Overview ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func All[A any](pred func(A) bool, s []A) bool
- func Any[A any](pred func(A) bool, s []A) bool
- func ChainOption[A, B any](f func(A) Option[B]) func(Option[A]) Option[B]
- func Comp[A, B, C any](f func(A) B, g func(B) C) func(A) C
- func Const[A, B any](a A) func(B) A
- func Elem[A comparable](a A, s []A) bool
- func ElimEither[L, R, O any](f func(L) O, g func(R) O, e Either[L, R]) O
- func ElimOption[A, B any](o Option[A], b func() B, f func(A) B) B
- func Eq[A comparable](x A) func(A) bool
- func Filter[A any](pred Pred[A], s []A) []A
- func FilterMap[A, B any](as []A, f func(A) Option[B]) []B
- func Flatten[A any](s [][]A) []A
- func Foldl[A, B any](f func(B, A) B, seed B, s []A) B
- func Foldr[A, B any](f func(A, B) B, seed B, s []A) B
- func ForEachConc[A, B any](f func(A) B, as []A) []B
- func HasDuplicates[A comparable](items []A) bool
- func Iden[A any](a A) A
- func Len[A any](items []A) uint
- func LiftA2Option[A, B, C any](f func(A, B) C) func(Option[A], Option[B]) Option[C]
- func Map[A, B any](f func(A) B, s []A) []B
- func MapFirst[A, B, C any](f func(A) B) func(T2[A, C]) T2[B, C]
- func MapLeft[L, R, O any](f func(L) O) func(Either[L, R]) Either[O, R]
- func MapOk[A, B any](f func(A) B) func(Result[A]) Result[B]
- func MapOption[A, B any](f func(A) B) func(Option[A]) Option[B]
- func MapOptionZ[A, B any](o Option[A], f func(A) B) B
- func MapRight[L, R, O any](f func(R) O) func(Either[L, R]) Either[L, O]
- func MapSecond[A, B, C any](f func(A) B) func(T2[C, A]) T2[C, B]
- func Neq[A comparable](x A) func(A) bool
- func NewSubMap[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)
- func NewSubMapIntersect[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V
- func Pair[A, B, C any](f func(A) B, g func(A) C) func(A) T2[B, C]
- func RecvOrTimeout[T any](c <-chan T, timeout time.Duration) (T, error)
- func RecvResp[T any](r <-chan T, e <-chan error, q <-chan struct{}) (T, error)
- func Replicate[A any](n uint, val A) []A
- func SendOrQuit[T any, Q any](c chan<- T, msg T, quit chan Q) bool
- func SetDiff[T comparable](a, b []T) []T
- func SliceToMap[A any, K comparable, V any](s []A, keyFunc func(A) K, valueFunc func(A) V) map[K]V
- func Span[A any](pred func(A) bool, s []A) ([]A, []A)
- func SplitAt[A any](n uint, s []A) ([]A, []A)
- func Sum[B Number](items []B) B
- func TrimNones[A any](as []Option[A]) []A
- func ZipWith[A, B, C any](f func(A, B) C, a []A, b []B) []C
- type ConcurrentQueue
- type ContextGuard
- func (g *ContextGuard) CtxBlocking() (context.Context, func())
- func (g *ContextGuard) CtxBlockingCustomTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, func())
- func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuit() (context.Context, func())
- func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitCustomTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, func())
- func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitNoTimeout() (context.Context, func())
- type Either
- func (e Either[L, R]) IsLeft() bool
- func (e Either[L, R]) IsRight() bool
- func (e Either[L, R]) LeftToOption() Option[L]
- func (e Either[L, R]) RightToOption() Option[R]
- func (e Either[L, R]) Swap() Either[R, L]
- func (e Either[L, R]) UnwrapLeftOr(l L) L
- func (e Either[L, R]) UnwrapRightOr(r R) R
- func (e Either[L, R]) WhenLeft(f func(L))
- func (e Either[L, R]) WhenRight(f func(R))
- type Event
- type EventDistributor
- type EventPublisher
- type EventReceiver
- type GoroutineManager
- type List
- func (l *List[A]) Back() *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) Filter(f Pred[A]) []A
- func (l *List[A]) Front() *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) Init() *List[A]
- func (l *List[A]) InsertAfter(a A, predecessor *Node[A]) *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) InsertBefore(a A, successor *Node[A]) *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) Len() int
- func (l *List[A]) MoveAfter(n, predecessor *Node[A])
- func (l *List[A]) MoveBefore(n, successor *Node[A])
- func (l *List[A]) MoveToBack(n *Node[A])
- func (l *List[A]) MoveToFront(n *Node[A])
