Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type Addr
- type AddrEvent
- type AllMintingBatchesRow
- type AnchorGenesisPointParams
- type AnchorPendingAssetsParams
- type ApplyPendingOutputParams
- type Asset
- type AssetGroup
- type AssetGroupWitness
- type AssetMintingBatch
- type AssetProof
- type AssetSeedling
- type AssetTransfer
- type AssetTransferInput
- type AssetTransferOutput
- type AssetWitness
- type AssetsByGenesisPointRow
- type AssetsInBatchRow
- type AssetsMetum
- type BackendType
- type BindMintingBatchWithTxParams
- type ChainTxn
- type ConfirmChainAnchorTxParams
- type ConfirmChainTxParams
- type DBTX
- type DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams
- type DeleteNodeParams
- type DeleteUniverseServerParams
- type FederationGlobalSyncConfig
- type FederationProofSyncLog
- type FederationUniSyncConfig
- type FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKeyRow
- type FetchAddrEventRow
- type FetchAddrsParams
- type FetchAddrsRow
- type FetchAssetMetaByHashRow
- type FetchAssetMetaForAssetRow
- type FetchAssetMetaRow
- type FetchAssetProofRow
- type FetchAssetProofsByAssetIDRow
- type FetchAssetProofsRow
- type FetchAssetWitnessesRow
- type FetchAssetsForBatchRow
- type FetchChildrenParams
- type FetchChildrenRow
- type FetchChildrenSelfJoinParams
- type FetchChildrenSelfJoinRow
- type FetchGenesisByIDRow
- type FetchGenesisIDParams
- type FetchGroupByGenesisRow
- type FetchGroupByGroupKeyRow
- type FetchGroupedAssetsRow
- type FetchManagedUTXOParams
- type FetchManagedUTXORow
- type FetchManagedUTXOsRow
- type FetchMintingBatchRow
- type FetchMintingBatchesByInverseStateRow
- type FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKeyRow
- type FetchSeedlingIDParams
- type FetchSeedlingsForBatchRow
- type FetchTransferInputsRow
- type FetchTransferOutputsRow
- type FetchUniverseKeysParams
- type FetchUniverseKeysRow
- type FetchUniverseRootRow
- type GenesisAsset
- type GenesisInfoView
- type GenesisPoint
- type InsertAddrParams
- type InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatchParams
- type InsertAssetSeedlingParams
- type InsertAssetTransferInputParams
- type InsertAssetTransferOutputParams
- type InsertAssetTransferParams
- type InsertAssetWitnessParams
- type InsertBranchParams
- type InsertCompactedLeafParams
- type InsertLeafParams
- type InsertNewAssetParams
- type InsertNewProofEventParams
- type InsertNewSyncEventParams
- type InsertPassiveAssetParams
- type InsertRootKeyParams
- type InsertUniverseServerParams
- type InternalKey
- type KeyGroupInfoView
- type LogProofTransferAttemptParams
- type LogServerSyncParams
- type Macaroon
- type ManagedUtxo
- type MssmtNode
- type MssmtRoot
- type NewMintingBatchParams
- type PassiveAsset
- type ProofTransferLog
- type Querier
- type Queries
- func (q *Queries) AllAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]Asset, error)
- func (q *Queries) AllInternalKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]InternalKey, error)
- func (q *Queries) AllMintingBatches(ctx context.Context) ([]AllMintingBatchesRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) AnchorGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorGenesisPointParams) error
- func (q *Queries) AnchorPendingAssets(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorPendingAssetsParams) error
- func (q *Queries) ApplyPendingOutput(ctx context.Context, arg ApplyPendingOutputParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) AssetsByGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, prevOut []byte) ([]AssetsByGenesisPointRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) AssetsInBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]AssetsInBatchRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) Backend() BackendType
- func (q *Queries) BindMintingBatchWithTx(ctx context.Context, arg BindMintingBatchWithTxParams) error
- func (q *Queries) ConfirmChainAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainAnchorTxParams) error
- func (q *Queries) ConfirmChainTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainTxParams) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAllNodes(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAssetWitnesses(ctx context.Context, assetID int64) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteExpiredUTXOLeases(ctx context.Context, now sql.NullTime) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, outpoint []byte) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteNode(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteNodeParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteRoot(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUTXOLease(ctx context.Context, outpoint []byte) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUniverseEvents(ctx context.Context, namespaceRoot string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context, namespace string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, namespaceRoot string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteUniverseServerParams) error
- func (q *Queries) FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKey(ctx context.Context, taprootOutputKey []byte) (FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKeyRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAddrEvent(ctx context.Context, id int64) (FetchAddrEventRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAddrs(ctx context.Context, arg FetchAddrsParams) ([]FetchAddrsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAllNodes(ctx context.Context) ([]MssmtNode, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetMeta(ctx context.Context, metaID int64) (FetchAssetMetaRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetMetaByHash(ctx context.Context, metaDataHash []byte) (FetchAssetMetaByHashRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetMetaForAsset(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) (FetchAssetMetaForAssetRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetProof(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (FetchAssetProofRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetProofs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchAssetProofsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetProofsByAssetID(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) ([]FetchAssetProofsByAssetIDRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetWitnesses(ctx context.Context, assetID sql.NullInt64) ([]FetchAssetWitnessesRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetsByAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, anchorUtxoID sql.NullInt64) ([]Asset, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchAssetsForBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]FetchAssetsForBatchRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchChainTx(ctx context.Context, txid []byte) (ChainTxn, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchChildren(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenParams) ([]FetchChildrenRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchChildrenSelfJoin(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenSelfJoinParams) ([]FetchChildrenSelfJoinRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGenesisByAssetID(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) (GenesisInfoView, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGenesisByID(ctx