Index ¶
- Constants
- type AcceptorClient
- type AnnReq
- type AnnResp
- type BackupSubscriber
- type ChannelEventsClient
- type CloseChanClient
- type ConfNtfnClient
- type CustomMessageClient
- type HarnessRPC
- func (h *HarnessRPC) AbandonChannel(req *lnrpc.AbandonChannelRequest) *lnrpc.AbandonChannelResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) AddHoldInvoice(r *invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest) *invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) AddInvoice(req *lnrpc.Invoice) *lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) AddPeer(req *neutrinorpc.AddPeerRequest) *neutrinorpc.AddPeerResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) AddTower(req *wtclientrpc.AddTowerRequest) *wtclientrpc.AddTowerResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannel(req *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelRequest) *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannelAssertErr(req *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) BuildRoute(req *routerrpc.BuildRouteRequest) *routerrpc.BuildRouteResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) BumpFee(req *walletrpc.BumpFeeRequest) *walletrpc.BumpFeeResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) CancelInvoice(payHash []byte) *invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ChangePassword(req *lnrpc.ChangePasswordRequest) *lnrpc.ChangePasswordResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ChannelAcceptor() (AcceptorClient, context.CancelFunc)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ChannelBalance() *lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) CloseChannel(req *lnrpc.CloseChannelRequest) CloseChanClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ClosedChannels(req *lnrpc.ClosedChannelsRequest) *lnrpc.ClosedChannelsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ComputeInputScript(req *signrpc.SignReq) *signrpc.InputScriptResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ConnectPeer(req *lnrpc.ConnectPeerRequest) *lnrpc.ConnectPeerResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ConnectPeerAssertErr(req *lnrpc.ConnectPeerRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DecodePayReq(req string) *lnrpc.PayReq
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DeleteAllPayments()
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveKey(kl *signrpc.KeyLocator) *signrpc.KeyDescriptor
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveNextKey(req *walletrpc.KeyReq) *signrpc.KeyDescriptor
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKey(req *signrpc.SharedKeyRequest) *signrpc.SharedKeyResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKeyErr(req *signrpc.SharedKeyRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DescribeGraph(req *lnrpc.ChannelGraphRequest) *lnrpc.ChannelGraph
- func (h *HarnessRPC) DisconnectPeer(pubkey string) *lnrpc.DisconnectPeerResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ExportAllChanBackups() *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ExportChanBackup(chanPoint *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) *lnrpc.ChannelBackup
- func (h *HarnessRPC) FinalizePsbt(req *walletrpc.FinalizePsbtRequest) *walletrpc.FinalizePsbtResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ForwardingHistory(req *lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryRequest) *lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) FundPsbt(req *walletrpc.FundPsbtRequest) *walletrpc.FundPsbtResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) FundingStateStep(msg *lnrpc.FundingTransitionMsg) *lnrpc.FundingStateStepResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) FundingStateStepAssertErr(m *lnrpc.FundingTransitionMsg)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GenSeed(req *lnrpc.GenSeedRequest) *lnrpc.GenSeedResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBestBlock(req *chainrpc.GetBestBlockRequest) *chainrpc.GetBestBlockResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBlock(req *chainrpc.GetBlockRequest) *chainrpc.GetBlockResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBlockHash(req *chainrpc.GetBlockHashRequest) *chainrpc.GetBlockHashResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetCFilter(req *neutrinorpc.GetCFilterRequest) *neutrinorpc.GetCFilterResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetChanInfo(req *lnrpc.ChanInfoRequest) *lnrpc.ChannelEdge
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetInfo() *lnrpc.GetInfoResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetInfoWatchtower() *watchtowerrpc.GetInfoResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetMissionControlConfig() *routerrpc.GetMissionControlConfigResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetRecoveryInfo(req *lnrpc.GetRecoveryInfoRequest) *lnrpc.GetRecoveryInfoResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) GetTransactions(req *lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest) *lnrpc.TransactionDetails
- func (h *HarnessRPC) HtlcInterceptor() (InterceptorClient, context.CancelFunc)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportAccount(req *walletrpc.ImportAccountRequest) *walletrpc.ImportAccountResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportPublicKey(req *walletrpc.ImportPublicKeyRequest) *walletrpc.ImportPublicKeyResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportTapscript(req *walletrpc.ImportTapscriptRequest) *walletrpc.ImportTapscriptResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) InitWallet(req *lnrpc.InitWalletRequest) *lnrpc.InitWalletResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LabelTransaction(req *walletrpc.LabelTransactionRequest)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LabelTransactionAssertErr(req *walletrpc.LabelTransactionRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListAccounts(req *walletrpc.ListAccountsRequest) *walletrpc.ListAccountsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListAddresses(req *walletrpc.ListAddressesRequest) *walletrpc.ListAddressesResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListChannels(req *lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest) *lnrpc.ListChannelsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListInvoices(req *lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest) *lnrpc.ListInvoiceResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListPayments(req *lnrpc.ListPaymentsRequest) *lnrpc.ListPaymentsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListPeers() *lnrpc.ListPeersResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListSweeps(verbose bool) *walletrpc.ListSweepsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ListUnspent(req *walletrpc.ListUnspentRequest) *walletrpc.ListUnspentResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolution(req *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionRequest) *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolutionAssertErr(req *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupInvoice(rHash []byte) *lnrpc.Invoice
