Index ¶
- Constants
- type Char
- type HBITMAP
- type HBRUSH
- type HDC
- type HFONT
- type HICON
- type HKEY
- type HMENU
- type HPEN
- type HWND
- type TActionListState
- type TAddMode
- type TAlign
- type TAlignment
- type TAnchorKind
- type TAnchors
- type TAttributeType
- type TBalloonFlags
- type TBalloonHintStyle
- type TBevelCut
- type TBevelEdge
- type TBevelEdges
- type TBevelKind
- type TBevelShape
- type TBevelStyle
- type TBiDiMode
- type TBitBtnKind
- type TBorderIcon
- type TBorderIcons
- type TBorderStyle
- type TBrushStyle
- type TButtonLayout
- type TButtonState
- type TButtonStyle
- type TCalDayOfWeek
- type TCanvasOrientation
- type TCanvasState
- type TCanvasStates
- type TCheckBoxState
- type TCloseAction
- type TColor
- type TColorBoxStyle
- type TColorDepth
- type TColorDialogOption
- type TColorDialogOptions
- type TComboBoxStyle
- type TCompressionLevel
- type TConsistentAttribute
- type TConsistentAttributes
- type TCursor
- type TCustomDrawStage
- type TCustomDrawState
- type TCustomDrawTarget
- type TDTCalAlignment
- type TDTDateFormat
- type TDTDateMode
- type TDateTimeKind
- type TDisplayCode
- type TDrawingStyle
- type TEllipsisPosition
- type TFillMode
- type TFillStyle
- type TFontCharset
- type TFontDialogOption
- type TFontDialogOptions
- type TFontPitch
- type TFontQuality
- type TFontStyle
- type TFontStyles
- type TFormBorderStyle
- type TFormStyle
- type TGIFAnimationLoop
- type TGIFDithering
- type TGIFVersion
- type TGaugeKind
- type TGradientDirection
- type THeaderStyle
- type TIconArrangement
- type TImageAlignment
- type TImageType
- type TItemChange
- type TItemFind
- type TItemRequests
- type TItemState
- type TItemStates
- type TJPEGPerformance
- type TJPEGPixelFormat
- type TJPEGQualityRange
- type TJPEGScale
- type TLeftRight
- type TLinkAlignment
- type TListArrangement
- type TListBoxStyle
- type TListGroupState
- type TListGroupStateSet
- type TListHotTrackStyle
- type TListHotTrackStyles
- type TLoadResource
- type TLoadResources
- type TMenuAutoFlag
- type TMenuItemAutoFlag
- type TModalResult
- type TMouseButton
- type TMsgDlgBtn
- type TMsgDlgButtons
- type TMsgDlgType
- type TMultiSelectStyle
- type TMultiSelectStyles
- type TNodeAttachMode
- type TNodeState
- type TNumGlyphs
- type TNumberingStyle
- type TOpenOption
- type TOpenOptionEx
- type TOpenOptions
- type TOpenOptionsEx
- type TOwnerDrawState
- type TPageMeasureUnits
- type TPageSetupDialogOption
- type TPageSetupDialogOptions
- type TPageType
- type TPenMode
- type TPenStyle
- type TPixelFormat
- type TPoint
- type TPopupAlignment
- type TPosition
- type TPositionToolTip
- type TPrintDialogOption
- type TPrintDialogOptions
- type TPrintRange
- type TPrinterKind
- type TProgressBarOrientation
- type TProgressBarState
- type TProgressBarStyle
- type TRect
- type TResType
- type TScrollBarInc
- type TScrollBarKind
- type TScrollBarStyle
- type TScrollStyle
- type TSearchDirection
- type TSearchType
- type TSearchTypes
- type TSeekOrigin
- type TSelectDirExtOpt
- type TSelectDirExtOpts
- type TSelectDirOpt
- type TSelectDirOpts
- type TShapeType
- type TShiftState
- type TShortCut
- type TSize
- type TSortType
- type TStaticBorderStyle
- type TStatusPanelBevel
- type TStatusPanelStyle
- type TStringsOption
- type TStringsOptions
- type TStyleElements
- type TSysLinkType
- type TTBCustomDrawFlags
- type TTBDrawingStyle
- type TTBGradientDrawingOption
- type TTBGradientDrawingOptions
- type TTabOrder
- type TTabPosition
- type TTabStyle
- type TTextFormat
- type TTextFormats
- type TTextLayout
- type TTickMark
- type TTickStyle
- type TToolButtonState
- type TToolButtonStyle
- type TTrackBarOrientation
- type TTrackButton
- type TUDBtnType
- type TUDOrientation
- type TVerticalAlignment
- type TViewStyle
- type TWindowState
Constants ¶