context.Context, genAssetID int64) (FetchGenesisByIDRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGenesisID(ctx context.Context, arg FetchGenesisIDParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGenesisPointByAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, anchorTxID sql.NullInt64) (GenesisPoint, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGroupByGenesis(ctx context.Context, genesisID int64) (FetchGroupByGenesisRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGroupByGroupKey(ctx context.Context, groupKey []byte) (FetchGroupByGroupKeyRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchGroupedAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchGroupedAssetsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, arg FetchManagedUTXOParams) (FetchManagedUTXORow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchManagedUTXOs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchManagedUTXOsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchMintingBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) (FetchMintingBatchRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchMintingBatchesByInverseState(ctx context.Context, batchState int16) ([]FetchMintingBatchesByInverseStateRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchRootNode(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (MssmtNode, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKey(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKeyRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchScriptKeyIDByTweakedKey(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchSeedlingByID(ctx context.Context, seedlingID int64) (AssetSeedling, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchSeedlingID(ctx context.Context, arg FetchSeedlingIDParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchSeedlingsForBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]FetchSeedlingsForBatchRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchTransferInputs(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]FetchTransferInputsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchTransferOutputs(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]FetchTransferOutputsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchUniverseKeys(ctx context.Context, arg FetchUniverseKeysParams) ([]FetchUniverseKeysRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FetchUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (FetchUniverseRootRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GenesisAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisAsset, error)
- func (q *Queries) GenesisPoints(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisPoint, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetRootKey(ctx context.Context, id []byte) (Macaroon, error)
- func (q *Queries) HasAssetProof(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (bool, error)
- func (q *Queries) InsertAddr(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAddrParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetSeedling(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatchParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetTransferInput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferInputParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetTransferOutput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferOutputParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertAssetWitness(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetWitnessParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertBranch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertBranchParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertCompactedLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertCompactedLeafParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertLeafParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertNewAsset(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewAssetParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) InsertNewProofEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewProofEventParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertNewSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewSyncEventParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertPassiveAsset(ctx context.Context, arg InsertPassiveAssetParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertRootKey(ctx context.Context, arg InsertRootKeyParams) error
- func (q *Queries) InsertUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg InsertUniverseServerParams) error
- func (q *Queries) LogProofTransferAttempt(ctx context.Context, arg LogProofTransferAttemptParams) error
- func (q *Queries) LogServerSync(ctx context.Context, arg LogServerSyncParams) error
- func (q *Queries) NewMintingBatch(ctx context.Context, arg NewMintingBatchParams) error
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssetBalancesByAsset(ctx context.Context, assetIDFilter []byte) ([]QueryAssetBalancesByAssetRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssetBalancesByGroup(ctx context.Context, keyGroupFilter []byte) ([]QueryAssetBalancesByGroupRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgres(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqlite(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssetTransfers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetTransfersParams) ([]QueryAssetTransfersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryAssets(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetsParams) ([]QueryAssetsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryEventIDs(ctx context.Context, arg QueryEventIDsParams) ([]QueryEventIDsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryFederationGlobalSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationGlobalSyncConfig, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams) ([]QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryFederationUniSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationUniSyncConfig, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryPassiveAssets(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]QueryPassiveAssetsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryProofTransferAttempts(ctx context.Context, arg QueryProofTransferAttemptsParams) ([]time.Time, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseAssetStats(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseAssetStatsParams) ([]QueryUniverseAssetStatsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseLeavesParams) ([]QueryUniverseLeavesRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseServers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseServersParams) ([]UniverseServer, error)
- func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseStats(ctx context.Context) (QueryUniverseStatsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ReAnchorPassiveAssets(ctx context.Context, arg ReAnchorPassiveAssetsParams) error