- func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupInvoiceV2(req *invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg) *lnrpc.Invoice
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MakeOutpoint(cp *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) wire.OutPoint
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2Cleanup(req *signrpc.MuSig2CleanupRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CleanupResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeys(req *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeysErr(req *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineSig(r *signrpc.MuSig2CombineSigRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CombineSigResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSession(req *signrpc.MuSig2SessionRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2SessionResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSessionErr(req *signrpc.MuSig2SessionRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2RegisterNonces(req *signrpc.MuSig2RegisterNoncesRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2RegisterNoncesResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2Sign(req *signrpc.MuSig2SignRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2SignResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2SignErr(req *signrpc.MuSig2SignRequest) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) NewAddress(req *lnrpc.NewAddressRequest) *lnrpc.NewAddressResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) NoError(err error, operation string)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) OpenChannel(req *lnrpc.OpenChannelRequest) OpenChanClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) PendingChannels() *lnrpc.PendingChannelsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) PendingSweeps() *walletrpc.PendingSweepsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) PublishTransaction(req *walletrpc.Transaction) *walletrpc.PublishResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) QueryProbability(req *routerrpc.QueryProbabilityRequest) *routerrpc.QueryProbabilityResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) QueryRoutes(req *lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest) *lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(req *chainrpc.ConfRequest) ConfNtfnClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterRPCMiddleware() (MiddlewareClient, context.CancelFunc)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterSpendNtfn(req *chainrpc.SpendRequest) SpendClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) ResetMissionControl()
- func (h *HarnessRPC) RestoreChanBackups(req *lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest) *lnrpc.RestoreBackupResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCoins(req *lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest) *lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCoinsAssertErr(req *lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCustomMessage(req *lnrpc.SendCustomMessageRequest) *lnrpc.SendCustomMessageResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendOutputs(req *walletrpc.SendOutputsRequest) *walletrpc.SendOutputsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendPayment(req *routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest) PaymentClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRoute() SendToRouteClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRouteSync(req *lnrpc.SendToRouteRequest) *lnrpc.SendResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRouteV2(req *routerrpc.SendToRouteRequest) *lnrpc.HTLCAttempt
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfig(config *routerrpc.MissionControlConfig)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfigAssertErr(config *routerrpc.MissionControlConfig)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SettleInvoice(preimage []byte) *invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessage(msg []byte) *lnrpc.SignMessageResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessageSigner(req *signrpc.SignMessageReq) *signrpc.SignMessageResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessageWithAddr(req *walletrpc.SignMessageWithAddrRequest) SignReq
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignOutputRaw(req *signrpc.SignReq) *signrpc.SignResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignOutputRawErr(req *signrpc.SignReq) error
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SignPsbt(req *walletrpc.SignPsbtRequest) *walletrpc.SignPsbtResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) Status(req *neutrinorpc.StatusRequest) *neutrinorpc.StatusResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelBackups() BackupSubscriber
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelEvents() ChannelEventsClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeCustomMessages() (CustomMessageClient, context.CancelFunc)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeHtlcEvents() HtlcEventsClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeInvoices(req *lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription) InvoiceUpdateClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeSingleInvoice(rHash []byte) SingleInvoiceClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeState() lnrpc.State_SubscribeStateClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) TrackPaymentV2(payHash []byte) TrackPaymentClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) TrackPayments(req *routerrpc.TrackPaymentsRequest) TrackPaymentsClient