const ( ClClSysNone = 0x1FFFFFFF ClSysDefault = 0x20000000 // Actual colors ClAliceblue = 0xFFF8F0 ClAntiquewhite = 0xD7EBFA ClAqua = 0xFFFF00 ClAquamarine = 0xD4FF7F ClAzure = 0xFFFFF0 ClBeige = 0xDCF5F5 ClBisque = 0xC4E4FF ClBlack = 0x000000 ClBlanchedalmond = 0xCDEBFF ClBlue = 0xFF0000 ClBlueviolet = 0xE22B8A ClBrown = 0x2A2AA5 ClBurlywood = 0x87B8DE ClCadetblue = 0xA09E5F ClChartreuse = 0x00FF7F ClChocolate = 0x1E69D2 ClCoral = 0x507FFF ClCornflowerblue = 0xED9564 ClCornsilk = 0xDCF8FF ClCrimson = 0x3C14DC ClCyan = 0xFFFF00 ClDarkblue = 0x8B0000 ClDarkcyan = 0x8B8B00 ClDarkgoldenrod = 0x0B86B8 ClDarkgray = 0xA9A9A9 ClDarkgreen = 0x006400 ClDarkgrey = 0xA9A9A9 ClDarkkhaki = 0x6BB7BD ClDarkmagenta = 0x8B008B ClDarkolivegreen = 0x2F6B55 ClDarkorange = 0x008CFF ClDarkorchid = 0xCC3299 ClDarkred = 0x00008B ClDarksalmon = 0x7A96E9 ClDarkseagreen = 0x8FBC8F ClDarkslateblue = 0x8B3D48 ClDarkslategray = 0x4F4F2F ClDarkslategrey = 0x4F4F2F ClDarkturquoise = 0xD1CE00 ClDarkviolet = 0xD30094 ClDeeppink = 0x9314FF ClDeepskyblue = 0xFFBF00 ClDimgray = 0x696969 ClDimgrey = 0x696969 ClDodgerblue = 0xFF901E ClFirebrick = 0x2222B2 ClFloralwhite = 0xF0FAFF ClForestgreen = 0x228B22 ClFuchsia = 0xFF00FF ClGainsboro = 0xDCDCDC ClGhostwhite = 0xFFF8F8 ClGold = 0x00D7FF ClGoldenrod = 0x20A5DA ClGray = 0x808080 ClGreen = 0x008000 ClGreenyellow = 0x2FFFAD ClGrey = 0x808080 ClHoneydew = 0xF0FFF0 ClHotpink = 0xB469FF ClIndianred = 0x5C5CCD ClIndigo = 0x82004B ClIvory = 0xF0FFFF ClKhaki = 0x8CE6F0 ClLavender = 0xFAE6E6 ClLavenderblush = 0xF5F0FF ClLawngreen = 0x00FC7C ClLemonchiffon = 0xCDFAFF ClLightblue = 0xE6D8AD ClLightcoral = 0x8080F0 ClLightcyan = 0xFFFFE0 ClLightgoldenrodyellow = 0xD2FAFA ClLightgray = 0xD3D3D3 ClLightgreen = 0x90EE90 ClLightgrey = 0xD3D3D3 ClLightpink = 0xC1B6FF ClLightsalmon = 0x7AA0FF ClLightseagreen = 0xAAB220 ClLightskyblue = 0xFACE87 ClLightslategray = 0x998877 ClLightslategrey = 0x998877 ClLightsteelblue = 0xDEC4B0 ClLightyellow = 0xE0FFFF ClLtGray = 0xC0C0C0 ClMedGray = 0xA4A0A0 ClDkGray = 0x808080 ClMoneyGreen = 0xC0DCC0 ClLegacySkyBlue = 0xF0CAA6 ClCream = 0xF0FBFF ClLime = 0x00FF00 ClLimegreen = 0x32CD32 ClLinen = 0xE6F0FA ClMagenta = 0xFF00FF ClMaroon = 0x000080 ClMediumaquamarine = 0xAACD66 ClMediumblue = 0xCD0000 ClMediumorchid = 0xD355BA ClMediumpurple = 0xDB7093 ClMediumseagreen = 0x71B33C ClMediumslateblue = 0xEE687B ClMediumspringgreen = 0x9AFA00 ClMediumturquoise = 0xCCD148 ClMediumvioletred = 0x8515C7 ClMidnightblue = 0x701919 ClMintcream = 0xFAFFF5 ClMistyrose = 0xE1E4FF ClMoccasin = 0xB5E4FF ClOldlace = 0xE6F5FD ClOlive = 0x008080 ClOlivedrab = 0x238E6B ClOrange = 0x00A5FF ClOrangered = 0x0045FF ClOrchid = 0xD670DA ClPalegoldenrod = 0xAAE8EE ClPalegreen = 0x98FB98 ClPaleturquoise = 0xEEEEAF ClPalevioletred = 0x9370DB ClPapayawhip = 0xD5EFFF ClPeachpuff = 0xB9DAFF ClPeru = 0x3F85CD ClPink = 0xCBC0FF ClPlum = 0xDDA0DD ClPowderblue = 0xE6E0B0 ClPurple = 0x800080 ClRed = 0x0000FF ClRosybrown = 0x8F8FBC ClRoyalblue = 0xE16941 ClSaddlebrown = 0x13458B ClSalmon = 0x7280FA ClSandybrown = 0x60A4F4 ClSeagreen = 0x578B2E ClSeashell = 0xEEF5FF ClSienna = 0x2D52A0 ClSilver = 0xC0C0C0 ClSkyblue = 0xEBCE87 ClSlateblue = 0xCD5A6A ClSlategray = 0x908070 ClSlategrey = 0x908070 ClSnow = 0xFAFAFF ClSpringgreen = 0x7FFF00 ClSteelblue = 0xB48246 ClTan = 0x8CB4D2 ClTeal = 0x808000 ClThistle = 0xD8BFD8 ClTomato = 0x4763FF ClTurquoise = 0xD0E040 ClViolet = 0xEE82EE ClWheat = 0xB3DEF5 ClWhite = 0xFFFFFF ClWhitesmoke = 0xF5F5F5 ClYellow = 0x00FFFF ClYellowgreen = 0x32CD9A ClBtnFace = 0xFF00000F ClNull = 0x00000000 )
const ( IdOK = 1 IdCancel = 2 IdAbort = 3 IdRetry = 4 IdIgnore = 5 IdYes = 6 IdNo = 7 IdClose = 8 IdHelp = 9 IdTryAgain = 10 IdContinue = 11 MrNone = 0 MrOk = IdOK MrCancel = IdCancel MrAbort = IdAbort MrRetry = IdRetry MrIgnore = IdIgnore MrYes = IdYes MrNo = IdNo MrClose = IdClose MrHelp = IdHelp MrTryAgain = IdTryAgain MrContinue = IdContinue MrAll = MrContinue + 1 MrNoToAll = MrAll + 1 MrYesToAll = MrNoToAll + 1 )
const ( AlNone = iota + 0 AlTop AlBottom AlLeft AlRight AlClient AlCustom )
const ( BsNone = iota + 0 BsSingle BsSizeable BsDialog BsToolWindow BsSizeToolWin )