- func (q *Queries) SetAddrManaged(ctx context.Context, arg SetAddrManagedParams) error
- func (q *Queries) SetAssetSpent(ctx context.Context, arg SetAssetSpentParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context) ([]UniverseLeafe, error)
- func (q *Queries) UniverseRoots(ctx context.Context, arg UniverseRootsParams) ([]UniverseRootsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateBatchGenesisTx(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateBatchGenesisTxParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateMintingBatchState(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateMintingBatchStateParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateUTXOLease(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateUTXOLeaseParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAddrEvent(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAddrEventParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAssetGroupKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetGroupKeyParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAssetGroupWitness(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetGroupWitnessParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAssetMeta(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetMetaParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAssetProof(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetProofParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertChainTx(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertChainTxParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfigParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationProofSyncLogParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertFederationUniSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationUniSyncConfigParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertGenesisAsset(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertGenesisAssetParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, prevOut []byte) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertInternalKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertInternalKeyParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertManagedUTXOParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertRootNode(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertRootNodeParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertScriptKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertScriptKeyParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertUniverseLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertUniverseLeafParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertUniverseRootParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx *sql.Tx) *Queries
- type QueryAssetBalancesByAssetRow
- type QueryAssetBalancesByGroupRow
- type QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresParams
- type QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresRow
- type QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteParams
- type QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteRow
- type QueryAssetTransfersParams
- type QueryAssetTransfersRow
- type QueryAssetsParams
- type QueryAssetsRow
- type QueryEventIDsParams
- type QueryEventIDsRow
- type QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams
- type QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow
- type QueryPassiveAssetsRow
- type QueryProofTransferAttemptsParams
- type QueryUniverseAssetStatsParams
- type QueryUniverseAssetStatsRow
- type QueryUniverseLeavesParams
- type QueryUniverseLeavesRow
- type QueryUniverseServersParams
- type QueryUniverseStatsRow
- type ReAnchorPassiveAssetsParams
- type ScriptKey
- type SetAddrManagedParams
- type SetAssetSpentParams
- type UniverseEvent
- type UniverseLeafe
- type UniverseRoot
- type UniverseRootsParams
- type UniverseRootsRow
- type UniverseServer
- type UniverseStat
- type UpdateBatchGenesisTxParams
- type UpdateMintingBatchStateParams
- type UpdateUTXOLeaseParams
- type UpsertAddrEventParams
- type UpsertAssetGroupKeyParams
- type UpsertAssetGroupWitnessParams
- type UpsertAssetMetaParams
- type UpsertAssetProofParams
- type UpsertChainTxParams
- type UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfigParams
- type UpsertFederationProofSyncLogParams
- type UpsertFederationUniSyncConfigParams
- type UpsertGenesisAssetParams
- type UpsertInternalKeyParams
- type UpsertManagedUTXOParams
- type UpsertRootNodeParams
- type UpsertScriptKeyParams
- type UpsertUniverseLeafParams
- type UpsertUniverseRootParams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AllMintingBatchesRow ¶
type Asset ¶
type Asset struct { AssetID int64 GenesisID int64 Version int32 ScriptKeyID int64 AssetGroupWitnessID sql.NullInt64 ScriptVersion int32 Amount int64 LockTime sql.NullInt32 RelativeLockTime sql.NullInt32 SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 AnchorUtxoID sql.NullInt64 Spent bool }
type AssetGroup ¶
type AssetGroupWitness ¶ added in v0.3.0
type AssetMintingBatch ¶
type AssetProof ¶
type AssetSeedling ¶
type AssetTransfer ¶
type AssetTransferInput ¶
type AssetTransferOutput ¶
type AssetTransferOutput struct { OutputID int64 TransferID int64 AnchorUtxo int64 ScriptKey int64 ScriptKeyLocal bool Amount int64 AssetVersion int32 SerializedWitnesses []byte SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 ProofSuffix []byte NumPassiveAssets int32 OutputType int16 ProofCourierAddr []byte }
type AssetWitness ¶
type AssetsByGenesisPointRow ¶
type AssetsByGenesisPointRow struct { AssetID int64 GenesisID int64 Version int32 ScriptKeyID int64 AssetGroupWitnessID sql.NullInt64 ScriptVersion int32 Amount int64 LockTime sql.NullInt32 RelativeLockTime sql.NullInt32 SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 AnchorUtxoID sql.NullInt64 Spent bool GenAssetID int64 AssetID_2 []byte AssetTag string MetaDataID sql.NullInt64 OutputIndex int32 AssetType int16 GenesisPointID int64 GenesisID_2 int64 PrevOut []byte AnchorTxID sql.NullInt64 }
type AssetsInBatchRow ¶
type AssetsMetum ¶
type BackendType ¶ added in v0.2.3
type BackendType uint8
BackendType is an enum that represents the type of database backend we're using.
const ( // BackendTypeUnknown indicates we're using an unknown backend. BackendTypeUnknown BackendType = iota // BackendTypeSqlite indicates we're using a SQLite backend. BackendTypeSqlite // BackendTypePostgres indicates we're using a Postgres backend. BackendTypePostgres )
type ConfirmChainTxParams ¶
type DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams ¶ added in v0.3.3
type DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams struct { Status sql.NullString MinTimestamp sql.NullTime MinAttemptCounter sql.NullInt64 ServerHost sql.NullString }
type DeleteNodeParams ¶
type FederationGlobalSyncConfig ¶ added in v0.3.0
type FederationProofSyncLog ¶ added in v0.3.3
type FederationUniSyncConfig ¶ added in v0.3.0
type FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKeyRow ¶
type FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKeyRow struct { Version int16 AssetVersion int16 GenesisAssetID int64 GroupKey []byte TapscriptSibling []byte TaprootOutputKey []byte Amount int64 AssetType int16 CreationTime time.Time ManagedFrom sql.NullTime ProofCourierAddr []byte TweakedScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyTweak []byte RawScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyFamily int32 ScriptKeyIndex int32 RawTaprootKey []byte TaprootKeyFamily int32 TaprootKeyIndex int32 }
type FetchAddrEventRow ¶
type FetchAddrsParams ¶
type FetchAddrsRow ¶
type FetchAddrsRow struct { Version int16 AssetVersion int16 GenesisAssetID int64 GroupKey []byte TapscriptSibling []byte TaprootOutputKey []byte Amount int64 AssetType int16 CreationTime time.Time ManagedFrom sql.NullTime ProofCourierAddr []byte TweakedScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyTweak []byte RawScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyFamily int32 ScriptKeyIndex int32 RawTaprootKey []byte TaprootKeyFamily int32 TaprootKeyIndex int32 }
type FetchAssetMetaByHashRow ¶
type FetchAssetMetaRow ¶
type FetchAssetProofRow ¶
type FetchAssetProofsByAssetIDRow ¶ added in v0.3.0
type FetchAssetProofsRow ¶
type FetchAssetWitnessesRow ¶
type FetchAssetsForBatchRow ¶
type FetchAssetsForBatchRow struct { Version int32 Tweak []byte TweakedScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyRaw []byte ScriptKeyFam int32 ScriptKeyIndex int32 TapscriptRoot []byte WitnessStack []byte TweakedGroupKey []byte GroupKeyRaw []byte GroupKeyFamily sql.NullInt32 GroupKeyIndex sql.NullInt32 ScriptVersion int32 Amount int64 LockTime sql.NullInt32 RelativeLockTime sql.NullInt32 Spent bool AssetID []byte AssetTag string MetaHash []byte MetaType sql.NullInt16 MetaBlob []byte GenesisOutputIndex int32 AssetType int16 GenesisPrevOut []byte }
type FetchChildrenParams ¶
type FetchChildrenRow ¶
type FetchGenesisByIDRow ¶
type FetchGenesisIDParams ¶
type FetchGroupByGenesisRow ¶
type FetchGroupByGroupKeyRow ¶
type FetchGroupedAssetsRow ¶
type FetchManagedUTXOParams ¶
type FetchManagedUTXORow ¶
type FetchManagedUTXOsRow ¶
type FetchMintingBatchRow ¶
type FetchSeedlingIDParams ¶
type FetchTransferInputsRow ¶
type FetchTransferOutputsRow ¶
type FetchTransferOutputsRow struct { OutputID int64 ProofSuffix []byte Amount int64 SerializedWitnesses []byte ScriptKeyLocal bool SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 NumPassiveAssets int32 OutputType int16 ProofCourierAddr []byte AssetVersion int32 AnchorUtxoID int64 AnchorOutpoint []byte AnchorValue int64 AnchorMerkleRoot []byte AnchorTaprootAssetRoot []byte AnchorTapscriptSibling []byte InternalKeyRawKeyBytes []byte InternalKeyFamily int32 InternalKeyIndex int32 ScriptKeyBytes []byte ScriptKeyTweak []byte ScriptKeyID int64 ScriptKeyRawKeyBytes []byte ScriptKeyFamily int32 ScriptKeyIndex int32 }
type FetchUniverseKeysParams ¶ added in v0.3.1
type FetchUniverseKeysRow ¶
type FetchUniverseRootRow ¶
type GenesisAsset ¶
type GenesisInfoView ¶
type GenesisPoint ¶
type InsertAddrParams ¶
type InsertAssetTransferOutputParams ¶
type InsertAssetTransferOutputParams struct { TransferID int64 AnchorUtxo int64 ScriptKey int64 ScriptKeyLocal bool Amount int64 SerializedWitnesses []byte SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 ProofSuffix []byte NumPassiveAssets int32 OutputType int16 ProofCourierAddr []byte AssetVersion int32 }
type InsertBranchParams ¶
type InsertLeafParams ¶
type InsertNewAssetParams ¶
type InsertRootKeyParams ¶
type InternalKey ¶
type KeyGroupInfoView ¶
type LogProofTransferAttemptParams ¶ added in v0.3.1
type LogServerSyncParams ¶
type ManagedUtxo ¶
type NewMintingBatchParams ¶
type PassiveAsset ¶
type ProofTransferLog ¶ added in v0.3.1
type Querier ¶
type Querier interface { AllAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]Asset, error) AllInternalKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]InternalKey, error) AllMintingBatches(ctx context.Context) ([]AllMintingBatchesRow, error) AnchorGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorGenesisPointParams) error AnchorPendingAssets(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorPendingAssetsParams) error ApplyPendingOutput(ctx context.Context, arg ApplyPendingOutputParams) (int64, error) AssetsByGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, prevOut []byte) ([]AssetsByGenesisPointRow, error) AssetsInBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]AssetsInBatchRow, error) BindMintingBatchWithTx(ctx context.Context, arg BindMintingBatchWithTxParams) error ConfirmChainAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainAnchorTxParams) error ConfirmChainTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainTxParams) error DeleteAllNodes(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (int64, error) DeleteAssetWitnesses(ctx context.Context, assetID int64) error DeleteExpiredUTXOLeases(ctx context.Context, now sql.NullTime) error DeleteFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams) error DeleteManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, outpoint []byte) error DeleteNode(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteNodeParams) (int64, error) DeleteRoot(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (int64, error) DeleteUTXOLease(ctx context.Context, outpoint []byte) error DeleteUniverseEvents(ctx context.Context, namespaceRoot string) error DeleteUniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context, namespace string) error DeleteUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, namespaceRoot string) error DeleteUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteUniverseServerParams) error FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKey(ctx context.Context, taprootOutputKey []byte) (FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKeyRow, error) FetchAddrEvent(ctx context.Context, id int64) (FetchAddrEventRow, error) FetchAddrs(ctx context.Context, arg FetchAddrsParams) ([]FetchAddrsRow, error) FetchAllNodes(ctx context.Context) ([]MssmtNode, error) FetchAssetMeta(ctx context.Context, metaID int64) (FetchAssetMetaRow, error) FetchAssetMetaByHash(ctx context.Context, metaDataHash []byte) (FetchAssetMetaByHashRow, error) FetchAssetMetaForAsset(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) (FetchAssetMetaForAssetRow, error) FetchAssetProof(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (FetchAssetProofRow, error) FetchAssetProofs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchAssetProofsRow, error) FetchAssetProofsByAssetID(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) ([]FetchAssetProofsByAssetIDRow, error) FetchAssetWitnesses(ctx context.Context, assetID sql.NullInt64) ([]FetchAssetWitnessesRow, error) FetchAssetsByAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, anchorUtxoID sql.NullInt64) ([]Asset, error) // We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll // generate rows that have NULL values for the faily key fields if an asset // doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work // around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed. FetchAssetsForBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]FetchAssetsForBatchRow, error) FetchChainTx(ctx context.Context, txid []byte) (ChainTxn, error) FetchChildren(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenParams) ([]FetchChildrenRow, error) FetchChildrenSelfJoin(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenSelfJoinParams) ([]FetchChildrenSelfJoinRow, error) FetchGenesisByAssetID(ctx context.Context, assetID []byte) (GenesisInfoView, error) FetchGenesisByID(ctx context.Context, genAssetID int64) (FetchGenesisByIDRow, error) FetchGenesisID(ctx context.Context, arg FetchGenesisIDParams) (int64, error) FetchGenesisPointByAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, anchorTxID sql.NullInt64) (GenesisPoint, error) FetchGroupByGenesis(ctx context.Context, genesisID int64) (FetchGroupByGenesisRow, error) // Sort and limit to return the genesis ID for initial genesis of the group. FetchGroupByGroupKey(ctx context.Context, groupKey []byte) (FetchGroupByGroupKeyRow, error) FetchGroupedAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchGroupedAssetsRow, error) FetchManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, arg FetchManagedUTXOParams) (FetchManagedUTXORow, error) FetchManagedUTXOs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchManagedUTXOsRow, error) FetchMintingBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) (FetchMintingBatchRow, error) FetchMintingBatchesByInverseState(ctx context.Context, batchState int16) ([]FetchMintingBatchesByInverseStateRow, error) FetchRootNode(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (MssmtNode, error) FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKey(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKeyRow, error) FetchScriptKeyIDByTweakedKey(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (int64, error) FetchSeedlingByID(ctx context.Context, seedlingID int64) (AssetSeedling, error) FetchSeedlingID(ctx context.Context, arg FetchSeedlingIDParams) (int64, error) FetchSeedlingsForBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]FetchSeedlingsForBatchRow, error) FetchTransferInputs(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]FetchTransferInputsRow, error) FetchTransferOutputs(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]FetchTransferOutputsRow, error) FetchUniverseKeys(ctx context.Context, arg FetchUniverseKeysParams) ([]FetchUniverseKeysRow, error) FetchUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (FetchUniverseRootRow, error) GenesisAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisAsset, error) GenesisPoints(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisPoint, error) GetRootKey(ctx context.Context, id []byte) (Macaroon, error) HasAssetProof(ctx context.Context, tweakedScriptKey []byte) (bool, error) InsertAddr(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAddrParams) (int64, error) InsertAssetSeedling(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingParams) error InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatchParams) error InsertAssetTransfer(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferParams) (int64, error) InsertAssetTransferInput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferInputParams) error InsertAssetTransferOutput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferOutputParams) error InsertAssetWitness(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetWitnessParams) error InsertBranch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertBranchParams) error InsertCompactedLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertCompactedLeafParams) error InsertLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertLeafParams) error InsertNewAsset(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewAssetParams) (int64, error) InsertNewProofEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewProofEventParams) error InsertNewSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewSyncEventParams) error InsertPassiveAsset(ctx context.Context, arg InsertPassiveAssetParams) error InsertRootKey(ctx context.Context, arg InsertRootKeyParams) error InsertUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg InsertUniverseServerParams) error LogProofTransferAttempt(ctx context.Context, arg LogProofTransferAttemptParams) error LogServerSync(ctx context.Context, arg LogServerSyncParams) error NewMintingBatch(ctx context.Context, arg NewMintingBatchParams) error // We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll // generate rows that have NULL values for the group key fields if an asset // doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work // around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed. QueryAssetBalancesByAsset(ctx context.Context, assetIDFilter []byte) ([]QueryAssetBalancesByAssetRow, error) QueryAssetBalancesByGroup(ctx context.Context, keyGroupFilter []byte) ([]QueryAssetBalancesByGroupRow, error) QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgres(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresRow, error) QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqlite(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteRow, error) // We'll use this clause to filter out for only transfers that are // unconfirmed. But only if the unconf_only field is set. // Here we have another optional query clause to select a given transfer // based on the anchor_tx_hash, but only if it's specified. QueryAssetTransfers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetTransfersParams) ([]QueryAssetTransfersRow, error) // We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll // generate rows that have NULL values for the group key fields if an asset // doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work // around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed. // This clause is used to select specific assets for a asset ID, general // channel balances, and also coin selection. We use the sqlc.narg feature to // make the entire statement evaluate to true, if none of these extra args are // specified. QueryAssets(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetsParams) ([]QueryAssetsRow, error) QueryEventIDs(ctx context.Context, arg QueryEventIDsParams) ([]QueryEventIDsRow, error) QueryFederationGlobalSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationGlobalSyncConfig, error) // Join on mssmt_nodes to get leaf related fields. // Join on genesis_info_view to get leaf related fields. QueryFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams) ([]QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow, error) QueryFederationUniSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationUniSyncConfig, error) QueryPassiveAssets(ctx context.Context, transferID int64) ([]QueryPassiveAssetsRow, error) QueryProofTransferAttempts(ctx context.Context, arg QueryProofTransferAttemptsParams) ([]time.Time, error) // TODO(roasbeef): use the universe id instead for the grouping? so namespace // root, simplifies queries QueryUniverseAssetStats(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseAssetStatsParams) ([]QueryUniverseAssetStatsRow, error) QueryUniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseLeavesParams) ([]QueryUniverseLeavesRow, error) QueryUniverseServers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseServersParams) ([]UniverseServer, error) QueryUniverseStats(ctx context.Context) (QueryUniverseStatsRow, error) ReAnchorPassiveAssets(ctx