- func (h *HarnessRPC) UnlockWallet(req *lnrpc.UnlockWalletRequest) *lnrpc.UnlockWalletResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateChanStatus(req *routerrpc.UpdateChanStatusRequest) *routerrpc.UpdateChanStatusResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateChannelPolicy(req *lnrpc.PolicyUpdateRequest) *lnrpc.PolicyUpdateResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncement(req AnnReq) AnnResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncementErr(req AnnReq)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyChanBackup(ss *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot) *lnrpc.VerifyChanBackupResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessage(msg []byte, sig string) *lnrpc.VerifyMessageResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageSigner(req *signrpc.VerifyMessageReq) *signrpc.VerifyMessageResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageWithAddr(req *walletrpc.VerifyMessageWithAddrRequest) VerifyResp
- func (h *HarnessRPC) WalletBalance() *lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) WatchtowerStats() *wtclientrpc.StatsResponse
- func (h *HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControl(req *routerrpc.XImportMissionControlRequest)
- func (h *HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControlAssertErr(req *routerrpc.XImportMissionControlRequest)
- type HtlcEventsClient
- type InterceptorClient
- type InvoiceUpdateClient
- type MiddlewareClient
- type OpenChanClient
- type PaymentClient
- type SendToRouteClient
- type SignReq
- type SingleInvoiceClient
- type SpendClient
- type TrackPaymentClient
- type TrackPaymentsClient
- type VerifyResp
Constants ¶
const (
DefaultTimeout = wait.DefaultTimeout
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcceptorClient ¶
type AcceptorClient lnrpc.Lightning_ChannelAcceptorClient
type AnnReq ¶
type AnnReq *peersrpc.NodeAnnouncementUpdateRequest
type AnnResp ¶
type AnnResp *peersrpc.NodeAnnouncementUpdateResponse
type BackupSubscriber ¶
type BackupSubscriber lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsClient
type ChannelEventsClient ¶
type ChannelEventsClient lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsClient
type CloseChanClient ¶
type CloseChanClient lnrpc.Lightning_CloseChannelClient
type ConfNtfnClient ¶
type ConfNtfnClient chainrpc.ChainNotifier_RegisterConfirmationsNtfnClient
type CustomMessageClient ¶
type CustomMessageClient lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesClient
type HarnessRPC ¶
type HarnessRPC struct { *testing.T LN lnrpc.LightningClient WalletUnlocker lnrpc.WalletUnlockerClient Invoice invoicesrpc.InvoicesClient Signer signrpc.SignerClient Router routerrpc.RouterClient WalletKit walletrpc.WalletKitClient Watchtower watchtowerrpc.WatchtowerClient WatchtowerClient wtclientrpc.WatchtowerClientClient State lnrpc.StateClient ChainClient chainrpc.ChainNotifierClient ChainKit chainrpc.ChainKitClient NeutrinoKit neutrinorpc.NeutrinoKitClient Peer peersrpc.PeersClient // Name is the HarnessNode's name. Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
HarnessRPC wraps all lnd's RPC clients into a single struct for easier access.
func NewHarnessRPC ¶
func NewHarnessRPC(ctxt context.Context, t *testing.T, c *grpc.ClientConn, name string) *HarnessRPC
NewHarnessRPC creates a new HarnessRPC with its own context inherted from the pass context.
func (*HarnessRPC) AbandonChannel ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) AbandonChannel( req *lnrpc.AbandonChannelRequest) *lnrpc.AbandonChannelResponse
AbandonChannel makes a RPC call to AbandonChannel and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) AddHoldInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) AddHoldInvoice( r *invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceRequest) *invoicesrpc.AddHoldInvoiceResp
AddHoldInvoice adds a hold invoice for the given node and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) AddInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) AddInvoice(req *lnrpc.Invoice) *lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse
AddInvoice adds a invoice for the given node and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) AddPeer ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) AddPeer( req *neutrinorpc.AddPeerRequest) *neutrinorpc.AddPeerResponse
AddPeer makes an RPC call to neutrino kit client's AddPeer and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) AddTower ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) AddTower( req *wtclientrpc.AddTowerRequest) *wtclientrpc.AddTowerResponse
AddTower makes a RPC call to the WatchtowerClient of the given node and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannel ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannel( req *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelRequest) *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelResponse
BatchOpenChannel makes a RPC call to BatchOpenChannel and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannelAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) BatchOpenChannelAssertErr( req *lnrpc.BatchOpenChannelRequest) error
BatchOpenChannelAssertErr makes a RPC call to BatchOpenChannel and asserts there's an error returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) BuildRoute ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) BuildRoute( req *routerrpc.BuildRouteRequest) *routerrpc.BuildRouteResponse
BuildRoute makes a RPC call to the node's RouterClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) BumpFee ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) BumpFee( req *walletrpc.BumpFeeRequest) *walletrpc.BumpFeeResponse
BumpFee makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) CancelInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) CancelInvoice( payHash []byte) *invoicesrpc.CancelInvoiceResp
CancelInvoice cancels a given invoice and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ChangePassword ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ChangePassword( req *lnrpc.ChangePasswordRequest) *lnrpc.ChangePasswordResponse
ChangePassword makes a RPC request to WalletUnlocker and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) ChannelAcceptor ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ChannelAcceptor() (AcceptorClient, context.CancelFunc)
ChannelAcceptor makes a RPC call to the node's ChannelAcceptor and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ChannelBalance ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ChannelBalance() *lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse
ChannelBalance gets the channel balance and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) CloseChannel ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) CloseChannel( req *lnrpc.CloseChannelRequest) CloseChanClient
CloseChannel makes a rpc call to LightningClient and returns the close channel client.
