Overview ¶
Package beego provide a MVC framework beego: an open-source, high-performance, modular, full-stack web framework
It is used for rapid development of RESTful APIs, web apps and backend services in Go. beego is inspired by Tornado, Sinatra and Flask with the added benefit of some Go-specific features such as interfaces and struct embedding.
package main import "" func main() { beego.Run() }
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddAPPStartHook(hf ...hookfunc)
- func AddFuncMap(key string, fn interface{}) error
- func AddNamespace(nl ...*Namespace)
- func AddTemplateExt(ext string)
- func AddViewPath(viewPath string) error
- func AssetsCSS(text string) template.HTML
- func AssetsJs(text string) template.HTML
- func BuildTemplate(dir string, files ...string) error
- func Compare(a, b interface{}) (equal bool)
- func CompareNot(a, b interface{}) (equal bool)
- func CtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func CtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{})
- func Date(t time.Time, format string) string
- func DateFormat(t time.Time, layout string) (datestring string)
- func DateParse(dateString, format string) (time.Time, error)
- func ExceptMethodAppend(action string)
- func Exception(errCode uint64, ctx *context.Context)
- func ExecuteTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, data interface{}) error
- func ExecuteViewPathTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, viewPath string, data interface{}) error
- func GetConfig(returnType, key string, defaultVal interface{}) (value interface{}, err error)
- func HTML2str(html string) string
- func HasTemplateExt(paths string) bool
- func Htmlquote(text string) string
- func Htmlunquote(text string) string
- func InitBeegoBeforeTest(appConfigPath string)
- func LoadAppConfig(adapterName, configPath string) error
- func LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int)
- func MapGet(arg1 interface{}, arg2 ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func NotNil(a interface{}) (isNil bool)
- func ParseForm(form url.Values, obj interface{}) error
- func Policy(pattern, method string, policy ...PolicyFunc)
- func RenderForm(obj interface{}) template.HTML
- func Run(params ...string)
- func RunWithMiddleWares(addr string, mws ...MiddleWare)
- func SetTemplateFSFunc(fnt templateFSFunc)
- func Str2html(raw string) template.HTML
- func Substr(s string, start, length int) string
- func TestBeegoInit(ap string)
- func URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string
- func Walk(fs http.FileSystem, root string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error
- type Config
- type Controller
- func (c *Controller) Abort(code string)
- func (c *Controller) Bind(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) BindForm(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) BindJSON(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) BindProtobuf(obj proto.Message) error
- func (c *Controller) BindXML(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) BindYAML(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) CheckXSRFCookie() bool
- func (c *Controller) CustomAbort(status int, body string)
- func (c *Controller) DelSession(name interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) Delete()
- func (c *Controller) DestroySession() error
- func (c *Controller) Finish()
- func (c *Controller) Get()
- func (c *Controller) GetBool(key string, def ...bool) (bool, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetControllerAndAction() (string, string)
- func (c *Controller) GetFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetFiles(key string) ([]*multipart.FileHeader, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetFloat(key string, def ...float64) (float64, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetInt(key string, def (int, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetInt16(key string, def ...int16) (int16, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetInt32(key string, def ...int32) (int32, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetInt64(key string, def ...int64) (int64, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetInt8(key string, def ...int8) (int8, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetSecureCookie(Secret, key string) (string, bool)
- func (c *Controller) GetSession(name interface{}) interface{}
- func (c *Controller) GetString(key string, def ...string) string
- func (c *Controller) GetStrings(key string, def ...[]string) []string
- func (c *Controller) GetUint16(key string, def ...uint16) (uint16, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetUint32(key string, def ...uint32) (uint32, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetUint64(key string, def ...uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (c *Controller) GetUint8(key string, def ...uint8) (uint8, error)
- func (c *Controller) HandlerFunc(fnname string) bool
- func (c *Controller) Head()
- func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{})
- func (c *Controller) Input() (url.Values, error)
- func (c *Controller) IsAjax() bool
- func (c *Controller) JSONResp(data interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) Mapping(method string, fn func())
- func (c *Controller) Options()
- func (c *Controller) ParseForm(obj interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) Patch()
- func (c *Controller) Post()
- func (c *Controller) Prepare()
- func (c *Controller) Put()
- func (c *Controller) Redirect(url string, code int)
- func (c *Controller) Render() error
- func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Controller) RenderString() (string, error)
- func (c *Controller) Resp(data interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) SaveToFile(fromFile, toFile string) error
- func (c *Controller) SaveToFileWithBuffer(fromFile string, toFile string, buf []byte) error
- func (c *Controller) ServeFormatted(encoding ...bool) error
- func (c *Controller) ServeJSON(encoding ...bool) error
- func (c *Controller) ServeJSONP() error
- func (c *Controller) ServeXML() error
- func (c *Controller) ServeYAML() error
- func (c *Controller) SessionRegenerateID() error
- func (c *Controller) SetData(data interface{})
- func (c *Controller) SetSecureCookie(Secret, name, value string, others ...interface{})
- func (c *Controller) SetSession(name interface{}, value interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) StartSession() session.Store
- func (c *Controller) StopRun()
- func (c *Controller) Trace()
- func (c *Controller) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Controller) URLMapping()
- func (c *Controller) XMLResp(data interface{}) error
- func (c *Controller) XSRFFormHTML() string
- func (c *Controller) XSRFToken() string
- func (c *Controller) YamlResp(data interface{}) error
- type ControllerComments
- type ControllerCommentsSlice
- type ControllerFilter
- type ControllerFilterComments
- type ControllerImportComments
- type ControllerInfo
- type ControllerInterface
- type ControllerOption
- type ControllerRegister
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) AddMethod(method, pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) AddRouterMethod(httpMethod, pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Any(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlAny(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlDelete(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlGet(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlHead(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlOptions(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPatch(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPost(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPut(pattern string, f interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Delete(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) FindPolicy(cont *context.Context) []PolicyFunc
- func (p *ControllerRegister) FindRouter(context *beecontext.Context) (routerInfo *ControllerInfo, isFind bool)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Get(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) GetAllControllerInfo() (routerInfos []*ControllerInfo)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) GetContext() *beecontext.Context
- func (p *ControllerRegister) GiveBackContext(ctx *beecontext.Context)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Handler(pattern string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{})
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Head(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Init()
- func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) error
- func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilterChain(pattern string, chain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Options(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Patch(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Post(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) Put(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (p *ControllerRegister) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string
- type FileSystem
- type FilterChain
- type FilterFunc
- type FilterHandler
- type FilterOpt
- type FilterRouter
- type FlashData
- func (fd *FlashData) Error(msg string, args ...interface{})
- func (fd *FlashData) Notice(msg string, args ...interface{})
- func (fd *FlashData) Set(key string, msg string, args ...interface{})
- func (fd *FlashData) Store(c *Controller)
- func (fd *FlashData) Success(msg string, args ...interface{})
- func (fd *FlashData) Warning(msg string, args ...interface{})
- type HandleFunc
- type HttpServer