- func (l *List[A]) PushBack(a A) *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) PushBackList(other *List[A])
- func (l *List[A]) PushFront(a A) *Node[A]
- func (l *List[A]) PushFrontList(other *List[A])
- func (l *List[A]) Remove(n *Node[A]) A
- type Node
- type Number
- type Option
- func CollectOptions[A any](options []Option[A]) Option[[]A]
- func Find[A any](pred Pred[A], s []A) Option[A]
- func FindIdx[A any](pred Pred[A], s []A) Option[T2[int, A]]
- func FlattenOption[A any](oo Option[Option[A]]) Option[A]
- func Head[A any](items []A) Option[A]
- func Init[A any](items []A) Option[[]A]
- func Last[A any](items []A) Option[A]
- func None[A any]() Option[A]
- func Some[A any](a A) Option[A]
- func Tail[A any](items []A) Option[[]A]
- func TransposeResOpt[A any](r Result[Option[A]]) Option[Result[A]]
- func TraverseOption[A, B any](as []A, f func(A) Option[B]) Option[[]B]
- func Uncons[A any](items []A) Option[T2[A, []A]]
- func Unsnoc[A any](items []A) Option[T2[[]A, A]]
- func (o Option[A]) Alt(o2 Option[A]) Option[A]
- func (o Option[A]) IsNone() bool
- func (o Option[A]) IsSome() bool
- func (o Option[A]) SomeToOk(err error) Result[A]
- func (o Option[A]) SomeToOkf(errString string, args ...interface{}) Result[A]
- func (o Option[A]) UnsafeFromSome() A
- func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOr(a A) A
- func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOrErr(err error) (A, error)
- func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOrFail(t *testing.T) A
- func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOrFunc(f func() A) A
- func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOrFuncErr(f func() (A, error)) (A, error)
- func (o Option[A]) WhenSome(f func(A))
- type Pred
- type Queue
- type Req
- type Result
- func AndThen[A, B any](r Result[A], f func(A) Result[B]) Result[B]
- func AndThen2[A, B, C any](ra Result[A], rb Result[B], f func(A, B) Result[C]) Result[C]
- func CollectResults[A any](results []Result[A]) Result[[]A]
- func Err[T any](err error) Result[T]
- func Errf[T any](errString string, args ...any) Result[T]
- func FlatMap[A, B any](r Result[A], f func(A) Result[B]) Result[B]
- func FlattenResult[A any](r Result[Result[A]]) Result[A]
- func NewResult[T any](val T, err error) Result[T]
- func Ok[T any](val T) Result[T]
- func TransposeOptRes[A any](o Option[Result[A]]) Result[Option[A]]
- func TraverseResult[A, B any](as []A, f func(A) Result[B]) Result[[]B]
- func (r Result[T]) AndThen(f func(T) Result[T]) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) Err() error
- func (r Result[T]) FlatMap(f func(T) Result[T]) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) IsErr() bool
- func (r Result[T]) IsOk() bool
- func (r Result[T]) Map(f func(T) T) Result[T]deprecated
- func (r Result[T]) MapErr(f func(error) error) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) MapOk(f func(T) T) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) OkToSome() Option[T]
- func (r Result[T]) Option() Option[T]deprecated
- func (r Result[T]) OrElse(f func() Result[T]) Result[T]
- func (r Result[A]) Sink(f func(A) error) error
- func (r Result[T]) Unpack() (T, error)
- func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOr(defaultValue T) T
- func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOrElse(f func() T) T
- func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOrFail(t *testing.T) T
- func (r Result[T]) WhenErr(f func(error))
- func (r Result[T]) WhenOk(f func(T))
- func (r Result[T]) WhenResult(f func(T))deprecated
- type Set
- func (s Set[T]) Add(e T)
- func (s Set[T]) Contains(e T) bool
- func (s Set[T]) Diff(other Set[T]) Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Equal(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) Intersect(other Set[T]) Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s Set[T]) Remove(e T)
- func (s Set[T]) Size() uint
- func (s Set[T]) Subset(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) ToSlice() []T
- func (s Set[T]) Union(other Set[T]) Set[T]
- type T2
- type Unit
Constants ¶
const (
// DefaultQueueSize is the default size to use for concurrent queues.