func (*HarnessRPC) ClosedChannels ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ClosedChannels( req *lnrpc.ClosedChannelsRequest) *lnrpc.ClosedChannelsResponse
ClosedChannels makes a RPC call to node's ClosedChannels and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ComputeInputScript ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ComputeInputScript( req *signrpc.SignReq) *signrpc.InputScriptResp
ComputeInputScript makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ConnectPeer ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ConnectPeer( req *lnrpc.ConnectPeerRequest) *lnrpc.ConnectPeerResponse
ConnectPeer makes a RPC call to ConnectPeer and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) ConnectPeerAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ConnectPeerAssertErr(req *lnrpc.ConnectPeerRequest) error
ConnectPeerAssertErr makes a RPC call to ConnectPeer and asserts an error returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) DecodePayReq ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DecodePayReq(req string) *lnrpc.PayReq
DecodePayReq makes a RPC call to node's DecodePayReq and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) DeleteAllPayments ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DeleteAllPayments()
DeleteAllPayments makes a RPC call to the node's DeleteAllPayments and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) DeriveKey ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveKey(kl *signrpc.KeyLocator) *signrpc.KeyDescriptor
DeriveKey makes a RPC call to the DeriveKey and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) DeriveNextKey ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveNextKey( req *walletrpc.KeyReq) *signrpc.KeyDescriptor
DeriveNextKey makes a RPC call to the DeriveNextKey and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKey ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKey( req *signrpc.SharedKeyRequest) *signrpc.SharedKeyResponse
DeriveSharedKey makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKeyErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DeriveSharedKeyErr(req *signrpc.SharedKeyRequest) error
DeriveSharedKeyErr makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts there is an error.
func (*HarnessRPC) DescribeGraph ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DescribeGraph( req *lnrpc.ChannelGraphRequest) *lnrpc.ChannelGraph
DescribeGraph makes a RPC call to the node's DescribeGraph and asserts. It takes a bool to indicate whether we want to include private edges or not.
func (*HarnessRPC) DisconnectPeer ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) DisconnectPeer( pubkey string) *lnrpc.DisconnectPeerResponse
DisconnectPeer calls the DisconnectPeer RPC on a given node with a specified public key string and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) ExportAllChanBackups ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ExportAllChanBackups() *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot
ExportAllChanBackups makes a RPC call to the node's ExportAllChannelBackups and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ExportChanBackup ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ExportChanBackup( chanPoint *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) *lnrpc.ChannelBackup
ExportChanBackup makes a RPC call to the node's ExportChannelBackup and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) FinalizePsbt ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) FinalizePsbt( req *walletrpc.FinalizePsbtRequest) *walletrpc.FinalizePsbtResponse
FinalizePsbt makes a RPC call to node's FinalizePsbt and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ForwardingHistory ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ForwardingHistory( req *lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryRequest) *lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryResponse
ForwardingHistory makes a RPC call to the node's ForwardingHistory and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) FundPsbt ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) FundPsbt( req *walletrpc.FundPsbtRequest) *walletrpc.FundPsbtResponse
FundPsbt makes a RPC call to node's FundPsbt and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) FundingStateStep ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) FundingStateStep( msg *lnrpc.FundingTransitionMsg) *lnrpc.FundingStateStepResp
FundingStateStep makes a RPC call to FundingStateStep and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) FundingStateStepAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) FundingStateStepAssertErr(m *lnrpc.FundingTransitionMsg)
FundingStateStepAssertErr makes a RPC call to FundingStateStep and asserts there's an error.