- func AddTemplateEngine(extension string, fn templatePreProcessor) *HttpServer
- func Any(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func DelStaticPath(url string) *HttpServer
- func Delete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func ErrorController(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func ErrorHandler(code string, h http.HandlerFunc) *HttpServer
- func Get(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) *HttpServer
- func Head(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
- func InsertFilterChain(pattern string, filterChain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
- func NewHttpServerWithCfg(cfg *Config) *HttpServer
- func NewHttpSever() *HttpServer
- func Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func Patch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func Post(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func Put(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func RESTRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func Router(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *HttpServer
- func RouterWithOpts(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption) *HttpServer
- func SetStaticPath(url string, path string) *HttpServer
- func SetViewsPath(path string) *HttpServer
- func UnregisterFixedRoute(fixedRoute string, method string) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Any(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Delete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Get(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Head(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) InsertFilterChain(pattern string, filterChain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int)
- func (app *HttpServer) Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Patch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Post(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) PrintTree() M
- func (app *HttpServer) Put(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) RESTRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Router(rootPath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) RouterWithOpts(rootPath string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption) *HttpServer
- func (app *HttpServer) Run(addr string, mws ...MiddleWare)
- func (app *HttpServer) UnregisterFixedRoute(fixedRoute string, method string) *HttpServer
- type LifeCycleCallback
- type LinkNamespace
- func NSAfter(filterList ...FilterFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSAny(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
- func NSAutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
- func NSBefore(filterList ...FilterFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSCond(cond namespaceCond) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSCtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
- func NSDelete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSGet(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSHandler(rootpath string, h http.Handler) LinkNamespace
- func NSHead(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSInclude(cList ...ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
- func NSNamespace(prefix string, params ...LinkNamespace) LinkNamespace
- func NSOptions(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSPatch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSPost(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSPut(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
- func NSRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) LinkNamespace
- type Listen
- type LogConfig
- type M
- type MiddleWare
- type Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Any(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Cond(cond namespaceCond) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) CtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{}) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Delete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Filter(action string, filter ...FilterFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Get(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Head(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Namespace(ns ...*Namespace) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Patch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Post(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Put(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
- func (n *Namespace) Router(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *Namespace
- type PolicyFunc
- type SessionConfig
- type Statistics
- type Tree
- type URLMap
- type WebConfig
Constants ¶
const ( // DEV is for develop DEV = "dev" // PROD is for production PROD = "prod" )
const ( BeforeStatic = iota BeforeRouter BeforeExec AfterExec FinishRouter )
default filter execution points
Variables ¶
var ( // BConfig is the default config for Application BConfig *Config // AppConfig is the instance of Config, store the config information from file AppConfig *beegoAppConfig // AppPath is the absolute path to the app AppPath string // GlobalSessions is the instance for the session manager GlobalSessions *session.Manager // WorkPath is the absolute path to project root directory WorkPath string )
var ( // ErrAbort custom error when user stop request handler manually. ErrAbort = errors.New("user stop run") // GlobalControllerRouter store comments with controller. pkgpath+controller:comments GlobalControllerRouter = make(map[string][]ControllerComments) )
var ErrorMaps = make(map[string]*errorInfo, 10)
ErrorMaps holds map of http handlers for each error string. there is 10 kinds default error(40x and 50x)
FilterMonitorFunc is default monitor filter when admin module is enable. if this func returns, admin module records qps for this request by condition of this function logic. usage:
func MyFilterMonitor(method, requestPath string, t time.Duration, pattern string, statusCode int) bool { if method == "POST" { return false } if t.Nanoseconds() < 100 { return false } if strings.HasPrefix(requestPath, "/astaxie") { return false } return true } beego.FilterMonitorFunc = MyFilterMonitor.
Functions ¶
func AddAPPStartHook ¶
func AddAPPStartHook(hf ...hookfunc)
AddAPPStartHook is used to register the hookfunc The hookfuncs will run in beego.Run() such as initiating session , starting middleware , building template, starting admin control and so on.
func AddFuncMap ¶
AddFuncMap let user to register a func in the template.
func AddNamespace ¶
func AddNamespace(nl ...*Namespace)
AddNamespace register Namespace into beego.Handler support multi Namespace
func AddTemplateExt ¶
func AddTemplateExt(ext string)
AddTemplateExt add new extension for template.
func AddViewPath ¶
AddViewPath adds a new path to the supported view paths. Can later be used by setting a controller ViewPath to this folder will panic if called after beego.Run()
func BuildTemplate ¶
BuildTemplate will build all template files in a directory. it makes beego can render any template file in view directory.
func Compare ¶
func Compare(a, b interface{}) (equal bool)
Compare is a quick and dirty comparison function. It will convert whatever you give it to strings and see if the two values are equal. Whitespace is trimmed. Used by the template parser as "eq".
func CtrlDelete ¶
func CtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{})
CtrlDelete see HttpServer.CtrlDelete
func CtrlOptions ¶
func CtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{})
CtrlOptions see HttpServer.CtrlOptions
func DateFormat ¶
DateFormat takes a time and a layout string and returns a string with the formatted date. Used by the template parser as "dateformat"
func ExceptMethodAppend ¶
func ExceptMethodAppend(action string)
ExceptMethodAppend to append a slice's value into "exceptMethod", for controller's methods shouldn't reflect to AutoRouter
func ExecuteTemplate ¶
ExecuteTemplate applies the template with name to the specified data object, writing the output to wr. A template will be executed safely in parallel.
func ExecuteViewPathTemplate ¶
ExecuteViewPathTemplate applies the template with name and from specific viewPath to the specified data object, writing the output to wr. A template will be executed safely in parallel.
func HasTemplateExt ¶
HasTemplateExt return this path contains supported template extension of beego or not.
func InitBeegoBeforeTest ¶
func InitBeegoBeforeTest(appConfigPath string)
InitBeegoBeforeTest is for test package init
func LoadAppConfig ¶
LoadAppConfig allow developer to apply a config file
func LogAccess ¶
func LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int)
LogAccess logging info HTTP Access
func MapGet ¶
func MapGet(arg1 interface{}, arg2 ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
MapGet getting value from map by keys usage:
Data["m"] = M{ "a": 1, "1": map[string]float64{ "c": 4, }, }
{{ map_get m "a" }} // return 1 {{ map_get m 1 "c" }} // return 4
func Policy ¶
func Policy(pattern, method string, policy ...PolicyFunc)
Policy Register new policy in beego
func RenderForm ¶
RenderForm will render object to form html. obj must be a struct pointer. nolint
func Run ¶
func Run(params ...string)
Run beego application. beego.Run() default run on HttpPort beego.Run("localhost") beego.Run(":8089") beego.Run("")
func RunWithMiddleWares ¶
func RunWithMiddleWares(addr string, mws ...MiddleWare)
RunWithMiddleWares Run beego application with middlewares.
func SetTemplateFSFunc ¶
func SetTemplateFSFunc(fnt templateFSFunc)
SetTemplateFSFunc set default filesystem function
func URLFor ¶
URLFor returns url string with another registered controller handler with params.
