ElasticSearch Feeder
This repository contains the needed code to feed data from the blockchain to ElasticSearch. The project is written in Go.
To run this component correctly, you should be familiar with the Data marketplace components because there is a particular dependency between the components.
Build prerequisites
- Install golang.
- Install git.
- Configure go. GOPATH environment variable must be set correctly before starting the build process.
Download and build source code
mkdir -p $HOME/workspace
export GOPATH=$HOME/workspace
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/lgsvl
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lgsvl
git clone git@github.com:lgsvl/data-marketplace-esearchFeeder.git
cd data-marketplace-esearchFeeder
Docker Build
You can use the dockerfile to build a docker image:
docker build -t esearchfeeder .
docker run data-stream-delivery
Kubernetes deployment
The deployment folder contains the deployment and persistent volume claim manifests to deploy this component.
We assume that there is an ElasticSearch cluster already deployed in Kubernetes. We also assume that Data marketplace Chaincode REST is already deployed.
Testing data-stream-delivery
Run the tests: