Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func ActionList_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ActionList_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ActionList_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ActionList_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ActionList_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ActionList_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ActionList_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ActionList_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ActionList_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ActionList_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ActionList_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ActionList_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ActionList_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ActionList_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ActionList_GetState(obj uintptr) TActionListState
- func ActionList_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ActionList_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ActionList_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ActionList_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ActionList_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ActionList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ActionList_SetState(obj uintptr, value TActionListState)
- func ActionList_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ActionList_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Action_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Action_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_Execute(obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Action_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Action_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Action_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_GetGroupIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Action_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Action_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Action_GetShortCut(obj uintptr) TShortCut
- func Action_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Action_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Action_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Action_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Action_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Action_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Action_SetGroupIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Action_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Action_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Action_SetIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Action_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Action_SetOnExecute(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Action_SetOnUpdate(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Action_SetShortCut(obj uintptr, value TShortCut)
- func Action_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Action_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Action_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Action_Update(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_ActivateHint(obj uintptr, CursorPos TPoint)
- func Application_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Application_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Application_CancelHint(obj uintptr)
- func Application_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Application_CreateForm(app uintptr) uintptr
- func Application_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Application_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Application_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Application_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Application_GetDialogHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Application_GetExeName(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Application_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_GetHintColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Application_GetHintHidePause(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetHintPause(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetHintShortCuts(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_GetHintShortPause(obj uintptr) int32
- func Application_GetIcon(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Application_GetIsMetropolisUI(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_GetMainForm(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Application_GetMainFormHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Application_GetMainFormOnTaskBar(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Application_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_GetShowMainForm(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Application_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func Application_HandleMessage(obj uintptr)
- func Application_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Application_HideHint(obj uintptr)
- func Application_Initialize(obj uintptr)
- func Application_Instance() uintptr
- func Application_MessageBox(obj uintptr, Text string, Caption string, Flags int32) int32
- func Application_Minimize(obj uintptr)
- func Application_ModalFinished(obj uintptr)
- func Application_ModalStarted(obj uintptr)
- func Application_NormalizeAllTopMosts(obj uintptr)
- func Application_NormalizeTopMosts(obj uintptr)
- func Application_ProcessMessages(obj uintptr)
- func Application_Restore(obj uintptr)
- func Application_RestoreTopMosts(obj uintptr)
- func Application_Run(obj uintptr)
- func Application_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Application_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Application_SetDialogHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Application_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Application_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Application_SetHintColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Application_SetHintHidePause(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Application_SetHintPause(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Application_SetHintShortCuts(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Application_SetHintShortPause(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Application_SetIcon(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Application_SetMainFormOnTaskBar(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Application_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Application_SetOnException(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Application_SetOnMinimize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Application_SetOnRestore(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Application_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Application_SetShowMainForm(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Application_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Application_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Application_Terminate(obj uintptr)
- func Application_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func BalloonHint_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func BalloonHint_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func BalloonHint_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func BalloonHint_Free(obj uintptr)
- func BalloonHint_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func BalloonHint_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func BalloonHint_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func BalloonHint_GetDelay(obj uintptr) uint32
- func BalloonHint_GetDescription(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func BalloonHint_GetHideAfter(obj uintptr) int32
- func BalloonHint_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func BalloonHint_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func BalloonHint_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func BalloonHint_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TBalloonHintStyle
- func BalloonHint_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func BalloonHint_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func BalloonHint_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func BalloonHint_HideHint(obj uintptr)
- func BalloonHint_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func BalloonHint_SetDelay(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func BalloonHint_SetDescription(obj uintptr, value string)
- func BalloonHint_SetHideAfter(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func BalloonHint_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func BalloonHint_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func BalloonHint_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func BalloonHint_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TBalloonHintStyle)
- func BalloonHint_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func BalloonHint_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func BalloonHint_ShowHint(obj uintptr)
- func BalloonHint_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Bitmap_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Bitmap_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Bitmap_Create() uintptr
- func Bitmap_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Bitmap_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Bitmap_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
- func Bitmap_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Bitmap_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Bitmap_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Bitmap_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_GetPixelFormat(obj uintptr) TPixelFormat
- func Bitmap_GetScanLine(obj uintptr, Row int32) uintptr
- func Bitmap_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_GetTransparentColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Bitmap_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Bitmap_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Bitmap_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Bitmap_LoadFromResourceID(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func Bitmap_LoadFromResourceName(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResName string)
- func Bitmap_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Bitmap_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Bitmap_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Bitmap_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HBITMAP)
- func Bitmap_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Bitmap_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Bitmap_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Bitmap_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Bitmap_SetPixelFormat(obj uintptr, value TPixelFormat)
- func Bitmap_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Bitmap_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Bitmap_SetTransparentColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Bitmap_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Bitmap_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Brush_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Brush_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Brush_Create() uintptr
- func Brush_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Brush_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Brush_GetBitmap(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Brush_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Brush_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HBRUSH
- func Brush_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Brush_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Brush_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TBrushStyle
- func Brush_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Brush_SetBitmap(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Brush_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Brush_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HBRUSH)
- func Brush_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Brush_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TBrushStyle)
- func Brush_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Button_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Button_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_Click(obj uintptr)
- func Button_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Button_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func Button_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Button_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Button_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Button_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Button_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Button_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetCancel(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Button_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetCommandLinkHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Button_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Button_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Button_GetDefault(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetDisabledImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetElevationRequired(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Button_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_GetHotImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetImageAlignment(obj uintptr) TImageAlignment
- func Button_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetModalResult(obj uintptr) TModalResult
- func Button_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Button_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Button_GetPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetSelectedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TButtonStyle
- func Button_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Button_GetStylusHotImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Button_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Button_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Button_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Button_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Button_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Button_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Button_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Button_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Button_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Button_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Button_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func Button_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Button_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Button_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Button_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Button_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Button_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Button_SetCancel(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Button_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetCommandLinkHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Button_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Button_SetDefault(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetDisabledImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetElevationRequired(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func Button_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Button_SetHotImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetImageAlignment(obj uintptr, value TImageAlignment)
- func Button_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetModalResult(obj uintptr, value TModalResult)
- func Button_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Button_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Button_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Button_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Button_SetPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetSelectedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TButtonStyle)
- func Button_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Button_SetStylusHotImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Button_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Button_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Button_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Button_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Button_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Button_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Canvas_AngleArc(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32, Radius uint32, StartAngle float32, ...)
- func Canvas_Arc(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, ...)
- func Canvas_ArcTo(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, ...)
- func Canvas_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Canvas_BrushCopy(obj uintptr, dest TRect, bitmap uintptr, source TRect, color TColor)
- func Canvas_Chord(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, ...)
- func Canvas_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Canvas_CopyRect(obj uintptr, dest TRect, canvas uintptr, source TRect)
- func Canvas_Create() uintptr
- func Canvas_Draw1(obj uintptr, x, y int32, graphic uintptr)
- func Canvas_Draw2(obj uintptr, x, y int32, graphic uintptr, opacity uint8)
- func Canvas_DrawFocusRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
- func Canvas_Ellipse(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32)
- func Canvas_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Canvas_FillRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
- func Canvas_FloodFill(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32, Color TColor, FillStyle TFillStyle)
- func Canvas_FrameRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
- func Canvas_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Canvas_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Canvas_GetCopyMode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Canvas_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Canvas_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HDC
- func Canvas_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Canvas_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Canvas_GetPen(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Canvas_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Canvas_LineTo(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32)
- func Canvas_Lock(obj uintptr)
- func Canvas_MoveTo(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32)
- func Canvas_Pie(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, ...)
- func Canvas_Rectangle(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32)
- func Canvas_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Canvas_RoundRect(obj uintptr, X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32)
- func Canvas_SetBrush(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Canvas_SetCopyMode(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Canvas_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Canvas_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HDC)
- func Canvas_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Canvas_SetPen(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Canvas_StretchDraw(obj uintptr, aRect TRect, graphic uintptr)
- func Canvas_TextExtent(obj uintptr, Text string) TSize
- func Canvas_TextHeight(obj uintptr, Text string) int32
- func Canvas_TextOut(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32, Text string)
- func Canvas_TextRect1(obj uintptr, aRect TRect, x, y int32, text string)
- func Canvas_TextRect2(obj uintptr, aRect *TRect, text *string, textFormat TTextFormat)
- func Canvas_TextWidth(obj uintptr, Text string) int32
- func Canvas_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_CollapseAll(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_ExpandAll(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronHotColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientBaseColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientDirection(obj uintptr) TGradientDirection
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderImage(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderStyle(obj uintptr) THeaderStyle
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetPanels(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentBackground(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanelGroup_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronHotColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientBaseColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientDirection(obj uintptr, value TGradientDirection)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderImage(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderStyle(obj uintptr, value THeaderStyle)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentBackground(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Show(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanelGroup_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanelGroup_Update(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_Collapse(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_Expand(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func CategoryPanel_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_Free(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func CategoryPanel_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func CategoryPanel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func CategoryPanel_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CategoryPanel_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CategoryPanel_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetCollapsed(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetCollapsedHotImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetCollapsedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetCollapsedPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CategoryPanel_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func CategoryPanel_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetExpandedHotImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExpandedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExpandedPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetFullRepaint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CategoryPanel_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetLocked(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetPanelGroup(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentBackground(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CategoryPanel_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CategoryPanel_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func CategoryPanel_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func CategoryPanel_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func CategoryPanel_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CategoryPanel_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func CategoryPanel_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func CategoryPanel_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func CategoryPanel_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func CategoryPanel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func CategoryPanel_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CategoryPanel_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCollapsed(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCollapsedHotImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCollapsedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCollapsedPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CategoryPanel_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func CategoryPanel_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetExpandedHotImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetExpandedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetExpandedPressedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetFullRepaint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CategoryPanel_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetLocked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CategoryPanel_SetPanelGroup(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentBackground(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func CategoryPanel_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func CategoryPanel_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func CategoryPanel_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func CategoryPanel_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CategoryPanel_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CategoryPanel_Show(obj uintptr)
- func CategoryPanel_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func CategoryPanel_Update(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func CheckBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func CheckBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func CheckBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func CheckBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLeftRight
- func CheckBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func CheckBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func CheckBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CheckBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func CheckBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func CheckBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func CheckBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CheckBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func CheckBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func CheckBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetState(obj uintptr) TCheckBoxState
- func CheckBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func CheckBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func CheckBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func CheckBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func CheckBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func CheckBox_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func CheckBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func CheckBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func CheckBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func CheckBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLeftRight)
- func CheckBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func CheckBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func CheckBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func CheckBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func CheckBox_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CheckBox_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func CheckBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func CheckBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CheckBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func CheckBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func CheckBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func CheckBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func CheckBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetState(obj uintptr, value TCheckBoxState)
- func CheckBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func CheckBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func CheckBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func CheckBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CheckBox_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func CheckBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func CheckBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func CheckBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Clipboard_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Clipboard_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Clipboard_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func Clipboard_Close(obj uintptr)
- func Clipboard_Create() uintptr
- func Clipboard_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Clipboard_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Clipboard_GetAsHandle(obj uintptr, Format uint16) uintptr
- func Clipboard_GetAsText(obj uintptr) string
- func Clipboard_GetFormatCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Clipboard_GetFormats(obj uintptr, Index int32) uint16
- func Clipboard_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Clipboard_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Clipboard_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Clipboard_HasFormat(obj uintptr, Format uint16) bool
- func Clipboard_Instance() uintptr
- func Clipboard_Open(obj uintptr)
- func Clipboard_SetAsHandle(obj uintptr, Format uint16, Value uintptr)
- func Clipboard_SetAsText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Clipboard_SetClipboard(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Clipboard_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func CollectionItem_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func CollectionItem_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func CollectionItem_Create() uintptr
- func CollectionItem_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func CollectionItem_Free(obj uintptr)
- func CollectionItem_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func CollectionItem_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func CollectionItem_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func CollectionItem_SetIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func CollectionItem_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item string, AObject uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ColorBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ColorBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ColorBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ColorBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ColorBox_GetAutoCloseUp(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetAutoComplete(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr) uint32
- func ColorBox_GetAutoDropDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func ColorBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ColorBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func ColorBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ColorBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ColorBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ColorBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ColorBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorBox_GetColorNames(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func ColorBox_GetColors(obj uintptr, Index int32) TColor
- func ColorBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ColorBox_GetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetDropDownCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetDroppedDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ColorBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_GetItemHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_GetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ColorBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorBox_GetSelLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetSelText(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_GetSelected(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TColorBoxStyle
- func ColorBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ColorBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ColorBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ColorBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ColorBox_GetTextHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ColorBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ColorBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ColorBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ColorBox_SetAutoCloseUp(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetAutoComplete(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func ColorBox_SetAutoDropDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func ColorBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ColorBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func ColorBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ColorBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ColorBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ColorBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ColorBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ColorBox_SetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetDropDownCount(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetDroppedDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorBox_SetItemHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorBox_SetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorBox_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ColorBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorBox_SetSelLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetSelText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorBox_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TColorBoxStyle)
- func ColorBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ColorBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ColorBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ColorBox_SetTextHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ColorBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ColorDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ColorDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func ColorDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ColorDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ColorDialog_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ColorDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ColorDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TColorDialogOptions
- func ColorDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ColorDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorDialog_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TColorDialogOptions)
- func ColorDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ColorDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item string, AObject uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ColorListBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ColorListBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ColorListBox_GetAutoComplete(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr) uint32
- func ColorListBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func ColorListBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ColorListBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func ColorListBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ColorListBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ColorListBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ColorListBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ColorListBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorListBox_GetColorNames(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func ColorListBox_GetColors(obj uintptr, Index int32) TColor
- func ColorListBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ColorListBox_GetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorListBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ColorListBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_GetItemHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetMultiSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_GetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorListBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ColorListBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ColorListBox_GetSelCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetSelected(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ColorListBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TColorBoxStyle
- func ColorListBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ColorListBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ColorListBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ColorListBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ColorListBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ColorListBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ColorListBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ColorListBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ColorListBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ColorListBox_SetAutoComplete(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func ColorListBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func ColorListBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ColorListBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func ColorListBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ColorListBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ColorListBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ColorListBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorListBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ColorListBox_SetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorListBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorListBox_SetItemHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetMultiSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ColorListBox_SetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorListBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ColorListBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ColorListBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ColorListBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TColorBoxStyle)
- func ColorListBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ColorListBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ColorListBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ColorListBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ColorListBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ColorListBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ColorListBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ColorListBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item string, AObject uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ComboBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ComboBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ComboBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ComboBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ComboBox_GetAutoCloseUp(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetAutoComplete(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr) uint32
- func ComboBox_GetAutoDropDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func ComboBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ComboBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func ComboBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ComboBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ComboBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ComboBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ComboBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ComboBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ComboBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetDropDownCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetDroppedDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ComboBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetItemHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetMaxLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ComboBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ComboBox_GetSelLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetSelText(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetSorted(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TComboBoxStyle
- func ComboBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ComboBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ComboBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ComboBox_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ComboBox_GetTextHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ComboBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ComboBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ComboBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ComboBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ComboBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ComboBox_SetAutoCloseUp(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetAutoComplete(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func ComboBox_SetAutoDropDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func ComboBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ComboBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func ComboBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ComboBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ComboBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ComboBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ComboBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ComboBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ComboBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetDropDownCount(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetDroppedDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ComboBox_SetItemHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetMaxLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ComboBox_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ComboBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ComboBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ComboBox_SetSelLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetSelText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ComboBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetSorted(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TComboBoxStyle)
- func ComboBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ComboBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ComboBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ComboBox_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ComboBox_SetTextHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ComboBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ComboBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ComboBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ComboBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ComboBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Component_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Component_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Component_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Component_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Component_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Component_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Component_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Component_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Component_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Component_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Component_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Component_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Component_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Component_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Component_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Component_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Component_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Component_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Component_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Control_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Control_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Control_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Control_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Control_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Control_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Control_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Control_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Control_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Control_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Control_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Control_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Control_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Control_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Control_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Control_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Control_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Control_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Control_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Control_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Control_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Control_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Control_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Control_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Control_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Control_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Control_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Control_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Control_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Control_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Control_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Control_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Control_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Control_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Control_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Control_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Control_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Control_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Control_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Control_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Control_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Control_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Control_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Control_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Control_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Control_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Control_Update(obj uintptr)
- func DBoolToGoBool(val uintptr) bool
- func DExtractFilePath(filename string) string
- func DFileExists(filename string) bool
- func DGetMainInstance() uintptr
- func DInheritsFromComponent(obj uintptr) bool
- func DInheritsFromControl(obj uintptr) bool
- func DInheritsFromWinControl(obj uintptr) bool
- func DMessageDlg(Msg string, DlgType TMsgDlgType, Buttons TMsgDlgButtons, HelpCtx int32) int32
- func DMove(src, dest uintptr, llen int)
- func DSetReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(v bool)
- func DShortCutToText(val TShortCut) string
- func DShowMessage(s string)
- func DStrLen(p uintptr) int
- func DSysOpen(filename string)
- func DTextToShortCut(val string) TShortCut
- func DateTimePicker_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func DateTimePicker_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_Free(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func DateTimePicker_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func DateTimePicker_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func DateTimePicker_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func DateTimePicker_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func DateTimePicker_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func DateTimePicker_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func DateTimePicker_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func DateTimePicker_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetCalAlignment(obj uintptr) TDTCalAlignment
- func DateTimePicker_GetCalColors(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func DateTimePicker_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func DateTimePicker_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func DateTimePicker_GetDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func DateTimePicker_GetDateFormat(obj uintptr) TDTDateFormat
- func DateTimePicker_GetDateMode(obj uintptr) TDTDateMode
- func DateTimePicker_GetDateTime(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func DateTimePicker_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetDroppedDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetFormat(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func DateTimePicker_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_GetKind(obj uintptr) TDateTimeKind
- func DateTimePicker_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetMaxDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func DateTimePicker_GetMinDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func DateTimePicker_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func DateTimePicker_GetParseInput(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func DateTimePicker_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func DateTimePicker_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func DateTimePicker_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func DateTimePicker_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetTime(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func DateTimePicker_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func DateTimePicker_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func DateTimePicker_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func DateTimePicker_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func DateTimePicker_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func DateTimePicker_SetCalAlignment(obj uintptr, value TDTCalAlignment)
- func DateTimePicker_SetCalColors(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func DateTimePicker_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func DateTimePicker_SetDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func DateTimePicker_SetDateFormat(obj uintptr, value TDTDateFormat)
- func DateTimePicker_SetDateMode(obj uintptr, value TDTDateMode)
- func DateTimePicker_SetDateTime(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func DateTimePicker_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetFormat(obj uintptr, value string)
- func DateTimePicker_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func DateTimePicker_SetKind(obj uintptr, value TDateTimeKind)
- func DateTimePicker_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetMaxDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func DateTimePicker_SetMinDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func DateTimePicker_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func DateTimePicker_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func DateTimePicker_SetParseInput(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func DateTimePicker_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func DateTimePicker_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func DateTimePicker_SetTime(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func DateTimePicker_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func DateTimePicker_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func DateTimePicker_Show(obj uintptr)
- func DateTimePicker_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func DateTimePicker_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Edit_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Edit_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func Edit_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Edit_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func Edit_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Edit_GetAutoSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func Edit_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func Edit_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func Edit_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func Edit_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Edit_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func Edit_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Edit_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Edit_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Edit_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Edit_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Edit_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Edit_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Edit_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetHideSelection(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetMaxLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetNumbersOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Edit_GetPasswordChar(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Edit_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Edit_GetReadOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetSelLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetSelText(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetSelTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Edit_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Edit_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Edit_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Edit_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Edit_GetTextHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Edit_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Edit_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Edit_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func Edit_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Edit_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Edit_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func Edit_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Edit_SetAutoSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func Edit_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func Edit_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func Edit_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func Edit_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Edit_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func Edit_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Edit_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Edit_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Edit_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Edit_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Edit_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetHideSelection(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Edit_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Edit_SetMaxLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Edit_SetNumbersOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Edit_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Edit_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Edit_SetPasswordChar(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Edit_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Edit_SetReadOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetSelLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetSelText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Edit_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Edit_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Edit_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Edit_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Edit_SetTextHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Edit_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Edit_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Edit_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Edit_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Edit_Update(obj uintptr)
- func FontDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func FontDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func FontDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func FontDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func FontDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func FontDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func FontDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func FontDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func FontDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func FontDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func FontDialog_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func FontDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func FontDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func FontDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func FontDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func FontDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TFontDialogOptions
- func FontDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func FontDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func FontDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func FontDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func FontDialog_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func FontDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func FontDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func FontDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func FontDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TFontDialogOptions)
- func FontDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func FontDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Font_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Font_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Font_Create() uintptr
- func Font_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Font_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Font_GetCharset(obj uintptr) TFontCharset
- func Font_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Font_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HFONT
- func Font_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Font_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Font_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Font_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Font_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) int32
- func Font_GetPitch(obj uintptr) TFontPitch
- func Font_GetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr) int32
- func Font_GetQuality(obj uintptr) TFontQuality
- func Font_GetSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func Font_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TFontStyles
- func Font_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Font_SetCharset(obj uintptr, value TFontCharset)
- func Font_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Font_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HFONT)
- func Font_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Font_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Font_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Font_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Font_SetPitch(obj uintptr, value TFontPitch)
- func Font_SetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Font_SetQuality(obj uintptr, value TFontQuality)
- func Font_SetSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Font_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TFontStyles)
- func Font_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Form_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Form_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_Close(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_EnabledMaximize(obj uintptr, val bool)
- func Form_EnabledMinimize(obj uintptr, val bool)
- func Form_EnabledSystemMenu(obj uintptr, val bool)
- func Form_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Form_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func Form_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Form_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Form_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetAlphaBlend(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetAlphaBlendValue(obj uintptr) uint8
- func Form_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Form_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Form_GetBorderIcons(obj uintptr) TBorderIcons
- func Form_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TFormBorderStyle
- func Form_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Form_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Form_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Form_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Form_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Form_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Form_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetDropTarget(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetFormStyle(obj uintptr) TFormStyle
- func Form_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Form_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_GetIcon(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetKeyPreview(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetModalResult(obj uintptr) TModalResult
- func Form_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Form_GetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Form_GetPosition(obj uintptr) TPosition
- func Form_GetScaled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Form_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Form_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Form_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Form_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetTransparentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetTransparentColorValue(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Form_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_GetWindowState(obj uintptr) TWindowState
- func Form_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Form_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Form_Print(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Form_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Form_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func Form_ScaleControlsForDpi(obj uintptr, newPPI int32)
- func Form_ScaleForPPI(obj uintptr, newPPI int32)
- func Form_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Form_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Form_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetAlphaBlend(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetAlphaBlendValue(obj uintptr, value uint8)
- func Form_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Form_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Form_SetBorderIcons(obj uintptr, value TBorderIcons)
- func Form_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TFormBorderStyle)
- func Form_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Form_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Form_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Form_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Form_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Form_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetDropTarget(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func Form_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetFormStyle(obj uintptr, value TFormStyle)
- func Form_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Form_SetIcon(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetKeyPreview(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetModalResult(obj uintptr, value TModalResult)
- func Form_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Form_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnCloseQuery(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnHide(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Form_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Form_SetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Form_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value TPosition)
- func Form_SetScaled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Form_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Form_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Form_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetTransparentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetTransparentColorValue(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Form_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Form_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Form_SetWindowState(obj uintptr, value TWindowState)
- func Form_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Form_ShowModal(obj uintptr) int32
- func Form_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Form_Update(obj uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func GIFFrame_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_Create() uintptr
- func GIFFrame_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFFrame_Free(obj uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_GetBitmap(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GIFFrame_GetBitsPerPixel(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFFrame_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func GIFFrame_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func GIFFrame_GetData(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GIFFrame_GetDataSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFFrame_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFFrame_GetHasBitmap(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFFrame_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFFrame_GetHeight(obj uintptr) uint16
- func GIFFrame_GetLeft(obj uintptr) uint16
- func GIFFrame_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func GIFFrame_GetTop(obj uintptr) uint16
- func GIFFrame_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFFrame_GetVersion(obj uintptr) TGIFVersion
- func GIFFrame_GetWidth(obj uintptr) uint16
- func GIFFrame_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func GIFFrame_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func GIFFrame_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_SetBitmap(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GIFFrame_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func GIFFrame_SetHasBitmap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GIFFrame_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func GIFFrame_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func GIFFrame_SetTop(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func GIFFrame_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func GIFFrame_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func GIFImage_Add(obj uintptr, Source uintptr) uintptr
- func GIFImage_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func GIFImage_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func GIFImage_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func GIFImage_Create() uintptr
- func GIFImage_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_Free(obj uintptr)
- func GIFImage_GetAnimate(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetAnimateLoop(obj uintptr) TGIFAnimationLoop
- func GIFImage_GetAnimationSpeed(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFImage_GetAspectRatio(obj uintptr) uint8
- func GIFImage_GetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func GIFImage_GetBitmap(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GIFImage_GetBitsPerPixel(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFImage_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFImage_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFImage_GetIsTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func GIFImage_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetShouldDither(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func GIFImage_GetVersion(obj uintptr) TGIFVersion
- func GIFImage_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func GIFImage_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func GIFImage_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func GIFImage_ResumeDraw(obj uintptr)
- func GIFImage_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func GIFImage_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func GIFImage_SetAnimate(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GIFImage_SetAnimateLoop(obj uintptr, value TGIFAnimationLoop)
- func GIFImage_SetAnimationSpeed(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GIFImage_SetAspectRatio(obj uintptr, value uint8)
- func GIFImage_SetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func GIFImage_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GIFImage_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GIFImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GIFImage_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GIFImage_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GIFImage_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func GIFImage_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GIFImage_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GIFImage_StopDraw(obj uintptr)
- func GIFImage_SuspendDraw(obj uintptr)
- func GIFImage_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func GoBoolToDBool(val bool) uintptr
- func Graphic_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Graphic_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Graphic_Create() uintptr
- func Graphic_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Graphic_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Graphic_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func Graphic_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Graphic_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Graphic_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Graphic_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Graphic_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Graphic_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Graphic_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Graphic_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Graphic_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Graphic_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Graphic_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Graphic_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Graphic_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Graphic_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Graphic_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Graphic_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Graphic_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Graphic_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Graphic_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func GroupBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func GroupBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func GroupBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func GroupBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func GroupBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func GroupBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func GroupBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func GroupBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func GroupBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func GroupBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func GroupBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetParentBackground(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func GroupBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func GroupBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func GroupBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func GroupBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func GroupBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func GroupBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func GroupBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func GroupBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func GroupBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func GroupBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func GroupBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func GroupBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func GroupBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func GroupBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func GroupBox_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func GroupBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func GroupBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func GroupBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func GroupBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func GroupBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func GroupBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetParentBackground(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func GroupBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func GroupBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func GroupBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func GroupBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func GroupBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func GroupBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func GroupBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func GroupBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func GroupBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func HotKey_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func HotKey_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func HotKey_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func HotKey_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_Free(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func HotKey_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func HotKey_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func HotKey_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func HotKey_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func HotKey_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func HotKey_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func HotKey_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func HotKey_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func HotKey_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func HotKey_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func HotKey_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func HotKey_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func HotKey_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func HotKey_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func HotKey_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func HotKey_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func HotKey_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func HotKey_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func HotKey_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func HotKey_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func HotKey_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func HotKey_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func HotKey_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func HotKey_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func HotKey_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func HotKey_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func HotKey_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func HotKey_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func HotKey_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func HotKey_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func HotKey_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func HotKey_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func HotKey_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func HotKey_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func HotKey_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func HotKey_Show(obj uintptr)
- func HotKey_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func HotKey_Update(obj uintptr)
- func IconOptions_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func IconOptions_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func IconOptions_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func IconOptions_GetArrangement(obj uintptr) TIconArrangement
- func IconOptions_GetAutoArrange(obj uintptr) bool
- func IconOptions_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func IconOptions_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func IconOptions_SetArrangement(obj uintptr, value TIconArrangement)
- func IconOptions_SetAutoArrange(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func IconOptions_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Icon_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Icon_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Icon_Create() uintptr
- func Icon_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Icon_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HICON
- func Icon_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Icon_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Icon_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Icon_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Icon_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Icon_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Icon_LoadFromResourceID(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func Icon_LoadFromResourceName(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResName string)
- func Icon_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Icon_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Icon_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Icon_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HICON)
- func Icon_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Icon_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Icon_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Icon_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Icon_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Icon_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Icon_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Icon_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ImageList_Add(obj uintptr, Image uintptr, Mask uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_AddIcon(obj uintptr, Image uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_AddImage(obj uintptr, Value uintptr, Index int32) int32
- func ImageList_AddImages(obj uintptr, Value uintptr)
- func ImageList_AddMasked(obj uintptr, Image uintptr, MaskColor TColor) int32
- func ImageList_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ImageList_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ImageList_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ImageList_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ImageList_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ImageList_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func ImageList_Draw1(obj uintptr, canvas uintptr, x, y, index int32, enabled bool)
- func ImageList_Draw2(obj uintptr, canvas uintptr, x, y, index int32, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, ...)
- func ImageList_DrawOverlay1(obj uintptr, canvas uintptr, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, ...)
- func ImageList_DrawOverlay2(obj, canvas uintptr, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, ...)
- func ImageList_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ImageList_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_FileLoad(obj uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func ImageList_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ImageList_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ImageList_GetAllocBy(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_GetBitmap(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_GetBkColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ImageList_GetBlendColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ImageList_GetColorDepth(obj uintptr) TColorDepth
- func ImageList_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ImageList_GetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr) TDrawingStyle
- func ImageList_GetGrayscaleFactor(obj uintptr) uint8
- func ImageList_GetHandle(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ImageList_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_GetHotSpot(obj uintptr) TPoint
- func ImageList_GetIcon1(obj uintptr, index int32, image uintptr)
- func ImageList_GetIcon2(obj uintptr, index int32, image uintptr, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, ...)