usage: URLFor(".index") print URLFor("index") router /login print URLFor("login") print URLFor("login", "next","/"") router /profile/:username print UrlFor("profile", ":username","John Doe") result: / /login /login?next=/ /user/John%20Doe
Types ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // AppName // @Description Application's name. You'd better set it because we use it to do some logging and tracing // @Default beego AppName string // Application name // RunMode // @Description it's the same as environment. In general, we have different run modes. // For example, the most common case is using dev, test, prod three environments // when you are developing the application, you should set it as dev // when you completed coding and want QA to test your code, you should deploy your application to test environment // and the RunMode should be set as test // when you completed all tests, you want to deploy it to prod, you should set it to prod // You should never set RunMode="dev" when you deploy the application to prod // because Beego will do more things which need Go SDK and other tools when it found out the RunMode="dev" // @Default dev RunMode string // Running Mode: dev | prod // RouterCaseSensitive // @Description If it was true, it means that the router is case sensitive. // For example, when you register a router with pattern "/hello", // 1. If this is true, and the request URL is "/Hello", it won't match this pattern // 2. If this is false and the request URL is "/Hello", it will match this pattern // @Default true RouterCaseSensitive bool // RecoverPanic // @Description if it was true, Beego will try to recover from panic when it serves your http request // So you should notice that it doesn't mean that Beego will recover all panic cases. // @Default true RecoverPanic bool // CopyRequestBody // @Description if it's true, Beego will copy the request body. But if the request body's size > MaxMemory, // Beego will return 413 as http status // If you are building RESTful API, please set it to true. // And if you want to read data from request Body multiple times, please set it to true // In general, if you don't meet any performance issue, you could set it to true // @Default false CopyRequestBody bool // EnableGzip // @Description If it was true, Beego will try to compress data by using zip algorithm. // But there are two points: // 1. Only static resources will be compressed // 2. Only those static resource which has the extension specified by StaticExtensionsToGzip will be compressed // @Default false EnableGzip bool // EnableErrorsShow // @Description If it's true, Beego will show error message to page // it will work with ErrorMaps which allows you register some error handler // You may want to set it to false when application was deploy to prod environment // because you may not want to expose your internal error msg to your users // it's a little bit unsafe // @Default true EnableErrorsShow bool // EnableErrorsRender // @Description If it's true, it will output the error msg as a page. It's similar to EnableErrorsShow // And this configure item only work in dev run mode (see RunMode) // @Default true EnableErrorsRender bool // ServerName // @Description server name. For example, in large scale system, // you may want to deploy your application to several machines, so that each of them has a server name // we suggest you'd better set value because Beego use this to output some DEBUG msg, // or integrated with other tools such as tracing, metrics // @Default ServerName string // RecoverFunc // @Description when Beego want to recover from panic, it will use this func as callback // see RecoverPanic // @Default defaultRecoverPanic RecoverFunc func(*context.Context, *Config) // @Description MaxMemory and MaxUploadSize are used to limit the request body // if the request is not uploading file, MaxMemory is the max size of request body // if the request is uploading file, MaxUploadSize is the max size of request body // if CopyRequestBody is true, this value will be used as the threshold of request body // see CopyRequestBody // the default value is 1 << 26 (64MB) // @Default 67108864 MaxMemory int64 // MaxUploadSize // @Description MaxMemory and MaxUploadSize are used to limit the request body // if the request is not uploading file, MaxMemory is the max size of request body // if the request is uploading file, MaxUploadSize is the max size of request body // the default value is 1 << 30 (1GB) // @Default 1073741824 MaxUploadSize int64 // Listen // @Description the configuration about socket or http protocol Listen Listen // WebConfig // @Description the configuration about Web WebConfig WebConfig // LogConfig // @Description log configuration Log LogConfig }
Config is the main struct for BConfig TODO after supporting multiple servers, remove common config to somewhere else
type Controller ¶
type Controller struct { // context data Ctx *context.Context Data map[interface{}]interface{} AppController interface{} // template data TplName string ViewPath string Layout string LayoutSections map[string]string // the key is the section name and the value is the template name TplPrefix string TplExt string EnableRender bool // xsrf data EnableXSRF bool XSRFExpire int // session CruSession session.Store // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Controller defines some basic http request handler operations, such as http context, template and view, session and xsrf.
func (*Controller) Abort ¶
func (c *Controller) Abort(code string)
Abort stops controller handler and show the error data if code is defined in ErrorMap or code string.
func (*Controller) Bind ¶
func (c *Controller) Bind(obj interface{}) error
Bind if the content type is form, we read data from form otherwise, read data from request body
func (*Controller) BindForm ¶
func (c *Controller) BindForm(obj interface{}) error
BindForm read data from form
func (*Controller) BindJSON ¶
func (c *Controller) BindJSON(obj interface{}) error
BindJSON only read data from http request body
func (*Controller) BindProtobuf ¶
func (c *Controller) BindProtobuf(obj proto.Message) error
BindProtobuf only read data from http request body
func (*Controller) BindXML ¶
func (c *Controller) BindXML(obj interface{}) error
BindXML only read data from http request body
func (*Controller) BindYAML ¶
func (c *Controller) BindYAML(obj interface{}) error
BindYAML only read data from http request body
func (*Controller) CheckXSRFCookie ¶
func (c *Controller) CheckXSRFCookie() bool
CheckXSRFCookie checks xsrf token in this request is valid or not. the token can provided in request header "X-Xsrftoken" and "X-CsrfToken" or in form field value named as "_xsrf".
func (*Controller) CustomAbort ¶
func (c *Controller) CustomAbort(status int, body string)
CustomAbort stops controller handler and show the error data, it's similar Aborts, but support status code and body.
func (*Controller) DelSession ¶
func (c *Controller) DelSession(name interface{}) error
DelSession removes value from session.
func (*Controller) Delete ¶
func (c *Controller) Delete()
Delete adds a request function to handle DELETE request.
func (*Controller) DestroySession ¶
func (c *Controller) DestroySession() error
DestroySession cleans session data and session cookie.
func (*Controller) Finish ¶
func (c *Controller) Finish()
Finish runs after request function execution.
func (*Controller) Get ¶
func (c *Controller) Get()
Get adds a request function to handle GET request.
func (*Controller) GetBool ¶
func (c *Controller) GetBool(key string, def ...bool) (bool, error)
GetBool returns input value as bool or the default value while it's present and input is blank.
func (*Controller) GetControllerAndAction ¶
func (c *Controller) GetControllerAndAction() (string, string)
GetControllerAndAction gets the executing controller name and action name.
func (*Controller) GetFile ¶
func (c *Controller) GetFile(key string) (multipart.File, *multipart.FileHeader, error)
GetFile returns the file data in file upload field named as key. it returns the first one of multi-uploaded files.
func (*Controller) GetFiles ¶
func (c *Controller) GetFiles(key string) ([]*multipart.FileHeader, error)
GetFiles return multi-upload files files, err:=c.GetFiles("myfiles")
if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusNoContent) return } for i, _ := range files { //for each fileheader, get a handle to the actual file file, err := files[i].Open() defer file.Close() if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } //create destination file making sure the path is writeable. dst, err := os.Create("upload/" + files[i].Filename) defer dst.Close() if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } //copy the uploaded file to the destination file if _, err := io.Copy(dst, file); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } }
func (*Controller) GetFloat ¶
func (c *Controller) GetFloat(key string, def ...float64) (float64, error)
GetFloat returns input value as float64 or the default value while it's present and input is blank.
func (*Controller) GetInt ¶
func (c *Controller) GetInt(key string, def (int, error)
GetInt returns input as an int or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetInt16 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetInt16(key string, def ...int16) (int16, error)
GetInt16 returns input as an int16 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetInt32 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetInt32(key string, def ...int32) (int32, error)
GetInt32 returns input as an int32 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetInt64 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetInt64(key string, def ...int64) (int64, error)
GetInt64 returns input value as int64 or the default value while it's present and input is blank.
func (*Controller) GetInt8 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetInt8(key string, def ...int8) (int8, error)
GetInt8 return input as an int8 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetSecureCookie ¶
func (c *Controller) GetSecureCookie(Secret, key string) (string, bool)
GetSecureCookie returns decoded cookie value from encoded browser cookie values.
func (*Controller) GetSession ¶
func (c *Controller) GetSession(name interface{}) interface{}
GetSession gets value from session.
func (*Controller) GetString ¶
func (c *Controller) GetString(key string, def ...string) string
GetString returns the input value by key string or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetStrings ¶
func (c *Controller) GetStrings(key string, def ...[]string) []string
GetStrings returns the input string slice by key string or the default value while it's present and input is blank it's designed for multi-value input field such as checkbox(input[type=checkbox]), multi-selection.
func (*Controller) GetUint16 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetUint16(key string, def ...uint16) (uint16, error)
GetUint16 returns input as an uint16 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetUint32 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetUint32(key string, def ...uint32) (uint32, error)
GetUint32 returns input as an uint32 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) GetUint64 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetUint64(key string, def ...uint64) (uint64, error)
GetUint64 returns input value as uint64 or the default value while it's present and input is blank.
func (*Controller) GetUint8 ¶
func (c *Controller) GetUint8(key string, def ...uint8) (uint8, error)
GetUint8 return input as an uint8 or the default value while it's present and input is blank
func (*Controller) HandlerFunc ¶
func (c *Controller) HandlerFunc(fnname string) bool
HandlerFunc call function with the name
func (*Controller) Head ¶
func (c *Controller) Head()
Head adds a request function to handle HEAD request.
func (*Controller) Init ¶
func (c *Controller) Init(ctx *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{})
Init generates default values of controller operations.
func (*Controller) Input ¶
func (c *Controller) Input() (url.Values, error)
Input returns the input data map from POST or PUT request body and query string.
func (*Controller) IsAjax ¶
func (c *Controller) IsAjax() bool
IsAjax returns this request is ajax or not.
func (*Controller) JSONResp ¶
func (c *Controller) JSONResp(data interface{}) error
func (*Controller) Mapping ¶
func (c *Controller) Mapping(method string, fn func())
Mapping the method to function
func (*Controller) Options ¶
func (c *Controller) Options()
Options adds a request function to handle OPTIONS request.
