Overview ¶
Package cloudformation provides a schema and related functions that allow you to reason about cloudformation template documents.
Parsing example:
t := Template{} json.NewDecoder(os.Stdin).Decode(&t)
Producing Example:
t := NewTemplate() t.Parameters["DnsName"] = &Parameter{ Type: "string", Default: "", Description: "the top level DNS name for the service" } t.AddResource("DataBucket", &S3Bucket{ BucketName: Join("-", *String("data"), *Ref("DnsName").String()) }) json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encoder(t)
See the examples directory for a more complete example of producing a cloudformation template from code.
Producing the Schema ¶
As far as I can tell, AWS do not produce a structured document that describes the Cloudformation schema. The names and types for the various resources and objects are derived from scraping their HTML documentation (see scraper/). It is mostly, but not entirely, complete. I've noticed several inconsistencies in the documentation which suggests that it is constructed by hand. If you run into problems, please submit a bug (or better yet, a pull request).
Object Types ¶
Top level objects in Cloudformation are called resources. They have names like AWS::S3::Bucket and appear as values in the "Resources" mapping. We remove the punctuation from the name to derive a golang structure name like S3Bucket.
There other non-resource structures that are refered to either by resources or by other structures. These objects have names with spaces like "Amazon S3 Versioning Configuration". To derive a golang type name the non-letter characters are removed to get S3VersioningConfiguration.
Type System ¶
Cloudformation uses three scalar types: string, int and bool. When they appear as properties we represent them as *StringExpr, *IntegerExpr, and *BoolExpr respectively. These types reflect that fact that a scalar type could be a literal string, int or bool, or could be a JSON dictionary representing a function call. (The *Expr structs have custom MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON that account for this)
Another vagary of the cloudformation language is that in cases where a list of objects is expects, a single object can provided. To account for this, whenever a list of objects appears, a custom type *WhateverList is used. This allows us to add a custom UnmarshalJSON which transforms an object into a list containing an object.
Index ¶
- func RegisterCustomResourceProvider(provider CustomResourceProvider)
- type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey
- type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList
- type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription
- type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList
- type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting
- type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList
- type APIGatewayMethodIntegration
- type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse
- type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList
- type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList
- type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse
- type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList
- type APIGatewayRestApiS3Location
- type APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList
- type APIGatewayStageMethodSetting
- type APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings
- type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList
- type ApiGatewayAccount
- type ApiGatewayApiKey
- type ApiGatewayAuthorizer
- type ApiGatewayBasePathMapping
- type ApiGatewayClientCertificate
- type ApiGatewayDeployment
- type ApiGatewayMethod
- type ApiGatewayModel
- type ApiGatewayResource
- type ApiGatewayRestApi
- type ApiGatewayStage
- type ApiGatewayUsagePlan
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment
- type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList
- type AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
- type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping
- type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList
- type AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice
- type AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList
- type AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- type AutoScalingLifecycleHook
- type AutoScalingMetricsCollection
- type AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList
- type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations
- type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList
- type AutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments
- type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList
- type AutoScalingScheduledAction
- type AutoScalingTags
- type AutoScalingTagsList
- type Base64Func
- type BoolExpr
- type BoolFunc
- type CertificateManagerCertificate
- type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption
- type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList
- type CloudFormationAuthentication
- type CloudFormationCustomResource
- type CloudFormationInit
- type CloudFormationInterface
- type CloudFormationStack
- type CloudFormationStackParameters
- type CloudFormationStackParametersList
- type CloudFormationWaitCondition
- type CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
- type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior
- type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList
- type CloudFrontDistribution
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfig
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate
- type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList
- type CloudFrontForwardedValues
- type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies
- type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList
- type CloudFrontForwardedValuesList
- type CloudFrontLogging
- type CloudFrontLoggingList
- type CloudTrailTrail
- type CloudWatchAlarm
- type CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget
- type CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList
- type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty
- type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList
- type CloudWatchMetricDimension
- type CloudWatchMetricDimensionList
- type CodeBuildProject
- type CodeBuildProjectArtifacts
- type CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList
- type CodeBuildProjectEnvironment
- type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables
- type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList
- type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList
- type CodeBuildProjectSource
- type CodeBuildProjectSourceList
- type CodeCommitRepository
- type CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger
- type CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList
- type CodeDeployApplication
- type CodeDeployDeploymentConfig
- type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts
- type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroup
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters
- type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList
- type CodePipelineCustomAction
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings
- type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList
- type CodePipelinePipeline
- type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore
- type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey
- type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList
- type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList
- type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions
- type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStages
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList
- type CodePipelinePipelineStagesList
- type ConfigConfigRule
- type ConfigConfigRuleScope
- type ConfigConfigRuleScopeList
- type ConfigConfigRuleSource
- type ConfigConfigRuleSourceList
- type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails
- type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList
- type ConfigConfigurationRecorder
- type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup
- type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList
- type ConfigDeliveryChannel
- type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
- type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList
- type CreationPolicy
- type CreationPolicyResourceSignal
- type CustomResourceProvider
- type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields
- type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList
- type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes
- type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList
- type DataPipelinePipeline
- type DataPipelinePipelineObjects
- type DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList
- type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects
- type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList
- type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues
- type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList
- type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags
- type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList
- type DataSource
- type DataSourceList
- type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
- type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings
- type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList
- type DirectoryServiceSimpleAD
- type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings
- type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList
- type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions
- type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList
- type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes
- type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList
- type DynamoDBKeySchema
- type DynamoDBKeySchemaList
- type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes
- type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList
- type DynamoDBProjectionObject
- type DynamoDBProjectionObjectList
- type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput
- type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList
- type DynamoDBTable
- type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification
- type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList
- type EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty
- type EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList
- type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration
- type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList
- type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers
- type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList
- type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList
- type EC2CustomerGateway
- type EC2DHCPOptions
- type EC2EIP
- type EC2EIPAssociation
- type EC2FlowLog
- type EC2Host
- type EC2Instance
- type EC2InstanceSsmAssociations
- type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters
- type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList
- type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList
- type EC2InternetGateway
- type EC2MountPoint
- type EC2MountPointList
- type EC2NatGateway
- type EC2NetworkAcl
- type EC2NetworkAclEntry
- type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp
- type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList
- type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange
- type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList
- type EC2NetworkInterface
- type EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded
- type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList
- type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses
- type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList
- type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification
- type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList
- type EC2PlacementGroup
- type EC2Route
- type EC2RouteTable
- type EC2SecurityGroup
- type EC2SecurityGroupEgress
- type EC2SecurityGroupIngress
- type EC2SecurityGroupRule
- type EC2SecurityGroupRuleList
- type EC2SpotFleet
- type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData
- type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring
- type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList
- type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList
- type EC2Subnet
- type EC2SubnetCidrBlock
- type EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
- type EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets
- type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList
- type EC2VPC
- type EC2VPCCidrBlock
- type EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
- type EC2VPCEndpoint
- type EC2VPCGatewayAttachment
- type EC2VPCPeeringConnection
- type EC2VPNConnection
- type EC2VPNConnectionRoute
- type EC2VPNGateway
- type EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
- type EC2Volume
- type EC2VolumeAttachment
- type ECRRepository
- type ECSCluster
- type ECSService
- type ECSTaskDefinition
- type EFSFileSystem
- type EFSMountTarget
- type EMRCluster
- type EMRClusterApplication
- type EMRClusterApplicationList
- type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig
- type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList
- type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig
- type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList
- type EMRClusterConfiguration
- type EMRClusterConfigurationList
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement
- type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList
- type EMREbsConfiguration
- type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification
- type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList
- type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs
- type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList
- type EMREbsConfigurationList
- type EMRInstanceGroupConfig
- type EMRStep
- type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig
- type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue
- type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList
- type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList
- type ElastiCacheCacheCluster
- type ElastiCacheParameterGroup
- type ElastiCacheReplicationGroup
- type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration
- type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList
- type ElastiCacheSecurityGroup
- type ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
- type ElastiCacheSubnetGroup
- type ElasticBeanstalkApplication
- type ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
- type ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
- type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
- type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
- type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList
- type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings
- type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList
- type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle
- type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList
- type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration
- type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList
- type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty
- type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups
- type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList
- type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags
- type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy
- type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy
- type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy
- type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings
- type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck
- type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy
- type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListener
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions
- type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
- type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes
- type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy
- type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes
- type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList
- type ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
- type ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
- type ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
- type ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
- type ElasticsearchDomain
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions
- type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList
- type EventsRule
- type FindInMapFunc
- type Func
- type GameLiftAlias
- type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy
- type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList
- type GameLiftBuild
- type GameLiftBuildStorageLocation
- type GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList
- type GameLiftFleet
- type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission
- type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList
- type GetAZsFunc
- type GetAttFunc
- type IAMAccessKey
- type IAMGroup
- type IAMInstanceProfile
- type IAMManagedPolicy
- type IAMPolicies
- type IAMPoliciesList
- type IAMPolicy
- type IAMPolicyDocument
- type IAMPolicyStatement
- type IAMPrincipal
- type IAMRole
- type IAMUser
- type IAMUserLoginProfile
- type IAMUserLoginProfileList
- type IAMUserToGroupAddition
- type IfFunc
- type ImportValueFunc
- type IntegerExpr
- type IntegerFunc
- type InterfaceLabel
- type InterfaceLabelList
- type InterfaceParameterGroup
- type InterfaceParameterGroupList
- type InterfaceParameterLabel
- type InterfaceParameterLabelList
- type IoTActions
- type IoTActionsList
- type IoTCertificate
- type IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction
- type IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList
- type IoTCloudwatchMetricAction
- type IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList
- type IoTDynamoDBAction
- type IoTDynamoDBActionList
- type IoTElasticsearchAction
- type IoTElasticsearchActionList
- type IoTFirehoseAction
- type IoTFirehoseActionList
- type IoTKinesisAction
- type IoTKinesisActionList
- type IoTLambdaAction
- type IoTLambdaActionList
- type IoTPolicy
- type IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
- type IoTRepublishAction
- type IoTRepublishActionList
- type IoTS3Action
- type IoTS3ActionList
- type IoTSnsAction
- type IoTSnsActionList
- type IoTSqsAction
- type IoTSqsActionList
- type IoTThing
- type IoTThingPrincipalAttachment
- type IoTTopicRule
- type IoTTopicRulePayload
- type IoTTopicRulePayloadList
- type JoinFunc
- type KMSAlias
- type KMSKey
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList
- type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList
- type KinesisStream
- type LambdaAlias
- type LambdaEventSourceMapping
- type LambdaFunction
- type LambdaFunctionCode
- type LambdaFunctionCodeList
- type LambdaFunctionEnvironment
- type LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList
- type LambdaFunctionVPCConfig
- type LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList
- type LambdaPermission
- type LambdaVersion
- type LogsDestination
- type LogsLogGroup
- type LogsLogStream
- type LogsMetricFilter
- type LogsSubscriptionFilter
- type Mapping
- type Name
- type NameList
- type OpsWorksApp
- type OpsWorksAppEnvironment
- type OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList
- type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds
- type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList
- type OpsWorksChefConfiguration
- type OpsWorksChefConfigurationList
- type OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
- type OpsWorksInstance
- type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping
- type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice
- type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList
- type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList
- type OpsWorksLayer
- type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration
- type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList
- type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration
- type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList
- type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling
- type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList
- type OpsWorksRecipes
- type OpsWorksRecipesList
- type OpsWorksSource
- type OpsWorksSourceList
- type OpsWorksSslConfiguration
- type OpsWorksSslConfigurationList
- type OpsWorksStack
- type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager
- type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList
- type OpsWorksStackElasticIp
- type OpsWorksStackElasticIpList
- type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance
- type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList
- type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling
- type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList
- type OpsWorksUserProfile
- type OpsWorksVolume
- type OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration
- type OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList
- type Output
- type OutputExport
- type Parameter
- type RDSDBCluster
- type RDSDBClusterParameterGroup
- type RDSDBInstance
- type RDSDBParameterGroup
- type RDSDBSecurityGroup
- type RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
- type RDSDBSubnetGroup
- type RDSEventSubscription
- type RDSOptionGroup
- type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations
- type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList
- type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings
- type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList
- type RDSSecurityGroupRule
- type RDSSecurityGroupRuleList
- type RedshiftCluster
- type RedshiftClusterParameterGroup
- type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
- type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
- type RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
- type RedshiftParameter
- type RedshiftParameterList
- type RefFunc
- type Resource
- type ResourceProperties
- type ResourceTag
- type ResourceTagList
- type Route53AliasTargetProperty
- type Route53AliasTargetPropertyList
- type Route53HealthCheck
- type Route53HealthCheckConfig
- type Route53HealthCheckConfigList
- type Route53HealthCheckTags
- type Route53HealthCheckTagsList
- type Route53HostedZone
- type Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty
- type Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList
- type Route53HostedZoneTags
- type Route53HostedZoneTagsList
- type Route53HostedZoneVPCs
- type Route53HostedZoneVPCsList
- type Route53RecordSet
- type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty
- type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList
- type Route53RecordSetGroup
- type Route53RecordSetList
- type S3Bucket
- type S3BucketPolicy
- type S3CorsConfiguration
- type S3CorsConfigurationList
- type S3CorsConfigurationRule
- type S3CorsConfigurationRuleList
- type S3LifecycleConfiguration
- type S3LifecycleConfigurationList
- type S3LifecycleRule
- type S3LifecycleRuleList
- type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition
- type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList
- type S3LifecycleRuleTransition
- type S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList
- type S3LoggingConfiguration
- type S3LoggingConfigurationList
- type S3NotificationConfiguration
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules
- type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList
- type S3NotificationConfigurationList
- type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations
- type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList
- type S3ReplicationConfiguration
- type S3ReplicationConfigurationList
- type S3ReplicationConfigurationRules
- type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination
- type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList
- type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList
- type S3VersioningConfiguration
- type S3VersioningConfigurationList
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty
- type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList
- type SDBDomain
- type SNSSubscription
- type SNSSubscriptionProperty
- type SNSSubscriptionPropertyList
- type SNSTopic
- type SNSTopicPolicy
- type SQSQueue
- type SQSQueuePolicy
- type SQSRedrivePolicy
- type SQSRedrivePolicyList
- type SSMAssociation
- type SSMDocument
- type SelectFunc
- type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations
- type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList
- type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations
- type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList
- type StepFunctionsActivity
- type StepFunctionsStateMachine
- type StringExpr
- func Base64(value Stringable) *StringExpr
- func FindInMap(mapName string, topLevelKey Stringable, secondLevelKey Stringable) *StringExpr
- func GetAtt(resource, name string) *StringExpr
- func Join(separator string, items ...Stringable) *StringExpr
- func Select(selector string, items ...interface{}) *StringExpr
- func String(v string) *StringExpr
- type StringFunc
- type StringListExpr
- type StringListFunc
- type StringListable
- type Stringable
- type Template
- type UnknownFunctionError
- type UpdatePolicy
- type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingRollingUpdate
- type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingScheduledAction
- type WAFByteMatchSet
- type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples
- type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
- type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList
- type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList
- type WAFIPSet
- type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors
- type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList
- type WAFRule
- type WAFRulePredicates
- type WAFRulePredicatesList
- type WAFSizeConstraintSet
- type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint
- type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch
- type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList
- type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList
- type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
- type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples
- type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
- type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList
- type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList
- type WAFWebACL
- type WAFWebACLAction
- type WAFWebACLActionList
- type WAFWebACLRules
- type WAFWebACLRulesList
- type WAFXssMatchSet
- type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple
- type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch
- type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList
- type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList
- type WorkSpacesWorkspace
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func RegisterCustomResourceProvider ¶
func RegisterCustomResourceProvider(provider CustomResourceProvider)
Register a CustomResourceProvider with go-cloudformation. Multiple providers may be registered. The first provider that returns a non-nil interface will be used and there is no check for a uniquely registered resource type.
Types ¶
type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey ¶
type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey struct { // The ID of a RestApi resource that includes the stage with which you // want to associate the API key. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // The name of the stage with which to associate the API key. The stage // must be included in the RestApi resource that you specified in the // RestApiId property. StageName *StringExpr `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey represents Amazon API Gateway ApiKey StageKey
type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList ¶
type APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList []APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey
APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList represents a list of APIGatewayApiKeyStageKey
func (*APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription ¶
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription struct { // Indicates whether cache clustering is enabled for the stage. CacheClusterEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // The size of the stage's cache cluster. CacheClusterSize *StringExpr `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. CacheDataEncrypted *BoolExpr `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // The time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds, that specifies how long API // Gateway caches responses. CacheTtlInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. You // must enable a cache cluster on the stage to cache responses. For more // information, see Enable API Gateway Caching in a Stage to Enhance API // Performance in the API Gateway Developer Guide. CachingEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // The identifier of the client certificate that API Gateway uses to call // your integration endpoints in the stage. ClientCertificateId *StringExpr `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for methods in the // stage. API Gateway pushes these logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. DataTraceEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // A description of the purpose of the stage. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The logging level for this method. For valid values, see the // loggingLevel property of the Stage resource in the Amazon API Gateway // API Reference. LoggingLevel *StringExpr `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // Configures settings for all of the stage's methods. MethodSettings *APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for methods in // the stage. MetricsEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // The name of the stage, which API Gateway uses as the first path // segment in the invoke Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). StageName *StringExpr `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // The number of burst requests per second that API Gateway permits // across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For more // information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingBurstLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // The number of steady-state requests per second that API Gateway // permits across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For // more information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingRateLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` // A map that defines the stage variables. Variable names must consist of // alphanumeric characters, and the values must match the following // regular expression: [A-Za-z0-9-._~:/?#&=,]+. Variables interface{} `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription represents Amazon API Gateway Deployment StageDescription
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList ¶
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList []APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription
APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList represents a list of APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription
func (*APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting ¶
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting struct { // Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. CacheDataEncrypted *BoolExpr `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // The time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds, that specifies how long API // Gateway caches responses. CacheTtlInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. You // must enable a cache cluster on the stage to cache responses. For more // information, see Enable API Gateway Caching in a Stage to Enhance API // Performance in the API Gateway Developer Guide. CachingEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for methods in the // stage. API Gateway pushes these logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. DataTraceEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // The HTTP method. HttpMethod *StringExpr `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // The logging level for this method. For valid values, see the // loggingLevel property of the Stage resource in the Amazon API Gateway // API Reference. LoggingLevel *StringExpr `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for methods in // the stage. MetricsEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // The resource path for this method. Forward slashes (/) are encoded as // ~1 and the initial slash must include a forward slash. For example, // the path value /resource/subresource must be encoded as // /~1resource~1subresource. To specify the root path, use only a slash // (/). ResourcePath *StringExpr `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // The number of burst requests per second that API Gateway permits // across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For more // information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingBurstLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // The number of steady-state requests per second that API Gateway // permits across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For // more information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingRateLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting represents Amazon API Gateway Deployment StageDescription MethodSetting
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList ¶
type APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList []APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting
APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList represents a list of APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSetting
func (*APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescriptionMethodSettingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayMethodIntegration ¶
type APIGatewayMethodIntegration struct { // A list of request parameters whose values API Gateway will cache. CacheKeyParameters *StringListExpr `json:"CacheKeyParameters,omitempty"` // An API-specific tag group of related cached parameters. CacheNamespace *StringExpr `json:"CacheNamespace,omitempty"` // The credentials required for the integration. To specify an AWS // Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that API Gateway assumes, // specify the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the // caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify // arn:aws:iam::*:user/*. Credentials *StringExpr `json:"Credentials,omitempty"` // The integration's HTTP method type. IntegrationHttpMethod *StringExpr `json:"IntegrationHttpMethod,omitempty"` // The response that API Gateway provides after a method's back end // completes processing a request. API Gateway intercepts the back end's // response so that you can control how API Gateway surfaces back-end // responses. For example, you can map the back-end status codes to codes // that you define. IntegrationResponses *APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList `json:"IntegrationResponses,omitempty"` // Indicates when API Gateway passes requests to the targeted back end. // This behavior depends on the request's Content-Type header and whether // you defined a mapping template for it. PassthroughBehavior *StringExpr `json:"PassthroughBehavior,omitempty"` // The request parameters that API Gateway sends with the back-end // request. Specify request parameters as key-value pairs // (string-to-string maps), with a destination as the key and a source as // the value. RequestParameters interface{} `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // A map of Apache Velocity templates that are applied on the request // payload. The template that API Gateway uses is based on the value of // the Content-Type header sent by the client. The content type value is // the key, and the template is the value (specified as a string), such // as the following snippet: RequestTemplates interface{} `json:"RequestTemplates,omitempty"` // The type of back end your method is running, such as HTTP or MOCK. For // all of the valid values, see the type property for the Integration // resource in the Amazon API Gateway REST API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // The integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Uri *StringExpr `json:"Uri,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayMethodIntegration represents Amazon API Gateway Method Integration
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse ¶
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse struct { // The response parameters from the back-end response that API Gateway // sends to the method response. Specify response parameters as key-value // pairs (string-to-string mappings). ResponseParameters interface{} `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // The templates used to transform the integration response body. Specify // templates as key-value pairs (string-to-string maps), with a content // type as the key and a template as the value. For more information, see // API Gateway API Request and Response Payload-Mapping Template // Reference in the API Gateway Developer Guide. ResponseTemplates interface{} `json:"ResponseTemplates,omitempty"` // A regular expression that specifies which error strings or status // codes from the back end map to the integration response. SelectionPattern *StringExpr `json:"SelectionPattern,omitempty"` // The status code that API Gateway uses to map the integration response // to a MethodResponse status code. StatusCode *StringExpr `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse represents Amazon API Gateway Method Integration IntegrationResponse
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList ¶
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList []APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse
APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList represents a list of APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponse
func (*APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayMethodIntegrationIntegrationResponseList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList ¶
type APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList []APIGatewayMethodIntegration
APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList represents a list of APIGatewayMethodIntegration
func (*APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayMethodIntegrationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse ¶
type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse struct { // The resources used for the response's content type. Specify response // models as key-value pairs (string-to-string maps), with a content type // as the key and a Model resource name as the value. ResponseModels interface{} `json:"ResponseModels,omitempty"` // Response parameters that API Gateway sends to the client that called a // method. Specify response parameters as key-value pairs // (string-to-Boolean maps), with a destination as the key and a Boolean // as the value. Specify the destination using the following pattern: //, where the name is a valid, unique header // name. The Boolean specifies whether a parameter is required. ResponseParameters interface{} `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // The method response's status code, which you map to an // IntegrationResponse. StatusCode *StringExpr `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse represents Amazon API Gateway Method MethodResponse
type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList ¶
type APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList []APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse
APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList represents a list of APIGatewayMethodMethodResponse
func (*APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayRestApiS3Location ¶
type APIGatewayRestApiS3Location struct { // The name of the S3 bucket where the OpenAPI file is stored. Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // The Amazon S3 ETag (a file checksum) of the OpenAPI file. If you don't // specify a value, API Gateway skips ETag validation of your OpenAPI // file. ETag *StringExpr `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // The file name of the OpenAPI file (Amazon S3 object name). Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // For versioning-enabled buckets, a specific version of the OpenAPI // file. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayRestApiS3Location represents Amazon API Gateway RestApi S3Location
type APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList ¶
type APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList []APIGatewayRestApiS3Location
APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList represents a list of APIGatewayRestApiS3Location
func (*APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayRestApiS3LocationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayStageMethodSetting ¶
type APIGatewayStageMethodSetting struct { // Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. CacheDataEncrypted *BoolExpr `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // The time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds, that specifies how long API // Gateway caches responses. CacheTtlInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // Indicates whether responses are cached and returned for requests. You // must enable a cache cluster on the stage to cache responses. CachingEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // Indicates whether data trace logging is enabled for methods in the // stage. API Gateway pushes these logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. DataTraceEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // The HTTP method. HttpMethod *StringExpr `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // The logging level for this method. For valid values, see the // loggingLevel property of the Stage resource in the Amazon API Gateway // API Reference. LoggingLevel *StringExpr `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for methods in // the stage. MetricsEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // The resource path for this method. Forward slashes (/) are encoded as // ~1 and the initial slash must include a forward slash. For example, // the path value /resource/subresource must be encoded as // /~1resource~1subresource. To specify the root path, use only a slash // (/). ResourcePath *StringExpr `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // The number of burst requests per second that API Gateway permits // across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For more // information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingBurstLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // The number of steady-state requests per second that API Gateway // permits across all APIs, stages, and methods in your AWS account. For // more information, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. ThrottlingRateLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayStageMethodSetting represents Amazon API Gateway Stage MethodSetting
type APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList ¶
type APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList []APIGatewayStageMethodSetting
APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList represents a list of APIGatewayStageMethodSetting
func (*APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage struct { // The ID of an API that is in the specified Stage property that you want // to associate with the usage plan. ApiId *StringExpr `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // The name of an API Gateway stage to associate with the usage plan. Stage *StringExpr `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage represents Amazon API Gateway UsagePlan ApiStage
type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList []APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage
APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList represents a list of APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStage
func (*APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings struct { // The maximum number of requests that users can make within the // specified time period. Limit *IntegerExpr `json:"Limit,omitempty"` // For the initial time period, the number of requests to subtract from // the specified limit. When you first implement a usage plan, the plan // might start in the middle of the week or month. With this property, // you can decrease the limit for this initial time period. Offset *IntegerExpr `json:"Offset,omitempty"` // The time period for which the maximum limit of requests applies, such // as DAY or WEEK. For valid values, see the period property for the // UsagePlan resource in the Amazon API Gateway REST API Reference. Period *StringExpr `json:"Period,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings represents Amazon API Gateway UsagePlan QuotaSettings
type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList []APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings
APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList represents a list of APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings
func (*APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings struct { // The maximum API request rate limit over a time ranging from one to a // few seconds. The maximum API request rate limit depends on whether the // underlying token bucket is at its full capacity. For more information // about request throttling, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API // Gateway Developer Guide. BurstLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"BurstLimit,omitempty"` // The API request steady-state rate limit (average requests per second // over an extended period of time). For more information about request // throttling, see Manage API Request Throttling in the API Gateway // Developer Guide. RateLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"RateLimit,omitempty"` }
APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings represents Amazon API Gateway UsagePlan ThrottleSettings
type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList ¶
type APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList []APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings
APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList represents a list of APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings
func (*APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ApiGatewayAccount ¶
type ApiGatewayAccount struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has write access to // CloudWatch Logs in your account. CloudWatchRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"CloudWatchRoleArn,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayAccount represents AWS::ApiGateway::Account
func (ApiGatewayAccount) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayAccount) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Account to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayApiKey ¶
type ApiGatewayApiKey struct { // A description of the purpose of the API key. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the API key can be used by clients. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // A name for the API key. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // API key name. For more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // A list of stages to associated with this API key. StageKeys *APIGatewayApiKeyStageKeyList `json:"StageKeys,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayApiKey represents AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey
func (ApiGatewayApiKey) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayApiKey) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayAuthorizer ¶
type ApiGatewayAuthorizer struct { // The credentials required for the authorizer. To specify an AWS // Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that API Gateway assumes, // specify the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To use resource-based // permissions on the AWS Lambda (Lambda) function, specify null. AuthorizerCredentials *StringExpr `json:"AuthorizerCredentials,omitempty"` // The time-to-live (TTL) period, in seconds, that specifies how long API // Gateway caches authorizer results. If you specify a value greater than // 0, API Gateway caches the authorizer responses. By default, API // Gateway sets this property to 300. The maximum value is 3600, or 1 // hour. AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // The authorizer's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). If you specify // TOKEN for the authorizer's Type property, specify a Lambda function // URI, which has the form arn:aws:apigateway:region:lambda:path/path. // The path usually has the form // /2015-03-31/functions/LambdaFunctionARN/invocations. AuthorizerUri *StringExpr `json:"AuthorizerUri,omitempty"` // The source of the identity in an incoming request. If you specify // TOKEN for the authorizer's Type property, specify a mapping // expression. The custom header mapping expression has the form //, where name is the name of a custom // authorization header that clients submit as part of their requests. IdentitySource *StringExpr `json:"IdentitySource,omitempty"` // A validation expression for the incoming identity. If you specify // TOKEN for the authorizer's Type property, specify a regular // expression. API Gateway uses the expression to attempt to match the // incoming client token, and proceeds if the token matches. If the token // doesn't match, API Gateway responds with a 401 (unauthorized request) // error code. IdentityValidationExpression *StringExpr `json:"IdentityValidationExpression,omitempty"` // The name of the authorizer. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // A list of the Amazon Cognito user pool Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to // associate with this authorizer. For more information, see Use Amazon // Cognito Your User Pool in the API Gateway Developer Guide. ProviderARNs *StringListExpr `json:"ProviderARNs,omitempty"` // The ID of the RestApi resource in which API Gateway creates the // authorizer. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // The type of authorizer: Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayAuthorizer represents AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer
func (ApiGatewayAuthorizer) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayAuthorizer) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayBasePathMapping ¶
type ApiGatewayBasePathMapping struct { // The base path name that callers of the API must provide in the URL // after the domain name. BasePath *StringExpr `json:"BasePath,omitempty"` // The name of a DomainName resource. DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The name of the API. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // The name of the API's stage. Stage *StringExpr `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayBasePathMapping represents AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping
func (ApiGatewayBasePathMapping) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayBasePathMapping) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayClientCertificate ¶
type ApiGatewayClientCertificate struct { // A description of the client certificate. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayClientCertificate represents AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate
func (ApiGatewayClientCertificate) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayClientCertificate) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayDeployment ¶
type ApiGatewayDeployment struct { // A description of the purpose of the API Gateway deployment. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The ID of the RestApi resource to deploy. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Configures the stage that API Gateway creates with this deployment. StageDescription *APIGatewayDeploymentStageDescription `json:"StageDescription,omitempty"` // A name for the stage that API Gateway creates with this deployment. // Use only alphanumeric characters. StageName *StringExpr `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayDeployment represents AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment
func (ApiGatewayDeployment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayDeployment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayMethod ¶
type ApiGatewayMethod struct { // Indicates whether the method requires clients to submit a valid API // key. ApiKeyRequired *BoolExpr `json:"ApiKeyRequired,omitempty"` // The method's authorization type. AuthorizationType *StringExpr `json:"AuthorizationType,omitempty"` // The identifier of the authorizer to use on this method. If you specify // this property, specify CUSTOM for the AuthorizationType property. AuthorizerId *StringExpr `json:"AuthorizerId,omitempty"` // The HTTP method that clients will use to call this method. HttpMethod *StringExpr `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // The back-end system that the method calls when it receives a request. Integration *APIGatewayMethodIntegration `json:"Integration,omitempty"` // The responses that can be sent to the client who calls the method. MethodResponses *APIGatewayMethodMethodResponseList `json:"MethodResponses,omitempty"` // The resources used for the response's content type. Specify response // models as key-value pairs (string-to-string map), with a content type // as the key and a Model resource name as the value. RequestModels interface{} `json:"RequestModels,omitempty"` // Request parameters that API Gateway accepts. Specify request // parameters as key-value pairs (string-to-Boolean map), with a source // as the key and a Boolean as the value. The Boolean specifies whether a // parameter is required. A source must match the following format //, where the location is querystring, path, // or header, and name is a valid, unique parameter name. RequestParameters interface{} `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // The ID of an API Gateway resource. For root resource methods, specify // the RestApi root resource ID, such as { "Fn::GetAtt": ["MyRestApi", // "RootResourceId"] }. ResourceId *StringExpr `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // The ID of the RestApi resource in which API Gateway creates the // method. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayMethod represents AWS::ApiGateway::Method
func (ApiGatewayMethod) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayMethod) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Method to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayModel ¶
type ApiGatewayModel struct { // The content type for the model. ContentType *StringExpr `json:"ContentType,omitempty"` // A description that identifies this model. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A name for the mode. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the model name. // For more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The ID of a REST API with which to associate this model. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // The schema to use to transform data to one or more output formats. // Specify null ({}) if you don't want to specify a schema. Schema interface{} `json:"Schema,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayModel represents AWS::ApiGateway::Model
func (ApiGatewayModel) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayModel) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Model to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayResource ¶
type ApiGatewayResource struct { // If you want to create a child resource, the ID of the parent resource. // For resources without a parent, specify the RestApi root resource ID, // such as { "Fn::GetAtt": ["MyRestApi", "RootResourceId"] }. ParentId *StringExpr `json:"ParentId,omitempty"` // A path name for the resource. PathPart *StringExpr `json:"PathPart,omitempty"` // The ID of the RestApi resource in which you want to create this // resource. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayResource represents AWS::ApiGateway::Resource
func (ApiGatewayResource) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayResource) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Resource to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayRestApi ¶
type ApiGatewayRestApi struct { // An OpenAPI specification that defines a set of RESTful APIs in the // JSON format. For YAML templates, you can also specify the // specification in the YAML format. Body interface{} `json:"Body,omitempty"` // The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location that points to // a OpenAPI file, which defines a set of RESTful APIs in JSON or YAML // format. BodyS3Location *APIGatewayRestApiS3Location `json:"BodyS3Location,omitempty"` // The ID of the API Gateway RestApi resource that you want to clone. CloneFrom *StringExpr `json:"CloneFrom,omitempty"` // A description of the purpose of this API Gateway RestApi resource. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // If a warning occurs while API Gateway is creating the RestApi // resource, indicates whether to roll back the resource. FailOnWarnings *BoolExpr `json:"FailOnWarnings,omitempty"` // A name for the API Gateway RestApi resource. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Custom header parameters for the request. Parameters *StringListExpr `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayRestApi represents AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi
func (ApiGatewayRestApi) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayRestApi) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayStage ¶
type ApiGatewayStage struct { // Indicates whether cache clustering is enabled for the stage. CacheClusterEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // The stage's cache cluster size. CacheClusterSize *StringExpr `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // The identifier of the client certificate that API Gateway uses to call // your integration endpoints in the stage. ClientCertificateId *StringExpr `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // The ID of the deployment that the stage points to. DeploymentId *StringExpr `json:"DeploymentId,omitempty"` // A description of the stage's purpose. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Settings for all methods in the stage. MethodSettings *APIGatewayStageMethodSettingList `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // The ID of the RestApi resource that you're deploying with this stage. RestApiId *StringExpr `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // The name of the stage, which API Gateway uses as the first path // segment in the invoke Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). StageName *StringExpr `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // A map (string to string map) that defines the stage variables, where // the variable name is the key and the variable value is the value. // Variable names are limited to alphanumeric characters. Values must // match the following regular expression: [A-Za-z0-9-._~:/?#&=,]+. Variables interface{} `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayStage represents AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
func (ApiGatewayStage) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayStage) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::Stage to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApiGatewayUsagePlan ¶
type ApiGatewayUsagePlan struct { // The APIs and API stages to associate with this usage plan. ApiStages *APIGatewayUsagePlanApiStageList `json:"ApiStages,omitempty"` // The purpose of this usage plan. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Configures the number of requests that users can make within a given // interval. Quota *APIGatewayUsagePlanQuotaSettings `json:"Quota,omitempty"` // Configures the overall request rate (average requests per second) and // burst capacity. Throttle *APIGatewayUsagePlanThrottleSettings `json:"Throttle,omitempty"` // A name for this usage plan. UsagePlanName *StringExpr `json:"UsagePlanName,omitempty"` }
ApiGatewayUsagePlan represents AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan
func (ApiGatewayUsagePlan) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApiGatewayUsagePlan) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget struct { // The maximum value that Application Auto Scaling can use to scale a // target during a scaling activity. MaxCapacity *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // The minimum value that Application Auto Scaling can use to scale a // target during a scaling activity. MinCapacity *IntegerExpr `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` // The unique resource identifier to associate with this scalable target. // For more information, see the ResourceId parameter for the // RegisterScalableTarget action in the Application Auto Scaling API // Reference. ResourceId *StringExpr `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that allows Application Auto Scaling to modify // your scalable target. RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // The scalable dimension associated with the scalable target. Specify // the service namespace, resource type, and scaling property, such as // ecs:service:DesiredCount for the desired task count of an Amazon EC2 // Container Service service. For valid values, see the ScalableDimension // content for the ScalingPolicy data type in the Application Auto // Scaling API Reference. ScalableDimension *StringExpr `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // The AWS service namespace of the scalable target. For a list of // service namespaces, see AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General // Reference. ServiceNamespace *StringExpr `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` }
ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget represents AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget
func (ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // A name for the scaling policy. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // An Application Auto Scaling policy type. For valid values, see the // PolicyType parameter for the PutScalingPolicy action in the // Application Auto Scaling API Reference. PolicyType *StringExpr `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // The unique resource identifier for the scalable target that this // scaling policy applies to. For more information, see the ResourceId // parameter for the PutScalingPolicy action in the Application Auto // Scaling API Reference. ResourceId *StringExpr `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // The scalable dimension of the scalable target that this scaling policy // applies to. The scalable dimension contains the service namespace, // resource type, and scaling property, such as ecs:service:DesiredCount // for the desired task count of an Amazon ECS service. ScalableDimension *StringExpr `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // The AWS service namespace of the scalable target that this scaling // policy applies to. For a list of service namespaces, see AWS Service // Namespaces in the AWS General Reference. ServiceNamespace *StringExpr `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` // The AWS CloudFormation-generated ID of an Application Auto Scaling // scalable target. For more information about the ID, see the Return // Value section of the AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget // resource. ScalingTargetId *StringExpr `json:"ScalingTargetId,omitempty"` // A step policy that configures when Application Auto Scaling scales // resources up or down, and by how much. StepScalingPolicyConfiguration *ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"StepScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy represents AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
func (ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // Specifies whether the ScalingAdjustment value in the StepAdjustment // property is an absolute number or a percentage of the current // capacity. For valid values, see the AdjustmentType content for the // StepScalingPolicyConfiguration data type in the Application Auto // Scaling API Reference. AdjustmentType *StringExpr `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes // before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start. For // more information, see the Cooldown content for the // StepScalingPolicyConfiguration data type in the Application Auto // Scaling API Reference. Cooldown *IntegerExpr `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // The aggregation type for the CloudWatch metrics. You can specify // Minimum, Maximum, or Average. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies // Average. For more information, see Aggregation in the Amazon // CloudWatch User Guide. MetricAggregationType *StringExpr `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // The minimum number of resources to adjust when a scaling activity is // triggered. If you specify PercentChangeInCapacity for the adjustment // type, the scaling policy scales the target by this amount. MinAdjustmentMagnitude *IntegerExpr `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // A set of adjustments that enable you to scale based on the size of the // alarm breach. StepAdjustments *ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` }
ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration represents Application Auto Scaling ScalingPolicy StepScalingPolicyConfiguration
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList []ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration
ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList represents a list of ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfiguration
func (*ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment struct { // The lower bound of the breach size. The lower bound is the difference // between the breach threshold and the aggregated CloudWatch metric // value. If the metric value is within the lower and upper bounds, // Application Auto Scaling triggers this step adjustment. MetricIntervalLowerBound *IntegerExpr `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // The upper bound of the breach size. The upper bound is the difference // between the breach threshold and the CloudWatch metric value. If the // metric value is within the lower and upper bounds, Application Auto // Scaling triggers this step adjustment. MetricIntervalUpperBound *IntegerExpr `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // The amount by which to scale. The adjustment is based on the value // that you specified in the AdjustmentType property (either an absolute // number or a percentage). A positive value adds to the current capacity // and a negative number subtracts from the current capacity. ScalingAdjustment *IntegerExpr `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment represents Application Auto Scaling ScalingPolicy StepScalingPolicyConfiguration StepAdjustment
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList ¶
type ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList []ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment
ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList represents a list of ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustment
func (*ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyStepScalingPolicyConfigurationStepAdjustmentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup ¶
type AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup struct { // Contains a list of availability zones for the group. AvailabilityZones *StringListExpr `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // The number of seconds after a scaling activity is completed before any // further scaling activities can start. Cooldown *StringExpr `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // Specifies the desired capacity for the Auto Scaling group. DesiredCapacity *StringExpr `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // The length of time in seconds after a new EC2 instance comes into // service that Auto Scaling starts checking its health. HealthCheckGracePeriod *IntegerExpr `json:"HealthCheckGracePeriod,omitempty"` // The service you want the health status from, Amazon EC2 or Elastic // Load Balancer. Valid values are EC2 or ELB. HealthCheckType *StringExpr `json:"HealthCheckType,omitempty"` // The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance you want to use to create the Auto // Scaling group. Use this property if you want to create an Auto Scaling // group that uses an existing Amazon EC2 instance instead of a launch // configuration. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the associated // AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration. LaunchConfigurationName *StringExpr `json:"LaunchConfigurationName,omitempty"` // A list of Classic load balancers associated with this Auto Scaling // group. To specify Application load balancers, use TargetGroupARNs. LoadBalancerNames *StringListExpr `json:"LoadBalancerNames,omitempty"` // The maximum size of the Auto Scaling group. MaxSize *StringExpr `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // Enables the monitoring of group metrics of an Auto Scaling group. MetricsCollection *AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList `json:"MetricsCollection,omitempty"` // The minimum size of the Auto Scaling group. MinSize *StringExpr `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // An embedded property that configures an Auto Scaling group to send // notifications when specified events take place. NotificationConfigurations *AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList `json:"NotificationConfigurations,omitempty"` // The name of an existing cluster placement group into which you want to // launch your instances. A placement group is a logical grouping of // instances within a single Availability Zone. You cannot specify // multiple Availability Zones and a placement group. PlacementGroup *StringExpr `json:"PlacementGroup,omitempty"` // The tags you want to attach to this resource. Tags *AutoScalingTagsList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // A list of Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of target groups to associate // with the Auto Scaling group. TargetGroupARNs *StringListExpr `json:"TargetGroupARNs,omitempty"` // A policy or a list of policies that are used to select the instances // to terminate. The policies are executed in the order that you list // them. TerminationPolicies *StringListExpr `json:"TerminationPolicies,omitempty"` // A list of subnet identifiers of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon // VPCs). VPCZoneIdentifier *StringListExpr `json:"VPCZoneIdentifier,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup represents AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
func (AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s AutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping struct { // The name of the device within Amazon EC2. DeviceName *StringExpr `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume information. Ebs *AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // Suppresses the device mapping. If NoDevice is set to true for the root // device, the instance might fail the Amazon EC2 health check. Auto // Scaling launches a replacement instance if the instance fails the // health check. NoDevice *BoolExpr `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual device. The name must be in the form // ephemeralX where X is a number starting from zero (0), for example, // ephemeral0. VirtualName *StringExpr `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping represents AWS CloudFormation AutoScaling Block Device Mapping Property Type
type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList ¶
type AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList []AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping
AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList represents a list of AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping
func (*AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice ¶
type AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice struct { // Indicates whether to delete the volume when the instance is // terminated. By default, Auto Scaling uses true. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. Encrypted EBS volumes must // be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. Volumes // that you create from encrypted snapshots are automatically encrypted. // You cannot create an encrypted volume from an unencrypted snapshot or // an unencrypted volume from an encrypted snapshot. Encrypted *BoolExpr `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. The maximum ratio of IOPS to volume size is 30. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The snapshot ID of the volume to use. SnapshotId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // The volume size, in Gibibytes (GiB). This can be a number from 1 – // 1024. If the volume type is EBS optimized, the minimum value is 10. // For more information about specifying the volume type, see // EbsOptimized in AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration. VolumeSize *IntegerExpr `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // The volume type. By default, Auto Scaling uses the standard volume // type. For more information, see Ebs in the Auto Scaling API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice represents AWS CloudFormation AutoScaling EBS Block Device Property Type
type AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList ¶
type AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList []AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice
AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList represents a list of AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice
func (*AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingEBSBlockDeviceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration ¶
type AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration struct { // For Amazon EC2 instances in a VPC, indicates whether instances in the // Auto Scaling group receive public IP addresses. If you specify true, // each instance in the Auto Scaling receives a unique public IP address. AssociatePublicIpAddress *BoolExpr `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance. You can // specify virtual devices and EBS volumes. BlockDeviceMappings *AutoScalingBlockDeviceMappingList `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // The ID of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC to link your EC2-Classic instances // to. You can specify this property only for EC2-Classic instances. For // more information, see ClassicLink in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud // User Guide. ClassicLinkVPCId *StringExpr `json:"ClassicLinkVPCId,omitempty"` // The IDs of one or more security groups for the VPC that you specified // in the ClassicLinkVPCId property. ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the launch configuration is optimized for EBS I/O. // This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an // optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. EbsOptimized *BoolExpr `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // Provides the name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance // profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. The instance // profile contains the IAM role. IamInstanceProfile *StringExpr `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // Provides the unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that was // assigned during registration. ImageId *StringExpr `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance you want to use to create the launch // configuration. Use this property if you want the launch configuration // to use settings from an existing Amazon EC2 instance. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // Indicates whether detailed instance monitoring is enabled for the Auto // Scaling group. By default, this property is set to true (enabled). InstanceMonitoring *BoolExpr `json:"InstanceMonitoring,omitempty"` // Specifies the instance type of the EC2 instance. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Provides the ID of the kernel associated with the EC2 AMI. KernelId *StringExpr `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // Provides the name of the EC2 key pair. KeyName *StringExpr `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // The tenancy of the instance. An instance with a tenancy of dedicated // runs on single-tenant hardware and can only be launched in a VPC. You // must set the value of this parameter to dedicated if want to launch // dedicated instances in a shared tenancy VPC (a VPC with the instance // placement tenancy attribute set to default). For more information, see // CreateLaunchConfiguration in the Auto Scaling API Reference. PlacementTenancy *StringExpr `json:"PlacementTenancy,omitempty"` // The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional // drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information about // whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, // refer to the AWS Resource Center and search for the kernel ID. RamDiskId *StringExpr `json:"RamDiskId,omitempty"` // A list that contains the EC2 security groups to assign to the Amazon // EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group. The list can contain the name // of existing EC2 security groups or references to // AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resources created in the template. If your // instances are launched within VPC, specify Amazon VPC security group // IDs. SecurityGroups interface{} `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The spot price for this autoscaling group. If a spot price is set, // then the autoscaling group will launch when the current spot price is // less than the amount specified in the template. SpotPrice *StringExpr `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // The user data available to the launched EC2 instances. UserData *StringExpr `json:"UserData,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration represents AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
func (AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s AutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type AutoScalingLifecycleHook ¶
type AutoScalingLifecycleHook struct { // The name of the Auto Scaling group for the lifecycle hook. AutoScalingGroupName *StringExpr `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // The action the Auto Scaling group takes when the lifecycle hook // timeout elapses or if an unexpected failure occurs. DefaultResult *StringExpr `json:"DefaultResult,omitempty"` // The amount of time that can elapse before the lifecycle hook times // out. When the lifecycle hook times out, Auto Scaling performs the // action that you specified in the DefaultResult property. HeartbeatTimeout *IntegerExpr `json:"HeartbeatTimeout,omitempty"` // The state of the Amazon EC2 instance to which you want to attach the // lifecycle hook. For valid values, see the LifecycleTransition content // for the LifecycleHook data type in the Auto Scaling API Reference. LifecycleTransition *StringExpr `json:"LifecycleTransition,omitempty"` // Additional information that you want to include when Auto Scaling // sends a message to the notification target. NotificationMetadata *StringExpr `json:"NotificationMetadata,omitempty"` // The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the notification target that Auto // Scaling uses to notify you when an instance is in the transition state // for the lifecycle hook. You can specify an Amazon SQS queue or an // Amazon SNS topic. The notification message includes the following // information: lifecycle action token, user account ID, Auto Scaling // group name, lifecycle hook name, instance ID, lifecycle transition, // and notification metadata. NotificationTargetARN *StringExpr `json:"NotificationTargetARN,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that allows the Auto Scaling group to publish // to the specified notification target. The role requires permissions to // Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS. RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingLifecycleHook represents AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook
func (AutoScalingLifecycleHook) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s AutoScalingLifecycleHook) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type AutoScalingMetricsCollection ¶
type AutoScalingMetricsCollection struct { // The frequency at which Auto Scaling sends aggregated data to // CloudWatch. For example, you can specify 1Minute to send aggregated // data to CloudWatch every minute. Granularity *StringExpr `json:"Granularity,omitempty"` // The list of metrics to collect. If you don't specify any metrics, all // metrics are enabled. Metrics *StringListExpr `json:"Metrics,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingMetricsCollection represents Auto Scaling MetricsCollection
type AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList ¶
type AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList []AutoScalingMetricsCollection
AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList represents a list of AutoScalingMetricsCollection
func (*AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingMetricsCollectionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations ¶
type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations struct { // A list of event types that trigger a notification. Event types can // include any of the following types: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH, // autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR, // autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE, // autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE_ERROR, and // autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION. For more information about event types, // see DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes in the Auto Scaling API // Reference. NotificationTypes *StringListExpr `json:"NotificationTypes,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification // Service (SNS) topic. TopicARN *StringExpr `json:"TopicARN,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations represents Auto Scaling NotificationConfigurations
type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList ¶
type AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList []AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations
AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList represents a list of AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations
func (*AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingNotificationConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type AutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // Specifies whether the ScalingAdjustment is an absolute number or a // percentage of the current capacity. Valid values are ChangeInCapacity, // ExactCapacity, and PercentChangeInCapacity. AdjustmentType *StringExpr `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Auto Scaling Group that // you want to attach the policy to. AutoScalingGroupName *StringExpr `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes // before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start. Cooldown *StringExpr `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // The estimated time, in seconds, until a newly launched instance can // send metrics to CloudWatch. By default, Auto Scaling uses the cooldown // period, as specified in the Cooldown property. EstimatedInstanceWarmup *IntegerExpr `json:"EstimatedInstanceWarmup,omitempty"` // The aggregation type for the CloudWatch metrics. You can specify // Minimum, Maximum, or Average. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies // Average. MetricAggregationType *StringExpr `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // For the PercentChangeInCapacity adjustment type, the minimum number of // instances to scale. The scaling policy changes the desired capacity of // the Auto Scaling group by a minimum of this many instances. This // property replaces the MinAdjustmentStep property. MinAdjustmentMagnitude *IntegerExpr `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // An Auto Scaling policy type. You can specify SimpleScaling or // StepScaling. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies SimpleScaling. // For more information, see Scaling Policy Types in the Auto Scaling // User Guide. PolicyType *StringExpr `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // The number of instances by which to scale. The AdjustmentType property // determines if AWS CloudFormation interprets this number as an absolute // number (when the ExactCapacity value is specified), increase or // decrease capacity by a specified number (when the ChangeInCapacity // value is specified), or increase or decrease capacity as a percentage // of the existing Auto Scaling group size (when the // PercentChangeInCapacity value is specified). A positive value adds to // the current capacity and a negative value subtracts from the current // capacity. For exact capacity, you must specify a positive value. ScalingAdjustment *IntegerExpr `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` // A set of adjustments that enable you to scale based on the size of the // alarm breach. StepAdjustments *AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingScalingPolicy represents AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
func (AutoScalingScalingPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s AutoScalingScalingPolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments ¶
type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments struct { // The lower bound of the breach size. The lower bound is the difference // between the breach threshold and the aggregated CloudWatch metric // value. If the metric value is within the lower and upper bounds, Auto // Scaling triggers this step adjustment. MetricIntervalLowerBound *IntegerExpr `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // The upper bound of the breach size. The upper bound is the difference // between the breach threshold and the CloudWatch metric value. If the // metric value is within the lower and upper bounds, Auto Scaling // triggers this step adjustment. MetricIntervalUpperBound *IntegerExpr `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // The amount by which to scale. The adjustment is based on the value // that you specified in the AdjustmentType property (either an absolute // number or a percentage). A positive value adds to the current capacity // and a negative number subtracts from the current capacity. ScalingAdjustment *IntegerExpr `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments represents Auto Scaling ScalingPolicy StepAdjustments
type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList ¶
type AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList []AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments
AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList represents a list of AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustments
func (*AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingScalingPolicyStepAdjustmentsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type AutoScalingScheduledAction ¶
type AutoScalingScheduledAction struct { // The name or ARN of the Auto Scaling group. AutoScalingGroupName *StringExpr `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // The number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running in the Auto // Scaling group. DesiredCapacity *IntegerExpr `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // The time in UTC for this schedule to end. For example, // 2010-06-01T00:00:00Z. EndTime time.Time `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // The maximum number of Amazon EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group. MaxSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // The minimum number of Amazon EC2 instances in the Auto Scaling group. MinSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // The time in UTC when recurring future actions will start. You specify // the start time by following the Unix cron syntax format. For more // information about cron syntax, go to // Recurrence *StringExpr `json:"Recurrence,omitempty"` // The time in UTC for this schedule to start. For example, // 2010-06-01T00:00:00Z. StartTime time.Time `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingScheduledAction represents AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction
func (AutoScalingScheduledAction) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s AutoScalingScheduledAction) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type AutoScalingTags ¶
type AutoScalingTags struct { // The key name of the tag. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value for the tag. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` // Set to true if you want AWS CloudFormation to copy the tag to EC2 // instances that are launched as part of the auto scaling group. Set to // false if you want the tag attached only to the auto scaling group and // not copied to any instances launched as part of the auto scaling // group. PropagateAtLaunch *BoolExpr `json:"PropagateAtLaunch,omitempty"` }
AutoScalingTags represents Auto Scaling Tags Property Type
type AutoScalingTagsList ¶
type AutoScalingTagsList []AutoScalingTags
AutoScalingTagsList represents a list of AutoScalingTags
func (*AutoScalingTagsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *AutoScalingTagsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Base64Func ¶
type Base64Func struct {
Value StringExpr `json:"Fn::Base64"`
Base64Func represents an invocation of Fn::Base64.