- func ImageList_GetImageBitmap(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
- func ImageList_GetImageType(obj uintptr) TImageType
- func ImageList_GetMaskBitmap(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
- func ImageList_GetMasked(obj uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ImageList_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ImageList_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ImageList_GetResource(obj uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, Width int32, ...) bool
- func ImageList_GetShareImages(obj uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ImageList_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ImageList_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ImageList_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr, Mask uintptr)
- func ImageList_InsertIcon(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr)
- func ImageList_InsertMasked(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr, MaskColor TColor)
- func ImageList_Move(obj uintptr, CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func ImageList_Overlay(obj uintptr, ImageIndex int32, Overlay uint8) bool
- func ImageList_Replace(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr, Mask uintptr)
- func ImageList_ReplaceIcon(obj uintptr, Index int32, Image uintptr)
- func ImageList_ReplaceMasked(obj uintptr, Index int32, NewImage uintptr, MaskColor TColor)
- func ImageList_ResInstLoad(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func ImageList_ResourceLoad(obj uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func ImageList_SetAllocBy(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ImageList_SetBkColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ImageList_SetBlendColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ImageList_SetColorDepth(obj uintptr, value TColorDepth)
- func ImageList_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ImageList_SetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr, value TDrawingStyle)
- func ImageList_SetGrayscaleFactor(obj uintptr, value uint8)
- func ImageList_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ImageList_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ImageList_SetImageType(obj uintptr, value TImageType)
- func ImageList_SetMasked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ImageList_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ImageList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ImageList_SetShareImages(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ImageList_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ImageList_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ImageList_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ImageList_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Image_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Image_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Image_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Image_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Image_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Image_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Image_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Image_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetCenter(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Image_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Image_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Image_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_GetIncrementalDisplay(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetPicture(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Image_GetProportional(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetStretch(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Image_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Image_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Image_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Image_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Image_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Image_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Image_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Image_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Image_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Image_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Image_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Image_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Image_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Image_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Image_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Image_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Image_SetCenter(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Image_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Image_SetIncrementalDisplay(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Image_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Image_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Image_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Image_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetPicture(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Image_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Image_SetProportional(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetStretch(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Image_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Image_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Image_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Image_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Image_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Image_Update(obj uintptr)
- func IniFile_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func IniFile_Create(filename string) uintptr
- func IniFile_DeleteKey(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string)
- func IniFile_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func IniFile_EraseSection(obj uintptr, Section string)
- func IniFile_Free(obj uintptr)
- func IniFile_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func IniFile_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func IniFile_ReadBool(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Default bool) bool
- func IniFile_ReadDate(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func IniFile_ReadDateTime(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func IniFile_ReadFloat(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Default float64) float64
- func IniFile_ReadInteger(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Default int32) int32
- func IniFile_ReadSectionValues(obj uintptr, Section string, Strings uintptr)
- func IniFile_ReadSections(obj uintptr, Strings uintptr)
- func IniFile_ReadString(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Default string) string
- func IniFile_ReadSubSections(obj uintptr, Section string, Strings uintptr, Recurse bool)
- func IniFile_ReadTime(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func IniFile_SectionExists(obj uintptr, Section string) bool
- func IniFile_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func IniFile_UpdateFile(obj uintptr)
- func IniFile_ValueExists(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string) bool
- func IniFile_WriteBool(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Value bool)
- func IniFile_WriteDate(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func IniFile_WriteDateTime(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func IniFile_WriteFloat(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Value float64)
- func IniFile_WriteInteger(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Value int32)
- func IniFile_WriteString(obj uintptr, Section string, Ident string, Value string)
- func IniFile_WriteTime(obj uintptr, Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func JPEGImage_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func JPEGImage_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func JPEGImage_Create() uintptr
- func JPEGImage_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_Free(obj uintptr)
- func JPEGImage_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func JPEGImage_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func JPEGImage_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func JPEGImage_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func JPEGImage_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetPerformance(obj uintptr) TJPEGPerformance
- func JPEGImage_GetPixelFormat(obj uintptr) TJPEGPixelFormat
- func JPEGImage_GetProgressiveDisplay(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetScale(obj uintptr) TJPEGScale
- func JPEGImage_GetSmoothing(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func JPEGImage_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func JPEGImage_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func JPEGImage_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func JPEGImage_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func JPEGImage_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func JPEGImage_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func JPEGImage_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func JPEGImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func JPEGImage_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func JPEGImage_SetPerformance(obj uintptr, value TJPEGPerformance)
- func JPEGImage_SetPixelFormat(obj uintptr, value TJPEGPixelFormat)
- func JPEGImage_SetProgressiveDisplay(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func JPEGImage_SetScale(obj uintptr, value TJPEGScale)
- func JPEGImage_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func JPEGImage_SetSmoothing(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func JPEGImage_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func JPEGImage_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func JPEGImage_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Label_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Label_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Label_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Label_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Label_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func Label_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Label_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Label_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Label_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Label_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Label_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Label_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Label_GetEllipsisPosition(obj uintptr) TEllipsisPosition
- func Label_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetGlowSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_GetLayout(obj uintptr) TTextLayout
- func Label_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Label_GetShowAccelChar(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Label_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Label_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Label_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Label_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Label_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Label_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Label_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Label_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Label_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Label_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Label_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Label_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Label_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func Label_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Label_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Label_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Label_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Label_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Label_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Label_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Label_SetEllipsisPosition(obj uintptr, value TEllipsisPosition)
- func Label_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Label_SetGlowSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Label_SetLayout(obj uintptr, value TTextLayout)
- func Label_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Label_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Label_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Label_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Label_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Label_SetShowAccelChar(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Label_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Label_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Label_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Label_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Label_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Label_Update(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func LinkLabel_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_Free(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func LinkLabel_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLinkAlignment
- func LinkLabel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func LinkLabel_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func LinkLabel_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func LinkLabel_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func LinkLabel_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func LinkLabel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func LinkLabel_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func LinkLabel_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func LinkLabel_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func LinkLabel_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func LinkLabel_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func LinkLabel_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func LinkLabel_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func LinkLabel_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func LinkLabel_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func LinkLabel_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func LinkLabel_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_GetUseVisualStyle(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func LinkLabel_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func LinkLabel_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func LinkLabel_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func LinkLabel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func LinkLabel_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLinkAlignment)
- func LinkLabel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func LinkLabel_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func LinkLabel_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func LinkLabel_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func LinkLabel_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func LinkLabel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func LinkLabel_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func LinkLabel_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func LinkLabel_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func LinkLabel_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func LinkLabel_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func LinkLabel_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func LinkLabel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnLinkClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func LinkLabel_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func LinkLabel_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func LinkLabel_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func LinkLabel_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func LinkLabel_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_SetUseVisualStyle(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func LinkLabel_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func LinkLabel_Show(obj uintptr)
- func LinkLabel_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func LinkLabel_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item string, AObject uintptr)
- func ListBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ListBox_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ListBox_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ListBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ListBox_GetAutoComplete(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr) uint32
- func ListBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func ListBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ListBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func ListBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ListBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ListBox_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func ListBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ListBox_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ListBox_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ListBox_GetColumns(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ListBox_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListBox_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ListBox_GetItemHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetMultiSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListBox_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListBox_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListBox_GetSelCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetSelected(obj uintptr, Index int32) bool
- func ListBox_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetSorted(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TListBoxStyle
- func ListBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ListBox_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ListBox_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetTabWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ListBox_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ListBox_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListBox_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ListBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ListBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ListBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ListBox_SetAutoComplete(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetAutoCompleteDelay(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func ListBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func ListBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ListBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func ListBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ListBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ListBox_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func ListBox_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ListBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ListBox_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ListBox_SetColumns(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ListBox_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListBox_SetItemHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetMultiSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListBox_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ListBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListBox_SetSelected(obj uintptr, Index int32, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetSorted(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TListBoxStyle)
- func ListBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ListBox_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ListBox_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetTabWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ListBox_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListBox_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListBox_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ListBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumn_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListColumn_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumn_Create() uintptr
- func ListColumn_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListColumn_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumn_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func ListColumn_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListColumn_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumn_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumn_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumn_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumn_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumn_GetTag(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumn_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumn_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func ListColumn_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListColumn_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListColumn_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListColumn_SetIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListColumn_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListColumn_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListColumn_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumns_Add(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListColumns_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListColumns_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumns_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumns_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumns_Create() uintptr
- func ListColumns_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func ListColumns_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumns_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListColumns_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListColumns_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListColumns_GetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListColumns_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListColumns_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListColumns_Owner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListColumns_SetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func ListColumns_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListGroup_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_Create() uintptr
- func ListGroup_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListGroup_GetFooter(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_GetFooterAlign(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func ListGroup_GetGroupID(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListGroup_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListGroup_GetHeader(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_GetHeaderAlign(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func ListGroup_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListGroup_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_GetState(obj uintptr) TListGroupStateSet
- func ListGroup_GetSubtitle(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroup_GetTitleImage(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListGroup_SetFooter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListGroup_SetFooterAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func ListGroup_SetGroupID(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListGroup_SetHeader(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListGroup_SetHeaderAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func ListGroup_SetIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListGroup_SetState(obj uintptr, value TListGroupStateSet)
- func ListGroup_SetSubtitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListGroup_SetTitleImage(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListGroup_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroups_Add(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListGroups_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListGroups_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListGroups_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroups_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ListGroups_Create() uintptr
- func ListGroups_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func ListGroups_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListGroups_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListGroups_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListGroups_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListGroups_GetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListGroups_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListGroups_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListGroups_Owner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListGroups_SetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func ListGroups_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItem_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListItem_CancelEdit(obj uintptr)
- func ListItem_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItem_Create() uintptr
- func ListItem_Delete(obj uintptr)
- func ListItem_EditCaption(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListItem_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItem_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetCut(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetData(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListItem_GetDeleting(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetDropTarget(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetFocused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetGroupID(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListItem_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItem_GetOverlayIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListItem_GetPosition(obj uintptr) TPoint
- func ListItem_GetSelected(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItem_GetStateIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_GetSubItemImages(obj uintptr, Index int32) int32
- func ListItem_GetSubItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListItem_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItem_MakeVisible(obj uintptr, PartialOK bool)
- func ListItem_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListItem_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListItem_SetCut(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListItem_SetData(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListItem_SetDropTarget(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListItem_SetFocused(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListItem_SetGroupID(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetOverlayIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
- func ListItem_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListItem_SetStateIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetSubItemImages(obj uintptr, Index int32, value int32)
- func ListItem_SetSubItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListItem_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListItem_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItem_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ListItem_WorkArea(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItems_Add(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListItems_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListItems_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListItems_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListItems_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItems_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ListItems_Create() uintptr
- func ListItems_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func ListItems_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func ListItems_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListItems_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListItems_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListItems_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListItems_GetItem(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListItems_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListItems_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListItems_IndexOf(obj uintptr, Value uintptr) int32
- func ListItems_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListItems_SetItem(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func ListItems_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item string, AObject uintptr)
- func ListView_AlphaSort(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ListView_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ListView_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ListView_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ListView_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetAllocBy(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ListView_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func ListView_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ListView_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func ListView_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func ListView_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ListView_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func ListView_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ListView_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetCheckboxes(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ListView_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ListView_GetColumn(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListView_GetColumnClick(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetColumns(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ListView_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ListView_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ListView_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetDropTarget(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetFlatScrollBars(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetFullDrag(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetGridLines(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetGroupHeaderImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetGroupView(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetGroups(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListView_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetHideSelection(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_GetHotTrack(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetHoverTime(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetIconOptions(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetItemFocused(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetLargeImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetMultiSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ListView_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetReadOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetRowSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetSearchString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_GetSelCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetSelected(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetShowColumnHeaders(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetShowWorkAreas(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetSmallImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetSortType(obj uintptr) TSortType
- func ListView_GetStateImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ListView_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ListView_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ListView_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ListView_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetTopItem(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ListView_GetViewStyle(obj uintptr) TViewStyle
- func ListView_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_GetVisibleRowCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ListView_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_IsEditing(obj uintptr) bool
- func ListView_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ListView_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ListView_Scroll(obj uintptr, DX int32, DY int32)
- func ListView_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ListView_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetAllocBy(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ListView_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func ListView_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ListView_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func ListView_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func ListView_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ListView_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func ListView_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ListView_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ListView_SetCheckboxes(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ListView_SetColumnClick(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetColumns(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ListView_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetDropTarget(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetFlatScrollBars(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetFullDrag(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetGridLines(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetGroupHeaderImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetGroupView(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetGroups(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetHideSelection(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListView_SetHotTrack(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetHoverTime(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetIconOptions(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetItemFocused(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetLargeImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetMultiSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ListView_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnColumnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnColumnRightClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnGetImageIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnItemChecked(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetOnSelectItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ListView_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ListView_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetReadOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetRowSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetShowColumnHeaders(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetShowWorkAreas(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetSmallImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetSortType(obj uintptr, value TSortType)
- func ListView_SetStateImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ListView_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ListView_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ListView_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ListView_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_SetViewStyle(obj uintptr, value TViewStyle)
- func ListView_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ListView_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ListView_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ListView_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ListView_Update(obj uintptr)
- func List_Add(obj uintptr, Item uintptr) int32
- func List_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func List_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func List_Create() uintptr
- func List_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func List_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func List_Expand(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func List_Free(obj uintptr)
- func List_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func List_GetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func List_GetList(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func List_IndexOf(obj uintptr, Item uintptr) int32
- func List_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32, Item uintptr)
- func List_Move(obj uintptr, CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func List_SetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func List_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func MainMenu_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func MainMenu_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func MainMenu_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MainMenu_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func MainMenu_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func MainMenu_Free(obj uintptr)
- func MainMenu_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuAutoFlag
- func MainMenu_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func MainMenu_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func MainMenu_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func MainMenu_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func MainMenu_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
- func MainMenu_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func MainMenu_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MainMenu_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MainMenu_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func MainMenu_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func MainMenu_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MainMenu_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func MainMenu_GetWindowHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func MainMenu_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func MainMenu_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuAutoFlag)
- func MainMenu_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func MainMenu_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MainMenu_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MainMenu_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MainMenu_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MainMenu_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func MainMenu_SetWindowHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func MainMenu_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Margins_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Margins_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Margins_Create() uintptr
- func Margins_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Margins_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Margins_GetBottom(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetControlHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetControlLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetControlTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetControlWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Margins_GetRight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Margins_SetBottom(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Margins_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, ARight int32, ABottom int32)
- func Margins_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Margins_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Margins_SetRight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Margins_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Margins_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Memo_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Memo_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func Memo_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Memo_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func Memo_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Memo_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func Memo_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func Memo_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func Memo_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func Memo_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Memo_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func Memo_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Memo_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetCaretPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
- func Memo_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Memo_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Memo_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Memo_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Memo_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Memo_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Memo_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetHideSelection(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetLines(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetMaxLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Memo_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Memo_GetReadOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetScrollBars(obj uintptr) TScrollStyle
- func Memo_GetSelLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetSelText(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetSelTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Memo_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Memo_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Memo_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Memo_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Memo_GetTextHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetWantReturns(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetWantTabs(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Memo_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Memo_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Memo_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func Memo_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Memo_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func Memo_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Memo_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func Memo_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func Memo_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func Memo_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func Memo_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Memo_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func Memo_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Memo_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Memo_SetCaretPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
- func Memo_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Memo_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Memo_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetHideSelection(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Memo_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetLines(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetMaxLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Memo_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Memo_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Memo_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Memo_SetReadOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetScrollBars(obj uintptr, value TScrollStyle)
- func Memo_SetSelLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetSelText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Memo_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Memo_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Memo_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Memo_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Memo_SetTextHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Memo_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetWantReturns(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetWantTabs(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Memo_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Memo_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Memo_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Memo_Update(obj uintptr)
- func MemoryStream_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func MemoryStream_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func MemoryStream_CopyFrom(obj uintptr, Source uintptr, Count int64) int64
- func MemoryStream_Create() uintptr
- func MemoryStream_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func MemoryStream_Free(obj uintptr)
- func MemoryStream_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func MemoryStream_GetMemory(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MemoryStream_GetPosition(obj uintptr) int64
- func MemoryStream_GetSize(obj uintptr) int64
- func MemoryStream_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func MemoryStream_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func MemoryStream_Read(obj uintptr, count int32) (int32, []byte)
- func MemoryStream_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func MemoryStream_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func MemoryStream_Seek(obj uintptr, Offset int64, Origin TSeekOrigin) int64
- func MemoryStream_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value int64)
- func MemoryStream_SetSize(obj uintptr, value int64)
- func MemoryStream_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func MemoryStream_Write(obj uintptr, buffer []byte) int32
- func MenuItem_Add(obj uintptr, Item uintptr)
- func MenuItem_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func MenuItem_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func MenuItem_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func MenuItem_Click(obj uintptr)
- func MenuItem_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MenuItem_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func MenuItem_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func MenuItem_Free(obj uintptr)
- func MenuItem_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuItemAutoFlag
- func MenuItem_GetBitmap(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func MenuItem_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func MenuItem_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func MenuItem_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetDefault(obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_GetGroupIndex(obj uintptr) uint8
- func MenuItem_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
- func MenuItem_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func MenuItem_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func MenuItem_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func MenuItem_GetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func MenuItem_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func MenuItem_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MenuItem_GetShortCut(obj uintptr) TShortCut
- func MenuItem_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func MenuItem_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func MenuItem_IndexOf(obj uintptr, Item uintptr) int32
- func MenuItem_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32, Item uintptr)
- func MenuItem_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MenuItem_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuItemAutoFlag)
- func MenuItem_SetBitmap(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MenuItem_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MenuItem_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MenuItem_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MenuItem_SetDefault(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MenuItem_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MenuItem_SetGroupIndex(obj uintptr, value uint8)
- func MenuItem_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MenuItem_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MenuItem_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MenuItem_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MenuItem_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MenuItem_SetShortCut(obj uintptr, value TShortCut)
- func MenuItem_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func MenuItem_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MenuItem_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Monitor_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Monitor_Create() uintptr
- func Monitor_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Monitor_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Monitor_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Monitor_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMONITOR
- func Monitor_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetMonitorNum(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetPrimary(obj uintptr) bool
- func Monitor_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Monitor_GetWorkareaRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Monitor_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalColors_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func MonthCalColors_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalColors_Create() uintptr
- func MonthCalColors_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalColors_Free(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalColors_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalColors_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalColors_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func MonthCalendar_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_Free(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func MonthCalendar_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func MonthCalendar_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func MonthCalendar_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func MonthCalendar_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetCalColors(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func MonthCalendar_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func MonthCalendar_GetDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func MonthCalendar_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetFirstDayOfWeek(obj uintptr) TCalDayOfWeek
- func MonthCalendar_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func MonthCalendar_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetMaxDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func MonthCalendar_GetMaxSelectRange(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetMinDate(obj uintptr) time.Time
- func MonthCalendar_GetMultiSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func MonthCalendar_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func MonthCalendar_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetShowToday(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetShowTodayCircle(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func MonthCalendar_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func MonthCalendar_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func MonthCalendar_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetWeekNumbers(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func MonthCalendar_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func MonthCalendar_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func MonthCalendar_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func MonthCalendar_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func MonthCalendar_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func MonthCalendar_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func MonthCalendar_SetCalColors(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func MonthCalendar_SetDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func MonthCalendar_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetFirstDayOfWeek(obj uintptr, value TCalDayOfWeek)
- func MonthCalendar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MonthCalendar_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetMaxDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func MonthCalendar_SetMaxSelectRange(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetMinDate(obj uintptr, value time.Time)
- func MonthCalendar_SetMultiSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func MonthCalendar_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func MonthCalendar_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetShowToday(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetShowTodayCircle(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func MonthCalendar_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func MonthCalendar_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func MonthCalendar_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetWeekNumbers(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func MonthCalendar_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func MonthCalendar_Show(obj uintptr)
- func MonthCalendar_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func MonthCalendar_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Mouse_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Mouse_Create() uintptr
- func Mouse_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Mouse_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Mouse_GetCapture(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Mouse_GetCursorPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
- func Mouse_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Mouse_GetIsDragging(obj uintptr) bool
- func Mouse_GetIsPanning(obj uintptr) bool
- func Mouse_GetWheelPresent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Mouse_GetWheelScrollLines(obj uintptr) int32
- func Mouse_Instance() uintptr
- func Mouse_SetCapture(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Mouse_SetCursorPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
- func Mouse_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Object_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Object_Create() uintptr
- func Object_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Object_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Object_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Object_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func OpenDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func OpenDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func OpenDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func OpenDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func OpenDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func OpenDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func OpenDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func OpenDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func OpenDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func OpenDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func OpenDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func OpenDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func OpenPictureDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenPictureDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenPictureDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func OpenPictureDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func OpenPictureDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func OpenPictureDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenPictureDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func OpenPictureDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenPictureDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenTextFileDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenTextFileDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func OpenTextFileDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func OpenTextFileDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func OpenTextFileDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func OpenTextFileDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func OpenTextFileDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func PageControl_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
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- func PageControl_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
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- func PaintBox_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
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- func PaintBox_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
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- func PaintBox_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
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- func PaintBox_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
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- func PaintBox_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func PaintBox_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func PaintBox_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func PaintBox_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PaintBox_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func PaintBox_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
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- func PaintBox_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
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- func PaintBox_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func PaintBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
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- func PaintBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func PaintBox_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
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- func PaintBox_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
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- func PaintBox_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func PaintBox_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
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- func PaintBox_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
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- func PaintBox_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func PaintBox_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Panel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Panel_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func Panel_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Panel_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
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- func Panel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
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- func Panel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
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- func Panel_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
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- func Panel_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Panel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Panel_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
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- func Panel_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
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- func Panel_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Panel_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
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- func Panel_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
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- func Panel_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func Panel_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Panel_GetShowCaption(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