func (*Controller) ParseForm ¶
func (c *Controller) ParseForm(obj interface{}) error
ParseForm maps input data map to obj struct.
func (*Controller) Patch ¶
func (c *Controller) Patch()
Patch adds a request function to handle PATCH request.
func (*Controller) Post ¶
func (c *Controller) Post()
Post adds a request function to handle POST request.
func (*Controller) Prepare ¶
func (c *Controller) Prepare()
Prepare runs after Init before request function execution.
func (*Controller) Put ¶
func (c *Controller) Put()
Put adds a request function to handle PUT request.
func (*Controller) Redirect ¶
func (c *Controller) Redirect(url string, code int)
Redirect sends the redirection response to url with status code.
func (*Controller) Render ¶
func (c *Controller) Render() error
Render sends the response with rendered template bytes as text/html type.
func (*Controller) RenderBytes ¶
func (c *Controller) RenderBytes() ([]byte, error)
RenderBytes returns the bytes of rendered template string. Do not send out response.
func (*Controller) RenderString ¶
func (c *Controller) RenderString() (string, error)
RenderString returns the rendered template string. Do not send out response.
func (*Controller) Resp ¶
func (c *Controller) Resp(data interface{}) error
Resp sends response based on the Accept Header By default response will be in JSON it's different from ServeXXX methods because we don't store the data to Data field
func (*Controller) SaveToFile ¶
func (c *Controller) SaveToFile(fromFile, toFile string) error
SaveToFile saves uploaded file to new path. it only operates the first one of mutil-upload form file field.
func (*Controller) SaveToFileWithBuffer ¶
func (c *Controller) SaveToFileWithBuffer(fromFile string, toFile string, buf []byte) error
func (*Controller) ServeFormatted ¶
func (c *Controller) ServeFormatted(encoding ...bool) error
ServeFormatted serve YAML, XML OR JSON, depending on the value of the Accept header
func (*Controller) ServeJSON ¶
func (c *Controller) ServeJSON(encoding ...bool) error
ServeJSON sends a json response with encoding charset.
func (*Controller) ServeJSONP ¶
func (c *Controller) ServeJSONP() error
ServeJSONP sends a jsonp response.
func (*Controller) ServeYAML ¶
func (c *Controller) ServeYAML() error
ServeYAML sends yaml response.
func (*Controller) SessionRegenerateID ¶
func (c *Controller) SessionRegenerateID() error
SessionRegenerateID regenerates session id for this session. the session data have no changes.
func (*Controller) SetData ¶
func (c *Controller) SetData(data interface{})
SetData set the data depending on the accepted
func (*Controller) SetSecureCookie ¶
func (c *Controller) SetSecureCookie(Secret, name, value string, others ...interface{})
SetSecureCookie puts value into cookie after encoded the value.
func (*Controller) SetSession ¶
func (c *Controller) SetSession(name interface{}, value interface{}) error
SetSession puts value into session.
func (*Controller) StartSession ¶
func (c *Controller) StartSession() session.Store
StartSession starts session and load old session data info this controller.
func (*Controller) StopRun ¶
func (c *Controller) StopRun()
StopRun makes panic of USERSTOPRUN error and go to recover function if defined.
func (*Controller) Trace ¶
func (c *Controller) Trace()
Trace adds a request function to handle Trace request. this method SHOULD NOT be overridden. The TRACE method requests a remote, application-level loop-back of the request message. The final recipient of the request SHOULD reflect the message received, excluding some fields described below, back to the client as the message body of a 200 (OK) response with a Content-Type of "message/http" (Section 8.3.1 of [RFC7230]).
func (*Controller) URLFor ¶
func (c *Controller) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string
URLFor does another controller handler in this request function. it goes to this controller method if endpoint is not clear.
func (*Controller) URLMapping ¶
func (c *Controller) URLMapping()
URLMapping register the internal Controller router.
func (*Controller) XMLResp ¶
func (c *Controller) XMLResp(data interface{}) error
func (*Controller) XSRFFormHTML ¶
func (c *Controller) XSRFFormHTML() string
XSRFFormHTML writes an input field contains xsrf token value.
func (*Controller) XSRFToken ¶
func (c *Controller) XSRFToken() string
XSRFToken creates a CSRF token string and returns.
func (*Controller) YamlResp ¶
func (c *Controller) YamlResp(data interface{}) error
type ControllerComments ¶
type ControllerComments struct { Method string Router string Filters []*ControllerFilter ImportComments []*ControllerImportComments FilterComments []*ControllerFilterComments AllowHTTPMethods []string Params []map[string]string MethodParams []*param.MethodParam }
ControllerComments store the comment for the controller method
type ControllerCommentsSlice ¶
type ControllerCommentsSlice []ControllerComments
ControllerCommentsSlice implements the sort interface
func (ControllerCommentsSlice) Len ¶
func (p ControllerCommentsSlice) Len() int
func (ControllerCommentsSlice) Less ¶
func (p ControllerCommentsSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ControllerCommentsSlice) Swap ¶
func (p ControllerCommentsSlice) Swap(i, j int)
type ControllerFilter ¶
type ControllerFilter struct { Pattern string Pos int Filter FilterFunc ReturnOnOutput bool ResetParams bool }
ControllerFilter store the filter for controller
type ControllerFilterComments ¶
type ControllerFilterComments struct { Pattern string Pos int Filter string // NOQA ReturnOnOutput bool ResetParams bool }
ControllerFilterComments store the comment for controller level filter
type ControllerImportComments ¶
ControllerImportComments store the import comment for controller needed
type ControllerInfo ¶
type ControllerInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ControllerInfo holds information about the controller.
func (*ControllerInfo) GetMethod ¶
func (c *ControllerInfo) GetMethod() map[string]string
func (*ControllerInfo) GetPattern ¶
func (c *ControllerInfo) GetPattern() string
type ControllerInterface ¶
type ControllerInterface interface { Init(ct *context.Context, controllerName, actionName string, app interface{}) Prepare() Get() Post() Delete() Put() Head() Patch() Options() Trace() Finish() Render() error XSRFToken() string CheckXSRFCookie() bool HandlerFunc(fn string) bool URLMapping() }
ControllerInterface is an interface to uniform all controller handler.
type ControllerOption ¶
type ControllerOption func(*ControllerInfo)
func WithRouterMethods ¶
func WithRouterMethods(ctrlInterface ControllerInterface, mappingMethod ...string) ControllerOption
func WithRouterSessionOn ¶
func WithRouterSessionOn(sessionOn bool) ControllerOption
type ControllerRegister ¶
type ControllerRegister struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ControllerRegister containers registered router rules, controller handlers and filters.
func NewControllerRegister ¶
func NewControllerRegister() *ControllerRegister
NewControllerRegister returns a new ControllerRegister. Usually you should not use this method please use NewControllerRegisterWithCfg
func NewControllerRegisterWithCfg ¶
func NewControllerRegisterWithCfg(cfg *Config) *ControllerRegister
func (*ControllerRegister) Add ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Add(pattern string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption)
Add controller handler and pattern rules to ControllerRegister. usage:
default methods is the same name as method Add("/user",&UserController{}) Add("/api/list",&RestController{},"*:ListFood") Add("/api/create",&RestController{},"post:CreateFood") Add("/api/update",&RestController{},"put:UpdateFood") Add("/api/delete",&RestController{},"delete:DeleteFood") Add("/api",&RestController{},"get,post:ApiFunc" Add("/simple",&SimpleController{},"get:GetFunc;post:PostFunc")
func (*ControllerRegister) AddAuto ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAuto(c ControllerInterface)
AddAuto router to ControllerRegister. example beego.AddAuto(&MainController{}), MainController has method List and Page. visit the url /main/list to execute List function /main/page to execute Page function.
func (*ControllerRegister) AddAutoPrefix ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface)
AddAutoPrefix Add auto router to ControllerRegister with prefix. example beego.AddAutoPrefix("/admin",&MainController{}), MainController has method List and Page. visit the url /admin/main/list to execute List function /admin/main/page to execute Page function.