DefaultQueueSize = 10
Variables ¶
var ( // DefaultTimeout is the default timeout used for context operations. DefaultTimeout = 30 * time.Second )
var ErrStopping = errors.New("can not add goroutine, stopping")
ErrStopping is returned when trying to add a new goroutine while stopping.
Functions ¶
func All ¶ added in v1.0.5
All returns true when the supplied predicate evaluates to true for all of the values in the slice.
func Any ¶ added in v1.0.5
Any returns true when the supplied predicate evaluates to true for any of the values in the slice.
func ChainOption ¶
ChainOption transforms a function A -> Option[B] into one that accepts an Option[A] as an argument.
ChainOption : (A -> Option[B]) -> Option[A] -> Option[B].
func Comp ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Comp[A, B, C any](f func(A) B, g func(B) C) func(A) C
Comp is left to right function composition. Comp(f, g)(x) == g(f(x)). This can make it easier to create on the fly closures that we may use as arguments to other functions defined in this package (or otherwise).
func Const ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Const[A, B any](a A) func(B) A
Const is a function that accepts an argument and returns a function that always returns that value irrespective of the returned function's argument. This is also quite useful in conjunction with higher order functions.
func Elem ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Elem[A comparable](a A, s []A) bool
Elem returns true if the element in the argument is found in the slice
func ElimEither ¶ added in v1.2.0
ElimEither is the universal Either eliminator. It can be used to safely handle all possible values inside the Either by supplying two continuations, one for each side of the Either.
func ElimOption ¶
ElimOption is the universal Option eliminator. It can be used to safely handle all possible values inside the Option by supplying two continuations.
ElimOption : (Option[A], () -> B, A -> B) -> B.
func Eq ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Eq[A comparable](x A) func(A) bool
Eq is a curried function that returns true if its eventual two arguments are equal.
func Filter ¶ added in v1.0.5
Filter creates a new slice of values where all the members of the returned slice pass the predicate that is supplied in the argument.
func FilterMap ¶ added in v1.2.5
FilterMap takes a function argument that optionally produces a value and returns a slice of the 'Some' return values.
func Flatten ¶ added in v1.0.5
func Flatten[A any](s [][]A) []A
Flatten takes a slice of slices and returns a concatenation of those slices.
func Foldl ¶ added in v1.0.5
func Foldl[A, B any](f func(B, A) B, seed B, s []A) B
Foldl iterates through all members of the slice left to right and reduces them pairwise with an accumulator value that is seeded with the seed value in the argument.
func Foldr ¶ added in v1.0.5
func Foldr[A, B any](f func(A, B) B, seed B, s []A) B
Foldr, is exactly like Foldl except that it iterates over the slice from right to left.
func ForEachConc ¶ added in v1.2.0
func ForEachConc[A, B any](f func(A) B, as []A) []B
ForEachConc maps the argument function over the slice, spawning a new goroutine for each element in the slice and then awaits all results before returning them.
func HasDuplicates ¶ added in v1.0.7
func HasDuplicates[A comparable](items []A) bool
HasDuplicates checks if the given slice contains any duplicate elements. It returns false if there are no duplicates in the slice (i.e., all elements are unique), otherwise returns false.
func Iden ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Iden[A any](a A) A
Iden is the left and right identity of Comp. It is a function that simply returns its argument. The utility of this function is only apparent in conjunction with other functions in this package.
func Len ¶ added in v1.2.2
Len is the len function that is defined in a way that makes it usable in higher-order contexts.
func LiftA2Option ¶
LiftA2Option transforms a pure function (A, B) -> C into one that will operate in an Option context. For the returned function, if either of its arguments are None, then the result will be None.
LiftA2Option : ((A, B) -> C) -> (Option[A], Option[B]) -> Option[C].
func Map ¶ added in v1.0.5
func Map[A, B any](f func(A) B, s []A) []B
Map applies the function argument to all members of the slice and returns a slice of those return values.
func MapFirst ¶ added in v1.2.0
MapFirst lifts the argument function into one that applies to the first element of a 2-tuple.
func MapOk ¶ added in v1.2.5
MapOk applies a non-endomorphic function to the success value if it exists and returns a Result of the new type.
func MapOption ¶
MapOption transforms a pure function A -> B into one that will operate inside the Option context.