The intrinsic function Fn::Base64 returns the Base64 representation of the input string. This function is typically used to pass encoded data to Amazon EC2 instances by way of the UserData property.
func (Base64Func) String ¶
func (f Base64Func) String() *StringExpr
type BoolExpr ¶
BoolExpr represents a boolean expression. If the value is computed then Func will be non-nil. If it is a literal `true` or `false` then the Literal gives the value. Typically instances of this function are created by Bool() or one of the function constructors. Ex:
type LocalBalancer struct { CrossZone *BoolExpr } lb := LocalBalancer{CrossZone: Bool(true)} lb2 := LocalBalancer{CrossZone: Ref("LoadBalancerCrossZone").Bool()}
func (BoolExpr) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (*BoolExpr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type BoolFunc ¶
BoolFunc is an interface provided by objects that represent Cloudformation function that can return a boolean value.
type CertificateManagerCertificate ¶
type CertificateManagerCertificate struct { // Fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as, of the // site that you want to secure with the ACM certificate. To protect // several sites in the same domain, use an asterisk (*) to specify a // wildcard. For example, * protects, //, and DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // Domain information that domain name registrars use to verify your // identity. For more information and the default values, see Configure // Email for Your Domain and Validate Domain Ownership in the AWS // Certificate Manager User Guide. DomainValidationOptions *CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList `json:"DomainValidationOptions,omitempty"` // FQDNs to be included in the Subject Alternative Name extension of the // ACM certificate. For example, you can add to a // certificate for the domain name so that users can // reach your site by using either name. SubjectAlternativeNames *StringListExpr `json:"SubjectAlternativeNames,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this ACM certificate. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
CertificateManagerCertificate represents AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate
func (CertificateManagerCertificate) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CertificateManagerCertificate) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption ¶
type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption struct { // Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Certificate that you are // requesting. DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The domain that domain name registrars use to send validation emails. // Registrars use this value as the email address suffix when sending // emails to verify your identity. This value must be the same as the // domain name or a superdomain of the domain name. For more information, // see the ValidationDomain content for the DomainValidationOption data // type in the AWS Certificate Manager API Reference. ValidationDomain *StringExpr `json:"ValidationDomain,omitempty"` }
CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption represents AWS Certificate Manager Certificate DomainValidationOption
type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList ¶
type CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList []CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption
CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList represents a list of CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOption
func (*CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CertificateManagerCertificateDomainValidationOptionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFormationAuthentication ¶
type CloudFormationAuthentication struct { // Specifies the access key ID for S3 authentication. AccessKeyId *StringExpr `json:"accessKeyId,omitempty"` // A comma-delimited list of Amazon S3 buckets to be associated with the // S3 authentication credentials. Buckets *StringListExpr `json:"buckets,omitempty"` // Specifies the password for basic authentication. Password *StringExpr `json:"password,omitempty"` // Specifies the secret key for S3 authentication. SecretKey *StringExpr `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the authentication scheme uses a user name and // password ("basic") or an access key ID and secret key ("S3"). Type *StringExpr `json:"type,omitempty"` // A comma-delimited list of URIs to be associated with the basic // authentication credentials. The authorization applies to the specified // URIs and any more specific URI. For example, if you specify //, the authorization will also apply to // Uris *StringListExpr `json:"uris,omitempty"` // Specifies the user name for basic authentication. Username *StringExpr `json:"username,omitempty"` // Describes the role for role-based authentication. RoleName *StringExpr `json:"roleName,omitempty"` }
CloudFormationAuthentication represents AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication
func (CloudFormationAuthentication) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationAuthentication) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationCustomResource ¶
type CloudFormationCustomResource struct { // The service token that was given to the template developer by the // service provider to access the service, such as an Amazon SNS topic // ARN or Lambda function ARN. The service token must be from the same // region in which you are creating the stack. ServiceToken *StringExpr `json:"ServiceToken,omitempty"` }
CloudFormationCustomResource represents AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
func (CloudFormationCustomResource) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationCustomResource) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationInit ¶
type CloudFormationInit struct { }
CloudFormationInit represents AWS::CloudFormation::Init
func (CloudFormationInit) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationInit) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::Init to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationInterface ¶
type CloudFormationInterface struct { // A list of parameter group types, where you specify group names, the // parameters in each group, and the order in which the parameters are // shown. ParameterGroups *InterfaceParameterGroupList `json:"ParameterGroups,omitempty"` // A mapping of parameters and their friendly names that the AWS // CloudFormation console shows when a stack is created or updated. ParameterLabels *InterfaceParameterLabel `json:"ParameterLabels,omitempty"` }
CloudFormationInterface represents AWS::CloudFormation::Interface
func (CloudFormationInterface) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationInterface) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::Interface to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationStack ¶
type CloudFormationStack struct { // A list of existing Amazon SNS topics where notifications about stack // events are sent. NotificationARNs *StringListExpr `json:"NotificationARNs,omitempty"` // The set of parameters passed to AWS CloudFormation when this nested // stack is created. Parameters *CloudFormationStackParameters `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) to describe this stack. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The URL of a template that specifies the stack that you want to create // as a resource. The template must be stored on an Amazon S3 bucket, so // the URL must have the form: // TemplateURL *StringExpr `json:"TemplateURL,omitempty"` // The length of time, in minutes, that AWS CloudFormation waits for the // nested stack to reach the CREATE_COMPLETE state. The default is no // timeout. When AWS CloudFormation detects that the nested stack has // reached the CREATE_COMPLETE state, it marks the nested stack resource // as CREATE_COMPLETE in the parent stack and resumes creating the parent // stack. If the timeout period expires before the nested stack reaches // CREATE_COMPLETE, AWS CloudFormation marks the nested stack as failed // and rolls back both the nested stack and parent stack. TimeoutInMinutes *IntegerExpr `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` }
CloudFormationStack represents AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
func (CloudFormationStack) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationStack) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::Stack to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationStackParameters ¶
type CloudFormationStackParameters struct { }
CloudFormationStackParameters represents CloudFormation Stack Parameters Property Type
type CloudFormationStackParametersList ¶
type CloudFormationStackParametersList []CloudFormationStackParameters
CloudFormationStackParametersList represents a list of CloudFormationStackParameters
func (*CloudFormationStackParametersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFormationStackParametersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFormationWaitCondition ¶
type CloudFormationWaitCondition struct { // The number of success signals that AWS CloudFormation must receive // before it continues the stack creation process. When the wait // condition receives the requisite number of success signals, AWS // CloudFormation resumes the creation of the stack. If the wait // condition does not receive the specified number of success signals // before the Timeout period expires, AWS CloudFormation assumes that the // wait condition has failed and rolls the stack back. Count *IntegerExpr `json:"Count,omitempty"` // A reference to the wait condition handle used to signal this wait // condition. Use the Ref intrinsic function to specify an // AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle resource. Handle *StringExpr `json:"Handle,omitempty"` // The length of time (in seconds) to wait for the number of signals that // the Count property specifies. Timeout is a minimum-bound property, // meaning the timeout occurs no sooner than the time you specify, but // can occur shortly thereafter. The maximum time that can be specified // for this property is 12 hours (43200 seconds). Timeout *StringExpr `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
CloudFormationWaitCondition represents AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition
func (CloudFormationWaitCondition) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationWaitCondition) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle ¶
type CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle struct { }
CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle represents AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
func (CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior ¶
type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior struct { // HTTP methods that CloudFront processes and forwards to your Amazon S3 // bucket or your custom origin. In AWS CloudFormation templates, you can // specify ["HEAD", "GET"], ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], or ["DELETE", // "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"]. If you don't // specify a value, AWS CloudFormation specifies ["HEAD", "GET"]. AllowedMethods *StringListExpr `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // HTTP methods for which CloudFront caches responses. In AWS // CloudFormation templates, you can specify ["HEAD", "GET"] or ["GET", // "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]. If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation // specifies ["HEAD", "GET"]. CachedMethods *StringListExpr `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Indicates whether CloudFront automatically compresses certain files // for this cache behavior. For more information, see Serving Compressed // Files in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Compress *BoolExpr `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // The default time in seconds that objects stay in CloudFront caches // before CloudFront forwards another request to your custom origin to // determine whether the object has been updated. This value applies only // when your custom origin does not add HTTP headers, such as // Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. DefaultTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // Specifies how CloudFront handles query strings or cookies. ForwardedValues *CloudFrontForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // The maximum time in seconds that objects stay in CloudFront caches // before CloudFront forwards another request to your custom origin to // determine whether the object has been updated. This value applies only // when your custom origin does not add HTTP headers, such as // Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. MaxTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in the cache // before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has // been updated. MinTTL *StringExpr `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to use the origin that is associated with this cache // behavior to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming // format. SmoothStreaming *BoolExpr `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // The value of ID for the origin that CloudFront routes requests to when // the default cache behavior is applied to a request. TargetOriginId *StringExpr `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // A list of AWS accounts that can create signed URLs in order to access // private content. TrustedSigners *StringListExpr `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // The protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin that // you specified in the TargetOriginId property when the default cache // behavior is applied to a request. For more information about the valid // values, see the ViewerProtocolPolicy content for the // DefaultCacheBehavior data type in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. ViewerProtocolPolicy *StringExpr `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior represents CloudFront DefaultCacheBehavior
type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList ¶
type CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList []CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior
CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList represents a list of CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior
func (*CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehaviorList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistribution ¶
type CloudFrontDistribution struct { // The distribution's configuration information. DistributionConfig *CloudFrontDistributionConfig `json:"DistributionConfig,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistribution represents AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
func (CloudFrontDistribution) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudFrontDistribution) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudFront::Distribution to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudFrontDistributionConfig ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfig struct { // CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for the distribution. Aliases *StringListExpr `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // A list of CacheBehavior types for the distribution. CacheBehaviors *CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList `json:"CacheBehaviors,omitempty"` // Any comments that you want to include about the distribution. Comment *StringExpr `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Whether CloudFront replaces HTTP status codes in the 4xx and 5xx range // with custom error messages before returning the response to the // viewer. CustomErrorResponses *CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList `json:"CustomErrorResponses,omitempty"` // The default cache behavior that is triggered if you do not specify the // CacheBehavior property or if files don't match any of the values of // PathPattern in the CacheBehavior property. DefaultCacheBehavior *CloudFrontDefaultCacheBehavior `json:"DefaultCacheBehavior,omitempty"` // The object (such as index.html) that you want CloudFront to request // from your origin when the root URL for your distribution (such as // is requested. DefaultRootObject *StringExpr `json:"DefaultRootObject,omitempty"` // Controls whether the distribution is enabled to accept end user // requests for content. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The latest HTTP version that viewers can use to communicate with // CloudFront. Viewers that don't support the latest version // automatically use an earlier HTTP version. By default, AWS // CloudFormation specifies http1.1. HttpVersion *StringExpr `json:"HttpVersion,omitempty"` // Controls whether access logs are written for the distribution. To turn // on access logs, specify this property. Logging *CloudFrontLogging `json:"Logging,omitempty"` // A list of origins for this CloudFront distribution. For each origin, // you can specify whether it is an Amazon S3 or custom origin. Origins *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList `json:"Origins,omitempty"` // The price class that corresponds with the maximum price that you want // to pay for the CloudFront service. For more information, see Choosing // the Price Class in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. PriceClass *StringExpr `json:"PriceClass,omitempty"` // Specifies restrictions on who or how viewers can access your content. Restrictions *CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions `json:"Restrictions,omitempty"` // The certificate to use when viewers use HTTPS to request objects. ViewerCertificate *CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate `json:"ViewerCertificate,omitempty"` // The AWS WAF web ACL to associate with this distribution. AWS WAF is a // web application firewall that enables you to monitor the HTTP and // HTTPS requests that are forwarded to CloudFront and to control who can // access your content. CloudFront permits or forbids requests based on // conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses from which // requests originate or the values of query strings. WebACLId *StringExpr `json:"WebACLId,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfig represents CloudFront DistributionConfig
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior struct { // HTTP methods that CloudFront processes and forwards to your Amazon S3 // bucket or your custom origin. You can specify ["HEAD", "GET"], ["GET", // "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], or ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", // "POST", "PUT"]. If you don't specify a value, AWS CloudFormation // specifies ["HEAD", "GET"]. AllowedMethods *StringListExpr `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // HTTP methods for which CloudFront caches responses. You can specify // ["HEAD", "GET"] or ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]. If you don't specify a // value, AWS CloudFormation specifies ["HEAD", "GET"]. CachedMethods *StringListExpr `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Indicates whether CloudFront automatically compresses certain files // for this cache behavior. For more information, see Serving Compressed // Files in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Compress *BoolExpr `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // The default time in seconds that objects stay in CloudFront caches // before CloudFront forwards another request to your custom origin to // determine whether the object has been updated. This value applies only // when your custom origin does not add HTTP headers, such as // Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. DefaultTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // Specifies how CloudFront handles query strings or cookies. ForwardedValues *CloudFrontForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // The maximum time in seconds that objects stay in CloudFront caches // before CloudFront forwards another request to your custom origin to // determine whether the object has been updated. This value applies only // when your custom origin does not add HTTP headers, such as // Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. MaxTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in the cache // before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has // been updated. MinTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // The pattern to which this cache behavior applies. For example, you can // specify images/*.jpg. PathPattern *StringExpr `json:"PathPattern,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to use the origin that is associated with this cache // behavior to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming // format. If you specify true, you can still use this cache behavior to // distribute other content if the content matches the PathPattern value. SmoothStreaming *BoolExpr `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // The ID value of the origin to which you want CloudFront to route // requests when a request matches the value of the PathPattern property. TargetOriginId *StringExpr `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // A list of AWS accounts that can create signed URLs in order to access // private content. TrustedSigners *StringListExpr `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // The protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin that // you specified in the TargetOriginId property when a request matches // the value of the PathPattern property. For more information about the // valid values, see the ViewerProtocolPolicy content for the // CacheBehavior data type in the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. ViewerProtocolPolicy *StringExpr `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior represents CloudFront DistributionConfig CacheBehavior
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior
CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehavior
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigCacheBehaviorList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse struct { // The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon CloudFront caches // the HTTP status code that you specified in the ErrorCode property. The // default value is 300. ErrorCachingMinTTL *IntegerExpr `json:"ErrorCachingMinTTL,omitempty"` // An HTTP status code for which you want to specify a custom error page. // You can specify 400, 403, 404, 405, 414, 500, 501, 502, 503, or 504. ErrorCode *IntegerExpr `json:"ErrorCode,omitempty"` // The HTTP status code that CloudFront returns to viewer along with the // custom error page. You can specify 200, 400, 403, 404, 405, 414, 500, // 501, 502, 503, or 504. ResponseCode *IntegerExpr `json:"ResponseCode,omitempty"` // The path to the custom error page that CloudFront returns to a viewer // when your origin returns the HTTP status code that you specified in // the ErrorCode property. For example, you can specify // /404-errors/403-forbidden.html. ResponsePagePath *StringExpr `json:"ResponsePagePath,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse represents CloudFront DistributionConfig CustomErrorResponse
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse
CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponse
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigCustomErrorResponseList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigList []CloudFrontDistributionConfig
CloudFrontDistributionConfigList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfig
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin struct { // Origin information to specify a custom origin. CustomOriginConfig *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin `json:"CustomOriginConfig,omitempty"` // The DNS name of the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket or the // HTTP server from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this // origin. DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // An identifier for the origin. The value of Id must be unique within // the distribution. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Custom headers that CloudFront includes when it forwards a request to // your origin. OriginCustomHeaders *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList `json:"OriginCustomHeaders,omitempty"` // The path that CloudFront uses to request content from an S3 bucket or // custom origin. The combination of the DomainName and OriginPath // properties must resolve to a valid path. The value must start with a // slash mark (/) and cannot end with a slash mark. OriginPath *StringExpr `json:"OriginPath,omitempty"` // Origin information to specify an S3 origin. S3OriginConfig *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin `json:"S3OriginConfig,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin represents CloudFront DistributionConfig Origin
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin struct { // The HTTP port the custom origin listens on. HTTPPort *IntegerExpr `json:"HTTPPort,omitempty"` // The HTTPS port the custom origin listens on. HTTPSPort *IntegerExpr `json:"HTTPSPort,omitempty"` // The origin protocol policy to apply to your origin. OriginProtocolPolicy *StringExpr `json:"OriginProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` // The SSL protocols that CloudFront can use when establishing an HTTPS // connection with your origin. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies // the TLSv1 and SSLv3 protocols. OriginSSLProtocols *StringListExpr `json:"OriginSSLProtocols,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin represents CloudFront DistributionConfig Origin CustomOrigin
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOrigin
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginCustomOriginList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigOrigin
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader struct { // The name of a header that CloudFront forwards to your origin. For more // information, see Forwarding Custom Headers to Your Origin (Web // Distributions Only) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. HeaderName *StringExpr `json:"HeaderName,omitempty"` // The value for the header that you specified in the HeaderName // property. HeaderValue *StringExpr `json:"HeaderValue,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader represents CloudFront DistributionConfig Origin OriginCustomHeader
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeader
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginOriginCustomHeaderList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin struct { // The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin. // This is used to configure the origin so that end users can access // objects in an Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront only. OriginAccessIdentity *StringExpr `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin represents CloudFront DistributionConfig Origin S3Origin
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin
CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3Origin
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigOriginS3OriginList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction struct { // The two-letter, uppercase country code for a country that you want to // include in your blacklist or whitelist. Locations *StringListExpr `json:"Locations,omitempty"` // The method to restrict distribution of your content: RestrictionType *StringExpr `json:"RestrictionType,omitempty"` // Prevents viewers in the countries that you specified from accessing // your content. Blacklist interface{} `json:"blacklist,omitempty"` // Allows viewers in the countries that you specified to access your // content. Whitelist interface{} `json:"whitelist,omitempty"` // No distribution restrictions by country. None interface{} `json:"none,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction represents CloudFront DistributionConfig Restrictions GeoRestriction
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction
CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestrictionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions struct { // The countries in which viewers are able to access your content. GeoRestriction *CloudFrontDistributionConfigRestrictionsGeoRestriction `json:"GeoRestriction,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions represents CloudFront DistributionConfiguration Restrictions
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions
CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictions
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationRestrictionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate struct { // If you're using an alternate domain name, the Amazon Resource Name // (ARN) of an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate. Use the ACM // service to provision and manage your certificates. For more // information, see the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide. AcmCertificateArn *StringExpr `json:"AcmCertificateArn,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to use the default certificate for your CloudFront // domain name when viewers use HTTPS to request your content. CloudFrontDefaultCertificate *BoolExpr `json:"CloudFrontDefaultCertificate,omitempty"` // If you're using an alternate domain name, the ID of a server // certificate that was purchased from a certificate authority. This ID // is the ServerCertificateId value, which AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) returns when the certificate is added to the IAM // certificate store, such as ASCACKCEVSQ6CEXAMPLE1. IamCertificateId *StringExpr `json:"IamCertificateId,omitempty"` // The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want CloudFront to // use for HTTPS connections. CloudFront serves your objects only to // browsers or devices that support at least the SSL version that you // specify. For valid values, see the MinimumProtocolVersion content for // the ViewerCertificate data type in the Amazon CloudFront API // Reference. MinimumProtocolVersion *StringExpr `json:"MinimumProtocolVersion,omitempty"` // Specifies how CloudFront serves HTTPS requests. For valid values, see // the SslSupportMethod content for the ViewerCertificate data type in // the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. SslSupportMethod *StringExpr `json:"SslSupportMethod,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate represents CloudFront DistributionConfiguration ViewerCertificate
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList ¶
type CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList []CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate
CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList represents a list of CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificate
func (*CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontDistributionConfigurationViewerCertificateList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontForwardedValues ¶
type CloudFrontForwardedValues struct { // Forwards specified cookies to the origin of the cache behavior. For // more information, see Configuring CloudFront to Cache Based on Cookies // in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Cookies *CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies `json:"Cookies,omitempty"` // Specifies the headers that you want Amazon CloudFront to forward to // the origin for this cache behavior (whitelisted headers). For the // headers that you specify, Amazon CloudFront also caches separate // versions of a specified object that is based on the header values in // viewer requests. Headers *StringListExpr `json:"Headers,omitempty"` // Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the // origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify // true; if not, specify false. For more information, see Configuring // CloudFront to Cache Based on Query String Parameters in the Amazon // CloudFront Developer Guide. QueryString *BoolExpr `json:"QueryString,omitempty"` // If you forward query strings to the origin, specifies the query string // parameters that CloudFront uses to determine which content to cache. // For more information, see Configuring CloudFront to Cache Based on // Query String Parameters in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. QueryStringCacheKeys *StringListExpr `json:"QueryStringCacheKeys,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontForwardedValues represents CloudFront ForwardedValues
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies ¶
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies struct { // The cookies to forward to the origin of the cache behavior. You can // specify none, all, or whitelist. Forward *StringExpr `json:"Forward,omitempty"` // The names of cookies to forward to the origin for the cache behavior. WhitelistedNames *StringListExpr `json:"WhitelistedNames,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies represents CloudFront ForwardedValues Cookies
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList ¶
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList []CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies
CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList represents a list of CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookies
func (*CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontForwardedValuesCookiesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesList ¶
type CloudFrontForwardedValuesList []CloudFrontForwardedValues
CloudFrontForwardedValuesList represents a list of CloudFrontForwardedValues
func (*CloudFrontForwardedValuesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontForwardedValuesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudFrontLogging ¶
type CloudFrontLogging struct { // The Amazon S3 bucket address where access logs are stored, for // example, Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Indicates whether CloudFront includes cookies in access logs. IncludeCookies *BoolExpr `json:"IncludeCookies,omitempty"` // A prefix for the access log file names for this distribution. Prefix *StringExpr `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
CloudFrontLogging represents CloudFront Logging
type CloudFrontLoggingList ¶
type CloudFrontLoggingList []CloudFrontLogging
CloudFrontLoggingList represents a list of CloudFrontLogging
func (*CloudFrontLoggingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudFrontLoggingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudTrailTrail ¶
type CloudTrailTrail struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a log group to which CloudTrail logs // will be delivered. CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn *StringExpr `json:"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn,omitempty"` // The role ARN that Amazon CloudWatch Logs (CloudWatch Logs) assumes to // write logs to a log group. For more information, see Role Policy // Document for CloudTrail to Use CloudWatch Logs for Monitoring in the // AWS CloudTrail User Guide. CloudWatchLogsRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"CloudWatchLogsRoleArn,omitempty"` // Indicates whether CloudTrail validates the integrity of log files. By // default, AWS CloudFormation sets this value to false. When you disable // log file integrity validation, CloudTrail stops creating digest files. // For more information, see CreateTrail in the AWS CloudTrail API // Reference. EnableLogFileValidation *BoolExpr `json:"EnableLogFileValidation,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the trail is publishing events from global services, // such as IAM, to the log files. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets // this value to false. IncludeGlobalServiceEvents *BoolExpr `json:"IncludeGlobalServiceEvents,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the CloudTrail trail is currently logging AWS API // calls. IsLogging *BoolExpr `json:"IsLogging,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the CloudTrail trail is created in the region in // which you create the stack (false) or in all regions (true). By // default, AWS CloudFormation sets this value to false. For more // information, see How Does CloudTrail Behave Regionally and Globally? // in the AWS CloudTrail User Guide. IsMultiRegionTrail *BoolExpr `json:"IsMultiRegionTrail,omitempty"` // The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key ID that you want to use // to encrypt CloudTrail logs. You can specify an alias name (prefixed // with alias/), an alias ARN, a key ARN, or a globally unique // identifier. KMSKeyId *StringExpr `json:"KMSKeyId,omitempty"` // The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where CloudTrail publishes log files. S3BucketName *StringExpr `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // An Amazon S3 object key prefix that precedes the name of all log // files. S3KeyPrefix *StringExpr `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // The name of an Amazon SNS topic that is notified when new log files // are published. SnsTopicName *StringExpr `json:"SnsTopicName,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this trail. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
CloudTrailTrail represents AWS::CloudTrail::Trail
func (CloudTrailTrail) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudTrailTrail) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudTrail::Trail to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudWatchAlarm ¶
type CloudWatchAlarm struct { // Indicates whether or not actions should be executed during any changes // to the alarm's state. ActionsEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"ActionsEnabled,omitempty"` // The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an // ALARM state from any other state. Each action is specified as an // Amazon Resource Number (ARN). For more information about creating // alarms and the actions you can specify, see Creating Amazon CloudWatch // Alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. AlarmActions *StringListExpr `json:"AlarmActions,omitempty"` // The description for the alarm. AlarmDescription *StringExpr `json:"AlarmDescription,omitempty"` // A name for the alarm. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the alarm name. // For more information, see Name Type. AlarmName *StringExpr `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic // and Threshold. The specified Statistic value is used as the first // operand. ComparisonOperator *StringExpr `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // The dimensions for the alarm's associated metric. Dimensions *CloudWatchMetricDimensionList `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified // threshold. EvaluationPeriods *IntegerExpr `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an // INSUFFICIENT_DATA state from any other state. Each action is specified // as an Amazon Resource Number (ARN). Currently the only action // supported is publishing to an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon Auto // Scaling policy. InsufficientDataActions *StringListExpr `json:"InsufficientDataActions,omitempty"` // The name for the alarm's associated metric. For more information about // the metrics that you can specify, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, // Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. MetricName *StringExpr `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // The namespace for the alarm's associated metric. Namespace *StringExpr `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK // state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon // Resource Number (ARN). Currently the only action supported is // publishing to an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon Auto Scaling policy. OKActions *StringListExpr `json:"OKActions,omitempty"` // The time over which the specified statistic is applied. You must // specify a time in seconds that is also a multiple of 60. Period *IntegerExpr `json:"Period,omitempty"` // The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric. Statistic *StringExpr `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // The value against which the specified statistic is compared. Threshold interface{} `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // The unit for the alarm's associated metric. Unit *StringExpr `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
CloudWatchAlarm represents AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
func (CloudWatchAlarm) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CloudWatchAlarm) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget ¶
type CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target. Arn *StringExpr `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // A unique, user-defined identifier for the target. Acceptable values // include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hypens (-), and // underscores (_). Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // A JSON-formatted text string that is passed to the target. This value // overrides the matched event. Input *StringExpr `json:"Input,omitempty"` // When you don't want to pass the entire matched event, the JSONPath // that describes which part of the event to pass to the target. InputPath *StringExpr `json:"InputPath,omitempty"` }
CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget represents Amazon CloudWatch Events Rule Target
type CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList ¶
type CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList []CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget
CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList represents a list of CloudWatchEventsRuleTarget
func (*CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty ¶
type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty struct { // The name of the CloudWatch metric to which the log information will be // published. MetricName *StringExpr `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // The destination namespace of the CloudWatch metric. Namespaces are // containers for metrics. For example, you can add related metrics in // the same namespace. MetricNamespace *StringExpr `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // The value that is published to the CloudWatch metric. For example, if // you're counting the occurrences of a particular term like Error, // specify 1 for the metric value. If you're counting the number of bytes // transferred, reference the value that is in the log event by using $ // followed by the name of the field that you specified in the filter // pattern, such as $size. MetricValue *StringExpr `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` }
CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty represents CloudWatch Logs MetricFilter MetricTransformation Property
type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList ¶
type CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList []CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty
CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList represents a list of CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationProperty
func (*CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CloudWatchMetricDimension ¶
type CloudWatchMetricDimension struct { // The name of the dimension, from 1–255 characters in length. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The value representing the dimension measurement, from 1–255 // characters in length. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
CloudWatchMetricDimension represents CloudWatch Metric Dimension Property Type
type CloudWatchMetricDimensionList ¶
type CloudWatchMetricDimensionList []CloudWatchMetricDimension
CloudWatchMetricDimensionList represents a list of CloudWatchMetricDimension
func (*CloudWatchMetricDimensionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CloudWatchMetricDimensionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeBuildProject ¶
type CodeBuildProject struct { // The output settings for artifacts that the project generates during a // build. Artifacts *CodeBuildProjectArtifacts `json:"Artifacts,omitempty"` // A description of the project. Use the description to identify the // purpose of the project. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The alias or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Key Management // Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) that AWS CodeBuild uses to // encrypt the build output. If you don't specify a value, AWS CodeBuild // uses the AWS-managed CMK for Amazon Simple Storage Service. EncryptionKey *StringExpr `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // The build environment settings for the project, such as the // environment type or the environment variables to use for the build // environment. Environment *CodeBuildProjectEnvironment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // A name for the project. The name must be unique across all of the // projects in your AWS account. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The ARN of the service role that AWS CodeBuild uses to interact with // services on your behalf. ServiceRole *StringExpr `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // The source code settings for the project, such as the source code's // repository type and location. Source *CodeBuildProjectSource `json:"Source,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for the AWS CodeBuild // project. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The number of minutes after which AWS CodeBuild stops the build if // it's not complete. For valid values, see the timeoutInMinutes field in // the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. TimeoutInMinutes *IntegerExpr `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` }
CodeBuildProject represents AWS::CodeBuild::Project
func (CodeBuildProject) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodeBuildProject) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodeBuild::Project to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodeBuildProjectArtifacts ¶
type CodeBuildProjectArtifacts struct { // The location where AWS CodeBuild saves the build output artifacts. For // valid values, see the artifacts-location field in the AWS CodeBuild // User Guide. Location *StringExpr `json:"Location,omitempty"` // The name of the build output folder where AWS CodeBuild saves the // build output artifacts. For .zip packages, the name of the build // output .zip file that contains the build output artifacts. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The information AWS CodeBuild adds to the build output path, such as a // build ID. For more information, see the namespaceType field in the AWS // CodeBuild User Guide. NamespaceType *StringExpr `json:"NamespaceType,omitempty"` // Indicates how AWS CodeBuild packages the build output artifacts. For // valid values, see the packaging field in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. Packaging *StringExpr `json:"Packaging,omitempty"` // The path to the build output folder where AWS CodeBuild saves the // build output artifacts. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // The type of build output artifact. For valid values, see the // artifacts-type field in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodeBuildProjectArtifacts represents AWS CodeBuild Project Artifacts
type CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList ¶
type CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList []CodeBuildProjectArtifacts
CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList represents a list of CodeBuildProjectArtifacts
func (*CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeBuildProjectArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironment ¶
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironment struct { // The type of compute environment, such as BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL. The // compute type determines the number of CPU cores and memory the build // environment uses. For valid values, see the computeType field in the // AWS CodeBuild User Guide. ComputeType *StringExpr `json:"ComputeType,omitempty"` // The environment variables that your builds can use. For more // information, see the environmentVariables field in the AWS CodeBuild // User Guide. EnvironmentVariables *CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList `json:"EnvironmentVariables,omitempty"` // The Docker image identifier that the build environment uses. For more // information, see the image field in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. Image *StringExpr `json:"Image,omitempty"` // The type of build environment. For valid values, see the // environment-type field in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodeBuildProjectEnvironment represents AWS CodeBuild Project Environment
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables ¶
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables struct { // The name of an environment variable. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The value of the environment variable. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables represents AWS CodeBuild Project Environment EnvironmentVariables
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList ¶
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList []CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables
CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList represents a list of CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariables
func (*CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentEnvironmentVariablesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList ¶
type CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList []CodeBuildProjectEnvironment
CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList represents a list of CodeBuildProjectEnvironment
func (*CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeBuildProjectEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeBuildProjectSource ¶
type CodeBuildProjectSource struct { // The build specification, specified as a single string. For more // information, see the Build Spec Reference in the AWS CodeBuild User // Guide. BuildSpec *StringExpr `json:"BuildSpec,omitempty"` // The location of the source code in the specified repository type. For // more information, see the source-location field in the AWS CodeBuild // User Guide. Location *StringExpr `json:"Location,omitempty"` // The type of repository that contains your source code. For valid // values, see the source-type field in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodeBuildProjectSource represents AWS CodeBuild Project Source
type CodeBuildProjectSourceList ¶
type CodeBuildProjectSourceList []CodeBuildProjectSource
CodeBuildProjectSourceList represents a list of CodeBuildProjectSource
func (*CodeBuildProjectSourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeBuildProjectSourceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeCommitRepository ¶
type CodeCommitRepository struct { // A description about the AWS CodeCommit repository. For constraints, // see the CreateRepository action in the AWS CodeCommit API Reference. RepositoryDescription *StringExpr `json:"RepositoryDescription,omitempty"` // A name for the AWS CodeCommit repository. RepositoryName *StringExpr `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // Defines the actions to take in response to events that occur in the // repository. For example, you can send email notifications when someone // pushes to the repository. Triggers *CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList `json:"Triggers,omitempty"` }
CodeCommitRepository represents AWS::CodeCommit::Repository
func (CodeCommitRepository) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodeCommitRepository) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodeCommit::Repository to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger ¶
type CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger struct { // The names of the branches in the AWS CodeCommit repository that // contain events that you want to include in the trigger. If you don't // specify at least one branch, the trigger applies to all branches. Branches *StringListExpr `json:"Branches,omitempty"` // When an event is triggered, additional information that AWS CodeCommit // includes when it sends information to the target. CustomData *StringExpr `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that is the target for // this trigger. For valid targets, see Manage Triggers for an AWS // CodeCommit Repository in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide. DestinationArn *StringExpr `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // The repository events for which AWS CodeCommit sends information to // the target, which you specified in the DestinationArn property. If you // don't specify events, the trigger runs for all repository events. For // valid values, see the RepositoryTrigger data type in the AWS // CodeCommit API Reference. Events *StringListExpr `json:"Events,omitempty"` // A name for the trigger. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger represents AWS CodeCommit Repository Trigger
type CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList ¶
type CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList []CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger
CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList represents a list of CodeCommitRepositoryTrigger
func (*CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeCommitRepositoryTriggerList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployApplication ¶
type CodeDeployApplication struct { // A name for the application. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // application name. For more information, see Name Type. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployApplication represents AWS::CodeDeploy::Application
func (CodeDeployApplication) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodeDeployApplication) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodeDeploy::Application to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfig ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfig struct { // A name for the deployment configuration. If you don't specify a name, // AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for // the deployment configuration name. For more information, see Name // Type. DeploymentConfigName *StringExpr `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // The minimum number of healthy instances that must be available at any // time during an AWS CodeDeploy deployment. For example, for a fleet of // nine instances, if you specify a minimum of six healthy instances, AWS // CodeDeploy deploys your application up to three instances at a time so // that you always have six healthy instances. The deployment succeeds if // your application successfully deploys to six or more instances; // otherwise, the deployment fails. MinimumHealthyHosts *CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts `json:"MinimumHealthyHosts,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentConfig represents AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig
func (CodeDeployDeploymentConfig) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodeDeployDeploymentConfig) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts struct { // The type of count to use, such as an absolute value or a percentage of // the total number of instances in the deployment. For valid values, see // MinimumHealthyHosts in the AWS CodeDeploy API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // The minimum number of healthy instances. Value *IntegerExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentConfig MinimumHealthyHosts
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList []CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts
CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHosts
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentConfigMinimumHealthyHostsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroup ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroup struct { // The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application for this deployment group. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // A list of associated Auto Scaling groups that AWS CodeDeploy // automatically deploys revisions to when new instances are created. AutoScalingGroups *StringListExpr `json:"AutoScalingGroups,omitempty"` // The application revision that will be deployed to this deployment // group. Deployment *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment `json:"Deployment,omitempty"` // A deployment configuration name or a predefined configuration name. // With predefined configurations, you can deploy application revisions // to one instance at a time, half of the instances at a time, or all the // instances at once. For more information and valid values, see the // DeploymentConfigName parameter for the CreateDeploymentGroup action in // the AWS CodeDeploy API Reference. DeploymentConfigName *StringExpr `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // A name for the deployment group. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // deployment group name. For more information, see Name Type. DeploymentGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DeploymentGroupName,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 tags to filter on. AWS CodeDeploy includes all // instances that match the tag filter with this deployment group. Ec2TagFilters *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList `json:"Ec2TagFilters,omitempty"` // The on-premises instance tags to filter on. AWS CodeDeploy includes // all on-premises instances that match the tag filter with this // deployment group. To register on-premises instances with AWS // CodeDeploy, see Configure Existing On-Premises Instances by Using AWS // CodeDeploy in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide. OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList `json:"OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters,omitempty"` // A service role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that grants AWS CodeDeploy // permission to make calls to AWS services on your behalf. For more // information, see Create a Service Role for AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS // CodeDeploy User Guide. ServiceRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroup represents AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup
func (CodeDeployDeploymentGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodeDeployDeploymentGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment struct { // A description about this deployment. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Whether to continue the deployment if the ApplicationStop deployment // lifecycle event fails. If you want AWS CodeDeploy to continue the // deployment lifecycle even if the ApplicationStop event fails on an // instance, specify true. The deployment continues to the BeforeInstall // deployment lifecycle event. If you want AWS CodeDeploy to stop // deployment on the instance if the ApplicationStop event fails, specify // false or do not specify a value. IgnoreApplicationStopFailures *BoolExpr `json:"IgnoreApplicationStopFailures,omitempty"` // The location of the application revision to deploy. Revision *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision `json:"Revision,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Deployment
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeployment
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision struct { // If your application revision is stored in GitHub, information about // the location where it is stored. GitHubLocation *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation `json:"GitHubLocation,omitempty"` // The application revision's location, such as in an S3 bucket or GitHub // repository. For valid values, see RevisionLocation in the AWS // CodeDeploy API Reference. RevisionType *StringExpr `json:"RevisionType,omitempty"` // If the application revision is stored in an S3 bucket, information // about the location. S3Location *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location `json:"S3Location,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Deployment Revision
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation struct { // The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit to use as your application // revision. CommitId *StringExpr `json:"CommitId,omitempty"` // The GitHub account and repository name that includes the application // revision. Specify the value as account/repository_name. Repository *StringExpr `json:"Repository,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Deployment Revision GitHubLocation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocation
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionGitHubLocationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevision
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location struct { // The name of the S3 bucket where the application revision is stored. Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // The file type of the application revision, such as tar, tgz, or zip. // For valid values, see S3Location in the AWS CodeDeploy API Reference. BundleType *StringExpr `json:"BundleType,omitempty"` // The Amazon S3 ETag (a file checksum) of the application revision. If // you don't specify a value, AWS CodeDeploy skips the ETag validation of // your application revision. ETag *StringExpr `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // The file name of the application revision (Amazon S3 object name). Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // For versioning-enabled buckets, a specific version of the application // revision. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Deployment Revision S3Location
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3Location
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupDeploymentRevisionS3LocationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters struct { // Filter instances with this key. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The filter type. For example, you can filter instances by the key, tag // value, or both. For valid values, see EC2TagFilter in the AWS // CodeDeploy API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Filter instances with this tag value. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup Ec2TagFilters
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFilters
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupEc2TagFiltersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters struct { // Filter on-premises instances with this key. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The filter type. For example, you can filter on-premises instances by // the key, tag value, or both. For valid values, see EC2TagFilter in the // AWS CodeDeploy API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Filter on-premises instances with this tag value. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters represents AWS CodeDeploy DeploymentGroup OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList ¶
type CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList []CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters
CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList represents a list of CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFilters
func (*CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodeDeployDeploymentGroupOnPremisesInstanceTagFiltersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelineCustomAction ¶
type CodePipelineCustomAction struct { // The category of the custom action, such as a source action or a build // action. For valid values, see CreateCustomActionType in the AWS // CodePipeline API Reference. Category *StringExpr `json:"Category,omitempty"` // The configuration properties for the custom action. ConfigurationProperties *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // The input artifact details for this custom action. InputArtifactDetails *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails `json:"InputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // The output artifact details for this custom action. OutputArtifactDetails *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails `json:"OutputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // The name of the service provider that AWS CodePipeline uses for this // custom action. Provider *StringExpr `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // URLs that provide users information about this custom action. Settings *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings `json:"Settings,omitempty"` // The version number of this custom action. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
CodePipelineCustomAction represents AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType
func (CodePipelineCustomAction) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodePipelineCustomAction) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails struct { // The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type. MaximumCount *IntegerExpr `json:"MaximumCount,omitempty"` // The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type. MinimumCount *IntegerExpr `json:"MinimumCount,omitempty"` }
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails represents AWS CodePipeline CustomActionType ArtifactDetails
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList []CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList represents a list of CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetails
func (*CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeArtifactDetailsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties struct { // A description of this configuration property that will be displayed to // users. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the configuration property is a key. Key *BoolExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // A name for this configuration property. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the configuration property will be used with the // PollForJobs call. A custom action can have one queryable property. The // queryable property must be required (see the Required property) and // must not be secret (see the Secret property). For more information, // see the queryable contents for the ActionConfigurationProperty data // type in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Queryable *BoolExpr `json:"Queryable,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the configuration property is a required value. Required *BoolExpr `json:"Required,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the configuration property is secret. Secret // configuration properties are hidden from all AWS CodePipeline calls // except for GetJobDetails, GetThirdPartyJobDetails, PollForJobs, and // PollForThirdPartyJobs. Secret *BoolExpr `json:"Secret,omitempty"` // The type of the configuration property, such as String, Number, or // Boolean. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties represents AWS CodePipeline CustomActionType ConfigurationProperties
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList []CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList represents a list of CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationProperties
func (*CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeConfigurationPropertiesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings struct { // The URL that is returned to the AWS CodePipeline console that links to // the resources of the external system, such as the configuration page // for an AWS CodeDeploy deployment group. EntityUrlTemplate *StringExpr `json:"EntityUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // The URL that is returned to the AWS CodePipeline console that links to // the top-level landing page for the external system, such as the // console page for AWS CodeDeploy. ExecutionUrlTemplate *StringExpr `json:"ExecutionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // The URL that is returned to the AWS CodePipeline console that links to // the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the // external action. RevisionUrlTemplate *StringExpr `json:"RevisionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // The URL of a sign-up page where users can sign up for an external // service and specify the initial configurations for the service's // action. ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl *StringExpr `json:"ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl,omitempty"` }
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings represents AWS CodePipeline CustomActionType Settings
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList ¶
type CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList []CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings
CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList represents a list of CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettings
func (*CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelineCustomActionTypeSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipeline ¶
type CodePipelinePipeline struct { // The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location where AWS // CodePipeline stores pipeline artifacts. For more information, see // Create an Amazon S3 Bucket for Your Application in the AWS // CodePipeline User Guide. ArtifactStore *CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore `json:"ArtifactStore,omitempty"` // Prevents artifacts in a pipeline from transitioning to the stage that // you specified. This enables you to manually control transitions. DisableInboundStageTransitions *CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList `json:"DisableInboundStageTransitions,omitempty"` // The name of your AWS CodePipeline pipeline. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to rerun the AWS CodePipeline pipeline after you // update it. RestartExecutionOnUpdate *BoolExpr `json:"RestartExecutionOnUpdate,omitempty"` // A service role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that grants AWS CodePipeline // permission to make calls to AWS services on your behalf. For more // information, see AWS CodePipeline Access Permissions Reference in the // AWS CodePipeline User Guide. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Defines the AWS CodePipeline pipeline stages. Stages *CodePipelinePipelineStagesList `json:"Stages,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipeline represents AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
func (CodePipelinePipeline) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s CodePipelinePipeline) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore struct { // The encryption key AWS CodePipeline uses to encrypt the data in the // artifact store, such as an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key. // If you don't specify a key, AWS CodePipeline uses the default key for // Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). EncryptionKey *CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // The location where AWS CodePipeline stores artifacts for a pipeline, // such as an S3 bucket. Location *StringExpr `json:"Location,omitempty"` // The type of the artifact store, such as Amazon S3. For valid values, // see ArtifactStore in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline ArtifactStore
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey struct { // The ID of the key. For an AWS KMS key, specify the key ID or key // Amazon Resource Number (ARN). Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The type of encryption key, such as KMS. For valid values, see // EncryptionKey in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline ArtifactStore EncryptionKey
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList []CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey
CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKey
func (*CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreEncryptionKeyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList []CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore
CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStore
func (*CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineArtifactStoreList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions struct { // An explanation of why the transition between two stages of a pipeline // was disabled. Reason *StringExpr `json:"Reason,omitempty"` // The name of the stage to which transitions are disabled. StageName *StringExpr `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline DisableInboundStageTransitions
type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList []CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions
CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitions
func (*CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineDisableInboundStageTransitionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStages ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStages struct { // The actions to include in this stage. Actions *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The gates included in a stage. Blockers *CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList `json:"Blockers,omitempty"` // A name for this stage. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStages represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions struct { // Specifies the action type and the provider of the action. ActionTypeId *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId `json:"ActionTypeId,omitempty"` // The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify // input values for an action. Configuration interface{} `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // The name or ID of the artifact that the action consumes, such as a // test or build artifact. InputArtifacts *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList `json:"InputArtifacts,omitempty"` // The action name. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The artifact name or ID that is a result of the action, such as a test // or build artifact. OutputArtifacts *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList `json:"OutputArtifacts,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a service role that the action uses. // The pipeline's role assumes this role. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The order in which AWS CodePipeline runs this action. RunOrder *IntegerExpr `json:"RunOrder,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages Actions
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId struct { // A category that defines which action type the owner (the entitiy that // performs the action) performs. The category that you select determine // the providers that you can specify for the Provider property. For // valid values, see ActionTypeId in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Category *StringExpr `json:"Category,omitempty"` // The entity that performs the action. For valid values, see // ActionTypeId in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Owner *StringExpr `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // The service provider that the action calls. The providers that you can // specify are determined by the category that you select. For example, a // valid provider for the Deploy category is AWS CodeDeploy, which you // would specify as CodeDeploy. Provider *StringExpr `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // A version identifier for this action. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages Actions ActionTypeId