func (*ControllerRegister) AddMethod ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddMethod(method, pattern string, f HandleFunc)
AddMethod add http method router usage:
AddMethod("get","/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) AddRouterMethod ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) AddRouterMethod(httpMethod, pattern string, f interface{})
AddRouterMethod add http method router usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } AddRouterMethod("get","/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) Any ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Any(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Any add all method usage:
Any("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlAny ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlAny(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlAny add all method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlAny("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlDelete ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlDelete(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlDelete add delete method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlDelete("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlGet ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlGet(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlGet add get method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlGet("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
If the receiver of function Ping is pointer, you should use CtrlGet("/api/:id", (*MyController).Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlHead ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlHead(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlHead add head method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlHead("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
If the receiver of function Ping is pointer, you should use CtrlHead("/api/:id", (*MyController).Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlOptions ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlOptions(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlOptions add options method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlOptions("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlPatch ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPatch(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlPatch add patch method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlPatch("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlPost ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPost(pattern string, f interface{})
CtrlPost add post method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlPost("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
If the receiver of function Ping is pointer, you should use CtrlPost("/api/:id", (*MyController).Ping)
func (*ControllerRegister) CtrlPut ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) CtrlPut(pattern string, f interface{})
func (*ControllerRegister) Delete ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Delete(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Delete add delete method usage:
Delete("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) FindPolicy ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) FindPolicy(cont *context.Context) []PolicyFunc
FindPolicy Find Router info for URL
func (*ControllerRegister) FindRouter ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) FindRouter(context *beecontext.Context) (routerInfo *ControllerInfo, isFind bool)
FindRouter Find Router info for URL
func (*ControllerRegister) Get ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Get(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Get add get method usage:
Get("/", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) GetAllControllerInfo ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) GetAllControllerInfo() (routerInfos []*ControllerInfo)
GetAllControllerInfo get all ControllerInfo
func (*ControllerRegister) GetContext ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) GetContext() *beecontext.Context
GetContext returns a context from pool, so usually you should remember to call Reset function to clean the context And don't forget to give back context to pool example:
ctx := p.GetContext() ctx.Reset(w, q) defer p.GiveBackContext(ctx)
func (*ControllerRegister) GiveBackContext ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) GiveBackContext(ctx *beecontext.Context)
GiveBackContext put the ctx into pool so that it could be reuse
func (*ControllerRegister) Handler ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Handler(pattern string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{})
Handler add user defined Handler
func (*ControllerRegister) Head ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Head(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Head add head method usage:
Head("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) Include ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface)
Include only when the Runmode is dev will generate router file in the router/auto.go from the controller Include(&BankAccount{}, &OrderController{},&RefundController{},&ReceiptController{})
func (*ControllerRegister) Init ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Init()
Init will be executed when HttpServer start running
func (*ControllerRegister) InsertFilter ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) error
InsertFilter Add a FilterFunc with pattern rule and action constant. params is for:
- setting the returnOnOutput value (false allows multiple filters to execute)
- determining whether or not params need to be reset.
func (*ControllerRegister) InsertFilterChain ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) InsertFilterChain(pattern string, chain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt)
InsertFilterChain is similar to InsertFilter, but it will using chainRoot.filterFunc as input to build a new filterFunc for example, assume that chainRoot is funcA and we add new FilterChain
fc := func(next) { return func(ctx) { // do something next(ctx) // do something } }
func (*ControllerRegister) Options ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Options(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Options add options method usage:
Options("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) Patch ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Patch(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Patch add patch method usage:
Patch("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) Post ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Post(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Post add post method usage:
Post("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) Put ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) Put(pattern string, f HandleFunc)
Put add put method usage:
Put("/api/:id", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
Implement http.Handler interface.
func (*ControllerRegister) URLFor ¶
func (p *ControllerRegister) URLFor(endpoint string, values ...interface{}) string
URLFor does another controller handler in this request function. it can access any controller method.
type FileSystem ¶
type FileSystem struct{}
type FilterChain ¶
type FilterChain func(next FilterFunc) FilterFunc
FilterChain is different from pure FilterFunc when you use this, you must invoke next(ctx) inside the FilterFunc which is returned And all those FilterChain will be invoked before other FilterFunc
type FilterFunc ¶
type FilterFunc = HandleFunc
FilterFunc defines a filter function which is invoked before the controller handler is executed. It's a alias of HandleFunc In fact, the HandleFunc is the last Filter. This is the truth
type FilterHandler ¶
type FilterHandler interface {
Filter(*beecontext.Context) bool
FilterHandler is an interface for
var ( // HTTPMETHOD list the supported http methods. HTTPMETHOD = map[string]bool{ "GET": true, "POST": true, "PUT": true, "DELETE": true, "PATCH": true, "OPTIONS": true, "HEAD": true, "TRACE": true, "CONNECT": true, "MKCOL": true, "COPY": true, "MOVE": true, "PROPFIND": true, "PROPPATCH": true, "LOCK": true, "UNLOCK": true, } // DefaultAccessLogFilter will skip the accesslog if return true DefaultAccessLogFilter FilterHandler = &logFilter{} )
type FilterOpt ¶
type FilterOpt func(opts *filterOpts)
func WithCaseSensitive ¶
func WithResetParams ¶
func WithReturnOnOutput ¶
type FilterRouter ¶
type FilterRouter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FilterRouter defines a filter operation which is invoked before the controller handler is executed. It can match the URL against a pattern, and execute a filter function when a request with a matching URL arrives.
func (*FilterRouter) ValidRouter ¶
func (f *FilterRouter) ValidRouter(url string, ctx *context.Context) bool
ValidRouter checks if the current request is matched by this filter. If the request is matched, the values of the URL parameters defined by the filter pattern are also returned.
type FlashData ¶
FlashData is a tools to maintain data when using across request.
func ReadFromRequest ¶
func ReadFromRequest(c *Controller) *FlashData
ReadFromRequest parsed flash data from encoded values in cookie.
func (*FlashData) Store ¶
func (fd *FlashData) Store(c *Controller)
Store does the saving operation of flash data. the data are encoded and saved in cookie.
type HandleFunc ¶
type HandleFunc func(ctx *beecontext.Context)
HandleFunc define how to process the request
type HttpServer ¶
type HttpServer struct { Handlers *ControllerRegister Server *http.Server Cfg *Config LifeCycleCallbacks []LifeCycleCallback }
HttpServer defines beego application with a new PatternServeMux.
var BeeApp *HttpServer
BeeApp is an application instance If you are using single server, you could use this But if you need multiple servers, do not use this
func AddTemplateEngine ¶
func AddTemplateEngine(extension string, fn templatePreProcessor) *HttpServer
AddTemplateEngine add a new templatePreProcessor which support extension
func AutoPrefix ¶
func AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
AutoPrefix see HttpServer.AutoPrefix
func AutoRouter ¶
func AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
AutoRouter see HttpServer.AutoRouter
func DelStaticPath ¶
func DelStaticPath(url string) *HttpServer
DelStaticPath removes the static folder setting in this url pattern in beego application.
func ErrorController ¶
func ErrorController(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
ErrorController registers ControllerInterface to each http err code string. usage:
func ErrorHandler ¶
func ErrorHandler(code string, h http.HandlerFunc) *HttpServer
ErrorHandler registers http.HandlerFunc to each http err code string. usage:
beego.ErrorHandler("404",NotFound) beego.ErrorHandler("500",InternalServerError)
func Handler ¶
func Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) *HttpServer
Handler see HttpServer.Handler
func Include ¶
func Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
Include see HttpServer.Include
func InsertFilter ¶
func InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
InsertFilter see HttpServer.InsertFilter
func InsertFilterChain ¶
func InsertFilterChain(pattern string, filterChain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
InsertFilterChain see HttpServer.InsertFilterChain
func NewHttpServerWithCfg ¶
func NewHttpServerWithCfg(cfg *Config) *HttpServer
NewHttpServerWithCfg will create an sever with specific cfg
func NewHttpSever ¶
func NewHttpSever() *HttpServer
NewHttpSever returns a new beego application. this method will use the BConfig as the configure to create HttpServer Be careful that when you update BConfig, the server's Cfg will be updated too
func Options ¶
func Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Options see HttpServer.Options
func RESTRouter ¶
func RESTRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
RESTRouter see HttpServer.RESTRouter
func Router ¶
func Router(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *HttpServer
Router see HttpServer.Router
func RouterWithOpts ¶
func RouterWithOpts(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption) *HttpServer
func SetStaticPath ¶
func SetStaticPath(url string, path string) *HttpServer
SetStaticPath sets static directory path and proper url pattern in beego application. if beego.SetStaticPath("static","public"), visit /static/* to load static file in folder "public".
