snowcat: encrypted data streams over sockets
snowcat is an encrypting proxy for bidirectional data streams using
the Noise Protocol Framework.
snowcat is possibly an alternative to SSH port forwarding, stunnel,
spiped, or WireProxy.
snowcat is based on the time-proven Go crypto ecosystem, but the
tool itself has not been audited. Use at your own risk.
Unauthenticated TCP proxy server (not recommended):
remote% snowcat snow::7777 localhost:5432
local% snowcat localhost:5432
Use with client authentication:
local% snowcat genkey >key.sec
local% snowcat pubkey <key.sec
remote% snowcat snow::7777,verify=S0zYgy94/tR+uIoKhV3grFh9qYdz2WruqSRpgUGBd0U= localhost:5432
local% snowcat localhost:5432,privkey=$PWD/key.sec
Use privkey=...,verify=...
on both sides to ensure mutual authentication.
snowcat uses the Noise pattern XX to allow for configurable
client/server verification. Unless specified explicitly, random
static keys are used.
Until the 1.0 release, only using the same code version on both peers is supported.
Yet missing features
No promises, but features added likely in the future:
- Pre-shared keys
- inetd mode
- Dispatching to different services based on key
snowcat is released under the MIT License.