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList []CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeId
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsActionTypeIdList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts struct { // The name of the artifact that the AWS CodePipeline action works on, // such as My App.The input artifact of an action must match the output // artifact from any preceding action. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages Actions InputArtifacts
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList []CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifacts
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsInputArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList []CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStagesActions
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts struct { // The name of the artifact that is the result of an AWS CodePipeline // action, such as My App. Output artifact names must be unique within a // pipeline. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages Actions OutputArtifacts
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList []CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts
CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifacts
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesActionsOutputArtifactsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers struct { // The name of the gate declaration. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The type of gate declaration. For valid values, see BlockerDeclaration // in the AWS CodePipeline API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers represents AWS CodePipeline Pipeline Stages Blockers
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList []CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers
CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockers
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesBlockersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesList ¶
type CodePipelinePipelineStagesList []CodePipelinePipelineStages
CodePipelinePipelineStagesList represents a list of CodePipelinePipelineStages
func (*CodePipelinePipelineStagesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *CodePipelinePipelineStagesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ConfigConfigRule ¶
type ConfigConfigRule struct { // A name for the AWS Config rule. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // rule name. For more information, see Name Type. ConfigRuleName *StringExpr `json:"ConfigRuleName,omitempty"` // A description about this AWS Config rule. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Input parameter values that are passed to the AWS Config rule (Lambda // function). InputParameters interface{} `json:"InputParameters,omitempty"` // The maximum frequency at which the AWS Config rule runs evaluations. // For valid values, see the ConfigRule data type in the AWS Config API // Reference. MaximumExecutionFrequency *StringExpr `json:"MaximumExecutionFrequency,omitempty"` // Defines which AWS resources will trigger an evaluation when their // configurations change. The scope can include one or more resource // types, a combination of a tag key and value, or a combination of one // resource type and one resource ID. Specify a scope to constrain the // resources that are evaluated. If you don't specify a scope, the rule // evaluates all resources in the recording group. Scope *ConfigConfigRuleScope `json:"Scope,omitempty"` // Specifies the rule owner, the rule identifier, and the events that // cause the function to evaluate your AWS resources. Source *ConfigConfigRuleSource `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigRule represents AWS::Config::ConfigRule
func (ConfigConfigRule) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ConfigConfigRule) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Config::ConfigRule to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ConfigConfigRuleScope ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleScope struct { // The ID of an AWS resource that you want AWS Config to evaluate against // a rule. If you specify an ID, you must also specify a resource type // for the ComplianceResourceTypes property. ComplianceResourceId *StringExpr `json:"ComplianceResourceId,omitempty"` // The types of AWS resources that you want AWS Config to evaluate // against the rule. If you specify the ComplianceResourceId property, // specify only one resource type. ComplianceResourceTypes *StringListExpr `json:"ComplianceResourceTypes,omitempty"` // The tag key that is applied to the AWS resources that you want AWS // Config to evaluate against the rule. TagKey *StringExpr `json:"TagKey,omitempty"` // The tag value that is applied to the AWS resources that you want AWS // Config to evaluate against the rule. TagValue *StringExpr `json:"TagValue,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigRuleScope represents AWS Config ConfigRule Scope
type ConfigConfigRuleScopeList ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleScopeList []ConfigConfigRuleScope
ConfigConfigRuleScopeList represents a list of ConfigConfigRuleScope
func (*ConfigConfigRuleScopeList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ConfigConfigRuleScopeList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ConfigConfigRuleSource ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleSource struct { // Indicates who owns and manages the AWS Config rule. For valid values, // see the Source data type in the AWS Config API Reference. Owner *StringExpr `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // Provides the source and type of event that triggers AWS Config to // evaluate your AWS resources. SourceDetails *ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList `json:"SourceDetails,omitempty"` // For AWS managed rules, the identifier of the rule. For a list of // identifiers, see AWS Managed Rules in the AWS Config Developer Guide. SourceIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"SourceIdentifier,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigRuleSource represents AWS Config ConfigRule Source
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceList ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceList []ConfigConfigRuleSource
ConfigConfigRuleSourceList represents a list of ConfigConfigRuleSource
func (*ConfigConfigRuleSourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ConfigConfigRuleSourceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails struct { // The source, such as an AWS service, that generate events, triggering // AWS Config to evaluate your AWS resources. For valid values, see the // SourceDetail data type in the AWS Config API Reference. EventSource *StringExpr `json:"EventSource,omitempty"` // The type of Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) message // that triggers AWS Config to run an evaluation. MessageType *StringExpr `json:"MessageType,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails represents AWS Config ConfigRule Source SourceDetails
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList ¶
type ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList []ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails
ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList represents a list of ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetails
func (*ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ConfigConfigRuleSourceSourceDetailsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ConfigConfigurationRecorder ¶
type ConfigConfigurationRecorder struct { // A name for the configuration recorder. If you don't specify a name, // AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for // the configuration recorder name. For more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to record configurations for all supported resources // or for a list of resource types. The resource types that you list must // be supported by AWS Config. RecordingGroup *ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup `json:"RecordingGroup,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that is used to make read or write requests to // the delivery channel that you specify and to get configuration details // for supported AWS resources. For more information, see Permissions for // the AWS Config IAM Role in the AWS Config Developer Guide. RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigurationRecorder represents AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder
func (ConfigConfigurationRecorder) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ConfigConfigurationRecorder) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup ¶
type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup struct { // Indicates whether to record all supported resource types. If you // specify this property, do not specify the ResourceTypes property. AllSupported *BoolExpr `json:"AllSupported,omitempty"` // Indicates whether AWS Config records all supported global resource // types. When AWS Config supports new global resource types, AWS Config // will automatically start recording them if you enable this property. IncludeGlobalResourceTypes *BoolExpr `json:"IncludeGlobalResourceTypes,omitempty"` // A list of valid AWS resource types to include in this recording group, // such as AWS::EC2::Instance or AWS::CloudTrail::Trail. If you specify // this property, do not specify the AllSupported property. For a list of // supported resource types, see Supported resource types in the AWS // Config Developer Guide. ResourceTypes *StringListExpr `json:"ResourceTypes,omitempty"` }
ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup represents AWS Config ConfigurationRecorder RecordingGroup
type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList ¶
type ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList []ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup
ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList represents a list of ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroup
func (*ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ConfigConfigurationRecorderRecordingGroupList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ConfigDeliveryChannel ¶
type ConfigDeliveryChannel struct { // Provides options for how AWS Config delivers configuration snapshots // to the S3 bucket in your delivery channel. ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties *ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties `json:"ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties,omitempty"` // A name for the delivery channel. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // delivery channel name. For more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The name of an S3 bucket where you want to store configuration history // for the delivery channel. S3BucketName *StringExpr `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // A key prefix (folder) for the specified S3 bucket. S3KeyPrefix *StringExpr `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification // Service (Amazon SNS) topic that AWS Config delivers notifications to. SnsTopicARN *StringExpr `json:"SnsTopicARN,omitempty"` }
ConfigDeliveryChannel represents AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel
func (ConfigDeliveryChannel) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ConfigDeliveryChannel) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties ¶
type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties struct { // The frequency with which AWS Config delivers configuration snapshots. // For valid values, see ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties in the AWS // Config API Reference. DeliveryFrequency *StringExpr `json:"DeliveryFrequency,omitempty"` }
ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties represents AWS Config DeliveryChannel ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList ¶
type ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList []ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList represents a list of ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
func (*ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ConfigDeliveryChannelConfigSnapshotDeliveryPropertiesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type CreationPolicy ¶
type CreationPolicy struct {
ResourceSignal *CreationPolicyResourceSignal `json:"ResourceSignal,omitempty"`
CreationPolicy represents CreationPolicy Attribute
type CreationPolicyResourceSignal ¶
type CreationPolicyResourceSignal struct { // The number of success signals AWS CloudFormation must receive before it sets the resource status as CREATE_COMPLETE. If the resource receives a failure signal or doesn't receive the specified number of signals before the timeout period expires, the resource creation fails and AWS CloudFormation rolls the stack back. Count *IntegerExpr `json:"Count,omitempty"` // The length of time that AWS CloudFormation waits for the number of signals that was specified in the Count property. The timeout period starts after AWS CloudFormation starts creating the resource, and the timeout expires no sooner than the time you specify but can occur shortly thereafter. The maximum time that you can specify is 12 hours. // // The value must be in ISO8601 duration format, in the form: "PT#H#M#S", where each # is the number of hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. For best results, specify a period of time that gives your instances plenty of time to get up and running. A shorter timeout can cause a rollback. Timeout *StringExpr `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
CreationPolicyResourceSignal represents a CreationPolicy ResourceSignal
type CustomResourceProvider ¶
type CustomResourceProvider func(customResourceType string) ResourceProperties
CustomResourceProvider allows extend the NewResourceByType factory method with their own resource types.
type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields ¶
type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields struct { // Specifies the name of a field for a particular object. To view fields // for a data pipeline object, see Pipeline Object Reference in the AWS // Data Pipeline Developer Guide. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // A field value that you specify as an identifier of another object in // the same pipeline definition. RefValue *StringExpr `json:"RefValue,omitempty"` // A field value that you specify as a string. To view valid values for a // particular field, see Pipeline Object Reference in the AWS Data // Pipeline Developer Guide. StringValue *StringExpr `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields represents AWS Data Pipeline Data Pipeline Object Fields
type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList ¶
type DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList []DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields
DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList represents a list of DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFields
func (*DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes ¶
type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes struct { // Specifies the name of a parameter attribute. To view parameter // attributes, see Creating a Pipeline Using Parameterized Templates in // the AWS Data Pipeline Developer Guide. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // A parameter attribute value. StringValue *StringExpr `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes represents AWS Data Pipeline Parameter Objects Attributes
type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList ¶
type DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList []DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes
DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList represents a list of DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributes
func (*DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataPipelinePipeline ¶
type DataPipelinePipeline struct { // Indicates whether to validate and start the pipeline or stop an active // pipeline. By default, the value is set to true. Activate *BoolExpr `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // A description for the pipeline. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A name for the pipeline. Because AWS CloudFormation assigns each new // pipeline a unique identifier, you can use the same name for multiple // pipelines that are associated with your AWS account. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Defines the variables that are in the pipeline definition. For more // information, see Creating a Pipeline Using Parameterized Templates in // the AWS Data Pipeline Developer Guide. ParameterObjects *DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList `json:"ParameterObjects,omitempty"` // Defines the values for the parameters that are defined in the // ParameterObjects property. For more information, see Creating a // Pipeline Using Parameterized Templates in the AWS Data Pipeline // Developer Guide. ParameterValues *DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList `json:"ParameterValues,omitempty"` // A list of pipeline objects that make up the pipeline. For more // information about pipeline objects and a description of each object, // see Pipeline Object Reference in the AWS Data Pipeline Developer // Guide. PipelineObjects *DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList `json:"PipelineObjects,omitempty"` // A list of arbitrary tags (key-value pairs) to associate with the // pipeline, which you can use to control permissions. For more // information, see Controlling Access to Pipelines and Resources in the // AWS Data Pipeline Developer Guide. PipelineTags *DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList `json:"PipelineTags,omitempty"` }
DataPipelinePipeline represents AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline
func (DataPipelinePipeline) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s DataPipelinePipeline) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type DataPipelinePipelineObjects ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineObjects struct { // Key-value pairs that define the properties of the object. Fields *DataPipelineDataPipelineObjectFieldsList `json:"Fields,omitempty"` // Identifier of the object. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name of the object. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
DataPipelinePipelineObjects represents AWS Data Pipeline PipelineObjects
type DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList []DataPipelinePipelineObjects
DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList represents a list of DataPipelinePipelineObjects
func (*DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelinePipelineObjectsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects struct { // Key-value pairs that define the attributes of the parameter object. Attributes *DataPipelineParameterObjectsAttributesList `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // The identifier of the parameter object. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects represents AWS Data Pipeline Pipeline ParameterObjects
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList []DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects
DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList represents a list of DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjects
func (*DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelinePipelineParameterObjectsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues struct { // The ID of a parameter object. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // A value to associate with the parameter object. StringValue *StringExpr `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues represents AWS Data Pipeline Pipeline ParameterValues
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList ¶
type DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList []DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues
DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList represents a list of DataPipelinePipelineParameterValues
func (*DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelinePipelineParameterValuesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags ¶
type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags struct { // The key name of a tag. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value to associate with the key name. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags represents AWS Data Pipeline Pipeline PipelineTags
type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList ¶
type DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList []DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags
DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList represents a list of DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTags
func (*DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataPipelinePipelinePipelineTagsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DataSource ¶
type DataSource struct { // The ARN of the data source. Arn *StringExpr `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // The name of the database. DatabaseName *StringExpr `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // The type of the data source, such as AutoSelectOpsworksMysqlInstance, // OpsworksMysqlInstance, or RdsDbInstance. For valid values, see the // DataSource type in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
DataSource represents DataSource
type DataSourceList ¶
type DataSourceList []DataSource
DataSourceList represents a list of DataSource
func (*DataSourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DataSourceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD ¶
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD struct { // A unique alias to assign to the Microsoft Active Directory in AWS. AWS // Directory Service uses the alias to construct the access URL for the // directory, such as By default, AWS // CloudFormation does not create an alias. CreateAlias *BoolExpr `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // Whether to enable single sign-on for a Microsoft Active Directory in // AWS. Single sign-on allows users in your directory to access certain // AWS services from a computer joined to the directory without having to // enter their credentials separately. If you don't specify a value, AWS // CloudFormation disables single sign-on by default. EnableSso *BoolExpr `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // The fully qualified name for the Microsoft Active Directory in AWS, // such as The name doesn't need to be publicly // resolvable; it will resolve inside your VPC only. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The password for the default administrative user, Admin. Password *StringExpr `json:"Password,omitempty"` // The NetBIOS name for your domain, such as CORP. If you don't specify a // value, AWS Directory Service uses the first part of your directory DNS // server name. For example, if your directory DNS server name is //, AWS Directory Service specifies CORP for the NetBIOS // name. ShortName *StringExpr `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // Specifies the VPC settings of the Microsoft Active Directory server in // AWS. VpcSettings *DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD represents AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD
func (DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s DirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings ¶
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings struct { // A list of two subnet IDs for the directory servers. Each subnet must // be in different Availability Zones (AZs). AWS Directory Service // creates a directory server and a DNS server in each subnet. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // The VPC ID in which to create the Microsoft Active Directory server. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings represents AWS Directory Service MicrosoftAD VpcSettings
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList ¶
type DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList []DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings
DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList represents a list of DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettings
func (*DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DirectoryServiceMicrosoftADVpcSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DirectoryServiceSimpleAD ¶
type DirectoryServiceSimpleAD struct { // A unique alias to assign to the directory. AWS Directory Service uses // the alias to construct the access URL for the directory, such as // By default, AWS CloudFormation does not // create an alias. CreateAlias *BoolExpr `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // A description of the directory. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Whether to enable single sign-on for a directory. If you don't specify // a value, AWS CloudFormation disables single sign-on by default. EnableSso *BoolExpr `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // The fully qualified name for the directory, such as Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The password for the directory administrator. AWS Directory Service // creates a directory administrator account with the user name // Administrator and this password. Password *StringExpr `json:"Password,omitempty"` // The NetBIOS name of the on-premises directory, such as CORP. ShortName *StringExpr `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // The size of the directory. For valid values, see CreateDirectory in // the AWS Directory Service API Reference. Size *StringExpr `json:"Size,omitempty"` // Specifies the VPC settings of the directory server. VpcSettings *DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
DirectoryServiceSimpleAD represents AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD
func (DirectoryServiceSimpleAD) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s DirectoryServiceSimpleAD) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings ¶
type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings struct { // A list of two subnet IDs for the directory servers. Each subnet must // be in different Availability Zones (AZ). AWS Directory Service creates // a directory server and a DNS server in each subnet. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // The VPC ID in which to create the Simple AD directory. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings represents AWS Directory Service SimpleAD VpcSettings
type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList ¶
type DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList []DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings
DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList represents a list of DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettings
func (*DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DirectoryServiceSimpleADVpcSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions ¶
type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions struct { // The name of an attribute. Attribute names can be 1 – 255 characters // long and have no character restrictions. AttributeName *StringExpr `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // The data type for the attribute. You can specify S for string data, N // for numeric data, or B for binary data. AttributeType *StringExpr `json:"AttributeType,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions represents DynamoDB Attribute Definitions
type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList ¶
type DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList []DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions
DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList represents a list of DynamoDBAttributeDefinitions
func (*DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes ¶
type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes struct { // The name of the global secondary index. The index name can be 3 – // 255 characters long and have no character restrictions. IndexName *StringExpr `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // The complete index key schema for the global secondary index, which // consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types. KeySchema *DynamoDBKeySchemaList `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Attributes that are copied (projected) from the source table into the // index. These attributes are in addition to the primary key attributes // and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Projection *DynamoDBProjectionObject `json:"Projection,omitempty"` // The provisioned throughput settings for the index. ProvisionedThroughput *DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes represents DynamoDB Global Secondary Indexes
type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList ¶
type DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList []DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes
DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList represents a list of DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes
func (*DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBKeySchema ¶
type DynamoDBKeySchema struct { // The attribute name that is used as the primary key for this table. // Primary key element names can be 1 – 255 characters long and have no // character restrictions. AttributeName *StringExpr `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // Represents the attribute data, consisting of the data type and the // attribute value itself. You can specify HASH or RANGE. KeyType *StringExpr `json:"KeyType,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBKeySchema represents DynamoDB Key Schema
type DynamoDBKeySchemaList ¶
type DynamoDBKeySchemaList []DynamoDBKeySchema
DynamoDBKeySchemaList represents a list of DynamoDBKeySchema
func (*DynamoDBKeySchemaList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBKeySchemaList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes ¶
type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes struct { // The name of the local secondary index. The index name can be 3 – 255 // characters long and have no character restrictions. IndexName *StringExpr `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // The complete index key schema for the local secondary index, which // consists of one or more pairs of attribute names and key types. For // local secondary indexes, the hash key must be the same as that of the // source table. KeySchema *DynamoDBKeySchemaList `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Attributes that are copied (projected) from the source table into the // index. These attributes are additions to the primary key attributes // and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Projection *DynamoDBProjectionObject `json:"Projection,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes represents DynamoDB Local Secondary Indexes
type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList ¶
type DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList []DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes
DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList represents a list of DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes
func (*DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBProjectionObject ¶
type DynamoDBProjectionObject struct { // The non-key attribute names that are projected into the index. NonKeyAttributes *StringListExpr `json:"NonKeyAttributes,omitempty"` // The set of attributes that are projected into the index: ProjectionType *StringExpr `json:"ProjectionType,omitempty"` // Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index. KEYSXONLY interface{} `json:"KEYS_ONLY,omitempty"` // Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The // list of projected attributes are in NonKeyAttributes. INCLUDE interface{} `json:"INCLUDE,omitempty"` // All of the table attributes are projected into the index. ALL interface{} `json:"ALL,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBProjectionObject represents DynamoDB Projection Object
type DynamoDBProjectionObjectList ¶
type DynamoDBProjectionObjectList []DynamoDBProjectionObject
DynamoDBProjectionObjectList represents a list of DynamoDBProjectionObject
func (*DynamoDBProjectionObjectList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBProjectionObjectList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput ¶
type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput struct { // Sets the desired minimum number of consistent reads of items (up to // 1KB in size) per second for the specified table before Amazon DynamoDB // balances the load. ReadCapacityUnits *IntegerExpr `json:"ReadCapacityUnits,omitempty"` // Sets the desired minimum number of consistent writes of items (up to // 1KB in size) per second for the specified table before Amazon DynamoDB // balances the load. WriteCapacityUnits *IntegerExpr `json:"WriteCapacityUnits,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput represents DynamoDB Provisioned Throughput
type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList ¶
type DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList []DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput
DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList represents a list of DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput
func (*DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBProvisionedThroughputList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type DynamoDBTable ¶
type DynamoDBTable struct { // A list of AttributeName and AttributeType objects that describe the // key schema for the table and indexes. AttributeDefinitions *DynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsList `json:"AttributeDefinitions,omitempty"` // Global secondary indexes to be created on the table. You can create up // to 5 global secondary indexes. GlobalSecondaryIndexes *DynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesList `json:"GlobalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table. // The attributes in the KeySchema property must also be defined in the // AttributeDefinitions property. KeySchema *DynamoDBKeySchemaList `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Local secondary indexes to be created on the table. You can create up // to 5 local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key // value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. LocalSecondaryIndexes *DynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesList `json:"LocalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // Throughput for the specified table, consisting of values for // ReadCapacityUnits and WriteCapacityUnits. For more information about // the contents of a provisioned throughput structure, see DynamoDB // Provisioned Throughput. ProvisionedThroughput *DynamoDBProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` // The settings for the DynamoDB table stream, which capture changes to // items stored in the table. StreamSpecification *DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification `json:"StreamSpecification,omitempty"` // A name for the table. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the table name. // For more information, see Name Type. TableName *StringExpr `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBTable represents AWS::DynamoDB::Table
func (DynamoDBTable) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s DynamoDBTable) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::DynamoDB::Table to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification ¶
type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification struct { // Determines the information that the stream captures when an item in // the table is modified. For valid values, see StreamSpecification in // the Amazon DynamoDB API Reference. StreamViewType *StringExpr `json:"StreamViewType,omitempty"` }
DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification represents DynamoDB Table StreamSpecification
type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList ¶
type DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList []DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification
DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList represents a list of DynamoDBTableStreamSpecification
func (*DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *DynamoDBTableStreamSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty ¶
type EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty struct { // The name of the device within Amazon EC2. DeviceName *StringExpr `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Required: Conditional You can specify either VirtualName or Ebs, but // not both. Ebs *ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // This property can be used to unmap a defined device. NoDevice interface{} `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual device. The name must be in the form // ephemeralX where X is a number starting from zero (0); for example, // ephemeral0. VirtualName *StringExpr `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty represents Amazon EC2 Block Device Mapping Property
type EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList ¶
type EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList []EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty
EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList represents a list of EC2BlockDeviceMappingProperty
func (*EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration struct { // The maximum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon // ECS service's DesiredCount value, that can run in a service during a // deployment. To calculate the maximum number of tasks, Amazon ECS uses // this formula: the value of DesiredCount * (the value of the // MaximumPercent/100), rounded down to the nearest integer value. MaximumPercent *IntegerExpr `json:"MaximumPercent,omitempty"` // The minimum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon // ECS service's DesiredCount value, that must continue to run and remain // healthy during a deployment. To calculate the minimum number of tasks, // Amazon ECS uses this formula: the value of DesiredCount * (the value // of the MinimumHealthyPercent/100), rounded up to the nearest integer // value. MinimumHealthyPercent *IntegerExpr `json:"MinimumHealthyPercent,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration represents Amazon EC2 Container Service Service DeploymentConfiguration
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList []EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration
EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration
func (*EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers struct { // The name of a container to use with the load balancer. ContainerName *StringExpr `json:"ContainerName,omitempty"` // The port number on the container to direct load balancer traffic to. // Your container instances must allow ingress traffic on this port. ContainerPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // The name of a Classic Load Balancer to associate with the Amazon ECS // service. LoadBalancerName *StringExpr `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // An Application load balancer target group Amazon Resource Name (ARN) // to associate with the Amazon ECS service. TargetGroupArn *StringExpr `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers represents Amazon EC2 Container Service Service LoadBalancers
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList []EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers
EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancers
func (*EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions struct { // The CMD value to pass to the container. For more information about the // Docker CMD parameter, see // Command *StringListExpr `json:"Command,omitempty"` // The minimum number of CPU units to reserve for the container. // Containers share unallocated CPU units with other containers on the // instance by using the same ratio as their allocated CPU units. For // more information, see the cpu content for the ContainerDefinition data // type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API Reference. Cpu *IntegerExpr `json:"Cpu,omitempty"` // Indicates whether networking is disabled within the container. DisableNetworking *BoolExpr `json:"DisableNetworking,omitempty"` // A list of DNS search domains that are provided to the container. The // domain names that the DNS logic looks up when a process attempts to // access a bare unqualified hostname. DnsSearchDomains *StringListExpr `json:"DnsSearchDomains,omitempty"` // A list of DNS servers that Amazon ECS provides to the container. DnsServers *StringListExpr `json:"DnsServers,omitempty"` // A key-value map of labels for the container. DockerLabels interface{} `json:"DockerLabels,omitempty"` // A list of custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security // systems. For more information, see the dockerSecurityOptions content // for the ContainerDefinition data type in the Amazon EC2 Container // Service API Reference. DockerSecurityOptions *StringListExpr `json:"DockerSecurityOptions,omitempty"` // The ENTRYPOINT value to pass to the container. For more information // about the Docker ENTRYPOINT parameter, see // EntryPoint *StringListExpr `json:"EntryPoint,omitempty"` // The environment variables to pass to the container. Environment *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the task stops if this container fails. If you // specify true and the container fails, all other containers in the task // stop. If you specify false and the container fails, none of the other // containers in the task is affected. This value is true by default. Essential *BoolExpr `json:"Essential,omitempty"` // A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the // /etc/hosts file on the container. ExtraHosts *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList `json:"ExtraHosts,omitempty"` // The name that Docker will use for the container's hostname. Hostname *StringExpr `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // The image to use for a container, which is passed directly to the // Docker daemon. You can use images in the Docker Hub registry or // specify other repositories (repository-url/image:tag). Image *StringExpr `json:"Image,omitempty"` // The name of another container to connect to. With links, containers // can communicate with each other without using port mappings. Links *StringListExpr `json:"Links,omitempty"` // Configures a custom log driver for the container. For more // information, see the logConfiguration content for the // ContainerDefinition data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API // Reference. LogConfiguration *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration `json:"LogConfiguration,omitempty"` // The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container. If your // container attempts to exceed the allocated memory, the container is // terminated. Memory *IntegerExpr `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // The number of MiB of memory to reserve for the container. When system // memory is under contention, Docker attempts to keep the container // memory within the limit. If the container requires more memory, it can // consume up to the value specified by the Memory property or all of the // available memory on the container instance, whichever comes first. // This is called a soft limit. MemoryReservation *IntegerExpr `json:"MemoryReservation,omitempty"` // The mount points for data volumes in the container. MountPoints *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList `json:"MountPoints,omitempty"` // A name for the container. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // A mapping of the container port to a host port. Port mappings enable // containers to access ports on the host container instance to send or // receive traffic. PortMappings *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList `json:"PortMappings,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the container is given full access to the host // container instance. Privileged *BoolExpr `json:"Privileged,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the container's root file system is mounted as read // only. ReadonlyRootFilesystem *BoolExpr `json:"ReadonlyRootFilesystem,omitempty"` // A list of ulimits to set in the container. The ulimits set constraints // on how much resources a container can consume so that it doesn't // deplete all available resources on the host. Ulimits *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList `json:"Ulimits,omitempty"` // The user name to use inside the container. User *StringExpr `json:"User,omitempty"` // The data volumes to mount from another container. VolumesFrom *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList `json:"VolumesFrom,omitempty"` // The working directory in the container in which to run commands. WorkingDirectory *StringExpr `json:"WorkingDirectory,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment struct { // The name of the environment variable. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The value of the environment variable. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions Environment
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironment
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry struct { // The hostname to use in the /etc/hosts file. Hostname *StringExpr `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // The IP address to use in the /etc/hosts file. IpAddress *StringExpr `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions HostEntry
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntry
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHostEntryList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitions
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration struct { // The log driver to use for the container. This parameter requires that // your container instance uses Docker Remote API Version 1.18 or // greater. For more information, see the logDriver content for the // LogConfiguration data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API // Reference. LogDriver *StringExpr `json:"LogDriver,omitempty"` // The configuration options to send to the log driver. This parameter // requires that your container instance uses Docker Remote API Version // 1.18 or greater. Options interface{} `json:"Options,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions LogConfiguration
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfiguration
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints struct { // The path on the container that indicates where you want to mount the // volume. ContainerPath *StringExpr `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // The name of the volume to mount. SourceVolume *StringExpr `json:"SourceVolume,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the container can write to the volume. If you // specify true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If you // specify false, the container can write to the volume. By default, the // value is false. ReadOnly *BoolExpr `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions MountPoints
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPoints
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings struct { // The port number on the container bound to the host port. ContainerPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // The host port number on the container instance that you want to // reserve for your container. You can specify a non-reserved host port // for your container port mapping, omit the host port, or set the host // port to 0. If you specify a container port but no host port, your // container host port is assigned automatically . HostPort *IntegerExpr `json:"HostPort,omitempty"` // The protocol used for the port mapping. For valid values, see the // protocol parameter in the Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer // Guide. By default, AWS CloudFormation specifies tcp. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions PortMappings
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappings
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit struct { // The hard limit for the ulimit type. HardLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"HardLimit,omitempty"` // The type of ulimit. For valid values, see the name content for the // Ulimit data type in the Amazon EC2 Container Service API Reference. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The soft limit for the ulimit type. SoftLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"SoftLimit,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions Ulimit
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimit
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom struct { // The name of the container that has the volumes to mount. SourceContainer *StringExpr `json:"SourceContainer,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the container can write to the volume. If you // specify true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If you // specify false, the container can write to the volume. By default, the // value is false. ReadOnly *BoolExpr `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition ContainerDefinitions VolumesFrom
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFrom
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes struct { // The name of the volume. To specify mount points in your container // definitions, use the value of this property. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Determines whether your data volume persists on the host container // instance and at the location where it is stored. Host *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost `json:"Host,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition Volumes
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost struct { // The data volume path on the host container instance. SourcePath *StringExpr `json:"SourcePath,omitempty"` }
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost represents Amazon EC2 Container Service TaskDefinition Volumes Host
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHost
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesHostList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList ¶
type EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList []EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes
EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList represents a list of EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumes
func (*EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2CustomerGateway ¶
type EC2CustomerGateway struct { // The customer gateway's Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System // Number (ASN). BgpAsn *IntegerExpr `json:"BgpAsn,omitempty"` // The internet-routable IP address for the customer gateway's outside // interface. The address must be static. IpAddress *StringExpr `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The type of VPN connection that this customer gateway supports. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
EC2CustomerGateway represents AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway
func (EC2CustomerGateway) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2CustomerGateway) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2DHCPOptions ¶
type EC2DHCPOptions struct { // A domain name of your choice. DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The IP (IPv4) address of a domain name server. You can specify up to // four addresses. DomainNameServers *StringListExpr `json:"DomainNameServers,omitempty"` // The IP address (IPv4) of a NetBIOS name server. You can specify up to // four addresses. NetbiosNameServers *StringListExpr `json:"NetbiosNameServers,omitempty"` // An integer value indicating the NetBIOS node type: NetbiosNodeType interface{} `json:"NetbiosNodeType,omitempty"` // The IP address (IPv4) of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. You can // specify up to four addresses. NtpServers *StringListExpr `json:"NtpServers,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2DHCPOptions represents AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions
func (EC2DHCPOptions) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2DHCPOptions) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2EIP ¶
type EC2EIP struct { // The Instance ID of the Amazon EC2 instance that you want to associate // with this Elastic IP address. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // Set to vpc to allocate the address to your Virtual Private Cloud // (VPC). No other values are supported. Domain *StringExpr `json:"Domain,omitempty"` }
EC2EIP represents AWS::EC2::EIP
func (EC2EIP) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::EIP to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2EIPAssociation ¶
type EC2EIPAssociation struct { // [EC2-VPC] Allocation ID for the VPC Elastic IP address you want to // associate with an Amazon EC2 instance in your VPC. AllocationId *StringExpr `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // Elastic IP address that you want to associate with the Amazon EC2 // instance specified by the InstanceId property. You can specify an // existing Elastic IP address or a reference to an Elastic IP address // allocated with a AWS::EC2::EIP resource. EIP *StringExpr `json:"EIP,omitempty"` // Instance ID of the Amazon EC2 instance that you want to associate with // the Elastic IP address specified by the EIP property. If the instance // has more than one network interface, you must specify a network // interface ID. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // [EC2-VPC] The ID of the network interface to associate with the // Elastic IP address. If the instance has more than one network // interface, you must specify a network interface ID. NetworkInterfaceId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // [EC2-VPC] The private IP address that you want to associate with the // Elastic IP address. The private IP address is restricted to the // primary and secondary private IP addresses that are associated with // the network interface. By default, the private IP address that is // associated with the EIP is the primary private IP address of the // network interface. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
EC2EIPAssociation represents AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation
func (EC2EIPAssociation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2EIPAssociation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2FlowLog ¶
type EC2FlowLog struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that permits Amazon EC2 to publish flow logs to // a CloudWatch Logs log group in your account. DeliverLogsPermissionArn *StringExpr `json:"DeliverLogsPermissionArn,omitempty"` // The name of a new or existing CloudWatch Logs log group where Amazon // EC2 publishes your flow logs. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet, network interface, or VPC for which you want to // create a flow log. ResourceId *StringExpr `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // The type of resource that you specified in the ResourceId property. // For example, if you specified a VPC ID for the ResourceId property, // specify VPC for this property. For valid values, see the ResourceType // parameter for the CreateFlowLogs action in the Amazon EC2 API // Reference. ResourceType *StringExpr `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` // The type of traffic to log. You can log traffic that the resource // accepts or rejects, or all traffic. For valid values, see the // TrafficType parameter for the CreateFlowLogs action in the Amazon EC2 // API Reference. TrafficType *StringExpr `json:"TrafficType,omitempty"` }
EC2FlowLog represents AWS::EC2::FlowLog
func (EC2FlowLog) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2FlowLog) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::FlowLog to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2Host ¶
type EC2Host struct { // Indicates if the host accepts EC2 instances with only matching // configurations or if instances must also specify the host ID. // Instances that don't specify a host ID can't launch onto a host with // AutoPlacement set to off. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets this // property to on. For more information, see Understanding Instance // Placement and Host Affinity in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux // Instances. AutoPlacement *StringExpr `json:"AutoPlacement,omitempty"` // The Availability Zone (AZ) in which to launch the dedicated host. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The instance type that the dedicated host accepts. Only instances of // this type can be launched onto the host. For more information, see // Supported Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux // Instances. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` }
EC2Host represents AWS::EC2::Host
func (EC2Host) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::Host to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2Instance ¶
type EC2Instance struct { // Indicates whether Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) always // associates the instance with a dedicated host. If you want Amazon EC2 // to always restart the instance (if it was stopped) onto the same host // on which it was launched, specify host. If you want Amazon EC2 to // restart the instance on any available host, but to try to launch the // instance onto the last host it ran on (on a best-effort basis), // specify default. Affinity *StringExpr `json:"Affinity,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Availability Zone in which the instance is // located. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Defines a set of Amazon Elastic Block Store block device mappings, // ephemeral instance store block device mappings, or both. For more // information, see Amazon Elastic Block Store or Amazon EC2 Instance // Store in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. BlockDeviceMappings *EC2BlockDeviceMappingPropertyList `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the instance can be terminated through the API. DisableApiTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DisableApiTermination,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the instance is optimized for Amazon Elastic Block // Store I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon // EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O // performance. EbsOptimized *BoolExpr `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // If you specify host for the Affinity property, the ID of a dedicated // host that the instance is associated with. If you don't specify an ID, // Amazon EC2 launches the instance onto any available, compatible // dedicated host in your account. This type of launch is called an // untargeted launch. Note that for untargeted launches, you must have a // compatible, dedicated host available to successfully launch instances. HostId *StringExpr `json:"HostId,omitempty"` // The physical ID of an instance profile or a reference to an // AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile resource. IamInstanceProfile *StringExpr `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // Provides the unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that was // assigned during registration. ImageId *StringExpr `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // Indicates whether an instance stops or terminates when you shut down // the instance from the instance's operating system shutdown command. // You can specify stop or terminate. For more information, see the // RunInstances command in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior *StringExpr `json:"InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,omitempty"` // The instance type, such as t2.micro. The default type is "m3.medium". // For a list of instance types, see Instance Families and Types. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the instance's primary // network interface. Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses // from the subnet range. To specify specific IPv6 addresses, use the // Ipv6Addresses property and don't specify this property. Ipv6AddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of // your subnet to associate with the instance's primary network // interface. To specify a number of IPv6 addresses, use the // Ipv6AddressCount property and don't specify this property. Ipv6Addresses *EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // The kernel ID. KernelId *StringExpr `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // Provides the name of the Amazon EC2 key pair. KeyName *StringExpr `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Specifies whether detailed monitoring is enabled for the instance. Monitoring *BoolExpr `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // A list of embedded objects that describes the network interfaces to // associate with this instance. NetworkInterfaces *EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // The name of an existing placement group that you want to launch the // instance into (for cluster instances). PlacementGroupName *StringExpr `json:"PlacementGroupName,omitempty"` // The private IP address for this instance. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional // drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information about // whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, // go to the AWS Resource Center and search for the kernel ID. RamdiskId *StringExpr `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // A list that contains the security group IDs for VPC security groups to // assign to the Amazon EC2 instance. If you specified the // NetworkInterfaces property, do not specify this property. SecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // Valid only for Amazon EC2 security groups. A list that contains the // Amazon EC2 security groups to assign to the Amazon EC2 instance. The // list can contain both the name of existing Amazon EC2 security groups // or references to AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resources created in the // template. SecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Controls whether source/destination checking is enabled on the // instance. Also determines if an instance in a VPC will perform network // address translation (NAT). SourceDestCheck *BoolExpr `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 Systems Manager (SSM) document and parameter values to // associate with this instance. To use this property, you must specify // an IAM role for the instance. For more information, see Prerequisites // for Remotely Running Commands on EC2 Instances in the Amazon EC2 User // Guide for Windows Instances. SsmAssociations *EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList `json:"SsmAssociations,omitempty"` // If you're using Amazon VPC, this property specifies the ID of the // subnet that you want to launch the instance into. If you specified the // NetworkInterfaces property, do not specify this property. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this instance. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The tenancy of the instance that you want to launch, such as default, // dedicated, or host. If you specify a tenancy value of dedicated or // host, you must launch the instance in a VPC. For more information, see // Dedicated Instances in the Amazon VPC User Guide. Tenancy *StringExpr `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // Base64-encoded MIME user data that is made available to the instances. UserData *StringExpr `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // The Amazon EBS volumes to attach to the instance. Volumes *EC2MountPointList `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` // Reserved. AdditionalInfo *StringExpr `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` }
EC2Instance represents AWS::EC2::Instance
func (EC2Instance) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2Instance) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::Instance to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociations ¶
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociations struct { // The input parameter values to use with the associated SSM document. AssociationParameters *EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList `json:"AssociationParameters,omitempty"` // The name of an SSM document to associate with the instance. DocumentName *StringExpr `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
EC2InstanceSsmAssociations represents Amazon EC2 Instance SsmAssociations
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters ¶
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters struct { // The name of an input parameter that is in the associated SSM document. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value of an input parameter. Value *StringListExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters represents Amazon EC2 Instance SsmAssociations AssociationParameters
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList ¶
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList []EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters
EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList represents a list of EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParameters
func (*EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsAssociationParametersList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList ¶
type EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList []EC2InstanceSsmAssociations
EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList represents a list of EC2InstanceSsmAssociations
func (*EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2InstanceSsmAssociationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2InternetGateway ¶
type EC2InternetGateway struct { // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2InternetGateway represents AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
func (EC2InternetGateway) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2InternetGateway) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::InternetGateway to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2MountPoint ¶
type EC2MountPoint struct { // How the device is exposed to the instance (such as /dev/sdh, or xvdh). Device *StringExpr `json:"Device,omitempty"` // The ID of the Amazon EBS volume. The volume and instance must be // within the same Availability Zone and the instance must be running. VolumeId *StringExpr `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
EC2MountPoint represents EC2 MountPoint Property Type
type EC2MountPointList ¶
type EC2MountPointList []EC2MountPoint
EC2MountPointList represents a list of EC2MountPoint
func (*EC2MountPointList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2MountPointList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2NatGateway ¶
type EC2NatGateway struct { // The allocation ID of an Elastic IP address to associate with the NAT // gateway. If the Elastic IP address is associated with another // resource, you must first disassociate it. AllocationId *StringExpr `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // The public subnet in which to create the NAT gateway. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
EC2NatGateway represents AWS::EC2::NatGateway
func (EC2NatGateway) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2NatGateway) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::NatGateway to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2NetworkAcl ¶
type EC2NetworkAcl struct { // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this ACL. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC where the network ACL will be created. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkAcl represents AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
func (EC2NetworkAcl) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2NetworkAcl) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2NetworkAclEntry ¶
type EC2NetworkAclEntry struct { // The IPv4 CIDR range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation (e.g., // CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Whether this rule applies to egress traffic from the subnet (true) or // ingress traffic to the subnet (false). By default, AWS CloudFormation // specifies false. Egress *BoolExpr `json:"Egress,omitempty"` // The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code and type. Icmp *EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp `json:"Icmp,omitempty"` // The IPv6 CIDR range to allow or deny, in CIDR notation. Ipv6CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // ID of the ACL where the entry will be created. NetworkAclId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` // The range of port numbers for the UDP/TCP protocol. PortRange *EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange `json:"PortRange,omitempty"` // The IP protocol that the rule applies to. You must specify -1 or a // protocol number (go to Protocol Numbers at You can specify // -1 for all protocols. Protocol *IntegerExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Whether to allow or deny traffic that matches the rule; valid values // are "allow" or "deny". RuleAction *StringExpr `json:"RuleAction,omitempty"` // Rule number to assign to the entry, such as 100. ACL entries are // processed in ascending order by rule number. Entries can't use the // same rule number unless one is an egress rule and the other is an // ingress rule. For valid values, see the CreateNetworkAclEntry action // in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. RuleNumber *IntegerExpr `json:"RuleNumber,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkAclEntry represents AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry
func (EC2NetworkAclEntry) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2NetworkAclEntry) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp ¶
type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp struct { // The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) code. You can use -1 to // specify all ICMP codes for the given ICMP type. Code *IntegerExpr `json:"Code,omitempty"` // The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type. You can use -1 to // specify all ICMP types. Type *IntegerExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp represents EC2 NetworkAclEntry Icmp
type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList ¶
type EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList []EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp
EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList represents a list of EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmp
func (*EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2NetworkAclEntryIcmpList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange ¶
type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange struct { // The first port in the range. From *IntegerExpr `json:"From,omitempty"` // The last port in the range. To *IntegerExpr `json:"To,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange represents EC2 NetworkAclEntry PortRange
type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList ¶
type EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList []EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange
EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList represents a list of EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRange
func (*EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2NetworkAclEntryPortRangeList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2NetworkInterface ¶
type EC2NetworkInterface struct { // The description of this network interface. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A list of security group IDs associated with this network interface. GroupSet *StringListExpr `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the network interface. // Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet // range. To specify specific IPv6 addresses, use the Ipv6Addresses // property and don't specify this property. Ipv6AddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of // your subnet to associate with the network interface. If you're // specifying a number of IPv6 addresses, use the Ipv6AddressCount // property and don't specify this property. Ipv6Addresses *EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // Assigns a single private IP address to the network interface, which is // used as the primary private IP address. If you want to specify // multiple private IP address, use the PrivateIpAddresses property. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // Assigns a list of private IP addresses to the network interface. You // can specify a primary private IP address by setting the value of the // Primary property to true in the PrivateIpAddressSpecification // property. If you want Amazon EC2 to automatically assign private IP // addresses, use the SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount property and do not // specify this property. PrivateIpAddresses *EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // The number of secondary private IP addresses that Amazon EC2 // automatically assigns to the network interface. Amazon EC2 uses the // value of the PrivateIpAddress property as the primary private IP // address. If you don't specify that property, Amazon EC2 automatically // assigns both the primary and secondary private IP addresses. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // Flag indicating whether traffic to or from the instance is validated. SourceDestCheck *BoolExpr `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this network // interface. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkInterface represents AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
func (EC2NetworkInterface) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2NetworkInterface) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment struct { // Whether to delete the network interface when the instance terminates. // By default, this value is set to True. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // The network interface's position in the attachment order. For example, // the first attached network interface has a DeviceIndex of 0. DeviceIndex *StringExpr `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // The ID of the instance to which you will attach the ENI. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // The ID of the ENI that you want to attach. NetworkInterfaceId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment represents AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment
func (EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded struct { // Indicates whether the network interface receives a public IP address. // You can associate a public IP address with a network interface only if // it has a device index of eth0 and if it is a new network interface // (not an existing one). In other words, if you specify true, don't // specify a network interface ID. For more information, see Amazon EC2 // Instance IP Addressing. AssociatePublicIpAddress *BoolExpr `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // Whether to delete the network interface when the instance terminates. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // The description of this network interface. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The network interface's position in the attachment order. DeviceIndex *StringExpr `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // A list of security group IDs associated with this network interface. GroupSet *StringListExpr `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // An existing network interface ID. NetworkInterfaceId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the network interface. // Amazon EC2 automatically selects the IPv6 addresses from the subnet // range. To specify specific IPv6 addresses, use the Ipv6Addresses // property and don't specify this property. Ipv6AddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of // your subnet to associate with the network interface. To specify a // number of IPv6 addresses, use the Ipv6AddressCount property and don't // specify this property. Ipv6Addresses *EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // Assigns a single private IP address to the network interface, which is // used as the primary private IP address. If you want to specify // multiple private IP address, use the PrivateIpAddresses property. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // Assigns a list of private IP addresses to the network interface. You // can specify a primary private IP address by setting the value of the // Primary property to true in the PrivateIpAddressSpecification // property. If you want Amazon EC2 to automatically assign private IP // addresses, use the SecondaryPrivateIpCount property and do not specify // this property. PrivateIpAddresses *EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // The number of secondary private IP addresses that Amazon EC2 auto // assigns to the network interface. Amazon EC2 uses the value of the // PrivateIpAddress property as the primary private IP address. If you // don't specify that property, Amazon EC2 auto assigns both the primary // and secondary private IP addresses. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded represents EC2 NetworkInterface Embedded Property Type
type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList []EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded
EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList represents a list of EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbedded
func (*EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2NetworkInterfaceEmbeddedList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses struct { // The IPv6 address to associate with the network interface. Ipv6Address *StringExpr `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses represents EC2 NetworkInterface Ipv6Addresses
type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList []EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses
EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList represents a list of EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6Addresses
func (*EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification struct { // The private IP address of the network interface. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // Sets the private IP address as the primary private address. You can // set only one primary private IP address. If you don't specify a // primary private IP address, Amazon EC2 automatically assigns a primary // private IP address. Primary *BoolExpr `json:"Primary,omitempty"` }
EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification represents EC2 Network Interface Private IP Specification
type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList ¶
type EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList []EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification
EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList represents a list of EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecification
func (*EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2NetworkInterfacePrivateIPSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2PlacementGroup ¶
type EC2PlacementGroup struct { // The placement strategy, which relates to the instance types that can // be added to the placement group. For example, for the cluster // strategy, you can cluster C4 instance types but not T2 instance types. // For valid values, see CreatePlacementGroup in the Amazon EC2 API // Reference. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets the value of this // property to cluster. Strategy *StringExpr `json:"Strategy,omitempty"` }
EC2PlacementGroup represents AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup
func (EC2PlacementGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2PlacementGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2Route ¶
type EC2Route struct { // The IPv4 CIDR address block used for the destination match. For // example, Routing decisions are based on the most specific // match. DestinationCidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // The IPv6 CIDR address block used for the destination match. For // example, ::/0. Routing decisions are based on the most specific match. DestinationIpv6CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // The ID of an Internet gateway or virtual private gateway that is // attached to your VPC. For example: igw-eaad4883. GatewayId *StringExpr `json:"GatewayId,omitempty"` // The ID of a NAT instance in your VPC. For example, i-1a2b3c4d. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // The ID of a NAT gateway. For example, nat-0a12bc456789de0fg. NatGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty"` // Allows the routing of network interface IDs. NetworkInterfaceId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // The ID of the route table where the route will be added. RouteTableId *StringExpr `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // The ID of a VPC peering connection. VpcPeeringConnectionId *StringExpr `json:"VpcPeeringConnectionId,omitempty"` }
EC2Route represents AWS::EC2::Route
func (EC2Route) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::Route to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2RouteTable ¶
type EC2RouteTable struct { // The ID of the VPC where the route table will be created. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this route table. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2RouteTable represents AWS::EC2::RouteTable
func (EC2RouteTable) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2RouteTable) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::RouteTable to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SecurityGroup ¶
type EC2SecurityGroup struct { // Description of the security group. GroupDescription *StringExpr `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // A list of Amazon EC2 security group egress rules. SecurityGroupEgress *EC2SecurityGroupRuleList `json:"SecurityGroupEgress,omitempty"` // A list of Amazon EC2 security group ingress rules. SecurityGroupIngress *EC2SecurityGroupRuleList `json:"SecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The physical ID of the VPC. Can be obtained by using a reference to an // AWS::EC2::VPC, such as: { "Ref" : "myVPC" }. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2SecurityGroup represents AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
func (EC2SecurityGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SecurityGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SecurityGroupEgress ¶
type EC2SecurityGroupEgress struct { // An IPv4 CIDR range. CidrIp *StringExpr `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // An IPv6 CIDR range. CidrIpv6 *StringExpr `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // The AWS service prefix of an Amazon VPC endpoint. For more // information, see VPC Endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide. DestinationPrefixListId *StringExpr `json:"DestinationPrefixListId,omitempty"` // Specifies the group ID of the destination Amazon VPC security group. DestinationSecurityGroupId *StringExpr `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type // number. If you specify icmp for the IpProtocol property, you can // specify -1 as a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number). FromPort *IntegerExpr `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // ID of the Amazon VPC security group to modify. This value can be a // reference to an AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resource that has a valid // VpcId property or the ID of an existing Amazon VPC security group. GroupId *StringExpr `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // IP protocol name or number. For valid values, see the IpProtocol // parameter in AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress IpProtocol *StringExpr `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. If // you specify icmp for the IpProtocol property, you can specify -1 as a // wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code). ToPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
EC2SecurityGroupEgress represents AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress
func (EC2SecurityGroupEgress) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SecurityGroupEgress) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SecurityGroupIngress ¶
type EC2SecurityGroupIngress struct { // An IPv4 CIDR range. CidrIp *StringExpr `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // An IPv6 CIDR range. CidrIpv6 *StringExpr `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type // number. If you specify icmp for the IpProtocol property, you can // specify -1 as a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number). FromPort *IntegerExpr `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // ID of the Amazon EC2 or VPC security group to modify. The group must // belong to your account. GroupId *StringExpr `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // Name of the Amazon EC2 security group (non-VPC security group) to // modify. This value can be a reference to an AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup // resource or the name of an existing Amazon EC2 security group. GroupName *StringExpr `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // IP protocol name or number. For valid values, see the IpProtocol // parameter in AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress IpProtocol *StringExpr `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // Specifies the ID of the source security group or uses the Ref // intrinsic function to refer to the logical ID of a security group // defined in the same template. SourceSecurityGroupId *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Amazon EC2 security group (non-VPC security // group) to allow access or uses the Ref intrinsic function to refer to // the logical name of a security group defined in the same template. For // instances in a VPC, specify the SourceSecurityGroupId property. SourceSecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // Specifies the AWS Account ID of the owner of the Amazon EC2 security // group specified in the SourceSecurityGroupName property. SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` // End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. If // you specify icmp for the IpProtocol property, you can specify -1 as a // wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code). ToPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
EC2SecurityGroupIngress represents AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
func (EC2SecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SecurityGroupRule ¶
type EC2SecurityGroupRule struct { // Specifies a CIDR range. CidrIp *StringExpr `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // The AWS service prefix of an Amazon VPC endpoint. For more // information, see VPC Endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide. DestinationPrefixListIdXXSecurityGroupEgressXOnlyX *StringExpr `json:"DestinationPrefixListId (SecurityGroupEgress only),omitempty"` // Specifies the GroupId of the destination Amazon VPC security group. DestinationSecurityGroupIdXXSecurityGroupEgressXOnlyX *StringExpr `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId (SecurityGroupEgress only),omitempty"` // The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type // number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP // type number). FromPort *IntegerExpr `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // An IP protocol name or number. For valid values, go to the IpProtocol // parameter in AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress IpProtocol *StringExpr `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // For VPC security groups only. Specifies the ID of the Amazon EC2 // Security Group to allow access. You can use the Ref intrinsic function // to refer to the logical ID of a security group defined in the same // template. SourceSecurityGroupIdXXSecurityGroupIngressXOnlyX *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId (SecurityGroupIngress only),omitempty"` // For non-VPC security groups only. Specifies the name of the Amazon EC2 // Security Group to use for access. You can use the Ref intrinsic // function to refer to the logical name of a security group that is // defined in the same template. SourceSecurityGroupNameXXSecurityGroupIngressXOnlyX *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName (SecurityGroupIngress only),omitempty"` // Specifies the AWS Account ID of the owner of the Amazon EC2 Security // Group that is specified in the SourceSecurityGroupName property. SourceSecurityGroupOwnerIdXXSecurityGroupIngressXOnlyX *StringExpr `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId (SecurityGroupIngress only),omitempty"` // The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. // An ICMP code of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code). ToPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
EC2SecurityGroupRule represents EC2 Security Group Rule Property Type
type EC2SecurityGroupRuleList ¶
type EC2SecurityGroupRuleList []EC2SecurityGroupRule
EC2SecurityGroupRuleList represents a list of EC2SecurityGroupRule
func (*EC2SecurityGroupRuleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2SecurityGroupRuleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2SpotFleet ¶
type EC2SpotFleet struct { // The configuration for a Spot fleet request. SpotFleetRequestConfigData *EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData `json:"SpotFleetRequestConfigData,omitempty"` }
EC2SpotFleet represents AWS::EC2::SpotFleet
func (EC2SpotFleet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SpotFleet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SpotFleet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData ¶
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData struct { // Indicates how to allocate the target capacity across the Spot pools // that you specified in the Spot fleet request. For valid values, see // SpotFleetRequestConfigData in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. AllocationStrategy *StringExpr `json:"AllocationStrategy,omitempty"` // Indicates whether running Spot instances are terminated if you // decrease the target capacity of the Spot fleet request below the // current size of the Spot fleet. For valid values, see // SpotFleetRequestConfigData in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy *StringExpr `json:"ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that grants the Spot fleet the ability to bid // on, launch, and terminate instances on your behalf. For more // information, see Spot Fleet Prerequisites in the Amazon EC2 User Guide // for Linux Instances. IamFleetRole *StringExpr `json:"IamFleetRole,omitempty"` // The launch specifications for the Spot fleet request. LaunchSpecifications *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // The bid price per unit hour. For more information, see How Spot Fleet // Works in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. SpotPrice *StringExpr `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // The number of units to request for the spot fleet. You can choose to // set the target capacity as the number of instances or as a performance // characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as // vCPUs, memory, or I/O. For more information, see How Spot Fleet Works // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. TargetCapacity *IntegerExpr `json:"TargetCapacity,omitempty"` // Indicates whether running Spot instances are terminated when the Spot // fleet request expires. TerminateInstancesWithExpiration *BoolExpr `json:"TerminateInstancesWithExpiration,omitempty"` // The start date and time of the request, in UTC format // (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). By default, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud // (Amazon EC2 ) starts fulfilling the request immediately. ValidFrom *StringExpr `json:"ValidFrom,omitempty"` // The end date and time of the request, in UTC format // (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). After the end date and time, Amazon EC2 // doesn't request new Spot instances or enable them to fulfill the // request. ValidUntil *StringExpr `json:"ValidUntil,omitempty"` }
EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData represents Amazon EC2 SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring ¶
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring struct { // Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instances. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring represents Amazon EC2 SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications Monitoring
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList ¶
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList []EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring
EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList represents a list of EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring
func (*EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoringList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList ¶
type EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList []EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData
EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList represents a list of EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigData
func (*EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2Subnet ¶
type EC2Subnet struct { // The availability zone in which you want the subnet. Default: AWS // selects a zone for you (recommended). AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The CIDR block that you want the subnet to cover (for example, // ""). CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Indicates whether instances that are launched in this subnet receive a // public IP address. By default, the value is false. MapPublicIpOnLaunch *BoolExpr `json:"MapPublicIpOnLaunch,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this subnet. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // A Ref structure that contains the ID of the VPC on which you want to // create the subnet. The VPC ID is provided as the value of the "Ref" // property, as: { "Ref": "VPCID" }. VpcId interface{} `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2Subnet represents AWS::EC2::Subnet
func (EC2Subnet) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::Subnet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SubnetCidrBlock ¶
type EC2SubnetCidrBlock struct { // The IPv6 CIDR block for the subnet. The CIDR block must have a prefix // length of /64. Ipv6CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet to associate the IPv6 CIDR block with. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
EC2SubnetCidrBlock represents AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock
func (EC2SubnetCidrBlock) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SubnetCidrBlock) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation ¶
type EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation struct { // The ID representing the current association between the original // network ACL and the subnet. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // The ID of the new ACL to associate with the subnet. NetworkAclId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` }
EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation represents AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
func (EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation ¶
type EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation struct { // The ID of the route table. This is commonly written as a reference to // a route table declared elsewhere in the template. For example: RouteTableId *StringExpr `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet. This is commonly written as a reference to a // subnet declared elsewhere in the template. For example: SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation represents AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
func (EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets ¶
type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets struct { // The name of the criteria that EC2 instances must meet. For valid keys, // see the Target data type in the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager API // Reference. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value of the criteria. SSM runs targeted commands on EC2 instances // that match the criteria. For more information, see the Target data // type in the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager API Reference. Values *StringListExpr `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets represents Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Association Targets
type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList ¶
type EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList []EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets
EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList represents a list of EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargets
func (*EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EC2VPC ¶
type EC2VPC struct { // The CIDR block you want the VPC to cover. For example: "". CidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Specifies whether DNS resolution is supported for the VPC. If this // attribute is true, the Amazon DNS server resolves DNS hostnames for // your instances to their corresponding IP addresses; otherwise, it does // not. By default the value is set to true. EnableDnsSupport *BoolExpr `json:"EnableDnsSupport,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the instances launched in the VPC get DNS hostnames. // If this attribute is true, instances in the VPC get DNS hostnames; // otherwise, they do not. You can only set EnableDnsHostnames to true if // you also set the EnableDnsSupport attribute to true. By default, the // value is set to false. EnableDnsHostnames *BoolExpr `json:"EnableDnsHostnames,omitempty"` // The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the VPC. InstanceTenancy *StringExpr `json:"InstanceTenancy,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this VPC. To name a // VPC resource, specify a value for the Name key. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2VPC represents AWS::EC2::VPC
func (EC2VPC) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPC to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPCCidrBlock ¶
type EC2VPCCidrBlock struct { // Whether to request an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 // prefix length for the VPC. You can't specify the range of IPv6 // addresses or the size of the CIDR block. AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock *BoolExpr `json:"AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC to associate the Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block // with. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPCCidrBlock represents AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock
func (EC2VPCCidrBlock) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPCCidrBlock) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation ¶
type EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation struct { // The ID of the DHCP options you want to associate with the VPC. Specify // default if you want the VPC to use no DHCP options. DhcpOptionsId *StringExpr `json:"DhcpOptionsId,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC to associate with this DHCP options set. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation represents AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
func (EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPCEndpoint ¶
type EC2VPCEndpoint struct { // A policy to attach to the endpoint that controls access to the // service. The policy must be valid JSON. The default policy allows full // access to the AWS service. For more information, see Controlling // Access to Services in the Amazon VPC User Guide. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // One or more route table IDs that are used by the VPC to reach the // endpoint. RouteTableIds *StringListExpr `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // The AWS service to which you want to establish a connection. Specify // the service name in the form of com.amazonaws.region.service. ServiceName *StringExpr `json:"ServiceName,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC in which the endpoint is used. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPCEndpoint represents AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint
func (EC2VPCEndpoint) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPCEndpoint) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPCGatewayAttachment ¶
type EC2VPCGatewayAttachment struct { // The ID of the Internet gateway. InternetGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"InternetGatewayId,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC to associate with this gateway. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` // The ID of the virtual private network (VPN) gateway to attach to the // VPC. VpnGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPCGatewayAttachment represents AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
func (EC2VPCGatewayAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPCGatewayAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPCPeeringConnection ¶
type EC2VPCPeeringConnection struct { // The ID of the VPC with which you are creating the peering connection. PeerVpcId *StringExpr `json:"PeerVpcId,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC that is requesting a peering connection. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPCPeeringConnection represents AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection
func (EC2VPCPeeringConnection) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPCPeeringConnection) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPNConnection ¶
type EC2VPNConnection struct { // The type of VPN connection this virtual private gateway supports. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // The ID of the customer gateway. This can either be an embedded JSON // object or a reference to a Gateway ID. CustomerGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the VPN connection requires static routes. StaticRoutesOnly *BoolExpr `json:"StaticRoutesOnly,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the virtual private gateway. This can either be an embedded // JSON object or a reference to a Gateway ID. VpnGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPNConnection represents AWS::EC2::VPNConnection
func (EC2VPNConnection) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPNConnection) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPNConnection to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPNConnectionRoute ¶
type EC2VPNConnectionRoute struct { // The CIDR block that is associated with the local subnet of the // customer network. DestinationCidrBlock *StringExpr `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPN connection. VpnConnectionId *StringExpr `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPNConnectionRoute represents AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute
func (EC2VPNConnectionRoute) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPNConnectionRoute) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPNGateway ¶
type EC2VPNGateway struct { // The type of VPN connection this virtual private gateway supports. The // only valid value is "ipsec.1". Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this resource. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
EC2VPNGateway represents AWS::EC2::VPNGateway
func (EC2VPNGateway) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPNGateway) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPNGateway to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation ¶
type EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation struct { // A list of routing table IDs that are associated with a VPC. The // routing tables must be associated with the same VPC that the virtual // private gateway is attached to. RouteTableIds interface{} `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // The ID of the virtual private gateway that is attached to a VPC. The // virtual private gateway must be attached to the same VPC that the // routing tables are associated with. VpnGatewayId *StringExpr `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation represents AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
func (EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2Volume ¶
type EC2Volume struct { // Indicates whether the volume is auto-enabled for I/O operations. By // default, Amazon EBS disables I/O to the volume from attached EC2 // instances when it determines that a volume's data is potentially // inconsistent. If the consistency of the volume is not a concern, and // you prefer that the volume be made available immediately if it's // impaired, you can configure the volume to automatically enable I/O. // For more information, see Working with the AutoEnableIO Volume // Attribute in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. AutoEnableIO *BoolExpr `json:"AutoEnableIO,omitempty"` // The Availability Zone in which to create the new volume. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. You can attach encrypted // Amazon EBS volumes only to instance types that support Amazon EBS // encryption. Volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are // automatically encrypted. You can't create an encrypted volume from an // unencrypted snapshot, or vice versa. If your AMI uses encrypted // volumes, you can launch the AMI only on supported instance types. For // more information, see Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon EC2 User // Guide for Linux Instances. Encrypted *BoolExpr `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. For more information about the valid sizes for each volume // type, see the Iops parameter for the CreateVolume action in the Amazon // EC2 API Reference. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Key Management Service // master key that is used to create the encrypted volume, such as // arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. // If you create an encrypted volume and don't specify this property, AWS // CloudFormation uses the default master key. KmsKeyId *StringExpr `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // The size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiBs). For more information // about the valid sizes for each volume type, see the Size parameter for // the CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. Size *IntegerExpr `json:"Size,omitempty"` // The snapshot from which to create the new volume. SnapshotId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this volume. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The volume type. If you set the type to io1, you must also set the // Iops property. For valid values, see the VolumeType parameter for the // CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
EC2Volume represents AWS::EC2::Volume
func (EC2Volume) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::Volume to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EC2VolumeAttachment ¶
type EC2VolumeAttachment struct { // How the device is exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh, or xvdh). Device *StringExpr `json:"Device,omitempty"` // The ID of the instance to which the volume attaches. This value can be // a reference to an AWS::EC2::Instance resource, or it can be the // physical ID of an existing EC2 instance. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // The ID of the Amazon EBS volume. The volume and instance must be // within the same Availability Zone. This value can be a reference to an // AWS::EC2::Volume resource, or it can be the volume ID of an existing // Amazon EBS volume. VolumeId *StringExpr `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
EC2VolumeAttachment represents AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment
func (EC2VolumeAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EC2VolumeAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ECRRepository ¶
type ECRRepository struct { // A name for the image repository. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // repository name. For more information, see Name Type. RepositoryName *StringExpr `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // A policy that controls who has access to the repository and which // actions they can perform on it. For more information, see Amazon ECR // Repository Policies in the Amazon EC2 Container Registry User Guide. RepositoryPolicyText interface{} `json:"RepositoryPolicyText,omitempty"` }
ECRRepository represents AWS::ECR::Repository
func (ECRRepository) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ECRRepository) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ECR::Repository to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ECSCluster ¶
type ECSCluster struct { // A name for the cluster. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID for the name. For more // information, see Name Type. ClusterName *StringExpr `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` }
ECSCluster represents AWS::ECS::Cluster
func (ECSCluster) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ECSCluster) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ECS::Cluster to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ECSService ¶
type ECSService struct { // The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that you want to // run your service on. If you do not specify a cluster, Amazon ECS uses // the default cluster. Cluster *StringExpr `json:"Cluster,omitempty"` // Configures how many tasks run during a deployment. DeploymentConfiguration *EC2ContainerServiceServiceDeploymentConfiguration `json:"DeploymentConfiguration,omitempty"` // The number of simultaneous tasks, which you specify by using the // TaskDefinition property, that you want to run on the cluster. DesiredCount *IntegerExpr `json:"DesiredCount,omitempty"` // A list of load balancer objects to associate with the cluster. For // information about the number of load balancers you can specify per // service, see Service Load Balancing in the Amazon EC2 Container // Service Developer Guide. LoadBalancers *EC2ContainerServiceServiceLoadBalancersList `json:"LoadBalancers,omitempty"` // The name or ARN of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role // that allows your Amazon ECS container agent to make calls to your load // balancer. Role *StringExpr `json:"Role,omitempty"` // The ARN of the task definition (including the revision number) that // you want to run on the cluster, such as // arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789012:task-definition/mytask:3. You can't // use :latest to specify a revision because it's ambiguous. For example, // if AWS CloudFormation needed to rollback an update, it wouldn't know // which revision to rollback to. TaskDefinition *StringExpr `json:"TaskDefinition,omitempty"` }
ECSService represents AWS::ECS::Service
func (ECSService) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ECSService) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ECS::Service to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ECSTaskDefinition ¶
type ECSTaskDefinition struct { // A list of container definitions in JSON format that describe the // containers that make up your task. ContainerDefinitions *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsList `json:"ContainerDefinitions,omitempty"` // The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. A // family groups multiple versions of a task definition. Amazon ECS gives // the first task definition that you registered to a family a revision // number of 1. Amazon ECS gives sequential revision numbers to each task // definition that you add. Family *StringExpr `json:"Family,omitempty"` // The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task, such // as none, bridge, or host. For information about network modes, see // NetworkMode in the Task Definition Parameters topic in the Amazon EC2 // Container Service Developer Guide. NetworkMode *StringExpr `json:"NetworkMode,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that grants containers in the task permission to // call AWS APIs on your behalf. For more information, see IAM Roles for // Tasks in the Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide. TaskRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"TaskRoleArn,omitempty"` // A list of volume definitions in JSON format for volumes that you can // use in your container definitions. Volumes *EC2ContainerServiceTaskDefinitionVolumesList `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
ECSTaskDefinition represents AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
func (ECSTaskDefinition) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ECSTaskDefinition) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EFSFileSystem ¶
type EFSFileSystem struct { // Tags to associate with the file system. FileSystemTags *ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList `json:"FileSystemTags,omitempty"` // The performance mode of the file system. For valid values, see the // PerformanceMode parameter for the CreateFileSystem action in the // Amazon Elastic File System User Guide. PerformanceMode *StringExpr `json:"PerformanceMode,omitempty"` }
EFSFileSystem represents AWS::EFS::FileSystem
func (EFSFileSystem) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EFSFileSystem) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EFS::FileSystem to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EFSMountTarget ¶
type EFSMountTarget struct { // The ID of the file system for which you want to create the mount // target. FileSystemId *StringExpr `json:"FileSystemId,omitempty"` // An IPv4 address that is within the address range of the subnet that is // specified in the SubnetId property. If you don't specify an IP // address, Amazon EFS automatically assigns an address that is within // the range of the subnet. IpAddress *StringExpr `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // A maximum of five VPC security group IDs that are in the same VPC as // the subnet that is specified in the SubnetId property. For more // information about security groups and mount targets, see Security in // the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide. SecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet in which you want to add the mount target. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
EFSMountTarget represents AWS::EFS::MountTarget
func (EFSMountTarget) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EFSMountTarget) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EFS::MountTarget to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EMRCluster ¶
type EMRCluster struct { // Additional features that you want to select. AdditionalInfo interface{} `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // The software applications to deploy on the cluster, and the arguments // that Amazon EMR passes to those applications. Applications *EMRClusterApplicationList `json:"Applications,omitempty"` // A list of bootstrap actions that Amazon EMR runs before starting // applications on the cluster. BootstrapActions *EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList `json:"BootstrapActions,omitempty"` // The software configuration of the Amazon EMR cluster. Configurations *EMRClusterConfigurationList `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // Configures the EC2 instances that will run jobs in the Amazon EMR // cluster. Instances *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // Also called instance profile and EC2 role. Accepts an instance profile // associated with the role that you want to use. All EC2 instances in // the cluster assume this role. JobFlowRole *StringExpr `json:"JobFlowRole,omitempty"` // An S3 bucket location to which Amazon EMR writes logs files from a job // flow. If you don't specify a value, Amazon EMR doesn't write any log // files. LogUri *StringExpr `json:"LogUri,omitempty"` // A name for the Amazon EMR cluster. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The Amazon EMR software release label. A release is a set of software // applications and components that you can install and configure on an // Amazon EMR cluster. For more information, see About Amazon EMR // Releases in the Amazon EMR Release Guide. ReleaseLabel *StringExpr `json:"ReleaseLabel,omitempty"` // The IAM role that Amazon EMR assumes to access AWS resources on your // behalf. For more information, see Configure IAM Roles for Amazon EMR // in the Amazon EMR Management Guide. ServiceRole *StringExpr `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) to help you identify the // Amazon EMR cluster. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the instances in the cluster are visible to all IAM // users in the AWS account. If you specify true, all IAM users can view // and (if they have permissions) manage the instances. If you specify // false, only the IAM user that created the cluster can view and manage // it. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets this property to false. VisibleToAllUsers *BoolExpr `json:"VisibleToAllUsers,omitempty"` }
EMRCluster represents AWS::EMR::Cluster
func (EMRCluster) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EMRCluster) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EMR::Cluster to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EMRClusterApplication ¶
type EMRClusterApplication struct { // Metadata about third-party applications that third-party vendors use // for testing purposes. AdditionalInfo *StringExpr `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Arguments that Amazon EMR passes to the application. Args *StringListExpr `json:"Args,omitempty"` // The name of the application to add to your cluster, such as Hadoop or // Hive. For valid values, see the Applications parameter in the Amazon // EMR API Reference. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The version of the application. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterApplication represents Amazon EMR Cluster Application
type EMRClusterApplicationList ¶
type EMRClusterApplicationList []EMRClusterApplication
EMRClusterApplicationList represents a list of EMRClusterApplication
func (*EMRClusterApplicationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterApplicationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig ¶
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig struct { // The name of the bootstrap action to add to your cluster. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The script that the bootstrap action runs. ScriptBootstrapAction *EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig `json:"ScriptBootstrapAction,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig represents Amazon EMR Cluster BootstrapActionConfig
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList ¶
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList []EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig
EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList represents a list of EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfig
func (*EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig ¶
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig struct { // A list of command line arguments to pass to the bootstrap action // script. Args *StringListExpr `json:"Args,omitempty"` // The location of the script that Amazon EMR runs during a bootstrap // action. Specify a location in an S3 bucket or your local file system. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig represents Amazon EMR Cluster BootstrapActionConfig ScriptBootstrapActionConfig
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList ¶
type EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList []EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig
EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList represents a list of EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfig
func (*EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterBootstrapActionConfigScriptBootstrapActionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterConfiguration ¶
type EMRClusterConfiguration struct { // The name of an application-specific configuration file. For more // information see, Configuring Applications in the Amazon EMR Release // Guide. Classification *StringExpr `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // The settings that you want to change in the application-specific // configuration file. For more information see, Configuring Applications // in the Amazon EMR Release Guide. ConfigurationProperties *StringExpr `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // A list of configurations to apply to this configuration. You can nest // configurations so that a single configuration can have its own // configurations. In other words, you can configure a configuration. For // more information see, Configuring Applications in the Amazon EMR // Release Guide. Configurations *EMRClusterConfigurationList `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterConfiguration represents Amazon EMR Cluster Configuration
type EMRClusterConfigurationList ¶
type EMRClusterConfigurationList []EMRClusterConfiguration
EMRClusterConfigurationList represents a list of EMRClusterConfiguration
func (*EMRClusterConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig struct { // A list of additional EC2 security group IDs to assign to the master // instance (master node) in your Amazon EMR cluster. Use this property // to supplement the rules specified by the Amazon EMR managed master // security group. AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // A list of additional EC2 security group IDs to assign to the slave // instances (slave nodes) in your Amazon EMR cluster. Use this property // to supplement the rules specified by the Amazon EMR managed slave // security group. AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The settings for the core instances in your Amazon EMR cluster. CoreInstanceGroup *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig `json:"CoreInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // The name of an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) key pair, // which you can use to access the instances in your Amazon EMR cluster. Ec2KeyName *StringExpr `json:"Ec2KeyName,omitempty"` // The ID of a subnet where you want to launch your instances. Ec2SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"Ec2SubnetId,omitempty"` // The ID of an EC2 security group (managed by Amazon EMR) that is // assigned to the master instance (master node) in your Amazon EMR // cluster. EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup *StringExpr `json:"EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // The ID of an EC2 security group (managed by Amazon EMR) that is // assigned to the slave instances (slave nodes) in your Amazon EMR // cluster. EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup *StringExpr `json:"EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // The Hadoop version for the job flow. For valid values, see the // HadoopVersion parameter in the Amazon EMR API Reference. HadoopVersion *StringExpr `json:"HadoopVersion,omitempty"` // The settings for the master instance (master node). MasterInstanceGroup *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig `json:"MasterInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // The Availability Zone (AZ) in which the job flow runs. Placement *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // The ID of an EC2 security group (managed by Amazon EMR) that services // use to access clusters in private subnets. ServiceAccessSecurityGroup *StringExpr `json:"ServiceAccessSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to prevent the EC2 instances from being terminated // by an API call or user intervention. If you want to delete a stack // with protected instances, update this value to false before you delete // the stack. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets this property to false. TerminationProtected *BoolExpr `json:"TerminationProtected,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig represents Amazon EMR Cluster JobFlowInstancesConfig
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig struct { // When launching instances as Spot Instances, the bid price in USD for // each EC2 instance in the instance group. BidPrice *StringExpr `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // A list of configurations to apply to this instance group. For more // information see, Configuring Applications in the Amazon EMR Release // Guide. Configurations *EMRClusterConfigurationList `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // Configures Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) storage volumes to // attach to your instances. EbsConfiguration *EMREbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // The number of instances to launch in the instance group. InstanceCount *IntegerExpr `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group. For // more information, see Instance Configurations in the Amazon EMR // Management Guide. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // The type of marketplace from which your instances are provisioned into // this group, either ON_DEMAND or SPOT. For more information, see Amazon // EC2 Purchasing Options. Market *StringExpr `json:"Market,omitempty"` // A name for the instance group. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig represents Amazon EMR Cluster JobFlowInstancesConfig InstanceGroupConfig
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList []EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList represents a list of EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfig
func (*EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigInstanceGroupConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList []EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList represents a list of EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfig
func (*EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement struct { // The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) AZ for the job flow. For // more information, see // // in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` }
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement represents Amazon EMR Cluster JobFlowInstancesConfig PlacementType
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList ¶
type EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList []EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement
EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList represents a list of EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacement
func (*EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRClusterJobFlowInstancesConfigPlacementList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMREbsConfiguration ¶
type EMREbsConfiguration struct { // Configures the block storage devices that are associated with your EMR // instances. EbsBlockDeviceConfigs *EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the instances are optimized for Amazon EBS I/O. This // optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an // optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O performance. // For more information about fees and supported instance types, see // EBS-Optimized Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux // Instances. EbsOptimized *BoolExpr `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
EMREbsConfiguration represents Amazon EMR EbsConfiguration
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification ¶
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification struct { // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. For more information, see Iops for the EbsBlockDevice action // in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The volume size, in Gibibytes (GiB). For more information about // specifying the volume size, see VolumeSize for the EbsBlockDevice // action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. SizeInGB *IntegerExpr `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // The volume type, such as standard or io1. For more information about // specifying the volume type, see VolumeType for the EbsBlockDevice // action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification represents Amazon EMR EbsConfiguration EbsBlockDeviceConfig VolumeSpecification
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList ¶
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList []EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification
EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList represents a list of EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification
func (*EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecificationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs ¶
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs struct { // The settings for the Amazon EBS volumes. VolumeSpecification *EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigVolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // The number of Amazon EBS volumes that you want to create for each // instance in the EMR cluster or instance group. VolumesPerInstance *IntegerExpr `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs represents Amazon EMR EbsConfiguration EbsBlockDeviceConfigs
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList ¶
type EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList []EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs
EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList represents a list of EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigs
func (*EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMREbsConfigurationEbsBlockDeviceConfigsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMREbsConfigurationList ¶
type EMREbsConfigurationList []EMREbsConfiguration
EMREbsConfigurationList represents a list of EMREbsConfiguration
func (*EMREbsConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMREbsConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRInstanceGroupConfig ¶
type EMRInstanceGroupConfig struct { // The bid price in USD for each EC2 instance in the instance group when // launching instances (nodes) as Spot Instances. BidPrice *StringExpr `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // A list of configurations to apply to this instance group. For more // information see, Configuring Applications in the Amazon EMR Release // Guide. Configurations *EMRClusterConfigurationList `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // Configures Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) storage volumes to // attach to your instances. EbsConfiguration *EMREbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // The number of instances to launch in the instance group. InstanceCount *IntegerExpr `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // The role of the servers in the Amazon EMR cluster, such as TASK. For // more information, see Instance Groups in the Amazon EMR Management // Guide. InstanceRole *StringExpr `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty"` // The EC2 instance type for all instances in the instance group. For // more information, see Instance Configurations in the Amazon EMR // Management Guide. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // The ID of an Amazon EMR cluster that you want to associate this // instance group with. JobFlowId *StringExpr `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // The type of marketplace from which your instances are provisioned into // this group, either ON_DEMAND or SPOT. For more information, see Amazon // EC2 Purchasing Options. Market *StringExpr `json:"Market,omitempty"` // A name for the instance group. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
EMRInstanceGroupConfig represents AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig
func (EMRInstanceGroupConfig) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EMRInstanceGroupConfig) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EMRStep ¶
type EMRStep struct { // The action to take if the job flow step fails. Currently, AWS // CloudFormation supports CONTINUE and CANCEL_AND_WAIT. For more // information, see Managing Cluster Termination in the Amazon EMR // Management Guide. ActionOnFailure *StringExpr `json:"ActionOnFailure,omitempty"` // The JAR file that includes the main function that Amazon EMR executes. HadoopJarStep *EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig `json:"HadoopJarStep,omitempty"` // The ID of a cluster in which you want to run this job flow step. JobFlowId *StringExpr `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // A name for the job flow step. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
EMRStep represents AWS::EMR::Step
func (EMRStep) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::EMR::Step to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig ¶
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig struct { // A list of command line arguments passed to the JAR file's main // function when the function is executed. Args *StringListExpr `json:"Args,omitempty"` // A path to the JAR file that Amazon EMR runs for the job flow step. Jar *StringExpr `json:"Jar,omitempty"` // The name of the main class in the specified JAR file. If you don't // specify a value, you must specify a main class in the JAR file's // manifest file. MainClass *StringExpr `json:"MainClass,omitempty"` // A list of Java properties that are set when the job flow step runs. // You can use these properties to pass key-value pairs to your main // function in the JAR file. StepProperties *EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList `json:"StepProperties,omitempty"` }
EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig represents Amazon EMR Step HadoopJarStepConfig
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue ¶
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue struct { // The unique identifier of a key-value pair. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value part of the identified key. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue represents Amazon EMR Step HadoopJarStepConfig KeyValue
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList ¶
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList []EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue
EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList represents a list of EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValue
func (*EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigKeyValueList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList ¶
type EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList []EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig
EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList represents a list of EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfig
func (*EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *EMRStepHadoopJarStepConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElastiCacheCacheCluster ¶
type ElastiCacheCacheCluster struct { // Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to // the cache cluster during the maintenance window. AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *BoolExpr `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // For Memcached cache clusters, indicates whether the nodes are created // in a single Availability Zone or across multiple Availability Zones in // the cluster's region. For valid values, see CreateCacheCluster in the // Amazon ElastiCache API Reference. AZMode *StringExpr `json:"AZMode,omitempty"` // The compute and memory capacity of nodes in a cache cluster. CacheNodeType *StringExpr `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // The name of the cache parameter group that is associated with this // cache cluster. CacheParameterGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // A list of cache security group names that are associated with this // cache cluster. If your cache cluster is in a VPC, specify the // VpcSecurityGroupIds property instead. CacheSecurityGroupNames *StringListExpr `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // The cache subnet group that you associate with a cache cluster. CacheSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // A name for the cache cluster. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // cache cluster. For more information, see Name Type. ClusterName *StringExpr `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` // The name of the cache engine to be used for this cache cluster, such // as memcached or redis. Engine *StringExpr `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // The version of the cache engine to be used for this cluster. EngineVersion *StringExpr `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification // Service (SNS) topic to which notifications will be sent. NotificationTopicArn *StringExpr `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // The number of cache nodes that the cache cluster should have. NumCacheNodes *IntegerExpr `json:"NumCacheNodes,omitempty"` // The port number on which each of the cache nodes will accept // connections. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone in which the cache cluster is // created. PreferredAvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // For Memcached cache clusters, the list of Availability Zones in which // cache nodes are created. The number of Availability Zones listed must // equal the number of cache nodes. For example, if you want to create // three nodes in two different Availability Zones, you can specify // ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"], which would create two // nodes in us-east-1a and one node in us-east-1b. PreferredAvailabilityZones *StringListExpr `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can // occur. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // The ARN of the snapshot file that you want to use to seed a new Redis // cache cluster. If you manage a Redis instance outside of Amazon // ElastiCache, you can create a new cache cluster in ElastiCache by // using a snapshot file that is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. SnapshotArns *StringListExpr `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // The name of a snapshot from which to restore data into a new Redis // cache cluster. SnapshotName *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // For Redis cache clusters, the number of days for which ElastiCache // retains automatic snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you // set the value to 5, a snapshot that was taken today will be retained // for 5 days before being deleted. SnapshotRetentionLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // For Redis cache clusters, the daily time range (in UTC) during which // ElastiCache will begin taking a daily snapshot of your node group. For // example, you can specify 05:00-09:00. SnapshotWindow *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this cache cluster. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // A list of VPC security group IDs. If your cache cluster isn't in a // VPC, specify the CacheSecurityGroupNames property instead. VpcSecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheCacheCluster represents AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster
func (ElastiCacheCacheCluster) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheCacheCluster) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElastiCacheParameterGroup ¶
type ElastiCacheParameterGroup struct { // The name of the cache parameter group family that the cache parameter // group can be used with. CacheParameterGroupFamily *StringExpr `json:"CacheParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // The description for the Cache Parameter Group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A comma-delimited list of parameter name/value pairs. For more // information, go to ModifyCacheParameterGroup in the Amazon ElastiCache // API Reference Guide. Properties interface{} `json:"Properties,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheParameterGroup represents AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup
func (ElastiCacheParameterGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheParameterGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroup ¶
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroup struct { // Indicates whether Multi-AZ is enabled. When Multi-AZ is enabled, a // read-only replica is automatically promoted to a read-write primary // cluster if the existing primary cluster fails. If you specify true, // you must specify a value greater than 1 for the NumCacheClusters // property. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets the value to true. AutomaticFailoverEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"AutomaticFailoverEnabled,omitempty"` // Currently, this property isn't used by ElastiCache. AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *BoolExpr `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // The compute and memory capacity of nodes in the node group. To see // valid values, see CreateReplicationGroup in the Amazon ElastiCache API // Reference Guide. CacheNodeType *StringExpr `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // The name of the parameter group to associate with this replication // group. For valid and default values, see CreateReplicationGroup in the // Amazon ElastiCache API Reference Guide. CacheParameterGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // A list of cache security group names to associate with this // replication group. CacheSecurityGroupNames *StringListExpr `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // The name of a cache subnet group to use for this replication group. CacheSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // The name of the cache engine to use for the cache clusters in this // replication group. Currently, you can specify only redis. Engine *StringExpr `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // The version number of the cache engine to use for the cache clusters // in this replication group. EngineVersion *StringExpr `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // Configuration options for the node group (shard). NodeGroupConfiguration *ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList `json:"NodeGroupConfiguration,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification // Service topic to which notifications are sent. NotificationTopicArn *StringExpr `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // The number of cache clusters for this replication group. If automatic // failover is enabled, you must specify a value greater than 1. For // valid values, see CreateReplicationGroup in the Amazon ElastiCache API // Reference Guide. NumCacheClusters *IntegerExpr `json:"NumCacheClusters,omitempty"` // The number of node groups (shards) for this Redis (clustered mode // enabled) replication group. For Redis (clustered mode disabled), omit // this property. NumNodeGroups *IntegerExpr `json:"NumNodeGroups,omitempty"` // The port number on which each member of the replication group accepts // connections. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // A list of Availability Zones (AZs) in which the cache clusters in this // replication group are created. PreferredCacheClusterAZs *StringListExpr `json:"PreferredCacheClusterAZs,omitempty"` // The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur. Use // the following format to specify a time range: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi // (24H Clock UTC). For example, you can specify sun:22:00-sun:23:30 for // Sunday from 10 PM to 11:30 PM. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // The cache cluster that ElastiCache uses as the primary cluster for the // replication group. The cache cluster must have a status of available. PrimaryClusterId *StringExpr `json:"PrimaryClusterId,omitempty"` // The number of replica nodes in each node group (shard). For valid // values, see CreateReplicationGroup in the Amazon ElastiCache API // Reference Guide. ReplicasPerNodeGroup *IntegerExpr `json:"ReplicasPerNodeGroup,omitempty"` // The description of the replication group. ReplicationGroupDescription *StringExpr `json:"ReplicationGroupDescription,omitempty"` // An ID for the replication group. If you don't specify an ID, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID. For more information, // see Name Type. ReplicationGroupId *StringExpr `json:"ReplicationGroupId,omitempty"` // A list of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) security groups to // associate with this replication group. SecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // A single-element string list that specifies an ARN of a Redis .rdb // snapshot file that is stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon // S3). The snapshot file populates the node group. The Amazon S3 object // name in the ARN cannot contain commas. For example, you can specify // arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket/snapshot1.rdb. SnapshotArns *StringListExpr `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // The name of a snapshot from which to restore data into the replication // group. SnapshotName *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // The number of days that ElastiCache retains automatic snapshots before // deleting them. SnapshotRetentionLimit *IntegerExpr `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // The ID of the cache cluster that ElastiCache uses as the daily // snapshot source for the replication group. SnapshottingClusterId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshottingClusterId,omitempty"` // The time range (in UTC) when ElastiCache takes a daily snapshot of // your node group that you specified in the SnapshottingClusterId // property. For example, you can specify 05:00-09:00. SnapshotWindow *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this replication // group. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheReplicationGroup represents AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
func (ElastiCacheReplicationGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheReplicationGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration ¶
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration struct { // The Availability Zone where ElastiCache launches the node group's // primary node. PrimaryAvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"PrimaryAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // A list of Availability Zones where ElastiCache launches the read // replicas. The number of Availability Zones must match the value of the // ReplicaCount property or, if you don't specify the ReplicaCount // property, the replication group's ReplicasPerNodeGroup property. ReplicaAvailabilityZones *StringListExpr `json:"ReplicaAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // The number of read replica nodes in the node group. ReplicaCount *IntegerExpr `json:"ReplicaCount,omitempty"` // A string of comma-separated values where the first set of values are // the slot numbers (zero based), and the second set of values are the // keyspaces for each slot. The following example specifies three slots // (numbered 0, 1, and 2): 0,1,2,0-4999,5000-9999,10000-16,383. Slots *StringExpr `json:"Slots,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration represents Amazon ElastiCache ReplicationGroup NodeGroupConfiguration
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList ¶
type ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList []ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration
ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList represents a list of ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfiguration
func (*ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElastiCacheReplicationGroupNodeGroupConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElastiCacheSecurityGroup ¶
type ElastiCacheSecurityGroup struct { // A description for the cache security group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheSecurityGroup represents AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup
func (ElastiCacheSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress struct { // The name of the Cache Security Group to authorize. CacheSecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // Name of the EC2 Security Group to include in the authorization. EC2SecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // Specifies the AWS Account ID of the owner of the EC2 security group // specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName property. The AWS access key ID // is not an acceptable value. EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress represents AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress
func (ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElastiCacheSubnetGroup ¶
type ElastiCacheSubnetGroup struct { // A name for the cache subnet group. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID. For more information, // see Name Type. CacheSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // The description for the cache subnet group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 subnet IDs for the cache subnet group. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
ElastiCacheSubnetGroup represents AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup
func (ElastiCacheSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElastiCacheSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticBeanstalkApplication ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkApplication struct { // A name for the Elastic Beanstalk application. If you don't specify a // name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that // ID for the application name. For more information, see Name Type. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // An optional description of this application. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkApplication represents AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application
