `json:"uname"`
	Video    int    `json:"video"`
	Roomid   int    `json:"roomid"`
	Rise     int    `json:"rise"`
	Follower int    `json:"follower"`
	GuardNum int    `json:"guardNum"`
	AreaRank int    `json:"areaRank"`

VtbDetail vtb信息

func GetVtbDetail

func GetVtbDetail(uid string) (result VtbDetail, err error)

GetVtbDetail 查找vtb信息

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL