Local Persistent Storage User Guide
Local persistent volumes allows users to access local storage through the
standard PVC interface in a simple and portable way. The PV contains node
affinity information that the system uses to schedule pods to the correct
An external static provisioner is available to help simplify local storage
management once the local volumes are configured.
Feature Status
Current status: 1.7 - Alpha
What works:
- Create a PV specifying a directory with node affinity.
- Pod using the PVC that is bound to this PV will always get scheduled to that node.
- External static provisioner daemonset that discovers local directories,
creates, cleans up and deletes PVs.
What doesn't work and workarounds:
- Multiple local PVCs in a single pod.
- Goal for 1.8.
- No known workarounds.
- PVC binding does not consider pod scheduling requirements and may make
suboptimal or incorrect decisions.
- Goal for 1.8.
- Workarounds:
- Run your pods that require local storage first.
- Give your pods high priority.
- Run this workaround controller that unbinds PVCs for pods that are
stuck pending. LINK
- External provisioner cannot correctly detect capacity of mounts added after it
has been started.
- This requires mount propagation to work, which is targeted for 1.8.
- Workaround: Before adding any new mount points, stop the daemonset, add
the new mount points, start the daemonset.
- Fsgroup conflict if multiple pods using the same PVC specify different fsgroup
- Workaround: Don't do this!
Future features:
- Local block devices as a volume source, with partitioning and fs formatting
- Pod accessing local raw block device
- Local PV health monitoring, taints and tolerations
- Inline PV (use dedicated local disk as ephemeral storage)
- Dynamic provisioning for shared local persistent storage
User Guide
Bringing up a cluster with local disks
KUBE_FEATURE_GATES=PersistentLocalVolumes NODE_LOCAL_SSDS=<n> kube-up.sh
GKE (not available until 1.7)
gcloud alpha container cluster create ... --local-ssd-count=<n>
gcloud alpha container node-pools create ... --local-ssd-count=<n>
- Partition and format the disks on each node according to your application's requirements.
- Mount all the filesystems under one directory per StorageClass. The directory is currently
specified in the daemonset pod definition (
by default) and may be more
configurable in the future.
- Configure a Kubernetes cluster with the
feature gate.
Local test cluster
- Create
directory and mount several volumes into its subdirectories. The example
below uses three ram disks to simulate real local volumes:
$ mkdir /mnt/disks
$ for vol in vol1 vol2 vol3; do
mkdir /mnt/disks/$vol
mount -t tmpfs $vol /mnt/disks/$vol
- Run the local cluster.
$ ALLOW_PRIVILEGED=true LOG_LEVEL=5 FEATURE_GATES=PersistentLocalVolumes=true hack/local-up-cluster.sh
- Continue with Running the external static provisioner
Running the external static provisioner
This is optional, only for automated creation and cleanup of local volumes.
See provisioner/
for details and sample configuration files.
- Create an admin account with persistentvolume provisioner and node system privileges.
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
Create a ConfigMap with your local storage configuration details. There is nothing to configure at this
point, the default StorageClass is hardcoded to local-storage
TBD: fill in the details and examples as the provisioner becomes more configurable.
Launch the DaemonSet
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner-daemonset.yaml
Specifying local PV
If you don't use the external provisioner, then you have to create the local PVs
manually. Example PV:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-local-pv
"volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/node-affinity": `{
"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {
"nodeSelectorTerms": [
{ "matchExpressions": [
{ "key": "kubernetes.io/hostname",
"operator": "In",
"values": ["my-node"]
storage: 5Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
storageClassName: local-storage
path: /mnt/disks/ssd1
Specifying local PVC
In the PVC, specify the StorageClass of your local PVs.
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: example-local-claim
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: local-storage
Best Practices
- For IO isolation, a whole disk per volume is recommended
- For capacity isolation, separate partitions per volume is recommended
- Avoid recreating nodes with the same node name while there are still old PVs
with that node's affinity specified. Otherwise, the system could think that
the new node contains the old PVs.
Deleting/removing the underlying volume
When you want to decommission the local volume, here is a possible workflow.
- Stop the pods that are using the volume
- Remove the local volume from the node (ie unmounting, pulling out the disk, etc)
- Delete the PVC
- The provisioner will try to cleanup the volume, but will fail since the volume no longer exists
- Manually delete the PV object