func (ElasticBeanstalkApplication) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticBeanstalkApplication) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion struct { // Name of the Elastic Beanstalk application that is associated with this // application version. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // A description of this application version. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The location of the source bundle for this version. SourceBundle *ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle `json:"SourceBundle,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion represents AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion
func (ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate struct { // Name of the Elastic Beanstalk application that is associated with this // configuration template. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // An optional description for this configuration. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // An environment whose settings you want to use to create the // configuration template. You must specify this property if you don't // specify the SolutionStackName or SourceConfiguration properties. EnvironmentId *StringExpr `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty"` // A list of OptionSettings for this Elastic Beanstalk configuration, // such as the instance type. For a complete list of Elastic Beanstalk // configuration options, see Option Values, in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk // Developer Guide. OptionSettings *ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // The name of an Elastic Beanstalk solution stack that this // configuration will use. A solution stack specifies the operating // system, architecture, and application server for a configuration // template, such as 64bit Amazon Linux 2013.09 running Tomcat 7 Java 7. // For more information, see Supported Platforms in the AWS Elastic // Beanstalk Developer Guide. SolutionStackName *StringExpr `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // A configuration template that is associated with another Elastic // Beanstalk application. If you specify the SolutionStackName property // and the SourceConfiguration property, the solution stack in the source // configuration template must match the value that you specified for the // SolutionStackName property. SourceConfiguration *ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration `json:"SourceConfiguration,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate represents AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate
func (ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment struct { // The name of the application that is associated with this environment. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // A prefix for your Elastic Beanstalk environment URL. CNAMEPrefix *StringExpr `json:"CNAMEPrefix,omitempty"` // A description that helps you identify this environment. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A name for the Elastic Beanstalk environment. If you don't specify a // name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that // ID for the environment name. For more information, see Name Type. EnvironmentName *StringExpr `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty"` // Key-value pairs defining configuration options for this environment, // such as the instance type. These options override the values that are // defined in the solution stack or the configuration template. If you // remove any options during a stack update, the removed options revert // to default values. OptionSettings *ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // The name of an Elastic Beanstalk solution stack that this // configuration will use. For more information, see Supported Platforms // in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide. You must specify either // this parameter or an Elastic Beanstalk configuration template name. SolutionStackName *StringExpr `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this environment. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The name of the Elastic Beanstalk configuration template to use with // the environment. You must specify either this parameter or a solution // stack name. TemplateName *StringExpr `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` // Specifies the tier to use in creating this environment. The // environment tier that you choose determines whether Elastic Beanstalk // provisions resources to support a web application that handles HTTP(S) // requests or a web application that handles background-processing // tasks. Tier *ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier `json:"Tier,omitempty"` // The version to associate with the environment. VersionLabel *StringExpr `json:"VersionLabel,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment represents AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment
func (ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier struct { // The name of the environment tier. You can specify WebServer or Worker. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The type of this environment tier. You can specify Standard for the // WebServer tier or SQS/HTTP for the Worker tier. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // The version of this environment tier. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier represents Elastic Beanstalk Environment Tier Property Type
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList []ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList represents a list of ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTier
func (*ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentTierList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings struct { // A unique namespace identifying the option's associated AWS resource. // For a list of namespaces that you can use, see Configuration Options // in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide. Namespace *StringExpr `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // The name of the configuration option. For a list of options that you // can use, see Configuration Options in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk // Developer Guide. OptionName *StringExpr `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // The value of the setting. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings represents Elastic Beanstalk OptionSettings Property Type
type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList []ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings
ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList represents a list of ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettings
func (*ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticBeanstalkOptionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle struct { // The Amazon S3 bucket where the data is located. S3Bucket *StringExpr `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // The Amazon S3 key where the data is located. S3Key *StringExpr `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle represents Elastic Beanstalk SourceBundle Property Type
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList []ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle
ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList represents a list of ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundle
func (*ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticBeanstalkSourceBundleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration struct { // The name of the Elastic Beanstalk application that contains the // configuration template that you want to use. ApplicationName *StringExpr `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // The name of the configuration template. TemplateName *StringExpr `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` }
ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration represents Elastic Beanstalk SourceConfiguration Property Type
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList ¶
type ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList []ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration
ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList represents a list of ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfiguration
func (*ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticBeanstalkSourceConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty ¶
type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty struct { // Determines whether to delete the volume on instance termination. The // default value is true. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the volume is encrypted. Encrypted Amazon EBS // volumes can only be attached to instance types that support Amazon EBS // encryption. Volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are // automatically encrypted. You cannot create an encrypted volume from an // unencrypted snapshot or vice versa. If your AMI uses encrypted // volumes, you can only launch the AMI on supported instance types. For // more information, see Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon EC2 User // Guide for Linux Instances. Encrypted *BoolExpr `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. This can be an integer from 100 – 2000. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The snapshot ID of the volume to use to create a block device. SnapshotId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB). For valid values, see the Size // parameter for the CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeSize *StringExpr `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // The volume type. If you set the type to io1, you must also set the // Iops property. For valid values, see the VolumeType parameter for the // CreateVolume action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty represents Amazon Elastic Block Store Block Device Property
type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList ¶
type ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList []ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty
ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList represents a list of ElasticBlockStoreBlockDeviceProperty
func (*ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticBlockStoreBlockDevicePropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications struct { // Defines the block devices that are mapped to the Spot instances. BlockDeviceMappings *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the instances are optimized for Amazon Elastic Block // Store (Amazon EBS) I/O. This optimization provides dedicated // throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to // provide optimal EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available // with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when you use // an Amazon EBS-optimized instance. EbsOptimized *BoolExpr `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // Defines the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile // to associate with the instances. IamInstanceProfile *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // The unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to launch on the // instances. ImageId *StringExpr `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // Specifies the instance type of the EC2 instances. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // The ID of the kernel that is associated with the Amazon Elastic // Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) AMI. KernelId *StringExpr `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // An Amazon EC2 key pair to associate with the instances. KeyName *StringExpr `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Enable or disable monitoring for the instances. Monitoring *EC2SpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsMonitoring `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // The network interfaces to associate with the instances. NetworkInterfaces *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // Defines a placement group, which is a logical grouping of instances // within a single Availability Zone (AZ). Placement *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional // drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information about // whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, // refer to the AWS Resource Center and search for the kernel ID. RamdiskId *StringExpr `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // One or more security group IDs to associate with the instances. SecurityGroups *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The bid price per unit hour for the specified instance type. If you // don't specify a value, Amazon EC2 uses the Spot bid price for the // fleet. For more information, see How Spot Fleet Works in the Amazon // EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. SpotPrice *StringExpr `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet in which to launch the instances. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Base64-encoded MIME user data that instances use when starting up. UserData *StringExpr `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // The number of units provided by the specified instance type. These // units are the same units that you chose to set the target capacity in // terms of instances or a performance characteristic, such as vCPUs, // memory, or I/O. For more information, see How Spot Fleet Works in the // Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. WeightedCapacity *IntegerExpr `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings struct { // The name of the device within the EC2 instance, such as /dev/dsh or // xvdh. DeviceName *StringExpr `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // The Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume information. Ebs *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // Suppresses the specified device that is included in the block device // mapping of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI). NoDevice *BoolExpr `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual device. The name must be in the form // ephemeralX where X is a number equal to or greater than zero (0), for // example, ephemeral0. VirtualName *StringExpr `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications BlockDeviceMappings
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs struct { // Indicates whether to delete the volume when the instance is // terminated. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted. Encrypted Amazon EBS // volumes can be attached only to instances that support Amazon EBS // encryption. Encrypted *BoolExpr `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. For more information, see Iops for the EbsBlockDevice action // in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The snapshot ID of the volume that you want to use. If you specify // both the SnapshotId and VolumeSize properties, VolumeSize must be // equal to or greater than the size of the snapshot. SnapshotId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // The volume size, in Gibibytes (GiB). If you specify both the // SnapshotId and VolumeSize properties, VolumeSize must be equal to or // greater than the size of the snapshot. For more information about // specifying the volume size, see VolumeSize for the EbsBlockDevice // action in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeSize *IntegerExpr `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // The volume type. For more information about specifying the volume // type, see VolumeType for the EbsBlockDevice action in the Amazon EC2 // API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications BlockDeviceMappings Ebs
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbs
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsEbsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappings
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsBlockDeviceMappingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile to associate // with the instances. The instance profile contains the IAM role that is // associated with the instances. Arn *StringExpr `json:"Arn,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications IamInstanceProfile
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfile
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsIamInstanceProfileList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecifications
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces struct { // Indicates whether to assign a public IP address to an instance that // you launch in a VPC. You can assign the public IP address can only to // a network interface for eth0, and only to a new network interface, not // an existing one. AssociatePublicIpAddress *BoolExpr `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to delete the network interface when the instance // terminates. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // The description of this network interface. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The network interface's position in the attachment order. DeviceIndex *IntegerExpr `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // A list of security group IDs to associate with this network interface. Groups *StringListExpr `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // The number of IPv6 addresses to associate with the network interface. // Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud automatically selects the IPv6 addresses // from the subnet range. To specify specific IPv6 addresses, use the // Ipv6Addresses property and don't specify this property. Ipv6AddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // One or more specific IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of // your subnet to associate with the network interface. To specify a // number of IPv6 addresses, use the Ipv6AddressCount property and don't // specify this property. Ipv6Addresses *EC2NetworkInterfaceIpv6AddressesList `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // A network interface ID. NetworkInterfaceId *StringExpr `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // One or more private IP addresses to assign to the network interface. PrivateIpAddresses *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // The number of secondary private IP addresses that Amazon EC2 // automatically assigns to the network interface. SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount *IntegerExpr `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications NetworkInterfaces
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfaces
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses struct { // Indicates whether the private IP address is the primary private IP // address. You can designate only one IP address as primary. Primary *BoolExpr `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // The private IP address. PrivateIpAddress *StringExpr `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications NetworkInterfaces PrivateIpAddresses
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddresses
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsNetworkInterfacesPrivateIpAddressesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement struct { // The Availability Zone (AZ) of the placement group. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The name of the placement group (for cluster instances). GroupName *StringExpr `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications Placement
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacement
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsPlacementList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups struct { // The ID of a security group. GroupId *StringExpr `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` }
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups represents Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SpotFleet SpotFleetRequestConfigData LaunchSpecifications SecurityGroups
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList ¶
type ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList []ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups
ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList represents a list of ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroups
func (*ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticComputeCloudSpotFleetSpotFleetRequestConfigDataLaunchSpecificationsSecurityGroupsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags ¶
type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags struct { // The key name of the tag. You can specify a value that is from 1 to 128 // Unicode characters in length, but you cannot use the prefix aws:. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value of the tag key. You can specify a value that is from 0 to // 128 Unicode characters in length. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags represents Amazon Elastic File System FileSystem FileSystemTags
type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList ¶
type ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList []ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags
ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList represents a list of ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTags
func (*ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticFileSystemFileSystemFileSystemTagsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy struct { // The interval for publishing access logs in minutes. You can specify an // interval of either 5 minutes or 60 minutes. EmitInterval *IntegerExpr `json:"EmitInterval,omitempty"` // Whether logging is enabled for the load balancer. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The name of an Amazon S3 bucket where access log files are stored. S3BucketName *StringExpr `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // A prefix for the all log object keys, such as // my-load-balancer-logs/prod. If you store log files from multiple // sources in a single bucket, you can use a prefix to distinguish each // log file and its source. S3BucketPrefix *StringExpr `json:"S3BucketPrefix,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy represents Elastic Load Balancing AccessLoggingPolicy
type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList []ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy
ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // Name of the application cookie used for stickiness. CookieName *StringExpr `json:"CookieName,omitempty"` // The name of the policy being created. The name must be unique within // the set of policies for this Load Balancer. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy represents ElasticLoadBalancing AppCookieStickinessPolicy Type
type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList []ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy
ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicy
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy struct { // Whether or not connection draining is enabled for the load balancer. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The time in seconds after the load balancer closes all connections to // a deregistered or unhealthy instance. Timeout *IntegerExpr `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy represents Elastic Load Balancing ConnectionDrainingPolicy
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList []ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy
ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings struct { // The time (in seconds) that a connection to the load balancer can // remain idle, which means no data is sent over the connection. After // the specified time, the load balancer closes the connection. IdleTimeout *IntegerExpr `json:"IdleTimeout,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings represents Elastic Load Balancing ConnectionSettings
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList []ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings
ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck struct { // Specifies the number of consecutive health probe successes required // before moving the instance to the Healthy state. HealthyThreshold *StringExpr `json:"HealthyThreshold,omitempty"` // Specifies the approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks // of an individual instance. Interval *StringExpr `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // Specifies the instance's protocol and port to check. The protocol can // be TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, or SSL. The range of valid ports is 1 through // 65535. Target *StringExpr `json:"Target,omitempty"` // Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, during which no response // means a failed health probe. This value must be less than the value // for Interval. Timeout *StringExpr `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Specifies the number of consecutive health probe failures required // before moving the instance to the Unhealthy state. UnhealthyThreshold *StringExpr `json:"UnhealthyThreshold,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck represents ElasticLoadBalancing HealthCheck Type
type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList []ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck
ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheckList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // The time period, in seconds, after which the cookie should be // considered stale. If this parameter isn't specified, the sticky // session will last for the duration of the browser session. CookieExpirationPeriod *StringExpr `json:"CookieExpirationPeriod,omitempty"` // The name of the policy being created. The name must be unique within // the set of policies for this load balancer. PolicyName interface{} `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy represents ElasticLoadBalancing LBCookieStickinessPolicy Type
type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList []ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy
ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicy
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingListener ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListener struct { // Specifies the TCP port on which the instance server listens. You can't // modify this property during the life of the load balancer. InstancePort *StringExpr `json:"InstancePort,omitempty"` // Specifies the protocol to use for routing traffic to back-end // instances: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or SSL. You can't modify this property // during the life of the load balancer. InstanceProtocol *StringExpr `json:"InstanceProtocol,omitempty"` // Specifies the external load balancer port number. You can't modify // this property during the life of the load balancer. LoadBalancerPort *StringExpr `json:"LoadBalancerPort,omitempty"` // A list of ElasticLoadBalancing policy names to associate with the // Listener. Specify only policies that are compatible with a Listener. // For more information, see DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes in the // Elastic Load Balancing API Reference version 2012-06-01. PolicyNames *StringListExpr `json:"PolicyNames,omitempty"` // Specifies the load balancer transport protocol to use for routing: // HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SSL. You can't modify this property during the // life of the load balancer. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The ARN of the SSL certificate to use. For more information about SSL // certificates, see Managing Server Certificates in the AWS Identity and // Access Management User Guide. SSLCertificateId *StringExpr `json:"SSLCertificateId,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingListener represents ElasticLoadBalancing Listener Property Type
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate to associate with // the listener. CertificateArn *StringExpr `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates represents Elastic Load Balancing Listener Certificates
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList []ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificates
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group to which Elastic // Load Balancing routes the traffic. TargetGroupArn *StringExpr `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // The type of action. For valid values, see the Type contents for the // Action data type in the Elastic Load Balancing API Reference version // 2015-12-01. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions represents Elastic Load Balancing Listener DefaultActions
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList []ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActions
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList []ElasticLoadBalancingListener
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingListener
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group to which Elastic // Load Balancing routes the traffic. TargetGroupArn *StringExpr `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // The type of action. For valid values, see the Type contents for the // Action data type in the Elastic Load Balancing API Reference version // 2015-12-01. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions represents Elastic Load Balancing ListenerRule Actions
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList []ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActions
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions struct { // The name of the condition that you want to define, such as // path-pattern (which forwards requests based on the URL of the // request). Field *StringExpr `json:"Field,omitempty"` // The value for the field that you specified in the Field property. Values *StringListExpr `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions represents Elastic Load Balancing ListenerRule Conditions
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList []ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions
ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditions
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer struct { // Captures detailed information for all requests made to your load // balancer, such as the time a request was received, client’s IP // address, latencies, request path, and server responses. AccessLoggingPolicy *ElasticLoadBalancingAccessLoggingPolicy `json:"AccessLoggingPolicy,omitempty"` // Generates one or more stickiness policies with sticky session // lifetimes that follow that of an application-generated cookie. These // policies can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS listeners. AppCookieStickinessPolicy *ElasticLoadBalancingAppCookieStickinessPolicyList `json:"AppCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // The Availability Zones in which to create the load balancer. You can // specify the AvailabilityZones or Subnets property, but not both. AvailabilityZones *StringListExpr `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // Whether deregistered or unhealthy instances can complete all in-flight // requests. ConnectionDrainingPolicy *ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionDrainingPolicy `json:"ConnectionDrainingPolicy,omitempty"` // Specifies how long front-end and back-end connections of your load // balancer can remain idle. ConnectionSettings *ElasticLoadBalancingConnectionSettings `json:"ConnectionSettings,omitempty"` // Whether cross-zone load balancing is enabled for the load balancer. // With cross-zone load balancing, your load balancer nodes route traffic // to the back-end instances across all Availability Zones. By default // the CrossZone property is false. CrossZone *BoolExpr `json:"CrossZone,omitempty"` // Application health check for the instances. HealthCheck *ElasticLoadBalancingHealthCheck `json:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // A list of EC2 instance IDs for the load balancer. Instances *StringListExpr `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // Generates a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes controlled // by the lifetime of the browser (user-agent), or by a specified // expiration period. This policy can be associated only with HTTP/HTTPS // listeners. LBCookieStickinessPolicy *ElasticLoadBalancingLBCookieStickinessPolicyList `json:"LBCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // A name for the load balancer. For valid values, see the // LoadBalancerName parameter for the CreateLoadBalancer action in the // Elastic Load Balancing API Reference version 2012-06-01. LoadBalancerName *StringExpr `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // One or more listeners for this load balancer. Each listener must be // registered for a specific port, and you cannot have more than one // listener for a given port. Listeners *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerList `json:"Listeners,omitempty"` // A list of elastic load balancing policies to apply to this elastic // load balancer. Specify only back-end server policies. For more // information, see DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes in the Elastic Load // Balancing API Reference version 2012-06-01. Policies *ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // For load balancers attached to an Amazon VPC, this parameter can be // used to specify the type of load balancer to use. Specify internal to // create an internal load balancer with a DNS name that resolves to // private IP addresses or internet-facing to create a load balancer with // a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to public IP addresses. Scheme *StringExpr `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // Required: No SecurityGroups interface{} `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // A list of subnet IDs in your virtual private cloud (VPC) to attach to // your load balancer. Do not specify multiple subnets that are in the // same Availability Zone. You can specify the AvailabilityZones or // Subnets property, but not both. Subnets *StringListExpr `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this load balancer. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer represents AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer
func (ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes struct { // The name of an attribute that you want to configure. For the list of // attributes that you can configure, see the Key contents for the // LoadBalancerAttribute data type in the Elastic Load Balancing API // Reference version 2015-12-01. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // A value for the attribute. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes represents Elastic Load Balancing LoadBalancer LoadBalancerAttributes
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList []ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes
ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributes
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy struct { // A list of arbitrary attributes for this policy. If you don't need to // specify any policy attributes, specify an empty list ([]). Attributes interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // A list of instance ports for the policy. These are the ports // associated with the back-end server. InstancePorts interface{} `json:"InstancePorts,omitempty"` // A list of external load balancer ports for the policy. LoadBalancerPorts interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerPorts,omitempty"` // A name for this policy that is unique to the load balancer. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // The name of the policy type for this policy. This must be one of the // types reported by the Elastic Load Balancing // DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes action. PolicyType *StringExpr `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy represents ElasticLoadBalancing Policy Type
type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList []ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy
ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingPolicy
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingPolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher struct { // The HTTP codes that a healthy target must use when responding to a // health check, such as 200,202 or 200-399. HttpCode *StringExpr `json:"HttpCode,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher represents Elastic Load Balancing TargetGroup Matcher
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList []ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcherList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription struct { // The ID of the target, such as an EC2 instance ID. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The port number on which the target is listening for traffic. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription represents Elastic Load Balancing TargetGroup TargetDescription
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList []ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescription
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes struct { // The name of the attribute that you want to configure. For the list of // attributes that you can configure, see the Key contents for the // TargetGroupAttribute data type in the Elastic Load Balancing API // Reference version 2015-12-01. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // A value for the attribute. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes represents Elastic Load Balancing TargetGroup TargetGroupAttributes
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList []ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes
ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList represents a list of ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributes
func (*ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener struct { // The SSL server certificate for the listener. With a certificate, you // can encrypt traffic between the load balancer and the clients that // initiate HTTPS sessions, and traffic between the load balancer and // your targets. Certificates *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerCertificatesList `json:"Certificates,omitempty"` // The default actions that the listener takes when handling incoming // requests. DefaultActions *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerDefaultActionsList `json:"DefaultActions,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer to associate with // the listener. LoadBalancerArn *StringExpr `json:"LoadBalancerArn,omitempty"` // The port on which the listener listens for requests. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The protocol that clients must use to send requests to the listener. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The security policy that defines the ciphers and protocols that the // load balancer supports. SslPolicy *StringExpr `json:"SslPolicy,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener represents AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
func (ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule struct { // The action that the listener takes when a request meets the specified // condition. Actions *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleActionsList `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The conditions under which a rule takes effect. Conditions *ElasticLoadBalancingListenerRuleConditionsList `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the listener that the rule applies // to. ListenerArn *StringExpr `json:"ListenerArn,omitempty"` // The priority for the rule. Elastic Load Balancing evaluates rules in // priority order, from the lowest value to the highest value. If a // request satisfies a rule, Elastic Load Balancing ignores all // subsequent rules. Priority *IntegerExpr `json:"Priority,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule represents AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule
func (ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer struct { // Specifies the load balancer configuration. LoadBalancerAttributes *ElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerLoadBalancerAttributesList `json:"LoadBalancerAttributes,omitempty"` // Specifies a name for the load balancer. This name must be unique // within your AWS account and can have a maximum of 32 alphanumeric // characters and hyphens. A name can't begin or end with a hyphen. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the load balancer is internal or Internet-facing. An // internal load balancer routes requests to targets using private IP // addresses. An Internet-facing load balancer routes requests from // clients over the Internet to targets in your public subnets. Scheme *StringExpr `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // Specifies a list of the IDs of the security groups to assign to the // load balancer. SecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Specifies a list of at least two IDs of the subnets to associate with // the load balancer. The subnets must be in different Availability // Zones. Subnets *StringListExpr `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Specifies an arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) to associate // with this load balancer. Use tags to manage your resources. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer represents AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
func (ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup ¶
type ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup struct { // The approximate number of seconds between health checks for an // individual target. HealthCheckIntervalSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"HealthCheckIntervalSeconds,omitempty"` // The ping path destination where Elastic Load Balancing sends health // check requests. HealthCheckPath *StringExpr `json:"HealthCheckPath,omitempty"` // The port that the load balancer uses when performing health checks on // the targets. HealthCheckPort *StringExpr `json:"HealthCheckPort,omitempty"` // The protocol that the load balancer uses when performing health checks // on the targets, such as HTTP or HTTPS. HealthCheckProtocol *StringExpr `json:"HealthCheckProtocol,omitempty"` // The number of seconds to wait for a response before considering that a // health check has failed. HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` // The number of consecutive successful health checks that are required // before an unhealthy target is considered healthy. HealthyThresholdCount *IntegerExpr `json:"HealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // The HTTP codes that a healthy target uses when responding to a health // check. Matcher *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupMatcher `json:"Matcher,omitempty"` // A name for the target group. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The port on which the targets receive traffic. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for the target group. Use // tags to help manage resources. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Target group configurations. TargetGroupAttributes *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetGroupAttributesList `json:"TargetGroupAttributes,omitempty"` // The full name of the target group. TargetGroupFullName *StringExpr `json:"TargetGroupFullName,omitempty"` // The targets to add to this target group. Targets *ElasticLoadBalancingTargetGroupTargetDescriptionList `json:"Targets,omitempty"` // The number of consecutive failed health checks that are required // before a target is considered unhealthy. UnhealthyThresholdCount *IntegerExpr `json:"UnhealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC in which your targets are located. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup represents AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
func (ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticsearchDomain ¶
type ElasticsearchDomain struct { // An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy document that // specifies who can access the Amazon ES domain and their permissions. // For more information, see Configuring Access Policies in the Amazon // Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. AccessPolicies interface{} `json:"AccessPolicies,omitempty"` // Additional options to specify for the Amazon ES domain. For more // information, see Configuring Advanced Options in the Amazon // Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. AdvancedOptions interface{} `json:"AdvancedOptions,omitempty"` // A name for the Amazon ES domain. For valid values, see the DomainName // data type in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. DomainName *StringExpr `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The configurations of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes // that are attached to data nodes in the Amazon ES domain. For more // information, see Configuring EBS-based Storage in the Amazon // Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. EBSOptions *ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions `json:"EBSOptions,omitempty"` // The cluster configuration for the Amazon ES domain. You can specify // options such as the instance type and the number of instances. For // more information, see Configuring Amazon ES Domains in the Amazon // Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. ElasticsearchClusterConfig *ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig `json:"ElasticsearchClusterConfig,omitempty"` // The version of Elasticsearch to use, such as 2.3. For information // about the versions that Amazon ES supports, see the // Elasticsearch-Version parameter for the CreateElasticsearchDomain // action in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. ElasticsearchVersion *StringExpr `json:"ElasticsearchVersion,omitempty"` // The automated snapshot configuration for the Amazon ES domain indices. SnapshotOptions *ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions `json:"SnapshotOptions,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) to associate with the // Amazon ES domain. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
ElasticsearchDomain represents AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain
func (ElasticsearchDomain) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s ElasticsearchDomain) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions struct { // Specifies whether Amazon EBS volumes are attached to data nodes in the // Amazon ES domain. EBSEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"EBSEnabled,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. This property applies only to the Provisioned IOPS (SSD) EBS // volume type. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The size of the EBS volume for each data node. The minimum and maximum // size of an EBS volume depends on the EBS volume type and the instance // type to which it is attached. For more information, see Configuring // EBS-based Storage in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. VolumeSize *IntegerExpr `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // The EBS volume type to use with the Amazon ES domain, such as // standard, gp2, or io1. For more information about each type, see // Amazon EBS Volume Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux // Instances. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions represents Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domain EBSOptions
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList []ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions
ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList represents a list of ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptions
func (*ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticsearchServiceDomainEBSOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig struct { // The number of instances to use for the master node. DedicatedMasterCount *IntegerExpr `json:"DedicatedMasterCount,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to use a dedicated master node for the Amazon ES // domain. A dedicated master node is a cluster node that performs // cluster management tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond to data // upload requests. Dedicated master nodes offload cluster management // tasks to increase the stability of your search clusters. DedicatedMasterEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"DedicatedMasterEnabled,omitempty"` // The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated // master node, such as m3.medium.elasticsearch. For valid values, see // Configuring Amazon ES Domains in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service // Developer Guide. DedicatedMasterType *StringExpr `json:"DedicatedMasterType,omitempty"` // The number of data nodes (instances) to use in the Amazon ES domain. InstanceCount *IntegerExpr `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // The instance type for your data nodes, such as // m3.medium.elasticsearch. For valid values, see Configuring Amazon ES // Domains in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to enable zone awareness for the Amazon ES domain. // When you enable zone awareness, Amazon ES allocates the nodes and // replica index shards that belong to a cluster across two Availability // Zones (AZs) in the same region to prevent data loss and minimize // downtime in the event of node or data center failure. Don't enable // zone awareness if your cluster has no replica index shards or is a // single-node cluster. For more information, see Enabling Zone Awareness // in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service Developer Guide. ZoneAwarenessEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"ZoneAwarenessEnabled,omitempty"` }
ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig represents Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domain ElasticsearchClusterConfig
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList []ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig
ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList represents a list of ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfig
func (*ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticsearchServiceDomainElasticsearchClusterConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions struct { // The hour in UTC during which the service takes an automated daily // snapshot of the indices in the Amazon ES domain. For example, if you // specify 0, Amazon ES takes an automated snapshot everyday between // midnight and 1 am. You can specify a value between 0 and 23. AutomatedSnapshotStartHour *IntegerExpr `json:"AutomatedSnapshotStartHour,omitempty"` }
ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions represents Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domain SnapshotOptions
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList ¶
type ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList []ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions
ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList represents a list of ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptions
func (*ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ElasticsearchServiceDomainSnapshotOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type EventsRule ¶
type EventsRule struct { // A description of the rule's purpose. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Describes which events CloudWatch Events routes to the specified // target. These routed events are matched events. For more information, // see Events and Event Patterns in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. EventPattern interface{} `json:"EventPattern,omitempty"` // A name for the rule. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the rule name. For // more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that grants CloudWatch Events permission to make // calls to target services, such as AWS Lambda (Lambda) or Amazon // Kinesis streams. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The schedule or rate (frequency) that determines when CloudWatch // Events runs the rule. For more information, see Schedule Expression // Syntax for Rules in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. ScheduleExpression *StringExpr `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the rule is enabled. For valid values, see the State // parameter for the PutRule action in the Amazon CloudWatch Events API // Reference. State *StringExpr `json:"State,omitempty"` // The resources, such as Lambda functions or Amazon Kinesis streams, // that CloudWatch Events routes events to and invokes when the rule is // triggered. For information about valid targets, see the PutTargets // action in the Amazon CloudWatch Events API Reference. Targets *CloudWatchEventsRuleTargetList `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
EventsRule represents AWS::Events::Rule
func (EventsRule) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s EventsRule) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Events::Rule to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type FindInMapFunc ¶
type FindInMapFunc struct { MapName string TopLevelKey StringExpr SecondLevelKey StringExpr }
FindInMapFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::FindInMap intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Fn::FindInMap returns the value corresponding to keys in a two-level map that is declared in the Mappings section.
func (FindInMapFunc) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f FindInMapFunc) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (FindInMapFunc) String ¶
func (f FindInMapFunc) String() *StringExpr
func (*FindInMapFunc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *FindInMapFunc) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Func ¶
type Func interface { }
Func is an interface provided by objects that represent Cloudformation function calls.
type GameLiftAlias ¶
type GameLiftAlias struct { // Information that helps you identify the purpose of this alias. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // An identifier to associate with this alias. Alias names don't need to // be unique. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // A routing configuration that specifies where traffic is directed for // this alias, such as to a fleet or to a message. RoutingStrategy *GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy `json:"RoutingStrategy,omitempty"` }
GameLiftAlias represents AWS::GameLift::Alias
func (GameLiftAlias) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s GameLiftAlias) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::GameLift::Alias to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy ¶
type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy struct { // A unique identifier of a GameLift fleet to associate with the alias. FleetId *StringExpr `json:"FleetId,omitempty"` // A text message that GameLift displays for the Terminal routing type. Message *StringExpr `json:"Message,omitempty"` // The type of routing strategy. For the SIMPLE type, traffic is routed // to an active GameLift fleet. For the Terminal type, GameLift returns // an exception with the message that you specified in the Message // property. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy represents Amazon GameLift Alias RoutingStrategy
type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList ¶
type GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList []GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy
GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList represents a list of GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategy
func (*GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *GameLiftAliasRoutingStrategyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type GameLiftBuild ¶
type GameLiftBuild struct { // An identifier to associate with this build. Build names don't need to // be unique. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location where your // build package files are located. StorageLocation *GameLiftBuildStorageLocation `json:"StorageLocation,omitempty"` // A version to associate with this build. Version is useful if you want // to track updates to your build package files. Versions don't need to // be unique. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
GameLiftBuild represents AWS::GameLift::Build
func (GameLiftBuild) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s GameLiftBuild) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::GameLift::Build to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type GameLiftBuildStorageLocation ¶
type GameLiftBuildStorageLocation struct { // The S3 bucket where the GameLift build package files are stored. Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // The prefix (folder name) where the GameLift build package files are // located. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role Amazon Resource Name // (ARN) that GameLift can assume to retrieve the build package files // from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
GameLiftBuildStorageLocation represents Amazon GameLift Build StorageLocation
type GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList ¶
type GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList []GameLiftBuildStorageLocation
GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList represents a list of GameLiftBuildStorageLocation
func (*GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *GameLiftBuildStorageLocationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type GameLiftFleet ¶
type GameLiftFleet struct { // The unique identifier for the build that you want to use with this // fleet. BuildId *StringExpr `json:"BuildId,omitempty"` // Information that helps you identify the purpose of this fleet. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The number of EC2 instances that you want in this fleet. DesiredEC2Instances *IntegerExpr `json:"DesiredEC2Instances,omitempty"` // The incoming traffic, expressed as IP ranges and port numbers, that is // permitted to access the game server. If you don't specify values, no // traffic is permitted to your game servers. EC2InboundPermissions *GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList `json:"EC2InboundPermissions,omitempty"` // The type of EC2 instances that the fleet uses. EC2 instance types // define the CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity of the // fleet's hosts. For more information about the instance types that are // supported by GameLift, see the EC2InstanceType parameter in the Amazon // GameLift API Reference. EC2InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"EC2InstanceType,omitempty"` // The path to game-session log files that are generated by your game // server, with the slashes (\) escaped. After a game session has been // terminated, GameLift captures and stores the logs in an S3 bucket. LogPaths *StringListExpr `json:"LogPaths,omitempty"` // The maximum number of EC2 instances that you want to allow in this // fleet. By default, AWS CloudFormation, sets this property to 1. MaxSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // The minimum number of EC2 instances that you want to allow in this // fleet. By default, AWS CloudFormation, sets this property to 0. MinSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // An identifier to associate with this fleet. Fleet names don't need to // be unique. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The parameters that are required to launch your game server. Specify // these parameters as a string of command-line parameters, such as // +sv_port 33435 +start_lobby. ServerLaunchParameters *StringExpr `json:"ServerLaunchParameters,omitempty"` // The location of your game server that GameLift launches. You must // escape the slashes (\) and use the following pattern: // C:\\game\\launchpath. For example, if your game server files are in // the MyGame folder, the path should be C:\\game\\MyGame\\server.exe. ServerLaunchPath *StringExpr `json:"ServerLaunchPath,omitempty"` }
GameLiftFleet represents AWS::GameLift::Fleet
func (GameLiftFleet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s GameLiftFleet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::GameLift::Fleet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission ¶
type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission struct { // The starting value for a range of allowed port numbers. This value // must be lower than the ToPort value. FromPort *IntegerExpr `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // The range of allowed IP addresses in CIDR notation. IpRange *StringExpr `json:"IpRange,omitempty"` // The network communication protocol that is used by the fleet. For // valid values, see the IpPermission data type in the Amazon GameLift // API Reference. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The ending value for a range of allowed port numbers. This value must // be higher than the FromPort value. ToPort *IntegerExpr `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission represents Amazon GameLift Fleet EC2InboundPermission
type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList ¶
type GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList []GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission
GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList represents a list of GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermission
func (*GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *GameLiftFleetEC2InboundPermissionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type GetAZsFunc ¶
type GetAZsFunc struct {
Region StringExpr `json:"Fn::GetAZs"`
GetAZsFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::GetAZs intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Fn::GetAZs returns an array that lists Availability Zones for a specified region. Because customers have access to different Availability Zones, the intrinsic function Fn::GetAZs enables template authors to write templates that adapt to the calling user's access. That way you don't have to hard-code a full list of Availability Zones for a specified region.
func (GetAZsFunc) StringList ¶
func (f GetAZsFunc) StringList() *StringListExpr
StringList returns a new StringListExpr representing the literal value v.
type GetAttFunc ¶
GetAttFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::GetAtt intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Fn::GetAtt returns the value of an attribute from a resource in the template.
func (GetAttFunc) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f GetAttFunc) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (GetAttFunc) String ¶
func (f GetAttFunc) String() *StringExpr
func (*GetAttFunc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *GetAttFunc) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IAMAccessKey ¶
type IAMAccessKey struct { // This value is specific to AWS CloudFormation and can only be // incremented. Incrementing this value notifies AWS CloudFormation that // you want to rotate your access key. When you update your stack, AWS // CloudFormation will replace the existing access key with a new key. Serial *IntegerExpr `json:"Serial,omitempty"` // The status of the access key. By default, AWS CloudFormation sets this // property value to Active. Status *StringExpr `json:"Status,omitempty"` // The name of the user that the new key will belong to. UserName *StringExpr `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
IAMAccessKey represents AWS::IAM::AccessKey
func (IAMAccessKey) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IAMAccessKey) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::AccessKey to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMGroup ¶
type IAMGroup struct { // A name for the IAM group. For valid values, see the GroupName // parameter for the CreateGroup action in the IAM API Reference. If you // don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical // ID and uses that ID for the group name. GroupName *StringExpr `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // One or more managed policy ARNs to attach to this group. ManagedPolicyArns *StringListExpr `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // The path to the group. For more information about paths, see IAM // Identifiers in the IAM User Guide. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // The policies to associate with this group. For information about // policies, see Overview of IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide. Policies *IAMPoliciesList `json:"Policies,omitempty"` }
IAMGroup represents AWS::IAM::Group
func (IAMGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::Group to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMInstanceProfile ¶
type IAMInstanceProfile struct { // The path associated with this IAM instance profile. For information // about IAM paths, see Friendly Names and Paths in the AWS Identity and // Access Management User Guide. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // The name of an existing IAM role to associate with this instance // profile. Currently, a maximum of one role can be assigned to an // instance profile. Roles *StringListExpr `json:"Roles,omitempty"` }
IAMInstanceProfile represents AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
func (IAMInstanceProfile) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IAMInstanceProfile) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMManagedPolicy ¶
type IAMManagedPolicy struct { // A description of the policy. For example, you can describe the // permissions that are defined in the policy. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The names of groups to attach to this policy. Groups *StringListExpr `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // The path for the policy. By default, the path is /. For more // information, see IAM Identifiers in the IAM User Guide guide. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies that define the permissions for this managed policy. For more // information about policy syntax, see IAM Policy Elements Reference in // IAM User Guide. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The names of roles to attach to this policy. Roles *StringListExpr `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // The names of users to attach to this policy. Users *StringListExpr `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
IAMManagedPolicy represents AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
func (IAMManagedPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IAMManagedPolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMPolicies ¶
type IAMPolicies struct { // A policy document that describes what actions are allowed on which // resources. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The name of the policy. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
IAMPolicies represents IAM Policies
type IAMPoliciesList ¶
type IAMPoliciesList []IAMPolicies
IAMPoliciesList represents a list of IAMPolicies
func (*IAMPoliciesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IAMPoliciesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IAMPolicy ¶
type IAMPolicy struct { // The names of groups to which you want to add the policy. Groups *StringListExpr `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // A policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified // users or groups. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The name of the policy. If you specify multiple policies for an // entity, specify unique names. For example, if you specify a list of // policies for an IAM role, each policy must have a unique name. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // The names of AWS::IAM::Roles to attach to this policy. Roles *StringListExpr `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // The names of users for whom you want to add the policy. Users *StringListExpr `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
IAMPolicy represents AWS::IAM::Policy
func (IAMPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::Policy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMPolicyDocument ¶
type IAMPolicyDocument struct { Version string `json:",omitempty"` Statement []IAMPolicyStatement }
IAMPolicyDocument represents an IAM policy document
func (IAMPolicyDocument) ToJSON ¶
func (i IAMPolicyDocument) ToJSON() string
ToJSON returns the JSON representation of the policy document or panics if the object cannot be marshaled.
func (*IAMPolicyDocument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *IAMPolicyDocument) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation. This has been added to handle the special case of a single statement versus an array.
type IAMPolicyStatement ¶
type IAMPolicyStatement struct { Sid string `json:",omitempty"` Effect string `json:",omitempty"` Principal *IAMPrincipal `json:",omitempty"` NotPrincipal *IAMPrincipal `json:",omitempty"` Action *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` NotAction *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` Resource *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` Condition interface{} `json:",omitempty"` }
IAMPolicyStatement represents an IAM policy statement
type IAMPrincipal ¶
type IAMPrincipal struct { AWS *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` CanonicalUser *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` Federated *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` Service *StringListExpr `json:",omitempty"` }
IAMPrincipal represents a principal in an IAM policy
func (IAMPrincipal) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i IAMPrincipal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object. This has been added to handle the special case of "*" as the Principal value.
func (*IAMPrincipal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *IAMPrincipal) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation. This has been added to handle the special case of "*" as the Principal value.
type IAMRole ¶
type IAMRole struct { // The trust policy that is associated with this role. AssumeRolePolicyDocument interface{} `json:"AssumeRolePolicyDocument,omitempty"` // One or more managed policy ARNs to attach to this role. ManagedPolicyArns *StringListExpr `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // The path associated with this role. For information about IAM paths, // see Friendly Names and Paths in IAM User Guide. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // The policies to associate with this role. For sample templates, see // Template Examples. Policies *IAMPoliciesList `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // A name for the IAM role. For valid values, see the RoleName parameter // for the CreateRole action in the IAM API Reference. If you don't // specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and // uses that ID for the group name. RoleName *StringExpr `json:"RoleName,omitempty"` }
IAMRole represents AWS::IAM::Role
func (IAMRole) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::Role to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMUser ¶
type IAMUser struct { // A name of a group to which you want to add the user. Groups *StringListExpr `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Creates a login profile so that the user can access the AWS Management // Console. LoginProfile *IAMUserLoginProfile `json:"LoginProfile,omitempty"` // One or more managed policy ARNs to attach to this user. ManagedPolicyArns *StringListExpr `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // The path for the user name. For more information about paths, see IAM // Identifiers in the IAM User Guide. Path *StringExpr `json:"Path,omitempty"` // The policies to associate with this user. For information about // policies, see Overview of IAM Policies in the IAM User Guide. Policies *IAMPoliciesList `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // A name for the IAM user. For valid values, see the UserName parameter // for the CreateUser action in the IAM API Reference. If you don't // specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and // uses that ID for the user name. UserName *StringExpr `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
IAMUser represents AWS::IAM::User
func (IAMUser) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::User to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IAMUserLoginProfile ¶
type IAMUserLoginProfile struct { // The password for the user. Password *StringExpr `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the user is required to set a new password the next // time the user logs in to the AWS Management Console. PasswordResetRequired *BoolExpr `json:"PasswordResetRequired,omitempty"` }
IAMUserLoginProfile represents IAM User LoginProfile
type IAMUserLoginProfileList ¶
type IAMUserLoginProfileList []IAMUserLoginProfile
IAMUserLoginProfileList represents a list of IAMUserLoginProfile
func (*IAMUserLoginProfileList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IAMUserLoginProfileList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IAMUserToGroupAddition ¶
type IAMUserToGroupAddition struct { // The name of group to add users to. GroupName *StringExpr `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // Required: Yes Users interface{} `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
IAMUserToGroupAddition represents AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition
func (IAMUserToGroupAddition) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IAMUserToGroupAddition) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IfFunc ¶
type IfFunc struct { Condition string ValueIfTrue interface{} // a StringExpr if list==false, otherwise a StringListExpr ValueIfFalse interface{} // a StringExpr if list==false, otherwise a StringListExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IfFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::If intrinsic.
func If ¶
func If(condition string, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse Stringable) IfFunc
If returns a new instance of IfFunc for the provided string expressions.
See also: IfList
func IfList ¶
func IfList(condition string, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse StringListable) IfFunc
IfList returns a new instance of IfFunc for the provided string list expressions.
See also: If
func (IfFunc) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (IfFunc) String ¶
func (f IfFunc) String() *StringExpr
func (IfFunc) StringList ¶
func (f IfFunc) StringList() *StringListExpr
StringList returns a new StringListExpr representing the literal value v.
func (*IfFunc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ImportValueFunc ¶
type ImportValueFunc struct {
ValueToImport StringExpr `json:"Fn::ImportValue"`
ImportValueFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::ImportValue intrinsic. The intrinsic function Fn::ImportValue returns the value of an output exported by another stack. You typically use this function to create cross-stack references. In the following example template snippets, Stack A exports VPC security group values and Stack B imports them.