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- func Panel_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Panel_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Panel_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Panel_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
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- func Panel_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Panel_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Panel_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func Panel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Panel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Panel_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func Panel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Panel_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
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- func Panel_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func Panel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Panel_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func Panel_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Panel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Panel_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Panel_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Panel_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Panel_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Panel_SetFullRepaint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Panel_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetLocked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Panel_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Panel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Panel_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Panel_SetParentBackground(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func Panel_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Panel_SetShowCaption(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Panel_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Panel_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Panel_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Panel_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Panel_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Panel_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Panel_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ParaAttributes_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ParaAttributes_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ParaAttributes_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ParaAttributes_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func ParaAttributes_GetFirstIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func ParaAttributes_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ParaAttributes_GetLeftIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func ParaAttributes_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ParaAttributes_GetNumbering(obj uintptr) TNumberingStyle
- func ParaAttributes_GetRightIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func ParaAttributes_GetTab(obj uintptr, Index uint8) int32
- func ParaAttributes_GetTabCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ParaAttributes_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func ParaAttributes_SetFirstIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ParaAttributes_SetLeftIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ParaAttributes_SetNumbering(obj uintptr, value TNumberingStyle)
- func ParaAttributes_SetRightIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ParaAttributes_SetTab(obj uintptr, Index uint8, value int32)
- func ParaAttributes_SetTabCount(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ParaAttributes_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Pen_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Pen_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Pen_Create() uintptr
- func Pen_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Pen_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Pen_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Pen_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HPEN
- func Pen_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Pen_GetMode(obj uintptr) TPenMode
- func Pen_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Pen_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TPenStyle
- func Pen_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Pen_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func Pen_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Pen_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HPEN)
- func Pen_SetMode(obj uintptr, value TPenMode)
- func Pen_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Pen_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TPenStyle)
- func Pen_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Pen_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Picture_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Picture_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Picture_Create() uintptr
- func Picture_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Picture_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Picture_GetBitmap(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Picture_GetGraphic(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Picture_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Picture_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Picture_GetIcon(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Picture_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Picture_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Picture_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Picture_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Picture_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func Picture_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Picture_SetBitmap(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Picture_SetGraphic(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Picture_SetIcon(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Picture_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Picture_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func PngImage_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func PngImage_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func PngImage_Create() uintptr
- func PngImage_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func PngImage_Free(obj uintptr)
- func PngImage_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PngImage_GetCompressionLevel(obj uintptr) TCompressionLevel
- func PngImage_GetEmpty(obj uintptr) bool
- func PngImage_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func PngImage_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func PngImage_GetMaxIdatSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func PngImage_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func PngImage_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func PngImage_GetPaletteModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func PngImage_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func PngImage_GetTransparentColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func PngImage_GetVersion(obj uintptr) string
- func PngImage_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func PngImage_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func PngImage_LoadFromResourceID(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func PngImage_LoadFromResourceName(obj uintptr, Instance uintptr, Name string)
- func PngImage_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func PngImage_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, Filename string)
- func PngImage_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func PngImage_SetCompressionLevel(obj uintptr, value TCompressionLevel)
- func PngImage_SetMaxIdatSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PngImage_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func PngImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func PngImage_SetPaletteModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func PngImage_SetSize(obj uintptr, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func PngImage_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func PngImage_SetTransparentColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func PngImage_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func PopupMenu_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func PopupMenu_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func PopupMenu_CloseMenu(obj uintptr)
- func PopupMenu_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func PopupMenu_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_Free(obj uintptr)
- func PopupMenu_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TPopupAlignment
- func PopupMenu_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuAutoFlag
- func PopupMenu_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func PopupMenu_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func PopupMenu_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func PopupMenu_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
- func PopupMenu_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func PopupMenu_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func PopupMenu_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func PopupMenu_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PopupMenu_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func PopupMenu_GetWindowHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func PopupMenu_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func PopupMenu_Popup(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32)
- func PopupMenu_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TPopupAlignment)
- func PopupMenu_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuAutoFlag)
- func PopupMenu_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func PopupMenu_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PopupMenu_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func PopupMenu_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func PopupMenu_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func PopupMenu_SetOnPopup(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func PopupMenu_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func PopupMenu_SetWindowHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func PopupMenu_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func PrintDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func PrintDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func PrintDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PrintDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func PrintDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func PrintDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func PrintDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func PrintDialog_GetCollate(obj uintptr) bool
- func PrintDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func PrintDialog_GetCopies(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetFromPage(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func PrintDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetMaxPage(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetMinPage(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func PrintDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func PrintDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TPrintDialogOptions
- func PrintDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func PrintDialog_GetPrintRange(obj uintptr) TPrintRange
- func PrintDialog_GetPrintToFile(obj uintptr) bool
- func PrintDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func PrintDialog_GetToPage(obj uintptr) int32
- func PrintDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func PrintDialog_SetCollate(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func PrintDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_SetCopies(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_SetFromPage(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_SetMaxPage(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_SetMinPage(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func PrintDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func PrintDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func PrintDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TPrintDialogOptions)
- func PrintDialog_SetPrintRange(obj uintptr, value TPrintRange)
- func PrintDialog_SetPrintToFile(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func PrintDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func PrintDialog_SetToPage(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func PrintDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ProgressBar_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ProgressBar_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ProgressBar_GetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ProgressBar_GetBarColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ProgressBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ProgressBar_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ProgressBar_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ProgressBar_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ProgressBar_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ProgressBar_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetMarqueeInterval(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetMax(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetMin(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TProgressBarOrientation
- func ProgressBar_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ProgressBar_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ProgressBar_GetPosition(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetSmooth(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetSmoothReverse(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetState(obj uintptr) TProgressBarState
- func ProgressBar_GetStep(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TProgressBarStyle
- func ProgressBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ProgressBar_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ProgressBar_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ProgressBar_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ProgressBar_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ProgressBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ProgressBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ProgressBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ProgressBar_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ProgressBar_SetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ProgressBar_SetBarColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ProgressBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ProgressBar_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ProgressBar_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ProgressBar_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ProgressBar_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetMarqueeInterval(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetMax(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetMin(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ProgressBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ProgressBar_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarOrientation)
- func ProgressBar_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ProgressBar_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetSmooth(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetSmoothReverse(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetState(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarState)
- func ProgressBar_SetStep(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarStyle)
- func ProgressBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ProgressBar_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ProgressBar_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ProgressBar_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ProgressBar_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ProgressBar_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_StepBy(obj uintptr, Delta int32)
- func ProgressBar_StepIt(obj uintptr)
- func ProgressBar_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ProgressBar_Update(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func RadioButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func RadioButton_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func RadioButton_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_Free(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func RadioButton_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLeftRight
- func RadioButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func RadioButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func RadioButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RadioButton_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_GetChecked(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RadioButton_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func RadioButton_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func RadioButton_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RadioButton_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RadioButton_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioButton_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func RadioButton_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func RadioButton_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func RadioButton_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func RadioButton_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioButton_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func RadioButton_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func RadioButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func RadioButton_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLeftRight)
- func RadioButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func RadioButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func RadioButton_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func RadioButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func RadioButton_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioButton_SetChecked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func RadioButton_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func RadioButton_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioButton_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioButton_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func RadioButton_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioButton_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func RadioButton_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func RadioButton_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func RadioButton_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioButton_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioButton_Show(obj uintptr)
- func RadioButton_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioButton_Update(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func RadioGroup_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func RadioGroup_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func RadioGroup_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func RadioGroup_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RadioGroup_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetButtons(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RadioGroup_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func RadioGroup_GetColumns(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func RadioGroup_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RadioGroup_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_GetItemIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetParentBackground(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RadioGroup_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RadioGroup_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func RadioGroup_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func RadioGroup_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func RadioGroup_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RadioGroup_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func RadioGroup_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func RadioGroup_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func RadioGroup_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func RadioGroup_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func RadioGroup_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func RadioGroup_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func RadioGroup_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioGroup_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func RadioGroup_SetColumns(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func RadioGroup_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioGroup_SetItemIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RadioGroup_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioGroup_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioGroup_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RadioGroup_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentBackground(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func RadioGroup_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func RadioGroup_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func RadioGroup_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func RadioGroup_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RadioGroup_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RadioGroup_Show(obj uintptr)
- func RadioGroup_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func RadioGroup_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Registry_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Registry_CloseKey(obj uintptr)
- func Registry_Create(aAccess uint32) uintptr
- func Registry_CreateKey(obj uintptr, Key string) bool
- func Registry_DeleteKey(obj uintptr, Key string) bool
- func Registry_DeleteValue(obj uintptr, Name string) bool
- func Registry_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Registry_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Registry_GetAccess(obj uintptr) uint32
- func Registry_GetCurrentKey(obj uintptr) HKEY
- func Registry_GetCurrentPath(obj uintptr) string
- func Registry_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Registry_GetLastError(obj uintptr) int32
- func Registry_GetLastErrorMsg(obj uintptr) string
- func Registry_GetLazyWrite(obj uintptr) bool
- func Registry_GetRootKey(obj uintptr) HKEY
- func Registry_GetRootKeyName(obj uintptr) string
- func Registry_HasSubKeys(obj uintptr) bool
- func Registry_KeyExists(obj uintptr, Key string) bool
- func Registry_LoadKey(obj uintptr, Key string, FileName string) bool
- func Registry_MoveKey(obj uintptr, OldName string, NewName string, Delete bool)
- func Registry_OpenKey(obj uintptr, Key string, CanCreate bool) bool
- func Registry_OpenKeyReadOnly(obj uintptr, Key string) bool
- func Registry_ReadBool(obj uintptr, Name string) bool
- func Registry_ReadDate(obj uintptr, Name string) time.Time
- func Registry_ReadDateTime(obj uintptr, Name string) time.Time
- func Registry_ReadFloat(obj uintptr, Name string) float64
- func Registry_ReadInteger(obj uintptr, Name string) int32
- func Registry_ReadString(obj uintptr, Name string) string
- func Registry_ReadTime(obj uintptr, Name string) time.Time
- func Registry_RegistryConnect(obj uintptr, UNCName string) bool
- func Registry_RenameValue(obj uintptr, OldName string, NewName string)
- func Registry_ReplaceKey(obj uintptr, Key string, FileName string, BackUpFileName string) bool
- func Registry_RestoreKey(obj uintptr, Key string, FileName string) bool
- func Registry_SaveKey(obj uintptr, Key string, FileName string) bool
- func Registry_SetAccess(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func Registry_SetLazyWrite(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Registry_SetRootKey(obj uintptr, value HKEY)
- func Registry_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Registry_UnLoadKey(obj uintptr, Key string) bool
- func Registry_ValueExists(obj uintptr, Name string) bool
- func Registry_WriteBool(obj uintptr, Name string, Value bool)
- func Registry_WriteDate(obj uintptr, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func Registry_WriteDateTime(obj uintptr, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func Registry_WriteExpandString(obj uintptr, Name string, Value string)
- func Registry_WriteFloat(obj uintptr, Name string, Value float64)
- func Registry_WriteInteger(obj uintptr, Name string, Value int32)
- func Registry_WriteString(obj uintptr, Name string, Value string)
- func Registry_WriteTime(obj uintptr, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func RichEdit_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func RichEdit_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func RichEdit_FindText(obj uintptr, SearchStr string, StartPos int32, Length int32, ...) int32
- func RichEdit_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func RichEdit_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_Free(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetActiveLineNo(obj uintptr) uint32
- func RichEdit_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func RichEdit_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func RichEdit_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func RichEdit_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func RichEdit_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func RichEdit_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func RichEdit_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func RichEdit_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func RichEdit_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func RichEdit_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RichEdit_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetCaretPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
- func RichEdit_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RichEdit_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func RichEdit_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func RichEdit_GetDefAttributes(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RichEdit_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetHideScrollBars(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetHideSelection(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetLines(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetMaxLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetModified(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetPageRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func RichEdit_GetParagraph(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func RichEdit_GetPlainText(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetReadOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetScrollBars(obj uintptr) TScrollStyle
- func RichEdit_GetSelAttributes(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func RichEdit_GetSelLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetSelText(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetSelTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func RichEdit_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func RichEdit_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func RichEdit_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func RichEdit_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func RichEdit_GetTextHint(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetWantReturns(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetWantTabs(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_GetWordWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_GetZoom(obj uintptr) int32
- func RichEdit_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func RichEdit_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func RichEdit_Print(obj uintptr, Caption string)
- func RichEdit_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func RichEdit_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func RichEdit_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func RichEdit_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func RichEdit_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func RichEdit_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func RichEdit_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func RichEdit_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func RichEdit_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func RichEdit_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func RichEdit_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func RichEdit_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func RichEdit_SetCaretPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
- func RichEdit_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func RichEdit_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func RichEdit_SetDefAttributes(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetHideScrollBars(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetHideSelection(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RichEdit_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetLines(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetMaxLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetModified(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RichEdit_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func RichEdit_SetPageRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func RichEdit_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func RichEdit_SetPlainText(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetReadOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetScrollBars(obj uintptr, value TScrollStyle)
- func RichEdit_SetSelAttributes(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func RichEdit_SetSelLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetSelText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RichEdit_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func RichEdit_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func RichEdit_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func RichEdit_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RichEdit_SetTextHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func RichEdit_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetWantReturns(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetWantTabs(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_SetWordWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func RichEdit_SetZoom(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func RichEdit_Show(obj uintptr)
- func RichEdit_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func RichEdit_Update(obj uintptr)
- func SaveDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func SaveDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func SaveDialog_Execute(obj uintptr, ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func SaveDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func SaveDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func SaveDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func SaveDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func SaveDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func SaveDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func SaveDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func SaveDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func SaveDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SaveDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SaveDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SaveDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SaveDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func SaveDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func SaveDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func SaveDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func SavePictureDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SavePictureDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func SavePictureDialog_Execute(obj uintptr) bool
- func SavePictureDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func SavePictureDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func SavePictureDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func SavePictureDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SavePictureDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func SavePictureDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SavePictureDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SavePictureDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func SavePictureDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func SavePictureDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func SavePictureDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func SavePictureDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SavePictureDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func SavePictureDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func SavePictureDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func SavePictureDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SavePictureDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SavePictureDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func SavePictureDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SavePictureDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveTextFileDialog_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func SaveTextFileDialog_Execute(obj uintptr) bool
- func SaveTextFileDialog_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func SaveTextFileDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetDefaultExt(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetFileName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetFiles(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetFilter(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetFilterIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetInitialDir(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func SaveTextFileDialog_GetTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func SaveTextFileDialog_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetDefaultExt(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetFileName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetFilter(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetFilterIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetInitialDir(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_SetTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SaveTextFileDialog_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Screen_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Screen_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Screen_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Screen_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Screen_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Screen_GetActiveForm(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Screen_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Screen_GetCursorCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetCursors(obj uintptr, Index int32) HICON
- func Screen_GetCustomFormCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetDefaultIme(obj uintptr) string
- func Screen_GetDesktopHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetDesktopLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetDesktopRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Screen_GetDesktopTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetDesktopWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetFocusedForm(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetFonts(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetForms(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Screen_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetImes(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetMonitorCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetMonitors(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func Screen_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Screen_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Screen_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetPixelsPerInch(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetPrimaryMonitor(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Screen_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Screen_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetWorkAreaHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetWorkAreaLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetWorkAreaRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Screen_GetWorkAreaTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_GetWorkAreaWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Screen_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Screen_Instance() uintptr
- func Screen_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func Screen_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Screen_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Screen_SetCursors(obj uintptr, Index int32, value HICON)
- func Screen_SetFocusedForm(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Screen_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Screen_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Screen_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func SetEventCallback(ptr uintptr)
- func SetGlobalFormScaled(val bool)
- func SpeedButton_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_Click(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_Free(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func SpeedButton_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetAllowAllUp(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func SpeedButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func SpeedButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func SpeedButton_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func SpeedButton_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func SpeedButton_GetDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetFlat(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetGroupIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_GetLayout(obj uintptr) TButtonLayout
- func SpeedButton_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func SpeedButton_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func SpeedButton_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func SpeedButton_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func SpeedButton_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func SpeedButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func SpeedButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func SpeedButton_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetAllowAllUp(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func SpeedButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func SpeedButton_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func SpeedButton_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SpeedButton_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func SpeedButton_SetDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetFlat(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetGroupIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SpeedButton_SetLayout(obj uintptr, value TButtonLayout)
- func SpeedButton_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func SpeedButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func SpeedButton_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func SpeedButton_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func SpeedButton_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func SpeedButton_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func SpeedButton_Show(obj uintptr)
- func SpeedButton_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func SpeedButton_Update(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Splitter_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Splitter_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Splitter_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func Splitter_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func Splitter_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func Splitter_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Splitter_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func Splitter_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func Splitter_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func Splitter_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func Splitter_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Splitter_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Splitter_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Splitter_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func Splitter_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Splitter_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func Splitter_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func Splitter_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Splitter_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func Splitter_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Splitter_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func Splitter_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Splitter_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func Splitter_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func Splitter_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func Splitter_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func Splitter_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func Splitter_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func Splitter_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Splitter_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Splitter_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Splitter_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Splitter_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Splitter_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func Splitter_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Splitter_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Splitter_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func Splitter_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Splitter_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Splitter_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Splitter_Show(obj uintptr)
- func Splitter_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Splitter_Update(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func StaticText_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func StaticText_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func StaticText_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_Free(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func StaticText_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func StaticText_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func StaticText_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func StaticText_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func StaticText_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func StaticText_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func StaticText_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func StaticText_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TStaticBorderStyle
- func StaticText_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func StaticText_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func StaticText_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func StaticText_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func StaticText_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func StaticText_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func StaticText_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StaticText_GetShowAccelChar(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func StaticText_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func StaticText_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func StaticText_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func StaticText_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StaticText_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func StaticText_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func StaticText_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func StaticText_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func StaticText_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func StaticText_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func StaticText_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func StaticText_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func StaticText_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func StaticText_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func StaticText_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func StaticText_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TStaticBorderStyle)
- func StaticText_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func StaticText_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func StaticText_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StaticText_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func StaticText_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func StaticText_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StaticText_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StaticText_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StaticText_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func StaticText_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StaticText_SetShowAccelChar(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func StaticText_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func StaticText_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func StaticText_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StaticText_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StaticText_Show(obj uintptr)
- func StaticText_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func StaticText_Update(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func StatusBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func StatusBar_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func StatusBar_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_Free(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func StatusBar_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func StatusBar_GetAutoHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func StatusBar_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func StatusBar_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func StatusBar_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func StatusBar_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func StatusBar_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func StatusBar_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetPanels(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func StatusBar_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusBar_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetSimplePanel(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetSimpleText(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_GetSizeGrip(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func StatusBar_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func StatusBar_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func StatusBar_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func StatusBar_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_GetUseSystemFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusBar_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func StatusBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func StatusBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func StatusBar_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func StatusBar_SetAutoHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func StatusBar_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func StatusBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func StatusBar_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func StatusBar_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func StatusBar_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StatusBar_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StatusBar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StatusBar_SetPanels(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func StatusBar_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func StatusBar_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetSimplePanel(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetSimpleText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StatusBar_SetSizeGrip(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func StatusBar_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func StatusBar_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func StatusBar_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_SetUseSystemFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StatusBar_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusBar_Show(obj uintptr)
- func StatusBar_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusBar_Update(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanel_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func StatusPanel_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanel_Create() uintptr
- func StatusPanel_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusPanel_Free(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanel_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
- func StatusPanel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func StatusPanel_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusPanel_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusPanel_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanel_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TStatusPanelStyle
- func StatusPanel_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanel_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusPanel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
- func StatusPanel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func StatusPanel_SetIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusPanel_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TStatusPanelStyle)
- func StatusPanel_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StatusPanel_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func StatusPanel_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanels_Add(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusPanels_AddItem(obj uintptr, Item uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func StatusPanels_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanels_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_Create() uintptr
- func StatusPanels_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func StatusPanels_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func StatusPanels_Free(obj uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func StatusPanels_GetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func StatusPanels_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func StatusPanels_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func StatusPanels_Owner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func StatusPanels_SetItems(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func StatusPanels_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func StringList_Add(obj uintptr, S string) int32
- func StringList_AddObject(obj uintptr, S string, AObject uintptr) int32
- func StringList_Append(obj uintptr, S string)
- func StringList_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func StringList_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func StringList_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func StringList_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func StringList_Create() uintptr
- func StringList_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func StringList_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func StringList_Equals(obj uintptr, Strings uintptr) bool
- func StringList_Free(obj uintptr)
- func StringList_GetCommaText(obj uintptr) string
- func StringList_GetDelimiter(obj uintptr) uint16
- func StringList_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func StringList_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func StringList_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TStringsOptions
- func StringList_GetSorted(obj uintptr) bool
- func StringList_GetStrings(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func StringList_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func StringList_GetValueFromIndex(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func StringList_GetValues(obj uintptr, Name string) string
- func StringList_GetWriteBOM(obj uintptr) bool
- func StringList_IndexOf(obj uintptr, S string) int32
- func StringList_IndexOfName(obj uintptr, Name string) int32
- func StringList_IndexOfObject(obj uintptr, AObject uintptr) int32
- func StringList_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32, S string)
- func StringList_InsertObject(obj uintptr, Index int32, S string, AObject uintptr)
- func StringList_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func StringList_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func StringList_Move(obj uintptr, CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func StringList_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func StringList_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func StringList_SetCommaText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StringList_SetDelimiter(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func StringList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func StringList_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TStringsOptions)
- func StringList_SetSorted(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StringList_SetStrings(obj uintptr, Index int32, value string)
- func StringList_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func StringList_SetValueFromIndex(obj uintptr, Index int32, value string)
- func StringList_SetValues(obj uintptr, Name string, value string)
- func StringList_SetWriteBOM(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func StringList_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Strings_Add(obj uintptr, S string) int32
- func Strings_AddObject(obj uintptr, S string, AObject uintptr) int32
- func Strings_Append(obj uintptr, S string)
- func Strings_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Strings_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func Strings_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Strings_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func Strings_Create() uintptr
- func Strings_Delete(obj uintptr, Index int32)
- func Strings_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func Strings_Equals(obj uintptr, Strings uintptr) bool
- func Strings_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Strings_GetCommaText(obj uintptr) string
- func Strings_GetDelimiter(obj uintptr) uint16
- func Strings_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Strings_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Strings_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TStringsOptions
- func Strings_GetStrings(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func Strings_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func Strings_GetValueFromIndex(obj uintptr, Index int32) string
- func Strings_GetValues(obj uintptr, Name string) string
- func Strings_GetWriteBOM(obj uintptr) bool
- func Strings_IndexOf(obj uintptr, S string) int32
- func Strings_IndexOfName(obj uintptr, Name string) int32
- func Strings_IndexOfObject(obj uintptr, AObject uintptr) int32
- func Strings_Insert(obj uintptr, Index int32, S string)
- func Strings_InsertObject(obj uintptr, Index int32, S string, AObject uintptr)
- func Strings_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func Strings_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Strings_Move(obj uintptr, CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func Strings_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func Strings_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func Strings_SetCommaText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Strings_SetDelimiter(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func Strings_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TStringsOptions)
- func Strings_SetStrings(obj uintptr, Index int32, value string)
- func Strings_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Strings_SetValueFromIndex(obj uintptr, Index int32, value string)
- func Strings_SetValues(obj uintptr, Name string, value string)
- func Strings_SetWriteBOM(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Strings_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func StyleManager_ActiveStyle() uintptr
- func StyleManager_CheckSysClassName(className string) bool
- func StyleManager_Enabled() bool
- func StyleManager_Initialize()
- func StyleManager_IsCustomStyleActive() bool
- func StyleManager_IsValidStyle(filename string) bool
- func StyleManager_LoadFromFile(filename string) uintptr
- func StyleManager_RegisterStyle(style uintptr)
- func StyleManager_SetStyle1(handle uintptr)
- func StyleManager_SetStyle2(name string)
- func StyleManager_Style(name string) uintptr
- func StyleManager_SystemStyle() uintptr
- func StyleManager_TryLoadFromResource(instance uintptr, resName, resType string, handle *uintptr) bool
- func StyleManager_TrySetStyle(name string, showErrorDialog bool) bool
- func StyleManager_UnInitialize()
- func StyleManager_UnRegisterStyle(style uintptr)
- func TabSheet_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TabSheet_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func TabSheet_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func TabSheet_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func TabSheet_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func TabSheet_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func TabSheet_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TabSheet_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TabSheet_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func TabSheet_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TabSheet_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetHighlighted(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetPageControl(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetPageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TabSheet_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TabSheet_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func TabSheet_GetTabIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func TabSheet_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetTabVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func TabSheet_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func TabSheet_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TabSheet_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func TabSheet_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func TabSheet_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func TabSheet_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func TabSheet_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func TabSheet_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func TabSheet_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func TabSheet_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func TabSheet_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TabSheet_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func TabSheet_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetHighlighted(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TabSheet_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TabSheet_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnHide(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TabSheet_SetPageControl(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetPageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func TabSheet_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TabSheet_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func TabSheet_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func TabSheet_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetTabVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func TabSheet_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TabSheet_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TabSheet_Show(obj uintptr)