const ( FsNormal = iota + 0 FsMDIChild FsMDIForm FsStayOnTop )
const ( PoDesigned = iota + 0 PoDefault PoDefaultPosOnly PoDefaultSizeOnly PoScreenCenter PoDesktopCenter PoMainFormCenter PoOwnerFormCenter )
const ( CrDefault = 0 CrNone = -1 CrArrow = -2 CrCross = -3 CrIBeam = -4 CrSize = -22 CrSizeNESW = -6 CrSizeNS = -7 CrSizeNWSE = -8 CrSizeWE = -9 CrUpArrow = -10 CrHourGlass = -11 CrDrag = -12 CrNoDrop = -13 CrHSplit = -14 CrVSplit = -15 CrMultiDrag = -16 CrSQLWait = -17 CrNo = -18 CrAppStart = -19 CrHelp = -20 CrHandPoint = -21 CrSizeAll = -22 )
const ( SoBeginning = iota + 0 SoCurrent SoEnd )
const ( PfDevice = iota + 0 Pf1bit Pf4bit Pf8bit Pf15bit Pf16bit Pf24bit Pf32bit PfCustom )
const ( TaLeftJustify = iota + 0 TaRightJustify TaCenter )
const ( BdLeftToRight = iota + 0 BdRightToLeft BdRightToLeftNoAlign BdRightToLeftReadingOnly )
const ( TaAlignTop = iota + 0 TaAlignBottom TaVerticalCenter )
const ( BsPushButton = iota + 0 BsCommandLink BsSplitButton )
const ( CsDropDown = iota + 0 CsSimple CsDropDownList CsOwnerDrawFixed CsOwnerDrawVariable )
const ( WsNormal = iota + 0 WsMinimized WsMaximized )
const ( TlTop = iota + 0 TlCenter TlBottom )
const ( EpNone = iota + 0 EpPathEllipsis EpEndEllipsis EpWordEllipsis )
const ( LbStandard = iota + 0 LbOwnerDrawFixed LbOwnerDrawVariable LbVirtual LbVirtualOwnerDraw )
const ( MaAutomatic = iota + 0 MaManual MaParent )
const ( PaLeft = iota + 0 PaRight PaCenter )
const ( TbRightButton = iota + 0 TbLeftButton )
const ( PbHorizontal = iota + 0 PbVertical )
const ( PbstNormal = iota + 0 PbstMarquee )
const ( PbsNormal = iota + 0 PbsError PbsPaused )
const ( BlGlyphLeft = iota + 0 BlGlyphRight BlGlyphTop BlGlyphBottom )
const ( BsUp = iota + 0 BsDisabled BsDown BsExclusive )
const ( BsAutoDetect = iota + 0 BsWin31 BsNew )
const ( FsBold = iota + 0 FsItalic FsUnderline FsStrikeOut )
const ( SsNone = iota + 0 SsHorizontal SsVertical SsBoth // lcl SsAutoHorizontal SsAutoVertical SsAutoBoth )
const ( StNone = iota + 0 StData StText StBoth )
const ( MsControlSelect = iota + 0 MsShiftSelect MsVisibleOnly MsSiblingOnly )
const ( ArAlignBottom = iota + 0 ArAlignLeft ArAlignRight ArAlignTop ArDefault ArSnapToGrid )
const ( VsIcon = iota + 0 VsSmallIcon VsList VsReport )
const ( IsNone = iota + 0 IsCut IsDropHilited IsFocused IsSelected IsActivating )
const ( CtText = iota + 0 CtImage CtState )
const ( IfData = iota + 0 IfPartialString IfExactString IfNearest )
const ( SdLeft = iota + 0 SdRight SdAbove SdBelow SdAll )
const ( HtHandPoint = iota + 0 HtUnderlineCold HtUnderlineHot )
const ( IrText = iota + 0 IrImage IrParam IrState IrIndent )
const ( BsSolid = iota + 0 BsClear BsHorizontal BsVertical BsFDiagonal BsBDiagonal BsCross BsDiagCross )
const ( PsSolid = iota + 0 PsDash PsDot PsDashDot PsDashDotDot PsClear PsInsideFrame PsUserStyle PsAlternate )
const ( TpTop = iota + 0 TpBottom TpLeft TpRight )
const ( TsTabs = iota + 0 TsButtons TsFlatButtons )
const ( FpDefault = iota + 0 FpVariable FpFixed )
const ( PmBlack = iota + 0 PmWhite PmNop PmNot PmCopy PmNotCopy PmMergePenNot PmMaskPenNot PmMergeNotPen PmMaskNotPen PmMerge PmNotMerge PmMask PmNotMask PmXor PmNotXor )
const ( TrHorizontal = iota + 0 TrVertical )
const ( UdHorizontal = iota + 0 UdVertical )
const ( FqDefault = iota + 0 FqDraft FqProof FqNonAntialiased FqAntialiased FqClearType FqClearTypeNatural )
const ( CaNone = iota + 0 CaHide CaFree CaMinimize )
const ( BfNone = 0 BfInfo = 1 BfWarning = 2 BfError = 3 )
const ( MtWarning = iota + 0 MtError MtInformation MtConfirmation MtCustom )
const ( MbYes = iota + 0 MbNo MbOK MbCancel MbAbort MbRetry MbIgnore MbAll MbNoToAll MbYesToAll MbHelp MbClose )
const ( SltURL = iota + 0 SltID )
const ( PsText = iota + 0 PsOwnerDraw )
const ( PbNone = iota + 0 PbLowered PbRaised )
const ( JpBestQuality = iota + 0 JpBestSpeed )
const ( JsFullSize = iota + 0 JsHalf JsQuarter JsEighth )
const ( Jf24Bit = iota + 0 Jf8Bit )
const ( GvUnknown = iota + 0 Gv87a Gv89a )
const ( GlDisabled = iota + 0 GlEnabled GlContinously )