MapOption : (A -> B) -> Option[A] -> Option[B].
func MapOptionZ ¶ added in v1.0.2
MapOptionZ transforms a pure function A -> B into one that will operate inside the Option context. Unlike MapOption, this function will return the default/zero argument of the return type if the Option is empty.
func MapSecond ¶ added in v1.2.0
MapSecond lifts the argument function into one that applies to the second element of a 2-tuple.
func Neq ¶ added in v1.2.0
func Neq[A comparable](x A) func(A) bool
Neq is a curried function that returns true if its eventual two arguments are not equal.
func NewSubMap ¶ added in v1.0.6
func NewSubMap[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V, keys []K) (map[K]V, error)
NewSubMap creates a sub-map from a given map using specified keys. It errors if any of the keys is not found in the map.
func NewSubMapIntersect ¶ added in v1.0.6
func NewSubMapIntersect[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V, keys []K) map[K]V
NewSubMapIntersect returns a sub-map of `m` containing only the keys found in both `m` and the `keys` slice.
func Pair ¶ added in v1.2.0
Pair takes two functions that share the same argument type and runs them both and produces a 2-tuple of the results.
func RecvOrTimeout ¶ added in v1.0.2
RecvOrTimeout attempts to recv over chan c, returning the value. If the timeout passes before the recv succeeds, an error is returned
func RecvResp ¶ added in v1.0.2
RecvResp takes three channels: a response channel, an error channel and a quit channel. If either of these channels are sent on, then the function will exit with that response. This can be used to wait for a response, error, or a quit signal.
func Replicate ¶ added in v1.0.5
Replicate generates a slice of values initialized by the prototype value.
func SendOrQuit ¶ added in v1.0.2
SendOrQuit attempts to and a message through channel c. If this succeeds, then bool is returned. Otherwise if a quit signal is received first, then false is returned.
func SetDiff ¶ added in v1.0.2
func SetDiff[T comparable](a, b []T) []T
SetDiff returns all the items that are in the first set but not in the second.
func SliceToMap ¶ added in v1.0.6
func SliceToMap[A any, K comparable, V any](s []A, keyFunc func(A) K, valueFunc func(A) V) map[K]V
SliceToMap converts a slice to a map using the provided key and value functions.
func Span ¶ added in v1.0.5
Span, applied to a predicate and a slice, returns two slices where the first element is the longest prefix (possibly empty) of slice elements that satisfy the predicate and second element is the remainder of the slice.
func SplitAt ¶ added in v1.0.5
SplitAt(n, s) returns a tuple where first element is s prefix of length n and second element is the remainder of the list.
func Sum ¶ added in v1.0.6
func Sum[B Number](items []B) B
Sum calculates the sum of a slice of numbers, `items`.
Types ¶
type ConcurrentQueue ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ConcurrentQueue[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConcurrentQueue is a typed concurrent-safe FIFO queue with unbounded capacity. Clients interact with the queue by pushing items into the in channel and popping items from the out channel. There is a goroutine that manages moving items from the in channel to the out channel in the correct order that must be started by calling Start().
func NewConcurrentQueue ¶ added in v1.0.2
func NewConcurrentQueue[T any](bufferSize int) *ConcurrentQueue[T]
NewConcurrentQueue constructs a ConcurrentQueue. The bufferSize parameter is the capacity of the output channel. When the size of the queue is below this threshold, pushes do not incur the overhead of the less efficient overflow structure.
func (*ConcurrentQueue[T]) ChanIn ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (cq *ConcurrentQueue[T]) ChanIn() chan<- T
ChanIn returns a channel that can be used to push new items into the queue.
func (*ConcurrentQueue[T]) ChanOut ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (cq *ConcurrentQueue[T]) ChanOut() <-chan T
ChanOut returns a channel that can be used to pop items from the queue.
func (*ConcurrentQueue[T]) Start ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (cq *ConcurrentQueue[T]) Start()
Start begins a goroutine that manages moving items from the in channel to the out channel. The queue tries to move items directly to the out channel minimize overhead, but if the out channel is full it pushes items to an overflow queue. This must be called before using the queue.
func (*ConcurrentQueue[T]) Stop ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (cq *ConcurrentQueue[T]) Stop()
Stop ends the goroutine that moves items from the in channel to the out channel. This does not clear the queue state, so the queue can be restarted without dropping items.
type ContextGuard ¶ added in v1.2.3
ContextGuard is an embeddable struct that provides a wait group and main quit channel that can be used to create guarded contexts.