func (*HarnessRPC) GenSeed ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GenSeed(req *lnrpc.GenSeedRequest) *lnrpc.GenSeedResponse
GenSeed makes a RPC request to WalletUnlocker and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetBestBlock ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBestBlock( req *chainrpc.GetBestBlockRequest) *chainrpc.GetBestBlockResponse
GetBestBlock makes an RPC call to chain kit client's GetBestBlock and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetBlock ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBlock( req *chainrpc.GetBlockRequest) *chainrpc.GetBlockResponse
GetBlock makes an RPC call to chain kit client's GetBlock and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetBlockHash ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetBlockHash( req *chainrpc.GetBlockHashRequest) *chainrpc.GetBlockHashResponse
GetBlockHash makes an RPC call to chain kit client's GetBlockHash and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetCFilter ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetCFilter( req *neutrinorpc.GetCFilterRequest) *neutrinorpc.GetCFilterResponse
GetCFilter makes an RPC call to neutrino kit client's GetCFilter and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetChanInfo ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetChanInfo( req *lnrpc.ChanInfoRequest) *lnrpc.ChannelEdge
GetChanInfo makes a RPC call to the node's GetChanInfo and returns the response.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetInfo ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetInfo() *lnrpc.GetInfoResponse
GetInfo calls the GetInfo RPC on a given node and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetInfoWatchtower ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetInfoWatchtower() *watchtowerrpc.GetInfoResponse
GetInfoWatchtower makes a RPC call to the watchtower of the given node and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetMissionControlConfig ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetMissionControlConfig() *routerrpc.GetMissionControlConfigResponse
GetMissionControlConfig makes a RPC call to the node's GetMissionControlConfig and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetRecoveryInfo ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetRecoveryInfo( req *lnrpc.GetRecoveryInfoRequest) *lnrpc.GetRecoveryInfoResponse
GetRecoveryInfo uses the specified node to make a RPC call to GetRecoveryInfo and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) GetTransactions ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) GetTransactions( req *lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest) *lnrpc.TransactionDetails
GetTransactions makes a RPC call to GetTransactions and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) HtlcInterceptor ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) HtlcInterceptor() (InterceptorClient, context.CancelFunc)
HtlcInterceptor makes a RPC call to the node's RouterClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ImportAccount ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportAccount( req *walletrpc.ImportAccountRequest) *walletrpc.ImportAccountResponse
ImportAccount makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ImportPublicKey ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportPublicKey( req *walletrpc.ImportPublicKeyRequest) *walletrpc.ImportPublicKeyResponse
ImportPublicKey makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ImportTapscript ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ImportTapscript( req *walletrpc.ImportTapscriptRequest) *walletrpc.ImportTapscriptResponse
ImportTapscript makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) InitWallet ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) InitWallet( req *lnrpc.InitWalletRequest) *lnrpc.InitWalletResponse
InitWallet makes a RPC request to WalletUnlocker and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) LabelTransaction ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LabelTransaction(req *walletrpc.LabelTransactionRequest)
LabelTransaction makes a RPC call to the node's LabelTransaction and asserts no error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) LabelTransactionAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LabelTransactionAssertErr( req *walletrpc.LabelTransactionRequest) error
LabelTransactionAssertErr makes a RPC call to the node's LabelTransaction and asserts an error is returned. It then returns the error.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListAccounts ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListAccounts( req *walletrpc.ListAccountsRequest) *walletrpc.ListAccountsResponse
ListAccounts makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListAddresses ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListAddresses( req *walletrpc.ListAddressesRequest) *walletrpc.ListAddressesResponse
ListAddresses makes a RPC call to the ListAddresses and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListChannels ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListChannels( req *lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest) *lnrpc.ListChannelsResponse
ListChannels list the channels for the given node and asserts it's successful.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListInvoices ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListInvoices( req *lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest) *lnrpc.ListInvoiceResponse
ListInvoices list the node's invoice using the request and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListPayments ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListPayments( req *lnrpc.ListPaymentsRequest) *lnrpc.ListPaymentsResponse
ListPayments lists the node's payments and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListPeers ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListPeers() *lnrpc.ListPeersResponse
ListPeers makes a RPC call to the node's ListPeers and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListSweeps ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListSweeps(verbose bool) *walletrpc.ListSweepsResponse
ListSweeps makes a ListSweeps RPC call to the node's WalletKit client.