const ( GdDisabled = iota + 0 GdEnabled GdAuto )
const ( NsCut = iota + 0 NsDropHilited NsFocused NsSelected NsExpanded )
const ( NaAdd = iota + 0 NaAddFirst NaAddChild NaAddChildFirst )
const ( TaAddFirst = iota + 0 TaAdd TaInsert )
const ( AsNormal = iota + 0 AsSuspended AsSuspendedEnabled )
const ( GdHorizontal = iota + 0 GdVertical )
const ( DSFocus = iota + 0 DSSelected DSNormal DSTransparent )
const ( ItImage = iota + 0 ItMask )
const ( RtBitmap = iota + 0 RtCursor RtIcon )
const ( LrDefaultColor = iota + 0 LrDefaultSize LrFromFile LrMap3DColors LrTransparent LrMonoChrome )
const ( CdDefault = iota + 0 CdDeviceDependent Cd4Bit Cd8Bit Cd16Bit Cd24Bit Cd32Bit )
const ( CbUnchecked = iota + 0 CbChecked CbGrayed )
const ( LgsNormal = iota + 0 LgsHidden LgsCollapsed LgsNoHeader LgsCollapsible LgsFocused LgsSelected LgsSubseted LgsSubSetLinkFocused )
const ( DsNormal = iota + 0 DsGradient )
const ( TbsButton = iota + 0 TbsCheck TbsDropDown TbsSeparator TbsDivider TbsTextButton )
const ( TbsChecked = iota + 0 TbsPressed TbsEnabled TbsHidden TbsIndeterminate TbsWrap TbsEllipses TbsMarked )
const ( GdoHotTrack = iota + 0 GdoGradient )
const ( CdFullOpen = iota + 0 CdPreventFullOpen CdShowHelp CdSolidColor CdAnyColor )
const ( BiSystemMenu = iota + 0 BiMinimize BiMaximize BiHelp )
const ( FdAnsiOnly = iota + 0 FdTrueTypeOnly FdEffects FdFixedPitchOnly FdForceFontExist FdNoFaceSel FdNoOEMFonts FdNoSimulations FdNoSizeSel FdNoStyleSel FdNoVectorFonts FdShowHelp FdWysiwyg FdLimitSize FdScalableOnly FdApplyButton )
const ( OfReadOnly = iota + 0 OfOverwritePrompt OfHideReadOnly OfNoChangeDir OfShowHelp OfNoValidate OfAllowMultiSelect OfExtensionDifferent OfPathMustExist OfFileMustExist OfCreatePrompt OfNoReadOnlyReturn OfNoTestFileCreate OfNoNetworkButton OfNoLongNames OfOldStyleDialog OfNoDereferenceLinks OfEnableIncludeNotify OfEnableSizing OfDontAddToRecent OfForceShowHidden )
const ( PrAllPages = iota + 0 PrSelection PrPageNums )
const ( PoPrintToFile = iota + 0 PoPageNums PoSelection PoWarning PoHelp PoDisablePrintToFile )
const ( PsoDefaultMinMargins = iota + 0 PsoDisableMargins PsoDisableOrientation PsoDisablePagePainting PsoDisablePaper PsoDisablePrinter PsoMargins PsoMinMargins PsoShowHelp PsoWarning PsoNoNetworkButton )
const ( PkDotMatrix = iota + 0 PkHPPCL )
const ( PtEnvelope = iota + 0 PtPaper )
const ( PmDefault = iota + 0 PmMillimeters PmInches )
const ( SoStrictDelimiter = iota + 0 SoWriteBOM SoTrailingLineBreak SoUseLocale )
const ( SsShift = iota + 0 SsAlt SsCtrl SsLeft SsRight SsMiddle SsDouble SsTouch SsPen SsCommand SssHorizontal // 有冲突,所以加了个s )
const ( MbLeft = iota + 0 MbRight MbMiddle )
const ( FsSurface = iota + 0 FsBorder )
const ( FmAlternate = iota + 0 FmWinding )
const ( CsHandleValid = iota + 0 CsFontValid CsPenValid CsBrushValid )
const ( CoLeftToRight = iota + 0 CoRightToLeft )
const ( TfBottom = iota + 0 TfCalcRect TfCenter TfEditControl TfEndEllipsis TfPathEllipsis TfExpandTabs TfExternalLeading TfLeft TfModifyString TfNoClip TfNoPrefix TfRight TfRtlReading TfSingleLine TfTop TfVerticalCenter TfWordBreak TfHidePrefix TfNoFullWidthCharBreak TfPrefixOnly TfTabStop TfWordEllipsis TfComposited )
const ( SeFont = iota + 0 SeClient SeBorder )
const ( BvNone = iota + 0 BvLowered BvRaised BvSpace )
const ( BeLeft = iota + 0 BeTop BeRight BeBottom )
const ( BkNone = iota + 0 BkTile BkSoft BkFlat )
const ( TmBottomRight = iota + 0 TmTopLeft TmBoth )
const ( TsNone = iota + 0 TsAuto TsManual )
const ( PtNone = iota + 0 PtTop PtLeft PtBottom PtRight )
const ( DtkDate = iota + 0 DtkTime )
const ( DmComboBox = iota + 0 DmUpDown )
const ( DfShort = iota + 0 DfLong )
const ( DtaLeft = iota + 0 DtaRight )
const ( StWholeWord = iota + 0 StMatchCase )
const ( NsNone = iota + 0 NsBullte )
const ( AtSelected = iota + 0 AtDefaultText )
const ( CaBold = iota + 0 CaColor CaFace CaItalic CaSize CaStrikeOut CaUnderline CaProtected )
const ( IaTop = iota + 0 IaLeft )
const ( HsGradient = iota + 0 HsImage HsThemed )