Note The following restrictions apply to cross-stack references:
For each AWS account, Export names must be unique within a region. You can't create cross-stack references across different regions. You can use the intrinsic function Fn::ImportValue only to import values that have been exported within the same region. For outputs, the value of the Name property of an Export can't use functions (Ref or GetAtt) that depend on a resource. Similarly, the ImportValue function can't include functions (Ref or GetAtt) that depend on a resource. You can't delete a stack if another stack references one of its outputs. You can't modify or remove the output value as long as it's referenced by another stack.
func ImportValue ¶
func ImportValue(valueToImport Stringable) ImportValueFunc
ImportValue returns a new instance of ImportValue that imports valueToImport.
func (ImportValueFunc) String ¶
func (r ImportValueFunc) String() *StringExpr
String returns this reference as a StringExpr
func (ImportValueFunc) StringList ¶
func (r ImportValueFunc) StringList() *StringListExpr
StringList returns this reference as a StringListExpr
type IntegerExpr ¶
type IntegerExpr struct { Func IntegerFunc Literal int64 }
IntegerExpr is a integer expression. If the value is computed then Func will be non-nill. If it is a literal constant integer then the Literal gives the value. Typically instances of this function are created by Integer() Ex:
type LocalBalancer struct { Timeout *IntegerExpr } lb := LocalBalancer{Timeout: Integer(300)}
func Integer ¶
func Integer(v int64) *IntegerExpr
Integer returns a new IntegerExpr representing the literal value v.
func (IntegerExpr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (x IntegerExpr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (*IntegerExpr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (x *IntegerExpr) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IntegerFunc ¶
type IntegerFunc interface { Func Integer() *IntegerExpr }
IntegerFunc is an interface provided by objects that represent Cloudformation function that can return an integer value.
type InterfaceLabel ¶
type InterfaceLabel struct { // The default label that the AWS CloudFormation console uses to name a // parameter group or parameter. Default *StringExpr `json:"default,omitempty"` }
InterfaceLabel represents AWS CloudFormation Interface Label
type InterfaceLabelList ¶
type InterfaceLabelList []InterfaceLabel
InterfaceLabelList represents a list of InterfaceLabel
func (*InterfaceLabelList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *InterfaceLabelList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type InterfaceParameterGroup ¶
type InterfaceParameterGroup struct { // A name for the parameter group. Label *InterfaceLabel `json:"Label,omitempty"` // A list of case-sensitive parameter logical IDs to include in the // group. Parameters must already be defined in the Parameters section of // the template. A parameter can be included in only one parameter group. Parameters *StringListExpr `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
InterfaceParameterGroup represents AWS CloudFormation Interface ParameterGroup
type InterfaceParameterGroupList ¶
type InterfaceParameterGroupList []InterfaceParameterGroup
InterfaceParameterGroupList represents a list of InterfaceParameterGroup
func (*InterfaceParameterGroupList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *InterfaceParameterGroupList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type InterfaceParameterLabel ¶
type InterfaceParameterLabel struct { // A label for a parameter. The label defines a friendly name or // description that the AWS CloudFormation console shows on the Specify // Parameters page when a stack is created or updated. The // ParameterLogicalID key must be the case-sensitive logical ID of a // valid parameter that has been declared in the Parameters section of // the template. ParameterLogicalID *InterfaceLabel `json:"ParameterLogicalID,omitempty"` }
InterfaceParameterLabel represents AWS CloudFormation Interface ParameterLabel
type InterfaceParameterLabelList ¶
type InterfaceParameterLabelList []InterfaceParameterLabel
InterfaceParameterLabelList represents a list of InterfaceParameterLabel
func (*InterfaceParameterLabelList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *InterfaceParameterLabelList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTActions ¶
type IoTActions struct { // Changes the state of a CloudWatch alarm. CloudwatchAlarm *IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction `json:"CloudwatchAlarm,omitempty"` // Captures a CloudWatch metric. CloudwatchMetric *IoTCloudwatchMetricAction `json:"CloudwatchMetric,omitempty"` // Writes data to a DynamoDB table. DynamoDB *IoTDynamoDBAction `json:"DynamoDB,omitempty"` // Writes data to an Elasticsearch domain. Elasticsearch *IoTElasticsearchAction `json:"Elasticsearch,omitempty"` // Writes data to a Firehose stream. Firehose *IoTFirehoseAction `json:"Firehose,omitempty"` // Writes data to an Amazon Kinesis stream. Kinesis *IoTKinesisAction `json:"Kinesis,omitempty"` // Invokes a Lambda function. Lambda *IoTLambdaAction `json:"Lambda,omitempty"` // Publishes data to an MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) topic different // from the one currently specified. Republish *IoTRepublishAction `json:"Republish,omitempty"` // Writes data to an S3 bucket. S3 *IoTS3Action `json:"S3,omitempty"` // Publishes data to an SNS topic. Sns *IoTSnsAction `json:"Sns,omitempty"` // Publishes data to an SQS queue. Sqs *IoTSqsAction `json:"Sqs,omitempty"` }
IoTActions represents AWS IoT Actions
type IoTActionsList ¶
type IoTActionsList []IoTActions
IoTActionsList represents a list of IoTActions
func (*IoTActionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTActionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTCertificate ¶
type IoTCertificate struct { // The certificate signing request (CSR). CertificateSigningRequest *StringExpr `json:"CertificateSigningRequest,omitempty"` // The status of the certificate. Status *StringExpr `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
IoTCertificate represents AWS::IoT::Certificate
func (IoTCertificate) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IoTCertificate) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::Certificate to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction ¶
type IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction struct { // The CloudWatch alarm name. AlarmName *StringExpr `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // The IAM role that allows access to the CloudWatch alarm. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The reason for the change of the alarm state. StateReason *StringExpr `json:"StateReason,omitempty"` // The value of the alarm state. StateValue *StringExpr `json:"StateValue,omitempty"` }
IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction represents AWS IoT CloudwatchAlarm Action
type IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList ¶
type IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList []IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction
IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList represents a list of IoTCloudwatchAlarmAction
func (*IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTCloudwatchAlarmActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTCloudwatchMetricAction ¶
type IoTCloudwatchMetricAction struct { // The name of the CloudWatch metric. MetricName *StringExpr `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // The name of the CloudWatch metric namespace. MetricNamespace *StringExpr `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // An optional Unix timestamp. MetricTimestamp *StringExpr `json:"MetricTimestamp,omitempty"` // The metric unit supported by Amazon CloudWatch. MetricUnit *StringExpr `json:"MetricUnit,omitempty"` // The value to publish to the metric. For example, if you count the // occurrences of a particular term such as Error, the value will be 1 // for each occurrence. MetricValue *StringExpr `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to the CloudWatch metric. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
IoTCloudwatchMetricAction represents AWS IoT CloudwatchMetric Action
type IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList ¶
type IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList []IoTCloudwatchMetricAction
IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList represents a list of IoTCloudwatchMetricAction
func (*IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTCloudwatchMetricActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTDynamoDBAction ¶
type IoTDynamoDBAction struct { // The name of the hash key. HashKeyField *StringExpr `json:"HashKeyField,omitempty"` // The value of the hash key. HashKeyValue *StringExpr `json:"HashKeyValue,omitempty"` // The name of the column in the DynamoDB table that contains the result // of the query. You can customize this name. PayloadField *StringExpr `json:"PayloadField,omitempty"` // The name of the range key. RangeKeyField *StringExpr `json:"RangeKeyField,omitempty"` // The value of the range key. RangeKeyValue *StringExpr `json:"RangeKeyValue,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to the DynamoDB table. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The name of the DynamoDB table. TableName *StringExpr `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
IoTDynamoDBAction represents AWS IoT DynamoDB Action
type IoTDynamoDBActionList ¶
type IoTDynamoDBActionList []IoTDynamoDBAction
IoTDynamoDBActionList represents a list of IoTDynamoDBAction
func (*IoTDynamoDBActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTDynamoDBActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTElasticsearchAction ¶
type IoTElasticsearchAction struct { // The endpoint of your Elasticsearch domain. Endpoint *StringExpr `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for the stored data. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The Elasticsearch index where the data is stored. Index *StringExpr `json:"Index,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to Elasticsearch. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The type of stored data. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
IoTElasticsearchAction represents AWS IoT Elasticsearch Action
type IoTElasticsearchActionList ¶
type IoTElasticsearchActionList []IoTElasticsearchAction
IoTElasticsearchActionList represents a list of IoTElasticsearchAction
func (*IoTElasticsearchActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTElasticsearchActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTFirehoseAction ¶
type IoTFirehoseAction struct { // The delivery stream name. DeliveryStreamName *StringExpr `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that grants access to // the Firehose stream. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // A character separator that's used to separate records written to the // Firehose stream. For valid values, see Firehose Action in the AWS IoT // Developer Guide. Separator *StringExpr `json:"Separator,omitempty"` }
IoTFirehoseAction represents AWS IoT Firehose Action
type IoTFirehoseActionList ¶
type IoTFirehoseActionList []IoTFirehoseAction
IoTFirehoseActionList represents a list of IoTFirehoseAction
func (*IoTFirehoseActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTFirehoseActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTKinesisAction ¶
type IoTKinesisAction struct { // The partition key (the grouping of data by shard within an an Amazon // Kinesis stream). PartitionKey *StringExpr `json:"PartitionKey,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to an Amazon Kinesis // stream. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The name of the Amazon Kinesis stream. StreamName *StringExpr `json:"StreamName,omitempty"` }
IoTKinesisAction represents AWS IoT Kinesis Action
type IoTKinesisActionList ¶
type IoTKinesisActionList []IoTKinesisAction
IoTKinesisActionList represents a list of IoTKinesisAction
func (*IoTKinesisActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTKinesisActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTLambdaAction ¶
type IoTLambdaAction struct { // The ARN of the Lambda function. FunctionArn *StringExpr `json:"FunctionArn,omitempty"` }
IoTLambdaAction represents AWS IoT Lambda Action
type IoTLambdaActionList ¶
type IoTLambdaActionList []IoTLambdaAction
IoTLambdaActionList represents a list of IoTLambdaAction
func (*IoTLambdaActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTLambdaActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTPolicy ¶
type IoTPolicy struct { // The JSON document that describes the policy. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The name (the physical ID) of the AWS IoT policy. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
IoTPolicy represents AWS::IoT::Policy
func (IoTPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::Policy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment ¶
type IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment struct { // The name of the policy. PolicyName *StringExpr `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // The principal, which can be a certificate ARN (as returned from the // CreateCertificate operation) or an Amazon Cognito ID. Principal *StringExpr `json:"Principal,omitempty"` }
IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment represents AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment
func (IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTRepublishAction ¶
type IoTRepublishAction struct { // The ARN of the IAM role that grants publishing access. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The name of the MQTT topic topic different from the one currently // specified. Topic *StringExpr `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
IoTRepublishAction represents AWS IoT Republish Action
type IoTRepublishActionList ¶
type IoTRepublishActionList []IoTRepublishAction
IoTRepublishActionList represents a list of IoTRepublishAction
func (*IoTRepublishActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTRepublishActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTS3Action ¶
type IoTS3Action struct { // The name of the S3 bucket. BucketName *StringExpr `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // The object key (the name of an object in the S3 bucket). Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to Amazon S3. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
IoTS3Action represents AWS IoT S3 Action
type IoTS3ActionList ¶
type IoTS3ActionList []IoTS3Action
IoTS3ActionList represents a list of IoTS3Action
func (*IoTS3ActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTS3ActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTSnsAction ¶
type IoTSnsAction struct { // The format of the published message. Amazon SNS uses this setting to // determine whether it should parse the payload and extract the // platform-specific bits from the payload. MessageFormat *StringExpr `json:"MessageFormat,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to Amazon SNS. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The ARN of the Amazon SNS topic. TargetArn *StringExpr `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
IoTSnsAction represents AWS IoT Sns Action
type IoTSnsActionList ¶
type IoTSnsActionList []IoTSnsAction
IoTSnsActionList represents a list of IoTSnsAction
func (*IoTSnsActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTSnsActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTSqsAction ¶
type IoTSqsAction struct { // The URL of the Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. QueueUrl *StringExpr `json:"QueueUrl,omitempty"` // The ARN of the IAM role that grants access to Amazon SQS. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Specifies whether Base64 encoding should be used. UseBase64 *BoolExpr `json:"UseBase64,omitempty"` }
IoTSqsAction represents AWS IoT Sqs Action
type IoTSqsActionList ¶
type IoTSqsActionList []IoTSqsAction
IoTSqsActionList represents a list of IoTSqsAction
func (*IoTSqsActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTSqsActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type IoTThing ¶
type IoTThing struct { // A JSON string that contains up to three key-value pairs, for example: // { "attributes": { "string1":"string2" } }. AttributePayload interface{} `json:"AttributePayload,omitempty"` // The name (the physical ID) of the AWS IoT thing. ThingName *StringExpr `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
IoTThing represents AWS::IoT::Thing
func (IoTThing) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::Thing to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTThingPrincipalAttachment ¶
type IoTThingPrincipalAttachment struct { // The principal, which can be a certificate ARN (as returned from the // CreateCertificate operation) or an Amazon Cognito ID. Principal *StringExpr `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // The name of the AWS IoT thing. ThingName *StringExpr `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
IoTThingPrincipalAttachment represents AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment
func (IoTThingPrincipalAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IoTThingPrincipalAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTTopicRule ¶
type IoTTopicRule struct { // The name (the physical ID) of the AWS IoT rule. RuleName *StringExpr `json:"RuleName,omitempty"` // The actions associated with the AWS IoT rule. TopicRulePayload *IoTTopicRulePayload `json:"TopicRulePayload,omitempty"` }
IoTTopicRule represents AWS::IoT::TopicRule
func (IoTTopicRule) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s IoTTopicRule) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::IoT::TopicRule to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type IoTTopicRulePayload ¶
type IoTTopicRulePayload struct { // The actions associated with the rule. Actions *IoTActionsList `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // The version of the SQL rules engine to use when evaluating the rule. AwsIotSqlVersion *StringExpr `json:"AwsIotSqlVersion,omitempty"` // The description of the rule. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the rule is disabled. RuleDisabled *BoolExpr `json:"RuleDisabled,omitempty"` // The SQL statement that queries the topic. For more information, see // Rules for AWS IoT in the AWS IoT Developer Guide. Sql *StringExpr `json:"Sql,omitempty"` }
IoTTopicRulePayload represents AWS IoT TopicRulePayload
type IoTTopicRulePayloadList ¶
type IoTTopicRulePayloadList []IoTTopicRulePayload
IoTTopicRulePayloadList represents a list of IoTTopicRulePayload
func (*IoTTopicRulePayloadList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *IoTTopicRulePayloadList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type JoinFunc ¶
type JoinFunc struct { Separator string Items StringListExpr }
JoinFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::Join intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Fn::Join appends a set of values into a single value, separated by the specified delimiter. If a delimiter is the empty string, the set of values are concatenated with no delimiter.
func (JoinFunc) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (JoinFunc) String ¶
func (f JoinFunc) String() *StringExpr
func (*JoinFunc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KMSAlias ¶
type KMSAlias struct { // The name of the alias. The name must start with alias followed by a // forward slash, such as alias/. You can't specify aliases that begin // with alias/AWS. These aliases are reserved. AliasName *StringExpr `json:"AliasName,omitempty"` // The ID of the key for which you are creating the alias. Specify the // key's globally unique identifier or Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You // can't specify another alias. TargetKeyId *StringExpr `json:"TargetKeyId,omitempty"` }
KMSAlias represents AWS::KMS::Alias
func (KMSAlias) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::KMS::Alias to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type KMSKey ¶
type KMSKey struct { // A description of the key. Use a description that helps your users // decide whether the key is appropriate for a particular task. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the key is available for use. AWS CloudFormation // sets this value to true by default. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Indicates whether AWS KMS rotates the key. AWS CloudFormation sets // this value to false by default. EnableKeyRotation *BoolExpr `json:"EnableKeyRotation,omitempty"` // An AWS KMS key policy to attach to the key. Use a policy to specify // who has permission to use the key and which actions they can perform. // For more information, see Key Policies in the AWS Key Management // Service Developer Guide. KeyPolicy interface{} `json:"KeyPolicy,omitempty"` }
KMSKey represents AWS::KMS::Key
func (KMSKey) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::KMS::Key to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream struct { // A name for the delivery stream. DeliveryStreamName *StringExpr `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // An Amazon ES destination for the delivery stream. ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration `json:"ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // An Amazon Redshift destination for the delivery stream. RedshiftDestinationConfiguration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration `json:"RedshiftDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // An Amazon S3 destination for the delivery stream. S3DestinationConfiguration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3DestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream represents AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream
func (KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions struct { // Indicates whether CloudWatch Logs logging is enabled. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The name of the CloudWatch Logs log group that contains the log stream // that Firehose will use. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // The name of the CloudWatch Logs log stream that Firehose uses to send // logs about data delivery. LogStreamName *StringExpr `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream Destination CloudWatchLoggingOptions
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration struct { // Configures how Firehose buffers incoming data while delivering it to // the Amazon ES domain. BufferingHints *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // The Amazon CloudWatch Logs logging options for the delivery stream. CloudWatchLoggingOptions *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon ES domain that Firehose // delivers data to. DomainARN *StringExpr `json:"DomainARN,omitempty"` // The name of the Elasticsearch index to which Firehose adds data for // indexing. IndexName *StringExpr `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // The frequency of Elasticsearch index rotation. If you enable index // rotation, Firehose appends a portion of the UTC arrival timestamp to // the specified index name, and rotates the appended timestamp // accordingly. For more information, see Index Rotation for the Amazon // ES Destination in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide. IndexRotationPeriod *StringExpr `json:"IndexRotationPeriod,omitempty"` // The retry behavior when Firehose is unable to deliver data to Amazon // ES. RetryOptions *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions `json:"RetryOptions,omitempty"` // The ARN of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that // grants Firehose access to your S3 bucket, AWS KMS (if you enable data // encryption), and Amazon CloudWatch Logs (if you enable logging). RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // The condition under which Firehose delivers data to Amazon Simple // Storage Service (Amazon S3). You can send Amazon S3 all documents (all // data) or only the documents that Firehose could not deliver to the // Amazon ES destination. For more information and valid values, see the // S3BackupMode content for the ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration // data type in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. S3BackupMode *StringExpr `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` // The S3 bucket where Firehose backs up incoming data. S3Configuration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // The Elasticsearch type name that Amazon ES adds to documents when // indexing data. TypeName *StringExpr `json:"TypeName,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints struct { // The length of time, in seconds, that Firehose buffers incoming data // before delivering it to the destination. For valid values, see the // IntervalInSeconds content for the BufferingHints data type in the // Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. IntervalInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // The size of the buffer, in MBs, that Firehose uses for incoming data // before delivering it to the destination. For valid values, see the // SizeInMBs content for the BufferingHints data type in the Amazon // Kinesis Firehose API Reference. SizeInMBs *IntegerExpr `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration BufferingHints
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions struct { // After an initial failure to deliver to Amazon ES, the total amount of // time during which Firehose re-attempts delivery (including the first // attempt). If Firehose can't deliver the data within the specified // time, it writes the data to the backup S3 bucket. For valid values, // see the DurationInSeconds content for the ElasticsearchRetryOptions // data type in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. DurationInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration RetryOptions
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptions
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamElasticsearchDestinationConfigurationRetryOptionsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration struct { // The Amazon CloudWatch Logs logging options for the delivery stream. CloudWatchLoggingOptions *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // The connection string that Firehose uses to connect to the Amazon // Redshift cluster. ClusterJDBCURL *StringExpr `json:"ClusterJDBCURL,omitempty"` // Configures the Amazon Redshift COPY command that Firehose uses to load // data into the cluster from the S3 bucket. CopyCommand *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand `json:"CopyCommand,omitempty"` // The password for the Amazon Redshift user that you specified in the // Username property. Password *StringExpr `json:"Password,omitempty"` // The ARN of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that // grants Firehose access to your S3 bucket and AWS KMS (if you enable // data encryption). RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // The S3 bucket where Firehose first delivers data. After the data is in // the bucket, Firehose uses the COPY command to load the data into the // Amazon Redshift cluster. For the S3 bucket's compression format, don't // specify SNAPPY or ZIP because the Amazon Redshift COPY command doesn't // support them. S3Configuration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // The Amazon Redshift user that has permission to access the Amazon // Redshift cluster. This user must have INSERT privileges for copying // data from the S3 bucket to the cluster. Username *StringExpr `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream RedshiftDestinationConfiguration
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand struct { // Parameters to use with the Amazon Redshift COPY command. For examples, // see the CopyOptions content for the CopyCommand data type in the // Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. CopyOptions *StringExpr `json:"CopyOptions,omitempty"` // A comma-separated list of the column names in the table that Firehose // copies data to. DataTableColumns *StringExpr `json:"DataTableColumns,omitempty"` // The name of the table where Firehose adds the copied data. DataTableName *StringExpr `json:"DataTableName,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream RedshiftDestinationConfiguration CopyCommand
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommand
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationCopyCommandList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfiguration
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamRedshiftDestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket to send data to. BucketARN *StringExpr `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // Configures how Firehose buffers incoming data while delivering it to // the S3 bucket. BufferingHints *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // The Amazon CloudWatch Logs logging options for the delivery stream. CloudWatchLoggingOptions *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamDestinationCloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // The type of compression that Firehose uses to compress the data that // it delivers to the S3 bucket. For valid values, see the // CompressionFormat content for the S3DestinationConfiguration data type // in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. CompressionFormat *StringExpr `json:"CompressionFormat,omitempty"` // Configures Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) server-side // encryption. Firehose uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to // encrypt the data that it delivers to your S3 bucket. EncryptionConfiguration *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // A prefix that Firehose adds to the files that it delivers to the S3 // bucket. The prefix helps you identify the files that Firehose // delivered. Prefix *StringExpr `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // The ARN of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that // grants Firehose access to your S3 bucket and AWS KMS (if you enable // data encryption). RoleARN *StringExpr `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream S3DestinationConfiguration
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints struct { // The length of time, in seconds, that Firehose buffers incoming data // before delivering it to the destination. For valid values, see the // IntervalInSeconds content for the BufferingHints data type in the // Amazon Kinesis Firehose API Reference. IntervalInSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // The size of the buffer, in MBs, that Firehose uses for incoming data // before delivering it to the destination. For valid values, see the // SizeInMBs content for the BufferingHints data type in the Amazon // Kinesis Firehose API Reference. SizeInMBs *IntegerExpr `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream S3DestinationConfiguration BufferingHints
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHints
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationBufferingHintsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration struct { // The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption key that Amazon S3 // uses to encrypt your data. KMSEncryptionConfig *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig `json:"KMSEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` // Disables encryption. For valid values, see the NoEncryptionConfig // content for the EncryptionConfiguration data type in the Amazon // Kinesis Firehose API Reference. NoEncryptionConfig *StringExpr `json:"NoEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream S3DestinationConfiguration EncryptionConfiguration
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS encryption key that // Amazon S3 uses to encrypt data delivered by the Firehose stream. The // key must belong to the same region as the destination S3 bucket. AWSKMSKeyARN *StringExpr `json:"AWSKMSKeyARN,omitempty"` }
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig represents Amazon Kinesis Firehose DeliveryStream S3DestinationConfiguration EncryptionConfiguration KMSEncryptionConfig
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfig
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationKMSEncryptionConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfiguration
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationEncryptionConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList ¶
type KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList []KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration
KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList represents a list of KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfiguration
func (*KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *KinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamS3DestinationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type KinesisStream ¶
type KinesisStream struct { // The name of the Amazon Kinesis stream. If you don't specify a name, // AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for // the stream name. For more information, see Name Type. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The number of shards that the stream uses. For greater provisioned // throughput, increase the number of shards. ShardCount *IntegerExpr `json:"ShardCount,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) to associate with the // Amazon Kinesis stream. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
KinesisStream represents AWS::Kinesis::Stream
func (KinesisStream) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s KinesisStream) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Kinesis::Stream to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LambdaAlias ¶
type LambdaAlias struct { // Information about the alias, such as its purpose or the Lambda // function that is associated with it. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The Lambda function that you want to associate with this alias. You // can specify the function's name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). FunctionName *StringExpr `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // The version of the Lambda function that you want to associate with // this alias. FunctionVersion *StringExpr `json:"FunctionVersion,omitempty"` // A name for the alias. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
LambdaAlias represents AWS::Lambda::Alias
func (LambdaAlias) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LambdaAlias) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Lambda::Alias to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LambdaEventSourceMapping ¶
type LambdaEventSourceMapping struct { // The largest number of records that Lambda retrieves from your event // source when invoking your function. Your function receives an event // with all the retrieved records. For the default and valid values, see // CreateEventSourceMapping in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. BatchSize *IntegerExpr `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Lambda begins polling the event source. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis or DynamoDB // stream that is the source of events. Any record added to this stream // can invoke the Lambda function. For more information, see // CreateEventSourceMapping in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. EventSourceArn *StringExpr `json:"EventSourceArn,omitempty"` // The name or ARN of a Lambda function to invoke when Lambda detects an // event on the stream. FunctionName *StringExpr `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // The position in the stream where Lambda starts reading. For valid // values, see CreateEventSourceMapping in the AWS Lambda Developer // Guide. StartingPosition *StringExpr `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` }
LambdaEventSourceMapping represents AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping
func (LambdaEventSourceMapping) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LambdaEventSourceMapping) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LambdaFunction ¶
type LambdaFunction struct { // The source code of your Lambda function. You can point to a file in an // Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or specify your // source code as inline text. Code *LambdaFunctionCode `json:"Code,omitempty"` // A description of the function. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Key-value pairs that Lambda caches and makes available for your Lambda // functions. Use environment variables to apply configuration changes, // such as test and production environment configurations, without // changing your Lambda function source code. Environment *LambdaFunctionEnvironment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // A name for the function. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // function's name. For more information, see Name Type. FunctionName *StringExpr `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // The name of the function (within your source code) that Lambda calls // to start running your code. For more information, see the Handler // property in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. Handler *StringExpr `json:"Handler,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Key Management Service (AWS // KMS) key that Lambda uses to encrypt and decrypt environment variable // values. KmsKeyArn *StringExpr `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // The amount of memory, in MB, that is allocated to your Lambda // function. Lambda uses this value to proportionally allocate the amount // of CPU power. For more information, see Resource Model in the AWS // Lambda Developer Guide. MemorySize *IntegerExpr `json:"MemorySize,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) execution role that Lambda assumes when it runs your // code to access AWS services. Role *StringExpr `json:"Role,omitempty"` // The runtime environment for the Lambda function that you are // uploading. For valid values, see the Runtime property in the AWS // Lambda Developer Guide. Runtime *StringExpr `json:"Runtime,omitempty"` // The function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates // the function. Because the execution time affects cost, set this value // based on the function's expected execution time. By default, Timeout // is set to 3 seconds. Timeout *IntegerExpr `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // If the Lambda function requires access to resources in a VPC, specify // a VPC configuration that Lambda uses to set up an elastic network // interface (ENI). The ENI enables your function to connect to other // resources in your VPC, but it doesn't provide public Internet access. // If your function requires Internet access (for example, to access AWS // services that don't have VPC endpoints), configure a Network Address // Translation (NAT) instance inside your VPC or use an Amazon Virtual // Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) NAT gateway. For more information, see NAT // Gateways in the Amazon VPC User Guide. VpcConfig *LambdaFunctionVPCConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
LambdaFunction represents AWS::Lambda::Function
func (LambdaFunction) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LambdaFunction) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Lambda::Function to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LambdaFunctionCode ¶
type LambdaFunctionCode struct { // The name of the S3 bucket that contains the source code of your Lambda // function. The S3 bucket must be in the same region as the stack. S3Bucket *StringExpr `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // The location and name of the .zip file that contains your source code. // If you specify this property, you must also specify the S3Bucket // property. S3Key *StringExpr `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` // If you have S3 versioning enabled, the version ID of file that // contains your source code. You can specify this property only if you // specify the S3Bucket and S3Key properties. S3ObjectVersion *StringExpr `json:"S3ObjectVersion,omitempty"` // For nodejs4.3 and python2.7 runtime environments, the source code of // your Lambda function. You can't use this property with other runtime // environments. ZipFile *StringExpr `json:"ZipFile,omitempty"` }
LambdaFunctionCode represents AWS Lambda Function Code
type LambdaFunctionCodeList ¶
type LambdaFunctionCodeList []LambdaFunctionCode
LambdaFunctionCodeList represents a list of LambdaFunctionCode
func (*LambdaFunctionCodeList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LambdaFunctionCodeList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type LambdaFunctionEnvironment ¶
type LambdaFunctionEnvironment struct {
// A map of key-value pairs that the Lambda function can access.
Variables interface{} `json:"Variables,omitempty"`
LambdaFunctionEnvironment represents AWS Lambda Function Environment
type LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList ¶
type LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList []LambdaFunctionEnvironment
LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList represents a list of LambdaFunctionEnvironment
func (*LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LambdaFunctionEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type LambdaFunctionVPCConfig ¶
type LambdaFunctionVPCConfig struct { // A list of one or more security groups IDs in the VPC that includes the // resources to which your Lambda function requires access. SecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // A list of one or more subnet IDs in the VPC that includes the // resources to which your Lambda function requires access. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
LambdaFunctionVPCConfig represents AWS Lambda Function VPCConfig
type LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList ¶
type LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList []LambdaFunctionVPCConfig
LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList represents a list of LambdaFunctionVPCConfig
func (*LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LambdaFunctionVPCConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type LambdaPermission ¶
type LambdaPermission struct { // The Lambda actions that you want to allow in this statement. For // example, you can specify lambda:CreateFunction to specify a certain // action, or use a wildcard (lambda:*) to grant permission to all Lambda // actions. For a list of actions, see Actions and Condition Context Keys // for AWS Lambda in the IAM User Guide. Action *StringExpr `json:"Action,omitempty"` // The name (physical ID), Amazon Resource Name (ARN), or alias ARN of // the Lambda function that you want to associate with this statement. // Lambda adds this statement to the function's access policy. FunctionName *StringExpr `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // The entity for which you are granting permission to invoke the Lambda // function. This entity can be any valid AWS service principal, such as // or, or, if you are granting // cross-account permission, an AWS account ID. For example, you might // want to allow a custom application in another AWS account to push // events to Lambda by invoking your function. Principal *StringExpr `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // The AWS account ID (without hyphens) of the source owner. For example, // if you specify an S3 bucket in the SourceArn property, this value is // the bucket owner's account ID. You can use this property to ensure // that all source principals are owned by a specific account. SourceAccount *StringExpr `json:"SourceAccount,omitempty"` // The ARN of a resource that is invoking your function. When granting // Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) permission to invoke your // function, specify this property with the bucket ARN as its value. This // ensures that events generated only from the specified bucket, not just // any bucket from any AWS account that creates a mapping to your // function, can invoke the function. SourceArn *StringExpr `json:"SourceArn,omitempty"` }
LambdaPermission represents AWS::Lambda::Permission
func (LambdaPermission) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LambdaPermission) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Lambda::Permission to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LambdaVersion ¶
type LambdaVersion struct { // The SHA-256 hash of the deployment package that you want to publish. // This value must match the SHA-256 hash of the $LATEST version of the // function. Specify this property to validate that you are publishing // the correct package. CodeSha256 *StringExpr `json:"CodeSha256,omitempty"` // A description of the version you are publishing. If you don't specify // a value, Lambda copies the description from the $LATEST version of the // function. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The Lambda function for which you want to publish a version. You can // specify the function's name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). FunctionName *StringExpr `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` }
LambdaVersion represents AWS::Lambda::Version
func (LambdaVersion) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LambdaVersion) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Lambda::Version to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LogsDestination ¶
type LogsDestination struct { // The name of the CloudWatch Logs destination. DestinationName *StringExpr `json:"DestinationName,omitempty"` // An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy that specifies who // can write to your destination. DestinationPolicy *StringExpr `json:"DestinationPolicy,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that permits CloudWatch // Logs to send data to the specified AWS resource (TargetArn). RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // The ARN of the AWS resource that receives log events. Currently, you // can specify only an Amazon Kinesis stream. TargetArn *StringExpr `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
LogsDestination represents AWS::Logs::Destination
func (LogsDestination) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LogsDestination) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Logs::Destination to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LogsLogGroup ¶
type LogsLogGroup struct { // A name for the log group. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // table name. For more information, see Name Type. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // The number of days log events are kept in CloudWatch Logs. When a log // event expires, CloudWatch Logs automatically deletes it. For valid // values, see PutRetentionPolicy in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs API // Reference. RetentionInDays *IntegerExpr `json:"RetentionInDays,omitempty"` }
LogsLogGroup represents AWS::Logs::LogGroup
func (LogsLogGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LogsLogGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Logs::LogGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LogsLogStream ¶
type LogsLogStream struct { // The name of the log group where the log stream is created. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // The name of the log stream to create. The name must be unique within // the log group. LogStreamName *StringExpr `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
LogsLogStream represents AWS::Logs::LogStream
func (LogsLogStream) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LogsLogStream) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Logs::LogStream to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LogsMetricFilter ¶
type LogsMetricFilter struct { // Describes the pattern that CloudWatch Logs follows to interpret each // entry in a log. For example, a log entry might contain fields such as // timestamps, IP addresses, error codes, bytes transferred, and so on. // You use the pattern to specify those fields and to specify what to // look for in the log file. For example, if you're interested in error // codes that begin with 1234, your filter pattern might be [timestamps, // ip_addresses, error_codes = 1234*, size, ...]. FilterPattern *StringExpr `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // The name of an existing log group that you want to associate with this // metric filter. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // Describes how to transform data from a log into a CloudWatch metric. MetricTransformations *CloudWatchLogsMetricFilterMetricTransformationPropertyList `json:"MetricTransformations,omitempty"` }
LogsMetricFilter represents AWS::Logs::MetricFilter
func (LogsMetricFilter) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LogsMetricFilter) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Logs::MetricFilter to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type LogsSubscriptionFilter ¶
type LogsSubscriptionFilter struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream or Lambda // function that you want to use as the subscription feed destination. DestinationArn *StringExpr `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // The filtering expressions that restrict what gets delivered to the // destination AWS resource. For more information about the filter // pattern syntax, see Filter and Pattern Syntax in the Amazon CloudWatch // User Guide. FilterPattern *StringExpr `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // The log group to associate with the subscription filter. All log // events that are uploaded to this log group are filtered and delivered // to the specified AWS resource if the filter pattern matches the log // events. LogGroupName *StringExpr `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // An IAM role that grants CloudWatch Logs permission to put data into // the specified Amazon Kinesis stream. For Lambda and CloudWatch Logs // destinations, don't specify this property because CloudWatch Logs gets // the necessary permissions from the destination resource. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
LogsSubscriptionFilter represents AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter
func (LogsSubscriptionFilter) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s LogsSubscriptionFilter) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type Mapping ¶
Mapping matches a key to a corresponding set of named values. For example, if you want to set values based on a region, you can create a mapping that uses the region name as a key and contains the values you want to specify for each specific region. You use the Fn::FindInMap intrinsic function to retrieve values in a map.
type Name ¶
type Name struct { }
Name represents Name Type
type NameList ¶
type NameList []Name
NameList represents a list of Name
func (*NameList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksApp ¶
type OpsWorksApp struct { // The information required to retrieve an app from a repository. AppSource *OpsWorksSource `json:"AppSource,omitempty"` // One or more user-defined key-value pairs to be added to the app // attributes bag. Attributes interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // A description of the app. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A list of databases to associate with the AWS OpsWorks app. DataSources *DataSourceList `json:"DataSources,omitempty"` // The app virtual host settings, with multiple domains separated by // commas. For example, ','. Domains *StringListExpr `json:"Domains,omitempty"` // Whether to enable SSL for this app. EnableSsl *BoolExpr `json:"EnableSsl,omitempty"` // The environment variables to associate with the AWS OpsWorks app. Environment *OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // The name of the AWS OpsWorks app. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The app short name, which is used internally by AWS OpsWorks and by // Chef recipes. Shortname *StringExpr `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // The SSL configuration SslConfiguration *OpsWorksSslConfiguration `json:"SslConfiguration,omitempty"` // The ID of the AWS OpsWorks stack to associate this app with. StackId *StringExpr `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // The app type. Each supported type is associated with a particular // layer. For more information, see CreateApp in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks // API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksApp represents AWS::OpsWorks::App
func (OpsWorksApp) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksApp) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::App to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksAppEnvironment ¶
type OpsWorksAppEnvironment struct { // The name of the environment variable, which can consist of up to 64 // characters. You can use upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and // underscores (_), but the name must start with a letter or underscore. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the value of the environment variable is concealed, // such as with a DescribeApps response. To conceal an environment // variable's value, set the value to true. Secure *BoolExpr `json:"Secure,omitempty"` // The value of the environment variable, which can be empty. You can // specify a value of up to 256 characters. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksAppEnvironment represents AWS OpsWorks App Environment
type OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList ¶
type OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList []OpsWorksAppEnvironment
OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList represents a list of OpsWorksAppEnvironment
func (*OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksAppEnvironmentList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds ¶
type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds struct { // The percentage of CPU utilization that triggers the starting or // stopping of instances (scaling). CpuThreshold *IntegerExpr `json:"CpuThreshold,omitempty"` // The amount of time (in minutes) after a scaling event occurs that AWS // OpsWorks should ignore metrics and not start any additional scaling // events. IgnoreMetricsTime *IntegerExpr `json:"IgnoreMetricsTime,omitempty"` // The number of instances to add or remove when the load exceeds a // threshold. InstanceCount *IntegerExpr `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // The degree of system load that triggers the starting or stopping of // instances (scaling). For more information about how load is computed, // see Load (computing). LoadThreshold *IntegerExpr `json:"LoadThreshold,omitempty"` // The percentage of memory consumption that triggers the starting or // stopping of instances (scaling). MemoryThreshold *IntegerExpr `json:"MemoryThreshold,omitempty"` // The amount of time, in minutes, that the load must exceed a threshold // before instances are added or removed. ThresholdsWaitTime *IntegerExpr `json:"ThresholdsWaitTime,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds represents AWS OpsWorks AutoScalingThresholds Type
type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList ¶
type OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList []OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds
OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList represents a list of OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds
func (*OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholdsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksChefConfiguration ¶
type OpsWorksChefConfiguration struct { // The Berkshelf version. BerkshelfVersion *StringExpr `json:"BerkshelfVersion,omitempty"` // Whether to enable Berkshelf. ManageBerkshelf *BoolExpr `json:"ManageBerkshelf,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksChefConfiguration represents AWS OpsWorks ChefConfiguration Type
type OpsWorksChefConfigurationList ¶
type OpsWorksChefConfigurationList []OpsWorksChefConfiguration
OpsWorksChefConfigurationList represents a list of OpsWorksChefConfiguration
func (*OpsWorksChefConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksChefConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment ¶
type OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment struct { // Elastic Load Balancing load balancer name. ElasticLoadBalancerName *StringExpr `json:"ElasticLoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // The AWS OpsWorks layer ID that the Elastic Load Balancing load // balancer will be attached to. LayerId *StringExpr `json:"LayerId,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment represents AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
func (OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksInstance ¶
type OpsWorksInstance struct { // The version of the AWS OpsWorks agent that AWS OpsWorks installs on // each instance. AWS OpsWorks sends commands to the agent to performs // tasks on your instances, such as starting Chef runs. For valid values, // see the AgentVersion parameter for the CreateInstance action in the // AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. AgentVersion *StringExpr `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // The ID of the custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to be used to create // the instance. For more information about custom AMIs, see Using Custom // AMIs in the AWS OpsWorks User Guide. AmiId *StringExpr `json:"AmiId,omitempty"` // The instance architecture. Architecture *StringExpr `json:"Architecture,omitempty"` // For scaling instances, the type of scaling. If you specify load-based // scaling, do not specify a time-based scaling configuration. For valid // values, see CreateInstance in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. AutoScalingType *StringExpr `json:"AutoScalingType,omitempty"` // The instance Availability Zone. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // A list of block devices that are mapped to the AWS OpsWorks instance. // For more information, see the BlockDeviceMappings parameter for the // CreateInstance action in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. BlockDeviceMappings *OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // Whether the instance is optimized for Amazon Elastic Block Store // (Amazon EBS) I/O. If you specify an Amazon EBS-optimized instance // type, AWS OpsWorks enables EBS optimization by default. For more // information, see Amazon EBS–Optimized Instances in the Amazon EC2 // User Guide for Linux Instances. EbsOptimized *BoolExpr `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // A list of Elastic IP addresses to associate with the instance. ElasticIps *StringListExpr `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // The name of the instance host. Hostname *StringExpr `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // Whether to install operating system and package updates when the // instance boots. InstallUpdatesOnBoot *BoolExpr `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // The instance type, which must be supported by AWS OpsWorks. For more // information, see CreateInstance in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API // Reference. InstanceType *StringExpr `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // The IDs of the AWS OpsWorks layers to associate with this instance. LayerIds *StringListExpr `json:"LayerIds,omitempty"` // The instance operating system. For more information, see // CreateInstance in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. Os *StringExpr `json:"Os,omitempty"` // The root device type of the instance. RootDeviceType *StringExpr `json:"RootDeviceType,omitempty"` // The SSH key name of the instance. SshKeyName *StringExpr `json:"SshKeyName,omitempty"` // The ID of the AWS OpsWorks stack that this instance will be associated // with. StackId *StringExpr `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // The ID of the instance's subnet. If the stack is running in a VPC, you // can use this parameter to override the stack's default subnet ID value // and direct AWS OpsWorks to launch the instance in a different subnet. SubnetId *StringExpr `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // The tenancy of the instance. For more information, see the Tenancy // parameter for the CreateInstance action in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API // Reference. Tenancy *StringExpr `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // The time-based scaling configuration for the instance. TimeBasedAutoScaling *OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling `json:"TimeBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // The instance's virtualization type, paravirtual or hvm. VirtualizationType *StringExpr `json:"VirtualizationType,omitempty"` // A list of AWS OpsWorks volume IDs to associate with the instance. For // more information, see AWS::OpsWorks::Volume. Volumes *StringListExpr `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksInstance represents AWS::OpsWorks::Instance
func (OpsWorksInstance) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksInstance) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::Instance to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping ¶
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping struct { // The name of the device that is exposed to the instance, such as // /dev/dsh or xvdh. For the root device, you can use the explicit device // name or you can set this parameter to ROOT_DEVICE. If you set the // parameter to ROOT_DEVICE, AWS OpsWorks provides the correct device // name. DeviceName *StringExpr `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Configuration information about the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon // EBS) volume. Ebs *OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // Suppresses the device that is specified in the block device mapping of // the AWS OpsWorks instance Amazon Machine Image (AMI). NoDevice *StringExpr `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual device. The name must be in the form // ephemeralX, where X is a number equal to or greater than zero (0), for // example, ephemeral0. VirtualName *StringExpr `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping represents AWS OpsWorks Instance BlockDeviceMapping
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice ¶
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice struct { // Indicates whether to delete the volume when the instance is // terminated. DeleteOnTermination *BoolExpr `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume // supports. For more information, see Iops for the EbsBlockDevice action // in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The snapshot ID of the volume that you want to use. If you specify // both the SnapshotId and VolumeSize properties, VolumeSize must be // equal to or greater than the size of the snapshot. SnapshotId *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // The volume size, in Gibibytes (GiB). If you specify both the // SnapshotId and VolumeSize properties, VolumeSize must be equal to or // greater than the size of the snapshot. For more information about // specifying volume size, see VolumeSize for the EbsBlockDevice action // in the Amazon EC2 API Reference. VolumeSize *IntegerExpr `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // The volume type. For more information about specifying the volume // type, see VolumeType for the EbsBlockDevice action in the Amazon EC2 // API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice represents AWS OpsWorks Instance BlockDeviceMapping EbsBlockDevice
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList ¶
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList []OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice
OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList represents a list of OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDevice
func (*OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingEbsBlockDeviceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList ¶
type OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList []OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping
OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList represents a list of OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMapping
func (*OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksInstanceBlockDeviceMappingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksLayer ¶
type OpsWorksLayer struct { // One or more user-defined key-value pairs to be added to the stack // attributes bag. Attributes interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // Whether to automatically assign an Elastic IP address to Amazon EC2 // instances in this layer. AutoAssignElasticIps *BoolExpr `json:"AutoAssignElasticIps,omitempty"` // For AWS OpsWorks stacks that are running in a VPC, whether to // automatically assign a public IP address to Amazon EC2 instances in // this layer. AutoAssignPublicIps *BoolExpr `json:"AutoAssignPublicIps,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM instance profile that is to // be used for the Amazon EC2 instances in this layer. CustomInstanceProfileArn *StringExpr `json:"CustomInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // A custom stack configuration and deployment attributes that AWS // OpsWorks installs on the layer's instances. For more information, see // the CustomJson parameter for the CreateLayer action in the AWS // OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // Custom event recipes for this layer. CustomRecipes *OpsWorksRecipes `json:"CustomRecipes,omitempty"` // Custom security group IDs for this layer. CustomSecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"CustomSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // Whether to automatically heal Amazon EC2 instances that have become // disconnected or timed out. EnableAutoHealing *BoolExpr `json:"EnableAutoHealing,omitempty"` // Whether to install operating system and package updates when the // instance boots. InstallUpdatesOnBoot *BoolExpr `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // The lifecycle events for the AWS OpsWorks layer. LifecycleEventConfiguration *OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration `json:"LifecycleEventConfiguration,omitempty"` // The load-based scaling configuration for the AWS OpsWorks layer. LoadBasedAutoScaling *OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling `json:"LoadBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // The AWS OpsWorks layer name. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The packages for this layer. Packages *StringListExpr `json:"Packages,omitempty"` // The layer short name, which is used internally by AWS OpsWorks and by // Chef recipes. The short name is also used as the name for the // directory where your app files are installed. Shortname *StringExpr `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // The ID of the AWS OpsWorks stack that this layer will be associated // with. StackId *StringExpr `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // The layer type. A stack cannot have more than one layer of the same // type, except for the custom type. You can have any number of custom // types. For more information, see CreateLayer in the AWS OpsWorks // Stacks API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Describes the Amazon EBS volumes for this layer. VolumeConfigurations *OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList `json:"VolumeConfigurations,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksLayer represents AWS::OpsWorks::Layer
func (OpsWorksLayer) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksLayer) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::Layer to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration ¶
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration struct { // Specifies the shutdown event configuration for a layer. ShutdownEventConfiguration *OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration `json:"ShutdownEventConfiguration,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration represents AWS OpsWorks Layer LifeCycleConfiguration
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList ¶
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList []OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration
OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList represents a list of OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfiguration
func (*OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration ¶
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration struct { // Indicates whether to wait for connections to drain from the Elastic // Load Balancing load balancers. DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained *BoolExpr `json:"DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained,omitempty"` // The time, in seconds, that AWS OpsWorks waits after a shutdown event // has been triggered before shutting down an instance. ExecutionTimeout *IntegerExpr `json:"ExecutionTimeout,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration represents AWS OpsWorks Layer LifeCycleConfiguration ShutdownEventConfiguration
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList ¶
type OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList []OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration
OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList represents a list of OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfiguration
func (*OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksLayerLifeCycleConfigurationShutdownEventConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling ¶
type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling struct { // The threshold below which the instances are scaled down (stopped). If // the load falls below this threshold for a specified amount of time, // AWS OpsWorks stops a specified number of instances. DownScaling *OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds `json:"DownScaling,omitempty"` // Whether to enable automatic load-based scaling for the layer. Enable *BoolExpr `json:"Enable,omitempty"` // The threshold above which the instances are scaled up (added). If the // load exceeds this thresholds for a specified amount of time, AWS // OpsWorks starts a specified number of instances. UpScaling *OpsWorksAutoScalingThresholds `json:"UpScaling,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling represents AWS OpsWorks LoadBasedAutoScaling Type
type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList ¶
type OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList []OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling
OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList represents a list of OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScaling
func (*OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksLoadBasedAutoScalingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksRecipes ¶
type OpsWorksRecipes struct { // Custom recipe names to be run following a Configure event. The event // occurs on all of the stack's instances when an instance enters or // leaves the online state. Configure *StringListExpr `json:"Configure,omitempty"` // Custom recipe names to be run following a Deploy event. The event // occurs when you run a deploy command, typically to deploy an // application to a set of application server instances. Deploy *StringListExpr `json:"Deploy,omitempty"` // Custom recipe names to be run following a Setup event. This event // occurs on a new instance after it successfully boots. Setup *StringListExpr `json:"Setup,omitempty"` // Custom recipe names to be run following a Shutdown event. This event // occurs after you direct AWS OpsWorks to shut an instance down before // the associated Amazon EC2 instance is actually terminated. Shutdown *StringListExpr `json:"Shutdown,omitempty"` // Custom recipe names to be run following a Undeploy event. This event // occurs when you delete an app or run an undeploy command to remove an // app from a set of application server instances. Undeploy *StringListExpr `json:"Undeploy,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksRecipes represents AWS OpsWorks Recipes Type
type OpsWorksRecipesList ¶
type OpsWorksRecipesList []OpsWorksRecipes
OpsWorksRecipesList represents a list of OpsWorksRecipes
func (*OpsWorksRecipesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksRecipesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksSource ¶
type OpsWorksSource struct { // This parameter depends on the repository type. For Amazon S3 bundles, // set Password to the appropriate IAM secret access key. For HTTP // bundles, Git repositories, and Subversion repositories, set Password // to the appropriate password. Password *StringExpr `json:"Password,omitempty"` // The application's version. With AWS OpsWorks, you can deploy new // versions of an application. One of the simplest approaches is to have // branches or revisions in your repository that represent different // versions that can potentially be deployed. Revision *StringExpr `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // The repository's SSH key. For more information, see Using Git // Repository SSH Keys in the AWS OpsWorks User Guide. SshKey *StringExpr `json:"SshKey,omitempty"` // The repository type. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // The source URL. Url *StringExpr `json:"Url,omitempty"` // This parameter depends on the repository type. For Amazon S3 bundles, // set Username to the appropriate IAM access key ID. For HTTP bundles, // Git repositories, and Subversion repositories, set Username to the // appropriate user name. Username *StringExpr `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksSource represents AWS OpsWorks Source Type
type OpsWorksSourceList ¶
type OpsWorksSourceList []OpsWorksSource
OpsWorksSourceList represents a list of OpsWorksSource
func (*OpsWorksSourceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksSourceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksSslConfiguration ¶
type OpsWorksSslConfiguration struct { // The contents of the certificate's domain.crt file. Certificate *StringExpr `json:"Certificate,omitempty"` // An intermediate certificate authority key or client authentication. Chain *StringExpr `json:"Chain,omitempty"` // The private key; the contents of the certificate's domain.kex file. PrivateKey *StringExpr `json:"PrivateKey,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksSslConfiguration represents AWS OpsWorks SslConfiguration Type
type OpsWorksSslConfigurationList ¶
type OpsWorksSslConfigurationList []OpsWorksSslConfiguration
OpsWorksSslConfigurationList represents a list of OpsWorksSslConfiguration
func (*OpsWorksSslConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksSslConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksStack ¶
type OpsWorksStack struct { // The AWS OpsWorks agent version that you want to use. The agent // communicates with the service and handles tasks such as initiating // Chef runs in response to lifecycle events. For valid values, see the // AgentVersion parameter for the CreateStack action in the AWS OpsWorks // Stacks API Reference. AgentVersion *StringExpr `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // One or more user-defined key-value pairs to be added to the stack // attributes bag. Attributes interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // Describes the Chef configuration. For more information, see the // CreateStack ChefConfiguration parameter in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API // Reference. ChefConfiguration *OpsWorksChefConfiguration `json:"ChefConfiguration,omitempty"` // If you're cloning an AWS OpsWorks stack, a list of AWS OpsWorks // application stack IDs from the source stack to include in the cloned // stack. CloneAppIds *StringListExpr `json:"CloneAppIds,omitempty"` // If you're cloning an AWS OpsWorks stack, indicates whether to clone // the source stack's permissions. ClonePermissions *BoolExpr `json:"ClonePermissions,omitempty"` // Describes the configuration manager. When you create a stack, you use // the configuration manager to specify the Chef version. For supported // Chef versions, see the CreateStack ConfigurationManager parameter in // the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. ConfigurationManager *OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager `json:"ConfigurationManager,omitempty"` // Contains the information required to retrieve a cookbook from a // repository. CustomCookbooksSource *OpsWorksSource `json:"CustomCookbooksSource,omitempty"` // A user-defined custom JSON object. The custom JSON is used to override // the corresponding default stack configuration JSON values. For more // information, see CreateStack in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // The stack's default Availability Zone, which must be in the specified // region. DefaultAvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"DefaultAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM instance profile that is the // default profile for all of the stack's Amazon EC2 instances. DefaultInstanceProfileArn *StringExpr `json:"DefaultInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // The stack's default operating system. For more information, see // CreateStack in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. DefaultOs *StringExpr `json:"DefaultOs,omitempty"` // The default root device type. This value is used by default for all // instances in the stack, but you can override it when you create an // instance. For more information, see CreateStack in the AWS OpsWorks // Stacks API Reference. DefaultRootDeviceType *StringExpr `json:"DefaultRootDeviceType,omitempty"` // A default SSH key for the stack instances. You can override this value // when you create or update an instance. DefaultSshKeyName *StringExpr `json:"DefaultSshKeyName,omitempty"` // The stack's default subnet ID. All instances are launched into this // subnet unless you specify another subnet ID when you create the // instance. DefaultSubnetId *StringExpr `json:"DefaultSubnetId,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon EC2 Container Service // (Amazon ECS) cluster to register with the AWS OpsWorks stack. EcsClusterArn *StringExpr `json:"EcsClusterArn,omitempty"` // A list of Elastic IP addresses to register with the AWS OpsWorks // stack. ElasticIps *OpsWorksStackElasticIpList `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // The stack's host name theme, with spaces replaced by underscores. The // theme is used to generate host names for the stack's instances. For // more information, see CreateStack in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API // Reference. HostnameTheme *StringExpr `json:"HostnameTheme,omitempty"` // The name of the AWS OpsWorks stack. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance to // register with the AWS OpsWorks stack. RdsDbInstances *OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList `json:"RdsDbInstances,omitempty"` // The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that AWS OpsWorks // uses to work with AWS resources on your behalf. You must specify an // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an existing IAM role. ServiceRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // If you're cloning an AWS OpsWorks stack, the stack ID of the source // AWS OpsWorks stack to clone. SourceStackId *StringExpr `json:"SourceStackId,omitempty"` // Whether the stack uses custom cookbooks. UseCustomCookbooks *BoolExpr `json:"UseCustomCookbooks,omitempty"` // Whether to associate the AWS OpsWorks built-in security groups with // the stack's layers. UseOpsworksSecurityGroups *BoolExpr `json:"UseOpsworksSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC that the stack is to be launched into, which must be // in the specified region. All instances are launched into this VPC. If // you specify this property, you must specify the DefaultSubnetId // property. VpcId *StringExpr `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksStack represents AWS::OpsWorks::Stack
func (OpsWorksStack) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksStack) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::Stack to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager ¶
type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager struct { // The name of the configuration manager. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The Chef version. Version *StringExpr `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager represents AWS OpsWorks StackConfigurationManager Type
type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList ¶
type OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList []OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager
OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList represents a list of OpsWorksStackConfigurationManager
func (*OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksStackConfigurationManagerList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksStackElasticIp ¶
type OpsWorksStackElasticIp struct { // The Elastic IP address. Ip *StringExpr `json:"Ip,omitempty"` // A name for the Elastic IP address. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksStackElasticIp represents AWS OpsWorks Stack ElasticIp
type OpsWorksStackElasticIpList ¶
type OpsWorksStackElasticIpList []OpsWorksStackElasticIp
OpsWorksStackElasticIpList represents a list of OpsWorksStackElasticIp
func (*OpsWorksStackElasticIpList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksStackElasticIpList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance ¶
type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance struct { // The password of the registered database. DbPassword *StringExpr `json:"DbPassword,omitempty"` // The master user name of the registered database. DbUser *StringExpr `json:"DbUser,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon RDS DB instance to // register with the AWS OpsWorks stack. RdsDbInstanceArn *StringExpr `json:"RdsDbInstanceArn,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance represents AWS OpsWorks Stack RdsDbInstance
type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList ¶
type OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList []OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance
OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList represents a list of OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstance
func (*OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksStackRdsDbInstanceList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling ¶
type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling struct { // The schedule for Friday. Friday *StringExpr `json:"Friday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Monday. Monday *StringExpr `json:"Monday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Saturday. Saturday *StringExpr `json:"Saturday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Sunday. Sunday *StringExpr `json:"Sunday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Thursday. Thursday *StringExpr `json:"Thursday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Tuesday. Tuesday *StringExpr `json:"Tuesday,omitempty"` // The schedule for Wednesday. Wednesday *StringExpr `json:"Wednesday,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling represents AWS OpsWorks TimeBasedAutoScaling Type
type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList ¶
type OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList []OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling
OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList represents a list of OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScaling
func (*OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksTimeBasedAutoScalingList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type OpsWorksUserProfile ¶
type OpsWorksUserProfile struct { // Indicates whether users can use the AWS OpsWorks My Settings page to // specify their own SSH public key. For more information, see Setting an // IAM User's Public SSH Key in the AWS OpsWorks User Guide. AllowSelfManagement *BoolExpr `json:"AllowSelfManagement,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) user to associate with this configuration. IamUserArn *StringExpr `json:"IamUserArn,omitempty"` // The public SSH key that is associated with the IAM user. The IAM user // must have or be given the corresponding private key to access // instances. SshPublicKey *StringExpr `json:"SshPublicKey,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksUserProfile represents AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile
func (OpsWorksUserProfile) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksUserProfile) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksVolume ¶
type OpsWorksVolume struct { // The ID of the Amazon EBS volume to register with the AWS OpsWorks // stack. Ec2VolumeId *StringExpr `json:"Ec2VolumeId,omitempty"` // The mount point for the Amazon EBS volume, such as /mnt/disk1. MountPoint *StringExpr `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // A name for the Amazon EBS volume. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The ID of the AWS OpsWorks stack that AWS OpsWorks registers the // volume to. StackId *StringExpr `json:"StackId,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksVolume represents AWS::OpsWorks::Volume
func (OpsWorksVolume) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s OpsWorksVolume) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::OpsWorks::Volume to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration ¶
type OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration struct { // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the // volume. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The volume mount point, such as /dev/sdh. MountPoint *StringExpr `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // The number of disks in the volume. NumberOfDisks *IntegerExpr `json:"NumberOfDisks,omitempty"` // The volume RAID level. RaidLevel *IntegerExpr `json:"RaidLevel,omitempty"` // The volume size. Size *IntegerExpr `json:"Size,omitempty"` // The type of volume, such as magnetic or SSD. For valid values, see // VolumeConfiguration in the AWS OpsWorks Stacks API Reference. VolumeType *StringExpr `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration represents AWS OpsWorks VolumeConfiguration Type
type OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList ¶
type OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList []OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration
OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList represents a list of OpsWorksVolumeConfiguration
func (*OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *OpsWorksVolumeConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Output ¶
type Output struct { Description string `json:",omitempty"` Value interface{} `json:",omitempty"` Export *OutputExport `json:",omitempty"` }
Output represents a template output
The optional Outputs section declares output values that you want to view from the AWS CloudFormation console or that you want to return in response to describe stack calls. For example, you can output the Amazon S3 bucket name for a stack so that you can easily find it.
type OutputExport ¶
type OutputExport struct {
Name Stringable `json:",omitempty"`
OutputExport represents the name of the resource output that should be used for cross stack references.
type Parameter ¶
type Parameter struct { Type string `json:",omitempty"` Default string `json:",omitempty"` NoEcho *BoolExpr `json:",omitempty"` AllowedValues []string `json:",omitempty"` AllowedPattern string `json:",omitempty"` MinLength *IntegerExpr `json:",omitempty"` MaxLength *IntegerExpr `json:",omitempty"` MinValue *IntegerExpr `json:",omitempty"` MaxValue *IntegerExpr `json:",omitempty"` Description string `json:",omitempty"` ConstraintDescription string `json:",omitempty"` }
Parameter represents a parameter to the template.
You can use the optional Parameters section to pass values into your template when you create a stack. With parameters, you can create templates that are customized each time you create a stack. Each parameter must contain a value when you create a stack. You can specify a default value to make the parameter optional.
type RDSDBCluster ¶
type RDSDBCluster struct { // A list of Availability Zones (AZs) in which DB instances in the // cluster can be created. AvailabilityZones *StringListExpr `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // The number of days for which automatic backups are retained. For more // information, see CreateDBCluster in the Amazon Relational Database // Service API Reference. BackupRetentionPeriod *IntegerExpr `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // The name of your database. You can specify a name of up to eight // alpha-numeric characters. If you do not provide a name, Amazon // Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) won't create a database in // this DB cluster. DatabaseName *StringExpr `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // The name of the DB cluster parameter group to associate with this DB // cluster. For the default value, see the DBClusterParameterGroupName // parameter of the CreateDBCluster action in the Amazon Relational // Database Service API Reference. DBClusterParameterGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DBClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // A DB subnet group that you want to associate with this DB cluster. DBSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // The name of the database engine that you want to use for this DB // cluster. Engine *StringExpr `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // The version number of the database engine that you want to use. EngineVersion *StringExpr `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Key Management Service // master key that is used to encrypt the database instances in the DB // cluster, such as // arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. // If you enable the StorageEncrypted property but don't specify this // property, the default master key is used. If you specify this // property, you must set the StorageEncrypted property to true. KmsKeyId *StringExpr `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // The master user name for the DB instance. MasterUsername *StringExpr `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // The password for the master database user. MasterUserPassword *StringExpr `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // The port number on which the DB instances in the cluster can accept // connections. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // if automated backups are enabled (see the BackupRetentionPeriod // property), the daily time range in UTC during which you want to create // automated backups. PreferredBackupWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can // occur. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // The identifier for the DB cluster snapshot from which you want to // restore. SnapshotIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the DB instances in the cluster are encrypted. StorageEncrypted *BoolExpr `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to this DB cluster. Tags *ResourceTagList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // A list of VPC security groups to associate with this DB cluster. VpcSecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
RDSDBCluster represents AWS::RDS::DBCluster
func (RDSDBCluster) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBCluster) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBCluster to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBClusterParameterGroup ¶
type RDSDBClusterParameterGroup struct { // A friendly description for this DB cluster parameter group. Description interface{} `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The database family of this DB cluster parameter group, such as // aurora5.6. Family interface{} `json:"Family,omitempty"` // The parameters to set for this DB cluster parameter group. For a list // of parameter keys, see Appendix: DB Cluster and DB Instance Parameters // in the Amazon Relational Database Service User Guide. Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to this parameter group. Tags *ResourceTagList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
RDSDBClusterParameterGroup represents AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup
func (RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBClusterParameterGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBInstance ¶
type RDSDBInstance struct { // The allocated storage size, specified in gigabytes (GB). AllocatedStorage *StringExpr `json:"AllocatedStorage,omitempty"` // If you update the EngineVersion property to a version that's different // from the DB instance's current major version, set this property to // true. For more information, see ModifyDBInstance in the Amazon // Relational Database Service API Reference. AllowMajorVersionUpgrade *BoolExpr `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // Indicates that minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the // DB instance during the maintenance window. The default value is true. AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *BoolExpr `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // The name of the Availability Zone where the DB instance is located. // You cannot set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the MultiAZ parameter // is set to true. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The number of days during which automatic DB snapshots are retained. BackupRetentionPeriod *StringExpr `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // For supported engines, specifies the character set to associate with // the DB instance. For more information, see Appendix: Oracle Character // Sets Supported in Amazon RDS in the Amazon Relational Database Service // User Guide. CharacterSetName *StringExpr `json:"CharacterSetName,omitempty"` // Indicates whether to copy all of the user-defined tags from the DB // instance to snapshots of the DB instance. By default, Amazon RDS // doesn't copy tags to snapshots. Amazon RDS doesn't copy tags with the // aws:: prefix unless it's the DB instance's final snapshot (the // snapshot when you delete the DB instance). CopyTagsToSnapshot *BoolExpr `json:"CopyTagsToSnapshot,omitempty"` // The name of an existing DB cluster that this instance will be // associated with. If you specify this property, specify aurora for the // Engine property and do not specify any of the following properties: // AllocatedStorage, BackupRetentionPeriod, CharacterSetName, // DBSecurityGroups, PreferredBackupWindow, PreferredMaintenanceWindow, // Port, SourceDBInstanceIdentifier, or StorageType. DBClusterIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // The name of the compute and memory capacity classes of the DB // instance. DBInstanceClass *StringExpr `json:"DBInstanceClass,omitempty"` // A name for the DB instance. If you specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // converts it to lower case. If you don't specify a name, AWS // CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the // DB instance. For more information, see Name Type. DBInstanceIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"DBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // The name of the DB instance that was provided at the time of creation, // if one was specified. This same name is returned for the life of the // DB instance. DBName *StringExpr `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // The name of an existing DB parameter group or a reference to an // AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup resource created in the template. DBParameterGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DBParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // A list of the DB security groups to assign to the DB instance. The // list can include both the name of existing DB security groups or // references to AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup resources created in the // template. DBSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"DBSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The name or ARN of the DB snapshot used to restore the DB instance. If // you are restoring from a shared manual DB snapshot, you must specify // the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the snapshot. DBSnapshotIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"DBSnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // A DB subnet group to associate with the DB instance. DBSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // For an Amazon RDS DB instance that is running Microsoft SQL Server, // the Active Directory directory ID to create the instance in. Amazon // RDS uses Windows Authentication to authenticate users that connect to // the DB instance. For more information, see Using Windows // Authentication with an Amazon RDS DB Instance Running Microsoft SQL // Server in the Amazon Relational Database Service User Guide. Domain *StringExpr `json:"Domain,omitempty"` // The name of an IAM role that Amazon RDS uses when calling the // Directory Service APIs. DomainIAMRoleName *StringExpr `json:"DomainIAMRoleName,omitempty"` // The database engine that the DB instance uses. This property is // optional when you specify the DBSnapshotIdentifier property to create // DB instances. Engine *StringExpr `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // The version number of the database engine that the DB instance uses. EngineVersion *StringExpr `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the database // provisions. The value must be equal to or greater than 1000. Iops *IntegerExpr `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // The ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) master key that is // used to encrypt the DB instance, such as // arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123-456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. // If you enable the StorageEncrypted property but don't specify this // property, AWS CloudFormation uses the default master key. If you // specify this property, you must set the StorageEncrypted property to // true. KmsKeyId *StringExpr `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // The license model of the DB instance. LicenseModel *StringExpr `json:"LicenseModel,omitempty"` // The master user name for the DB instance. MasterUsername *StringExpr `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // The master password for the DB instance. MasterUserPassword *StringExpr `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // The interval, in seconds, between points when Amazon RDS collects // enhanced monitoring metrics for the DB instance. To disable metrics // collection, specify 0. MonitoringInterval *IntegerExpr `json:"MonitoringInterval,omitempty"` // The ARN of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that // permits Amazon RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to Amazon // CloudWatch, for example, arn:aws:iam:123456789012:role/emaccess. For // information on creating a monitoring role, see To create an IAM role // for Amazon RDS Enhanced Monitoring in the Amazon Relational Database // Service User Guide. MonitoringRoleArn *StringExpr `json:"MonitoringRoleArn,omitempty"` // Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone // deployment. You cannot set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the // MultiAZ parameter is set to true. MultiAZ *BoolExpr `json:"MultiAZ,omitempty"` // The option group that this DB instance is associated with. OptionGroupName *StringExpr `json:"OptionGroupName,omitempty"` // The port for the instance. Port *StringExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The daily time range during which automated backups are performed if // automated backups are enabled, as determined by the // BackupRetentionPeriod property. For valid values, see the // PreferredBackupWindow parameter for the CreateDBInstance action in the // Amazon Relational Database Service API Reference. PreferredBackupWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can // occur. For valid values, see the PreferredMaintenanceWindow parameter // for the CreateDBInstance action in the Amazon Relational Database // Service API Reference. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the DB instance is an Internet-facing instance. If // you specify true, AWS CloudFormation creates an instance with a // publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP address. // If you specify false, AWS CloudFormation creates an internal instance // with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address. PubliclyAccessible *BoolExpr `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // If you want to create a read replica DB instance, specify the ID of // the source DB instance. Each DB instance can have a limited number of // read replicas. For more information, see Working with Read Replicas in // the Amazon Relational Database Service Developer Guide. SourceDBInstanceIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"SourceDBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the DB instance is encrypted. StorageEncrypted *BoolExpr `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // The storage type associated with this DB instance. StorageType *StringExpr `json:"StorageType,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this DB instance. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // The time zone of the DB instance, which you can specify to match the // time zone of your applications. To see which engines supports time // zones, see the Timezone parameter for the CreateDBInstance action in // the Amazon Relational Database Service API Reference. Timezone *StringExpr `json:"Timezone,omitempty"` // A list of the VPC security group IDs to assign to the DB instance. The // list can include both the physical IDs of existing VPC security groups // and references to AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resources created in the // template. VPCSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"VPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` }
RDSDBInstance represents AWS::RDS::DBInstance
func (RDSDBInstance) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBInstance) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBInstance to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBParameterGroup ¶
type RDSDBParameterGroup struct { // A friendly description of the RDS parameter group. For example, "My // Parameter Group". Description interface{} `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The database family of this RDS parameter group. For example, // "MySQL5.1". Family interface{} `json:"Family,omitempty"` // The parameters to set for this RDS parameter group. Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the RDS parameter group. Tags *ResourceTagList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
RDSDBParameterGroup represents AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup
func (RDSDBParameterGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBParameterGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBSecurityGroup ¶
type RDSDBSecurityGroup struct { // The Id of VPC. Indicates which VPC this DB Security Group should // belong to. EC2VpcId *StringExpr `json:"EC2VpcId,omitempty"` // Network ingress authorization for an Amazon EC2 security group or an // IP address range. DBSecurityGroupIngress *RDSSecurityGroupRuleList `json:"DBSecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // Description of the security group. GroupDescription *StringExpr `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the Amazon RDS DB security group. Tags *ResourceTagList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
RDSDBSecurityGroup represents AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup
func (RDSDBSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress struct { // The IP range to authorize. CIDRIP *StringExpr `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // The name (ARN) of the AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup to which this ingress // will be added. DBSecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"DBSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPC or EC2 security group to authorize. EC2SecurityGroupId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // The name of the EC2 security group to authorize. EC2SecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // The AWS Account Number of the owner of the EC2 security group // specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The AWS Access Key ID // is not an acceptable value. EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress represents AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress
func (RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSDBSubnetGroup ¶
type RDSDBSubnetGroup struct { // The description for the DB Subnet Group. DBSubnetGroupDescription *StringExpr `json:"DBSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // The EC2 Subnet IDs for the DB Subnet Group. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // The tags that you want to attach to the RDS database subnet group. Tags *ResourceTagList `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
RDSDBSubnetGroup represents AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup
func (RDSDBSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSDBSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSEventSubscription ¶
type RDSEventSubscription struct { // Indicates whether to activate the subscription. If you don't specify // this property, AWS CloudFormation activates the subscription. Enabled *BoolExpr `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // A list of event categories that you want to subscribe to for a given // source type. If you don't specify this property, you are notified // about all event categories. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS // Event Notification in the Amazon Relational Database Service User // Guide. EventCategories *StringListExpr `json:"EventCategories,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SNS topic that you want to // send event notifications to. SnsTopicArn *StringExpr `json:"SnsTopicArn,omitempty"` // A list of identifiers for which Amazon RDS provides notification // events. SourceIds *StringListExpr `json:"SourceIds,omitempty"` // The type of source for which Amazon RDS provides notification events. // For example, if you want to be notified of events generated by a // database instance, set this parameter to db-instance. If you don't // specify a value, notifications are provided for all source types. For // valid values, see the SourceType parameter for the // CreateEventSubscription action in the Amazon Relational Database // Service API Reference. SourceType *StringExpr `json:"SourceType,omitempty"` }
RDSEventSubscription represents AWS::RDS::EventSubscription
func (RDSEventSubscription) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSEventSubscription) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::EventSubscription to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSOptionGroup ¶
type RDSOptionGroup struct { // The name of the database engine that this option group is associated // with. EngineName *StringExpr `json:"EngineName,omitempty"` // The major version number of the database engine that this option group // is associated with. MajorEngineVersion *StringExpr `json:"MajorEngineVersion,omitempty"` // A description of the option group. OptionGroupDescription *StringExpr `json:"OptionGroupDescription,omitempty"` // The configurations for this option group. OptionConfigurations *RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList `json:"OptionConfigurations,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this option group. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
RDSOptionGroup represents AWS::RDS::OptionGroup
func (RDSOptionGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RDSOptionGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::RDS::OptionGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations ¶
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations struct { // A list of database security group names for this option. If the option // requires access to a port, the security groups must allow access to // that port. If you specify this property, don't specify the // VPCSecurityGroupMemberships property. DBSecurityGroupMemberships *StringListExpr `json:"DBSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` // The name of the option. For more information about options, see // Working with Option Groups in the Amazon Relational Database Service // User Guide. OptionName *StringExpr `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // The settings for this option. OptionSettings *RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // The port number that this option uses. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // A list of VPC security group IDs for this option. If the option // requires access to a port, the security groups must allow access to // that port. If you specify this property, don't specify the // DBSecurityGroupMemberships property. VpcSecurityGroupMemberships *StringListExpr `json:"VpcSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` }
RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations represents Amazon RDS OptionGroup OptionConfigurations
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList ¶
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList []RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations
RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList represents a list of RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurations
func (*RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings ¶
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings struct { // The name of the option setting that you want to specify. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The value of the option setting. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings represents Amazon RDS OptionGroup OptionConfigurations OptionSettings
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList ¶
type RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList []RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings
RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList represents a list of RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettings
func (*RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *RDSOptionGroupOptionConfigurationsOptionSettingsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type RDSSecurityGroupRule ¶
type RDSSecurityGroupRule struct { // The IP range to authorize. CIDRIP *StringExpr `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // Id of the VPC or EC2 Security Group to authorize. EC2SecurityGroupId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // Name of the EC2 Security Group to authorize. EC2SecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // AWS Account Number of the owner of the EC2 Security Group specified in // the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The AWS Access Key ID is not an // acceptable value. EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
RDSSecurityGroupRule represents Amazon RDS Security Group Rule
type RDSSecurityGroupRuleList ¶
type RDSSecurityGroupRuleList []RDSSecurityGroupRule
RDSSecurityGroupRuleList represents a list of RDSSecurityGroupRule
func (*RDSSecurityGroupRuleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *RDSSecurityGroupRuleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type RedshiftCluster ¶
type RedshiftCluster struct { // When a new version of the Amazon Redshift is released, indicates // whether upgrades can be applied to the engine that is running on the // cluster. The upgrades are applied during the maintenance window. AllowVersionUpgrade *BoolExpr `json:"AllowVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // The number of days that automated snapshots are retained. If you set // the value to 0, automated snapshots are disabled. AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod *IntegerExpr `json:"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone in which you want to provision your // Amazon Redshift cluster. For example, if you have several Amazon EC2 // instances running in a specific Availability Zone, you might want the // cluster to be provisioned in the same zone in order to decrease // network latency. AvailabilityZone *StringExpr `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // The name of the parameter group that you want to associate with this // cluster. ClusterParameterGroupName *StringExpr `json:"ClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // A list of security groups that you want to associate with this // cluster. ClusterSecurityGroups *StringListExpr `json:"ClusterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // The name of a cluster subnet group that you want to associate with // this cluster. ClusterSubnetGroupName *StringExpr `json:"ClusterSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // The type of cluster. You can specify single-node or multi-node. ClusterType *StringExpr `json:"ClusterType,omitempty"` // The Amazon Redshift engine version that you want to deploy on the // cluster. ClusterVersion *StringExpr `json:"ClusterVersion,omitempty"` // The name of the first database that is created when the cluster is // created. DBName *StringExpr `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // The Elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster. ElasticIp *StringExpr `json:"ElasticIp,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the data in the cluster is encrypted at rest. Encrypted *BoolExpr `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate that the Amazon // Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in // an HSM. HsmClientCertificateIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"HsmClientCertificateIdentifier,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the // information that the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and // store keys in an HSM. HsmConfigurationIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"HsmConfigurationIdentifier,omitempty"` // The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key ID that you want to use // to encrypt data in the cluster. KmsKeyId *StringExpr `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // The user name that is associated with the master user account for this // cluster. MasterUsername *StringExpr `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // The password associated with the master user account for this cluster. MasterUserPassword *StringExpr `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // The node type that is provisioned for this cluster. NodeType *StringExpr `json:"NodeType,omitempty"` // The number of compute nodes in the cluster. If you specify multi-node // for the ClusterType parameter, you must specify a number greater than // 1. NumberOfNodes *IntegerExpr `json:"NumberOfNodes,omitempty"` // When you restore from a snapshot from another AWS account, the // 12-digit AWS account ID that contains that snapshot. OwnerAccount *StringExpr `json:"OwnerAccount,omitempty"` // The port number on which the cluster accepts incoming connections. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The weekly time range (in UTC) during which automated cluster // maintenance can occur. The format of the time range is // ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi. PreferredMaintenanceWindow *StringExpr `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the cluster can be accessed from a public network. PubliclyAccessible *BoolExpr `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // The name of the cluster the source snapshot was created from. For more // information about restoring from a snapshot, see the // RestoreFromClusterSnapshot action in the Amazon Redshift API // Reference. SnapshotClusterIdentifier interface{} `json:"SnapshotClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // The name of the snapshot from which to create a new cluster. SnapshotIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // A list of VPC security groups that are associated with this cluster. VpcSecurityGroupIds *StringListExpr `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
RedshiftCluster represents AWS::Redshift::Cluster
func (RedshiftCluster) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RedshiftCluster) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Redshift::Cluster to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RedshiftClusterParameterGroup ¶
type RedshiftClusterParameterGroup struct { // A description of the parameter group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // The Amazon Redshift engine version that applies to this cluster // parameter group. The cluster engine version determines the set of // parameters that you can specify in the Parameters property. ParameterGroupFamily *StringExpr `json:"ParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // A list of parameter names and values that are allowed by the Amazon // Redshift engine version that you specified in the ParameterGroupFamily // property. For more information, see Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups // in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Parameters *RedshiftParameterList `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
RedshiftClusterParameterGroup represents AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup
func (RedshiftClusterParameterGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RedshiftClusterParameterGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup ¶
type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup struct { // A description of the security group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup represents AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup
func (RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress struct { // The name of the Amazon Redshift security group that will be associated // with the ingress rule. ClusterSecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"ClusterSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // The IP address range that has inbound access to the Amazon Redshift // security group. CIDRIP *StringExpr `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // The Amazon EC2 security group that will be added the Amazon Redshift // security group. EC2SecurityGroupName *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // The 12-digit AWS account number of the owner of the Amazon EC2 // security group that is specified by the EC2SecurityGroupName // parameter. EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId *StringExpr `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress represents AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress
func (RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup ¶
type RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup struct { // A description of the subnet group. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` // A list of VPC subnet IDs. You can modify a maximum of 20 subnets. SubnetIds *StringListExpr `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup represents AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup
func (RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s RedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type RedshiftParameter ¶
type RedshiftParameter struct { // The name of the parameter. ParameterName *StringExpr `json:"ParameterName,omitempty"` // The value of the parameter. ParameterValue *StringExpr `json:"ParameterValue,omitempty"` }
RedshiftParameter represents Amazon Redshift Parameter Type
type RedshiftParameterList ¶
type RedshiftParameterList []RedshiftParameter
RedshiftParameterList represents a list of RedshiftParameter
func (*RedshiftParameterList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *RedshiftParameterList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type RefFunc ¶
type RefFunc struct {
Name string `json:"Ref"`
RefFunc represents an invocation of the Ref intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Ref returns the value of the specified parameter or resource.
- When you specify a parameter's logical name, it returns the value of the parameter.
- When you specify a resource's logical name, it returns a value that you can typically use to refer to that resource.
When you are declaring a resource in a template and you need to specify another template resource by name, you can use the Ref to refer to that other resource. In general, Ref returns the name of the resource. For example, a reference to an AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup returns the name of that Auto Scaling group resource.
For some resources, an identifier is returned that has another significant meaning in the context of the resource. An AWS::EC2::EIP resource, for instance, returns the IP address, and an AWS::EC2::Instance returns the instance ID.
func (RefFunc) Integer ¶
func (r RefFunc) Integer() *IntegerExpr
Integer returns this reference as a IntegerExpr
func (RefFunc) String ¶
func (r RefFunc) String() *StringExpr
String returns this reference as a StringExpr
func (RefFunc) StringList ¶
func (r RefFunc) StringList() *StringListExpr
StringList returns this reference as a StringListExpr
type Resource ¶
type Resource struct { CreationPolicy *CreationPolicy DeletionPolicy string DependsOn []string Metadata map[string]interface{} UpdatePolicy *UpdatePolicy Condition string Properties ResourceProperties }
Resource represents a resource in a cloudformation template. It contains resource metadata and, in Properties, a struct that implements ResourceProperties which contains the properties of the resource.
func (Resource) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (*Resource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type ResourceProperties ¶
type ResourceProperties interface {
CfnResourceType() string
ResourceProperties is an interface that is implemented by resource objects.
