Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts
I never really liked any of the mergetools
out there so I made a simple program that does simple things… in a simple fashion.
👷 Installation
$ go get github.com/mkchoi212/fac
operates much like git add -p
. It has a prompt input at the bottom of the screen where the user inputs various commands.
The commands have been preset to the following specifications
w - show more lines up
s - show more lines down
a - select left screen
d - select right screen
j - scroll down
k - scroll up
v - [v]iew orientation
n - [n]ext conflict
p - [p]revious conflict
h | ? - [h]elp
q | Ctrl+c - [q]uit
[wasd] >> [INPUT HERE]
The movement controls have been derived from both the world of gamers (WASD) and VIM users (HJKL).
✋ Contributing
This is an open source project so feel free to contribute by
👮 License
See License