func (*HarnessRPC) ListUnspent ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ListUnspent( req *walletrpc.ListUnspentRequest) *walletrpc.ListUnspentResponse
FinalizePsbt makes a RPC call to node's ListUnspent and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolution ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolution( req *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionRequest) *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionResponse
LookupHtlcResolution makes a RPC call to the node's LookupHtlcResolution and returns the response.
func (*HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolutionAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupHtlcResolutionAssertErr( req *lnrpc.LookupHtlcResolutionRequest) error
LookupHtlcResolutionAssertErr makes a RPC call to the node's LookupHtlcResolution and asserts an RPC error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) LookupInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupInvoice(rHash []byte) *lnrpc.Invoice
LookupInvoice queries the node's invoices using the specified rHash.
func (*HarnessRPC) LookupInvoiceV2 ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) LookupInvoiceV2( req *invoicesrpc.LookupInvoiceMsg) *lnrpc.Invoice
LookupInvoiceV2 queries the node's invoices using the invoice client's LookupInvoiceV2.
func (*HarnessRPC) MakeOutpoint ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MakeOutpoint(cp *lnrpc.ChannelPoint) wire.OutPoint
MakeOutpoint returns the outpoint of the channel's funding transaction.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2Cleanup ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2Cleanup( req *signrpc.MuSig2CleanupRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CleanupResponse
MuSig2Cleanup makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeys ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeys( req *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysResponse
MuSig2CombineKeys makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeysErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineKeysErr( req *signrpc.MuSig2CombineKeysRequest) error
MuSig2CombineKeysErr makes an RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts an error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineSig ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CombineSig( r *signrpc.MuSig2CombineSigRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2CombineSigResponse
MuSig2CombineSig makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSession ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSession( req *signrpc.MuSig2SessionRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2SessionResponse
MuSig2CreateSession makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSessionErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2CreateSessionErr( req *signrpc.MuSig2SessionRequest) error
MuSig2CreateSessionErr makes an RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts an error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2RegisterNonces ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2RegisterNonces( req *signrpc.MuSig2RegisterNoncesRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2RegisterNoncesResponse
MuSig2RegisterNonces makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2Sign ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2Sign( req *signrpc.MuSig2SignRequest) *signrpc.MuSig2SignResponse
MuSig2Sign makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) MuSig2SignErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) MuSig2SignErr(req *signrpc.MuSig2SignRequest) error
MuSig2SignErr makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts an error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) NewAddress ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) NewAddress( req *lnrpc.NewAddressRequest) *lnrpc.NewAddressResponse
NewAddress makes a RPC call to NewAddress and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) NoError ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) NoError(err error, operation string)
NoError is a helper method to format the error message used in calling RPCs.
func (*HarnessRPC) OpenChannel ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) OpenChannel(req *lnrpc.OpenChannelRequest) OpenChanClient
OpenChannel makes a rpc call to LightningClient and returns the open channel client.
func (*HarnessRPC) PendingChannels ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) PendingChannels() *lnrpc.PendingChannelsResponse
PendingChannels makes a RPC request to PendingChannels and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) PendingSweeps ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) PendingSweeps() *walletrpc.PendingSweepsResponse
PendingSweeps makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) PublishTransaction ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) PublishTransaction( req *walletrpc.Transaction) *walletrpc.PublishResponse
PublishTransaction makes an RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) QueryProbability ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) QueryProbability( req *routerrpc.QueryProbabilityRequest) *routerrpc.QueryProbabilityResponse
QueryProbability makes a RPC call to the node's QueryProbability and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) QueryRoutes ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) QueryRoutes( req *lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest) *lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse
QueryRoutes makes a RPC call to QueryRoutes and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) RegisterConfirmationsNtfn ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterConfirmationsNtfn( req *chainrpc.ConfRequest) ConfNtfnClient
RegisterConfirmationsNtfn creates a notification client to watch a given transaction being confirmed.
func (*HarnessRPC) RegisterRPCMiddleware ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterRPCMiddleware() (MiddlewareClient, context.CancelFunc)
RegisterRPCMiddleware makes a RPC call to the node's RegisterRPCMiddleware and asserts. It also returns a cancel context which can cancel the context used by the client.
func (*HarnessRPC) RegisterSpendNtfn ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) RegisterSpendNtfn(req *chainrpc.SpendRequest) SpendClient
RegisterSpendNtfn creates a notification client to watch a given transaction being spent.