context.Context, arg ReAnchorPassiveAssetsParams) error SetAddrManaged(ctx context.Context, arg SetAddrManagedParams) error SetAssetSpent(ctx context.Context, arg SetAssetSpentParams) (int64, error) UniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context) ([]UniverseLeafe, error) UniverseRoots(ctx context.Context, arg UniverseRootsParams) ([]UniverseRootsRow, error) UpdateBatchGenesisTx(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateBatchGenesisTxParams) error UpdateMintingBatchState(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateMintingBatchStateParams) error UpdateUTXOLease(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateUTXOLeaseParams) error UpsertAddrEvent(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAddrEventParams) (int64, error) UpsertAssetGroupKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetGroupKeyParams) (int64, error) UpsertAssetGroupWitness(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetGroupWitnessParams) (int64, error) UpsertAssetMeta(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetMetaParams) (int64, error) UpsertAssetProof(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetProofParams) error UpsertChainTx(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertChainTxParams) (int64, error) UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfigParams) error UpsertFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationProofSyncLogParams) (int64, error) UpsertFederationUniSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationUniSyncConfigParams) error UpsertGenesisAsset(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertGenesisAssetParams) (int64, error) UpsertGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, prevOut []byte) (int64, error) UpsertInternalKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertInternalKeyParams) (int64, error) UpsertManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertManagedUTXOParams) (int64, error) UpsertRootNode(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertRootNodeParams) error UpsertScriptKey(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertScriptKeyParams) (int64, error) UpsertUniverseLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertUniverseLeafParams) error UpsertUniverseRoot(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertUniverseRootParams) (int64, error) }
type Queries ¶
type Queries struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPostgres ¶ added in v0.2.3
NewPostgres creates a new Queries instance for a Postgres database.
func (*Queries) AllInternalKeys ¶
func (q *Queries) AllInternalKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]InternalKey, error)
func (*Queries) AllMintingBatches ¶
func (q *Queries) AllMintingBatches(ctx context.Context) ([]AllMintingBatchesRow, error)
func (*Queries) AnchorGenesisPoint ¶
func (q *Queries) AnchorGenesisPoint(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorGenesisPointParams) error
func (*Queries) AnchorPendingAssets ¶
func (q *Queries) AnchorPendingAssets(ctx context.Context, arg AnchorPendingAssetsParams) error
func (*Queries) ApplyPendingOutput ¶
func (*Queries) AssetsByGenesisPoint ¶
func (*Queries) AssetsInBatch ¶
func (*Queries) Backend ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (q *Queries) Backend() BackendType
Backend returns the type of database backend we're using.
func (*Queries) BindMintingBatchWithTx ¶
func (q *Queries) BindMintingBatchWithTx(ctx context.Context, arg BindMintingBatchWithTxParams) error
func (*Queries) ConfirmChainAnchorTx ¶
func (q *Queries) ConfirmChainAnchorTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainAnchorTxParams) error
func (*Queries) ConfirmChainTx ¶
func (q *Queries) ConfirmChainTx(ctx context.Context, arg ConfirmChainTxParams) error
func (*Queries) DeleteAllNodes ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Queries) DeleteAssetWitnesses ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteExpiredUTXOLeases ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Queries) DeleteFederationProofSyncLog ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (q *Queries) DeleteFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteFederationProofSyncLogParams) error
func (*Queries) DeleteManagedUTXO ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteNode ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteRoot ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Queries) DeleteUTXOLease ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Queries) DeleteUniverseEvents ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Queries) DeleteUniverseLeaves ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Queries) DeleteUniverseRoot ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (*Queries) DeleteUniverseServer ¶
func (q *Queries) DeleteUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteUniverseServerParams) error
func (*Queries) FetchAddrByTaprootOutputKey ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAddrEvent ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAddrs ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchAddrs(ctx context.Context, arg FetchAddrsParams) ([]FetchAddrsRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchAllNodes ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetMeta ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetMetaByHash ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetMetaForAsset ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetProof ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetProofs ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchAssetProofs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchAssetProofsRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchAssetProofsByAssetID ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Queries) FetchAssetWitnesses ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetsByAnchorTx ¶
func (*Queries) FetchAssetsForBatch ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchAssetsForBatch(ctx context.Context, rawKey []byte) ([]FetchAssetsForBatchRow, error)
We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll generate rows that have NULL values for the faily key fields if an asset doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed.
func (*Queries) FetchChainTx ¶
func (*Queries) FetchChildren ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchChildren(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenParams) ([]FetchChildrenRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchChildrenSelfJoin ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchChildrenSelfJoin(ctx context.Context, arg FetchChildrenSelfJoinParams) ([]FetchChildrenSelfJoinRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchGenesisByAssetID ¶
func (*Queries) FetchGenesisByID ¶
func (*Queries) FetchGenesisID ¶
func (*Queries) FetchGenesisPointByAnchorTx ¶
func (*Queries) FetchGroupByGenesis ¶
func (*Queries) FetchGroupByGroupKey ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchGroupByGroupKey(ctx context.Context, groupKey []byte) (FetchGroupByGroupKeyRow, error)
Sort and limit to return the genesis ID for initial genesis of the group.