const ( IiaLeft = iota + 0 // IaTop有冲突,所以增加一个i IiaRight IiaTop IiaBottom IiaCenter )
const ( AkLeft = iota + 0 AkTop AkRight AkBottom )
const ( OdSelected = iota + 0 OdGrayed OdDisabled OdChecked OdFocused OdDefault OdHotLight OdInactive OdNoAccel OdNoFocusRect OdReserved1 OdReserved2 OdComboBoxEdit )
const ( BkCustom = iota + 0 BkOK BkCancel BkHelp BkYes BkNo BkClose BkAbort BkRetry BkIgnore BkAll )
const ( SbHorizontal = iota + 0 SbVertical )
const ( SsRegular = iota + 0 SsFlat )
const ( StRectangle = iota + 0 StSquare StRoundRect StRoundSquare StEllipse StCircle )
const ( BsLowered = iota + 0 BsRaised )
const ( BsBox = iota + 0 BsFrame BsTopLine BsBottomLine BsLeftLine BsRightLine BsSpacer )
const ( GkText = iota + 0 GkHorizontalBar GkVerticalBar GkPie GkNeedle )
const ( DtControl = iota + 0 DtItem DtSubItem )
const ( CdPrePaint = iota + 0 CdPostPaint CdPreErase )
const ( CdsSelected = iota + 0 CdsGrayed CdsDisabled CdsChecked CdsFocused CdsDefault CdsHot CdsMarked CdsIndeterminate CdsShowKeyboardCues CdsNearHot CdsOtherSideHot CdsDropHilited )
const ( TbNoEdges = iota + 0 TbHiliteHotTrack TbNoOffset TbNoMark TbNoEtchedEffect )
const ( DrBounds = iota + 0 DrIcon DrLabel DrSelectBounds )
const ( SdAllowCreate = iota + 0 SdPerformCreate SdPrompt )
const ( SdNewFolder = iota + 0 SdShowEdit SdNewUI SdShowFiles SdValidateDir )
const (
OfExNoPlacesBar = iota + 0
const (
SbsNone = iota + 0
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type PFNLVCOMPARE ¶ added in v1.0.4
type PFNLVCOMPARE uintptr
type PFNTVCOMPARE ¶ added in v1.0.4
type PFNTVCOMPARE uintptr
type TActionListState ¶
type TActionListState int32
TActionListState = (asNormal, asSuspended, asSuspendedEnabled);
type TAlign ¶
type TAlign int32
TAlign = (alNone, alTop, alBottom, alLeft, alRight, alClient, alCustom);
type TBalloonFlags ¶
type TBalloonFlags int32
TBalloonFlags = (bfNone = NIIF_NONE, bfInfo = NIIF_INFO,
bfWarning = NIIF_WARNING, bfError = NIIF_ERROR);
type TBalloonHintStyle ¶
type TBalloonHintStyle int32
TBalloonHintStyle = (bhsStandard, bhsBalloon);
type TBevelShape ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TBevelShape int32
TBevelShape = (bsBox, bsFrame, bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine, bsRightLine, bsSpacer);
type TBiDiMode ¶
type TBiDiMode int32
TBiDiMode = (bdLeftToRight, bdRightToLeft, bdRightToLeftNoAlign,
type TBitBtnKind ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TBitBtnKind int32
TBitBtnKind = (bkCustom, bkOK, bkCancel, bkHelp, bkYes, bkNo, bkClose,
bkAbort, bkRetry, bkIgnore, bkAll);
type TBorderIcon ¶
type TBorderIcon int32
TBorderIcon = (biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biHelp);
type TBorderStyle ¶
type TBorderStyle int32
TFormBorderStyle = (bsNone, bsSingle, bsSizeable, bsDialog, bsToolWindow,
TBorderStyle = bsNone..bsSingle;
type TBrushStyle ¶
type TBrushStyle int32
TBrushStyle = (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical,
bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross);
type TButtonLayout ¶
type TButtonLayout int32
TButtonLayout = (blGlyphLeft, blGlyphRight, blGlyphTop, blGlyphBottom);
type TButtonStyle ¶
type TButtonStyle int32
TButtonStyle = (bsPushButton, bsCommandLink, bsSplitButton);
type TCalDayOfWeek ¶
type TCalDayOfWeek int32
{ Calendar common control support } TCalDayOfWeek = (dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday,
dowFriday, dowSaturday, dowSunday, dowLocaleDefault);
type TCanvasOrientation ¶
type TCanvasOrientation int32
TCanvasOrientation = (coLeftToRight, coRightToLeft);
type TCanvasStates ¶
type TCanvasStates int32
TCanvasStates = (csHandleValid, csFontValid, csPenValid, csBrushValid);
type TCheckBoxState ¶
type TCheckBoxState int32
TCheckBoxState = (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed);
type TColorBoxStyle ¶
type TColorBoxStyle int32
type TColorDepth ¶
type TColorDepth int32
TColorDepth = (cdDefault, cdDeviceDependent, cd4Bit, cd8Bit, cd16Bit, cd24Bit, cd32Bit);
type TColorDialogOption ¶
type TColorDialogOption int32
