The nameid tool displays a statistically-unique small ID which can be computed
from both CA and end-entity certs to link them together into a validation chain.
It is computed as a truncated hash over the issuer Subject Name bytes. It should
only be used on issuer certificates e.g. when the CA boolean is
asserted which in the
//crypto/x509Certificate struct is IsCA: true.
For implementation details, please see the //issuance package
# Display help
go run ./tools/nameid/nameid.go -h
# Output the certificate path and nameid, one per line
go run ./tools/nameid/nameid.go /path/to/cert1.pem /path/to/cert2.pem ...
# Output just the nameid, one per line
go run ./tools/nameid/nameid.go -s /path/to/cert1.pem /path/to/cert2.pem ...