- func TabSheet_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TabSheet_Update(obj uintptr)
- func TextAttributes_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TextAttributes_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TextAttributes_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TextAttributes_GetCharset(obj uintptr) TFontCharset
- func TextAttributes_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func TextAttributes_GetConsistentAttributes(obj uintptr) TConsistentAttributes
- func TextAttributes_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TextAttributes_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TextAttributes_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func TextAttributes_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TextAttributes_GetPitch(obj uintptr) TFontPitch
- func TextAttributes_GetProtected(obj uintptr) bool
- func TextAttributes_GetSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func TextAttributes_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TFontStyles
- func TextAttributes_SetCharset(obj uintptr, value TFontCharset)
- func TextAttributes_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func TextAttributes_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TextAttributes_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TextAttributes_SetPitch(obj uintptr, value TFontPitch)
- func TextAttributes_SetProtected(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TextAttributes_SetSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TextAttributes_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TFontStyles)
- func TextAttributes_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func Timer_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func Timer_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func Timer_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Timer_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func Timer_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func Timer_Free(obj uintptr)
- func Timer_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func Timer_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func Timer_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func Timer_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func Timer_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func Timer_GetInterval(obj uintptr) uint32
- func Timer_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func Timer_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func Timer_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func Timer_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func Timer_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func Timer_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func Timer_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func Timer_SetInterval(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func Timer_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func Timer_SetOnTimer(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func Timer_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func Timer_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ToolBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ToolBar_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func ToolBar_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ToolBar_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ToolBar_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ToolBar_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ToolBar_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetButtonCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetButtonHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetButtonWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetButtons(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ToolBar_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ToolBar_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ToolBar_GetCustomizeKeyName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetCustomizeValueName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr) TTBDrawingStyle
- func ToolBar_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetFlat(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetGradientDirection(obj uintptr) TGradientDirection
- func ToolBar_GetGradientDrawingOptions(obj uintptr) TTBGradientDrawingOptions
- func ToolBar_GetGradientEndColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ToolBar_GetGradientStartColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func ToolBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ToolBar_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetHideClippedButtons(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetHotImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetList(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func ToolBar_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolBar_GetRowCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetShowCaptions(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ToolBar_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func ToolBar_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ToolBar_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ToolBar_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetTransparent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolBar_GetWrapable(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ToolBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func ToolBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ToolBar_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ToolBar_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ToolBar_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ToolBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ToolBar_SetButtonHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetButtonWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolBar_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ToolBar_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ToolBar_SetCustomizeKeyName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolBar_SetCustomizeValueName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolBar_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr, value TTBDrawingStyle)
- func ToolBar_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetFlat(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetGradientDirection(obj uintptr, value TGradientDirection)
- func ToolBar_SetGradientDrawingOptions(obj uintptr, value TTBGradientDrawingOptions)
- func ToolBar_SetGradientEndColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ToolBar_SetGradientStartColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func ToolBar_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetHideClippedButtons(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolBar_SetHotImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetList(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolBar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolBar_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func ToolBar_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolBar_SetShowCaptions(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ToolBar_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func ToolBar_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ToolBar_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetTransparent(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolBar_SetWrapable(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolBar_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ToolBar_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolBar_Update(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func ToolButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_CheckMenuDropdown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_Click(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func ToolButton_Free(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func ToolButton_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetAllowAllUp(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func ToolButton_GetAutoSize(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func ToolButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ToolButton_GetCaption(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func ToolButton_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func ToolButton_GetDown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetDropdownMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetEnableDropdown(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetGrouped(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetIndeterminate(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetMarked(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func ToolButton_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TToolButtonStyle
- func ToolButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func ToolButton_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func ToolButton_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func ToolButton_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func ToolButton_GetWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func ToolButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func ToolButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func ToolButton_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetAllowAllUp(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func ToolButton_SetAutoSize(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func ToolButton_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func ToolButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func ToolButton_SetCaption(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolButton_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func ToolButton_SetDown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetDropdownMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetEnableDropdown(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetGrouped(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolButton_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetIndeterminate(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetMarked(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func ToolButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func ToolButton_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func ToolButton_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TToolButtonStyle)
- func ToolButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func ToolButton_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func ToolButton_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func ToolButton_SetWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func ToolButton_Show(obj uintptr)
- func ToolButton_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func ToolButton_Update(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TrackBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TrackBar_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func TrackBar_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func TrackBar_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func TrackBar_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func TrackBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func TrackBar_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TrackBar_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TrackBar_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func TrackBar_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetFrequency(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TrackBar_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func TrackBar_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetLineSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetMax(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetMin(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func TrackBar_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TrackBar_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TTrackBarOrientation
- func TrackBar_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetPageSize(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TrackBar_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrackBar_GetPosition(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetPositionToolTip(obj uintptr) TPositionToolTip
- func TrackBar_GetSelEnd(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetSelStart(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetShowSelRange(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetSliderVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func TrackBar_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func TrackBar_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func TrackBar_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func TrackBar_GetThumbLength(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetTickMarks(obj uintptr) TTickMark
- func TrackBar_GetTickStyle(obj uintptr) TTickStyle
- func TrackBar_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrackBar_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrackBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func TrackBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func TrackBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func TrackBar_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func TrackBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func TrackBar_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func TrackBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func TrackBar_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func TrackBar_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetFrequency(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrackBar_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetLineSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetMax(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetMin(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrackBar_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrackBar_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TTrackBarOrientation)
- func TrackBar_SetPageSize(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func TrackBar_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrackBar_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetPositionToolTip(obj uintptr, value TPositionToolTip)
- func TrackBar_SetSelEnd(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetSelStart(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetShowSelRange(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetSliderVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func TrackBar_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func TrackBar_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func TrackBar_SetThumbLength(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetTick(obj uintptr, Value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetTickMarks(obj uintptr, value TTickMark)
- func TrackBar_SetTickStyle(obj uintptr, value TTickStyle)
- func TrackBar_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrackBar_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrackBar_Show(obj uintptr)
- func TrackBar_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TrackBar_Update(obj uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TrayIcon_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_GetAnimate(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrayIcon_GetAnimateInterval(obj uintptr) uint32
- func TrayIcon_GetBalloonFlags(obj uintptr) TBalloonFlags
- func TrayIcon_GetBalloonHint(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_GetBalloonTimeout(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrayIcon_GetBalloonTitle(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrayIcon_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrayIcon_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrayIcon_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_GetIcon(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_GetIconIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TrayIcon_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TrayIcon_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TrayIcon_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func TrayIcon_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrayIcon_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func TrayIcon_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_SetAnimate(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrayIcon_SetAnimateInterval(obj uintptr, value uint32)
- func TrayIcon_SetBalloonFlags(obj uintptr, value TBalloonFlags)
- func TrayIcon_SetBalloonHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrayIcon_SetBalloonTimeout(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrayIcon_SetBalloonTitle(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrayIcon_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrayIcon_SetDefaultIcon(obj uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrayIcon_SetIcon(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_SetIconIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TrayIcon_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TrayIcon_SetOnBalloonClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TrayIcon_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func TrayIcon_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TrayIcon_ShowBalloonHint(obj uintptr)
- func TrayIcon_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNode_AlphaSort(obj uintptr, ARecurse bool) bool
- func TreeNode_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TreeNode_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNode_Collapse(obj uintptr, Recurse bool)
- func TreeNode_Create() uintptr
- func TreeNode_Delete(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNode_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_Expand(obj uintptr, Recurse bool)
- func TreeNode_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNode_GetAbsoluteIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetCut(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetData(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNode_GetDeleting(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetDropTarget(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetExpanded(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetExpandedImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetFocused(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TreeNode_GetHasChildren(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetImageIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetIsVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetItem(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TreeNode_GetItemId(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNode_GetLevel(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNode_GetOverlayIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNode_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNode_GetSelected(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNode_GetSelectedIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetStateIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_GetText(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNode_IndexOf(obj uintptr, Value uintptr) int32
- func TreeNode_MakeVisible(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNode_MoveTo(obj uintptr, Destination uintptr, Mode TNodeAttachMode)
- func TreeNode_SetCut(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetData(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeNode_SetDropTarget(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetExpanded(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetExpandedImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeNode_SetFocused(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetHasChildren(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetImageIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeNode_SetItem(obj uintptr, Index int32, value uintptr)
- func TreeNode_SetOverlayIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeNode_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeNode_SetSelectedIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeNode_SetStateIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeNode_SetText(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TreeNode_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNodes_Add(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddChild(obj uintptr, Parent uintptr, S string) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddChildFirst(obj uintptr, Parent uintptr, S string) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddChildObject(obj uintptr, Parent uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddChildObjectFirst(obj uintptr, Parent uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddFirst(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddNode(obj uintptr, Node uintptr, Relative uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr, ...) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddObject(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AddObjectFirst(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_AlphaSort(obj uintptr, ARecurse bool) bool
- func TreeNodes_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNodes_Clear(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_Create() uintptr
- func TreeNodes_Delete(obj uintptr, Node uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeNodes_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TreeNodes_GetFirstNode(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TreeNodes_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeNodes_GetItem(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeNodes_GetNode(obj uintptr, ItemId uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_Insert(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_InsertObject(obj uintptr, Sibling uintptr, S string, Ptr uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeNodes_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_AlphaSort(obj uintptr, ARecurse bool) bool
- func TreeView_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func TreeView_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_ClearSelection(obj uintptr, KeepPrimary bool)
- func TreeView_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_Deselect(obj uintptr, Node uintptr)
- func TreeView_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func TreeView_FindNextToSelect(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func TreeView_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_Free(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_FullCollapse(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_FullExpand(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func TreeView_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func TreeView_GetAutoExpand(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
- func TreeView_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func TreeView_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
- func TreeView_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
- func TreeView_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func TreeView_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
- func TreeView_GetBorderWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TreeView_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetCanvas(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetChangeDelay(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func TreeView_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
- func TreeView_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func TreeView_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetDropTarget(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetFont(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TreeView_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetHideSelection(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_GetHotTrack(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetIndent(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetItems(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetMultiSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetMultiSelectStyle(obj uintptr) TMultiSelectStyle
- func TreeView_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_GetNodeAt(obj uintptr, X int32, Y int32) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetParentColor(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetParentFont(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func TreeView_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetReadOnly(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetRightClickSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetRowSelect(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetSelected(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetSelectionCount(obj uintptr) uint32
- func TreeView_GetSelections(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetShowButtons(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetShowLines(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetShowRoot(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetSortType(obj uintptr) TSortType
- func TreeView_GetStateImages(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func TreeView_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func TreeView_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func TreeView_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func TreeView_GetToolTips(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_GetTopItem(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func TreeView_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func TreeView_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_IsEditing(obj uintptr) bool
- func TreeView_LoadFromFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func TreeView_LoadFromStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func TreeView_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func TreeView_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_SaveToFile(obj uintptr, FileName string)
- func TreeView_SaveToStream(obj uintptr, Stream uintptr)
- func TreeView_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func TreeView_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func TreeView_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func TreeView_SetAutoExpand(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
- func TreeView_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func TreeView_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
- func TreeView_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
- func TreeView_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func TreeView_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
- func TreeView_SetBorderWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func TreeView_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func TreeView_SetChangeDelay(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
- func TreeView_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func TreeView_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetDropTarget(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetFont(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetHideSelection(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TreeView_SetHotTrack(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetIndent(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetItems(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetMultiSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetMultiSelectStyle(obj uintptr, value TMultiSelectStyle)
- func TreeView_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func TreeView_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnGetImageIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnGetSelectedIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func TreeView_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetParentColor(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetParentCtl3D(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetParentFont(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func TreeView_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetReadOnly(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetRightClickSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetRowSelect(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetShowButtons(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetShowLines(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetShowRoot(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetSortType(obj uintptr, value TSortType)
- func TreeView_SetStateImages(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func TreeView_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func TreeView_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func TreeView_SetToolTips(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_SetTopItem(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func TreeView_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func TreeView_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func TreeView_Show(obj uintptr)
- func TreeView_Subselect(obj uintptr, Node uintptr, Validate bool)
- func TreeView_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func TreeView_Update(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_Assign(obj uintptr, Source uintptr)
- func UpDown_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_CanFocus(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_ClassName(obj uintptr) string
- func UpDown_Create(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_Equals(obj uintptr, Obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_FindComponent(obj uintptr, AName string) uintptr
- func UpDown_FlipChildren(obj uintptr, AllLevels bool)
- func UpDown_Focused(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_Free(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_GetAction(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
- func UpDown_GetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
- func UpDown_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
- func UpDown_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func UpDown_GetBrush(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetClientHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
- func UpDown_GetClientWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetComponentCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetComponentIndex(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetComponents(obj uintptr, AIndex int32) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetControlCount(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetControls(obj uintptr, Index int32) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
- func UpDown_GetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetEnabled(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetExplicitHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetExplicitLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetExplicitTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetExplicitWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
- func UpDown_GetHashCode(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetHeight(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetHint(obj uintptr) string
- func UpDown_GetLeft(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetMargins(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetMax(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetMin(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetName(obj uintptr) string
- func UpDown_GetNamePath(obj uintptr) string
- func UpDown_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TUDOrientation
- func UpDown_GetOwner(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetParent(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetParentShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
- func UpDown_GetPopupMenu(obj uintptr) uintptr
- func UpDown_GetPosition(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetShowHint(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
- func UpDown_GetTabOrder(obj uintptr) uint16
- func UpDown_GetTabStop(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetTag(obj uintptr) int
- func UpDown_GetTextBuf(obj uintptr, Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func UpDown_GetTop(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetVisible(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_GetWidth(obj uintptr) int32
- func UpDown_GetWrap(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_HandleAllocated(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_HasParent(obj uintptr) bool
- func UpDown_Hide(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_Perform(obj uintptr, Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func UpDown_Realign(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_Refresh(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_Repaint(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_ScaleBy(obj uintptr, M int32, D int32)
- func UpDown_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetAction(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
- func UpDown_SetAlignWithMargins(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
- func UpDown_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
- func UpDown_SetBounds(obj uintptr, ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func UpDown_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
- func UpDown_SetClientHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetClientWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetComponentIndex(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
- func UpDown_SetDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetEnabled(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetHeight(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetHint(obj uintptr, value string)
- func UpDown_SetLeft(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetMargins(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetMax(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetMin(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetName(obj uintptr, value string)
- func UpDown_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
- func UpDown_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TUDOrientation)
- func UpDown_SetParent(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetParentDoubleBuffered(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetParentShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
- func UpDown_SetPopupMenu(obj uintptr, value uintptr)
- func UpDown_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetShowHint(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
- func UpDown_SetTabOrder(obj uintptr, value uint16)
- func UpDown_SetTabStop(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetTag(obj uintptr, value int)
- func UpDown_SetTop(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetVisible(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_SetWidth(obj uintptr, value int32)
- func UpDown_SetWrap(obj uintptr, value bool)
- func UpDown_Show(obj uintptr)
- func UpDown_ToString(obj uintptr) string
- func UpDown_Update(obj uintptr)
- type TGoParam
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var (
CallbackMap = map[uintptr]interface{}{}
Functions ¶
func ActionList_Assign ¶
func ActionList_ClassName ¶
func ActionList_Create ¶
func ActionList_Equals ¶
func ActionList_Free ¶
func ActionList_Free(obj uintptr)
func ActionList_GetHashCode ¶
func ActionList_GetImages ¶
func ActionList_GetName ¶
func ActionList_GetNamePath ¶
func ActionList_GetOwner ¶
func ActionList_GetState ¶
func ActionList_GetState(obj uintptr) TActionListState
func ActionList_GetTag ¶
func ActionList_HasParent ¶
func ActionList_SetImages ¶
func ActionList_SetName ¶
func ActionList_SetOnChange ¶
func ActionList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ActionList_SetState ¶
func ActionList_SetState(obj uintptr, value TActionListState)
func ActionList_SetTag ¶
func ActionList_ToString ¶
func Action_Assign ¶
func Action_ClassName ¶
func Action_Create ¶
func Action_Equals ¶
func Action_Execute ¶
func Action_FindComponent ¶
func Action_Free ¶
func Action_Free(obj uintptr)
func Action_GetCaption ¶
func Action_GetChecked ¶
func Action_GetComponents ¶
func Action_GetEnabled ¶
func Action_GetGroupIndex ¶
func Action_GetHashCode ¶
func Action_GetHint ¶
func Action_GetImageIndex ¶
func Action_GetImages ¶
func Action_GetIndex ¶
func Action_GetName ¶
func Action_GetNamePath ¶
func Action_GetOwner ¶
func Action_GetShortCut ¶
func Action_GetShortCut(obj uintptr) TShortCut
func Action_GetTag ¶
func Action_GetVisible ¶
func Action_HasParent ¶
func Action_SetCaption ¶
func Action_SetChecked ¶
func Action_SetEnabled ¶
func Action_SetGroupIndex ¶
func Action_SetHint ¶
func Action_SetImageIndex ¶
func Action_SetIndex ¶
func Action_SetName ¶
func Action_SetOnExecute ¶
func Action_SetOnExecute(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Action_SetOnUpdate ¶
func Action_SetOnUpdate(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Action_SetShortCut ¶
func Action_SetShortCut(obj uintptr, value TShortCut)
func Action_SetTag ¶
func Action_SetVisible ¶
func Action_ToString ¶
func Action_Update ¶
func Application_ActivateHint ¶
func Application_ActivateHint(obj uintptr, CursorPos TPoint)
func Application_Assign ¶
func Application_BringToFront ¶
func Application_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Application_CancelHint ¶
func Application_CancelHint(obj uintptr)
func Application_ClassName ¶
func Application_Create ¶
func Application_CreateForm ¶
func Application_Equals ¶
func Application_Free ¶
func Application_Free(obj uintptr)
func Application_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Application_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Application_GetDialogHandle ¶
func Application_GetDialogHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Application_GetExeName ¶
func Application_GetHandle ¶
func Application_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Application_GetHashCode ¶
func Application_GetHint ¶
func Application_GetHintColor ¶
func Application_GetHintColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Application_GetIcon ¶
func Application_GetMainForm ¶
func Application_GetMainFormHandle ¶
func Application_GetMainFormHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Application_GetName ¶
func Application_GetNamePath ¶
func Application_GetOwner ¶
func Application_GetShowHint ¶
func Application_GetTag ¶
func Application_GetTitle ¶
func Application_HandleMessage ¶
func Application_HandleMessage(obj uintptr)
func Application_HasParent ¶
func Application_HideHint ¶
func Application_HideHint(obj uintptr)
func Application_Initialize ¶
func Application_Initialize(obj uintptr)
func Application_Instance ¶
func Application_Instance() uintptr
func Application_MessageBox ¶
func Application_Minimize ¶
func Application_Minimize(obj uintptr)
func Application_ModalFinished ¶
func Application_ModalFinished(obj uintptr)
func Application_ModalStarted ¶
func Application_ModalStarted(obj uintptr)
func Application_NormalizeAllTopMosts ¶
func Application_NormalizeAllTopMosts(obj uintptr)
func Application_NormalizeTopMosts ¶
func Application_NormalizeTopMosts(obj uintptr)
func Application_ProcessMessages ¶
func Application_ProcessMessages(obj uintptr)
func Application_Restore ¶
func Application_Restore(obj uintptr)
func Application_RestoreTopMosts ¶
func Application_RestoreTopMosts(obj uintptr)
func Application_Run ¶
func Application_Run(obj uintptr)
func Application_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Application_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Application_SetDialogHandle ¶
func Application_SetDialogHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Application_SetHandle ¶
func Application_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Application_SetHint ¶
func Application_SetHintColor ¶
func Application_SetHintColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Application_SetIcon ¶
func Application_SetName ¶
func Application_SetOnException ¶
func Application_SetOnException(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Application_SetOnMinimize ¶
func Application_SetOnMinimize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Application_SetOnRestore ¶
func Application_SetOnRestore(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Application_SetShowHint ¶
func Application_SetTag ¶
func Application_SetTitle ¶
func Application_Terminate ¶
func Application_Terminate(obj uintptr)
func Application_ToString ¶
func BalloonHint_Assign ¶
func BalloonHint_ClassName ¶
func BalloonHint_Create ¶
func BalloonHint_Equals ¶
func BalloonHint_Free ¶
func BalloonHint_Free(obj uintptr)
func BalloonHint_GetDelay ¶
func BalloonHint_GetHashCode ¶
func BalloonHint_GetImages ¶
func BalloonHint_GetName ¶
func BalloonHint_GetNamePath ¶
func BalloonHint_GetOwner ¶
func BalloonHint_GetStyle ¶
func BalloonHint_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TBalloonHintStyle
func BalloonHint_GetTag ¶
func BalloonHint_GetTitle ¶
func BalloonHint_HasParent ¶
func BalloonHint_HideHint ¶
func BalloonHint_HideHint(obj uintptr)
func BalloonHint_SetDelay ¶
func BalloonHint_SetImages ¶
func BalloonHint_SetName ¶
func BalloonHint_SetStyle ¶
func BalloonHint_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TBalloonHintStyle)
func BalloonHint_SetTag ¶
func BalloonHint_SetTitle ¶
func BalloonHint_ShowHint ¶
func BalloonHint_ShowHint(obj uintptr)
func BalloonHint_ToString ¶
func Bitmap_Assign ¶
func Bitmap_ClassName ¶
func Bitmap_Create ¶
func Bitmap_Create() uintptr
func Bitmap_Equals ¶
func Bitmap_Free ¶
func Bitmap_Free(obj uintptr)
func Bitmap_GetCanvas ¶
func Bitmap_GetEmpty ¶
func Bitmap_GetHandle ¶
func Bitmap_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
func Bitmap_GetHashCode ¶
func Bitmap_GetHeight ¶
func Bitmap_GetModified ¶
func Bitmap_GetNamePath ¶
func Bitmap_GetPixelFormat ¶
func Bitmap_GetPixelFormat(obj uintptr) TPixelFormat
func Bitmap_GetScanLine ¶
func Bitmap_GetTransparent ¶
func Bitmap_GetTransparentColor ¶
func Bitmap_GetTransparentColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Bitmap_GetWidth ¶
func Bitmap_HandleAllocated ¶
func Bitmap_LoadFromFile ¶
func Bitmap_LoadFromStream ¶
func Bitmap_SaveToFile ¶
func Bitmap_SaveToStream ¶
func Bitmap_SetHandle ¶
func Bitmap_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HBITMAP)
func Bitmap_SetHeight ¶
func Bitmap_SetModified ¶
func Bitmap_SetOnChange ¶
func Bitmap_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Bitmap_SetPixelFormat ¶
func Bitmap_SetPixelFormat(obj uintptr, value TPixelFormat)
func Bitmap_SetSize ¶
func Bitmap_SetTransparent ¶
func Bitmap_SetTransparentColor ¶
func Bitmap_SetTransparentColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Bitmap_SetWidth ¶
func Bitmap_ToString ¶
func Brush_Assign ¶
func Brush_ClassName ¶
func Brush_Create ¶
func Brush_Create() uintptr
func Brush_Equals ¶
func Brush_Free ¶
func Brush_Free(obj uintptr)
func Brush_GetBitmap ¶
func Brush_GetColor ¶
func Brush_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Brush_GetHandle ¶
func Brush_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HBRUSH
func Brush_GetHashCode ¶
func Brush_GetNamePath ¶
func Brush_GetStyle ¶
func Brush_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TBrushStyle
func Brush_HandleAllocated ¶
func Brush_SetBitmap ¶
func Brush_SetColor ¶
func Brush_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Brush_SetHandle ¶
func Brush_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HBRUSH)
func Brush_SetOnChange ¶
func Brush_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Brush_SetStyle ¶
func Brush_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TBrushStyle)
func Brush_ToString ¶
func Button_Assign ¶
func Button_BringToFront ¶
func Button_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Button_CanFocus ¶
func Button_ClassName ¶
func Button_Click ¶
func Button_Click(obj uintptr)
func Button_Create ¶
func Button_Equals ¶
func Button_FindComponent ¶
func Button_FlipChildren ¶
func Button_Focused ¶
func Button_Free ¶
func Button_Free(obj uintptr)
func Button_GetAction ¶
func Button_GetAlign ¶
func Button_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Button_GetAnchors ¶
func Button_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Button_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Button_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Button_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Button_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Button_GetBrush ¶
func Button_GetCancel ¶
func Button_GetCaption ¶
func Button_GetClientHeight ¶
func Button_GetClientRect ¶
func Button_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Button_GetClientWidth ¶
func Button_GetComponents ¶
func Button_GetControlCount ¶
func Button_GetControls ¶
func Button_GetCursor ¶
func Button_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Button_GetDefault ¶
func Button_GetEnabled ¶
func Button_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Button_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Button_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Button_GetFont ¶
func Button_GetHandle ¶
func Button_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Button_GetHashCode ¶
func Button_GetHeight ¶
func Button_GetHint ¶
func Button_GetHotImageIndex ¶
func Button_GetImageAlignment ¶
func Button_GetImageAlignment(obj uintptr) TImageAlignment
func Button_GetImageIndex ¶
func Button_GetImages ¶
func Button_GetLeft ¶
func Button_GetMargins ¶
func Button_GetModalResult ¶
func Button_GetModalResult(obj uintptr) TModalResult
func Button_GetName ¶
func Button_GetNamePath ¶
func Button_GetOwner ¶
func Button_GetParent ¶
func Button_GetParentFont ¶
func Button_GetParentWindow ¶
func Button_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func Button_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Button_GetShowHint ¶
func Button_GetStyle ¶
func Button_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TButtonStyle
func Button_GetStyleElements ¶
func Button_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Button_GetTabOrder ¶
func Button_GetTabStop ¶
func Button_GetTag ¶
func Button_GetTop ¶
func Button_GetVisible ¶
func Button_GetWidth ¶
func Button_GetWordWrap ¶
func Button_HandleAllocated ¶
func Button_HasParent ¶
func Button_Hide ¶
func Button_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Button_Invalidate ¶
func Button_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Button_Realign ¶
func Button_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Button_Refresh ¶
func Button_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Button_Repaint ¶
func Button_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Button_ScaleBy ¶
func Button_SendToBack ¶
func Button_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Button_SetAction ¶
func Button_SetAlign ¶
func Button_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Button_SetAnchors ¶
func Button_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Button_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Button_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Button_SetBounds ¶
func Button_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Button_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Button_SetCancel ¶
func Button_SetCaption ¶
func Button_SetClientHeight ¶
func Button_SetClientWidth ¶
func Button_SetCursor ¶
func Button_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Button_SetDefault ¶
func Button_SetEnabled ¶
func Button_SetFocus ¶
func Button_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func Button_SetFont ¶
func Button_SetHeight ¶
func Button_SetHint ¶
func Button_SetHotImageIndex ¶
func Button_SetImageAlignment ¶
func Button_SetImageAlignment(obj uintptr, value TImageAlignment)
func Button_SetImageIndex ¶
func Button_SetImages ¶
func Button_SetLeft ¶
func Button_SetMargins ¶
func Button_SetModalResult ¶
func Button_SetModalResult(obj uintptr, value TModalResult)
func Button_SetName ¶
func Button_SetOnClick ¶
func Button_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnEnter ¶
func Button_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnExit ¶
func Button_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func Button_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func Button_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func Button_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Button_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Button_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Button_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Button_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Button_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Button_SetParent ¶
func Button_SetParentFont ¶
func Button_SetParentWindow ¶
func Button_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Button_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Button_SetShowHint ¶
func Button_SetStyle ¶
func Button_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TButtonStyle)
func Button_SetStyleElements ¶
func Button_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Button_SetTabOrder ¶
func Button_SetTabStop ¶
func Button_SetTag ¶
func Button_SetTop ¶
func Button_SetVisible ¶
func Button_SetWidth ¶
func Button_SetWordWrap ¶
func Button_Show ¶
func Button_Show(obj uintptr)
func Button_ToString ¶
func Button_Update ¶
func Button_Update(obj uintptr)
func Canvas_AngleArc ¶
func Canvas_Arc ¶
func Canvas_ArcTo ¶
func Canvas_Assign ¶
func Canvas_BrushCopy ¶
func Canvas_Chord ¶
func Canvas_ClassName ¶
func Canvas_CopyRect ¶
func Canvas_Create ¶
func Canvas_Create() uintptr
func Canvas_Draw1 ¶
func Canvas_DrawFocusRect ¶
func Canvas_DrawFocusRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
func Canvas_Equals ¶
func Canvas_FillRect ¶
func Canvas_FillRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
func Canvas_FloodFill ¶
func Canvas_FrameRect ¶
func Canvas_FrameRect(obj uintptr, aRect TRect)
func Canvas_Free ¶
func Canvas_Free(obj uintptr)
func Canvas_GetBrush ¶
func Canvas_GetCopyMode ¶
func Canvas_GetFont ¶
func Canvas_GetHandle ¶
func Canvas_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HDC
func Canvas_GetHashCode ¶
func Canvas_GetNamePath ¶
func Canvas_GetPen ¶
func Canvas_HandleAllocated ¶
func Canvas_LineTo ¶
func Canvas_Lock ¶
func Canvas_Lock(obj uintptr)
func Canvas_MoveTo ¶
func Canvas_Pie ¶
func Canvas_Refresh ¶
func Canvas_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Canvas_RoundRect ¶
func Canvas_SetBrush ¶
func Canvas_SetCopyMode ¶
func Canvas_SetFont ¶
func Canvas_SetHandle ¶
func Canvas_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HDC)
func Canvas_SetOnChange ¶
func Canvas_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Canvas_SetPen ¶
func Canvas_StretchDraw ¶
func Canvas_TextExtent ¶
func Canvas_TextHeight ¶ added in v1.0.2
func Canvas_TextRect1 ¶
func Canvas_TextRect2 ¶
func Canvas_TextWidth ¶ added in v1.0.2
func Canvas_ToString ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_BringToFront ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_CollapseAll ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_CollapseAll(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_ExpandAll ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_ExpandAll(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Free ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAlign ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAnchors ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelEdges ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelInner ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelKind ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelOuter ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBiDiMode ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBoundsRect ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronAlignment ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronHotColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetChevronHotColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetClientRect ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetCursor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientBaseColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientBaseColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientDirection ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetGradientDirection(obj uintptr) TGradientDirection
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHandle ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderAlignment ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderStyle ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetHeaderStyle(obj uintptr) THeaderStyle
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentWindow ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetStyleElements ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func CategoryPanelGroup_Hide ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Hide(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Invalidate ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Realign ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Realign(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Refresh ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Repaint ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SendToBack ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAlign ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAnchors ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelEdges ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelInner ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelKind ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelOuter ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBiDiMode ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBoundsRect ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronAlignment ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronHotColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetChevronHotColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetCursor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetFocus ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientBaseColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientBaseColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientColor ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientDirection ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetGradientDirection(obj uintptr, value TGradientDirection)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderAlignment ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderStyle ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetHeaderStyle(obj uintptr, value THeaderStyle)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnClick ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnDblClick ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnEnter ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnExit ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnResize ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentWindow ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetStyleElements ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Show ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Show(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanelGroup_Update ¶
func CategoryPanelGroup_Update(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Assign ¶
func CategoryPanel_BringToFront ¶
func CategoryPanel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_CanFocus ¶
func CategoryPanel_ClassName ¶
func CategoryPanel_Collapse ¶
func CategoryPanel_Collapse(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Create ¶
func CategoryPanel_Equals ¶
func CategoryPanel_Expand ¶
func CategoryPanel_Expand(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Focused ¶
func CategoryPanel_Free ¶
func CategoryPanel_Free(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_GetAction ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetAlign ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func CategoryPanel_GetAnchors ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func CategoryPanel_GetBiDiMode ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func CategoryPanel_GetBoundsRect ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CategoryPanel_GetBrush ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetClientRect ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CategoryPanel_GetColor ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CategoryPanel_GetCursor ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func CategoryPanel_GetFont ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetHandle ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func CategoryPanel_GetHeight ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetHint ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetLeft ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetLocked ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetName ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetOwner ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetParent ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetParentWindow ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func CategoryPanel_GetStyleElements ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func CategoryPanel_GetTag ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetTop ¶
func CategoryPanel_GetWidth ¶
func CategoryPanel_HasParent ¶
func CategoryPanel_Hide ¶
func CategoryPanel_Hide(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Invalidate ¶
func CategoryPanel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Perform ¶
func CategoryPanel_Realign ¶
func CategoryPanel_Realign(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Refresh ¶
func CategoryPanel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_Repaint ¶
func CategoryPanel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_ScaleBy ¶
func CategoryPanel_SendToBack ¶
func CategoryPanel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_SetAction ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetAlign ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func CategoryPanel_SetAnchors ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func CategoryPanel_SetBiDiMode ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func CategoryPanel_SetBounds ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetBoundsRect ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func CategoryPanel_SetColor ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CategoryPanel_SetCursor ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func CategoryPanel_SetFocus ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_SetFont ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetHeight ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetHint ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetLeft ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetLocked ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetName ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnClick ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnDblClick ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnEnter ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnExit ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CategoryPanel_SetParent ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetParentWindow ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func CategoryPanel_SetStyleElements ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func CategoryPanel_SetTag ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetTop ¶
func CategoryPanel_SetWidth ¶
func CategoryPanel_Show ¶
func CategoryPanel_Show(obj uintptr)
func CategoryPanel_ToString ¶
func CategoryPanel_Update ¶