func NewResourceByType ¶
func NewResourceByType(typeName string) ResourceProperties
NewResourceByType returns a new resource object correspoding with the provided type
type ResourceTag ¶
type ResourceTag struct { // The key name of the tag. You can specify a value that is 1 to 127 // Unicode characters in length and cannot be prefixed with aws:. You can // use any of the following characters: the set of Unicode letters, // digits, whitespace, _, ., /, =, +, and -. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value for the tag. You can specify a value that is 1 to 255 // Unicode characters in length and cannot be prefixed with aws:. You can // use any of the following characters: the set of Unicode letters, // digits, whitespace, _, ., /, =, +, and -. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
ResourceTag represents AWS CloudFormation Resource Tags Type
type ResourceTagList ¶
type ResourceTagList []ResourceTag
ResourceTagList represents a list of ResourceTag
func (*ResourceTagList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *ResourceTagList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53AliasTargetProperty ¶
type Route53AliasTargetProperty struct { // The DNS name of the load balancer, the domain name of the CloudFront // distribution, the website endpoint of the Amazon S3 bucket, or another // record set in the same hosted zone that is the target of the alias. DNSName *StringExpr `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // Whether Amazon Route 53 checks the health of the resource record sets // in the alias target when responding to DNS queries. For more // information about using this property, see EvaluateTargetHealth in the // Amazon Route 53 API Reference. EvaluateTargetHealth *BoolExpr `json:"EvaluateTargetHealth,omitempty"` // The hosted zone ID. For load balancers, use the canonical hosted zone // ID of the load balancer. For Amazon S3, use the hosted zone ID for // your bucket's website endpoint. For CloudFront, use Z2FDTNDATAQYW2. // For a list of hosted zone IDs of other services, see the relevant // service in the AWS Regions and Endpoints. HostedZoneId *StringExpr `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` }
Route53AliasTargetProperty represents Route 53 AliasTarget Property
type Route53AliasTargetPropertyList ¶
type Route53AliasTargetPropertyList []Route53AliasTargetProperty
Route53AliasTargetPropertyList represents a list of Route53AliasTargetProperty
func (*Route53AliasTargetPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53AliasTargetPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53HealthCheck ¶
type Route53HealthCheck struct { // An Amazon Route 53 health check. HealthCheckConfig *Route53HealthCheckConfig `json:"HealthCheckConfig,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this health check. HealthCheckTags *Route53HealthCheckTagsList `json:"HealthCheckTags,omitempty"` }
Route53HealthCheck represents AWS::Route53::HealthCheck
func (Route53HealthCheck) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s Route53HealthCheck) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Route53::HealthCheck to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type Route53HealthCheckConfig ¶
type Route53HealthCheckConfig struct { // The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or // fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint // from unhealthy to healthy or healthy to unhealthy. For more // information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint // Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. FailureThreshold *IntegerExpr `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` // If you specified the IPAddress property, the value that you want // Amazon Route 53 to pass in the host header in all health checks // except for TCP health checks. If you don't specify an IP address, the // domain that Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to. Amazon Route 53 // uses the IP address that the DNS returns to check the health of the // endpoint. FullyQualifiedDomainName *StringExpr `json:"FullyQualifiedDomainName,omitempty"` // The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 // to perform health checks. If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon // Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you // specify in the FullyQualifiedDomainName property. IPAddress *StringExpr `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform // health checks. Port *IntegerExpr `json:"Port,omitempty"` // The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a // response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next // health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes // requests at this interval. For valid values, see the RequestInterval // element in the Amazon Route 53 API Reference. RequestInterval *IntegerExpr `json:"RequestInterval,omitempty"` // The path that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing // health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint // returns an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is // healthy, such as /docs/route53-health-check.html. ResourcePath *StringExpr `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // If the value of the Type property is HTTP_STR_MATCH or // HTTPS_STR_MATCH, the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search // for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string // appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource // healthy. SearchString *StringExpr `json:"SearchString,omitempty"` // The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how // Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy. You can // specify HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, HTTPS_STR_MATCH, or TCP. For // information about the different types, see the Type element in the // Amazon Route 53 API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
Route53HealthCheckConfig represents Amazon Route 53 HealthCheckConfig
type Route53HealthCheckConfigList ¶
type Route53HealthCheckConfigList []Route53HealthCheckConfig
Route53HealthCheckConfigList represents a list of Route53HealthCheckConfig
func (*Route53HealthCheckConfigList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53HealthCheckConfigList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53HealthCheckTags ¶
type Route53HealthCheckTags struct { // The key name of the tag. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value for the tag. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Route53HealthCheckTags represents Amazon Route 53 HealthCheckTags
type Route53HealthCheckTagsList ¶
type Route53HealthCheckTagsList []Route53HealthCheckTags
Route53HealthCheckTagsList represents a list of Route53HealthCheckTags
func (*Route53HealthCheckTagsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53HealthCheckTagsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53HostedZone ¶
type Route53HostedZone struct { // A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted // zone. HostedZoneConfig *Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty `json:"HostedZoneConfig,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key–value pairs) for this hosted zone. HostedZoneTags *Route53HostedZoneTagsList `json:"HostedZoneTags,omitempty"` // The name of the domain. For resource record types that include a // domain name, specify a fully qualified domain name. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // One or more VPCs that you want to associate with this hosted zone. // When you specify this property, AWS CloudFormation creates a private // hosted zone. VPCs *Route53HostedZoneVPCsList `json:"VPCs,omitempty"` }
Route53HostedZone represents AWS::Route53::HostedZone
func (Route53HostedZone) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s Route53HostedZone) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Route53::HostedZone to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty ¶
type Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty struct { // Any comments that you want to include about the hosted zone. Comment *StringExpr `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty represents Amazon Route 53 HostedZoneConfig Property
type Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList ¶
type Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList []Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty
Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList represents a list of Route53HostedZoneConfigProperty
func (*Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53HostedZoneConfigPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53HostedZoneTags ¶
type Route53HostedZoneTags struct { // The key name of the tag. Key *StringExpr `json:"Key,omitempty"` // The value for the tag. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Route53HostedZoneTags represents Amazon Route 53 HostedZoneTags
type Route53HostedZoneTagsList ¶
type Route53HostedZoneTagsList []Route53HostedZoneTags
Route53HostedZoneTagsList represents a list of Route53HostedZoneTags
func (*Route53HostedZoneTagsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53HostedZoneTagsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53HostedZoneVPCs ¶
type Route53HostedZoneVPCs struct { // The ID of the Amazon VPC that you want to associate with the hosted // zone. VPCId *StringExpr `json:"VPCId,omitempty"` // The region in which the Amazon VPC was created as specified in the // VPCId property. VPCRegion *StringExpr `json:"VPCRegion,omitempty"` }
Route53HostedZoneVPCs represents Amazon Route 53 HostedZoneVPCs
type Route53HostedZoneVPCsList ¶
type Route53HostedZoneVPCsList []Route53HostedZoneVPCs
Route53HostedZoneVPCsList represents a list of Route53HostedZoneVPCs
func (*Route53HostedZoneVPCsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53HostedZoneVPCsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53RecordSet ¶
type Route53RecordSet struct { // Alias resource record sets only: Information about the domain to which // you are redirecting traffic. AliasTarget *Route53AliasTargetProperty `json:"AliasTarget,omitempty"` // Any comments that you want to include about the hosted zone. Comment *StringExpr `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Designates the record set as a PRIMARY or SECONDARY failover record // set. When you have more than one resource performing the same // function, you can configure Amazon Route 53 to check the health of // your resources and use only health resources to respond to DNS // queries. You cannot create nonfailover resource record sets that have // the same Name and Type property values as failover resource record // sets. For more information, see the Failover content in the Amazon // Route 53 API Reference. Failover *StringExpr `json:"Failover,omitempty"` // Describes how Amazon Route 53 responds to DNS queries based on the // geographic origin of the query. GeoLocation *Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty `json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // The health check ID that you want to apply to this record set. Amazon // Route 53 returns this resource record set in response to a DNS query // only while record set is healthy. HealthCheckId *StringExpr `json:"HealthCheckId,omitempty"` // The ID of the hosted zone. HostedZoneId *StringExpr `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // The name of the domain for the hosted zone where you want to add the // record set. HostedZoneName *StringExpr `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // The name of the domain. You must specify a fully qualified domain name // that ends with a period as the last label indication. If you omit the // final period, Amazon Route 53 adds it. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Latency resource record sets only: The Amazon EC2 region where the // resource that is specified in this resource record set resides. The // resource typically is an AWS resource, for example, Amazon EC2 // instance or an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, and is referred // to by an IP address or a DNS domain name, depending on the record // type. Region interface{} `json:"Region,omitempty"` // List of resource records to add. Each record should be in the format // appropriate for the record type specified by the Type property. For // information about different record types and their record formats, see // Appendix: Domain Name Format in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. ResourceRecords *StringListExpr `json:"ResourceRecords,omitempty"` // A unique identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record // sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. SetIdentifier *StringExpr `json:"SetIdentifier,omitempty"` // The resource record cache time to live (TTL), in seconds. If you // specify this property, do not specify the AliasTarget property. For // alias target records, the alias uses a TTL value from the target. TTL *StringExpr `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // The type of records to add. For valid values, see the Type content in // the Amazon Route 53 API Reference. In AWS CloudFormation, you can't // create records of type NS or SOA. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Weighted resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that // have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that // determines what portion of traffic for the current resource record set // is routed to the associated location. Weight *IntegerExpr `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
Route53RecordSet represents AWS::Route53::RecordSet
func (Route53RecordSet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s Route53RecordSet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Route53::RecordSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty ¶
type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty struct { // All DNS queries from the continent that you specified are routed to // this resource record set. If you specify this property, omit the // CountryCode and SubdivisionCode properties. ContinentCode *StringExpr `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // All DNS queries from the country that you specified are routed to this // resource record set. If you specify this property, omit the // ContinentCode property. CountryCode *StringExpr `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // If you specified US for the country code, you can specify a state in // the United States. All DNS queries from the state that you specified // are routed to this resource record set. If you specify this property, // you must specify US for the CountryCode and omit the ContinentCode // property. SubdivisionCode *StringExpr `json:"SubdivisionCode,omitempty"` }
Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty represents Amazon Route 53 Record Set GeoLocation Property
type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList ¶
type Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList []Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty
Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList represents a list of Route53RecordSetGeoLocationProperty
func (*Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53RecordSetGeoLocationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type Route53RecordSetGroup ¶
type Route53RecordSetGroup struct { // Any comments you want to include about the hosted zone. Comment *StringExpr `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // The ID of the hosted zone. HostedZoneId *StringExpr `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // The name of the domain for the hosted zone where you want to add the // record set. HostedZoneName *StringExpr `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // List of resource record sets to add. RecordSets *Route53RecordSetList `json:"RecordSets,omitempty"` }
Route53RecordSetGroup represents AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
func (Route53RecordSetGroup) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s Route53RecordSetGroup) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type Route53RecordSetList ¶
type Route53RecordSetList []Route53RecordSet
Route53RecordSetList represents a list of Route53RecordSet
func (*Route53RecordSetList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *Route53RecordSetList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3Bucket ¶
type S3Bucket struct { // A canned access control list (ACL) that grants predefined permissions // to the bucket. For more information about canned ACLs, see Canned ACLs // in the Amazon S3 documentation. AccessControl *StringExpr `json:"AccessControl,omitempty"` // A name for the bucket. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the bucket name. // For more information, see Name Type. The bucket name must contain only // lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), and dashes (-). BucketName *StringExpr `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // Rules that define cross-origin resource sharing of objects in this // bucket. For more information, see Enabling Cross-Origin Resource // Sharing in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. CorsConfiguration *S3CorsConfiguration `json:"CorsConfiguration,omitempty"` // Rules that define how Amazon S3 manages objects during their lifetime. // For more information, see Object Lifecycle Management in the Amazon // Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. LifecycleConfiguration *S3LifecycleConfiguration `json:"LifecycleConfiguration,omitempty"` // Settings that defines where logs are stored. LoggingConfiguration *S3LoggingConfiguration `json:"LoggingConfiguration,omitempty"` // Configuration that defines how Amazon S3 handles bucket notifications. NotificationConfiguration *S3NotificationConfiguration `json:"NotificationConfiguration,omitempty"` // Configuration for replicating objects in an S3 bucket. To enable // replication, you must also enable versioning by using the // VersioningConfiguration property. ReplicationConfiguration *S3ReplicationConfiguration `json:"ReplicationConfiguration,omitempty"` // An arbitrary set of tags (key-value pairs) for this Amazon S3 bucket. Tags []ResourceTag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Enables multiple variants of all objects in this bucket. You might // enable versioning to prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten // by mistake or to archive objects so that you can retrieve previous // versions of them. VersioningConfiguration *S3VersioningConfiguration `json:"VersioningConfiguration,omitempty"` // Information used to configure the bucket as a static website. For more // information, see Hosting Websites on Amazon S3. WebsiteConfiguration *S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty `json:"WebsiteConfiguration,omitempty"` }
S3Bucket represents AWS::S3::Bucket
func (S3Bucket) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::S3::Bucket to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type S3BucketPolicy ¶
type S3BucketPolicy struct { // The Amazon S3 bucket that the policy applies to. Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // A policy document containing permissions to add to the specified // bucket. For more information, see Access Policy Language Overview in // the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` }
S3BucketPolicy represents AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
func (S3BucketPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s S3BucketPolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::S3::BucketPolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type S3CorsConfiguration ¶
type S3CorsConfiguration struct { // A set of origins and methods that you allow. CorsRules *S3CorsConfigurationRuleList `json:"CorsRules,omitempty"` }
S3CorsConfiguration represents Amazon S3 Cors Configuration
type S3CorsConfigurationList ¶
type S3CorsConfigurationList []S3CorsConfiguration
S3CorsConfigurationList represents a list of S3CorsConfiguration
func (*S3CorsConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3CorsConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3CorsConfigurationRule ¶
type S3CorsConfigurationRule struct { // Headers that are specified in the Access-Control-Request-Headers // header. These headers are allowed in a preflight OPTIONS request. In // response to any preflight OPTIONS request, Amazon S3 returns any // requested headers that are allowed. AllowedHeaders *StringListExpr `json:"AllowedHeaders,omitempty"` // An HTTP method that you allow the origin to execute. The valid values // are GET, PUT, HEAD, POST, and DELETE. AllowedMethods *StringListExpr `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // An origin that you allow to send cross-domain requests. AllowedOrigins *StringListExpr `json:"AllowedOrigins,omitempty"` // One or more headers in the response that are accessible to client // applications (for example, from a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object). ExposedHeaders *StringListExpr `json:"ExposedHeaders,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for this rule. The value cannot be more than 255 // characters. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight // response for the specified resource. MaxAge *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxAge,omitempty"` }
S3CorsConfigurationRule represents Amazon S3 Cors Configuration Rule
type S3CorsConfigurationRuleList ¶
type S3CorsConfigurationRuleList []S3CorsConfigurationRule
S3CorsConfigurationRuleList represents a list of S3CorsConfigurationRule
func (*S3CorsConfigurationRuleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3CorsConfigurationRuleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3LifecycleConfiguration ¶
type S3LifecycleConfiguration struct { // A lifecycle rule for individual objects in an S3 bucket. Rules *S3LifecycleRuleList `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
S3LifecycleConfiguration represents Amazon S3 Lifecycle Configuration
type S3LifecycleConfigurationList ¶
type S3LifecycleConfigurationList []S3LifecycleConfiguration
S3LifecycleConfigurationList represents a list of S3LifecycleConfiguration
func (*S3LifecycleConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3LifecycleConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3LifecycleRule ¶
type S3LifecycleRule struct { // Indicates when objects are deleted from Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier. // The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always midnight // UTC. If you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use // the same time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). // The expiration time must also be later than the transition time. ExpirationDate *StringExpr `json:"ExpirationDate,omitempty"` // Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are deleted // from Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier. If you specify an expiration and // transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties // (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later // than the transition time. ExpirationInDays *IntegerExpr `json:"ExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for this rule. The value cannot be more than 255 // characters. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies the // time, in days, between when a new version of the object is uploaded to // the bucket and when old versions of the object expire. When object // versions expire, Amazon S3 permanently deletes them. If you specify a // transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be later than // the transition time. NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays *IntegerExpr `json:"NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), specifies when // non-current objects transition to a specified storage class. If you // specify a transition and expiration time, the expiration time must be // later than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't // specify the NoncurrentVersionTransitions property. NoncurrentVersionTransitionXXDeprecatedX *S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransition (deprecated),omitempty"` // For buckets with versioning enabled (or suspended), one or more // transition rules that specify when non-current objects transition to a // specified storage class. If you specify a transition and expiration // time, the expiration time must be later than the transition time. If // you specify this property, don't specify the // NoncurrentVersionTransition property. NoncurrentVersionTransitions *S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransitions,omitempty"` // Object key prefix that identifies one or more objects to which this // rule applies. Prefix *StringExpr `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // Specify either Enabled or Disabled. If you specify Enabled, Amazon S3 // executes this rule as scheduled. If you specify Disabled, Amazon S3 // ignores this rule. Status *StringExpr `json:"Status,omitempty"` // Specifies when an object transitions to a specified storage class. If // you specify an expiration and transition time, you must use the same // time unit for both properties (either in days or by date). The // expiration time must also be later than the transition time. If you // specify this property, don't specify the Transitions property. TransitionXXDeprecatedX *S3LifecycleRuleTransition `json:"Transition (deprecated),omitempty"` // One or more transition rules that specify when an object transitions // to a specified storage class. If you specify an expiration and // transition time, you must use the same time unit for both properties // (either in days or by date). The expiration time must also be later // than the transition time. If you specify this property, don't specify // the Transition property. Transitions *S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList `json:"Transitions,omitempty"` }
S3LifecycleRule represents Amazon S3 Lifecycle Rule
type S3LifecycleRuleList ¶
type S3LifecycleRuleList []S3LifecycleRule
S3LifecycleRuleList represents a list of S3LifecycleRule
func (*S3LifecycleRuleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3LifecycleRuleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition ¶
type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition struct { // The storage class to which you want the object to transition, such as // GLACIER. For valid values, see the StorageClass request element of the // PUT Bucket lifecycle action in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API // Reference. StorageClass *StringExpr `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // The number of days between the time that a new version of the object // is uploaded to the bucket and when old versions of the object are // transitioned to the specified storage class. TransitionInDays *IntegerExpr `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition represents Amazon S3 Lifecycle Rule NoncurrentVersionTransition
type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList ¶
type S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList []S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition
S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList represents a list of S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition
func (*S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransitionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3LifecycleRuleTransition ¶
type S3LifecycleRuleTransition struct { // The storage class to which you want the object to transition, such as // GLACIER. For valid values, see the StorageClass request element of the // PUT Bucket lifecycle action in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API // Reference. StorageClass *StringExpr `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // Indicates when objects are transitioned to the specified storage // class. The date value must be in ISO 8601 format. The time is always // midnight UTC. TransitionDate *StringExpr `json:"TransitionDate,omitempty"` // Indicates the number of days after creation when objects are // transitioned to the specified storage class. TransitionInDays *IntegerExpr `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
S3LifecycleRuleTransition represents Amazon S3 Lifecycle Rule Transition
type S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList ¶
type S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList []S3LifecycleRuleTransition
S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList represents a list of S3LifecycleRuleTransition
func (*S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3LifecycleRuleTransitionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3LoggingConfiguration ¶
type S3LoggingConfiguration struct { // The name of an Amazon S3 bucket where Amazon S3 store server access // log files. You can store log files in any bucket that you own. By // default, logs are stored in the bucket where the LoggingConfiguration // property is defined. DestinationBucketName *StringExpr `json:"DestinationBucketName,omitempty"` // A prefix for the all log object keys. If you store log files from // multiple Amazon S3 buckets in a single bucket, you can use a prefix to // distinguish which log files came from which bucket. LogFilePrefix *StringExpr `json:"LogFilePrefix,omitempty"` }
S3LoggingConfiguration represents Amazon S3 Logging Configuration
type S3LoggingConfigurationList ¶
type S3LoggingConfigurationList []S3LoggingConfiguration
S3LoggingConfigurationList represents a list of S3LoggingConfiguration
func (*S3LoggingConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3LoggingConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3NotificationConfiguration ¶
type S3NotificationConfiguration struct { // The AWS Lambda functions to invoke and the events for which to invoke // the functions. LambdaConfigurations *SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList `json:"LambdaConfigurations,omitempty"` // The Amazon Simple Queue Service queues to publish messages to and the // events for which to publish messages. QueueConfigurations *SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList `json:"QueueConfigurations,omitempty"` // The topic to which notifications are sent and the events for which // notification are generated. TopicConfigurations *S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList `json:"TopicConfigurations,omitempty"` }
S3NotificationConfiguration represents Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter struct { // Amazon S3 filtering rules that describe for which object key names to // send notifications. S3Key *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter represents Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration Config Filter
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList []S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList represents a list of S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter
func (*S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key struct { // The object key name to filter on and whether to filter on the suffix // or prefix of the key name. Rules *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key represents Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration Config Filter S3Key
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList []S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList represents a list of S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key
func (*S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules struct { // Whether the filter matches the prefix or suffix of object key names. // For valid values, see the Name request element of the PUT Bucket // notification action in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API // Reference. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The value that the filter searches for in object key names. Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules represents Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration Config Filter S3Key Rules
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList []S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules
S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList represents a list of S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules
func (*S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRulesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3NotificationConfigurationList ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationList []S3NotificationConfiguration
S3NotificationConfigurationList represents a list of S3NotificationConfiguration
func (*S3NotificationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3NotificationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations struct { // The Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket event about which // to send notifications. For more information, see Supported Event Types // in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. Event *StringExpr `json:"Event,omitempty"` // The filtering rules that determine for which objects to send // notifications. For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon // Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) sends notifications only when image // files with a .jpg extension are added to the bucket. Filter *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // The Amazon SNS topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to which Amazon S3 // reports the specified events. Topic *StringExpr `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations represents Amazon S3 NotificationConfiguration TopicConfigurations
type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList ¶
type S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList []S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations
S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList represents a list of S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurations
func (*S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3ReplicationConfiguration ¶
type S3ReplicationConfiguration struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and Access // Management (IAM) role that Amazon S3 assumes when replicating objects. // For more information, see How to Set Up Cross-Region Replication in // the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. Role *StringExpr `json:"Role,omitempty"` // A replication rule that specifies which objects to replicate and where // they are stored. Rules *S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
S3ReplicationConfiguration represents Amazon S3 ReplicationConfiguration
type S3ReplicationConfigurationList ¶
type S3ReplicationConfigurationList []S3ReplicationConfiguration
S3ReplicationConfigurationList represents a list of S3ReplicationConfiguration
func (*S3ReplicationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3ReplicationConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRules ¶
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRules struct { // Defines the destination where Amazon S3 stores replicated objects. Destination *S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for the rule. If you don't specify a value, AWS // CloudFormation generates a random ID. Id *StringExpr `json:"Id,omitempty"` // An object prefix. This rule applies to all Amazon S3 objects with this // prefix. To specify all objects in an S3 bucket, specify an empty // string. Prefix *StringExpr `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // Whether the rule is enabled. For valid values, see the Status element // of the PUT Bucket replication action in the Amazon Simple Storage // Service API Reference. Status *StringExpr `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
S3ReplicationConfigurationRules represents Amazon S3 ReplicationConfiguration Rules
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination ¶
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination struct { // The Amazon resource name (ARN) of an S3 bucket where Amazon S3 stores // replicated objects. This destination bucket must be in a different // region than your source bucket. Bucket *StringExpr `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // The storage class to use when replicating objects, such as standard or // reduced redundancy. By default, Amazon S3 uses the storage class of // the source object to create object replica. For valid values, see the // StorageClass element of the PUT Bucket replication action in the // Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference. StorageClass *StringExpr `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` }
S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination represents Amazon S3 ReplicationConfiguration Rules Destination
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList ¶
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList []S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination
S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList represents a list of S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination
func (*S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestinationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList ¶
type S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList []S3ReplicationConfigurationRules
S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList represents a list of S3ReplicationConfigurationRules
func (*S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3VersioningConfiguration ¶
type S3VersioningConfiguration struct { // The versioning state of an Amazon S3 bucket. If you enable versioning, // you must suspend versioning to disable it. Status *StringExpr `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
S3VersioningConfiguration represents Amazon S3 Versioning Configuration
type S3VersioningConfigurationList ¶
type S3VersioningConfigurationList []S3VersioningConfiguration
S3VersioningConfigurationList represents a list of S3VersioningConfiguration
func (*S3VersioningConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3VersioningConfigurationList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty struct { // The name of the error document for the website. ErrorDocument *StringExpr `json:"ErrorDocument,omitempty"` // The name of the index document for the website. IndexDocument *StringExpr `json:"IndexDocument,omitempty"` // The redirect behavior for every request to this bucket's website // endpoint. RedirectAllRequestsTo *S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty `json:"RedirectAllRequestsTo,omitempty"` // Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect // behavior. RoutingRules *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList `json:"RoutingRules,omitempty"` }
S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty represents Amazon S3 Website Configuration Property
type S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList []S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty
S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList represents a list of S3WebsiteConfigurationProperty
func (*S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3WebsiteConfigurationPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty struct { // Name of the host where requests are redirected. HostName *StringExpr `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // Protocol to use (http or https) when redirecting requests. The default // is the protocol that is used in the original request. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty represents Amazon S3 Website Configuration Redirect All Requests To Property
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList []S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty
S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList represents a list of S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToProperty
func (*S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3WebsiteConfigurationRedirectAllRequestsToPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty struct { // Redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with another // protocol. RedirectRule *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty `json:"RedirectRule,omitempty"` // Rules that define when a redirect is applied. RoutingRuleCondition *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty `json:"RoutingRuleCondition,omitempty"` }
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty represents Amazon S3 Website Configuration Routing Rules Property
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList []S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList represents a list of S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesProperty
func (*S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty struct { // Name of the host where requests are redirected. HostName *StringExpr `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // The HTTP redirect code to use on the response. HttpRedirectCode *StringExpr `json:"HttpRedirectCode,omitempty"` // The protocol to use in the redirect request. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. For example, to // redirect requests for all pages with the prefix docs/ (objects in the // docs/ folder) to the documents/ prefix, you can set the // KeyPrefixEquals property in routing condition property to docs/, and // set the ReplaceKeyPrefixWith property to documents/. ReplaceKeyPrefixWith *StringExpr `json:"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith,omitempty"` // The specific object key to use in the redirect request. For example, // redirect request to error.html. ReplaceKeyWith *StringExpr `json:"ReplaceKeyWith,omitempty"` }
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty represents Amazon S3 Website Configuration Routing Rules Redirect Rule Property
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList []S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList represents a list of S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRuleProperty
func (*S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRedirectRulePropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty struct { // Applies this redirect if the error code equals this value in the event // of an error. HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals *StringExpr `json:"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals,omitempty"` // The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, // to redirect requests for ExamplePage.html, set the key prefix to // ExamplePage.html. To redirect request for all pages with the prefix // docs/, set the key prefix to docs/, which identifies all objects in // the docs/ folder. KeyPrefixEquals *StringExpr `json:"KeyPrefixEquals,omitempty"` }
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty represents Amazon S3 Website Configuration Routing Rules Routing Rule Condition Property
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList ¶
type S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList []S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty
S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList represents a list of S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionProperty
func (*S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *S3WebsiteConfigurationRoutingRulesRoutingRuleConditionPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type SDBDomain ¶
type SDBDomain struct { // Information about the Amazon SimpleDB domain. Description *StringExpr `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
SDBDomain represents AWS::SDB::Domain
func (SDBDomain) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SDB::Domain to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SNSSubscription ¶
type SNSSubscription struct { // The endpoint that receives notifications from the Amazon SNS topic. // The endpoint value depends on the protocol that you specify. For more // information, see the Subscribe Endpoint parameter in the Amazon Simple // Notification Service API Reference. Endpoint *StringExpr `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // The subscription's protocol. For more information, see the Subscribe // Protocol parameter in the Amazon Simple Notification Service API // Reference. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic to subscribe to. TopicArn *StringExpr `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
SNSSubscription represents AWS::SNS::Subscription
func (SNSSubscription) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s SNSSubscription) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SNS::Subscription to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SNSSubscriptionProperty ¶
type SNSSubscriptionProperty struct { // The subscription's endpoint (format depends on the protocol). For more // information, see the Subscribe Endpoint parameter in the Amazon Simple // Notification Service API Reference. Endpoint *StringExpr `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // The subscription's protocol. For more information, see the Subscribe // Protocol parameter in the Amazon Simple Notification Service API // Reference. Protocol *StringExpr `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
SNSSubscriptionProperty represents Amazon SNS Subscription Property Type
type SNSSubscriptionPropertyList ¶
type SNSSubscriptionPropertyList []SNSSubscriptionProperty
SNSSubscriptionPropertyList represents a list of SNSSubscriptionProperty
func (*SNSSubscriptionPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *SNSSubscriptionPropertyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type SNSTopic ¶
type SNSTopic struct { // A developer-defined string that can be used to identify this SNS // topic. DisplayName *StringExpr `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // The SNS subscriptions (endpoints) for this topic. Subscription *SNSSubscriptionPropertyList `json:"Subscription,omitempty"` // A name for the topic. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the topic name. // For more information, see Name Type. TopicName *StringExpr `json:"TopicName,omitempty"` }
SNSTopic represents AWS::SNS::Topic
func (SNSTopic) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SNS::Topic to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SNSTopicPolicy ¶
type SNSTopicPolicy struct { // A policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified // SNS topics. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the topics to which you want to add // the policy. You can use the Ref function to specify an AWS::SNS::Topic // resource. Topics interface{} `json:"Topics,omitempty"` }
SNSTopicPolicy represents AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy
func (SNSTopicPolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s SNSTopicPolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SQSQueue ¶
type SQSQueue struct { // The time in seconds that the delivery of all messages in the queue // will be delayed. You can specify an integer value of 0 to 900 (15 // minutes). The default value is 0. DelaySeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"DelaySeconds,omitempty"` // The limit of how many bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS // rejects it. You can specify an integer value from 1024 bytes (1 KiB) // to 262144 bytes (256 KiB). The default value is 262144 (256 KiB). MaximumMessageSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MaximumMessageSize,omitempty"` // The number of seconds Amazon SQS retains a message. You can specify an // integer value from 60 seconds (1 minute) to 1209600 seconds (14 days). // The default value is 345600 seconds (4 days). MessageRetentionPeriod *IntegerExpr `json:"MessageRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // A name for the queue. If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation // generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID for the queue name. // For more information, see Name Type. QueueName *StringExpr `json:"QueueName,omitempty"` // Specifies the duration, in seconds, that the ReceiveMessage action // call waits until a message is in the queue in order to include it in // the response, as opposed to returning an empty response if a message // is not yet available. You can specify an integer from 1 to 20. The // short polling is used as the default or when you specify 0 for this // property. For more information, see Amazon SQS Long Poll. ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds *IntegerExpr `json:"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds,omitempty"` // Specifies an existing dead letter queue to receive messages after the // source queue (this queue) fails to process a message a specified // number of times. RedrivePolicy *SQSRedrivePolicy `json:"RedrivePolicy,omitempty"` // The length of time during which a message will be unavailable once a // message is delivered from the queue. This blocks other components from // receiving the same message and gives the initial component time to // process and delete the message from the queue. VisibilityTimeout *IntegerExpr `json:"VisibilityTimeout,omitempty"` }
SQSQueue represents AWS::SQS::Queue
func (SQSQueue) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SQS::Queue to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SQSQueuePolicy ¶
type SQSQueuePolicy struct { // A policy document that contains the permissions for the specified // Amazon SQS queues. For more information about Amazon SQS policies, see // Creating Custom Policies Using the Access Policy Language in the // Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide. PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // The URLs of the queues to which you want to add the policy. You can // use the Ref function to specify an AWS::SQS::Queue resource. Queues *StringListExpr `json:"Queues,omitempty"` }
SQSQueuePolicy represents AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
func (SQSQueuePolicy) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s SQSQueuePolicy) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SQSRedrivePolicy ¶
type SQSRedrivePolicy struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead letter queue to which the // messages are sent to after the maxReceiveCount value has been // exceeded. DeadLetterTargetArn *StringExpr `json:"deadLetterTargetArn,omitempty"` // The number of times a message is delivered to the source queue before // being sent to the dead letter queue. MaxReceiveCount *IntegerExpr `json:"maxReceiveCount,omitempty"` }
SQSRedrivePolicy represents Amazon SQS RedrivePolicy
type SQSRedrivePolicyList ¶
type SQSRedrivePolicyList []SQSRedrivePolicy
SQSRedrivePolicyList represents a list of SQSRedrivePolicy
func (*SQSRedrivePolicyList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *SQSRedrivePolicyList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type SSMAssociation ¶
type SSMAssociation struct { // The version of the SSM document to associate with the target. DocumentVersion *StringExpr `json:"DocumentVersion,omitempty"` // The ID of the instance that the SSM document is associated with. InstanceId *StringExpr `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // The name of the SSM document. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameter values that the SSM document uses at runtime. Parameters *StringExpr `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // A Cron expression that specifies when the association is applied to // the target. For supported expressions, see the ScheduleExpression // parameter for the CreateAssociation action in the Amazon EC2 Systems // Manager API Reference. ScheduleExpression *StringExpr `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // The targets that the SSM document sends commands to. Targets *EC2SystemsManagerAssociationTargetsList `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
SSMAssociation represents AWS::SSM::Association
func (SSMAssociation) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s SSMAssociation) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SSM::Association to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SSMDocument ¶
type SSMDocument struct { // A JSON object that describes an instance configuration. For more // information, see Creating SSM Documents in the Amazon EC2 User Guide // for Linux Instances. Content interface{} `json:"Content,omitempty"` // The type of document to create that relates to the purpose of your // document, such as running commands, bootstrapping software, or // automating tasks. For valid values, see the CreateDocument action in // the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager API Reference. DocumentType *StringExpr `json:"DocumentType,omitempty"` }
SSMDocument represents AWS::SSM::Document
func (SSMDocument) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s SSMDocument) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::SSM::Document to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type SelectFunc ¶
type SelectFunc struct { Selector string // XXX int? Items StringListExpr }
SelectFunc represents an invocation of the Fn::Select intrinsic.
The intrinsic function Fn::Select returns a single object from a list of objects by index.
func (SelectFunc) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f SelectFunc) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (SelectFunc) String ¶
func (f SelectFunc) String() *StringExpr
func (*SelectFunc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *SelectFunc) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations ¶
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations struct { // The S3 bucket event for which to invoke the Lambda function. For more // information, see Supported Event Types in the Amazon Simple Storage // Service Developer Guide. Event *StringExpr `json:"Event,omitempty"` // The filtering rules that determine which objects invoke the Lambda // function. For example, you can create a filter so that only image // files with a .jpg extension invoke the function when they are added to // the S3 bucket. Filter *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function that Amazon S3 // invokes when the specified event type occurs. Function *StringExpr `json:"Function,omitempty"` }
SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations represents Amazon Simple Storage Service NotificationConfiguration LambdaConfigurations
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList ¶
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList []SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations
SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList represents a list of SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurations
func (*SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationLambdaConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations ¶
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations struct { // The S3 bucket event about which you want to publish messages to Amazon // Simple Queue Service ( Amazon SQS). For more information, see // Supported Event Types in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer // Guide. Event *StringExpr `json:"Event,omitempty"` // The filtering rules that determine for which objects to send // notifications. For example, you can create a filter so that Amazon // Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) sends notifications only when image // files with a .jpg extension are added to the bucket. Filter *S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SQS queue that Amazon S3 // publishes messages to when the specified event type occurs. Queue *StringExpr `json:"Queue,omitempty"` }
SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations represents Amazon Simple Storage Service NotificationConfiguration QueueConfigurations
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList ¶
type SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList []SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations
SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList represents a list of SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurations
func (*SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *SimpleStorageServiceNotificationConfigurationQueueConfigurationsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type StepFunctionsActivity ¶
type StepFunctionsActivity struct { // The name of the activity to create. This name must be unique for your // AWS account and region. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
StepFunctionsActivity represents AWS::StepFunctions::Activity
func (StepFunctionsActivity) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s StepFunctionsActivity) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::StepFunctions::Activity to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type StepFunctionsStateMachine ¶
type StepFunctionsStateMachine struct { // The Amazon States Language definition of the state machine. For more // information, see Amazon States Language in the AWS Step Functions // Developer Guide. DefinitionString *StringExpr `json:"DefinitionString,omitempty"` // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to use for this state // machine. RoleArn *StringExpr `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
StepFunctionsStateMachine represents AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
func (StepFunctionsStateMachine) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s StepFunctionsStateMachine) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type StringExpr ¶
type StringExpr struct { Func StringFunc Literal string }
StringExpr is a string expression. If the value is computed then Func will be non-nil. If it is a literal string then Literal gives the value. Typically instances of this function are created by String() or one of the function constructors. Ex:
type LocalBalancer struct { Name *StringExpr } lb := LocalBalancer{Name: String("hello")} lb2 := LocalBalancer{Name: Ref("LoadBalancerNane").String()}
func Base64 ¶
func Base64(value Stringable) *StringExpr
Base64 represents the Fn::Base64 function called over value.
func FindInMap ¶
func FindInMap(mapName string, topLevelKey Stringable, secondLevelKey Stringable) *StringExpr
FindInMap returns a new instance of FindInMapFunc.
func GetAtt ¶
func GetAtt(resource, name string) *StringExpr
GetAtt returns a new instance of GetAttFunc.
func Join ¶
func Join(separator string, items ...Stringable) *StringExpr
Join returns a new instance of JoinFunc that joins items with separator.
func Select ¶
func Select(selector string, items ...interface{}) *StringExpr
Select returns a new instance of SelectFunc chooses among items via selector. If you
func String ¶
func String(v string) *StringExpr
String returns a new StringExpr representing the literal value v.
func (StringExpr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (x StringExpr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (*StringExpr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (x *StringExpr) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type StringFunc ¶
type StringFunc interface { Func String() *StringExpr }
StringFunc is an interface provided by objects that represent Cloudformation function that can return a string value.
type StringListExpr ¶
type StringListExpr struct { Func StringListFunc Literal []*StringExpr }
StringListExpr is a string expression. If the value is computed then Func will be non-nil. If it is a literal string then Literal gives the value. Typically instances of this function are created by StringList() or one of the function constructors. Ex:
type LocalBalancer struct { Name *StringListExpr } lb := LocalBalancer{Name: StringList("hello")} lb2 := LocalBalancer{Name: Ref("LoadBalancerNane").StringList()}
func GetAZs ¶
func GetAZs(region Stringable) *StringListExpr
GetAZs returns a new instance of GetAZsFunc.
func StringList ¶
func StringList(v ...Stringable) *StringListExpr
StringList returns a new StringListExpr representing the literal value v.
func (StringListExpr) MarshalJSON ¶
func (x StringListExpr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns a JSON representation of the object
func (StringListExpr) StringList ¶
func (x StringListExpr) StringList() *StringListExpr
StringList implements StringListable
func (*StringListExpr) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (x *StringListExpr) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type StringListFunc ¶
type StringListFunc interface { Func StringList() *StringListExpr }
StringListFunc is an interface provided by objects that represent Cloudformation function that can return a list of strings.
type StringListable ¶
type StringListable interface {
StringList() *StringListExpr
StringListable is an interface that describes structures that are convertable to a *StringListExpr.
type Stringable ¶
type Stringable interface {
String() *StringExpr
Stringable is an interface that describes structures that are convertable to a *StringExpr.
type Template ¶
type Template struct { AWSTemplateFormatVersion string `json:",omitempty"` Description string `json:",omitempty"` Mappings map[string]*Mapping `json:",omitempty"` Parameters map[string]*Parameter `json:",omitempty"` Resources map[string]*Resource `json:",omitempty"` Outputs map[string]*Output `json:",omitempty"` Conditions map[string]interface{} `json:",omitempty"` }
Template represents a cloudformation template.
func NewTemplate ¶
func NewTemplate() *Template
NewTemplate returns a new empty Template initialized with some default values.
func (*Template) AddResource ¶
func (t *Template) AddResource(name string, resource ResourceProperties) *Resource
AddResource adds the resource to the template as name, displacing any resource with the same name that already exists.
type UnknownFunctionError ¶
type UnknownFunctionError struct {
Name string
UnknownFunctionError is returned by various UnmarshalJSON functions when they encounter a function that is not implemented.
func (UnknownFunctionError) Error ¶
func (ufe UnknownFunctionError) Error() string
type UpdatePolicy ¶
type UpdatePolicy struct { AutoScalingRollingUpdate *UpdatePolicyAutoScalingRollingUpdate `json:"AutoScalingRollingUpdate,omitempty"` AutoScalingScheduledAction *UpdatePolicyAutoScalingScheduledAction `json:"AutoScalingScheduledAction,omitempty"` }
UpdatePolicy represents UpdatePolicy Attribute
type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingRollingUpdate ¶
type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingRollingUpdate struct { // The maximum number of instances that are terminated at a given time. MaxBatchSize *IntegerExpr `json:"MaxBatchSize,omitempty"` // The minimum number of instances that must be in service within the Auto Scaling group while obsolete instances are being terminated. MinInstancesInService *IntegerExpr `json:"MinInstancesInService,omitempty"` // The percentage of instances in an Auto Scaling rolling update that must signal success for an update to succeed. You can specify a value from 0 to 100. AWS CloudFormation rounds to the nearest tenth of a percent. For example, if you update five instances with a minimum successful percentage of 50, three instances must signal success. // If an instance doesn't send a signal within the specified pause time, AWS CloudFormation assumes the instance did not successfully update. // If you specify this property, you must enable the WaitOnResourceSignals property. MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent *IntegerExpr `json:"MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent,omitempty"` // The amount of time to pause after AWS CloudFormation makes a change to the Auto Scaling group before making additional changes to a resource. For example, the amount of time to pause before adding or removing instances when scaling up or terminating instances in an Auto Scaling group. // // If you specify the WaitOnResourceSignals property, the amount of time to wait until the Auto Scaling group receives the required number of valid signals. If the pause time is exceeded before theAuto Scaling group receives the required number of signals, the update times out and fails. For best results, specify a period of time that gives your instances plenty of time to get up and running. In the event of a rollback, a shorter pause time can cause update rollback failures. // // The value must be in ISO8601 duration format, in the form: "PT#H#M#S", where each # is the number of hours, minutes, and/or seconds, respectively. The maximum amount of time that can be specified for the pause time is one hour ("PT1H"). // // Default: PT0S (zero seconds). If the WaitOnResourceSignals property is set to true, the default is PT5M. PauseTime *StringExpr `json:"PauseTime,omitempty"` // The Auto Scaling processes to suspend during a stack update. Suspending processes is useful when you don't want Auto Scaling to potentially interfere with a stack update. For example, you can suspend process so that no alarms are triggered during an update. For valid values, see SuspendProcesses in the Auto Scaling API Reference. SuspendProcesses *StringListExpr `json:"SuspendProcesses,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the Auto Scaling group waits on signals during an update. AWS CloudFormation suspends the update of an Auto Scaling group after any new Amazon EC2 instances are launched into the group. AWS CloudFormation must receive a signal from each new instance within the specified pause time before AWS CloudFormation continues the update. You can use the cfn-signal helper script or SignalResource API to signal the Auto Scaling group. This property is useful when you want to ensure instances have completed installing and configuring applications before the Auto Scaling group update proceeds. WaitOnResourceSignals *BoolExpr `json:"WaitOnResourceSignals,omitempty"` }
UpdatePolicyAutoScalingRollingUpdate represents an AutoScalingRollingUpdate
You can use the AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles rolling updates for a particular resource.
type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingScheduledAction ¶
type UpdatePolicyAutoScalingScheduledAction struct { // During a stack update, indicates whether AWS CloudFormation ignores any group size property differences between your current Auto Scaling group and the Auto Scaling group that is described in the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource of your template. However, if you modified any group size property values in your template, AWS CloudFormation will always use the modified values and update your Auto Scaling group. IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties *BoolExpr `json:"IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties,omitempty"` }
UpdatePolicyAutoScalingScheduledAction represents an AutoScalingScheduledAction object
When the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource has an associated scheduled action, the AutoScalingScheduledAction policy describes how AWS CloudFormation handles updates for the MinSize, MaxSize, and DesiredCapacity properties..
With scheduled actions, the group size properties (minimum size, maximum size, and desired capacity) of an Auto Scaling group can change at any time. Whenever you update a stack with an Auto Scaling group and scheduled action, AWS CloudFormation always sets group size property values of your Auto Scaling group to the values that are defined in the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource of your template, even if a scheduled action is in effect. However, you might not want AWS CloudFormation to change any of the group size property values, such as when you have a scheduled action in effect. You can use the AutoScalingScheduledAction update policy to prevent AWS CloudFormation from changing the min size, max size, or desired capacity unless you modified the individual values in your template.
type WAFByteMatchSet ¶
type WAFByteMatchSet struct { // Settings for the ByteMatchSet, such as the bytes (typically a string // that corresponds with ASCII characters) that you want AWS WAF to // search for in web requests. ByteMatchTuples *WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList `json:"ByteMatchTuples,omitempty"` // A friendly name or description of the ByteMatchSet. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
WAFByteMatchSet represents AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet
func (WAFByteMatchSet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s WAFByteMatchSet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples ¶
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples struct { // The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a // specific header or a query string. FieldToMatch *WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // How AWS WAF finds matches within the web request part in which you are // searching. For valid values, see the PositionalConstraint content for // the ByteMatchTuple data type in the AWS WAF API Reference. PositionalConstraint *StringExpr `json:"PositionalConstraint,omitempty"` // The value that AWS WAF searches for. AWS CloudFormation base64 encodes // this value before sending it to AWS WAF. TargetString *StringExpr `json:"TargetString,omitempty"` // The base64-encoded value that AWS WAF searches for. AWS CloudFormation // sends this value to AWS WAF without encoding it. TargetStringBase64 *StringExpr `json:"TargetStringBase64,omitempty"` // Specifies how AWS WAF processes the target string value. Text // transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that // attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you // specify a transformation, AWS WAF transforms the target string value // before inspecting a web request for a match. TextTransformation *StringExpr `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples represents AWS WAF ByteMatchSet ByteMatchTuples
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch ¶
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch struct { // If you specify HEADER for the Type property, the name of the header // that AWS WAF searches for, such as User-Agent or Referer. If you // specify any other value for the Type property, do not specify this // property. Data *StringExpr `json:"Data,omitempty"` // The part of the web request in which AWS WAF searches for the target // string. For valid values, see FieldToMatch in the AWS WAF API // Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch represents AWS WAF ByteMatchSet ByteMatchTuples FieldToMatch
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList ¶
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList []WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList represents a list of WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
func (*WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList ¶
type WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList []WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples
WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList represents a list of WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuples
func (*WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFIPSet ¶
type WAFIPSet struct { // The IP address type and IP address range (in CIDR notation) from which // web requests originate. If you associate the IPSet with a web ACL that // is associated with a Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront) distribution, this // descriptor is the value of one of the following fields in the // CloudFront access logs: IPSetDescriptors *WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList `json:"IPSetDescriptors,omitempty"` // If the viewer did not use an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send the // request CXIp interface{} `json:"c-ip,omitempty"` // If the viewer did use an HTTP proxy or a load balancer to send the // request XXForwardedXFor interface{} `json:"x-forwarded-for,omitempty"` // A friendly name or description of the IPSet. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
WAFIPSet represents AWS::WAF::IPSet
func (WAFIPSet) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::IPSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors ¶
type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors struct { // The IP address type, such as IPV4. For valid values, see the Type // contents of the IPSetDescriptor data type in the AWS WAF API // Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` // An IP address (in CIDR notation) that AWS WAF permits, blocks, or // counts. For example, to specify a single IP address such as //, specify To specify a range of IP addresses // such as to, specify Value *StringExpr `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors represents AWS WAF IPSet IPSetDescriptors
type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList ¶
type WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList []WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors
WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList represents a list of WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptors
func (*WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFIPSetIPSetDescriptorsList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFRule ¶
type WAFRule struct { // A friendly name or description for the metrics of the rule. For valid // values, see the MetricName parameter for the CreateRule action in the // AWS WAF API Reference. MetricName *StringExpr `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // A friendly name or description of the rule. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SizeConstraintSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, or // XssMatchSet objects to include in a rule. If you add more than one // predicate to a rule, a request must match all conditions in order to // be allowed or blocked. Predicates *WAFRulePredicatesList `json:"Predicates,omitempty"` }
WAFRule represents AWS::WAF::Rule
func (WAFRule) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::Rule to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFRulePredicates ¶
type WAFRulePredicates struct { // The unique identifier of a predicate, such as the ID of a ByteMatchSet // or IPSet. DataId *StringExpr `json:"DataId,omitempty"` // Whether to use the settings or the negated settings that you specified // in the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SizeConstraintSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, // or XssMatchSet objects. Negated *BoolExpr `json:"Negated,omitempty"` // The type of predicate in a rule, such as an IPSet (IPMatch). For valid // values, see the Type contents of the Predicate data type in the AWS // WAF API Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFRulePredicates represents AWS WAF Rule Predicates
type WAFRulePredicatesList ¶
type WAFRulePredicatesList []WAFRulePredicates
WAFRulePredicatesList represents a list of WAFRulePredicates
func (*WAFRulePredicatesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFRulePredicatesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFSizeConstraintSet ¶
type WAFSizeConstraintSet struct { // A friendly name or description for the SizeConstraintSet. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The size constraint and the part of the web request to check. SizeConstraints *WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList `json:"SizeConstraints,omitempty"` }
WAFSizeConstraintSet represents AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet
func (WAFSizeConstraintSet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s WAFSizeConstraintSet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint ¶
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint struct { // The type of comparison that you want AWS WAF to perform. AWS WAF uses // this value in combination with the Size and FieldToMatch property // values to check if the size constraint is a match. For more // information and valid values, see the ComparisonOperator content for // the SizeConstraint data type in the AWS WAF API Reference. ComparisonOperator *StringExpr `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a // specific header or a query string. FieldToMatch *WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // The size in bytes that you want AWS WAF to compare against the size of // the specified FieldToMatch. AWS WAF uses Size in combination with the // ComparisonOperator and FieldToMatch property values to check if the // size constraint of a web request is a match. For more information and // valid values, see the Size content for the SizeConstraint data type in // the AWS WAF API Reference. Size *IntegerExpr `json:"Size,omitempty"` // Specifies how AWS WAF processes the FieldToMatch property before // inspecting a request for a match. Text transformations eliminate some // of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an // effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you specify a transformation, AWS WAF // transforms the FieldToMatch before inspecting a web request for a // match. TextTransformation *StringExpr `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint represents AWS WAF SizeConstraintSet SizeConstraint
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch ¶
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch struct { // If you specify HEADER for the Type property, the name of the header // that AWS WAF searches for, such as User-Agent or Referer. If you // specify any other value for the Type property, do not specify this // property. Data *StringExpr `json:"Data,omitempty"` // The part of the web request in which AWS WAF searches for the target // string. For valid values, see FieldToMatch in the AWS WAF API // Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch represents AWS WAF SizeConstraintSet SizeConstraint FieldToMatch
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList ¶
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList []WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch
WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList represents a list of WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatch
func (*WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList ¶
type WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList []WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint
WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList represents a list of WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraint
func (*WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFSizeConstraintSetSizeConstraintList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet ¶
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet struct { // A friendly name or description of the SqlInjectionMatchSet. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for // malicious SQL code and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header, the // name of the header. SqlInjectionMatchTuples *WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList `json:"SqlInjectionMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet represents AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet
func (WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s WAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples ¶
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples struct { // The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a // specific header or a query string. FieldToMatch *WAFByteMatchSetByteMatchTuplesFieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that // attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you // specify a transformation, AWS WAF transforms the target string value // before inspecting a web request for a match. For valid values, see the // TextTransformation content for the SqlInjectionMatchTuple data type in // the AWS WAF API Reference. TextTransformation *StringExpr `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples represents AWS WAF SqlInjectionMatchSet SqlInjectionMatchTuples
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch ¶
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch struct { // If you specify HEADER for the Type property, the name of the header // that AWS WAF searches for, such as User-Agent or Referer. If you // specify any other value for the Type property, do not specify this // property. Data *StringExpr `json:"Data,omitempty"` // The part of the web request in which AWS WAF searches for the target // string. For valid values, see FieldToMatch in the AWS WAF API // Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch represents AWS WAF SqlInjectionMatchSet SqlInjectionMatchTuples FieldToMatch
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList ¶
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList []WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList represents a list of WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatch
func (*WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList ¶
type WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList []WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples
WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList represents a list of WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuples
func (*WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFSqlInjectionMatchSetSqlInjectionMatchTuplesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFWebACL ¶
type WAFWebACL struct { // The action that you want AWS WAF to take when a request doesn't match // the criteria in any of the rules that are associated with the web ACL. DefaultAction *WAFWebACLAction `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // A friendly name or description for the Amazon CloudWatch metric of // this web ACL. For valid values, see the MetricName parameter of the // CreateWebACL action in the AWS WAF API Reference. MetricName *StringExpr `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // A friendly name or description of the web ACL. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The rules to associate with the web ACL and the settings for each // rule. Rules *WAFWebACLRulesList `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
WAFWebACL represents AWS::WAF::WebACL
func (WAFWebACL) CfnResourceType ¶
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::WebACL to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFWebACLAction ¶
type WAFWebACLAction struct { // For actions that are associated with a rule, the action that AWS WAF // takes when a web request matches all conditions in a rule. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFWebACLAction represents AWS WAF WebACL Action
type WAFWebACLActionList ¶
type WAFWebACLActionList []WAFWebACLAction
WAFWebACLActionList represents a list of WAFWebACLAction
func (*WAFWebACLActionList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFWebACLActionList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFWebACLRules ¶
type WAFWebACLRules struct { // The action that Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront) or AWS WAF takes when a // web request matches all conditions in the rule, such as allow, block, // or count the request. Action *WAFWebACLAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // The order in which AWS WAF evaluates the rules in a web ACL. AWS WAF // evaluates rules with a lower value before rules with a higher value. // The value must be a unique integer. If you have multiple rules in a // web ACL, the priority numbers do not need to be consecutive. Priority *IntegerExpr `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // The ID of an AWS WAF rule to associate with a web ACL. RuleId *StringExpr `json:"RuleId,omitempty"` }
WAFWebACLRules represents AWS WAF WebACL Rules
type WAFWebACLRulesList ¶
type WAFWebACLRulesList []WAFWebACLRules
WAFWebACLRulesList represents a list of WAFWebACLRules
func (*WAFWebACLRulesList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFWebACLRulesList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFXssMatchSet ¶
type WAFXssMatchSet struct { // A friendly name or description for the XssMatchSet. Name *StringExpr `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The parts of web requests that you want to inspect for cross-site // scripting attacks. XssMatchTuples *WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList `json:"XssMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
WAFXssMatchSet represents AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet
func (WAFXssMatchSet) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s WAFXssMatchSet) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet to implement the ResourceProperties interface
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple ¶
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple struct { // The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a // specific header or a query string. FieldToMatch *WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Specifies how AWS WAF processes the FieldToMatch property before // inspecting a request for a match. Text transformations eliminate some // of the unusual formatting that attackers use in web requests in an // effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you specify a transformation, AWS WAF // transforms theFieldToMatch parameter before inspecting a web request // for a match. TextTransformation *StringExpr `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple represents AWS WAF XssMatchSet XssMatchTuple
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch ¶
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch struct { // If you specify HEADER for the Type property, the name of the header // that AWS WAF searches for, such as User-Agent or Referer. If you // specify any other value for the Type property, do not specify this // property. Data *StringExpr `json:"Data,omitempty"` // The part of the web request in which AWS WAF searches for the target // string. For valid values, see FieldToMatch in the AWS WAF API // Reference. Type *StringExpr `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch represents AWS WAF XssMatchSet XssMatchTuple FieldToMatch
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList ¶
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList []WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch
WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList represents a list of WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatch
func (*WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleFieldToMatchList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList ¶
type WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList []WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple
WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList represents a list of WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTuple
func (*WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *WAFXssMatchSetXssMatchTupleList) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON sets the object from the provided JSON representation
type WorkSpacesWorkspace ¶
type WorkSpacesWorkspace struct { // The identifier of the bundle from which you want to create the // workspace. A bundle specifies the details of the workspace, such as // the installed applications and the size of CPU, memory, and storage. // Use the DescribeWorkspaceBundles action to list the bundles that AWS // offers. BundleId *StringExpr `json:"BundleId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the AWS Directory Service directory in which you // want to create the workspace. The directory must already be registered // with Amazon WorkSpaces. Use the DescribeWorkspaceDirectories action to // list the directories that are available. DirectoryId *StringExpr `json:"DirectoryId,omitempty"` // The name of the user to which the workspace is assigned. This user // name must exist in the specified AWS Directory Service directory. UserName *StringExpr `json:"UserName,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Amazon WorkSpaces encrypts data stored on the root // volume (C: drive). RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // Indicates whether Amazon WorkSpaces encrypts data stored on the user // volume (D: drive). UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled *BoolExpr `json:"UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key ID that Amazon WorkSpaces // uses to encrypt data stored on your workspace. VolumeEncryptionKey *StringExpr `json:"VolumeEncryptionKey,omitempty"` }
WorkSpacesWorkspace represents AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace
func (WorkSpacesWorkspace) CfnResourceType ¶
func (s WorkSpacesWorkspace) CfnResourceType() string
CfnResourceType returns AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace to implement the ResourceProperties interface
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
This program emits a cloudformation document for `app` to stdout This program emits a cloudformation document for `app` to stdout
This program emits a cloudformation document for `app` to stdout This program emits a cloudformation document for `app` to stdout |
This program scrapes the cloudformation documentation to determine the schema and produces a go program to the file specified by the `-out` flag.
This program scrapes the cloudformation documentation to determine the schema and produces a go program to the file specified by the `-out` flag. |