func SetViewsPath ¶
func SetViewsPath(path string) *HttpServer
SetViewsPath sets view directory path in beego application.
func UnregisterFixedRoute ¶
func UnregisterFixedRoute(fixedRoute string, method string) *HttpServer
UnregisterFixedRoute see HttpServer.UnregisterFixedRoute
func (*HttpServer) Any ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Any(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Any used to register router for all methods usage:
beego.Any("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) AutoPrefix ¶
func (app *HttpServer) AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
AutoPrefix adds controller handler to BeeApp with prefix. it's same to HttpServer.AutoRouterWithPrefix. if beego.AutoPrefix("/admin",&MainController{}) and MainController has methods List and Page, visit the url /admin/main/list to exec List function or /admin/main/page to exec Page function.
func (*HttpServer) AutoRouter ¶
func (app *HttpServer) AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
AutoRouter adds defined controller handler to BeeApp. it's same to HttpServer.AutoRouter. if beego.AddAuto(&MainController{}) and MainController has methods List and Page, visit the url /main/list to exec List function or /main/page to exec Page function.
func (*HttpServer) CtrlAny ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlAny used to register router for CtrlAny method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlAny("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlDelete ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlDelete used to register router for CtrlDelete method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlDelete("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlGet ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlGet used to register router for CtrlGet method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlGet("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlHead ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlHead used to register router for CtrlHead method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlHead("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlOptions ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlOptions used to register router for CtrlOptions method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlOptions("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlPatch ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlPatch used to register router for CtrlPatch method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlPatch("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlPost ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlPost used to register router for CtrlPost method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlPost("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) CtrlPut ¶
func (app *HttpServer) CtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{}) *HttpServer
CtrlPut used to register router for CtrlPut method usage:
type MyController struct { web.Controller } func (m MyController) Ping() { m.Ctx.Output.Body([]byte("hello world")) } CtrlPut("/api/:id", MyController.Ping)
func (*HttpServer) Delete ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Delete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Delete used to register router for Delete method usage:
beego.Delete("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) Get ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Get(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Get used to register router for Get method usage:
beego.Get("/", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) Handler ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Handler(rootpath string, h http.Handler, options ...interface{}) *HttpServer
Handler used to register a Handler router usage:
beego.Handler("/api", http.HandlerFunc(func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path)) }))
func (*HttpServer) Head ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Head(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Head used to register router for Head method usage:
beego.Head("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) Include ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
Include will generate router file in the router/xxx.go from the controller's comments usage: beego.Include(&BankAccount{}, &OrderController{},&RefundController{},&ReceiptController{})
type BankAccount struct{ beego.Controller }
register the function
func (b *BankAccount)Mapping(){ b.Mapping("ShowAccount" , b.ShowAccount) b.Mapping("ModifyAccount", b.ModifyAccount) }
//@router /account/:id [get]
func (b *BankAccount) ShowAccount(){ //logic }
//@router /account/:id [post]
func (b *BankAccount) ModifyAccount(){ //logic }
the comments @router url methodlist url support all the function Router's pattern methodlist [get post head put delete options *]
func (*HttpServer) InsertFilter ¶
func (app *HttpServer) InsertFilter(pattern string, pos int, filter FilterFunc, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
InsertFilter adds a FilterFunc with pattern condition and action constant. The pos means action constant including beego.BeforeStatic, beego.BeforeRouter, beego.BeforeExec, beego.AfterExec and beego.FinishRouter. The bool params is for setting the returnOnOutput value (false allows multiple filters to execute)
func (*HttpServer) InsertFilterChain ¶
func (app *HttpServer) InsertFilterChain(pattern string, filterChain FilterChain, opts ...FilterOpt) *HttpServer
InsertFilterChain adds a FilterFunc built by filterChain. This filter will be executed before all filters. the filter's behavior like stack's behavior and the last filter is serving the http request
func (*HttpServer) LogAccess ¶
func (app *HttpServer) LogAccess(ctx *beecontext.Context, startTime *time.Time, statusCode int)
func (*HttpServer) Options ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Options used to register router for Options method usage:
beego.Options("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) Patch ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Patch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Patch used to register router for Patch method usage:
beego.Patch("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) Post ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Post(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Post used to register router for Post method usage:
beego.Post("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) PrintTree ¶
func (app *HttpServer) PrintTree() M
PrintTree prints all registered routers.
func (*HttpServer) Put ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Put(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *HttpServer
Put used to register router for Put method usage:
beego.Put("/api", func(ctx *context.Context){ ctx.Output.Body("hello world") })
func (*HttpServer) RESTRouter ¶
func (app *HttpServer) RESTRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface) *HttpServer
RESTRouter adds a restful controller handler to BeeApp. its' controller implements beego.ControllerInterface and defines a param "pattern/:objectId" to visit each resource.
func (*HttpServer) Router ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Router(rootPath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *HttpServer
Router adds a patterned controller handler to BeeApp. it's an alias method of HttpServer.Router. usage:
simple router beego.Router("/admin", &admin.UserController{}) beego.Router("/admin/index", &admin.ArticleController{}) regex router beego.Router("/api/:id([0-9]+)", &controllers.RController{}) custom rules beego.Router("/api/list",&RestController{},"*:ListFood") beego.Router("/api/create",&RestController{},"post:CreateFood") beego.Router("/api/update",&RestController{},"put:UpdateFood") beego.Router("/api/delete",&RestController{},"delete:DeleteFood")
func (*HttpServer) RouterWithOpts ¶
func (app *HttpServer) RouterWithOpts(rootPath string, c ControllerInterface, opts ...ControllerOption) *HttpServer
func (*HttpServer) Run ¶
func (app *HttpServer) Run(addr string, mws ...MiddleWare)
Run beego application.
func (*HttpServer) UnregisterFixedRoute ¶
func (app *HttpServer) UnregisterFixedRoute(fixedRoute string, method string) *HttpServer
UnregisterFixedRoute unregisters the route with the specified fixedRoute. It is particularly useful in web applications that inherit most routes from a base webapp via the underscore import, and aim to overwrite only certain paths. The method parameter can be empty or "*" for all HTTP methods, or a particular method type (e.g. "GET" or "POST") for selective removal.