func (*Queries) FetchGroupedAssets ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchGroupedAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchGroupedAssetsRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchManagedUTXO ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchManagedUTXO(ctx context.Context, arg FetchManagedUTXOParams) (FetchManagedUTXORow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchManagedUTXOs ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchManagedUTXOs(ctx context.Context) ([]FetchManagedUTXOsRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchMintingBatch ¶
func (*Queries) FetchMintingBatchesByInverseState ¶
func (*Queries) FetchRootNode ¶
func (*Queries) FetchScriptKeyByTweakedKey ¶
func (*Queries) FetchScriptKeyIDByTweakedKey ¶
func (*Queries) FetchSeedlingByID ¶
func (*Queries) FetchSeedlingID ¶
func (*Queries) FetchSeedlingsForBatch ¶
func (*Queries) FetchTransferInputs ¶
func (*Queries) FetchTransferOutputs ¶
func (*Queries) FetchUniverseKeys ¶
func (q *Queries) FetchUniverseKeys(ctx context.Context, arg FetchUniverseKeysParams) ([]FetchUniverseKeysRow, error)
func (*Queries) FetchUniverseRoot ¶
func (*Queries) GenesisAssets ¶
func (q *Queries) GenesisAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisAsset, error)
func (*Queries) GenesisPoints ¶
func (q *Queries) GenesisPoints(ctx context.Context) ([]GenesisPoint, error)
func (*Queries) GetRootKey ¶
func (*Queries) HasAssetProof ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (*Queries) InsertAddr ¶
func (*Queries) InsertAssetSeedling ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertAssetSeedling(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatch ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetSeedlingIntoBatchParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertAssetTransfer ¶
func (*Queries) InsertAssetTransferInput ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertAssetTransferInput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferInputParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertAssetTransferOutput ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertAssetTransferOutput(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetTransferOutputParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertAssetWitness ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertAssetWitness(ctx context.Context, arg InsertAssetWitnessParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertBranch ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertBranch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertBranchParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertCompactedLeaf ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertCompactedLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertCompactedLeafParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertLeaf ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg InsertLeafParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertNewAsset ¶
func (*Queries) InsertNewProofEvent ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertNewProofEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewProofEventParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertNewSyncEvent ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertNewSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, arg InsertNewSyncEventParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertPassiveAsset ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertPassiveAsset(ctx context.Context, arg InsertPassiveAssetParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertRootKey ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertRootKey(ctx context.Context, arg InsertRootKeyParams) error
func (*Queries) InsertUniverseServer ¶
func (q *Queries) InsertUniverseServer(ctx context.Context, arg InsertUniverseServerParams) error
func (*Queries) LogProofTransferAttempt ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (q *Queries) LogProofTransferAttempt(ctx context.Context, arg LogProofTransferAttemptParams) error
func (*Queries) LogServerSync ¶
func (q *Queries) LogServerSync(ctx context.Context, arg LogServerSyncParams) error
func (*Queries) NewMintingBatch ¶
func (q *Queries) NewMintingBatch(ctx context.Context, arg NewMintingBatchParams) error
func (*Queries) QueryAssetBalancesByAsset ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryAssetBalancesByAsset(ctx context.Context, assetIDFilter []byte) ([]QueryAssetBalancesByAssetRow, error)
We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll generate rows that have NULL values for the group key fields if an asset doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed.
func (*Queries) QueryAssetBalancesByGroup ¶
func (*Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgres ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (q *Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgres(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresRow, error)
func (*Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqlite ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (q *Queries) QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqlite(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteParams) ([]QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteRow, error)
func (*Queries) QueryAssetTransfers ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryAssetTransfers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetTransfersParams) ([]QueryAssetTransfersRow, error)
We'll use this clause to filter out for only transfers that are unconfirmed. But only if the unconf_only field is set. Here we have another optional query clause to select a given transfer based on the anchor_tx_hash, but only if it's specified.
func (*Queries) QueryAssets ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryAssets(ctx context.Context, arg QueryAssetsParams) ([]QueryAssetsRow, error)
We use a LEFT JOIN here as not every asset has a group key, so this'll generate rows that have NULL values for the group key fields if an asset doesn't have a group key. See the comment in fetchAssetSprouts for a work around that needs to be used with this query until a sqlc bug is fixed. This clause is used to select specific assets for a asset ID, general channel balances, and also coin selection. We use the sqlc.narg feature to make the entire statement evaluate to true, if none of these extra args are specified.
func (*Queries) QueryEventIDs ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryEventIDs(ctx context.Context, arg QueryEventIDsParams) ([]QueryEventIDsRow, error)
func (*Queries) QueryFederationGlobalSyncConfigs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) QueryFederationGlobalSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationGlobalSyncConfig, error)
func (*Queries) QueryFederationProofSyncLog ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (q *Queries) QueryFederationProofSyncLog(ctx context.Context, arg QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams) ([]QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow, error)
Join on mssmt_nodes to get leaf related fields. Join on genesis_info_view to get leaf related fields.