func NewContextGuard ¶ added in v1.2.3
func NewContextGuard() *ContextGuard
func (*ContextGuard) CtxBlocking ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (g *ContextGuard) CtxBlocking() (context.Context, func())
CtxBlocking is used to create a cancellable context that will NOT be cancelled if the main quit signal is triggered, to block shutdown of important tasks. The context will be cancelled if the timeout is reached.
func (*ContextGuard) CtxBlockingCustomTimeout ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (g *ContextGuard) CtxBlockingCustomTimeout( timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, func())
CtxBlockingCustomTimeout is used to create a cancellable context with a custom timeout that will NOT be cancelled if the main quit signal is triggered, to block shutdown of important tasks. The context will be cancelled if the timeout is reached.
func (*ContextGuard) WithCtxQuit ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuit() (context.Context, func())
WithCtxQuit is used to create a cancellable context that will be cancelled if the main quit signal is triggered or after the default timeout occurred.
func (*ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitCustomTimeout ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitCustomTimeout( timeout time.Duration) (context.Context, func())
WithCtxQuitCustomTimeout is used to create a cancellable context that will be cancelled if the main quit signal is triggered or after the given timeout occurred.
func (*ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitNoTimeout ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (g *ContextGuard) WithCtxQuitNoTimeout() (context.Context, func())
WithCtxQuitNoTimeout is used to create a cancellable context that will be cancelled if the main quit signal is triggered.
type Either ¶ added in v1.0.2
Either is a type that can be either left or right.
func OptionToLeft ¶ added in v1.2.0
OptionToLeft can be used to convert an Option value into an Either, by providing the Right value that should be used if the Option value is None.
func OptionToRight ¶ added in v1.2.0
OptionToRight can be used to convert an Option value into an Either, by providing the Left value that should be used if the Option value is None.
func (Either[L, R]) LeftToOption ¶ added in v1.2.0
LeftToOption converts a Left value to an Option, returning None if the inner Either value is a Right value.
func (Either[L, R]) RightToOption ¶ added in v1.2.0
RightToOption converts a Right value to an Option, returning None if the inner Either value is a Left value.
func (Either[L, R]) Swap ¶ added in v1.2.0
Swap reverses the type argument order. This can be useful as an adapter between APIs.
func (Either[L, R]) UnwrapLeftOr ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (e Either[L, R]) UnwrapLeftOr(l L) L
UnwrapLeftOr will extract the Left value from the Either if it is present returning the supplied default if it is not.
func (Either[L, R]) UnwrapRightOr ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (e Either[L, R]) UnwrapRightOr(r R) R
UnwrapRightOr will extract the Right value from the Either if it is present returning the supplied default if it is not.
type EventDistributor ¶ added in v1.0.2
type EventDistributor[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EventDistributor is a struct type that helps to distribute events to multiple subscribers.
func NewEventDistributor ¶ added in v1.0.2
func NewEventDistributor[T any]() *EventDistributor[T]
NewEventDistributor creates a new event distributor of the declared type.
func (*EventDistributor[T]) NotifySubscribers ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (d *EventDistributor[T]) NotifySubscribers(events ...T)
NotifySubscribers sends the given events to all subscribers.
func (*EventDistributor[T]) RegisterSubscriber ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (d *EventDistributor[T]) RegisterSubscriber(subscriber *EventReceiver[T])
RegisterSubscriber adds a new subscriber for receiving events.
func (*EventDistributor[T]) RemoveSubscriber ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (d *EventDistributor[T]) RemoveSubscriber( subscriber *EventReceiver[T]) error
RemoveSubscriber removes the given subscriber and also stops it from processing events.
type EventPublisher ¶ added in v1.0.2
type EventPublisher[T any, Q any] interface { // RegisterSubscriber adds a new subscriber for receiving events. The // deliverExisting boolean indicates whether already existing items // should be sent to the NewItemCreated channel when the subscription is // started. An optional deliverFrom can be specified to indicate from // which timestamp/index/marker onward existing items should be // delivered on startup. If deliverFrom is nil/zero/empty then all // existing items will be delivered. RegisterSubscriber(receiver *EventReceiver[T], deliverExisting bool, deliverFrom Q) error // RemoveSubscriber removes the given subscriber and also stops it from // processing events. RemoveSubscriber(subscriber *EventReceiver[T]) error }
EventPublisher is an interface type for a component that offers event based subscriptions for publishing events.