func (*HarnessRPC) ResetMissionControl ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) ResetMissionControl()
ResetMissionControl makes a RPC call to the node's ResetMissionControl and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) RestoreChanBackups ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) RestoreChanBackups( req *lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest) *lnrpc.RestoreBackupResponse
RestoreChanBackups makes a RPC call to the node's RestoreChannelBackups and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendCoins ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCoins( req *lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest) *lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse
SendCoins sends a given amount of money to the specified address from the passed node.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendCoinsAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCoinsAssertErr(req *lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest)
SendCoinsAssertErr sends a given amount of money to the specified address from the passed node and asserts an error has returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendCustomMessage ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendCustomMessage( req *lnrpc.SendCustomMessageRequest) *lnrpc.SendCustomMessageResponse
SendCustomMessage makes a RPC call to the node's SendCustomMessage and returns the response.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendOutputs ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendOutputs( req *walletrpc.SendOutputsRequest) *walletrpc.SendOutputsResponse
SendOutputs makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendPayment ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendPayment( req *routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest) PaymentClient
SendPayment sends a payment using the given node and payment request. It also asserts the payment being sent successfully.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendToRoute ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRoute() SendToRouteClient
SendToRoute makes a RPC call to SendToRoute and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendToRouteSync ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRouteSync( req *lnrpc.SendToRouteRequest) *lnrpc.SendResponse
SendToRouteSync makes a RPC call to SendToRouteSync and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SendToRouteV2 ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SendToRouteV2( req *routerrpc.SendToRouteRequest) *lnrpc.HTLCAttempt
SendToRouteV2 makes a RPC call to SendToRouteV2 and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfig ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfig( config *routerrpc.MissionControlConfig)
SetMissionControlConfig makes a RPC call to the node's SetMissionControlConfig and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfigAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SetMissionControlConfigAssertErr( config *routerrpc.MissionControlConfig)
SetMissionControlConfigAssertErr makes a RPC call to the node's SetMissionControlConfig and asserts that we error.
func (*HarnessRPC) SettleInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SettleInvoice( preimage []byte) *invoicesrpc.SettleInvoiceResp
SettleInvoice settles a given invoice and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignMessage ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessage(msg []byte) *lnrpc.SignMessageResponse
SignMessage makes a RPC call to node's SignMessage and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignMessageSigner ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessageSigner( req *signrpc.SignMessageReq) *signrpc.SignMessageResp
SignMessageSigner makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
NOTE: there's already `SignMessage` in `h.LN`.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignMessageWithAddr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignMessageWithAddr( req *walletrpc.SignMessageWithAddrRequest) SignReq
SignMessageWithAddr makes a RPC call to the SignMessageWithAddr and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignOutputRaw ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignOutputRaw(req *signrpc.SignReq) *signrpc.SignResp
SignOutputRaw makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignOutputRawErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignOutputRawErr(req *signrpc.SignReq) error
SignOutputRawErr makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts an error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) SignPsbt ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SignPsbt( req *walletrpc.SignPsbtRequest) *walletrpc.SignPsbtResponse
SignPsbt makes a RPC call to the node's WalletKitClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) Status ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) Status( req *neutrinorpc.StatusRequest) *neutrinorpc.StatusResponse
Status makes an RPC call to neutrino kit client's Status and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelBackups ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelBackups() BackupSubscriber
SubscribeChannelBackups creates a client to listen to channel backup stream.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelEvents ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeChannelEvents() ChannelEventsClient
SubscribeChannelEvents creates a subscription client for channel events and asserts its creation.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeCustomMessages ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeCustomMessages() (CustomMessageClient, context.CancelFunc)
SubscribeCustomMessages creates a subscription client for custom messages.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeHtlcEvents ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeHtlcEvents() HtlcEventsClient
SubscribeHtlcEvents makes a subscription to the HTLC events and returns a htlc event client.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeInvoices ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeInvoices( req *lnrpc.InvoiceSubscription) InvoiceUpdateClient
SubscribeInvoices creates a subscription client for invoice events and asserts its creation.