func CategoryPanel_Update(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_Assign ¶
func CheckBox_BringToFront ¶
func CheckBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_CanFocus ¶
func CheckBox_ClassName ¶
func CheckBox_Create ¶
func CheckBox_Equals ¶
func CheckBox_FindComponent ¶
func CheckBox_FlipChildren ¶
func CheckBox_Focused ¶
func CheckBox_Free ¶
func CheckBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_GetAction ¶
func CheckBox_GetAlign ¶
func CheckBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func CheckBox_GetAlignment ¶
func CheckBox_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLeftRight
func CheckBox_GetAnchors ¶
func CheckBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func CheckBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func CheckBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func CheckBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func CheckBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CheckBox_GetBrush ¶
func CheckBox_GetCaption ¶
func CheckBox_GetChecked ¶
func CheckBox_GetClientRect ¶
func CheckBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func CheckBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func CheckBox_GetColor ¶
func CheckBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func CheckBox_GetComponents ¶
func CheckBox_GetControls ¶
func CheckBox_GetCursor ¶
func CheckBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func CheckBox_GetEnabled ¶
func CheckBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func CheckBox_GetFont ¶
func CheckBox_GetHandle ¶
func CheckBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func CheckBox_GetHashCode ¶
func CheckBox_GetHeight ¶
func CheckBox_GetHint ¶
func CheckBox_GetLeft ¶
func CheckBox_GetMargins ¶
func CheckBox_GetName ¶
func CheckBox_GetNamePath ¶
func CheckBox_GetOwner ¶
func CheckBox_GetParent ¶
func CheckBox_GetParentColor ¶
func CheckBox_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func CheckBox_GetParentFont ¶
func CheckBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func CheckBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func CheckBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func CheckBox_GetShowHint ¶
func CheckBox_GetState ¶
func CheckBox_GetState(obj uintptr) TCheckBoxState
func CheckBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func CheckBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func CheckBox_GetTabOrder ¶
func CheckBox_GetTabStop ¶
func CheckBox_GetTag ¶
func CheckBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func CheckBox_GetTop ¶
func CheckBox_GetVisible ¶
func CheckBox_GetWidth ¶
func CheckBox_GetWordWrap ¶
func CheckBox_HasParent ¶
func CheckBox_Hide ¶
func CheckBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_Invalidate ¶
func CheckBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_Perform ¶
func CheckBox_Realign ¶
func CheckBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_Refresh ¶
func CheckBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_Repaint ¶
func CheckBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_ScaleBy ¶
func CheckBox_SendToBack ¶
func CheckBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_SetAction ¶
func CheckBox_SetAlign ¶
func CheckBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func CheckBox_SetAlignment ¶
func CheckBox_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLeftRight)
func CheckBox_SetAnchors ¶
func CheckBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func CheckBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func CheckBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func CheckBox_SetBounds ¶
func CheckBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func CheckBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func CheckBox_SetCaption ¶
func CheckBox_SetChecked ¶
func CheckBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func CheckBox_SetColor ¶
func CheckBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func CheckBox_SetCursor ¶
func CheckBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func CheckBox_SetEnabled ¶
func CheckBox_SetFocus ¶
func CheckBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_SetFont ¶
func CheckBox_SetHeight ¶
func CheckBox_SetHint ¶
func CheckBox_SetLeft ¶
func CheckBox_SetMargins ¶
func CheckBox_SetName ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnClick ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnExit ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func CheckBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func CheckBox_SetParent ¶
func CheckBox_SetParentColor ¶
func CheckBox_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func CheckBox_SetParentFont ¶
func CheckBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func CheckBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func CheckBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func CheckBox_SetShowHint ¶
func CheckBox_SetState ¶
func CheckBox_SetState(obj uintptr, value TCheckBoxState)
func CheckBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func CheckBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func CheckBox_SetTabOrder ¶
func CheckBox_SetTabStop ¶
func CheckBox_SetTag ¶
func CheckBox_SetTop ¶
func CheckBox_SetVisible ¶
func CheckBox_SetWidth ¶
func CheckBox_SetWordWrap ¶
func CheckBox_Show ¶
func CheckBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func CheckBox_ToString ¶
func CheckBox_Update ¶
func CheckBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func Clipboard_Assign ¶
func Clipboard_ClassName ¶
func Clipboard_Clear ¶
func Clipboard_Clear(obj uintptr)
func Clipboard_Close ¶
func Clipboard_Close(obj uintptr)
func Clipboard_Create ¶
func Clipboard_Create() uintptr
func Clipboard_Equals ¶
func Clipboard_Free ¶
func Clipboard_Free(obj uintptr)
func Clipboard_GetAsHandle ¶
func Clipboard_GetAsText ¶
func Clipboard_GetFormats ¶
func Clipboard_GetHashCode ¶
func Clipboard_GetNamePath ¶
func Clipboard_GetTextBuf ¶
func Clipboard_HasFormat ¶
func Clipboard_Instance ¶
func Clipboard_Instance() uintptr
func Clipboard_Open ¶
func Clipboard_Open(obj uintptr)
func Clipboard_SetAsHandle ¶
func Clipboard_SetAsText ¶
func Clipboard_SetClipboard ¶
func Clipboard_ToString ¶
func CollectionItem_Assign ¶
func CollectionItem_Create ¶
func CollectionItem_Create() uintptr
func CollectionItem_Equals ¶
func CollectionItem_Free ¶
func CollectionItem_Free(obj uintptr)
func CollectionItem_GetIndex ¶
func CollectionItem_SetIndex ¶
func CollectionItem_ToString ¶
func ColorBox_AddItem ¶
func ColorBox_Assign ¶
func ColorBox_BringToFront ¶
func ColorBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_CanFocus ¶
func ColorBox_ClassName ¶
func ColorBox_Clear ¶
func ColorBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_ClearSelection ¶
func ColorBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Create ¶
func ColorBox_DeleteSelected ¶
func ColorBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Equals ¶
func ColorBox_FindComponent ¶
func ColorBox_FlipChildren ¶
func ColorBox_Focused ¶
func ColorBox_Free ¶
func ColorBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_GetAction ¶
func ColorBox_GetAlign ¶
func ColorBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ColorBox_GetAnchors ¶
func ColorBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ColorBox_GetAutoCloseUp ¶
func ColorBox_GetBevelEdges ¶
func ColorBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func ColorBox_GetBevelInner ¶
func ColorBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ColorBox_GetBevelKind ¶
func ColorBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func ColorBox_GetBevelOuter ¶
func ColorBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ColorBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ColorBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ColorBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ColorBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ColorBox_GetBrush ¶
func ColorBox_GetCanvas ¶
func ColorBox_GetClientRect ¶
func ColorBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ColorBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func ColorBox_GetColor ¶
func ColorBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorBox_GetColorNames ¶
func ColorBox_GetColors ¶
func ColorBox_GetComponents ¶
func ColorBox_GetControls ¶
func ColorBox_GetCursor ¶
func ColorBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ColorBox_GetDefaultColorColor ¶
func ColorBox_GetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorBox_GetDroppedDown ¶
func ColorBox_GetEnabled ¶
func ColorBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func ColorBox_GetFont ¶
func ColorBox_GetHandle ¶
func ColorBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ColorBox_GetHashCode ¶
func ColorBox_GetHeight ¶
func ColorBox_GetHint ¶
func ColorBox_GetItemHeight ¶
func ColorBox_GetItemIndex ¶
func ColorBox_GetItems ¶
func ColorBox_GetLeft ¶
func ColorBox_GetMargins ¶
func ColorBox_GetName ¶
func ColorBox_GetNamePath ¶
func ColorBox_GetNoneColorColor ¶
func ColorBox_GetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorBox_GetOwner ¶
func ColorBox_GetParent ¶
func ColorBox_GetParentColor ¶
func ColorBox_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func ColorBox_GetParentFont ¶
func ColorBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func ColorBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ColorBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ColorBox_GetSelLength ¶
func ColorBox_GetSelStart ¶
func ColorBox_GetSelText ¶
func ColorBox_GetSelected ¶
func ColorBox_GetSelected(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorBox_GetShowHint ¶
func ColorBox_GetStyle ¶
func ColorBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TColorBoxStyle
func ColorBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func ColorBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ColorBox_GetTabOrder ¶
func ColorBox_GetTabStop ¶
func ColorBox_GetTag ¶
func ColorBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func ColorBox_GetTextHint ¶
func ColorBox_GetTop ¶
func ColorBox_GetVisible ¶
func ColorBox_GetWidth ¶
func ColorBox_HasParent ¶
func ColorBox_Hide ¶
func ColorBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Invalidate ¶
func ColorBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Perform ¶
func ColorBox_Realign ¶
func ColorBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Refresh ¶
func ColorBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_Repaint ¶
func ColorBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_ScaleBy ¶
func ColorBox_SelectAll ¶
func ColorBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_SendToBack ¶
func ColorBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_SetAction ¶
func ColorBox_SetAlign ¶
func ColorBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ColorBox_SetAnchors ¶
func ColorBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ColorBox_SetAutoCloseUp ¶
func ColorBox_SetBevelEdges ¶
func ColorBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func ColorBox_SetBevelInner ¶
func ColorBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ColorBox_SetBevelKind ¶
func ColorBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func ColorBox_SetBevelOuter ¶
func ColorBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ColorBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ColorBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ColorBox_SetBounds ¶
func ColorBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ColorBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ColorBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func ColorBox_SetColor ¶
func ColorBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorBox_SetCursor ¶
func ColorBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ColorBox_SetDefaultColorColor ¶
func ColorBox_SetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorBox_SetDroppedDown ¶
func ColorBox_SetEnabled ¶
func ColorBox_SetFocus ¶
func ColorBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_SetFont ¶
func ColorBox_SetHeight ¶
func ColorBox_SetHint ¶
func ColorBox_SetItemHeight ¶
func ColorBox_SetItemIndex ¶
func ColorBox_SetItems ¶
func ColorBox_SetLeft ¶
func ColorBox_SetMargins ¶
func ColorBox_SetName ¶
func ColorBox_SetNoneColorColor ¶
func ColorBox_SetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorBox_SetOnChange ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnClick ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnExit ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ColorBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorBox_SetParent ¶
func ColorBox_SetParentColor ¶
func ColorBox_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func ColorBox_SetParentFont ¶
func ColorBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func ColorBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ColorBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ColorBox_SetSelLength ¶
func ColorBox_SetSelStart ¶
func ColorBox_SetSelText ¶
func ColorBox_SetSelected ¶
func ColorBox_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorBox_SetShowHint ¶
func ColorBox_SetStyle ¶
func ColorBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TColorBoxStyle)
func ColorBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func ColorBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ColorBox_SetTabOrder ¶
func ColorBox_SetTabStop ¶
func ColorBox_SetTag ¶
func ColorBox_SetTextHint ¶
func ColorBox_SetTop ¶
func ColorBox_SetVisible ¶
func ColorBox_SetWidth ¶
func ColorBox_Show ¶
func ColorBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func ColorBox_ToString ¶
func ColorBox_Update ¶
func ColorBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func ColorDialog_Assign ¶
func ColorDialog_ClassName ¶
func ColorDialog_Create ¶
func ColorDialog_Equals ¶
func ColorDialog_Execute ¶
func ColorDialog_Free ¶
func ColorDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func ColorDialog_GetColor ¶
func ColorDialog_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorDialog_GetHandle ¶
func ColorDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ColorDialog_GetHashCode ¶
func ColorDialog_GetName ¶
func ColorDialog_GetNamePath ¶
func ColorDialog_GetOptions ¶
func ColorDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TColorDialogOptions
func ColorDialog_GetOwner ¶
func ColorDialog_GetTag ¶
func ColorDialog_HasParent ¶
func ColorDialog_SetColor ¶
func ColorDialog_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorDialog_SetName ¶
func ColorDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func ColorDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func ColorDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorDialog_SetOptions ¶
func ColorDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TColorDialogOptions)
func ColorDialog_SetTag ¶
func ColorDialog_ToString ¶
func ColorListBox_AddItem ¶
func ColorListBox_Assign ¶
func ColorListBox_BringToFront ¶
func ColorListBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_CanFocus ¶
func ColorListBox_ClassName ¶
func ColorListBox_Clear ¶
func ColorListBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_ClearSelection ¶
func ColorListBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Create ¶
func ColorListBox_DeleteSelected ¶
func ColorListBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Equals ¶
func ColorListBox_Focused ¶
func ColorListBox_Free ¶
func ColorListBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_GetAction ¶
func ColorListBox_GetAlign ¶
func ColorListBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ColorListBox_GetAnchors ¶
func ColorListBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ColorListBox_GetBevelEdges ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func ColorListBox_GetBevelInner ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ColorListBox_GetBevelKind ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func ColorListBox_GetBevelOuter ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ColorListBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ColorListBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ColorListBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ColorListBox_GetBrush ¶
func ColorListBox_GetCanvas ¶
func ColorListBox_GetClientRect ¶
func ColorListBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ColorListBox_GetColor ¶
func ColorListBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorListBox_GetColors ¶
func ColorListBox_GetCursor ¶
func ColorListBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ColorListBox_GetDefaultColorColor ¶
func ColorListBox_GetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorListBox_GetEnabled ¶
func ColorListBox_GetFont ¶
func ColorListBox_GetHandle ¶
func ColorListBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ColorListBox_GetHeight ¶
func ColorListBox_GetHint ¶
func ColorListBox_GetItems ¶
func ColorListBox_GetLeft ¶
func ColorListBox_GetMargins ¶
func ColorListBox_GetName ¶
func ColorListBox_GetNoneColorColor ¶
func ColorListBox_GetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorListBox_GetOwner ¶
func ColorListBox_GetParent ¶
func ColorListBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func ColorListBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ColorListBox_GetSelected ¶
func ColorListBox_GetSelected(obj uintptr) TColor
func ColorListBox_GetStyle ¶
func ColorListBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TColorBoxStyle
func ColorListBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func ColorListBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ColorListBox_GetTabStop ¶
func ColorListBox_GetTag ¶
func ColorListBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func ColorListBox_GetTop ¶
func ColorListBox_GetVisible ¶
func ColorListBox_GetWidth ¶
func ColorListBox_HasParent ¶
func ColorListBox_Hide ¶
func ColorListBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Invalidate ¶
func ColorListBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Perform ¶
func ColorListBox_Realign ¶
func ColorListBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Refresh ¶
func ColorListBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_Repaint ¶
func ColorListBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_ScaleBy ¶
func ColorListBox_SelectAll ¶
func ColorListBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_SendToBack ¶
func ColorListBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_SetAction ¶
func ColorListBox_SetAlign ¶
func ColorListBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ColorListBox_SetAnchors ¶
func ColorListBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ColorListBox_SetBevelEdges ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func ColorListBox_SetBevelInner ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ColorListBox_SetBevelKind ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func ColorListBox_SetBevelOuter ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ColorListBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ColorListBox_SetBounds ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ColorListBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ColorListBox_SetColor ¶
func ColorListBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorListBox_SetCursor ¶
func ColorListBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ColorListBox_SetDefaultColorColor ¶
func ColorListBox_SetDefaultColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorListBox_SetEnabled ¶
func ColorListBox_SetFocus ¶
func ColorListBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_SetFont ¶
func ColorListBox_SetHeight ¶
func ColorListBox_SetHint ¶
func ColorListBox_SetItems ¶
func ColorListBox_SetLeft ¶
func ColorListBox_SetMargins ¶
func ColorListBox_SetName ¶
func ColorListBox_SetNoneColorColor ¶
func ColorListBox_SetNoneColorColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorListBox_SetOnClick ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnDblClick ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnExit ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ColorListBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ColorListBox_SetParent ¶
func ColorListBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func ColorListBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ColorListBox_SetSelected ¶
func ColorListBox_SetSelected(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ColorListBox_SetStyle ¶
func ColorListBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TColorBoxStyle)
func ColorListBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func ColorListBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ColorListBox_SetTabStop ¶
func ColorListBox_SetTag ¶
func ColorListBox_SetTop ¶
func ColorListBox_SetVisible ¶
func ColorListBox_SetWidth ¶
func ColorListBox_Show ¶
func ColorListBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func ColorListBox_ToString ¶
func ColorListBox_Update ¶
func ColorListBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_AddItem ¶
func ComboBox_Assign ¶
func ComboBox_BringToFront ¶
func ComboBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_CanFocus ¶
func ComboBox_ClassName ¶
func ComboBox_Clear ¶
func ComboBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_ClearSelection ¶
func ComboBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Create ¶
func ComboBox_DeleteSelected ¶
func ComboBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Equals ¶
func ComboBox_FindComponent ¶
func ComboBox_FlipChildren ¶
func ComboBox_Focused ¶
func ComboBox_Free ¶
func ComboBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_GetAction ¶
func ComboBox_GetAlign ¶
func ComboBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ComboBox_GetAnchors ¶
func ComboBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ComboBox_GetAutoCloseUp ¶
func ComboBox_GetBevelEdges ¶
func ComboBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func ComboBox_GetBevelInner ¶
func ComboBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ComboBox_GetBevelKind ¶
func ComboBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func ComboBox_GetBevelOuter ¶
func ComboBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ComboBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ComboBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ComboBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ComboBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ComboBox_GetBrush ¶
func ComboBox_GetCanvas ¶
func ComboBox_GetClientRect ¶
func ComboBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ComboBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func ComboBox_GetColor ¶
func ComboBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ComboBox_GetComponents ¶
func ComboBox_GetControls ¶
func ComboBox_GetCursor ¶
func ComboBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ComboBox_GetDroppedDown ¶
func ComboBox_GetEnabled ¶
func ComboBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func ComboBox_GetFont ¶
func ComboBox_GetHandle ¶
func ComboBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ComboBox_GetHashCode ¶
func ComboBox_GetHeight ¶
func ComboBox_GetHint ¶
func ComboBox_GetItemHeight ¶
func ComboBox_GetItemIndex ¶
func ComboBox_GetItems ¶
func ComboBox_GetLeft ¶
func ComboBox_GetMargins ¶
func ComboBox_GetMaxLength ¶
func ComboBox_GetName ¶
func ComboBox_GetNamePath ¶
func ComboBox_GetOwner ¶
func ComboBox_GetParent ¶
func ComboBox_GetParentColor ¶
func ComboBox_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func ComboBox_GetParentFont ¶
func ComboBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func ComboBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ComboBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ComboBox_GetSelLength ¶
func ComboBox_GetSelStart ¶
func ComboBox_GetSelText ¶
func ComboBox_GetShowHint ¶
func ComboBox_GetSorted ¶
func ComboBox_GetStyle ¶
func ComboBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TComboBoxStyle
func ComboBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func ComboBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ComboBox_GetTabOrder ¶
func ComboBox_GetTabStop ¶
func ComboBox_GetTag ¶
func ComboBox_GetText ¶
func ComboBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func ComboBox_GetTextHint ¶
func ComboBox_GetTop ¶
func ComboBox_GetVisible ¶
func ComboBox_GetWidth ¶
func ComboBox_HasParent ¶
func ComboBox_Hide ¶
func ComboBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Invalidate ¶
func ComboBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Perform ¶
func ComboBox_Realign ¶
func ComboBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Refresh ¶
func ComboBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_Repaint ¶
func ComboBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_ScaleBy ¶
func ComboBox_SelectAll ¶
func ComboBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_SendToBack ¶
func ComboBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_SetAction ¶
func ComboBox_SetAlign ¶
func ComboBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ComboBox_SetAnchors ¶
func ComboBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ComboBox_SetAutoCloseUp ¶
func ComboBox_SetBevelEdges ¶
func ComboBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func ComboBox_SetBevelInner ¶
func ComboBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ComboBox_SetBevelKind ¶
func ComboBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func ComboBox_SetBevelOuter ¶
func ComboBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ComboBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ComboBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ComboBox_SetBounds ¶
func ComboBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ComboBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ComboBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func ComboBox_SetColor ¶
func ComboBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ComboBox_SetCursor ¶
func ComboBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ComboBox_SetDroppedDown ¶
func ComboBox_SetEnabled ¶
func ComboBox_SetFocus ¶
func ComboBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_SetFont ¶
func ComboBox_SetHeight ¶
func ComboBox_SetHint ¶
func ComboBox_SetItemHeight ¶
func ComboBox_SetItemIndex ¶
func ComboBox_SetItems ¶
func ComboBox_SetLeft ¶
func ComboBox_SetMargins ¶
func ComboBox_SetMaxLength ¶
func ComboBox_SetName ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnChange ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnClick ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnDblClick ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnDrawItem ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ComboBox_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnExit ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ComboBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ComboBox_SetParent ¶
func ComboBox_SetParentColor ¶
func ComboBox_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func ComboBox_SetParentFont ¶
func ComboBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func ComboBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ComboBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ComboBox_SetSelLength ¶
func ComboBox_SetSelStart ¶
func ComboBox_SetSelText ¶
func ComboBox_SetShowHint ¶
func ComboBox_SetSorted ¶
func ComboBox_SetStyle ¶
func ComboBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TComboBoxStyle)
func ComboBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func ComboBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ComboBox_SetTabOrder ¶
func ComboBox_SetTabStop ¶
func ComboBox_SetTag ¶
func ComboBox_SetText ¶
func ComboBox_SetTextHint ¶
func ComboBox_SetTop ¶
func ComboBox_SetVisible ¶
func ComboBox_SetWidth ¶
func ComboBox_Show ¶
func ComboBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func ComboBox_ToString ¶
func ComboBox_Update ¶
func ComboBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func Component_Assign ¶
func Component_ClassName ¶
func Component_Create ¶
func Component_Equals ¶
func Component_FindComponent ¶
func Component_Free ¶
func Component_Free(obj uintptr)
func Component_GetComponents ¶
func Component_GetHashCode ¶
func Component_GetName ¶
func Component_GetNamePath ¶
func Component_GetOwner ¶
func Component_GetTag ¶
func Component_HasParent ¶
func Component_SetName ¶
func Component_SetTag ¶
func Component_ToString ¶
func Control_Assign ¶
func Control_BringToFront ¶
func Control_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Control_ClassName ¶
func Control_Create ¶
func Control_Equals ¶
func Control_FindComponent ¶
func Control_Free ¶
func Control_Free(obj uintptr)
func Control_GetAction ¶
func Control_GetAlign ¶
func Control_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Control_GetAnchors ¶
func Control_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Control_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Control_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Control_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Control_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Control_GetClientHeight ¶
func Control_GetClientRect ¶
func Control_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Control_GetClientWidth ¶
func Control_GetComponents ¶
func Control_GetCursor ¶
func Control_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Control_GetEnabled ¶
func Control_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Control_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Control_GetHashCode ¶
func Control_GetHeight ¶
func Control_GetHint ¶
func Control_GetLeft ¶
func Control_GetMargins ¶
func Control_GetName ¶
func Control_GetNamePath ¶
func Control_GetOwner ¶
func Control_GetParent ¶
func Control_GetShowHint ¶
func Control_GetStyleElements ¶
func Control_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Control_GetTag ¶
func Control_GetTop ¶
func Control_GetVisible ¶
func Control_GetWidth ¶
func Control_HasParent ¶
func Control_Hide ¶
func Control_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Control_Invalidate ¶
func Control_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Control_Perform ¶
func Control_Refresh ¶
func Control_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Control_Repaint ¶
func Control_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Control_SendToBack ¶
func Control_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Control_SetAction ¶
func Control_SetAlign ¶
func Control_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Control_SetAnchors ¶
func Control_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Control_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Control_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Control_SetBounds ¶
func Control_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Control_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Control_SetClientHeight ¶
func Control_SetClientWidth ¶
func Control_SetCursor ¶
func Control_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Control_SetEnabled ¶
func Control_SetHeight ¶
func Control_SetHint ¶
func Control_SetLeft ¶
func Control_SetMargins ¶
func Control_SetName ¶
func Control_SetParent ¶
func Control_SetShowHint ¶
func Control_SetStyleElements ¶
func Control_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Control_SetTag ¶
func Control_SetTop ¶
func Control_SetVisible ¶
func Control_SetWidth ¶
func Control_Show ¶
func Control_Show(obj uintptr)
func Control_ToString ¶
func Control_Update ¶
func Control_Update(obj uintptr)
func DBoolToGoBool ¶
func DExtractFilePath ¶
func DFileExists ¶
func DGetMainInstance ¶
func DGetMainInstance() uintptr
func DInheritsFromComponent ¶ added in v1.0.2
func DInheritsFromControl ¶ added in v1.0.2
func DInheritsFromWinControl ¶ added in v1.0.2
func DMessageDlg ¶
func DSetReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown ¶
func DSetReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(v bool)
func DShortCutToText ¶
func DShortCutToText(val TShortCut) string
func DShowMessage ¶
func DShowMessage(s string)
func DTextToShortCut ¶
func DTextToShortCut(val string) TShortCut
func DateTimePicker_Assign ¶
func DateTimePicker_BringToFront ¶
func DateTimePicker_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_CanFocus ¶
func DateTimePicker_Create ¶
func DateTimePicker_Equals ¶
func DateTimePicker_Focused ¶
func DateTimePicker_Free ¶
func DateTimePicker_Free(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_GetAlign ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func DateTimePicker_GetAnchors ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelEdges ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelInner ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelKind ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelOuter ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func DateTimePicker_GetBiDiMode ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func DateTimePicker_GetBoundsRect ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func DateTimePicker_GetBrush ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetCalAlignment ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetCalAlignment(obj uintptr) TDTCalAlignment
func DateTimePicker_GetClientRect ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func DateTimePicker_GetColor ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func DateTimePicker_GetCursor ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func DateTimePicker_GetDate ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetDateFormat ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetDateFormat(obj uintptr) TDTDateFormat
func DateTimePicker_GetDateMode ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetDateMode(obj uintptr) TDTDateMode
func DateTimePicker_GetFont ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetHandle ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func DateTimePicker_GetHint ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetKind ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetKind(obj uintptr) TDateTimeKind
func DateTimePicker_GetLeft ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetName ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetOwner ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetParentWindow ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func DateTimePicker_GetStyleElements ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func DateTimePicker_GetTag ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetTime ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetTop ¶
func DateTimePicker_GetWidth ¶
func DateTimePicker_Hide ¶
func DateTimePicker_Hide(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_Invalidate ¶
func DateTimePicker_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_Perform ¶
func DateTimePicker_Realign ¶
func DateTimePicker_Realign(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_Refresh ¶
func DateTimePicker_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_Repaint ¶
func DateTimePicker_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_ScaleBy ¶
func DateTimePicker_SendToBack ¶
func DateTimePicker_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_SetAlign ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func DateTimePicker_SetAnchors ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelEdges ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelInner ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelKind ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelOuter ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func DateTimePicker_SetBiDiMode ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func DateTimePicker_SetBoundsRect ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func DateTimePicker_SetCalAlignment ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetCalAlignment(obj uintptr, value TDTCalAlignment)
func DateTimePicker_SetColor ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func DateTimePicker_SetCursor ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func DateTimePicker_SetDate ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetDateFormat ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetDateFormat(obj uintptr, value TDTDateFormat)
func DateTimePicker_SetDateMode ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetDateMode(obj uintptr, value TDTDateMode)
func DateTimePicker_SetFocus ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_SetFont ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetHint ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetKind ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetKind(obj uintptr, value TDateTimeKind)
func DateTimePicker_SetLeft ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetName ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnChange ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnClick ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnEnter ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnExit ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func DateTimePicker_SetParentWindow ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func DateTimePicker_SetStyleElements ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func DateTimePicker_SetTag ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetTime ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetTop ¶
func DateTimePicker_SetWidth ¶
func DateTimePicker_Show ¶
func DateTimePicker_Show(obj uintptr)
func DateTimePicker_ToString ¶
func DateTimePicker_Update ¶
func DateTimePicker_Update(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Assign ¶
func Edit_BringToFront ¶
func Edit_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Edit_CanFocus ¶
func Edit_ClassName ¶
func Edit_Clear ¶
func Edit_Clear(obj uintptr)
func Edit_ClearSelection ¶
func Edit_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func Edit_CopyToClipboard ¶
func Edit_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Create ¶
func Edit_CutToClipboard ¶
func Edit_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Equals ¶
func Edit_FindComponent ¶
func Edit_FlipChildren ¶
func Edit_Focused ¶
func Edit_GetAction ¶
func Edit_GetAlign ¶
func Edit_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Edit_GetAlignment ¶
func Edit_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func Edit_GetAnchors ¶
func Edit_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Edit_GetAutoSelect ¶
func Edit_GetAutoSize ¶
func Edit_GetBevelEdges ¶
func Edit_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func Edit_GetBevelInner ¶
func Edit_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Edit_GetBevelKind ¶
func Edit_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func Edit_GetBevelOuter ¶
func Edit_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Edit_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Edit_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Edit_GetBorderStyle ¶
func Edit_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func Edit_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Edit_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Edit_GetBrush ¶
func Edit_GetClientHeight ¶
func Edit_GetClientRect ¶
func Edit_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Edit_GetClientWidth ¶
func Edit_GetColor ¶
func Edit_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Edit_GetComponentCount ¶
func Edit_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Edit_GetComponents ¶
func Edit_GetControlCount ¶
func Edit_GetControls ¶
func Edit_GetCursor ¶
func Edit_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Edit_GetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Edit_GetEnabled ¶
func Edit_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Edit_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Edit_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Edit_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Edit_GetFont ¶
func Edit_GetHandle ¶
func Edit_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Edit_GetHashCode ¶
func Edit_GetHeight ¶
func Edit_GetHideSelection ¶
func Edit_GetHint ¶
func Edit_GetLeft ¶
func Edit_GetMargins ¶
func Edit_GetMaxLength ¶
func Edit_GetModified ¶
func Edit_GetName ¶
func Edit_GetNamePath ¶
func Edit_GetNumbersOnly ¶
func Edit_GetOwner ¶
func Edit_GetParent ¶
func Edit_GetParentColor ¶
func Edit_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func Edit_GetParentFont ¶
func Edit_GetParentShowHint ¶
func Edit_GetParentWindow ¶
func Edit_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func Edit_GetPasswordChar ¶
func Edit_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Edit_GetReadOnly ¶
func Edit_GetSelLength ¶
func Edit_GetSelStart ¶
func Edit_GetSelText ¶
func Edit_GetShowHint ¶
func Edit_GetStyleElements ¶
func Edit_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Edit_GetTabOrder ¶
func Edit_GetTabStop ¶
func Edit_GetTag ¶
func Edit_GetText ¶
func Edit_GetTextHint ¶
func Edit_GetTop ¶
func Edit_GetVisible ¶
func Edit_GetWidth ¶
func Edit_HandleAllocated ¶
func Edit_HasParent ¶
func Edit_Invalidate ¶
func Edit_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Edit_PasteFromClipboard ¶
func Edit_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Realign ¶
func Edit_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Refresh ¶
func Edit_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Edit_Repaint ¶
func Edit_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Edit_ScaleBy ¶
func Edit_SelectAll ¶
func Edit_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func Edit_SendToBack ¶
func Edit_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Edit_SetAction ¶
func Edit_SetAlign ¶
func Edit_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Edit_SetAlignment ¶
func Edit_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func Edit_SetAnchors ¶
func Edit_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Edit_SetAutoSelect ¶
func Edit_SetAutoSize ¶
func Edit_SetBevelEdges ¶
func Edit_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func Edit_SetBevelInner ¶
func Edit_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Edit_SetBevelKind ¶
func Edit_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func Edit_SetBevelOuter ¶
func Edit_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Edit_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Edit_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Edit_SetBorderStyle ¶
func Edit_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func Edit_SetBounds ¶
func Edit_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Edit_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Edit_SetClientHeight ¶
func Edit_SetClientWidth ¶
func Edit_SetColor ¶
func Edit_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Edit_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Edit_SetCursor ¶
func Edit_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Edit_SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Edit_SetEnabled ¶
func Edit_SetFocus ¶
func Edit_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func Edit_SetFont ¶
func Edit_SetHeight ¶
func Edit_SetHideSelection ¶
func Edit_SetHint ¶
func Edit_SetLeft ¶
func Edit_SetMargins ¶
func Edit_SetMaxLength ¶
func Edit_SetModified ¶
func Edit_SetName ¶
func Edit_SetNumbersOnly ¶
func Edit_SetOnChange ¶
func Edit_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnClick ¶
func Edit_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Edit_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnEnter ¶
func Edit_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnExit ¶
func Edit_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func Edit_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func Edit_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func Edit_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Edit_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Edit_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Edit_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Edit_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Edit_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Edit_SetParent ¶
func Edit_SetParentColor ¶
func Edit_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func Edit_SetParentFont ¶
func Edit_SetParentShowHint ¶
func Edit_SetParentWindow ¶
func Edit_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Edit_SetPasswordChar ¶
func Edit_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Edit_SetReadOnly ¶
func Edit_SetSelLength ¶
func Edit_SetSelStart ¶
func Edit_SetSelText ¶
func Edit_SetShowHint ¶
func Edit_SetStyleElements ¶
func Edit_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Edit_SetTabOrder ¶
func Edit_SetTabStop ¶
func Edit_SetTag ¶
func Edit_SetText ¶
func Edit_SetTextHint ¶
func Edit_SetTop ¶
func Edit_SetVisible ¶
func Edit_SetWidth ¶
func Edit_ToString ¶
func Edit_Update ¶
func Edit_Update(obj uintptr)
func FontDialog_Assign ¶
func FontDialog_ClassName ¶
func FontDialog_Create ¶
func FontDialog_Equals ¶
func FontDialog_Execute ¶
func FontDialog_Free ¶
func FontDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func FontDialog_GetFont ¶
func FontDialog_GetHandle ¶
func FontDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func FontDialog_GetHashCode ¶
func FontDialog_GetName ¶
func FontDialog_GetNamePath ¶
func FontDialog_GetOptions ¶
func FontDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TFontDialogOptions
func FontDialog_GetOwner ¶
func FontDialog_GetTag ¶
func FontDialog_HasParent ¶
func FontDialog_SetFont ¶
func FontDialog_SetName ¶
func FontDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func FontDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func FontDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func FontDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func FontDialog_SetOptions ¶
func FontDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TFontDialogOptions)
func FontDialog_SetTag ¶
func FontDialog_ToString ¶
func Font_Assign ¶
func Font_ClassName ¶
func Font_Create ¶
func Font_Create() uintptr
func Font_Equals ¶
func Font_GetCharset ¶
func Font_GetCharset(obj uintptr) TFontCharset
func Font_GetColor ¶
func Font_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Font_GetHandle ¶
func Font_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HFONT
func Font_GetHashCode ¶
func Font_GetHeight ¶
func Font_GetName ¶
func Font_GetNamePath ¶
func Font_GetOrientation ¶
func Font_GetPitch ¶
func Font_GetPitch(obj uintptr) TFontPitch
func Font_GetPixelsPerInch ¶
func Font_GetQuality ¶
func Font_GetQuality(obj uintptr) TFontQuality
func Font_GetSize ¶
func Font_GetStyle ¶
func Font_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TFontStyles
func Font_HandleAllocated ¶
func Font_SetCharset ¶
func Font_SetCharset(obj uintptr, value TFontCharset)
func Font_SetColor ¶
func Font_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Font_SetHandle ¶
func Font_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HFONT)
func Font_SetHeight ¶
func Font_SetName ¶
func Font_SetOnChange ¶
func Font_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Font_SetOrientation ¶
func Font_SetPitch ¶
func Font_SetPitch(obj uintptr, value TFontPitch)
func Font_SetPixelsPerInch ¶
func Font_SetQuality ¶
func Font_SetQuality(obj uintptr, value TFontQuality)
func Font_SetSize ¶
func Font_SetStyle ¶
func Font_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TFontStyles)
func Font_ToString ¶
func Form_Assign ¶
func Form_BringToFront ¶
func Form_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Form_CanFocus ¶
func Form_ClassName ¶
func Form_Close ¶
func Form_Close(obj uintptr)
func Form_Create ¶
func Form_EnabledMaximize ¶
func Form_EnabledMinimize ¶
func Form_EnabledSystemMenu ¶
func Form_Equals ¶
func Form_FindComponent ¶
func Form_FlipChildren ¶
func Form_Focused ¶
func Form_GetAction ¶
func Form_GetAlign ¶
func Form_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Form_GetAlphaBlend ¶
func Form_GetAlphaBlendValue ¶
func Form_GetAnchors ¶
func Form_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Form_GetAutoSize ¶
func Form_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Form_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Form_GetBorderIcons ¶
func Form_GetBorderIcons(obj uintptr) TBorderIcons
func Form_GetBorderStyle ¶
func Form_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TFormBorderStyle
func Form_GetBorderWidth ¶
func Form_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Form_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Form_GetBrush ¶
func Form_GetCanvas ¶
func Form_GetCaption ¶
func Form_GetClientHeight ¶
func Form_GetClientRect ¶
func Form_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Form_GetClientWidth ¶
func Form_GetColor ¶
func Form_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Form_GetComponentCount ¶
func Form_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Form_GetComponents ¶
func Form_GetControlCount ¶
func Form_GetControls ¶
func Form_GetCursor ¶
func Form_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Form_GetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Form_GetDropTarget ¶
func Form_GetEnabled ¶
func Form_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Form_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Form_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Form_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Form_GetFont ¶
func Form_GetFormStyle ¶
func Form_GetFormStyle(obj uintptr) TFormStyle
func Form_GetHandle ¶
func Form_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Form_GetHashCode ¶
func Form_GetHeight ¶
func Form_GetHint ¶
func Form_GetIcon ¶
func Form_GetKeyPreview ¶
func Form_GetLeft ¶
func Form_GetMargins ¶
func Form_GetMenu ¶
func Form_GetModalResult ¶
func Form_GetModalResult(obj uintptr) TModalResult
func Form_GetName ¶
func Form_GetNamePath ¶
func Form_GetOwner ¶
func Form_GetParent ¶
func Form_GetParentFont ¶
func Form_GetParentWindow ¶
func Form_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func Form_GetPixelsPerInch ¶
func Form_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Form_GetPosition ¶
func Form_GetPosition(obj uintptr) TPosition
func Form_GetScaled ¶
func Form_GetShowHint ¶
func Form_GetStyleElements ¶
func Form_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Form_GetTabOrder ¶
func Form_GetTabStop ¶
func Form_GetTag ¶
func Form_GetTop ¶
func Form_GetTransparentColorValue ¶
func Form_GetTransparentColorValue(obj uintptr) TColor
func Form_GetVisible ¶
func Form_GetWidth ¶
func Form_GetWindowState ¶
func Form_GetWindowState(obj uintptr) TWindowState
func Form_HandleAllocated ¶
func Form_HasParent ¶
func Form_Invalidate ¶
func Form_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Form_Print ¶
func Form_Print(obj uintptr)
func Form_Realign ¶
func Form_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Form_Refresh ¶
func Form_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Form_Repaint ¶
func Form_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Form_ScaleBy ¶
func Form_ScaleForPPI ¶
func Form_SendToBack ¶
func Form_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Form_SetAction ¶
func Form_SetAlign ¶
func Form_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Form_SetAlphaBlend ¶
func Form_SetAlphaBlendValue ¶
func Form_SetAnchors ¶
func Form_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Form_SetAutoSize ¶
func Form_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Form_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Form_SetBorderIcons ¶
func Form_SetBorderIcons(obj uintptr, value TBorderIcons)
func Form_SetBorderStyle ¶
func Form_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TFormBorderStyle)
func Form_SetBorderWidth ¶
func Form_SetBounds ¶
func Form_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Form_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Form_SetCaption ¶
func Form_SetClientHeight ¶
func Form_SetClientWidth ¶
func Form_SetColor ¶
func Form_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Form_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Form_SetCursor ¶
func Form_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Form_SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Form_SetDropTarget ¶
func Form_SetEnabled ¶
func Form_SetFocus ¶
func Form_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func Form_SetFont ¶
func Form_SetFormStyle ¶
func Form_SetFormStyle(obj uintptr, value TFormStyle)
func Form_SetHeight ¶
func Form_SetHint ¶
func Form_SetIcon ¶
func Form_SetKeyPreview ¶
func Form_SetLeft ¶
func Form_SetMargins ¶
func Form_SetMenu ¶
func Form_SetModalResult ¶
func Form_SetModalResult(obj uintptr, value TModalResult)
func Form_SetName ¶
func Form_SetOnClick ¶
func Form_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnClose ¶
func Form_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnCloseQuery ¶
func Form_SetOnCloseQuery(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Form_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnHide ¶
func Form_SetOnHide(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func Form_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func Form_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func Form_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func Form_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnPaint ¶
func Form_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnResize ¶
func Form_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetOnShow ¶
func Form_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Form_SetParent ¶
func Form_SetParentFont ¶
func Form_SetParentWindow ¶
func Form_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Form_SetPixelsPerInch ¶
func Form_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Form_SetPosition ¶
func Form_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value TPosition)
func Form_SetScaled ¶
func Form_SetShowHint ¶
func Form_SetStyleElements ¶
func Form_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Form_SetTabOrder ¶
func Form_SetTabStop ¶
func Form_SetTag ¶
func Form_SetTop ¶
func Form_SetTransparentColorValue ¶
func Form_SetTransparentColorValue(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Form_SetVisible ¶
func Form_SetWidth ¶
func Form_SetWindowState ¶
func Form_SetWindowState(obj uintptr, value TWindowState)
func Form_ShowModal ¶
func Form_ToString ¶
func Form_Update ¶
func Form_Update(obj uintptr)
func GIFFrame_Assign ¶
func GIFFrame_ClassName ¶
func GIFFrame_Clear ¶
func GIFFrame_Clear(obj uintptr)
func GIFFrame_Create ¶
func GIFFrame_Create() uintptr
func GIFFrame_Equals ¶
func GIFFrame_Free ¶
func GIFFrame_Free(obj uintptr)
func GIFFrame_GetBitmap ¶
func GIFFrame_GetBoundsRect ¶
func GIFFrame_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func GIFFrame_GetClientRect ¶
func GIFFrame_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func GIFFrame_GetData ¶
func GIFFrame_GetDataSize ¶
func GIFFrame_GetEmpty ¶
func GIFFrame_GetHasBitmap ¶
func GIFFrame_GetHashCode ¶
func GIFFrame_GetHeight ¶
func GIFFrame_GetLeft ¶
func GIFFrame_GetNamePath ¶
func GIFFrame_GetTop ¶
func GIFFrame_GetTransparent ¶
func GIFFrame_GetVersion ¶
func GIFFrame_GetVersion(obj uintptr) TGIFVersion
func GIFFrame_GetWidth ¶
func GIFFrame_LoadFromFile ¶
func GIFFrame_LoadFromStream ¶
func GIFFrame_SaveToFile ¶
func GIFFrame_SaveToStream ¶
func GIFFrame_SetBitmap ¶
func GIFFrame_SetBoundsRect ¶
func GIFFrame_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func GIFFrame_SetHasBitmap ¶
func GIFFrame_SetHeight ¶
func GIFFrame_SetLeft ¶
func GIFFrame_SetTop ¶
func GIFFrame_SetWidth ¶
func GIFFrame_ToString ¶
func GIFImage_Add ¶
func GIFImage_Assign ¶
func GIFImage_ClassName ¶
func GIFImage_Clear ¶
func GIFImage_Clear(obj uintptr)
func GIFImage_Create ¶
func GIFImage_Create() uintptr
func GIFImage_Equals ¶
func GIFImage_Free ¶
func GIFImage_Free(obj uintptr)
func GIFImage_GetAnimate ¶
func GIFImage_GetAnimateLoop ¶
func GIFImage_GetAnimateLoop(obj uintptr) TGIFAnimationLoop
func GIFImage_GetAspectRatio ¶
func GIFImage_GetBackgroundColor ¶
func GIFImage_GetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func GIFImage_GetBitmap ¶
func GIFImage_GetEmpty ¶
func GIFImage_GetHashCode ¶
func GIFImage_GetHeight ¶
func GIFImage_GetModified ¶
func GIFImage_GetNamePath ¶
func GIFImage_GetTransparent ¶
func GIFImage_GetVersion ¶
func GIFImage_GetVersion(obj uintptr) TGIFVersion
func GIFImage_GetWidth ¶
func GIFImage_LoadFromFile ¶
func GIFImage_LoadFromStream ¶
func GIFImage_ResumeDraw ¶
func GIFImage_ResumeDraw(obj uintptr)
func GIFImage_SaveToFile ¶
func GIFImage_SaveToStream ¶
func GIFImage_SetAnimate ¶
func GIFImage_SetAnimateLoop ¶
func GIFImage_SetAnimateLoop(obj uintptr, value TGIFAnimationLoop)
func GIFImage_SetAspectRatio ¶
func GIFImage_SetBackgroundColor ¶
func GIFImage_SetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func GIFImage_SetHeight ¶
func GIFImage_SetModified ¶
func GIFImage_SetOnChange ¶
func GIFImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GIFImage_SetOnPaint ¶
func GIFImage_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GIFImage_SetSize ¶
func GIFImage_SetTransparent ¶
func GIFImage_SetWidth ¶
func GIFImage_StopDraw ¶
func GIFImage_StopDraw(obj uintptr)
func GIFImage_SuspendDraw ¶
func GIFImage_SuspendDraw(obj uintptr)
func GIFImage_ToString ¶
func GoBoolToDBool ¶
func Graphic_Assign ¶
func Graphic_ClassName ¶
func Graphic_Create ¶
func Graphic_Create() uintptr
func Graphic_Equals ¶
func Graphic_Free ¶
func Graphic_Free(obj uintptr)
func Graphic_GetEmpty ¶
func Graphic_GetHashCode ¶
func Graphic_GetHeight ¶
func Graphic_GetModified ¶
func Graphic_GetNamePath ¶
func Graphic_GetTransparent ¶
func Graphic_GetWidth ¶
func Graphic_LoadFromFile ¶
func Graphic_LoadFromStream ¶
func Graphic_SaveToFile ¶
func Graphic_SaveToStream ¶
func Graphic_SetHeight ¶
func Graphic_SetModified ¶
func Graphic_SetOnChange ¶
func Graphic_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Graphic_SetSize ¶
func Graphic_SetTransparent ¶
func Graphic_SetWidth ¶
func Graphic_ToString ¶
func GroupBox_Assign ¶
func GroupBox_BringToFront ¶
func GroupBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_CanFocus ¶
func GroupBox_ClassName ¶
func GroupBox_Create ¶
func GroupBox_Equals ¶
func GroupBox_FindComponent ¶
func GroupBox_FlipChildren ¶
func GroupBox_Focused ¶
func GroupBox_Free ¶
func GroupBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_GetAction ¶
func GroupBox_GetAlign ¶
func GroupBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func GroupBox_GetAnchors ¶
func GroupBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func GroupBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func GroupBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func GroupBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func GroupBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func GroupBox_GetBrush ¶
func GroupBox_GetCaption ¶
func GroupBox_GetClientRect ¶
func GroupBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func GroupBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func GroupBox_GetColor ¶
func GroupBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func GroupBox_GetComponents ¶
func GroupBox_GetControls ¶
func GroupBox_GetCursor ¶
func GroupBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func GroupBox_GetEnabled ¶
func GroupBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func GroupBox_GetFont ¶
func GroupBox_GetHandle ¶
func GroupBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func GroupBox_GetHashCode ¶
func GroupBox_GetHeight ¶
func GroupBox_GetHint ¶
func GroupBox_GetLeft ¶
func GroupBox_GetMargins ¶
func GroupBox_GetName ¶
func GroupBox_GetNamePath ¶
func GroupBox_GetOwner ¶
func GroupBox_GetParent ¶
func GroupBox_GetParentColor ¶
func GroupBox_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func GroupBox_GetParentFont ¶
func GroupBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func GroupBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func GroupBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func GroupBox_GetShowHint ¶
func GroupBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func GroupBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func GroupBox_GetTabOrder ¶
func GroupBox_GetTabStop ¶
func GroupBox_GetTag ¶
func GroupBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func GroupBox_GetTop ¶
func GroupBox_GetVisible ¶
func GroupBox_GetWidth ¶
func GroupBox_HasParent ¶
func GroupBox_Hide ¶
func GroupBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_Invalidate ¶
func GroupBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_Perform ¶
func GroupBox_Realign ¶
func GroupBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_Refresh ¶
func GroupBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_Repaint ¶
func GroupBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_ScaleBy ¶
func GroupBox_SendToBack ¶
func GroupBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_SetAction ¶
func GroupBox_SetAlign ¶
func GroupBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func GroupBox_SetAnchors ¶
func GroupBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func GroupBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func GroupBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func GroupBox_SetBounds ¶
func GroupBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func GroupBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func GroupBox_SetCaption ¶
func GroupBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func GroupBox_SetColor ¶
func GroupBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func GroupBox_SetCursor ¶
func GroupBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func GroupBox_SetEnabled ¶
func GroupBox_SetFocus ¶
func GroupBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_SetFont ¶
func GroupBox_SetHeight ¶
func GroupBox_SetHint ¶
func GroupBox_SetLeft ¶
func GroupBox_SetMargins ¶
func GroupBox_SetName ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnClick ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnDblClick ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnExit ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func GroupBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func GroupBox_SetParent ¶
func GroupBox_SetParentColor ¶
func GroupBox_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func GroupBox_SetParentFont ¶
func GroupBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func GroupBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func GroupBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func GroupBox_SetShowHint ¶
func GroupBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func GroupBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func GroupBox_SetTabOrder ¶
func GroupBox_SetTabStop ¶
func GroupBox_SetTag ¶
func GroupBox_SetTop ¶
func GroupBox_SetVisible ¶
func GroupBox_SetWidth ¶
func GroupBox_Show ¶
func GroupBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func GroupBox_ToString ¶
func GroupBox_Update ¶
func GroupBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_Assign ¶
func HotKey_BringToFront ¶
func HotKey_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_CanFocus ¶
func HotKey_ClassName ¶
func HotKey_Create ¶
func HotKey_Equals ¶
func HotKey_FindComponent ¶
func HotKey_FlipChildren ¶
func HotKey_Focused ¶
func HotKey_Free ¶
func HotKey_Free(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_GetAction ¶
func HotKey_GetAlign ¶
func HotKey_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func HotKey_GetAnchors ¶
func HotKey_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func HotKey_GetAutoSize ¶
func HotKey_GetBiDiMode ¶
func HotKey_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func HotKey_GetBoundsRect ¶
func HotKey_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func HotKey_GetBrush ¶
func HotKey_GetClientHeight ¶
func HotKey_GetClientRect ¶
func HotKey_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func HotKey_GetClientWidth ¶
func HotKey_GetComponents ¶
func HotKey_GetControlCount ¶
func HotKey_GetControls ¶
func HotKey_GetCursor ¶
func HotKey_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func HotKey_GetEnabled ¶
func HotKey_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func HotKey_GetExplicitTop ¶
func HotKey_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func HotKey_GetHandle ¶
func HotKey_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func HotKey_GetHashCode ¶
func HotKey_GetHeight ¶
func HotKey_GetHint ¶
func HotKey_GetLeft ¶
func HotKey_GetMargins ¶
func HotKey_GetName ¶
func HotKey_GetNamePath ¶
func HotKey_GetOwner ¶
func HotKey_GetParent ¶
func HotKey_GetParentWindow ¶
func HotKey_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func HotKey_GetPopupMenu ¶
func HotKey_GetShowHint ¶
func HotKey_GetStyleElements ¶
func HotKey_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func HotKey_GetTabOrder ¶
func HotKey_GetTabStop ¶
func HotKey_GetTag ¶
func HotKey_GetTop ¶
func HotKey_GetVisible ¶
func HotKey_GetWidth ¶
func HotKey_HandleAllocated ¶
func HotKey_HasParent ¶
func HotKey_Hide ¶
func HotKey_Hide(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_Invalidate ¶
func HotKey_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_Realign ¶
func HotKey_Realign(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_Refresh ¶
func HotKey_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_Repaint ¶
func HotKey_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_ScaleBy ¶
func HotKey_SendToBack ¶
func HotKey_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_SetAction ¶
func HotKey_SetAlign ¶
func HotKey_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func HotKey_SetAnchors ¶
func HotKey_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func HotKey_SetAutoSize ¶
func HotKey_SetBiDiMode ¶
func HotKey_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func HotKey_SetBounds ¶
func HotKey_SetBoundsRect ¶
func HotKey_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func HotKey_SetClientHeight ¶
func HotKey_SetClientWidth ¶
func HotKey_SetCursor ¶
func HotKey_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func HotKey_SetEnabled ¶
func HotKey_SetFocus ¶
func HotKey_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_SetHeight ¶
func HotKey_SetHint ¶
func HotKey_SetLeft ¶
func HotKey_SetMargins ¶
func HotKey_SetName ¶
func HotKey_SetOnChange ¶
func HotKey_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnEnter ¶
func HotKey_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnExit ¶
func HotKey_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func HotKey_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func HotKey_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func HotKey_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func HotKey_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func HotKey_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func HotKey_SetParent ¶
func HotKey_SetParentWindow ¶
func HotKey_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func HotKey_SetPopupMenu ¶
func HotKey_SetShowHint ¶
func HotKey_SetStyleElements ¶
func HotKey_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func HotKey_SetTabOrder ¶
func HotKey_SetTabStop ¶
func HotKey_SetTag ¶
func HotKey_SetTop ¶
func HotKey_SetVisible ¶
func HotKey_SetWidth ¶
func HotKey_Show ¶
func HotKey_Show(obj uintptr)
func HotKey_ToString ¶
func HotKey_Update ¶
func HotKey_Update(obj uintptr)
func IconOptions_Assign ¶
func IconOptions_ClassName ¶
func IconOptions_Equals ¶
func IconOptions_GetArrangement ¶
func IconOptions_GetArrangement(obj uintptr) TIconArrangement
func IconOptions_GetHashCode ¶
func IconOptions_GetNamePath ¶
func IconOptions_SetArrangement ¶
func IconOptions_SetArrangement(obj uintptr, value TIconArrangement)
func IconOptions_ToString ¶
func Icon_Assign ¶
func Icon_ClassName ¶
func Icon_Create ¶
func Icon_Create() uintptr
func Icon_Equals ¶
func Icon_GetEmpty ¶
func Icon_GetHandle ¶
func Icon_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HICON
func Icon_GetHashCode ¶
func Icon_GetHeight ¶
func Icon_GetModified ¶
func Icon_GetNamePath ¶
func Icon_GetPaletteModified ¶
func Icon_GetTransparent ¶
func Icon_GetWidth ¶
func Icon_HandleAllocated ¶
func Icon_LoadFromFile ¶
func Icon_LoadFromResourceID ¶
func Icon_LoadFromStream ¶
func Icon_SaveToFile ¶
func Icon_SaveToStream ¶
func Icon_SetHandle ¶
func Icon_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HICON)
func Icon_SetHeight ¶
func Icon_SetModified ¶
func Icon_SetOnChange ¶
func Icon_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Icon_SetPaletteModified ¶
func Icon_SetSize ¶
func Icon_SetTransparent ¶
func Icon_SetWidth ¶
func Icon_ToString ¶
func ImageList_AddIcon ¶
func ImageList_AddImages ¶
func ImageList_AddMasked ¶
func ImageList_Assign ¶
func ImageList_BeginUpdate ¶
func ImageList_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ImageList_ClassName ¶
func ImageList_Clear ¶
func ImageList_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ImageList_Create ¶
func ImageList_Delete ¶
func ImageList_Draw1 ¶
func ImageList_Draw2 ¶
func ImageList_DrawOverlay1 ¶
func ImageList_DrawOverlay2 ¶
func ImageList_EndUpdate ¶
func ImageList_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ImageList_Equals ¶
func ImageList_FileLoad ¶
func ImageList_FindComponent ¶
func ImageList_Free ¶
func ImageList_Free(obj uintptr)
func ImageList_GetAllocBy ¶
func ImageList_GetBkColor ¶
func ImageList_GetBkColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ImageList_GetBlendColor ¶
func ImageList_GetBlendColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ImageList_GetColorDepth ¶
func ImageList_GetColorDepth(obj uintptr) TColorDepth
func ImageList_GetComponents ¶
func ImageList_GetDrawingStyle ¶
func ImageList_GetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr) TDrawingStyle
func ImageList_GetHandle ¶
func ImageList_GetHashCode ¶
func ImageList_GetHeight ¶
func ImageList_GetHotSpot ¶
func ImageList_GetHotSpot(obj uintptr) TPoint
func ImageList_GetIcon1 ¶
func ImageList_GetIcon2 ¶
func ImageList_GetImageBitmap ¶
func ImageList_GetImageBitmap(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
func ImageList_GetImageType ¶
func ImageList_GetImageType(obj uintptr) TImageType
func ImageList_GetMaskBitmap ¶
func ImageList_GetMaskBitmap(obj uintptr) HBITMAP
func ImageList_GetMasked ¶
func ImageList_GetName ¶
func ImageList_GetNamePath ¶
func ImageList_GetOwner ¶
func ImageList_GetResource ¶
func ImageList_GetTag ¶
func ImageList_GetWidth ¶
func ImageList_HasParent ¶
func ImageList_Insert ¶
func ImageList_InsertIcon ¶
func ImageList_InsertMasked ¶
func ImageList_Move ¶
func ImageList_Replace ¶
func ImageList_ReplaceIcon ¶
func ImageList_ReplaceMasked ¶
func ImageList_ResInstLoad ¶
func ImageList_ResourceLoad ¶
func ImageList_SetAllocBy ¶
func ImageList_SetBkColor ¶
func ImageList_SetBkColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ImageList_SetBlendColor ¶
func ImageList_SetBlendColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ImageList_SetColorDepth ¶
func ImageList_SetColorDepth(obj uintptr, value TColorDepth)
func ImageList_SetDrawingStyle ¶
func ImageList_SetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr, value TDrawingStyle)
func ImageList_SetHandle ¶
func ImageList_SetHeight ¶
func ImageList_SetImageType ¶
func ImageList_SetImageType(obj uintptr, value TImageType)
func ImageList_SetMasked ¶
func ImageList_SetName ¶
func ImageList_SetOnChange ¶
func ImageList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ImageList_SetSize ¶
func ImageList_SetTag ¶
func ImageList_SetWidth ¶
func ImageList_ToString ¶
func Image_Assign ¶
func Image_BringToFront ¶
func Image_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Image_ClassName ¶
func Image_Create ¶
func Image_Equals ¶
func Image_FindComponent ¶
func Image_Free ¶
func Image_Free(obj uintptr)
func Image_GetAction ¶
func Image_GetAlign ¶
func Image_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Image_GetAnchors ¶
func Image_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Image_GetAutoSize ¶
func Image_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Image_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Image_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Image_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Image_GetCanvas ¶
func Image_GetCenter ¶
func Image_GetClientHeight ¶
func Image_GetClientRect ¶
func Image_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Image_GetClientWidth ¶
func Image_GetComponentCount ¶
func Image_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Image_GetComponents ¶
func Image_GetCursor ¶
func Image_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Image_GetEnabled ¶
func Image_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Image_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Image_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Image_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Image_GetHashCode ¶
func Image_GetHeight ¶
func Image_GetHint ¶
func Image_GetLeft ¶
func Image_GetMargins ¶
func Image_GetName ¶
func Image_GetNamePath ¶
func Image_GetOwner ¶
func Image_GetParent ¶
func Image_GetParentShowHint ¶
func Image_GetPicture ¶
func Image_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Image_GetProportional ¶
func Image_GetShowHint ¶
func Image_GetStretch ¶
func Image_GetStyleElements ¶
func Image_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Image_GetTag ¶
func Image_GetTop ¶
func Image_GetTransparent ¶
func Image_GetVisible ¶
func Image_GetWidth ¶
func Image_HasParent ¶
func Image_Hide ¶
func Image_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Image_Invalidate ¶
func Image_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Image_Refresh ¶
func Image_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Image_Repaint ¶
func Image_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Image_SendToBack ¶
func Image_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Image_SetAction ¶
func Image_SetAlign ¶
func Image_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Image_SetAnchors ¶
func Image_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Image_SetAutoSize ¶
func Image_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Image_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Image_SetBounds ¶
func Image_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Image_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Image_SetCenter ¶
func Image_SetClientHeight ¶
func Image_SetClientWidth ¶
func Image_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Image_SetCursor ¶
func Image_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Image_SetEnabled ¶
func Image_SetHeight ¶
func Image_SetHint ¶
func Image_SetLeft ¶
func Image_SetMargins ¶
func Image_SetName ¶
func Image_SetOnClick ¶
func Image_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Image_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Image_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Image_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Image_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Image_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Image_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Image_SetParent ¶
func Image_SetParentShowHint ¶
func Image_SetPicture ¶
func Image_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Image_SetProportional ¶
func Image_SetShowHint ¶
func Image_SetStretch ¶
func Image_SetStyleElements ¶
func Image_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Image_SetTag ¶
func Image_SetTop ¶
func Image_SetTransparent ¶
func Image_SetVisible ¶
func Image_SetWidth ¶
func Image_Show ¶
func Image_Show(obj uintptr)
func Image_ToString ¶
func Image_Update ¶
func Image_Update(obj uintptr)
func IniFile_ClassName ¶
func IniFile_Create ¶
func IniFile_DeleteKey ¶
func IniFile_Equals ¶
func IniFile_EraseSection ¶
func IniFile_Free ¶
func IniFile_Free(obj uintptr)
func IniFile_GetFileName ¶
func IniFile_GetHashCode ¶
func IniFile_ReadBool ¶
func IniFile_ReadDate ¶
func IniFile_ReadDateTime ¶
func IniFile_ReadFloat ¶
func IniFile_ReadInteger ¶
func IniFile_ReadSections ¶
func IniFile_ReadString ¶
func IniFile_ReadSubSections ¶
func IniFile_ReadTime ¶
func IniFile_SectionExists ¶
func IniFile_ToString ¶
func IniFile_UpdateFile ¶
func IniFile_UpdateFile(obj uintptr)
func IniFile_WriteBool ¶
func IniFile_WriteDate ¶
func IniFile_WriteDateTime ¶
func IniFile_WriteFloat ¶
func IniFile_WriteInteger ¶
func IniFile_WriteString ¶
func IniFile_WriteTime ¶
func JPEGImage_Assign ¶
func JPEGImage_ClassName ¶
func JPEGImage_Create ¶
func JPEGImage_Create() uintptr
func JPEGImage_Equals ¶
func JPEGImage_Free ¶
func JPEGImage_Free(obj uintptr)
func JPEGImage_GetCanvas ¶
func JPEGImage_GetEmpty ¶
func JPEGImage_GetHashCode ¶
func JPEGImage_GetHeight ¶
func JPEGImage_GetModified ¶
func JPEGImage_GetNamePath ¶
func JPEGImage_GetPerformance ¶
func JPEGImage_GetPerformance(obj uintptr) TJPEGPerformance
func JPEGImage_GetPixelFormat ¶
func JPEGImage_GetPixelFormat(obj uintptr) TJPEGPixelFormat
func JPEGImage_GetScale ¶
func JPEGImage_GetScale(obj uintptr) TJPEGScale
func JPEGImage_GetSmoothing ¶
func JPEGImage_GetWidth ¶
func JPEGImage_LoadFromFile ¶
func JPEGImage_SaveToFile ¶
func JPEGImage_SaveToStream ¶
func JPEGImage_SetHeight ¶
func JPEGImage_SetModified ¶
func JPEGImage_SetOnChange ¶
func JPEGImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func JPEGImage_SetPerformance ¶
func JPEGImage_SetPerformance(obj uintptr, value TJPEGPerformance)
func JPEGImage_SetPixelFormat ¶
func JPEGImage_SetPixelFormat(obj uintptr, value TJPEGPixelFormat)
func JPEGImage_SetScale ¶
func JPEGImage_SetScale(obj uintptr, value TJPEGScale)
func JPEGImage_SetSize ¶
func JPEGImage_SetSmoothing ¶
func JPEGImage_SetWidth ¶
func JPEGImage_ToString ¶
func Label_Assign ¶
func Label_BringToFront ¶
func Label_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Label_ClassName ¶
func Label_Create ¶
func Label_Equals ¶
func Label_FindComponent ¶
func Label_Free ¶
func Label_Free(obj uintptr)
func Label_GetAction ¶
func Label_GetAlign ¶
func Label_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Label_GetAlignment ¶
func Label_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func Label_GetAnchors ¶
func Label_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Label_GetAutoSize ¶
func Label_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Label_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Label_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Label_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Label_GetCanvas ¶
func Label_GetCaption ¶
func Label_GetClientHeight ¶
func Label_GetClientRect ¶
func Label_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Label_GetClientWidth ¶
func Label_GetColor ¶
func Label_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Label_GetComponentCount ¶
func Label_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Label_GetComponents ¶
func Label_GetCursor ¶
func Label_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Label_GetEllipsisPosition ¶
func Label_GetEllipsisPosition(obj uintptr) TEllipsisPosition
func Label_GetEnabled ¶
func Label_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Label_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Label_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Label_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Label_GetFont ¶
func Label_GetGlowSize ¶
func Label_GetHashCode ¶
func Label_GetHeight ¶
func Label_GetHint ¶
func Label_GetLayout ¶
func Label_GetLayout(obj uintptr) TTextLayout
func Label_GetLeft ¶
func Label_GetMargins ¶
func Label_GetName ¶
func Label_GetNamePath ¶
func Label_GetOwner ¶
func Label_GetParent ¶
func Label_GetParentColor ¶
func Label_GetParentFont ¶
func Label_GetParentShowHint ¶
func Label_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Label_GetShowAccelChar ¶
func Label_GetShowHint ¶
func Label_GetStyleElements ¶
func Label_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Label_GetTag ¶
func Label_GetTop ¶
func Label_GetTransparent ¶
func Label_GetVisible ¶
func Label_GetWidth ¶
func Label_GetWordWrap ¶
func Label_HasParent ¶
func Label_Hide ¶
func Label_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Label_Invalidate ¶
func Label_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Label_Refresh ¶
func Label_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Label_Repaint ¶
func Label_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Label_SendToBack ¶
func Label_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Label_SetAction ¶
func Label_SetAlign ¶
func Label_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Label_SetAlignment ¶
func Label_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func Label_SetAnchors ¶
func Label_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Label_SetAutoSize ¶
func Label_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Label_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Label_SetBounds ¶
func Label_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Label_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Label_SetCaption ¶
func Label_SetClientHeight ¶
func Label_SetClientWidth ¶
func Label_SetColor ¶
func Label_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Label_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Label_SetCursor ¶
func Label_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Label_SetEllipsisPosition ¶
func Label_SetEllipsisPosition(obj uintptr, value TEllipsisPosition)
func Label_SetEnabled ¶
func Label_SetFont ¶
func Label_SetGlowSize ¶
func Label_SetHeight ¶
func Label_SetHint ¶
func Label_SetLayout ¶
func Label_SetLayout(obj uintptr, value TTextLayout)
func Label_SetLeft ¶
func Label_SetMargins ¶
func Label_SetName ¶
func Label_SetOnClick ¶
func Label_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Label_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Label_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Label_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Label_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Label_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Label_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Label_SetParent ¶
func Label_SetParentColor ¶
func Label_SetParentFont ¶
func Label_SetParentShowHint ¶
func Label_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Label_SetShowAccelChar ¶
func Label_SetShowHint ¶
func Label_SetStyleElements ¶
func Label_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Label_SetTag ¶
func Label_SetTop ¶
func Label_SetTransparent ¶
func Label_SetVisible ¶
func Label_SetWidth ¶
func Label_SetWordWrap ¶
func Label_Show ¶
func Label_Show(obj uintptr)
func Label_ToString ¶
func Label_Update ¶
func Label_Update(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_Assign ¶
func LinkLabel_BringToFront ¶
func LinkLabel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_CanFocus ¶
func LinkLabel_ClassName ¶
func LinkLabel_Create ¶
func LinkLabel_Equals ¶
func LinkLabel_FindComponent ¶
func LinkLabel_FlipChildren ¶
func LinkLabel_Focused ¶
func LinkLabel_Free ¶
func LinkLabel_Free(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_GetAction ¶
func LinkLabel_GetAlign ¶
func LinkLabel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func LinkLabel_GetAlignment ¶
func LinkLabel_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLinkAlignment
func LinkLabel_GetAnchors ¶
func LinkLabel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func LinkLabel_GetAutoSize ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBevelEdges ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func LinkLabel_GetBevelInner ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func LinkLabel_GetBevelKind ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func LinkLabel_GetBevelOuter ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func LinkLabel_GetBiDiMode ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func LinkLabel_GetBoundsRect ¶
func LinkLabel_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func LinkLabel_GetBrush ¶
func LinkLabel_GetCaption ¶
func LinkLabel_GetClientRect ¶
func LinkLabel_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func LinkLabel_GetColor ¶
func LinkLabel_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func LinkLabel_GetComponents ¶
func LinkLabel_GetControls ¶
func LinkLabel_GetCursor ¶
func LinkLabel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func LinkLabel_GetEnabled ¶
func LinkLabel_GetFont ¶
func LinkLabel_GetHandle ¶
func LinkLabel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func LinkLabel_GetHashCode ¶
func LinkLabel_GetHeight ¶
func LinkLabel_GetHint ¶
func LinkLabel_GetLeft ¶
func LinkLabel_GetMargins ¶
func LinkLabel_GetName ¶
func LinkLabel_GetNamePath ¶
func LinkLabel_GetOwner ¶
func LinkLabel_GetParent ¶
func LinkLabel_GetParentFont ¶
func LinkLabel_GetParentWindow ¶
func LinkLabel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func LinkLabel_GetPopupMenu ¶
func LinkLabel_GetShowHint ¶
func LinkLabel_GetStyleElements ¶
func LinkLabel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func LinkLabel_GetTabOrder ¶
func LinkLabel_GetTabStop ¶
func LinkLabel_GetTag ¶
func LinkLabel_GetTextBuf ¶
func LinkLabel_GetTop ¶
func LinkLabel_GetVisible ¶
func LinkLabel_GetWidth ¶
func LinkLabel_HasParent ¶
func LinkLabel_Hide ¶
func LinkLabel_Hide(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_Invalidate ¶
func LinkLabel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_Perform ¶
func LinkLabel_Realign ¶
func LinkLabel_Realign(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_Refresh ¶
func LinkLabel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_Repaint ¶
func LinkLabel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_ScaleBy ¶
func LinkLabel_SendToBack ¶
func LinkLabel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_SetAction ¶
func LinkLabel_SetAlign ¶
func LinkLabel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func LinkLabel_SetAlignment ¶
func LinkLabel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLinkAlignment)
func LinkLabel_SetAnchors ¶
func LinkLabel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func LinkLabel_SetAutoSize ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBevelEdges ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func LinkLabel_SetBevelInner ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func LinkLabel_SetBevelKind ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func LinkLabel_SetBevelOuter ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func LinkLabel_SetBiDiMode ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func LinkLabel_SetBounds ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBoundsRect ¶
func LinkLabel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func LinkLabel_SetCaption ¶
func LinkLabel_SetColor ¶
func LinkLabel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func LinkLabel_SetCursor ¶
func LinkLabel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func LinkLabel_SetEnabled ¶
func LinkLabel_SetFocus ¶
func LinkLabel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_SetFont ¶
func LinkLabel_SetHeight ¶
func LinkLabel_SetHint ¶
func LinkLabel_SetLeft ¶
func LinkLabel_SetMargins ¶
func LinkLabel_SetName ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnClick ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnDblClick ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnLinkClick ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnLinkClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func LinkLabel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func LinkLabel_SetParent ¶
func LinkLabel_SetParentFont ¶
func LinkLabel_SetParentWindow ¶
func LinkLabel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func LinkLabel_SetPopupMenu ¶
func LinkLabel_SetShowHint ¶
func LinkLabel_SetStyleElements ¶
func LinkLabel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func LinkLabel_SetTabOrder ¶
func LinkLabel_SetTabStop ¶
func LinkLabel_SetTag ¶
func LinkLabel_SetTop ¶
func LinkLabel_SetVisible ¶
func LinkLabel_SetWidth ¶
func LinkLabel_Show ¶
func LinkLabel_Show(obj uintptr)
func LinkLabel_ToString ¶
func LinkLabel_Update ¶
func LinkLabel_Update(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_AddItem ¶
func ListBox_Assign ¶
func ListBox_BringToFront ¶
func ListBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_CanFocus ¶
func ListBox_ClassName ¶
func ListBox_Clear ¶
func ListBox_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_ClearSelection ¶
func ListBox_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Create ¶
func ListBox_DeleteSelected ¶
func ListBox_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Equals ¶
func ListBox_FindComponent ¶
func ListBox_FlipChildren ¶
func ListBox_Focused ¶
func ListBox_Free ¶
func ListBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_GetAction ¶
func ListBox_GetAlign ¶
func ListBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ListBox_GetAnchors ¶
func ListBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ListBox_GetAutoComplete ¶
func ListBox_GetBevelEdges ¶
func ListBox_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func ListBox_GetBevelInner ¶
func ListBox_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ListBox_GetBevelKind ¶
func ListBox_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func ListBox_GetBevelOuter ¶
func ListBox_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ListBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ListBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ListBox_GetBorderStyle ¶
func ListBox_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func ListBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ListBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ListBox_GetBrush ¶
func ListBox_GetCanvas ¶
func ListBox_GetClientHeight ¶
func ListBox_GetClientRect ¶
func ListBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ListBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func ListBox_GetColor ¶
func ListBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ListBox_GetColumns ¶
func ListBox_GetComponents ¶
func ListBox_GetControlCount ¶
func ListBox_GetControls ¶
func ListBox_GetCursor ¶
func ListBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ListBox_GetEnabled ¶
func ListBox_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func ListBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func ListBox_GetFont ¶
func ListBox_GetHandle ¶
func ListBox_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListBox_GetHashCode ¶
func ListBox_GetHeight ¶
func ListBox_GetHint ¶
func ListBox_GetItemHeight ¶
func ListBox_GetItemIndex ¶
func ListBox_GetItems ¶
func ListBox_GetLeft ¶
func ListBox_GetMargins ¶
func ListBox_GetMultiSelect ¶
func ListBox_GetName ¶
func ListBox_GetNamePath ¶
func ListBox_GetOwner ¶
func ListBox_GetParent ¶
func ListBox_GetParentColor ¶
func ListBox_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func ListBox_GetParentFont ¶
func ListBox_GetParentWindow ¶
func ListBox_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ListBox_GetSelCount ¶
func ListBox_GetSelected ¶
func ListBox_GetShowHint ¶
func ListBox_GetSorted ¶
func ListBox_GetStyle ¶
func ListBox_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TListBoxStyle
func ListBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func ListBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ListBox_GetTabOrder ¶
func ListBox_GetTabStop ¶
func ListBox_GetTabWidth ¶
func ListBox_GetTag ¶
func ListBox_GetTop ¶
func ListBox_GetVisible ¶
func ListBox_GetWidth ¶
func ListBox_HandleAllocated ¶
func ListBox_HasParent ¶
func ListBox_Hide ¶
func ListBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Invalidate ¶
func ListBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Perform ¶
func ListBox_Realign ¶
func ListBox_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Refresh ¶
func ListBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_Repaint ¶
func ListBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_ScaleBy ¶
func ListBox_SelectAll ¶
func ListBox_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_SendToBack ¶
func ListBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_SetAction ¶
func ListBox_SetAlign ¶
func ListBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ListBox_SetAnchors ¶
func ListBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ListBox_SetAutoComplete ¶
func ListBox_SetBevelEdges ¶
func ListBox_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func ListBox_SetBevelInner ¶
func ListBox_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ListBox_SetBevelKind ¶
func ListBox_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func ListBox_SetBevelOuter ¶
func ListBox_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ListBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ListBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ListBox_SetBorderStyle ¶
func ListBox_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func ListBox_SetBounds ¶
func ListBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ListBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ListBox_SetClientHeight ¶
func ListBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func ListBox_SetColor ¶
func ListBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ListBox_SetColumns ¶
func ListBox_SetCursor ¶
func ListBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ListBox_SetEnabled ¶
func ListBox_SetFocus ¶
func ListBox_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_SetFont ¶
func ListBox_SetHeight ¶
func ListBox_SetHint ¶
func ListBox_SetItemHeight ¶
func ListBox_SetItemIndex ¶
func ListBox_SetItems ¶
func ListBox_SetLeft ¶
func ListBox_SetMargins ¶
func ListBox_SetMultiSelect ¶
func ListBox_SetName ¶
func ListBox_SetOnClick ¶
func ListBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnDblClick ¶
func ListBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnDrawItem ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListBox_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnEnter ¶
func ListBox_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnExit ¶
func ListBox_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func ListBox_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func ListBox_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func ListBox_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ListBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ListBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ListBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ListBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ListBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListBox_SetParent ¶
func ListBox_SetParentColor ¶
func ListBox_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func ListBox_SetParentFont ¶
func ListBox_SetParentWindow ¶
func ListBox_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ListBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ListBox_SetSelected ¶
func ListBox_SetShowHint ¶
func ListBox_SetSorted ¶
func ListBox_SetStyle ¶
func ListBox_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TListBoxStyle)
func ListBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func ListBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ListBox_SetTabOrder ¶
func ListBox_SetTabStop ¶
func ListBox_SetTabWidth ¶
func ListBox_SetTag ¶
func ListBox_SetTop ¶
func ListBox_SetVisible ¶
func ListBox_SetWidth ¶
func ListBox_Show ¶
func ListBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func ListBox_ToString ¶
func ListBox_Update ¶
func ListBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func ListColumn_Assign ¶
func ListColumn_ClassName ¶
func ListColumn_Create ¶
func ListColumn_Create() uintptr
func ListColumn_Equals ¶
func ListColumn_Free ¶
func ListColumn_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListColumn_GetAlignment ¶
func ListColumn_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func ListColumn_GetAutoSize ¶
func ListColumn_GetCaption ¶
func ListColumn_GetHashCode ¶
func ListColumn_GetIndex ¶
func ListColumn_GetNamePath ¶
func ListColumn_GetTag ¶
func ListColumn_GetWidth ¶
func ListColumn_SetAlignment ¶
func ListColumn_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func ListColumn_SetAutoSize ¶
func ListColumn_SetCaption ¶
func ListColumn_SetIndex ¶
func ListColumn_SetTag ¶
func ListColumn_SetWidth ¶
func ListColumn_ToString ¶
func ListColumns_Add ¶
func ListColumns_Assign ¶
func ListColumns_BeginUpdate ¶
func ListColumns_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListColumns_ClassName ¶
func ListColumns_Clear ¶
func ListColumns_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ListColumns_Create ¶
func ListColumns_Create() uintptr
func ListColumns_Delete ¶
func ListColumns_EndUpdate ¶
func ListColumns_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListColumns_Equals ¶
func ListColumns_Free ¶
func ListColumns_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListColumns_GetHashCode ¶
func ListColumns_GetItems ¶
func ListColumns_GetNamePath ¶
func ListColumns_Insert ¶
func ListColumns_Owner ¶
func ListColumns_SetItems ¶
func ListColumns_ToString ¶
func ListGroup_Assign ¶
func ListGroup_ClassName ¶
func ListGroup_Create ¶
func ListGroup_Create() uintptr
func ListGroup_Equals ¶
func ListGroup_Free ¶
func ListGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListGroup_GetFooter ¶
func ListGroup_GetFooterAlign ¶
func ListGroup_GetFooterAlign(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func ListGroup_GetGroupID ¶
func ListGroup_GetHashCode ¶
func ListGroup_GetHeader ¶
func ListGroup_GetHeaderAlign ¶
func ListGroup_GetHeaderAlign(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func ListGroup_GetIndex ¶
func ListGroup_GetNamePath ¶
func ListGroup_GetState ¶
func ListGroup_GetState(obj uintptr) TListGroupStateSet
func ListGroup_GetSubtitle ¶
func ListGroup_GetTitleImage ¶
func ListGroup_SetFooter ¶
func ListGroup_SetFooterAlign ¶
func ListGroup_SetFooterAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func ListGroup_SetGroupID ¶
func ListGroup_SetHeader ¶
func ListGroup_SetHeaderAlign ¶
func ListGroup_SetHeaderAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func ListGroup_SetIndex ¶
func ListGroup_SetState ¶
func ListGroup_SetState(obj uintptr, value TListGroupStateSet)
func ListGroup_SetSubtitle ¶
func ListGroup_SetTitleImage ¶
func ListGroup_ToString ¶
func ListGroups_Add ¶
func ListGroups_Assign ¶
func ListGroups_BeginUpdate ¶
func ListGroups_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListGroups_ClassName ¶
func ListGroups_Clear ¶
func ListGroups_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ListGroups_Create ¶
func ListGroups_Create() uintptr
func ListGroups_Delete ¶
func ListGroups_EndUpdate ¶
func ListGroups_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListGroups_Equals ¶
func ListGroups_Free ¶
func ListGroups_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListGroups_GetHashCode ¶
func ListGroups_GetItems ¶
func ListGroups_GetNamePath ¶
func ListGroups_Insert ¶
func ListGroups_Owner ¶
func ListGroups_SetItems ¶
func ListGroups_ToString ¶
func ListItem_Assign ¶
func ListItem_CancelEdit ¶
func ListItem_CancelEdit(obj uintptr)
func ListItem_ClassName ¶
func ListItem_Create ¶
func ListItem_Create() uintptr
func ListItem_Delete ¶
func ListItem_Delete(obj uintptr)
func ListItem_EditCaption ¶
func ListItem_Equals ¶
func ListItem_Free ¶
func ListItem_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListItem_GetCaption ¶
func ListItem_GetChecked ¶
func ListItem_GetCut ¶
func ListItem_GetData ¶
func ListItem_GetDeleting ¶
func ListItem_GetDropTarget ¶
func ListItem_GetFocused ¶
func ListItem_GetGroupID ¶
func ListItem_GetHandle ¶
func ListItem_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListItem_GetHashCode ¶
func ListItem_GetImageIndex ¶
func ListItem_GetIndent ¶
func ListItem_GetIndex ¶
func ListItem_GetLeft ¶
func ListItem_GetNamePath ¶
func ListItem_GetOwner ¶
func ListItem_GetPosition ¶
func ListItem_GetPosition(obj uintptr) TPoint
func ListItem_GetSelected ¶
func ListItem_GetStateIndex ¶
func ListItem_GetSubItems ¶
func ListItem_GetTop ¶
func ListItem_MakeVisible ¶
func ListItem_SetCaption ¶
func ListItem_SetChecked ¶
func ListItem_SetCut ¶
func ListItem_SetData ¶
func ListItem_SetDropTarget ¶
func ListItem_SetFocused ¶
func ListItem_SetGroupID ¶
func ListItem_SetImageIndex ¶
func ListItem_SetIndent ¶
func ListItem_SetLeft ¶
func ListItem_SetPosition ¶
func ListItem_SetPosition(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
func ListItem_SetSelected ¶
func ListItem_SetStateIndex ¶
func ListItem_SetSubItems ¶
func ListItem_SetTop ¶
func ListItem_ToString ¶
func ListItem_Update ¶
func ListItem_Update(obj uintptr)
func ListItem_WorkArea ¶
func ListItems_Add ¶
func ListItems_Assign ¶
func ListItems_BeginUpdate ¶
func ListItems_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListItems_ClassName ¶
func ListItems_Clear ¶
func ListItems_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ListItems_Create ¶
func ListItems_Create() uintptr
func ListItems_Delete ¶
func ListItems_EndUpdate ¶
func ListItems_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func ListItems_Equals ¶
func ListItems_Free ¶
func ListItems_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListItems_GetHandle ¶
func ListItems_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListItems_GetHashCode ¶
func ListItems_GetItem ¶
func ListItems_GetNamePath ¶
func ListItems_GetOwner ¶
func ListItems_IndexOf ¶
func ListItems_Insert ¶
func ListItems_SetItem ¶
func ListItems_ToString ¶
func ListView_AddItem ¶
func ListView_AlphaSort ¶
func ListView_Assign ¶
func ListView_BringToFront ¶
func ListView_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ListView_CanFocus ¶
func ListView_ClassName ¶
func ListView_Clear ¶
func ListView_Clear(obj uintptr)
func ListView_ClearSelection ¶
func ListView_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func ListView_Create ¶
func ListView_DeleteSelected ¶
func ListView_DeleteSelected(obj uintptr)
func ListView_Equals ¶
func ListView_FindComponent ¶
func ListView_FlipChildren ¶
func ListView_Focused ¶
func ListView_Free ¶
func ListView_Free(obj uintptr)
func ListView_GetAction ¶
func ListView_GetAlign ¶
func ListView_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ListView_GetAllocBy ¶
func ListView_GetAnchors ¶
func ListView_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ListView_GetBevelEdges ¶
func ListView_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func ListView_GetBevelInner ¶
func ListView_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ListView_GetBevelKind ¶
func ListView_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func ListView_GetBevelOuter ¶
func ListView_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func ListView_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ListView_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ListView_GetBorderStyle ¶
func ListView_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func ListView_GetBorderWidth ¶
func ListView_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ListView_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ListView_GetBrush ¶
func ListView_GetCanvas ¶
func ListView_GetCheckboxes ¶
func ListView_GetClientRect ¶
func ListView_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ListView_GetClientWidth ¶
func ListView_GetColor ¶
func ListView_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ListView_GetColumn ¶
func ListView_GetColumnClick ¶
func ListView_GetColumns ¶
func ListView_GetComponents ¶
func ListView_GetControls ¶
func ListView_GetCursor ¶
func ListView_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ListView_GetDropTarget ¶
func ListView_GetEnabled ¶
func ListView_GetExplicitTop ¶
func ListView_GetFont ¶
func ListView_GetFullDrag ¶
func ListView_GetGridLines ¶
func ListView_GetGroupView ¶
func ListView_GetGroups ¶
func ListView_GetHandle ¶
func ListView_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListView_GetHashCode ¶
func ListView_GetHeight ¶
func ListView_GetHint ¶
func ListView_GetHotTrack ¶
func ListView_GetHoverTime ¶
func ListView_GetIconOptions ¶
func ListView_GetItemFocused ¶
func ListView_GetItemIndex ¶
func ListView_GetItems ¶
func ListView_GetLargeImages ¶
func ListView_GetLeft ¶
func ListView_GetMargins ¶
func ListView_GetMultiSelect ¶
func ListView_GetName ¶
func ListView_GetNamePath ¶
func ListView_GetOwner ¶
func ListView_GetParent ¶
func ListView_GetParentColor ¶
func ListView_GetParentFont ¶
func ListView_GetParentWindow ¶
func ListView_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ListView_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ListView_GetReadOnly ¶
func ListView_GetRowSelect ¶
func ListView_GetSelCount ¶
func ListView_GetSelected ¶
func ListView_GetShowHint ¶
func ListView_GetSmallImages ¶
func ListView_GetSortType ¶
func ListView_GetSortType(obj uintptr) TSortType
func ListView_GetStateImages ¶
func ListView_GetStyleElements ¶
func ListView_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ListView_GetTabOrder ¶
func ListView_GetTabStop ¶
func ListView_GetTag ¶
func ListView_GetTextBuf ¶
func ListView_GetTop ¶
func ListView_GetTopItem ¶
func ListView_GetViewStyle ¶
func ListView_GetViewStyle(obj uintptr) TViewStyle
func ListView_GetVisible ¶
func ListView_GetWidth ¶
func ListView_HasParent ¶
func ListView_Hide ¶
func ListView_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ListView_Invalidate ¶
func ListView_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ListView_IsEditing ¶
func ListView_Perform ¶
func ListView_Realign ¶
func ListView_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ListView_Refresh ¶
func ListView_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ListView_Repaint ¶
func ListView_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ListView_ScaleBy ¶
func ListView_Scroll ¶
func ListView_SelectAll ¶
func ListView_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func ListView_SendToBack ¶
func ListView_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ListView_SetAction ¶
func ListView_SetAlign ¶
func ListView_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ListView_SetAllocBy ¶
func ListView_SetAnchors ¶
func ListView_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ListView_SetBevelEdges ¶
func ListView_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func ListView_SetBevelInner ¶
func ListView_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ListView_SetBevelKind ¶
func ListView_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func ListView_SetBevelOuter ¶
func ListView_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func ListView_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ListView_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ListView_SetBorderStyle ¶
func ListView_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func ListView_SetBorderWidth ¶
func ListView_SetBounds ¶
func ListView_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ListView_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ListView_SetCheckboxes ¶
func ListView_SetClientWidth ¶
func ListView_SetColor ¶
func ListView_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ListView_SetColumnClick ¶
func ListView_SetColumns ¶
func ListView_SetCursor ¶
func ListView_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ListView_SetDropTarget ¶
func ListView_SetEnabled ¶
func ListView_SetFocus ¶
func ListView_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ListView_SetFont ¶
func ListView_SetFullDrag ¶
func ListView_SetGridLines ¶
func ListView_SetGroupView ¶
func ListView_SetGroups ¶
func ListView_SetHeight ¶
func ListView_SetHint ¶
func ListView_SetHotTrack ¶
func ListView_SetHoverTime ¶
func ListView_SetIconOptions ¶
func ListView_SetItemFocused ¶
func ListView_SetItemIndex ¶
func ListView_SetItems ¶
func ListView_SetLargeImages ¶
func ListView_SetLeft ¶
func ListView_SetMargins ¶
func ListView_SetMultiSelect ¶
func ListView_SetName ¶
func ListView_SetOnChange ¶
func ListView_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnClick ¶
func ListView_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnColumnClick ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListView_SetOnColumnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnColumnRightClick ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListView_SetOnColumnRightClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnDblClick ¶
func ListView_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnEnter ¶
func ListView_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnExit ¶
func ListView_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnGetImageIndex ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListView_SetOnGetImageIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnItemChecked ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListView_SetOnItemChecked(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func ListView_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func ListView_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func ListView_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ListView_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ListView_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ListView_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ListView_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ListView_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnResize ¶
func ListView_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetOnSelectItem ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ListView_SetOnSelectItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ListView_SetParent ¶
func ListView_SetParentColor ¶
func ListView_SetParentFont ¶
func ListView_SetParentWindow ¶
func ListView_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ListView_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ListView_SetReadOnly ¶
func ListView_SetRowSelect ¶
func ListView_SetSelected ¶
func ListView_SetShowHint ¶
func ListView_SetSmallImages ¶
func ListView_SetSortType ¶
func ListView_SetSortType(obj uintptr, value TSortType)
func ListView_SetStateImages ¶
func ListView_SetStyleElements ¶
func ListView_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ListView_SetTabOrder ¶
func ListView_SetTabStop ¶
func ListView_SetTag ¶
func ListView_SetTop ¶
func ListView_SetViewStyle ¶
func ListView_SetViewStyle(obj uintptr, value TViewStyle)
func ListView_SetVisible ¶
func ListView_SetWidth ¶
func ListView_Show ¶
func ListView_Show(obj uintptr)
func ListView_ToString ¶
func ListView_Update ¶
func ListView_Update(obj uintptr)
func List_ClassName ¶
func List_Clear ¶
func List_Clear(obj uintptr)
func List_Create ¶
func List_Create() uintptr
func List_Delete ¶
func List_Equals ¶
func List_Expand ¶
func List_GetHashCode ¶
func List_GetItems ¶
func List_GetList ¶
func List_IndexOf ¶
func List_Insert ¶
func List_SetItems ¶
func List_ToString ¶
func MainMenu_Assign ¶
func MainMenu_ClassName ¶
func MainMenu_Create ¶
func MainMenu_Equals ¶
func MainMenu_FindComponent ¶
func MainMenu_Free ¶
func MainMenu_Free(obj uintptr)
func MainMenu_GetAutoHotkeys ¶
func MainMenu_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuAutoFlag
func MainMenu_GetBiDiMode ¶
func MainMenu_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func MainMenu_GetComponents ¶
func MainMenu_GetHandle ¶
func MainMenu_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
func MainMenu_GetHashCode ¶
func MainMenu_GetImages ¶
func MainMenu_GetItems ¶
func MainMenu_GetName ¶
func MainMenu_GetNamePath ¶
func MainMenu_GetOwner ¶
func MainMenu_GetTag ¶
func MainMenu_GetWindowHandle ¶
func MainMenu_GetWindowHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func MainMenu_HasParent ¶
func MainMenu_SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func MainMenu_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuAutoFlag)
func MainMenu_SetBiDiMode ¶
func MainMenu_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func MainMenu_SetImages ¶
func MainMenu_SetName ¶
func MainMenu_SetOnChange ¶
func MainMenu_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MainMenu_SetTag ¶
func MainMenu_SetWindowHandle ¶
func MainMenu_SetWindowHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func MainMenu_ToString ¶
func Margins_Assign ¶
func Margins_ClassName ¶
func Margins_Create ¶
func Margins_Create() uintptr
func Margins_Equals ¶
func Margins_Free ¶
func Margins_Free(obj uintptr)
func Margins_GetBottom ¶
func Margins_GetControlLeft ¶
func Margins_GetControlTop ¶
func Margins_GetControlWidth ¶
func Margins_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Margins_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Margins_GetHashCode ¶
func Margins_GetLeft ¶
func Margins_GetNamePath ¶
func Margins_GetRight ¶
func Margins_GetTop ¶
func Margins_SetBottom ¶
func Margins_SetBounds ¶
func Margins_SetLeft ¶
func Margins_SetOnChange ¶
func Margins_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Margins_SetRight ¶
func Margins_SetTop ¶
func Margins_ToString ¶
func Memo_Assign ¶
func Memo_BringToFront ¶
func Memo_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Memo_CanFocus ¶
func Memo_ClassName ¶
func Memo_Clear ¶
func Memo_Clear(obj uintptr)
func Memo_ClearSelection ¶
func Memo_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func Memo_CopyToClipboard ¶
func Memo_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Memo_Create ¶
func Memo_CutToClipboard ¶
func Memo_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Memo_Equals ¶
func Memo_FindComponent ¶
func Memo_FlipChildren ¶
func Memo_Focused ¶
func Memo_GetAction ¶
func Memo_GetAlign ¶
func Memo_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Memo_GetAlignment ¶
func Memo_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func Memo_GetAnchors ¶
func Memo_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Memo_GetBevelEdges ¶
func Memo_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func Memo_GetBevelInner ¶
func Memo_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Memo_GetBevelKind ¶
func Memo_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func Memo_GetBevelOuter ¶
func Memo_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Memo_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Memo_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Memo_GetBorderStyle ¶
func Memo_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func Memo_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Memo_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Memo_GetBrush ¶
func Memo_GetCaretPos ¶
func Memo_GetCaretPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
func Memo_GetClientHeight ¶
func Memo_GetClientRect ¶
func Memo_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Memo_GetClientWidth ¶
func Memo_GetColor ¶
func Memo_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Memo_GetComponentCount ¶
func Memo_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Memo_GetComponents ¶
func Memo_GetControlCount ¶
func Memo_GetControls ¶
func Memo_GetCursor ¶
func Memo_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Memo_GetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Memo_GetEnabled ¶
func Memo_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Memo_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Memo_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Memo_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Memo_GetFont ¶
func Memo_GetHandle ¶
func Memo_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Memo_GetHashCode ¶
func Memo_GetHeight ¶
func Memo_GetHideSelection ¶
func Memo_GetHint ¶
func Memo_GetLeft ¶
func Memo_GetLines ¶
func Memo_GetMargins ¶
func Memo_GetMaxLength ¶
func Memo_GetModified ¶
func Memo_GetName ¶
func Memo_GetNamePath ¶
func Memo_GetOwner ¶
func Memo_GetParent ¶
func Memo_GetParentColor ¶
func Memo_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func Memo_GetParentFont ¶
func Memo_GetParentShowHint ¶
func Memo_GetParentWindow ¶
func Memo_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func Memo_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Memo_GetReadOnly ¶
func Memo_GetScrollBars ¶
func Memo_GetScrollBars(obj uintptr) TScrollStyle
func Memo_GetSelLength ¶
func Memo_GetSelStart ¶
func Memo_GetSelText ¶
func Memo_GetShowHint ¶
func Memo_GetStyleElements ¶
func Memo_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Memo_GetTabOrder ¶
func Memo_GetTabStop ¶
func Memo_GetTag ¶
func Memo_GetText ¶
func Memo_GetTextHint ¶
func Memo_GetTop ¶
func Memo_GetVisible ¶
func Memo_GetWantReturns ¶
func Memo_GetWantTabs ¶
func Memo_GetWidth ¶
func Memo_GetWordWrap ¶
func Memo_HandleAllocated ¶
func Memo_HasParent ¶
func Memo_Invalidate ¶
func Memo_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Memo_PasteFromClipboard ¶
func Memo_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
func Memo_Realign ¶
func Memo_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Memo_Refresh ¶
func Memo_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Memo_Repaint ¶
func Memo_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Memo_ScaleBy ¶
func Memo_SelectAll ¶
func Memo_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func Memo_SendToBack ¶
func Memo_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Memo_SetAction ¶
func Memo_SetAlign ¶
func Memo_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Memo_SetAlignment ¶
func Memo_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func Memo_SetAnchors ¶
func Memo_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Memo_SetBevelEdges ¶
func Memo_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func Memo_SetBevelInner ¶
func Memo_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Memo_SetBevelKind ¶
func Memo_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func Memo_SetBevelOuter ¶
func Memo_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Memo_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Memo_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Memo_SetBorderStyle ¶
func Memo_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func Memo_SetBounds ¶
func Memo_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Memo_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Memo_SetCaretPos ¶
func Memo_SetCaretPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
func Memo_SetClientHeight ¶
func Memo_SetClientWidth ¶
func Memo_SetColor ¶
func Memo_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Memo_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Memo_SetCursor ¶
func Memo_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Memo_SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Memo_SetEnabled ¶
func Memo_SetFocus ¶
func Memo_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func Memo_SetFont ¶
func Memo_SetHeight ¶
func Memo_SetHideSelection ¶
func Memo_SetHint ¶
func Memo_SetLeft ¶
func Memo_SetLines ¶
func Memo_SetMargins ¶
func Memo_SetMaxLength ¶
func Memo_SetModified ¶
func Memo_SetName ¶
func Memo_SetOnChange ¶
func Memo_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnClick ¶
func Memo_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Memo_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnEnter ¶
func Memo_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnExit ¶
func Memo_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func Memo_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func Memo_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func Memo_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Memo_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Memo_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Memo_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Memo_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Memo_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Memo_SetParent ¶
func Memo_SetParentColor ¶
func Memo_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func Memo_SetParentFont ¶
func Memo_SetParentShowHint ¶
func Memo_SetParentWindow ¶
func Memo_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Memo_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Memo_SetReadOnly ¶
func Memo_SetScrollBars ¶
func Memo_SetScrollBars(obj uintptr, value TScrollStyle)
func Memo_SetSelLength ¶
func Memo_SetSelStart ¶
func Memo_SetSelText ¶
func Memo_SetShowHint ¶
func Memo_SetStyleElements ¶
func Memo_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Memo_SetTabOrder ¶
func Memo_SetTabStop ¶
func Memo_SetTag ¶
func Memo_SetText ¶
func Memo_SetTextHint ¶
func Memo_SetTop ¶
func Memo_SetVisible ¶
func Memo_SetWantReturns ¶
func Memo_SetWantTabs ¶
func Memo_SetWidth ¶
func Memo_SetWordWrap ¶
func Memo_ToString ¶
func Memo_Update ¶
func Memo_Update(obj uintptr)
func MemoryStream_ClassName ¶
func MemoryStream_Clear ¶
func MemoryStream_Clear(obj uintptr)
func MemoryStream_CopyFrom ¶
func MemoryStream_Create ¶
func MemoryStream_Create() uintptr
func MemoryStream_Equals ¶
func MemoryStream_Free ¶
func MemoryStream_Free(obj uintptr)
func MemoryStream_GetMemory ¶
func MemoryStream_GetSize ¶
func MemoryStream_Read ¶
MemoryStream_Read 还需要待测试
func MemoryStream_SaveToFile ¶
func MemoryStream_Seek ¶
func MemoryStream_SetSize ¶
func MemoryStream_ToString ¶
func MemoryStream_Write ¶
func MenuItem_Add ¶
func MenuItem_Assign ¶
func MenuItem_ClassName ¶
func MenuItem_Clear ¶
func MenuItem_Clear(obj uintptr)
func MenuItem_Click ¶
func MenuItem_Click(obj uintptr)
func MenuItem_Create ¶
func MenuItem_Delete ¶
func MenuItem_Equals ¶
func MenuItem_FindComponent ¶
func MenuItem_Free ¶
func MenuItem_Free(obj uintptr)
func MenuItem_GetAction ¶
func MenuItem_GetAutoHotkeys ¶
func MenuItem_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuItemAutoFlag
func MenuItem_GetBitmap ¶
func MenuItem_GetCaption ¶
func MenuItem_GetChecked ¶
func MenuItem_GetComponents ¶
func MenuItem_GetDefault ¶
func MenuItem_GetEnabled ¶
func MenuItem_GetGroupIndex ¶
func MenuItem_GetHandle ¶
func MenuItem_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
func MenuItem_GetHashCode ¶
func MenuItem_GetHint ¶
func MenuItem_GetImageIndex ¶
func MenuItem_GetItems ¶
func MenuItem_GetName ¶
func MenuItem_GetNamePath ¶
func MenuItem_GetOwner ¶
func MenuItem_GetParent ¶
func MenuItem_GetShortCut ¶
func MenuItem_GetShortCut(obj uintptr) TShortCut