type EventReceiver ¶ added in v1.0.2
type EventReceiver[T any] struct { // NewItemCreated is sent to when a new item was created successfully. NewItemCreated *ConcurrentQueue[T] // ItemRemoved is sent to when an existing item was removed. ItemRemoved *ConcurrentQueue[T] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EventReceiver is a struct type that holds two queues for new and removed items respectively.
func NewEventReceiver ¶ added in v1.0.2
func NewEventReceiver[T any](queueSize int) *EventReceiver[T]
NewEventReceiver creates a new event receiver with concurrent queues of the given size.
func (*EventReceiver[T]) ID ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (e *EventReceiver[T]) ID() uint64
ID returns the internal process-unique ID of the subscription.
func (*EventReceiver[T]) Stop ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (e *EventReceiver[T]) Stop()
Stop stops the receiver from processing events.
type GoroutineManager ¶ added in v1.2.2
type GoroutineManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GoroutineManager is used to launch goroutines until context expires or the manager is stopped. The Stop method blocks until all started goroutines stop.
func NewGoroutineManager ¶ added in v1.2.2
func NewGoroutineManager(ctx context.Context) *GoroutineManager
NewGoroutineManager constructs and returns a new instance of GoroutineManager.
func (*GoroutineManager) Done ¶ added in v1.2.2
func (g *GoroutineManager) Done() <-chan struct{}
Done returns a channel which is closed when either the context passed to NewGoroutineManager expires or when Stop is called.
func (*GoroutineManager) Go ¶ added in v1.2.2
func (g *GoroutineManager) Go(f func(ctx context.Context)) error
Go starts a new goroutine if the manager is not stopping.
func (*GoroutineManager) Stop ¶ added in v1.2.2
func (g *GoroutineManager) Stop()
Stop prevents new goroutines from being added and waits for all running goroutines to finish.
type List ¶ added in v1.2.0
type List[A any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
List represents a doubly linked list. The zero value for List is an empty list ready to use.
func (*List[A]) Back ¶ added in v1.2.0
Back returns the last Node of List l or nil if the list is empty.
func (*List[A]) Filter ¶ added in v1.2.2
Filter gives a slice of all of the node values that satisfy the given predicate.
func (*List[A]) Front ¶ added in v1.2.0
Front returns the first Node of List l or nil if the list is empty.
func (*List[A]) InsertAfter ¶ added in v1.2.0
InsertAfter inserts a new Node n with value a immediately after and returns e. If predecessor is not an element of l, the list is not modified. The predecessor must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) InsertBefore ¶ added in v1.2.0
InsertBefore inserts a new Node n with value a immediately before successor and returns n. If successor is not an element of l, the list is not modified. The successor must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) Len ¶ added in v1.2.0
Len returns the number of elements of List l. The complexity is O(1).
func (*List[A]) MoveAfter ¶ added in v1.2.0
MoveAfter moves Node n to its new position after predecessor. If n or predecessor is not an element of l, or n == predecessor, the list is not modified. The Node and predecessor must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) MoveBefore ¶ added in v1.2.0
MoveBefore moves Node n to its new position before successor. If n or successor is not an element of l, or n == successor, the list is not modified. The Node and successor must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) MoveToBack ¶ added in v1.2.0
MoveToBack moves Node n to the back of List l. If n is not an element of l, the list is not modified. The Node must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) MoveToFront ¶ added in v1.2.0
MoveToFront moves Node n to the front of List l. If n is not an element of l, the list is not modified. The Node must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) PushBack ¶ added in v1.2.0
PushBack inserts a new Node n with value a at the back of List l and returns n.
func (*List[A]) PushBackList ¶ added in v1.2.0
PushBackList inserts a copy of List other at the back of List l. The Lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.
func (*List[A]) PushFront ¶ added in v1.2.0
PushFront inserts a new Node n with value a at the front of List l and returns n.
func (*List[A]) PushFrontList ¶ added in v1.2.0
PushFrontList inserts a copy of List other at the front of List l. The Lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.
type Node ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Node[A any] struct { // Value is the actual data contained within the Node. Value A // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Number ¶ added in v1.0.6
type Number interface { constraints.Integer | constraints.Float | constraints.Complex }
Number is a type constraint for all numeric types in Go (integers, float and complex numbers)
type Option ¶
type Option[A any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Option[A] represents a value which may or may not be there. This is very often preferable to nil-able pointers.
func CollectOptions ¶ added in v1.2.5
CollectOptions collects a list of Options into a single Option of the list of Some values in it. If there are any Nones present it will return None.
func Find ¶ added in v1.0.5
Find returns the first value that passes the supplied predicate, or None if the value wasn't found.
func FindIdx ¶ added in v1.2.0
FindIdx returns the first value that passes the supplied predicate along with its index in the slice. If no satisfactory value is found, None is returned.
func FlattenOption ¶
FlattenOption joins multiple layers of Options together such that if any of the layers is None, then the joined value is None. Otherwise the innermost Some value is returned.
