An extractor for Revived Witch nekodata by Lico#6969
Usage as command line binary
Download unneko binary from release page and run in terminal
single nekodata file
$ ./unneko -o ./output inputfile.nekodata
or directory containing nekodata files
$ ./unneko -o ./output ./input/
In case the inputfile is a patch nekodata the file extension must be .patch.nekodata
Usage with windows GUI
For those on Windows and unfamiliar with basic command line usage, you can download unneko-win-x64.exe
on the release page https://github.com/lico-n/unneko/releases.
Then simply drag and drop nekodata file or a directory containing nekodata files on the unneko-win-x64.exe
the extracted files will appear in output
It is possible that windows/smart defender will pop up a warning. This is a common false positive because
the windows binary is unsigned. In this case press more information and run anyways.
Usage as library
import "github.com/lico-n/unneko"
func main() {
// initialize with nekodata filepath, if it's patch nekodata must contain `.patch.nekodata` file extension
r, err := unneko.NewReaderFromFile(inputFilePath)
// alternatively initialize with in memory nekodata, must provide flag whether this is a patch file
var inMemoryNekoData []byte
isPatchFile := true
r, err = unneko.NewReader(inMemoryNekoData, isPatchFile)
// iterate over all extracted files
for r.HasNext() {
file, err := r.Next()
file.Path() // original file path of the extracted file
file.Data() // extracted data as byte array