func MenuItem_GetTag ¶
func MenuItem_GetVisible ¶
func MenuItem_HasParent ¶
func MenuItem_IndexOf ¶
func MenuItem_Insert ¶
func MenuItem_SetAction ¶
func MenuItem_SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func MenuItem_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuItemAutoFlag)
func MenuItem_SetBitmap ¶
func MenuItem_SetCaption ¶
func MenuItem_SetChecked ¶
func MenuItem_SetDefault ¶
func MenuItem_SetEnabled ¶
func MenuItem_SetGroupIndex ¶
func MenuItem_SetHint ¶
func MenuItem_SetImageIndex ¶
func MenuItem_SetName ¶
func MenuItem_SetOnClick ¶
func MenuItem_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MenuItem_SetOnDrawItem ¶ added in v1.0.2
func MenuItem_SetOnDrawItem(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MenuItem_SetShortCut ¶
func MenuItem_SetShortCut(obj uintptr, value TShortCut)
func MenuItem_SetTag ¶
func MenuItem_SetVisible ¶
func MenuItem_ToString ¶
func Monitor_ClassName ¶
func Monitor_Create ¶
func Monitor_Create() uintptr
func Monitor_Equals ¶
func Monitor_Free ¶
func Monitor_Free(obj uintptr)
func Monitor_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Monitor_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Monitor_GetHandle ¶
func Monitor_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMONITOR
func Monitor_GetHashCode ¶
func Monitor_GetHeight ¶
func Monitor_GetLeft ¶
func Monitor_GetMonitorNum ¶
func Monitor_GetPrimary ¶
func Monitor_GetTop ¶
func Monitor_GetWidth ¶
func Monitor_GetWorkareaRect ¶
func Monitor_GetWorkareaRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Monitor_ToString ¶
func MonthCalColors_Assign ¶
func MonthCalColors_Create ¶
func MonthCalColors_Create() uintptr
func MonthCalColors_Equals ¶
func MonthCalColors_Free ¶
func MonthCalColors_Free(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalColors_ToString ¶
func MonthCalendar_Assign ¶
func MonthCalendar_BringToFront ¶
func MonthCalendar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_CanFocus ¶
func MonthCalendar_ClassName ¶
func MonthCalendar_Create ¶
func MonthCalendar_Equals ¶
func MonthCalendar_Focused ¶
func MonthCalendar_Free ¶
func MonthCalendar_Free(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_GetAction ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetAlign ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func MonthCalendar_GetAnchors ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func MonthCalendar_GetBiDiMode ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func MonthCalendar_GetBoundsRect ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func MonthCalendar_GetBrush ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetClientRect ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func MonthCalendar_GetCursor ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func MonthCalendar_GetDate ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetFirstDayOfWeek ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetFirstDayOfWeek(obj uintptr) TCalDayOfWeek
func MonthCalendar_GetFont ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetHandle ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func MonthCalendar_GetHeight ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetHint ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetLeft ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetName ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetOwner ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetParent ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetParentWindow ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func MonthCalendar_GetStyleElements ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func MonthCalendar_GetTag ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetTop ¶
func MonthCalendar_GetWidth ¶
func MonthCalendar_HasParent ¶
func MonthCalendar_Hide ¶
func MonthCalendar_Hide(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_Invalidate ¶
func MonthCalendar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_Perform ¶
func MonthCalendar_Realign ¶
func MonthCalendar_Realign(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_Refresh ¶
func MonthCalendar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_Repaint ¶
func MonthCalendar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_ScaleBy ¶
func MonthCalendar_SendToBack ¶
func MonthCalendar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_SetAction ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetAlign ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func MonthCalendar_SetAnchors ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func MonthCalendar_SetBiDiMode ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func MonthCalendar_SetBounds ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetBoundsRect ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func MonthCalendar_SetCursor ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func MonthCalendar_SetDate ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetFirstDayOfWeek ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetFirstDayOfWeek(obj uintptr, value TCalDayOfWeek)
func MonthCalendar_SetFocus ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_SetFont ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetHeight ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetHint ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetLeft ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetName ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnClick ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnDblClick ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnEnter ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnExit ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func MonthCalendar_SetParent ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetParentWindow ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func MonthCalendar_SetStyleElements ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func MonthCalendar_SetTag ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetTop ¶
func MonthCalendar_SetWidth ¶
func MonthCalendar_Show ¶
func MonthCalendar_Show(obj uintptr)
func MonthCalendar_ToString ¶
func MonthCalendar_Update ¶
func MonthCalendar_Update(obj uintptr)
func Mouse_ClassName ¶
func Mouse_Create ¶
func Mouse_Create() uintptr
func Mouse_Equals ¶
func Mouse_Free ¶
func Mouse_Free(obj uintptr)
func Mouse_GetCapture ¶
func Mouse_GetCapture(obj uintptr) HWND
func Mouse_GetCursorPos ¶
func Mouse_GetCursorPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
func Mouse_GetHashCode ¶
func Mouse_GetIsDragging ¶
func Mouse_GetIsPanning ¶
func Mouse_GetWheelPresent ¶
func Mouse_Instance ¶
func Mouse_Instance() uintptr
func Mouse_SetCapture ¶
func Mouse_SetCapture(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Mouse_SetCursorPos ¶
func Mouse_SetCursorPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
func Mouse_ToString ¶
func Object_ClassName ¶
func Object_Create ¶
func Object_Create() uintptr
func Object_Equals ¶
func Object_Free ¶
func Object_Free(obj uintptr)
func Object_GetHashCode ¶
func Object_ToString ¶
func OpenDialog_Assign ¶
func OpenDialog_ClassName ¶
func OpenDialog_Create ¶
func OpenDialog_Equals ¶
func OpenDialog_Execute ¶
func OpenDialog_Free ¶
func OpenDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func OpenDialog_GetFileName ¶
func OpenDialog_GetFiles ¶
func OpenDialog_GetFilter ¶
func OpenDialog_GetHandle ¶
func OpenDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func OpenDialog_GetHashCode ¶
func OpenDialog_GetName ¶
func OpenDialog_GetNamePath ¶
func OpenDialog_GetOptions ¶
func OpenDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func OpenDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func OpenDialog_GetOwner ¶
func OpenDialog_GetTag ¶
func OpenDialog_GetTitle ¶
func OpenDialog_HasParent ¶
func OpenDialog_SetFileName ¶
func OpenDialog_SetFilter ¶
func OpenDialog_SetName ¶
func OpenDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func OpenDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func OpenDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenDialog_SetOptions ¶
func OpenDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func OpenDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func OpenDialog_SetTag ¶
func OpenDialog_SetTitle ¶
func OpenDialog_ToString ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_Free ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func OpenPictureDialog_GetHandle ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptions ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptions ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenPictureDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func OpenTextFileDialog_Free ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetHandle ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptions ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptions ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func OpenTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func PageControl_Assign ¶
func PageControl_BringToFront ¶
func PageControl_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_CanFocus ¶
func PageControl_ClassName ¶
func PageControl_Create ¶
func PageControl_Equals ¶
func PageControl_Focused ¶
func PageControl_Free ¶
func PageControl_Free(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_GetAction ¶
func PageControl_GetAlign ¶
func PageControl_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func PageControl_GetAnchors ¶
func PageControl_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func PageControl_GetBiDiMode ¶
func PageControl_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func PageControl_GetBoundsRect ¶
func PageControl_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func PageControl_GetBrush ¶
func PageControl_GetCanvas ¶
func PageControl_GetClientRect ¶
func PageControl_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func PageControl_GetControls ¶
func PageControl_GetCursor ¶
func PageControl_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func PageControl_GetEnabled ¶
func PageControl_GetFont ¶
func PageControl_GetHandle ¶
func PageControl_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func PageControl_GetHashCode ¶
func PageControl_GetHeight ¶
func PageControl_GetHint ¶
func PageControl_GetHotTrack ¶
func PageControl_GetImages ¶
func PageControl_GetLeft ¶
func PageControl_GetMargins ¶
func PageControl_GetName ¶
func PageControl_GetNamePath ¶
func PageControl_GetOwner ¶
func PageControl_GetPages ¶
func PageControl_GetParent ¶
func PageControl_GetParentWindow ¶
func PageControl_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func PageControl_GetShowHint ¶
func PageControl_GetStyle ¶
func PageControl_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TTabStyle
func PageControl_GetStyleElements ¶
func PageControl_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func PageControl_GetTabIndex ¶
func PageControl_GetTabOrder ¶
func PageControl_GetTabPosition ¶
func PageControl_GetTabPosition(obj uintptr) TTabPosition
func PageControl_GetTabStop ¶
func PageControl_GetTabWidth ¶
func PageControl_GetTag ¶
func PageControl_GetTextBuf ¶
func PageControl_GetTop ¶
func PageControl_GetVisible ¶
func PageControl_GetWidth ¶
func PageControl_HasParent ¶
func PageControl_Hide ¶
func PageControl_Hide(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_Invalidate ¶
func PageControl_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_Perform ¶
func PageControl_Realign ¶
func PageControl_Realign(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_Refresh ¶
func PageControl_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_Repaint ¶
func PageControl_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_RowCount ¶
func PageControl_ScaleBy ¶
func PageControl_SendToBack ¶
func PageControl_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_SetAction ¶
func PageControl_SetAlign ¶
func PageControl_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func PageControl_SetAnchors ¶
func PageControl_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func PageControl_SetBiDiMode ¶
func PageControl_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func PageControl_SetBounds ¶
func PageControl_SetBoundsRect ¶
func PageControl_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func PageControl_SetCursor ¶
func PageControl_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func PageControl_SetEnabled ¶
func PageControl_SetFocus ¶
func PageControl_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_SetFont ¶
func PageControl_SetHeight ¶
func PageControl_SetHint ¶
func PageControl_SetHotTrack ¶
func PageControl_SetImages ¶
func PageControl_SetLeft ¶
func PageControl_SetMargins ¶
func PageControl_SetName ¶
func PageControl_SetOnChange ¶
func PageControl_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnEnter ¶
func PageControl_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnExit ¶
func PageControl_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnGetImageIndex ¶ added in v1.0.2
func PageControl_SetOnGetImageIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func PageControl_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func PageControl_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func PageControl_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func PageControl_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func PageControl_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetOnResize ¶
func PageControl_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PageControl_SetParent ¶
func PageControl_SetParentWindow ¶
func PageControl_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func PageControl_SetShowHint ¶
func PageControl_SetStyle ¶
func PageControl_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TTabStyle)
func PageControl_SetStyleElements ¶
func PageControl_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func PageControl_SetTabIndex ¶
func PageControl_SetTabOrder ¶
func PageControl_SetTabPosition ¶
func PageControl_SetTabPosition(obj uintptr, value TTabPosition)
func PageControl_SetTabStop ¶
func PageControl_SetTabWidth ¶
func PageControl_SetTag ¶
func PageControl_SetTop ¶
func PageControl_SetVisible ¶
func PageControl_SetWidth ¶
func PageControl_Show ¶
func PageControl_Show(obj uintptr)
func PageControl_ToString ¶
func PageControl_Update ¶
func PageControl_Update(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_Assign ¶
func PaintBox_BringToFront ¶
func PaintBox_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_ClassName ¶
func PaintBox_Create ¶
func PaintBox_Equals ¶
func PaintBox_FindComponent ¶
func PaintBox_Free ¶
func PaintBox_Free(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_GetAction ¶
func PaintBox_GetAlign ¶
func PaintBox_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func PaintBox_GetAnchors ¶
func PaintBox_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func PaintBox_GetBiDiMode ¶
func PaintBox_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func PaintBox_GetBoundsRect ¶
func PaintBox_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func PaintBox_GetCanvas ¶
func PaintBox_GetClientRect ¶
func PaintBox_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func PaintBox_GetClientWidth ¶
func PaintBox_GetColor ¶
func PaintBox_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func PaintBox_GetComponents ¶
func PaintBox_GetCursor ¶
func PaintBox_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func PaintBox_GetEnabled ¶
func PaintBox_GetExplicitTop ¶
func PaintBox_GetFont ¶
func PaintBox_GetHashCode ¶
func PaintBox_GetHeight ¶
func PaintBox_GetHint ¶
func PaintBox_GetLeft ¶
func PaintBox_GetMargins ¶
func PaintBox_GetName ¶
func PaintBox_GetNamePath ¶
func PaintBox_GetOwner ¶
func PaintBox_GetParent ¶
func PaintBox_GetParentColor ¶
func PaintBox_GetParentFont ¶
func PaintBox_GetPopupMenu ¶
func PaintBox_GetShowHint ¶
func PaintBox_GetStyleElements ¶
func PaintBox_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func PaintBox_GetTag ¶
func PaintBox_GetTextBuf ¶
func PaintBox_GetTop ¶
func PaintBox_GetVisible ¶
func PaintBox_GetWidth ¶
func PaintBox_HasParent ¶
func PaintBox_Hide ¶
func PaintBox_Hide(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_Invalidate ¶
func PaintBox_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_Perform ¶
func PaintBox_Refresh ¶
func PaintBox_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_Repaint ¶
func PaintBox_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_SendToBack ¶
func PaintBox_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_SetAction ¶
func PaintBox_SetAlign ¶
func PaintBox_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func PaintBox_SetAnchors ¶
func PaintBox_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func PaintBox_SetBiDiMode ¶
func PaintBox_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func PaintBox_SetBounds ¶
func PaintBox_SetBoundsRect ¶
func PaintBox_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func PaintBox_SetClientWidth ¶
func PaintBox_SetColor ¶
func PaintBox_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func PaintBox_SetCursor ¶
func PaintBox_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func PaintBox_SetEnabled ¶
func PaintBox_SetFont ¶
func PaintBox_SetHeight ¶
func PaintBox_SetHint ¶
func PaintBox_SetLeft ¶
func PaintBox_SetMargins ¶
func PaintBox_SetName ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnClick ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnDblClick ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetOnPaint ¶
func PaintBox_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PaintBox_SetParent ¶
func PaintBox_SetParentColor ¶
func PaintBox_SetParentFont ¶
func PaintBox_SetPopupMenu ¶
func PaintBox_SetShowHint ¶
func PaintBox_SetStyleElements ¶
func PaintBox_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func PaintBox_SetTag ¶
func PaintBox_SetTop ¶
func PaintBox_SetVisible ¶
func PaintBox_SetWidth ¶
func PaintBox_Show ¶
func PaintBox_Show(obj uintptr)
func PaintBox_ToString ¶
func PaintBox_Update ¶
func PaintBox_Update(obj uintptr)
func Panel_Assign ¶
func Panel_BringToFront ¶
func Panel_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Panel_CanFocus ¶
func Panel_ClassName ¶
func Panel_Create ¶
func Panel_Equals ¶
func Panel_FindComponent ¶
func Panel_FlipChildren ¶
func Panel_Focused ¶
func Panel_Free ¶
func Panel_Free(obj uintptr)
func Panel_GetAction ¶
func Panel_GetAlign ¶
func Panel_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Panel_GetAlignment ¶
func Panel_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func Panel_GetAnchors ¶
func Panel_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Panel_GetAutoSize ¶
func Panel_GetBevelEdges ¶
func Panel_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func Panel_GetBevelInner ¶
func Panel_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Panel_GetBevelKind ¶
func Panel_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func Panel_GetBevelOuter ¶
func Panel_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func Panel_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Panel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Panel_GetBorderStyle ¶
func Panel_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func Panel_GetBorderWidth ¶
func Panel_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Panel_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Panel_GetBrush ¶
func Panel_GetCaption ¶
func Panel_GetClientHeight ¶
func Panel_GetClientRect ¶
func Panel_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Panel_GetClientWidth ¶
func Panel_GetColor ¶
func Panel_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Panel_GetComponentCount ¶
func Panel_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Panel_GetComponents ¶
func Panel_GetControlCount ¶
func Panel_GetControls ¶
func Panel_GetCursor ¶
func Panel_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Panel_GetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Panel_GetEnabled ¶
func Panel_GetExplicitHeight ¶
func Panel_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func Panel_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Panel_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func Panel_GetFont ¶
func Panel_GetFullRepaint ¶
func Panel_GetHandle ¶
func Panel_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func Panel_GetHashCode ¶
func Panel_GetHeight ¶
func Panel_GetHint ¶
func Panel_GetLeft ¶
func Panel_GetLocked ¶
func Panel_GetMargins ¶
func Panel_GetName ¶
func Panel_GetNamePath ¶
func Panel_GetOwner ¶
func Panel_GetParent ¶
func Panel_GetParentColor ¶
func Panel_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func Panel_GetParentFont ¶
func Panel_GetParentShowHint ¶
func Panel_GetParentWindow ¶
func Panel_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func Panel_GetPopupMenu ¶
func Panel_GetShowCaption ¶
func Panel_GetShowHint ¶
func Panel_GetStyleElements ¶
func Panel_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Panel_GetTabOrder ¶
func Panel_GetTabStop ¶
func Panel_GetTag ¶
func Panel_GetTop ¶
func Panel_GetVisible ¶
func Panel_GetWidth ¶
func Panel_HandleAllocated ¶
func Panel_HasParent ¶
func Panel_Hide ¶
func Panel_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Panel_Invalidate ¶
func Panel_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Panel_Realign ¶
func Panel_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Panel_Refresh ¶
func Panel_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Panel_Repaint ¶
func Panel_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Panel_ScaleBy ¶
func Panel_SendToBack ¶
func Panel_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Panel_SetAction ¶
func Panel_SetAlign ¶
func Panel_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Panel_SetAlignment ¶
func Panel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func Panel_SetAnchors ¶
func Panel_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Panel_SetAutoSize ¶
func Panel_SetBevelEdges ¶
func Panel_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func Panel_SetBevelInner ¶
func Panel_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Panel_SetBevelKind ¶
func Panel_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func Panel_SetBevelOuter ¶
func Panel_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func Panel_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Panel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Panel_SetBorderStyle ¶
func Panel_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func Panel_SetBorderWidth ¶
func Panel_SetBounds ¶
func Panel_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Panel_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Panel_SetCaption ¶
func Panel_SetClientHeight ¶
func Panel_SetClientWidth ¶
func Panel_SetColor ¶
func Panel_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Panel_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Panel_SetCursor ¶
func Panel_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Panel_SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func Panel_SetEnabled ¶
func Panel_SetFocus ¶
func Panel_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func Panel_SetFont ¶
func Panel_SetFullRepaint ¶
func Panel_SetHeight ¶
func Panel_SetHint ¶
func Panel_SetLeft ¶
func Panel_SetLocked ¶
func Panel_SetMargins ¶
func Panel_SetName ¶
func Panel_SetOnClick ¶
func Panel_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnDblClick ¶
func Panel_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnEnter ¶
func Panel_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnExit ¶
func Panel_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func Panel_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func Panel_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func Panel_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func Panel_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func Panel_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetOnResize ¶
func Panel_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Panel_SetParent ¶
func Panel_SetParentColor ¶
func Panel_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func Panel_SetParentFont ¶
func Panel_SetParentShowHint ¶
func Panel_SetParentWindow ¶
func Panel_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func Panel_SetPopupMenu ¶
func Panel_SetShowCaption ¶
func Panel_SetShowHint ¶
func Panel_SetStyleElements ¶
func Panel_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Panel_SetTabOrder ¶
func Panel_SetTabStop ¶
func Panel_SetTag ¶
func Panel_SetTop ¶
func Panel_SetVisible ¶
func Panel_SetWidth ¶
func Panel_Show ¶
func Panel_Show(obj uintptr)
func Panel_ToString ¶
func Panel_Update ¶
func Panel_Update(obj uintptr)
func ParaAttributes_Assign ¶
func ParaAttributes_Equals ¶
func ParaAttributes_GetAlignment ¶
func ParaAttributes_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func ParaAttributes_GetNumbering ¶
func ParaAttributes_GetNumbering(obj uintptr) TNumberingStyle
func ParaAttributes_GetTab ¶
func ParaAttributes_SetAlignment ¶
func ParaAttributes_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func ParaAttributes_SetNumbering ¶
func ParaAttributes_SetNumbering(obj uintptr, value TNumberingStyle)
func ParaAttributes_SetTab ¶
func ParaAttributes_ToString ¶
func Pen_Assign ¶
func Pen_ClassName ¶
func Pen_Create ¶
func Pen_Create() uintptr
func Pen_Equals ¶
func Pen_GetColor ¶
func Pen_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Pen_GetHandle ¶
func Pen_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HPEN
func Pen_GetHashCode ¶
func Pen_GetMode ¶
func Pen_GetMode(obj uintptr) TPenMode
func Pen_GetNamePath ¶
func Pen_GetStyle ¶
func Pen_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TPenStyle
func Pen_GetWidth ¶
func Pen_HandleAllocated ¶
func Pen_SetColor ¶
func Pen_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Pen_SetHandle ¶
func Pen_SetHandle(obj uintptr, value HPEN)
func Pen_SetMode ¶
func Pen_SetMode(obj uintptr, value TPenMode)
func Pen_SetOnChange ¶
func Pen_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Pen_SetStyle ¶
func Pen_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TPenStyle)
func Pen_SetWidth ¶
func Pen_ToString ¶
func Picture_Assign ¶
func Picture_ClassName ¶
func Picture_Create ¶
func Picture_Create() uintptr
func Picture_Equals ¶
func Picture_Free ¶
func Picture_Free(obj uintptr)
func Picture_GetBitmap ¶
func Picture_GetGraphic ¶
func Picture_GetHashCode ¶
func Picture_GetHeight ¶
func Picture_GetIcon ¶
func Picture_GetNamePath ¶
func Picture_GetWidth ¶
func Picture_LoadFromFile ¶
func Picture_LoadFromStream ¶
func Picture_SaveToFile ¶
func Picture_SaveToStream ¶
func Picture_SetBitmap ¶
func Picture_SetGraphic ¶
func Picture_SetIcon ¶
func Picture_SetOnChange ¶
func Picture_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Picture_ToString ¶
func PngImage_Assign ¶
func PngImage_ClassName ¶
func PngImage_Create ¶
func PngImage_Create() uintptr
func PngImage_Equals ¶
func PngImage_Free ¶
func PngImage_Free(obj uintptr)
func PngImage_GetCanvas ¶
func PngImage_GetCompressionLevel ¶
func PngImage_GetCompressionLevel(obj uintptr) TCompressionLevel
func PngImage_GetEmpty ¶
func PngImage_GetHashCode ¶
func PngImage_GetHeight ¶
func PngImage_GetMaxIdatSize ¶
func PngImage_GetModified ¶
func PngImage_GetNamePath ¶
func PngImage_GetTransparent ¶
func PngImage_GetTransparentColor ¶
func PngImage_GetTransparentColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func PngImage_GetVersion ¶
func PngImage_GetWidth ¶
func PngImage_LoadFromFile ¶
func PngImage_LoadFromStream ¶
func PngImage_SaveToFile ¶
func PngImage_SaveToStream ¶
func PngImage_SetCompressionLevel ¶
func PngImage_SetCompressionLevel(obj uintptr, value TCompressionLevel)
func PngImage_SetMaxIdatSize ¶
func PngImage_SetModified ¶
func PngImage_SetOnChange ¶
func PngImage_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PngImage_SetSize ¶
func PngImage_SetTransparent ¶
func PngImage_SetTransparentColor ¶
func PngImage_SetTransparentColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func PngImage_ToString ¶
func PopupMenu_Assign ¶
func PopupMenu_ClassName ¶
func PopupMenu_CloseMenu ¶
func PopupMenu_CloseMenu(obj uintptr)
func PopupMenu_Create ¶
func PopupMenu_Equals ¶
func PopupMenu_FindComponent ¶
func PopupMenu_Free ¶
func PopupMenu_Free(obj uintptr)
func PopupMenu_GetAlignment ¶
func PopupMenu_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TPopupAlignment
func PopupMenu_GetAutoHotkeys ¶
func PopupMenu_GetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr) TMenuAutoFlag
func PopupMenu_GetBiDiMode ¶
func PopupMenu_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func PopupMenu_GetComponents ¶
func PopupMenu_GetHandle ¶
func PopupMenu_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HMENU
func PopupMenu_GetHashCode ¶
func PopupMenu_GetImages ¶
func PopupMenu_GetItems ¶
func PopupMenu_GetName ¶
func PopupMenu_GetNamePath ¶
func PopupMenu_GetOwner ¶
func PopupMenu_GetTag ¶
func PopupMenu_GetWindowHandle ¶
func PopupMenu_GetWindowHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func PopupMenu_HasParent ¶
func PopupMenu_Popup ¶
func PopupMenu_SetAlignment ¶
func PopupMenu_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TPopupAlignment)
func PopupMenu_SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func PopupMenu_SetAutoHotkeys(obj uintptr, value TMenuAutoFlag)
func PopupMenu_SetBiDiMode ¶
func PopupMenu_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func PopupMenu_SetImages ¶
func PopupMenu_SetName ¶
func PopupMenu_SetOnChange ¶
func PopupMenu_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PopupMenu_SetOnPopup ¶
func PopupMenu_SetOnPopup(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PopupMenu_SetTag ¶
func PopupMenu_SetWindowHandle ¶
func PopupMenu_SetWindowHandle(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func PopupMenu_ToString ¶
func PrintDialog_Assign ¶
func PrintDialog_ClassName ¶
func PrintDialog_Create ¶
func PrintDialog_Equals ¶
func PrintDialog_Execute ¶
func PrintDialog_Free ¶
func PrintDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func PrintDialog_GetCollate ¶
func PrintDialog_GetCopies ¶
func PrintDialog_GetFromPage ¶
func PrintDialog_GetHandle ¶
func PrintDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func PrintDialog_GetHashCode ¶
func PrintDialog_GetMaxPage ¶
func PrintDialog_GetMinPage ¶
func PrintDialog_GetName ¶
func PrintDialog_GetNamePath ¶
func PrintDialog_GetOptions ¶
func PrintDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TPrintDialogOptions
func PrintDialog_GetOwner ¶
func PrintDialog_GetPrintRange ¶
func PrintDialog_GetPrintRange(obj uintptr) TPrintRange
func PrintDialog_GetTag ¶
func PrintDialog_GetToPage ¶
func PrintDialog_HasParent ¶
func PrintDialog_SetCollate ¶
func PrintDialog_SetCopies ¶
func PrintDialog_SetFromPage ¶
func PrintDialog_SetMaxPage ¶
func PrintDialog_SetMinPage ¶
func PrintDialog_SetName ¶
func PrintDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func PrintDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PrintDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func PrintDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func PrintDialog_SetOptions ¶
func PrintDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TPrintDialogOptions)
func PrintDialog_SetPrintRange ¶
func PrintDialog_SetPrintRange(obj uintptr, value TPrintRange)
func PrintDialog_SetTag ¶
func PrintDialog_SetToPage ¶
func PrintDialog_ToString ¶
func ProgressBar_Assign ¶
func ProgressBar_BringToFront ¶
func ProgressBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_CanFocus ¶
func ProgressBar_ClassName ¶
func ProgressBar_Create ¶
func ProgressBar_Equals ¶
func ProgressBar_Focused ¶
func ProgressBar_Free ¶
func ProgressBar_Free(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_GetAction ¶
func ProgressBar_GetAlign ¶
func ProgressBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ProgressBar_GetAnchors ¶
func ProgressBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ProgressBar_GetBackgroundColor ¶
func ProgressBar_GetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ProgressBar_GetBarColor ¶
func ProgressBar_GetBarColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ProgressBar_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ProgressBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ProgressBar_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ProgressBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ProgressBar_GetBrush ¶
func ProgressBar_GetClientRect ¶
func ProgressBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ProgressBar_GetControls ¶
func ProgressBar_GetCursor ¶
func ProgressBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ProgressBar_GetEnabled ¶
func ProgressBar_GetHandle ¶
func ProgressBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ProgressBar_GetHashCode ¶
func ProgressBar_GetHeight ¶
func ProgressBar_GetHint ¶
func ProgressBar_GetLeft ¶
func ProgressBar_GetMargins ¶
func ProgressBar_GetMax ¶
func ProgressBar_GetMin ¶
func ProgressBar_GetName ¶
func ProgressBar_GetNamePath ¶
func ProgressBar_GetOrientation ¶
func ProgressBar_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TProgressBarOrientation
func ProgressBar_GetOwner ¶
func ProgressBar_GetParent ¶
func ProgressBar_GetParentWindow ¶
func ProgressBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ProgressBar_GetPosition ¶
func ProgressBar_GetShowHint ¶
func ProgressBar_GetSmooth ¶
func ProgressBar_GetState ¶
func ProgressBar_GetState(obj uintptr) TProgressBarState
func ProgressBar_GetStep ¶
func ProgressBar_GetStyle ¶
func ProgressBar_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TProgressBarStyle
func ProgressBar_GetStyleElements ¶
func ProgressBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ProgressBar_GetTabOrder ¶
func ProgressBar_GetTabStop ¶
func ProgressBar_GetTag ¶
func ProgressBar_GetTextBuf ¶
func ProgressBar_GetTop ¶
func ProgressBar_GetVisible ¶
func ProgressBar_GetWidth ¶
func ProgressBar_HasParent ¶
func ProgressBar_Hide ¶
func ProgressBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_Invalidate ¶
func ProgressBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_Perform ¶
func ProgressBar_Realign ¶
func ProgressBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_Refresh ¶
func ProgressBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_Repaint ¶
func ProgressBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_ScaleBy ¶
func ProgressBar_SendToBack ¶
func ProgressBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_SetAction ¶
func ProgressBar_SetAlign ¶
func ProgressBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ProgressBar_SetAnchors ¶
func ProgressBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ProgressBar_SetBackgroundColor ¶
func ProgressBar_SetBackgroundColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ProgressBar_SetBarColor ¶
func ProgressBar_SetBarColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ProgressBar_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ProgressBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ProgressBar_SetBounds ¶
func ProgressBar_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ProgressBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ProgressBar_SetCursor ¶
func ProgressBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ProgressBar_SetEnabled ¶
func ProgressBar_SetFocus ¶
func ProgressBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_SetHeight ¶
func ProgressBar_SetHint ¶
func ProgressBar_SetLeft ¶
func ProgressBar_SetMargins ¶
func ProgressBar_SetMax ¶
func ProgressBar_SetMin ¶
func ProgressBar_SetName ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnEnter ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnExit ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ProgressBar_SetOrientation ¶
func ProgressBar_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarOrientation)
func ProgressBar_SetParent ¶
func ProgressBar_SetParentWindow ¶
func ProgressBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ProgressBar_SetPosition ¶
func ProgressBar_SetShowHint ¶
func ProgressBar_SetSmooth ¶
func ProgressBar_SetState ¶
func ProgressBar_SetState(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarState)
func ProgressBar_SetStep ¶
func ProgressBar_SetStyle ¶
func ProgressBar_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TProgressBarStyle)
func ProgressBar_SetStyleElements ¶
func ProgressBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ProgressBar_SetTabOrder ¶
func ProgressBar_SetTabStop ¶
func ProgressBar_SetTag ¶
func ProgressBar_SetTop ¶
func ProgressBar_SetVisible ¶
func ProgressBar_SetWidth ¶
func ProgressBar_Show ¶
func ProgressBar_Show(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_StepBy ¶
func ProgressBar_StepIt ¶
func ProgressBar_StepIt(obj uintptr)
func ProgressBar_ToString ¶
func ProgressBar_Update ¶
func ProgressBar_Update(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_Assign ¶
func RadioButton_BringToFront ¶
func RadioButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_CanFocus ¶
func RadioButton_ClassName ¶
func RadioButton_Create ¶
func RadioButton_Equals ¶
func RadioButton_Focused ¶
func RadioButton_Free ¶
func RadioButton_Free(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_GetAction ¶
func RadioButton_GetAlign ¶
func RadioButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func RadioButton_GetAlignment ¶
func RadioButton_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TLeftRight
func RadioButton_GetAnchors ¶
func RadioButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func RadioButton_GetBiDiMode ¶
func RadioButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func RadioButton_GetBoundsRect ¶
func RadioButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RadioButton_GetBrush ¶
func RadioButton_GetCaption ¶
func RadioButton_GetChecked ¶
func RadioButton_GetClientRect ¶
func RadioButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RadioButton_GetColor ¶
func RadioButton_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func RadioButton_GetControls ¶
func RadioButton_GetCursor ¶
func RadioButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func RadioButton_GetEnabled ¶
func RadioButton_GetFont ¶
func RadioButton_GetHandle ¶
func RadioButton_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func RadioButton_GetHashCode ¶
func RadioButton_GetHeight ¶
func RadioButton_GetHint ¶
func RadioButton_GetLeft ¶
func RadioButton_GetMargins ¶
func RadioButton_GetName ¶
func RadioButton_GetNamePath ¶
func RadioButton_GetOwner ¶
func RadioButton_GetParent ¶
func RadioButton_GetParentWindow ¶
func RadioButton_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func RadioButton_GetShowHint ¶
func RadioButton_GetStyleElements ¶
func RadioButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func RadioButton_GetTabOrder ¶
func RadioButton_GetTabStop ¶
func RadioButton_GetTag ¶
func RadioButton_GetTextBuf ¶
func RadioButton_GetTop ¶
func RadioButton_GetVisible ¶
func RadioButton_GetWidth ¶
func RadioButton_GetWordWrap ¶
func RadioButton_HasParent ¶
func RadioButton_Hide ¶
func RadioButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_Invalidate ¶
func RadioButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_Perform ¶
func RadioButton_Realign ¶
func RadioButton_Realign(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_Refresh ¶
func RadioButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_Repaint ¶
func RadioButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_ScaleBy ¶
func RadioButton_SendToBack ¶
func RadioButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_SetAction ¶
func RadioButton_SetAlign ¶
func RadioButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func RadioButton_SetAlignment ¶
func RadioButton_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TLeftRight)
func RadioButton_SetAnchors ¶
func RadioButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func RadioButton_SetBiDiMode ¶
func RadioButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func RadioButton_SetBounds ¶
func RadioButton_SetBoundsRect ¶
func RadioButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func RadioButton_SetCaption ¶
func RadioButton_SetChecked ¶
func RadioButton_SetColor ¶
func RadioButton_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func RadioButton_SetCursor ¶
func RadioButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func RadioButton_SetEnabled ¶
func RadioButton_SetFocus ¶
func RadioButton_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_SetFont ¶
func RadioButton_SetHeight ¶
func RadioButton_SetHint ¶
func RadioButton_SetLeft ¶
func RadioButton_SetMargins ¶
func RadioButton_SetName ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnClick ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnDblClick ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnEnter ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnExit ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func RadioButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioButton_SetParent ¶
func RadioButton_SetParentWindow ¶
func RadioButton_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func RadioButton_SetShowHint ¶
func RadioButton_SetStyleElements ¶
func RadioButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func RadioButton_SetTabOrder ¶
func RadioButton_SetTabStop ¶
func RadioButton_SetTag ¶
func RadioButton_SetTop ¶
func RadioButton_SetVisible ¶
func RadioButton_SetWidth ¶
func RadioButton_SetWordWrap ¶
func RadioButton_Show ¶
func RadioButton_Show(obj uintptr)
func RadioButton_ToString ¶
func RadioButton_Update ¶
func RadioButton_Update(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_Assign ¶
func RadioGroup_BringToFront ¶
func RadioGroup_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_CanFocus ¶
func RadioGroup_ClassName ¶
func RadioGroup_Create ¶
func RadioGroup_Equals ¶
func RadioGroup_FlipChildren ¶
func RadioGroup_Focused ¶
func RadioGroup_Free ¶
func RadioGroup_Free(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_GetAction ¶
func RadioGroup_GetAlign ¶
func RadioGroup_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func RadioGroup_GetAnchors ¶
func RadioGroup_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func RadioGroup_GetBiDiMode ¶
func RadioGroup_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func RadioGroup_GetBoundsRect ¶
func RadioGroup_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RadioGroup_GetBrush ¶
func RadioGroup_GetButtons ¶
func RadioGroup_GetCaption ¶
func RadioGroup_GetClientRect ¶
func RadioGroup_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RadioGroup_GetColor ¶
func RadioGroup_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func RadioGroup_GetColumns ¶
func RadioGroup_GetControls ¶
func RadioGroup_GetCursor ¶
func RadioGroup_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func RadioGroup_GetEnabled ¶
func RadioGroup_GetFont ¶
func RadioGroup_GetHandle ¶
func RadioGroup_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func RadioGroup_GetHashCode ¶
func RadioGroup_GetHeight ¶
func RadioGroup_GetHint ¶
func RadioGroup_GetItemIndex ¶
func RadioGroup_GetItems ¶
func RadioGroup_GetLeft ¶
func RadioGroup_GetMargins ¶
func RadioGroup_GetName ¶
func RadioGroup_GetNamePath ¶
func RadioGroup_GetOwner ¶
func RadioGroup_GetParent ¶
func RadioGroup_GetParentWindow ¶
func RadioGroup_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func RadioGroup_GetPopupMenu ¶
func RadioGroup_GetShowHint ¶
func RadioGroup_GetStyleElements ¶
func RadioGroup_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func RadioGroup_GetTabOrder ¶
func RadioGroup_GetTabStop ¶
func RadioGroup_GetTag ¶
func RadioGroup_GetTextBuf ¶
func RadioGroup_GetTop ¶
func RadioGroup_GetVisible ¶
func RadioGroup_GetWidth ¶
func RadioGroup_GetWordWrap ¶
func RadioGroup_HasParent ¶
func RadioGroup_Hide ¶
func RadioGroup_Hide(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_Invalidate ¶
func RadioGroup_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_Perform ¶
func RadioGroup_Realign ¶
func RadioGroup_Realign(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_Refresh ¶
func RadioGroup_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_Repaint ¶
func RadioGroup_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_ScaleBy ¶
func RadioGroup_SendToBack ¶
func RadioGroup_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_SetAction ¶
func RadioGroup_SetAlign ¶
func RadioGroup_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func RadioGroup_SetAnchors ¶
func RadioGroup_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func RadioGroup_SetBiDiMode ¶
func RadioGroup_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func RadioGroup_SetBounds ¶
func RadioGroup_SetBoundsRect ¶
func RadioGroup_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func RadioGroup_SetCaption ¶
func RadioGroup_SetColor ¶
func RadioGroup_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func RadioGroup_SetColumns ¶
func RadioGroup_SetCursor ¶
func RadioGroup_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func RadioGroup_SetEnabled ¶
func RadioGroup_SetFocus ¶
func RadioGroup_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_SetFont ¶
func RadioGroup_SetHeight ¶
func RadioGroup_SetHint ¶
func RadioGroup_SetItemIndex ¶
func RadioGroup_SetItems ¶
func RadioGroup_SetLeft ¶
func RadioGroup_SetMargins ¶
func RadioGroup_SetName ¶
func RadioGroup_SetOnClick ¶
func RadioGroup_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioGroup_SetOnEnter ¶
func RadioGroup_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioGroup_SetOnExit ¶
func RadioGroup_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RadioGroup_SetParent ¶
func RadioGroup_SetParentWindow ¶
func RadioGroup_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func RadioGroup_SetPopupMenu ¶
func RadioGroup_SetShowHint ¶
func RadioGroup_SetStyleElements ¶
func RadioGroup_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func RadioGroup_SetTabOrder ¶
func RadioGroup_SetTabStop ¶
func RadioGroup_SetTag ¶
func RadioGroup_SetTop ¶
func RadioGroup_SetVisible ¶
func RadioGroup_SetWidth ¶
func RadioGroup_SetWordWrap ¶
func RadioGroup_Show ¶
func RadioGroup_Show(obj uintptr)
func RadioGroup_ToString ¶
func RadioGroup_Update ¶
func RadioGroup_Update(obj uintptr)
func Registry_ClassName ¶
func Registry_CloseKey ¶
func Registry_CloseKey(obj uintptr)
func Registry_Create ¶
func Registry_CreateKey ¶
func Registry_DeleteKey ¶
func Registry_DeleteValue ¶
func Registry_Equals ¶
func Registry_Free ¶
func Registry_Free(obj uintptr)
func Registry_GetAccess ¶
func Registry_GetCurrentKey ¶
func Registry_GetCurrentKey(obj uintptr) HKEY
func Registry_GetCurrentPath ¶
func Registry_GetHashCode ¶
func Registry_GetLastError ¶
func Registry_GetLazyWrite ¶
func Registry_GetRootKey ¶
func Registry_GetRootKey(obj uintptr) HKEY
func Registry_GetRootKeyName ¶
func Registry_HasSubKeys ¶
func Registry_KeyExists ¶
func Registry_MoveKey ¶
func Registry_ReadBool ¶
func Registry_ReadFloat ¶
func Registry_ReadInteger ¶
func Registry_ReadString ¶
func Registry_RenameValue ¶
func Registry_ReplaceKey ¶
func Registry_SetAccess ¶
func Registry_SetLazyWrite ¶
func Registry_SetRootKey ¶
func Registry_SetRootKey(obj uintptr, value HKEY)
func Registry_ToString ¶
func Registry_UnLoadKey ¶
func Registry_ValueExists ¶
func Registry_WriteBool ¶
func Registry_WriteDateTime ¶
func Registry_WriteFloat ¶
func Registry_WriteInteger ¶
func Registry_WriteString ¶
func RichEdit_Assign ¶
func RichEdit_BringToFront ¶
func RichEdit_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_CanFocus ¶
func RichEdit_ClassName ¶
func RichEdit_Clear ¶
func RichEdit_Clear(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_ClearSelection ¶
func RichEdit_ClearSelection(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_CopyToClipboard ¶
func RichEdit_CopyToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Create ¶
func RichEdit_CutToClipboard ¶
func RichEdit_CutToClipboard(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Equals ¶
func RichEdit_FindComponent ¶
func RichEdit_FindText ¶
func RichEdit_FlipChildren ¶
func RichEdit_Focused ¶
func RichEdit_Free ¶
func RichEdit_Free(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_GetAction ¶
func RichEdit_GetAlign ¶
func RichEdit_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func RichEdit_GetAlignment ¶
func RichEdit_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func RichEdit_GetAnchors ¶
func RichEdit_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func RichEdit_GetBevelEdges ¶
func RichEdit_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func RichEdit_GetBevelInner ¶
func RichEdit_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func RichEdit_GetBevelKind ¶
func RichEdit_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func RichEdit_GetBevelOuter ¶
func RichEdit_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func RichEdit_GetBiDiMode ¶
func RichEdit_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func RichEdit_GetBorderStyle ¶
func RichEdit_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func RichEdit_GetBorderWidth ¶
func RichEdit_GetBoundsRect ¶
func RichEdit_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RichEdit_GetBrush ¶
func RichEdit_GetCaretPos ¶
func RichEdit_GetCaretPos(obj uintptr) TPoint
func RichEdit_GetClientRect ¶
func RichEdit_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RichEdit_GetClientWidth ¶
func RichEdit_GetColor ¶
func RichEdit_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func RichEdit_GetComponents ¶
func RichEdit_GetControls ¶
func RichEdit_GetCursor ¶
func RichEdit_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func RichEdit_GetEnabled ¶
func RichEdit_GetExplicitTop ¶
func RichEdit_GetFont ¶
func RichEdit_GetHandle ¶
func RichEdit_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func RichEdit_GetHashCode ¶
func RichEdit_GetHeight ¶
func RichEdit_GetHint ¶
func RichEdit_GetLeft ¶
func RichEdit_GetLines ¶
func RichEdit_GetMargins ¶
func RichEdit_GetMaxLength ¶
func RichEdit_GetModified ¶
func RichEdit_GetName ¶
func RichEdit_GetNamePath ¶
func RichEdit_GetOwner ¶
func RichEdit_GetPageRect ¶
func RichEdit_GetPageRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func RichEdit_GetParagraph ¶
func RichEdit_GetParent ¶
func RichEdit_GetParentColor ¶
func RichEdit_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func RichEdit_GetParentFont ¶
func RichEdit_GetParentWindow ¶
func RichEdit_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func RichEdit_GetPlainText ¶
func RichEdit_GetPopupMenu ¶
func RichEdit_GetReadOnly ¶
func RichEdit_GetScrollBars ¶
func RichEdit_GetScrollBars(obj uintptr) TScrollStyle
func RichEdit_GetSelLength ¶
func RichEdit_GetSelStart ¶
func RichEdit_GetSelText ¶
func RichEdit_GetSelTextBuf ¶
func RichEdit_GetShowHint ¶
func RichEdit_GetStyleElements ¶
func RichEdit_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func RichEdit_GetTabOrder ¶
func RichEdit_GetTabStop ¶
func RichEdit_GetTag ¶
func RichEdit_GetText ¶
func RichEdit_GetTextBuf ¶
func RichEdit_GetTextHint ¶
func RichEdit_GetTop ¶
func RichEdit_GetVisible ¶
func RichEdit_GetWantReturns ¶
func RichEdit_GetWantTabs ¶
func RichEdit_GetWidth ¶
func RichEdit_GetWordWrap ¶
func RichEdit_GetZoom ¶
func RichEdit_HasParent ¶
func RichEdit_Hide ¶
func RichEdit_Hide(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Invalidate ¶
func RichEdit_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_PasteFromClipboard ¶
func RichEdit_PasteFromClipboard(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Perform ¶
func RichEdit_Print ¶
func RichEdit_Realign ¶
func RichEdit_Realign(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Refresh ¶
func RichEdit_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_Repaint ¶
func RichEdit_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_ScaleBy ¶
func RichEdit_SelectAll ¶
func RichEdit_SelectAll(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_SendToBack ¶
func RichEdit_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_SetAction ¶
func RichEdit_SetAlign ¶
func RichEdit_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func RichEdit_SetAlignment ¶
func RichEdit_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func RichEdit_SetAnchors ¶
func RichEdit_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func RichEdit_SetBevelEdges ¶
func RichEdit_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func RichEdit_SetBevelInner ¶
func RichEdit_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func RichEdit_SetBevelKind ¶
func RichEdit_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func RichEdit_SetBevelOuter ¶
func RichEdit_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func RichEdit_SetBiDiMode ¶
func RichEdit_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func RichEdit_SetBorderStyle ¶
func RichEdit_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func RichEdit_SetBorderWidth ¶
func RichEdit_SetBounds ¶
func RichEdit_SetBoundsRect ¶
func RichEdit_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func RichEdit_SetCaretPos ¶
func RichEdit_SetCaretPos(obj uintptr, value TPoint)
func RichEdit_SetClientWidth ¶
func RichEdit_SetColor ¶
func RichEdit_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func RichEdit_SetCursor ¶
func RichEdit_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func RichEdit_SetEnabled ¶
func RichEdit_SetFocus ¶
func RichEdit_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_SetFont ¶
func RichEdit_SetHeight ¶
func RichEdit_SetHint ¶
func RichEdit_SetLeft ¶
func RichEdit_SetLines ¶
func RichEdit_SetMargins ¶
func RichEdit_SetMaxLength ¶
func RichEdit_SetModified ¶
func RichEdit_SetName ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnChange ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnClick ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnDblClick ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnEnter ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnExit ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func RichEdit_SetOnMouseWheel(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func RichEdit_SetPageRect ¶
func RichEdit_SetPageRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func RichEdit_SetParent ¶
func RichEdit_SetParentColor ¶
func RichEdit_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func RichEdit_SetParentFont ¶
func RichEdit_SetParentWindow ¶
func RichEdit_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func RichEdit_SetPlainText ¶
func RichEdit_SetPopupMenu ¶
func RichEdit_SetReadOnly ¶
func RichEdit_SetScrollBars ¶
func RichEdit_SetScrollBars(obj uintptr, value TScrollStyle)
func RichEdit_SetSelLength ¶
func RichEdit_SetSelStart ¶
func RichEdit_SetSelText ¶
func RichEdit_SetShowHint ¶
func RichEdit_SetStyleElements ¶
func RichEdit_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func RichEdit_SetTabOrder ¶
func RichEdit_SetTabStop ¶
func RichEdit_SetTag ¶
func RichEdit_SetText ¶
func RichEdit_SetTextHint ¶
func RichEdit_SetTop ¶
func RichEdit_SetVisible ¶
func RichEdit_SetWantReturns ¶
func RichEdit_SetWantTabs ¶
func RichEdit_SetWidth ¶
func RichEdit_SetWordWrap ¶
func RichEdit_SetZoom ¶
func RichEdit_Show ¶
func RichEdit_Show(obj uintptr)
func RichEdit_ToString ¶
func RichEdit_Update ¶
func RichEdit_Update(obj uintptr)
func SaveDialog_Assign ¶
func SaveDialog_ClassName ¶
func SaveDialog_Create ¶
func SaveDialog_Equals ¶
func SaveDialog_Execute ¶
func SaveDialog_Free ¶
func SaveDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func SaveDialog_GetFileName ¶
func SaveDialog_GetFiles ¶
func SaveDialog_GetFilter ¶
func SaveDialog_GetHandle ¶
func SaveDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func SaveDialog_GetHashCode ¶
func SaveDialog_GetName ¶
func SaveDialog_GetNamePath ¶
func SaveDialog_GetOptions ¶
func SaveDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func SaveDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func SaveDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func SaveDialog_GetOwner ¶
func SaveDialog_GetTag ¶
func SaveDialog_GetTitle ¶
func SaveDialog_HasParent ¶
func SaveDialog_SetFileName ¶
func SaveDialog_SetFilter ¶
func SaveDialog_SetName ¶
func SaveDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func SaveDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SaveDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func SaveDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SaveDialog_SetOptions ¶
func SaveDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func SaveDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func SaveDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func SaveDialog_SetTag ¶
func SaveDialog_SetTitle ¶
func SaveDialog_ToString ¶
func SavePictureDialog_Free ¶
func SavePictureDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func SavePictureDialog_GetHandle ¶
func SavePictureDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func SavePictureDialog_GetOptions ¶
func SavePictureDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func SavePictureDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func SavePictureDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func SavePictureDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func SavePictureDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SavePictureDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func SavePictureDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SavePictureDialog_SetOptions ¶
func SavePictureDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func SavePictureDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func SavePictureDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func SaveTextFileDialog_Free ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_Free(obj uintptr)
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetHandle ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptions ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TOpenOptions
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_GetOptionsEx(obj uintptr) TOpenOptionsEx
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnClose ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnClose(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnShow ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptions ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptions)
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx ¶
func SaveTextFileDialog_SetOptionsEx(obj uintptr, value TOpenOptionsEx)
func Screen_Assign ¶
func Screen_ClassName ¶
func Screen_Create ¶
func Screen_Equals ¶
func Screen_FindComponent ¶
func Screen_Free ¶
func Screen_Free(obj uintptr)
func Screen_GetActiveForm ¶
func Screen_GetComponents ¶
func Screen_GetCursor ¶
func Screen_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Screen_GetCursorCount ¶
func Screen_GetCursors ¶
func Screen_GetDefaultIme ¶
func Screen_GetDesktopHeight ¶
func Screen_GetDesktopLeft ¶
func Screen_GetDesktopRect ¶
func Screen_GetDesktopRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Screen_GetDesktopTop ¶
func Screen_GetDesktopWidth ¶
func Screen_GetFocusedForm ¶
func Screen_GetFonts ¶
func Screen_GetForms ¶
func Screen_GetHashCode ¶
func Screen_GetHeight ¶
func Screen_GetImes ¶
func Screen_GetMonitorCount ¶
func Screen_GetMonitors ¶
func Screen_GetName ¶
func Screen_GetNamePath ¶
func Screen_GetOwner ¶
func Screen_GetPixelsPerInch ¶
func Screen_GetTag ¶
func Screen_GetWidth ¶
func Screen_GetWorkAreaLeft ¶
func Screen_GetWorkAreaRect ¶
func Screen_GetWorkAreaRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Screen_GetWorkAreaTop ¶
func Screen_GetWorkAreaWidth ¶
func Screen_HasParent ¶
func Screen_Instance ¶
func Screen_Instance() uintptr
func Screen_Realign ¶
func Screen_Realign(obj uintptr)
func Screen_SetCursor ¶
func Screen_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Screen_SetCursors ¶
func Screen_SetFocusedForm ¶
func Screen_SetName ¶
func Screen_SetTag ¶
func Screen_ToString ¶
func SetEventCallback ¶
func SetEventCallback(ptr uintptr)
func SetGlobalFormScaled ¶
func SetGlobalFormScaled(val bool)
func SpeedButton_Assign ¶
func SpeedButton_BringToFront ¶
func SpeedButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_ClassName ¶
func SpeedButton_Click ¶
func SpeedButton_Click(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_Create ¶
func SpeedButton_Equals ¶
func SpeedButton_Free ¶
func SpeedButton_Free(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_GetAction ¶
func SpeedButton_GetAlign ¶
func SpeedButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func SpeedButton_GetAnchors ¶
func SpeedButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func SpeedButton_GetBiDiMode ¶
func SpeedButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func SpeedButton_GetBoundsRect ¶
func SpeedButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func SpeedButton_GetCaption ¶
func SpeedButton_GetClientRect ¶
func SpeedButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func SpeedButton_GetCursor ¶
func SpeedButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func SpeedButton_GetDown ¶
func SpeedButton_GetEnabled ¶
func SpeedButton_GetFlat ¶