FlattenOption : Option[Option[A]] -> Option[A].
func Init ¶ added in v1.2.2
Init returns the slice without the last element, assuming the slice is not empty. Note this makes a copy of the slice.
func Tail ¶ added in v1.2.2
Tail returns the slice without the first element, assuming the slice is not empty. Note this makes a copy of the slice.
func TransposeResOpt ¶ added in v1.2.5
TransposeResOpt transposes the Result[Option[A]] into a Option[Result[A]]. This has the effect of leaving an A value alone while inverting the Result and Option layers. If there is no internal A value, it will convert the non-success value to the proper one in the transposition.
func TraverseOption ¶ added in v1.2.5
TraverseOption traverses a slice of A values, applying the provided function to each, collecting the results into an Option of a slice of B values. If any of the results are None, the entire result is None.
func (Option[A]) Alt ¶
Alt chooses the left Option if it is full, otherwise it chooses the right option. This can be useful in a long chain if you want to choose between many different ways of producing the needed value.
Alt : Option[A] -> Option[A] -> Option[A].
func (Option[A]) IsSome ¶
IsSome returns true if the Option contains a value
IsSome : Option[A] -> bool.
func (Option[A]) SomeToOk ¶ added in v1.2.5
SomeToOk allows you to convert an Option value to a Result with your own error. If the Option contained a Some, then the supplied error is ignored and Some is converted to Ok.
func (Option[A]) SomeToOkf ¶ added in v1.2.5
SomeToOkf allows you to convert an Option value to a Result with your own error message. If the Option contains a Some, then the supplied message is ignored and Some is converted to Ok.
func (Option[A]) UnsafeFromSome ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (o Option[A]) UnsafeFromSome() A
UnsafeFromSome can be used to extract the internal value. This will panic if the value is None() though.
func (Option[A]) UnwrapOr ¶
func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOr(a A) A
UnwrapOr is used to extract a value from an option, and we supply the default value in the case when the Option is empty.
UnwrapOr : (Option[A], A) -> A.
func (Option[A]) UnwrapOrErr ¶ added in v1.0.4
UnwrapOrErr is used to extract a value from an option, if the option is empty, then the specified error is returned directly.
func (Option[A]) UnwrapOrFail ¶ added in v1.0.4
UnwrapOrFail is used to extract a value from an option within a test context. If the option is None, then the test fails.
func (Option[A]) UnwrapOrFunc ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (o Option[A]) UnwrapOrFunc(f func() A) A
UnwrapOrFunc is used to extract a value from an option, and we supply a thunk to be evaluated in the case when the Option is empty.
func (Option[A]) UnwrapOrFuncErr ¶ added in v1.0.2
UnwrapOrFuncErr is used to extract a value from an option, and we supply a thunk to be evaluated in the case when the Option is empty.
func (Option[A]) WhenSome ¶
func (o Option[A]) WhenSome(f func(A))
WhenSome is used to conditionally perform a side-effecting function that accepts a value of the type that parameterizes the option. If this function performs no side effects, WhenSome is useless.
WhenSome : (Option[A], A -> ()) -> ().
type Pred ¶ added in v1.0.9
Pred[A] is a type alias for a predicate operating over type A.
type Queue ¶ added in v1.0.2
type Queue[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Queue is a generic queue implementation.
func (*Queue[T]) Dequeue ¶ added in v1.0.2
Dequeue removes an element from the front of the Queue. If there're no items in the queue, then None is returned.
func (*Queue[T]) Enqueue ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (q *Queue[T]) Enqueue(value ...T)
Enqueue adds one or more an items to the end of the Queue.
type Req ¶ added in v1.2.1
type Req[Input any, Output any] struct { // Request is the data we are sending to the remote goroutine for // processing. Request Input // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Req is a type to encapsulate RPC-like calls wherein we send some data structure as a request, as well as a channel to receive the response on where the remote goroutine will send the result.
NOTE: This construct should only be used for request/response patterns for which there is only a single response for the request.
func NewReq ¶ added in v1.2.1
NewReq is the base constructor of the Req type. It returns both the packaged Req object as well as the receive side of the response channel that we will listen on for the response.
type Result ¶ added in v1.0.8
Result represents a value that can either be a success (T) or an error.
func AndThen ¶ added in v1.0.8
AndThen is an alias for FlatMap. This along with OrElse can be used to Railway Oriented Programming (ROP).
func AndThen2 ¶ added in v1.1.0
AndThen2 applies a function that returns a Result[C] to the success values of two Result types if both exist.
func CollectResults ¶ added in v1.2.5
CollectResults collects a list of Results into a single Result of the list of Ok values in it. If there are any errors present it will return the first error encountered.
func FlatMap ¶ added in v1.0.8
FlatMap applies a function that returns a Result[B] to the success value if it exists.
func FlattenResult ¶ added in v1.2.5
FlattenResult takes a nested Result and joins the two functor layers into one.
func TransposeOptRes ¶ added in v1.2.5
TransposeOptRes transposes the Option[Result[A]] into a Result[Option[A]]. This has the effect of leaving an A value alone while inverting the Option and Result layers. If there is no internal A value, it will convert the non-success value to the proper one in the transposition.
func TraverseResult ¶ added in v1.2.5
TraverseResult traverses a slice of A values, applying the provided function to each, collecting the results into a Result of a slice of B values. If any of the results are Err, the entire result is the first error encountered.
func (Result[T]) AndThen ¶ added in v1.0.8
AndThen is an alias for FlatMap. This along with OrElse can be used to Railway Oriented Programming (ROP) by chaining successive computational operations from a single result type.
func (Result[T]) Err ¶ added in v1.1.0
Err exposes the underlying error of the result type as a normal error type.
func (Result[T]) FlatMap ¶ added in v1.0.8
FlatMap applies a kleisli endomorphic function that returns a Result to the success value if it exists.
func (Result[T]) MapErr ¶ added in v1.0.8
MapErr applies an endomorphic function to the error value if it exists.
func (Result[T]) MapOk ¶ added in v1.2.5
MapOk applies an endomorphic function to the success value if it exists.
func (Result[T]) OrElse ¶ added in v1.0.8
OrElse returns the original Result if it is a success, otherwise it returns the provided alternative Result. This along with AndThen can be used to Railway Oriented Programming (ROP).
func (Result[A]) Sink ¶ added in v1.2.5
Sink consumes a Result, either propagating its error or processing its success value with a function that can fail.
func (Result[T]) UnwrapOr ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOr(defaultValue T) T
UnwrapOr returns the success value or a default value if it's an error.
func (Result[T]) UnwrapOrElse ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOrElse(f func() T) T
UnwrapOrElse returns the success value or computes a value from a function if it's an error.
func (Result[T]) UnwrapOrFail ¶ added in v1.0.8
UnwrapOrFail returns the success value or fails the test if it's an error.
func (Result[T]) WhenErr ¶ added in v1.0.8
WhenErr executes the given function if the Result is an error.
func (Result[T]) WhenOk ¶ added in v1.2.5
func (r Result[T]) WhenOk(f func(T))
WhenOk executes the given function if the Result is a success.
func (Result[T]) WhenResult
added in
func (r Result[T]) WhenResult(f func(T))
WhenResult executes the given function if the Result is a success.
Deprecated: Use WhenOk instead.
type Set ¶ added in v1.0.2
type Set[T comparable] map[T]struct{}
Set is a generic set using type params that supports the following operations: diff, union, intersection, and subset.
func KeySet ¶ added in v1.0.6
func KeySet[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) Set[K]
KeySet converts a map into a Set containing the keys of the map.
func NewSet ¶ added in v1.0.2
func NewSet[T comparable](elems ...T) Set[T]
NewSet returns a new set with the given elements.
func (Set[T]) Remove ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s Set[T]) Remove(e T)
Remove removes an element from the set.
type T2 ¶ added in v1.2.0
type T2[A, B any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
T2 is the simplest 2-tuple type. It is useful for capturing ad hoc type conjunctions in a single value that can be easily dot-chained.
func NewT2 ¶ added in v1.2.0
NewT2 is the canonical constructor for a T2. We include it because the fields themselves are unexported.
func (T2[A, B]) First ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (t2 T2[A, B]) First() A
First returns the first value in the T2.