Usage (replace "GET" with "*" for all methods):
beego.UnregisterFixedRoute("/yourpreviouspath", "GET") beego.Router("/yourpreviouspath", yourControllerAddress, "get:GetNewPage")
type LifeCycleCallback ¶
type LifeCycleCallback interface { AfterStart(app *HttpServer) BeforeShutdown(app *HttpServer) }
LifeCycleCallback configures callback. Developer can implement this interface to add custom logic to server lifecycle
type LinkNamespace ¶
type LinkNamespace func(*Namespace)
LinkNamespace used as link action
func NSAfter ¶
func NSAfter(filterList ...FilterFunc) LinkNamespace
NSAfter add Namespace FinishRouter filter
func NSAutoPrefix ¶
func NSAutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
NSAutoPrefix call Namespace AutoPrefix
func NSAutoRouter ¶
func NSAutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
NSAutoRouter call Namespace AutoRouter
func NSBefore ¶
func NSBefore(filterList ...FilterFunc) LinkNamespace
NSBefore Namespace BeforeRouter filter
func NSCtrlAny ¶
func NSCtrlAny(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlAny call Namespace CtrlAny
func NSCtrlDelete ¶
func NSCtrlDelete(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlDelete call Namespace CtrlDelete
func NSCtrlGet ¶
func NSCtrlGet(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlGet call Namespace CtrlGet
func NSCtrlHead ¶
func NSCtrlHead(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlHead call Namespace CtrlHead
func NSCtrlOptions ¶
func NSCtrlOptions(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlOptions call Namespace CtrlOptions
func NSCtrlPatch ¶
func NSCtrlPatch(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlPatch call Namespace CtrlPatch
func NSCtrlPost ¶
func NSCtrlPost(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlPost call Namespace CtrlPost
func NSCtrlPut ¶
func NSCtrlPut(rootpath string, f interface{}) LinkNamespace
NSCtrlPut call Namespace CtrlPut
func NSDelete ¶
func NSDelete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
NSDelete call Namespace Delete
func NSHandler ¶
func NSHandler(rootpath string, h http.Handler) LinkNamespace
NSHandler add handler
func NSInclude ¶
func NSInclude(cList ...ControllerInterface) LinkNamespace
NSInclude Namespace Include ControllerInterface
func NSNamespace ¶
func NSNamespace(prefix string, params ...LinkNamespace) LinkNamespace
NSNamespace add sub Namespace
func NSOptions ¶
func NSOptions(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
NSOptions call Namespace Options
func NSPatch ¶
func NSPatch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) LinkNamespace
NSPatch call Namespace Patch
func NSRouter ¶
func NSRouter(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) LinkNamespace
NSRouter call Namespace Router
type Listen ¶
type Listen struct { // Graceful // @Description means use graceful module to start the server // @Default false Graceful bool // ListenTCP4 // @Description if it's true, means that Beego only work for TCP4 // please check net.Listen function // In general, you should not set it to true // @Default false ListenTCP4 bool // EnableHTTP // @Description if it's true, Beego will accept HTTP request. // But if you want to use HTTPS only, please set it to false // see EnableHTTPS // @Default true EnableHTTP bool // AutoTLS // @Description If it's true, Beego will use default value to initialize the TLS configure // But those values could be override if you have custom value. // see Domains, TLSCacheDir // @Default false AutoTLS bool // EnableHTTPS // @Description If it's true, Beego will accept HTTPS request. // Now, you'd better use HTTPS protocol on prod environment to get better security // In prod, the best option is EnableHTTPS=true and EnableHTTP=false // see EnableHTTP // @Default false EnableHTTPS bool // EnableMutualHTTPS // @Description if it's true, Beego will handle requests on incoming mutual TLS connections // see Server.ListenAndServeMutualTLS // @Default false EnableMutualHTTPS bool // EnableAdmin // @Description if it's true, Beego will provide admin service. // You can visit the admin service via browser. // The default port is 8088 // see AdminPort // @Default false EnableAdmin bool // EnableFcgi // @Description // @Default false EnableFcgi bool // EnableStdIo // @Description EnableStdIo works with EnableFcgi Use FCGI via standard I/O // @Default false EnableStdIo bool // ServerTimeOut // @Description Beego use this as ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout // The unit is second. // see http.Server.ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout // @Default 0 ServerTimeOut int64 // HTTPAddr // @Description Beego listen to this address when the application start up. // @Default "" HTTPAddr string // HTTPPort // @Description Beego listen to this port // you'd better change this value when you deploy to prod environment // @Default 8080 HTTPPort int // Domains // @Description Beego use this to configure TLS. Those domains are "white list" domain // @Default [] Domains []string // TLSCacheDir // @Description Beego use this as cache dir to store TLS cert data // @Default "" TLSCacheDir string // HTTPSAddr // @Description Beego will listen to this address to accept HTTPS request // see EnableHTTPS // @Default "" HTTPSAddr string // HTTPSPort // @Description Beego will listen to this port to accept HTTPS request // @Default 10443 HTTPSPort int // HTTPSCertFile // @Description Beego read this file as cert file // When you are using HTTPS protocol, please configure it // see HTTPSKeyFile // @Default "" HTTPSCertFile string // HTTPSKeyFile // @Description Beego read this file as key file // When you are using HTTPS protocol, please configure it // see HTTPSCertFile // @Default "" HTTPSKeyFile string // TrustCaFile // @Description Beego read this file as CA file // @Default "" TrustCaFile string // AdminAddr // @Description Beego will listen to this address to provide admin service // In general, it should be the same with your application address, HTTPAddr or HTTPSAddr // @Default "" AdminAddr string // AdminPort // @Description Beego will listen to this port to provide admin service // @Default 8088 AdminPort int // @Description Beego use this tls.ClientAuthType to initialize TLS connection // The default value is tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert // @Default 4 ClientAuth int }
Listen holds for http and https related config
type LogConfig ¶
type LogConfig struct { // AccessLogs // @Description If it's true, Beego will log the HTTP request info // @Default false AccessLogs bool // EnableStaticLogs // @Description log static files requests // @Default false EnableStaticLogs bool // FileLineNum // @Description if it's true, it will log the line number // @Default true FileLineNum bool // AccessLogsFormat // @Description access log format: JSON_FORMAT, APACHE_FORMAT or empty string // @Default APACHE_FORMAT AccessLogsFormat string // Outputs // @Description the destination of access log // the key is log adapter and the value is adapter's configure // @Default "console" => "" Outputs map[string]string // Store Adaptor : config }
LogConfig holds Log related config
type MiddleWare ¶
MiddleWare function for http.Handler
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Namespace is store all the info
func NewNamespace ¶
func NewNamespace(prefix string, params ...LinkNamespace) *Namespace
NewNamespace get new Namespace
func (*Namespace) Any ¶
func (n *Namespace) Any(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Any same as beego.Any refer:
func (*Namespace) AutoPrefix ¶
func (n *Namespace) AutoPrefix(prefix string, c ControllerInterface) *Namespace
AutoPrefix same as beego.AutoPrefix refer:
func (*Namespace) AutoRouter ¶
func (n *Namespace) AutoRouter(c ControllerInterface) *Namespace
AutoRouter same as beego.AutoRouter refer:
func (*Namespace) Cond ¶
Cond set condition function if cond return true can run this namespace, else can't usage:
ns.Cond(func (ctx *context.Context) bool{ if ctx.Input.Domain() == "" { return true } return false })
Cond as the first filter
func (*Namespace) CtrlDelete ¶
CtrlDelete same as beego.CtrlDelete
func (*Namespace) CtrlOptions ¶
CtrlOptions same as beego.CtrlOptions
func (*Namespace) Delete ¶
func (n *Namespace) Delete(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Delete same as beego.Delete refer:
func (*Namespace) Filter ¶
func (n *Namespace) Filter(action string, filter ...FilterFunc) *Namespace
Filter add filter in the Namespace action has before & after FilterFunc usage:
Filter("before", func (ctx *context.Context){ _, ok := ctx.Input.Session("uid").(int) if !ok && ctx.Request.RequestURI != "/login" { ctx.Redirect(302, "/login") } })
func (*Namespace) Get ¶
func (n *Namespace) Get(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Get same as beego.Get refer:
func (*Namespace) Handler ¶
Handler same as beego.Handler refer:
func (*Namespace) Head ¶
func (n *Namespace) Head(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Head same as beego.Head refer:
func (*Namespace) Include ¶
func (n *Namespace) Include(cList ...ControllerInterface) *Namespace
Include add include class refer:
func (*Namespace) Namespace ¶
Namespace add nest Namespace usage: ns := beego.NewNamespace(“/v1”). Namespace(
beego.NewNamespace("/shop"). Get("/:id", func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Output.Body([]byte("shopinfo")) }), beego.NewNamespace("/order"). Get("/:id", func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Output.Body([]byte("orderinfo")) }), beego.NewNamespace("/crm"). Get("/:id", func(ctx *context.Context) { ctx.Output.Body([]byte("crminfo")) }),
func (*Namespace) Options ¶
func (n *Namespace) Options(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Options same as beego.Options refer:
func (*Namespace) Patch ¶
func (n *Namespace) Patch(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Patch same as beego.Patch refer:
func (*Namespace) Post ¶
func (n *Namespace) Post(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Post same as beego.Post refer:
func (*Namespace) Put ¶
func (n *Namespace) Put(rootpath string, f HandleFunc) *Namespace
Put same as beego.Put refer:
func (*Namespace) Router ¶
func (n *Namespace) Router(rootpath string, c ControllerInterface, mappingMethods ...string) *Namespace
Router same as beego.Rourer refer:
type PolicyFunc ¶
PolicyFunc defines a policy function which is invoked before the controller handler is executed.