TColorDialogOption = (cdFullOpen, cdPreventFullOpen, cdShowHelp, cdSolidColor, cdAnyColor);
type TColorDialogOptions ¶
type TColorDialogOptions uint32
type TComboBoxStyle ¶
type TComboBoxStyle int32
TComboBoxStyle = (csDropDown, csSimple, csDropDownList, csOwnerDrawFixed,
type TConsistentAttribute ¶
type TConsistentAttribute int32
TConsistentAttribute = (caBold, caColor, caFace, caItalic,
caSize, caStrikeOut, caUnderline, caProtected);
type TConsistentAttributes ¶
type TConsistentAttributes uint32
TConsistentAttributes = set of TConsistentAttribute;
type TCustomDrawStage ¶ added in v1.1.3
type TCustomDrawStage int32
TCustomDrawStage = (cdPrePaint, cdPostPaint, cdPreErase, cdPostErase);
type TCustomDrawState ¶ added in v1.1.3
type TCustomDrawState uint32
TCustomDrawState = set of (cdsSelected, cdsGrayed, cdsDisabled, cdsChecked,
cdsFocused, cdsDefault, cdsHot, cdsMarked, cdsIndeterminate, cdsShowKeyboardCues, cdsNearHot, cdsOtherSideHot, cdsDropHilited);
type TCustomDrawTarget ¶ added in v1.1.3
type TCustomDrawTarget int32
TCustomDrawTarget = (dtControl, dtItem, dtSubItem);
type TDisplayCode ¶ added in v1.1.3
type TDisplayCode int32
TDisplayCode = (drBounds, drIcon, drLabel, drSelectBounds);
type TDrawingStyle ¶
type TDrawingStyle int32
TDrawingStyle = (dsFocus, dsSelected, dsNormal, dsTransparent);
type TEllipsisPosition ¶
type TEllipsisPosition int32
TEllipsisPosition = (epNone, epPathEllipsis, epEndEllipsis, epWordEllipsis);
type TFontCharset ¶
type TFontCharset uint8
type TFontDialogOption ¶
type TFontDialogOption int32
TFontDialogOption = (fdAnsiOnly, fdTrueTypeOnly, fdEffects,
fdFixedPitchOnly, fdForceFontExist, fdNoFaceSel, fdNoOEMFonts, fdNoSimulations, fdNoSizeSel, fdNoStyleSel, fdNoVectorFonts, fdShowHelp, fdWysiwyg, fdLimitSize, fdScalableOnly, fdApplyButton);
type TFontDialogOptions ¶
type TFontDialogOptions uint32
TFontDialogOptions = set of TFontDialogOption;
type TFontQuality ¶
type TFontQuality int32
TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqDraft, fqProof, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased,
fqClearType, fqClearTypeNatural);
type TFontStyles ¶
type TFontStyles uint32
type TFormBorderStyle ¶
type TFormBorderStyle TBorderStyle
type TFormStyle ¶
type TFormStyle int32
TFormStyle = (fsNormal, fsMDIChild, fsMDIForm, fsStayOnTop);
type TGIFAnimationLoop ¶
type TGIFAnimationLoop int32
Animation loop behaviour TGIFAnimationLoop = (
glDisabled, // Never loop glEnabled, // Loop is specified in GIF glContinously // Loop continously regardless of GIF );
type TGIFDithering ¶
type TGIFDithering int32
Auto dithering of GIF output to Netscape 216 color palette TGIFDithering = (
gdDisabled, // Never dither gdEnabled, // Always dither gdAuto // Dither if Desktop DC supports <= 256 colors. );
type TGaugeKind ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TGaugeKind int32
TGaugeKind = (gkText, gkHorizontalBar, gkVerticalBar, gkPie, gkNeedle);
type TGradientDirection ¶
type TGradientDirection int32
TGradientDirection = (gdHorizontal, gdVertical);
type TImageAlignment ¶
type TImageAlignment int32
TImageAlignment = (iaLeft, iaRight, iaTop, iaBottom, iaCenter);
type TItemFind ¶
type TItemFind int32
TItemFind = (ifData, ifPartialString, ifExactString, ifNearest);
type TItemRequests ¶
type TItemRequests int32
TItemRequests = (irText, irImage, irParam, irState, irIndent);
type TItemState ¶
type TItemState int32
TItemState = (isNone, isCut, isDropHilited, isFocused, isSelected, isActivating);
type TJPEGPerformance ¶
type TJPEGPerformance int32
TJPEGPerformance = (jpBestQuality, jpBestSpeed);
type TJPEGQualityRange ¶
type TJPEGQualityRange uint32
TJPEGQualityRange = 1..100; // 100 = best quality, 25 = pretty awful
type TLeftRight ¶
type TLeftRight int32
TLeftRight = TAlignment.taLeftJustify..TAlignment.taRightJustify;
type TLinkAlignment ¶
type TLinkAlignment TAlignment
type TListArrangement ¶
type TListArrangement int32
TListArrangement = (arAlignBottom, arAlignLeft, arAlignRight,
arAlignTop, arDefault, arSnapToGrid);