func SpeedButton_GetFont ¶
func SpeedButton_GetHashCode ¶
func SpeedButton_GetHeight ¶
func SpeedButton_GetHint ¶
func SpeedButton_GetLayout ¶
func SpeedButton_GetLayout(obj uintptr) TButtonLayout
func SpeedButton_GetLeft ¶
func SpeedButton_GetMargins ¶
func SpeedButton_GetName ¶
func SpeedButton_GetNamePath ¶
func SpeedButton_GetOwner ¶
func SpeedButton_GetParent ¶
func SpeedButton_GetShowHint ¶
func SpeedButton_GetStyleElements ¶
func SpeedButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func SpeedButton_GetTag ¶
func SpeedButton_GetTextBuf ¶
func SpeedButton_GetTop ¶
func SpeedButton_GetVisible ¶
func SpeedButton_GetWidth ¶
func SpeedButton_HasParent ¶
func SpeedButton_Hide ¶
func SpeedButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_Invalidate ¶
func SpeedButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_Perform ¶
func SpeedButton_Refresh ¶
func SpeedButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_Repaint ¶
func SpeedButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_SendToBack ¶
func SpeedButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_SetAction ¶
func SpeedButton_SetAlign ¶
func SpeedButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func SpeedButton_SetAnchors ¶
func SpeedButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func SpeedButton_SetBiDiMode ¶
func SpeedButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func SpeedButton_SetBounds ¶
func SpeedButton_SetBoundsRect ¶
func SpeedButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func SpeedButton_SetCaption ¶
func SpeedButton_SetCursor ¶
func SpeedButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func SpeedButton_SetDown ¶
func SpeedButton_SetEnabled ¶
func SpeedButton_SetFlat ¶
func SpeedButton_SetFont ¶
func SpeedButton_SetHeight ¶
func SpeedButton_SetHint ¶
func SpeedButton_SetLayout ¶
func SpeedButton_SetLayout(obj uintptr, value TButtonLayout)
func SpeedButton_SetLeft ¶
func SpeedButton_SetMargins ¶
func SpeedButton_SetName ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnClick ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnDblClick ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func SpeedButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func SpeedButton_SetParent ¶
func SpeedButton_SetShowHint ¶
func SpeedButton_SetStyleElements ¶
func SpeedButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func SpeedButton_SetTag ¶
func SpeedButton_SetTop ¶
func SpeedButton_SetVisible ¶
func SpeedButton_SetWidth ¶
func SpeedButton_Show ¶
func SpeedButton_Show(obj uintptr)
func SpeedButton_ToString ¶
func SpeedButton_Update ¶
func SpeedButton_Update(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_Assign ¶
func Splitter_BringToFront ¶
func Splitter_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_ClassName ¶
func Splitter_Create ¶
func Splitter_Equals ¶
func Splitter_FindComponent ¶
func Splitter_Free ¶
func Splitter_Free(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_GetAction ¶
func Splitter_GetAlign ¶
func Splitter_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func Splitter_GetAnchors ¶
func Splitter_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func Splitter_GetBiDiMode ¶
func Splitter_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func Splitter_GetBoundsRect ¶
func Splitter_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Splitter_GetCanvas ¶
func Splitter_GetClientRect ¶
func Splitter_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func Splitter_GetClientWidth ¶
func Splitter_GetColor ¶
func Splitter_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func Splitter_GetComponents ¶
func Splitter_GetCursor ¶
func Splitter_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func Splitter_GetEnabled ¶
func Splitter_GetExplicitTop ¶
func Splitter_GetHashCode ¶
func Splitter_GetHeight ¶
func Splitter_GetHint ¶
func Splitter_GetLeft ¶
func Splitter_GetMargins ¶
func Splitter_GetName ¶
func Splitter_GetNamePath ¶
func Splitter_GetOwner ¶
func Splitter_GetParent ¶
func Splitter_GetParentColor ¶
func Splitter_GetShowHint ¶
func Splitter_GetStyleElements ¶
func Splitter_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func Splitter_GetTag ¶
func Splitter_GetTextBuf ¶
func Splitter_GetTop ¶
func Splitter_GetVisible ¶
func Splitter_GetWidth ¶
func Splitter_HasParent ¶
func Splitter_Hide ¶
func Splitter_Hide(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_Invalidate ¶
func Splitter_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_Perform ¶
func Splitter_Refresh ¶
func Splitter_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_Repaint ¶
func Splitter_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_SendToBack ¶
func Splitter_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_SetAction ¶
func Splitter_SetAlign ¶
func Splitter_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func Splitter_SetAnchors ¶
func Splitter_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func Splitter_SetBiDiMode ¶
func Splitter_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func Splitter_SetBounds ¶
func Splitter_SetBoundsRect ¶
func Splitter_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func Splitter_SetClientWidth ¶
func Splitter_SetColor ¶
func Splitter_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func Splitter_SetCursor ¶
func Splitter_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func Splitter_SetEnabled ¶
func Splitter_SetHeight ¶
func Splitter_SetHint ¶
func Splitter_SetLeft ¶
func Splitter_SetMargins ¶
func Splitter_SetName ¶
func Splitter_SetOnPaint ¶
func Splitter_SetOnPaint(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Splitter_SetParent ¶
func Splitter_SetParentColor ¶
func Splitter_SetShowHint ¶
func Splitter_SetStyleElements ¶
func Splitter_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func Splitter_SetTag ¶
func Splitter_SetTop ¶
func Splitter_SetVisible ¶
func Splitter_SetWidth ¶
func Splitter_Show ¶
func Splitter_Show(obj uintptr)
func Splitter_ToString ¶
func Splitter_Update ¶
func Splitter_Update(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_Assign ¶
func StaticText_BringToFront ¶
func StaticText_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_CanFocus ¶
func StaticText_ClassName ¶
func StaticText_Create ¶
func StaticText_Equals ¶
func StaticText_FlipChildren ¶
func StaticText_Focused ¶
func StaticText_Free ¶
func StaticText_Free(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_GetAction ¶
func StaticText_GetAlign ¶
func StaticText_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func StaticText_GetAlignment ¶
func StaticText_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func StaticText_GetAnchors ¶
func StaticText_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func StaticText_GetAutoSize ¶
func StaticText_GetBevelEdges ¶
func StaticText_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func StaticText_GetBevelInner ¶
func StaticText_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func StaticText_GetBevelKind ¶
func StaticText_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func StaticText_GetBevelOuter ¶
func StaticText_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func StaticText_GetBiDiMode ¶
func StaticText_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func StaticText_GetBorderStyle ¶
func StaticText_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TStaticBorderStyle
func StaticText_GetBoundsRect ¶
func StaticText_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func StaticText_GetBrush ¶
func StaticText_GetCaption ¶
func StaticText_GetClientRect ¶
func StaticText_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func StaticText_GetColor ¶
func StaticText_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func StaticText_GetControls ¶
func StaticText_GetCursor ¶
func StaticText_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func StaticText_GetEnabled ¶
func StaticText_GetFont ¶
func StaticText_GetHandle ¶
func StaticText_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func StaticText_GetHashCode ¶
func StaticText_GetHeight ¶
func StaticText_GetHint ¶
func StaticText_GetLeft ¶
func StaticText_GetMargins ¶
func StaticText_GetName ¶
func StaticText_GetNamePath ¶
func StaticText_GetOwner ¶
func StaticText_GetParent ¶
func StaticText_GetParentWindow ¶
func StaticText_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func StaticText_GetPopupMenu ¶
func StaticText_GetShowHint ¶
func StaticText_GetStyleElements ¶
func StaticText_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func StaticText_GetTabOrder ¶
func StaticText_GetTabStop ¶
func StaticText_GetTag ¶
func StaticText_GetTextBuf ¶
func StaticText_GetTop ¶
func StaticText_GetVisible ¶
func StaticText_GetWidth ¶
func StaticText_HasParent ¶
func StaticText_Hide ¶
func StaticText_Hide(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_Invalidate ¶
func StaticText_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_Perform ¶
func StaticText_Realign ¶
func StaticText_Realign(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_Refresh ¶
func StaticText_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_Repaint ¶
func StaticText_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_ScaleBy ¶
func StaticText_SendToBack ¶
func StaticText_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_SetAction ¶
func StaticText_SetAlign ¶
func StaticText_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func StaticText_SetAlignment ¶
func StaticText_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func StaticText_SetAnchors ¶
func StaticText_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func StaticText_SetAutoSize ¶
func StaticText_SetBevelEdges ¶
func StaticText_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func StaticText_SetBevelInner ¶
func StaticText_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func StaticText_SetBevelKind ¶
func StaticText_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func StaticText_SetBevelOuter ¶
func StaticText_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func StaticText_SetBiDiMode ¶
func StaticText_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func StaticText_SetBorderStyle ¶
func StaticText_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TStaticBorderStyle)
func StaticText_SetBounds ¶
func StaticText_SetBoundsRect ¶
func StaticText_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func StaticText_SetCaption ¶
func StaticText_SetColor ¶
func StaticText_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func StaticText_SetCursor ¶
func StaticText_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func StaticText_SetEnabled ¶
func StaticText_SetFocus ¶
func StaticText_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_SetFont ¶
func StaticText_SetHeight ¶
func StaticText_SetHint ¶
func StaticText_SetLeft ¶
func StaticText_SetMargins ¶
func StaticText_SetName ¶
func StaticText_SetOnClick ¶
func StaticText_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnDblClick ¶
func StaticText_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func StaticText_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func StaticText_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func StaticText_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func StaticText_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func StaticText_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StaticText_SetParent ¶
func StaticText_SetParentWindow ¶
func StaticText_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func StaticText_SetPopupMenu ¶
func StaticText_SetShowHint ¶
func StaticText_SetStyleElements ¶
func StaticText_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func StaticText_SetTabOrder ¶
func StaticText_SetTabStop ¶
func StaticText_SetTag ¶
func StaticText_SetTop ¶
func StaticText_SetVisible ¶
func StaticText_SetWidth ¶
func StaticText_Show ¶
func StaticText_Show(obj uintptr)
func StaticText_ToString ¶
func StaticText_Update ¶
func StaticText_Update(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_Assign ¶
func StatusBar_BringToFront ¶
func StatusBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_CanFocus ¶
func StatusBar_ClassName ¶
func StatusBar_Create ¶
func StatusBar_Equals ¶
func StatusBar_FindComponent ¶
func StatusBar_FlipChildren ¶
func StatusBar_Focused ¶
func StatusBar_Free ¶
func StatusBar_Free(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_GetAction ¶
func StatusBar_GetAlign ¶
func StatusBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func StatusBar_GetAnchors ¶
func StatusBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func StatusBar_GetAutoHint ¶
func StatusBar_GetBiDiMode ¶
func StatusBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func StatusBar_GetBoundsRect ¶
func StatusBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func StatusBar_GetBrush ¶
func StatusBar_GetCanvas ¶
func StatusBar_GetClientRect ¶
func StatusBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func StatusBar_GetColor ¶
func StatusBar_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func StatusBar_GetComponents ¶
func StatusBar_GetControls ¶
func StatusBar_GetCursor ¶
func StatusBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func StatusBar_GetEnabled ¶
func StatusBar_GetFont ¶
func StatusBar_GetHandle ¶
func StatusBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func StatusBar_GetHashCode ¶
func StatusBar_GetHeight ¶
func StatusBar_GetHint ¶
func StatusBar_GetLeft ¶
func StatusBar_GetMargins ¶
func StatusBar_GetName ¶
func StatusBar_GetNamePath ¶
func StatusBar_GetOwner ¶
func StatusBar_GetPanels ¶
func StatusBar_GetParent ¶
func StatusBar_GetParentFont ¶
func StatusBar_GetParentWindow ¶
func StatusBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func StatusBar_GetPopupMenu ¶
func StatusBar_GetShowHint ¶
func StatusBar_GetSimpleText ¶
func StatusBar_GetSizeGrip ¶
func StatusBar_GetStyleElements ¶
func StatusBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func StatusBar_GetTabOrder ¶
func StatusBar_GetTabStop ¶
func StatusBar_GetTag ¶
func StatusBar_GetTextBuf ¶
func StatusBar_GetTop ¶
func StatusBar_GetVisible ¶
func StatusBar_GetWidth ¶
func StatusBar_HasParent ¶
func StatusBar_Hide ¶
func StatusBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_Invalidate ¶
func StatusBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_Perform ¶
func StatusBar_Realign ¶
func StatusBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_Refresh ¶
func StatusBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_Repaint ¶
func StatusBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_ScaleBy ¶
func StatusBar_SendToBack ¶
func StatusBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_SetAction ¶
func StatusBar_SetAlign ¶
func StatusBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func StatusBar_SetAnchors ¶
func StatusBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func StatusBar_SetAutoHint ¶
func StatusBar_SetBiDiMode ¶
func StatusBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func StatusBar_SetBounds ¶
func StatusBar_SetBoundsRect ¶
func StatusBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func StatusBar_SetColor ¶
func StatusBar_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func StatusBar_SetCursor ¶
func StatusBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func StatusBar_SetEnabled ¶
func StatusBar_SetFocus ¶
func StatusBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_SetFont ¶
func StatusBar_SetHeight ¶
func StatusBar_SetHint ¶
func StatusBar_SetLeft ¶
func StatusBar_SetMargins ¶
func StatusBar_SetName ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnClick ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnDblClick ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetOnResize ¶
func StatusBar_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StatusBar_SetPanels ¶
func StatusBar_SetParent ¶
func StatusBar_SetParentFont ¶
func StatusBar_SetParentWindow ¶
func StatusBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func StatusBar_SetPopupMenu ¶
func StatusBar_SetShowHint ¶
func StatusBar_SetSimpleText ¶
func StatusBar_SetSizeGrip ¶
func StatusBar_SetStyleElements ¶
func StatusBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func StatusBar_SetTabOrder ¶
func StatusBar_SetTabStop ¶
func StatusBar_SetTag ¶
func StatusBar_SetTop ¶
func StatusBar_SetVisible ¶
func StatusBar_SetWidth ¶
func StatusBar_Show ¶
func StatusBar_Show(obj uintptr)
func StatusBar_ToString ¶
func StatusBar_Update ¶
func StatusBar_Update(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanel_Assign ¶
func StatusPanel_ClassName ¶
func StatusPanel_Create ¶
func StatusPanel_Create() uintptr
func StatusPanel_Equals ¶
func StatusPanel_Free ¶
func StatusPanel_Free(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanel_GetAlignment ¶
func StatusPanel_GetAlignment(obj uintptr) TAlignment
func StatusPanel_GetBiDiMode ¶
func StatusPanel_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func StatusPanel_GetHashCode ¶
func StatusPanel_GetIndex ¶
func StatusPanel_GetNamePath ¶
func StatusPanel_GetStyle ¶
func StatusPanel_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TStatusPanelStyle
func StatusPanel_GetText ¶
func StatusPanel_GetWidth ¶
func StatusPanel_SetAlignment ¶
func StatusPanel_SetAlignment(obj uintptr, value TAlignment)
func StatusPanel_SetBiDiMode ¶
func StatusPanel_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func StatusPanel_SetIndex ¶
func StatusPanel_SetStyle ¶
func StatusPanel_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TStatusPanelStyle)
func StatusPanel_SetText ¶
func StatusPanel_SetWidth ¶
func StatusPanel_ToString ¶
func StatusPanels_Add ¶
func StatusPanels_AddItem ¶
func StatusPanels_Assign ¶
func StatusPanels_BeginUpdate ¶
func StatusPanels_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanels_ClassName ¶
func StatusPanels_Clear ¶
func StatusPanels_Clear(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanels_Create ¶
func StatusPanels_Create() uintptr
func StatusPanels_Delete ¶
func StatusPanels_EndUpdate ¶
func StatusPanels_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanels_Equals ¶
func StatusPanels_Free ¶
func StatusPanels_Free(obj uintptr)
func StatusPanels_GetItems ¶
func StatusPanels_Insert ¶
func StatusPanels_Owner ¶
func StatusPanels_SetItems ¶
func StatusPanels_ToString ¶
func StringList_Add ¶
func StringList_Append ¶
func StringList_Assign ¶
func StringList_BeginUpdate ¶
func StringList_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func StringList_ClassName ¶
func StringList_Clear ¶
func StringList_Clear(obj uintptr)
func StringList_Create ¶
func StringList_Create() uintptr
func StringList_Delete ¶
func StringList_EndUpdate ¶
func StringList_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func StringList_Equals ¶
func StringList_Free ¶
func StringList_Free(obj uintptr)
func StringList_GetCommaText ¶
func StringList_GetDelimiter ¶
func StringList_GetHashCode ¶
func StringList_GetNamePath ¶
func StringList_GetOptions ¶
func StringList_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TStringsOptions
func StringList_GetSorted ¶
func StringList_GetStrings ¶
func StringList_GetText ¶
func StringList_GetValues ¶
func StringList_GetWriteBOM ¶
func StringList_IndexOf ¶
func StringList_IndexOfName ¶
func StringList_Insert ¶
func StringList_InsertObject ¶
func StringList_LoadFromFile ¶
func StringList_Move ¶
func StringList_SaveToFile ¶
func StringList_SaveToStream ¶
func StringList_SetCommaText ¶
func StringList_SetDelimiter ¶
func StringList_SetOnChange ¶
func StringList_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func StringList_SetOptions ¶
func StringList_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TStringsOptions)
func StringList_SetSorted ¶
func StringList_SetStrings ¶
func StringList_SetText ¶
func StringList_SetValues ¶
func StringList_SetWriteBOM ¶
func StringList_ToString ¶
func Strings_Add ¶
func Strings_Append ¶
func Strings_Assign ¶
func Strings_BeginUpdate ¶
func Strings_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func Strings_ClassName ¶
func Strings_Clear ¶
func Strings_Clear(obj uintptr)
func Strings_Create ¶
func Strings_Create() uintptr
func Strings_Delete ¶
func Strings_EndUpdate ¶
func Strings_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func Strings_Equals ¶
func Strings_Free ¶
func Strings_Free(obj uintptr)
func Strings_GetCommaText ¶
func Strings_GetDelimiter ¶
func Strings_GetHashCode ¶
func Strings_GetNamePath ¶
func Strings_GetOptions ¶
func Strings_GetOptions(obj uintptr) TStringsOptions
func Strings_GetStrings ¶
func Strings_GetText ¶
func Strings_GetValues ¶
func Strings_GetWriteBOM ¶
func Strings_IndexOf ¶
func Strings_IndexOfName ¶
func Strings_IndexOfObject ¶
func Strings_Insert ¶
func Strings_InsertObject ¶
func Strings_LoadFromFile ¶
func Strings_LoadFromStream ¶
func Strings_Move ¶
func Strings_SaveToFile ¶
func Strings_SaveToStream ¶
func Strings_SetCommaText ¶
func Strings_SetDelimiter ¶
func Strings_SetOptions ¶
func Strings_SetOptions(obj uintptr, value TStringsOptions)
func Strings_SetStrings ¶
func Strings_SetText ¶
func Strings_SetValues ¶
func Strings_SetWriteBOM ¶
func Strings_ToString ¶
func StyleManager_ActiveStyle ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_ActiveStyle() uintptr
func StyleManager_CheckSysClassName ¶
func StyleManager_IsCustomStyleActive ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_IsCustomStyleActive() bool
func StyleManager_IsValidStyle ¶
func StyleManager_LoadFromFile ¶
func StyleManager_RegisterStyle ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_RegisterStyle(style uintptr)
func StyleManager_Style ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_SystemStyle ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_SystemStyle() uintptr
func StyleManager_TryLoadFromResource ¶
func StyleManager_TryLoadFromResource(instance uintptr, resName, resType string, handle *uintptr) bool
func StyleManager_TrySetStyle ¶
func StyleManager_UnRegisterStyle ¶ added in v1.0.2
func StyleManager_UnRegisterStyle(style uintptr)
func TabSheet_Assign ¶
func TabSheet_BringToFront ¶
func TabSheet_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_CanFocus ¶
func TabSheet_ClassName ¶
func TabSheet_Create ¶
func TabSheet_Equals ¶
func TabSheet_FindComponent ¶
func TabSheet_FlipChildren ¶
func TabSheet_Focused ¶
func TabSheet_Free ¶
func TabSheet_Free(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_GetAction ¶
func TabSheet_GetAlign ¶
func TabSheet_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func TabSheet_GetAnchors ¶
func TabSheet_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func TabSheet_GetBiDiMode ¶
func TabSheet_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func TabSheet_GetBorderWidth ¶
func TabSheet_GetBoundsRect ¶
func TabSheet_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TabSheet_GetBrush ¶
func TabSheet_GetCaption ¶
func TabSheet_GetClientRect ¶
func TabSheet_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TabSheet_GetClientWidth ¶
func TabSheet_GetComponents ¶
func TabSheet_GetControls ¶
func TabSheet_GetCursor ¶
func TabSheet_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func TabSheet_GetEnabled ¶
func TabSheet_GetExplicitTop ¶
func TabSheet_GetFont ¶
func TabSheet_GetHandle ¶
func TabSheet_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func TabSheet_GetHashCode ¶
func TabSheet_GetHeight ¶
func TabSheet_GetHighlighted ¶
func TabSheet_GetHint ¶
func TabSheet_GetImageIndex ¶
func TabSheet_GetLeft ¶
func TabSheet_GetMargins ¶
func TabSheet_GetName ¶
func TabSheet_GetNamePath ¶
func TabSheet_GetOwner ¶
func TabSheet_GetPageControl ¶
func TabSheet_GetPageIndex ¶
func TabSheet_GetParent ¶
func TabSheet_GetParentFont ¶
func TabSheet_GetParentWindow ¶
func TabSheet_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func TabSheet_GetPopupMenu ¶
func TabSheet_GetShowHint ¶
func TabSheet_GetStyleElements ¶
func TabSheet_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func TabSheet_GetTabIndex ¶
func TabSheet_GetTabOrder ¶
func TabSheet_GetTabStop ¶
func TabSheet_GetTabVisible ¶
func TabSheet_GetTag ¶
func TabSheet_GetTextBuf ¶
func TabSheet_GetTop ¶
func TabSheet_GetVisible ¶
func TabSheet_GetWidth ¶
func TabSheet_HasParent ¶
func TabSheet_Hide ¶
func TabSheet_Hide(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_Invalidate ¶
func TabSheet_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_Perform ¶
func TabSheet_Realign ¶
func TabSheet_Realign(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_Refresh ¶
func TabSheet_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_Repaint ¶
func TabSheet_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_ScaleBy ¶
func TabSheet_SendToBack ¶
func TabSheet_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_SetAction ¶
func TabSheet_SetAlign ¶
func TabSheet_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func TabSheet_SetAnchors ¶
func TabSheet_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func TabSheet_SetBiDiMode ¶
func TabSheet_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func TabSheet_SetBorderWidth ¶
func TabSheet_SetBounds ¶
func TabSheet_SetBoundsRect ¶
func TabSheet_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func TabSheet_SetCaption ¶
func TabSheet_SetClientWidth ¶
func TabSheet_SetCursor ¶
func TabSheet_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func TabSheet_SetEnabled ¶
func TabSheet_SetFocus ¶
func TabSheet_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_SetFont ¶
func TabSheet_SetHeight ¶
func TabSheet_SetHighlighted ¶
func TabSheet_SetHint ¶
func TabSheet_SetImageIndex ¶
func TabSheet_SetLeft ¶
func TabSheet_SetMargins ¶
func TabSheet_SetName ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnEnter ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnExit ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnHide ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnHide(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnResize ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetOnShow ¶
func TabSheet_SetOnShow(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TabSheet_SetPageControl ¶
func TabSheet_SetPageIndex ¶
func TabSheet_SetParent ¶
func TabSheet_SetParentFont ¶
func TabSheet_SetParentWindow ¶
func TabSheet_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func TabSheet_SetPopupMenu ¶
func TabSheet_SetShowHint ¶
func TabSheet_SetStyleElements ¶
func TabSheet_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func TabSheet_SetTabOrder ¶
func TabSheet_SetTabStop ¶
func TabSheet_SetTabVisible ¶
func TabSheet_SetTag ¶
func TabSheet_SetTop ¶
func TabSheet_SetVisible ¶
func TabSheet_SetWidth ¶
func TabSheet_Show ¶
func TabSheet_Show(obj uintptr)
func TabSheet_ToString ¶
func TabSheet_Update ¶
func TabSheet_Update(obj uintptr)
func TextAttributes_Assign ¶
func TextAttributes_Equals ¶
func TextAttributes_GetCharset ¶
func TextAttributes_GetCharset(obj uintptr) TFontCharset
func TextAttributes_GetColor ¶
func TextAttributes_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func TextAttributes_GetConsistentAttributes ¶
func TextAttributes_GetConsistentAttributes(obj uintptr) TConsistentAttributes
func TextAttributes_GetName ¶
func TextAttributes_GetPitch ¶
func TextAttributes_GetPitch(obj uintptr) TFontPitch
func TextAttributes_GetSize ¶
func TextAttributes_GetStyle ¶
func TextAttributes_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TFontStyles
func TextAttributes_SetCharset ¶
func TextAttributes_SetCharset(obj uintptr, value TFontCharset)
func TextAttributes_SetColor ¶
func TextAttributes_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func TextAttributes_SetName ¶
func TextAttributes_SetPitch ¶
func TextAttributes_SetPitch(obj uintptr, value TFontPitch)
func TextAttributes_SetSize ¶
func TextAttributes_SetStyle ¶
func TextAttributes_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TFontStyles)
func TextAttributes_ToString ¶
func Timer_Assign ¶
func Timer_ClassName ¶
func Timer_Create ¶
func Timer_Equals ¶
func Timer_FindComponent ¶
func Timer_Free ¶
func Timer_Free(obj uintptr)
func Timer_GetComponentCount ¶
func Timer_GetComponentIndex ¶
func Timer_GetComponents ¶
func Timer_GetEnabled ¶
func Timer_GetHashCode ¶
func Timer_GetInterval ¶
func Timer_GetName ¶
func Timer_GetNamePath ¶
func Timer_GetOwner ¶
func Timer_GetTag ¶
func Timer_HasParent ¶
func Timer_SetComponentIndex ¶
func Timer_SetEnabled ¶
func Timer_SetInterval ¶
func Timer_SetName ¶
func Timer_SetOnTimer ¶
func Timer_SetOnTimer(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func Timer_SetTag ¶
func Timer_ToString ¶
func ToolBar_Assign ¶
func ToolBar_BringToFront ¶
func ToolBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_CanFocus ¶
func ToolBar_ClassName ¶
func ToolBar_Create ¶
func ToolBar_Equals ¶
func ToolBar_FindComponent ¶
func ToolBar_FlipChildren ¶
func ToolBar_Focused ¶
func ToolBar_Free ¶
func ToolBar_Free(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_GetAction ¶
func ToolBar_GetAlign ¶
func ToolBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ToolBar_GetAnchors ¶
func ToolBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ToolBar_GetAutoSize ¶
func ToolBar_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ToolBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ToolBar_GetBorderWidth ¶
func ToolBar_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ToolBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ToolBar_GetBrush ¶
func ToolBar_GetButtonCount ¶
func ToolBar_GetButtonHeight ¶
func ToolBar_GetButtonWidth ¶
func ToolBar_GetButtons ¶
func ToolBar_GetCanvas ¶
func ToolBar_GetCaption ¶
func ToolBar_GetClientHeight ¶
func ToolBar_GetClientRect ¶
func ToolBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ToolBar_GetClientWidth ¶
func ToolBar_GetColor ¶
func ToolBar_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ToolBar_GetComponents ¶
func ToolBar_GetControlCount ¶
func ToolBar_GetControls ¶
func ToolBar_GetCursor ¶
func ToolBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ToolBar_GetDrawingStyle ¶
func ToolBar_GetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr) TTBDrawingStyle
func ToolBar_GetEnabled ¶
func ToolBar_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func ToolBar_GetExplicitTop ¶
func ToolBar_GetFlat ¶
func ToolBar_GetFont ¶
func ToolBar_GetGradientDirection ¶
func ToolBar_GetGradientDirection(obj uintptr) TGradientDirection
func ToolBar_GetGradientDrawingOptions ¶
func ToolBar_GetGradientDrawingOptions(obj uintptr) TTBGradientDrawingOptions
func ToolBar_GetGradientEndColor ¶
func ToolBar_GetGradientEndColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ToolBar_GetGradientStartColor ¶
func ToolBar_GetGradientStartColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func ToolBar_GetHandle ¶
func ToolBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func ToolBar_GetHashCode ¶
func ToolBar_GetHeight ¶
func ToolBar_GetHint ¶
func ToolBar_GetHotImages ¶
func ToolBar_GetImages ¶
func ToolBar_GetIndent ¶
func ToolBar_GetLeft ¶
func ToolBar_GetList ¶
func ToolBar_GetMargins ¶
func ToolBar_GetMenu ¶
func ToolBar_GetName ¶
func ToolBar_GetNamePath ¶
func ToolBar_GetOwner ¶
func ToolBar_GetParent ¶
func ToolBar_GetParentColor ¶
func ToolBar_GetParentFont ¶
func ToolBar_GetParentWindow ¶
func ToolBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func ToolBar_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ToolBar_GetRowCount ¶
func ToolBar_GetShowCaptions ¶
func ToolBar_GetShowHint ¶
func ToolBar_GetStyleElements ¶
func ToolBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ToolBar_GetTabOrder ¶
func ToolBar_GetTabStop ¶
func ToolBar_GetTag ¶
func ToolBar_GetTop ¶
func ToolBar_GetTransparent ¶
func ToolBar_GetVisible ¶
func ToolBar_GetWidth ¶
func ToolBar_GetWrapable ¶
func ToolBar_HandleAllocated ¶
func ToolBar_HasParent ¶
func ToolBar_Hide ¶
func ToolBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_Invalidate ¶
func ToolBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_Perform ¶
func ToolBar_Realign ¶
func ToolBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_Refresh ¶
func ToolBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_Repaint ¶
func ToolBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_ScaleBy ¶
func ToolBar_SendToBack ¶
func ToolBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_SetAction ¶
func ToolBar_SetAlign ¶
func ToolBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ToolBar_SetAnchors ¶
func ToolBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ToolBar_SetAutoSize ¶
func ToolBar_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ToolBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ToolBar_SetBorderWidth ¶
func ToolBar_SetBounds ¶
func ToolBar_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ToolBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ToolBar_SetButtonHeight ¶
func ToolBar_SetButtonWidth ¶
func ToolBar_SetCaption ¶
func ToolBar_SetClientHeight ¶
func ToolBar_SetClientWidth ¶
func ToolBar_SetColor ¶
func ToolBar_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ToolBar_SetCursor ¶
func ToolBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ToolBar_SetDrawingStyle ¶
func ToolBar_SetDrawingStyle(obj uintptr, value TTBDrawingStyle)
func ToolBar_SetEnabled ¶
func ToolBar_SetFlat ¶
func ToolBar_SetFocus ¶
func ToolBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_SetFont ¶
func ToolBar_SetGradientDirection ¶
func ToolBar_SetGradientDirection(obj uintptr, value TGradientDirection)
func ToolBar_SetGradientDrawingOptions ¶
func ToolBar_SetGradientDrawingOptions(obj uintptr, value TTBGradientDrawingOptions)
func ToolBar_SetGradientEndColor ¶
func ToolBar_SetGradientEndColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ToolBar_SetGradientStartColor ¶
func ToolBar_SetGradientStartColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func ToolBar_SetHeight ¶
func ToolBar_SetHint ¶
func ToolBar_SetHotImages ¶
func ToolBar_SetImages ¶
func ToolBar_SetIndent ¶
func ToolBar_SetLeft ¶
func ToolBar_SetList ¶
func ToolBar_SetMargins ¶
func ToolBar_SetMenu ¶
func ToolBar_SetName ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnClick ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnDblClick ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnEnter ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnExit ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetOnResize ¶
func ToolBar_SetOnResize(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolBar_SetParent ¶
func ToolBar_SetParentColor ¶
func ToolBar_SetParentFont ¶
func ToolBar_SetParentWindow ¶
func ToolBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func ToolBar_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ToolBar_SetShowCaptions ¶
func ToolBar_SetShowHint ¶
func ToolBar_SetStyleElements ¶
func ToolBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ToolBar_SetTabOrder ¶
func ToolBar_SetTabStop ¶
func ToolBar_SetTag ¶
func ToolBar_SetTop ¶
func ToolBar_SetTransparent ¶
func ToolBar_SetVisible ¶
func ToolBar_SetWidth ¶
func ToolBar_SetWrapable ¶
func ToolBar_Show ¶
func ToolBar_Show(obj uintptr)
func ToolBar_ToString ¶
func ToolBar_Update ¶
func ToolBar_Update(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_Assign ¶
func ToolButton_BringToFront ¶
func ToolButton_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_ClassName ¶
func ToolButton_Click ¶
func ToolButton_Click(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_Create ¶
func ToolButton_Equals ¶
func ToolButton_Free ¶
func ToolButton_Free(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_GetAction ¶
func ToolButton_GetAlign ¶
func ToolButton_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func ToolButton_GetAnchors ¶
func ToolButton_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func ToolButton_GetAutoSize ¶
func ToolButton_GetBiDiMode ¶
func ToolButton_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func ToolButton_GetBoundsRect ¶
func ToolButton_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ToolButton_GetCaption ¶
func ToolButton_GetClientRect ¶
func ToolButton_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func ToolButton_GetCursor ¶
func ToolButton_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func ToolButton_GetDown ¶
func ToolButton_GetEnabled ¶
func ToolButton_GetGrouped ¶
func ToolButton_GetHashCode ¶
func ToolButton_GetHeight ¶
func ToolButton_GetHint ¶
func ToolButton_GetIndex ¶
func ToolButton_GetLeft ¶
func ToolButton_GetMargins ¶
func ToolButton_GetMarked ¶
func ToolButton_GetName ¶
func ToolButton_GetNamePath ¶
func ToolButton_GetOwner ¶
func ToolButton_GetParent ¶
func ToolButton_GetPopupMenu ¶
func ToolButton_GetShowHint ¶
func ToolButton_GetStyle ¶
func ToolButton_GetStyle(obj uintptr) TToolButtonStyle
func ToolButton_GetStyleElements ¶
func ToolButton_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func ToolButton_GetTag ¶
func ToolButton_GetTextBuf ¶
func ToolButton_GetTop ¶
func ToolButton_GetVisible ¶
func ToolButton_GetWidth ¶
func ToolButton_GetWrap ¶
func ToolButton_HasParent ¶
func ToolButton_Hide ¶
func ToolButton_Hide(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_Invalidate ¶
func ToolButton_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_Perform ¶
func ToolButton_Refresh ¶
func ToolButton_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_Repaint ¶
func ToolButton_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_SendToBack ¶
func ToolButton_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_SetAction ¶
func ToolButton_SetAlign ¶
func ToolButton_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func ToolButton_SetAnchors ¶
func ToolButton_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func ToolButton_SetAutoSize ¶
func ToolButton_SetBiDiMode ¶
func ToolButton_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func ToolButton_SetBounds ¶
func ToolButton_SetBoundsRect ¶
func ToolButton_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func ToolButton_SetCaption ¶
func ToolButton_SetCursor ¶
func ToolButton_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func ToolButton_SetDown ¶
func ToolButton_SetEnabled ¶
func ToolButton_SetGrouped ¶
func ToolButton_SetHeight ¶
func ToolButton_SetHint ¶
func ToolButton_SetLeft ¶
func ToolButton_SetMargins ¶
func ToolButton_SetMarked ¶
func ToolButton_SetName ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnClick ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func ToolButton_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func ToolButton_SetParent ¶
func ToolButton_SetPopupMenu ¶
func ToolButton_SetShowHint ¶
func ToolButton_SetStyle ¶
func ToolButton_SetStyle(obj uintptr, value TToolButtonStyle)
func ToolButton_SetStyleElements ¶
func ToolButton_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func ToolButton_SetTag ¶
func ToolButton_SetTop ¶
func ToolButton_SetVisible ¶
func ToolButton_SetWidth ¶
func ToolButton_SetWrap ¶
func ToolButton_Show ¶
func ToolButton_Show(obj uintptr)
func ToolButton_ToString ¶
func ToolButton_Update ¶
func ToolButton_Update(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_Assign ¶
func TrackBar_BringToFront ¶
func TrackBar_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_CanFocus ¶
func TrackBar_ClassName ¶
func TrackBar_Create ¶
func TrackBar_Equals ¶
func TrackBar_FindComponent ¶
func TrackBar_FlipChildren ¶
func TrackBar_Focused ¶
func TrackBar_Free ¶
func TrackBar_Free(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_GetAction ¶
func TrackBar_GetAlign ¶
func TrackBar_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func TrackBar_GetAnchors ¶
func TrackBar_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func TrackBar_GetBiDiMode ¶
func TrackBar_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func TrackBar_GetBorderWidth ¶
func TrackBar_GetBoundsRect ¶
func TrackBar_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TrackBar_GetBrush ¶
func TrackBar_GetClientRect ¶
func TrackBar_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TrackBar_GetClientWidth ¶
func TrackBar_GetComponents ¶
func TrackBar_GetControls ¶
func TrackBar_GetCursor ¶
func TrackBar_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func TrackBar_GetEnabled ¶
func TrackBar_GetExplicitTop ¶
func TrackBar_GetFrequency ¶
func TrackBar_GetHandle ¶
func TrackBar_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func TrackBar_GetHashCode ¶
func TrackBar_GetHeight ¶
func TrackBar_GetHint ¶
func TrackBar_GetLeft ¶
func TrackBar_GetLineSize ¶
func TrackBar_GetMargins ¶
func TrackBar_GetMax ¶
func TrackBar_GetMin ¶
func TrackBar_GetName ¶
func TrackBar_GetNamePath ¶
func TrackBar_GetOrientation ¶
func TrackBar_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TTrackBarOrientation
func TrackBar_GetOwner ¶
func TrackBar_GetPageSize ¶
func TrackBar_GetParent ¶
func TrackBar_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func TrackBar_GetParentWindow ¶
func TrackBar_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func TrackBar_GetPopupMenu ¶
func TrackBar_GetPosition ¶
func TrackBar_GetPositionToolTip ¶
func TrackBar_GetPositionToolTip(obj uintptr) TPositionToolTip
func TrackBar_GetSelEnd ¶
func TrackBar_GetSelStart ¶
func TrackBar_GetShowHint ¶
func TrackBar_GetStyleElements ¶
func TrackBar_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func TrackBar_GetTabOrder ¶
func TrackBar_GetTabStop ¶
func TrackBar_GetTag ¶
func TrackBar_GetTextBuf ¶
func TrackBar_GetThumbLength ¶
func TrackBar_GetTickMarks ¶
func TrackBar_GetTickMarks(obj uintptr) TTickMark
func TrackBar_GetTickStyle ¶
func TrackBar_GetTickStyle(obj uintptr) TTickStyle
func TrackBar_GetTop ¶
func TrackBar_GetVisible ¶
func TrackBar_GetWidth ¶
func TrackBar_HasParent ¶
func TrackBar_Hide ¶
func TrackBar_Hide(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_Invalidate ¶
func TrackBar_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_Perform ¶
func TrackBar_Realign ¶
func TrackBar_Realign(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_Refresh ¶
func TrackBar_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_Repaint ¶
func TrackBar_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_ScaleBy ¶
func TrackBar_SendToBack ¶
func TrackBar_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_SetAction ¶
func TrackBar_SetAlign ¶
func TrackBar_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func TrackBar_SetAnchors ¶
func TrackBar_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func TrackBar_SetBiDiMode ¶
func TrackBar_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func TrackBar_SetBorderWidth ¶
func TrackBar_SetBounds ¶
func TrackBar_SetBoundsRect ¶
func TrackBar_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func TrackBar_SetClientWidth ¶
func TrackBar_SetCursor ¶
func TrackBar_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func TrackBar_SetEnabled ¶
func TrackBar_SetFocus ¶
func TrackBar_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_SetFrequency ¶
func TrackBar_SetHeight ¶
func TrackBar_SetHint ¶
func TrackBar_SetLeft ¶
func TrackBar_SetLineSize ¶
func TrackBar_SetMargins ¶
func TrackBar_SetMax ¶
func TrackBar_SetMin ¶
func TrackBar_SetName ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnChange ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOnEnter ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOnExit ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func TrackBar_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrackBar_SetOrientation ¶
func TrackBar_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TTrackBarOrientation)
func TrackBar_SetPageSize ¶
func TrackBar_SetParent ¶
func TrackBar_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func TrackBar_SetParentWindow ¶
func TrackBar_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func TrackBar_SetPopupMenu ¶
func TrackBar_SetPosition ¶
func TrackBar_SetPositionToolTip ¶
func TrackBar_SetPositionToolTip(obj uintptr, value TPositionToolTip)
func TrackBar_SetSelEnd ¶
func TrackBar_SetSelStart ¶
func TrackBar_SetShowHint ¶
func TrackBar_SetStyleElements ¶
func TrackBar_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func TrackBar_SetTabOrder ¶
func TrackBar_SetTabStop ¶
func TrackBar_SetTag ¶
func TrackBar_SetThumbLength ¶
func TrackBar_SetTick ¶
func TrackBar_SetTickMarks ¶
func TrackBar_SetTickMarks(obj uintptr, value TTickMark)
func TrackBar_SetTickStyle ¶
func TrackBar_SetTickStyle(obj uintptr, value TTickStyle)
func TrackBar_SetTop ¶
func TrackBar_SetVisible ¶
func TrackBar_SetWidth ¶
func TrackBar_Show ¶
func TrackBar_Show(obj uintptr)
func TrackBar_ToString ¶
func TrackBar_Update ¶
func TrackBar_Update(obj uintptr)
func TrayIcon_Assign ¶
func TrayIcon_ClassName ¶
func TrayIcon_Create ¶
func TrayIcon_Equals ¶
func TrayIcon_FindComponent ¶
func TrayIcon_Free ¶
func TrayIcon_Free(obj uintptr)
func TrayIcon_GetAnimate ¶
func TrayIcon_GetBalloonFlags ¶
func TrayIcon_GetBalloonFlags(obj uintptr) TBalloonFlags
func TrayIcon_GetBalloonHint ¶
func TrayIcon_GetComponents ¶
func TrayIcon_GetHashCode ¶
func TrayIcon_GetHint ¶
func TrayIcon_GetIcon ¶
func TrayIcon_GetIconIndex ¶
func TrayIcon_GetName ¶
func TrayIcon_GetNamePath ¶
func TrayIcon_GetOwner ¶
func TrayIcon_GetPopupMenu ¶
func TrayIcon_GetTag ¶
func TrayIcon_GetVisible ¶
func TrayIcon_HasParent ¶
func TrayIcon_Refresh ¶
func TrayIcon_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func TrayIcon_SetAnimate ¶
func TrayIcon_SetBalloonFlags ¶
func TrayIcon_SetBalloonFlags(obj uintptr, value TBalloonFlags)
func TrayIcon_SetBalloonHint ¶
func TrayIcon_SetDefaultIcon ¶
func TrayIcon_SetDefaultIcon(obj uintptr)
func TrayIcon_SetHint ¶
func TrayIcon_SetIcon ¶
func TrayIcon_SetIconIndex ¶
func TrayIcon_SetName ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnBalloonClick ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnBalloonClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetOnClick ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetOnDblClick ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func TrayIcon_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TrayIcon_SetPopupMenu ¶
func TrayIcon_SetTag ¶
func TrayIcon_SetVisible ¶
func TrayIcon_ShowBalloonHint ¶
func TrayIcon_ShowBalloonHint(obj uintptr)
func TrayIcon_ToString ¶
func TreeNode_AlphaSort ¶
func TreeNode_Assign ¶
func TreeNode_ClassName ¶
func TreeNode_Collapse ¶
func TreeNode_Create ¶
func TreeNode_Create() uintptr
func TreeNode_Delete ¶
func TreeNode_Delete(obj uintptr)
func TreeNode_Equals ¶
func TreeNode_Expand ¶
func TreeNode_Free ¶
func TreeNode_Free(obj uintptr)
func TreeNode_GetCut ¶
func TreeNode_GetData ¶
func TreeNode_GetDeleting ¶
func TreeNode_GetDropTarget ¶
func TreeNode_GetEnabled ¶
func TreeNode_GetExpanded ¶
func TreeNode_GetFocused ¶
func TreeNode_GetHandle ¶
func TreeNode_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func TreeNode_GetHasChildren ¶
func TreeNode_GetHashCode ¶
func TreeNode_GetImageIndex ¶
func TreeNode_GetIndex ¶
func TreeNode_GetIsVisible ¶
func TreeNode_GetItem ¶
func TreeNode_GetItemId ¶
func TreeNode_GetLevel ¶
func TreeNode_GetNamePath ¶
func TreeNode_GetOwner ¶
func TreeNode_GetParent ¶
func TreeNode_GetSelected ¶
func TreeNode_GetStateIndex ¶
func TreeNode_GetText ¶
func TreeNode_IndexOf ¶
func TreeNode_MakeVisible ¶
func TreeNode_MakeVisible(obj uintptr)
func TreeNode_MoveTo ¶
func TreeNode_SetCut ¶
func TreeNode_SetData ¶
func TreeNode_SetDropTarget ¶
func TreeNode_SetEnabled ¶
func TreeNode_SetExpanded ¶
func TreeNode_SetFocused ¶
func TreeNode_SetHasChildren ¶
func TreeNode_SetImageIndex ¶
func TreeNode_SetItem ¶
func TreeNode_SetSelected ¶
func TreeNode_SetStateIndex ¶
func TreeNode_SetText ¶
func TreeNode_ToString ¶
func TreeNodes_AddChildFirst ¶
func TreeNodes_AddNode ¶
func TreeNodes_AddObject ¶
func TreeNodes_AlphaSort ¶
func TreeNodes_Assign ¶
func TreeNodes_BeginUpdate ¶
func TreeNodes_BeginUpdate(obj uintptr)
func TreeNodes_ClassName ¶
func TreeNodes_Clear ¶
func TreeNodes_Clear(obj uintptr)
func TreeNodes_Create ¶
func TreeNodes_Create() uintptr
func TreeNodes_Delete ¶
func TreeNodes_EndUpdate ¶
func TreeNodes_EndUpdate(obj uintptr)
func TreeNodes_Equals ¶
func TreeNodes_Free ¶
func TreeNodes_Free(obj uintptr)
func TreeNodes_GetFirstNode ¶
func TreeNodes_GetHandle ¶
func TreeNodes_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func TreeNodes_GetHashCode ¶
func TreeNodes_GetItem ¶
func TreeNodes_GetNamePath ¶
func TreeNodes_GetNode ¶
func TreeNodes_GetOwner ¶
func TreeNodes_InsertObject ¶
func TreeNodes_ToString ¶
func TreeView_AlphaSort ¶
func TreeView_Assign ¶
func TreeView_BringToFront ¶
func TreeView_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_CanFocus ¶
func TreeView_ClassName ¶
func TreeView_ClearSelection ¶
func TreeView_Create ¶
func TreeView_Deselect ¶
func TreeView_Equals ¶
func TreeView_FindComponent ¶
func TreeView_FlipChildren ¶
func TreeView_Focused ¶
func TreeView_Free ¶
func TreeView_Free(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_FullCollapse ¶
func TreeView_FullCollapse(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_FullExpand ¶
func TreeView_FullExpand(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_GetAction ¶
func TreeView_GetAlign ¶
func TreeView_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func TreeView_GetAnchors ¶
func TreeView_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func TreeView_GetAutoExpand ¶
func TreeView_GetBevelEdges ¶
func TreeView_GetBevelEdges(obj uintptr) TBevelEdges
func TreeView_GetBevelInner ¶
func TreeView_GetBevelInner(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func TreeView_GetBevelKind ¶
func TreeView_GetBevelKind(obj uintptr) TBevelKind
func TreeView_GetBevelOuter ¶
func TreeView_GetBevelOuter(obj uintptr) TBevelCut
func TreeView_GetBiDiMode ¶
func TreeView_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func TreeView_GetBorderStyle ¶
func TreeView_GetBorderStyle(obj uintptr) TBorderStyle
func TreeView_GetBorderWidth ¶
func TreeView_GetBoundsRect ¶
func TreeView_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TreeView_GetBrush ¶
func TreeView_GetCanvas ¶
func TreeView_GetChangeDelay ¶
func TreeView_GetClientRect ¶
func TreeView_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func TreeView_GetClientWidth ¶
func TreeView_GetColor ¶
func TreeView_GetColor(obj uintptr) TColor
func TreeView_GetComponents ¶
func TreeView_GetControls ¶
func TreeView_GetCursor ¶
func TreeView_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func TreeView_GetDropTarget ¶
func TreeView_GetEnabled ¶
func TreeView_GetExplicitTop ¶
func TreeView_GetFont ¶
func TreeView_GetHandle ¶
func TreeView_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func TreeView_GetHashCode ¶
func TreeView_GetHeight ¶
func TreeView_GetHint ¶
func TreeView_GetHotTrack ¶
func TreeView_GetImages ¶
func TreeView_GetIndent ¶
func TreeView_GetItems ¶
func TreeView_GetLeft ¶
func TreeView_GetMargins ¶
func TreeView_GetMultiSelect ¶
func TreeView_GetMultiSelectStyle ¶
func TreeView_GetMultiSelectStyle(obj uintptr) TMultiSelectStyle
func TreeView_GetName ¶
func TreeView_GetNamePath ¶
func TreeView_GetOwner ¶
func TreeView_GetParent ¶
func TreeView_GetParentColor ¶
func TreeView_GetParentCtl3D ¶
func TreeView_GetParentFont ¶
func TreeView_GetParentWindow ¶
func TreeView_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func TreeView_GetPopupMenu ¶
func TreeView_GetReadOnly ¶
func TreeView_GetRowSelect ¶
func TreeView_GetSelected ¶
func TreeView_GetSelections ¶
func TreeView_GetShowButtons ¶
func TreeView_GetShowHint ¶
func TreeView_GetShowLines ¶
func TreeView_GetShowRoot ¶
func TreeView_GetSortType ¶
func TreeView_GetSortType(obj uintptr) TSortType
func TreeView_GetStateImages ¶
func TreeView_GetStyleElements ¶
func TreeView_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func TreeView_GetTabOrder ¶
func TreeView_GetTabStop ¶
func TreeView_GetTag ¶
func TreeView_GetTextBuf ¶
func TreeView_GetToolTips ¶
func TreeView_GetTop ¶
func TreeView_GetTopItem ¶
func TreeView_GetVisible ¶
func TreeView_GetWidth ¶
func TreeView_HasParent ¶
func TreeView_Hide ¶
func TreeView_Hide(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_Invalidate ¶
func TreeView_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_IsEditing ¶
func TreeView_LoadFromFile ¶
func TreeView_LoadFromStream ¶
func TreeView_Perform ¶
func TreeView_Realign ¶
func TreeView_Realign(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_Refresh ¶
func TreeView_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_Repaint ¶
func TreeView_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_SaveToFile ¶
func TreeView_SaveToStream ¶
func TreeView_ScaleBy ¶
func TreeView_SendToBack ¶
func TreeView_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_SetAction ¶
func TreeView_SetAlign ¶
func TreeView_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func TreeView_SetAnchors ¶
func TreeView_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func TreeView_SetAutoExpand ¶
func TreeView_SetBevelEdges ¶
func TreeView_SetBevelEdges(obj uintptr, value TBevelEdges)
func TreeView_SetBevelInner ¶
func TreeView_SetBevelInner(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func TreeView_SetBevelKind ¶
func TreeView_SetBevelKind(obj uintptr, value TBevelKind)
func TreeView_SetBevelOuter ¶
func TreeView_SetBevelOuter(obj uintptr, value TBevelCut)
func TreeView_SetBiDiMode ¶
func TreeView_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func TreeView_SetBorderStyle ¶
func TreeView_SetBorderStyle(obj uintptr, value TBorderStyle)
func TreeView_SetBorderWidth ¶
func TreeView_SetBounds ¶
func TreeView_SetBoundsRect ¶
func TreeView_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func TreeView_SetChangeDelay ¶
func TreeView_SetClientWidth ¶
func TreeView_SetColor ¶
func TreeView_SetColor(obj uintptr, value TColor)
func TreeView_SetCursor ¶
func TreeView_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func TreeView_SetDropTarget ¶
func TreeView_SetEnabled ¶
func TreeView_SetFocus ¶
func TreeView_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_SetFont ¶
func TreeView_SetHeight ¶
func TreeView_SetHint ¶
func TreeView_SetHotTrack ¶
func TreeView_SetImages ¶
func TreeView_SetIndent ¶
func TreeView_SetItems ¶
func TreeView_SetLeft ¶
func TreeView_SetMargins ¶
func TreeView_SetMultiSelect ¶
func TreeView_SetMultiSelectStyle ¶
func TreeView_SetMultiSelectStyle(obj uintptr, value TMultiSelectStyle)
func TreeView_SetName ¶
func TreeView_SetOnChange ¶
func TreeView_SetOnChange(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnClick ¶
func TreeView_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnDblClick ¶
func TreeView_SetOnDblClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnEnter ¶
func TreeView_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnExit ¶
func TreeView_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnGetImageIndex ¶ added in v1.0.2
func TreeView_SetOnGetImageIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnGetSelectedIndex ¶ added in v1.0.2
func TreeView_SetOnGetSelectedIndex(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnKeyDown ¶
func TreeView_SetOnKeyDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnKeyPress ¶
func TreeView_SetOnKeyPress(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnKeyUp ¶
func TreeView_SetOnKeyUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func TreeView_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func TreeView_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func TreeView_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func TreeView_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func TreeView_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func TreeView_SetParent ¶
func TreeView_SetParentColor ¶
func TreeView_SetParentCtl3D ¶
func TreeView_SetParentFont ¶
func TreeView_SetParentWindow ¶
func TreeView_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func TreeView_SetPopupMenu ¶
func TreeView_SetReadOnly ¶
func TreeView_SetRowSelect ¶
func TreeView_SetSelected ¶
func TreeView_SetShowButtons ¶
func TreeView_SetShowHint ¶
func TreeView_SetShowLines ¶
func TreeView_SetShowRoot ¶
func TreeView_SetSortType ¶
func TreeView_SetSortType(obj uintptr, value TSortType)
func TreeView_SetStateImages ¶
func TreeView_SetStyleElements ¶
func TreeView_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func TreeView_SetTabOrder ¶
func TreeView_SetTabStop ¶
func TreeView_SetTag ¶
func TreeView_SetToolTips ¶
func TreeView_SetTop ¶
func TreeView_SetTopItem ¶
func TreeView_SetVisible ¶
func TreeView_SetWidth ¶
func TreeView_Show ¶
func TreeView_Show(obj uintptr)
func TreeView_Subselect ¶
func TreeView_ToString ¶
func TreeView_Update ¶
func TreeView_Update(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_Assign ¶
func UpDown_BringToFront ¶
func UpDown_BringToFront(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_CanFocus ¶
func UpDown_ClassName ¶
func UpDown_Create ¶
func UpDown_Equals ¶
func UpDown_FindComponent ¶
func UpDown_FlipChildren ¶
func UpDown_Focused ¶
func UpDown_Free ¶
func UpDown_Free(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_GetAction ¶
func UpDown_GetAlign ¶
func UpDown_GetAlign(obj uintptr) TAlign
func UpDown_GetAnchors ¶
func UpDown_GetAnchors(obj uintptr) TAnchors
func UpDown_GetBiDiMode ¶
func UpDown_GetBiDiMode(obj uintptr) TBiDiMode
func UpDown_GetBoundsRect ¶
func UpDown_GetBoundsRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func UpDown_GetBrush ¶
func UpDown_GetClientHeight ¶
func UpDown_GetClientRect ¶
func UpDown_GetClientRect(obj uintptr) TRect
func UpDown_GetClientWidth ¶
func UpDown_GetComponents ¶
func UpDown_GetControlCount ¶
func UpDown_GetControls ¶
func UpDown_GetCursor ¶
func UpDown_GetCursor(obj uintptr) TCursor
func UpDown_GetEnabled ¶
func UpDown_GetExplicitLeft ¶
func UpDown_GetExplicitTop ¶
func UpDown_GetExplicitWidth ¶
func UpDown_GetHandle ¶
func UpDown_GetHandle(obj uintptr) HWND
func UpDown_GetHashCode ¶
func UpDown_GetHeight ¶
func UpDown_GetHint ¶
func UpDown_GetLeft ¶
func UpDown_GetMargins ¶
func UpDown_GetMax ¶
func UpDown_GetMin ¶
func UpDown_GetName ¶
func UpDown_GetNamePath ¶
func UpDown_GetOrientation ¶
func UpDown_GetOrientation(obj uintptr) TUDOrientation
func UpDown_GetOwner ¶
func UpDown_GetParent ¶
func UpDown_GetParentWindow ¶
func UpDown_GetParentWindow(obj uintptr) HWND
func UpDown_GetPopupMenu ¶
func UpDown_GetPosition ¶
func UpDown_GetShowHint ¶
func UpDown_GetStyleElements ¶
func UpDown_GetStyleElements(obj uintptr) TStyleElements
func UpDown_GetTabOrder ¶
func UpDown_GetTabStop ¶
func UpDown_GetTag ¶
func UpDown_GetTop ¶
func UpDown_GetVisible ¶
func UpDown_GetWidth ¶
func UpDown_GetWrap ¶
func UpDown_HandleAllocated ¶
func UpDown_HasParent ¶
func UpDown_Hide ¶
func UpDown_Hide(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_Invalidate ¶
func UpDown_Invalidate(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_Realign ¶
func UpDown_Realign(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_Refresh ¶
func UpDown_Refresh(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_Repaint ¶
func UpDown_Repaint(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_ScaleBy ¶
func UpDown_SendToBack ¶
func UpDown_SendToBack(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_SetAction ¶
func UpDown_SetAlign ¶
func UpDown_SetAlign(obj uintptr, value TAlign)
func UpDown_SetAnchors ¶
func UpDown_SetAnchors(obj uintptr, value TAnchors)
func UpDown_SetBiDiMode ¶
func UpDown_SetBiDiMode(obj uintptr, value TBiDiMode)
func UpDown_SetBounds ¶
func UpDown_SetBoundsRect ¶
func UpDown_SetBoundsRect(obj uintptr, value TRect)
func UpDown_SetClientHeight ¶
func UpDown_SetClientWidth ¶
func UpDown_SetCursor ¶
func UpDown_SetCursor(obj uintptr, value TCursor)
func UpDown_SetEnabled ¶
func UpDown_SetFocus ¶
func UpDown_SetFocus(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_SetHeight ¶
func UpDown_SetHint ¶
func UpDown_SetLeft ¶
func UpDown_SetMargins ¶
func UpDown_SetMax ¶
func UpDown_SetMin ¶
func UpDown_SetName ¶
func UpDown_SetOnClick ¶
func UpDown_SetOnClick(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnEnter ¶
func UpDown_SetOnEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnExit ¶
func UpDown_SetOnExit(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnMouseDown ¶
func UpDown_SetOnMouseDown(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func UpDown_SetOnMouseEnter(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func UpDown_SetOnMouseLeave(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnMouseMove ¶
func UpDown_SetOnMouseMove(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOnMouseUp ¶
func UpDown_SetOnMouseUp(obj uintptr, fn interface{})
func UpDown_SetOrientation ¶
func UpDown_SetOrientation(obj uintptr, value TUDOrientation)
func UpDown_SetParent ¶
func UpDown_SetParentWindow ¶
func UpDown_SetParentWindow(obj uintptr, value HWND)
func UpDown_SetPopupMenu ¶
func UpDown_SetPosition ¶
func UpDown_SetShowHint ¶
func UpDown_SetStyleElements ¶
func UpDown_SetStyleElements(obj uintptr, value TStyleElements)
func UpDown_SetTabOrder ¶
func UpDown_SetTabStop ¶
func UpDown_SetTag ¶
func UpDown_SetTop ¶
func UpDown_SetVisible ¶
func UpDown_SetWidth ¶
func UpDown_SetWrap ¶
func UpDown_Show ¶
func UpDown_Show(obj uintptr)
func UpDown_ToString ¶
func UpDown_Update ¶
func UpDown_Update(obj uintptr)
Types ¶
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.