type SessionConfig ¶
type SessionConfig struct { // SessionOn // @Description if it's true, Beego will auto manage session // @Default false SessionOn bool // SessionAutoSetCookie // @Description if it's true, Beego will put the session token into cookie too // @Default true SessionAutoSetCookie bool // SessionDisableHTTPOnly // @Description used to allow for cross domain cookies/javascript cookies // In general, you should not set it to true unless you understand the risk // @Default false SessionDisableHTTPOnly bool // SessionEnableSidInHTTPHeader // @Description enable store/get the sessionId into/from http headers // @Default false SessionEnableSidInHTTPHeader bool // SessionEnableSidInURLQuery // @Description enable get the sessionId from Url Query params // @Default false SessionEnableSidInURLQuery bool // SessionProvider // @Description session provider's name. // You should confirm that this provider has been register via session.Register method // the default value is memory. This is not suitable for distributed system // @Default memory SessionProvider string // SessionName // @Description If SessionAutoSetCookie is true, we use this value as the cookie's name // @Default beegosessionID SessionName string // SessionGCMaxLifetime // @Description Beego will GC session to clean useless session. // unit: second // @Default 3600 SessionGCMaxLifetime int64 // SessionProviderConfig // @Description the config of session provider // see SessionProvider // you should read the document of session provider to learn how to set this value // @Default "" SessionProviderConfig string // SessionCookieLifeTime // @Description If SessionAutoSetCookie is true, // we use this value as the expiration time and max age of the cookie // unit second // @Default 0 SessionCookieLifeTime int // SessionDomain // @Description If SessionAutoSetCookie is true, we use this value as the cookie's domain // @Default "" SessionDomain string // SessionNameInHTTPHeader // @Description if SessionEnableSidInHTTPHeader is true, this value will be used as the http header // @Default Beegosessionid SessionNameInHTTPHeader string // SessionCookieSameSite // @Description If SessionAutoSetCookie is true, we use this value as the cookie's same site policy // the default value is http.SameSiteDefaultMode // @Default 1 SessionCookieSameSite http.SameSite // SessionIDPrefix // @Description session id's prefix // @Default "" SessionIDPrefix string }
SessionConfig holds session related config
type Statistics ¶
type Statistics struct { RequestURL string RequestController string RequestNum int64 MinTime time.Duration MaxTime time.Duration TotalTime time.Duration }
Statistics struct
type Tree ¶
type Tree struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Tree has three elements: FixRouter/wildcard/leaves fixRouter stores Fixed Router wildcard stores params leaves store the endpoint information
type URLMap ¶
type URLMap struct { LengthLimit int // limit the urlmap's length if it's equal to 0 there's no limit // contains filtered or unexported fields }
URLMap contains several statistics struct to log different data
var StatisticsMap *URLMap
StatisticsMap hosld global statistics data map
func (*URLMap) AddStatistics ¶
func (m *URLMap) AddStatistics(requestMethod, requestURL, requestController string, requesttime time.Duration)
AddStatistics add statistics task. it needs request method, request url, request controller and statistics time duration
func (*URLMap) GetMapData ¶
GetMapData return all mapdata
type WebConfig ¶
type WebConfig struct { // AutoRender // @Description If it's true, Beego will render the page based on your template and data // In general, keep it as true. // But if you are building RESTFul API and you don't have any page, // you can set it to false // @Default true AutoRender bool // Deprecated: Beego didn't use it anymore EnableDocs bool // EnableXSRF // @Description If it's true, Beego will help to provide XSRF support // But you should notice that, now Beego only work for HTTPS protocol with XSRF // because it's not safe if using HTTP protocol // And, the cookie storing XSRF token has two more flags HttpOnly and Secure // It means that you must use HTTPS protocol and you can not read the token from JS script // This is completed different from Beego 1.x because we got many security reports // And if you are in dev environment, you could set it to false // @Default false EnableXSRF bool // DirectoryIndex // @Description When Beego serves static resources request, it will look up the file. // If the file is directory, Beego will try to find the index.html as the response // But if the index.html is not exist or it's a directory, // Beego will return 403 response if DirectoryIndex is **false** // @Default false DirectoryIndex bool // FlashName // @Description the cookie's name when Beego try to store the flash data into cookie // @Default BEEGO_FLASH FlashName string // FlashSeparator // @Description When Beego read flash data from request, it uses this as the separator // @Default BEEGOFLASH FlashSeparator string // StaticDir // @Description Beego uses this as static resources' root directory. // It means that Beego will try to search static resource from this start point // It's a map, the key is the path and the value is the directory // For example, the default value is /static => static, // which means that when Beego got a request with path /static/xxx // Beego will try to find the resource from static directory // @Default /static => static StaticDir map[string]string // StaticExtensionsToGzip // @Description The static resources with those extension will be compressed if EnableGzip is true // @Default [".css", ".js" ] StaticExtensionsToGzip []string // StaticCacheFileSize // @Description If the size of static resource < StaticCacheFileSize, Beego will try to handle it by itself, // it means that Beego will compressed the file data (if enable) and cache this file. // But if the file size > StaticCacheFileSize, Beego just simply delegate the request to http.ServeFile // the default value is 100KB. // the max memory size of caching static files is StaticCacheFileSize * StaticCacheFileNum // see StaticCacheFileNum // @Default 102400 StaticCacheFileSize int // StaticCacheFileNum // @Description Beego use it to control the memory usage of caching static resource file // If the caching files > StaticCacheFileNum, Beego use LRU algorithm to remove caching file // the max memory size of caching static files is StaticCacheFileSize * StaticCacheFileNum // see StaticCacheFileSize // @Default 1000 StaticCacheFileNum int // TemplateLeft // @Description Beego use this to render page // see TemplateRight // @Default {{ TemplateLeft string // TemplateRight // @Description Beego use this to render page // see TemplateLeft // @Default }} TemplateRight string // ViewsPath // @Description The directory of Beego application storing template // @Default views ViewsPath string // CommentRouterPath // @Description Beego scans this directory and its sub directory to generate router // Beego only scans this directory when it's in dev environment // @Default controllers CommentRouterPath string // XSRFKey // @Description the name of cookie storing XSRF token // see EnableXSRF // @Default beegoxsrf XSRFKey string // XSRFExpire // @Description the expiration time of XSRF token cookie // second // @Default 0 XSRFExpire int // @Description session related config Session SessionConfig }
WebConfig holds web related config
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package captcha implements generation and verification of image CAPTCHAs.
Package captcha implements generation and verification of image CAPTCHAs. |
Package context provide the context utils Usage:
Package context provide the context utils Usage: |
Package apiauth provides handlers to enable apiauth support.
Package apiauth provides handlers to enable apiauth support. |
Package auth provides handlers to enable basic auth support.
Package auth provides handlers to enable basic auth support. |
Package authz provides handlers to enable ACL, RBAC, ABAC authorization support.
Package authz provides handlers to enable ACL, RBAC, ABAC authorization support. |
Package cors provides handlers to enable CORS support.
Package cors provides handlers to enable CORS support. |
Package grace use to hot reload Description:
Package grace use to hot reload Description: |
Package session provider
Package session provider |
Package couchbase for session provider
Package couchbase for session provider |
Package ledis provide session Provider
Package ledis provide session Provider |
Package memcache for session provider
Package memcache for session provider |
Package mysql for session provider
Package mysql for session provider |
Package postgres for session provider
Package postgres for session provider |
Package redis for session provider
Package redis for session provider |
Package redis for session provider
Package redis for session provider |
Package redis for session provider
Package redis for session provider |
Package swagger struct definition
Package swagger struct definition |