type TListBoxStyle ¶
type TListBoxStyle int32
TListBoxStyle = (lbStandard, lbOwnerDrawFixed, lbOwnerDrawVariable,
lbVirtual, lbVirtualOwnerDraw);
type TListGroupState ¶
type TListGroupState int32
TListGroupState = (
lgsNormal, lgsHidden, lgsCollapsed, lgsNoHeader, lgsCollapsible, lgsFocused, lgsSelected, lgsSubseted, lgsSubSetLinkFocused
type TListGroupStateSet ¶
type TListGroupStateSet uint32
TListGroupStateSet = set of TListGroupState;
type TListHotTrackStyle ¶
type TListHotTrackStyle int32
TListHotTrackStyle = (htHandPoint, htUnderlineCold, htUnderlineHot);
type TListHotTrackStyles ¶
type TListHotTrackStyles uint32
TListHotTrackStyles = set of TListHotTrackStyle;
type TLoadResource ¶
type TLoadResource int32
TLoadResource = (lrDefaultColor, lrDefaultSize, lrFromFile, lrMap3DColors, lrTransparent, lrMonoChrome);
type TMenuItemAutoFlag ¶
type TMenuItemAutoFlag int32
TMenuItemAutoFlag = (maAutomatic, maManual, maParent);
type TModalResult ¶
type TModalResult int32
type TMsgDlgBtn ¶
type TMsgDlgBtn int32
TMsgDlgBtn = (mbYes, mbNo, mbOK, mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore,
mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll, mbHelp, mbClose);
type TMsgDlgType ¶
type TMsgDlgType int32
TMsgDlgType = (mtWarning, mtError, mtInformation, mtConfirmation, mtCustom);
type TMultiSelectStyle ¶
type TMultiSelectStyle int32
type TMultiSelectStyles ¶
type TMultiSelectStyles int32
TMultiSelectStyles = (msControlSelect, msShiftSelect,
msVisibleOnly, msSiblingOnly);
type TNodeAttachMode ¶
type TNodeAttachMode int32
TNodeAttachMode = (naAdd, naAddFirst, naAddChild, naAddChildFirst, naInsert);
type TNodeState ¶
type TNodeState int32
TNodeState = (nsCut, nsDropHilited, nsFocused, nsSelected, nsExpanded);
type TOpenOption ¶
type TOpenOption int32
{ TOpenDialog } TOpenOption = (ofReadOnly, ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly,
ofNoChangeDir, ofShowHelp, ofNoValidate, ofAllowMultiSelect, ofExtensionDifferent, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofCreatePrompt, ofShareAware, ofNoReadOnlyReturn, ofNoTestFileCreate, ofNoNetworkButton, ofNoLongNames, ofOldStyleDialog, ofNoDereferenceLinks, ofEnableIncludeNotify, ofEnableSizing, ofDontAddToRecent, ofForceShowHidden);
type TOwnerDrawState ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TOwnerDrawState uint32
TOwnerDrawState = set of (odSelected, odGrayed, odDisabled, odChecked,
odFocused, odDefault, odHotLight, odInactive, odNoAccel, odNoFocusRect, odReserved1, odReserved2, odComboBoxEdit);
type TPageMeasureUnits ¶
type TPageMeasureUnits int32
TPageMeasureUnits = (pmDefault, pmMillimeters, pmInches);
type TPageSetupDialogOption ¶
type TPageSetupDialogOption int32
TPageSetupDialogOption = (psoDefaultMinMargins, psoDisableMargins,
psoDisableOrientation, psoDisablePagePainting, psoDisablePaper, psoDisablePrinter, psoMargins, psoMinMargins, psoShowHelp, psoWarning, psoNoNetworkButton);
type TPageSetupDialogOptions ¶
type TPageSetupDialogOptions uint32
TPageSetupDialogOptions = set of TPageSetupDialogOption;
type TPenMode ¶
type TPenMode int32
TPenMode = (pmBlack, pmWhite, pmNop, pmNot, pmCopy, pmNotCopy,
pmMergePenNot, pmMaskPenNot, pmMergeNotPen, pmMaskNotPen, pmMerge, pmNotMerge, pmMask, pmNotMask, pmXor, pmNotXor);
type TPenStyle ¶
type TPenStyle int32
TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot, psClear,
psInsideFrame, psUserStyle, psAlternate);
type TPixelFormat ¶
type TPixelFormat int32
TPixelFormat = (pfDevice, pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit, pfCustom);
type TPosition ¶
type TPosition int32
TPosition = (poDesigned, poDefault, poDefaultPosOnly, poDefaultSizeOnly,
poScreenCenter, poDesktopCenter, poMainFormCenter, poOwnerFormCenter);
type TPositionToolTip ¶
type TPositionToolTip int32
TPositionToolTip = (ptNone, ptTop, ptLeft, ptBottom, ptRight);
type TPrintDialogOption ¶
type TPrintDialogOption int32
TPrintDialogOption = (poPrintToFile, poPageNums, poSelection, poWarning,