func (*Queries) QueryFederationUniSyncConfigs ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) QueryFederationUniSyncConfigs(ctx context.Context) ([]FederationUniSyncConfig, error)
func (*Queries) QueryPassiveAssets ¶
func (*Queries) QueryProofTransferAttempts ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (*Queries) QueryUniverseAssetStats ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseAssetStats(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseAssetStatsParams) ([]QueryUniverseAssetStatsRow, error)
TODO(roasbeef): use the universe id instead for the grouping? so namespace root, simplifies queries
func (*Queries) QueryUniverseLeaves ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseLeavesParams) ([]QueryUniverseLeavesRow, error)
func (*Queries) QueryUniverseServers ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseServers(ctx context.Context, arg QueryUniverseServersParams) ([]UniverseServer, error)
func (*Queries) QueryUniverseStats ¶
func (q *Queries) QueryUniverseStats(ctx context.Context) (QueryUniverseStatsRow, error)
func (*Queries) ReAnchorPassiveAssets ¶
func (q *Queries) ReAnchorPassiveAssets(ctx context.Context, arg ReAnchorPassiveAssetsParams) error
func (*Queries) SetAddrManaged ¶
func (q *Queries) SetAddrManaged(ctx context.Context, arg SetAddrManagedParams) error
func (*Queries) SetAssetSpent ¶
func (*Queries) UniverseLeaves ¶
func (q *Queries) UniverseLeaves(ctx context.Context) ([]UniverseLeafe, error)
func (*Queries) UniverseRoots ¶
func (q *Queries) UniverseRoots(ctx context.Context, arg UniverseRootsParams) ([]UniverseRootsRow, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateBatchGenesisTx ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateBatchGenesisTx(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateBatchGenesisTxParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateMintingBatchState ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateMintingBatchState(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateMintingBatchStateParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateUTXOLease ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateUTXOLease(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateUTXOLeaseParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertAddrEvent ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertAssetGroupKey ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertAssetGroupWitness ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Queries) UpsertAssetMeta ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertAssetProof ¶
func (q *Queries) UpsertAssetProof(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertAssetProofParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertChainTx ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfig ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationGlobalSyncConfigParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertFederationProofSyncLog ¶ added in v0.3.3
func (*Queries) UpsertFederationUniSyncConfig ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) UpsertFederationUniSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertFederationUniSyncConfigParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertGenesisAsset ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertGenesisPoint ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertInternalKey ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertManagedUTXO ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertRootNode ¶
func (q *Queries) UpsertRootNode(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertRootNodeParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertScriptKey ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertUniverseLeaf ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (q *Queries) UpsertUniverseLeaf(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertUniverseLeafParams) error
func (*Queries) UpsertUniverseRoot ¶
type QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresParams ¶ added in v0.2.3
type QueryAssetStatsPerDayPostgresRow ¶ added in v0.2.3
type QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteParams ¶ added in v0.2.3
type QueryAssetStatsPerDaySqliteRow ¶ added in v0.2.3
type QueryAssetTransfersParams ¶
type QueryAssetTransfersParams struct { UnconfOnly interface{} AnchorTxHash []byte }
type QueryAssetTransfersRow ¶
type QueryAssetsParams ¶
type QueryAssetsParams struct { AssetIDFilter []byte TweakedScriptKey []byte AnchorPoint []byte Leased interface{} Now sql.NullTime MinAnchorHeight sql.NullInt32 MinAmt sql.NullInt64 Spent sql.NullBool KeyGroupFilter []byte AnchorUtxoID sql.NullInt64 GenesisID sql.NullInt64 ScriptKeyID sql.NullInt64 }
type QueryAssetsRow ¶
type QueryAssetsRow struct { AssetPrimaryKey int64 GenesisID int64 Version int32 Spent bool ScriptKeyTweak []byte TweakedScriptKey []byte ScriptKeyRaw []byte ScriptKeyFam int32 ScriptKeyIndex int32 TapscriptRoot []byte WitnessStack []byte TweakedGroupKey []byte GroupKeyRaw []byte GroupKeyFamily sql.NullInt32 GroupKeyIndex sql.NullInt32 ScriptVersion int32 Amount int64 LockTime sql.NullInt32 RelativeLockTime sql.NullInt32 AssetID []byte AssetTag string MetaHash []byte GenesisOutputIndex int32 AssetType int16 GenesisPrevOut []byte AnchorTx []byte AnchorTxid []byte AnchorBlockHash []byte AnchorBlockHeight sql.NullInt32 AnchorOutpoint []byte AnchorTapscriptSibling []byte AnchorMerkleRoot []byte AnchorTaprootAssetRoot []byte AnchorLeaseOwner []byte AnchorLeaseExpiry sql.NullTime AnchorInternalKey []byte SplitCommitmentRootHash []byte SplitCommitmentRootValue sql.NullInt64 }
type QueryEventIDsParams ¶
type QueryEventIDsRow ¶
type QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams ¶ added in v0.3.3
type QueryFederationProofSyncLogParams struct { SyncDirection sql.NullString Status sql.NullString LeafNamespace sql.NullString LeafMintingPointBytes []byte LeafScriptKeyBytes []byte }
type QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow ¶ added in v0.3.3
type QueryFederationProofSyncLogRow struct { ID int64 Status string Timestamp time.Time SyncDirection string AttemptCounter int64 ServerID int64 ServerHost string LeafMintingPointBytes []byte LeafScriptKeyBytes []byte LeafGenesisProof []byte LeafGenAssetID int64 LeafAssetID []byte UniAssetID []byte UniGroupKey []byte UniProofType string }
type QueryPassiveAssetsRow ¶
type QueryProofTransferAttemptsParams ¶ added in v0.3.1
type QueryUniverseLeavesRow ¶
type QueryUniverseServersParams ¶ added in v0.3.3
type QueryUniverseServersParams struct { ID sql.NullInt64 ServerHost sql.NullString }