NOTE: make sure to subscribe an invoice as early as possible as it takes some time for the lnd to create the subscription client. If an invoice is added right after the subscription, it may be missed. However, if AddIndex or SettleIndex is used in the request, it will be fine as a backlog will always be sent.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeSingleInvoice ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeSingleInvoice(rHash []byte) SingleInvoiceClient
SubscribeSingleInvoice creates a subscription client for given invoice and asserts its creation.
func (*HarnessRPC) SubscribeState ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) SubscribeState() lnrpc.State_SubscribeStateClient
SubscribeState makes a rpc call to StateClient and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) TrackPaymentV2 ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) TrackPaymentV2(payHash []byte) TrackPaymentClient
TrackPaymentV2 creates a subscription client for given invoice and asserts its creation.
func (*HarnessRPC) TrackPayments ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) TrackPayments( req *routerrpc.TrackPaymentsRequest) TrackPaymentsClient
TrackPayments makes a RPC call to the node's RouterClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) UnlockWallet ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) UnlockWallet( req *lnrpc.UnlockWalletRequest) *lnrpc.UnlockWalletResponse
UnlockWallet makes a RPC request to WalletUnlocker and asserts there's no error.
func (*HarnessRPC) UpdateChanStatus ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateChanStatus( req *routerrpc.UpdateChanStatusRequest) *routerrpc.UpdateChanStatusResponse
UpdateChanStatus makes a UpdateChanStatus RPC call to node's RouterClient and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) UpdateChannelPolicy ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateChannelPolicy( req *lnrpc.PolicyUpdateRequest) *lnrpc.PolicyUpdateResponse
UpdateChannelPolicy makes a RPC call to UpdateChannelPolicy and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncement ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncement(req AnnReq) AnnResp
UpdateNodeAnnouncement makes an UpdateNodeAnnouncement RPC call the peersrpc client and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncementErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) UpdateNodeAnnouncementErr(req AnnReq)
UpdateNodeAnnouncementErr makes an UpdateNodeAnnouncement RPC call the peersrpc client and asserts an error is returned.
func (*HarnessRPC) VerifyChanBackup ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyChanBackup( ss *lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot) *lnrpc.VerifyChanBackupResponse
VerifyChanBackup makes a RPC call to node's VerifyChanBackup and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) VerifyMessage ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessage(msg []byte, sig string) *lnrpc.VerifyMessageResponse
VerifyMessage makes a RPC call to node's VerifyMessage and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageSigner ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageSigner( req *signrpc.VerifyMessageReq) *signrpc.VerifyMessageResp
VerifyMessageSigner makes a RPC call to the node's SignerClient and asserts.
NOTE: there's already `VerifyMessageSigner` in `h.LN`.
func (*HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageWithAddr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) VerifyMessageWithAddr( req *walletrpc.VerifyMessageWithAddrRequest) VerifyResp
VerifyMessageWithAddr makes a RPC call to the VerifyMessageWithAddr and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) WalletBalance ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) WalletBalance() *lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse
WalletBalance makes a RPC call to WalletBalance and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) WatchtowerStats ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) WatchtowerStats() *wtclientrpc.StatsResponse
WatchtowerStats makes a RPC call to the WatchtowerClient of the given node and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControl ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControl( req *routerrpc.XImportMissionControlRequest)
XImportMissionControl makes a RPC call to the node's XImportMissionControl and asserts.
func (*HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControlAssertErr ¶
func (h *HarnessRPC) XImportMissionControlAssertErr( req *routerrpc.XImportMissionControlRequest)
XImportMissionControlAssertErr makes a RPC call to the node's XImportMissionControl and asserts an error occurred.
type HtlcEventsClient ¶
type HtlcEventsClient routerrpc.Router_SubscribeHtlcEventsClient
type InterceptorClient ¶
type InterceptorClient routerrpc.Router_HtlcInterceptorClient
type InvoiceUpdateClient ¶
type InvoiceUpdateClient lnrpc.Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesClient
type MiddlewareClient ¶
type MiddlewareClient lnrpc.Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareClient
type OpenChanClient ¶
type OpenChanClient lnrpc.Lightning_OpenChannelClient
type PaymentClient ¶
type PaymentClient routerrpc.Router_SendPaymentV2Client
type SendToRouteClient ¶
type SendToRouteClient lnrpc.Lightning_SendToRouteClient
type SignReq ¶
type SignReq *walletrpc.SignMessageWithAddrResponse
type SingleInvoiceClient ¶
type SingleInvoiceClient invoicesrpc.Invoices_SubscribeSingleInvoiceClient
type SpendClient ¶
type SpendClient chainrpc.ChainNotifier_RegisterSpendNtfnClient
type TrackPaymentClient ¶
type TrackPaymentClient routerrpc.Router_TrackPaymentV2Client
type TrackPaymentsClient ¶
type TrackPaymentsClient routerrpc.Router_TrackPaymentsClient
type VerifyResp ¶
type VerifyResp *walletrpc.VerifyMessageWithAddrResponse