poHelp, poDisablePrintToFile);
type TPrintDialogOptions ¶
type TPrintDialogOptions uint32
TPrintDialogOptions = set of TPrintDialogOption;
type TPrintRange ¶
type TPrintRange int32
{ TPrintDialog } TPrintRange = (prAllPages, prSelection, prPageNums);
type TProgressBarOrientation ¶
type TProgressBarOrientation int32
TProgressBarOrientation = (pbHorizontal, pbVertical);
type TProgressBarState ¶
type TProgressBarState int32
TProgressBarState = (pbsNormal, pbsError, pbsPaused);
type TProgressBarStyle ¶
type TProgressBarStyle int32
TProgressBarStyle = (pbstNormal, pbstMarquee);
type TScrollBarKind ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TScrollBarKind int32
TScrollBarKind = (sbHorizontal, sbVertical);
type TScrollBarStyle ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TScrollBarStyle int32
TScrollBarStyle = (ssRegular, ssFlat, ssHotTrack);
type TScrollStyle ¶
type TScrollStyle int32
TScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth);
type TSearchDirection ¶
type TSearchDirection int32
TSearchDirection = (sdLeft, sdRight, sdAbove, sdBelow, sdAll);
type TSearchTypes ¶
type TSearchTypes uint32
type TSelectDirExtOpt ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TSelectDirExtOpt int32
TSelectDirExtOpt = (sdNewFolder, sdShowEdit, sdShowShares, sdNewUI, sdShowFiles, sdValidateDir);
type TSelectDirExtOpts ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TSelectDirExtOpts uint32
TSelectDirExtOpts = set of TSelectDirExtOpt;
type TSelectDirOpt ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TSelectDirOpt int32
TSelectDirOpt = (sdAllowCreate, sdPerformCreate, sdPrompt);
type TSelectDirOpts ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TSelectDirOpts uint32
TSelectDirOpts = set of TSelectDirOpt;
type TShapeType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TShapeType int32
TShapeType = (stRectangle, stSquare, stRoundRect, stRoundSquare, stEllipse, stCircle);
type TShiftState ¶
type TShiftState uint32
TShiftState = set of (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl,
ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble, ssTouch, ssPen, ssCommand, ssHorizontal);
type TStaticBorderStyle ¶
type TStaticBorderStyle int32
TStaticBorderStyle = (sbsNone, sbsSingle, sbsSunken);
type TStatusPanelBevel ¶
type TStatusPanelBevel int32
TStatusPanelBevel = (pbNone, pbLowered, pbRaised);
type TStringsOption ¶
type TStringsOption uint32
TStringsOption = (soStrictDelimiter, soWriteBOM, soTrailingLineBreak,
type TStyleElements ¶
type TStyleElements uint32
TStyleElements = set of (seFont, seClient, seBorder);
type TTBCustomDrawFlags ¶ added in v1.1.3
type TTBCustomDrawFlags uint32
TTBCustomDrawFlags = set of (tbNoEdges, tbHiliteHotTrack, tbNoOffset,
tbNoMark, tbNoEtchedEffect);
type TTBGradientDrawingOption ¶
type TTBGradientDrawingOption int32
TTBGradientDrawingOption = (gdoHotTrack, gdoGradient)
type TTBGradientDrawingOptions ¶
type TTBGradientDrawingOptions uint32
TTBGradientDrawingOptions = set of (gdoHotTrack, gdoGradient);
type TTextFormats ¶
type TTextFormats int32
// Note: tfComposited only supported by ThemeServices.DrawText TTextFormats = (tfBottom, tfCalcRect, tfCenter, tfEditControl, tfEndEllipsis,
tfPathEllipsis, tfExpandTabs, tfExternalLeading, tfLeft, tfModifyString, tfNoClip, tfNoPrefix, tfRight, tfRtlReading, tfSingleLine, tfTop, tfVerticalCenter, tfWordBreak, tfHidePrefix, tfNoFullWidthCharBreak, tfPrefixOnly, tfTabStop, tfWordEllipsis, tfComposited);
type TToolButtonState ¶
type TToolButtonState int32
TToolButtonState = (tbsChecked, tbsPressed, tbsEnabled, tbsHidden,
tbsIndeterminate, tbsWrap, tbsEllipses, tbsMarked);
type TToolButtonStyle ¶
type TToolButtonStyle int32
TToolButtonStyle = (tbsButton, tbsCheck, tbsDropDown, tbsSeparator,
tbsDivider, tbsTextButton);
type TTrackBarOrientation ¶
type TTrackBarOrientation int32
TTrackBarOrientation = (trHorizontal, trVertical);
type TVerticalAlignment ¶
type TVerticalAlignment int32
TVerticalAlignment = (taAlignTop, taAlignBottom, taVerticalCenter);